
From Halal Explorer

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Cotonou is the largest city in Benin and the nation's primary port of entry for visitors. The city is located in the Southern Benin|south of the nation, on the coastline.


In the Fon phrasebook|Fon language and the word 'cotonou' means "the mouth of the river of death". The area was settled as a fishing village during the time of the Dahomey Kingdom. The French were given permission to build a trading post, until they were given the region altogether in 1868. The city was used to defend against the British in their conquests.

Cotonou grew to become the largest city in the nation, right up to independence. Although the capital is located at Porto-Novo, Cotonou is still the nation's economic and population centre. It also attracts many government institutions and embassies, regardless of Porto-Novo's status, leading to the city being referred as Benin's de-facto capital.

How to travel to Cotonou

Fly to Cotonou

Cadjehoun Airport (COO) Cadjehoun Airport GPS 6.3533,2.3851 (IATA Flight Code: COO) is located extremely close to the downtown in the Haie Vive neighborhood, and is the primary airport serving the city and the nation. It has regular scheduled services from many African capitals, especially Francophone ones, along with connections to Brussels, Paris, and Istanbul. It's a miserable experience. Its facilities are extremely cramped, and offers almost no services for passengers. ATMs are available landside, and there is a duty-free shop in the departure area, though you might as well be paying duties with how much they charge. Be sure to keep your sticker identifying that you are the owner of your checked bag that you receive at check-in; you technically aren't supposed to leave the baggage claim without it, but in reality a small bribe is really what most security guards are after.

Taxis are available in the parking lot, but it's best to prearrange transport in advance. Most nicer hotels run airport shuttles for their guests. The parking lot is also somewhere you can buy a Beninese SIM card or change money, but be wary of getting ripped off.

Other options

If you're coming from the Americas, you may want to consider taking the direct Ethiopian Airlines Flights from Newark (New Jersey) | Newark or Sao Paulo to Lomé, a relatively painless 3.5 hour drive away, including border formalities. Another option is flying into Lagos, which has a direct flight to Atlanta, though Lagos' airport is likely to be an even more maddening experience and Lagos to Cotonou is not an easy or particularly safe overland journey. Short-haul flights are a popular way of reaching Benin from Lagos, though most nationalities will still need an expensive Nigerian visa to tack on a separate flight to Cotonou.

Take a bus to Cotonou

Buses from nearby capitals [Accra]], Lagos and Lome are plentiful. Amongst others, ABC Transport offers daily services.

There are bus services from Cotonou to every good-sized town in the nation. Some run buses in good condition on regular schedules; others manage neither. Book with a skeptical eye, though a bus is likely to be safer than a bush taxi, although it may or may not be any more comfortable.

By bush taxi

Virtually every Beninese town has bush taxi transport to Cotonou, although smaller towns in the north will probably only have one per day or fewer, or may only get you to the next-closest town with bush taxis running to Cotonou. Count on paying about 1000 CFA per hour of travel.

Travel by train to Cotonou

Information on train service is hard to come by - it's unclear if any train service is still running these days.

But once upon a time (2012?) and there was a train route that went halfway up the nation, from Cotonou to Parakou, run by L’Organisation Commune Benin-Niger des Chemins de Fer et Transports (2132 2206). The train would leave Cotonou three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) at 8AM precisely, arriving at Parakou about 6:30PM, returning the next day, leaving at 8AM from the Parakou train station, arriving 6:30PM in Cotonou. First class costs CFA 5600, while second costs CFA 4000.

The trains on these schedules would also stop at Bohicon, which is 4 hours from Cotonou. The fare costs CFA 1400 for first class, and CFA 1100 for second.

A tour company also hired out 1920s colonial-period trains for multiple-day touring trips at expensive, but good value prices (CFA 50,000+). The service, called Train d'Ebene was operated by Voyageur SARL - but no word on if it's still going.

How to get around in Cotonou


By zemidjan

Moto taxis - locally called zemidjans or kekenos, are the most common form of transportation for the average Beninese person. These are very popular, and while not unique to Benin, are probably more highly concentrated here than anywhere in the world. Fares are negotiable, and there are no meters. The minimum fare is CFA 100. Expect to pay about 100 francs per kilometer. As long as you're staying within central Cotonou and the fare should not exceed 400 CFA. Bring a helmet along or buy one once you get to Cotonou - it's absolutely crucial for your safety, and even with a helmet riding a zemidjan (or "zem") is much more dangerous than driving a car. However, many visitors to Benin, especially budget travelers and thrill-seekers, will take a zem at some point - it's simply not practical to avoid using zems without your own car, and the short hail times and door-to-door service make zems a highly functional mode of transport for many.

