Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

From Halal Explorer

caption=Danube riverbank south of Liberty Bridge, with Gellert Hotel and Baths and the Gellert Hill visible in the distance Újbuda and Tétény (New Buda - Tétény) is in Budapest. A big area on southern Buda, on the right side of Danube.

Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény Halal Travel Guide

Budaörsi út - Budaörsi Road and the Western Gate of Budapest

New Buda - Tétény (Újbuda -Tétény), which comprises most of the south and southwestern parts of Buda, is a flat area. The construction of a new residential area started in the 1900s and the present neighborhood was formed in 1930. In the north it is bordered by the Budapest/Hegyvidék|Hegyvidék area (Hegyvidék) and Budapest/Belbuda|Belbuda (Belbuda). In the east on the Pest side it is bordered by IX. (Ferencváros) neighborhood with four Danube Bridge connected. Also in the southeast, on the Pest side, it is bordered by XXI. (Csepel) neighborhood. It covers an area of ​​33.49 km², of which eight neighborhoods in line. Until the 1930s, it was called Saint Emeric City (Szent Imre város). The names of the neighborhood parts - Gellert Hill, Lágymányos, Albert's village (Albertfalva), Eastern's land (Kelenföld), Eastern's Valley (Kelenvölgy), Rich meadow (Gazdag rét), Guard Field-Orson (Őrmező-Őrsöd), Eagle Mountain (Sas-hegy), Sasad - or other names like: Rupp Hill (Rupp-hegy), Chamber of forest (Kamaraerdő), Stone end grove (Kőérberek), Bird Hill (Madár-hegy)- these names live in the medieval names of neighborhood's settlements and landscapes. Tétény, officially called Budafok-Tétény, is the southernmost part, with small hills and famousfruit cocktailries. The neighboring communities are Diósd and Érd. Lágymányosi-öböl - Lágymányosi Bay, Relaxing on the Danube Embankment

Travel to Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

The main train connection served by Kelenföldi Railway Station is becoming more and more important. (Many trains leaving from Keleti pályaudvar stop here.)

Get Around

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There are some stops of Metro line 4 here, Budapest's newest underground train.

BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Szent Gellért tér

BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Móricz Zsigmond körtér

BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Újbuda-központ

BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Bikás park

BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kelenföld vasútállomás

You can take trams tram: no. 4, 6, 47, 49 from Budapest/Pest|Pest all these lines (except no. 4) cross at the southern hub Moricz Zsigmond körtér, south of Gellérthegy. Tram 4 & 6 now run modern Siemens Combino trams. Tram 47 and 49 run from Deak Plaza (the central hub for Budapest metro lines) through the Szabadság Híd bridge to South-Buda.

Official tourism information

  • Tourism Office of Budapest XI. Bartók Béla út 105-113. GPS 47.47173 ,19.03075 Take tram: 19, 49 to stop 'Karolina út'☎ +36 1 438-8080 - You can get some very good free items, including a map of Budapest, a map of Hungary with all the youth hostels and prices and a very complete brochure about the northern part of Hungary (available in many languages).

What to See

Castle of Budapest-Albertfalva - Albertfalva Roman military camp - Castle of Budapest-Albertfalva.jpg

  • Albertfalva Roman military camp - Albertfalvai római katonai tábor és település

| Hunyadi Janos Street 47.446, 19.0366 Near to Savoya Park Shopping Centre Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Archeological site. First camps made at reign of emperor Claudius around 30 BC. It was one of the earliest Pannonian limes (border) forts. Rebuilt under Emperor Trajan at the end of his reign. The place is in bad condition and sometimes under water. - Citadellalégifotó.jpg

  • Citadella XI. Citadella sétány 1 47.48701, 19.04645 Gellérthegy and the Hill south of the Buda Castle, bus 27 from either Sánc Street, bus 8, 112, 239 from Ferenciek tere or Astoria Metro stations. To Móricz Zsigmond körtér: tram 6 from Metro station Corvin-negyed (former Ferenc korut) or from Nyugati palyaudvar Metro station. From Kalvin ter Metro station, tram: 47, 49. The bus stop is called Busulo Juhasz stop & 600 m on foot along Szirtes Sreet Opening Hours: 24/7the former fortress on top of Gellerthegy, offers a superb panorama over Central Budapest including bank of the Danube River, Buda Castle and Pest city. To get good views up and down the Danube, take the steps going down in front of the Liberty Statue in front of the Citadella. There are several outposts offering good photo opportunities.

Gellert4FotoThalerTamas - Hotel Gellért, built in Art Nouveau style - Gellert szallo P9300287-lev-1000.jpg

  • Gellért Hotel and Bath - Gellért Szálloda és Fűrdő | XI. Szent Gellért tér, Kelenhegyi út 4 47.48382, 19.05332 tram 47, 49 from Kálvin tér Metro station, tram: 18 from Széll Kálmán tér (former Moszkva tér) or tram: 19/41 from Batthyány tér ☎ +36 1 466-6166 is a very popular spa among tourists. Worth seeing even if you don't intend to swim (in summer and the outdoor part is open to visitors; entrance to indoor part is paid). See the Budapest#Baths|Baths section in Budapest for details. About the hotel: Hotel Gellért is a famous, first class four star hotel in Budapest, Hungary. The hotel was erected on the right bank of the river Danube between 1916 and 1918 in the (Secession) Art Nouveau style with some biomorphic elements, at the foot of Gellért Hill, next to Szabadság Bridge. The four star Danubius Hotel Gellért, onetime Saint Gellért Hotel and Spa, was renovated in 1962 and in 1973. The spa, swimming swimmingpool and plaza built to the hotel is one of the most beautiful spas in Budapest. Hotel Gellért has been called "the first lady of Hungarian tourism". Gellért is one of the most famous historical hotels in Europe, which is well-known by businessmen and tourists. The inside of the hotel is built in Art Nouveau style with high glass cupola and wrought iron decoration. The characteristic oriental cone-shaped towers of the hotel and eventful frontage attract the look from long distances. Inside the hotel less, but more in the spa the original Art Nouveau furnishing stayed with artistic mosaics, colourful windows and statues. The ornament of the stairs starting from the reception in the hotel is the glass window, made on the basis of layouts of Bozó Stanisits, representing the Chase of the Miraculous Deer from the famous old Hungarian legend. At the beginning of the 20th century the apartments of the nobles were characteristically magnificent, while the other rooms were simply furnished with carefully designed pieces. The stylish furnishing of the rooms does credit to the work carried out by artists under the direction of Ferenc Szabja. The domed hall opened to a formal courtyard which was used as a conservatory with its sliding glass roof. The semi-circular lawned courtyard was surrounded by an alcove for the orchestra and a colonnade of the pump-room. The Indian maharajahs with their numerous attendants visiting Europe frequently put up at the luxuriously comfortable Hotel Gellért. During and after World War II the richly coloured coffered ceiling of the galleried foyer and the domed hall reminiscent of the great halls of the Roman thermal baths suffered almost irreparable damage. At the end of the 1950s the reconstruction of the hotel was started. Nowadays the Gellért Hotel is characterized by cosily furnished rooms in which the materials and colours of the textiles, furniture and coverings combine to radiate a sense of calm. - Gellerthegy-sziklakapolna.jpg
  • Rock Church - Sziklatemplom | XI. Szent Gellért rakpart 1 47.48488, 19.05221 At the southeastern edge of Gellért Hill, go to Gellért tér, turn towards Gellért Hill and look for the big white cross or the statue of King Saint Stephen - you can find the church below the cross and next to the statue. ☎ +36 1 385 1529 Opening Hours: Mass time, daily: 8:30, 17:00, 20:00 The church was created from a natural cave system, following the Lourdes cave as sample in 1926.

