
From Halal Explorer

File:Pest banner Heroes Plaza - Heroes' Plaza Pest is the eastern side of the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary. Main tourist places concentrated for downtown, Andrássy út (Budapest/Central Pest|Central Pest), neighborhood of these and Városliget area.

The Budapest/Belváros|downtown northern part includes the Parliament, Szent István Basilica and some museums and the south part mostly high class lodgings, night life area and the National Museum.

ChainBridge Pest - The Chain Bridge and a view of Pest

  • The Yahudi Quarter. This area is the biggest part of the Erzsébetváros (neighborhood VII.). See more at Budapest/Central Pest|Central Pest
  • Margaret Island - Margitsziget| Margitsziget, Pest? 47.52607, 19.04682 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px 'Széll Kálmán tér' tram: 4 or 6 to 'Margaret Island' stop and walk in acrooss the two-lane wide bridge consol OR from Metro Nyugati tér take bus 26 which stops several times on the Island Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Margaret Island is connected to the city by Árpád Bridge to the north and Margaret Bridge to the south. You can stroll for hours in its large parks. There is a sport complex, outdoor 'Palatinus' bath, mini zoo, flower garden, hotel and pubs.

Travel to Budapest/Pest

Coming from Buda, you can cross the Danube with Metro line 2 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px or Metro line 4 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px. Important stops of BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px are Kossuth Lajos Plaza (get off here to see the Parliament), Deák Ferenc Plaza (major transport hub) and Keleti pályaudvar (train station). Trams 4, 6, 47 and 49 are also good options.

Pest has two train stations and the aforementioned Keleti pályaudvar and Nyugati pályaudvar, from where you can continue your journey on Metro line 3 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: or tram 4/6.

How to get around in Budapest/Pest

BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Millennium Subway - Millenniumi Földalatti Vasút From downtown along under the boulevard Andrássy to Városliget - The renovated metro 1 line. The oldest one in the Continental Europe. More Budapest#Get around|Budapest:Get around:By metro for background). A convenient way to reach the outer areas of City Park. Normal ticket needed, but unlike other public transport, this it is only good for thirty minutes after the ticket is validated.

  • Deák Ferenc Plaza - Deák Ferenc tér| V. Deák Ferenc Plaza BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px - The metro network does a pretty good job of covering the Pest side of the river, with three of the lines meeting up at Deák Ferenc tér in the center of the city.
  • Tram no. 2 GPS Along Danube east bank This tram line running along the east bank fill in a useful gap. You shouldn't miss a ride along the Danube as it touches many tourist spots in Pest (e.g. the Parliament at BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Kossuth Lajos tér and the Great Market Hall at BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Fővám tér). This line was recently voted as one of the most beautiful tram routes in the world, so it's a sight in itself and well worth trying.

Suburban Rail (HEV)

  • Cinkota Suburban Rail Stop - Cinkota HÉV megálló | XVI. Szabadföld út 12 47.51954, 19.21740 Can change to bus #92. - H8 Suburban Rail stop here between M2 Örs vezér tere (West) and Gödöllő (East), junction toward north to Csömör suburb.
  • Ilonatelep Station - Ilonatelep HÉV megálló XVI. Magtár utca, Barátság utca, GPS 47.52637, 19.22891 H8 Suburban Rail stop here between BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Örs vezér tere (West) and Gödöllő (East)

  • Mátyásföld, repülőtér Suburban Rail Stop - Mátyásföld, repülőtér HÉV megálló

| XVI. Veres Péter út 117-119 47.51194, 19.19408 Opening Hours: . H8, H9

  • 'Mátyásföld, Imre utca' Suburban Rail Stop - Mátyásföld, Imre utca HÉV megálló

| XVI. Veres Péter 47.51357, 19.19953 Near to Imre utca intersection Opening Hours: . Can change to bus #92, 176E, 276E. - H8 Suburban Rail stop here between BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Örs vezér tere (West) and Gödöllő (East) and H9 to Csömör suburb.

  • Nagyicce Suburban Rail Stop - Nagyicce HÉV megálló

| XVI. Veres Péter út 1 47.50703, 19.16749 . H8, H9

  • Sashalom Suburban Rail Stop - Sashalom HÉV megálló | XVI. Veres Péter út 37-39 47.50904, 19.17880 Opening Hours: H8, H9

What to see in Budapest/Pest

Downtown (District 5th)

See in Budapest/Belváros|Belváros

Terezvaros, Erzsébetváros and Józsefváros (Districts 6th,7th and 8th)

See in Budapest/Central Pest|Central Pest.

Angyalföld and Újpest (Districts 4th and 13th)

See in Budapest/North Pest|North Pest

District 15

Churches in District 15

Rákospalotai Magyarok Nagyasszonya főplébániatemplom 07 - Our Lady of Hungary Church in Budapest District XV

  • Synagogue of Rákospalota - Rákospalotai zsinagóga | XV. 47.560278, 19.122222 - Rákospalotai zsinagóga.JPG
  • Great lutheran church in Rákospalota - Rákospalotai evangélikus nagytemplom | XV. 47.561528, 19.123472 - XV.kupolas templom.jpg

Rákospalota-óvárosi református templom 01.JPG Reformed Church in Rákospalota-Óváros - Rákospalota-óvárosi református templom XV. GPS , - .

  • Reformed church in MÁV-telep - MÁV-telepi Református templom | XV. 47.541944, 19.121667 - Református templom (MÁV-telep) 01.JPG

Pestújhelyi evangélikus templom - Pestújhely-Újpalota Lutheran Church - Rakospalota evangelikus templom, Pestújhelyi-Újpalotai evangélikus templom XV. Templom tér 10. GPS 47.54254,19.12999 - .

Szentháromság-templom (Rákospalota).JPG Holy Trinity church in Rákospalota - Szentháromság-templom Rákospalotán XV. GPS , - . Roman Catholic church

  • Our Lady of Hungary church in Budapest District XV - Rákospalotai Magyarok Nagyasszonya főplébániatemplom | XV. 47.563056, 19.12 - XV.nagytemplom - Monument #13946. - Roman Catholic church

Roman Catholic church in Pestújhely 01.JPG Roman Catholic church in Pestújhely XV. GPS , - . Roman Catholic church

Roman Catholic church in Újpalota 01.JPG Church of the transfiguration of Isa ibn Maryam - Római katolikus templom Újpalotán XV. GPS , - . Roman Catholic church

Other sights in District 15

  • Hungarian Railway Museum - Magyar Vasúttörténeti Park | XV. Tatai út 95 - GPS: 47.5419, 19.0986 ☎ +36 1 450 1497 Located at a train station of the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV). The museum covers more than 70,000 m² and it features over one hundred exhibits, including railway vehicles and equipment. Visitors can not only admire the old machines: they can also try them out.

Rakospalotai Muzeum 0112a - Rákospalotai Museum - Rákospalotai Helytörténeti Múzeum XV. Pestújhelyi út 81 GPS 47.54160, 19.13002 From Monday 2 Astoria take bus 107 to stop Apolló utca and walk cca. 800m ☎ +36 1 419-8216 - . The museum was established in 1960 a protected monument school building. This includes an ethnographic collection and a gallery (include the legacy of the painter, Viktor Madarász). Here held, since 2006 and the 'one-day exhibition garden' events, when local fine and applied artists show their works.

Town Hall - Városháza XV. Hubay Jenő tér GPS ,  - . 
}} - Budapest-Újpalota 1.JPG The 'skyscraper' of Újpalota Újpalotai magasház XV. GPS ,  - . a 18 storey building

WW I memorial - Első világháborús emlékmű XV. GPS , Before the Town Hall - . }} - Bejárati épület (16308. számú műemlék) - Monument #16308 - XV.Őrjárat u. 1-3. GPS 47.53923 , 19.122153 - .

Rákospalotai Leánynevelő Intézet épületegyüttese (1243. számú műemlék).jpg Building complex of Girls' Educational Institute Rákospalotai Leánynevelő Intézet épületegyüttese XV. Pozsony utca 36 GPS , - . Monument #1243

District 16

District neighborhoods: Árpádföld, Cinkota, Mátyásföld, Rákosszentmihály and Sashalom. The 16th neighborhood of Budapest located on both banks of the Szilas Creek, where meeting the plain of Pest and the Gödöllő's Hills. It is bounded by Csömör from north, Kistarcsa and Nagytarcsa from east and the 17th neighborhood from south-east and the 10th neighborhood from southwest and the14th District from West and the 15th neighborhood from northwest. On the Northern part of its is Árpádföld, former separate Árpád and Anna settlements, which belonged to Cinkota village before was created Great Budapest (1950s). Cinkota south Western part (now east Árpádföld) include the Naplás Lake and the Small Forest of Cinkota, Cinkota Cemetery (Szabadföld Road). Mátyásföld also began as an independent settlement. Mátyásföld located to East of the former terminal of the eastern (Gödöllöi) suburban rail (HÉV), near to Kelti Railway Station,-on a plateau which is on same level as the Gellért Hill. Rákosszentmihály was named (earlier) Pusztaszentmihály. Owned by the nuns community of Nyulak Island (now Margaret Island). Sashalom belonged for a long time to Cinkota and it was known as Postás (Postman) and later Cinkota-Ehmann Colony.

  • Evangelical Congregational Church - Evangélikus Gyülekezeti Ház XVI.Batthyány Ilona utca 53-55 GPS 47.52198, 19.23156 Bus 45, 92 to stop Rózsalevél utca - .

Private Ethnographic Museum of Laki Károly Laki Károly Néprajzi Magánmúzeuma XVI Kalitka u. 1. GPS 47.51357, 19.19185 H8, H9 'Mátyásföld, repülőtér' ☎ +36 1 403-7909 H-V: 9:00-18:00 by appointment - . The 3,000-piece collection of Hungarian folk culture presents the objects of peasant life. The house has nine rooms and an exhibition garden }} - Cinkotai evangélikus templom.JPG Lutheran Church in Cinkota - Evangelical church of Cinkota, Cinkotai evangélikus templom XVI. Rózsalevél utca 46. GPS 47.5235, 19.2319 H8 'Ilonatelep' - . Monument #1245 Old Cemetery of Cinkota - Régi Cinkotai Temető XVI. Rózsalevél utca GPS 47.52442, 19.23191 H8 'Ilonatelep'

 - . Here can you find the Lutheran Church

County House - Cinkotai Tájház XVI.Batthyány Ilona utca 16 GPS 47.52082, 19.23048 Bus 46 from M2 Örs Vezér tér to stop Batthyány Ilona utca (half hour long journey time) - . One storey house. This was typical a hundreds ago in the neighborhood. Small exhibition.

Szent Mihály-templom (Rákosszentmihály) 06.JPG Street Michael's Church - Szent Mihály-templom Rákosszentmihályon XVI. Templom tér 3 GPS 47.5214, 19.1619 Rákosszentmihály☎ +36 1 405-58-69|hours=Masses Monday, Tu, Thursday, Friday 07:00, Monday to Friday 18:00, Sunday 09:00, 11:00, 18:00. - . Roman Catholic Church St. Joseph Parish Church - Szent József plébániatemplom XVI. Paulheim József tér 1. (Matyasfold) GPS 47.50765, 19.19719 Bus 45, 46 to stop 'Pilóta utca' or H8, H9 to stop Mátyásföld, repülőtér walk from both 300-400m ☎ +36 1 407 2855 - .

16th District Council Budapest - 16th District Council - XVI. kerület polgármesteri hivatala XVI. Havashalom utca 43 GPS 47.51544, 19.17028 H8, H9 Sashalom half kilometers, bus 92 to stop Budapesti út 150m☎ +36 1 401 1400 - . Local History Collection - Helytörténeti gyűjtemény XVI. Veres Péter út ~157 GPS 47.51347, 19.20155 H8, H9 'Mátyásföld, Imre utca', bus stop Mátyásföld, Imre utca 92, 176E, 276E - . Local History Alley in Sashalom Helytörténeti Fasor Sashalmon , Havashalompark XVI. Sashalmi sétány ~60-68, Karát utca 4-14, Budapesti út 51-53 GPS 47.51510, 19.16867 Sashalom - .

Naplas nyaron.JPG Lake Naplas - Naplás-tó, Szilas-pataki árvízvédelmi tározó XVI. Naplás út GPS 47.50972, 19.24712 Cinkota, bus 46 to stop Erdei bekötőút 24/7 - Free . is an artificial lake, it has also stream and forest. Rare flora and fauna. Boating and fishing, walking and cycling activities can be done in this place. The protected natural area since 1997. The official name flood control reservoir of Szilas creek. The lake formed in 1978 through the backwater of Szilas creek. The area was declared as protected land because there, around the lake and the surrounding reeds and lower and upper meadow of the 'valley' of the Silas creek, evolved a rich flora and fauna. A protected plant species are found here, such as ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris), different Orchids, Siberian Iris, cottongrass. Among the protected species here are praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) and European Peacock (Inachis io). The lake and the surrounding reeds provides nesting and resting place to one of the richest bird population in Budapest. Also in the 150-hectare area includes the neighboring forest of Cinkota with its sandy grassland remnants. }} - XVI.gizella kastely - Palace Giselle - Gizella kastely XVI.Egyenes utca 5-7 GPS 47.50643, 19.15947 Take a bus 44, 45, 176E, 276E to Egyenes utcai lakótelep ☎ +36 1 2254800 Only from outside - . Thit is a hillside mansion with outbuildings. Built circa 1790. The main facade of gardenside (to West) is a storey. The facade facing to yard (to East) has only ground floor. The building has covered with gable roof and the shell of its is plain tile. The Eastern side portico supported by four Tuscan columns. The facade of east is decorated with triangular tympanum which include a coat of arms with G.Z. initials. The builder was Earl János Festetich. There is a farm building with wooden porch and two wings, located on the northern part of the yard. The building had been in ruins for decades. Now inhabited again, is privately owned. Villas in Old Mátyásföld Ó-Mátyásföld villanegyede XVI Veres Péter út Zsélyi Aladár utca, Újszász u. Nógrádverőce u GPS 47.5094, 19.1966 H8 Mátyásföld, repülőtér and walk 2-5mins - . Many of the renovated building can be found here. Some of its is protected monument (such as the Holiday home of Diósy and VVilla Perl both in Pilota Street, Cottage Antoniette and Villa Csernyanszky, both in Mészáros József Street)


Ferencváros is traditional name of the IX. neighborhood. The postal code is H-109X. Here is the north end of the longest street in Budapest and the Üllői Street is about fifteen kilometer long. Its old name was 'Road to Szolnok' and it connects five neighborhoods.

Churches in Ferencváros

Bolgartemplom - St. Cyril and St. Methodius Bulgarian Orthodox

  • Chapel of Street Barbara - Szent Borbála kápolna | IX. Hentes utca 17./ Bokréta u. 35 47.46219, 19.084533 Budapest H6 HÉV.svg|30px suburban rail to train stop 'Beöthy utca' and walk or take tram 4, 6 to stop 'Mester utca / Ferenc körút' further tram 51 to stop 'Nagysándor József utca' ☎ +36 1 215-5913 Opening Hours: Mass: First Saturday of every month at 15:00 Sonnenschein2.JPG Catholic church. The founder monks are Belgians. The house at Bokréta Street #35 is a rectory.

