Central Hungary

From Halal Explorer

Central Hungary consists of only one county, Pest County. Budapest and the capital of the nation, is the administrative center of the county, but constitutes a separate territorial unit.



show=city,go,mask}} HU NUTS 24 KM - Large scale map of Central Hungary's subregions Budakeszi — famous about Wildlife Park Dunakeszi — shopping city, Roman Harbour Fort remains Budaörs — Western Gate of Budapest Budapest — with green filled parks, interesting museums, and a pulsating Halal dining, Budapest is one of Europe's most delightful and enjoyable city's Cegléd — a small town with one of the largest Reformed churches [[Érd — a suburb of Budapest Gödöllő — a town east of Budapest most famous for its former royal palace Nagykőrös [[Őrbottyán — a lovely town north-east from the capital, famous for its traditional bell founder manufacture. Pilisvörösvár — one of the most (German) settlement in Pest County Pomáz — Teleki-Wattay Palace and the Stone Hill Ráckeve — the oldest Serbian Orthodox Church in Hungary and Savoyai Palace Hotel Szentendre — picturesque town on the Danube just north of Budapest Vác — a small town on the Danube bend with several churches and lots of baroque architecture Visegrád — a small town with a Medieval castle

More Destinations

  • Dobogókő — the highest summit of the Pilis Mountains is a popular hiking destination with a forest that is held sacred by neo-pagans

Central Hungary Halal Travel Guide

Budapest trainsuburb network.svg|Commuter train network

How to travel to Central Hungary

All area is very well connected by bus and train with Budapest. All commuter lines (HÉV) except 'H7' reach the region. There are three-six coommuter trains per hour all lines, all directions. Logo is: Budapest_hev_symbol.svg|16px

How to get around In Central Hungary

Budapest based almost every public transport lines. This means sometimes must go first to Budapest and then out to your destination, even that means a much longer way.

Ferries of Danube river

Leányfalu HÁ - Leányfalu boat station

Schedules and fares are indicative due to water, weather and other reasons

  • Vác ferry pier - Váci RÉV | Vác, Road #12303 - GPS: 47.77711, 19.12511 At the west end of Eszterházy Károly utca Opening Hours: Departures: 6:00-20:00, hourly Fees: Adult/car/bike: Ft420/1500/420 Car ferries to Tahitótfalu rendek timetable
  • Tahitótfalu ferry pier - Tahitótfalu Révállomás RÉV| Tahitótfalu, Váci Rév 47.77529, 19.12023 From Highway 11 turn east in center of Tahitótfalu cross the Bridge (Tidy Zoltan) over small Danube river turn to Szabadság road further eastward one and half kilometers to the eastern shore of the Szentendre Island ☎ +36 30 696-2408 Opening Hours: Departures: 5:45-19:15, hourly Fees: Adult/car/bike:Ft420/1500/420 Car ferries to Vác. A small Snacks bar located here.
  • Szob ferry pier - Szobi RÉV | Szob, Rév utca - GPS: 47.8155, 18.8619 From Train Station/Bus Station go to the center at OTP Bank (also ATM 24h) follow the sign on Rév street more three hundred meter ☎ +36 30 9144195 Opening Hours: April - Oct daily 06.40, 8:40-18:40, hourly Fees: Adult/car/bike: Ft420/1500/420 Car ferries to Pilismarót
  • Pilismarót ferry pier Pilismaróti RÉV | Pilismarót GPS 47.81030, 18.85871 Two and half kilometers north from Pilismarót, two kilometers stay on Highway 11 then turn north ☎ +36 30 9144195 Opening Hours: April - Oct daily 06.50, 08.50-18.50, hourly ferries to Szob
  • Felsőgöd ferry pier Felsőgödi RÉV| Felsőgöd, Evezős utca - GPS: 47.7114, 19.1295 - Close (north) to Duna tavern, from Highway 2 turn west at Bocskai street (center of village) ☎ +36 30 599 8705, +36 70 577 7753 (mobil) Opening Hours: Departures: At 7.10 weekdays only, 8.20-18.20, hourly at 19.50 is the last one except if ordered at 20.50 ferries cross Danube main stream to Surány
  • Surány ferry pier Surány RÉV| Surány, Duna sétány GPS 47.71416, 19.12167 Eastern shore of Szentendre Island, close to Jolika tavern ☎ +36 30 599 8705, +36 70 577 7753 (mobil) Opening Hours: Departures: At 7.05 weekdays only, 8.15-18.15 hourly, 19.45 last one except if ordered at 20.45 Fees: Adult/bike: Ft300/free ferries to Felsőgöd 0B2aG9IpTlY7nclZ2d0dzbnIzcVU/edit?pli=1 timetable (PDF)
  • Alsógöd ferry pier - RÉV | Alsógöd, Jávorka Sándor utca 47.67990, 19.12609 From Alsógöd train stop follow Béke utca, ten min walk ☎ +36 70 360 6395 Opening Hours: weekdays 5.05-20.30 roughly every half hour, at 21.30 if ordered (on weekends only hourly) Fees: Adult/bike: Ft290/300 ferries to Szigetmonostor
  • Szigetmonostor /Horány/ ferry pier Horányi RÉV| Horány, Nagyduna sétány 47.68244, 19.12063 eastern shore of the Szentendre Island ☎ +36 70 360 6395 Opening Hours: 5.00-20.25 cca. every half hour, at 21.25 if ordered (on weekends only hourly) Fees: Adult/bike: Ft290/300 ferries to Alsógöd
  • Pócsmegyer ferry pier - Pócsmegyeri RÉV| Pócsmegyer, Hunyadi út 47.7180, 19.0943 North of the Reformed church of Pócsmegyer, on western shore of the Szentendre Island ☎ +36 30 599 8705, +36 70 577 7753 Opening Hours: 05:05-18.30, +irregular hourly till 22.30 hourly or more ferries to Leányfalu. 0B2aG9IpTlY7nTDJfMFdVakx1aE0/edit?pli=1 More info and timetable
  • Leányfalu ferry pier - Leányfalui RÉV| Leányfalu, Petőfi sétány 47.71812, 19.09166 From Highway 11 turn east at Dunakanyar Takarékszövetkezet Bank (ATM 24h) in mid part of the village ☎ +36 30 599 8705, +36 70 577 7753 Opening Hours: 5:00-18:20, +irregular hourly till 22:20 ferries to Pócsmegyer
  • Dunakeszi ferry pier Dunakeszi RÉV| Dunakeszi, Rév utca and Duna sor corner - GPS: 47.6577, 19.1192 From Highway 2 turn west to Rév utca south of Tesco hypermarket Close to late Roman 'burgus' ruin ☎ +36 26 393795 Opening Hours: Weekdays 5:35-20.35, weekends 6.35 -20.35 half hourly Fees: Adult/car/bike: Ft300/900/250 ferries to Horány
  • Horány ferry pier Horányi RÉV| Horány - GPS: 47.6599, 19.1127 South of Hotel and Leisure Centre Regatta ☎ +36 26 393795 Opening Hours: Weekdays between 6:00-20:00, three per hour, weekends 6.25-20.25 Fees: Adult/bike: Ft300/900/250 ferries to Dunakeszi timetable.
  • Kisoroszi ferry pier Kisoroszi RÉV| Kisoroszi, Rév utca GPS 47.8060, 19.0099 (South)western shore of the Szentendre Island ☎ +36 30 991-33-00 Opening Hours: 5.05 weekdays, 5.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.20-18.20 hourly, 19.30, 20.40, 21.40 Fees: Adult/reduced: Ft300/200 ferries to Visegrád - Szentgyörgypuszta
  • Visegrád - Szentgyörgypuszta ferry pier RÉV| Szentgyörgypuszta 47.8043, 19.0084 100m off from Highway 11 ☎ +36 30 991-3300 Opening Hours: Between 5.45-18.45 (hourly), 19.50, 21.05 ferries to Kisoroszi
  • Visegrád ferry pier - Visegrád - Nagymaros RÉV | Visegrád, Rév utca 47.78637, 18.96667 Visegrád center ☎ +36 26 398344 Opening Hours: 6:25-20:45 (2023) Boats to Nagymaros service provider Atlantis Ltd. - Danube at Nagymaros.JPG
  • Nagymaros ferry pier - Nagymaros-Visegrád RÉV | Magyar utca - GPS: 47.78919, 18.96142 ☎ +36 26 398344, +36 1 484-4013 (Mahart infoline) Ferry boats to Visegrád (hourly, cca. 15min), and excursion boats between Budapest and Esztergom stop. More info about excursion boats +36 27 354-576 (Nagymaros - Maros Restaurant)
  • Dömös ferry pier - Dömösi moló | GPS 47.76608, 18.91738 ☎+36 30 9913300 The ferry boats to Nagymaros were suspended in 2014 (call the number to check it), but excursion boats between Budapest and Esztergom stop here.


  • Nagymaros Pier at Dömös crossing - Nagymaros-Dömösi átkelés | 47.76958, 18.91786 Halfway between Nagymaros and Zebegény ferries to Dömös are suspended (temporarly? 2014)


  • Pilismarót ferry pier - Pilismarót | Pilismarót, Szobi Rév utca - GPS: 47.79897, 18.89888 Dunapart neighborhood, Turn east from Highway 11 at Catholic church on Bajcsy-Zsilinszky street cca. two kilometers to pier - Opening Hours: From May 31-Aug 17 Fri, Sat, Sun. Aug 23-September 28 on weekends and public holidays Ft400 (2023) Ferries to Zebegény. rendek Timetable


  • Zebegény ferry pier Dózsa György Way off - GPS: 47.79920, 18.90838 West hundred meters from Zebegeny train station Ferries to Pilismarót

What to see in Central Hungary



Abony - In the early 20th-century town hall of Abony - Abony.jpg

  • Abony | GPS 47.188, 20.005 Take a bus from Szolnok or from Cegléd, between Budapest and Szolnok
"Kaszáló" Forest, One of the biggest settlement in Europe of the blue falcon, hu/hpc/web.php?a=abonyimuzeum Abonyi Lajos Exhibition Hall, local historical collection, "Vigyázó" Mansion, Classicist, Baroque style monument building, egye.hu/ Street Stephen Roman Catholic Church, built in the 1790s in baroque style. Reformed Church, built in 1785, in late baroque style, a symbol of Abony, Abony Zoo, In the seven-acre mixed-planted forest, under the "sky-high trees' foliage in the cool shade, you can visit wild animals. Read more:Cegléd#Further_afield

}} - Apaj református templom.JPG

  • Apaj | 47.11337, 19.08772 50 kilometers from Budapest Sights: Reform church, Millennium Park and Upper Kiskunsag Plain is part of the Kiskunsag National Park - Aszód.jpg
  • Aszód | GPS 47.6532, 19.4747 East of Gödöllő Evangelistic Church in Aszód (Csengery utca 1., ☎ +36 30 9521963), Podmaniczky palace - Széchenyi mansion (Szabadság tér 8.,☎ +36 28 500666), Petőfi Museum (Szontágh lépcső 2.,☎ +36 28 500650, fax: +36 28 500651, @)

