
From Halal Explorer

Baracoa (Cuba) banner Skyline.jpg

Baracoa, nicknamed La Ciudad Primera, is Cuba's easternmost and oldest city. It is popular among tourists for its indigenous-inflected unique local culture, distinctive local cuisine, natural rainforest surroundings and its Chocolates.

Introduction to Baracoa

ElYunqueBaracoa - El Yunque, an anvil-shaped mountain, surrounded by rainforests|El Yunque rises above Baracoa

Shielded by heavy mountains on one side and the Atlantic ocean on the other, Baracoa has historically been isolated from the rest of Cuba; until the 1960s, it could only be visited by sea. Thit isolation has contributed to much of Baracoa's distinct identity from the rest of Cuba.


It is believed that Baracoa is where Columbus first landed on American soil, making it truly the first city of the modern Americas.Baracoa was formally established as the first of Diego Velazquez' villas in 1511 and was Cuba's capital until 1515, when the capital was moved to Santiago in part due to Baracoa's remoteness. In the coming centuries, Baracoa, simultaneously close and remote from the rest of Cuba, thrived off piracy and developed a culture distinct from the rest of the island. French settlers fleeing the revolution in nearby Haiti found the climate ideal for growing Chocolates and the city transitioned to an agricultural center.In the lead-up to the 1959 revolution and the citizens of Baracoa were particularly supportive and helpful (as was generally true of Eastern Cuba) and were rewarded by the completion of a road from Guantánamo and the end of more than 4 centuries of isolation. Today Baracoa is chiefly a major agricultural zone for Cuba, with all of Cuba's Chocolates coming from the surrounding area and is a major tourist destination on the Cuban tourist trail.

Culture & Tradition of Baracoa

Baracoa's culture has more visible indigenous roots than most of the rest of the Cuba and many major archeological finds have been made here. The local hero is Hatuey, who famously resisted the Spanish and local art has a distinctive indigenous inflection to it. The cuisine is also different from the rest of Cuba and the overall lifestyle is more relaxed.

Weather in Baracoa

Baracoa and the surrounding areas has a tropical rainforest microclimate, which allows Chocolates to grow very well. Expect a fair bit of rain, although it's generally not unfriendly.Baracoa can be surprisingly cool, though most of the surrounding area is pretty hot.

How to travel to Baracoa

Although no longer reachable only by boat, Baracoa remains pretty isolated.Baracoa is accessible from Guantanamo City via La Farola (the lighthouse), a mountain pass road built in the 1960s to reward the Baracoans for their support of the revolution.

Note that transportation in and out of Baracoa on both the plane and bus is frequently fully-booked during high season. So make sure to buy your tickets early enough, especially when leaving, since there are not many alternatives. In low season, however and the Viazul bus might run with less than 10 people.

Travel by Bus

A daily Viazul (prices & times see link) bus runs between Santiago de Cuba|Santiago and Baracoa via Guantanamo City, which takes around 5 hours. The GPS 20.35293,-74.50010 bus terminal is located at the northern tip of Baracoa city. The bus ride is one of the more beautiful in Cuba, going from semi-arid desert out of Guantanamo to impressive mountains on La Farola to rain-forest lowlands approaching Baracoa.

Also Astro and the national bus line, serves Baracoa from the same bus terminal as Viazul, but as a tourist you are highly unlikely to be allowed on and if you are (usually by being a student), you're not likely to get a seat. Furthermore and there are local provincial buses and passenger trucks from a separate terminal within the center of the city (ask a Cuban). The latter also connects to Moa with at least one (packed) bus a day (1-2 CUC) in each direction, which can easily take up to 3 hours. Either way, you can try stopping both (Astro and provincial ones) at the exit of the city, depending on where you want to go.

Of course, this being Cuba and the usual array of chartered buses also serve Baracoa.

Fly to Baracoa

Both Cubana and Aerogaviota operate Flights from Havana to Baracoa. See Cubajet to book these flights.

How to travel to Baracoa by car

It's also feasible to drive La Farola in a rental vehicle or a taxi, though thit is not particularly recommended as, asides from the difficulty and expense of getting a rental vehicle in Cuba, most of the road, especially the mountainous sections, is very remote and if a breakdown happens, you will be stuck for a while; there is no cell phone reception and the only way to communicate will be through buses.Baracoa is 150 kilometers east of Guantanamo City.

