Black Rock City

From Halal Explorer

Bliss dance at Burning man 2010 banner.jpg

Burning Man aerial - An aerial view of the tent city during the Burning Man festival in 2011 Burning Man 2013 Burning Man (10227106273) - The Burning Man effigy in 2013

Black Rock City, Nevada is an ephemeral town that exists for only one week each year, during Burning Man, a radical arts festival. At its maximum occupancy and the town has about 60,000 citizens and a post office, an emergency services crew, a volunteer police department, roads, houses, bars, clubs, restaurants and hundreds of art installations and participatory "theme camps". After a week and the city is completely disassembled – much of it burned – leaving the stark, white desert exactly as bare as it had been when the event started.

Black Rock City Halal Travel Guide

The Burning Man festival is an annual event started in San Francisco in 1986 and moved to the harsh and unforgiving Black Rock Desert of Nevada in 1990, where it continues today. The event happens each year in late August and early September, during the week before Labor Day weekend and over the weekend itself. Around 50,000 artists, partiers and eccentrics converge on the desert location – otherwise empty throughout the year – to create a temporary city on the desert lake bed ("The Playa"). The event culminates on Saturday night when the event's eponymous mascot – an 80-foot-tall anthropomorphic statue known affectionately as The Man – is set on fire in a huge bacchanalian party.

The Burning Man community, although widespread and anarchic, has some guiding principles (codified and exemplified in catch phrases) that make the event manageable and feasible. First and foremost is the concept of "self-sufficiency". With few exceptions (see Black Rock City#Buy|Buy below) and there is "No Vending" of any kind in Black Rock City. Attendees are expected to bring along all their own food, water, shelter and any other supplies they need to live in the desert during the week. Most attendees are helpful and generous, but travellers should do as much research as feasible before leaving for the desert in order to be ready.

An extension of this principle is the leave-no-trace camping|Leave No Trace policy; all attendees are expected to clean up any and all trash they create, including burned material, cigarette butts, sawdust or peanut shells. In previous years leftover detritus at the site of the event has caused alarm for the federal officials who provide the permits for it and a strict policy of absolutely zero tolerance for leftover trash is needed to keep the event alive.

Burning Man is organized by a small group of volunteers and paid employees of the Burning Man organization, who deal with the local, state and federal officials in charge of the desert region and who provide most of the infrastructure services such as emergency medical care and media relations. According to the principle of No Spectators, however, all Burning Man attendees are expected to participate in some way: by making art, by doing performances, by doing volunteer work, or just by being freaks. The idea is that spectators feel no ownership – or the consequent responsibility – for the event, while participants will consider the event their own and will act as responsibly as if they were throwing the party themselves. In fact and they are! There's some "us vs. them" feeling between participants and the "Org", but by and large the No Spectators concept ensures smooth operation and wide participation. A "burner" is common title or descriptor for a participant of this event and this community.

Lastly and the community encourages radical self-expression. There's an "anything goes" atmosphere, pretty much only limited by legal and safety concerns as well as respect for other participants. Nudity is widespread – although many participants will decorate their bodies with paint or ornaments. As a component of the "anything goes" atmosphere of personal freedom and personal choice, drug use is common, though generally discreet. Furthermore, out of respect for other participants and their individual choices, it would be very unusual for anyone attending the event to ever feel any pressure towards drug use whatsoever. Alcohol, however, is plentiful and free bars exist throughout the city. Fundamental elements of the festival are individual choice and personal freedom. Numerous art projects on the Playa have an element of danger; and the use of fire in art is quite common, as well as explosives or other dangerous substances. Many participants speak later of the life-changing nature of the Burning Man experience: that the experience of self-expression changes the way they look at the world.

The City itself is laid out in a circle – centering on the Man – about one and a half miles in diameter. The center of the circle is empty desert, punctuated by large art installations. Participants live on a series of 8-10 circular streets that ring the outer edge of the circle; about 20 radial streets cross these at various points. The inner 2-3 streets are reserved for registered theme camps: groups who build large structures and installations with a particularly "interactive" point. Theme camps are open to the public for investigation and use; a typical theme camp has 20-50 members, but some grow to hundreds of campers. Some groups of theme camps agglomerate into villages, which share an overarching meta-theme.

