Amdo Tibetan phrasebook

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Amdo Tibetan (ཨ་མདོ་སྐད), a set of mutually intelligible Tibetan dialects, is the main language of Amdo, namely the Tibetan-speaking regions of Qinghai and Gansu. Nomads in the Sichuan prefectures of Ngawa (prefecture) | Ngawa and Ganzi (prefecture) | Garzê also speak Amdo, while the town folk, many of whom well conversant in Chinese, speak rGyalrong, Kham Tibetan and other highly internally-divergent languages. In the exile also, Amdo-born people abound. They speak Amdo in addition to Standard Tibetan, English, Hindi, Chinese and other languages.

Pronunciation guide

Sign OmManiPadmeHum - The Om mani padme hum mantra in Tibetan

Spoken Amdo is quite close to Old Tibetan and the model of the written language common to all culturally Tibetan regions. For this reason and the written form is given in the Wylie transliteration, a letter-for-letter rendering of the Tibetan script to Latin.

Plain Vowels

Note that the vowels "i" and "u" have merged in the vague schwa sound "uh".

Final consonants and suffixes

In the Written Language, a syllable can end in any of the consonants in g, ng, d, n, b, m, r, l, s. Some of the consonants can be followed by an additional -s, making: -gs, -ngs, -bs, -ms.

-ng, -m, -n is exactly as in English. -r is a Scottish rolling r or an American -r (but not changing the vowel as in English!). -g and -b can be pronounced in two ways: hard (-ck, -pp) or soft (-kh/-gh, -v). A final -l and a final -d are pronounced alike, either as "t" or a clear "l". In some places however, "ul" and "il" are pronounced like "oo" and "ee" rather than "uht".

A final -s is lost, so "legs" is pronounced "lack", not "lacks". Most importantly, if the -s follows the vowel (as, es...) and the vowel sound is changed into "ee". "dus" (time, when) is read "dee", not "duhs", for example.

"ing" and "ang" are pronounced alike, as "ang" or "uhng"; while "ung" is pronounced "oong".

The genitive suffix (like "'s" in English) "-'i", modifies the vowel sound into "ee", except for a Written "o", which turns into "oo".

Phrase list


bde mo (vdeh-maw) (literally "well")
How are you? 
khyod bde mo yin na (chaw vdeh-maw yuhn-NAH)
Fine, thank you. 
bde mo yin, bde mo yin (vdeh-maw yuhn, vdeh-maw yuhn) (You don't say the "thank you" bit)
What is your name? 
khyo'i mying nga chi zer (choo nyuhng-ngah chuh zehr)
My name is ______ . 
ngi mying nga ____ zer ra (nguh nyuhng-ngah _______ zeh-rah)
I can't speak Tibetan [well. 
nga bod skad [yag po ma shes. (ngah wot-shkat [yack-poh ma-shee)


gcig (khchuhck)
gnyis (ghnyee)
gsum (khsuhm)
bzhi (vzhuh)
lnga (rngah)
drug (druhck)
bdun (vduhn)
brgyad (vjat)
dgu (rguh)
bcu (fchuh)
Tibetan script Wylie English approximation Name
a ah
ཨི i uh guh-guh
ཨུ u uh zhap-chuh
ཨེ e eh/ey ndruhng-eh
ཨོ o aw nah-raw