Bakáts téri templom - Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Ferencvaros

  • St. Cyril and St. Methodius Bulgarian Orthodox Church - Szent Cirill és Szent Metód Bolgár Pravoszláv templom | IX. Vágóhíd u. 15 47.47479, 19.08483 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Nagyvárad tér and take tram 24 one stop to Balázs Béla utca or walk ten min.walk ☎ +36 1 2150039 - Bolgartemplom.JPG Thit is the westernmost Bulgaria Orthodox Church. ?id=-8533 A listed building. Built in 1919. Architect: Aladar Árkay. Based on the famous Alexander Nevszki Gothic Church (in Sofia) and Church of Bachkovsxy Monastery (South-Central Bulgaria). The church has three naves and domed chapel in which is the Orthodox liturgy premises. The church represents a unique architectural value and the only one Byzantine-style building in Budapest.
  • Holy Cross Parish Church - Szent Kereszt Plébánia | IX. Üllői út 145. 47.47126, 19.108716 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Ecseri út' ☎ +36 1 3780356 +36 1 3780356 Opening Hours: Masses: Sundays and public holidays 07:30, 09:00, 10:30, 12:00, 18:00, Weekdays 06:30, 07:00, 08:00, 18:00, (summer) Sundays and holidays, 07:30, 09:00, 10:30, 12:00, 18:00. Weekdays 07:30, 18:00. Catholic church. Founded in 1929. The building can accommodate up to 2000 people. Consecrated in1930. Same year it got two bells. The circular dials of tower clock always show the same time, because it was never

Parish Church of Ferencváros (Budapest).JPG | name=Parish Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Ferencvaros| alt=Ferencvárosi Assisi Szent Ferenc Plébánia, Belső-ferencvárosi plébániatemplom, Bakáts téri templom | url= email=@| address=IX. Bakáts tér 13. GPS 47.483728 | long=19.06670 | directions=BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Corvin negyed' and walk ten min or tram 4, 6 'Mester utca / Ferenc körút' | phone=+36 1 2170214 Summer masses Saturday 17:30, Sunday 09:30,17:30 - | content=A Catholic church, The first church consecrated in 1822, but that in 1838 the floods of Pest destroyed. The new church, now can be seen, built by Ybl Miklós, between 1867 and 1879, in French Romanesque style, A Christ-relief seen on the triangular pediment of the church, above above a statue of St. Francis. Under the whole church is a neo-Romanesque, columned, cross-nave crypt, The frescoes in the sanctuary painted by Than Mór and Lotz Károly.

| name=New Life Lutheran Community | alt=Ferencvárosi Forrás Gyülekezet | url= | email=@ | address=IX. Toronyház u. 3/b.| lat=47.46504 | long=19.11822 | directions=BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Pöttyös utca. - József Attila housing estate, in the great hall of the Community House of Desi Huber☎ +36 1 2813049 | hours=Every Sundays 10.00-12.00| price= | content=Baptist Church, Pentecostal Church.

| name=Gate of Buddhist Temple? | alt=Tan Kapuja Buddhista Egyház | url= https:// | email=@ IX. Börzsöny u. 11. | lat=47.46316 | long=19.11241 | directions=Tram 3 to Csengettyű utca, or bus 181, 281 to Lobogó utca☎ +36 1 275-6712, +36 1 7837491 | hours=Every Wednesday masses of Gate of Zen Community in the Dharma Hall| price= .

Szent Vince plébániatemplom - St. Vincent Parish Church Szent Vince plébániatemplom - St. Vincent Parish Church Szent Vince Plébánia Templom IX. Haller u. 19-21. GPS 47.47566 ,19.0786 Tram 4, 6 take to stop Mester utca / Ferenc körút further tram 51, 51A or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Nagyvárad tér + tram 24 to stop 'Haller utca / Mester utca' or an interesting way take boat D16 to pier Haller utca + tram 24 one stop to 'Haller utca / Mester utca' | phone=+36 1 2155913 | hours=Office (beside the church) Monday, Friday 09:00-12:00, Tu, Thursday 16:00-17:00, West 09:00-12:00 and 16:00-17:00 - . ?id=-8530 A listed building. Catholic church. Built in 1935-36, designed by architect Gaspar Fabian. Named after Pali St. Vincen. A cross-nave Romanesque parish church. Farewell: 27 Sept. Adoration: 19 July and 27 Sept.

20130613 Budapest 11 - Pava Street synagogue

=20130613 Budapest 11 - 

name=Pava Street synagogue | alt=Páva utcai Zsinagóga | url= https:// @| address=IX. Páva u. 39. | lat=47.48359 | long=19.073386 | directions= ☎ +36 1 326-5113, +36 1 215-8796 - . ?id=11678 A listed building. Built in 1923 by Leopold Baumhorn. This synagogue was built to be unobtrusive, in order to try to hide in plain sight from the Jew-hatred of those days. The interior is resplendent in blue, Gold and white colors. Decorated with a Yahudi religious symbol, like the biblical king's sons, Jachin and Boaz pillars, vault with the Star of David or the winding Maccabean lilies on the walls. Around this structured the Holocaust Memorial Center: a museum, a documentation center, a library, an archives, a media library and a conference room. }} - Church of Perpetual Adoration - Örökimádás templom| url= https://%7C email=@| address=IX. Üllői út 77. GPS 47.48329 ,19.07641 | directions=M3 'Klinikak' | phone=+36 1 216 0610 - | content=Catholic church. The convent and the headquarter of Altar Society completed in 1908, in Neo-Gothic style by plan of Sandor Aigner. The church facade and tower built of carved limestone, Above the entrance is a relief: the Blessed Sacrament with two angels can be see. At the entrance also are two niche with paton saints, Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth. Twenty meters above the entrance a gallery runs and there starting the bellhouse. Inside: Chapel of Our Lady and the Helper; Chapel of the Holy Cross, Chapel of St. Joseph, spacious sacristy, nine meter high marble Main altar with a two-manual, 28-register organ.

  • Reformed Church on Kalvin square - Kálvin téri református templom | budapest-@ IX. Kálvin tér 7 47.48869, 19.06113 M3, M4 Kálvin tér or bus 9, 15 to stop Kálvin ter or tram 47, 49 to stop Kálvin ter. ☎ +36 1 215-4362, +36 1 2176769 +36 1 2153208 Opening Hours: Pastoral Office Monday 10.00-13.00, Tuesday 09.00-13:00, Thursday 13.30-17:30 The second largest Protestant church in the capital. The neo-classical style church, built between 1816 and 1830, based on Hilda Vince's plans. Originally designed with two towers. The two separate base of the never-built two towers is made​​ and the tower in the middle standing on edges of two base. The organ is a work of the Viennese Deutschmann company, in 1831. The foyer is decorated with columned tympanum. The side choirs was built between 1854 and 1855, according to plans by József Hild. On the south side located the Kálvin's room. The glass paintings in the Kálvin Hall, made by Miksa Roth, Christian symbols and famous Protestant ecclesiastical history persons, John Calvin, Bocskai István Bethlen Gábor, are depicted. In the middle of the stave vault rises an elliptical dome. The interior white surfaces decorated with golded stucco. One of the main sight is Zichy Mano's wife's tomb.

Kanizius St. Peter's Church | alt=Kaniziusz Szent Péter templom | url= IX. Gát u. 4. GPS 47.47877 ,19.075996| directions=Tram 4, 6 take to stop Mester utca / Ferenc körút further Tram 51, 51A to stop 'Szakorvosi rendelő', or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Klinikák' and walk 400 m☎ +36 1 215-5913|hours=Mass: Saturday 17:00 and the first Sunday of every month: 15:00 also there held lutheran and copt masses - | content=Catholic church. In 1903 the members of St. Vincent order, so called lazarists, built a three-story convent and church (190 m²), based on plan of Antal Hofhauser. In 1941 the National Union of Craftsmen and Youth worker got the building, using for center and headquarter Ferencvárosi Evangélikus Imaterem. Pastoral office and chapel IX. Haller utca 19-21. (First floor of the building behind the Roman Catholic Church) Directions: from Nagyvárad tér (M3) take tram 24 to stop 'Mester utca'. From Nagykörút (tram 4, 6) take tram 51/51A to stop Haller utca. The community church is: .php?id=14,436,0,0,1,0 Kaníziusz St. Peter's Church of the Gat street. E-mail: }} - HogyesEndre-utca-3-UntariusTemplom.JPG Misssion House of Béla Bartók Unitarian Church - Misszióháza a Bartók Béla Unitárius Egyházközségnek IX. Hőgyes Endre utca 3. GPS 47.48486 ,19.06734 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px:' Corvin-negyed' ☎ +36 1 217-6171 Masses on Sundays 10:00 - . Founded by: the British and the American Unitarian associations in 1923. Church opened in 1929. The building is rectangular. It was built for rental house in 1899. The church practically hidden inside the building. A couple of sights: Bartók triple headboard, painted benches, coffered ceilings. Also can be seen here the carved wooden plaque pained by William Wilder Howland (USA) in 1931. Ráday Street synagogue - Ráday utcai Zsinagóga @IX. Ráday u. 9. GPS 47.48755 ,19.06287 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Corvin-negyed ☎ +36 1 2017648 Kabbalat Shabbat services every Friday at 18:00 - . The temple of Sim Shalom Progressive Yahudi Community. A member of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. It used to be an inn called 'Two lions'. ?id=1043 A listed building.

Other sights in Ferencváros

  • Bible Museum - Ráday Gyűjtemény - Biblia Múzeum | IX. Ráday utca 28 47.48581, 19.06449 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Corvin negyed ☎ +36 1 217-6321 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-17:00 Three thousand years ago the world of the Bible. Since 2013 it has been closed for renovation.

Stadionul Albert Florian din Budapesta1 - Groupama Arena Florian Albert Stadium, Albert Flórián Stadion, Üllői úti stadion IX. Üllői út 129 GPS 47.47554 ,19.09622 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Népliget' 100 m, Tram 1 Bus 103, 901, 914, 914A, 918, 937, 950 to stop 'Népliget' ☎ +36 1 4552350 Mon closed, Tuesday - Thursday 10:00-18:00 (by appointment) , Friday 10:00-19:00 and Saturday - Sunday 10:00-16:00 (tours starts every hour 15 minutes, 50 minutes.) - Museum ticket (full price/student, retired) Ft1500/1300. Combined tickets: Museum and Stadium Tour (full price/student, retired) Ft1900/1599 . Thit is a multipurpose stadium. Here was the former Florian Albert Stadium which is built in 1910-11, renovated in 1971-1974 and demolished in 2013. Since 2014 operating the new stadium. Also here is the FTC Visitor Centre, with Museum Fradi and Ferencvaros Torna Club (FTC) official fan shop open Monday to Friday: 10:00-18:00. There is a 3-meter tall statue of Ferencváros legend Ballon d'Or winner Flórián Albert in front of the main entrance. Sándor Kligl, sculptor and artist, was asked to make the bronze statue.

Népliget bus station - Népliget bus station, Ferencváros - Cellar Theatre - Pinceszínház | url= email= IX. Török Pál utca 3 GPS 47.48803 | long=19.06221 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px, BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér☎ +36 1 218-0116 Fax: +36 1 2180193|hours=ticket office opening Monday to Friday 14:00-18:00 hours and on weekends two hours before performances - Ft1300-2800 (2022).

Attila József's birthplace - József Attila szülőháza IX. Gát utca 3. GPS 47.47849 ,19.07604 Tram 4, 6 take to stop Mester utca / Ferenc körút further Tram 51, 51A to stop 'Szakorvosi rendelő' or M3 'Klinikák' half kilometers Only from outside - . Attila József (Hungarian: [ˈɒtːilɒ ˈjoːʒɛf; 11 April 1905 – 3 December 1937) was the best known of the modern Hungarian poets internationally. ~lukacs/ja/poems/poems.htm A couple of his poems in English. The building now is a listed place. An U-shaped, one-story building }}

  • CET IX. Fővám tér 11-12 47.48395, 19.06050 tram: 2 Opening Hours: 9:30-20:00 It is also called as BÁLNA (Whale) and the venue of exhibitions, cultural and entertainment events. It is a beautiful glass building near the Martket Hall. It was designed by Kas Oosterhuis. - Holocaust Memorial Center, The Synagogue 002.jpg
  • Holocaust Memorial Center - Holokauszt Emlékközpont | IX. 39 Páva Street GPS 47.48362, 19.07354 tram: 4-6 'Corvin-negyed' stop, BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Corvin-negyed station, tram: 51-51A – Bokréta Street stop☎ +36 1 4553333, +36 1 455-3399 Tuesday - Sunday: 10.00-18.00 Adult €5, discount €3 Thit is a former synagogue and the Pava Synagogue. That dates back to the 1920s and serves as a memorial and museum for and about Hungarian Yahudi that were killed in The Holocaust.
  • Museum of Applied Arts - Iparművészeti Múzeum | IX. Üllői út 33-37 47.48604, 19.06818 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Corvin-negyed' Or tram: 4, 6 further tram: 51-51A – Bokréta Street stop ☎ +36 1 4565107 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10.00-18.00 permanent exhibitions €7, Student €3, Bigot-pavilon same, Combined: €10, Student €4 The museum home is a masterpiece of Hungarian Art Nouveau, built between 1893 and 1896 to plans by Ödön Lechner and Gyula Pártos. Collections of: furnitures, ceramics, glasses, metalworks, textiles and costumes. The visitors are welcomed into a unique space that was named as the most impressive in Budapest, beside the city’s panorama itself by Frank Owen Gehry, one of the leading architects in our time. The modern building is organically linked to the Páva Street Synagogue, an authentic venue that once used to be the second largest site for Yahudi worship in Budapest.
  • Ludwig Museum of Modern Art - Ludwig Múzeum – Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, Művészetek Palotája | IX. Komor Marcell u. 1. 47.46961, 19.07178 tram: 2 or 1 to Lágymányos bridge ☎ +36 1 555 3444 Opening Hours: Tu: 10.00-20.00, Wednesday - Sunday: 10.00-18.00 Adult €2.7, €1.4 Museum of Contemporary Art collects and displays masterworks of modern and contemporary art. Focusing on Eastern and Central European art, it also puts a special emphasis on presenting the Hungarian art of the 1960s to recent days in an international context.

Face of Corvinus University at Night - Corvinus University at Night

  • Corvinus University of Budapest - Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem,formerly Budapest University of Economic Sciences | IX. Fővám tér 8. 47.48611, 19.05806 Next to the Grand Market Hall. Tram 2, 47, 48, 49, bus 15) ☎ +36 1 482 5023 +36 1 482 5023 Opening Hours: Welcome Office Monday to Friday 09:00-12:00. Corvinus foepulet - Established in 1920. Thit is the university's main building — now part of the [UNESCO] Heritage Site, It was finished in 1874, planned by Miklós Ybl in Neo-Renaissance style. The building originally was called "Vámház" (Customs House) and "Fővámpalota" (Chief Customs Palace). The building was connected to ports of the Danube by four tunnels. It had a railroad connection. During World War II the Hungarian, (German) and Soviet troops used the building as a military base. The Customs House suffered serious damage during the war. In 1948 it became the main building of the University of Economical Sciences, colloquially known as 'Közgáz'. It underwent major renovations in 1950 and later in 1989-1990. Much of the education of the business faculties (Faculty of Business Administration, Economics, Social Sciences) takes place in the main building. Thit is the location of the rector's offices as well.- See more at Budapest#Learn chapter. Formerly Budapest University of Economic Sciences)

LottoHaz1.JPG Lottóház apartment building - Lottóház IX. Üllői út 49-53 GPS 47.48497 ,19.071846 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Corvin-negyed' - . Apartmans of gambling winners. Built in 1957-59. Designed by architect Csics Miklós (1928-1985).

  • Central Market (Központi Vásárcsarnok

File:Muveszetek-palotaja-P5120705 - Palace of Arts, Ludwig Museum

  • Palace of Arts, Ludwig Museum - Művészetek Palotája, Ludwig Múzeum – Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum | IX. Komor Marcell utca 1. 47.472794, 19.06393 Near Lágymányosi híd. BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Népliget' further take tram 1 or bus 103 to stop 'Lágymányosi híd, pesti hídfő', or take tram 4, 6 to Boráros tér further tram: 2 to Millenniumi Kulturális Központ stop or From Boráros tér take Csepeli HÉV one stop to 'Lágymányosi híd' train stop ☎ +36 1 555-3000 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00, Temporary exhibitions: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-20:00, closed on Mondays. Fortemporary exhibitions and collections exhibition are valid full-price ticket: Ft2200

| imag=Muveszetek-palotaja-P5120705 - The foundations of the Ludwig Museum based gifts from a couple living Aachen. The Ludwig's gave seventy contemporary works of art. The museum has three floors. Continuously different periodic exhibitions are organized.

Trafó 02 - Trafó Contemporary Arts House

  • Trafó Contemporary Arts House - Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza | IX. Tűzoltó utca / Liliom u. 41. 47.48389, 19.0725 M3 Corvin-negyed ☎ +36 1 215 1600 (ticket information) +36 1 456 2050 Trafó 02.JPG Opening Hours: Open: Ticket office: performance days 16-22h, other day 16-20, - Trafó Gallery daily 16-19h, performance days: 16-22h. Closed on Mondays. - Trafó Cafe Monday to Friday 10 - 23:30, Saturday - Sunday 16-22:30 Permanent ticket for 3/5/7 visits: Ft6600/10,000/12,600 Contemporary art gallery. Exhibition and artists' house. It was the South-Pest transformer (thit is the reason to named Trafo) building, a typical industrial Art Nouveau creation. +36 1 456 2044 +Email:
  • Grand Market Area - Nagyvásártelep | IX. Hídépítő u. - Helyi kikötő út 47.463334, 19.073612 Tram 2 to terminal 'Közvágóhíd ' and walk cca. half kilometers - Opening Hours: Under renovation (almost ten years ago!) Vagohidi szobor bal PB040355-lev-1000 - It is on November 18, 1932, opened to the public. It would have the main fruit and vegetable distribution center of Budapest. The large hall is 247 m long and 42 m wide. At the time of opening it was the nation's largest indoor facility. Around 1900, Ferencvaros was the main food storage for Budapest. The neighborhood's external borders also meant the border of Budapest. Here was the end of the railway lines and here established river access, which resulted the carriers easily could sell to retailers in the nation produced, or imported, foods. Since 2004 it has been a ?id=11207 listed building ].