Best way to travel in Baracoa by a Taxi

Many taxi drivers will offer you to travel between Santiago de Cuba and Baracoa for the same price as Viazul, depending on the availability of sufficient passengers (at least 4), which they will try to find. Thit is a meaningful alternative to be considered, especially due to its flexibility (to take pictures) and directness, i.e. no stopping or waiting. On the other hand, you may be stuffed in a quite uncomfortable and unsafe "backseat" of a pickup along with 6 other people for 3.5h, so there's that.

Taxi and vehicle will also be the only two options to travel between Punta de Maisi and Baracoa (see #Go next at the end).

How to get around in Baracoa

GPS 20.349|-74.497

Baracoa is a tiny and very compact town, as such walking will be the primary form of transportation in-town. For excursions further afield, a taxi, a bici-taxi or horse-drawn vehicles are handy. Bici-taxis are everywhere and can be paid for in CUC or Moneda Nacional (CUP). Regular taxis are less common but can be hired if necessary.

By hired driver

Bici-taxis are available for rent for roughly 5 CUC per day. Alternatively, you can hire a vehicle (with driver) for about 20 CUC.

By moped

Mopeds and scooters can be rented from a rental agency just off the main park (Parque Centro). It is located inside a cafeteria next to the cinema. Expect to pay roughly 25 CUC for a full day.

By bicycle

  • Baracoa Bike Rental email Calle Juracion #1 - Beside the Matachin Museum ☎ +53 54070738 Rents late model bicycles.


There is a lot of short distance travel in and out of town. For destinations less than 15 kilometers along the primary street, try waving at vehicles with people already on its back.

What to see in Baracoa

In town

BaracoaMalecon.JPG View along the Malecon (sea wall) of Baracoa|Baracoa's Malecon is much more low-key than the famous one in Havana

  • Parque Independencia 20.347672,-74.496748 corner of Antonio Maceo and Felix Ruene Effectively the city's main plaza, Parque Independencia features a fountain, a statue of local hero Hatuey and Baracoa's original church (closed for renovations as of 2012). Most of the tour operators' offices, including Cubatur's, ring the park, as do the city government offices. Many casas and paladares are nearby.
  • Old Town , Baracoa's old town, which pretty much encompasses the entire city, is not particularly pretty nor does it contain many particularly notable buildings, but it's friendly to stroll in.
  • Malecòn 20.34797,-74.49463 Baracoa has its very own Malecòn, running from the northern bus station to Fuerte Matachín, though it has none of the fame (or crowds) of Havana's. It does, however, make for a friendly stroll along the Atlantic. Near the middle of the walk, a park and statue commemorate Columbus and the Spanish landing on Cuba. Some casas are along the Malecòn, offering great views onto the sea.

AsientoTainoStatue - smallpx|left A small stone Taino statuette resting among plants|A statuette at Asiento Taino

  • Castillo de Seboruco - Hotel El Castillo | Hill west of Calixto Garcia, near Mariana Grajales 20.347925,-74.498784 - The highest fort in Baracoa, dating to 1739, is now a hotel, but non-guests are free to wander the outdoor (and some indoor) areas and admire the views.
  • Asiento Taino Moncada beyond Hotel El Castillo - 3 CUC A reconstructed Taino burial ground full of statuettes. While the museum is fascinating, one does end up wondering how heavy-handed the reconstruction was. On the way there, watch for the dilapidated old gas station on Moncada – it's an impressive sight.
  • Hotel La Rusa 161 Máximo Gomex 20.348336,-74.495112 - More a historical oddity than a great place to spend the night, this hotel along the malecón was run by a Russian woman who escaped to Cuba from the Russian Revolution – only to become one of Castro's closer confidantes.
  • Fuerte Matachín Corner of José Martí and Malecón 20.342095,-74.491841 $1 At the southern end of the Malecòn this former Spanish fort now serves as the city's municipal museum. It's quite informative, but most exhibits are in Spanish.
  • Veteran's Center 216 José Martí - free A tiny museum that has some photographs and other articles from the revolution and, perhaps more interestingly and the conflict in Angola. Will kill 15 minutes.

Further afield

  • Cucurucho Factory (Fábrica de Cucuruchu) , 500 m beyond the Fábrica de Chocolates, 3.8 kilometers north on the primary street - Yes there's a factory that makes them! It's located on the outskirts of town (ask a bici-taxi driver to take you there) and is a good place to buy the conical coconut confection, at least when it's open.
  • Finca Duaba 20.362694,-74.538556 4.3 kilometers north of Baracoa city on the primary street, take the small road east for about 700 m (keep right) - A place to learn about the cacao plantation, production and history in Cuba. A few 100 m further there is a river where you can take a dip.

