
From Halal Explorer

Hegyvidék is a neighborhood in Budapest.

Budapest/Hegyvidék Halal Travel Guide

Janoshegyview - View from Janos Hill toward the hills of 12th & 2nd neighborhoods

Hegyvidék (The Mount area) comprises all of the 12th & 2nd neighborhoods. and is the most exclusive area, with villas, embassies and foreign residences. Thit is the 'greenest' part of the city. Here is the city highest hill János hegy (527 m above sea level). It is located in Buda the northwestern part. In north and northeast the III. neighborhood called Budapest/Óbuda|Óbuda (Old Buda), in the east the Danube river by XIII. and V. neighborhood, Budapest/Belváros|Belváros Downtown or "Inner city". To the southeast is the I. neighborhood called Belbuda (Inner Buda). To the south is the XI. neighborhood Budapest/Újbuda and Tétény|Újbuda and Tétény (New Buda and Teteny). The neighboring communities are Budakeszi and Budaörs.

Because a significant part of the neighborhood is covered by forest and the area is very popular for local hikers and as a residence for wealthy people. Countless luxurious villas, flashy cars and upscale quarter are located here, as are diplomatic offices.

How to travel to Budapest/Hegyvidék

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File:Moskva-square2 - |Szell Kalman Plaza and the Main transport hub in this area

The major transport hubs: Szell Kalman Plaza (former Moszkva Plaza) and

  • Hűvösvölgy Transport Hub - II. Hűvösvölgyi út ~213 GPS 47.54313, 18.96428 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further take tram 61 to end stop - . Tram 61, bus 29, 57, 63, 64, 64A, 157, 157A, 164, 257, 264, 956, 963, 964 terminated here. Also a hundred meters away is the end station of the Széchenyi Hill Children's Railways


Two stations are located here:

BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli pályaudvar (South Railway Station)


Bus 16, 16A and 116 go to Buda historic castle from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér. Bus 21 very useful exploring Jan Mountain or Secheni Mountain (János-hegy or Széchenyi-hegy) and these are part of the Buda Protected Landscape Area.


The neighborhood is the most important tram is No.61 between Hűvösvölgy and Móricz Plaza and the former is a transport hub for the northern part of neighborhood, to transport hub to New Buda (Újbuda). You can catch it at BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Szell Kalman tér or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Deli Pályaudvar

Other transport modes

Libego1 - Zugliget Chair-lift 12csillebérccivertanlégi civertan license - Cogwheel tram at Hill Station

=12csillebérccivertanlégi civertan license .jpg
  • Cogwheel tram - Fogaskerekű | Using in the Buda Hills is a great escape from the city. The cogwheel tram, which is tram 61, leaves from Varosmajor, accessible by tram: 59 or 61 from Szell Kalman Plaza. It climbs through the wooded Buda Hills and at the top.
  • To {{marker
  • Bottom station - Városmajor 47.50928, 19.01316 take M2 Szell Kalman Plaza further bus 56 or tram: 59, 61. From station BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Szell Kalman Plaza take bus 21 to stop 'Ordas út' and walk 500m, near the Children's Railway terminal, to the {{marker
  • Upper station - Széchenyi-hegy 47.49519, 18.97955


  • Children's Railway - Gyermekvasút | Hűvösvölgy 47.54294, 18.96170 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further tram: 61 to stop Hűvösvölgy 5 min walk to Lower Terminal - To Upper station (Széchenyi-hegyi állomás) take Cogwheel tram (see above) to the Upper station and 200m walk ☎ +36 1 397 5392 +36 1 397 5396 Opening Hours: May-September all day, other only T-Su OW/RW HUF700/1400, student half price Using in the Buda Hills is a great escape from the city. If you feel like doing it, take the Children's Railway through the hills to Hüvösvölgy and take tram 61 back down to Széll Kálmán tér. u/english/page.php?7 The cogwheel tram accepts local travelcards, but the Gyermekvasút does not and fares can be found here. Also if you have an old map, you're supposed to find Pioneers' Railway (Úttörővasút) instead of Children's Railway in it, which is the former name of the railway from the soviet era. More info: Budapest#Get around

}} Libego1.jpg

  • Zugliget Chair-lift Libegő | XII. Zugligeti út, 97 (Lower station) 47.51658, 18.97447 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán' take a bus☎ +36 1 3255-255, +36 1 394 3764| fax=Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-18:00 Ft900. BKK tickets and passes are not valid. Thit is a chair lift what taking you from "Zugliget" to Jan Mountain ("János hegy").

What to see in Budapest/Hegyvidék

Gül baba türbéje - Tomb of Gül Baba, a monument from Turkish period

  • Adyliget St. Stephen's Church - Adyligeti Szent István templom |II. Feketerigó u. 28. - GPS: 47.54555, 18.94307 From Huvosvolgy take bus 63 to stop Ady lepcso | ☎Opening Hours: Masses Tuesday 18:00, Friday 18:00, Saturday 18:00, Sunday 08:00
  • Béla Bartók Memorial House - Bartók Béla Emlékház | Csalán út 29 47.52802, 18.99211 5-minutes walk on the Csévi street, coming from the bus terminal (no. 5), at Pasaréti square, 1st bus 5 take at BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér☎ +36 1 394-4472 Tuesday - Saturday 10:00-17:00 Adult €4, student €2 The final home of one of the greatest Hungarian composers. Located at a very stunning location and has a big garden. - Bartók's sheet music, books, CDs, DVDs, postcards are available in the Museum Music Shop. Evening concerts: at 18:00. extraphone=+36 1 394-2100 - Gül baba türbéje.JPG
  • Tomb of Gül Baba and Rosegarden - Gül Baba Türbe és rózsakert | II. Mecset utca 14. (entrance: Türbe tér 1.) 47.51591, 19.03494 tram: 17 from Margit híd, Buda side to Szent Lukács Gyógyfürdő stop ☎ +36 1 237-4400 10:00-18:00 Free Built around 1548 by the Turkish occupants of the city. and is the northernmost place of Muslim pilgrimage. The beautiful view and the peacefulness of the place makes a visit worth.

File:Millennariscivertanlegi1 - Millenaris Park Millennariscivertanlegi1.jpg

  • Millenaris Park - Millennium Park, Millenáris Park | II. Kis Rókus u. 16–20 47.511131, 19.024308 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further walk 500m or take tram: 4, 6 one stop ☎ +36 1 336 4000 +36 1 336 4012 Vary Thit is a cultural center for showing the Hungarian capital and Europe significant cultural and lifestyle values. It is developed from an iron foundry, what founded Abraham Ganz in the 'Field of Pest roller mill' (Pesti Hengermalom) company area. There is the House of the Future exhibition hall (Jövő Háza kiállítás) with themes as genome research, spacecraft (include the Hungarian Mars rover), astronomy or the lives of people with disabilities durable presentation 'Ability Park'. Located in the Great Hall (Building B), thit is a huge multi-level building. The Pixel Gallery (Building C) has a similar spiral arrangement as the New York's Guggenheim Museum, used for media arts and visual art exhibitions. Theater (Teátrum) is a nearly 0.7ha of assembly hall converted building, a kind of studio. Used for TV studio and theaters and concert halls. The Host or Building G (Fogadó) was built in 1930s, former machine repair, plating plant. Used for concerts, child and family programs, studio theater performances, Chamber of Commerce exhibitions. The Worm Gallery (Csiga Galéria) is a separate gallery space for contemporary art exhibitions. The Loft (Padlás), a theater space, with mobile auditorium for 150 to 200 people. And also the park, a big green area (3.5ha).
  • Foundry Museum Öntődei Múzeum | Bem József u. 20 GPS 47.511634,19.035736 TTram 4, 6 to 'Mechwart liget', 2nd stop From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Szell Kalman square' Thursday10AM Monday - 4PM, Friday 10AM Monday - 2PM, Saturday 10AM Monday - 4PM Ft800 Thit is the one-time factory of Abraham Ganz, where the foundry existed even in 1960s.

Ruins of Budaszentlőrinc Pauline Monastery 02 - Ruins of Budaszentlőrinc Pauline Monastery Ruins of Budaszentlőrinc Pauline Monastery 02.JPG

  • Ruins of Pauline Monastery - Pálos kolostor romjai | Budaszentlőrinc, over 'Szépjuhászné' 47.52681, 18.95563 By Children's Railway to train stop 'Szépjuhászné' or From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Szell Kalman square' take bus 22 to stop 'Szépjuhászné, Gyermekvasút' - Built in 13-14th centuries.

}} - Janoshegy.jpg

  • Elizabeth Lookout Erzsébet kilátó (János-hegy) 47.51583, 18.96030 Take the chair lift.Budapest#Get around'Libegő' or From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Szell Kalman square' take bus 90A to stop Normafa and strolling in wood 15 min, or take Children's Railway to stop Janos-hill or Virágvolgy station and short woodland walk to lookout Opening Hours: Daily 08:00-20:00 is Budapest's highest peak with its 527 meters.


