Italian phrasebook

From Halal Explorer

[[file:WV banner Italian phrasebook Venice Canal Grande - ftt=yes}}

Map Italophone World - Italian speaking areas - Dark blue: native language, Light blue: former Italian colonies , Green square: Italophone minorities

Italian (italiano) is the official language of Italy and San Marino, and one of the four official languages of Switzerland, spoken mainly in the cantons of Ticino and Grigioni. It is a co-official language in Istria, a coastal region of Slovenia and Croatia. Furthermore, it is the de facto primary language of the Rome/Vatican|Vatican City, where it is co-official with Latin, and is widely used and understood in Monaco, Corsica and Malta and even in Albania and in Romania. It is also used outside of Europe in parts of Libya and Somalia.

In most of the tourist resorts along Italy, English and German are widely spoken, but in any part of Italy, it will hold you in good stead to know at least basic phrases of polite Italian and not to assume that whoever you are speaking with will know your language.

If you speak Spanish or even Portuguese, be careful as there are a lot of words that look and sound almost the same in these languages but convey very different meanings: for example, Spanish guardar ("to store, shelve") vs. Italian guardare ("to see, watch"), Spanish salir ("to get out") vs. Italian salire ("to go up"), Spanish burro ("donkey") vs. Italian burro ("butter") and Spanish caldo ("soup") vs. Italian caldo ("hot").



All Italian nouns are assigned one of two genders: masculine or feminine. Unlike in English, even inanimate objects are assigned a gender (e.g. tavolo [table is masculine, casa [house is feminine). This Travel Guide before a noun depends on its gender: eg. il (m for most cases), lo (m if word starts with s + consonant, z, gn, ps, pn, x, y and consonant clusters), la (f) or l' (if word starts with a vowel). Likewise, third person subject pronouns also depend on the grammatical gender of the subject : lui/egli/esso (m) and lei/ella/essa (f).


In Italian, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun or pronoun they modify. So for example and the word for "child" in Italian is bambino (masculine), plural bambini, or bambina (feminine), plural bambine. If you want to say "a small boy", you'd use un piccolo bambino, whereas two small boys would be due piccoli bambini, a small girl would be una piccola bambina and two small girls would be due piccole bambine. If a group of children you are speaking of includes both boys and girls, use the masculine plural form. Unlike English, Italian has no capitalized adjectives, so, for example, "Italian" is always represented in lowercase in Italian, but again must agree in gender and number: un bambino italiano; una bambina italiana.

Formal and familiar pronouns

In Italian, you use the polite form ("lei") with all the people you don't know; it doesn't matter whether they are older or younger than you, unless they are children. You'll use the familiar form ("tu") with the people you know and with children. The two forms differ in that 2nd person singular verb forms are used for "tu" and 3rd person singular verb forms are used for "lei" (which can also mean "she").

Addressing people

The formal way to address a man you meet for the first time is signore, while the equivalent when addressing a woman is signora. Signorina may sometimes be used to address a very young, unmarried woman, but unless you are absolutely sure, it is best to default to signora. The corresponding plurals are signori (all-male and mixed male and female groups) and, somewhat confusingly, signore (all-female groups). The Italian equivalent for the salutation "ladies and gentlemen" is thus "signore e signori". In informal situations and these terms are frequently dispensed with.


English speakers are used to using possessive pronouns before nouns, as in "my book" or "your car". In Italian, things are usually a bit more complicated. With the exception of individual family members (mia moglie is "my wife"; suo figlio is "his/her son") and these kinds of phrases are replaced by article + possessive pronoun + noun, and both the article and the pronoun must agree in gender and number with the noun being modified. For example, "my book" would be il mio libro; "your car" would be la tua macchina; "our houses" would be le nostre case. If you leave out the article, people will understand you, but it's good to be prepared to hear native speakers use these kinds of common phrases even before you are comfortable enough to use them yourself.


Pronunciation is relatively easy in Italian since most words are pronounced exactly how they are written. The main letters to watch out for are c and g, since their pronunciation varies based on the following vowel. Also, make sure to pronounce r and rr differently: caro means dear, whereas carro means chariot.


as in "father"
sometimes as in "set", sometimes more closed, identical to "e" in New Zealand English
as in "machine"
as in "oh", but make sure to avoid any "w" or "oo" sound at the end
like 'oo' in "hoop"


Silent I|If ci, gi, gli or sci is followed by another vowel and the i is silent. For example, giallo (yellow) is pronounced "JAHL-loh".}}

like 'b' in "bed"
like 'k' in "skin" (before 'a', 'o', 'u')
like 'ch' in "chipper" (before 'i' or 'e')
like 'd' in "dog"
like 'f' in "fear"

Florence bridges - 'f' like in Firenze

like 'g' in "go" (before 'a', 'o', 'u')
like 'j' in "jello" (before 'i' or 'e')
generally only appears in proper nouns (e.g. Juventus). Pronounced like 'y' in "yet".
like 'l' in "love"
like 'm' in "mother"
like 'n' in "nice"
like 'p' in "spray"
like 'q' in "quest" (always with "u" except in some Arabic loanwords)
trill with the tip of the tongue just as in Spanish
like 's' in "gas", like 'z' in "lizard" when between vowels only in the North of Italy.
like 't' in "stop"
like 'v' in "victory"
like 'ds' in "toads" or like 'ts' in "coats"

Common diphthongs

like 'i' in "fight"
like 'ow' in "brown"
like 'ay' in "say"
like hey you
identical vowels [stress on the first vowel "idee" (ee-DEH-eh)]
like see ya, but with the 'a' as in "father"
similar to "yeah"
identical vowels [stress on the first vowel "addii" (ahd-DEE-ee)]
like the 'eo' in "Leo"
like 'ew' in "few"
like 'oy' in "boy"
identical vowels [stress on the first vowel "zoo" (DZOH-oh)]
like 'wa' in "want"
like 'we' in "went"
like "we"
like "woe"


Scicli (Sicilia) 2010 018 - View of Scicli

like 'k' in "keep"
before "e" or "i", like 'sh' in "sheep"; before "a", "o" or "u" like 'sk' in "sky"
before 'e' or 'i' like 'sk' in "sky"
like the 'ny' in "canyon"
like "g" in "get"
like the 'li' in "million"; rarely like "glee" in words of Greek origin


Accented words have the emphasis on the syllable with the accented letter. Unaccented words are normally pronounced with the emphasis on the penultimate or antepenultimate syllable.