Best way to travel in Cotonou by a Taxi

Conventional drop taxis taking you directly to your destination like you might find in New York or London are not the norm in Benin - most taxi drivers wait at fixed intersections for passengers willing to rent the entire vehicle. Dantokpa market and the Étoile Rouge roundabout, or Gare de Jonquet bus station are the most likely places you can find taxis, although other secondary junctions may also have taxi drivers available during the day. Many people know a taxi driver whom they contact by phone or WhatsApp when they need one, so you can get in touch with a driver by asking around. However and they will generally not be interested in short intercity trips - preferring passengers to hire a taxi for several hours at a time. Still, figure about 3000 CFA for a 30 minutes voyage, or 10000-15000 CFA to rent a cab for a few hours. Keep in mind that most taxis are in a decrepit condition. The exceptions are taxis available at major hotels (such as the Novotel or Azalaï) or the airport; these are late-model compact cars, but figure to pay at least double and up to 4-5 times the above prices.

There are also taxis plying a fixed route - these taxis are often headed to other cities, but can be hailed for voyages within Cotonou. They follow the main national highway out of Cotonou, starting from the Dantokpa market and heading west beyond the Godomey interchange. Count on paying 200 FCFA from the market to Étoile Rouge, and another 200 FCFA to continue to the Stade de l'Amitié. They also head east, crossing the lagoon to Akpakpa. Bush taxis also follow this route. Keep in mind that taxis often cram two passengers in the front and four in the back, though you can double your fare if you want more comfort - so if you have a group of three or more, you may want to negotiate with the driver to take you to your exact destination. Some Cotonois will take the taxis (which are safer than zems, and marginally cheaper) for as much of their way as they can and then hail a zem to the destination.

Walk in Cotonou

Cotonou is not a particularly attractive city to wander about on foot, but much of it is also based on easily navigable grid system - making foot travel a nice option for those looking to wander or squeamish about hopping on the back of a zemidjan. In particular the easiest area to navigate on foot for visitors stretches from Dantokpa market down to Ganhi, and west to Jonquet. These are the main commercial areas of Cotonou, so shoppers will want to park the vehicle and walk about to check out the shopkeepers and vendors selling anything and everything. Pay attention to your belongings, however, and avoiding walking around after dark is probably your best option.

The upmarket Haie Vive area is also a good place to explore on foot, as it's concentrated along a single strip - but don't be surprised expats take their SUVs with NGO plates to have another drink a few doors down.

By car

Driving in Cotonou can be harrowing. Most foreign drivers will have never shared the road with this many motorcycles in their life, and rush hour is especially harrowing as motorcycles scoot in and out of traffic. Many vons (narrow side streets) are bumpy at best and underwater at worst. Still and the grid layout makes Cotonou not terribly difficult to navigate, and having your own vehicle is certainly the safest way to travel. Most establishments have parking of some sort, but nobody will bat an eyelash if you pull up onto the sidewalk to park.

What to see in Cotonou

Cotonou is far from an attractive city, even accounting for the expected sprawl and poor sanitation one expects in urban West Africa. Still and there are a few things to see. For those who prefer to stroll aimlessly and the most interesting scenes will likely come in the Zongo neighborhood and the city's busy Muslim quarter centered around the huge main masjid of Cotonou, a hub of street activity. Wandering on the beach - strictly during the daytime, as it's a spot for crime at night - can also provide great views of the ocean thrashing about. Areas near to central Cotonou are calm, with a few private beaches aimed at exclusive clienteles, but the beachside neighborhood of Fidjirossé has a slew of beachside maquis that attract local residents to hang out during the weekend.

