

From Halal Explorer

[view] [edit] [history] [purge] Template-info.svg Template documentation


 | name    = | alt = | url = | email = 
 | address = | lat = | long = | directions = 
 | phone   = | tollfree = | fax = 
 | hours   = | price = 
 | lastedit=
 | content = 


  • name: the name of the restaurant, café, or whatever. Recommended.
  • alt: an alternative name, either in the local language or just an alternative. Optional.
  • address: a street address for finding the restaurant, for places where this is meaningful. Recommended.
  • directions: additional brief directions besides the street address, such as cross streets, nearby subway or bus stations. Optional
  • phone: a phone number for making reservations or getting more information. Recommended.
  • tollfree: a toll-free phone number, if available. Optional.
  • email: an email address for making reservations or getting more information. Optional.
  • fax: a fax number. Optional.
  • url: the URL for the official Web site for this attraction (see external links for more guidelines). Recommended.
  • hours: opening hours of the restaurant, when applicable. Recommended.
  • price: price of an average meal, or price of a drink, etc. Recommended.
  • lat: Decimal latitude (GPS coordinates) for map output. Optional.
  • long: Decimal longitude (GPS coordinates) for map output. Optional
    • Note: lat and long should have the same number of decimal places (using trailing zeroes if applicable). If one is present, so should the other be.
  • lastedit: Field indicating when the listing was last updated, or when the information in the listing was last verified. Format must be "2015-01-15" (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional


* {{eat
| name=Zortziko | alt= | url= | email=
| address=c/Alameda de Mazarredo 17 | lat= | long= | directions=
| phone=(944)23-97-43; (944)23-63-96 | tollfree= | fax=
| hours=Tue-Sat 9AM-11:30PM | price=
| lastedit=2015-01-15
| content=Traditional Basque dishes such as pigeon breast or marinated sea bass. Formal environment with late Victorian style furnishing, frequently booked days in advance. Ask about reservations to dine in the wine cellar.
  • Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted, c/Alameda de Mazarredo 17, . Tue-Sat 9AM-11:30PM. Traditional Basque dishes such as pigeon breast or marinated sea bass. Formal environment with late Victorian style furnishing, frequently booked days in advance. Ask about reservations to dine in the wine cellar.Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permittedLua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

Template Data

<templatedata> { "params": { "name": { "label": "Name", "description": "The name of the restaurant, café, or whatever.", "example": "Senses", "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "alt": { "label": "Alternative name", "description": "An alternative name, either in the local language or just an alternative.", "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "address": { "label": "Address", "description": "A street address for finding the restaurant, for places where this is meaningful.", "example": "c/Maravillosa 26", "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "directions": { "label": "Directions", "description": "Additional brief directions besides the street address, such as cross streets, nearby subway or bus stations.", "example": "Entrance under the bell tower", "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "phone": { "label": "Phone", "description": "A phone number for making reservations or getting more information.", "example": "+48 (22) 987 65 43", "type": "number", "suggested": true }, "tollfree": { "label": "Toll-free", "description": "A toll-free phone number, if available.", "example": "+48 601 234 567", "type": "number", "suggested": true }, "email": { "label": "Email", "description": "An email address for making reservations or getting more information.", "example": "restaurant@chain.com", "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "fax": { "label": "Fax", "description": "A fax number.", "example": "+48 (22) 123 45 67", "type": "number", "suggested": true }, "url": { "label": "URL", "description": "The URL for the official Web site for this attraction (see external links for more guidelines).", "example": "http://ofalltheginjoints.ma", "type": "url", "suggested": true }, "hours": { "label": "Opening hours", "description": "Opening hours of the restaurant, when applicable.", "example": "Tue-Sat 9AM-11:30PM", "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "price": { "label": "Price", "description": "Price of an average meal, or price of a drink in case of bars.", "example": "ca. 30 PLN for a decent meal with a soft drink.", "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "lat": { "label": "Latitude", "description": "Decimal latitude (GPS coordinates) for map output. Note: lat and long should have the same number of decimal places (using trailing zeroes if applicable). If one is present, so should the other be.", "example": "52.2434", "type": "number", "suggested": true }, "long": { "label": "Longitude", "description": "Decimal longitude (GPS coordinates) for map output. Note: lat and long should have the same number of decimal places (using trailing zeroes if applicable). If one is present, so should the other be.", "example": "-4.2632", "type": "number", "suggested": true }, "lastedit": { "label": "Last edit", "description": "Field indicating when the listing was last updated, or when the information in the listing was last verified. Format must be \"2015-01-15\" (yyyy-mm-dd).", "example": "2016-04-15", "type": "date", "suggested": true, "autovalue": "{{subst:#time:Y-m-d}}" }, "content": { "label": "Content", "description": "Additional description with information on reservation, amenities, dress code and whatnot.", "example": "Traditional Basque dishes such as pigeon breast or marinated sea bass. Formal environment with late Victorian style furnishing, frequently booked days in advance. Ask about reservations to dine in the wine cellar.", "type": "content", "suggested": true } }, "description": "Listing template for restaurants and other places to eat", "paramOrder": [ "name", "alt", "url", "email", "address", "lat", "long", "directions", "phone", "tollfree", "fax", "hours", "price", "lastedit", "content" ] } </templatedata>

See also