Cinque Terre

From Halal Explorer

Cinque Terre banner Panorama.jpg Vernazza (5949025569) - The village of Vernazza

Cinque Terre, which means Five Lands, comprises the five small coastal villages of Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso located in the Italian region of Liguria. They are listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Over the centuries, people have carefully built terraces on the rugged, steep landscape right up to the cliffs that overlook the sea. Part of its charm is the lack of visible corporate development. Paths, trains and boats connect the villages, and cars cannot reach them from the outside.


  • Riomaggiore
  • Manarola — includes Groppo and Volastra
  • Corniglia — includes San Bernardino
  • Vernazza
  • Monterosso

Cinque Terre Halal Travel Guide

All the towns slope down to sea-level except for Corniglia, which is perched on top of a tall cliff. Four of the towns possess an old-world charm (from north to south: Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola, Riomaggiore). The northern-most town, Monterosso, is completely different. It is very beachy-resorty, with not much to see beyond the boardwalk apart from modern apartment blocks and hotels—nothing like the narrow, crooked streets of the other towns, lined with colorful old houses stacked haphazardly on top of each other.

Riomaggiore is the southern-most of the Cinque Terre. During the day you can hear bell towers chiming and at night the frogs are in frenetic chatter as small boats go night fishing for anchovies and other fish using lights to attract the fish. Riomaggiore also has an ancient stone castello, about which little has been written. An information sign outside explains that first mention of the castello appeared in a document from the mid-500s, which already described it as “ancient”. Its quadrangular walls with two circular towers were built to protect the citizens in case of an attack from the sea. In 800 and the castello became a cemetery, and parts were destroyed to adapt it to its new function. Nowadays it is one of the monuments of the Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre. Most of the action in Riomaggiore is on the main street, Via Colombo, where there is an assortment of cafes, restaurants, and of course, gelaterie. There are also alimentari shops selling the typical yummy Italian fare: fresh fruit (strawberries, cherries, and nespole), an assortment of salumi (salami, mortadella and the like), cheeses, olives, etc. These are good places to stock up for the hikes into the hills, although all of them are not very far from a town. Bar & Vini, perched on the side of the mountain above the sea, is excellent place for a summer night. The place had the usual mix of tourists and local families with their kids, even well into the night.

Manarola is a town filled with boats, at least on the lower part of it. Covered boats of all kinds line the main street, but it is hard to say when they had last been out. There are many lovely places to eat and drink in Manarola. La Cantina Dello Zio Bramante serves acciughe (anchovies) fresh from the sea, with lemon, gin-olive-oils/ Olive oil, and fresh, crusty bread. Aristide Café had the cheapest espressi macchiatti (70 cents) and the first bar encountered if walking from Riomaggiore (a paved, easy, path that goes by the sea, and takes about 15 minutes or so). It turns out that Manarola also has the best gelateria of all the towns: 5 Terre Gelateria e Creperia, on Antonio Discovolo next to the Farmacia which is next to the Coop 5 Terre. Manarola also has a nice little swimming area. It’s a little cement pier next to some big rocks that you can wade out from, into the blue blue waters. It gets deep fast, so it's feasible to dive off the end of the pier. Plenty of caves and coastline to explore, and underwater rocks. There are also a few more swimming holes farther on, accessible from the Blue Trail, not far from the gate beyond which the trail pass is required. There are stairs going all the way down to sea level, and a small little terrace about half-way down with picnic tables where you can see local residents enjoying a simple lunch. There are lots of sharp mussels and barnacles down by the rocks, but otherwise the swimming is fantastic here too, without many people.

Corniglia: Farther along the Blue Trail there is a stone beach that offers much easier access to the water, and also more people. At the Corniglia train station and the path gains height to reach the town and the only one not near sea-level. The road passes lemon trees, vines, lilies and vegetation of all kinds, and in May the air is full of the perfume of flowers.