The street names change each year, based on the theme of that year's event. Combined with the fact that the city is torn down and rebuilt each year, so that different services and theme camps are located at wildly different places in the city, this makes for a lot of disorientation and difficulty in finding friends and cohorts. Participants argue that this can make travelling around the City more adventurous; it definitely leads to serendipitous discoveries. The night of the annual burning of the Man, participants take away all existing street signs as souvenirs - much like matchbooks - making navigation even more confusing.

Some things are constant, though, in an unofficial way. The radial streets are labeled according to clock time (e.g., "10:00" or "4:30") and spaced about every half-hour. A large circular village known as Center Camp is (almost always) located at 6:00 on the circle; most of the Burning Man organizations services are located here. Other villages are placed near 9:00 and 3:00. The innermost circular street – which looks out directly to the central desert area – is called The Esplanade; most of the bigger theme camps line this street. And, of course, The Man is always dead in the center of the City, a convenient landmark.

The Black Rock Desert is an extremely harsh environment. Temperatures are regularly over 100°F, with no natural shade and almost zero percent humidity. Hundreds of Burning Man participants are treated for dehydration every year; all attendees should drink about 4 liters (about 136 fl oz) of water per day, one of which has added electrolytes. More important survival information is available in the _survival/ Burning Man Survival Guide, a copy of which is given to each participant.

Travel to Black Rock City

By road

Black Rock City is in the remote Black Rock Desert about 120 miles north of Reno, Nevada. Most travellers arrive by car, bus, truck, RV, or other motor conveyance. From Reno, take Interstate 80 east to exit 43 (Wadworth) and then highway 447 north about 100 miles to Gerlach. Head east (right) at the fork in the road north of Gerlach and exit onto the Black Rock Desert after about 11 miles (signs should be posted). Note that while without traffic the drive takes 2-3 hours, this does not apply during the peak arrival and exodus times, when it can take several times as long. It is best not to think of the drive taking a discrete number of hours, but rather that you will arrive when you arrive. The festival requires all participants to hold tickets; they run about $240–420 and can be significantly cheaper if purchased early in the year. Less expensive tickets are also made available through their Low Income program.

The Green Tortoise Bus Company runs a few bus tours from San Francisco to Black Rock City during the event; food, shelter and transportation are all provided in the tour package.

Fly to Black Rock City

Attendees from locations too far away for driving fly to Reno-Tahoe International Airport GPS 39.499167,-119.768056 (IATA Flight Code: RNO) or San Francisco International Airport GPS 37.618889,-122.375 (IATA Flight Code: SFO) and either rent cars or other vehicles there, or hook up with local residents for rides. Rideshare boards are available on the Burning Man Web site. There are special air shuttles offered through Advantage Flight Solutions from Reno and the Bay Area directly to the Black Rock desert for a reasonable price. Black Rock City Airport GPS ,(88NV [[w:FAA LID|FAA LID) is small desert landing strip for small private planes, run by volunteers. The field is a (very hard-packed) dry lake; most flying clubs do not allow non-emergency landings by rental planes on dirt fields. Mountainous desert regions are extremely dangerous for inexperienced and experienced pilots alike and it's not recommended to fly into this airport unless you are experienced with desert flying.

Get Around in Black Rock City

Once participants have arrived in Black Rock City and they are expected to leave their cars or other motor vehicles parked and travel around the town under their own power. Cars should only be used in an emergency, or when leaving or entering the city. Law enforcement officials and the Black Rock Rangers will stop vehicles and may give you a ticket.

Bicycles are de rigueur for most BRC citizens; the fine alkali dust of the Playa rapidly penetrates all moving parts and can cause damage to cycling|bikes if not cleaned and oiled several times over the week, so bring either a affordable one that you don't care much about or be prepared to do maintenance. A lock is also important; many bikes every year are "accidentally" borrowed and later abandoned, or stolen outright. Many people choose lightweight combination locks for the ease of not carrying a key and because these are generally sufficient to prevent other participants from confusing your bike for theirs.

The most suitable types of bikes are hybrid, low-end "mountain," and cruiser bikes. The Playa sand can be very soft and/or bumpy in places, so wide tires are highly preferred. Bikes should have a kickstand, as many camps will not have bike parking (or it may be full).