}} Biatorbágy viadukt - Biatorbágy viadukt - Biatorbágy viadukt.jpg

  • Biatorbágy | GPS 47.4699, 18.8206 E75 Highway passing, buses between Budapest Tatabánya stop here Bolha Mountain, nature conservation area, it has a rock steppe with special steppe flora (☎+36 23 310636, South from Biatorbágy), ?fm=3&m=22&op=plebaniaview&p_id=99 Torbágy name of the Virgin Mary Church and there is a diocesan libraries, archives and museum. (Dózsa György utca 8.,☎ +36 23 311411), Torbágy Neo-Romanesque Reformed Church (Fő utca 59, ☎+36 23 312033, @, open: by appointment), ldal.php Reformed church in Bia , mentioned first in 1600 and the Lord's Table made from white marble is more than hundred years old and the parish house is 110 years old and the building of the congregation is more than 130 years old (Nagy utca 28., ☎ +36 23 310310, email=@), St. Wendelin or Szily burial chapel, a Classicist monument (Iharos Baross Gábor u. 2/A, ☎+36 23 310174, fax:+36 23 310-135, email=@), Viaduct, technological monument, is a great spectacle. The first bridge in 1883-84, second one was built in 1898. The newly built bridges Biatorbagy defining elements of townscape, over the years, have become symbols of the city. The bridge over Fuzes creek valley from 120 to 140m wide and 20-25m in height. (Szabadság út, ☎ +36 23 310174), Metternich-Sandor Palace, a Classicist monument, first a Baroque chateau built on the site. The new owner Antal Sandor Baron's son, Count Sandor Vince had built up the castle in its present form in 1823. His son, Sandor Moricz marriage led to the Metternich family took possession of the castle. Presumably and the castle is an early work of,-the most famous architect of Hungary of-József Hild. Storey main route north of the village overlooking the Cour d'Honneur of the wings of the line of the street elbow denote a classical central part of the wing empire building design. Today one part of its is a school, and the other is a farm (Szentháromság tér 4., ☎ +36 23 310174). Romanesque Chapel of the Holy Cross is the oldest architectural monument of the village erected in 13th century from the end of the century, late Romanesque style, was rebuilt many times, located in the south-eastern outskirts of the village in Protestant Cemetery. The Serbian church was built in the 13th started at the beginning of the century, multiple expansion in rural communities due to proliferation of local needs wished. 14 century its final form. Mentioned in a document (1351) that was erected in honor of the Holy Cross. The church was surrounded by villagers buried Bia, whose village is located near the temple. (Sándor utca, ☎ +56 23 310174), Bia Roman Catholic Church of St. Anne, first a chapel erected in 1800, to this - replaced a former wooden tower, new stone tower was built by József Hild, in 1823. The church in 1863, became a public temple. Later ten cast iron columns stronged and with a choir was extended. In 1934, purchase new bell and opened four bell windows to the tower. (Nagy utca, ☎ +36 23 310174, Opening hours: Mass: Thursday 18:00, Friday 18:00, Sunday: 8:00- 9:30), Farkas-, Szily- and Fáy- mansion was built in the first half of the 18th century. Located on sloping terrain. A south-facing, U-shaped, baroque building is designed a nice yard. Recovery planned. (Kálvin tér 4.,☎ +36 23 310174, only from outside). Biatorbagy cellar tour with geological value (Füzes patak, ☎ +36 30 9220511, email=@mail.hu).

Budakalász - Temple - Exaltation of the Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, Budakalasz - Budakalász - Temple.jpg

  • Budakalász - German: Kalasch | 47.62153, 19.04596 Right north of Óbuda

Portal/gynki_public/index.php?page=botanikuskert Botanical garden of Herb Insitute. The Botanical Garden is an natural protection area with national importance. (Gyógynövény Kutató Intézet Botanikus Kertje, Loc:Budakalász, Lupaszigeti út 4 around the central building of Research Institute for Medicinal Plants with total area 5ha. ☎ +36 26 340533, fax: +36 26 343195, email=@, open Monday to Friday 10:00-15:00, by appointment, only with guide, free of charge. Exploring Szabó József Cave, near to Kevély Peak (Hu: Szabó József-barlang. Loc:east of the elevation point 405m of the Ezüst Mount, overlooking to Budakalasz, in the Nagy- commonly called Tölgy-quarry. ). - HUN Dánszentmiklós Címer.svg

  • Dánszentmiklós GPS 47.2077, 19.5567 Take a bus from Cegléd (30km) - Muzsik Mansion, now it is a nursery school, built in the end of the 19th century (Hu: Muzsik-kastély Loc: Nyárfa utca 1., ☎ +36 53 374016, mosolygoalma4@, Opening hours: Monday - Friday : 7.00-17.00). Plósz Mansion (Hu: Plósz-kúria. Loc:Nyárfa utca 53., ☎ +36 53 574000). Wekerle Farm or Estate and the village of Dánszentmiklós were settled in the times of the Kingdom of Árpád due to their excellent location and the presence of a nearby lake. The settlement probably owes its name to a landowner named "Dán". In the 18th and 19th centuries and the estate was owned by the Beleznay family. The L-shaped, two-storey manor house was constructed in a classicist style with seven rooms. The commercial buildings and servants' quarters were situated opposite. On the inside of the L-shape, ten irregularly positioned columns marked a corridor leading to the entrance, with the columns doubling up at the junctions. (Hu: Wekerle Major. Loc: Wekerle-major, ☎ +36 20 3448090, @major.hu). Ugody Manor court (Loc:Rákóczi utca 2., ☎ +36 53 374377, bulit in early 19th century, in eclectic style, only from outside), Street Nicholas Church, a modern church was built in 1958. (Hu:Szent Miklós templom. Loc: Dózsa György út 102/a, ☎+36 30 5502282, Admission: free of charge). With English, (German), Hungarian guide you can go horse riding or take a riding tour, or riding for hunting in the spacious park surrounding the Wekerle Estate, where you can enjoy the most of the beautiful Hungarian countryside.

Délegyháza3 - Lakes of Délegyháza

  • Délegyháza 47.2479, 19.0672 South 27km of Budapest, take a train or bus - Délegyháza3 - Protected wildpear tree a natural monument (Hu:Védett vadkörtefa, Admission:free. Located:Vadkörtefa Street, on the land behind of the agricultural cooperative society's office. ☎+36 24 542155, fax:+36 24 542156). Maple alley, a natural monument with twelve maples between the churches (Hu:Védett juharfa sor. Loc: Szabadság tér, admission: free), "Kristóffy" Australian pines (Hu:Kristóffy-féle fekete fenyők. Location: bus stop at the agricultural cooperative society), Sárossy's stone cross (Hu: Sárossy család kőkeresztje, located in the cemetery, in memorial of Nagysárosi Sárossy Dezső and his family), Our Lady of Hungary Roman Catholic Church. Built in 2000. (Hu: Magyarok Nagyasszonya Római Katolikus Templom. Loc: Szabadság tér, ☎ +36 24 472017, @, free), Reformed Church, built in 1993. (Hu:Délegyházi Református Templom. Loc: Szabadság tér 1., ☎ +36 24 484452, blank3@), St. Steven Statue, is called "The Church of South Whispering Giants". Designed by an American sculptor, made of oak, St. Stephen's face and turul together. (Hu: Szent István szobor. Loc: Szent István park, ☎+36 24 212011). St. Elisabeth statue and headstone The full-length, stone statue sculpture executed by the official jury also proved to be a worthy creations. The statue was donated by local residents. The headstone was carved for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of Délegyháza. The three branch symbolize: the establishment of Hungary and the war of independence in 1848 and it is a memorial of the revolution of 1956. (Hu: Kopjafa. Loc: Szabadság tér 1-3. ☎+36 24 212011, @), Delegyhaza lakes are in Pest county's largest lake system. The central lakes have more than 300ha of water surface. There are eight lakes for swimming, fishing, ice skating, water sports and relaxation is also suitable. (Hu: Délegyházi tórendszer. Loc: lake system, ☎ +36 24 542155, @). Events: St. Elizabeth's day. Take a walk or bycicle tour around the lakes.

Diósd - kőbánya - The former quarry of Diósd, now a geological park

  • Diósd - German: Orasch | 47.4063, 18.9450 Lying between Budapest, Érd and Törökbálint, adjacent to the Highway 70 road and M0 motorway also easily accessible from M1 and M7 motorways. Take a train to Érdliget stop or Nagytétény-Diósd and the nearby Érd-alsó, Érd-felső passed on the Budapest-Székesfehérvár and the Budapest-Pusztaszabolcs line. Or take No.13 BKK City bus or VOLAN bus on Budapest-Érd line. - Diósd4 - Bee-hive rock cells, a geological park, Village Museum, a museum of local lore, St. Gerard Chapel a protected monument built in 1772 in Baroque style, 18th-century statue of St. John of Nepomuk. Read more: Érd#Diósd - Dömsöd1.jpg
  • Dömsöd | GPS 47.0946, 19.0074 Close to Ráckeve Sights: Petőfi Sándor Memorial Museum and Vecsési - Bazsonyi Gallery, local history collection and Memorial Museum dedicated to the great Hungarian poet exhibits literary memorabilia related to his stay in Dömsöd. Also here permanent selection from the works of local painters (Hu:Petőfi Sándor Emlékmúzeum és Vecsési Sándor - Bazsonyi Arany Képtár. Loc:Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 6. ☎+36 20 2532589, fax: +36 24 435363, Opening hours: Tu, Friday - Saturday 10:00-16:00. Admission: Adult Ft200/100). Dömsöd Island, an excursion place contents: Sports fields, restaurants, small river beaches. Relatively shallow waters of the kids can obtain fun too. Take a cozy walks of backwater. (Hu:Dömsöd sziget. Loc:On Danube. ☎ :+36 24 523123), Reformed Church built in 1775 in Copf architectural style, internal by Late Baroque furniture. The square in front of the church was one of the locations where the all-time favorite movie, for Hungarians, about Matthias the Gooseherd (Ludas Matyi) was shot in 1948 (Hu:Református templom. Loc: Petőfi tér 71. ☎ +36 24 434477, @ and the office open: Monday 9-12, Thursday 9-12), Baptist Church, rebuilt 1995 in Modern style, serves ecclesiastic and cultural purposes. (Loc: Szabadság utca 125.☎+36 24 519775), Bathory Julia Glass Collection (Hu:Báthory Júlia Üveggyűjtemény.)