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  • St. Gerard's Church - Szent Gellért-templom | XI. Bartók Béla út 149 - GPS: 47.46876, 19.02266 Kelenföld - From m2 'Batthyany ter' take tram: 19 to stop Szent Gellert Templom or From m1,2,3 'Kalvin ter' tram: 49 to stop Szent Gellert Templom ☎ +36 1 203-3701 Built between 1984 and 1992, architect Andrew Kiss

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  • Hungarian Advent Church - Magyar Advent Temploma | XI.Október huszonharmadika utca 5 47.47375, 19.04701 tram: 4,18,41,47; bus 53,86,150,150E,212,250☎ +36 1 209-6361 Opening Hours: Monday, Tu, Thursday 10.00-14.00, Friday 10.00-13.00 Built in 1928-29, architect Medgyaszay István
  • Kelenföldi Reformed Church - Külső-Kelenföldi Református Gyülekezet temploma | XI. Ildikó tér 1. 47.46583, 19.02515 Bus 7E, 173E, 103 141 terminal Etele ter or tram: 19, 49 terminal Etele ter - Civertankelenfold ferde reformatus templom - Built between 1979 and 1981, architect Istvan Szabo - Civertanszent imre templom feneketlennél.jpg
  • St. Imre Church - Budai Ciszterci Szent Imre Plébánia, Szent Imre templom | Villanyi street 25 - GPS: 47.47889, 19.04233 Szentimreváros quarter. +36 1 466-5886 Opening Hours: Pastoral Office (XI. Himfy u. 9. 200m away) is open: Monday 8:00-12:00, 15:00-19:00, Tu, W, Thursday 10:00-12:00, 15:00-18:00, Friday 8:00-15:00
  • Presbyterian Church Lágymányosi Ecumenical Centre, Lágymányosi Ökumenikus Központ Magyar tudósok Circle (körútja), 3 GPS 47.4747,19.0590 tram: 4, 6 to 'Petőfi híd, budai hídfő'

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  • Church of the Holy Angels, Gazdagrét - Szent Angyalok Templom, Gazdagrét | XI.Gazdagréti út 14 47.46880, 18.99551 Gazdagrét quarter. - From Móricz Zsigmond körtér bus 153 to Csíkihegyek utca
  • Albertfalva St. Michael's Parish - Albertfalva Szent Mihály Plébánia | XI. Bükköny u. 3. - GPS: 47.44780, 19.03548 From Moricz square tram 18, 41, 47 or bus 114, 213, 214, 7 ☎ +36 1 208-1279 +36 1 464-3320 Opening Hours: Parish hours Monday, Thursday 16:00-18:00, Tuesday 9:00-12:00, 16:00-18:00, Friday 9-12:00, 16:00-18:00, Wednesday 9:00-12:00, 16:00-18:00
  • St. Sabina ministry and St. Benedict's Study House - Szent Szabina lelkészség és Szent Benedek Tanulmányi Ház | XI. Péterhegyi út 67. - GPS: 47.44667, 19.01347 From Kosztolányi Dezső tér bus 150 or 250 to 'Kápolna út' or From m2 Batthyány tér tram: 41 ☎ +36 1 227-5726


  • 'Mushroom' building - Gomba épület| XI. Móricz Zsigmond körtér - GPS: 47.47709, 19.04674 tram: 18, 19, 41, 49 'Mushroom' is the name of the building on the center of the roundabout. Built in 1942. The suburban trains arriving from Fehervari street passing through the statue St. Imre bypass tracks and the Szent Gellért Plaza loop line turned back. In 1963 the suburban railway lines was transformed into tram lines.

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  • Albertfalva Local History Collection and School Museum Albertfalvi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény és Iskolamúzeum | XI. Pentele utca 8. 47.44860, 19.03459 From Moricz square tram 18, 41, 47 ☎ +36 1 2086635 Opening Hours: Tu, Thursday 16:00-18:00
  • Etele XI. District Local History Society Exhibition - Etele XI. Kerületi Helytörténeti Kör Kiállítóhelye | XI.Erőmű utca 4. - GPS: 47.47155, 19.04927 From m3 Corvin-negyed take tram 4 to stop 'Újbuda-központ'☎ +36 1 365-6126
  • Museum of GAMMA GAMMA Múzeum (A GAMMA Finommechanikai és Optikai Művek történetének emlékei) | XI.Petzvál József utca, 52? 47.46442, 19.0413 tram: 18, 41, 47 to stop 'Etele út / Fehérvári út' GAMMA was a Precision Mechanics and Optics Works.
  • Molnár C. Paul Art Studio Museum - Molnár C. Pál Műterem-múzeum | XI. Ménesi út 65 47.48321, 19.03570 tram: 61 to stop 'Pető Intézet (Villányi út)' ☎ +36 30 2011073
  • Hungarian Museum of Transport and Technology, Technical Education repository - Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum - Műszaki Tanulmánytár | XI. Kaposvár utca 13-15. - GPS: 47.46851, 19.05184 From Móricz Zs körtér bus 33 to Dombóvári út, BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Népliget' further bus 103 to Dombóvári út ☎ +36 1 204 4092
  • Military History Museum of the Department of Military Affairs, History of the Hungarian Military Supply (specialist collection) HM Hadtörténeti Intézet és Múzeum - Magyar Katonai Ellátás Története (szakgyűjtemény) | XI. Daróci út 5 - GPS: 47.47968, 19.02960 Bus 212 to stop 'Ortopédia, Vérellátó' Opening Hours: Closed ?
  • Bartók 32 Gallery - Bartók 32 Galéria | XI. Bartók Béla út 32 - GPS: 47.47890, 19.04958 From Móricz Zsigmond körtér ☎ +36 1 386-9038
  • Kelenvölgy Library - Kelenvölgyi Könyvtár | XI. Bazsalikom u. 24 - GPS: 47.45195, 19.02077 Bus 140, 150, 250 to stop 'Torma utca' ☎ +36 1 228-7340
  • Budapest Cultural Centre - Budapesti Művelődési Központ | XI. Etele u. 55 - GPS: 47.46442, 19.02896 Bus:7, 7A, 7E, 33, 107E, 114, 213, 214 to 'Kelenföld, városközpont'☎ +36 1 371-2760
  • Natural History Museum of the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science ELTE TTK Természetrajzi Múzeum XI. Pázmány Péter sétány 1/c. 47.47277, 19.06291 Bus 103 to 'Pázmány Péter sétány' Opening Hours: Collections: Mineralogy and Petrology storage found 1744, Biological and Paleontological Exhibition