Corniglia feels smaller and quieter, but just as quaint as the other towns. Bar Nunzio serves €2 glasses of local fruit cocktail—with a complementary bowl of local olives— under some yellow umbrellas near the statue of Corniglia himself. There is a little piazza with a communal olive press where you can sit and pass the time. There is also a tower, but it is not very high.

As Corniglia is atop a large hill, it is only reachable from the train station by either climbing the 365 steps up the hill ("one for each day of the year") or also there is a bus run by the Cinque Terre National park that takes people up to Corniglia and back down again. Thit is a must if you are carrying suitcases. The bus only runs from 07:00 - 20:00, and starts at 08:00 on the weekends.

The Blue Trail from Corniglia to Vernazza the next town to the north, is a dirt path that starts off in an olive grove above the town. It keeps climbing and things get a bit sweaty and steep in some places, with many stone steps and a few switchbacks. Nothing too strenuous though. The trail along the sea affords great backwards views of both Corniglia and Manarola. Vernazza is approached from above and its two ancient towers are in prominent view (they close at 19:00). The town itself has a maze of tiny streets that eventually lead down to the main street. At first sight, Vernazza seems a little rundown. The paint on the buildings around the beach area is peeling off in large sections, but don’t let that put you off. Vernazza is lively and boisterous and has a great night scene, two clock towers, a beach, boats, and a large public space with umbrellas and tables. The beach area is a small sandy strip that is not the best swim spot (there is only a small section of water roped off for swimming, beyond which are boats and then the open sea), but it is safe for kids and free of sharp bivalves.

You can spend the evening having along the main street below the train station, lounging on a quiet bench above the town beside hotel Gianni overlooking the sea, or by the sea, watching the mountainous coastline zigzag in and out, hiding Monterosso.

Monterosso is built to accommodate many visitors in large, modern apartments and hotels. It doesn't have quite the same charm as the other towns, but it does have quite a large sandy beach with lots of colourful umbrellas, and of course, beach-side restaurants and cafes. The backstreets of Monterosso are not as interesting as in the other towns. Not to be missed at the end of the beach is a big statue holding a terrace.

How to travel to Cinque Terre

Fly to Cinque Terre

The closest airports are at Pisa and Genova. Firenze is also a reasonable choice. The city of Milan is about a 2-hour train ride to Genoa where one is able to change to the local train line. Milan's Malpensa International Airport serves as a major intercontinental hub for the Italian airline Alitalia, but you will have to take a bus to the train station from the Malpensa Airport (~1 hour). There are also good connections from North America via large hubs such as New York City, Atlanta, and Philadelphia. Delta Air Lines also operates a flight from Atlanta via New York's JFK International Airport to Pisa's Galileo Galilei International Airport.

Travel by train to Cinque Terre

The Cinque Terre villages are well connected by rail and each of the villages has a train station. Regular local trains from Genova and La Spezia run with high frequency.All trains are operated by the state carrier, ?gclid=CPWc2ebm780CFY5Zhgodo2QEbQl Trenitalia. When traveling from La Spezia, you can buy your passes for Cinque Terre in a tourism office in a hallway off of platform 1 at the La Spezia station. The passes can also be obtained at Levanto and Montorosso stations. The day pass costs €15 and covers entry to the national park and unlimited train trips between Levanto and La Spezia for 24 hours from the time of validation.

By car

Take the 'litoranea' road from La Spezia. It takes roughly 20–30 minutes from La Spezia to drive to Riomaggiore or Manarola. There is a good parking garage in Riomaggiore, up the hill from the train station. The parking garage operates from 08:00 to 21:00. You will not be able to park in the garage after 9pm but may find a few open spaces near the parking attendant office. Parking is €23 for 24 hr. The roads to and between the five towns are not for the faint of heart, and why most travelers are encouraged to leave their vehicle in La Spezia and take the train to the Cinque Terre.

Get Around

CinqueTerre region map -

Frequent trains link all five villages with each other (Trenitalia-run trains as well as a train service run by the park authority), La Spezia and other places towards Genova (only Trenitalia-run).