  • Bajor Gizi Actors’ Museum Bajor Gizi Színészmúzeum | Stromfeld Aurél út, 16 GPS 47.49340,19.01157 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Deák tér' take Bus 105 to Németvölgyi út stop☎ +36 1 225 3161|tollfree= |fax=Opening Hours: W-Su 14:00-18:00 . The museum covers decisive participants and events of almost 200 years of Hungarian theatre, from the strolling players of the 1820s up to the present moment. Placed in a neo-baroque, early 20th century villa and its compelling garden and park.
  • Hegyvidék Region History Collection - Hegyvidéki Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény | Beethoven utca 1/b 47.49281, 19.02017 tram: 59 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli p.u. ☎ +36 1 457-0501 +36 1 457-0500 Opening Hours: Tu,Thursday,F: 10:00-18:00.
  • Hegyvidék Region Contemporary Art Gallery, Barabás Villa - Hegyvidéki Kortárs Galéria, Barabás Villa Galéria | Városmajor u. 16 & 44 47.50518, 19.01785 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli p.u. ☎ +36 1 201-6607 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-12:00 In two buildings
  • Farkasret Cemetery - Farkasréti temető | Németvölgyi út 99 47.48430, 19.00240 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further tram: 59 ☎ +36 1 248 3520 Car entry fee Ft280 Griff-szobor a Farkasréti temetőben.JPG Thit is the largest and most beautiful located cemetery in Buda. Opened 1894. At the west side of Denevér street is the Yahudi Cemetery section.

}} - Jokai-villa 02.JPG

  • Jokai Club - Jókai Klub | XII. Hollós út 5. 47.49895, 18.98903 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán take tram: 61 to 'Városmajor' further "red 60" (Cog Wheel train) to stop 'Svábhegy' to Svábhegy ☎ +36 70 334 4468 +36 1 395 8284 Built in 1883.


=005c MOM kultúrház.jpg
  • MOM Cultural Center - MOM Kulturális Központ | XII. Csörsz u. 18. - GPS: 47.49022, 19.01851 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér or Déli Pályaudvar further tram: 61 to 'Csörsz utca'☎ +36 1 319-9854 +36 1 248-1756


  • Virányos Community Center XII. Szarvas Gábor út 8/c 47.51281, 18.99480 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán further Bus 156 or tram: 61 to stop 'Budagyöngye' ☎ +36 70 33 44472 +36 1 200 8713 Built in 1989. Thit is a family house type, three-storey building.


  • Ybl Villa XII. Budakeszi út 36/B 47.51914,18.97944 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér + bus 22, 22A, 222 to 'Labanc út'☎ +36 1 354 3833 One of the most beautiful villas of Buda built in the 1850s. - Varosmajor old churche.JPG
  • 'Városmajori' Heart of Jesus Parish - Városmajori Jézus Szíve Plébánia| XII. Csaba u. 5. 47.50599, 19.02126 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' and walk ☎ +36 1 212-4656 Roman Catholic.


  • Baptist St. John Church of Upper 'Krisztinaváros' Felső-krisztinavárosi Keresztelő Szent János Plébánia | XII. Apor Vilmos tér 9-11. - GPS: 47.49065, 19.01335 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán or Déli Pályaudvar further tram: 59 to 'Zólyomi lépcső'☎ +36 1 356-0089 Roman Catholic. Krisztinaváros means Kristinatown.
  • Holy Family Parish of Zugligeti - Zugligeti Szent Család Plébánia | XII. Zalai út 1/C. 47.51608, 18.99002 Zugliget quarter BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán further bus 222, 229 to 'Zalai út' ☎ +36 20-823-4598 - Roman Catholic - Farkasrét Mindenszentek plébániatemplom - All Saints Church of Farkasrét Farkasréti Mindenszentek Plébánia | XII. Hegyalja út 139. - GPS: 47.48390, 19.00642 Farkasrét quarter, - BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán or Déli Pályaudvar further tram: 59 to 'Farkasréti temető' - or - BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ferenciek tere further bus 8 to stop 'Farkasréti temető'☎ +36 1 319-3105 Fax +36 1 319-3104 Roman Catholic }}
  • St. Ladislaus Parish of Istenhegy - Istenhegyi Szent László Plébánia | XII. Diana u. 15/A. 47.49995, 18.99384 Istenhegy quarter, BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take tram: 61 to 'Városmajor' further "red 60" (Cog Wheel train) to stop 'Városkút'☎ +36 1 398-1591 +36 1 395-8343 Roman Catholic. Built in 1975-78.

}} Nyékivadászkastélycivertanlegi - The ruins of Nyék Castle, Hűvösvölgyi út 78 Maria kapolna.jpg

  • Mary's Chapel of Atonement of Kútvölgyi - Kútvölgyi Mária Engesztelő Kápolna | XII. Galgóczy u. 49 47.50726, 18.98800 Kútvölgyi quarter. - BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' + bus 128 to last stop 'Városkúti út' Roman Catholic. In 1990, next to the original 18th-century chapel built a larger chapel named Mary's Chapel of Atonement. In 1998, extended with "Camp Hill" pilgrim house. Next to the chapel stand the Mary Fountain with a small cloister


  • Greek Catholic University Church - Szinaxis Diákotthon és Budapesti Görögkatolikus Egyetemi Lelkészség | XII. Hegyalja út 113. - GPS: 47.48491, 19.01181 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ferenciek tere further bus 8 to 'Korompai utca' Greek Catholic.
  • Reformed Church of Buda Mountain - Budahegyvidéki Református Egyházközség | XII. Böszörményi út 28 47.49366, 19.01806 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' or Déli Pályaudvar further tram: 59 or bus 102 to stop 'Királyhágó tér' ☎ +36 1 355 4482 101
  • Reformed Mission Church of Svábhegy | XII., Felhő u. 10 47.50059, 18.99180 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take tram: 61 to 'Városmajor' further "red 60" (Cog Wheel train) to stop 'Svábhegy'


  • Lutheran Church of Buda Mountain - Budahegyvidéki Evangélikus Egyházközség | XII. Kékgolyó u. 17. 47.49876, 19.02102 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Déli Pályaudvar' further tram: and 10min walk uphill ☎ +36 1 224-0640 Lutheran church.

File:Moskva-square1 - Former Post Palace Moszkva ter postacivertanlegi1.jpg

  • Former Post Palace Krisztina körút, 8 GPS 47.506057 ,19.023806 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' ☎ . Protected Monument Building. A landmark of Szell Kalman square hilly side.

}} - Béla K-út 029.JPG

  • Villas on Bela Kiraly street - Villák a Bela Kiraly street, 27, 29, 33, 34 (multiple) 47.504101, 18.983311 Cog wheel or bus 21, 21A to stop 'Adonis utca' take the rail underpass at 'Költő' street and there start the Bela Kiraly street Opening Hours: Just outside Strolling between hundred or more years old buildings. - Frivaldszky–villa, Mauthner–villa, Pálffy-villa.
  • Újlak Visitation of Our Lady Parish - Újlak Sarlós Boldogasszony plébánia | @III. Bécsi út 32. 47.52739, 19.03723 Bus 9, 29, 65, 65A, 109, 111, 165, tram: 17, 19, 41, Budapest hev symbol.svg|15px BKV h5 jms.svg|15px: Szépvölgyi út. ☎ +36 1 335-3573 Opening Hours: Masses Monday to Saturday 6:30 and 18:00, Sunday 9:00, 10:30 and 18:00. - St. Stephen's Chapel Masses Weekdays 17:30, Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 Above the main entrance of the church in Latin inscription (1705 Creature Creator) marks the year of founding of the parish. For builders, mostly German-speaking Újlaki (Neustift) little more than fifty yearsfaithful took to build and furnish this church. The building Christopher Hamon Nepauer Matthew was raised in 1746-1766. The main altar was designed by Christopher Hickisch in 1799. The tower formed hard: The first, which began to build above the center of the front facade had to be demolished before its have fallen. Place it on the south side of the connector tower can still be seen. Instead made ​​on the south side another tower, this can still be seen nowadays. Top of the tower, "helmet" part, due to natural disasters, should be renewed twice. Present form of the tower was completed according to the plans of Ybl Miklós in 1877. The "Water level" indicator plaque located in the little church, a memory for 1875 rainstorm that causes serious damage. The frescoes made in 1920s.

Natural sights

Apáthy-szikla - Apathy Rock - Apáthy-szikla.jpg

  • Apathy Rock - Apáthy-szikla | II.distr. 47.530278, 18.991944 Near to the Devil's Ditch (Ördög árok), Take tram: 61 to stop 'Nagyhíd' Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Thit is a dolomite rock. The boundaries of the Nagybányai road, Madár street, Páfrányliget street and Görgényi road. Since 1977 _teruletek nature reserve , almost 6 ha.
  • Balogh Adam rock - Balogh Ádám szikla | II., Balogh Ádám street and Endrődi Sándor street 47.52627, 18.99813 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' tram 61 to Kelemen László utca further take bus 29 to stop Vöröstorony utca Opening Hours: 24/7 Free approx. 1 hectare _teruletek nature reserve. Triassic dolomite protrusion with thermal water solution. Iron and manganese infiltration. In cavities calcite, barite and iron oxide hydroxide minerals.

Tough tree.jpg Black pine Feketefenyő, Lat.:Pinus nigra, XII. Hangya utca ~37 GPS 47.49443 ,18.99709 bus 112 to end stop Thomán István utca and walk on Csorna utca 200 m - . Protected natural monument. The height of its is over 20 meters, age of its estimated to be at least 70 years.