Fót, Károlyi-kastély - Károlyi Palace of Fót

  • Fót 47.61812, 19.19032 17km north of the limit of Budapest in Pest county, take a train from Nyugati Station toward Veresegyház-Vác. From Gödöllő take a direct bus #317 or a HÉV suburban train to Mogyorod stop further a bus 320. 325, 326 - Fót, Károlyi-kastély - Németh Kálmán Memorial House, here is a collection of the works of sculptor Kálmán Németh (1903-1979), in his living house, hu/ Fáyfruit cocktail-press house, a historical place was a meeting place for politicians in the 19th century now a restaurant with beautiful view from its terrace András Fáy, a Hungarian author, lawyer, politician and businessman, was the first owner to thisfruit cocktail-press house, Károlyi Palace, built in 1850. Thit is Hungary's most beautiful Classical palace and its exterior was commissioned by Count Károlyi István and made by Ybl Miklós. The Count Károlyi László created a furnished gallery, for the collection of family cultural treasures and the preservation of future generations,-which can be visited. Roman Catholic church in Fót and the main attraction of the town is the Roman-Catholic church; built in romantic style, a work of the famous architects, Ybl Miklós.), Somlyó Nature Reserve by Fót, Somlyó Hill is part of the Gödöllő mountain, which is characterized by a variegated surface – steep sides, narrow valleys, undulating parts, plains and hills. Because of the diversity of geology and formations and the flora of the mountain is also varied. A couple of different bird can be see here and to all kind of Hungarian lizard habitat is here, Stay: Pálma Pension & Squash. Read more: Gödöllő#Further_afield

}} Isaszeg-honved emlekmu - |Patriot Monument, Isaszeg - Isaszeg-honved emlekmu.jpg

  • Isaszeg | 47.5304, 19.4017 Four kilometers south of Gödöllő and the train station located west of center Sights: The old parochial church, St. Stephen Church, Local History Collection, presents Isaszeg history from prehistoric times to 1945, Army graves in cemetery, a monument, Yahudi cemetery, Patriot Monument. Events: Memorial Day: Battle of the April 6 and the Day of the fiesta: Aug 20th, Pentecost tasting fight: May, Day of the Town: July 1. Take walking tour ( - Map). Read more:Gödöllő#Isaszeg

}} Kiskunlacháza szégyenkő - Pillory stone before Reformed church in Kiskunlacháza Pereg templom.JPG

  • Kiskunlacháza 47.1905, 19.0057 Six kilometers from the Danube river, Highway 51 pass it Sights: Reformed Church, before its located a "shame stone" or the pillory (1771). The Reformed church was built in 1822-24, Peregi St. Michael's Catholic Church (1774), Lacházi St. Ladislaus Catholic Church, Angyalos house with local historical collection. The house was built in 1906, in mixed eclecticism and historicism style, Cemetery chapel of Pereg, Hajós mansion and the Classicist building now as a guest-house catering for equestrian tourists. Read more: Ráckeve#Further_afield

}} File:Mk48 2031 - A diesel locomotive of Kismaros-Királyrét Forest Railway waiting at Kismaros station Mk48 2031.JPG

  • Kismaros - (German) Kleinmarosch | 47.8266, 19.0126 45km north of Budapest on the eastern bank of the Danube river and the village is seated at the foot of the Börzsöny Hills. Get in: train line Budapest Nyugati train station- (daily twelve+, approx. 45min.) Vác-Szob pass it. From Visegrád take a ferry, further bus or train toward Vác Roman Catholic Church, a really nice attraction in Kismaros. Built in 1827 and the one-nave, classicist, front towered church. Inside and the main highlight are two 17th-century Baroque sculpture: Zakarias and Elisabeth. (Hu:Római Katolikus Templom. Loc:Kismaros, Dózsa György utca 5. close to Railway Station ☎ +36 27 350165), Swabian Museum Collection in Kismaros, Museum for local historical collection, shows the life in the village, with photos, religious objects, long-standing tools of the village farming and viniculture of the Swabians. The exhibition comprises the history of Kismaros beginning from those ethnic (German) settlers who arrived in the first half of the 18th century until now. In the museum the visitors can listen to old Ethnic (German) religious and secular songs, costums and traditions with the help of a twice 60-minute-long CD. (Hu:Kismarosi Sváb Muzeális Gyűjtemény. Loc:Kismaros, Kossuth u. 21, ☎ +36 20 9234714. @, Open from: 15. Mar till 15. Nov, Opening hours: Wed: 09:00-13:00 Fri: 14:00-18:00, Sun: 08:30-12:30. Admission: free. Regular guided tour is available, with admission free.) Forest Railway in Királyrét, It was the oldest forest railway in the mountain Börzsöny. Stops: Kismaros - Morgó - Szokolya - Paphegy - Királyrét, 12 kilometers, forty min journey time (Hu:Királyréti kisvasut. Loc: Kismaros, Királyrét, ☎ +36 20 9514912, @, Opening hours: 9.00-18.00 (19.00) workdays: From Kismaros/Királyrét: seven per day; weekend, holidays: six per day. Admission: Adult one-way/return ticket (12km): Ft600/1000; Reduced tickets one way/return ticket (12km): Ft350/600) and the Nature Trail of Springs, creeks, islands, around the creek Morgó, (Hu: Források, patakok, szigetek tanösvény. Loc: Kismaros, Zrínyi Miklós út, ☎ +36 27 383260), Monastery of House of Our Lady of Sisters of the Cistercian, Modern style, found 1987 (Hu: Ciszterci Nővérek Boldogasszony Háza Monostor. Loc:Szuttai-dűlő), Patakparti leisure park and promenade, leisure park and sports park, playground, boardwalk, (Hu:Patakparti szabadidő park és sétány. Loc:the boardwalk leading to the Gimpl-bridge by the stream.), Row of cellars, a monument, from the 1830s, now partly converted cellars with some old press, (Hu:Műemlék pincesor. Loc: the street is starting at Roman Catholic Church). Different hiking trails starting or passsing the village. Wine sampling, buying directly from cellars. Danube Bike Path, offer a beautiful view to the Danube Bend and the Visegrad Castle. (Hu: Kerékpárút a Duna partján. Loc: Highway 12, accessible through Duna street). Events: (German) ethnic Festival “Marus Napok” (end of Sept). To Stay: Csatogo völgy Resort Complex, with wooden huts. - Further afield: Nagymaros: House of Kittenberger Kalman (a famous Hungarian, hunter, ornithologist), panorama of Török-field; Nógrád Nógrádi castle; Szokolya Mányoki Adam painterbirth house, Kacár-ranch arts and crafts show; Lepence beach; Kóspallag Pauline monastery ruins; Márianosztra (on foot or by bus) Paulines atoning shrine (1352 or 1720); Zebegeny (15km, on foot, by train, by bus) Memorial Museum of lyrical painter Istvan Szőnyi, Parish Church (Art Nouveau and Transylvanian folk art styles), Old Mill, Maritime Museum.

Kemence légifotó3 - Kemence from Air Kemence04.JPG

  • Kemence 48.0176, 18.8917 Take a train to Szob, and from there by bus to Kemence, or train to Drégelypalánk, and from there by bus to Kemence Local Historical Exhibition (Hu:Puskás Péter helytörténeti gyűjtemény. Loc:Kemence, Fő utca 244. ☎ +36 27 587605. Opening hours: Monday - Friday : 13:00-17:00, Saturday 10:00-14:00, Saturday: pre-arrangement is necessery. Admission: adult: Ft200/100. Description: Local historical and ethnographical exhibition of Nagybörzsöny.) Kemence Forestry Museum Railway will take you to a excursion place. Thit is an unique 600 mm narrow gauge railway at Hungary: all of jobs are made by volunteers. Railway length: 4 kilometers (to Hajagos: eight kilometers); stops: Kemence-Godóvár-Feketevölgy-(Hajagos) (Hu:Kemencei Erdei Múzeumvasút. Loc: Kemence, Csarnavölgyi út 45. ☎ +36 20 3885743. Open from April - October on weekends and holidays, another days upon request. Admission: Full/reduced priced ticket: Ft300/200). Former county hall, now a school. Built in Baroque 1751, but in 1856 transformed. (Hu: Volt megyeháza. Located in the center of the village.) Roman Catholic Church built in 1769. (Hu: Római katolikus templom), Country House, Old user tools and folk furniture can see here (Hu: Tájház.Visits by appointment: +36 30 5974424. Admission: Adults/Reduced: Ft200/100 person). To Do: Different hiking trails. Mathias Stables, horse riding and tennis playing (Hu: Mathias Lovasudvar. Loc:Kemence, Királyháza, ☎, Fax: + 36 27 365139, E-mail: ). Stay: Sport Inn (Hu: Sportfogadó. Loc:Kemence, Fő út 83. ☎ +36 30 6403230, +36 30 2754600, E-mail: @)

}} Lencsehegyi táró - Lencse Mountain mining memorial site, Kesztölc

  • Kesztölc 47.7026, 18.8328 South 9km of Esztergom. Take a bus to here. One kilometers southeast of Kesztölc, Klastrompuszta neighborhood. - Klastrompuszta légifotó - Ruined Monastery of Kesztölc (Hu:Kolostorrom) This remains in the Gothic style dates back to the second half of the 13th century. The hermit Paulines lived here. Press houses of Kesztölc. To Do exploring the Caves of Pilis Mountain: - Ariadne Cave system, 14km length and the third longest cave in Hungary (Loc: Ariadne-barlangrendszer), Ancient Cave (Loc:Ősi-barlang), Indications Cave (Loc:Indikációs-barlang), Gift Cave (Loc:Ajándék-barlang). Stay: Pince Guesthouse. Kesztölc, Petőfi Sándor utca 41., +36 30 258 8316, E-mail: Ft8000 per room.
  • Kocsér - Middle Age name: Kötsér, German: Kolter | 47.0008, 19.9216 10km east-southeast of Nagykőrös, 13km northwest of Tiszakécske, buses from Cegléd or Kecskemét - Kocsér1 - Kocsér is a village located in the north-eastern to ridge of the Danube-Tisza. Sights: Saline pasture, nature protection area, plant and animal species. Part of the Hungarian steppes area ('puszta'), evolved as a result of grazing in the past centuries. St. Stephan Roman Catholic Church found in 15th century, rebuilt on a new site in 1873 to King St. Stephen honor (Hu: Szent István király Templom. Reformed Church: Gothic church ruins are in the Catholic cemetery. - Scratching Dog Tavern, an architectural monument which has been operating since the 1700s. Events: pony race (two days long), farewell (Aug 20). To Do: fishing lake, Toma lake in nearby, hunting options). Read more: Nagykőrös#Further_afield

}} Leányfalu3 - The Thermal swimming swimmingpool of Leányfalu Leányfalu RefT.JPG

  • Leányfalu 47.71762, 19.08883 Seven kilometers north of Szentendre. From Budapest, take buses from the Budapest Árpád Bridge station to Esztergom via Visegrád line, one to three times an hour. By car, take route 11 passing through Szentendre. Ferry to Szentendre Island (see more above), A holiday resort place. Sights: Local and Literature Historical Collection of Leányfalu. Street Anne Parish Church, built in 1892 and the oldest public building of the village (Hu: Szent Anna plébánia templom, Calvinist Church. To Do: Thermal swimming swimmingpool (Hu: Termálfűrdő].) Hiking, walking path in to Danube-Ipoly National Park. Stay: About a half dozen guesthouses and boarding houses waiting you. Ask about at Village House or on Web. eMagyaroszág point in the Ravasz Laszlo Library, free internet for thirty min. Read more:Szentendre#Further_afield

}} Nagybörzsöny1 - Nagybörzsöny Márianosztra légifotó2.jpg

  • Márianosztra - German: Naßraden GPS 47.867 ,18.871 Northwest 20 kilometers from Vác One of the most popular religion places in Hungary. The name of the village came from the patron saint of Márianosztra: (Latin: Maria nostra, meaning: our Maria). Inside the church to the Hungarians’ Patron Saint Maria (Magyarok Nagyasszonya Plébániatemplom) and there is a copy of the holy-picture from the Church of Czestochowa. The village got it as a gift from the Polish congregation. The Patron Saint’s Festival is held in July, September and December. The baroque friary is the third greatest one in the nation. Today there is a prison in the building. Also here is the Calvary Chapel, The Village House (Faluház), Börzsöny Forest Railway between Szob and Márianosztra, Maria Fountain (Mária-kút). Read more: Vác#Further_afield
  • Mogyoród 47.5962, 19.2361 18km northeast of the limit of Budapest in Pest county, take the HÉV suburban train from Örs Vezér tér - Hungaroring Exit.JPG Sights: Hungaroring, a motor-racing circuit in Mogyoród where the Formula One Hungarian Grand Prix is held. To Do: Aquarena and the largest waterpark in Hungary.