Lagymanyosihidcivertanlegi - Lágymányosi bridge. Connecting Ferencváros (District 9th) and Tétény (District 11th

  • Museum of Mill - Malomipari Múzeum | IX. Soroksári ut 24 47.47618, 19.06955 From downtown take tram 2 to 'Haller utca / Soroksári út' ☎ +36 1 4563460 Opening Hours: temporarily closed Malom-Muz-ep . Industrial History Museum in a listed building. Former ?id=-8089 Concordia Hungária Mill. The permanent exhibition area is approx. 750 m². The showrooms are located on five floors. More than 300 objects, 60 tableaux, many hundreds of pictures and documents illustrating the history of the Hungarian mill industry. Closed

}} House of culture in Ferencváros at Haller Street. 20130614 Budapest 04 - Cultural Center of Ferencváros - Ferencvárosi Művelődési Központ.JPG Cultural Center of Ferencváros - Ferencvárosi Művelődési Központ, korábban Hámán Kató úti Úttörőház IX. Haller u. 27. GPS 47.47641,19.08387 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ecseri út take tram 24 to stop Balázs Béla utca☎ +36 1 4763410, +36 1 2155741, +36 1 4763410 +36 1 218-7909 - . institutions: Desi Culture House, Community House, Local History Collection, Attila József Memorial place (temporarily located on the second floor of the Cultural Center), Ferencvaros Basement Gallery - Architect: Istvan Szabo, 1962.

Lucas Cranach d.Ä. - Das Martyrium der heiligen Katarina (Ráday Library, Budapest) - A museal rarity in Ráday Library of the Reformed Church

  • Ráday Library of the Reformed Church - Ráday Könyvtár | IX. Ráday utca 28. 47.48586, 19.064417 Inside the building of the Theological Faculty of Gáspár Károli Reformed University; on the ground floor. - BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér and walk or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Fővám tér' further take bus 5 to Ráday utca ☎ +36 1 2176-321 Opening Hours: Monday, Tu, Thursday, Friday 09:00-17:00, West 13:00-17:00, Saturday 09:00-13:00. Closed in July and August (except on Mondays when guaranteed the full services). Loan fee occasionally Ft1000 Lucas Cranach d.Ä. - Das Martyrium der heiligen Katarina (Ráday Library, Budapest) - A department of the Ráday Collections of the Danubian District of the Hungarian Reformed Church. Periodicals and manuscripts, museal rarities. Services are: borrowing; local reading hall; copy service; general guide or professional lecture in the museal part of the library.

Nemzeti-Szinhaz-P5120700 - Palace of Arts, National Theatre

=Nemzetiszinhazujcivertanlegi - Palace of Arts, National Theatre |

alt=Nemzeti Színház| url= email=@ IX. Bajor Gizi park 1.| lat=47.47279,19.06394| directions=near Lágymányosi híd, on the bank of the Danube,between the Soroksári road and the Grand Boulevard and the Lágymányosi Bridge and is a five-minutes walk from the Csepel HÉV suburb train stop 'Lágymányosi híd'☎ +36 1 4766800 . is the main theatre of Budapest. The park that surrounds the area has numerous memorials commemorating the Hungarian drama and film industry.

Ráday utca, Budapest 02.JPG Strolling along on Ráday street - IX. Ráday utca | lat=47.48504 ,19.064722| directions=BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér |


hours=Mostly only from outside - | content= [https://est+9&cim=r%E1day&torzssz=&id=&submit_text=Mehet&statusz_Helyi_v%E9delem=i&statusz_Ideiglenes_m%FBeml%E9ki_v%E9delem=i&statusz_M%FBeml%E9ki_v%E9delem=i&statusz_Regisztr%E1lt_m%FBeml%E9ki_%E9rt%E9k=i&statusz_V%E9dett%E9_nyilv%E1n%EDt%E1si_elj%E1r%E1s_alatt=i&utolso-log-napok-min= Monuments: No. 13 Inn to the Two Lions, No. 14, Mellinger House, No. 18 George Karolyi's apartment building, No. 43 College, No. 8, 11-13, 15, 16, 26, 36, 61, Residential buildings

Lonyay-utca-4-6-SzentGyorgyiAlbert-1.JPG Szent-Györgyi Albert Ground School - Szent-Györgyi Albert Általános IskolaIX. Lónyay utca 4-6 GPS 47.48759 ,19.06125 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Fővám tér' further take bus 15 to 'Török Pál utca' - . The school attended by the characters in Ferenc Molnár's youth novel, "The Paul Street Boys". }} - BudapestDSCN3617.JPG Semmelweis University Centre of Theoretical Medicine Semmelweis Egyetem, Semmelweis Medical University IX. Tűzoltó utca 37-43 GPS 47.48071,19.078055 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Klinikák ☎ +36 1 2156921|hours= - . Designed by Tamas Noll and Teampannon Studio. Built in 2008. The centre accommodates 5 theoretical institutes, 25 laboratories, 5 auditoriums, a sports centre, a restaurant and several offices. - ?id=-8528 Listed building at Űllői út 93. h/faculties/medicine/departments/2nd-department-of-pathology/ Institute of Pathology No.2]

  • Saint Emeric College - Szent Imre Kollégium | Ráday utca 43-45 47.48452, 19.06594 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér - Szent Imre Kollégium.JPG Opening Hours: Only outside Corvinus University College. Interesting building. The main facade is in deep inside between the two neighbor buildings.

Sarokház (1058. számú műemlék).jpg Cornerhouse - Sarokház, Károlyi György-féle bérház Ráday utca 18 and Erkel Ferenc utca 15 GPS 47.48707 ,19.06351 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér - . Two-story, neo-Renaissance cornerhouse. The designer: Miklós Ybl, built in 1875.

  • Zwack Unicum Museum & Visitor Centre - Zwack Unicum Múzeum és Látogatóközpont | IX. Soroksári út 26, entry from Dandár utca 47.47588, 19.069621 Tram 2 to stop 'Haller utca / Soroksári út' ☎ +36 1 4762383 Opening Hours: Museum: Monday to Saturday 10:00-17:00, Shop: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-18:00 Adult ticket: Ft1800 (with tasting), Group (above 20 people)/Senior ticket: Ft1500 (with tasting). Student ticket (under 18): Ft800 (without tasting), combined ticket (inclide the Holocaust Memorial Center’s exhibition) Adult/Group or Senior/Student Ft2800/2200/1000 English guided tours are available for groups! Group registration: +36 1 4762383. - Shop: Dandár utca 1. Visitors can watch a film about the Zwack family’s and the Zwack company’s history (circa 20 min). There is the biggest mini bottle collection of Central Europe contains more than 17,000 different pieces. Visit the Unicum cellar which is a labyrinth with almost 500 oak barrels and tasting some original Unicum and the Unicum Plum directly from barrel.

Kobanyai onkormcivertanlegi - Town Hall of District 10, Kőbánya


Kőbánya is traditional name of the X. neighborhood.


Border stone #89 - Határkő Web: nid=170721 X. Jászberényi út and Pesti út corner- 47.48545 ,19.216545 Bus 161, 161A, 162, 162A, 201E, 202E, 262 to '501. utca' 24/7 - . This marker stone (Numbered 89) signed of old Pest limit. Thit is one of the oldest, set up in 1738. Nowadays, a few meters from the original site, a small man-made hill can be see. }} - Conti-kapolna.jpg Conti's Chapel - Conti-kápolna Web: nid=170949 X. Kápolna tér 3 GPS 47.480988 ,19.138992 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Népliget' bus 95 to stop 'Óhegy park' - . One of the highlight of neighborhood 10th. Built in 1740 by Kristina Drenker to commemorate her family was saved the cholera epidemic. The chapel is pure baroque. There is a front tower (called "gate tower") with rectangular stone roof and with the apostolic cross on the spire. }} - Csősztorony 02.JPG Csősz Tower Csősztorony Web: nid=170951 X. Harmat utca 41 GPS 47.48259 ,19.146229 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Kőbánya-Kispest further bus 85 to stop 'Csősztorony' 24/7 - Free . This ?id=1080 monument preserves the memory of a former flourishing vineyards. A romantic, free-standing stage building includes the guard house. Built in1844, based on Zofahl Lőrinc and Brein Ferenc plans.

Kobanya zsinagogacivertanlegi - Synagogue in District 10th Gries sírbolt (11315. számú műemlék) 2 - Detail of the Gries Mausoleum, Yahudi cemetery in District 10th Kozma Street Yahudi cemetery 56514416 - Yahudi cemetery - Izraelita temető Web: nid=170946 X. Harangláb utca and Kozma utca cnr GPS 47.48063 ,19.186082 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Örs vezér tere' further bus bus 168E to stop 'Kollégium' and walk or from 'Örs vezér tere' take 161, 161A off at Athenaeum Nyomda and further bus 68 to stop 'Izraelita temető' - . Monuments: ?id=11315 Gries Mausoleum ?id=1082 Schmidl Mausoleum, }} Evangelic church 04, Kőbánya - |Evangelical-Lutheran church in Kápolna street, Kobanya Kobanya kapona tercivertanlegi - Lutheran church Evangélikus templom | email=@ X. Kápolna utca 14 GPS 47.48206 ,19.132131 #1: From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Örs vezér tere take tram 3, 62, 62A - #2: From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Deák tér take bus 9, - #3: from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Blaha Lujza tér take tram 28 és 62 - #4: from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Puskás Ferenc Stadion' take bus 95| phone=+36 1 2627683 Fax: +36 1 2627683 Office open: Tuesday 10:00-12:00, West 10:00-12:00, Friday 14:30-16:30, Masses: Sunday 10:00 - | content=Built in 1931

Kobanya ohegy u kapolnacivertanlegi.jpg Church of Polish minority - Lengyel nemzetiségi templom, Mindenkor Segítő Szűz Mária templom Web: aniaview&p_id=120 X. Óhegy utca 11? GPS 47.47937 ,19.14163 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px:'Puskás Ferenc Stadion' further take bus 95 to Óhegy park☎ +36 1 4318413, +36 1 4318414|hours=Parish Office weekdays 09 - 13, - Every Sunday at 09:30, 10 and 18 o'clock worships - | content=The church (198 m²) and the next building the Polish poorhouse built in 1907, donated by Polish and Polish American Catholics, according the plans of Árkay Aladar. Consecrated in 1930. Part of the Dean District of Pest Central. Farewell: 27 June.

Kobanya uj templom sorgyarmellett - Reformed Church of Kobanya - Református templom, Kőbányai Szent György plébániatemplom X. Ihász utca 15. GPS 47.47996,19.13579 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Puskás Ferenc Stadion' further take bus 95 to 'Kápolna tér' ☎ +36 1 2612205|hours= - . Built in 1900. The furniture made in 1905.

Mindenki temploma 004.JPG Temple for Everyone Temple - Pentecostal church, Mindenki Temploma X. Cserkesz utca 7-9. GPS 47.48123 ,19.130844 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Puskás Ferenc Stadion' further take bus 95 to 'Kápolna tér' - | content=A ?id=11742 monument. Former a synagogue. It was designed by architect Richard Schöntheil in 1907. Placing of the foundation stone is happened in September 1909. Antal Sorg master builder led the large-scale construction. At Fall 1910 the main ceremonial worship was here. The official opening took place just in 1911. The Everyone Temple Community of the Evangelical Pentecostal Fellowship was purchased in 1989. The Alcohol-Drug Rehabilitation Centre was placed in the former rabbi house.

Szent laszlo ter templomcivertanlegi - St. Ladislaus Church - Szent László-templom X. Szent László tér 25. GPS 47.48739,19.13163 Tram 3, 28A, 62, 62A, bus 28, 909 to stop 'Szent László tér' - . Built in 1899, historical style, based on Odon Lechner plans. Located in the centre of Kőbánya. This beautiful Catholic church built in late 19th century eclectic-Art Nouveau style, dedicated to knight-king St. Ladislaus. It has a very tall bell-tower and the church's roof is covered in patented colorful Zsolnay "eozenic" porcelain tiles which were designed by Ignatz Oppenheimer. Thit is a ?id=1091 monument }} Globus Cannery 01 - Former Globus Cannery, now Industrial Monument

  • People's Park - Népliget | In north-west corner of neighborhood 10th, at the VIII. and IX. neighborhoods boundary, Könyves Kálmán körút, Üllői út and Kőbányai út. 47.47831, 19.106058 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Puskás Ferenc Stadion' - Opening Hours: 24/7 Free is an urban park, established in 1868 on request of Ilenczfalvi Sárkány József City Councillor. A large Planetarium is located in the park. Also nearby the intercity bus junction. The area of the capital's largest park started to implant with acacia trees. in 1955. The park was designed in the 1860s. In 1870, sycamore, linden, American Ash and maple trees were planted. At the time Népliget used mostly the member of the working class and the wealthier citizens rather visited the City Park (Városliget). In 1942 and the park reached its present size. In 1973, formed the Centennial Park, which is a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the unification by Pest, Buda and Óbuda, of Budapest. Now there are 112 ha trees, flowers and lawn furniture inside walkways, statues and monuments. Sights: Centenary Park Memorial Stone (1973), Student body for folk culture (1948, designed by Jozsef Szőnyi), Ornamental fountain (near to the Planetarium) and the Walk of Olympic champions of FTC sport club (1999, champions bust of the Ferencvaros Torna Club Olympic, located at the Training field of the FTC), Göcsej-relief (1973, located in the Centennial Park, created by Janos Nemeth), Memorial of the Polish Legion made by Bela Farkas Pankotai, Halászleány (lit. Fishing Girl) Fountain (1862; loc.: in front of the Sports ground of Építők, forming by László Dunaiszky), Triple Kris river (a geodesic, so called Triangulation signal, a Memorial of Local History, 2003 located at Mutatványos square), Wooden headboards (1989; artists: Berky Tibor Gyula Madaras, Laszlo Barabas); Kőművesfiú (lit. Masonry boy) statue, Karl von Linne memorial stone (1978), Great Restaurant, ie the Budapest Great Fruit Juices Hall (romantic style, 1895; ruined) , Sundial (1977, loc.: at the Planetarium; artist: Thewrewk Aurel), Female Figure with Snake (sculpture, made in 1830; since 1896 before Planetarium; artist: Mihaly Bauer), Pest county memorial stone (1973, loc.: Centennial Park), Planetarium with the LaserTheater (1977, Designers: Tamas Tomori and Laszlo Lux), Monument of the Walking Solar System (2000-2001; located: Youth promenade), Marble obelisk of Siklos (1973, located: the Centennial Park; artist: Gyula Bocz), Tinódi bronze statue (since 1955 here in tha Park, loc.: on a Könyves Kálmán körút parallel walkway, artist: Gyula Bezerédi), Road surfaces Presentation (2004), Water Tower.

}} - Crucifix with a grape cluster Szőlőfürtös crucifix, Szőlőfürtös feszület Web: nid=170730 X. Kada utca 140/B and Sörgyár utca corner GPS 47.48090 ,19.15566| directions= BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Puskás Ferenc Stadion' further take bus 95 to Kada utca / Mádi utca - . - 1773

Szent László Gimnázium.JPG St. Ladislaus High School - Szent László Gimnázium X. Körösi Csoma Sándor út 28. GPS 47.48869 ,19.13498 From M3 Ecseri take tram 3 to Harmat utca☎ +36 1 262 3599 Fax: +36 1 2602264 . A ?id=1084 monument. Built in 1907. It specializes in biology and languages (especially Italian).

Tűzoltó Múzeum.JPG

  • Firefighter Museum, Disaster Central Museum - Tűzoltó Múzeum,Katasztrófavédelem Központi Múzeuma X. Martinovics tér 12 GPS 47.48147,19.13409 From M2 Örs Vezér tere take tram 3, 62, 62A to stop 'Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás' or from M2 Stadionok take bus 95 to stop Liget tér or M3 Ecseri út tram 3 to stop Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás ☎ +36 1 2613586 M -Thursday7:30-16:00, Friday 07:30-14:00, Saturday 08:30-16:00, Sunday: Closed - Free . Founded in 1955

}} Athenaeum Nyomda 01 - Athenaeum book publishing company, one of the oldest in Budapet Kobanya sorgyarcivertanlegi.jpg Brewery Memory Collection - Dreher Fruit Juices Museum - Söripari Emléktár - Dreher Sörmúzeum X. Jászberényi út 7-11 GPS 47.49135,19.14526 M2 Örs Vezér tere further take bus 161, 161A, 162, 162A, 262, 909, 956, 990 to stop Sörgyár | phone=+36 1 3918010, +36 80 373437 Monday to Friday 09-16 - Ft300 . The building complex is a ?id=12014 monument. Dreher Breweries Ltd. products made here. Local favorites such the characteristic Dreher Classic and the dark organic juice specialty Dreher Bak and the non-alcoholic Dreher 24. smooth-tasting pale organic juice Arany Ászok, which is available in non-alcoholic version too. The newest member of the brand is Arany Ászok Semi-dark soft drinks. The Kőbányai represents quality in the economy segment.

