
Saved book

From Halal Explorer

Please select an appropriate cover image for this book. See "Template:Saved book" for instructions."
This is a Wikivoyage book, a collection of Wikivoyage articles that can be easily saved, rendered electronically, and ordered as a printed book. For information and help on Wikivoyage books in general, see Wikivoyage:Books.
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[view] [edit] [history] [purge] Template-info.svg Template documentation

This template is automatically included at the top of stored books, and automatically categorizes pages as appropriate.

Optional input

Input What it does
|cover-image= Select the default cover image for the book. Just give the file name (for example, |cover-image=Enrico Fermi 1943-49.jpg).
|cover-color= Select the default cover color for the book. Default color is "Lavender". Colors are those named in X11 color names or using the #RRGGBB format.
|text-color= Select the default cover text color for the book. Default color is black. Colors are those named in X11 color names or using the #RRGGBB format.
|title= The title of the book. (This is only used to give a preview of the book cover.)
|subtitle= The subtitle of the book (optional). (This is only used to give a preview of the book cover.)
|description= A description of the scope of the book.
|sort_as= The default sort key for the book.
|editor= For user books only. Specifies the editor of the book. By default this is the username.
|bug= If the book does not render properly, describe the problem here.

<templatedata> { "params": { "title": { "description": "Title of the book", "type": "string", "required": true }, "subtitle": { "description": "Subtitle of the book", "suggested": true }, "cover-image": { "description": "Select the default cover image for the book. Just give the file name (without File: prefix)", "example": "Enrico Fermi 1943-49.jpg", "type": "wiki-file-name", "suggested": true }, "cover-color": { "description": "Select the default cover color for the book. Default color is \"Lavender\". Colors are those named in X11 color names or using the #RRGGBB format.", "example": "MediumSpringGreen", "type": "string", "suggested": true }, "text-color": { "description": "Select the default cover text color for the book. Default color is black. Colors are those named in X11 color names or using the #RRGGBB format.", "example": "LightGoldenrodYellow", "type": "string", "suggested": true }, "sort_as": { "description": "The default sort key for the book. (see WP:SORT on Wikipedia)" }, "description": { "description": "A description of the scope of the book.", "type": "string", "suggested": true }, "editor": { "description": "For user books only. Specifies the editor of the book. By default this is the username.", "type": "wiki-user-name" }, "bug": { "description": "If the book does not render properly, describe the problem here.", "type": "string" } } } </templatedata>