File:Ördög-árok stream in Remete Valley - Ördög (Hell) rift stream in Remete (Hermit) Valley

  • Fácános Garden - Fácános kert XII. Béla király út 61 GPS 47.51114 ,18.97298 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take bus 155 to Zugligeti út 24/7 - . Around of the nature reserve is a mostly forested land. Size of its is nearly 10 hectares. The protected flora and fauna is very rich. Birds and squirrels are the biggest animals

  • Fazekas Hill's quarry - Fazekas-hegyi kőfejtő II. GPS 47.54573 ,18.95479 Bounded by Uzsoki - Ördögárok - Bátori László - Villám streets, from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take tram 61 to Hűvösvölgy further take bus 63 to Villám utca, easiest access from Nagyrét street and turn to Torda street - . A protected natural monument. It was one of the richest deposits of fossils of the capital. It is temporarily closed. Numerous protected plants and animal (mostly birds and lizards) live here.
  • Ferenc-hegy natural monument II. Törökvészi út and Ferenchegyi út intersection 47.52680 ,19.011324 Between Törökvészi Road - Őzgida Street - Zuhany Street, north and south from Ferenchegyi Road. - The easiest way to see from Törökvészi út and Ferenchegyi út intersection. - From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Batthyány tér' take bus 11 to stop Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázium Opening Hours: 24/7 Free The extent of the area: 8.6 ha. Located in Vérhalom neighborhood. Under the surface is the more than 5 kilometers long, highly protected Francis Mountain Cave (Ferenchegyi-barlang). This area forms a protective zone from surface. Zoological and botanical values ​​of the area: large oak forest, protected and specially protected plant species (circa a dozen types), protected and strictly protected animal species (birds around a dozen types plus different lizards, butterflies, European squirrels).
  • The linden of the Gazda utca A Gazda utcai hársfa védett természeti emlék | II. Pesthidegkút-Ófalu - GPS: 47.56578 ,18.96748 300 m from Hidegkúti road, From Hűvösvölgy transport hub take bus 64, 64A, 164, 264 to stop Községház utca than go ahead (north) two streets, turn right cross the Creek (Paprika patak) further turn at Nóra street left Opening Hours: 24/7 Free A natural monument. Protected since 1980.

Giant sequoia - Felhő utcai hegyi mamutfenyő XII. Felhő utca GPS 47.50137 ,18.991573 Take bus 21 or 90 to stop Költő utca Only from outside of garden - . Located: Garden area of the Istenhegy (Mount of God). The top of the Giant can be see from Felhő utca and Cédrus utca corner. The Cloud Street's sequoia is one of the oldest and most burly tree in the Capital. Data: height: about 25 m, estimated age: 100 years, trunk circumference: approx. 2.5m.

Protected Grassland patches - Denevér úti védett gyepfolt XII. Denevér út GPS 47.49006 ,18.994673 North of the Farkasrét Cemetery between the upper part of the Denevér road and the Fodor street, BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Újbuda-központ bus 53 to Mindszenty József bíboros tér  - . Protected natural monument. A lookout point located at the southern end of the small grassland with great panorama. Almost the entire city can be seen from here. Dozens types of protected flora, different butterflies, lizard and birds (blackbirds, robins, blackcaps, nightingales, lesser whitethroats, chiffchaffs) live here.

}} File:Mechwart_square - Mechwart grove, near to Margit Boulevard Mechwart_square.JPG

  • Mechwart grove - Mechwart liget | II.distr., 47.51206, 19.03205 Margit Boulevard and Keleti Károly Street intersection, tram: 4,6 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' Opening Hours: 24/7 Free 1.8ha landscaped square.

Sessile oak - Védett kocsánytalan tölgy XII. Eötvös út ~1 GPS 47.49792 ,18.98347 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further take bus 21, 90 to stop Ordas út walk down a half block look the yellow house around the Özike road corner - . A protected natural monument. Located in a suburban part of the Svábhegy (the Swabian mount) neighborhood. Thit is probably one of the last messenger of the former, large rural Buda's forest. This was one of the most widely spread species of oak in the mid Mountains in and around Budapest. This tree is about hundred years old. Over the decades and the crown of its had to repeatedly truncated, so it not formed upon to the characteristic dimensions of this species.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Budapest/Hegyvidék



  • Thermal bath Szent Lukács - Szent Lukács Gyógyfürdő| II. Frankel Leó utca 25-29. 47.51790, 19.037075 Suburban rail to stop Margit híd, budai hídfő and five mins walk
?id=258 A monument building


View from Remete Hill - Buda Protected Landscape Area

  • Ferenc hill Birdwatching Area - Ferenc-hegy | II.distr. Ferenchegyi út, Zuhany utca - GPS: 47.52653, 19.01191 Between Törökvész road and Pusztaszeri road, take bus 11 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Batthyány tér' to stop 'Baba utca'Opening Hours: 24/7 Free On the mountain top and north slope can be see a karst scrub forests. The mountain is great for bird watching: blackbird, blue tit, chaffinch, greenfinch, great fiery-headed woodpecker and goldcrests. In the south-western end of Ferenc hill is Ferenc-Mountain Cave, (visit only for researchers).

Cave tours


  • Mátyás-hegyi Cave - Mátyás-hegyi-barlang | II. Szépvölgyi út 162 47.53260, 19.01708 From Kolosy square (tér) bus 65, to 'Pál-völgyi-cseppkőbarlang' stop. ☎ +36 20 928-4969 €15, discounted €12 Tours 2½-3hours, entrance at Pálvölgyi Cave. In the cave and there is no established route and the trip should be on all fours or sliding like to travel more than once, but the participation in any pre-qualification is not required, just a sporty attitude. The necessary equipment - overalls, helmets and head lamps - are provided.
  • Molnár János cave - Molnár János barlang | II. Frankel Leó út? 47.51818, 19.03596 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Batthyany tér' and bus 86, to Császár-Komjádi uszoda (Swimming Pool), walk 5min across Elvis Presley square are still active and filled up with thermal water, contains the largest known water filled cavity in Europe and feeds the nearby spa "Lukács". This caves in Buda has special origin, its not formed by cold waters from the outside, but formed by warm springs. - The thermal karst area of Rózsadomb neighborhood is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

}} Pálvölgyi-barlang Szomorú-fűz - Palvolgy Stalactite Cave - Budapest Szemlöhegyi Höhle.JPG

  • Szemlő Hill Cave - Szemlő-hegyi-barlang | II. Pusztaszeri út, 35 47.52810, 19.02558 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Árpád-híd' tram 1 to 'Szentlélek square' + bus 29 to 'Szemlő-hegyi-barlang' stop, 100 m downhill to the entrance.☎ +36 1 325-6001 Opening Hours: W-M 10:00-16:00, The tours: 35-40 minutes. Start at every hour €3.3 Take another cave tour in the 'Underground flower garden of Buda Hills'. Some of the guides do not speak any English, but they give a free English pamphlet for the tour. There is a joint ticket for the standard tourist areas of the Pál-völgyi and the Szemlőhegyi caves. The caves are walking distance to each other - ask for a map from either cave ticket office. These areas are easily accessible and well-lit making them better for the slightly claustrophobic among us, though to enjoy the true beauty of the caves you must go on the longer more strenuous tours. Due to the times that the tours start, you're better of starting at Szemlőhegyi then taking the 15-minutes walk to Pál-völgyi. This way it is feasible to not have a very long wait between your caves and the outdoor area at Pál-völgyi is far more pleasant in nice weather than the Szemlőhegyi cave museum.


  • Palvolgy Cave - Pálvölgyi Barlang | II. Szépvölgyi út, 162 47.53260, 19.01708 From Kolosy square (tér) bus 65, to Pál-völgyi-cseppkőbarlang stop. - 500m from Szemlő-hegyi Cave ☎ +36 1 325 5722, +36 1 325-9505 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-16:00, Tours: 60 minutes (basic) or 25 minutes. Short guided tours start from 15 minutes past every hour. Basic tour €4.3, discount €3.3. Combined: with Szemlohegy Cave is valid €6.3,discount €4.3, Short tour €2.3. A cave walking in the Buda Hills. Another way of passing a few hours is to visit the Caves on the Buda hills. The cave has special kinds of formations rarely seen in other places. There is a free English pamphlet for the tour.


=Budapest Mammut-2 bevasarlokozpont 0905.jpg

  • Palace Mammut - Mammut Bevásárló- és Szórakoztatóközpont| II. Lövőház utca 2-6 (in Mammut Center) - GPS: 47.50864, 19.02577 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér', tram: 4, tram: 6 stop Széna tér HUF1100-2200 Multiplex. Subtitled films.


  • Palace MOM PARK Cinema Complex | XII. Alkotás utca 47.49053, 19.02351 tram: 61 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Déli p.u.' or bus 8, 40, 112 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Ferenciek tere' Ft1250, for student Ft990, on affordable days Ft800 Which is the "Original language movie" in Budapest, so you can watch all the foreign movies here with subtitles too. Check Palace’s web site for programme and booking.

