Syria, one of the oldest inhabited regions globally, offers a profound journey through Islamic history, sacred sites, and cultural treasures. Despite its turbulent recent history, the...
In a recent statement, the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has issued a stark warning regarding the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis and its impact on Lebanon...
The United States is deliberating the withdrawal of its occupation forces from Syria, marking a shift in its nearly decade-long presence purportedly aimed at combating the...
In a remarkable display of prowess, Russian anti-aircraft missile systems Pantsir-S successfully intercepted ten guided bombs and three cruise missiles launched by the Israeli air force...
In a robust reaction to ceasefire violations by terrorist organizations in the northwest “de-escalation” zone, the Syrian Arab Army has struck back, inflicting direct casualties among...
Jordan’s King Abdullah II wrapped up his brief and unexpected visit to Damascus on May 11, as reported by both Syrian press and Jordanian Consul Anas...