Beijing/Central Dongcheng

From Halal Explorer

Forbidden City panorama from Gate of Supreme Harmony wikivoyage banner.jpg

Dongcheng District (东城区 Dōngchéng Qū) is in Beijing. It means "east city" and appropriately enough covers the eastern half of the old, imperial city. Most visitors to the city will come here to visit both Tiananmen Plaza and the Forbidden City and the former imperial palace. It also has other features of old and new China that are major tourist draws, such as the city's ancient hutong and temples to modern shopping areas like Wangfujing Street.

Halal Travel Guide covers central Dongcheng, including Tiananmen Plaza and Wangfujing Street among other sites.

Beijing/Central Dongcheng Halal Travel Guide

Dongcheng is, for practical purposes and the center of Beijing. It is, as its name suggests, largely coterminous with the northeastern quadrant of the area inside the Second Ring Road, although some of its modern boundaries spill past that, reaching past even the Third Ring Road at the neighborhood's northern extreme. It includes all of Tiananmen Plaza and the Forbidden City, amid a mix of neighborhoods historic and modern.

Neighboring Beijing/Xicheng|Xicheng may have most of China's major government offices, Beijing/Haidian|Haidian the universities and Beijing/Chaoyang|Chaoyang its corporate headquarters and commercial property. But Dongcheng is undeniably the city's cultural center, with attractions including more than a quarter of the city's national-level major cultural and historical sites, particularly some of its best-known temples. They are well-complemented by museums, galleries and theaters, shopping and dining. If you aren't staying there, your visit to Beijing will definitely be taking you to Dongcheng, probably more than once.


The biggest draw in Dongcheng is Tiananmen Plaza and the center of modern China's public life and the Forbidden City to its north. The latter and the ancient imperial palace, dates to 1420. But even before then, settlement had begun in what is today's Dongcheng.

During the Liao dynasty, in the 10th century and the first small hamlets were established on the northeast of the wall protecting what was at that time the city, not just the imperial residence. Two centuries later and the Jin dynasty built the outer wall (along what is now the Second Ring Road) and incorporated the settlements into the city proper. By the time the Ming dynasty's emperor Zhongle built today's Forbidden City, Dongcheng had 15 lanes and the beginnings of today's hutongs.

As the Ming dynasty gave way to the Qing, China's last, in the 17th century, Dongcheng continued to thrive. Imperial officials who were not of high enough station to live in the Forbidden City and merchants who sold to the court, built elaborate siheyuan, or courtyard houses, for themselves. Closer to the walls were the palace's food stores, which lent their names to many of the streets in that area. Eventually four divisions of the imperial army were stationed there as well.

Near the United States Legation looking north-west from Fort Myer on the Tartar Wall, Peking, China., ca. 1900 - NARA - 519407.tif|Dongcheng in 1900, after the Boxer Rebellion

By the end of the 19th century, Dongcheng becsme a combat zone, when anti-Western nationalists besieged foreign diplomats and Chinese Christians in the Legation Quarter for two months during the Boxer Rebellion. After an 8-nation allied force sent from Tianjin relieved the legations and the foreign forces engaged in widespread looting of cultural treasures from neighborhoods already severely damaged by the Boxers. This humiliating experience led to the fall of the Qing dynasty 11 years later and the establishment of the Republic of China.

What is today Dongcheng was opened to the public for the first time with the passing of imperial rule. It became an even more desirable place to live, with more of the affluent settling there. On May 4, 1919 a large protest march took place in Dongcheng, against Japan's "Twenty-One Demands" on China growing out of the Treaty of Versailles and the Chinese government's weak response. The "May 4 Movement" not only lent its name to Wusi (literally "5/4") Street, where the former university building stands, it also exerted a strong influence on all leftists and nationalists in China, including the Party of China (CPC) which was founded a few years later. Mao Zedong led that party to victory in civil war 30 years later, establishing the People's Republic of China (PRC).

In power, Mao reshaped the neighborhood. He finally knocked down the city walls, save for fragments such as the Ancient Observatory. He had the plaza just south of the Forbidden City expanded into today's Tiananmen Plaza and the better to review large assemblies of troops and political rallies. In 1958 two previous neighborhoods were merged and renamed Dongcheng and the first time the name was used. The next year two of the Ten Great Buildings celebrating the 10th anniversary of the PRC and the National Museum of China and the city's main train station, were built in the neighborhood.

Dongcheng, also home to the nation's premier acting school and its most prestigious theater companies, would continue to be one of the main stages on which China's national drama played out. Mao addressed huge rallies of the Red Guards in Tiananmen Plaza during the Cultural Revolution and likewise the 1975 protests there following the death of Zhou Enlai heralded the end of that difficult period. Fourteen years later and the massive pro-democracy protests and their brutal suppression, symbolized by the iconic photograph of an unidentified protester facing down a column of tanks in front of the Beijing Grand Hotel, inaugurated the nation's current epoch of "socialism with Chinese characteristics." In the years since and the economic growth unleashed by those reforms has led to protracted struggles by historic preservationists trying to save Dongcheng's remaining hutongs from demolition for urban renewal projects generally benefiting wealthy developers and their patrons in government.

That brings us to today. Your sojourn in Dongcheng will likely give you a look at both the old and new Chinas. By day you may well walk Tiananmen Plaza and the Forbidden City and other examples of classical Chinese architecture, or take in the National Museum's impressive exhibit on the nation's ancient history, while evening may find you shopping and dining at either the modern Wangfuxing pedestrian mall or the funky alleyways and bars of Nanluogoxiang or Guijie. Take your pick—it's a giant oyster with some of China's brightest pearls.