Muslim Travel Tips

Relax around the town, share a bottle of and koola cola with local residents at the nightclub 100 steps above the town. The Casa de la Trova by the church offers itself as a comfortable and welcoming drinking establishment where you can dance with the local residents. Popular for any blossoming salsa lovers.


  • Playa de Miel Just south of Fuerte Matachín 20.340592,-74.489560free A lovely black sand beach within easy walking distance of town.
  • Playa Duaba North of Baracoa off the road to Alejandro de Humboldt 20.3716,-74.5166 free A beach located north of Baracoa (not in walking distance), visited at the end of a tour to Alejandro de Humboldt Park (below) to relax after a day of hiking.
  • Playa Maguana North of Baracoa off the road to Alejandro de Humboldt 20.4679,-74.5858 free A nice secluded beach, visited at the end of a tour to Alejandro de Humboldt Park (below) to relax after a day of hiking. A small restaurant is there too.
  • Playa Blanca 20.350015,-74.465002 South east of Baracoa by bici-taxi - Thit is a white and quiet beach to relax and remain for a while. The road there is a long winding 12 km.


  • Baseball stadium On Playa de Miel 20.339250,-74.487965 - This being Cuba, of course there is a baseball stadium. Baracoa's stadium though, is actually on the beach but already in a bad state.

Natural Attractions

  • El Yunque 20.347028,-74.571667 4.3 kilometers north of Baracoa city on the primary street, take the small road east for about 5 kilometers (keep left) 12 CUC A 575 m high mountain whose name means the anvil in (Spanish), about 30 min by bici-taxi from the centre of town. A return normal taxi is about 15 CUC. You must pay to enter the national park, but the views from the peak are fantastic and well worth the 1-2 hours hike.
  • Cascada (Waterfall) , On the way to El Yunque - 8 CUC A nice waterfall to take a swim.
  • Alejandro de Humbold National Park (Parque Nacional Alejandro de Humboldt) 20.510462,-74.671637 Unmatched in the Caribbean for sheer biodiversity, this fascinating park can be the highlight of any visit to Baracoa. The park features the world's smallest frog and the endemic polymita snail and a surprising amount of rural agriculture. Talk to Cubatur at Parque Independencia for a group tour; it's also feasible to visit independently and hire a guard at the gate, but thit is more expensive and not particularly recommended. The road to the park is not so much a road with potholes, but potholes with bits of road and you'll feel the bus swerving in all directions to dodge them. Most tours also take in Playa Duaba, above.
  • Yumuri 20.3008083,-74.2968252 - Venture just outside the city on a bici-taxi to see the mighty Yumuri river, which runs through several of the surrounding communities. Boat trips will take you up the valley of the river for a few hours round-trip. Also tours are available from Baracoa, which will additionally take you cocoa plantations and other local areas.

Shopping in Baracoa

Contrary to what you might expect for such an isolated city, Baracoa isn't any more expensive than anywhere else in Cuba, partly because the Cuban tourism market is so tightly-controlled. Costs in Baracoa run the gamut depending on whether you frequent peso or CUC places.

In general, as one goes east in Cuba, how much people care whether you give them CUC or moneda nacional decreases and thit is most so in Baracoa, with virtually all non-tourist goods (such as trips to the national park) being payable in either currency.

  • Cadeca 20.345181,-74.494652 corner of José Martí and Roberto Reyes - The place to change your money into CUC, or your CUC into CUP.

Baracoa is a good place to buy indigenous-styled art, although it's not cheap. Small wooden capsules sold here with cocoa-butter make for a nice souvenir/gift - but some of them smell better than others.

Halal Restaurants & Food in Baracoa

CacaoPodInside - smallpx A yellow, oval, ribbed pod split in half to reveal semicircular seeds covered in white slime|The inside of a cacao pod prior to undergoing the many steps necessary to become Chocolates. A common sight in Baracoa

Travelers weary of the repetitive (and frankly somewhat boring) food found elsewhere in Cuba can breath a sigh of relief when they reach Baracoa—and then dig straight into the small city's delicious regional dishes.

