
From Halal Explorer

[[file:Sacsayhuamán banner.jpg|1280px|unesco=yes|caption=Sacsayhuamán ruins}} Plaza de Armas - Cusco - Plaza de Armas

Cuzco or Cusco (Qosqo in Quechua, Cusco in Spanish), in the Southern Sierra (Peru) | Southern Sierras, is a fascinating city that was the former capital of the Inca Empire. Cuzco is a UNESCO and is one of Peru's most visited cities as it is the largest and most comfortable city from which tourists can begin visits to Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley of the Incas, and other Inca sites in the region.

Cuzco Halal Travel Guide

Cuzco is a beautiful city with impeccably maintained colonial architecture, evidence of a rich and complex history. The city is the center of indigenous Quechua culture in the Andes, and walking the streets you see the layers of history. Spanish colonial buildings erected directly atop Inca walls line the square, while the modern tourist nightlife flourishes in their midst. The city is surrounded by a number of ruins and the most impressive being Sacsayhuaman the site of the 1536 battle in which dozens of Pizarro's men charged uphill to battle the forces of the Inca.

Nowadays, Cuzco is known for its indigenous population—often seen on the streets in traditional clothing—and its substantial tourist-fueled night life.

At 3,400 m above sea level, altitude sickness (soroche) can be a problem. See the #Stay_healthy|Stay healthy section for advice. Altitude sickness tends to sneak up on you and although its symptoms may not be apparent at first, it has the potential to develop into something extremely dangerous.

Machu Picchu is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Latin America, so prices are rising every year.

In and around Cuzco, lots of places and monuments have multiple spellings: often a Spanish spelling and a Quechua spelling, and sometimes two or three of each! The name of the city, for instance, can be "Cuzco", "Cusco", or even "Qosqo", depending on where you look. Get used to confusion and extra searching when trying to find the name of a place, especially if looking online.

{{Climate| units Metric | janhigh =18.8 | febhigh =18.8 | marhigh =19.1 | aprhigh =19.7 | mayhigh =19.7 | junhigh =19.4 | julhigh =19.2 | aughigh =19.9 | sephigh =20.1 | octhigh =20.9 | novhigh =20.6 | dechigh =20.8 | janlow =6.6 | feblow =6.6 | marlow =6.3 | aprlow =5.1 | maylow =2.7 | junlow =0.5 | jullow =0.2 | auglow =1.7 | seplow =4.0 | octlow =5.5 | novlow =6.0 | declow =6.5 | janprecip =145.3 | febprecip =133.7 | marprecip =107.0 | aprprecip =43.2 | mayprecip =8.7 | junprecip =1.5 | julprecip =4.0 | augprecip =8.6 | sepprecip =21.8 | octprecip =39.4 | novprecip =71.9 | decprecip =122.7 | description Source:[[:w:Cusco#Climate

How is the Climate in Cuzco

Has two defined seasons. The dry season: from April to October, with abundant sunshine. The wet season lasts from November to March (in February the Inca Trail is closed).

Tourist office

More information on Cuzco is available from the official Tourist Office:

  • Directur Portal Blankets 117 near the Plaza de Armas ☎ +51 84 223701

How to travel to Cuzco

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Cuzco


  • Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport IATA Flight Code: CUZ -13.535556, -71.943611 The airport is at the edge of the city (taxi ride) - Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport - A431170 There are daily internal Flights to and from Lima, Arequipa and small jungle airstrips in the Amazon basin. LATAM has the most flights between Cuzco and Lima, followed by LC Perú and Avianca. It is best to book the earlier Flights to avoid weather delays and overbooking.

The closest major international airport is Lima. The cheapest one-way Flights to Lima cost around US$70. LC Perú generally has the cheapest flights. Frequently, bad weather conditions can cause Flights to be canceled, often up to two days on end. If you are flying straight into Cuzco, beware of altitude sickness for the first couple of days.

With only 5 gates and a few off the main terminal, this airport is fairly small but because it sees thousands of tourists a day, it has a lot of facilities. There are a few restaurants before and after security and some shops too. Massage facilities and communication services are also available. There are a few ATMs in the check-in area. If you have time, look across the parking lot for last-minutes shopping. Moderately slow and somewhat unreliable WiFi is available (US$5 for two hours as of December 2022).

The market rate for a taxi from the airport to the Plaza de Armas is around S/15 (Peru#Money|soles), not S/30 or more as the 'official' airport taxis may try to charge you. As a tourist, it's best to use the unofficial cabs outside and expect to pay around S/10-15 without much trouble. To find these taxis, exit the airport through the main gate and go to the street that is in front of the airport. Head right on the right-hand-side of the street for around 50 m until you hit the taxi stand.

The airport opens at 03:00 in the morning, so if you have to leave early in the morning, do not arrive before 03:00, if so, You will have to wait outside the airport (and it is pretty dark).

Travel on a Bus in Cuzco

The Terminal Terrestre GPS -13.534636,-71.965429 Terminal terrestre de Cusco - is about a 20-minutes walk from the centro down Avenida Sol. You can also take a taxi for a few soles. The toilet in the terminal is S/1 at the first level and free for the other one on the second level.

Buses are plentiful to and from other Peruvian and Bolivian cities like Lima (about 22 hr), Puno (6-8 hr), Arequipa (10 hr, S/25 (off season), S/40-S/120), Nasca (14-16 hr), Copacabana (9-12 hr, S/60) and La Paz (12-15 hr, S/90) but are quite long and slow, although the views can compensate. The primary streets are mostly quite good, but some can be bad, making trips take longer than expected.

Buses in Peru are not operated to first world standards, especially the cheaper ones. The drivers work long hours and poor maintenance is common. There are frequent accidents, often with fatalities. If you are of nervous disposition, stick with the more upmarket companies.

 Peru Hop offers high-end buses to Puno, La Oaz geared, Arequipa, Lima, and places in between. It geated towards tourists, with stops where you can choose to hop off for sightseeing along the way to Cuzco and back.

Also, make sure your bus has a bathroom or that it stops for bathroom breaks every couple of hours before you buy tickets. There are Puno-Cuzco buses that have/do neither, and that can mean a very long 6–8 hours.

  • Expreso Los Chankas, Pje Cáceres 150. One of the only companies to offer direct service from Ayacucho to Cuzco. S/55 for a 22-hr ride on a semi-cama bus. Buses at 06:30 and 21:00.

By rail

Cuzco is connected to Machu Picchu and Puno by rail. Rail service to Arequipa has been discontinued. Service is operated by PeruRail and Inca Rail.

How to get around in Cuzco

The center of Cuzco is small enough to walk around, although you will probably need to catch a bus or taxi to the bus station, Sacsayhuamán or airport. Beware about walking around at night alone and/or drunk, robberies have often been reported.

Taxis are very common in Cuzco. Officially they cost 2-4 soles depending on distance. Call Alo Cusco Taxis. Often many drivers are not local residents. Beware when using taxis at night; robberies have been reported in collusion with taxi cab drivers, at certain times radio taxis may be the safest option. The driver might also try to extort a hefty sum of money (S/15) for a short ride if you don't haggle before - which is likely if you're just arriving at night at the bus terminal and want to avoid the hordes of agents. Just pay S/5 and leave it at that.

Do not get in any taxis which already have a passenger. Do not get in a street taxi by night: order one by telephone.

If you are staying in Cuzco for a long time and the combis are a affordable and reliable form of transportation. These are the Volkswagen vans and small buses with names like Imperial, Batman, or Zorro. It costs about S/0.60 to ride them. If you are unsure if a combi will take you where you want to go, just ask. They will call out the stops as they go and if you want to get off, you just yell "Baja!", as in, "I want to get off!" They run until 22:00. But if you are a fan of lots of personal space, this may not be the best option for you, as they tend to be quite full. Carry your backpack in front of you.

For large groups, a tourist bus can be very convenient to get to places like Pisac and Ollantaytambo. Check with one of the many local travel agencies.

What to see in Cuzco

Boleto turistico|A boleto turistico is required for access to some of the sights in and around Cuzco. It can be purchased at the entrance to the sites that require it, or at the Oficina Ejecutiva del Comité (OFEC), Av Sol 103, ☎ +51 84 227 037.

There are three kinds of tickets:

  • A full ticket (valid for ten days and for all sites, single visit to each site, no multiple entry), S/130;
  • A student ticket (ISIC student card required as proof), S/70;
  • A partial ticket, (only valid for one day and a limited number of sites)

The full ticket gives access to the following 16 sites:

In Cuzco: Santa Cataline Monastery, Museo Municipal de Arte Contemporáneo, Museo Historico Regional, Museo del Sitio del Qoricancha, Museo de Arte Popular, Centro Qosqo de Arte Nativo Danzas Folklórico, and Monumento Pachacuteq.