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  • Kelenföld bus depot - Autóbuszgarázs | XI. Hamzsabégi út 23. - A monument.

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  • Kosztolányi Dezső tér Bus Terminal XI.Bukarest utca - A monument

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  • Former Budaörs Airport - Budaörsi repülőtér | XI. 47.44770, 18.98501 - A monument.

Kaffka Margit Gimnázium (1114. számú műemlék).jpg

  • Kaffka Margit High School - Kaffka Margit Gimnázium | XI.Villányi út 5-7 47.47859, 19.04509 Tram 61 ☎ +36 1 3810909 Web:

}} - Ház (1105. számú műemlék) 2.jpg

  • Monument Bulding XI.Kelenhegyi út 12-14 47.48272, 19.04934 Bus 27 to Sánc utca Opening Hours: Only outside - Gellert Hill, Hungary, Budapest XI, Sections on and the chapel of Saint Gellért outdoor.jpg
  • The chapel of Saint Gellért Lazariston Lazaristák kápolnája | XI. Ménesi street 26

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  • Power Plant Kelenföld - Kelenföldi Erőmű | XI. Budafoki út 52. - Biserica evanghelica din Kelenfold.jpg
  • Lutheran Church 10? | XI. Bocskai út 47.474103, 19.044761 M4 Újbuda-központ - Ciszter gimnázium 04.jpg
  • High School - Szent Imre Ciszterci gimnázium, József Attila Gimnázium | XI. Villányi út Wälder Gyula, 1927-29


Statue Park - Soviet Soldier in Statue Park Szoborpark légifotó.jpg

  • Memento Park - Szoborpark | XXII. Balatoni út and Szabadkai utca corner 47.42636, 18.99902 Public Bus Transport from “Újbuda Központ” – corner of Fehérvári út – Bocskai út (Allee Shopping Mall) with BUS No.150 to Campona, get off at Memento Park stop or direct bus from downtown☎ +36 1 424 7500 Opening Hours: Daily, from 10:00 till dusk Ft1,500, Students with ISIC card: Ft1,000, accept: Budapest Card, Hungary Card Memento Park is an open air museum in Budapest, dedicated to monumental statues from Hungary's Communist period (1949–1989). There are statues of Lenin, Marx and Engels, Dimitrov as well and several Hungarian Communist leaders. The Statue Park, was first conceived by the literary historian László Szörényi in 1989 when he suggested the various Lenin statues from all over Hungary could be gathered into one "Lenin garden". According to Ákos Eleőd and the architect: "This park is about dictatorship. And at the same time, because it can be talked about, described, built, this park is about democracy. After all, only democracy is able to give the opportunity to let us think freely about dictatorship." Visitors may well interpret this as an assertion that the Hungarian spirit is stronger than communism. Possible souvenirs are CDs of Hungarian communist fight songs, reproduction Hungarian Party membership booklets, funny postcards and posters.
  • Nagytétény Mansion - Nagytétényi Kastélymúzeum Nagyt%C3%A9t%C3%A9ny+Mansion XXII. Kastélypark u. 9-11 47.39080, 18.98709 Bus No. 33 or 33/A from Budapest's Móricz Zsigmond körtér and alight at the Petőfi S. utca ☎ +36 1 207-0005 Opening Hours: From 1 March: Thursday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 €3.5, €1.7 The 18th-century Száraz-Rudnyánszky Mansion. Look inside a Baroque castle: in its rooms can be seen the show entitled "The History of Furniture Art". Don't miss it! - Elsovilaghaborus-emlekmu-budafok.jpg
  • World War I memorial of Budafok - I. világháborús emlékmű Budafokon | XXII. Savoyai Jenő tér. 47.42912, 19.03746 Bus 33, 58, 114, 141, 213, 214, 233E, 250, 250A, 251, 941 or tram: 47 to 'Savoyai Jenő tér' - I. világháborús emlékmű Budapest 22. kerületében.JPG
  • World War I memorial of Nagyteteny - I. világháborús emlékmű Nagytétényben | XXII. Szentháromság tér 47.42910, 19.03711 Bronze mythical 'Turul' bird
  • Cave House Museum - Barlanglakás-múzeum | XXII. Veréb utca 47.419389, 19.031042 ☎ +36 1 226-8634 - Protected ?id=12075 monuments


  • Cellar system of Budafok - Budafoki pince rendszer XXII.Nagytétényi út ~64? GPS 47.41476 ,19.03888|fax= Opening Hours: - . Much of the food industry exploits. The experts called "360 cellar." It is home to the world's largest barrels of traditional sizes in use. - Czuba-Durozier-kastély 01.JPG
  • Czuba-Durozier mansion - Czuba–Durozier kastély XXII. Péter Pál u 2–4. GPS 47.428611 ,19.034444


  • Gloriette of Nagyteteny Nagytétényi Gloriette XXII. Kastélypark utca 14-16 GPS 47.39115, 18.98777 Statue of Nepomuki Szent János.
  • Sacelláry Palace - Sacelláry-kastély | XXII. Anna utca 1 47.429444, 19.035 - Sacelláry-kastély és kertje (11676. számú műemlék) 3.jpg
  • Ceramic park - Kerámia park | XXII.Bartók Béla út 174-192 47.41354, 18.98867 Bus 213 to 'Baross Gábor-telep, Török utca' ☎ +36 1 3622413
  • Former Torley Palace - Törley-kastély, Országos Frédéric Joliot-Curie Sugárbiológiai és Sugáregészségügyi Kutató Intézet | XXII. Anna utca 3. 47.43, 19.034444 ☎ +36 1 229-1944 +36 1 482-2003 - Törley mansion in Budapest, XXII neighborhood - Built in 1890-1904. Now thit is the "Frédéric Joliot-Curie" Radiobiology Research Institute

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  • Torley Mausoleum - Törley-mauzóleum | XXII. Sarló utca 6. 47.431389, 19.031944 bus 251 to 'Plébánia utca' Connected with Cemetery of Budafok. - Made in Art Nouveau style, by Ray Rezsõ, in 1912. József Damkó carved the ornament statues.