Phrase list

For this phrasebook, we use the polite form for all phrases, on the presumption that you'll mostly be talking to people you don't already know.


Common signs|

APERTO (ah-PEHR-toh)
ENTRATA (ehn-TRAH-tah)
USCITA (oo-SHEE-tah)
TIRARE (tee-RAH-reh)
UOMINI (WOH-mee-nee)
PROIBITO (proy-BEE-toh) / VIETATO (vee-eh-TAH-toh)
NON FUMATORI (nohn foo-mah-TOH-ree) / VIETATO FUMARE (vee-eh-tah-toh foo-MAH-reh)}}

Hello. (formal
Salve. (SAHL-veh)
Hello. (informal
Ciao. (chow)
How are you? 
Come stai? (informal)(koh-meh STAI?), Come sta? (formal)(koh-meh STAH?)
Fine, thank you. 
Bene, grazie. (BEH-neh, GRAHT-tsyeh)
What is your name? 
Come ti chiami? (informal)(KOH-meh tee kee-AH-mee?), Come si chiama? (formal)(KOH-meh see kee-AH-mah?)
My name is ______ . 
Mi chiamo ______ . (mee kee-AH-moh _____)
Nice to meet you. 
Piacere di conoscerla. (formal)(pyah-CHEH-reh dee koh-noh-SHEHR-lah); Piacere di conoscerti (pyah-CHEH-reh dee koh-noh-SHEHR-tee) or just Ciao, piacere ("chow, pyah-CHEH-reh") (informal)
Per favore (PEHR fah-VOH-reh) or Per piacere (pehr pyah-CHEH-reh)
Thank you. 
Grazie. (GRAHT-tsyeh)
You're welcome. 
Prego. (PREH-goh)
No problem. 
Non c'è problema or Nessun problema (non cheh proh-BLEH-mah, neh-SOON proh-BLEMonday - mah)
Sì. (SEE)
No. (noh)
Excuse me 
Mi scusi. (formal)(mee SKOO-zee), Scusa (informal)(SKOO-zah)
What's that? 
Che cos'è? (KAY kohz-AY)
I'm sorry. 
Mi dispiace. (mee dee-SPYA-chee)
Goodbye. (informal) 
Ciao. (chow)
Goodbye. (formal) 
Arrivederci. (ahr-ree-veh-DEHR-chee)
See you. 
Ci vediamo. (chee veh-DYAH-moh)
Certamente, or Certo (cher-tah-MEN-teh or CHEHR-toh)
Davvero? (dahv-VEH-roh?)

Colosseo - panoramio (4) - Visitors inside Rome/Colosseo|Colosseum in Rome

I don't speak Italian. 
Non parlo italiano. (non PAHR-loh ee-tah-LYAH-noh)
Do you speak English? 
Parla inglese? (Formal)(PAHR-lah een-GLEH-zeh?) Parli inglese? (Informal)(PAHR-lee een-GLEH-zeh?)
Speak more slowly, please. 
Parli più lentamente, per favore. (formal)(PAHR-lee pyoo lehn-tah-MEHN-teh, pehr fah-VOH-reh), Parla più lentamente/piano (per favore). (informal)(PAHR-lee pyoo lehn-tah-MEHN-teh/ PYAH-noh (pehr fah-VOH-reh))
I understand Italian a little. 
Capisco l’italiano solo un po'. (kah-PEES-koh lee-tah-LYAH-noh SOH-loh oon poh)
I speak just a few words of Italian. 
Conosco solo poche parole in italiano. (koh-NOHS-koh SOH-loh POH-keh pah-ROH-leh een ee-tah-LYAH-noh)
Is there someone here who speaks English? 
Qualcuno qui parla inglese? (kwahl-KOO-noh PAHR-lah een-GLEH-zeh?)
What does it mean? 
Cosa significa? or Cosa vuol dire? (KOH-zah see-NYEE-fee-kah?, KOH-zah vwohl DEE-reh?)
I forgot. 
Ho dimenticato. (oh dee-mehn-tee-KAH-toh)
Now I remember. 
Ora ricordo. (OH-rah ree-KOHR-doh)
I don’t know.
Non lo so. (nohn loh soh)
Dopo (DOH-poh)
Prima (PREE-mah)
Aspetti! (formal)(ahs-PEHT-tee), Aspetta! (informal)(ahs-PEHT-tah)
I have a question. 
Ho una domanda. (oh OO-nah doh-MAHN-dah)
Can you tell me... 
Può dirmi... (formal)(pwoh DEER-mee), Puoi dirmi... (informal)(pwoh-ee DEER-mee)
How to get to... 
Come arrivo a... (KOH-meh ahr-REE-voh ah)
Where/When do we meet? 
Dove/Quando ci incontriamo? (DOH-veh/ KWAHN-doh chee een-kohn-TRYAH-moh?)
How is the weather? 
Che tempo fa? (keh TEHMonday - poh fah)
Mentre (MEHN-treh)
Così (koh-ZEE)
Perché (pehr-KEH)
Come? (KOH-meh?)
Aiuto! (ah-YOO-toh!)
Good morning. 
Buon giorno. (bwohn JOHR-noh)
Good afternoon. 
Buon pomeriggio. (bwohn poh-meh-REE-joh)

Napoli-vista02 - Buona sera, signorina, buona sera. It is time to say goodnight to Napoli...