Dongcheng District is considered as a large region in Beijing. The main precincts you are likely to visit are:


Wangfujing is a prestigious place in Beijing and features many famous shopping complexes and department stores that dominate the cityscape. It's considered the modern heart of the capital, having been developed on grand scale to be more inviting and attractive.


Tiananmen is considered the centre of major events of Chinese modern history. This place is well known for Tiananmen Plaza and the Forbidden City, National Centre of Performing Arts and the iconic portrait of Chairman Mao, China National Museum and many other famous magnificent buildings and monuments. The gate was the first main gate into the Imperial City and is the only one of the four gates that survives.

Travel to Beijing/Central Dongcheng

For general useful information about public transportation in Beijing, see Beijing#Get around|here - 39.9118|116.4084|width=450|height=400}}


Central Dongcheng is very well served by subway. Line 2 and the loop line, runs along its north and east edges. Line 1 bisects the neighborhood from east to west, serving Tiananmen Plaza and other stops along Chang'an Avenue. Line 6, running east-west, forms the northern boundary of the area. Line 5 is the only north-south line crossing the neighborhood, in its eastern section. All of central Dongcheng is within walking distance of one or more of these lines.

Most of the city's bus routes with numbers under 300 pass through Dongcheng at some point along their routes. Many other higher-numbered routes may start or end in the neighborhood as well. Beijing's taxi drivers know the neighborhood and its destinations well; however consider the advice Beijing#By taxi|here first.

If coming by private vehicle, several of the Beijing-area expressways terminate near Dongcheng. The S12 Airport Expressway connects to the Second Ring Road as the G101 at the neighborhood's northeast corner; it is a toll road from the Third Ring Road out to the airport. The S11 portion of the G45 expressway spills onto the Third Ring Road a short distance to the north. And from the end of the G6 expressway at the Third Ring Road and the G110 can be followed to the Second Ring Road at Deshengmen and then down Gulou Road West to the Drum and Bell Towers.

Get Around in Beijing/Central Dongcheng

If you're up for the exercise and the air quality is good or moderate and you're really willing to see Beijing at street level, consider walking around between subway stops and Dongcheng's many attractions. The terrain is mostly level and the neighborhood has many different pedestrian experiences—from the wide sidewalks and overpasses of major arteries like Dongsi, to the more intimate narrow hutongs and foot-only spaces like Wangfujing and Tiananmen Plaza. The things you see along the neighborhood's streets might well turn out to be the sights that make your visit truly memorable.

Beijingbicylists - Bicyclists cluster in Dongcheng's increasing crowded streets

For wheeled open-air short-distance options and there are bicycles and rickshaw-style cabs on motorbikes. See Beijing#By bicycle|here for general information about getting around by the former method—due to China's rapid economic growth and the city is not as bike-friendly as it once was. In Dongcheng you can make your bicycling easier and safer by utilizing the hutongs and bike lanes on major roads to get between points. In the latter, remember to keep an eye out for minibikes coming up from behind and sudden pedestrian jaywalks.

As for the rickshaws, who aggressively solicit the business of any foreigner they see walking anywhere beyond the main tourist areas, remember that you must bargaining|negotiate the fare beforehand if you are to have any chance to Beijing#Avoiding scams and fakes|avoid a scam. It helps considerably as well if you know some Mandarin and are familiar with the area your route will be taking you through.

What to See

Great Hall of the People and Monument to the People's Heros, Tiananmen Plaza - The Great Hall of the People and the Monument to the People's Heroes on Tiananmen Plaza

The Forbidden City is administratively in Dongcheng, but due to its complexity and quantity of sights, it has its own article

Tiananmen Plaza (天安门广场; Tiānānménguǎngchǎng) is the largest square in the world. Built by Mao to impress and the square is surrounded by Soviet-style monuments and government buildings. It remains an astounding place and a spot to linger and see visitors from all over China, many visiting their capital for the first time. There is a flag raising and lowering ceremony at dawn and dusk at the north end of the square. There are four marble lions in front of the Tiananmen gate and the northwest one has a bullet hole on its stomach from the 1989 Tianamen Plaza massacre (the lions are enclosed by fences, so thit is imfeasible to see up close).

The square is best reached by subway. Tiananmen East and Tiananmen West, both on line 1, are at the northern end of the square. Qianmen station on line 2 is at the southern end (use exit A).

Due to traffic restrictions, taxis cannot stop on the square, so if you come by taxi and the driver will have to let you out on a nearby side street. It is also necessary to pass through a security check before you go on the square itself or into the Forbidden City.

  • Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 39.901025,116.39158055556 At the south end, opposite the entrance to the Forbidden City

| hours Tuesday - Sunday 8AM Monday - noon (but it is sometimes closed without notice) Free Mausoleum of Mao Zedong Mausolée de Mao 54819 The body of the founder of the People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong, has been preserved (against his own wishes) and is on display in here. Expect huge, but moving, queues. No bags, cameras or water bottles are allowed inside and must be dropped off (for a fee) at the bag-check building across the road to the east (mobile phones are permitted). Flowers can be purchased to lay at the feet of Mao's statue inside (although they are collected and resold at the end of the day) as well as leaflets for ¥2. There is disagreement among the local residents as to whether the body is real or fake waxwork so make up your own mind. Mao souvenirs can be purchased at the exit.