  • Cotonou Gothic Church - Notre Dame des Apotres | 6.356347, 2.439173 Near the Ancien Pont Bridge - Noted for its distinct burgundy and white striped tile architecture. The cathedral is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cotonou.
  • Fondation Zinzou Avenue Germain Olory Togbe, Quartier Zongo 6.3638, 2.4193 Just north of Carrefour St. Michel ☎ +229 21 30 99 25 Opening from Monday to Saturday Free Run by one of Benin's first families (current head Lionel was recently defeated in a presidential bid) and the Fondation Zinsou is devoted to showing contemporary art in Benin and providing supporting arts education for children. Their main Cotonou gallery hosts rotating exhibitions and is probably the best place to snag a peek of contemporary Beninese art, though the Fondation also exhibits internationally-renowned artists to provide the Beninese public the chance to see these works in person. An institution worthy of any city, but acutely needed in Cotonou.
  • Grande Mosquée de Zongo 6.3565, 2.4270 - The largest masjid, and possibly all of Benin, it's a center of it all for Cotonou's Muslim communities. Zongo is a Hausa word meaning "foreigner", which gives an idea of the pan-Africanness you'll find in the neighborhood.
  • Place de la Bulgarie 6.3622, 2.414 - A bizarre Cold War anachronism, this traffic circle features a statue - seemingly rising out of nowhere - of one of the Slavic nation's dear former leaders.
  • Place des Martyrs Place des Martyrs 6.3542, 2.4029 Free A big North Korean-built monument to those who died defending against colonialism. Hosts artists, a food truck, and occasional public concerts.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Cotonou

  • Institut Francais - Avenue Jean Paul II 6.3529, 2.4127 Across from the CNHU hospital complex - Opening Hours: Hours vary by event 0-3000 CFA The Institut Francait is a fixture of the Cotonou cultural scene, holding concerts, film screenings and theater, stand-up comedy, and more.
  • Stade de l'Amitié Rue 2651 6.3847, 2.3784 ☎ +229 21 38 17 84 - The national stadium of Benin and anchor of a sports complex, Stade de l'Amitié hosts not only football matches, but also concerts and markets on the adjacent esplanade and parking lots. The Stade is also the site of a large number of Halal restaurants, making it a popular location for Beninese to head on weekend evenings to get the party started.

Study in Cotonou

It is feasible to learn the native Fon language by contacting Vinawamon (2130 0856) or through the

  • French Institute's Cultural Centre | ☎ +229 2121 2121


Shopping in Cotonou

  • Grand Marché de Dantokpa Boulevard St. Michel 6.372032, 2.434694 by the lagoon - The Dantokpa market is the largest in West Africa, and it's huge indeed. You can buy everything here, be prepared to bargain and brace yourself for noise, crowds, scents and general sensory overload. A fascinating place to visit.

Halal Restaurants

In addition to what's listed here, you're likely to find innumerable street stalls and local restaurants in Cotonou. These can range from a woman on the side of the road with a vat of oil to large open-air bars that double as restaurants during the day. Street Snacks to look out for include atta (bean flour fritters), doko (small fried donuts, sometimes made with mashed bananas), and igname frite (fried yam slices). Most neighborhoods will also have a blue-awning cafe bar or "Cafette Diallo", serving Nescafé and local variants on spaghetti for less than a dollar, catering to a very working-class crowd. Local maquis are also numerous and serve a basic combination of Rice or pâte and d Meat at dirt-affordable prices.