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  • Monor | 47.3513, 19.4456 First go to Budapest and from there by bus or train. If you have a vehicle M3 motorway to M0 motorway further to M4 Sights: Green Market, Strázsa mountain cellars (Strázsa-hegyi pincesor) almost hundred architectural value 19th century building, local history exhibit former Pharmacy built in the 1850s, walnut sculpture of St. Urban, Assumption church (1800-1806), Vigadó (1909). Stay: Nikolette Pension, Nyerges Hotel and riding school. Do: Junior Lovarda riding school. Read more:Gödöllő#Further_afield


  • Nagybörzsöny - German: Deutsch Pilsen, Deutschpilsen | 47.933, 18.828 North 20 kilometers, a few buses daily. Sights: The St. Stephan Church (Szent István-templom), an Árpád age gothic church, built in the 13th century. The church is surrounded by walls and a water-mill from the 19th century are the main attractions of the village. The water-mill (Antal-féle vízimalom) is still working and the former mill-house with the stable exists as an industry museum. Saint Nicolaus church built in Baroque style between 1782 to 1788. Church of the miners (Fájdalmas Szűznek szentelt Bányásztemplom), Gothic style, built in the 14th century. Evangelic church classicist style, built in the 18th century. Country House (Tájház), in a 17th century building, showing the history of the local mining industry, production and crafts. Forest Railway (Erdei vasút).

Nagykovacsi from a nearby hill - Nagykovacsi from a nearby hill Nagykovácsi légifotó.jpg

  • Nagykovácsi - German: Großkowatsch| 47.5763, 18.8824 15 kilometers north-west of the centre of Budapest The town is known for the natural beauty of its surrounding hills and forests and many parts of the nearby forest have been designated conservation areas—Budai Tájvédelmi Körzet (the "Buda Land Protection Area" - Assumption Church in Nagykovácsi (Hu:Nagykovácsi - Nagyboldogasszony templom. Loc:Kossuth Lajos u. 113. ☎ +36 26 389817, Opening hours: 08:00-20:00. In 1715, founded the parish and named to Immaculate Conception. The present parish church built between 1742 and 1746. Since 1813, his title changed Assumption).

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  • Nagymaros - German: Grossmaros | GPS 47.7941, 18.9616 West 20 kilometers from Vác There is a wonderful view to the Danube Bend and to the Castle of Visegrád from the Julianus look-out tower on the Hegyestető (482 m). The famous Africa-explorer, hunter and ornithologist, Kittenberger Kálmán lived in the town. His sculpt is on the Main Plaza and in honour of him every summer the Kittenberger-Festival will be arranged. More sights: Roch Chapel (Rókus kápolna), Kálvária Chapel (Kálvária kápolna), Country Flag with relic (Ereklyés Országzászló). Read more: Vác#Further_afield

}} Costume traditionnel, Lowicz, Poland - Palóc folk costumes

  • Nagyoroszi | GPS 48.0037, 19.0916 At the north-eastern foot of the Börzsöny Mountain. By vehicle on Highway 2 / E77 from Budapest. By train located on Vác -Balassagyarmat railway line, which is one of Hungary most beautiful railway line. - Sights: - Roman Catholic Church, built between 1765 and 1768. in Baroque style,Single nave temple with neoclassical altar. (Hu: Római katolikus templom. Loc: Szentháromság tér 13. ☎ +36 35 574009, @). Plaque on the Wall of Main Building Consturtors, (Hu:Emléktáblák az Építők Székháza falán. Loc: Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 35., ☎ +36 35 574009, fax: +36 35 574022). Park of Transportation in the Railway Station (Hu:Közlekedési Park a Vasútállomáson. Loc: Felszabadulás utca 111., ☎ +36 35 374315). Bem József Memorial Monument (Hu:Bem József emlékmű. Loc: Felszabadulás street and Kertész street corner, ☎ +36 35 374321). Berchthold crypt (Hu:Berchthold Kripta. Loc: Petőfi utca (Behind the church. ☎ +36 35 374321). Trinity Column (Hu:Szentháromság-oszlop. Loc: Szentháromság tér 1.☎ +36 35 574009). Stahremberg-Berchtold Palace, built in 1905 (Hu:Stahremberg-Berchtold kastély. Loc: Szentháromság tér 14.☎ +36 35 374055). Village Antiques Museum, a local historical collection (Hu:Falusi Régiségek Gyűjteménye Loc: Szentháromság tér 5.☎ +36 35 374321). Szabó Endre Memorial Exhibition, (Hu:Szabó Endre Emlékkiállítás. Loc: Szentháromság tér 22. (Nursery Building) ☎ +36 35 374-224). The Dwell of the Pasha (Hu:Pasa kút. Loc: Béke 1.). Berchthold hunting lodge (Hu:Berchtold Miklós vadászkastélya. Loc: in Börzsöny). Wenckheim hunting lodge (Hu: Wenckheim-vadászkastély). The village is also a stop on the Paloc road. (Paloc is a folk group in Northern Hungary and southern Slovakia with distinctive traditions, customs, folk costumes, unique religion culture.)

Református templom, volt premontrei prépostsági templom (7192. számú műemlék) 7 - | Reformed church, Ócsa

=Ócsa légifotó4.jpg
  • Ócsa - GPS: 47.3001, 19.2328 Southeast ten kilometers from Budapest city limit

Peasant House Museum, local historical collection, six unique peasant houses may stand under the Ancient Monuments Act and show the architecture of the 18th century villages. The personal articles, tools, clothes, and furnishing that are on display in the house, were part of the everyday life of the inhabitants of Ócsa 100-200 years ago. (Hu: Ócsai Tájház, Loc: Dr. Békési Panyik Andor út 4-6., ☎ +36 30 4943368 — @, Opening hours 1 February - 30 Nov: Monday closed. Tuesday - Friday 9-16 Sa, Sunday and holiday 10-17, Admission: Adult/reduced: Ft800/500) Ócsa Landscape Protection Area, over 200 bird species: mostly Great White Egret, White Stork, Warbler species, different insects. Residue species of psicrophile plants, Orchids, Siberian Iris, moor meadows, moor forests, swamps. Here located a presentation house, educational path and look-out tower (Hu: Ócsai Tájvédelmi Körzet - More info: Dr. Békési Panyik Andor út 4-6., ☎ +36 30 4943368. @, Location: The Peasent House Museum in the town center is the best starting point for any tours. The strictly closed areas can only be visited and visited by professional tour guides.) Reformed Church in Ócsa, The pride of its is the Roman style Basilica, which was built in the 13th century in Romanesque style by the members of the French religious Order of Premontre. The cruciform basilica with three naves and two towers was build for monks in the 13th century. In 1995 the church was awarded Europa Nostra diploma fot the thorohgh renovation. (Hu: Ócsai Református Templom - Loc: Békési Panyik Andor utca 9., ☎ +36 29 378142, fax: +36 29 378142 @, Opening hours 1 November - 28 Feb: only by appointment (every day, except Monday); 1 March - 31 Oct 9.00-17.00 except Monday excpect church service (Sun 10.00-12.00) and wedding ceremony. Admission: adult/retired: Ft300). Szentháromság Church, built in 1774 in Baroque style and it got to consecration in 1777. His tower was built in a smaller, plainer form at the present one, was being built according in 1993. The building is with a uniform baroque style. 2-2 of his side windows are segment arc. Approximately 20 meters high and the tower façade plane matches arched window above the circular window above the entrance. The church stands in the array of bell housing, followed by a sill is separated from the clock tower. (Hu:Ócsai Szentháromság templom Loc: Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Endre utca 28., ☎ +36 24 378048) }} Patyipincesorok - Cellar lines of Páty Páty légifotó1.jpg

  • Páty 47.5149, 18.8276 A couple kilometers west of Budakeszi Sights: Eagle Nest Lake, The natural lake of 400m² is nourished by precipitation and a springtime. Water of the lake is on the verge of being eutrophic and hypertrophic. The number of surface waters is dwindling in the Zsámbék-valley and therefore the lake deserves protection. (Hu:Sasfészek-tó. Loc: located north from Biatorbágy betwen the Sasfészek-baulk and the Malomi-baulk. West of 'Páty, M1 Business Park'., ☎ +36 1 2796112, fax: +36 1 2095267). Former Governor’s House, a monument building now private house (Hu:Tiszttartó Lak. Loc:Rákóczi utca 13., ☎ +36 23 343550). Museum of Vintage Cars and Motorcycles, With over three decades collected, many types encountered, but the most interesting of them all, both technical and formal point of view and the Citroen DS. It has a far different variants of the renovation of 102 units Páty done. The cars made ​​their special day and age, despite regular use were built, and is now found in many European countries. (Hu: Veterán Autók és Motorkerékpárok Múzeuma, Loc: Arany János utca 34., ☎ +36 30 3697366 — @, Opening hours: 08:00-20:00). Paty Cellar, more than a century old cellar is hidden among the leafy trees, waiting for the thirsty wanderer with a glass of good soft drinks. (Hu:Pátyi Pincesor, ☎ +36 23 343550, Open: by booking). St. Emeric Parish church, was a Torbágy village unit, independent ministry in 1936, parish since 1971. Church was built between 1778-1780 during World War II has been ruined, so that the community center was transformed into a chapel. The parish was established in 2005 a new church building. (Hu:Szent Imre Plébániatemplom. Loc: Árpád utca 2. ☎ +36 26 371468. Opening hours: 08:00-20:00). Cemetery Chapel in Páty, an over 220 years the Roman Catholic monument can be visited. (Hu: Pátyi Római Katolikus Temetőkápolna. Loc.:Temető utca, ☎ +36 26 371468 @). Do: tasting, walking, skiing, birdwatching.