  • Monument to the People's Heroes 39.903055555556,116.39166666667 in the center of the square - Monument to the People's Heroes MonumentPeoplepic2 - A cenotaph with round-the-clock honor guard commemorating the PRC's veterans and war dead. Illuminated at night. Usually blocked off unless there is an important ceremony or visitors, but even then only those participating can go to the base of the cenotaph. However, you can get close enough to take pictures.
  • Tian'anmen Gate - 天安门; Gate of Heavenly Peace | 39.907333333333,116.39108333333 Opposite North end of square ¥25 Tiananmen =天安门夜景 Tian'anmen Gate and its large portrait of Chairman Mao, dominates the northern end of the square. This was originally the main gate into the Imperial City and is the only one of the four gates that still survives. Pass beneath the gate to head north toward the Forbidden City. It costs nothing to pass through, but on the far side there is a ticket booth where you can pay admission to visit the gate. Although visiting the gate allows a good view over Tian'anmen Plaza, do not be fooled into thinking you are buying tickets to the Forbidden City; they are separate attractions.

ZhongshanPark - Zhongshan Park.

  • Zhongshan Park - 中山公园; Zhōngshāngōngyuán | West side of Tian'anmen (天安门西侧; Tiānānménxīcè) 39.9083,116.388 ☎ +86 10 6605 5431 Opening Hours: Summer 6AM Monday - 9PM, winter 6:30AM Monday - 8PM Adults ¥7, children free Zhongshan Park (Beijing) - Beijing Shejitan 2 Beautifully landscaped park with lots of trees and bamboo. The Beijing/Forbidden City|Forbidden City, covered in a separate article, is entered through this park. Paddle boats for rent on the moat of the Forbidden City. Also an indoor playground for children and bumper cars.
  • Zhengyangmen - Qianmen; 前门; Qiánmén | 39.89796,116.39171 South end of Tian'anmen Plaza ☎ +86 10 6522 9384 Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 4PM ¥10 Built in 1419 as the front gate of the inner city wall. It was only used by the emperor on his way to Tiantan. Now it houses exhibits with photos and models of the old city.


  • Zhihua Temple - 智化寺; Zhìhuàsì; commonly called Temple of Wisdom Attained - 5 Lumicang Hutong (禄米仓胡同5号; Lùmǐcānghútòng) 39.916111111111,116.42583333333 Bus 24 from Dongzhimen or Beijing Railway Station, get off at Lumicang ☎ +86 10 6528 6691 Opening Hours: 6AM Monday - 6PM ¥20 Zhihua Temple - Zhihuasi shanmen - Buddhist temple built in 1443. One of the largest, oldest and best preserved wooden structures in Beijing. Houses the Ancient Music Center, which now and then gives concerts played by monks according to ancient traditions. Also houses the Beijing Cultural Exchange Museum. It has been renovated.

File:北京孔庙孔子雕像 - Statue of Confucius at the temple to him

  • Imperial Ancestral Temple - 太庙; Tàimiào - 39.912402,116.400105 After passing through Tiananmen, turn right before reaching the Forbidden City. - Opening Hours: Winter: 7AM Monday - 5:30PM; summer: 6AM Monday - 7:30PM ¥2, does not include entry into buildings Imperial Ancestral Temple -QQ7866 This was the temple where the emperors and other members of the royal family would pay respect to their ancestors. The buildings are original, though much of the interior, including the ancestral tablets, were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. It has since been repurposed as a museum dedicated to the working class Chinese.


  • Beijing Police Museum - 北京警察博物馆; Běijīng Jǐngchá Bówùguǎn - 36 Dongjiaomin Lane (东交民巷36号; Dōngjiāomín Xiàng) 39.90198,116.404945 1.5 kilometers east of the southern parts of Tian'anmen ☎ +86 10 8522 5018 Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 4PM ¥7 原北京花旗银行 - Large museum on police history.

National Art Museum Of China - National Art Museum of China

  • Imperial City Art Museum - 皇城艺术馆; Huángchéngyìshùguǎn | 9 Changpuheyan (菖蒲河沿9号; Chāngpúhéyàn) 39.90745,116.39918 north side of Changpu River Park, near corner of Nanchizi Jie ☎ +86 10 8511 5104 Opening Hours: 10AM Monday - 5:30PM ¥20 The Imperial City was the Manchu city that surrounded the Forbidden City during the Qing dynasty. The museum's centrepiece is a scale model of the Forbidden & Imperial Cities. There are also displays on lifestyle, costumes, arts & crafts of the Qing imperial city. Occasionally hosts special exhibits that cost extra.

National Museum of China front facade 2014 - National Museum of China

  • National Museum of China - 中国国家博物馆 Zhōngguó Guójiā Bówùguǎn - 16 East Chang'an St, (东长安街16马 Dōngcháng'ānjiē) 39.903333,116.394444 E side of Tienanmen Plaza ☎ +86 10 6511-6400 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9AM Monday - 5PM Free; foreign visitors must show their passport National Museum of China SV102112 74318 A huge museum containing the ancient and recent history of the Chinese nation. Modern history exhibit focuses on the successes of the Party (and obviously not the negatives). Most exhibits have short English explanations.


  • CourtYard Gallery - 四合苑画廊; Sìhéyuànhuàláng - 53 Donganmen Dajie (东安门大街53号; Dōngānméndàjiē) 39.91347,116.39626 ☎ +86 10 6526 8882 +86 10 6526 8880 Opening from Monday to Saturday 11AM Monday - 7PM; Sunday noon-7PM Free Founded in 1996. Exhibits emerging and mid-career artists working in a wide range of media.
  • Wan Fung Art Gallery 136 Nanchizi Jie 39.90868,116.39714 150 m North of E Chang'an Ave. Take Exit B from Tian'anmen East station +86 10 6523 3320 Free Worth a peek if you're in the area. Housed in a side building in the courtyard of the Imperial Archives, which you can't go in, but is quite impressive. The courtyard itself is a quiet corner in an otherwise crowded area of the city.