  • Budafok Town Hall - Budafoki városháza | XXII. Városház tér 11 47.42625, 19.04041 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Deák Ferenc tér' take tram: 47 to Budafok, Városház tér (half hour journey) or from Déli R.S. to 'Budafok-Belváros' train stop☎ +36 1 229 2611 - Budafok, Savoyai tér, templom.JPG
  • Roman Catholic church of Budafok - Budafoki Római katolikus plébániatemplom | XXII. Savoyai tér 47.42907, 19.03637 Bus 33, 58, 114, 141, 213, 214, 233E, 250, 250A, 251, 941 or tram 47 to 'Savoyai Jenő tér' - Budafok-reformatustemplom.jpg
  • Reformed Church of Budafok Budafoki Református templom | XXII. Demjén István utca 2, - GPS: 47.42863, 19.03961 Bus 33, 58, 114, 141, 213, 214, 233E, 250, 250A, 251, 941 or tram: 47 to 'Savoyai Jenő tér' ☎ +36 1 229 2278

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény


GellertUszoda1 - Gellert Bath - Civertangellertszallolegi3.jpg

  • Gellért Baths - Gellért fűrdő | Buda, XI. Kelenhegyi utca 4 47.48377, 19.05257 Gellért Hotel at the base of Gellért Hill, BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Gellért tér' tram: 18, 19, 41, 49 Bus 7, 86 ☎ +36 1 466-6166 06.00-19.00 weekdays; 06.00-17.00 on Saturday and Sunday (between April 30 and Sept 30). The full entrance price to the swimming swimmingpool and the men's or women's thermal facilities is Ft3,500, which also includes a cabin rental, where you can change clothes and a towel (bed sheets style). On weekdays this ticket is Ft4,050 ticket and 30-minutes massage can be reserved in advance. The massage: from Ft2,500 for Refreshing, 15 min. to Ft3,800 for Powder, 30 min. They also offer a very good Tai massage. 1h is Ft11,500 and 1½h is Ft15,500 (March 2010) While the Kiraly baths may be a more authentic Turkish bath experience and the famous Gellért Bath can't be beaten in terms of style. Thit is among the finest Art Nouveau baths in Europe, part of Spa Hotel Gellért. Ask the information desk to clarify if you're not sure about how to proceed as the procedures, dignified by tradition, are not always straightforward. If you hire a towel (resembling a bedsheet) or a bathrobe, you will need the original receipt ticket for getting back your deposit. You'll need to get your receipt ticket back from the attendants inside when you return your item, otherwise you forfeit your deposit. Unfortunately and the managers are quite unforgiving in this matter and won't believe you if you try to collect your deposit without your item or a receipt. Changing: Individual lockers, single-person cabins and family cabins are available. Indoors: since 2013 every part of the spa is common for men and women. Common area for men and women has a 50 m swimming swimmingpool and a soaking swimmingpool with massage bubbles, both with 36-38°C water. Wearing swimming caps is required, but not always enforced. There are common Turkish-style thermal baths for men and women, offering several different areas: two soaking pools (one with 36°C, another with 38°C) and the showers and the dry sauna and Turkish steam bath and the cold swimmingpool (designed to scare the living daylights out of you aftea happy warm soak). Outdoors: a large open-air complex of pools (open only in summer time).


  • Arboretum of Buda - Budai Arborétum | XI. Villányi út. 47.48029, 19.03894 Near to Móricz Zs. tér, take tram: 61 (first stop) }} - Budapest Feneketlen to.jpg

Bottomless Lake Park - Feneketlen tavi park XI. Villányi út GPS 47.47751 ,19.04046 Bus 7, 40, 41, 53, 86, 107, 153, 154, 72, 173, 212, tram 19, 49, 61 24/7 - Free . The park total area is ​​40,809 sqm. It was built between 1958 and 1960 according to plans by Mihaly Mőcsényi.In the mid part located the Bottomless Lake. Here you will find the Buda Park Stage, near to the lake, of which the former worked with various functions, but it is now only a ruin. The fountain of the lake to improve oxygenation of water. Several statues located in the park. The "Bear" statue by Laszlo Molnar (located at playground); Béla Bartók statue made by József Somogyi, 1981, (located under bells, at the side of Kosztolányi Dezső Plaza); there is a tennis hall and side of its are two monuments, Gyula Illyés and Zoltan Gulyas, first was a Hungarian, 20th century, poet and novelist, last was a 20th-century, YBL-prize winner, Hungarian architect; sitting boy statue, made by Magda Gabor (1997) adorns the fenced playground. The usual 'Park' tree species found in the majority in the park. Next to stage are silver maples at the tennis courts is an oak tree (almost hundred years old), near to waterside are a couple willow trees. Some specific species or sizeable trees also can be found here Cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree), Juniperus virginiana (Virginian juniper), Castanea sativa (chestnut), Liriodendron tulipifera (tulip tree), Broussonetia papyrifera (paper mulberry tree), Quercus robor"Fatigiata" (columnar oak), Caragana arborescens (Siberian peashrub)