Good evening. 
Buona sera. (bwoh-nah SEH-rah)
Good night. 
Buona notte. (bwoh-nah NOHT-teh)
I don't understand. 
Non capisco. (nohn kah-PEES-koh)
Where are the restrooms? (public place) 
Dov'è il bagno? (doh-VEH oon BAHN-yoh)
Where is the bathroom? (someone's home) 
Dov'è il bagno? (doh-VEH eel BAHN-yoh)


Leave me alone. 
Mi lasci in pace. (formal) / Lasciami in pace. (informal) (mee LAH-shee een PAH-cheh) (or Mi lasci stare [...STAH-reh)
Don't touch me! 
Non mi toccare! (informal) (NOHN mee toh-KAH-reh!)
I'll call the police. 
Chiamo la polizia. (KYAH-moh lah poh-lee-TSEE-ah!)
Help me! 
Aiutami! (informal) ("ah-YOO-tah-mi")
Polizia! (poh-lee-TSEE-ah!)
Stop! Thief! 
Al ladro! (ahl LAH-droh!)
I need your help. 
Ho bisogno del tuo aiuto (informal). (oh bee-ZOH-nyoh dehl too-oh ah-YOO-toh)
It's an emergency. 
È un'emergenza. (eh oo-neh-mehr-JEN-tsah)
I'm lost. 
Mi sono perso (male)(mee soh-noh PEHR-soh) / Mi sono persa (female)(mee soh-noh PEHR-sah).
I lost my bag. 
Ho perso la mia borsa. (oh PEHR-soh lah MEE-ah BOHR-sah)
I lost my wallet. 
Ho perso il mio portafoglio. (oh PEHR-soh eel myoh pohr-tah-FOH-lyoh)
I'm sick. 
Sono malato. (male)(SOH-noh mah-LAH-toh) / Sono malata (female)(SOH-noh mah-LAH-tah)
I've been injured. 
Sono ferito (male)(SOH-noh feh-REE-toh) / Sono ferita (female)(SOH-noh feh-REE-tah)
I need a doctor. 
Ho bisogno di un dottore. (oh bee-ZOH-nyoh dee oon dot-TOH-reh)
Can I use your phone? 
Posso usare il suo telefono? (formal)(POS-soh oo-ZAH-reh eel soo-oh teh-LEH-foh-noh?) / Posso usare il tuo telefono? (informal)(POS-soh oo-ZAH-reh eel too-oh teh-LEH-foh-noh?)


Milano metropolitana Garibaldi M2 indicazioni linee South - Signage in the Milan Metro, showing local train lines passing Garibaldi station

uno (OO-noh)
due (DOO-eh)
tre (treh)
quattro (KWAH-troh)
cinque (CHEEN-kweh)
sei (SEH-ee)
sette (SEH-teh)
otto (OH-toh)
nove (NOH-veh)
dieci (DYEH-chee)
undici (OON-dee-chee)
dodici (DOH-dee-chee)
tredici (TREH-dee-chee)
quattordici (kwahr-TOHR-dee-chee)
quindici (KWEEN-dee-chee)
sedici (SEH-dee-chee)
diciassette (dee-chah-SSEH-teh)
diciotto (dee-CHOH-toh)
diciannove (dee-chah-NOH-veh)
venti (VEHN-tee)
ventuno (vehn-TOO-noh)
ventidue (vehn-tee-DOO-eh)
ventitré (vehn-tee-TREH)
trenta (TREHN-tah)
quaranta (kwah-RAHN-tah)
cinquanta (cheen-KWAHN-tah)
sessanta (sehs-SAHN-tah)
settanta (seht-TAHN-tah)
ottanta (oht-TAHN-tah)
novanta (noh-VAHN-tah)

Spezie Campo dei fiori mercato 08 - Spices for sale at the Campo dei Fiori market in Rome

cento (CHEHN-toh)
duecento (dweh-CHEHN-toh)
trecento (treh-CHEHN-toh)
mille (MEEL-leh)
duemila (dweh-MEE-lah)
un milione (oon mee-LYOH-neh)
un miliardo (oo mee-LYAHR-doh)
un bilione (oo bee-LYOH-neh)
number _____ (train, bus, etc.
numero_____ (NOO-meh-roh)
mezzo (MEHD-dzoh)
meno (MEH-noh)
più (pyoo)


adesso (ah-DEHSS-oh) / ora (OH-rah)
più tardi (PYOO TAR-dee) - dopo ("DOH-poh")
prima (PREE-ma)
mattino (mah-TEEN-oh) / mattina (mah-TEEN-ah)
pomeriggio (poh-meh-REEJ-joh)
sera (SEH-rah)
notte (NOHT-teh)

Clock time

Piadena staz - L'undici e nove

one o'clock AM 
l'una or l'una del mattino (LOO-nah)
two o'clock AM 
le due or le due del mattino (leh DOO-eh)
mezzogiorno (mehd-dzoh-JOHR-noh)
one o'clock PM 
le tredici or l'una del pomeriggio (leh TREH-dee-chee)
two o'clock PM 
le quattordici or le due del pomeriggio (leh kwaht-TOHR-dee-chee)
mezzanotte (mehd-dzah-NOHT-teh)