  • ATV headquarter - ATV székház | X. Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út 31 47.48686, 19.133776 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér take bus 9 to stop Szent László tér ☎ +36 1 877 0800 Hungary's first private TV channel. Started as Agro TV. Since 1989 (the change of political system in Hungary) ATV has been a commercial television channel. In 2000 it started, as Magyar ATV, broadcasting programs from Satellite and also was included in the cable networks. At the end of 2005 and the channels name was shortened to ATV. In early 2006 ATV moved to a new studio, renovated and completely converted building of the former cinema Kobanya.

}} - Havas-villa 001.JPG

  • Dreher villa - Havas-villa X. Ihász utca 28. GPS 47.48335, 19.140182 Near to Park Csajkovszkij Only from outside - . ?id=1079 A monument building. A single-storey neo-classical mansion built in the 1830s.

Új köztemető bejárat.JPG New Public Cemetery - Új köztemető, rákoskeresztúri temető) X., Kozma u. 8-10. GPS 47.47193, 19.185991 M3 Kőbánya-Kispest further take bus 202 E to stop 'Új köztemető', also nearby stop the tram 28 and 37 ☎ +36 1 433-7300 Fax: +36 1 433-7325|hours=Jan, February 7:30-17:00, Mar 7:00-17:30, April 7:00 to 19:00, May, Jun, July 07:00-20:00, Aug 07:00 to 19:00, September 07:00-18:00, Oct 07:00-17:00, Nov, Dec 07:30-17:00 - Car entry fee Ft280 | content=One of the largest in Europe with 3 million burials. Opened in mid 1886. Famous tombs: /ujkozt virtual tour in the cemetery - The northern section adjacent to the Kozma Street Cemetery; the largest Yahudi cemetery in Hungary and which include some protected monuments. Its main building, which was constructed in 1903, has a 26-meter-high bell tower. It has rich vegetation and wide avenues.

Elek Gyula Arena 1 - Elek Gyula Arena

  • Elek Gyula Arena X. Kőbányai út 47/A 47.4825, 19.117778 Elek Gyula Arena 1 - Home of the handball team of the Ferencváros Sport Club.
  • Public sporting park - Sportliget | X. Újhegyi út 47.46486, 19.169076 In the south-east corner of neighborhood, near to Újhegy park - Sportliget - A large garden with playground. Using for Family Days and other events.
  • Újhegy park Bányató utca 47.46792, 19.164167 From M3 Kőbánya-Kispest further bus 85, 85E to stop 'Bányató utca' - Located in Újhegyi housing estate. Here was the brickyard area of ​​the former brick factory of Guttmann. Mine lakes have evolved. In 1977, two of three mine lakas was filling and a park created. The third one is a small but very deep fishing lake. Also there is an indoor swimming pool.


Zugló] (Mediaval name: Szugló, German: Lerchenfeld) is the name of the 14th neighborhood of Budapest. So called Pest's lungs because there is located 240 hectares of green space. Access to the neighborhood is easy; the southern end is easily accessible with the main M2 subway line, with its terminal station being the largest hub in the city at the border with Kőbánya. The northern part is accessible with M1 subway line. The neighborhood has two train stations: the Rákosrendező and the Zuglói Train Stop. By suburb rail its has also good connection with eastern suburbs such Csömör, Kerepes, Kistarcsa, Mogyoród (Hungaroring, Formula One Race Track), Gödöllő (Royal Palace) settlements.

Churches in Zugló

Zuglo kassai templom 332civertanlegi - Kassai Church, Zuglo

  • Church of the Our Lady of Hungary Regnum Marianum Magyarok Nagyasszonya templom és közösségi ház | XIV. Zoborhegy tér
  • Herminamező Holy Spirit Church - Herminamezői Kassai téri Szentlélek templom | XIV.Kassai tér 47.523333, 19.096667
  • Church of King St. Stephen - Rákosfalvi Szent István király templom | XIV. Rákosfalva 47.500833, 19.053889
  • Church of St. Anthony of Padua - Páduai Szent Antal templom | XIV. Bosnyák tér 47.5241, 18.9931

Reformed Church - Budapest-Zuglói Egyházközség Református temploma XIV. GPS , - .

  • Hermina historic chapel - Hermina műemlék-kápolna | XIV. 47.514228, 19.090231

Church of the Missionary Sisters of Mary - Ferences Mária Missziós nővérek temploma, Fehér Apácák temploma XIV. Hermina út GPS , - . Part of the former Hermina Road's monastery. Franciscan Church. Queen of the Rosary Parish Church - Rózsafüzér Királynéja Plébániatemplom XIV. Thököly-út GPS ,

  • Chapel of St. Ladislas - Chapel of Ják, Szent László Jáki kápolna | XIV. Városliget, Vajdahunyad Castle

Baross Plaza's Reformed Church - Budapest-Baross téri Református Egyházközség temploma XIV. Szabó József utca 16 GPS 47.50778,19.090804 From M3 Ferenciek tere take bus 5, 7, 8, 112 to stop Cházár András utca

 - Lutheran Church of Zugló - Zuglói Evangélikus Egyházközség temploma XIV. GPS ,  - . 
  • Thokoly Road's synagogue - Thököly úti zsinagóga | XIV. Thököly út 83 47.509765, 19.097076 ☎ +36 1 2513970, +36 1 2513970
  • American Road Synagogue - Amerikai úti zsinagóga | XIV. Amerikai út 47.517292, 19.098943 - Located inside the MaZsiHiSZ (Alliance of Hungarian Yahudi Faith Communes) Charity Hospital

City Park and area

Heroes_Plaza_Budapest_2010_01 - Heroes' Plaza

  • Heroes' Plaza - Hősök tere, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈhøːʃøk ˈtɛrɛ] | XIV. Hősök tere 47.51499, 19.07777 at the end of Andrássy Avenue - Heroes Plaza Budapest 2010 01 - Heroes' Plaza is one of the major squares in Budapest. See the Millennium Monument (Millenniumi Emlékmű), one of Budapest's emblematic sights (1905) and the Museum of Fine Arts (Szépművészeti Múzeum, 1906, XIV. Dózsa György út 41.), The Palace of Art (Műcsarnok, 1895). The Heroes’ Plaza is the entrance to the City Park. The Millennium Monument is an iconic statue complex featuring the Seven Chieftains of the Magyars and other important national leaders, as well as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. includes a 36-metre central column, topped by a statue of the archangel Gabriel, part of the UNESCO World Heritage List
  • Millennium Monument - Hungarian: Millenáriumi Emlékmű, also called Millennium Monument or Millennial Monument | XIV. Heroes' Plaza 47.5154, 19.0785 M1: Hősök tere - Hősök tere éjszaka - Budapest - At the front of the monument is a large stone cenotaph surrounded by an ornamental iron chain. The cenotaph is dedicated "To the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for the freedom of our people and our national independence." While some guide Books refer to this as a "tomb" it is not a burial place. The back of the monument consists of two matched colonnades, each with seven statues representing great figures of Hungarian history. The crescent-shaped monument was built in Eclectic style. The semi-circular arcades of the monument on the left and right-hand side each hold bronze statues of seven outstanding personalities of Hungarian history. On the facing end of the right colonnade is a female figure in a chariot holding a palm frond representing Peace. In the corresponding position on the top of right colonnade is a statue of a man holding a little golden statue and a woman with a palm frond representing Knowledge and Glory. Statues of the right colonnade. There are statesmen whoose are portrayed by the sculptures in the semi-circular arcades of the monument (and there is a relief to each of these with a scene of an important moment of his life): John Hunyadi (The Siege of Belgrade, 1456) he was a leading Hungarian military and political figure in Central and Southeastern Europe during the 15th century; Matthias Corvinus (Matthias with his scholars) was King of Hungary and Croatia from 1458, he was elected King of Bohemia in 1469 and adopted the title Duke of Austria in 1487. István Bocskay (Hajdú soldiers defeat the imperial forces). Gabriel Bethlen (Bethlen concludes a treaty with Bohemia) was a Hungarian Calvinist nobleman and Prince of Transylvania (1605–06), became the leader of a revolt against the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor's effort to impose Roman Catholicism on the Kingdom of Hungary. Imre Thököly (The battle of Szikszó) he was a Hungarian noble, leader of an anti-Habsburg uprising, Prince of Transylvania and vassal king of Upper Hungary, Francis II Rákóczi /Hungarian: II. Rákóczi Ferenc, pronunciation: [ˈraːkoːtsi ˈfɛrɛnts (Rákóczi returns from Poland), he was Prince of Transylvania, Ruling Prince of Hungary and leader of the Hungarian uprising against the Habsburgs in 1703-11. Lajos Kossuth (Kossuth rallies the peasants of the Great Plain) was a Hungarian lawyer, journalist, politician and Regent-President of the Kingdom of Hungary during the revolution of 1848–49. Statues of the Column: The top of the column depicts Archangel Gabriel, who holds the Hungarian Holy Crown and the apostolic double cross in his hands the same way as the founder of the Kingdom of Hungary, St. Stephen did in his sleep according to a legend. Statues of the left colonnade: Topping the outer edge of the left colonnade is a statue of a man with a scythe and a woman sowing seed, representing Labor and Wealth. At the inner top edge of the left colonnade is a male figure driving a chariot using a snake as a whip representing War. Stephen I of Hungary (St. Stephen receives the crown from an emissary of the Pope) he was the last Grand Prince of the Hungarians between 997 and 1000 or 1001 and the first King of Hungary from 1000 or 1001 until his death in 1038; Ladislaus I of Hungary (St. Ladislaus slays the Cumanian abductor) he was King of Hungary from 1077 and King of Croatia from 1091; Coloman of Hungary (Coloman prohibits the burning of witches) Coloman the Learned was King of Hungary from 1095 and King of Croatiafrom 1097. Andrew II of Hungary (Andrew leads a crusade) wasKing of Hungary and Croatia between 1205 and 1235 and reigned, a Kievan Rus' principality and the Principality of Halych around 1200; Béla IV of Hungary (Béla rebuilds the nation after the Mongol invasion) was King of Hungary and Croatia and Duke of Styria (Austria) the 13th century; Charles I of Hungary (Ladislaus IV defeats Ottogar at the battle of Marchfeld) he's commonly called Charles Robert (Caroberto) (Hungarian: Károly Róbert), was the first King of Hungary and Croatia (1308–42) of the House of Anjou. Louis I of Hungary (Louis the Great occupies Naples) or Louis the Great, was King of Hungary, Croatia and Poland in the 14th century.

Budapešť_0109 - Lake in the City Park. File:Mujegpalya_Ice_Rink - Ice Rink in City park

  • City Park - Városliget, lit. City's grove, Medieval: Ökör-dűlő, meaning "Oxmeadow", German: Stadtwäldchen | XIVI. 47.513889, 19.084722 |

directions=Its main entrance is at Heroes' Plaza (Hősök tere), metro 1 Olof Palme-ház Budapest door - Thit is a public park close to the centre. Sights: the Vajdahunyad Castle, presenting the major art styles and housing the Agricultural Museum today (built in 1896, in its present state finished in 1907) and the Széchenyi Medicinal Baths and Swimming Pool (Széchenyi Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda, address: XIV. Állatkerti krt. 11), one of Europe's largest bath complexes built in 1913 and the Municipal Zoological and Botanical Garden (Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert, address: XIV. Állatkerti krt. 6-12) founded in 1866, built in its present state in 1912, expanded and improved since several times), - The Budapest Circus (Fővárosi Nagycirkusz, 1971, XIV. Állatkerti krt. 12/a.), - the Budapest Amusement Park (Vidám Park, XIV. Állatkerti krt. 14-16) with a separate amusement park for small children include a roller coaster, (Hullámvasút), built in 1922 after the plans of Ervin Dragon, is 17 m in height and travels 980 m in five minutes. It is one of the ten remaining side friction roller coasters in the world also here the merry-go-round was built in 1906 and its cave railway in 1912. Along with the roller coaster these are considered to be historic monuments; -the Salon (Millennium Szalon) in Olof Palme House (1885); the Transport Museum of Budapest (Közlekedési Múzeum 1899, address: XIV. Városligeti krt. 11.); the Aviation Museum of Budapest; City Park Pond (Városligeti-tó), used as an ice rink in winter and the largest outdoor skating-rink Ice Rink of the City Park (Fővárosi Önkormányzat Városligeti Műjégpálya, address: XIV. Olof Palme sétány 5.) in Central Europe (1926), with a hall built in 1894; the Petőfi Hall (Petőfi Csarnok Fővárosi Ifjúsági Szabadidő Központ, address: XIV. Zichy Mihály út 14), a youth leisure centre (1985); the Time Wheel (Időkerék, Janáky I. Herner J., 2004; behind the Palace of Art); the Monument of the 1956 Revolution, completed in 2006 for the 50th anniversary of the historic event; a spacious procession square (used for several purposes); sports grounds, playgrounds, meadows, esplanades (e.g. one named after Olof Palme), several statues (among others, of George Washington and Winston Churchill see more down), a memorial for Anna Lindh, a botanical garden and a transport park for children. - Restaurants in the park: the Gundel Restaurant, one of Hungary's most famous, founded in 1879, residing in its present building since 1894 (address: XIV. Állatkerti út 2); Robinson Restaurant (XIV., City Park Lake), Széchenyi Garden Restaurant (Széchenyi Étterem Kertvendéglő, XIV. Állatkerti krt. 9-11.) Anonymous Restaurant (Anonymus Étterem. XIV. Kós Károly sétány 1.) }} Olof_Palme_Memorial Plaque (Budapest City Park) 02 - Olof Palme Memorial in the City Park. There are dozens of sculptures

  • Sculptures on Vajdahunyad Walk Way - Városligeti szobrok a Vajdahunyad sétányon | XIV. Vajdahunyad sétány 47.51523, 19.08420 Depaert from Vajdahunyad Castle - Lajos Mitterpacher bust in Budapest District XIV - Ignác Alpár (Telcs Ede, 1931) was a Hungarian architect. Count Sándor Károlyi (Stróbl Alajos, 1908) leader of armed anti-Habsburg rebels then imperial marshal and the creator of Peace Treaty of Szatmár, Hunyadi János (Pátzay Pál, 1956) was a leading Hungarian military and political figure in Central and Southeastern Europe during the 15th century. Mitterpacher Lajos or Ludwig Mitterpacher (Takács Ferenc, 1962) was a Hungarian agronomist, botanist, zoologist and entomologist; Ferenc Pethe (vastagh László, 1971) journalist, business writer, is the first Hungarian economic magazine editor; János Nagyváthy (Vastagh László) author of the first Hungarian agricultural book. Sámuel Tessedik (Szabó Iván, 1971), Lutheran pastor, teacher, education and economics writer.

Sculptures on Kós Károly Walk Way - Városligeti szobrok a Kós Károly sétányon XIV. Kós Károly sétány GPS 47.51722, 19.08252 The main crossroad of the Park 24/7 - Free . Vilmos Zsigmondy (Szécsi Antal (1895) Hungarian mining engineer; Károly Kós (by L. Kármán and Z. Deák, 1984) Hungarian architect, writer, graphic designer, book designer, editor, publisher, teacher, politician; Mermaids (Kerényi Jenő, 1979), 'Városligeti díszkút' a decorate drinking well (Kerényi Jenő, 1975); Ahn Eak Tai (Zsin Judit, 2012).

  • Sculptures on George Washington Walk Way - Városligeti szobrok a George Washington sétányon | XIV. George Washington sétány (former Szoborsétány) 47.5138, 19.0835 - Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Bust of Milán Füst in City Park Budapest 02.JPG Benedek Elek (Borsos Miklós, 1979) was a Hungarian journalist and writer. Milán Füst (Papachristos Andreas, 1979) Hungarian writer, poet, playwright; Zoltán Somlyó (Örkényi Strasszer István, 1982) poet, journalist and literary translator. George Washington (Bezerédi Gyula, 1906, Washington Walk Way) was the first President of the United States.

Időkerék_Felvonulási_tér - Time Wheel Monument in the City Park.