Budapešť, Városmajor, sady - Városmajor Park, former City Farm


=Budapešť, Városmajor, sady - Városmajor - lit. City Farm XII. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor, Maros utca and Csaba utca GPS 47.50757, 19.01770 Tram 59, 61 to stop Nyúl utca 24/7 - Free . Points of interest: Városmajori Heart of Jesus Parish Church (Városmajori Jézus Szíve Plébánia) by Aladár Arkay in 1920s.mMemorial of the Warrior Unit of Hungarian Hunters in World War I (Magyar Tábori Vadászok emlékműve) a work of Kisfaludi Strobl Zsigmond. Statue of Beethoven (work of János Horvay). Statue of Tom Thumb (Hüvelyk Matyi) made by Ede Telcs. Statue of Espejo D'Eugenio statue (Espejo D' Eugenio szobor) by A. Negrete.Aladár Arkaymemorial column. The total area: 10 hectares. Half of the area covered with lawn also there is some flowered area, circa 1300 trees then one an d half hectare is covered with shrubs. History: This area was a flood plain of the Devil's Ditch (Ördög-árok). It was used for meadow a long time and then it was a military-owned land. A city's commander, Count Daun, horticulture and farm established in 1700s. In 1785 a regulation of Joseph II (Habsburg Emperor) established​​ a public park here. In 1787 more than three thousand trees were planted, brought from the forests of Budakeszi and Dunabogdány settlements. József Tallherr state architect and Antal Kock urban gardener made the plans inspired by the French gardens. In early 1800s an amusement park called Budai vurstli was moved here. This led to the deterioration of the neighborhood. In 1920 the Devil's Ditch was covered and after some reconstruction the park was revived. Also here is the BSE sports hall with tennis courts, Városmajori Outdoor Theatre, Városmajori High School and the terminus for the cogwheel railway (on maps signed as tram#60).


Komjádi uszoda - Csaszar-Komjadi Swimming Pool Komjádi_uszoda.jpg

  • Csaszar-Komjadi Sports Swimming Pool - Császár-Komjádi Béla Sportuszoda | II. Árpád fejedelem útja 8 47.52028, 19.03722 There stop near the H5 suburban railway, bus 6, 86 and tram: 17. ☎ +36 1 3261478 Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 06:00-19:00 Adult/student Ft1800/1100 Császár spa was established in 1806. There are three outdoor pools.
  • Kleby Student Sports Association - Klébi Diáksport Egyesület |II. Szabadság u. 23 47.56137, 18.95949 bus 64, 64A, 164, 257, 264 to stop Községház utca☎ +36 1 397-4784 +36 1 3768-344 Opening Hours: Badminton Tuesday 19:00-22:00, West 19:00-20:00, Thursday 19:00-22:00, Sunday 16:00-19:00; climbing Tuesday 18:00-22:00, West 18:00-20:00, Thursday 18:00-22:00, Sunday 16:00-19:00
  • City Squash Club - Fallabda Club | II. Marczibányi tér 13 47.51265, 19.02288 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' ☎ +36 1 336-0408 +36 1 336-0409 Opening Hours: Squash: Monday to Friday 7:00-23:00, Saturday - Sunday 08:00-22:00; Fitness Monday to Friday 7:00-22:00, Saturday - Sunday 08:00-20:00 Squash and fitness
  • Off Road Art Sport Association - Art Off Road Sportegyesület | @II. Trombitás u. 26. - GPS: 47.51090, 19.01240 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' further tram: 59, 61 to stop 'Városmajor' ☎ +36 1 3553-176 - Terrain Rally
  • Recreation Sports Center - Szabadidősport Központ | XII. Városmajor u. 29. 47.504316, 19.020108 M2 Széll Kálmán ☎ +36 1 202-1041 +36 1 319-92-92, +36 1 319-34-39 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 6:00-7:30 and 16:45-21:30, Saturday - Sunday 8:00-19:00 Adult ticket Ft1,300, Youth and senior tickets Ft900, Big Family ticket Ft900, Youth and Senior Pass Ft8,000, Adult Pass Ft11,000extraphone=+36 1 212-2945. Services:Swimming, aqua fitness, private secluded sauna, fitness, private massage, solarium, indoor soccer, basketball, handball, floorball. - Gym rental (XII. Városmajor u. 29. Contact:+36 70 442-2130.)
  • MOM Sports Swimming Pool and Sports Centre - MOM Sport Uszoda és Sportközpont| XII. Csörsz u. 14-16 47.4900663, 19.022626 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán or Déli take Tram 61 to 'Csörsz utca'☎ +36 1 248-2260 Fax +36 1 248-2262 Opening Hours: Daily 06:00-22:00 Rentals: Sports hall (size: 1.600m²), ballet room (110m²), Artificial grass football field (40m x 20m). email about rental=@ Pools: Spa swimming pools for wellness great relaxation for the 16-person hot tub, two Finnish saunas and steam rooms. Indoor competition pool: Size: 25m x 21m, 8 lane. Water depth: 2.1m. Water: 24-26°C. Other: stand with 250 seats, digital scoreboard. Indoor training pool: (15m x 8.5m, depth: 1.2m, water: 28-30°C. Adventure swimmingpool for max. 16 people, witth whirlpool, various massaging water jets (Water: 1m (depth), 30-32°C). Saunas (2) max.capacity 10 person, temperature: 90-105°C. Steam Room max.capacity 6 people, temperature: 40-50°C


File:Millennariscivertanlegi1 - Millenaris, a huge cultural centre in neighborhood 2nd.

  • Budapest Congress Center - Budapest Kongresszusi Központ | XII. Jagelló út 1-3 47.48852, 19.02233 To BAH-csomópont by tram: 61 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli p.u., bus 8, 112 from Ferenciek tere (M3), bus 40 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Móricz Zs tér ☎ +36 1 372-5425 - The largest, most modern congress and meeting place in Hungary. Exhibits, festivals, concerts
  • Millenáris II. Fény utca 20-22 47.51068, 19.02588 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér', tram: 4, tram: 6 stop Széna tér - Tickets: Ft1,000-6,000 This huge cultural centre has been built around former factory buildings. The complex includes a park, a small artificial lake, two playgrounds, some cafés and a theatre which hosts music and theatre and sometimes great contemporary opera performances. You can book your ticket at their home page, which is available in Hungarian and English. The area is frequently used as a venue for various fairs and exhibitions as well. (The interactive museum called Csodák Palotája (Palace of Wonders) which used to reside in the Millenáris moved to the Campona Shopping Centre in Southern Buda.)

Walking tours

Anna Hill observation tower 02 - Anna Hill observation tower, Buda Protected Landscape Area - Anna Hill observation tower 02.JPG

  • Buda Protected Landscape Area - Budai Tájvédelmi körzet | XII. neighborhood 47.55938, 18.88035 North-west of Buda, some parts inside of city limit, Take tram: 61 to Hűvősvölgy terminus from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér', after bus 65 to terminus Nagykovácsi (all is 55-65 min.), than followed Z+ tourist path. 'Z' means green. Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Walking tours, from minutes until days long, on 10,528 hectares. Main part are: Budaörs wasteland; Excursion zona (include János-hegy and the forest range of Budakeszi and the environs of Hárshegy); the Hármashatár-hegy (hill) and the Hidegkút basin; a highly protected hill the Remete-hegy with the Remete Gorge; the Szénás-hills or the European Diploma Holding Area; The area of Vöröspocsolyás-hát (Vöröspocsolyás-backbone), Nagykopasz (559m and the highest point in the Buda hills) and Meszes-hegy. 2009/04/budai-hegyseg-turistaterkep Maps

Shopping in Budapest/Hegyvidék


File:MOM Kulturális Központ rekonstrukció Sirály utca bio piac - Weekly Farmers BIO Market at MOM Cultural Center

  • Fény Street Market - Fény utcai Piac | Fény utca 47.50884, 19.02466 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér Opening from Monday to Saturday Fresh vegetable and fruit. A part of it is a farmers' market.

Shopping malls

  • Budagyöngye Shopping Centre - Budagyöngye Bevásárlóközpont | @II. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 121 47.51637, 19.00008 tram: 61 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér☎ +36 1 2750855 Fax +36 1 2750855 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 07:00-21:00, Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 08:00-18:00 Pet Food, food, restaurant, café, shoes and leather goods, bags, fashion, health care, photo, optics, perfume and beauty, games for children, books, newspapers, stationery, homewares, electronics, computer science, sports, flowers, Gifts shops

}} - Hegyvidék Üzletközpont - 2014.02.04 (3).JPG

  • Hegyvidek Shopping Center - Hegyvidék Üzletközpont| XII. Németvölgy 47.49128, 19.01160 Bus 105 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Deak Plaza☎ +36 1 951 0578 Opening from Monday to Saturday 07.00–22.00, Sunday 10.00–16.00 . A sizeable supermarket (Monday to Saturday 7.00 –20.00, Sunday 10.00–16.00) on the basement. Game food store. Grocery. Szamos Chocolates Designer Shop. Bookshop. Boutiques. Restaurant. Cafe. OTP Bank. Post Office (Monday to Friday 10.00–18.00, Saturday 10.00–16.00, Sunday closed)

  • Mammut Shopping and Entertainment Centre Mammut Bevásárló- és Szórakoztató Központ | II. Lövőház St, 2 47.50862, 19.02593 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér ☎ +36 1 345 8000 Opening Hours: Shops: Monday to Saturday 10:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00, Restaurants: Monday - Sunday 10:00-22:00, Pharmacy: daiy 9:00-21:00 In two buildings, which are connected by two-storey bridge. and is the biggest of this category in Buda. Almost everything. Supermarket with selected Halal food, banks, antiques, Household appliances and electronics, Goods for children, household textile, books, shoe shops, clothes, parfumes and houshold chemicals, décor and gift, sport shops, jewelry shops, telecommunication shops. Cinema. Restaurants. Pubs. Bowling. Fitness. Wi-Fi. IT Services.