Pécel - Palace - |Palace of Pécel - CivertanPécel1.jpg

  • Ráday Castle - Pécel - Ráday Kastély - Pécel | Pécel, Kálvin tér 1 47.4911, 19.3446 A few kilometers east of Budapest city limit ☎ +36 28 453354 Fax +36 28 453354 Opening Hours: Open: May-October. Opening hours: Fri-Sun 10.00-18.00 Admission: Adults/reduced: Ft600/400 Scientists, writers of the special meeting was frescoed castle 250 years ago. The building is now seen its predecessor, which was a small mansion and the old Protestant families from Parížovce Ráday built by Paul, who II. Rákóczi Ferenc diplomat, Chancellor of the secret and then the war of independence after the fall of the Protestant leader was home. There is also a Lutheran church (Hu: Péceli Evangélikus templom, Loc.: Tanácsház u. 2.). It was a popular resort place for welthy citizens in 1900s. There are a couple monument 'kúria's (Bárczy mansion, Erdey-Grúz mansion, Zsigmondy mansion, David Francsek-mansion, Pekáry mansion. Prónai mansion, Szemere-Keiner mansion, Kovásznai Smith Mansion).

Pilis - Palace - Pilis, Former Beleznay Mansion

  • Pilis - 47.2859, 19.547019 Located on the Budapest-Cegléd-Záhony rail line, close to Monor Town Hall, a folk architecture monument, former village inn. Single-storey corner house built in classicist style with some romantic decoration. (Hu: Loc.:Kossuth Lajos út 47., ☎ +36 29 696310, Open: Monday 08:00-18:00, Wednesday Thursday 08:00-12:00). Evangelical Church and the baroque church was built in several stages in the late 18th century (Hu: Loc.:Kossuth út 34., ☎ +36 29 498134 @). Gerje Stream, a nature conservation area. The source region of the Gerje stream located on Fen peatlands, one of the very rare lowland resources. Between the water and fresh vegetation can be find some unique orchid varieties and Central Europe's largest contiguous forest of alders, also can you see here a number of protected birds such as the mallard duck, water fowl and reed bunting (Hu: Loc.:Pilis center from Highway 4. about hundred meters away. ☎ +36 29 498090). Beleznay-Nyáry Mansion mansion bulit in 1717, a precious monumental building. The building is an outstanding example of theresian baroque mansion architecture. Staying in the middle of a significant size park. The two-storey main building connecting co-towers on both sides. Today housing a primary school. (Hu:Beleznay-kastély Loc.:Kossuth Lajos utca 31., ☎ +36 28 498111). Cellar lines of Hegyek (Hegyeki pincesor). Events: Nyáry Music Festival, Pop Festival on 20 August, Csilló horse-riding days

}} Piliscsaba - University - Reformed University Complex, Piliscsaba Piliscsaba - University.jpg

  • Piliscsaba - Ancient Roman: Ad lucum felicem (Happy Grove) | GPS 47.6326, 18.8260 on the Budapest-Esztergom rail line, by vehicle take Highway 10, cca. 15km northwest from the city limit of Budapest. The village houses till the 1950s, predominantly constructed of adobe and mud and the Uradalmi (lit.Manor) House is one of them. Now here is the local historical collection in a exhibition hall. Klotildligeti Church and the statue of Ferenc Rákóczi II. Roman Catholic Parish Church and the single nave, front towred church dedicated to the Holy Virgin birth was completed in 1781. Kálvária hill with chapel. Csodásérmű Blessed Virgin Chapel. Ancestor Park. Do: Because the town is surrounded by forested hills: hills of the Pilis Mountains to the north and hills of the Budai Mountains to the south there are many walking, hiking trails. Read more:Pilisvörösvár#Further afield

}} Pilisszentkereszt templom.JPG

  • Pilisszentkereszt - Slovak: Mlynky (lit. small mills) | GPS 47.6939, 18.9022 Cca. 20km northwest from Budapest, take bus No.860-861 from Pomáz, (half hour, hourly). From Esztergom via through the Pilisszentléleken can be visited A small village with just over 2000 people. Part of the settlement Dobogókő, which is a popular tourist and holiday resort and the highest point of the Visegrád Mountains. Sights: Ruins of the "cisztercita" abbey, was the first hungarian "cisztercita" cloister. There were excavations beforehand and the stolls of the grave of the queen Gertrud were found. Built in Romanesque style (Hu: cisztercita Apátság romjai. Loc: Outskirt, ☎ +36 26 347619, plebania.1@, Admission: free). Glad Özséb viewpoint, in a nature protection aree is a popular excursion place, a new belvedere in the Pilis Mountains. The 17 metre high buildup is located exactly on the top of the 756 metre high Pilis. (Hu: Loc.: Pilis plateau, ☎ +36 26 598000, fax: +36 26 398229, @, Admission: free). Roman Cat. Church built in 1752 (Hu: Római katolikus templom). Hunting Lodge of Kakas Mount (Hu: Kakas-hegyi vadászház). Vas Gate Rock (Hu: Vas-kapu sziklabordája). Zsivany-sziklak Rocks around Zsivany Cave (Hu: Zsivány-barlang, Zsivány-sziklák). Shelter hut of Count Eötvös Loránd include the Tourist museum (Hu: Báró Eötvös Loránd menedékház és Turistamúzeum Dobogókő, Loc:Pilisszentkereszt-Dobogókő, Téry Ödön út 26). Zsindelyes Makovecz Guesthouse and Snacks Cafe (Hu: Makovecz Zsindelyes Vendégház. Loc: Eötvös Lóránd sétány 10, very close to 'Skicenter of Dobogókő'. Open: 09.00-19.00, Call Mr. Lőrincz László + 36 30 852 0340). Skicenter of Dobogókő and the oldest one of Hungary (Hu: Dobogókő Síközpont). ?pg=menu_146 Dera Creek canyon, take a tour on the educational trail with explaining boards about the local flora and fauna. Part of the National Blue Trail (Hu: Szurdokvölgy. Loc: below the village). Szent well, charming source with a small open air altar. Pilgrimage place (Hu: Szentkút). Slovak Village House (Hu: Szlovák tájház). Lime kilns in the 19th century (Hu: Mészégető kemence). Slovak Minority Primary School (Hu: Szlovák Nemzetiségi Általános Iskola). Caves of Dobogókő: Holy water cave with swimmingpool (Hu: Szenteltvízmedencés-barlang), Kilátós Cave (Kilátós-barlang. Loc: Dömös), Maria Cave (Hu: Mária-barlang. Loc: Dömös). Caves in the 'Szer' group (Szer-kövek): Cave-stop (Loc: Dömös), Cold-hole (Hu: Hideg-lyuk, Loc: Dömös), Kőtorony-alatti Cave (Hu: Kőtorony-alatti-barlang, l Under Stone Tower Cave), Five Hole Cave (Hu: Ötlyukú-barlang).

Pócsmegyer légifotó - Center of Pócsmegyer Pócsmegyer church.JPG* Pócsmegyer - GPS: 47.7158, 19.0960 A village on Szentendre island, 26 kilometers north of Budapest, Surány is the resort area. Right opposit to Leanyfalu, take a ferry (see above) Sights: Surányi Chapel, a Roman catholic chapel (Hu: Surányi kápolna. Loc.: Szent István tér, ☎ +36 26 385807, +36 26 317965, @, Admission: free). hu Baptist Praying House, (Hu:Baptista Imaház. Loc.: Ady Endre utca 5., ☎ +36 20 8861927, kovacsbalint1@, Services: Thursday 18.00, Friday 19.00, Sunday 09.00). yhazak/ Calvinist Church Pócsmegyer, built in 1788 in Baroque style, (Hu: Református templom. Loc.: Bocskai tér 6. ☎ +36 26 395128, @, Admission: free), Former Esterhazy Bercelly mansion, now Eper (lit. Strawberry) inn. (Hu: Eszterházy-Bercelly kúria, loc.: looking towerd Danube). Pázsit lake is a popular resting place for excursions where you can swimming and fishing. (Hu:Pázsit Tófürdő). Events: The August 20 feast day of St. Stephen's outstanding event in the village.

Barczakastelycivertanlegifoto - Barcza Palace, Pusztazámor - Barczakastelycivertanlegifoto.JPG

  • Barcza Palace and Arboretum of Pusztazámor Pusztazámor, Kossuth Lajos u. 22 47.4047, 18.78813 Close to Érd , located between the Hwy100 and the Hwy70 roads. From these two roads and the M7 motorway 'Tordas exit' can you reach well. +36 23 347421 Opening Hours: Opening hours: by booking Admission: Free - Trees, alleys, protected plants. An excellent hiking and hunting area. Barcza Palace and the castle was built in the 18th century, which substantially transformed in the 19th century (Hu:Barcza-kastély)

}} Orszagkozepe1 - Pusztavacs Orszagkozepe1 - Pusztavacs Pest county GPS 47.17128,19.50108 - 54 kilometers south-east of Budapest. equestrianism. Interest there is the middle of the Country }} Brit katonai temető297 - British military cemetery, Solymár - Brit katonai temető297.JPG

  • Solymár - German: Schaumar - GPS: 47.5902, 18.9306 Can take city buses #64, 64A, 164, 264, and 964 from Budapest/Hegyvidék#Get in|Hűvösvölgy, #218 from Budapest/Óbuda|Óbuda, a train from Budapest Nyugati on Budapest–Esztergom line, and coaches from Budapest#Bus stations|Árpád Bridge Bus Station. Sixteen kilometers to the north west of the Budapest Center. Take Route 10 in the direction of Dorog. The population over ten thousand people over fifteen percent (German) minority. Sights: Remains of Szarka castle, Local History Collection, Evangelical church, Roman Catholic church (1782-1785). Parish Collection in the former sexton house. Reformed church built in 1980s replacing a former temple which was located here and the interior is decorated with more than one hundred wood-panels painted with plant ornamentation, decorative painted pulpit, other sight of the church is a wooden belfry in the yard. "Office Gallery" - local and area artists works for temporary exhibitions can be see here. Municipal cemetery and the sights: several big monument crosses and the ancient priestly tombs located in Monday plot, old tombstone collection before the funeral home. Nieger-Valko Calder mansiona was a private museum till the 1980s. St. Anne's Chapel origins in the early 19th century, Fatima Chapel, Budapest War Cemetery, contains 173 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War. Do: Satan's Hole Cave, an extensive system roughly 3km long. It is feasible for experienced spelunkers to explore the caves with a guide ( Ördög-lyuk barlang On the slope of Zsiros Hill, take a walk to Rozsika source, a popular tourist place. Apáczai Community Centre and Library, built between 1905-1909 as a restaurant of a wealthy, local family. Over the Library there is a theater, several smaller events room, a rehearsal room and a cellar club. Read more:Pilisvörösvár#Solymár