Sculptures around Transport Museum - Városligeti szobrok a Közlekedési Múzeum előtt XIV. Városligeti körút GPS 47.51400, 19.09153 Eastern part of the City Park 24/7 - Free . Clark Adam, (Borics Pál, 1966) Scottish engineer, head of the construction of the Budapest Széchenyi Chain Bridge and designer Buda Váralagút/Tunnel; Csonka János (Vasas Károly, 1965) Hungarian mechanical engineer and inventor; Jedlik Ányos (Szabó Edit, 1968) was a Hungarian inventor, engineer, physicist and Benedictine priest in the 19th century; Kálmán Kandó (Sóváry János, 1968) was a Hungarian engineer and a pioneer in the development of electric railway traction; Kármán Tódor (Meszes-Tóth Gyula, 1969) was a Hungarian-American mathematician, aerospace engineer and physicist who was active primarily in the fields ofaeronautics and astronautics; Martin Lajos (Zahorzik Nándos, 1968) was a Hungarian mathematician, inventor; Schwarz Dávid (Nagy István János, 1968) was a Hungarian-Croatian aviation pioneer of Yahudi descent in the 19th century; Count István Széchenyi (Dunaiszky Lőrinc, 1968) was a Hungarian politician and theorist and writer, one of the greatest statesmen of Hungarian history; Vásárhelyi Pál (Szomor lászló, 1968) a Hungarian hydraulic engineer, engineer of regulation of the Tisza River, a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Zelovich Kornél (Horváth János, 1965) engineering, technical university professor, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  • Sculptures on Winston Churchill Walk Way - Városligeti szobrok a Winston Churchill sétányon | XIV. Winston Churchill sétány 47.51583, 19.08640 Northeast part of the Park - Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Ronald Reagan (Veres Gábor, 2006) was an American actor and politician. Sir Winston Churchill (Varga Imre, 2003) was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
  • Sculptures on Olof Palme Walk Way - Városligeti szobrok az Olof Palme sétányon | XIV. Olof Palme sétány 47.51268, 19.08316 Starts from Heroes Plaza - Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Olof Palme Memorial Plaque (Budapest City Park) 02.JPG The Youth Well (Cserhalmi Jenő, Horváth Géza, 1928), white Porcelain decorative sculpture (Majoros Hédy, 1979), 'Olvasó lányok' (lit. Reading Girls, Stróbl Alajos, 1929), Pányvavető (lit.: 'Lasso Thrower' made by János László Beszédes, 1928), Memorial Stone of Olof Palme (Varga Imre, 1987, Olof Palme sétány Ajtósi Dürer sori végénél) was a Swedish Social Democratic politician, statesman and prime minister, Szánkó (sleigh, Samu Géza, 1995).
  • Sculptures on other areas of City Park - Városligeti szobrok a park egyébb részein | XIV. vary 47.513889, 19.084722 - Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Rudolf szobor - Delfinek (Dolphins. loc.: Side of road Paál László); Tompa Mihály Memorial Column with relief (Ispánki József, 1967, located: Small Botanical Garden) a Hungarian lyric poet; Andrássy Dénes (Róna József, 1915, next to the Palace of Art); Bohóc kút (Clown Well - by Halász Arisztid 1983, loc.:Dvorák sétány); Íjász (Archer. Kisfaludi Strobl Zsigmond, 1929, front of City Park's Ice Rink); Pósa Lajos (Margó Ede, 1930, Városligeti körút és az Olof Palme sétány Ajtósi Dürer sori találkozásától északra.); Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria (Ligeti Miklós, 1908, next to House of Olof Palme) who was Archduke of Austria and Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary in the second half of the 19th century; St. Christopher (Hüvös László, 1913, next to the Palace of Art) and the patron saint of sailors and passengers.

Budapest_-_Vajdahunyad_vára_-_Chapel_of_Ják - Jak Romanesque Chapel. The original circa 200 kilometers to west can be see.

  • Jak Chapel, Vajdahunyad Castle - Jáki kápolna | XIV. Vajdahunyad vára 47.51559, 19.08280 Entrance from the Vajdahunyad Castle coutyard - Opening Hours: Mar–October Sunday ( services ) Free Budapest - Vajdahunyad vára - Chapel of Ják - Ják is a village in Transdanubia. Located near to Szombathely and it is the most complete Romanesque Church in Hungary. In Vajdahunyad Castle there is a copy

Széchényi Spa (7137317615).jpg

  • Széchenyi Spa - Széchenyi fürdö | XIV. Állatkerti út 11 47.51842, 19.08211 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Széchenyi furdo ☎ +36 1 363-3210 Opening Hours: Daily 06.00-22.00 Daily ticket €14-16; Afternoon ticket (from 7PM) €13, on weekends + €2-3 It is one of the largest bath complexes of its kind in Europe and was the first baths to be built in Pest side. The ticket includes a number of wellness services in addition to the traditional balneological services. These include saunas, gyms, aerobic and group exercises in the pool. See the Budapest#Baths|Baths section in Budapest for more information.

Vajdahunyadcivertanlegi - Vajdahunyad Castle

  • Vajdahunyad Castle - Vajdahunyad vára | XIV. Vajdahunyadvár 47.51548, 19.08269 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Hősők tere ☎ +36 1 422 0765 Opening Hours: 24/7 Free visit to courtyard Vajdahunyad Castle In Budapest - While loosely modelled after a Transylvanian fortress of the same name and the building is not really a historic castle at all. It is a full-scale model built for Hungary's 1896 millennial celebrations. The structure has three distinct wings, one Gothic, one Romanesque and one Baroque, making it quite a bizarre sight when seen from a distance. But sneak up closer and its magic will be revealed: thanks to the moat and the trees and the carefully laid footpaths, you can only see one section at a time. The attention to detail (all copied from real sites around the nation) has been painstaking, so it's like seeing three extraordinarily pretty castles rolled into one. The structure was originally supposed to be only a temporary one, but Budapest's people liked it so much that it was rebuilt to last. Located on an island in the middle of the park's lake.

}} - Vajdahunyad, Anonymus 1.jpeg

  • The statue of Anonymus XIV. Next to the Vajdahunyad chapel 47.51610, 19.08132 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Hősők tere Opening Hours: 24/7 Free a hooded monk representing the unknown historian who recorded the annals of the early Magyars in the time of the mighty King Béla. (He is unknown partly because the King Béla he dedicated his work to could be any of 3 or 4 during the 12 and 13th centuries, but most probably King Béla III.) Hungarian writers still trek to the statue to touch his quill for inspiration.

Statues_in_Heroes_Plaza - Statues in Heroes Plaza

  • Millennial Monument - Milleniumi emlékmű | XIV. Hosok tere 47.51536, 19.07852 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Hosok tere - Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Statues in Heroes Plaza.JPG Made for the 1,000th birthday of Hungary in 1896. Dedicated to a handful of outstanding Hungarian statesmen, kings and heroes who tried to make Hungary a better place and a thriving independent country. The tall column in the middle is topped by Gabriel Archangel. Hősök tere Plaza is part of the UNESCO World Heritage List

Museums in City Park and area

XIV.foldtani_intezet (1)civertanlegi - Geological Museum of Budapest

  • Geological Museum of Budapest (Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet (tervezte Lechner Ödön)

Zuglo_pszfcivertanlegi - Budapest Business School, PSZF University Zuglo_uzsoki_korhaz_(1) - Hospital Uzsoki in Zuglo

  • Hungarian Agricultural Museum - Mezőgazdasági múzeum | Halal Travel Guide.php?article_id=1 XIV. Vajdahunyadvár 47.51498, 19.08304 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: 'Hősök tere' ☎ +36 1 422-0765, +36 1 363-1117 Opening Hours: Tu–F 10:00–16:00 (1 Nov–31 Mar), 10:00–17:00 (1 Apr–31 Oct), Sa–Su 10:00–17:00 €4. Student €2 Housed in Vajdahunyad Castle's baroque wing, thit is the only part open to the public and it now houses the exhibits on breathtaking topics like cattle breeding and fishing. But at Ft550 a ticket for students it is worth seeing just for the architecture.
  • Hungarian Railway Museum - Magyar Vasúttörténeti Park | XV. Tatai út 95 47.5419, 19.0986 City Park East End ☎ +36 1 450 1497 - Located at a train station of the Hungarian State Railways (MÁV). The museum covers more than 70,000 m² and it has over one hundred exhibits, including railway vehicles and equipment. Visitors can not only admire the old machines: they can also try them out.

Szépművészeti_Múzeum - Museum of Fine Arts in Heroes' Plaza

  • Museum of Fine Arts - Szépművészeti Múzeum | XIV. Dózsa György utca, 41 47.51616, 19.07632 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: 'Hősök tere' ☎ +36 1 1429-759 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 Permanent exhibition €6, temporary exhibitions €7-11, a wide variety of discount tickets Has an incredible range of European artwork from Greek and Roman times to the present. It is best known for its Spanish collection and the largest accumulation of Spanish paintings outside Spain. There is a large Greek and Roman collection, an Egyptian collection, much Italian (also French, (German) and Dutch) sculpture, including a statue of a man on horseback by da Vinci and a very large collection of 10,000 drawings and 100,000 engravings rivalled only by similar collections in Berlin. On the Heroes Plaza ('Hősök tere') with the Millennium Monument in the middle and two museums on the two sides.
  • Palace of Art or Art hall - Műcsarnok | XIV. Hősők tere 47.51384, 19.07887 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: 'Hősők tere'☎ +36 1 460 7000 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00-18:00 Adult €6, student €3 An "art hall" showcasing exhibitions of modern art by Hungarian and international artists. If you're nearby it's always worth taking a look to see what's happening today.
  • Hungarian Agricultural Museum - Mezőgazdasági múzeum | Halal Travel Guide.php?article_id=1 XIV. Vajdahunyadvár 47.51498, 19.08304 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: 'Hősök tere' ☎ +36 1 422-0765, +36 1 363-1117 Opening Hours: Tu–F 10:00–16:00 (1 Nov–31 Mar), 10:00–17:00 (1 Apr–31 Oct), Sa–Su 10:00–17:00 €4, Students €2 Housed in Vajdahunyad Castle's baroque wing, thit is the only part open to the public and it now houses the exhibits on breathtaking topics like cattle breeding and fishing. But at Ft 550 a ticket for students it is worth seeing just for the architecture.
  • Museum of Transport - Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum | XIV. Városligeti krt. 11 - GPS: 47.51427, 19.09157 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: 'Széchenyi fürdő' than across the City Park Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 10:00-16:00, Saturday - Sunday 10:00-17:00 Adult €5.5, €3 Exhibitions: History of motorcycling, Exhibition on the History of Automobiles, "Hungarian Railways are 150 years old", Hungarian Navigation, Hall of celebrities urban traffic and the Bridge Garden, - The steam locomotive 424 001

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Budapest/Pest

  • Elek Gyula Arena - Elek Gyula Aréna | X. Kismartoni út 4. 47.4825, 19.1178 M3, M4 Kálvin tér further bus 9 to stop 'Egészségház' plus walk 300m Elek Gyula Arena 1 - The home of basketball team of Ferencvaros Sport Club.
  • Epitok Stadium - Építők stadion, Diákstadion, KISOK-pálya, Népliget Stadion, Régi Vasas Pálya X. Vajda Péter utca GPS 47.4777, 19.1139 M3 Határ út further bus 99 to stop Sporttelep - . Opened in 1936.


  • Dandár street Spa - Dandár utcai gyógyfürdőIX. Dandár utca 5-7 GPS , - . vízellátást az erre a célra létesített, a közeli Közraktár utcában lévő kútból oldották meg, melynek vízminősége Gellért Gyógyfürdő vizével közel azonos. -Termál medence 60 m² alapterülettel, vízhőmérséklet: 36°C, Termál medence 25 m² alapterülettel, vízhőmérséklet: 34°C, Merülő medence 15 m² alapterülettel, vízhőmérséklet. 20°C.

Szechenyi_bath_aug2005 - Inside Szechenyi bath

  • Széchenyi Spa - Széchenyi Fürdő | XIV. Állatkerti krt. 11 47.51832, 19.08194 right next to the Zoo; BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Széchenyi fürdő ☎ +36 1 363 3210 Opening Hours: Indoor part open daily from 6AM Monday - 7PM; outdoor 6AM Monday - 10PM in winter; summer-time hours may be different. There are two entry types: cabin (weekdays: Ft4600, weekend: Ft5600) or locker (weekdays: Ft4100, weekend: Ft5100) Built in 1909 in the present-day City Park, thit is the largest spa in Europe and probably the nicest one in Budapest. A vast bath complex amidst beautiful architecture, it contains 3 outdoor pools including a large lap pool, at least 3 sauna rooms and several indoor pools at different temperatures.- It is recommended not to store valuables in the lockers -- use the safe boxes for Ft500 (well worth the peace of mind). Signs warn they are not responsible for losses except for safe boxes. The attendant will ask you to write a "code" word on a piece of paper. This paper is placed in the box along with your valuables and you will be given a physical key. When retrieving your items and the attendant will ask you for the "code" and check it against the paper in the box. These safe boxes can be used if the larger locker or changing room is not required. Its recommended that you bring your own towel or bathrobe, as the towels available for rent are more like bedsheets. Outdoors: Two hot soaking pools (30°C and 38°C) and one swimming swimmingpool (26-28°C) are all open-air (even in winter) and form the center of the baths. All facilities are shared by men and women (except shower and toilets). There's a swimming tube (a whirling corridor): round- (outdoors) or rectangle-shaped (indoors) swimmingpool with artificial flow, a feature difficult to find elsewhere. Another speciality is a tradition to play chess while sitting in the water - even in winter. One or two cafes/juice bars are available directly from the swimming deck, near the cabins, year-round. Indoors: Several saunas, one steam bath. Cold-water pool, hot tubs, aqua-gym swimmingpool with weights. Northern part of indoors baths is more modern and clean.
    There are warnings that the baths are not suitable for children under 14 years because of the temperature of the pools. These warnings are widely ignored and may infants will be seen enjoying the various pools. There are however no discounted rates for children.

}} - XVI.erzsebetliget uszoda (2) - Swimming swimmingpool of Erzsébetliget - Erzsébetliget uszoda XVI. Újszász utca 106-108 GPS 47.50820, 19.20653 Bus 45, 276 from M2 Örs Vezér tér , - or bus 46 Rákoskeresztúr and Újpalota all to stop Bökényföldi út☎ +36 1 402-2148 TThe complex is open daily 06.00-22.00, Swimming swimmingpool 08.00-11.15 and 13.30-20., Sauna 08.00-20.00 and the outdoor beach open between 9.00-20.00 - Same prices as swimming swimmingpool of Szentmihály . Services: Two swimming pools (a 25m, six-lane swimming swimmingpool 27°C and a 13m, 32°C, training pool; jacuzzi for 16-person); Finnish and infrared saunas; solarium; massage; grassy sunbathing area (sun loungers, outdoor showers, playground), other sports (table tennis, badminton, volleyball); free cloakroom and safe; swimming school (child, adult education); hairdressing, cosmetics, manicure; Snacks Bar, eco store; fitness.

  • Kispest Swimming Pool - Kispesti Uszoda | XIX. Simonyi Zsigmond utca 31 47.46046, 19.15109 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Kőbánya-Kispest station and walk 300 m ☎ +36 1 2806095 +36 1 2806095 Adults with sauna ticket Ft1430, Adult weekdays after 19:00 or after 17:00 on weekends with Sauna ticket Ft1120, Children/3-14 years/Ft760, Youth (with student card) with sauna ticket Ft970, Senior (retired ID card) with sauna ticket Ft970 Swimming lessons.

Swimming swimmingpool of Szentmihály - Szentmihályi Uszoda XVI. Segesvár utca 150 GPS 47.53124, 19.16651 bus #31 from Örs Vezér tér or bus #130 M2 stadion, - or take bus 46 from Rákoskeresztúr or Újpalota; - or by vehicle from Mogyoródi street rail underpass five mins ☎ +36 1 402-2170 +36 1 402-2171 6-22, 8-20 - Admission:- Adult/student-retired (3 hours) Ft1600/920; 1¼ hour access (weekdays from 6:00 to 9:00 and 19:30 to 21:30) Ft980. Infrared sauna and jacuzzi and sauna (with swimming ticket only) Ft500. Infrared sauna and jacuzzi and sauna (without entering the pool, max. 1¼ hour.) Ft760 - Solarium: 6min/9min/12min Ft600/900/1140. Children under 6 years ticket Ft320 . Snacks café. Female fitness studio. Swimming lessons.


  • Critical Mass Opening Hours: Different times Free Unfortunately and there are few bicycle lanes and many dangerous drivers. However with organized groups such as Critical Mass operating in the city, things are slowly becoming more bicycle friendly. Pest is very flat and excellent for bicycle riding - just make sure to keep your wits about you, as drivers can be somewhat careless.


  • Cinema City Arena VIII. Kerepesi út 9., near to the Keleti Railway Station 47.4985, 19.0918 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Keleti' ☎ +36 40 600600 Opening Hours: Daily 09:30-22:30 The cinema is on the first floor of the Arena Mall. It has VIP rooms, IMAX room. Accessible with wheelchair.