12momparkcivertanlégi - MOM Park Complex (Shopping Centre, Office Buildings, Luxury Apartment Houses and Sports Centre

  • MOM Park Shopping Centre - MOM Park Bevásárlóközpont | XII. Alkotás utca 53 47.49071, 19.02336 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ferenciek tere Metro station take bus 8 or 112 to BAH-csomópont ☎ +36 1 487 5500 Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 7:00–24:00, Supermarket: Monday to Saturday 07:30–22:00, Sunday 08:00–20:00; Restaurants: Monday - Sunday 10:00-22:00; Pharmacy: Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00; Cinema City Monday - Sunday 12.30-22.45 Shops on three level. Restaurants, pubs, cinema, insurance. Supermarket (almost 1000 m²), banks, post office, pharmacy, Wi-Fi, all three cell phone providers.
  • Rozsadomb Center - Rózsadomb Center | II. Törökvész út 87-91. 47.52908, 19.00542 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Batthyány Plaza bus 11 to stop Verecke lépcső, - From Kolossy square bus 29 to stop Verecke lépcső ☎ +36 1 345-8400 +36 1 345-8492 - Spar supermarket. Fashion shops, squash club, milk bar, cafes, Club Korona Fitness, Klub Korona Aerobic.
  • STOP.SHOP Center. Budapest Hűvösvölgyi - II. Hűvösvölgyi út 138 47.53754, 18.96657 in Hüvösvölgyi ut und Nagykovácsi ut is connected stop Heinrich Istvan utca tram 61 Opening Hours: SPAR supermarket with selected Halal food, dm Kft. drogerie, Deichmann shoes, Subway fast food, Libri boks, CIB BANK, Takko Fashion, Printinta , Fressnapf pet food, Skiny, Excklusive Change, TUI Travel Center, Spa Beauty salon, Diego shoes, OTP Bank, Diamond Optics, Star Health, Pharmacy, Erste Bank, Paper & decoration, Mediterranean Cafe

Supermarkets in neighborhood 2

File: |thumb |


CBA supermarket - CBA Élelmiszer-Hűvösvölgy | II. Hűvösvölgyi út.135 GPS 47.53091 ,18.978532 Bus 29 to Lipótmezei út, or from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán take tram 61 to stop Vadaskerti utca ☎ +36 1 3927087 M 07.00-18.00, Tuesday to Friday 06.30-19.30, Saturday 06.30-14.00, Sunday closed - . + units in neighborhood 2.: Budenz utca 24., Lövőház utca 12-14., Margit körút. 50 - 52., Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 13., Törökvész út 1., Vend utca 14., Pusztaszeri út 57., Házmán utca 2, Pasaréti út 98. Margit körút. 1., Hidegkúti út 167. }}

Coop supermarket - Coop szupermarket II. Frankel Leó u. 43. GPS 47.52099 ,19.03707 Next to Császár-Komjádi swimming pool☎ +36 1 3261489|hours= - . + unit in neighborhood 2: Horváth u. 1-3. }}

G'Roby supermarket - II. Margit krt. 48.. GPS 47.51081 ,19.03222 tram 4, 6 to stop Mechwart liget ☎ +36 1 225-1633, +36 1 225-1634| fax=|hours=Daily - . - Spar supermarket Spar szupermarket | II. Gábor Áron utca 74-78 GPS 47.5228 ,19.01463 In Rózsakert Shopping Center ☎ +36 20 823 7262|hours=Monday to Friday 07.00-21.00, Saturday 08.00-18.00, Sunday 08.00-17.00 Supermarket chain. More units in neighborhood 2: Lövőház utca 2-6., (Monday to Saturday 06.30-22.00, Sunday 08.00-19.00), Törökvész út 87-91., (Monday to Friday 07.00-21.00, Saturday 07.30-18.00, Sunday 07.30-16.00), Hűvösvölgyi út 138., (Monday to Friday 07.00-21.00, Saturday 07.00-18.00, Sunday 08.00-17.00), Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 63, (Monday to Friday 07.00-20.00, Saturday 07.00-18.00, Sunday 08.00-18.00), Tölgyfa utca 1-3., (Open:24/7 !)

Supermarkets in neighborhood 12

CBA supermarket - CBA szupermarket | XII. Eötvös út 38/b. GPS 47.49953 ,18.97199 Széchenyi Hill Children's Railways: Normafa station, - BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli pályaudvar further bus 21 to stop Fülemile út☎ +36 1 3987776 Monday to Friday 07.00-20.00, Saturday 07.00-18.00, Sunday closed - . +Ten units in neighborhood 12: Szarvas Gábor út. 8., Zugligeti út 58., Eötvös út 6., Ráth György u. 3., Krisztina krt. 7. fszt.1-2., Csörsz u. 23 - 25., Apor Vilmos tér 11., Nógrádi u.39., Zalai u. 2, Királyhágó tér 1., Márvány u. 33. }}

Coop supermarket - Coop abc XII. Nagyenyed u. 2. GPS 47.49828 ,19.02347 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli pályaudvar and walk or tram 61 to Nagyenyed utca ☎ +36 1 225-3278|hours=24/7 (?) - . + unit in neighborhood 12: Coop mini: Nárcisz u. 5. - Spar supermarket Spar szupermarket| XII. Szent Orbán tér 7 GPS 47.49952 ,19.008833 Bus 21, 21A, 102, 212 to stop Szent Orbán tér ☎ +36 20 823 8785|hours=Monday to Friday 07.00-22.00, Saturday - Sunday 09.00-21.00 . Supermarket chain. More units in neighborhood 12: Alkotás utca 53., (Monday to Saturday 07.30-22.00, Sunday 08.00-20.00), Böszörményi út 38/b, (Monday to Friday 06.30-21.00, Saturday 07.30-19.30, Sunday 08.00-19.00)

Other stores

Baumax store - Baumax barkácsáruház ml0422@ Budaörs, 2040 Sport u 3. GPS 47.45467 ,18.94917 Bus 140 to stop Sport utca, or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kelenföld vasútállomás bus 40 to Kötő utca and walk cca. 900 m ☎ +36 23 501610| fax=|hours=Monday to Saturday 07:00-20.00, Sunday 08.00-18.00 - . Garden centre, paint mixing centre, carpet center, building material centre

  • Decathlon sports store Decathlon sportáruház Budaörs Budaörs, Baross utca 146. GPS 47.45385 ,18.936347 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kelenföld vasútállomás bus 40 to terminal 'Budaörsi lakótelep' and walk circa half kilometers ☎ +36 23 803803 Monday to Friday 09:00-20:00, Saturday 09:00-20:30, Sunday 09:00-20:00 - . International sport clothes and equipment store chain

}} Kika Furniture Store - Kika bútoráruház Budaörs, Kinizsi utca 5. GPS 47.45049 ,18.967036 Bus 287, 287A to stop Agip utca☎ +36 23 448000 +36 23 448020Opening from Monday to Saturday 10:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-19:00 - . Furniture Store chain. - Media Markt electronics stores - Media Markt műszakiáruház II. Lövőház utca 2-4. (Mammut shopping center) GPS 47.50908 ,19.026378 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán 200 m ☎ +36 1 3363201|hours=Monday to Saturday 10:00-21:00, Sunday 10:00-20:00 - . Electronics store chain. Computers & offices goods, TV & audio, household appliance, photos, videos & optics, mobile phone & navigation, game & software, movies, music disc, home & garden electronic equipment. Metro Storage store Metro raktáráruház Budaörs Budaörs, Budapark, Keleti utca 3 GPS 47.45808 ,18.900258 Near to the Lake Törökbálint, - BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli pályaudvar further take bus 139 to stop Gazdagréti út than change bus 88 to stop Budaörs, Tetra Pak and walk one and half kilometers ☎ +36 40 509050, +36 23 509050 Fax +36 1 4141288|hours=Monday to Saturday 06:00-21:30, Sunday 08:30-19:00 - . Chain. Mostly for retailers. }} dm drogeriemarkt - II. Pázsit u. 2. GPS 47.51626 ,19.00042 Budagyöngye Shopping Center☎ +36 1 3766061 Monday to Friday 09:00-19:00, Saturday 09:00-15:00 - . Austrian beauty/household store chain. Beauty, wellness health products. Baby care and household goods. Photo corner. More units in neighborhood 2: II. Törökvész út, 87-91, Rózsadomb Shopping Center Tel.:+36 1 346-0352, - II. Gábor Áron utca 74-78/A, Rózsakert Shopping Center, ☎ +36 1 3980617. - II. Lövőház utca 1-5, Mamut II. Shopping Center, ☎ +36 1 3458341. - II. Margit körút 50-52, ☎ +36 1 2258497. }} dm drogeriemarkt - XII. Apor Vilmos tér 11. GPS 47.491136,19.01189 Hegyvidéki Shopping Center ☎ +36 1 2240416 Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 09:00-16:00 - . Austrian beauty/household store chain. Beauty, wellness health products. Baby care and household goods. Photo corner. More units in neighborhood 12:: XII. Nagy Jenő utca 12, MOM Park, ☎ +36 1 4875490, - XII. Böszörményi út 36/a, ☎ +36 1 2240130.