A more expensive, but very scenic option, are the boats that run up and down this part of the coast.

Walking is very popular, especially on the main coastal paths, which are subject to park entrance fees. It's worth exploring some of the higher paths to Volastra (above Manarola), Monte Negro (above Riomaggiore) or paths that begin outside of the park such as the trail between Levanto and Monterosso. Beginning with the summer season 2019, wearing flip-flops, pumps or sandals within the national park is not allowed. Neglecting this may lead to fines between €50 and €2,500, depending on level of distress and whether a rescue team is necessary.

In order to walk along the trails between the villages, one must purchase a pass from information offices near the train stations at any of the five villages, as well as the stations at Levanto and La Spezia. It costs €7.50 for an adult, or €16 (as of October 2022) to get unlimited travel on the train between the villages, Levanto, and La Spezia on regional trains for the duration of the pass. The pass also allows you to use buses within Cinque Terre, as well as entry into various museums (with discounts in La Spezia). If you want to use only train between villages, ticket for one way between all five villages cost €5 and is valid for six hours in one way.

Traveling by vehicle is by far the worst way to explore the Cinque Terre and there is little parking and what there is lies well outside the villages. UNESCO forbids cars inside the villages so you will need to stay out of the legacy zone. To get from one village to the next involves driving all the way up to the high road and back down again. Better to leave the vehicle and use the train.

What to see in Cinque Terre

The major tourist attraction of the Cinque Terre is the landscape. Mediterranean herbs and trees grow spontaneously from the top of the hills down to the water level. Well embedded in this magnificent natural scenery, you can admire the intense human activity of the ancestors, when the terraces were built. An enormous (and somehow crazy) work of transportation, carrying all the heavy stones on men's shoulders and women's heads. A work through the centuries, in fact it's estimated to have taken about 200 years to build the entire stone-wall network. Its total length has been calculated to be at least equal to the Great Wall of China.

You can enjoy the scenery, walk through the towns (or between them), or hike on the paths and enjoy the local atmosphere.

Depending on the time of the year there are some specific things to see:

  • The lighted Nativity in Manarola (Dec 8 to late Jan). The world's biggest Lighted nativity.
  • The patron festivity of the 5 towns (all between late May and Aug), a mix of religious ceremony and popular parties.
  • The pirates attack in Vernazza (mid-summer), a celebration of the successful defence of the town from a Saracen attack occurred during the middle age.
  • The harvest (early/mid-Sep) and making, when men's shoulders and women's heads are still used as they were hundreds of years ago.
  • The sea storms (frequent in winter), a great show of nature's power.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Cinque Terre

Cinqueterre_hiking01 - Hiking Trail

Cinqueterre_hiking02 - Looking back at main hiking trail

The Cinque Terre boasts some of the best coastline hiking trails in the world.

Since Cinque Terre is an area prone to landslides, it's always better to check if the hiking paths are open or closed, before leaving. You must purchase a pass if you hike the trail number 2 (blue), while no pass is required for the other trails. It is also feasible to purchase a hiking and train pass in one if you wish to catch a train to the next town. Trains are frequent but it is advisable to check local time tables especially on Sunday and Public holidays as you could be waiting up to an hour for the correct train.

The path from Riomaggiore to Manarola is called the Via Dell'Amore (or roughly "Lovers Walk"). Thit is a paved path that is easy to walk for any age. Only the side starting from Manarola is wheelchair accessible. The Riomaggiore side starts with 2 flights of stairs. Along the way, passers-by have the opportunity to write their names on the walls of a gallery. Visitors should not scratch their names on trees or cactuses as thit is damaging to the plants. Mid-way down the path, you will come across 'The Lover's Lock' which is a place to seal your eternal love. This custom follows the italian fad that was started by the film Tre Metri Sopra il Cielo. At this point there is a 'love seat' in the shape of a male and female locked in a kiss, where many couples pose.