The local peanut butter bars are a good Snacks. The peso Pizzas is a good treat too.

In general, aside from Chocolates, government-run restaurants don't serve local cuisine.

Regional specialties

Baracoa has been known as the land of Chocolates and coconut and most of the local cuisine is based around these two ingredients. Near the midpoint of La Farola and the Viazul bus makes a stop at a tiny tourist-oriented village, where you can buy red bananas, Baracoa Chocolates and cucurucho.

  • Baracoa Chocolates , You'll find people selling it everywhere, but the best place to look is around Parque Independencia, where you may be able to find someone selling them in packs of 25-30. - It is sold in tiny 6-piece bars at 5 per CUC. You will also find people selling balls of Chocolates - these are unsweetened, which would normally make them totally unpalatable, but Baracoa Chocolates is quite mild (though it's definitely not to everyone's taste). Be sure to buy plenty, as its cheaper here and absolutely amazing.
  • Plain Coconut 20.339451,-74.486490 Along Playa de Miel beyond the stadium 0.50 CUC - Drink a fresh and delicious coconut and afterwards eat the jelly-like pulp inside. Make sure to demand it without added lemon, otherwise the coconut taste is spoiled.

In addition, coconut manifests itself in two local specialties.

  • Coconut milk Sauce - The first oddly resembles (Thai) Curries while remaining completely different (quite a change from the usual bland Cuban diet!) and is served with fish and seafood. The best way to try it is to specifically ask your casa owner to prepare it, or go to some of the paladares that specialize in local food.
  • Cucurucho , 1 CUC each - The other speciality is a conical concoction of shredded coconut, sugar (and lots of it), orange peels, guava and whatever else the maker felt like putting in–no two are alike! Cucuruchos are wrapped in palm leaves with a handy lid. They are quite sweet, sweeter perhaps than the typical North American palate allows for.

Be sure to check out Baracoan drinking Chocolates – hot Chocolates brewed with cinnamon leaves.It's delicious, though the powdered milk limits its potential somewhat.

You'll of course find the usual assortment of peso and CUC sodas and alcohol in bars all around Baracoa.

  • Casa de la Trova 20.347545,-74.496370 By the church - It offers itself as a comfortable and welcoming drinking establishment where you can dance with the local residents. Popular for any blossoming salsa lovers.
  • Local Cafe 20.348691,-74.497902 At the northern end of the boulevard - This local bar offer affordable drinks and often good authentic music. Give a tip to the musicians or buy their CD.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Baracoa

Baracoa - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Baracoa, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Baracoa. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Baracoa and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Baracoa. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Baracoa. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Baracoa: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Baracoa.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Baracoa: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Baracoa, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Baracoa.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Baracoa, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Baracoa, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Baracoa and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Baracoa, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Baracoa, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Baracoa without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Baracoa is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Baracoa.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Baracoa is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Baracoa, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Baracoa Media:

Ramadan Celebrations in Baracoa

Ramadan 2025 in Baracoa

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

Muslim Friendly Hotels

As elsewhere in Cuba, casas particulares, available for around 15-20 CUC per day will most likely be your cheapest options. Note that while many casas are small and they tend to operate in informal (and not entirely legal) family networks, so if the main casa is full, you will stay at a family member's.

Be prepared for the onslaught of hoteliers and taxi drivers as you arrive at the bus terminal. Watch out for the people claiming to be hotel owners, offering you a very affordable rate because this may change when you arrive at the hotel, meet the real owner and get given the real room rates. The game is that by this time you cannot be bothered to go and look for another hotel because it is just too hot. Instead just walk the short distance from the bus terminal into the city and check out 2 or 3 casas for yourself.