Ice Skating

File:Mujeg2civertanlegi - Boating lake of the City Park on Wintertime

  • Boating lake of the City Park - Városligeti csónakázótó | XIV. Olof Palme sétány 5. GPS 47.51494, 19.07983 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Hősők tere, Trolley 75, 79☎ +36 1 3632673 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9-13, 16-20; Saturday - Sunday 10-14, 16-20, only during winter Rink entrance: Monday to Friday morning Ft600, Friday evening-Sun. Skate rental available (look for Roces sign further from the Heroes Plaza); deposit Ft15,000 or a photo document; rental hour is Ft600, summer boating Ft1500/h Winter open-air skating rink. Summer boating lake.


File:Map_city_park_budapest hungary.svg|City Park map.- 1 Gundel Restaurant. - 2 Municipal Zoological and Botanical Garden. - 3 Municipal Grand Circus. - 4 Amusement Park. - 5 Széchenyi Medicinal Baths and Swimming Pool. - 6 Vajdahunyad Castle. - 7 Petőfi Hall. - 8 Transport Museum of Budapest. - 9 Heroes' Plaza. - 10 Museum of Fine Arts. - 11 Palace of Art.

  • City Park - Városliget | XIV. Olof Palme sétány 47.51474, 19.08540 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Széchenyi Fűrdő - Opening Hours: 24/7 Free Map city park budapest hungary.svg Offers boating in the summer. There are also open-air tables for ping-pong nearby. Strolling around.


  • Dausz Gyula park X. Kőér utca GPS 47.48093, 19.14178 Next to Óhegy Park 24/7 - Free . A small park. Gyula Dausz was a monographer of Kőbánya. He wrote in 1913 a volume titled 'Kőbánya múltja és jelene' (the Past and Present of Kőbánya),
  • Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden - Budapesti Állat és Növénykert | XIV. Állatkerti krt. 6-12 47.51874, 19.07761 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Széchenyi Fűrdő☎ +36 1 2734900 Feeding hippopotamus is one of the main attractions in the zoo.


Óhegy park - Magyar-Szovjet Barátság Park X.Óhegy utca, GPS 47.4799, 19.1455 From M3, M4 Kálvin tér take bus 9 to stop 'Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás' further 95 to stop Márga utca  - Free . Until 19th century here were big vineyards. After started using for quarrying. Resulted a complex underground tunnel system. In 1965 began the area to be uploading and recultivating to a park. 20 ha. There is also a playground and a small arboretum
  • Csajkovszkij Park - Since 1950 Kőbányai Youth Park /Kőbányai Ifjúsági Park/ | X.Halom utca, Kápolna utca 47.48255, 19.13594 From M3, M4 Kálvin tér take bus 9 to stop 'Kőbánya alsó vasútállomás' further 95 to sto p Kápolna tér - This was originally a private park of Dreher-mansion. Received its present name in 1963, after Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Here is located the geometric center of Budapest. In the park you can see the statue of Tchaikovsky (by: Kisfaludy Strobl Zsigmond) near to Chopin (by: János Kocsornyik) and Berlioz and Franz Liszt statues (by: Laszlo Huvos)

Shows, festivals

Hungexpocivertanlegi - HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center

  • Syma Sport and Events Centre - SYMA Rendezvény és Kongresszusi Központ | XIV. Dózsa György út 1. - GPS: 47.50125, 19.10107 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Puskás Ferenc Stadion ☎ +36 1 460-1100 Vary SYMA is used for sports events, concerts. SYMA has 3 halls. Hall 'A' and the biggest has a maximum capacity of 10,000 people. Concerts accommodate a crowd of 6,000

}} - Hungexpocivertanlegi.jpg

  • HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Center - BNV – Budapesti Nemzetközi Vásár – Vásárváros | X. Albertirsai út 10 47.4923, 19.1227 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Pillango further bus 100 It is open all year. Thit is the venue of many exhibitions, fairs and congress. For example Travel exhibition, Caravan Salon.


  • Tennis Academy and Sports Centre - Tenisz Akadémia és Sportközpont | X. Kismartoni út 1-3 47.4828, 19.1130 M3, M4 Kálvin tér further bus 9 to stop Egészségház, ☎ +36 1 433 2650 Opening Hours: Daily 07:00-22:00


  • Petőfi Csarnok - Petőfi Hall | Városliget, XIV. Zichy Mihály út 14. 47.51439, 19.08820 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: 'Széchenyi fürdő' ☎ +36 1 848 0206 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-16:00often called PeCsa, is Budapest's only youth leisure center. Placed in the Városliget, it is a famous concert spot for pop/rock music, serving as home for hundreds of cultural programs, exhibitions and fan clubs. PeCsa holds a 930 m² hall and an open stage with a guest capacity of 6000 persons.
  • Palace of Arts - Művészetek Palotája | Komor Marcell utca 1 47.46961, 19.07178 tram: 2 to Millenniumi Kulturális Központ stop ☎ +36 1 555 3301 Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00 Ft700-9,800 for students are available for Ft200 two hours before every show This modern, power plant-looking building hides an excellent modern art museum (Ludwig Múzeum), a festival theatre (Fesztivál Színház) and the marvellous Béla Bartók National Concert Hall (Bartók Béla Nemzeti Hangversenyterem), which offer great concerts from classical, jazz and world music to Hungarian and international pop, special children programms and the best opera performances in Central Europe. The annual Wagner festival in June is a must. Spectacles are held all around the year. Book your tickets at the Palace of the Arts home page without additional booking fee.
  • Trafó House of Contemporary Arts - Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza | Liliom utca 41 47.48382, 19.07246 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Ferenc körút', tram: 4-6 stop Üllői út - Opening Hours: 16:00-22:00 Ft1,000-2,500, 25% discount for student In a renovated transformer building, Budapest's most important contemporary cultural centre presents Hungarian and international experimental dance and theatre and music performances. A disco hall in the cellar and a lively bar upstairs also serve your entertainment.
  • Planetarium - Planetárium | Népliget 47.47684, 19.10171 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Népliget or tram: 1 to Népliget stop ☎ +36 1 263 1811 €5 Two English shows. The Hubble Universe (32 min). Wonders of the sky (50 min)
  • Barka theater - Bárka Színház | VIII. Üllői út 82 47.4802, 19.0871 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Nagyvárad tér ☎ +36 1 303-6505

Shopping in Budapest/Pest

Budapest_GreatMarket Paprika - Paprika and more, Great Market Hall

Váci utca is Hungary's premier shopping street and consequently expensive. In general, prices for big-name goods in Budapest tend to be at least the same as in Western Europe, but rarely cheaper. Much of this due to the relatively higher rate of purchase tax (VAT), which in Hungary is set at 25%.


  • CIB Bank X. Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út 2−4 47.48267, 19.12964 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: 'Ecseri út' further tram 3 to stop 'Liget tér' ☎ +36 1 4231000, +36 40 242242 +36 1 489 6201 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 08:30-16:00, Friday 08:30-15:00 ATM 0-24: yes. Other un # IX. Ferenc krt. 15.
  • Commercial and Credit Bank - Kereskedelmi és Hitelbank | X. Liget tér 3. 47.48330, 19.12931 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Puskás Ferenc Stadion station take bus 95 to Kápolna utca or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ecseri út further tram 3 to stop 'Liget tér' ☎ +36 1 433 1520 Opening Hours: Monday 08:00-17:00, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00 ATM 24/7. Other units in neighborhood 9th and 10th: # IX. Ferenc krt. 1. (+36 1 4561060), # IX. Lechner Ödön fasor 9. (+36 1 4605400)

Logo Erste Group Bank AG.png

  • Erste Bank, Arcade Shopping Centre Branch X., Örs vezér tere 25 GPS 47.50255, 19.13747 Arcade Shopping Centre, BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Örs vezér tere' station ☎ +36 40 222222 |hour=Monday - Thursday 10: 00-18: 00, Friday 10: 00-16: 00, Saturday 10: 00-14: 00 . Other units in neighborhood 9th and 10th: # IX.Üllői út 121., # X. Kőrösi Csoma sétány 9/B.

}} - FHB HQ 01.JPG

  • FHB Headquaters, Űllői road Premium Branch - Fejlesztési és Hitelbank székház, Budapest Prémium Űllői úti Fiók IX. Üllői út 48, GPS 47.48525 ,19.07209 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Corvin-negyed, tram 4, 6 to Corvin-negyed ☎ +36 1 452 92 13 Monday - Thursday 08:00-18:00, Friday 08:00-16:00 . ATM 0-24.
  • MKB Bank - Magyar Külkereskedelmi Bank | IX. Soroksári út 3/C 47.478702, 19.06771 Tram 2, 4, 6 to stop Boráros tér ☎ +36 40 333666 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00-18:00, Friday 10:00-17:00 +Other units: X. Örs vezér tere 25. (Árkád Shopping Centre, first floor), XIV. Hungária krt. 130. General branches Monday 08:00-17:30, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:30, Friday 08:00-15:00 , Central Business branches Monday - Thursday 10:00-18:00, Friday 10:00-17:00.
  • OTP Bank IX. Ferenc krt. 13. 47.48205, 19.068853 Tram 4, 6 to stop Mester utca / Ferenc körút ☎ +36 1 3666 388 +36 1 479 2059 - Other units in neighborhoods 9th: IX. Soroksári út 32-34. (Haller kert), IX. Tinódi u. 9-11., IX. Lobogó u. 18.

Sberbank logo.png Sberbank X. Fehér út 3. (1st. fl). GPS 47.50088, 19.13669 'Cédrus Piac' shopping center ☎ +36 1 432-6220 +36 1 432-6225 .


Lehel_csarnok(2) - Lehel Market Hall

  • Great Market Hall - Nagy Vásárcsarnok | IX.Vámház körút 1-3 47.48696, 19.05874 tram: 2, 47, 49 to Fővám tér or BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Fővám tér' ☎ +36 1 366 3300 Opening Hours: Monday 06:00-17:00, Tuesday to Friday 06:00-18:00, Saturday 06:00-15:00 A grand old three-level market hall, with a modern supermarket in the basement, small stalls selling mostly gourmet food items on the ground floor (more paprika and goose liver than you can shake a stick at) and handicrafts on the second floor. It is very tourist these days but still worth a visit. Bargaining and comparison-shopping are recommended.
    The Langos stand is a tourist scam, serving up a deep-fried Snacks called "Langos". Base prices are listed prominently, but the server will pile on additional condiments and it is not made clear that these cost extortionately extra. Before you know it, you will end up with a US$30 or $40 pancake, charged in Hungarian forint.

Malls and department stores

  • Árkád - ÁRKÁD Örs vezér tere Bevásárlóközpont | X.Örs vezér tere 25/a 47.50401, 19.13790BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Örs vezér tere ☎ +36 1 433-1400 Opening from Monday to Saturday 6:50AM Monday - 10PM, Sunday 7:50AM Monday - 8PM, Groceries Monday - Thursday and Saturday 7AM Monday - 9PM, Friday 7AM Monday - 10PM, Sunday 8:30AM Monday - 7:30PM; SHOPS: Monday to Saturday 10AM Monday - 9PM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 7PM Mode, shoes, pharmacy, dm, restaurants.
  • Asia Center XV., Szentmihályi út 167-169. 47.54921, 19.147876 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Blaha Lujza tér' take bus 107 to stop 'Vásárcsarnok' and walk 10 min or From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Mexikói út take bus 225 and change at 'Bezerédj Pál utca/Fazekas sor' for bus 224 and go to stop 'Asia Center' ☎ +36 1 688 8888 +36 1 688 8889 Opening Hours: Daily 10:00–19:00 AsiaCenter operates a representative office in China to support its project of the China Brand Trade Center. General services: Free access for disabled persons and free parking, air-conditioning, security service, information desks, restaurants, cafés, bank, money exchange booths, airline ticket office and vehicle rental services in house.


Buy-Way Soroksár XXIII, Bevásárló u. 8. GPS 47.41258 ,19.163342 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Metró Kőbánya-Kispest take bus 84E (eight stops) to 'Pestszentimre felső vasútállomás' and walk cca. one kilometers ☎ +36 1 2256600 Monday to Saturday 10.00-20.00, Sunday 10.00-18.00 - . Stores: Brendon, Galapagos (Pet shop), Lyra Bookshop, Office Depot, Trend Furniture Outlet, Walterland (goods for angling) }}

Csepel Plaza XXI. ker., II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 154-170. GPS 47.42367 ,19.067624 Take tram 2 to stop Boráros tér further H7 to stop 'Karácsony Sándor utca' - Also here stop busses: 35; 36; 38; 138; 148; 151; 152; 159; 179; night busses lines: 938; 948; 979; 979A;☎ +36 1 425 8004 +36 1 Cafe Monday - Sunday 9:00-21:00, stores Monday to Saturday 10:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-19:00, Prima CBA supermarket and CBA Grill Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-18:00 - . 473 parking spaces, parking spaces for handicapped are located opposite the main entrance. Stores: shoes; jewelry, accessories; food; game; optics; clothing; sports. - Also there: Cafe Mayr, Fornetti Snacks, Telenor, Vodafone and T-mobile phone provider shops, Tarka-barka gift desk, Photo Shop CSPL (Monday to Saturday 10:00-20:00) - Shopmark Shopping Centre - SHOPMARK Bevásárlóközpont XIX., Üllői út 201. GPS 47.46344 ,19.12901 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Határ út☎ +36 1 3580710| fax=|hours=Monday to Saturday 09:00-20.00, Sunday 09:00-18.00 - . Free parking a thousand cars. Interspar hypermarket. - Shoes, Leather goods, bags stores: CCC, Deichmann, La Gamba, MK Leder; - Fashion, sports stores: Budmil,Devergo & Friends, Fantasma, Griff Gentlemen's, Hervis Sports Store, KANZ Children's Clothing, Mayo Chix, Nina Paris, Premium Brands, Promiss, Replay, Retro, Saxoo London, Takko Fashion. - DM Drogerie Markt, Parfumerie Douglas. - Technical goods, Telecommunications, Optics stores: 576 KByte, Lens Optics, Media Markt, Samsung Mobil, T- Pont, T-Partner, Telenor, Vision Express Optics, Vodafone - Catering: Coffeeshop Company cafe, Cortesi bakeries and cafes, Il Treno Restaurant, JóAsszony Fast food restaurant, Ling Ling Kínai Fast food restaurant, McDonald's, Ling Ling Chinese Fast Food Restaurant, McDonald's. - Service shops: Belles tailor, Bio Hair, Csupa Csoda Playground (indoor), Flower Store Florist, Go Print Shop, Green Travel, Pharmacy, Helen Doron English lessons for Kids, Mister Minit (clothes, shoes reparing), Nail & Go, Nature Wash, Neckermann Travel, OREX Pawn, Post Office, Top Clean, Top Cartridge, Toto-Lotto gambling, UniCredit Bank, Western Union Money Exchange. - Other shops: Bijou Brigitte (watch, jewelry), Christin_s (watch, jewelry), Extrametál ( knives, scissors), KeS Papír (Paper knife), Libri books, Liliput Toys, Líra Book Store, Martha Silver Jewellery, Salvia Herb Shop, Újvilág (watch, jewelry), Ulpius ház Bookshop, phone +36 20 8000520 }} Koki_(6) - KÖKI Terminal Shopping Center

  • KÖKI Terminal Shopping Center - KÖKI Terminál | XIX. Vak Bottyán u. 75. A-C 47.46297, 19.14663 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Metró Kőbánya-Kispest ☎ +36 1 9191333 Opening Hours: Daily 06:00-22:00 Koki (6) - Ground floor: OBI, Hervis, CIB Bank, a pharmacy and small services shops. Second floor: C&A clothes, Deichmann shoes, DM - Drugstore Markt, Exclusive Change Currency Exchange, H & Monday dresses, Humanic shoe, Libri books, Reno shoe, Tesco hypermarket, ETUI Travel Center, UniCredit Bank. Third floor: Müller (drugstore), Post Office (Budapest-Kispest 3 KÖKI Terminal brach), Libri (books), Euronics (electronics, multimedia), Háda (English second hand clothes) and lot of smaller shops. - 5D Cinema, Kackac (playgound), Ruyi Asia restaurant, Mandarina Shoarma (fast food),, Segafredo – Barista Cafe, Főzelékfaló (Cream sauces), KFC, BelFrit (Food from Belgium), banks (OTP, Erste).