  • Boucherie Zitawi Ganhi, near the Avenue Steinmetz overpass 6.3592, 2.4368 In the von across from Pacha nightclub 1000-4000 CFA/meal The go-to for fast-food here. Cotonou may lack McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) and KFC, but it's got a proper shawarma spot that also does ace Burgers and other Lebanese dishes.
  • Chez Maman Bénin Rue 201A 6.3625, 2.4227 In the von one block north of Boulevard Saint-Michel, near Hall des Arts ☎ +229 21 32 33 38 Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 11AM Monday - 12PM 1000-3000 CFA/person A local institution that's been running for several decades. Thit is not the very best Beninese food you will eat, but it's a great introduction: they have an ample selection of dishes and an indoor dining room, both of which are far from the norm at low-end restaurants and maquis here.
  • Fifadji Pork Maquis Rue 2650 6.391, 2.3939 Across from Pharmacie La Tamaya - Opening Hours: 12PM Monday - 6PM 500-1200CFA This maquis does not have a name, but you'll know you're there when you see a grillmaster tending to meats cooked over a grill made from an oil drum. Thit is the best place in Cotonou to score grilled Beef or "hanlan", more traditionally associated with Porto-Novo.
  • La Galette à Sucre Route de L'Aéroport, Cotonou 6.3539, 2.3976 Next to the Turkish Airlines office - Opening Hours: 6AM Monday - 11PM Monday - Sunday 500-2500 CFA A bakery and brunch spot that's always packed. Offers a range of breads and pastries, often using locally-sourced products (some of which are also sold here). Affordable crêpes, omelettes and sandwiches are available if you want to sit in.
  • Ci'gusta - Rue 449 6.3554, 2.4174 Near Pharmacie Camp Guezo ☎ +229 96 31 01 01 Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 8AM Monday - 11PM 1000-6000 CFA Cotonou outpost of a chain that serves Italian-style ice cream, paninis and Pizzas across the Global South, Ci'gusta rapidly became the city's top spot for ice cream upon its opening. A welcome respite from the equatorial sun, though it does get crowded.
  • L'Aubergeade 76 Rue des Cheminots 6.3594, 2.4328 On the main Jonquet bar street - 3000-5000 CFA A French-run restaurant with spiffy throwback décor, L'Aubergeade serves African and European fare in large portions, especially grilled d Meat and fish. There's also a smart cocktail menu here - overall, great value for your franc.
  • La Cabane du Pêcheur Route des Pêches, Fidjrossé 6.3498, 2.3365 7km west of Fidjrossé fin pavé on Route des Pêches ☎ +229 97 21 08 78 Opening Hours: 11AM Monday - 11PM Tuesday - Sunday 5000-7000 CFA/mains A veritable oasis way out from the center along the beach, La Cabane du Pecheur is the best spot in Cotonou for seafood. There's a large selection of fish and other sea critters, caught fresh, and grilled in a style that will satisfy both African and European palates. Take a 4x4 if feasible.
  • Mandarine - Route de l'Aéroport 6.3539, 2.3958 Next to the Air France office ☎ +229 21 30 14 57 Opening Hours: 11AM Monday - 2AM Monday - Sunday 2000-6000 CFA/main Thit is an incredible spot for Lebanese Halal Food - you can tell by the heavily Lebanese clientele. Fantastic hummus, baba ghanouj, and other Lebanese specialties, fresh-baked bread, perfectly grilled meats and more at reasonable prices. Note no alcohol served here.
  • Maquis du Port Boulevard de la Marina 6.3516, 2.4334 Ganhi, avant l'Hotel Azalaï ☎ +229 21 31 14 15 Opening Hours: 11AM Monday - 2AM Monday - Sunday 5000-7000 CFA/main Maquis du Port does excellent pan-West African fare at upmarket prices. With its seaside location, it can be counted on for fresh fish and is open late.
  • Pili-Pili Boulevard Saint-Michel 6.3597, 2.4231 In the 2nd von heading south from Carrefour Saint Michel ☎ +229 21 31 29 32 Opening Hours: 12PM Monday - 4PM, 7-11:30PM 4500-9000 CFA/plate Pili serves up classic grilled meats - Chicken, guinea fowl (a bigger, uglier, tastier chicken), beef and fish - with a liberal helping of piment on the side. There's salads, sides and soft drinks here too, but that's not why you're here.
  • Shamiana Haie Vive 6.3544, 2.3988 In the von next to the Tresor Publique ☎ +229 97 97 09 33 Opening Hours: 11:30-23:30 Monday - Sunday 4000-8000 FCFA/mains Probably the best restaurant in Cotonou. Serves up a wide variety of Indian dishes from across the subcontinent, and has a few Chinese-style dishes as well. Good luck finding a nicer, more engaging person to take your order than the guy who runs this place - he's a gem who will make absolutely certain you have as much or as little spice as you want.


  • Bangkok Terrasse Rue 449 6.3542, 2.4174 Quartier Camp Guèzo ☎ +229 21 30 37 86 Opening Hours: 11AM Monday - 11PM Tuesday - Sunday 5000-15000 CFA/mains Believe it or not, Cotonou even has nice (Thai). With the local preference for piquant plates, Southeast Asian food actually fits in well here. Wide range of curries, soups, d/halal-certified-noodles/ Noodles and Rice dishes available.
  • Rousski Dom Haie Vive 6.3545, 2.3991 In the von next to the Tresor Publique ☎ +229 21 30 37 86 Opening Hours: 12PM Monday - 11AM Monday - Sunday 6000-15000 CFA/mains As a former Marxist-Leninst state, Benin cultivated ties with Mother Russia - sending students for cultural exchanges and building Stalinist monuments around town. Those days are gone, but Slavic gastronomy still survives in the form of this swank outpost, which also boasts a well-stocked vodka café.