_____ minute(s) 
_____ minuto/ti (mee-NOO-toh/tee)
_____ hour(s) 
_____ ora/e (OH-rah/eh)
_____ day(s) 
_____ giorno/ni (JOHR-noh/nee)
_____ week(s) 
_____ settimana/ne (seht-tee-MAH-nah/neh)
_____ month(s) 
_____ mese/si (MEH-zeh/zee)
_____ year(s) 
_____ anno/ni (AHN-noh/nee)


oggi (OHJ-jee)
ieri (YEH-ree)
domani (doh-MAH-nee)
day after tomorrow 
dopo domani ( doh-poh doh-MAH-nee)
this week 
questa settimana (KWEHS-tah seht-tee-MAH-nah)
last week 
la settimana scorsa (lah set-tee-MAH-nah SKOR-sah)
next week 
la prossima settimana (lah PROHS-see-mah set-tee-MAH-nah)
domenica (doh-MEH-nee-kah)
lunedì (loo-neh-DEE)
martedì (mahr-teh-DEE)
mercoledì (mehr-koh-leh-DEE)
giovedì (joh-veh-DEE)
venerdì (veh-nehr-DEE)
sabato (SAH-bah-toh)


Bari - panoramio (4) - Late October in Bari

gennaio (jehn-NAH-yoh)
febbraio (fehb-BRAH-yoh)
marzo (MAR-tso)
aprile (ah-PREE-leh)
maggio (MAHD-joh)
giugno (JOO-nyoh)
luglio (LOO-lyoh)
agosto (ah-GOHS-toh)
settembre (seht-TEMonday - breh)
ottobre (oht-TOH-breh)
novembre (noh-VEHMonday - breh)
dicembre (dee-CHEMonday - breh)

Writing time and date

Italy uses the 24 hour clock.

First in dates is the day and then is the month, and last is the year.

For example: 23/1/2010 is in letters 23 gennaio 2010.

To write clock times and the hour is before the minutes and they are separated by "e" (and).

For example: 6:43 (written 6.43 in Italy) is read sei e quarantatre.

In informal speech, Italians can use a more complex system with a 12 hours clock and words meaning "a quarter past/to" (e.g., 2.45 is le tre, meno un quarto), but you won't find it written anywhere and everyone understands the 24-hour system. Only remember that you must mention the part of the day (mattina, pomeriggio etc.) instead of saying "am" and "pm".


nero (NEH-roh)
bianco (BYAHN-koh)
grigio (GREE-joh)
rosso (ROHS-soh)
blu (bloo)
giallo (JAHL-loh)
verde (VEHR-deh)
arancione (ah-rahn-CHOH-neh)
viola (vee-OH-lah)
marrone (mahr-ROH-neh)


Italo Treno number 9990 at Verona Porta Nuova train station - Italo high-speed train

Bus and train

treno (TREH-noh)
autobus (OW-toh-boos) or pullman (POOL-mahn)
How much is a ticket to _____? 
Quanto costa un biglietto per _____? (KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah oon bee-LYEHT-toh pehr)
One ticket to _____, please. 
Un biglietto per _____, per favore. (oon bee-LYEHT-toh pehr....pehr fah-VOH-reh)
Where does this train/bus go? 
Dove va questo treno/autobus/pullman? (DOH-veh vah KWEHS-toh TREH-noh/OW-toh-boos/POOL-mahn)
Where is the train/bus to _____? 
Dov'è il treno/l'autobus per _____? (doh-VEH eel TREH-noh/ low-TOH-boos)
Does this train/bus stop in _____? 
Questo treno/autobus si ferma a _____? (KWEHS-toh TREH-noh/ OW-toh-boos see FEHR-mah ah)
When does the train/bus for _____ leave? 
Quando parte il treno/l'autobus per _____? (KWAHN-doh PAHR-teh eel TREH-noh / LOW-toh-boos)
When will this train/bus arrive in _____? 
Questo treno/autobus quando arriva a _____? (KWEHS-toh TREH-noh/ OW-toh-boos KWAHN-doh ahr-REE-vah ah....)


How do I get to _____ ? 
Come arrivo a _____ ? (Koh-meh ahr-REE-voh ah...?) the train station? 
...alla stazione ferroviaria? (...ahl-lah stah-DSYOH-neh fehr-roh-VYAH-ryah?) the bus station? 
...alla stazione degli autobus? (...ahl-lah stah-DSYOH-neh del-lee-OW-toh-boos?) the bus stop? 
...alla fermata dell'autobus? (...ahl-lah fer-MAH-tah dehl-LOW-toh-boos?) the airport? 
...all'aeroporto? (...ahl-lah-eh-roh-POHR-toh?)
...downtown? centro? (...een CHEHN-troh)
...the youth hostel? 
...all'ostello? (...ahl-LOHS-tehl-loh?)
...the small hotel? / hotel? 
...all'albergo? hotel? (...ahl-lahl-BEHR-goh/ oh-TEHL?)
...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate? consolato americano/canadese/australiano/britannico? (...ahl kohn-soh-LAH-toh ameh-ree-KAH-noh/ kah-nah-DEH-zeh/ ows-trah-LYAH-noh/ bree-TAHN-nee-koh?)
Where are there a lot of... 
Dove ci sono molti... (DOH-veh chee SOH-noh MOHL-tee...) 
...hotel? (...oh-TEHL?)
...ristoranti? (...rees-toh-RAHN-tee?)
...bars? (bahr?)