}} Sóskút1 - Former Quarry, now a natural monument and excursion place

  • Sóskút 47.40465, 18.82779 Located 30km southwest to the Budapest center, a village midway between Biatorbágy and Tárnok settlements. Situated at the junction of the Tétényi Plateau and the Etyeki- Hills. Can be approached from two directions: #1 from Budapest on the M7 motorway, and further on the Hwy7 passing Dios and Érd or #2 Biatorbagy on the M1 motorway, or one of the primary street by vehicle or by suburban buses (#722, 723, /both from Kelenföldi station, hourly/ 761 and 762 buses) - Sóskút légifotó.jpg - Roman Catholic Church, built by boss of Jesuit order of Komarom in simple provincial baroque style. The Altarpiece painted by an Austrian imperial court painter, in the second half of the 19th century. Valuable the painting of the 'Crucified Christ' made in Veronese (Italian painter) style. The organ is from the 1900s. (Hu: Kisboldogasszony Római katolikus templom, Loc: Fő utca 21, close to Post Office.) PAX grove and the letters P-A-X (Latin for peace) a pine-forming group in Pest county east of Sóskút. The letters "height" is about 120m. Established in the 1960s. (Hu: PAX liget. Loc: Can be see from M7 Motorway, cca. 27th kilometers). Sandstone form, natural monument, occurred between 1960-1970, Sandstone Wall is a steep, artificial grooves, visible from the primary street. (Hu: Homokkő képződmény ). Willow 'arboretum', a grove which consists of separated tree groups on the banks of the creek (Hu:Fűzfa liget. Loc: Outskirt, ☎ +36 20 2322486). Poplar Grove is a natural monument, and a excursion place, enjoy the beauty spot Benta-creek here. (Hu:Nyárfa liget, Loc: Meder street off). Mine Pi is a natural monument used in the 18-19th century. It is characteristic about its 20-30m high sandrock walls and erosion destructed area. It is a good viewpoint to the landscape. (Hu:Bányagödör. Loc:North of Sóskút. ☎ +36 23 560561). Former Káptalan Estate, is an agricultural monument (Hu:volt Káptalan Major. Loc: Outskirt). Brenta Creek a landscape protection area is characteristic because of its pastures and rare willow groves. Despite the slow desiccation typical plants of the soggy meadows can be found in this area and it is extraordinary rich in various insects. (Hu: Benta-patak. Loc: Petőfi Sándor street, ☎ +36 20 2322486). Calvary Hill, is a nature protection area, also interesting Rock-formations and a peak with lookout-tower.14 bronze reliefs and stone cross Stacio remains can be found in the area (Hu:Kálvária domb. Loc:Kálvária-domb 1.) Do: Equestrian and Adventure Park of Sóskút (Hu:Sóskúti Lovas- és Élménypark). Pipacshon Equestrian Park and Art Colony, offer different lodgings in barn (like hostel), camping, guesthouse, apartment, (Hu:Pipacshon Lovasliget és Művésztelep).Eat: Restaurant Kőnig (Hu:Kőnig Étterem. T: +36 20 3263360, Fax: : +36 23 998181, E-mail: @, open Tuesday - Saturday: 12:00-21:00., Sunday 12:00-17:00., Coord N47.40361°, E18.83472° )

}} Grassalkovich-Pejacsevich-kúria (7318. számú műemlék) - Grassalkovich-Pejacsevich Mansion in Szada Szada légifotó.jpg

  • Szada 47.6345, 19.3108 Take bus from Gödöllő or from Vác via Veresegyház - Bertalan Székely Memorial house, Bertalan Székely was a Hungarian painter in the 19th century. He was the main representative of national romanticism. He has a studio in Szada where located now the museum. The garden of its is full of botanical rarities surrounds the house and studio. (Hu:Székely Bertalan Emlékház. Loc.: Székely Bertalan utca 22., directions=west half kilometers from primary street, 'Dózsa György út'. ☎ +36 28 405453, F: +36 28 503181, @, Opening hours: Tuesday - F: 14:00-18:00 Saturday - Sunday: 15:00-18:00, Admission: Guidance: Ft1000, ticket: Ft150. Guide Hungarian, English and French languages ​​as feasible). Local History Collection, historical, ethnographical exhibitions (Hu:Szadai Tájház, 2111 Szada, Kossuth utca 6., directions= Dózsa György út (Main road) off on east side. ☎ +36 28 404798, F:+36 28 405181, @, Opening hours: By booking. Admission: Free. Hungarian, (German) and English guide.)

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  • Százhalombatta - Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈsaːzhɒlombɒtːɒ]; Croatian: Bata, Serbian: Bata, Бата Middle Age name: Százhalom | 47.3172, 18.9122 Direct trains hourly from Budapest Déli Station. The station is ten min walk from the Town center Population of its is a little over 18,000. Located in Érd Municipality. Sights: Archeological Park - Local History Collection, an open air exhibit shows on the original site preserved 2700-year-old wooden sepulchral structures. Old iron items. There are house modells from Bronze Age and Iron Age (Hu:Matrica Múzeum - Régészeti Park Gesztenyés utca 1-3., ☎ +36 23 354591, F: +36 2 3 540 069, Open April - October Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-17:00. Admission: Adults/reduced: Ft600/300 (2022). St.Stephen church, was built in 1995-96 according to the plans of Imre Makovecz. Here is located near several hundred lots of early medieval graves. A huge dome covered the church, in which is located in a Bell. The building made ​​of concrete. The chapel and the parish as a small grass-covered hills join the big dome covered with natural slate. (Hu: Szent István Templom. Loc.: Szent István tér 1., ☎ +36 23 359900, F: +62 33 59900, Opening hours: Mo, Wednesday and Friday 17:00-19:00). Earthwork in Érd - Százhalombatta and its vicinity. Special flora and fauna, scenic landscape. There is also a earthen fortress and around its surroundings found burial grounds in the Iron Age. (Hu: Százhalombattai földvár és Érd - Százhalombatta környéki földművek. Loc.: Outskirt west of Arena street. Opening hours: around the whole year. Admission: free.) Saint Ladislaus Church located in the old town. It was built in the Art Nouveau style. A Roman Catholic Church. (Hu:Szent László templom). Serbian church and museum: the city's baroque Serbian Orthodox church located in the main street in the Old Town. (Hu: Szerb templom és múzeum. Alkotmány utca 94). Stay: Hotel Training* the only hotel in the town. A wellness hotel. Loc: August 20th Street 6. ☎ +36 23 354 688, F: +36 23 354 985, Price: Sgl/Dbl Ft9,400/13,800 all tax incl. 2014), also there are a few guesthouses and a seasonal hostel - To Do: wellness, shopping, conference, fishing, tennis playing (six courts), Summer beach (Százhalombatta Strand), 'Benta' horse riding ( Benta Lovasiskola Loc: Franciska Puszta. - Tel +36 23 354184 @).- Municipal Leisure Centre. (Hu:Járási Sporttközpont, Loc.: Vasút Street, 41. - Tel.: +36 23 354-050, +36 23 354-800. mail: @). Events: Batta Days (Hu: Battai Napok. Loc: Municipal Leisure Centre, Vasút Street. Date: the second weekend of Sept). Summerfest International Folklore Festival and Folk Art Fair (Hu: Nyári fesztivál. Loc: Saint Stephen Plaza, Barátság Culture Centre, Saint Stephen Church, House of Dance- Date: August)

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  • Szendehely - German: Sende | 47.8554, 19.1047 Highway 2 pass it. Eleven kilometers from Vác Local History Collection and the (German) minority in past memories.- Roman Catholic Church, a free standing, single-nave church. - Read more:Vác#Further afield

}} Római katolikus templom (7406. számú műemlék) - Szentmártonkáta - HUN_Szentmártonkáta_COA.jpg

  • Szentmártonkáta 47.443, 19.692 Accessible by vehicle on the on Highway 31; by rail there is the Budapest-Újszász-Szolnok railway line. Long distance buses linked with Budapest (50km) and Jászberény (20km) Now the number of residents: 5070 people. Prónay-Dessewffy-Polgár Mansion, a landlord possession architectural monuments. The single-storey neo-classical mansion today is home to the offices (Hu: Prónay-Dessewffy-Polgár Kastély. Loc.: along the road #31. ☎ +36 (29) 462101 can not be visited only from outside). Reformed Church, 18-19 century, built in the late Baroque architectural style. 1822-23 was extended with a tower. Dual pillar pairs and three arched openings decorated the front chor part (Hu: Református Templom. Loc.: Rákóczi út 1., T: +36 29 462101, Admission: Free). Roman Catholic Church (Hu: Római Katolikus Templom, Loc.: Bajcsy-Zsilinszky 2., ☎ +36 29 462118, Web: ). Local History Collection, historical leaves and other documents of II. Rákóczi, Samuel Battha Governor Commissioner appointment papers wroted by Kossuth Lajos Governor (Hu:Községtörténeti Kiállítás. Rákóczi út 54., T:+36 29 463159, F: +36 29 463159 Opening hours: Monday Tuesday Saturday 13-18 Thursday, Friday 10-12; 13-18. @). Gicei Hill Nature Protected Area, rare plants and animals are found on this area. Here can be seen regularly otter and osprey.Old oaks located on the lakeshore. Further is a beautiful meadow with a lot of White narrow- and broad-leaved sedges. The greatest value of the area is the Upper Tapio creek with excellent water quality and remarkably rich fish stocks. (Hu: Gicei-hegy @).
  • Szigetbecse - German:Wetsch - GPS: 47.1305, 18.9492 Three kilometers south of Ráckeve -Catholic and Protestant Cemetery, is a Monument. There are beautiful, well-kept graves. For settled Hungarians from Upper Hungary (now Slovakia) created the Protestant cemetery. Both cemetery reflects the burial customs. Opposite the entrance is the World War II heroes monument. Watch the fence assembled from the old grave stones! (Hu: Szigetbecsei Temető, Loc.: Akácfa utca, ☎ +36 24 513510, @). Statue of St. Vendel. St. Vendel is the patron saint of animals. The statue was put here because since 1863 here were the common pastures of the village, and farmers herded out to graze the animals here. The statue depicts St. Vendel in shepherd outfit, with a lamb and a stick in his hand. (Hu:Szent Vendel szobor. Loc.: Akácfa utca and Napsugár utca corner.) Swabian houses, monument dwelling houses The beautiful porched and iron fenced Swabian village houses are the gems of the village. Made in around the 1850s. (Hu: Sváb házak. Loc.: Petőfi Sándor utca #20., 24., 30., 35. Can be viewed only from the outside.). St. John of Nepomuk statue. At bank of the of 'dead fork' of Danube stay the Baroque statue of St. John of Nepomuk and the waters of the patron saint. The 1838' flood height is signed on the statue's base.Next to a statue located a World War II soldier's grave (Hu: Nepomuki Szent János szobor. Loc: Petőfi Sándor utca, ☎ +36 24 513510). Tree of Life. A wood carving sculpture. The name and date of birth of local children placed on it who in the third millennium was born. The enamel badges made by Fodor Piroska artist. The statue symbolizes life and the trunk symbolizes the mother, motherhood, fertility. (Hu: Életfa. Loc: Balassi tér. ☎ +36 24 513510, F: +36 24 513511). St. Stephen's Church memorial site. On Petofi Sandor street before you get off towar the backwater stop at a nice little park. A cross is in the middle of it, which keeps Szigetbecse first church memory, named after martyr St. Stephen. (Hu: Szent István templom emlékhelye. Loc: Petőfi Sándor utca, ☎ +36 24 513510). André Kertész Memorial Museum, perhaps best known Hungarian Photographer in the 20th century is André Kertész. André Kertész born in 1849, spent much time of his childhood and youth with relatives in Szigetbecse. On his first photos can be see the local landscape and its inhabitants. Content of exhib 120 original and signed photographs, and the furniture and some personal belongings from his apartment of New York City. (Hu:André Kertész Emlékmúzeum. Loc: Makádi út 40. T: +36 24 513510, F: +36 24 513510. Open: May-September. Saturday Sunday 10:00-17:00. Free of charge.) Tőzike Nature Path, in a Nature Protected Area. The trail starts at the Becse side of Danube backwater, where the Kereszt street reaches the Danube River. The length of its only one kilometer. The trail consists five information table, each of them can be easy to get to. (Hu: Szigetbecsei Tőzike tanösvény. Loc:Dunube Backwater. T: +36 24 513510, F: +36 24 513511, @) Lake Balassi. After reconstruction of the lake, grass planting and finished around its the walkway with benches. The space is great place to the Village Day event, in winter is good to skating, ice hockey. (Hu: Balassi téri tó. Loc: Balassi tér , mid part of the village. T:+36 24 513510, F:+36 24 513511, @) St. Michael Roman Catholic Church The simple, Copf style church nemed after St. Michael the patron of the village. The church was built between 1800-1803. From the main entrance to the left on a pedestal of a stone cross can be see the name of locaals who fallen in World War I. (Hu: Római Katolikus Templom - Szent Mihály Templom. Loc: Makádi út 32. T: +36 24 513260. - Event: Easter Sunday Egg Run (Loc: Petőfi Sándor St.). St. Michael's Day farewell. - HUN Szigethalom COA.jpg
  • Szigethalom 47.3245, 19.0005 Northern part of Csepel Island. Take H6 suburban rail (two stops are here:'Szigethalom', 'Szigethalom alsó'). Pest County Volan has a bus station here. There is a significant suburban bus traffic via Halásztelek (690) and Szigetszentmiklóson (673, 674, 675, 676) to Csepel; or through Lakihegy (689) and Leshegy (691) to Kelenföld; and to settlements of Csepel Island (692) and the left bank settlements of the Danube in Ráckeve area (660, 661, 663, 664, 665, 667, 668) also start from here some long-distance bus services. It has three local lines to explore city (693, 694, 695) and their last stop is here. - Europa Mile Stone erected on the occasion of joining to EU, on 1 May 2004, was opened on the Dísz téren. It shows the distances between the then EU capitals and Szigethalom. (Hu: Európa Mérföldkő és 1848-49es forradalom és szabadságharc emlékmű. Loc: Dísz tér). St. Stephen's statue, The State founder King is displayed in full royal vestments, with a crown on his head, holding scepter and orb. (Hu: Szent István-szobor. Loc: Szabadkai utca 70., T:+36 24 403656, F:+36 24 514800). The Ark sandstone statue, Bárka Tamás works, a modern stone-carved monument. The universe and the hugging arms, symbolizing the care. (Hu: Bárka-szobor. Loc: Rákóczi út 147). Local History Collection includes Ethnographic collection, Family History exhibition and economic collection (Hu: Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény. Fiumei u. 48. T: +36 70 3807681 open Tuesday Friday 13:00-17:00. ticket Ft400). Szigethalmi wildlife park and petting zoo. A family business. For groups and families can relax in a pleasant environment. Wildlife Park: playground, petting zoo, fish pond, pony riding, animal feeding, picnic facilities await the visitors. (Hu: Szigethalmi vadaspark és állatsimogató. Loc: Rákóczi utca 159., ☎ +36 70 4013924, Opening Hours: Winter hours: M: Closed Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-16:30. Admission: over 14 y: Ft1000). Event: the National Twin Meeting. Pest County Seniors Meeting.