  • Legation Quarter 39.90305556,116.40166667 E of Tiananmen Plaza Beijing Legation Quarter The Legation Street, Peking The legation quarter was once, as its name suggests, home to Beijing's many foreign diplomatic missions. During the 1900 Boxer Rebellion and the diplomats and Chinese Christians who sought their protection held out here until a 55-day siege was broken by foreign forces coming over the city walls. The embassies have since moved to larger quarters elsewhere, but the buildings remain. Now occupied by various Chinese government agencies and the military and they are a impeccably maintained collection of vintage buildings in European architectural styles popular in the late 19th century.

Front elevation, 81 Chaonei, Beijing - Chaonei No. 81

  • Ancient Observatory - 古欢象台; Gǔhuānxiàngtái | 2 Dongbiaobei Hutong (东裱褙胡同2号; Dōngbiǎobèihútòng) 39.90620,116.42859 Southwest corner of Jianguomen Bridge, close to Beijing Railway Station. Subway line 1 or 2 to Jianguomen station ☎ +86 10 6524 2202 Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 5PM (tickets must be bought by 4:30) ¥20 The observatory, built in 1442, has been open to the public since 1983. Ancient star maps and instruments to watch stars can be seen here. Displays on the history of Chinese astronomy and several large astronomical instruments set on top of an old watchtower of the city walls.
  • Chaonei No. 81 - No. 81 | 81 Chaoyangmen Inner St, 朝阳门街道内81号 39.92332,116.42325 50 m West of Douban Hutong on North side of street; bear left after crossing overpass from Chaoyangmen subway station Exit H - Opening Hours: all day or night Free This abandoned, overgrown Baroque Revival complex, dating to the early 20th century, has acquired an international reputation as the best-known haunted house in China. According to residents of the nearby hutongs, even the Red Guards moved out after a few days, supposedly scared off by the ghost of a Kuomintang officer's mistress who hanged herself when he fled to Taiwan without her. It inspired the 2014 film The House That Never Dies and the highest-grossing Chinese horror film. Although it has long remained unoccupied, it is currently being restored. You may still look at it and take pictures.
  • Changpu River Park - 菖蒲河公园; Chāngpúhé Gōngyuán | 39.90711,116.39735 East of Tian'anmen, parallel to Chang'an Jie Free Narrow strip of landscaped park along a small stream. Begins in the east near the Beijing hotel and runs almost to Tian'anmen Gate.

Top Travel Tips


Capital Theatre Beijing pic 1 - Beijing Capital Theater

  • Capital Theater - 首都剧场; Shǒudūjùchǎng - 22 Wangfujing Street (王府井大街22号; Wángfǔjǐngdàjiē) 39.92017,116.40543 Three blocks south of Dongsi West and Wusi streets intersection; across from Wangfujing Grand Hotel ☎ +86 10 6524 9847 +86 10 6523 3227 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 6PM Price range between ¥60-500 and ¥220-680 Beijing Capital Theatre - Capital Theatre Beijing pic 1 This theater is used by different theater groups, including Beijing People's Art Theater. Performances include both contemporary and classical Chinese plays.
  • Chang'an Grand Theater - 长安大戏院; Chángāndàxìyuàn - 7 Jianguomennei Street (建国门内大街7号; Jiànguóménnèidàjiē) 39.90789,116.41983 At Gongyuan West St., one block West of Jianguomen subway station exit A ☎ +86 10 6510 1309 +86 10 6510 1308 Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 7:30PM Chang'an Grand Theatre - Chang'anGrandTheatre1 Traditional Chinese performances with focus on Beijing Opera. Also has a shop with paintings and folk handicrafts.
  • China Children's Art Theater - 中国儿童剧场; Zhōngguóértóngjùchǎng - 64 Donganmen Street (东安门大街64号; Dōngānméndàjiē) 39.91345,116.40227 Southwest corner of Wangfujing West St. intersection ☎ +86 10 6513 4115 +86 10 6513 4116 中国儿童剧场 建筑 Established in 1956. Stages children's plays.
  • Dongyuan Theater - 东苑戏楼; Dōngyuànxìlóu | Inside the Garden of Changpu River (菖蒲河公园内; Chāngpúhégōngyuánnèi) 39.90783,116.39618 End of Nanwanzi Hutong, off South Chizi St.

Concert hall

  • Goldsail Concert Hall - 金帆音乐厅; Jīnfānyīnyuètīng | 24 Wangfujing Street (24 Wangfujing Street (王府井大街24号; Wángfǔjǐngdàjiē) 39.91969,116.40510 next to Capital Theatre, across from Wangfujing Grand Hotel, three blocks south of Wusi and Dongsi West streets intersection ☎ +86 10 6528 9047 Small concert hall without speakers. Suitable for chamber music also.