Vatican Sunset - Rome, Italy - Easter 2008 - The Vatican, for instance, has quite a few sights to see

...sites to see? 
...cose da vedere? (KOH-zeh dah veh-DEH-reh?) or ...luoghi da vedere? (...LWOH-gee dah veh-DEH-reh?)
Can you show (it to) me on the map? 
Potreste mostrarmelo sulla mappa/carta stradale? (plural "you")(poh-TREHS-teh mohs-TRAHR-meh-loh sool-lah MAHP-pa/KAHR-tah strah-DAH-leh?) / Potrebbe mostrarmelo sulla mappa/carta stradale? (singular formal "you")(poh-TREHB-beh mohs-TRAHR-meh-loh sool-LAH MAHP-pa/KAHR-tah strah-DAH-leh?) / Puoi mostrarmelo sulla mappa/carta stradale? (singular informal "you")(poo-OH-ee-mohs-TRAHR-meh-loh sool-LAH MAHP-pa/KAHR-tah strah-DAH-leh?)
strada (STRAH-dah)
Turn left. 
Giri a sinistra. (formal)(JEE-ree ah see-NEES-trah) / Gira a sinistra. (informal)(JEE-rah ah see-NEES-trah)
Turn right. 
Giri a destra. (formal)(JEE-ree ah DEHS-trah) / Gira a destra. (informal)(JEE-ree ah DEHS-trah)
sinistra (see-NEES-trah)
destra (DEHS-trah)
straight ahead 
diritto (dee-REET-toh) / dritto (DREET-toh)
towards the _____ 
verso il _____ (VEHR-zoh eel...)
past the _____ 
dopo il _____ (DOH-poh eel...)
before the _____ 
prima del _____ (PREE-mah dehl...)
Watch for the _____. 
Cerchi il (formal)(CHEHR-kee eel...) / Cerca il _____. (informal)(CHEHR-kah eel...)
Beware of the _____. 
"Presti attenzione al .... (formal)/ Attento al ....! (informal))
incrocio (een-KROH-choh)
nord (nohrd) abbreviation N
sud (sood) abbreviation S
est (ehst) abbreviation E
ovest (oh-VEHST) abbreviation O


License Free Photo - Creative Commons by gnuckx (11645638846) - Water taxi in Venice

Taxi! (TAHK-see)
Take me to _____, please. 
Mi porti a _____, per favore. (mee POHR-tee ah..., pehr fah-VOH-reh)
How much does it cost to get to _____? 
Quanto costa andare a _____? (KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah ahn-DAH-reh ah...?)
Please take me to_____. 
Per favore, mi porti a______. (pehr fah-VOH-reh, mee POHR-tee ah...)
I'm in a hurry! 
Vado di fretta! / Ho fretta! (VAH-doh dee FREHT-tah/ oh FREHT-tah)
Stop here, please! 
Fermi qui, per favore! (FEHR-mee kwee pehr fah-VOH-reh)
How much do I owe you? 
Quanto le devo? (formal) (KWAHN-toh leh DEH-voh)


Are there any rooms available? 
Ci sono camere libere? (chee soh-noh KAH-meh-reh LEE-behr-reh?)
How much is a room for one person/two people? 
Quanto costa una stanza singola/doppia? (KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah OO-nah STAHN-tsah SEEN-goh-lah/ DOHP-pyah)
Does the room come with... 
La stanza ha ... (lah STAHN-tsah ah...)
...lenzuola? (...lehn-ZWOH-lah?)
...a bathroom? 
...un bagno? (...oon BAH-nyoh?)
...a telephone? 
...un telefono? (...oon teh-LEH-foh-noh)
...a TV? 
...un televisore? (...oon teh-leh-VEE-soh-reh?)
May I see the room first? 
Posso prima vedere la stanza? (POHS-soh PREE-mah veh-DEH-reh lah STAHN-tsah?)
Do you have anything quieter? 
Ha una stanza più silenziosa? (ah OO-nah STAHN-tsah pyoo see-lehn-TSYOH-zah?)
...più grande? (pyoo GRAHN-deh?)
...più pulita? (pyoo poo-LEE-tah?)
...più economica? (pyoo eh-koh-NOH-mee-kah?)

Pisa, Province of Pisa, Italy - panoramio (7) - Campsites can also be an option

OK, I'll take it. 
Va bene, la prendo. (vah BEH-neh, lah PREHN-doh)
I will stay for _____ night(s). 
Mi fermo per _____ notte(i). (mee FEHR-moh pehr...NOHT-teh(ee))
Can you suggest another hotel? 
Può suggerirmi un altro hotel? (pwoh soo-jeh-REER-mee oon AHL-troh OH-tehl?)
Is there a safe? 
C'e una cassaforte? (cheh OO-nah kahs-sah-FOHR-teh?)
Is breakfast/supper included? 
È inclusa la colazione/cena? (EH een-KLOO-zah la koh-lah-TSYOH-neh/CHEH-nah?)
What time is breakfast/supper? 
A che ora è la colazione/cena? (ah keh OH-rah EH lah koh-lah-TSYOH-neh/CHEH-nah)
Please clean my room. 
Potrebbe pulire la mia camera, per favore. (poh-TREHB-beh poo-LEE-reh lah myah kah-MEH-rah, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
Can you wake me at _____? 
Potrebbe svegliarmi alle _____? (poh-TREHB-beh sveh-LYAHR-mee AHL-leh....?)
I want to check out. 
Vorrei fare il check out. (vohr-RAY FAH-reh eel check out)