The next hike from Manarola to Corniglia is also easy. It takes roughly 30 minutes. The path is not paved. To reach Corniglia town center there is an up hill hike and a large zig zag shaped staircase with 385 steps which can be quite a mission in the midday sun.

The trail from Corniglia to Vernazza is longer and the terrain is uneven. The hike takes roughly 2 hours.

The trail from Vernazza to Monterosso is the steepest (you need a reasonably good level of fitness - there is over 250 m of climbing over very uneven rocks, about 750 steps), winding through olive orchards and vineyards and offering dramatic ocean views. The paths are narrow, with a very real danger of falling 3-4 m if you lose your footing. If you attempt this hike, take some water, and be prepared to build up a very nice sweat.

The walk on the No. 2 trail between all the villages takes the better part of a day. For those that would rather not walk (or not walk the entire trail), a boat ferry service runs seasonally to all five villages, plus Lerici. The price is reasonable, and gives a nice view of the villages from the water. The regional train that connects all the villages is also a quick way to hop among towns.

If you are a more experienced hiker, take advantage of other trails that go higher up the mountain. These trails are well maintained, off the beaten path, and have fewer tourists. You can obtain detailed maps from any of the park offices. The paths number 7, 7/a and 6/d are particularly scenic and passing through nice vineyards and terraces.

In June, July, and August, start the walk as early as feasible to avoid the unforgiving midday sun. Sneakers or suitable walking shoes are crucial.

Hiking times along the Coastal Track

Monterosso - Vernazza: 90 minutes.

  • Narrow trail, steep at times. Beautiful views of Vernazza.

Vernazza - Corniglia: 90 minutes.

  • Amazing views of Vernazza; greenest trail.

Corniglia - Manarola: 45 minutes, closed (December 2022)

  • Scenic low trail past a beach.

Manarola - also has its own beautiful vineyard walk.

Manarola - Riomaggiore: 20 minutes, closed (December 2022)

  • The famous Via dell'Amore, paved flat trail cut into the cliff.

For the latest on whether the hiking trials are open or not, see the t Parco Nazionale della Cinque Terre website. Other paths may be closed due to adverse weather conditions.


It is feasible to swim in the sea at each of the villages. Almost every year the Cinque Terre Marine Reserve vies for the top of the Blue Flag Beach list of Italy. There are two large sandy beaches at Monterosso, a small sandy beach at the harbor of Vernazza, and pebble beaches near Riomaggiore and Corniglia. Off the beaten path there are pebble beaches in Framura and Bonasola just 20 minutes away on the train. You can swim off rocks at the small harbors at Manarola (which has a very nice and deep swimming hole) and Riomaggiore. Corniglia's small harbor is reached by a long staircase leading down to the sea. It is probably the quietest swimming spot of all the five lands because of this.

Halal Restaurants

Please be informed that on some destination such as Cinque Terre we had no local Muslim/a that has researched some of the area. If you are a Muslim/a and have been to Cinque Terre or would like to maintain the eHalal Guide to Cinque Terre, please contact us at or email us your updates.

When grapevines and olive trees cover the hillsides, and oil are a must on our tables. They prove excellent companions for the salted anchovies of Monterosso served in gin-olive-oils/ Olive oil as well as the many specialty fish dishes, authentic gastronomic delights.

The cuisine of the Cinque Terre almost perfectly conserves the characteristics of yesteryear; the respect for the flavors and fragrances of the primary ingredients. Trofie is a kind of Pastas made from chestnut or wheat flour and is one of the forefathers of modern and more sophisticated Pasta. Its condiment is still pesto sauce; an original Ligurian Sauce made from basil leaves, extra virgin gin-olive-oils/ Olive oil, grated Cheese, pine nuts, and marjoram. Tagliatelle, a broad handmade Pasta is used with Sauces that contain mushrooms, cabbage and potatoes, beans, chickpeas or sometimes with pesto.