  • - Budapest Feneketlen to.jpg
  • Bottomless Lake Feneketlen-tó| XI, Kosztolányi Dezső tér 47.47714 ,19.04156 tram: 61, bus 7, 212Its area of 1.1 ha and a depth of 4-5 meters. Play tennis, gym's, try fishing or just relaxing. - BudapestDSCN3907.JPG Gellért Hill - (Hungarian: Gellért-hegy;German: Blocksberg; Latin: Mons Sancti Gerhardi; Turkish: Gürz Elyas bayiri, in the Middle Ages: Kelen-hegy, Pesti-hegy )It is part of the 1st and 11th Districts GPS 47.48772,19.046622 You can reach the foot of the mountain by M4 Gellért tér station, bus 7, 86, tram 18, 19, 41 to stops Gellért tér or Döbrentei tér, or take bus 8, 27, 239, 112 to Hegyalja út, - or bus 27 to stop Búsuló Juhász, (top of the hill) 24/7 - Free . Gellért Hill was named after Saint Gerard who was thrown to death from the hill. Sight of its and around: Hotel Gellért and the Gellért Baths (located in Gellért Plaza at the foot of the hill, next to Liberty Bridge); the Gellért Hill Cave in the hill, facing toward Hotel Gellért and the Danube River); the Citadella (Citadel, at the top of the hill) a perfect viewpoint, Gellért Hill Waterfall (on northest), Rock Chapel (southern descent). Since 1987 and the area is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site as part of "the Banks of the Danube". A large part of the hill consists of protected parkland and therefore part of the Danube-Ipoly National Park. There are some sculptures as Statue of Liberty; Statue of Stephen I of Hungary (outside Gellért Hill Cave). About the vegetation: there can be found different trees -- English oak, Tatarian Maple (mostly on West side of the Hill), Field Elm, Field Maple, South European flowering ash, dolomite-rock grassland, fig and wild rose bushes (remnants of the Islamic Ottoman era), yew tree, thuja, some cypress, hazel, hornbeam and acacia. The fauna: different types of birds: dawn bird, peregrine falcon, goldcrests mostly in migration time; different crows, blackbirds and sparrows can be see anytime; Typical insects are: different butterflies, firebugs, Blue Xylocopinae. In spring and summer come out to sunny rocks the lizards. Some mammals like the Northern white-breasted hedgehog and squirrels are also quite common sights. The mountain provides an opportunity for the visitors pleasant forest walks. There is a flower garden on the top of the hill, where can be resting on benches. a nice relaxing place. On the south side of the mountain is an unique playground with five different slides (tube slide, straight slide, twisting slide, wavy slide, wide slide for parents with small children) gives pleasure to children. Also on the south side is another playground with swings and sandboxes, directly above the Gellért tér, specific to small children. The Gellert Hill hosts fireworks on 20 August.
  • Jubileum Park - Jubileumi-park | Gellert Hill 47.4856, 19.0452 Citadella Hill - Perfect for strolling. Viewpoint with excellent photo opportunities
  • Haros Island, Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve Area - Háros-szigeti Ártéri-erdő Természetvédelmi terület | 22nd neighborhood 47.39690, 19.02326 Budafok-Háros train stop, or take tram: 41 from Móricz Zsigmond körtér Opening Hours: 24/7 FreeArea 56 ha. The most famous fauna is native, protected wild grape. Now is a peninsula, because in 1911 and the northern part filled and connected to the shore of the river. This reserve is part of the Danube-Ipoly National Park

}} Kopaszigat.jpg

  • Kopaszi dam - Kopaszi gát | XI. 47.461667, 19.060278 bus 33 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Móricz Zs. körtér' to Dombóvári út, or bus 133 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Népliget to Pázmány Péter sétány stop The dam is the Lágymányosi bay separated by the Danube River. There are several small restaurants and playhouse for kids. A popular resting and meeting place.

Kosztolányi Dezső tér - 2014.02.13.JPG Kosztolányi Dezső Plaza - Kosztolányi Dezső tér park, pronounced [ˈdɛʒøː ˈkostolaːɲi; XI. Kosztolányi Dezső tér GPS 47.47538 ,19.04055 Bus 7, 53, 86, 107, 150, 153, 153A, 154, 212, 258, 258A, nightbus 907, 908, 918, 940, 941, 972; tram 19, 49, 24/7 - Free . 11-egyeb/utcak-terek/Kosztolanyi-Dezso-ter/index-hu.htm The square named after a Hungarian poet and prose-writer at the interscetion of Bocskai road and Bartók Béla road. The park area is almost one hectare. Splitted for four part by primary street. The Buda Park Stage and the Bottomless Lake in the immediate vicinity of the square. Before replaced to Etele tér here was the ?id=11712 Kosztolányi Dezső tér Bus Terminal, now protected monument building. Partly of the square is planted with flowers. The Acacia trees are in the majority, but there are also a few Judas and paper mulberry trees. Two sculptures can be found around the square: one is the Dezso Kosztolanyi statue and the other is the statue of one of the most important composers of the 20th century, Béla Bartók (made by József Somogyi, 1981). }} - Bus 86 in Budapest - Independent Park - Függetlenségi park XI. Bocskai út, Karolina út, Nagyszőlős utca GPS 47.47663 ,19.03334 Take bus 53, 86, 150, 212, 258, 258A to stop 'Vincellér utca' 24/7 - Free . Bus 86 terminated here. The area of it is 6470 m². It was built between 1962 according to plans by Mihaly Mőcsényi. Later a fountain and a monument built here by Vera Csorba. In 1994 inaugurated the monument of Independence. In the middle of the fountain, a work of György Vadász and Sandor Kiss. The yews (Taxaceae) and the Sorbus, China trees (Koelreuteria paniculata) are beautiful decorations in the park

  • Sas-hegyi (Eagle Mountain) Visitor Center - Sas-hegyi Látogatóközpont | XI. Tájék u. 26 47.48256, 19.01805 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Ferenciek tere', take bus 8, to Korompai utca (about 15-20 min), further walk 5 min. ☎ +36 30 4084370 Opening Hours: 1 March - 1 October Tuesday F-Su 10:00-18:00 Adult €5, discount €3 Visit the Royal Eagle Mountain Nature Reserve, almost in downtown. More info


  • Gabany Laslo Sporthall - Gabányi László Sportcsarnok | XI., Hauszmann Alajos utca 5 47.4666, 19.0476 tram: 18, 41, 47, 49 to 'Hauszmann Alajos utca' ☎ +36 30 512 9658 Rent: Badminton: Ft2,500/hour/court, bat rent: Ft250. Table Tennis: Ft2,000/hour/table, racket hire Ft250pc. Artificial turf soccer field: Ft10,000/hr. Budo Centre: Ft8,000/hr. Tennis: Ft1800/hr, racket rental 500/piece. Capacity: 1000 person. There are 3 volleyball fields, 3 basketball fields, football, futsal, handball 9 badminton fields, 6 fields for speedbadminton
  • Hunyadi Road Sportcomplex (Kelen sports field) - Hunyadi Úti sporttelep (Kelen sportpálya) | Hunyadi Mátyás út 56 47.4486, 19.02535 Bus 58 to 'Narancs utca' ☎ +36 30 5129658 Opening Hours: 13:00-21:00

Nyekiimre-uszoda-albertfalva - Imre Nyéki swimming pool

  • Imre Nyéki swimming swimmingpool and 'Medal street' sports hall - Nyéki Imre Uszoda, Érem utcai sportcsarnok | Kondorosi út 14 47.45099, 19.03666 tram: 18, 41, 47 49 'Albertfalva kitérő' or Bus 114, 213, 214 to stop 'Nyéki Imre Uszoda' ☎ +36 1 208 4025 Opening Hours: Monday - West 06:00-21:00, Thursday - Sunday 06:00-19:00 Pool tickets Adults (3 hours) Ft1500, Junior/Senior ticket (3 hours) Ft850, Adult all-day ticket Ft2100, Youth/Senior all-day Ft1250, Family ticket (2 adults and 1 or 2 children under 18 years) Ft3500. Solarium Ft600 per 6 min Nyekiimre-uszoda-albertfalva.jpg
  • New Buda Sports Centre - Újbudai Sportcentrum | XI.Bártfai utca 52/B 47.46747, 19.03196 M4 'Bikás park' ☎ +36 30 5129658 Gym fee: Adult Ft1,100; Seniors, students: Ft990; adult season ticket (for ten entries) Ft9,990. Seniors, student ticket (for ten entries) Ft8,990 There are four tennis courts, two artificial turf soccer field and a gym
  • BEAC sports hall BEAC Sportcsarnok | XI. Bogdánfy utca 6 47.4733, 19.0582 tram: 4 to 'Budafoki út / Szerémi sor' Limited access from outsiders