Around Cuzco: Sacsayhuamán, Qénqo, Pukapukara, Tambomachay, Chinchero and the ruins of Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Tipón and Pikillacta.

Museums and galleries in Cuzco

  • Museo Municipal de Arte Contemporáneo | In the Municipal Palace at Plaza Regocijo, this museum has exhibitions of contemporary art. Admission with the boleto turistico
  • Museo Historico Regional | In the home of the Inca historian Garcilaso de la Vega, this museum has many paintings from the 17th and 18th century.
  • Machu Picchu Museum - Museo Machu Picchu, Casa Concha | 320 Santa Catalina Ancha - Opening from Monday to Saturday 9AM Monday - 5PM Foreigners S/20, international students and Peruvians with ID S/10, Peruvian students S/5 The largest collection of Machu Picchu artifacts in the world. These artifacts were collected by Yale University researcher Hiram Bingham beginning in 1912 and returned to Peru in 2011. The museum is housed in a late 18th century house.
  • Museo del Centro de Textiles Tradicionales de Cusco | Av Sol. No. 603 - A beautiful (and free) museum inside El Centro's textile store featuring a gallery containing displays of traditional Quechuan and Andean textiles. The museum explains the historical significance of textiles and the techniques by which they are made. A must-see, and visitors can buy the traditional textiles as they come in. A large majority of the money goes to the women who produce them, and the textiles are of much higher quality than the synthetic and machine-woven textiles found throughout the city.
  • Museo del Sitio del Qoricancha | Av Sol - With information about the different pre-Columbian cultures and fragments of ceramics and textiles of the Inca culture. A very small museum and the showcase room includes three mummies and skulls modified by the Incas with holes or sloped foreheads. Allow an hour to an hour and a half. English explanations are present but lacking.
  • Museo de Arte Popular | in the basement of the OFEC office - Displays a collection of popular art.
  • Galleries; the stunning scenery of the Cuzco area are often very well depicted by local artists. It is feasible to find affordable prints that are of surprisingly good quality if you're prepared to shop around.
  • Santa Catalina Convent | Also a collection of religious art. Admission with the boleto turistico.
  • Qoricancha - The Sunday Temple | -13.520111, -71.975722 4 blocks from Plaza de Armas on Av. El Sol - S/15 Coricancha - Cusco Coricancha Inti-Huasi main view - The central site of worship for the Incas. Like so many other testimonies of fantastic Inca architecture, it was severely devastated by the conquistadores and the Spanish conquerors, who built their Christian church, Santo Domingo, on top of the ruins. Yet most of the bottom part of the temple is fairly well preserved and makes the site worth several hours of your time. The site is one of the best in Cuzco, or Qosqo in the Quechua language, containing both Catholic and Inca legacy with stunning views of the surrounding area. Looking at the outside from Avenida del Sol, you get a perfect view of the church standing on the temple and you see the differences of the Inca and the Spanish way of building. Qoricancha also is the starting point of the yearly processions at Inti Raymi and the Sunday Festival, in the remembrance of the Inca tradition of celebrating the winter solstice. This procession then moves all the way up to Saxayhuamán. In order to understand, especially the remarkable remains in the Inca section, a guided tour is advisable.
  • ChocoMuseo | Calle Garcilaso 210 ☎ +51 84 24 47 65 Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00 Free A shop ("museum") explaining the history of cacao (free) and offering Chocolates workshops (not free) as well as cacao farm tours (not free). Different recipes from around the world are available all made with Chocolates from the factory inside the cacao and Chocolates museum. Great artisanal and organically sourced hot Chocolates.
  • Museo Inka Cuesta del Almirante 103 -13.515697, -71.978142 ☎ +51 84 237380

Monday to Friday 08:00–18:00, Saturday 09:00–16:00 S/10 Extensive museum of pre-Inca, Inca, and colonial artifacts. Labels in English and (Spanish), though the descriptions in English are sometimes pretty different from the ones in Spanish.


Palacio Inka del Kusikancha - Inca stonework in Cusco

  • The stone walls of the city are Inca, particularly near the Plaza de Armas. Unlike the colonial walls and they typically have stones with very straight lines and no mortar.
  • Piedra de los doce ángulos - Twelve-angle stone | Hatun Rumiyoc -13.515938, -71.976188 - Twelve angle stone - Cusco Piedra de los doce angulos - A6618903 A large stone in one wall has 12 sides and 12 angles. This one has become almost a symbol of Cusco and is a striking example of the precision of Inca architecture and stonework.
  • Monumento Pachacuteq 13.53167, 71.96833 - Down Av. Sol, is a statue of the Inca warrior King Pachacuteq. The statue is placed on a cylindrical base and the total monument is over 22 m high. The cylindrical base can be climbed, but views are disappointing because the monument is in a lower part of town. Admission with the boleto turistico.
  • Cusco Gothic Church - Gothic Church Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin | -13.5164, -71.9780 S/25 The biggest church in Cuzco, in front of Plaza de Armas. As a tourist the entrance is S/25. If you go in a "misa" (mass) between 06:30-09:00, it is free.
  • Palacio Inka del Kusikancha - Dirección Desconcentrada de Cultura de Cusco | Calle Maruri 324 -13.518711, -71.97582

Monday to Friday 07:15–13:00, 14:00–16:00 No admission fee, but the attendant who lets you in and shows you where to go expects a S/5 tip - Palacio Inka del Kusikancha . The ruins of an Inca palace and the home of 15th-century Inca emperor Pachakuti Inka Yupanki, which you can walk around in. The Inca and colonial stonework and architecture is interesting.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Cuzco

In Cuzco City

Walk around the Plaza de Armas; the square has churches, shops, restaurants backing on to it and is a great place to spend an afternoon. The historical center of Cuzco is beautiful, but you will have to deal with all the street vendors and hawkers of affordable paintings and other souvenirs. They are everywhere in and around the Plaza de Armas. They somewhat spoil the experience.

Get a private massage. You will invariably be propositioned by young ladies handing out flyers advertising massages, especially near the Plaza de Armas. These are legit, only cost S/15-20 for 1 hour, but are not done by trained masseuses. Still, for the price it can't be beat.

  • Plaza de San Francisco, | Which is a few blocks southwest of the center, and is a great place to visit one of Cuzco's many great coffee shops. Next to the Plaza is the main market, which is fairly traditional and is a worthwhile visit. The market has a mix of stalls selling food and other household items as well as clothing and souvenirs.
  • Play Sapo, a traditional bar game played in chicharias all over Peru. The game involves throwing small coins, called fichas, at a table with a bronze sapo (toad) attached. You get points for making it into holes on the table, and a ton of points for making it into the sapo's mouth. Best played while drinking chicha (corn Cola) at a local dive. Ask old men to show you the correct throwing form, as it's difficult to master.
  • Talk to local store owners, curators, waitresses and bartenders. They typically know a little English if your Spanish is not good, and are generally happy to share interesting information about the city not found in guidebooks. Thit is also a great way to find the best places to try cuy, alpaca, and chicha.
  • Once you are accustomed to the altitude, go for a jog! Thit is a very humbling experience, as the hills and thin air prove a challenge to even those in great shape. It's also a good way to explore. Head east or south of the plaza for the safest places. If you're a woman out exercising, you may get a few cat calls, as thit is common in much of Latin America.
  • Take a Salsa class, or three. Salseros Cusco is a fabulous little salsa school offering private and group classes at minimal price in two central locations. With enthusiastic teachers and a number of styles taught, thit is the perfect time to polish your moves and get ready to shine on the dance floor. Ask for Franshesco Efernetti if you want private classes.
  • Plan trekking or other excursions in the area. The wealth of agencies and tour companies make Cuzco a good place to gather information and compare prices.
  • Ladies in traditional clothing carrying baby alpacas will come up to you and ask if you want a photo. They will charge you S/5 for this. They might charge double if you take a picture with more than one lady. Beware, some of the supposed baby alpacas are actually baby goats or sheep.

Day trips from Cuzco

Most day trips from Cuzco follow the following format: between 07:00 and 09:00, you are picked up from your hotel or you meet with your group in a public plaza very near to Plaza de Armas, or at the front door of the agency with which you booked the tour, which is also very likely to be near Plaza de Armas. Then you drive for 1–2 hours to your destination. The day ends back where it started, at 15:00-16:00. In training this means that you can do only one day trip per day and that it will most likely occur during the beginning part of the day. An exception to thit is the day tour of Cuzco which starts later, around 13:00. For all these trips, ask in your hotel if you want them to call travel agencies.

