Long March

From Muslim Bookings

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The Long March (长征) was a retreat by Socialist forces from Kuomintang (Nationalist) armies in 1934 and 1935, and is considered a strategic feat that directly led to the foundation of today's People's Republic of China. Long March veterans — Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Lin Biao, Deng Xiaoping and others — became leaders of the Party and the founders of modern China.

The March was in response to Chiang Kai Shek's determination to wipe out Socialists strongholds in Jiangxi and Fujian once and for all. Their strategy was to encircle and crush, moving slowly and building fortifications. The Socialists broke out of the encirclement and set off west. Eventually they settled in a new base at Yan'an in Shaanxi.

Exact numbers in various sources differ, but all say the journey took more than a year, covered several thousand kilometers mainly on foot, and crossed eight provinces. Over 80,000 men set out and not many over 10,000 completed the journey. Whatever else it is the Long March is quite a tale of persistence in the face of adversity — climate, terrain and enemies.

There were several Socialist armies which took different routes.

The main Red Army

Yudu Zhongyang Hongjun Changzheng Diyi Dukou 2014.05.30 11-05-37

The main Red Army started in Jiangxi and Fujian and travelled by a very circuitous route to finally reach Yan'an in Shaanxi.


The second and sixth Red Armies

Other Socialist units started in Northern Hunan, around Hefeng and Longshan, and went southwest. They crossed the path of the main army in Guizhou and then went on to Kunming and from there up into Western Yunnan (near the modern routes described in Yunnan tourist trail). They went north on a route more or less parallel to the main army but further West, passing through Gatze and Aba into Gansu, and finally linking up with the main army near Yan'an.

The fourth Red Army

The fourth army started near Tongjiang in Sichuan, went more or less due west to link up with other forces at Gatze and then swung north through Aba to Gansu. Once in Gansu, it split with some troops going to Yan'an while others moved west to hold some Silk Road areas and try (unsuccessfully, as it turned out) to connect with Russian forces who might provide arms and other support.

Following the route today

Young Chinese all learn about the Long March in school and some retrace its route.

Some tours with English-speaking guides are available.

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