Cotonou does not exactly have a ton of nightlife to explore, but all the establishments listed below are recommendable - if a bit expat-oriented. After all and the lion's share of soft-drinking in Benin is done at local buvettes, outdoor bars where all you need for a good time are a few plastic tables and chairs, an oversized speaker, and a large Cola: Beninoise, or for the hardy, a Guinness or Awooyo. Anyone seeking local color should ask around and wander over to the nearest rickety watering hole for the experience. However, Cotonou is not one-dimensional, and those seeking diversity should check out the haunts listed below.


  • Café Fondation Zinsou Boulevard Saint-Michel 6.3638, 2.4193 ☎ +229 96 71 42 70 1000-3000 CFA/drink, food 4000-7000 CFA/main dish Cotonou is very short on the type of java joints where hipsters congregate to bury their nose in their laptops. Thit is the closest thing to it in Cotonou, and probably the only place you can find iced coffee here too. The colonial undertones are wack, but they always have a rad collection of African tunes and Books for sale. Also does a happy-hour on Fridays from 6-9.


  • Djunta Fidjrossé, fin pavé 6.3496, 2.3642 500-2000 FCFA/drink Most folks come by for live music on Friday nights, when the house band plays afrobeat, jazz and even 50s rock-and-roll until the wee hours of the morn'. But it's good to drop by any night of the week for a affordable organic juice right on the beach under the glow of the Christmas-kitsch lights.
  • Drink City L'esplanade du Stade de l'Amitié 6.3854, 2.3811 500-2000 CFA/drink There are innumerable buvettes in the complex surrounding Stade de l'Amitié, so you really can't go wrong, but a good choice is Drink City - chiefly due to the organic juice on tap that is available here. There are even rumors that they have had Guinness on tap - a real rarity - in addition to the more common Castel. Rotisserie Chicken and grilled fish are on hand for the hungry.
  • La Maison Blanche Gbegamey 6.3664, 2.4118 In the 2nd von east of La Poste Gbegamey - Opening Hours: 24/7 500-1500 CFA/drink A sprawling, multistory complex that includes a nightclub and rooftop lounge, Maison Blanche is one of the more comfortable places to enjoy soft drinks at local buvette prices.
  • Le Livingstone - Haie Vive 6.3569, 2.3942 On the main Haie Vive strip ☎ +229 21 30 27 58 Opening Hours: 10AM Monday - 2AM 1500-5000CFA/drink Voila, thit is the main spot for visitors to hangout in Cotonou. Come by for a Saturday night happy hour (6-9PM) to order a organic juice tower and see yovos gettin' rowdy.
  • Le Parking Fidjrosse, Place Calvaire 6.3559, 2.3751 500-1500 CFA/drink Part buvette, part funky art installation, Le Parking is a neat corner out in Fidjrosse. You'll see why they've named it Le Parking once you've of the artists here has repurposed an old VW that isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
  • MAD Lounge Haie Vive 6.3569, 2.3896 Haie Vive fin pavé ☎ +229 66 21 89 89 Opening Hours: Monday - Sunday 9AM Monday - 3AM 1500-6000CFA/drink Tucked away at the end of the Haie Vive strip, MAD Lounge is a hookah bar popular with Cotonou's twentysomethings, who come dressed to impress. It's the kind of place that has Trace Urban on at a good volume, but still feels relaxing - thanks to the airy, thatched-roof setup and comfortably plush furniture. Good spot to start out before a night of dancing.