Archaeological day trips

  • Day Trip City Tour or the Four Archaeological Ruins Tour bus around S/25 (Sacsayhuamán, Qenko, Pukapukara and Tambomachay) from 13:00 to 19:00. Alternatively, a local combi (bus) goes between the city and the four sites and costs S/1 to ride. Look for the bus that says "Huerto".
  • Sacsayhuamán -13.509054, -71.981273 - The closest and largest of these ruins is the amazing Sacsayhuamán (sometimes called Saqsaywaman and pronounced "Sock-say-wah-mun") and the ruins of an Inca fortress high above Cuzco. It is a steep climb from the Plaza de Armas up Plateros street which changes to Saphi. Look for the long staircase on the right, follow the paved curvy road up to the next cobblestone pedestrian path and follow this climb past the first closed control point to the second control. No need to take a cab if you can handle it. But, be careful, as robberies have been reported in mornings and evenings. There is a charge to explore the ruins at the second control or present your boleto turistico. Those on a budget can get a sense of the ruins without paying by walking up the hill and up to the entrance. You can then walk to the adjacent hill with the big Jesus on it and look down on the city. The sheer size of the stones that were moved and the importance of the battle there make it worth entrance fee. Even though only 20% of the fortress remains and the ruins are huge—budget at least two hours for adventuring them. They include a dark tunnel you can walk through and a sloped rock that kids love to use as a slide. Read up on the battle beforehand as the guides don't discuss it. Also, a view of the circular base of the former tower as shown in many of the photos is not feasible due to the protective ropes. Go earlier in the morning as later visits are disrupted a bit by whistles from guards telling unobservant tourists to get off the ruins. Or go even more early (before 07:00) and get in for free (2022).

Sacsahuaman wall3 - Amazing Inca walls at Sacsayhuamán

  • Qenko - Q'enqo | -13.508926, -71.970603 - The second site up the road from Sacsayhuamán. Take the combi shared buses up the hill for S/1 or take a walk of about 0.5–1 km up a gradual incline to visit the site. Its name means "Zig-Zag" in Quechua, and probably refers to the Zig-Zag channels carved into a rock. Explore the pass through cave and view the altar on which llamas were sacrificed. The large erect stone shown on the boleto turistico is a solar calendar. On each side of the stone is a square wall two stones high. Each stone is representative of a number of days and the total is the total days in the year. Opposite the stone are the familiar windows in which mummies and human remains were discovered. Adjacent to the site is the smaller archeological site Q'enqo Chico. Accessible with the boleto turistico.

Qenko - imported rock

  • Pukapukara - red fort | -13.483522, -71.962595 - Named after the red hue of the hillsides nearby. The third site along the route, even heartier walkers will find the walk a bit long and a bit steep despite the paved and well traveled road. However and the views along the walk are great and small mud brick bars are intermittent between the sites. Hire a taxi or take a combi shared bus up from Qenko for S/1 to save time and energy. A larger site than Q'enqo and the guides have more to say about this site. It was likely a checkpoint or military control. Offerings of coca leaves among other things were received here. Accessible with the boleto turistico.

Puca Pucara - Puka Pukara, ruin of fort overlooking road

  • Tambomachay -13.480912, -71.964604 - The most distant ruin on the route from Cuzco. It is a small site with an ornamental fountain whose source is unknown as reportedly archaeologists lack the tools necessary to determine the source without damaging the site. Likely it is an underground spring. In several Incan sites such as Ollentaytambo water sources were covered or underground to protect the water supply from poisoning. Accessible with the boleto turistico. Bathrooms are free with the boleto. Take a combi all the way back to Plaza de las Armas in Cuzco for 1 sole.

Tambo Machay - Tambo Machay

Guides and tours to all four sites in one day, If interested, pay/negotiate for a guide at the second control at Sacsayhuamán to tour you through all four sites. Ask the guard at the ticket control which guides have been through the government training. Expect between S/60-80 depending upon the season which is S/15-20 per site. Allow 4-5 hours for the trip when taking the combis (shared buses). Pack a Snacks although water is available along the way. Bathrooms (clean and well maintained) are only available at the final site Tambomachay. A boleto turisitico is recommended as control points exist at three of the four sites and are carefully monitored.
If you don't want to hire a guide and then you could take a taxi or combi to Tambomachay/Pukapukara and walk back down the hill to the remaining sites. Thit is much kinder on the legs! If you go to the first two sites in the morning and there is a backpacker's cafe about 250 m down the road on the right that does tasty and affordable sandwiches and very good fruit juice. The walk down to Q'enqo and Sacsayhuamán has nice views.
  • Day Trip Sacred Valley (Pisaq, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero) tour bus around S/35 from 08:00 to 19:00.
Ollantaytambo is the most impressive ruins (after Machu Picchu, of course), it's a must see. There is lots of tourist stuff to buy, you can bargain, but the prices won't go down much.
  • Day Trip Chinchero, Moray and the Salineras de Maras tour bus around S/35 (plus S/10 the entrance of Salinas) from 08:00 to 15:00.
Moray (Peru) | Moray was the agricultural laboratory of the Incas. Several concentric circles up to 150 m deep caused temperature changes of between 2-4°C. Seeds were developed here and spread throughout the empire. 67.5 km (42 mi) from Cuzco. Accessible with the boleto turistico. On the same trip you should visit the Salineras de Maras, terraced salt ponds and also Chinchero. The Chinchero market is on Sundays and finishes early in the afternoon. Take the Cuzco-Chinchero-Urubamba bus from Av. Grau 525. Get off at Chinchero first to catch the market then head on to Moray and the Salineras afterwards.
  • Day Trip Valle Sur (Tipon and Pikillacta) tour bus around S/35 (plus S/10 the entrance of Salinas) from 08:00 to 15:00.
It makes sense to see Pikillacta and Tipon on the same day as they're on the same bus route. Pikillacta is a little further from Cuzco than Tipon. Tipon has nice terraces, water channels and long staircases its believed to be a part of the Incan royal estate. Here sits the largest irrigation system built by the incas (much of it still functioning) as well as an Incan cemetery. 22.5 km (14 mi) from Cuzco. Both sites accessible with the boleto turistico. Bus Av. De La Cultura 1320, Cuzco to Urcos (Tipon-Pikillacta-Andahuaylilas).

Cuzco and its vicinity have many other smaller and less popular but still interesting Inca ruins, ranging from reasonably well-known ( Amaru Markawasi/Templo de la Luna GPS -13.505811,-71.964636 - Amaru Markawasi 2.jpg) to very obscure and difficult to find ( Chuspiyoq GPS -13.497977,-71.963203 - Chuspiyoq.jpg).

Non-archaeological day trips

  • Cochahuasi Animal Sanctuary - A must see, one-of-a-kind rehabilitation center started by a family of biologists, which provides shelter to animals injured or victimized by poaching. It's a happy place where animals get better and those able are re-released. In 2012 and there were three condors, llamas, alpacas, vicunas, macaws, pumas, an unusual furless Peruvian dog, local deer, all very friendly. Thit is the best place to see pumas, condors and vicunas up close. Thit is on the road from Cuzco to Pisaq. You can get there by motorcycle or there is person working for this refugee at corner of Plaza de Armas and Calle del Medio, which will organize transport for you in refugee's van for S/20 per person. Donations help with rehabilitation efforts. This place is ahead of its time, and very friendly and awesome.
  • Whitewater rafting, but not in the Sacred Valley of the Incas where the water is very polluted and the rapids are relatively tame. Instead head upstream to the Chuqicahuana or Cusipata sections of the Rio Urubamba/Vilcanota where the water is much cleaner and the rapids are excellent fun up to class 5 depending on what time of year you are traveling.
  • Inflatable canoeing. On the Piñi Pampa section of the Rio Urubamba you can paddle your own canoe, fun but not frantic class 1 and 2 rapids.
  • Rio Apurimac-rafting, If you have more time, try and raft the 3 or 4 day Rio Apurimac - the true source of the Amazon and one of the top ten rafting rivers in the world. Class 3 - 5 all in the most amazing 3,000-m deep canyon. Go with the experts as accidents have occurred and in Peru you pay for what you get, so saving on the costs may seriously reduce the quality and the safety of your trip.
  • Rent a motorcycle. There are several shops on Calle Plateros, just north of Plaza de Armas, that rent motorcycles for the day. You do not even need a motorcycle license, simply any kind of driving license from your home country. Prices are typically US$40/day which includes two helmets, gloves, and jacket. Sacred Valley Moto Tours, at Calle Plateros #399 (corner of Siete Cuartones), has new bikes in good condition. Where to go? A loop of the Sacred Valley, taking in the market at Pisac, lunch in Urubamba, and several Incan sites, can easily be done in one afternoon. The drive from Cuzco to Pisaq is a string of gorgeous switchbacks - and a great way to see the four Inca sites above Cuzco and the aminal sanctuary, and Pisaq on the same day on your own schedule. Or head south to some of the less-visited but just as pretty small towns and Inca ruins.
  • Downhill Mountain Bike Tours are available either across the Chincheros plains, past Inca ruins and down through the spectacular Maras Salineras or the 75 km downhill from Abra Malaga to Santa Maria and onto the totally awesome thermal spas (Muslim Friendly) of Santa Teresa (Peru) | Santa Teresa (and easy and affordable access to Machu Picchu from here too). Again go with the experts as there are a lot of affordable bikes out there totally not up to the job.
  • Go paragliding over the Sacred Valley. The scenery is gorgeous.
  • Rainbow Mountain - Vinicunca - A challenging early-morning, high-altitude hike to a beautiful multicolored mountain.