Auguszt - August confectionery, near to Fény street market

Halal Restaurants & Food in Budapest/Hegyvidék

Under €5| €5-15| Above €15


  • Auguszt Pavilon Confectionery - Auguszt Pavilon | XII. Sasadi út 190 - GPS: 47.48132, 18.99875 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér or Déli further tram: 59 to 'Farkasrét, Márton Áron tér' ☎ +36 1 2490134 Opening Hours: W-Su 10:00-18:00 Pastries, pies, salty pastries, seasonal products, cakes, wedding cakes, form-cakes, parfaits, ice-cream, Lunch menu
  • Barabás Villa Cafe Barabás Villa Kávézó| XII. Városmajor utca 44. 47.50521, 19.01774 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán walk ☎ +36 70 380 5553
Fax +36 1 225 1388 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10.00-18.00 10% discount with card Mineral water Ft260, carbonated soft drinks Ft280, juices Ft300, iced teas, refreshments Ft280, refreshments with alcohol Ft700, bottled organic juice Ft460, coffees Ft280-470, iced coffee (with ice cream) Ft620, hot cocoa Ft350, sandwiches Ft350, cakes Ft180, pies (cherry, cottage Cheese, poppy seed) Ft290, Homemade pies (apple, peach, vanilla, chocolate) Ft320
  • Bodrogi Cafe & Restaurant - étterem, kávézó | XII. Fürj u. 2. 47.48672, 19.02300 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ferenciek + Bus 8, 112 to 'BAH-csomópont (Jagelló út)' ☎ +36 1 784 3014 Starters Ft1100-1600, soups Ft1 200-2 300, main courses Ft1800-3900, desserts Ft900-1100 40 seats.
  • Daubner Confectionery - Daubner Cukrászda | III. Szépvölgyi út 50., Budapest, 2nd neighborhood 47.52760, 19.03608 bus 60 at BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Batthyány tér metro and get off at Kolosy tér, or From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Batthyány tér take Budapest hev symbol.svg|15px BKV h5 jms.svg|15px to Kolosy tér. From Kolosy tér take buses 29, 65 or 165 to ‘Ürömi út’ ☎ +36 1 335-2253 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 09:00–19:00 Delicious cakes, strudels, pies, confectionery poetry and salty snacks
  • La Praline confectionery - La Praline Cukrászda, Kávézó | XII. Apor Vilmos tér 11-12. (Hegyvidék Központ) 47.49112, 19.01187 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Deák + bus 105 or From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli take bus 102 to 'Apor Vilmos tér ' ☎ +36 20 508 0664 South Provencal-style confectionery, based on authentic recipes hand-made French pastries, macaron, la praline products, creams, sandwiches.
  • Lala & Zsolt - Lala & Zsolt Cukrászda | Kiss János altábornagy utca 26 47.49343, 19.02197 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli take Tram 61 to Márvány' ☎ +36 30 959 6522 Cakes (slice) Ft250-500 Salty, sweet biscuits, cakes, homemade cakes and ice creams.
  • Major - Major Cukrászda | XII.Maros utca 14 47.50314, 19.02289 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli walk 300m +36 20 406 0075 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09.00-18.00, Saturday 10.00-16.00 Salty, sweet biscuits, cakes, homemade cakes and ice creams.
  • Paulaner Restaurant-Pub. - Paulaner Sörház - MOM Park | XII. Alkotás u. 53. - GPS: 47.49110, 19.02232 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli + tram: 61 to 'Csörsz utca' ☎ +36 70 377 1000 Opening Hours: Daily 11.30-24.00
  • Svabhegyi Tavern Svábhegyi Vendéglő | XII. Költő utca 30. - GPS: 47.49543, 18.99420 Cogwheel to 'Svábhegy' 350m☎ +36 1 391 7356 Family events, weddings, business and soft drinks dinners, barbecue parties, gluten-free food, home delivery.
  • Szamos Chocolates, Budai Confectioner's - Szamos Csokoládé | XII. Böszörményi út 44-46. 47.49101, 19.01659 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli take tram: 59 to 'Kiss János altábornagy utca'☎ +36 1 224 0052 +36 1 224 0052 Opening Hours: Daily 09.00-20.00 Gift boxes, pralines, marzipan figurines, packaged [ desserts, delicatessen products. Restaurants and delivery food.
  • Hotel Molnar - Restaurant Molnar - Hotel Molnár - Molnár Étterem | XII. Fodor utca 143 47.48794, 18.99235 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli take tram: 59 to 'Farkasrét, Márton Áron tér' + Bus 53 to 'Mindszenty József bíboros tér' ☎ +36 1 395 1872 +36 1 395 1875
  • Budai Sport Tavern - Budai Sport Vendéglő | XII. Bán u. 6-8. 47.49158, 19.02766 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli + tram: 61 to Csörsz utca 200m +36 70 624 1218 Starters Ft1 100-1 300, Soups Ft400-800, Main Courses Ft1 300-1900, Desserts Ft300-500, Salads Ft300-600, Pastas Ft700-900
  • Cafe Diva - MOM Park - Díva kávézó | XII. Alkotás u. 53. - GPS: 47.49053, 19.02383 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli + tram: 61 to Csörsz utca +36 1 487 5454 +36 1 487 5454Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30-22:00, F-Sa 9:30-23:00, Sunday 9:30-22:00 Weekdays menus: omelet with ham, baguette with avocado, breaded Chicken breast with Cheese, beef medallions with wild mushroom casserole, quasadillas, gnocchi with sheep Cheese etc.
  • Café Lounge - Lounge kávézó | h0511-@ XII. Alkotás utca 63-67 - GPS: 47.48830, 19.02339 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli + tram: 61 to Csörsz utca ☎ +36 1 3725700 +36 1 4665636Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 06:00-24:00
  • Café La Terra - Caffe La Terra | XII.Böszörményi út 44-46. - GPS: 47.49081, 19.01642 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli take tram: 59 to 'Kiss János altábornagy utca' +36 1 355 06 05 +36 1 355 06 05 Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 11:00-23:00 Daily menus Two courses: Ft1200; three courses Ft1500. (weekdays 12:00-17:00)- Soups Ft800-1000, Appetizers Ft1700-2100| Fish Ft2800-3900| Main courses Ft2500-4500, Pasta, Risotto Ft1500-2500, Salads Ft800-1200| Desserts Ft1000| Kids Menu Ft600-1100.