Money Matters & ATM's in Italian phrasebook

Are American/Australian/Canadian dollars accepted here? 
Si accettano dollari americani/australiani/canadesi qui? (see aht-CHEHT-tah-noh DOHL-lah-ree ah-meh-ree-KAH-nee/ ows-trah-LYAH-nee/ kah-nah-DEH-see kwee?)
Are British pounds accepted? 
Si accettano sterline inglesi? (see aht-CHEHT-tah-noh stehr-LEE-neh een-GLEH-zee?)
Are credit cards accepted? 
Si accettano carte di credito? (see aht-CHEHT-tah-noh KAHR-teh dee kreh-DEE-toh?)
Can you change money for me? 
Potrebbe cambiarmi del denaro? (poh-TREHB-beh kahm-BYAHR-mee dehl deh-NAH-roh?)
Can you change British pounds for me? 
Potrebbe cambiarmi delle sterline inglesi? (poh-TREHB-beh kahm-BYAHR-mee DEHL-leh stehr-LEE-neh een-GLEH-zee?)
Can you change American/Australian/Canadian dollars for me? 
Potrebbe cambiarmi dei dollari americani/australiani/canadesi? (poh-TREHB-beh kahm-BYAHR-mee day DOHL-lah-ree ah-meh-ree-KAH-nee/ ows-trah-LYAH-nee/ kah-nah-DEH-see?)
Where can I get money changed? 
Dove posso cambiare del denaro? (DOH-veh POHS-soh kahm-BYAH-reh dehl deh-NAH-roh?)
Where can I get foreign money changed? 
Dove posso cambiare una valuta straniera? (DOH-veh POHS-soh kahm-BYAH-reh DEHL-lah vah-LOO-tah strah-NYEH-rah?)
Can you change a traveler's check for me? 
Potrebbe cambiarmi questi traveller's cheque? (poh-TREHB-beh kahm-BYAHR-mee KWEHS-tee TRAH-veh-lehrs checks?)
Where can I get a traveler's check changed? 
Dove posso cambiare un traveller's cheque? (Doh-veh POHS-soh kahm-BYAH-reh oon TRAH-veh-lehrs check?)
What is the exchange rate? 
Quant'è il tasso di cambio? (KWAHN-teh eel KAHMonday - byoh?)
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)? 
Dove posso trovare uno sportello Bancomat? (DOH-veh POHS-soh troh-VAH-reh oon bahn-KOH-maht?)
In Italy it is more common to say "Bancomat" for "ATM" and many people don't know the word "ATM" at all. Don't look for "ATM" on signs!


Rifugio Alpino Boffalora (5) - Menu at a restaurant in Ossuccio, Lombardy

A table for one person/two people, please. 
Un tavolo per uno/due, per favore. (oon tah-VOH-loh pehr OO-noh/ dweh, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
Can I look at the menu, please? 
Posso vedere il menu, per favore? (POHS-soh veh-DEH-reh eel meh-NOO, pehr fah-VOH-reh?)
Can I look in the kitchen? 
Posso dare un'occhiata in cucina? (POHS-soh DAH-reh oon ohk-KYAH-tah een koo-CHEE-nah?)
Is there a house specialty? 
C'è una specialità della casa? (cheh OO-nah speh-chah-lee-TAH DEHL-lah KAH-zah?)
Is there a local specialty? 
C'è una specialità locale? (cheh OO-nah speh-chah-lee-TAH loh-KAH-leh?)
I'm a Vegetarian
Sono vegetariano/a (SOH-noh veh-jeh-tah-RYAH-noh/ ah)
I don't eat Pork. 
Non mangio il maiale. (nohn MAHN-joh eel mah-YAH-leh)
I don't eat beef. 
Non mangio il manzo. (nohn MAHN-joh eel MAHN-dzoh)
I only eat kosher food. 
Mangio solamente cibo kosher. (MAHN-joh soh-LAH-mehn-teh CHEE-boh KOH-shehr)
Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard
Potrebbe farlo leggero, per favore? (poh-TREHB-beh FAHR-loh lehd-JEH-roh, pehr fah-VOH-reh?)
or Potrebbe farlo con pochi grassi? (with little fat) or Potrebbe farlo con poco olio? (with little oil) (poh-TREHB-beh FAHR-loh kohn poh-KHEE GRAHS-see?, poh-TREHB-beh FAHR-loh kohn POH-koh OH-lyoh?)
fixed-price meal 
pranzo a prezzo fisso (PRAH-tsoh ah PREHD-zoh FEES-soh)
à la carte 
à la carte or alla carta (AH lah KAHR-tah)
colazione (koh-lah-TSYOH-neh)
pranzo (PRAHN-dzoh)
tea (meal
tè (teh)
if you mean the meal at the 4 or 5 in the afternoon, in Italian this is called merenda (meh-REHN-dah), but it usually is only for kids
cena (CHEH-nah)
I would like _____. 
Vorrei _____. (vohr-RAY)
I would like a dish containing _____. 
Vorrei un piatto con _____. (vohr-RAY oon PYAHT-toh kohn....)
il pollo (eel POHL-loh)
il manzo (eel MAHN-dzoh)
il pesce (eel PEH-sheh)
il prosciutto (eel proh-SHOOT-toh)
salsiccia (sahl-SEE-chah)
formaggio (fohr-MAHD-joh)
uova (WOH-vah)
insalata (een-sah-LAH-tah)
(fresh) vegetables 
verdure (fresche) (vehr-DOO-reh FREHS-keh)
(fresh) fruit 
frutta (fresca) (FROOT-tah FREHS-kah)
pane (PAH-neh)
toast (tohst)