}} Szigetszentmárton katolikus templom.jpg

  • Szigetszentmárton - German: Sankt Martin - GPS: 47.22778, 18.95863 Ráckeve Municipality. Take H6 suburban rail to stop Szigetszentmárton-Szigetújfalu or Take Highway 51 via Ráckeve Roman Catholic Church, main sight of its is St. Martin's paintings made around 1800, located above the main altar. Built in copf style. (Hu: Római katolikus templom . Loc: Templom tér 1., T:+36 24 456295, F:+36 24 456295).

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  • Szigetszentmiklós - 47.346, 19.042 content= - Adam Jenő Memorial House. Here born the Kossuth Prized, Merited Artist (1896-1982), who left all his property to hometown. A porched, 120-year-old whitewashed house exhibited the musical legacy and furniture of Adam Jenő. (Hu: Ádám Jenő Emlékház. Árpád utca 29., Located next to Local History Collection ☎ +36 24 368264, F: +36 24 530981. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-16:00 (also by appointment on Saturdays)). Local History Collection, located a traditional, tripartite division farmhouse inlude clean room, connecting room, kitchen. The exhibit contents: ethnographic exhibition, unearthed archaeological finds from the area, 19-20th century historic monuments. The farm implements, agrarian vehicles are an open building. (Hu: Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény. Loc: Árpád utca 34., ☎ +36 24 368264, F: +36 24 530981, Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-16:00 (also by appointment on Saturdays)). City Gallery Art exhibitions hold here. (Hu: Városi Galéria. Loc: Tököli út 19., ☎ +36 24 530980, F: +36 24 530981, Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 11:00-18:00. Saturday 9:00-13:00 Friday and Sunday Closed. Admission: Free). Imre Molnar Zither Collection. The collection was based instruments of the folk artist Imre Molnar. 133 instruments are here. Museum pieces zither, old trough and bulbous zithers, diatonic and chromatic zithers, bulbous concert zithers. Other string instruments as epinette, Kantele, banjo, tambourine can be see here. (Hu: Molnár Imre Citeragyűjtemény. Loc:Tököli u. 19., T:+36 24 530980, F:+36 24 530981, Admission: Free.) Czuczor Island Nature Protected Area: the vicinity of the upper branch of the Danube estuary is a valuable wetland area can be find. The flora and fauna of side branch is rich and varied. (Hu:Szigetszentmiklósi Czuczor-sziget. Loc: Outskirt. T:+36 24 505505). Nature Trail of Szigetszentmiklós, 1 kilometers long trail and the branch of the Danube of Ráckeve. Very intimate environment. There are the bridges to cross. (Hu:Szigetszentmiklósi tanösvény. Loc: Szigetszentmiklós, Holtág (Backwater)). Baptist Church of Szigetszentmiklós, The 250-seat church opened in 1996. Also a permanent exhibition of local history and the history of the church is located in the crypt. (Hu: Baptista Egyház Szigetszentmiklósi Gyülekezete. Loc: Kinizsi utca 43., ☎ +36 24 656373, @online.hu Opening hours: Mo: closed Tuesday - Sunday 9:00-14:00. Admission: Free. The order of worship: Sunday 10:00-11.30, at 17:00).

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  • Szigetújfalu - Újfalu, Nova Villa - GPS: 47.23333, 18.93333 Ráckeve Municipality. Take H6 suburban rail to stop Szigetszentmárton-Szigetújfalu Ferenc Nemes Exhibition Hall: he exhibit shows the artist's own works of art. These are folk art work. Bone, wood, stone, horn carvings. (Hu: Nemes Ferenc Kiállítóterme. Loc: Szőlő utca 9., ☎ +36 24 463175 Admission: Free). (German) Minority Exhibition Hall and Community Center and the belongings, period furniture and garments of local (German) families (Hu: Német Nemzetiségi Kiállítóhely és Közösségi Ház. Loc: Diófa utca 15., ☎ +36 70 3878175, @). Flood Forest Nature Protected Area, excursion place (Hu: Ártéri erdő, ☎ +36 24 543000). Börzsöny Collection (Hu: Börzsöny Közérdekű Muzeális Gyűjtemény. Loc: Szent László utca 14., ☎ +36 27 370408, @). Forest Train (Hu: Szobi Erdei Vasút, 2628 Szob, Erdei Vasút, ☎ +36 20 2037660, @).

Tahitótfalu 002 - Freedom monument, Szabadsag (Freedom) Plaza, Tahitótfalu Tahitótfalu 005.jpg

  • Tahitótfalu - GPS: 47.75225, 19.07808 Szentendre Municipality. It is a village with five thousand people.Located in the northern part of Pest county, half hour trip from Budapest, north of Szentendre, along the Hwy11. The Danube of Szentendre River separates into two parts, one of these is Tótfalu which laying on Szentendre Island the other one is Tahi at the foothills of Visegrád Mountains. Here is only bridge,-called Tildy which,- leading to the Szentendre Island. A resorts of the capital's wealthy, civic-art community. trawberries is the most cultivated crops of Tahitótfalu. Sights: Pollack Mihály house, a classicist monument was built in the early 19th century. In the second half of 19th century the house was renovated as it has had got the signs made in eclectical style. (Hu: Pollack Mihály szüreti háza. Loc: Patak sor 50. T: +36 26 387198). Pánkút pasture and Kecske (Goat) Island's Nature Protected Area (Hu: Pánkúti legelő és Kecske-sziget. Loc: north of the Tahitótfalu and Vác ferry pier connecting road. T: +36 26 387198). Calvinist church, built in Baroque, between 1801 and 1805 in baroque style. The tower was built later, in 1855. The church has been renovated many times, but it kept her original style. Late copf carved door wings of gate. (Hu: Református Templom. Loc: József Attila utca 4. T: +36 26 387082). Roman Catholic Church: St. Stephen's parish was built in 1778, since that it was many times renovated. It is a protected monument. (Hu: Római katolikus templom - Szent István Király Plébánia. Loc: Dózsa György utca 17. ☎ +36 26 385807. @online.hu. Masses: Tuesday Friday 17:00, Saturday 18:00 in summer 19:00, Sunday 09:00). Baptista imaház. - To Do: Horse riding: Zablakert Riding School Hu: Zablakert Lovasiskola. T: +36 30 961-5797, Bodor Ranch Horse Association Hu: Bodor major Lovasegyesület. Loc: Tahitótfalu, Bodor major. T: +36 30 9313 936). Walking tours (selected): Follow 'yellow sign': Jumping Brook (Ugró-patak), Girls Fountain source (Leány-kút forrás), Lightning Creek (Villám-patak), 'Hétvályús' source until you reach the red sign more hundred meter take you to the Red-stone (Vörös-kő) with a beautiful view. From there # The red sign lead to the north-west to Pap meadow (approx. 3½ kilometers) or the yellow sign back to Tahitótfalu (about 3½ kilometers) to the green signal # Dunabogdány (8½ kilometers) south-west of # Follow the Yellow + signal we Szentendre (about 5½ kilometers). # South and south-east of Girls' village (Approx. 3 kilometers). Biking tours. Stay: MTA 'Sunshine' Holiday (Hu: MTA "Napsugár" Üdülő. Loc: Tahitótfalu, Szentendrei út 57. T: +36 26 387-009). Duna Camping (Hu: Duna kemping. Loc: Tahitótfalu, Kamping u. T: +36 26 385-216. E-mail: @, Open: May-September. ). Tahiti Guestpark (Hu: Tahiti Vendégpark. Loc: Tahitótfalu, Visegrádi út 1. T: +36 26 385-677). Lehár Tourist hotel (Hu: "LEHÁR" JEKA Szálló Loc: Tahitótfalu, Petőfi u. 4. T: +36 1 331-4077, F: +36 1 331-2245, E-mail: Open: April - Jun, September - Nov ~Ft3000 p.p. (2023)). Eat: Tahi Garden Restaurant (Hu: Tahi Kert Vendéglő, Loc: Szentendrei út, Open: Thursday - Tuesday 10.00-22.00). Laki Confectionery (Hu: Laki Cukrászda. Loc: Petőfi Sándor utca 40.Open: Tuesday - Friday 11.00-19.00, Saturday 10.00-19.00, Sunday 11.00-19.00). Don Vito Pub. Loc: Szentendrei út 17. Open: 24/7). Pizzas Sprint Italia Antonello&Vito. Loc: Szentendrei út 17. Home delivery: +36 70 237-1474. Open: 12.00-22.00). Furnace inn (Hu: Kemencés csárda. Loc: Bodor Ranch Open: Monday to Friday 11:00-17:00, Saturday 11:00-20:00, Sunday 11:00-17:00).