  • Hutong Cuisine Cooking School 35 Dengcao Hutong (灯草胡同35号) 39.92038,116.41166 at Southeast corner of Dongsi South Street intersection 200 m South of Dongsi subway stop Exit C ☎ +86 10 4601 4788 Opening Hours: Daily 10:30AM ¥300 per person A few places around Nanluoguxiang now offer Chinese cooking classes. One such place, Hutong Cuisine, is run by an English-speaking chef in a small hutong home. Classes are small. Reservations are necessary. Optional market tours are also conducted before cooking classes commence.
  • New China Children's Store - 新中国儿童用品商店; Xīnzhōngguóértóngyòngpǐnshāngdiàn | 168 Wangfujing Street (王府井大街168号; Wángfǔjǐngdàjiē) 39.91204,116.40554 in pedestrian area on E side, across from Beijing Dept. Store, two blocks South of Dong'anmen St. and Jinyu Hutong intersection ☎ +86 10 6528 1774 Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 10PM ¥20-20 each ride Play center for children where the kids can catch goldfish, play in the gigantic sandpit or other. They also sell all kind of gear for children.

Shopping in Beijing/Central Dongcheng

Wangfujingpic2 - Wangfujing

  • Wangfujing - 王府井大街 Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē | 39.911155555556,116.405275 Subway line 1, Wangfujing station - Wangfujing - Wangfujingpic2 09423 Beijing's most famous shopping street, nowadays with mostly the same international brands and modern malls you will find anywhere else in the world. The street is pedestrianised for several blocks, making it friendly to walk around. Several large malls in the area such as Oriental Plaza (see below) and Sunday Dong An plaza. One useful shop is the Foreign Language Bookstore, at the northern end of the pedestrian area, which has a good selection of guidebooks and maps (although expensive). Wangfujing Snacks street (see also "Eat") in the alleys just to the east has vendors selling souvenirs and crafts. Bargain hard.
  • The Malls at Oriental Plaza - 东方新天地 Dōngfāng Xīn Tiāndì | East of Tian'anmen Plaza, on Wangfujing 39.90809,116.40846 Wangfujing station on line 1 has an exit that leads directly in to the mall at its west end. Dongdan station on lines 1 & 5 is at the east end - At one time this was the largest mall in Asia. Modern shopping mall is expensive but provides you with a lot of buying opportunities from diamonds, to real (affordable) DVD's, (international) music CD's and food. You can find lots of brands in Oriental Plaza, from high-end to low. Besides shopping, you also can eat here, from Western cuisine to traditional Chinese food.

Halal Restaurants & Food in Beijing/Central Dongcheng

  • Poetry Cafe - 诗意栖居旅行咖啡馆 - NO 15 Nanchizi street Dongcheng District Beijing (南池子大街15号故宫东华门旁 39.90818,116.39687 Exit B of TianAnMen East Station, north of NanChiZi Street ☎ +86 10 6525 6505 Opening Hours: 10AM Monday - 10PM A beautiful cafe with soul as its name "Poetry", is operated by a lovely young lady, who enjoys travel and photography, that she gathers a group of 'specialists' in those fields; thus, clients can get tonnes of information about travel and photography. Clients can enjoy a view of the Forbidden City over a perfectly brewed Coffee.
  • Wangfujing Snacks Street - 王府井小吃街; Wángfǔjǐngxiǎochījiē | 39.90978,116.40398 In the alley to the West of the pedestrian zone on Wangfujing Dajie - Many stalls selling Beijing-style Snacks, both sweet and savoury.

NIGHT MARKET FOOD STALLS BEJING CHINA OCT 2012 (8181859492) - Donghuamen Night Market

  • Donghuamen Night Market - 东华门夜市; Dōnghuāmén Yèshì | 39.91403,116.40293 along Dong'anmen Dajie, at the north end of the Wangfujing pedestrian area - Opening Hours: Late afternoon and evening only ¥7-20 per item The place to come for exotic Snacks such as scorpions, starfish and silkworm grubs. You can also buy more typical Snacks like fried noodles, dumplings and Kebab. More expensive than a "real" neighbourhood market, but still reasonably priced.
  • Oriental Dumpling King - 东方饺子王; Dōngfāngjiǎoziwáng | 14 Chaoyangmen Nanxiaojie (朝阳门南小街14号楼; Cháoyángménnánxiǎojiē) 39.91559,116.42078 on east side of street near Lumicang. Bus 24 from Dongzhimen or Beijing Railway Station. No English sign ☎ +86 10 6527 2042 Opening Hours: 10AM Monday - 10PM Cheap and delicious Dongbei (northeast) style dumplings. Thit is a chain, one of several around town. Their location in Harbin is recommended in several guidebooks, but if you're not going there you can get the same dumplings in Beijing. A few dozen different kinds and can be boiled or fried. As with many dumpling places, order by weight: An order is two liang (èr liǎng) which is 100g, about 10-12 dumplings.

Chinese food

  • Donglaishun - 东来顺; Dōngláishùn - Opening Hours: Daily 11AM Monday - 2PM and 5PM Monday - 9PM This king of Beijing hotpot has been around since the 19th century. Founded by the Hui (ethnic Muslims), Donglaishun serves cuts of top-quality lamb and beef. Also serves cooked-by-chef dishes, including traditional Beijing sweets.
  • Wangfujing branch 198 Wangfujing Dajie (东城区王府井大街198号) 39.90994,116.40537 opposite Wangfujing Snacks Street ☎ +86 10 6513-9661 Subway: Line 1 to Wangfujing
  • Yuxin Sichuan Restaurant - 渝信川菜; Yúxìn Chuāncài - Opening 10AM Monday - 10PM, Saturday Sunday 11AM Monday - 10PM ¥70-50 per person One of the contenders in the ongoing competition for Beijing's best Sichuanese, Yuxin delivers on authenticity, flavor and service. It's always busy and always good.