Lurdy House Shopping and Conference Center - Lurdy Ház @IX, Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14. GPS 47.47060 ,19.084151 Ferencváros, From Downtown take tram 2 to terminal Közvágóhíd and take bus 103, to stop 'Mester utca / Könyves Kálmán körút' (one stop) or from tram 4, 6 stop 'Mester utca / Ferenc körút' take tram 51, 51A to stop 'Könyves Kálmán körút' or ☎ +36 1 4561100 Stores Monday to Friday 10.00-20.00, Saturday 10.00-19.00, Sunday 10.00-19.00. - Premium Real Food Store Monday to Friday 07.30-21.00, Saturday 09.00-20.00, Sunday 10.00-18.00. - 'MIMOZINK' (multiplex cinema) ticket desk Monday to Friday 12.45-21.30, Saturday 09.45-21.30, Sunday 09.45-21.30. - . Stores : Women's, Men's and children's fashion, shoes, bags, leather lingerie, jewelery, watches, sports and leisure, clothing, sporting goods perfume, beauty products, Health care goods, books, newspapers, paper irószer, toy, gift, Electronics goods, wares, Photo , optics, food, Bank. - Catering: Burgers House, Il Treno, McCafé, McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant), Bajnokok Salátázója (salad bar), Bőségtál restaurant, Ízvilág restaurant, Kínai restaurant (Chinese food), Koffein Cafe and house, Mom's kitchen, Megálló Restaurant (grilled dishes), Páholy sandwiches, Pasteria Toscana, Pogisarok (snacks), Semiramis babkávézó (Cafe), (Thai) Food. - Entertainment: Mi Mozink (cinema), Kalandpark Playhouse, Lurkó Bill (for kids), Stonehenge pubs. - Services: banks, showrooms of cellular phone providers, laundry, dry cleaning, fitness center, photo developing, Lottery, private massage, optics, Auto tire repair and store, vehicle wash, quick printing,
  • Pólus Center XV., Szentmihályi út 131. 47.55153, 19.138815 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Mexikói út take bus 225 and change at 'Bezerédj Pál utca/Fazekas sor' for Bus 224 to'Sárfű utca' or From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: 'Blaha Lujza tér' take bus 107 to stop 'Vásárcsarnok' and walk kilometers ☎ +36 1 4152134, +36 1 415 2114 (Information) Opening Hours: Stores: Monday-Sunday: 10:00 to 20:00, restaurants, movie theater: Sunday - Thursday 10:00-24:00, F-Sa 10:00-02:00, Ice Rink: daily 09:00-23:00, Tesco Hypermarket 24/7 149 Stores, 23 restaurants and cafes, 18 service units, five entertainment place (5D movie, playground, sport center).
  • Récsei Center XIV, Istvánmezei út 6. 47.50494, 19.09278 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Keleti pályaudvar further bus 5, 7, 8, 112 to stop 'Cházár András utca' ☎ +36 1 460 3666 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-20:00, Saturday 09:00-18:00, Sunday 09:00-17:00 Service: Sziszkatarining (Personal Training), Repet Bistro (daily menu) Hair-Moni (Hair salon for women, men, children), Universum Fitness (gym), Kölyökvadon (Playhouse for Kids), Post Office. Stores: Líra Book Store, Récsei Crown Pharmacy, Office Depot (office supplies, computer science), CBA (Food), Drogerie Markt, Jysk (home decor), Fressnapf (Pet Store) , Halbazár (flat fish and pet trade).

- Sárkány Center XVIII. Gyömrői út 79-83. GPS 47.45789, 19.175218 From BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Kőbánya-Kispest take bus 98, 98E, 193E, 200E, 217, 217E, 282E, 284E to stop 'Felsőcsatári út'☎ +36 1 2901858, +36 1 2903353| fax=|hours=Daily 09:00-18:00 - . Main stores: Kölyökpark (Playhouse for Kids in Bldg.19): +36 1 291-1898; +36 70-418-5042 open: Monday to Friday 10-19, Saturday - Sunday 10-20. - RS Bútorüzlet (Furniture) in Bldg.42: +36 1 270-0045; 06/20-599-9120- Merlin beauty salon (Bldg.25): +36 20 4444566, - Hoa Sen Restaurant: (Bldg.29): +36 30 5156688; - Valutaváltó] (Currency Exchange, next to Bldg.12): +36 30 5683665.

Zuglo_orscivertanlegi - Örs vezér Plaza with Sugar Shopping Mall

  • Sugár Shopping Center - Sugár Üzletközpont | XIV. Örs vezér tere 24 47.50425, 19.13808 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Örs vezér tere ☎ +36 1 469 5300 Opening from Monday to Saturday:10:00-20:00 Sunday: 10:00-18:00 Built in 1980. With more than 100 retail and service units (ground floor and first floor). More than 20 public catering, entertainment & service units(second floor).


= Market of Sashalom - Sashalmi Piac XVI. Sashalmi sétány 1 GPS 47.50933, 19.17098 Bus 277 to stop Sashalmi tér ☎ +36 1 950 1785| fax=|hours=Monday - Tuesday 06:00-16:00, Wednesday - Friday 06:00-18:00, Saturday 06:00-14:00, Sunday 06:00-12:00 Farmers market. Eco market. Flowers. Some clothes shop. Confectionary. - Datas: 95 farmers' tables, 38 different sized store, food hygiene offices, public spaces, a fountain and civilized toilet, a total of 7,800 m2 of floor space.

How to find a Supermarket with Halal food in Budapest/Pest

  • [ Aldi discount store - [ Aldi diszkontáruház IX. Vámház körút 1-3 - GPS: 47.48729 ,19.05841 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: 'Vámház körút', in the Great Hall Market Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 06:00-21:00, Saturday 06:00-21:00, Sunday 08:00-21:00 Discount store chain. -Plus units: XIII. Váci út 14. (daily 07:00-22:00, IX. Tűzoltó utca 10-16. (daily 07:00-22:00)

CBA supermarket - CBA szupermarket | IX.Ferenc tér 13. GPS 47.48180 ,19.073861 Near to Holocaust Center, - BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Corvin-negyed ☎ +36 1 2180251| fax=|hours=Monday to Friday 06.15-21.00, Saturday 07.00-21.00, Sunday closed - . Supermarket chain. + units in neighborhood 9th: Bakáts tér 3., Liliom utca 43,. Haller utca 11. }}

CBA supermarket - CBA szupermarket | XVI. Jókai Mór utca 2-4 GPS 47.51047, 19.19095 Sashalom. Bus to stop Jókai Mór utca (Rendőrség) 44, 46, 92, 176E, 276E .

  • Coop supermarket - Coop szupermarket ABC | X.Kápolna u. 27-33 47.48115, 19.13585 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Puskás Ferenc Stadion further bus 95 to stop Kápolna tér ☎ +36 1 2612639 - Supermarket chain. phone +36 30 215688. + units in neighborhood 10th: COOP minis: Liget u. 40. (☎ +36 1 2643719), Gergely u. 80. (☎ +36 70 7736529), Pogány u. 10. (☎ +36 1 2619407), Somfa Köz 2-12. (☎ +36 1 2641327)


Coop supermarket Coop szupermarket 'abc' XIV. Bosnyák tér 18. GPS 47.51983 ,19.11214 bus 7, 7E, 107, 133, 233 to stop Bosnyák tér ☎ +36 30 9117520 - . Supermarket chain. + units in neighborhood 14th:COOP minis: Kassai tér 16. (☎ 2205062), Erzsébet királyné 76 / A (☎ 2203737). - COOP szuper: Nagy Lajos király útja 100. (☎ +36 30 911-7521) - COOP 'ABCs': Ungvár U. 50 / A (☎ +36 1 251-4168), Szobránc u. 20. (☎ +36 20 6121161), Vezér út 129. (☎ +36 70 3165939) ,Kerepesi U.: 144-146. (☎ +36 30 5684737), Hungária krt. 105. (☎ +36 70 4282144, +36 17871734, +36 30 3911121), Nagy Lajos király útja 178. (☎ +36 30 5684737)

  • Lidl discount store - Lidl diszkontáruház X.Üllõi u. 112 GPS 47.47257 ,19.11007 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Ecseri, tram 3 ☎ +36 80 020534 +36 1 3466010 Daily 07:00-21:00 - . Discount store chain. More units: IX. Lobogó út 12.(Daily 07:00-21:00), IX. Gubacsi út 34., X. Maglódi út 17., X. Sibrik M. út 30/B, XVI. János u. 196., XIII. Béke tér, XIV. Mogyoródi út 23-29., }}

Lidl discount store - Lidl diszkontáruház XXI. Ady Endre út 58. GPS 47.43571 ,19.07486 H7 'Szent Imre tér' 600 m, bus 35, 36, 148, 151 to stop Védgát utca ☎ +36 80 020534 +36 1 3466010|hours=Daily 07:00-21:00 - . Discount store chain. More units: XVIII.Üllõi u. 379-381, XIX. Báthory u. 6., XXIII. Ciklámen u. 3.,

  • Penny Market - Penny Market diszkontáruház | XV. Régi Fóti Út 66-68. 47.56097, 19.12168 Bus 5, 96, 124 to stop Illyés Gyula utca or bus 196 to stop Szentmihályi út ☎ +36 29 339345 Opening from Monday to Saturday 07:00-22:00, Sunday 07:00-21:00 Discount store chain. More un X. Kőrösi Cs. Út 42. (Monday to Saturday 07:00-21:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00, X. Sibrik Miklós út 23. (Monday to Saturday 07:00-21:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00), XIV.Füredi Út 37. (Monday to Saturday 07:00-22:00, Sunday 07:00-21:00), XVIII. Margó T. u. 31.(Monday to Saturday 07:00-22:00, Sunday 07:00-21:00), XIX. Ady E. Út 32-40.(Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00), XX. Topánka u. 170204/99 Hrsz (Monday to Saturday 06:00-22:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00), XXI. Kossuth Lajos u. 69. (Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00.


Real - Reál élelmiszer XIV. Kerepesi út 26. GPS 47.50049 ,19.10887 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 2 jms.svg|15px: Puskás Ferenc Stadion ☎ +36 1 2200719|hours= - . Discount store chain. More un IX. Lónyai u. 23. (T: +36 30 4574661), IX. Üllői út 121. (T: +36 30 7472630), IX. Mester u. 54. (T: +36 30/747-2630). IX.Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14. (T: +36 1 4561389), Balázs Béla u. 34. (T: +36 30/297-2409), Gubacsi út 24. - X. Hungária krt. 5-7. (T: +36 1 4319909), Sörgyár u. 75-81. (T: +36 433-2907).- XIV. Ilka u. 25-27. (T: +36 30-399-3814), XIV. Zsolnay út 1. (T: +36 30 6568427), XIV. Egressy út 68. (T: +36 20 4016016), - XV. Nyírpalota u. 52. (T: +36 20/219-0109), - XVI. Rákosi út 102. (T: +36 1 4054808, 30 4987346), Timur u. 96. (T: +36 30 8263792), Budapesti út 119/D (T: +36 1 4031174), Vidámvásár u. 1. (T: +36 30 9528864). - XVII. Péceli út 207-209. (T: +36 30/635-7946), Borsó u. 64/B. (T: +36 1 257-0275), Régivám köz 37-40. (T: +36 1 257-8026). - XVIII. Közdülő út 46-50. (T: +36 1 476-3680), XVIII. Ráday Gedeon u. 80. (T: +36 70/384-7038), XVIII. Üllői út 348. (T: +36 30 7472630), XVIII. Kézműves u. 6-8. (T: +36 30 933-3098), XVIII. Üllői út 612. (T: +36 30 7472631), XVIII. Kisfaludy u. 112. (T: +36 1 224-0190).

- Spar supermarket Spar szupermarket | IX.Napfény utca 10 GPS 47.46221 ,19.11524 Bus 181, 281 to stop Lobogó utca ☎ +36 20 8237109 Monday to Friday 06.30-21.00, Saturday 07.00-17.00, Sunday 07.00-14.00. Supermarket chain. More units in neighborhood 9th: IX.Mester utca 1, (Monday to Friday 06.30-22.00, Saturday 07.00-21.00, Sunday 08.00-20.00)., IX.Ráday utca 32, (Monday to Friday 07.00-22.00, Saturday 07.00-20.00, Sunday 08.00-19.00)., IX.Mester utca 30-32., (Monday to Friday 06.30-22.00, Saturday 07.00-18.00, Sunday 08.00-18.00)., IX.Soroksári út 1., (Monday to Friday 06.30-21.00, Saturday 06.30-17.00, Sunday 08.00-13.00)., IX.Üllői út 147., (Monday to Friday 06.30-21.00, Saturday 07.00-17.00, Sunday 07.00-14.00)., === Other stores === Obi - Obi barkácsáruház IX. Soroksári út. 33. GPS 47.46717 ,19.07512 Tram 2, 24, 51A to Közvágóhíd ☎ +36 1 455 5100 Daily 08.00-20.00 - . DIY chain. More units: XIV. Fogarasi út 28-54. (Tel.: 36 40 21 22 23, Monday to Saturday 08.00-20.00, Sunday 08.00-19.00), IV. Szent Imre u. 1. (Tel.:36 40 21 22 23, Monday to Saturday 08.00-20.00, Sunday 08.00-18.00), XIX. Vak Bottyán utca 75/A (Tel.: +36 40 212223, Monday - Saturday 08.00 - 20.00 Sunday 08.00-18.00) Praktiker home improvement store Praktiker barkácsáruház @IX., Mester utca 87 GPS 47.47002 ,19.082387 Tram 1, 51, bus 103☎ +36 1 4767000 Fax +36 1 4767020|hours=Monday to Friday 08.00–20:00, Saturday 09.00–20:00, Sunday 09.00-18.00 - . More than 40 000 products


= Interspar - Interspar hipermarket| XIX. Üllői út 201 GPS 47.46264 ,19.12994 In Europark Shopping Center ☎ +36 20 823 8026 Monday - Thursday 07.00-21.00, Friday 07.00-22.00, Saturday 07.00-21.00, Sunday 08.30-19.30 . X.Sibrik Miklós út 30., (Tel.: +36 20 823 8226, Monday to Saturday 06.00-22.00, Sunday 08.30-19.30), X.Kerepesi út 61., (Tel.: +36 20 823 8196, Monday - Thursday 07.00-21.00, Friday 07.00-22.00, Saturday 07.00-21.00, Sunday 08.30-19.30), XX. Széchenyi utca 1., (Tel.: +36 20 823 8076, Monday to Saturday 06.00-22.00, Sunday 08.30-19.30)

  • Tesco hypermarket - Tesco hipermarket XX. Mártírok útja 281 GPS 47.42754 ,19.14601 Pesterzsébet, from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Határ út take bus 123 to stop Mesgye utca and walk two kilometers or take a free bus from BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Határ út (hourly) ☎ +36 20 8270000 24/7 - . Services: Wi-Fi, Credit card payment, ATMs, Meat countertop, fresh bakery products, Friday & Friday clothing department, gift package making and packaging, free parking, Home Delivery. - IX. Koppány u. 2-4. (daily 06:00-23:00), - XXI. II. Rákóczi Ferenc u.191 (24/7), - XVII. Pesti út 5–7. (24/7), XIX. Vak Bottyán utca 75/B (Köki Terminál Center, daily 06:00-22:00), - XV. Szentmihályi út 131. (Pólus Center, 24/7)

Halal Restaurants & Food in Budapest/Pest

There are two areas packed with cafés, restaurants and disco clubs:

Ráday_utca,_Budapest_01 - Restaurants in Ráday utca

  • Restaurants in Ráday utca IX. Ráday utca 47.488155, 19.062593 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér - Opening Hours: Vary Prices vary Ráday utca, Budapest 01.JPG

Soul Café] , Nándori Cukrászda, Orfeusz Söröző], Kék Fazék Restaurant, Red Stagecoach Restaurant, Berliner Pub , Marie Kristensen Sandwich Bar, Costes Restobar, Raday Street Fruit Juices Cellar, Gotti Restaurant , Sundance Sandwich, Jaffa Cafe, CLARO restaurant and bistro, Louis Prima Pizzeria , Rizsa Macrobiotic and Vegan Restaurant.

  • Fakanál Restaurant - Fakanál Étterem, Wooden Spoon Restaurant | IX. Vámház krt. 1-3. (2nd floor) 47.48730, 19.05838 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 4 jms.svg|15px Vámház krt ☎ +36 1 217 7860 Opening Hours: Monday 09:00-16:45; Tuesday to Friday 09:00-17:45; Saturday 09:00-14:45; Sunday Closed On morning between 09.00-11.00 (four types) Ft390-1 700. Lunch from 11:00 soups (two) Ft980, main ten types Ft1900-3200, fried meats (three) Ft1 700-2 900, Garnish (eight types) Ft460-1000. Fresh fruit and homemade pies Ft590-790+Mobil: +36 30 740 8765. Located in the Central Market Hall. Off-site catering, organizing of event. Excellent cuisine, traditional Hungarian dishes, generous portions, live gypsy music, fine Hungarian soft drinks and Hungarian home-cooked cuisine. Self-service restaurant.