  • Karinthy Theatre - Karinthy Színház | XI. Bartók Béla út 130 47.470556, 19.028889 tram: 19, 49 to Csóka utca stop from Móricz Zs tér ☎ +36 1 203-8994 Pioneering activities in one continuous play, independent rock theater, former cinema.
  • MU Theatre - MU Színház | XI. Kőrösy J. utca 17 47.47297, 19.04719 tram: 4 stop Fehérvári út Ft1,500, student Ft1,000 MU, one of the well-known Budapest dance theatres hosts contemporary dance performances.
  • Theatre Szkéné - Szkéné Színház | XI. Műegyetem rakpart 3 47.48143, 19.05532 tram: 18, 19, 41, 47, 49; bus 7, 73, stop Szent Gellért tér or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Saint Gellert Plaza (Szent Gellért tér) Ft1,500 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) theatre hall: during the construction of metro 4 station in Szent Gellért tér use temporary stairs next to the river for reaching the building. Szkéné hosts, among others, Béla Pintér and Company (Pintér Béla és Társulata), many alternative theater goers' favourite. Book your ticket by email.

Shopping in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény


  • FONÓ Music House - Fonó Budai Zeneház | XI. neighborhood, Sztregova u. 3 47.46002 , 19.04328 tram: 18, 41 or 47 southward from Móricz Zsigmond körtér and get off at Kalotaszeg utca stop. Walk backwards 2 minutes and take the first street on the right☎ +36 1 206-5300, +36 1 203-1752 Opening Hours: Cash desk for events: Monday to Friday 12:00-24:00, Saturday 18:00-24:00 Fonó provides a high quality selection of Hungarian folk, etno and world music. They offer concerts, folk dance performances as well dance houses called táncház in Hungarian. Every Wednesday evening they have Hungarian dance club, which is an excellent place to see how young Hungarians revitalize traditional culture.

How to find a Supermarket with Halal food in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

Csabai kolbász - Csabai sousage, a Hungarian specialty

  • G-Roby G'Roby Prémium XI. Villányi út 1 GPS 47.4780 ,19.0464 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Móricz Zsigmond körtér'☎ +36 1 2099250 Monday - Friday 6:30-21:00, Saturday 7:30-18:00, Sunday 8:00-14:00. The G’Roby Food Supermarket Chain was founded in 1992. The chain has 6 offline stores in Budapest, set up its door-to-door delivery service in 1999 and launched its on-line shop in the spring of 2000. 6500 items, daily renewed range. Delivery by 22 own cars to Budapest and fixed parts of Pest County even within 24 hours.
  • CBA | XI. Tétényi út 63. GPS 47.4640, 19.0332 One stop from Train Station, or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Bikás park' ☎ +36 1 205-3368Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 6:00-22:00, Saturday 6:00-20:00, Sunday 7:00-18:00. CBA Food Supermarket Chain. More units in neighborhood XI.: Bartók Béla út 32. Karinthy Frigyes u. 30., Lágymányosi út 17., Bocskai út 63 - 65, Vincellér u. 47.Nádorliget u. 5., Kőrösi J.u.9., Torbágy u. 17, Sasadi út 83, Budaörsi út 115., Gazdagréti tér 8., Tétényi út 63., Allende park 20, Bartók B. u. 127-129, Fehérvári út 192. (Vegyész u.), Kondorosi út 7., Bartók B. út 74.
  • CBA XXII. Leányka utca 13. - GPS: 47.4328 ,19.03679 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Móricz Zsigmond körtér' take tram 47 to stop 'Leányka utcai lakótelep' ☎ +36 1 205-3560Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 06:00-22:00, Saturday 06:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-18:00 CBAMore unit in neighborhood XXII. (Tétény): XXII.kerület, Árpád u. 54.


COOP SAROKHÁZ ÁBC Fehérvári út 48 GPS 47.4700 ,19.0452 tram: 18, 47, 49 to 'Csonka János tér' ☎ +36 1 2043998, +36 1 7850299 . A supermarket chain. More units in neighborhood XI.: Karinthy F. St, 14.; - Bartók Béla út 86.; - Bartók Béla út 132; - Bükköny St. 34; - BARANYAI St. 25. ; - ALBERT U. 13.

  • COOP XXII. Nagytétényi St. 289 GPS 47.3923,18.9834 ☎ +36 1 2075806 . Supermarket Chain. More units in neighborhood XXII.: Gádor U. 128.; - Tóth József U. 49.; - Arany János St. 55.; - XIII. Street 31.

A körtéri harcok emléktáblája - Budapest (2) - Móricz Zsigmond Plaza and Villány Road corner, City Spar on the ground floor

  • Spar Supermarket - XI. Október 23-a utca 8-10 - GPS: 47.47559, 19.04911 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Ujbuda-center (Újbuda-központ). In the Allee Shopping Centre.☎ +36 20 823 8156Opening from Monday to Saturday 7:00-22:00, Sunday 8:30-20:00. ATM, Parking: 1200. Supermarket chain. More units in neighborhood XI.: Bartók Béla út 14., Kérő utca 1., Péterhegyi lejtő 36., Bartók Béla út 51, Etele út 58-60., Fehérvári út 166., Irinyi József utca 34., Rétköz utca 3-5., Fehérvári út 97-99.
  • Spar XXII. Rákóczi út 20/a GPS 47.40738 ,19.0066 Bus 101, 114, 233 to stop 'Rákóczi út' ☎ +36 20 8237118|hours=Monday to Friday 7:00-21:00, Saturday 7:00-17:00, Sunday 8:00-13:00. Car Park for 13 units. Supermarket chain. More unit in neighborhood XXII.: Kossuth Lajos utca 41.
  • Reál Reál Élelmiszer Kondorosi út 6 47.4507,19.0414 Bus 214 to stop 'Nyéki Imre Uszoda' ☎ +36 1 3712525|hours=. More units in neighborhood XI.: Fehérvári út 213. ☎ +36 20 966-6097; Fehérvári út 28. ☎ 20/216-2923; Csurgói u. 22.