Lighting is very important for bicycles at night, both for the rider and others. At a minimum bicycles should have bright front and rear lights and many participants will decorate their bikes extensively with LEDs.

Walking is also a great way to get around; although slower, it's easier to stop and see the many sights if you don't have a big clunky bike to park, lock, unload, etc.

Radically-altered motor vehicles called art cars are an exception to the no-cars rule in BRC. These cars – or buses, or trucks, or what have you – must be permanently and creatively altered to qualify for the exemption. They must also be licensed by the _the_playa/playa_vehicles/dmv Black Rock City DMV] (Department of Mutant Vehicles) and if running at night must be extremely well-lit in order to prevent human-vehicle accidents.

Many art cars have high passenger capacity and will pick up participants on the Playa for a ride, but don't expect or demand a ride from anyone. Use caution when boarding or disembarking from any moving vehicle on-playa. While all vehicles within the event's perimeter are required to drive slowly, this does not mean the vehicle is safe to leap from. In 2003, a participant died after falling from an art car.

What to See

The art installations and theme camps present at Burning Man change, sometimes radically, each year. Those listed below may or may not be present, or may be significantly altered. You can check the Who, When, Where guide – available at the Gate of Black Rock City or at the "Playa Info" tent in Center Camp – for locations of theme camps and other installations. (Note, though, that theme camps' descriptions are self-reported and greatly exaggerate the interest-factor of the camp.)

  • The Man - 40.782622,-119.208264 - Burning Man - BM2010 The Man - Mathematical center of Black Rock City. First created in 1986 by Burning Man founder Larry Harvey, thit is the central art piece and symbol of the Burning Man event: a 50-foot-tall anthropomorphic wooden statue with a triangle-shaped head, mounted on a pedestal or stand that changes with each year's theme. The Man is lit by neon at night and due to its location can be seen from most of Black Rock City. Usually you can climb up onto the pedestal and get a good view of the rest of the City from there, but ask the Black Rock Rangers at the Man before climbing up. Despite its name and the Man is purposefully androgynous, or, rather, sexless.
  • The Temple - Somewhat past the Man on the primary street from Center Camp. Since 2001, artist David Best has created monumental structures on the Playa in the form of 3- or 4-story temples. Although the design, name and nominal purpose changes each year and the Temple is dedicated to lost friends and relatives. The Temple is a beautiful and meditative place to spend a few minutes during the day or night.

Other art can be seen in the central Playa area surrounding the Man. Typically there are 40-50 art installations of various complexity and interactivity on the central Playa. Usually, a wandering path on bicycle or on foot can turn up any number of hidden treasures; ask other participants for this year's "must-see" piece.

Top Travel Tips

Burning Man has a "No Spectators" philosophy so and theoretically, everyone should be "Doing" something most of the time. Many camps revolve around some participatory activity. There is an official calendar of events, but not everything on it happens and many things not on it do. Some of the favorites include:

  • Yoga Several camps offer yoga sessions, both "serious" and silly.
  • Morning run
  • Body Painting
  • Fire Dancing
  • Belly Dancing
  • Seminars on anything from world affairs to love potions
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Meditation There are daily meditation sessions at sunrise and sunset
  • Weddings Legal, temporary, faux and every other feasible combination. Get married to your true love by a legal minister or marry yourself to a sock.
  • Massage - ranging from legitimate bodywork to Reiki to Rake-i.e. to "You look tense, let me rub your shoulders in my tent"
  • Thunderdome Watch some of the greatest warriors of our time battle for their lives
  • Roller Disco Enjoy some funk-a-fide jams as you skate the rink (skates provided for all burners)

Shopping in Black Rock City

Because of the no-vending rule and there's really not all that much to buy in Black Rock City. However, many artists, performers and participants bring trinkets of various worth to the event – pins, stickers, buttons, clothes, jewelry, doodads and tchochkees – to gift to other people there. Stopping to talk with anyone at a theme camp or at an art installation will probably garner you a tchotchke of some kind. Bringing your own personalized trinkets, or commercial products like cans of organic juice or sticks of lip balm, to give away or trade can help grease the wheels when meeting new people.