Fast Food

Hatarhegyreptercivertanlegi1 - Hármashatárhegy hobby airfield

  • Burger King (Please do not support Burger King as Burger King supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) - II. Lövőház utca 2-6 47.50914, 19.02667 Inside Mammut 2 shopping center, BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér, tram: 4, 6 ☎ +36 1 345 8081 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00-23:00, Friday 08:00-24:00, Saturday 08:00-24:00, Sunday 8:00-23:00
  • McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) Restaurant II. KER. Margit krt. 103. 47.50784, 19.02477 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér, tram: 4, 6 +36 1 4190316 Opening Hours: Daily 07:00-02:00 McReggeli (Breakfast), Wi-Fi.
  • Bajai fishrestaurant - Bajai halászcsárda, Fogas Pizzéria | XII. Hollós út 2. 47.49782, 18.98929 Cogwheel tram to 'Svábhegy' or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further bus 21 to 'Svábhegy'☎ +36 1 275 5245 +36 1 275 5246 Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 11:30–22:00, Sunday 11:30–20:00 Fruit Juices garden - Parking - Air conditioned room - WiFi Internet - Weekly Menu - Home Delivery
  • Náncsi Néni restaurant - Náncsi Néni Vendéglője, Aunt Nancy’s Inn | II. Ördögárok utca 80 47.546572, 18.952844 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further tram: 59 or bus 56 to Huvösvölgy terminal and take bus no. 63 or 157. to Széchenyi utca Opening Hours: 11.30-23.00 Soups €4-5, mains €9-11 This place is famous for its traditional Hungarian dishes, including túrógombóc (sweet curd dumplings), but also serves international dishes, such as seafood and French cuisine. - From spring to autumn, food is served on a woody outdoor terrace. The restaurant itself was initially an old farmhouse and it’s now decorated in a rustic manner, with wood panels and paintings. Náncsi Néni frequently features live traditional music, especially accordion
  • Margaret Garden Restaurant - Margitkert Vendéglő | II. Margit utca 15 - GPS: 47.51486, 19.03365 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Nyugati tér take tram: 4, 6 to Margit bridge, Buda ☎ +36 1 326 0860 +36 1 326 0861 Opening Hours: 12.00-24.00 Cold Appetizers Ft1180-2890, Soups Ft540-820, Warm Appetizers Ft620-1680, Fish Ft 1260-2560, Foie Gras Ft2450-4790, Poultry Ft1850-3080, Pork Ft1790-2130, Veal and Beef Ft2150-4780, Lamb, Mutton and Game Ft2320-2540, Cheese Ft1270-2810, Dessert Ft650-1100
  • Maros Maros Söröző Étterem | XII. Maros utca 16. - GPS: 47.50336, 19.02262 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli walk 350m ☎ +36 1 783 6470 +36 1 783 6514 Opening from Monday to Saturday 12:00-22:00, Sunday 12:00-17:00 Daily menu (2 courses) Ft1000. - or a'la carte appetizer Ft1500-1800, soups Ft1000, main course Ft1700-3600, fish Ft1300-2600, salads Ft600-1300, Snacks Ft600-1400, Pastas Ft1000-2000, desserts Ft600 Garden restaurant offering low-priced, home-cooked meals. Dog friendly. Free wi-fi, playground, fiber oven.
  • Szent Jupát Söröző & Étterem restaurant | II. Retek utca 16 47.50820, 19.02429 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Szél Kálmán tér walk ☎ +36 1 212-2923 A well-known restaurant serving tasty and authentic Hungarian food, but the service leaves a little to be desired.
  • Jagello - Jagello étterem, hotel| XII. Jagelló út 38 47.48743, 19.02202 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ferenciek take Bus 8, 112 to 'BAH-csomópont (Jagelló út)' ☎ +36 1 2482780 +36 1 3190274 sgl/dbl/tpl €50/65/85 (April-October 2014), discounts for off season time 26 a/c, dbl room with free Wi-Fi, hair-dryer, sound-proof windows
  • Larus LARUS étterem| XII. Csörsz u. 18.b 47.49001, 19.01898 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ferenciek tere take Bus 112 to 'Sirály utca' 100m ☎ +36 1 7992480 +36 1 7992481Opening from Monday to Saturday 11:00-23:30 Appetizer Ft1500-2600, main dishes Ft2600-5500, Dessert Ft1400, Cheese choice Ft2300 Weekly dinner menu every weekday between 12.00-15.00
  • Lugas | II. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 77 47.51174, 19.00673 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Szél Kálmán tér take tram: 61 two stops ☎ +36 1 225-3690 Main course + glass of Cola: Ft2250A nice, small, comfortable restaurant.
  • Menta Terrace - Menta Terasz | @II. Margit krt. 14. - GPS: 47.51452, 19.03324 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Nyugati ter take Bus 91/tram: 4, 6 to stop Margit híd, budai hídfő ☎ +36 1 3361250 +36 1 3361251 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 12:00-22:00, Friday - Saturday 12:00-24:00, Sunday 12:00-22:00- (Ft) Starters 1000-2200, Soups 800-1600, Salads 700-1700, Pastas 1600, Burgers 1900-2400, Chicken, duck, goose dishes 1600-3500, Pork dishes 1600-2300, Menta Platter (3 different Meat types: breaded Beef tanderlion, roasted piglet belly, grilled Chicken breast), served with a fresh, salad mix and potato wedges with roquefort and chives Sauce 2380, Beef dishes 1780-2480, Fish dishes 2680 -3280 , Vegetarian dishes 1000-1700, Side dishes 400-700, Pickles 500-600, Desserts 900
  • Mongolian Barbecue | XII neighborhood; Marvany utca 19/a 47.49508, 19.02298 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Szél Kálmán tér take tram: 61 to stop Marvany utca ☎ +36 1 212-1859 +36 1 212-3743 Ft5,000

All-you-can-eat format. Fantastic restaurant which is not far from the Déli Train Station; unlimited organic juice and soft drinks included.

  • Mughal Shahi restaurant Pakisztáni Étterem Mughal Shahi | 12.dist. Városmajor utca 57 47.50674, 19.01549 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further bus 128, 129 to stop 'Temes utca' ☎ +36 1 202-4488 Pakistan food.
  • Normakert Tavern - Normakert Vendéglő | XII. Eötvős út 59. 47.50285, 18.96646 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Déli take Bus 21, 21A to 'Normafa' +36 30 861 2199 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 11:00-23:00, Saturday - Sunday 10:00-23:00 appetizer Ft700-1700, soups Ft700-1000, main course Ft2300-3900, salads Ft600, kid's meal Ft600, desserts Ft900, sparkling, still water (2.5 dl) Ft300, a glass soft drink Ft350, Juices 2 dl Ft400, soft drinks 5 dl Ft500, Hungarian spirits eight types 0.4 dl Ft800-1500, other soft drinks (dozen) Ft700-1200, coffees (eight) Ft400-900 With a cozy atmosphere, home-cooked meals, a wide range of organic juice and brandy.
  • Remiz restaurant - Remíz Kávéház és Söröző | @II.Budakeszi út 5. - GPS: 47.51788, 18.99413 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Szél Kálmán tér take tram: 61 or bus 22 ☎ +36 1 2751396 +36 1 2003843 Opening Hours: Daily 12:00-23:00 Starters Ft1500-3400. Soups Ft800-1900. Salads Ft600-2600. Main dishes Ft2300-4000. Fish dishes Ft3500. Mostly Hungarian soft drinks and champagnes
  • Uzbekistan Bukhara Cafe Restaurant - Bukhara Bár Üzbég Étterem | II. Ördögárok Road 174 47.55636, 18.94449 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Szél Kálmán tér take tram: 61 to the end stop 'Hűvösvölgy' further Bus 157 to stop 'Arany János utca' from Hűvösvölgy☎ +36 1 274-6142

| fax=Opening Hours: 12.00-23.00 - Wi-Fi. Inside 46 places, outside 32 places.

  • Indigo Étterem - Buda - Flavours of India | Fény utca 16 47.5099608, 19.0254703 ☎ +36 1 397-7077 Opening Hours: 12:00 - 23:00 Has excellent Indian food, with great options for Vegetarian. Soups €2-3. Appetizers €3-6. Tandoori delights €6-15. Vegetarian dishes €4-6. Chicken dishes €7-8. Lamb dishes €10. Seafood dishes €10-11. Rice dishes €2-10. Indian bread €1.5-2. Salads and raita €2-3. Desserts €2. Soft drinks €1.3..
  • Mughal Shahi restaurant Pakisztáni Étterem Mughal Shahi | XII. Városmajor utca 57 47.50674, 19.01549 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér further bus 128, 129 to stop 'Temes utca' ☎ +36 1 202-4488 (Pakistani) food.
  • Marxim Pub & Pizzeria - Marxim Pizzéria és Söröző | II. Kisrókus utca 23 47.51156, 19.02658 15 minutes walk from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Széll Kálmán tér. Follow the tram: 4/6 tracks and find Kisrókus utca on the left after a big ugly office building. Look for the Red Star. ☎ +36 1 316-0231 Opening Hours: F-Sa 12:00-02:00, Sunday: 18:00-01:00, Monday - Th: 12:00-01:00 An athmospheric pub-like restaurant. It is rather smoky and packed with local youths, but the post-communist interior is a must. You can obtain Pizzas like "Usonka" or "Lenin's favourite" (around Ft1000).
  • JAM Pub II. 47.50919, 19.02657 Inside Mammut II Shopping Mall, 1.floor Opening Hours: Sunday - Wednesday 8:00-04:00, Thursday - Saturday 08:00-06:00 Simple dishes, salads Ft800-1600, Scrambled eggs, omelets Ft600-1000, breakfast beverages Ft600, "Jam" Tatar variations ([ Steaks, fishes) Ft1500-2500, soups Ft900-1200, main courses Ft1500-4000, desserts Ft700-800 - Classic pub character, mood elegance. Cuisine type: international. Specials: Fruit cocktails, Speciality Coffee.
  • Gombi Beercellar - Gombi Serpince | Nagyenyed u. 13 - GPS: 47.498372, 19.021636 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Déli' 300 m ☎ +36 1 212-3919 Opening from Monday to Saturday 14.00–24.00 affordable soft drinks and Snacks homely pub, sports on flatscreen, electronic Darts, card playing
  • Vadaspark restaurant and Beergarden Vadaspark Étterem | XII. Szanatórium u. 2. GPS 47.52391 ,18.927618 A couple meters from city limit - Bus 222 to last stop 'Budakeszi, Honfoglalás sétány' from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Széll Kálmán tér' ☎ +36 1 275-2436, +36 30 2416637 Fax: +36 1 700 2957|hours=Thursday - Monday 12.00-22.00 (March - Oct all days open!!) - Three rooms: Furnace room, Hunter Hall and The Barn
  • Drink Island Buffet and Whiskey Cafe - Drink Island Büfé és Whisky Bár | @Alkotás utca 17 47.497963, 19.023674 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Déli'☎ +36 1 2018765, +36 20-938-1679|fax=|hours= 2 cl whiskey ?pageid=webshop_drink (100+ types)] Ft400-1200 Wi-Fi. A/Con, multimedia system. More than a hundred kinds of whiskey purchase.
  • Makk Hetes Tavern XII. Kiss János altábornagy u. 59. GPS 47.493218, 19.012827 Bus 102 from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Déli' or Bus 112 from Ferenciek, 105 from M1,2,3 'Deák tér' to 'Németvölgyi út', or tram 59 to 'Kiss János altábornagy utca' and walk 200 m uphill ☎ +36 1 3557330 Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-22:00 Monday to Friday 11:00-15:00 two-course menu Ft1,290! Local pirits (4 cl/2 cl): Fluffy double brandies (black cherry, plum, quince, [ Apricots, William) Ft900/540; Shingle (honey peaches, plums and honey, cinnamon and honey apple, cherry honey almond) Ft900/540, Kecskemét [ Apricots 'palinka' Ft800/480, William pear Ft800/480, Kosher plum Ft900/540, Unicum Colas Ft800/480 - Local soft drinks all part of Hungary (dozens). A couple of them: Budai Don Olivér 2010 (bottle 0.75 l) Ft2500, Pécsi Savignon Blanc Ft2900, Szőlőskislaki Chardonnay Ft3200, Pécsi Portugieser Ft2900 Friendly, welcoming restaurant with a history of several decades. Located in quiet, intimate environment. In the summer season also a cozy garden is open. Thit is an ideal place for family events friendly gatherings, business meetings, as well as group and corporate events.