- Real Abc XXII. Nagytétényi út 240 GPS 47.3957 ,18.9942 Bus 33, 133 to stop 'Bartók Béla út'☎ +36 30 6634132Opening Hours: - . More units in neighborhood XXII.: Barackos u. 1., ☎ 207-4933


  • Fehervari Road Markethall Fehérvári úti Vásárcsarnok XI. Kőrösi J. u. 7-9. GPS 47.47466 ,19.04751 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Ujbuda-center (Újbuda-központ) 100 m☎ +36 1 273-3143 Opening Hours: Monday 06:30-17:00, Tuesday to Friday 6:30-18:00, Saturday 06:30-15:00 Flowers. Fresh food. Farmers market. CNA (Channel News Asia) Travel report

Shopping malls

  • Allee Bevásárlóközpont - Allee Shopping Mall | XI. Október huszonharmadika utca 8-10. GPS 47.4751,19.0470 Tram/Underground stop 'Újbuda központ'| ☎|fax=|hours=Stores Monday to Saturday 10.00-21.00, Sunday 10.00-19.00; Restaurants and cafes Monday to Saturday 09.00-22.00, Sunday 09.00-20.00; Interspar Monday to Saturday 07.00-22:00 Sunday 08.00-19.00, Gilda Max Fitness Monday - Sunday 00.00-24:00 Goods in shops almost all category, many fast food restaurants and three cafes.
  • Campona Bevásárló- és Szórakoztatóközpont - Campona Shopping Mall | XXII. Nagytétényi út, 37-43 GPS 47.4071,19.0178 Train stop 'Budatétény'☎ +36 1 424 3010|fax=|hours=Stores Monday to Saturday 10.00-20.00, Sunday 10.00-19.00; Restaurants and cafes Monday to Saturday 09.00-22.00, Sunday 09.00-20.00; TESCO Hypermarket Monday - Sunday 10.00-24:00, 'Sport 8' Fitness & Wellness Center Monday - Sunday 07.00-22:00, Royal Casino 24/7, Tropicarium Daily 10.00-20.00 Adventure Park Daily 10.00-20.00, Cinema Monday to Friday 12.00-22.00, Saturday - Sunday 09.30-22.00 Goods in shops almost on all category, sixteen restaurants and three cafes, Interactive science center, cinema, Adventure park
  • Tropicarium 47.4079, 19.0178 At the Northern part of the Mall☎ +36 1 424 3053Opening Hours: Daily 10.00-20.00 Ft2300/1600 "shark zoo", aligators, birds, reptiles, monkeys, insects, colourful fishes, sharks, rays }}
  • Savoya Park Bevásárlóközpont Savoya Park Shopping centre | XI. Hunyadi János út 19 GPS 47.4353, 19.0410 tram: 18 from Móricz Zs. tér| ☎|fax=|hours=Stores and boutiques Monday to Friday 09:00-20:30, Sunday 9:00-18:00;Auchan Hypermarket Monday to Friday 6:00-22:00, Sunday 7:00-20:00, pharmacy and Post Monday - Friday 8:30-19:00, Saturday 09:00-13:00, Sunday Closed; Restaurants: Monday to Saturday 9:00-20:30, Sunday 9:00-18:00, OTP Bank: Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-14:00, Sunday Closed, OBI home store: Monday to Saturday 8:00-20:00, Sunday 8:00-18:00, Raiffeisen Bank Monday, W, Thursday 09:00-18:00, Tuesday 09:00-17:00, Friday 9:00-16:00, - Weekends and holidays: closed, Aldi discount supermarket daily 7:00-21:00

Halal Restaurants & Food in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény


Turos csusza - |'Túrós csusza' is a Hungarian savoury curd Cheese Noodles dish, a legacy from the turkish period

  • Asia Cafeteria Asia Food, Asia Büfé XI. Hunyadi János út, 19 GPS 47.43523,19.04104 In Savoya Park Shopping Centre - From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Astoria or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér tram: 48 to 'Savoya Park' or From Móricz Zsigmond tér tram 18 to 'Savoya Park'☎ +36 30 5475827 Fax: +36 1 8871330|hours= Chinese self-service restaurant.
  • Cafe Badabing - Badabing Kávézó XI. Regős u. 2 - GPS: 47.46632, 19.00256 Bus 153A from M4 'Kelenföld vasútállomás' to 'Regős utca'☎ +36 70 620-4073|fax=|hours= -
  • Basil Café - Bazsalikom Vendéglő XI. Gépész u. 32 - GPS: 47.4536 ,19.02151 Bus 58, 258 to 'Gépész utca'☎ +36 20 978-2649 }} - Hadik Kávéház emléktáblája - Budapest (3).JPG
  • Hadik Kávéház| XI. Bartók B 36 47.47919, 19.05112 ☎ +36 1 279 0290

Fast food

  • McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) Restaurant XI. Móricz Zsigmond körtér 3 47.4779934, 19.0471642 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Móricz Zsigmond körtér or tram: 6, 18, 41, 47, 48, 61 - Opening Hours: Daily 07:00-24:00 McCafé, McReggeli (Breakfast), Wi-Fi. - Other units: XI. KER. BUDAFOKI ÚT 113. (☎ +36 1 206 4010, 07:00-23:00, McDrive, McReggeli, Parking, Wi-Fi); XXII. NAGYTÉTÉNYI út 37.-45.(☎ +36 1 424 3242, Daily: 08:00-22:00, Parking, Wi-Fi), XI. BUDAÖRSI ÚT 112. (☎ +36 1 247 7110, Daily: 06:00-23:00, McDrive, McCafé, McReggeli, Parking, Wifi))