There are a few places you can spend US tender, however. One is at the Center Camp Cafe (see below) for coffee and other Snacks. Another is Camp Arctica (in Center Camp and at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock plazas), where Burning Man volunteers sell bags of ice at $3 a pop for participants to use. (The short lifespan of ice in the desert, even in the best of coolers, makes this nod to commercialism an unfortunate necessity.) RV service trucks can be flagged down, as well, to pump greywater and sewage tanks. This costs $50 (cash), or more, depending on RV size.

Outside of these select situations, vending of any kind, including barter exchange for goods and services (including illegal substances) is, by general communal consent, frowned upon. This can range from "trade you some of my poetry for some of your food, man" to "yo, I gots lots of goodies for sale, come back to my camp". Most individuals will automatically assume that anyone requesting to purchase anything, from food to water to ice cream to illegal substances, is either a new participant who didn't bother to read the Burning Man website, or (in the case of requests for purchase/sale of illegal substances) law enforcement officers. In either case, while vending does occur at the event, it's considered classless on par with selling life insurance at a funeral home.

To avoid this, most participants purchase all of their items prior to entering the event, and/or make do throughout the week without the things they didn't bring.

Halal Restaurants & Food in Black Rock City

In keeping with the non-commercial, self-sufficient nature of Burning Man and there are (with one exception) no food stores or restaurants within the borders of Black Rock City. Participants are expected to bring in all the food they need for the week, as well as any cooking equipment needed to prepare it.

That said, many theme camps give away food on a daily basis or have special events with free food. Scan the theme camp listings and the Who What Where event guide for details. Talking to neighbors can also garner invitations to more informal meals.

  • Center Camp Cafe | Center Camp - large circular canvas tent in the middle of Center Camp circle - Opening Hours: Open 24 hours Run by the Burning Man organization and staffed with volunteers, this large dusty cafe is one of the very few places in Black Rock City where money changes hands. Only specialty coffee drinks and tea drinks are available (no food). There are also musical performances at all times of day or night, as well as yoga classes and the like. You can meet veterans and newcomers alike in the Cafe. $3–5 (per item).

Again, non-commercialism means there are no paid bars in Black Rock City. However, a large number of cafes exist at Burning Man. Participants can walk up and order or be given a drink at any of these bars scattered around the town, but most will have supplies limited to a house specialty drink or a few hard drink choices and mixers. Barter bars depend on donations from "clients" to keep going; providing ice, cups, mixer, drink, limes or entertainment will make you a much more welcome guest.

  • Golden Cafe , Is generally open days only and has the only true glassware on the playa. Live music (no covers) improvised between house and guest musicians. Sometimes runs a candlelit supper club at night (reservations must be made in advance) and is said to have introduced the first live lobster tank to Burning Man. Lucifer is the proprietor.
  • Hair of the Dog - commonly called "Spanky's Bar" - , - Open 24 hours, more or less. A venerable establishment in BRC, HOTD is a large and spacious bar with a number of couches and tables for guests. Musical groups perform on the provided stage. Cafe owner Spanky is friendly and knowledgeable.
  • Black Rock Brewery , Is a collaboration by home brewers from many other theme camps, producing ales, ginger lavender mead and other strange brews which they distribute around the town.
  • Newt's Cafe | Blue Light District - Hours vary; open in the afternoons or around dusk. Features a wide variety of fruit cocktails and occasonally Newt's delicious homebrew soft drinks andfruit cocktails. The Blue Light District is home to many of the oldest of the old-timers in the Burning Man community and most of them hang out at Newt's at least part of the day. A great education can be had from any of your neighbors at this café.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Black Rock City

Black Rock City - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Black Rock City, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Black Rock City. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Black Rock City and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Black Rock City. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Black Rock City. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Black Rock City: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Black Rock City.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Black Rock City: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Black Rock City, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Black Rock City.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Black Rock City, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Black Rock City, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Black Rock City and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Black Rock City, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Black Rock City, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Black Rock City without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Black Rock City is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Black Rock City.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Black Rock City is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Black Rock City, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Black Rock City Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Black Rock City

eHalal Group Black Rock City is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Black Rock City. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Black Rock City.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Black Rock City ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Black Rock City. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Black Rock City, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Black Rock City are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Ramadan Celebrations in Black Rock City

Ramadan 2025 in Black Rock City

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

Muslim Friendly Hotels

There are no paid lodgings in Black Rock City. Participants should bring their own camping accoutrements such as a tent and sleeping bag; it's also a good idea to have some sort of shade structure to make napping during the heat of the day bearable.