How to work legally in Cuzco

  • ProPeru, A great program for students and part of the NGO ProWorld Service Corps. They do sustainable community development work such as building kindergartens, irrigation systems, and fish farms in rural communities in the Sacred Valley. They offer semester programs, internship programs, and short-term group programs, all ranging from a few weeks to a few months. Programs include living with a host family, sightseeing, Spanish classes and other coursework.
  • Sacred Valley communities, For the adventurous, communities in the Sacred Valley often welcome volunteers to teach English or provide other skills to community members.
  • Bruce Peru. In the city and there are many opportunities to work with street children. The most notable is called Bruce Peru. There are also opportunities to volunteer at one of the cities' orphanages.
  • Peru's Challenge, Volunteering at this NGOhas provided communities surrounding Cuzco a better quality of life since 2003. More than 800 international volunteers of all ages and walks of life have taught English, sport, dance, art, health and hygiene classes while building schools and infrastructure. Volunteers play a huge part in increasing the wellbeing of rural communities through health and social work campaigns, creation of small businesses and sustainable development. The program includes lodging, Spanish classes, lots of tours such as a trek to world famous Machu Picchu, trips to the Sacred Valley, Lake Titicaca, Amazon Jungle and other Peruvian cultural experiences.


  • Mercado San Pedro - San Pedro Market | -13.520925, -71.982677 1 block west of Plaza San Francisco. It's on the block bounded between Calle Hospital & Calle Nueva and Tupac Amaru and Cascaparo just east of the train station for Machu Picchu - Mercado San Pedro, Cusco - The largest market close to the center. Though it's becoming more tourist-oriented it still has plenty of genuine local colour, a nice change from Plaza de Armas. If you're looking for a full blown market with a special isle for entrails, thit is the place to be. Colorful, vibrant, packed, San Pedro Market is not to be missed. You can find all manner of fruits, vegetables, cheeses, Chocolates, honey, meats, household items, clothing, gifts, fresh fruit juices, and even tailors to repair your clothes while you wait. This market is in a less (but still somewhat) tourist area. The market itself is somewhat poorly lit (shaded by an overhang). Watch your belongings.
  • Casa Ecologica | 393 Triunfo ☎ +51-84-25-5646 - Good for fair-trade textiles.
  • T'Ankar Gallery | 121 Calle Palacio ☎ +51-84-22-8936 - Good for well-made but pricey indigenous weavings and pottery.
  • Mercado de San Blas, a lovely place to enjoy a delicious breakfast before starting a journey.
  • Artisan Market - Mercado Artesanal | -13.524834, -71.972308 intersection of Avenida del Sol and Tullumayo - Artisan Market, Cusco - If you don't want to go so far away, but still want tourist stuff, go to the big red building near the fountain. Also try the main market by Plaza San Francisco. This market is almost exclusively tourist-oriented goods. There are a few restaurants inside as well.
  • Pisac, a town outside Cuzco, has a very big market. It is about 30 minutes from Cuzco by bus. The bus station is on Tullumayo street a couple blocks from Limacpampas. The fare is very cheap, and you can see the Incan ruins at Pisac.
  • Sacred Valley, (Valle Sagrado), includes the towns/ruins of Chinchero, Ollantaytambo and Pisac. There is lots of tourist stuff to buy, you can bargain, but the prices won´t go down much.
  • Centro Comercial El Molino, Urbanizacion Ttio | Another market, you have to take a taxi and it costs S/2 to get there. In this market you can buy pirated merchandise including DVDs and CDs. A good quality copy DVD is S/3.

The indigenous women at El Centro Bartolome de Las Casas have a store in which they sell homemade handicrafts and weavings. You can often watch them work, though they often don't speak (Spanish), and rarely speak a word of English. It's a few blocks from the plaza on Avenida Tullumayu.

The further away you get from the main square and the cheaper things become. In the San-Pedro market where a glass of combination juices starts at S/3, and they give you a couple of refills. Don't go too far from the main square at night though, it can be dangerous.

Alpaca sweaters are not like they used to be. The only good ones are in upmarket shops. The best places to buy the affordable (i.e. alpaca-synthetic blend) sweaters are Arequipa and Cuzco but if you know where to look, you can find them at a good price in Lima as well at certain markets. Make sure you come to Cuzco with room in your suitcase, you will need it.

In Aguas Calientes and Machu Picchu, prices can be double what they are in Cuzco.

Halal Restaurants

Lomo Saltado, Lima, Peru - Lomo Saltado, a popular dish

The Cuzco area has some extremely good international food with tasty options for all budgets. Excellent at the end of the Av. La Cultura. Be sure to try an alpaca steak (don't forget a llama/alpaca is normally kept and used for its wool - so only old animals will be slaughtered). You can get alpaca Pizzas as well.

The soups are amazing. Try sopa de zapallo, a type of pumpkin soup.

If you are looking for traditional Peruvian food try lomo saltado ( beef tips stir-fried with tomatoes, onions, and spices, over a bed of French fries and rice), aji de gallina (chicken in a very good yellow pepper Sauce with olives and hard-boiled eggs), or papa rellena (stuffed potato with beef, olives, hard-boiled egg, vegetables, and spices).

Cuy (guinea pig) is the absolute traditional holiday food of the region. You can buy a whole cooked cuy in many of the restaurants around Plaza de Armas. In 2018 cuy cost S/60-70 at all these places. There are also dedicated 'cuyerias' that serve much cheaper cuy.

Chifa is the Peruvian version of Chinese food. The neighborhood of Wanchaq has many Chifa restaurants.

As far as drinks, try Inca Kola, a bubble gum/tutti-frutti-flavored yellow soda. This drink outsells Coca-Cola in Peru (which is why it was bought out by Coca-Cola in 1999). Also, chicha morada is a Peruvian specialty. It's a spiced non-alcoholic drink made out of purple corn.

When leaving Cuzco and there is a place called Boing Appetit (in front of the airport, just if you want to have breakfast or a sandwiches before take the plane to Lima) its the only place that provides a free internet connection in front of the airport.