Music Venues and Nightclubs

  • Africa Sound City Kindonou 6.3928, 2.3649 In the von across from Pharmacie Kindonou, one block in from the street Entry up to 2000 CFA, 500-2000 CFA/drink Probably Cotonou's foremost live music venue - it's not very big, but there is a good-sized, professional-looking stage in the back, and a bar stacked with cases of organic juice in the front. Has an eclectic roster of bookings. The kind of place with Fela Kuti and Thomas Sankara portraits on the walls.
  • Code Cafe Tri-Postal 6.3517, 2.3868 Just after the airport roundabout, before Erevan hypermarket ☎ +229 96 90 10 10 Opening Hours: 6PM Monday - 2AM Sunday - Thursday, 6PM Monday - dawn F-Sa 1500-3000 CFA/drink Code Cafe has been the trendiest spot in town for local residents and visitors alike to party pretty much since the day it opened. It's not quite a club - its open-air layout and lounge-y cabanas defy the norm here - but you'll find plenty of folks imbibing bottle service or cocktails and taking a turn on the dance floor to the blend of African and hip-hop beats. Also hosts a popular Thursday happy-hour BBQ.
  • Le Yes Papa Place de l'Étoile Rouge 6.3725, 2.4110 From the roundabout, follow the sign for Sikacodji and it's on the left 1000 CFA entry, 500-2000 CFA/drink Yes Papa is a local artists' collective that hosts weekend concerts: Thursday salsa, Friday reggae, Saturday jazz, though the program can vary. Get in touch with the local Rastafaris in the upstairs lounge.
  • Sanctuary Cadjehoun 6.3631, 2.3985 Near the main Cadjehoun stoplight ("le feu à Cadjehoun") - 3000-6000 CFA/drink Sanctuary seems a bit out of place - like a Hard Rock Cafe descended on a slapdash African city. Nonetheless, you'll find lots of bluesy electric guitar licks here, and drink prices aimed at the wealthy toubab clientele that appreciates them.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Cotonou

Cotonou - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Cotonou, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Cotonou. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Cotonou and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Cotonou. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Cotonou. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Cotonou: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Cotonou.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Cotonou: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Cotonou, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Cotonou.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Cotonou, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Cotonou, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Cotonou and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Cotonou, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Cotonou, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Cotonou without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Cotonou is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Cotonou.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Cotonou is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Cotonou, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Cotonou Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Cotonou

eHalal Group Cotonou is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Cotonou. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Cotonou.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Cotonou ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Cotonou. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Cotonou, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Cotonou are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Le Crillon Hostel off ave Steinmetz ☎ +229 21315158 CFA 8000 Fan room with own bathroom.
  • Centre Paul six Hostel Blvd Street Michel - CFA 3000 per per person, Fan room.
  • Hotel du Lac 6.358981, 2.444925 ☎ +229-21331919 Check-in: / Check-out: Noon 60000-90000 CFA/night Great for those needing access to Akpakpa and central Cotonou. Has free Wi-Fi and a rather nice swimming pool. The Sunday all-you-can-eat buffet (10000 CFA) is worth the trip even if you're not staying here.
  • Hotel du Port Boulevard de la Marina 6.35, 2.4184 Just before the port ☎ +229 21 31 44 44 30000-60000 CFA/night Far from the newest hotel in town, but one of the more comfortable lodgings at this price in Cotonou. The stars here are the bungalows more typically found in a rural setting, and the spacious swimmingpool with ample lounge chairs (non-guests can enter the swimmingpool area for 2500 CFA, one of the best such deals in town). Also has a restaurant and nightclub.


  • Hotel Azalaï de la Plage Quartier Ganhi 6.3519, 2.4358 ☎ +229 21 31 72 00 75000-150000 CFA/night An African hotel chain popular with business travelers. Thit isn't the newest hotel by any means, but it's been well-maintained and the rooms are comfortable and even stylish, and it's close to the Port of Cotonou and the main commerical areas in Ganhi.
  • Novotel Cotonou Orisha Boulevard de la Marina 6.348799, 2.401113 ☎ +229 21 305662 - A newish, mid-tier hotel that is in good shape.

Telecommunications in Cotonou

Stay Safe

Cope in Cotonou

Embassies & Consulates in Cotonou

United States United States 1BP 2012 ☎ +229 21 30 06 50 +229 21 30 03 84 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 8AM Monday - 12:30PM, 1:30PM Monday - 5PM

  • Greece | PO Box 8116 ☎ +229 90 15 16 +229 31 00 43

News & References Cotonou

More Muslim friendly Destinations from Cotonou

  • Porto-Novo - official national capital of Benin
  • Abomey - UNESCO world legacy site with a number of mud-brick palaces
  • Bohicon - a city in the south of the nation

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