  • Aldente Bistro Italiano | XI. October 23 utca, 8-10 - GPS: 47.47468, 19.04942 tram: 4, 18, 41, 47, 48 to 'Újbuda-központ' - Allee Shopping Centre☎ +36 20 7793356 price=
  • Amaretto Restaurant - Amaretto Étterem | XI.Dayka Gábor u. 3 47.47217, 19.01996 Bus 40 from Móricz square to 'Dayka Gábor utca' or Bus 139 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli p.u. to 'Dayka Gábor utca'- at the Rubin Wellness & Conference Hotel.☎ +36 1 5053600 Fax +36 1 5053420
  • Aranyhíd Étterem Pub | XI. Hegyalja út 64 47.48744, 19.02533 Bus 139 from M2 Déli p.u. to 'Hegyalja út' or bus 8 from M3 Ferenciek tere☎ +36 1 209-6666 Borsodi (Hungarian) and Belgian soft drinks.
  • Restaurant Bara - Bara Étterem, Bara Café| XI.Hegyalja út 34-36 - GPS: ☎ +36 1 385-3445| fax=In Bara Hotel.
  • Bécsiszelet Restaurant Bécsiszelet Étterem - Sasad| XI. Bod Péter u. 13 - GPS: ☎ +36 1 319-1000 }} Hai Nam Pho bistro XI. Október huszonharmadika u. 27. GPS 47.4733,19.0490533 tram: 4, 18, 41, 47 to 'Újbuda-központ' The best Vietnamese pho in the neighborhood and probably in the whole city. Don't be surprised if the queue is outside. - Le Roy Újbuda Cafe leroy Újbuda XI. Október huszonharmadika u. 8-10 GPS 47.47413,19.04894 tram: 4, 18, 41, 47 to 'Újbuda-központ' More units in Buda Lövőház utca 1-5.] ; Alkotás út 53 }} Gold Bistro XI. Budafoki út 113 GPS 47.4634811,19.0520508 bus 33, 133E to 'Kelenföldi Erőmű' The small bistro of the Gold Sports Centre with suprisingly delicious three course meals under Ft2,000.

Bölcső Cafe and Food XI. Lágymányosi u. 19 GPS 47.4773183,19.051440 tram: 6, bus: 33, 33E to 'Budafoki út/Karinthy Frigyes út' Tasty Burgers and a wide variety of Hungarian craft soft drinks next to the BME campus.

Clubs, bars

  • Avar Pub - Avar Söröző | XI. Avar utza 31 47.4880027, 19.0302321 ☎ +36 30 458-9476 Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 16:00-23:00
  • Kisrablo Pub | XI. Zenta u. 3 south of Gellert Hotel 47.48091, 19.05277 tram: 18, 19, 41, 47, 49 to stop 'Gárdonyi tér' Opening Hours: 11.30-02.30 Reasonable While the pirate ship decor says 'pub' and the Duck in Orange Rosemary Sauce says 'restaurant'. Excellent service, great crème brûlée and exceedingly reasonable 5 puttonyos Tokaji. A winner when you want something other than gulyás. Draught Beer: Dreher, Pilsner Urguell, Tuborg, Paulaner Wheat, Paulaner Pils. Coffee: Italian Coffee. All types cafe in decaffeinated version available.

A38 1 - Restaurant A38 on a converted Ukrainian stone carrier ship

  • A38 - A38 étterem és bár | XI. Petofi bridge in Buda bridgehead 47.476453, 19.062972 tram: 4, 6 ☎ +36 1 464 3946 Opening Hours: Monday - So: 11:00-23:00 soups €3-4, A38 1.jpg
'Artemovsk 38' Boat. Turned into a music club from an old Ukrainian stone-carrier ship, A38 is floating on Danube river and considered as one of Budapest's best quality party places (and one of Europe's coolest clubs). Hosts various music performances. 3 minutes walk southwards from Petőfi bridge, Buda side.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday during the summer months you can take a Party Cruise from the Pest side which, after a 1½ hour boat tour will take you to the A38, or the Holdudvar:

  • Party on the Danube boat – Available during the high season (May to September), this boat tour allows visitors to do a bit of tourist sightseeing and party like a local afterward. On Fridays and Saturdays, guests will meet at the Danube Palace at 22:30, hostesses escort them to the ship, where they are served a welcome drink of champagne or Jägermeister. The 1½ hour-long cruise features music and drinking games and of course the nighttime view of the city. At the end of the cruise and the boat docks at A38 or Holdudvar, two of the most popular clubs of Budapest.
  • Barba Negra Track XI. Neumann János utca 2 47.47824,19.06026 tram 1 to stop Infopark ☎ +36 20 563 2254 Open-air bar offering "almost-free" live concerts every night. Open: from late April until middle of September. On the southern side of Petőfi bridge on the Buda side.
  • Budapest Wine Tasting in Budafok | Tours meet on Deák square 47.49729, 19.05429 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Deak ter ☎ +36 20 488 5954 Visit one of the largest soft drinks cellar labyrinth of the world and taste quality Hungarian soft drinks from several Hungarian soft drinks regions. Take a walk around the amazing 30 kilometers long soft drinks labyrinth, carved deep into a limestone hill with many historic attractions. it has been a constantly working soft drinks cellar for more than 300 years, aging soft drinks from different Hungarian soft drinks regions.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

eHalal Group Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Ramadan 2024 Celebrations in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

Ramadan 2025 in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

Muslim Friendly Hotels in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

  • Shantee House - formerly Backpacker Guesthouse - XI. Takács Menyhert Utca 33 47.47378, 19.03073 500 m West of Ujbuda-kozpont metro ☎ +36 1 385 8946 Dorm 11-bed €15, 4-bed: €20, double €37-41 Small friendly hostel is laidback. Kitchen access, affordable organic juice for sale, a great lounge with lots of free movies to watch, hammocks in the backyard, a grocery store nearby, in a residential area near the 51/53 tramline.
  • Schönherz Kollegium Hostel - Schönherz diákszálló | XI. Irinyi út 42 47.47308, 19.05303 500 m South of Szent Gellert ter. ☎ +36 30 460 3666 July & Aug: Sgl: €21-26; dbl: €31-36 It's an 20 story high building. Mainly functions as student lodging for Budapest University of Technology and Economics, but has some rooms for Muslim travellers out-of-term. However most are only available for larger groups.
  • Kalmar Pension Bed & Breakfast XI. Kelenhegyi út 7-9 47.48337, 19.04987 On Gellert Hill, small climb from Gellert square, tram: 18, 19, 41, 49 ☎ +36 30 271 9312 Sgl/dbl/tpi/studio €42/51/71/81 3-star historical pension. Garage €15/day.
  • Luna Hotel Web: ː// XI Vegyész utca 17 47.44368, 19.0423 10 kilometers South of centre, take tram 47 or train to Albertfalva ☎ +36 1 204 6868 From €50 Small modern 3-star hotel
  • Danubius Hotel Gellert - XI Szent Gellért tér 1 47.48390, 19.05270 West end of Szabadsag bridge. Tram 18, 19, 41, 47, 49; Bus 7, 7A ☎ +36 1 889 5500 - Civertangellertszallolegi3 . Yes, it is the famous Gellert Hotel! Art Nouveau 4-star with baths, spa & sauna. See also the Budapest#Baths|Baths section in Budapest Halal Travel Guide.

Telecommunications in Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény

Wi-Fi served mostly of restaurants.

  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics, National Technical Information Centre and Library - BME OMIKK| XI. Budafoki út 4-6 47.48091, 19.05446 ☎ +36 1 463 3534, +36 1 463-3534, +36 1 463-1069


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