- Majorka pub Majorka söröző XII. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 16 - GPS: 47.509396, 19.013787 Near to Cog-Wheel Lower Terminal ☎ +36 1 2240055 Sunday - West 12:00-24:00 Thursday - Saturday 12:00-02:00 Wines, soft drinks and cocktails, soft melange, whiskey. Broad range of hamburgers. In summer thera are many types of ice creams. The winter special and the Austrian Alps hits, is the steamed dumplings with poppy seeds and vanilla Sauces.

Deli-pu-budapest - Southern Railway Station, catch a train here to Lake Balaton

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Budapest/Hegyvidék

Budapest/Hegyvidék - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Budapest/Hegyvidék, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Budapest/Hegyvidék. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Budapest/Hegyvidék and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Budapest/Hegyvidék. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Budapest/Hegyvidék. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Budapest/Hegyvidék: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Budapest/Hegyvidék.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Budapest/Hegyvidék: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Budapest/Hegyvidék, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Budapest/Hegyvidék.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Budapest/Hegyvidék, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Budapest/Hegyvidék, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Budapest/Hegyvidék and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Budapest/Hegyvidék, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Budapest/Hegyvidék, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Budapest/Hegyvidék without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Budapest/Hegyvidék is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Budapest/Hegyvidék.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Budapest/Hegyvidék is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Budapest/Hegyvidék, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Budapest/Hegyvidék Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Budapest/Hegyvidék

eHalal Group Budapest/Hegyvidék is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Budapest/Hegyvidék. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Budapest/Hegyvidék.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Budapest/Hegyvidék ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Budapest/Hegyvidék. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Budapest/Hegyvidék, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Budapest/Hegyvidék are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Ramadan 2024 Celebrations in Budapest/Hegyvidék

Ramadan 2025 in Budapest/Hegyvidék

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

Muslim Friendly Hotels in Budapest/Hegyvidék

  • Grand Hostel Budapest II. Hüvösvölgyi út 69 47.52345, 18.98803 3 kilometers Northwest of centre, from Széll Kálmán tér take tram 61 to Kelemen László utca ☎ +36 1 274 1111 4-bed dorms from €15, sgl €30-50 Dorms & superior Muslim friendly rooms available.
  • Sport hostel - Semmelweis Egyetem Testnevelési ésSporttudományi Kar kollégiuma | XII. Kiss János altábornagy utca 2 47.49412, 19.026655 300 m South of Déli rwy stn ☎ +36 20 212 9180 - Thit is student lodging within the Univ of Physical Education / Testnevelesi Egyetem, which may be available in summer as a Hostel.
  • Bobbio Hotel XII. Béla király út 47 47.50985, 18.97959 5 kilometers West of centre, take Bus 155 to 'Béla király út' ☎ +36 1 274 4000 +36 1 395-8377 sgl/dbl/tpl Ft12500/15000/16500 3-star
  • Budai Sport Hotel XII. Jánoshegyi út 10503/9 47.51019, 18.95747 In country beyond West of city, take Bus 21A to 'Normafa' then a 1.5 kilometers walk ☎ +36 1 395 4018, +36 30 754 8896 (mobile) +36 1 395 6491 Sgl/Dbl, Twin/Tpl €50/65/75 3-star with 2-3-4 bed rooms and apartments. Finnish sauna with cold water diving pool, solarium, fitness room, two outdoor pools and other sport facilities. Own restaurant.
  • Budai Hotel and Tavern - Budai Hotel és Vendéglő | XII. Rácz Aladár út 45 47.48437, 18.98991 West edge of town, 6 kilometers from centre. Nearest bus 53 to Cardinal Mindszenty sq ☎ +36 30 444 5685 +36 1 249 0275 sgl/dbl/tpl/quad €30/40/45/50 3 star with twelve rooms. Wi-fi, Saturday TV, safe. Closed garage €4/day/ vehicle. Bicycle rental free. Tennis lessons available.
  • Gárdonyi guesthouse - Gárdonyi Vendégház | II. Bimbó út 25/B 47.514099, 19.027140 500 m West of Margit bridge. From Batthyany ter take bus 11 or 111 to Füge utca ☎ +36 1 326 7742 +36 1 326 8895 Season prices sgl/dbl/tpl €35/45/55 2-star.
  • Buda Villa Panzió II. Kiss Áron u. 6 47.51263, 18.99338 3 kilometers West of centre. Take Tram 61 from Széll Kálmán tér ☎ +36 1 275 0091 sgl €45-55, dbl. €48-69 Quiet surroundings, guaranteed rest. Located in a residential area.
  • Budapest Hotel II. Szilágyi Erzsebet fasor 47. 47.51007, 19.01334 1.5 kilometers West of Elisabeth bridge. From Széll Kálmán tér take tram 61 or bus 22, 56 ☎ +36 1 889 4200 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 12:00 sgl/dbl €50-70/62-86, suites from €110 4-star, has 280 air-con rooms and 9 suites in modern circular tower.
  • Császár Hotel II. Frankel Leó u. 35 47.51973, 19.03669 On West bank 400 m North of Margit bridge & metro ☎ +36 1 336 2640 +36 1 336 2644 Online Price: sgl./dbl/quad €39/49-59/79 (2023) 3-star with three outdoor pools.
  • Hotel Molnár XII. Fodor utca 143 47.48775, 18.99192 Edge of town 5 kilometers West of centre. Take Bus 53 from Ujbuda-kozpont Metro to Cardinal Mindszenty József tér ☎ +36 1 395 1872 +36 1 395 1875 Check-in: 16.00 / Check-out: 11.00 June - Sept EUR 64/69/79/89 Three star hotel with restaurant, gym & sauna.
  • Walzer Hotel XII. Németvölgyi út 110. 47.48656, 19.00789 3 kilometers West of Elisabeth bridge. From Déli station take tram 59 to Liptó utca ☎ +36 1 319 1212 +36 1 248 0450 June - Sept €45/55/65 3-star, edge of town.
  • Novotel Budapest City - XII. Alkotás u. 63-67 47.48846, 19.02345 1 kilometers West of Elisabeth bridge. Take bus 8 or 112 to Hegyalja ut ☎ +36 1 372 5400 +36 1 466 5636 Dbl. €82-100 4 star, near Budapest Congress & World Trade Centre. High-rise with 319 rooms
  • Petneházy Club Hotel II. Feketefej u. 2-4. 47.53974, 18.93802 15 kilometers Northwest of centre. From Hűvösvölgy take bus 63 to Adyliget, walk 500 m South along Feketefej ut ☎ +36 1 391 8010 +36 1 376 5738 Dbl. Studio Ft24,000-26,000 Cottage for 4 persons Ft32,000-34,000 3-star with indoor pool, private massage services, tennis courts, bicycles to rent.

Telecommunications in Budapest/Hegyvidék

Post Offices

  • Post Office - Budapest 25 Posta | II. Gábor Áron utca 74–78/a 47.52256, 19.01487 Rózsakert Bevásárlóközpont☎ +36 1 235-2807 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00, Saturday 8:00-14:00
  • Post Office - Budapest 27 POSTA | II. Hüvösvölgyi út 137 47.53126, 18.97818 tram: 61 ☎ +36 1 394-3448 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-19:00
  • Post Office - Budapest 114 - MAMMUT POSTA | II. Lövőház utca 1-5 47.50915, 19.02681 Mammut II., -tram: 4, 6 ☎ +36 1 235-2831 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-20:00, Saturday - Sunday 09:00-14:00
  • Post Office - Budapest BUDAGYÖNGYE 125 POSTA | II. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 121 47.51626, 19.00022 Budagyöngye Bevásárlóközpont ☎ +36 1 200-6153 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-19:00, Saturday 8:00-13:00
  • Post Office - Budapest 23 POSTA | II. Török utca 2. - GPS: 47.51478, 19.03571 Bus 91 to stop Margit bridge, buda from M3 Nyugati, or tram: 4, 6 Margit bridge, buda ☎ +36 1 212-4170 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-19:00
  • Post Office - Budapest RÓZSADOMB CENTER POSTA | II. Törökvész út 87–91 - GPS: 47.52896, 19.00548 Rózsadomb Center.☎ +36 1 235-2819 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-19:00, Saturday - Sunday 09:00-14:00

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