Fettuccine al ragù (image modified) - Fettuccine al ragù

Pasta (PAHS-tah), or there are a number of different kinds of noodles, such as linguine (leen-GWEE-neh), spaghetti (spah-GET-tee), tagliatelle (tah-lyah-TEHL-leh), fettuccine (feht-too-CHEE-neh), etc.
riso (REE-zoh)
fagioli (fah-JOH-lee) or fagiolini (fah-joh-LEE-nee)(similar to beans but different)
May I have a glass of _____? 
Posso avere un bicchiere di _____? (POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh oon beek-KYEH-reh dee....?)
May I have a cup of _____? 
Posso avere una tazza di _____? (POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh OO-nah TAHT-tsah dee...?)
May I have a bottle of _____? 
Posso avere una bottiglia di _____? (POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh OO-nah boht-TEE-lyah dee...?)
caffè (kahf-FEH)
tea (drink
tè (TEH)
succo (SOOK-koh)
acqua (AHK-kwah)
bubbly water 
acqua frizzante (AHK-kwah free-DZAHN-teh)
organic juice 
birra (Colas-RAH)
vino rosso/bianco (VEE-noh ROHS-soh/ BYAHN-koh)
May I have some _____? 
Posso aver del _____? (POHS-soh AH-vehr dehl...?) or Posso avere un po' di ____? (POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh oon POH dee...?)
sale (SAH-leh)
black pepper 
pepe (PEH-peh)
burro (BOOR-roh)
Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server
Scusi, cameriere?(m)/cameriera?(f) (SKOO-zee, kah-meh-RYEH-reh?/ kah-meh-RYEH-rah?)
I'm finished. 
Ho finito. (oh fee-NEE-toh)
It was delicious. 
Era squisito. (EH skwee-ZEE-toh)
Please clear the table. 
Potrebbe pulire il tavolo, per favore? (poh-TREH-beh poo-LEE-reh eel tah-VOH-loh, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
The check, please. 
Il conto, per favore. (eel KOHN-toh, pehr fah-VOH-reh)


Do you serve alcohol? 
Servite alcolici? (sehr-VEE-teh ahl-KOH-lee-chee?)
Is there table service? 
C'è il servizio al tavolo? (cheh eel sehr-VEE-zyoh ahl tah-VOH-loh?)
A Cola/two soft drinks, please. 
Una birra/due birre, per favore. (OO-nah BEER-rah/ dweh BEER-reh, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
A glass of fruit cocktail, please. 
Un bicchiere di vino rosso/bianco, per favore. (oon beek-KYEH-reh dee VEE-noh ROHS-soh/ BYAHN-koh, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
A pint, please. 
Un boccale, per favore. (oon bohk-KAH-leh, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
A bottle, please. 
Una bottiglia, per favore. (OO-nah boht-TEE-lyah, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
I'd like a_______? 
Vorrei un_____? (vohr-RAY oon...?)
organic juice 
birra (BEER-rah)

Fiaschi of basic Chianti - Wine from Chianti in Tuscany in traditional bottles

vino (VEE-noh)
gin (jeen)
vodka (VOHD-kah)
acqua (AHK-kwah)
club soda 
club soda (kloob SOH-dah)
tonic water 
acqua tonica (AHK-kwah toh-NEE-kah)
orange juice 
succo di arancia (SOOK-koh dee ah-RAHN-chah)
Coke (soda
Coca Cola (KOH-kah KOH-lah)
A soda. 
Una soda. (OO-nah SOH-dah)
Are there some bar snacks? 
Ci sono degli stuzzichini? (CHEE SOH-noh deh-lyee stoo-zee-KEE-nee?)
One more, please. 
Un altro, per favore. (oon AHL-troh, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
Another round, please. 
Un altro giro, per favore. (oon AHL-troh JEE-roh, pehr fah-VOH-reh)
When is closing time? 
Qual è l'ora di chiusura? (kwah-LEH loh-RAH dee KYOO-zoo-rah?)

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Italian phrasebook

Napoli - Negozio di prodotti tipici Campani - Shop with local food and beverages in Naples

Do you have this in my size? 
Ha questo della mia taglia? (ah KWEHS-toh DEHL-lah myah tah-LYAH?)
How much is this? 
Quanto costa questo? (KWAHN-toh KOHS-tah KWEHS-toh?)
That's too expensive. 
È troppo caro/a. (EH TROHP-poh KAH-roh/ah)
Would you take _____? 
Prenderebbe _____? (formal singular "you")(prehn-deh-REB-beh....?) Prenderesti _____? (informal singular "you")(prehn-deh-REHS-tee....?) / Prendereste _____? (plural "you")(prehn-deh-REHS-teh....?)
caro (KAH-roh)
economico (eh-koh-NOH-mee-koh)
I can't afford it. 
Non posso permettermelo. (nohn POHS-soh pehr-MEHT-tehr-meh-loh)
I am looking for something cheaper. 
Cerco qualcosa di più economico. (CHEHR-koh KWAHL-koh-zah dee pyoo eh-koh-NOH-mee-koh)
I don't want it. 
Non lo voglio. (nohn loh VOH-lyoh)
You're cheating me. 
Mi state imbrogliando. (mee STAH-teh eem-broh-LYAHN-doh)
I'm not interested. 
Non son interessato. (male)(nohn sohn een-teh-rehs-SAH-toh) / Non son interessata. (female)(nohn sohn een-teh-rehs-SAH-tah)
OK, I'll take it. 
Va bene, lo prendo. (vah BEH-neh, loh PREHN-doh)
Can I have a bag? 
Posso avere una borsa/un sacchetto? (POHS-soh AVEH-reh OO-nah BOOS-tah?)
Do you ship (overseas)? 
Può spedirlo (all'estero)? (PWOH speh-DEER-loh (AHL-LEHS-teh-roh)?)
I need... 
Ho bisogno di... (oh bee-ZOH-nyoh dee...)
...dentifricio. (dehn-tee-FREE-choh)
...spazzolino da denti. (spaht-tsoh-LEE-noh dah DEHN-tee)
...tampone/assorbente. (tahm-POH-neh/ ahs-sohr-BEHN-teh)
...sapone. (sah-POH-neh)
...shampoo. (SHAHMonday - poh)
...pain reliever. 
...aspirina. (ahs-pee-REE-nah)
...cold medicine. 
...medicina per il raffreddore. (meh-dee-CHEE-nah pehr eel rahf-frehd-DOH-reh)
...stomach medicine. 
...una medicina per lo stomaco. (meh-dee-CHEE-nah pehr loh STOH-mah-koh)