Cuy - "Cuy" and the regional specialty, roasted guinea pig

  • Los Angeles | close to Ukuku's and near the Plaza de ArmasIf - For late night food after clubbing, a very good fast food-type restaurant.
  • Ajjla Wasi | Sta Catalina Angosta just off the Plaza de Armas - Traditional 3-course meals with a glass of chicha for S/7 and a comfortable upstairs setting. It is frequented by a mix of local residents and tourists.
  • Chifa Status | Av. La Cultura close to El Mega supermarket - Good quality Chifa. Dishes for S/2-3.
  • El Balcon | Soup, main course, and desert (no drink) for S/10. If you're looking for good quality food for not a lot of money, thit is the place to go.
  • El Cholandes | Choquechaca 188b - Dutch-owned and -run restaurant, with typical Dutch food such as 'patatje oorlog' and 'bitterballen' (both for S/8 each, May 2012) and also other choices including local specialties.
  • El Encuentro - Reasonably priced Vegetarian restaurant with good portions. The S/10 dinner includes soup, main course & mate. Free salads with lunch. They also do soy Meat very well. There are two of these restaurants but the one in Calle Tigre near Plaza de Armas is S/8 for exactly the same menu.
  • El Fogon | Plateros 365Just off of Plaza de Armas, top floor ☎ +51 84 233596 - Nothing fancy but great good quality food: for S/10 you get a meal deal that includes a plate from the salad bar, a selection of soup, a selection of main dish, a dessert and a beverage. Or splurge with their more expensive menu offer for S/20. Very tasty Peruvian food. Friendly staff.
  • El Mercado | in front of the train station - A roofed market where they sell delicious local bread, herbs, juices, souvenirs, DVDs and other items. If you want something truly more local, very cheap, and are willing to take risks of not the best methods of cleaning dishes and then head over here. At the end of the market are the food stands, where they serve local food. For S/2 you can get soup, an entree, and juice. All the local residents know where the train station and El Mercado is. Thit is where many local workers go for their meals, not exactly a tourist place, but they are friendly towards tourists.
  • Kukuly | Huaynapata 318 - A cozy place with friendly prices also attracting local residents, run by a Swiss guy. Daily menu for S/6.
  • Mercado Municipal - From S/2 Fresh juices direct from the market. Fresh and great place to contact with local people.
  • Prasada Qanchipata 269 (sit-down restaurant; lunch & dinner) & Choquechaca 152 (alley-way; lunch) about half a block from Jack's Cafe, a bit hard to find in a small alley walkway, and is only marked by a small blackboard outside listing the daily specials US$3.50 Cute local Vegetarian friendly spot. The food is delicious. For S/5 you can get plates like "falafel tacos" and "Mexican veggi burger". Also and they have lassies (a yogurt drink from India), and tasty desserts for a few soles. At the sit-down restaurant they do a daily menu (drink, soup and plate) for S/8. Can't be beat!
  • Victor Victoria | Calle Tsesequocha just off Calle Tigre - Friendly service. Great salad bar buffet included in all main dishes. Gorgeous garlic trout with Rice or potatoes for S/10 (including the salad bar buffet and lovely fresh bread) but only for lunch. Great value breakfasts. Regular glasses of freshly squeezed juice for S/6. Also they have a proper espresso machine for good coffee in the morning.
  • Chia Vegan Kitchen Calle Tecsicocha 466 -13.51472, -71.98063 near the intersection with Calle Tigre ☎ +51 84 599055 Opening Hours: 10:00-22:00 Arguably the best vegan place in Cusco, and very good value for money. Looks good, smells good, tastes good, and the staff is super friendly. Lunchtime offer incl. drink and salad buffet for S/15. A la carte dishes more expensive, but worth it. If you're up for a hot drink and/or something sweet, try the enormous hot Chocolates for the (very enjoyable) sugar shock of the day.
  • Bagdad Cafe | left of the cathedral - This small restaurant seems to produce everything themselves. Local food is extremely good, in the evening small performance groups enter the restaurant and give excellent performances. The prices are mid-range, but it is sure worth it. The daily menu lunch special is more like a Snacks.
  • Jack's Cafe Choquechaca 188 on the junction and near the South American Explorers clubhouse ☎ +51 84 254606 - Thit is a great place to get a big breakfast complete with eggs, bacon, avocado, toast and fantastic thick shakes. Very popular with tourists. Try the homemade lemonades.
  • Right outside of Jack's is an empanada stand which has great rocoto salsa, a spicy salsa that goes well on the Cheese or meat-stuffed pastries.
  • Maikhani | Av Del Sol second floor in little mall before you get to Plaza de Armas - S/15 Great Indian food served as an all-you-can-eat buffet for S/15. You get mineral water, salad, chutneys and fruit included but it is extra for chapatis, soft drinks or similar.
  • Cicciolinia | Calle Triunfo 393 at the end of the alley by the 12-sided stone - Very tasty place to go for breakfast. There is an amazing bakers downstairs.
  • Emperador 172 Granada -13.518240, -71.981079 - They have a 13-page menu with all sorts of foods from around the world. Try the pisco sour tall.
  • Encantasq'a Choquechaca 131 -13.515563, -71.975938 - A nice place to have a break with coffee and a Snacks. Especially the Chocolates cupcakes are delicious and make up for half a lunch. They also have fresh cakes, quiches and juices.
  • Green Point 235 Calle Carmen Bajo -13.515882, -71.973846 ☎ +51 84 431146 S/35–50 Vegan restaurant popular with tourists, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Various international dishes, and some Peruvian food. Gluten-free and raw options. Menu in English and Spanish. Wifi available.
  • Inka Grill | On the Plaza de Armas - Well-known and frequented by tourists but not a trap. Excellent food. Good place to try cuy (guinea pig); some people have reported mud butt after eating it, it is tastily done and served without the head so eating doesn't remind you of your pet hamster. Try the appetizer tiradito de trucha. Alpaca also on the menu.
  • Restaurant Inkazuela Plazoleta Nazarenas North 167 8 m from Hotel Monasterio (2nd floor) ☎ +51 84 234924 Appetizers around S/15, mains around S/28 This place specializes in stews. Food is delicious and friendly waitresses will take good care of you. Well chosen music and a fireplace create a romantic atmosphere.
  • Tunupa 233 Portal Confituría ☎ +51-84-25-2936 Lunch entrées US$9–17 They offer some of the best guinea pig or alpaca dishes from the local Novo Andino cuisine as well as other local specialities.

How to find a Supermarket with Halal food in Cuzco

There are several supermarkets close to el centro:

  • Gato's Market | Plaza de Armas across from Norton Rat's Pub in Portal Belén 115 - Small and a bit pricey.
  • Mega, has several locations: the most central is on Matara, just north of Ayacucho. A larger one is at Plaza Tupac Amaru, on Matará 271 at Av Garcilaso. They have a home-furnishings store next door as well.
  • Maxi | Ave Grau just west of Matara


For larger supermarkets, take a combi or taxi a couple of kilometers south on Av. La Cultura.

  • D'Dinos Market | Av La Cultura 2003 - Open 24 hr, takes credit cards, offers delivery.
  • La Canasta | Av La Cultura 2000-block - Well-stocked.
  • Mega | a few blocks further past La Canasta, on the same side of Av. La Cultura - Thit is the largest supermarket in Cuzco.

There are many clubs and pubs in Cuzco, and there are always people handing out flyers around the Plaza de Armas. These include free drinks. The clubs are almost always busy, even during the week, do not have cover charges, and most are open until 03:00 at the earliest and 17:00 at the latest. The locations change nightly; ask around and you will quickly find the crowds of travellers.

  • Mama Africa | On 3 levels. Snacks, a cafe on the rooftop, restaurant with a good affordable menu, 2 discos and the latest movies on DVD. Some of the decorations and paintings are by the owner/artist. Lots of people, good music, good atmosphere and free salsa lessons. Salsa starts at about 21:00 and goes until about 23:00. If you really want to learn some moves, dance with Carlos, Miguel, or Checo, who work there. It also plays host to the legendary 'crew' lively lot of Lima ladies whose exploits with gringo males have reached mythical levels. On the junction of Plaza de Armas.
  • El Muki. Across the street from Mama America. A place with more local residents than the Plaza de Armas. It has a unique cave-like interior and is one of the city's oldest discos.
  • Caos | La Avenida de la Cultura next to the post office - If you want to get away from the tourist crowd for a while and dance the night away with the local residents, head to this very nice large club with a great mix of music and exotic drinks.
  • Cross Keys Pub | Looking onto the central square is a pub serving European food to tourists. Skip the fish and chips.
  • Paddy's Irish Pub | 124 Calle Triunfo on the eastern corner of Plaza de Armas - The night-brother of Jack's Cafe. Not exactly traditional Peruvian fare, but an excellent atmosphere among fellow travellers in a cozy upstairs pub setting. Purportedly the highest 'Irish-owned' pub in the world at 3,400 m, it offers a good selection of pub food (think cottage pie, casseroles, mash and gravy), local and international drinks (even had cider and Guinness), and a useful "No Gracias" T-shirt for sale.
  • Mythology | Disco that offers salsa. If you want to learn Rueda Cubana, thit is the place to go. Classes start around 21:00 and private lessons can be arranged with Cesar and the dance instructor. Mythology also offers a unique decor of gods and goddesses and has the cleanest restrooms of all of the late night restaurants, by far.
  • Garabato's | If you want to dance meringue and salsa all night, head here. Features a live salsa and meringue band most nights. Thit is where the salsa crowd goes after 22:00-23:00 when the other clubs stop playing salsa.
  • Ukuku's | Plateros 316 - Live music with local and traveling artists playing a variety of different music styles including salsa, meringue, criolla, and Afro-Peruvian. There are great decorative masks in the walls and a huge wooden woman statue with butterfly wings.
  • Blue Moon | Tullumayo Street - For drinks before you go out dancing. It's a small bar with a local crowd and local prices.
  • Los Perros | Tecsecocha 436, San Blas - Chill restaurant/lounge. Ethnic food and comfortable couches.
  • Blue Martini | If you want to hear a great percussion group. There is also a hookah lounge close by.
  • The Tea Room Avenida Santa Teresa 364, 2 - Nd floor. New to Cuzco is another chill place chock full of wall, furniture, and sculpture art, not to mention creative cocktails and funky chilled out music. Bring a group to chill and converse and enjoy their creative tea mixes and pastries. Free wifi. 12:00-00:00.
  • Norton Rats | Sort of a biker bar on the southeast side of the Plaza de Armas. They have swimmingpool and darts and a pretty cool atmosphere.
  • Paddy Flaherty's | Triunfo 124 next to the cathedral - Irish-themed pub, serves a very good burger. The bathroom is questionable.
  • Rosie O'Grady's | Santa Catalina Ancha 360 a block from the Plaza de Armas - Irish-themed pub. You can watch football (soccer) or baseball on the big screen, and the staff is very friendly.
  • The Muse Triunfo 338, 2nd Floor - Live performances, juggling, food.
  • Angelitos | San Blas - A good place for live music with a mix of local residents and gringos. Wednesdays and Saturdays are reggae nights.
  • Le Nomade | 2nd floor, cnr of Choquechaca and Cuesta San Blas 207. Bar/lounge with live music every night. Reggae, Latin, cubano, afro-Jazz, blues, bossa, funk, soul, rock and española. No cover. Friendly staff.
  • The Lost City Cafe | turn left out of gringo alley, basement bar on the left before Calle Tigre - Opening Hours: nights Small basement bar one block from the plaza de Armas. Very friendly place to watch American football or basketball and chat to the regulars and owners. Great Pizzas and paninis, affordable happy hour cocktails and soft-drinkss. A real bar for local residents, expats and Cusqueños.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Cuzco