Casas particulares

  • Casa Alejandro y Susana 1ro de abril Street, number 55 20.34870,-74.50134 In front of La Pesca ☎ +53 53956044 +53 21641091 Check-in : Flexible / Check-out: 15:00 25 CUC Has terrace, garden, roundabout, yard and garage. Both rooms have air conditioning, hot shower, a double bed and a personal, as well as large glass windows allowing good and natural ventilation and lighting. Laundry services are provided, in addition to typical meals, Vegetarian recipes, breakfast and cocktails with negotiable prices. The owners are lawyers. In the house you will find security, privacy and comfort.
  • Yodanka - ☎ +53 53553587 15 CUC Fantastic casa in a quiet side street, opposite end of the Malecon from the bus station. It doesn't have a name but it is the road after Juracion, on the right, as you are leaving town. The casa is about 200 meters away from the beach on the right hand side. Rooms are large with a double bed and ensuite bathroom. You also get a shaded patio and a staircase to another patio in the sun. The owners speak Spanish only.
  • Clara Silot y Victor | Libertad No. 28-A - ☎ +53 21-643662 An alright room, with a great elderly couple, which actually adopted us while we're been there. Because of them, Baracoa was even more wonderful! It's about 8 minutes walk from the center.
  • Casa Colonial Gustavo y Yalina - Flor Crombet | 125 Flor Crombet - ☎ +53 21-64-25-36 An elegant colonial house that dates to the 19th century, this casa features Baracoan drinking Chocolates and local specialties for dinner.
  • Nelsy Borges Teran 171 Antonio Maceo - If trying Baracoa's local dishes is your priority, this should be the casa you stay in, as it is considered to have very good food.


  • Hotel La Rusa | 161 Máximo Gomez 20.348336,-74.495112 Check-in : 16:00 / Check-out: noon 18-30 CUC A notable historica landmark, this bright yellow hotel is opposite the Malecon (sea wall) in the centre of town. Famous figures like Che Guevara and Fidel Castro have stayed in the hotel. The rooms are basic with air conditioning, television and hot water. If you want some history and great views - ask for room 302. It's the room Che stayed in during his visit to open the local Chocolates factory and is marked by a commemorative plaque and cliche furnishings. Conditions have degraded since Hurricane Ike in 2008 and haven't improved much since.

ElCastilloBaracoa - mediumpx A path along a wall with turrets. Palm trees and small tropical plants grow nearby.|At Hotel el Castillo, you can pretend to be a conquistador

  • Hotel El Castillo Hill west of Calixto Garcia, near Mariana Grajales 20.347925,-74.498784 64 CUC Converted from Castillo El Seboruco, this elegant hotel allows you to feel like a conquistador – and has an amazing view over the town (though you don't have to stay here to see it).

Cope in Baracoa

Being a tiny isolated tourist town in a largely isolated country, Baracoa doesn't have lots of communication with the outside world, though it does have an Etecsa office just off Parque Independencia.

The local newspaper is Venceremos ("We will conquer"), as in the rest of Guantanamo province.

  • Etecsa Antonio Maceo on Parque Independencia 20.347804,-74.497107 2 CUC per hour (internet) As Baracoa is a tourist town, Cuba's telecommunications and internet company has an office here with surprisingly fast internet terminals. Thit is the only place to (legally) access the internet in Baracoa.

News & References Baracoa

Go Next

There isn't much to do in the surrounding towns and as most visitors come in by bus via La Farola and they leave exactly the way they came, towards Guantanamo City and Santiago de Cuba|Santiago, or alternatively take a flight to Havana.

If you're determined to leave a different way than they came and have your own very good wheels (or a taxi's) and a sense of adventure and there's actually two other possibilities for leaving Baracoa.

  • Punta de Maisi 62 kilometers east of 20.347804,-74.497107 A taxi driver can take you there - Roughly 62 kilometers east of Baracoa lies Punta de Maisi, Cuba's easternmost point, from which you can see Haiti on a clear day.Bargain with a taxi driver (and you're going to want to have a car, not a bici-taxi), but be aware that the road is rough and the trip will likely take longer than the distance suggests. From here another road theoretically connects to the same coastal highway that splits from La Farola in Cajobabo.
  • Moa 20.658090,-74.942332 Take the unpaved road towards Parque Nacional Alejandro de Humboldt and past the park. The road is a potholed mess (you'll find your bus (or vehicle or taxi) swinging back and forth to dodge them all, maybe occasionally leaving the road) and after the park it's even worse. - This industrial town in the Holguin (province) | Holguín province with likely no tourist lodgings but an Islazul hotel (32-46 CUC) is quite depressing, but venturing further will take you to some of the attractions of Northern Holguín Province, including Banes, birthplace of Fulgencio Batista, Birán, birthplace of Fidel Castro (the two are shockingly close) and Parque Nacional Cayo Saetia. There is at least a daily bus between Moa and Baracoa. Along the way you will pass dirty nickel mines on red colored roads, a landscape most tourist officials probably don't want you to see.

As of December 2017 and the road from Baracoa to Moa can be done in 1h 30 min. The road is unpaved, but accessible.

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