Corso Buenos Aires - Corso Buenos Aires, one of the busiest shopping streets in Milan

...a razor. 
...un rasoio. (oon rah-ZOH-yo) umbrella. 
...un ombrello. (oon ohm-BREHL-loh)
...sunblock lotion. 
...una crema solare. (KREH-mah soh-LAH-reh)
...a postcard. 
...una cartolina. (OO-nah kahr-toh-LEE-nah)
...postage stamps. 
...francobolli. (frahn-koh-BOHL-lee)
...batterie. (Baht-teh-REE-eh)
...writing paper. 
...carta. (KAHR-tah)
...a pen. 
...una penna. (OO-nah PEHN-nah)
...a pencil. 
...una matita. (OO-nah mah-TEE-tah)
...English-language books. 
...libri in inglese. (LEE-bree een een-GLEH-zeh)
...English-language magazines. 
...riviste in inglese. (ree-VEES-teh een een-GLEH-zeh) English-language newspaper. 
...un giornale in inglese. (oon johr-NAH-leh een een-GLEH-zeh) English-Italian dictionary. 
...un dizionario inglese-italiano. (oon dee-tsyoh-NAH-ryoh een-GLEH-zeh-ee-tah-LYAH-noh)


A18 Noto - Autostrada A18 in Sicily

I want to rent a car. 
Desidero noleggiare una macchina. (deh-SEE-deh-roh noh-lehd-JAH-reh OO-nah mahk-KEE-nah) or Vorrei noleggiare una macchina (vohr-REY noh-lehd-JAH-reh OO-nah mahk-KEY-nah)
Can I get insurance? 
Posso avere un'assicurazione? (POHS-soh ah-VEH-reh oo-nahs-see-koo-rah-TSYOH-neh?)
stop (on a street sign
stop (stohp)
one way 
senso unico (SEHN-soh OO-nee-koh)
dare la precedenza (DAH-reh lah preh-cheh-DEHN-tsah)
no entry 
divieto di accesso (dee-VYEH-toh dee aht-CHEHS-soh)
no parking 
sosta vietata (SOHS-tah vyeh-TAH-tah) or divieto di sosta (dee-VYEH-toh dee SOHS-tah) or vietato parcheggiare (vyeh-TAH-toh pahr-kehd-JAH-reh)
speed limit 
limite di velocità; (lee-MEE-teh dee veh-loh-chee-TAH)
gas (petrol) station 
benzinaio (behn-dzee-NAH-yoh) or distributore (di benzina) (dee-stree-buh-TOH-reh (dee behn-ZEE-nah)) or stazione di rifornimento (stah-TSYOH-neh dee ree-fohr-nee-MEHN-toh) or (on an autostrada / motorway) area di servizio (AH-reh-ah dee sehr-VEE-tsyoh)
benzina (only unleaded one) (behn-DZEE-nah)
diesel (DEE-zehl) or gasolio (gah-SOH-lyoh)


I haven't done anything wrong. 
Non ho fatto nulla di male. (nohn oh FAHT-toh nool-lah dee MAH-leh)
It was a misunderstanding. 
È stato un malinteso. (eh STAH-toh oon mah-LEEN-teh-zoh)
Where are you taking me? 
Dove mi sta portando? (DOH-veh mee STAH pohr-TAHN-doh?)
Am I under arrest? 
Sono in arresto? (SOH-noh een ahr-REHS-toh?)
I am an Malaysian/Indonesian/Emirati/Singaporean citizen. 
MALE: Sono un cittadino americano/australiano/britannico/canadese. (SOH-noh oon cheet-tah-DEE-noh ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh/ ows-trah-LYAH-noh/ bree-TAHN-nee-koh/ kah-nah-DEH-zeh). FEMALE: Sono una cittadina americana/australiana/britannica/canadese. (SOH-noh oo-nah CHEET-tah-dee-nah ah-meh-ree-KAH-nah/ ows-trah-LYAH-nah/ bree-TAHN-nee-kah/ kah-nah-DEH-zeh)
I want to talk to the Malaysian/Indonesian/Emirati/Singaporean embassy/consulate. 
Voglio parlare con l'ambasciata/il consolato americano/australiano/britannico/canadese. (VOH-lyoh pahr-LAH-reh kohn lahm-bah-SHAH-tah/ eel kohn-soh-LAH-toh ah-meh-ree-KAH-noh/ ows-trah-LYAH-noh/ bree-TAHN-nee-koh/ kah-nah-DEH-zeh)
I want to talk to a lawyer. 
Voglio parlare con un avvocato. (VOH-lyoh pahr-LAH-reh kohn oon ahv-voh-KAH-toh)
Can I just pay a fine now? 
Posso semplicemente pagare una multa adesso? (POHS-soh sehm-plee-cheh-MEHN-teh pah-GAH-reh OO-nah MOOL-tah ah-DEHS-soh?)