7 Jiangguomen Nei Dajie 39.90800,116.42414 in Bright China Chang'an Bldg at Gongyuan West St, near Chang'an Theater

(长安大剧院,建国门内大街7号 Chángān Dàjùyuàn, Jiànguómén Nèidàjiē Qī hào). (Take the subway Lines 1 or 2 to Jianguomen, take Exit A and walk west). Try their location in the Chang'an Grand Theatre for a calmer setting decorated in a traditional style, with alcoves divided by bamboo screens.

Chinese food

  • Dadong Duck Restaurant - 大董烤鸭店 Dàdŏng Kăoyā Diàn - Three locations in Dongcheng neighborhood - Opening Hours: Daily 11AM Monday - 10PM sea cucumber ¥200-600, lobster from ¥200, +10% service charge Considered by some to be the best Peking duck in the city, this upscale restaurant also delivers on a nice atmosphere. Reservations suggested. full/half Peking duck is ¥240/120 with extra ¥8 for condiments. Meal is served with free hot water, small soup, light fruits and black sesame for dessert.
  • Earl Cafe - 伯爵酒吧; Bójuéjiǔbā | 1 Dongdan North Street (东单北大街1号; Dōngdānběidàjiē) 39.91356,116.41092 at back of building, Southwest corner of Jinyu Hutong intersection; 1 block South of Dengshikou station, next to Peninsula Hotel ☎ +86 10 8511 6646 Opening Hours: 7PM Monday - 2AM Cheap Very basic bar with local DJs.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Beijing/Central Dongcheng

Beijing/Central Dongcheng - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Beijing/Central Dongcheng, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Beijing/Central Dongcheng. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Beijing/Central Dongcheng and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Beijing/Central Dongcheng. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Beijing/Central Dongcheng. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Beijing/Central Dongcheng: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Beijing/Central Dongcheng.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Beijing/Central Dongcheng: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Beijing/Central Dongcheng, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Beijing/Central Dongcheng.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Beijing/Central Dongcheng, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Beijing/Central Dongcheng, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Beijing/Central Dongcheng and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Beijing/Central Dongcheng, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Beijing/Central Dongcheng, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Beijing/Central Dongcheng without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Beijing/Central Dongcheng is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Beijing/Central Dongcheng.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Beijing/Central Dongcheng is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Beijing/Central Dongcheng, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Beijing/Central Dongcheng Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Beijing/Central Dongcheng

eHalal Group Beijing/Central Dongcheng is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Beijing/Central Dongcheng. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Beijing/Central Dongcheng.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Beijing/Central Dongcheng ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Beijing/Central Dongcheng. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Beijing/Central Dongcheng, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Beijing/Central Dongcheng are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Ramadan Celebrations in Beijing/Central Dongcheng

Ramadan 2025 in Beijing/Central Dongcheng

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Beijing City Central Youth Hostel 1-5 Beijing Station West St. (北京站西街1-5号; Běijīngzhàn xījiē 39.90409,116.42015 at the junction of Beijingzhanjie and Beijingzhan Xijie +86 10 8511 5050 Dorms ¥60 (4-8 beds), doubles with shared bathrooms ¥260 The largest hostel in Beijing, with central air conditioning and individual controls in each of the 200 rooms. It offers a computer/internet room, billiards, and karaoke. On the 1st and 2nd levels are a 24-hour supermarket with selected Halal food, breakfast bar, coffee lounge, ATM, phones for international dialing, express film processing, a mobile phone shop and post office. The rooms on the 3rd to 6th floors include ensuites, doubles, singles and four- and eight-bunk dormitories.
  • Beijing Saga International Youth Hostel - 北京实佳国际青年旅舍; Běijīng Shíjiā Guójìqīngniánlǚshè - 9 Shijia Hutong, Nanxiao Street (南小街史家胡同9号; Nánxiǎojiē Shǐjiāhútòng) 39.91709,116.41911 From the station, follow the road north past the Beijing International Hotel, after about a ten minutes walk look for the hostel sign with an arrow pointing down one of the hutongs on the left side ☎ +86 10 65272773, +86 10 65249098 Dorms ¥60-50, doubles ¥260, triples ¥280 Very popular with backpackers. There's a restaurant on the top floor. The staff speak some English.
  • Eastern Morning Youth Hostel Dongdan Santiao, behind the Oriental Plaza 39.90904,116.41078 in the basement of the Oriental Plaza complex next to Wangfujing Pedestrian Street ☎ +86 10 65284347 Private rooms cost about ¥90 per day—book in advance A great budget option if price is your primary concern. The staff do not speak much English but are friendly. Internet access is available at ¥20 per hour. It is a 5-minutes walk to the Dongdan or Wangfujing subway stations and about a 15-minutes walk to the International Hotel airport shuttle stop.
  • Purple Courtyard no.24 Shajing Hutong, NanLuoGuXiang, Dongcheng - +86 10 64052375 before noon Price example, ¥608 for a triple room Wonderful location in a hutong, surrounded by a mass of eateries and a couple of mini-markets. Five-minutes walk to buses and Shichahai metro, 10-minutes walk to Nanluoguxiang metro. Bustling area but a five-minutes walk from a complex of lakes. Friendly English-speaking staff who are always available to help. TV in Chinese, free Wi-Fi, private facilities, A/C and use of fridge freezer, which is important in the Beijing heat & humidity.
  • Wangfujing Dawan Hotel - 北京王府井大万酒店; Běijīngwángfǔjǐngdàwànjiǔdiàn - f73@ 2 Ganyu Hutong, Dongdan Bei Street (东单北大街甘雨胡同甲2号; Dōngdānběidàjiēgānyǔhútòng) 39.91580,116.41122 50 m west of Denshikou Metro Station (line 5) ☎ +86 10 8511 4543 +86 10 8511 4537 Listed rates for doubles from ¥238, discounted from ¥237; breakfast ¥25 Rooms with free Internet, television, a/c and fridge. Business center and bath center including sauna available. Chinese restaurant. The rooms are alright and the bathrooms not too bright or clean and the service level fluctuates, but the low price and great location make up for it.