Many theme camps feature a "chill space" or other area for lounging. In a pinch and these can make for good naptime stopovers during the day or night, but don't overstay your welcome or you might have some problems with the local residents.

  • the Grand Hotel at Ashram Galactica - Address varies; 2015 address was 6:15 & Ersatz 40.78023,-119.21585 n/a Rooms are gifted by raffle to denizens of BRC in nightly drawing. Tickets are given away from 8-10 by the concierge and the drawing is held at 10:30pm or thereabouts.

Alternatively Fernley (94 miles), Reno (123 miles), Lovelock (152 miles) and Winnemucca (226 miles due to no direct route) offer nearby lodging, although the $20 per person re-entry fee will add up!

Stay Safe

Black Rock City is not without danger. The odds are unlikely that you will suffer a major catastrophe, but every year something bad does happen to a handful of people. Black Rock City is far more regulated than it once was (much to the dismay of many jaded old burners) but it is still on the fringes of being a lawless society.

  • There are multiple art installations and interactive creations throughout the city that aren't exactly "OSHA compliant". Be aware of the stability of the structures around you, especially in the event of a wind storm. A giant shade structure (sometimes weighing hundreds to thousands of pounds) can be sent flying through the air if attached to a parachute or something similar. The wind can be VERY powerful there and if someone doesn't properly secure their camp people can be severely injured.
  • There is a _survival/ "Burning Man Survival" guide. It is important to read this guide and take it seriously. It outlines the basic necessities to be self-sufficient and survive the event.
  • There is widespread drug use at the event; it is an open environment but do not tempt fate. There is law enforcement and they WILL arrest you if they see you in possession of, or especially selling or purchasing. Don't be stupid. Also be leery of any drugs randomly offered to you by strangers.
  • Make SURE that you drink enough water so that you are pissing clear (the name of a local event newspaper is Piss Clear) – the recommended amount is 4 liters (about 136 fl oz). The desert environment at a high altitude will make you EXTREMELY sick if you do not respect it and take proper precautions.
  • Don't be a darkwad. Always illuminate yourself at night unless you want to risk getting hit by thousands of people flying across the playa on bicycles, motorized scooters and art cars ranging from tiny to enormous. As the population increases, so does the traffic. But remember, glowsticks create garbage, so use LEDs and/or ElectroLuminescent wire.
  • Black Rock City is an accepting, open, fun-loving community full of great people. Unfortunately as in any other city in the world there will always be a few bad seeds. There have occasionally been rapes and bicycles and other things will end up stolen from a few unlucky people. Just remember that if you are in trouble, yell for help! People there absolutely WILL help you.
  • Remember when driving to, or exiting the event, to be patient. It is only a two-lane road and passing is difficult. Many people are driving huge, awkward loads, that are not properly secured. The key is just to be patient, stay in line and you'll eventually get there. People look like huge jerks when they take off flying down the other lane in no-passing zones just so they can get two cars ahead in the SAME line. This endangers the local residents who use those roads too. Be a courteous driver!
  • Avoid trampolines.

News & References

Go Next

To minimize the impact of the event on nearby communities (not least to minimize levels of airborne dust), participants are expected not to leave and re-enter Black Rock City except in case of emergency. To leave the event and re-enter in a car, a $20-per-person fee is charged each time.

Buses do leave Center Camp once or twice daily for trips to the nearby towns of Gerlach and Empire; they require a $10-per-person payment. Empire has a small store for buying groceries or camping supplies, but it has a meager selection.

The exodus from the event on Sunday and Monday is notoriously traffic-ridden and crowded, as practically all participants try to leave on the same one-lane road off the desert at the same time. Waits of up to 6 hours to travel the 10 miles or so to the blacktop are not unheard of. Veterans often leave on Saturday – before the Burn – or wait until Tuesday when the event is officially concluded.

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