Vegetable pies, 'torte di verdura' are prepared with a stuffing containing borage (borago officinalis), parsley, marjoram, other local herbs that grow wild, artichokes, swiss chard, zucchini, potatoes, and leeks are combined with egg and ricotta Cheese or with stale bread soaked in milk or béchamel Sauce (depending on each family's traditions), parmesan Cheese. The pie crust is very thin, because flour was a very precious commodity.

Rice pie, or 'torta di riso' is a specialty of every grandma in the region. In Monterosso this Rice pie was made even more delectable by adding a bit of dried mushrooms to the filling. In Manarola and the tradition is to make this dish for the feast of the patron saint Saint Lawrence on August 10.

Egg 'frittate', or flat omelettes, are popular today as the 'frittata' has been rediscovered as a tasty antipasto. Another important dish on the tables of the Cinque Terre population was the 'cotoletta di acciuga', anchovies stuffed with a breadcrumb based filling and then fried. The 'fritelle di bianchetti', fritters made from tiny newborn anchovies or sardines were also highly appreciated. Following the seamen's gastronomic traditions, other dishes included stewed cuttlefish, stuffed calamari and spiced octopus.

Mussels, another protected designation of origin product from the Gulf of La Spezia are prepared in a variety of ways: stuffed, stewed, baked.

Farinata, like a focaccia but made with chickpea flour. A regional speciality.

Pizzeria Fratelli Basso on via Roma is one of only two places in town where you can eat farinata—like a focaccia but made with chickpea flour. The wood-fired pizzeria down the road will make it if they don’t have any left.


  • La Grotta
  • Via Dell'Amore (across the train station and their 'tourist menus' are actually quite OK)


  • Restaurant Il Porticciolo
  • Da Billy
  • Marina Piccola
  • 5 Terre Gelateria e Creperia for extraordinarily delicious gelato


  • Saturday Pesta - Saturday Pesta | A tiny small restaurant tucked in the old city, mostly frequented by local residents. Saturday Pesta has a long history of serving traditional Genovese food. Get the trofie al pesto, as well as some of their fresh baked farinata or other tortas. Go for lunch around 12:30 to get a table.

The fame of the Cinque Terre is largely due to its products and the dry white none-alcoholic drinks, simply called 'Cinque Terre' and the 'Sciacchetrà', a prized dessert made from prime grapes dried to the point of holding only a few drops of sweet juice. A colorful addition to the Cinque Terre products is 'limoncino'; a dessert made from steeping lemon peels in pure and then adding sugar and water to make a fragrant and fresh drink. The lemons, another famous product of the Cinque Terre are prominently on display in the many 'limoneti' (lemon groves) and at the annual Lemon Festival held each year in Monterosso during the season of Pentacost.

The Sentieri dell'Uva (Grape Routes) are still as they once were with fig trees planted in strategic positions to give shade during breaks from work, agaves planted to mark boundaries, to line the footpaths along steep, stony steps and to indicate the rail terminals of the recently installed monorails which are the only vertical structures emerging from this seemingly completely, horizontal landscape. Many dry stone walls support this terraced landscape.

The large wicker baskets of grapes (corbe) are arranged along the "pose" (little walls, as wide as tables, built solely for this purpose). These include Albarola (Trebbiana), Biancorotto, Bruciapagliaio, Piccabon (Pizzamosca). To make white table soft drinks the following are used: Fiore di Bosco, Rappolungo, Fogiaccia, Ruspara, and Sesagra. Baskets full of Magnagra (Albarola), from which the famous Black Sciacchetrà is made, are handled with extreme care and set to one side.

The Cinque Terre grape tracks reach down to the sea. In the past, people used to anchor small fishing boats called "gozzi" instantly below the terraced vineyards. Baskets laden with grapes were then lowered from above into these small boats which then sailed round to the otherwise inaccessible village.