Cuzco - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Cuzco, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Cuzco. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Cuzco and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Cuzco. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Cuzco. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Cuzco: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Cuzco.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Cuzco: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Cuzco, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Cuzco.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Cuzco, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Cuzco, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Cuzco and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Cuzco, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Cuzco, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Cuzco without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Cuzco is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Cuzco.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Cuzco is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Cuzco, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Cuzco Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Cuzco

eHalal Group Cuzco is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Cuzco. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Cuzco.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Cuzco ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Cuzco. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Cuzco, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Cuzco are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Loads and loads of options in Cuzco to suit all budgets. Most won't need to be booked beforehand. San Blas, many new hospedajes/hostales have opened in this area 4 blocks up the hill from the Plaza de Armas.

  • Hospedaje Amanecer 216 Choquechaca, San Blas District From the Plaza de Armas, head towards Plazoleta de las Nazarenas, walk down 7 Culebras, turn left and its on the right hand side, its white with a blue door - Twins S/40 A quiet place, private bathrooms, TV, wi-fi, hot shower.
  • Hostal El Arcano | Carmen Alto 288, San Blas District Go up Carmen Alto and it's almost all the way at the end (the road terminates at a T) ☎ +51 84 232703 ~S/30 A great little hostal overlooking the city with a variety of comfortable, affordable rooms.
  • Pisko and Soul | Carmen Alto, San Blas District Go up Carmen Alto and it's all the way at the end (the road terminates at a T)
~S/35 Really nice for a hostel. Very friendly staff. Hot water, continental breakfast, free wifi. It's a new establishment so some Books may not have it listed especially if the print is a few years old.
  • Hospedaje El Artesano de San Blas | Suytucato 790 straight up from the Plaza San Blas ☎ +51 84 263-968 S/20-40 Well-kept place with good-value rooms around a colonial courtyard, hot water, common kitchen, helpful staff, wifi.
  • Taita Home | Suytucato 759 straight up from the Plaza San Blas and there is no sign on the door - S/15 Dormitory beds in a freaky, chilled out and friendly atmosphere with a sunny garden, fireplace, outdoor kitchen and gas hot water.
  • Hostels Cusco Samanapata Siete Angelinos Las Blas from S/25 per person Hostel in San Blas area of Cuzco, about 3 blocks from Plaza de Armas. Free wifi, 2 free computers, free breakfast, all rooms have cable TV. Very friendly staff, rooms cleaned daily. Much cheaper than similar places.
  • La Casa de la Abuela | Urbanizacion Zaguan Del Cielo 0-17B (Lucrepata costado del Mercado San Blas) ☎ +51 84 301666, +51 84 733964 Checkout: 12:00 S/2 double, S/25 triple/room Cheap place to sleep with lean rooms, high speed internet/wifi, 10-min walk to Plaza de Armas. Bathrooms are not very clean-bring sandals. No access by taxi, foot access only. Some may find the beds a little hard.
  • La Casa de mi Abuelo | Nueva Alta 785 US$20 double, US$13 single, A new guesthouse near the Plaza de San Francisco run by a kind local lady that offers extremely clean and comfortable rooms, ensuite bathrooms, cable TV, and excellent breakfasts. 7-minutes walk to Plaza de Armas
  • Pirwa Hostel Colonial Cusco - Pirwa backpackers hostel | San Francisco #360 -13.5180522183775, -71.98204100131989 San Francisco square ☎ +51 84 244315 From US$7.50/person 24-hr hot showers, movies, in-house bar, swimmingpool (game) table, attentive staff, free breakfast, free internet, pick up service, and comfortable beds.
  • Pirwa Bed&Breakfast Posada del Corregidor Cusco Portal De Panes #151 -13.516305613097275, -71.97949290275574 Main square ☎ +51 84 244315 From US$10/person Movies, safe and relaxed environment, authentic meals, good view of the main plaza.
  • Yamanyá Backpackers San Andres 260 ☎ +51 84 224473 - In a beautiful and funkily decorated colonial home with two patios and a back garden (complete with giant heated jacuzzi for 20 people), good beds with feather duvets. Hot showers, free wifi and internet, cable TV, DVDs, big screen high-def LCD, free breakfast, big guest kitchen, bar with great activities and weekly pub crawl. Good staff and helpful tour agency. Two blocks from the Plaza de Armas.
  • Casa de la Gringa ☎ +51 842 41168 Each room has a different theme and features original international art. Comfortable and colorful. Free wifi, cable TV and DVDs, common rooms, a beautiful garden, and good staff.
  • Hogar Clinica San Juan de Dios Avenida Manzanares 264 Urbanizacion Manuel Prado ☎ +51 842 40135 - Private and double rooms and windows that look onto the mountain range. Good service and daily egg breakfast. Non-profit hostel supporting the children's hospital next door.
  • Pariwana Hostel - Meson de la Estrella 136 - Two blocks from the Plaza, hot showers, common areas are decorated with local designs, safe, clean.
  • Casa de la Gringa 2 Carmen Bajo 226 ☎ +51 842 54387 - Small friendly hostel is the little sister to Casa de la Gringa, and run by the same helpful owners. Long-term prices available. Can organize tours and special trips to the mountains. Rooms a bit small, wifi, no TVs. S/40 includes breakfast.
  • Flying Dog Hostel - Choquechaca 469 ☎ +51 842 53997 - Great hostel with a wide range of rooms. Free wifi (in lobby, not room), breakfast, lockers, and coffee and tea all day. Check out their bar, and ask them to arrange tours for you. Friendly staff.
  • Hospedaje Estrellita | Avenida Tullumayo 445 - Shared double rooms surround a large concrete courtyard. There is a kitchen with a sociable commonroom with cableTV. A night cost S/15 and includes a small breakfast. It's popular with gringos.
  • Loki Backpackers Hostel Cuesta Santa Ana #601, Centro Historico ☎ +51 842 43705 180 beds, noisy party hostel in a 450-year-old Peruvian national monument. Dorms from US$6, basic breakfast included. Wifi, tea and coffee are included. Hot water with pressure in generally shared showers. 13:00 checkout and small lockers in reception that have plug sockets in them.
  • The WalkOn Inn Calle Suecia 504 ☎ +51 842 35065 - Has very beautiful rooms with private or shared bathroom and two small dorms. The place has a nice patio with a fireplace, it's completely clean and there is another sitting room with TV and cable and a computer with free internet on which to burn your own CDs or DVDs. Free wifi, laundry service, breakfast available. 2 blocks from the main square, close to the centre of 'fiesta'. Pressurized hot water available around the clock.
  • Casa Arco Iris Calle Arco Iris 535, Barrio San Cristobal ☎ +51 842 47526 - In a centuries-old building, friendly owners. Opened in early 2006, calm and quiet. Rooms from US$4.
  • Rimacpampa Hostal Close to the plaza. Amazingly hot showers, with good water pressure. TV, food available.
  • Home Sweet Home-El Mirador Asociacion San marcos A-3, San Blas ☎ +51 842 231235 - Free internet and wifi throughout, hot showers, towels available, and warm bed available. Use of kitchen. Only 6 blocks from the main square.
  • Hostel Sweet Daybreak Calle Pasñapakana 133, Mirador de San Blas ☎ +51 842 225776 - Panoramic views, showers with hot gas-heated water 24 hr, cable TV, wifi, laundry, cafeteria, free tourist information, a lovely garden, dormitories, superior Muslim friendly rooms with or without bathroom. Comfortable and safe, a 2-minutes walk from the Plazoleta San Blas, 4 blocks from the Plaza de Armas (Main Plaza).
  • Hospedaje Corona Real | Ave Huascar 226 - Quiet and affordable option about 15-min walk from the downtown. Rooms are spacious and have private bathroom and local television and cost S/15 per person.
  • Hostal Familiar | Calle Saphi 661 3 blocks from Plaza de Armas - Singles US$8 with private bathroom and hot water.
  • San Blas Hospedaje - Nice interior sitting area, some rooms have views. Cable TV, wifi. Rooms basic but clean and nice. Family-run. Hot water 24 hr. S/60 includes breakfast.
  • Hostal Central | Choquechaca #298 - A simple but clean hotel in the heart of San Blas. Some rooms have views onto the street, others are to interior courtyard. No breakfast, no internet. S/30.
  • Qori Ñusta Inn Calle Chiwampata 515 on the edge of San Blas ☎ +51 842 228299 - Breakfast, cable TV, wifi, friendly staff. Large rooms some with desks and refrigerator. Posted prices are high, but they can be talked down to S/45 per day.
  • Mirador del Inka - Sanblas Backpacker Hostel | Tandapata 160, San Blas - Very big but nice place in a historic building with great view over the city. Free wifi, breakfast optional. They also run a tour agency and tend to be very pushy in trying to sell their tours (which are very pricey, so try to negotiate the price down!). Advertised price is US$30 for a nice double, but in the low season it was feasible to lower it to US$15 (May 2012). Rooms on the upper floors are much better than the lower floors!
  • The Grasshopper Hostel Calle interior 3, Hospital 842 ☎ +51 842 242125 Check-in: 13:00 / Check-out: 11:00 A relaxed backpacker hostel with dorms, superior Muslim friendly rooms and a super friendly staff.
  • VIP House Garden Hostel Calle Tambo de Montero 219 -13.515316, -71.983071 - One of the cheaper hostels in the city, but surprisingly nice. Wifi, free breakfast, affordable dinners available some days, bonfires in the evening, and a view of the city from the upstairs kitchen/dining room. (The affiliated VIP House Hostel is around the junction.)