Holt Duna ág, Taksony - 2013.10.14 (1) - Danube backwater in nearby Taksony - Holt Duna ág, Taksony - 2013.10.14 (1).JPG

  • Taksony - German: Tax - GPS: 47.33174, 19.06276 Road#510 crossing, Hwy51 from southeast passing the settlement. Szigetszentmiklós neighborhood. Twenty kilometers south of Budapest. Ráckeve Municipality

Sights: First World War Veterans Memorial was built in 1937. This was inaugurated on the south side of the church hill (Hu: Első világháborús emlékmű. Loc: Hősök tere). Gábor Bellusi Baross Memorial, he was an outstanding economic and transport politician in the dualistic era. He was called the "Railway Minister" because his effective developing of the railway progress. The monument was built in 1998.(Hu: Bellusi Baross Gábor emlékműve. Loc: Baross tér). The bandstand is located under the 'Gongorda' which is made of 18 gongs. There plays music on weekdays at 15:30, weekends and holidays at 11:00 and 15:30. (Hu:Zenepavilon gongsorral.Loc: Fő tér). Bronze bust of Albert Wass, which was made in 2008. It was created to symbolize the resettled Transylvanian Hungarians unity. (Hu: Wass Albert bronz mellszobra. Loc: Szent Anna tér). Bronze bust of Taksony General, who was a leader of a Hungarian tribe in Conquest era. The bust was made in 1976 near the 1000th anniversary after general’s death. (Hu:Taksony vezér bronz mellszobra, Loc: Fő út.). The bust of Archbishop Jozsef Mindszenty was uncovered in 2009. (Hu: Mindszenty József hercegprímás mellszobra. Loc: Fő tér. Front of the St. Anne church.) Street Stephen's bust: the park was refurbished in 2007. (Hu: Szent István király mellszobra.Loc: Szent István park.) The main street of the village, which include several restored traditional farmhouse and the nation house is closed by the new park. (German) Minority House, a Folk Art Monument preserve the ancestor’s memories and represent valuable traditions of Taksony. The main objective is cultivate the Swabian traditions, and keeping alive the memory. (Hu: Német Nemzetiségi Tájház. Loc: Dózsa György utca 52., ☎ +36 24 487046). Taksony island, and backwater, Taksony Nature Trail Nature Protected Area Thit is a water area where are variety of protected animal and plant species found. The trail is starting from the small bridge of the island and going on at the bank of the dredged backwater until the Dunaharaszti border. which introduce the visitors to wildlife and natural backwaters beauty. (Hu: Taksony Sziget és holtág és Taksonyi tanösvény. Loc: Sziget (Island), between the Ráckevei (Soroksári) Danube river in the left side, northwestern part of Taksony municipality area. T: +36 24 520777). The circle dome church was built in 1958, in Modern style. In Europe and there are only three temples where is a larger diameter oval dome without stand. Became the patron saint of St. Anne. (Hu: Szent Anna római katolikus templom és templomkert. Loc: Fő tér. ☎ +36 24 518990, F: +36 24 518990, langandras46@). In 1992 and the Chapel was built, in 2010 they were complete the renovation of an old farmhouse and built a parish. (Hu: Református Imaház.Loc: Virág utca 6. ☎ +36 24 490389, @). Stay: Fitness Sziget Youth Hostel. Loc: Sziget sétány 5. T:+36 30 9484221. Ft2500 p.p. open April - October. twelve rooms, four bed dorms. Fitness and kayak camps. Do: Eurovelo bike path 2 kilometers section is here.

Gyurgyalag - European bee-eater. A colony located close to Tápióbicske - HUN Tápióbicske Címer.svg

  • Tápióbicske | 47.362211, 19.686769 Nagykátai subregion. From Monor take Hwy4, from Nagykáta or Tápiószecső take Hwy31. The nearest train station is located in Nagykáta.
  • Sight: - European bee-eater Bird Colony, in a Nature Protected Area (Hu: Gyurgyalag kolónia Loc: Tápióbicske, Outskirt, Ádánd, Felsőhegy hill northern slope. T: +36 29 382028, free of charge. ).

Tapiogyorgye hatar - Tapiogyorgye Outskirts Tapiogyorgye hatar - Tápiógyörgye 47.3338, 19.95413 Szolnok, a half hour drive away. Betweeen Tápioszele and Újszász turn north from primary street 311.

=Sights: Stone Cross in Churchyard, Monument made in Renaissance style (Hu: Templomkert Kőkeresztje Loc: Martinovics u. 1., ☎ +36 53 383001, ). Village museum, a local history and ethnographical Collection (Hu: Falumúzeum. Loc: Béke út 2., ☎ +36 53 383060. Open: mid March - September. Admission: Free). Bibic Trail, in a Nature Protected Area, include look-out tower, educational path, presentation house, forest school (Hu: Bibic-tanösvény. Loc: Outskirt, toward Újszász along Tápió river area. T: +36 53 383001 for guide, Admission: Free). Saint Anna Roman Catholic Church It was built in 1860. (Hu: Római katolikus Szent Anna templom. Loc: Szent Háromság tér 1., ☎ +36 30 4524950, @). Stay: Youth camp in Tápiógyörgye in five buildings, sixty beds. T: +36 53 383070. F:+36 53 583500. Ágnes Farm: +36 (20) 2141111, F: +36 1 2848456, Email: Ft4400 p.p. five rooms, fishing facilities, horse riding, hiking, hunting sevices. Eat: Györgyey Restaurant and Guest House. Loc: Táncsics út 2. T:+36 53 583546, +36 30 9555770. Friday +36 53 383002. Opening hours: Monday - Sunday: 07:00-22:00. Seventy seats, WiFi, bicycle storage.

Tatárszentgyörgy templom.jpg

  • Tatárszentgyörgy 47.0815, 19.369669 South ancient juniper fields }} - Vácrátót légifotó1.jpg
  • Vácrátót - Pest county GPS 47.710833 ,19.235278there is an arboretum and the Manor of the Vigyázó Castle }} - Veresegyház légifotó4.jpg
  • Veresegyház - Pest county GPS 47.65046, 19.28299 Sight of its the bear sanctuary, Roman Catholic Church: Built in 1777, Roman Catholic cemetery: in 1806 and 1849, Reformed Church: was built in 1786. - Verőce, Gorka Múzeum.jpg
  • Verőce - Nógrádverőce GPS 47.823, 19.035 Northwest 10 kilometers from Vác Gorka Géza and the famous ceramic artist settled in Verőce; his former house and yard is a Ceramic Museum. More attraction is the St. Andrew church. Visitors can get Szokolya and Királyrét by the narrow-gauge railway and several excellent excursion places (Kisinóc, Nagy-Hideg-Hegy, Csóványos) are easy to reach from these villages. Roman beachhead, castellum (watchtower) ruins, Retaining wall along the Danube River made by Ybl Miklós unique designs, Radio Museum. Read more: Vác#Further_afield

}} Zebegény Kossuth L. u - Zebegény - Zebegény Kossuth L. u.jpg

  • Zebegény - GPS 47.800, 18.911 West 20 kilometers from Vác The most characterises building of the town is the roman-catholic church (Havas Boldogasszony római Katolikus templom), secession style, 1910, a work of the famous architectures Kós Károly and Jánszky Béla. There are nine passion pictures – made form metal – along the road to the classic Passion chapel (Kálvária-kápolna és a kálvária). In the cemetery lies Szőnyi István the famous artist. His former living house exists as a Memorial Museum. There is a private shipping-historical collection in Zebegény owned a retired captain. Rock shrine at the foot of Calvary Mount (Sziklaszentély). Tradition has that it was a hermit cave and the inhabitant of the cave carved the relief of the Virgin Mary, Villa Maróti, Dőry mansion, National flag and national heroes memorial park (emlékpark) on Calvary hill, Slovak and Swabian peasant houses and the colorfully painted wooden "Sunflower Houses" („napraforgó-házak”), in the 1930s, take a walk in the Forest of Börzsöny Mountains (Börzsöny hegység), Old mill (Öreg malom, Fischer köz). Read more: Vác#Further_afield

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Central Hungary

- Godolloi-dombsag.jpg

  • Gödöllő Land Protected Area - Gödöllői Tájvédelmi Körzet | 47.5839, 19.4434 From north Vác to Albertirsa. The eastern part from Erdőkertes to Pécel. A part of the Duna–Ipoly National Park. Cultural, natural sights. Sports: biking, walking, horse riding, hunting

The Naszály from Rétság.jpg

  • Gyadai trail - Gyadai tanösvény | Szendehely, Katalinpuszta neighborhood, near to Dózsa György Way 47.84516, 19.09896 northern foot of Naszaly Hill, along the Losi creek. Opening Hours: all year round walkable +36 27 318989 Path of Gyada, presents natural and cultural treasures and curiosities of local forests and meadows. The trails have 13 stations where you can learn about the area's natural features

Ocsai templom.JPG

  • Ócsa Land Protected Area Ócsai Tájvédelmi Körzet | 47.293, 19.225 - Organised tours


  • Pest County Red Trail - Pest Megyei Piros (PMP) | Vary - GPS: Start from Verőce on Börzsöny mountains the final stop is Apajpuszta of the Great Plains. Passes the following locations: Katalinpuszta - Kosd - Rád - Vácduka - Sződ - Vácrátót - Őrbottyán - Vácegres - Gödöllő - Isaszeg - Gyömrő - Péteri - Hosszúberek - Csévharaszt - Ócsa - Délegyháza - Dunavarsány - Szigetcsép - Szigetújfalu - Ráckeve - Dömsöd - Apaj.| Opening Hours: All years Free of charge Pest county's longest hiking trails (245km).
  • Swimming, angling at quarry lakes (Stay safe!)

Halal Restaurants & Food in Central Hungary

Stay Safe

The tap water all area potable.

There are some quarry lake which is just partly usable for swimming. Also couple of its signed for nudist beaches in this region like Délegyháza (to the south) and Szigetmonostor to the north.

In hunting season (Oct to Feb) look for warnings about some closed areas in forests and hills of Pilis.

Wintertime some part of the Hills closed due to slip hazard.

News & References Central Hungary

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