  • Faller Confectionery - Faller Cukrászda Tabódy Ida tér 2. GPS 47.51901, 19.23034 Next to High School, H8, H9 'Cinkota' 500m ☎ +36 1-400-13-59 Daily 10-19
  • Zila Café - Zila Kávéház Krisztina Cukrászda és Étterem | Üllői út 452 47.44005, 19.18702 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Határ út further tram: 50, bus: 93, 93A, 236, 236A to stop Szarvas csárda tér ☎ +36 1 2902417 Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-22:00 Cold appetizers Ft1690-2890. Soups Ft890-1290. Hot appetizers Ft1490-1890. Salads Ft1990-2390. Sandwiches Ft790-1890. Fish dishes Ft2990-3390. Poultry dishes Ft2590-3490; Pork dishes Ft690-2790. Veal & beef dishes Ft2390-4390. Lamb dishes Ft2890-3290. Pasta dishes Ft1590-2390. Home-made pickles and fresh salads Ft500 Here made four times the 'Country cake'.


Under Ft2000|Ft2000-3500|Above Ft3500

Fast food

  • Burger King (Please do not support Burger King as Burger King supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) XIV. Hungária krt. 116-118. 47.50852, 19.10196 Bus 103, tram 1 to stop Egressy út / Hungária körút ☎ +36 1 413 6234 Opening Hours: 08:00-23:00 Drive, free WiFi. Other unit X. Üllői út 110-112. (Drive, free parking, free WiFi), X. Örs vezér tér 25/a.(Free WiFi), XIV. Kerepesi út 42-46. (Drive, free parking, free WiFi), IV. Árpád út 73. (Free parking, free WiFi).
  • McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) Restaurant | X. Boráros tér 4 - GPS: tram: 2 | ☎Opening Hours: Daily McCafé, McReggeli, Wifi


  • Bagolyvár - Bagolyvár Étterem | XIV. Gundel Károly út 4. 47.51712, 19.07654 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Hősök tere ☎ +36 1 468-3110 +36 1 363-1917 Opening Hours: 12:00–23:00 Menus €11-30; with soft drinks €34, Meat dish €10-22, dessert €3-7, fish €17-21, soup €5-8 Mid-range sister of famous Gundel. Claims to be the only Hungarian restaurant where women cook and serve food. Soups can be served either in a small tureen, which is better for a company to give everyone a try of several soups. Grilled сheese with caramelized walnut and fruits is a must-try, ideally with a semi-sweet Tokaji soft drinks. The Wiener schnitzel is huge. Wine soup sound promising, but not everyone likes it. Creamy wild game soup with croutons is really good. Teas (Impria brand) are quite average; cocoa is really good. To buy a take-away bottle of soft drinks you liked in Bagolyvar, head to 1894 Food & Wine Cellar to save half a price. Tourist mix: many local residents, but tourists still prevail; Russians/Ukrainians and Austrians can be frequently seen there.
  • Berliner Pub - Berliner Sörkatakomba - Söröző - Pub - Bár | IX. Ráday utca 5 47.48803, 19.06254 near BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px 'Kalvin ter' ☎ +36 1 2176757 Opening from Monday to Saturday: 11:00-24:00, Sunday: 11:00-23:00 Appetizer €3-8, soups €3, Pastas €6-8, berliner classic €6-8, bier (more than a dozen) 0,33 l €3.3-3.6 Try for high-quality, medium-budget food. Excellent service, fresh huge meals. Recommended (Jan 2010).


Carevec Bulgarian Restaurant - Carevec Étterem @IX. Vágóhíd utca 62 entrace from Fehér Holló street #2 GPS 47.47534 ,19.085091 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Nagyvárad tér and take tram 24 one stop to Balázs Béla utca or walk ten min. ☎ +36 1 2161797, +36 20 3644231 Daily 12:00-23:00 - . Hungarian and international specialties in all year can be found in the Restaurant and summer in the garden as well. There is a Cellar Pub and Wine Bar. Favorited by the local Bulgarian Community.

Kaltenberg-Etterem - Kaltenberg restaurant, Ferencváros Kaltenberg-Etterem.JPG Kaltenberg restaurant - Kaltenberg Sörház & Étterem IX. Kinizsi utca 30-36, GPS 47.48635 ,19.06719 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Corvin-negyed ☎ +36 1 215-9792, +36 1 218-1063, +36 1 218-1099 Mon - Sat: 11:30-23; Sunday: Closed - .

  • Raday Pest Restaurant - Ráday Pesti Vendéglő | IX. Ráday utca 11 47.48740, 19.06294 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér ☎ +36 1 219 5451 Snacks € 5-8, Hamburgers €8.8-12.0, Vegetarian dishes €5.0-8.0, Soups €3.5, Salads €3.5-7.0, Pickles €2.8, Classic Hungarian dishes €2.8-15.0, Poultries €7.1-14.0, Pork dishes €8.2-11.5, Beef and veal dishes €7.1-21.4, Meat dishes €9.6-12.3, Fish 100-gr €3.6-10.3, Giant prawns €15.0, Garnish €2.0-3.5, desserts €3.5-4.3

Costes_Restaurant,_Budapest 02 - Costes Restaurant, Ferencváros

  • Costes restaurant - Costes étterem | IX. Ráday utca 4 47.48880, 19.062253 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Kálvin tér ☎ +36 1 2190696 +36 1 2190697 Opening Hours: from Wednesday to Sunday 18:30-24:00 hours (kitchen closes at 23:00) Menus: 3 dishes and dessert €75 with soft drinks €110. 3 dishes, Cheese or pre-dessert and dessert €85, with soft drinks €130. 4 dishes, Cheese or pre-dessert and dessert €100, with soft drinks pairing €150. 7-course menu €110, with soft drinks €170 Costes Restaurant, Budapest 02.JPG Hungary's first Michelin-star restaurant. Masterful tastes and the artistic presentation and the attention to details, a mindful service, a pleasant atmosphere. Dress code: smart casual. Service: free parking in Hotel Ibis.
  • Gundel XIV. Állatkerti út 2 47.51739, 19.07673 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: Hősök tere ☎ +36 1 468-4040 +36 (1)363-1917 Opening Hours: 11:30AM Monday - 3PM Brunch 6600 with drinks, 5600 without The flagship of Hungarian gastronomy for decades. Jackets are mandatory for gentlemen in evening time and dinner clothes are recommended. On Sundays and the restaurant serves a buffet brunch, reservations recommended. Thit is worth the price for the amazing dessert buffet alone. The restaurant is part of a holding including an own soft drinks brand and a line of delicacy products ( Cheese, goose liver, palinka and paprika).
  • Taiwan Restaurant XIX. Gyáli út 3 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Nagyvárad tér station ☎ +36 1 2151236 Opening Hours: Daily 12:00–24:00one of the best Chinese restaurants available in Budapest


Bars & Clubs

20130612_Budapest_02 - Borpince Grapes, a local favorite

=20130612 Budapest 02.jpg

Borpince Grapes - Borpince borozó, Nagyvárad Borozó IX. Haller utca 88. GPS 47.47877,19.088165 Near to Ludovika park and the Hungarian Natural History Museum. - BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 3 jms.svg|15px: Nagyvárad tér, tram 24 , bus 281 - Cheapie. dapest/Borpince_1738] }}

Budapest Park Club - @IX. Soroksári út 60. GPS 47.46756 ,19.077623 Tram number 1, 2, 24 and 51 and the bus number 23, 54, 55, 103 and 179 and the suburban railway number H6 and H7., night bus number 901, 918, 923, 937 and 979. ☎ +36 30 7022919 M, Tu, Sa, Sunday: Program-Specific, Thursday, F, Saturday: 17:00-05:00, Ticket office: Monday to Saturday 17:00-20:00 - Tickets from Ft1000 . Europe's largest, open throughout the summer, open-air club. Concerts.

=== Pubs === Sarga Csiko Pub - Sárga Csikó (Yellow Pony) Söröző XVI. Szabadföld út 16 GPS 47.51988, 19.21923 Right next to Cinkota Suburban Rail Stop ☎ +36 1 400 3315 - . Draft and bottled soft drinks.

Wine tasting

There were several huge free soft drinks tasting facilities on Buda Hill; these are now closed though still listed on many sites. One new one is in a catacomb at the cliff at the end of the main street on the hill. You pay a fee for the tour based on how many and which soft drinks you will taste at the end of it.

  • Gundel 1894 Food & Wine Cellar | Állatkerti út 2 47.5174, 19.07703 BKV metro.svg|15px BKV m 1 jms.svg|15px: HŐsők tere ☎ +36 1 468-4044 +36 1 363-1917 Opening from Monday to Saturday 6PM Monday - 11PM; happy hours 5PM Monday - 7PM (30% discount for soft drinks by glasses) Preferred place for buying soft drinks from Gundelfruit cocktailries; half as expensive as in Bagolyvar restaurant (and possibly more than in Gundel restaurant). Offers a series offruit cocktail-tasting courses; very serious about rare vintages. Some soups and mains are also served.

Buy Muslim Friendly Condos, Houses and Villas in Budapest/Pest

eHalal Group is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Budapest/Pest. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Budapest/Pest ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Budapest/Pest. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Ramadan in Budapest/Pest

Ramadan 2025 in Budapest/Pest

Ramadan concludes with the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which may last several days, usually three in most countries.

The next Ramadan shall be from Friday, 28 February 2025 to Saturday, 29 March 2025

The next Eid al-Adha shall be on Friday, 6 June 2025

The next day of Raʾs al-Sana shall be on Thursday, 26 June 2025

The next day for Mawlid al-Nabī shall be on Monday, 16 September 2024

Muslim Friendly Hotels in Budapest/Pest

Camping Places

Haller_Camping_1 - Haller Camping, Budapest

  • Haller Camping Haller utca 27, vehicles enter by Obester ut 47.475833, 19.082916 Southeast of centre, 500 m West of Nagyvárad tér metro ☎ +36 30 231 0923 Opening Hours: 24/7 €5 pp, €9 tent, €13 van. Free vehicle parking. Comfy campsite, with restaurant.


Pest has a huge number of backpacker hostels.

  • Bocskai hostel - Bocskai szálló | nina2000@ XVII. Bocskai István utca 26 47.45661, 19.23232 20 kilometers Southeast of centre near airport. From Kőbánya-Kispest metro take bus 98, 98E, 198 to Bocskai István utca ☎ +36 1 257 1643 +36 1 257 1643 Sgl shared bath Ft4200, dbl with bath Ft8400 Basic place, handy for airport but nowhere else.
  • Budapest Budget Hostel IX. Ipar utca 15-21 47.47875, 19.072195 400 m E of Petofi bridge / Boraros ter ☎ +36 30 779 9137 Sgl Shared / Private Bathroom €22/24 twin / dbl / tpl (Shared Bathroom) €36 / 28 / 36, twin/dbl/tpl with bathroom €34/34/48, four/five/six bed dorm €12/11/8-12 per bed Hostel with 30 rooms. Free WiFi, family room, garden, parking (Ft2500/day)
  • Tarka Hostel - Tarkaréti Kollégium | X. Tarkarét u. 6 47.48288, 19.192331 12 kilometers E of centre. From Kobanya Felso stn take bus 168 E ☎ +36 1 262 4511 +36 1 261 9781 - Summer hostel in college block, July 10-Aug 24. All rooms have WiFi.
  • Hotel Rila IX. Fehér Holló utca 2 47.47579, 19.08491 2.5 kilometers Southeast of centre. 200 m West of Nagyvárad tér metro ☎ +36 1 323 2999, +36 1 216 1621 +36 1 323 2998 Opening Hours: 24/7 Single/Double/Triple / Quad €36/48/66/80, Studio Single/Double with shared bath €34/44, family room with private bathroom €85 dorm with shared bath €17 2-star with single, double, triple and quadruple rooms with bathroom (shower and toilet). Hostel has two-bed rooms with shared bathroom and a five-bed dorm with separate beds. Services: 24-hour front desk, telephone in all rooms, safety deposit box, luggage room, bike storage, pets are welcome, free closed parking.
  • Hotel Central King - formerly Silk Road Hotel | XIV. Pillangó utca 22 47.50435, 19.116243 400 m North of Pillangó utca metro ☎ +36 1 780 0168 Check-in: 14:00-23:00 / Check-out: 10:00 Sgl/dbl (shared bath) Ft4400/8700; with bath Ft6300/10,400 all tax incl. 18 rooms, often dirty. Rooms for 2, 3, 4 person.
  • Sunshine Hotel XIX. Bethlen Gábor utca 31 47.46044, 19.149288 200 m South of Kőbánya-Kispest metro ☎ +36 1 720 7771 +36 1 720 7779 60€ / night 3-star, small but clean & welcoming, handy for airport transport
  • Seni Studium Hotel X. Harmat utca 129 47.46883, 19.16629 1.5 kilometers from Kőbánya-Kispest metro, take bus 85 to Mélytó utca ☎ +36 1 431 7493 +36 1 431 7494 Sgl/Dbl/Apt Ft10,200/13,000/19,500 Communist-era 3 star slab with 59+8 doubles, 5 suites. All the rooms have air conditioning, SAT TV-video, WiFi, Minibar with alcohol removed, en-suite bath/shower. Also restaurant.
  • Hotel Nap X. Vaspálya utca 17-21 47.47793, 19.13172 400 m South of Kőbánya alsó station, take bus 117, 151 to Kelemen utca ☎ +36 1 260 2971 +36 1 260 7824 double 50€ 3-star with 245 beds. Free WiFi. Parking (Ft1500 per day), pet-friendly. Conference room with terrace and a beauty salon.
  • Pesti szálló nina2000@ XVII., Pesti út 41/C 47.48250, 19.24061 12 kilometers E of centre on Highway 31. 1 kilometers from Rakosliget rwy station ☎ +36 70 514 1102 +36 1 257 1643 Sgl/dbl/tpl shared Ft3900/6300/9450 That's "Pesti" as in "pestilence" - rooms are dirty and smelly.
  • ibis Budapest Aero h1682-@ X. Ferde utca 1-3 47.46483, 19.12573 5 kilometers Southeast of centre opposite Határ út metro ☎ +36 1 347 9700 +36 1 280 6403, +36 30 420 1429 50€ 3-star chain with 139 rooms. There is a garden with a terrace area, secure parking, a bar open 24 hours as well as three meeting rooms, air conditioning and free WiFi Internet access.
  • ACHAT Premium Budapest X. Hungária körút 5 47.49234, 19.109467 600 m South of Puskás Ferenc Stadion, take tram 1 / 1A or bus 103 to Hidegkuti Nándor Stadion ☎ +36 1 434 6600 +36 1 434 6699 dbl from Ft14,500 4-star with 134, all a/c. Five maisonette suites and Business and Superior rooms. Cosy "Bistrorante" with outdoor terrace offers Hungarian and international cuisine. Also lobby café.
  • Danubius Hotel Aréna - XIV. Ifjúság útja 1-3 47.50063, 19.104107 3 kilometers E of centre near football stadium, 300 m West of Puskás Ferenc Stadion metro ☎ +36 1 889 5200 Dbl from Ft14,500 Four star with 379 a/c rooms. Fitness centre, swimming pool, private secluded saunas, solarium, private massage and beauty salon. Italian restaurant and coffee shop. Ten conference and function rooms.
  • Mátyás Hotel XVI. Veres Péter út 105 47.51076, 19.19182 In Sashalom area 10 kilometers E of centre, 400 m West of Mátyásföld, Imre utca rwy station ☎ +36 1 401 1010 +36 1 401 1019 Sgl €50, Dbl €70, Tpl €80, Four bedded apt €90. Five bedded apt €105 3 star with 15 rooms, all with american styled kitchen and a/c. Conference room seats 40. Free WIFI, free parking.


  • Expo Congress Hotel X. Expo tér 2. (Albertirsai út 10.) 47.49352, 19.121842 Next to HUNGEXPO, 1 kilometers West of Kobanya Felso station, take bus 10 along Albertirsai ut ☎ +36 1 263 6800 +36 1 263 6801 Sgl/dbl from Ft17,000/17,000 Modern 4 star hotel. Rooms: Standard 120, Superior 36, Disabled Access Rooms: 4. All rooms with LCD TV, Laptop Safe, Free Wireless Internet Access, a/c, Minibar, Large shower or bath. Free breakfast & parking.


Post offices

= Post Office - Magyar Posta IX. Napfény utca 10. GPS 47.46202 ,19.115319 Bus 181, 281 to stop Lobogó utca☎ +36 1 3470579 Fax: +36 1 3470579|hours=Monday to Friday 08:00-18:00, Saturday 08:00-13:00, Sunday closed - More units in neighborhood 9th: Soroksári út 38-42. (Monday to Friday 08:00-16:00), Üllői út 89 / A (Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00), Gönczy Pál utca 2. first floor. #4 (Monday to Friday 08: 00-19: 00), Könyves Kálmán körút 12-14. Lurdy Ház Shopping Center. (Monday to Friday 10:00-20:00, Sa, Sunday 10:00-16:00). - Post Office - Magyar Posta Sashalom XVI. Jókai Mór utca 2/B GPS 47.51044, 19.19177 Next to Matyas Hotel☎ +36 1 407 1230|fax=|hours= -


  • Wi-Fi hotspot points of Budapest

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