  • Piccola Locanda Resbalosa 520 - Very quiet, beautiful rooms, clean and cozy, 2 block from plaza de Armas. The Locanda contributes to the financing of 3 projects dedicated to children and has an internet cafè and a travel agency. Quiet, rooms are nice sized and have private or shared bath facilities and TV. US$30–55/room depending on type of beds, occupancy and season.
  • Amaru Hostal I Cuesta San Blas 541 - Quiet and affordable option about 3 blocks from the Plaza de Armas. Rooms are nice sized and have private or shared bath facilities and TV. US$30–55/room depending on type of beds, occupancy and season.
  • Amaru Hostal II amaruhostal2@ Chihuampata 642 - Quiet and affordable option about 2-3 blocks from the Plaza de Armas. US$30–48/room depending on type of beds, occupancy and season.
  • Hotel El Balcon | 222 Tambo de Montero - Awesome interior design, delicious breakfast and moderate prices. From Plaza de Armas, follow Plateros a block and a half or so. The hotel is in a lane up the hill. About half a block up, look for the door on the right. The sign is above the door, so you may not see it unless you walk on the opposite side of the lane.
  • Hostal Frankenstein San Juan de Dios 260 2 blocks from main square - Clean, friendly and helpful (German) chef, a lazy iguana, creative interior, cosy atmosphere. Double costs around US$20 (the one on top is quiet and offer view to Ausangate mountain).
  • Hoteles Garcilaso - Calle Garcilaso 233-285 ☎ +51 842 233031 - There are two of them on the same block. Good location on the block between the Plaza San Francisco and the other small plaza that is one block from the Plaza de Armas. As in a lot of places and the inside rooms may be the way to go because they are quiet at night. Double US$75/night, however it is worth more like US$30–45/night.
  • Orquidea Real Calle Alabado 520 - The colonial building has original Inca walls and exposed wood beams, and the rustic lodgings are simply decorated in a cozy mountain lodge aesthetic. All rooms are oriented toward Cuzco below, offering panoramic views.
  • Madison Hostel Av Pardo 721 ☎ +51 842 25995 - Friendly, family-run hotel on a quiet, safe street four blocks from the Plaza. Rooms include cable TV, big buffet breakfast, Wi-Fi, and views. Children under 12 stay for free.
  • Ninos Hotel Calle Meloc 442 ☎ +51 84231424 - Hotel with charitable purposes: all procedures from room booking and in-house restaurant go towards running an association that gives support to local unprivileged children.
  • Gran Hostal Machu Picchu Calle Quera 282 ☎ +51 842 84 23 1111
  • Hostal Rumi Punku | Calle Choquechaca 339 - Rumi Punku means "stone door" in Quechua: the entrance to the hotel leads through an ancient stone door, obviously of Inca design. The doorway is all that has survived of an Inca palace. The door is considered a historic item by the city of Cuzco.
  • Casa San Blas Boutique Inn | Tucoyeros 566, San Blas - In the historic artisan's quarter 2½ blocks from the main square in a neighborhood of narrow, cobbled streets and whitewashed colonial-era houses. Friendly staff. US$110 a night for a single.
  • Koyllur Hostal - Calle Carment Bajo 186, San Blas - Richly decorated and a nice place to splash out for a few nights. Big buffet breakfasts. Ask for room at top floor in the front - has skylights, lots of room, nice furnishings. CablebTV, wifi. US$20 in off-season.
  • KM Apartments Calle Clorinda Matto - Magisterio 13.52607, 71.94762 Behind Scotiabank of Avenida de la Cultura ☎ +51 983515174 S/35 Affordable apartments, to 5 minutes from Plaza de Armas in Taxi.
  • La Posada del Viajero -13.51718, -71.97672 Santa Catalina Ancha 366 ☎ +51 84 26164 US$40 Double or twin room Free Wi-Fi, 2 blocks from Plaza de Armas, breakfast, hot water, kitchen.
  • Hotel Golden Inca Calle Retiro N° 435 13.51845, 71.96887 10 minutes walk from the main square ☎ +51 84 240331 Check-in: 11:15 / Check-out: 10:30 Very quiet, beautiful rooms, clean and cozy.
  • Tierra Viva Cusco Plaza
  • Tierra Viva Cusco Saphi | Saphi street - Many of the rooms on the second floor have high ceilings with white-painted wood beams visibly charming. The hotel is organized around two interior courtyards. Breakfast is included. The staff are attentive, speak great English, and can help you make reservations. The most interesting aspect of Tierra Viva Saphi is the location it is at the boundary between fancy Plaza de Armas and the poor hills around Cuzco it's charming, but also somewhat out of place. Room 212 is excellent. 2nd floor rooms are preferable. 24 hour desk so it's easy to check out for those early Inca Trail departures. Free coca tea in the lobby a great way to warm up at night.
  • Libertador Palacio del Inka 4 Bustos house - The hotel was part of the Koricancha temple and during colonial times it became property of the conqueror Francisco Pizarro.
  • Amerinka Boutique Hotel Modern hotel that combines warm room atmospheres with professional and experienced attention. Near Plaza de Armas.
  • The Garden House Hotel ☎ +51 842 271117 - Family-run hotel in a wonderful private garden. Modern decor, wifi.
  • Hotel Royal Inka I or II - in front of the Plaza Regocijo, about 150 m from la Plaza de Armas - Royal Inka I is a renovated house while Royal Inka II is more modern with a spa (jacuzzi and steam room). Breakfast available.
  • Hotel Monasterio Calle Palacios 136, Plazoleta Nazarenas -13.5154, -71.9768 ☎ +51 842 41777 - Belmond Hotel Monasterio - Belmond Hotel Monasterio, Cusco Housed in a former monastery, rooms are former monks' cells, but they are far from monastic. By far the most expensive place to stay in Cuzco. Avoid rooms 414-419, which are near a noisy generator.
  • Hotel Marqueses Calle Garcilaso 256 ☎ +51 842 264249 - The official hotel of SAS travel. Good staff and comfortable rooms. In the tourist neighborhood, 2 blocks from the Plaza des Armas.
  • Sol y Luna Lodge & Spa - ☎ +51-84-20-1620 doubles US$154, mains $16–22

Cope in Cuzco

What to wear

  • June–August. Cuzco can be very hot during the day and quite cold in the early morning and late at night. If you get cold easily, you might want to carry a hat, gloves, and several layers in your day pack to use at night, that you can peel off during the day for complete summer mode
  • Shoes. Cuzco is somewhat dusty and you will be very happy wearing a boot and sneaker mix such as Keens, rather than for example flip flops.

