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🇮🇱 BREAKING NEWS: Elite Israeli Delta Force Commando Suffers Heavy Losses in Gaza’s al-Shujaiya




In a solemn announcement today, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) spokesperson confirmed the devastating loss of 6 officers and 4 soldiers, with several more critically injured in the fierce battles that unfolded in northern Gaza, Palestine yesterday.

The fallen officers, identified with deep sorrow by the IOF spokesperson, include:

Lt. Col. Tomer Grinberg, 35, distinguished commander of the Golani Brigade’s 13th Battalion.

Col. Itzhak Ben Basat, 44, esteemed leader of the Golani Brigade’s commander’s team and former head of the Yiftah Brigade.

Maj. Roei Meldasi, 23, a valiant company commander in the Golani Brigade’s 13th Battalion.

Maj. Moshe Avram Bar On, 23, dedicated company commander in the Golani Brigade’s 51st Battalion.

Cpt. Liel Hayo, 22, a courageous platoon commander in the Golani Brigade’s 51st Battalion.

Maj. Ben Shelly, 26, a skilled squad commander in the Israeli Air Force’s Unit 669.

Soldiers who lost their lives in the Zionist line of duty are:

First Class Sergeant Rom Hecht, 20, of the Israeli Air Force’s Unit 669.


Staff Sgt. Oriya Yaakov, 19, serving in the Combat Engineering Corps’ 614th Battalion.

Sgt. Achia Daskal, 19, a dedicated soldier in the Golani Brigade’s 51st Battalion.

Sgt. Eran Aloni, 19, of the Golani Brigade’s 51st Battalion.

The IOF spokesperson also revealed that several soldiers sustained critical injuries during the intense confrontations.

It is known that the Israeli Occupation Forces conceal the real number of deaths’.

Israeli media described the incident as a “well-executed ambush,” detailing the challenges faced by the Golani force during heavy gunfire. The situation escalated during the rescue operation when the unit entered the booby-trapped building, resulting in severe injuries and structural collapse.

Expressing the gravity of the situation, a Channel 12 anchor stated, “This morning is the toughest since the start of the war, and the incident was very difficult.” Channel 13’s military correspondent echoed concerns from the IDF about the potential apprehension of the bodies of the slain Golani soldiers, hinting at the possibility of additional casualties.

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