A number of mid-range hotels are located east of the Dongzhimen subway station. From the subway stop, walk around 800 m east to the next big intersection. On the southeast corner is another Home Inn location (see listing above). On the northern side of the street (not on the primary street, but in the residential compound behind), half a dozen large hotels can be found. A double costs ¥250-250 a night depending on the season. It's worth haggling and comparing with the other hotels around before you book. Although the hotels are conveniently near a ring road and the subway also provides a convenient and quick access to the town center. Right next to the subway station there is a McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant), and—more interestingly—a large shopping center (Ginza Mall) with a food court hidden in the lowest floor.

  • Beijing Fuhao Hotel - 北京富豪酒店; Běijīngfùháojiǔdiàn - 45 Wangfujing Avenue (王府井大街45号; Wáng fǔ jǐngdà jiē) 39.92047,116.40415 2 blocks South of Wusi and Dongsi West Streets intersection ☎ +86 10 6523 1188 Rates for doubles on official website from ¥764.47 The hotel offers 104 air-conditioned rooms with Minibar with alcohol removed, cable TV, free internet and fridge. Among its facilities are Lao Chongqing Hot-pot City Restaurant, Wangfujing Roast Duck Restaurant, a sauna club and a night club/KTV.
  • Beijing Golden Palace Silver Street - 北京金府银街大酒店; Běijīngjīnfǔyínjiēdàjiǔdiàn | 31 Ganyu Hutong, Wangfujing Street (王府井大街甘雨胡同31号; Wángfǔjǐngdàjiē Gānyǔhútòng 39.91573,116.40979 200 m west of Dengshikou Metro Station (line 5) ☎ +86 10 8511 0388 +86 10 6528 1028 Listed rates for doubles without window from ¥788, discounted from ¥272, rooms with window somewhat more expensive; Western breakfast ¥20 Rooms with internet access against extra charge as well as aircon, mini and safe. Cheapest rooms and bathrooms are quite small and not too clean. Business center, karaoke, beauty salon, gym and rooftop garden available. Chinese and Western restaurant as well as a coffee shop.
  • Beijing Harmony Hotel - 华美伦酒店; Huáměilún Jiǔdiàn | 59 Suzhou Hutong, Youtong Street 39.90457,116.41816 1 block North of the Beijing Railway Station ☎ +86 10 65285566 ¥688 International 3-star hotel with only 3 minutes walk to the Beijing Railway Station and Dongdan Shopping street. Convenient location for tourists.
  • Dongjiao Minxiang Hotel - 北京东郊民巷饭店 - 23A Dongjiao Minxiang, 北京东城区东交民巷甲23号 39.90128,116.40147 NE corner of Zhengyi Road intersection, 1 block North of Qianmen E St. ☎ +86 10 6524 3311 Rates start from ¥458 Offers rooms with private toilet and bath with tub, slippers, bathrobe and hair dryer.
  • The Emperor Beijing Forbidden City Hotel - 北京故宫皇家驿栈酒店, Beijing gùgōnghuángjiā yìzhàn jiǔdiàn - 33 Qihelou St. 东城区骑河楼大街33号 39.91859,116.39700 at NE corner of North Chizi Street intersection ☎ +86 10 6526 5566 From ¥600 Boutique hotel in residential neighborhood near Forbidden City. Interestingly designed rooms are named after emperors rather than numbered. Free breakfast from rooftop restaurant with sweeping views over the Forbidden City. Long walk to subway stations.
  • Wancheng Hua Fu International Hotel - 北京万程华府国际酒店 - 53 Donganmen Street, 北京东城区东安门大街53号 39.91434,116.40196 West end of Dinghuamen Night Market +86 10 5120 9588 ¥738 for a single room. Breakfast buffet avaible for ¥20 Rather basic rooms, but clean with nice bathroom and TV (Chinese channels). Some staff had trouble speaking English but all were friendly. Excellent location close to Wangfujing shopping area, 10 min walk to Forbidden City.
  • Jingyuan Courtyard Hotel - Beijing - 北京婧园雅筑宾馆 - 35 Xitangzi Hutong, Wangfujing Street 39.91190,116.40171 off Chenguang Street 1 block South of Dong'anmen and Donghuamen Sts intersection ☎ +86 10 6525 9259 Rates start from ¥619 Rooms are air-conditioned and fitted with a full bath, Minibar with alcohol removed, cable TV and Internet access.
  • Tangyue Hotel - 北京唐悦酒店; Běijīngtángyuèjiǔdiàn - 54 Donghuamen Road (东华门大街54号; Dōnghuàméndàjiē) 39.91361,116.39846 just east of the Forbidden City, 800 m north of Tian'anmen East Station (line 1) ☎ +86 10 6525 2502 +86 10 6525 2591 Listed rates for doubles from ¥780, discounted from ¥207; Western breakfast ¥25 Spacious rooms with free internet, fridge, safe and coffee facilities. Specially designed hotel with business center, beauty salon, ticket office available. Coffee shop with first-class Coffee, and tea house but no restaurant.