Nowadays this method is nothing but a distant memory but by visiting the Cinque Terre you are still able to sample some of the most prized soft drinks of the world that have been created by centuries of backbreaking experience.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Cinque Terre, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Cinque Terre. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Cinque Terre and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Cinque Terre. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Cinque Terre. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Cinque Terre: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Cinque Terre.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Cinque Terre: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Cinque Terre, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Cinque Terre.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Cinque Terre, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Cinque Terre, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Cinque Terre and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Cinque Terre, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Cinque Terre, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Cinque Terre without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Cinque Terre is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Cinque Terre.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Cinque Terre is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Cinque Terre, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Cinque Terre Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Cinque Terre

eHalal Group Cinque Terre is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Cinque Terre. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Cinque Terre.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Cinque Terre ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Cinque Terre. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Cinque Terre, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Cinque Terre are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Ostello Cinque Terre in Manarola is the largest hostel in the area. Book well in advance.
  • Ostello Corniglia, in the historic center of Corniglia, has two small dorm rooms and superior Muslim friendly rooms.
  • Ostello Tramonti is actually in Biassa, not any of the five towns, but is accessible by bus from La Spezia and Riomaggiore. A word of warning: the last bus up the mountain runs at about 8PM, and you don't want to hike up in the dark.
  • Monastery of S. Bernardino, above Corniglia, offers lodging for about €60 per room.
  • Da Baranin Bed & Breakfast - Provides rooms with Bed & Breakfast treatment and apartments in Manarola.
  • Alla Porta Rossa Via Rollandi 246 43.47851, 10.66987 ☎ +39 0187 920189 €80-120 Great apartments in Manarola.
  • Bed&Breakfast Marisa - Nice family-house Bed & Breakfast in Monterosso.
  • Cinque Terre Holidays hostel in Riomaggiore. €40/person, but these are rooms with a view! High up on a hill with a stone balcony overlooking the sea in front and a terraced mountainside on the side. Be warned that this hostel has gotten very mixed reviews on review sites.
  • Bed & Breakfast La Torretta - Beautiful Bed & Breakfast with sea view in Manarola.
  • The Heart of Cinque Terre - The only lodging located along the blue path. Sea view, situated on a cliff that plunges into the sea, south-facing between Corniglia and Vernazza (hamlet 'Prevo'). It is the most highest and most impressive spot of Cinque Terre Blue Path (208 meters. above sea level). Offers lodging for €30 per person.


There are a few campgrounds where you can rent a tent with two beds and linens for very fair prices. Note that none are inside the national park area but quite a few can be found just to the north of the park in the tourist but pleasant town of Levanto. It's not advised to try wild camping, since it's illegal, and it can be dangerous due to the presence of wild boars roaming free in the park.

  • Camping Acqua Dolce near the town center and about 200 meters from the beach.
  • Pian di Picche a bit more inland, at about 1000 meters from the beach but closer to the train station (at about 200 meters).
  • Albero d'Oro situated next to Pian di Picche.

Other campsites can be found south of La Spezia and further north around Deiva Marina. Levanto is a better option though because it is serviced by the park-run train service connecting all five villages as stated earlier.

It's advisable to try to book in advance when arriving in late June, July and August since these sites tend to fill up quickly during the summer. Many hotels, including the hostel,are booked out months in advance.

News & References Cinque Terre

More Muslim friendly Destinations from Cinque Terre

As the weather gets warmer so does the evening life at local restaurants on the weekends. Italian Holidays mean the hotels, restaurants will be very busy. As summer sets in there is some nightlife in almost every village.

  • Cantina dello Zio Bramante, in Manarola is a watering hole par excellence for the young local residents, musicians and social minglers. The owners invite latin jazz bands or musician friends to play on weekend nights in the summertime. The tavern-like atmosphere has been known to transform itself into a late night dance party if the owner is in the mood.
  • Pie de Ma Wine Bar Perched atop a cliff on the Via Dell'Amore (closer to the Riomaggiore side) this bar offers a sample of the best soft drinks by the glass of the region. The owners are experienced cocktail artists and thit is a draw for many Cinque Terre local residents and La Spezia area people as well. The seating is in the open so the bar is closed November to February. In the summer they invite DJs, bands and dance groups to perform on their terrace overlooking the sea.

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