Grand Hotel Beijing, Block C - Grand Hotel Beijing Grand Hyatt Beijing 1 - The Grand Hyatt Beijing Peking-019 - Legendale Hotel

  • Beijing Hotel Nuo - 北京饭店; Běijīng fàndiàn - 33 East Chang'an Ave. (东长安街33号, Dōngcháng'ānjiē) 39.907745,116.403987 two blocks E of Tiananmen Plaza ☎ +86 10 6513 7766 From ¥950 Beijing Hotel -Q06949 State-owned (and thus presumably less expensive) near the Forbidden City. There is a stunning view of Tiananmen Plaza from the hotel.
  • Grand Hotel Beijing - 北京贵宾楼饭店; Běijīng Guìbīnlóu Fàndiàn - 35 East Chang'an Street (东长安街35号; Dōngchángānjiē) 39.90743,116.40279 two blocks E of Tiananmen Plaza ☎ +86 10 6513 7788 +86 10 6513 0049 Listed rates for doubles ¥3,450-14,950, discounted rates ¥765-10,500, breakfast ¥184 Five-star hotel in a traditional building in a small street overlooking the Forbidden City. Rooms with free internet except for the cheapest ones. The rooms are 32-66 m² except for the very most expensive, which is more than 100 m². Business center, gift shop, ticket office, fitness, swimmingpool and sauna available. Chinese and Western restaurants as well as coffee shop, and room service.
  • Grand Hyatt Beijing - 北京东方君悦大酒店; Běijīng dōngfāng jūnyuè dàiǔdiàn - 1 East Chang'an Avenue (东长安街1号, Dōngcháng'ānjiē 39.90777778,116.40805556 in the Malls at Oriental Plaza complex; see above ☎ +86 10 8518 1234 ¥2,200/night and up Grand Hyatt Beijing - Grand Hyatt Beijing 1 - Privately-owned, exquisite and expensive five-star hotel. There is an enormous swimming swimmingpool in the basement that is decorated in very tropical manner, but the deepest part is only 1.5 m (5 ft). The jacuzzi and wet sauna are excellent. Great hotel and great location, if you can afford it.
  • Legendale Hotel Beijing - 北京励骏酒店; Běijīng Lìjùn Jiǔdiàn - 90-92 Jinbao Street (金宝街90-92号; Jīnbǎojiē) 39.91379,116.41310 Southeast corner of Dongdan North Street intersection; one block South of Dengshikou Subway station (line 5) ☎ +86 10 8511 3388 +86 10 8511 5566 Listed rates for doubles ¥4,140-7,820, discounted rates ¥1,478-5,797 Peking-019 Five-star hotel located close to Wangfujing. Rooms of 38-71 m² with free Internet. Business center, beauty salon, karaoke, fitness, swimming pool, private massage and sauna available. Chinese and Western restaurants as well as coffee shop and café.
  • The Peninsula Beijing - 北京王府半岛酒店; Běijīng Wángfǔbàndǎo Jiǔdiàn | /Beijing/en/ 8 Jinyu Hutong, Wangfujing (王府井金鱼胡同8号; Wángfǔjǐng Jīnyúhútòng) 39.91375,116.40879 half a block West of Dongdan E St. ☎ +86 10 8516 2888 +86 10 6510 6311 Listed rates for doubles from ¥3,400, discounted from ¥1,500, breakfast ¥299 Five-star hotel with rooms with free internet. The smallest rooms are 31 m². Swimming pool, spa, private massage and lots of shops available. Chinese and Western restaurants as well as a café.
  • Xinhai Jin Jiang Hotel - 鑫海锦江大酒店; Xīnhǎi jǐnjiāng dàjiǔdiàn - 61 Jinbao Street (金宝街61号, Jīnbǎojiē) 39.91459,116.41973 NE corner of Chaoyangmen South Alley intersection ☎ +86 10 5816 3388 ¥758 and up In the bustling commercial neighborhood of Wangfujing, this hotel has 231 elegantly furnished rooms. It has excellent business and leisure facilities which include the sprawling International Conference Center.


News & References

Go Next

It's quite likely that your travels into Dongcheng will take you into the neighboring Beijing/Xicheng|Xicheng, or "west city", neighborhood. There you'll find amidst all the government buildings, ancient treasures like the very popular Beihai Park and modern delights like the egg-shaped National Performing Arts Center. Venturing further out into the city is likely to take you into the sprawling Beijing/Chaoyang|Chaoyang neighborhood to the north and east, a more modern home to many corporate headquarters, foreign embassies and the facilities used for the 2008 Summer Olympics, some of which have been successfully adapted for post-Games use (and others, not).

Two of Beijing's other World Heritage Sites and the Summer Palace and Temple of Heaven, are the major draws for the Beijing/Haidian|Haidian and Beijing/Chongwen|Chongwen neighborhoods respectively, on the northwest and south. Southwest of Dongcheng is the last of the four central neighborhoods, Beijing/Xuanwu|Xuanwu, with temples, masjids and hutong that draw far less tourists than better-known counterparts elsewhere in the city but are equally rewarding. On the south outside the town center is Beijing/Fengtai|Fengtai, home to both Beijing West Railway Station and the Marco Polo Bridge, where World War II, which the accompanying museum of the Sino-Japanese War can tell you about, really began.Copyright 2015 - 2024. All Rights reserved by eHalal Group Co., Ltd.
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