Stay Safe

Law enforcement related to drugs is very severe in Peru - that is, years in prison and no pleasure. Consider that many "long resident tourists" are part of the scene. It is already a felony that you "consider to maybe accept" an offer to buy.

Although Cuzco is, in general, relatively safe, as in any urban area, muggings and petty thefts do occur. Use common sense and you should be fine. Don't wander alone away from the Plaza de Armas late at night. Don't flaunt your valuables around. Be conscious of what is going on around you. As Peru's main tourist attraction, Cuzco is a popular for thieves and scammers. Pickpocketing (especially by children) is a major problem. New scams are being thought of all the time. For example, be wary if you are approached by people trying to sell you stuff in the streets and try to strike up a long conversation. It's feasible that they are distracting you while someone else is pickpocketing you. By night, it's not wise to venture away from the main well lit areas. The markets, bus station and other crowded areas are the epicentres for these activities. Often targets are distracted by some strange going on (e.g. fight or dispute) whilst another person performs the robbery. Only take taxis that are well marked, and if you are taking a taxi alone at night, write down the number and call a friend (or pretend to call a friend if you don't have a phone) saying, so the driver can hear, that you are coming home in taxi #...Also, try not to set yourself apart as a clueless tourist by wearing expensive or flashy clothing or revealing clothing in a particularly conservative region of Peru (the local residents do not wear shorts and tank-tops around).

Watch for the feral dogs that hit the streets at night, rummaging through trash. Peruvians love dogs, and most of the time the animals are friendly. Just use common sense and project confidence and you shouldn't be bothered. If you feel threatened let the dogs see you pick up a rock off the ground, or if there are no rocks simply act like you picked one up. The dogs seem to know what this means and they'll slowly back off.

There are a number of beggars in the streets of Cuzco, most of them children. They will tell you the money is for schooling. Giving to beggars is a moral decision each individual can make. If you don't want them to follow you around, a stern 'no' will suffice. Please see the article on begging.

Medical Issues in Cuzco

For most travellers, at 11,150 feet Cuzco is the highest point on their trip (or any trip for that matter) and altitude sickness is a big problem - you may become winded after even minor exertion (other symptoms include headache and nausea). If you've had trouble at high elevation in the past, arrive a day early to acclimate. Remember on the first day to take it slow and stay away from the bars the first night. Most hotels offer coca tea (coca leaves are the traditional native remedy for altitude sickness) and finding products made out of coca like coca Candies is easy to find in Cuzco, but their effect is doubtful. If you expect to get drug tested upon your return home, however, avoid all products with coca, drink plenty of water and look into Diamox Sequels in USA or Glaucozol in Peru (drug: acetazolamide) (available at a pharmacy) to help deal with the adjustment period. Acetazolamide is a diurectic (so, you will be peeing every 2 hours, quite annoying). Another option (probably the best) is the famous Sorojchi pills (drugs: Acetylsalicylic Acid, Salofeno and Cafeine).

To avoid upset stomach doctors recommend that you drink only bottled water and avoid uncooked vegetables and fruits that you haven't peeled, even in hotels.

At this elevation and not far from the Equator and there's a risk for serious Sunburn and sun protection|sunburns. According to a study Cuzco is the city with the highest average level of UV-radiation in the world. Protect your skin and eyes!

  • Clinica San Josè, Av. Los Incas 1408-B, ☎ +51 84 253295. Should you get sick thit is an excellent private clinic, also advised by local residents, providing general and specialist assistance with all the modern medical diagnostic apparels. Usually they provide a superior Muslim friendly room with two beds, one for the patient and one for an accompanying person but be sure to carry a travel insurance with you otherwise be prepared to pay a lot of money. They'll get in contact with your insurance company to arrange things in order to have the latter paying directly the clinic on your exit.
  • Hampi Land: A clinic on Choquechaka Street just a few blocks away from the Plaza de Armas, and about one block away from "Jack's Restaurant".
  • Hotel Doctor Internacional is a service that will dispatch a doctor to your hotel room within 10 to 15 minutes. For a very reasonable price the doctor will come equipped with medications and provide the traveler with the proper insurance forms for reimbursement. They are available 24 hours, 7 days a week at ☎ +51 17 085586 or by cell phone +51 9953-74658, US tollfree 1-800-869-4713. English and (German) spoken.

News & References Cuzco

More Muslim friendly Destinations from Cuzco

  • Ccaccaccollo, Traditional fabric making from Llama shearing to weaving in this township.

Ccaccaccollo Weavers - Ccaccaccollo weavers

  • Pisac, Colorful marketplace, climb up to the expansive ruins to the religious site and cemetery behind. 32 km (20 mi) from Cuzco. Accessible with the boleto turistico.
  • Ollantaytambo, Religious center that doubled as a fortress during the Spanish conquest . A great place to visit on the return from Machu Picchu or an alternative if you don't want to visit Machu Picchu. Great Muslim Friendly place to stay too. 77 km (48 mi) from Cuzco. Accessible with the boleto turistico.
  • Lake Titicaca, PeruRail connects Cuzco to Juliaca and Puno, and the journey is one of the most spectacular rail journeys in the world, passing through amazing scenery and the middle of small towns. The journey should take 10 hr, but there are often delays. The 'scenic stop' included at La Raya is a bit of a waste of time, though it's included anyway. Prices are high, and the affordable backpacker train no longer runs this route, having been sent to the Poroy (Cuzco) - Machu Picchu line. The trip from Cuzco to Puno runs about US$220 each way now.
  • There are several buses that travel to Lake Titicaca, which are much cheaper and take less time than the train, while passing much of the same scenery. The more expensive buses stop at 5 or 6 interesting spots along the trip, including the "Sistine Chapel of South America".

Peru Machu Picchu Sunrise - Machu Picchu

  • Machu Picchu: the atmospheric ruin perched below the Andes and above the jungle. For the best experience, walk there on the Inca Trail or one of the alternative trails, which is certainly worth the exercise! There are numerous tour companies which organise such trips, costing US$365–450 with all travel costs. There are lots of companies offering a 4-day "Jungle Trek" as an alternative to the Inca Trail, or 2-day, one-night trips for US$260-270 (Mar 2023) including hostel lodging. A one-way train trip (January - Apr, it's a bus to Ollantaytambo and train to Aguas Calientes) on Inca Rail or PeruRail starts at US$65 each way. Prices rise depending on time of day, demand and class of train. Both companies can sell you tickets to the Machu Picchu site (for a $5 extra charge), tickets for the bus from Aguas Calientes to the site ($24 round-trip). This trip takes just under 4 hours. The trains begin and end at Poroy - you must take a bus or taxi from Cuzco to Poroy. You can also get to Machu Picchu from Cuzco in a "cheap" way, first a shuttle van for round trip for S/95 (May 2023) to Hidroelectrica and then walking 3 hours to Aguas Calientes or just take train for US$28 (May 2023); for more details about this option, see Aguas Calientes.
  • Choquequirao: like Machu Picchu a big Inca ruin area at the edge of a mountain with great view. It offers much bigger area and terraces but less housing. Not as fabulous as Machu Picchu but definitely worth a visit. Only accessible by trekking (possibility to continue to Machu Picchu). Very few visitors are brave enough to make the trek. BTW, it's cheaper.
  • Puno: visiting Lake Titicaca is the perfect way to complete a journey to the Southern Andes. It is feasible to travel from Cuzco taking a direct 30-minutes flight, traveling by train or by road, which allows stopping at various interesting sites on the route such as Andahuaylillas, Piquillacta, Tipon, Huaro, Raqchi or Lampa as well as witnessing stunning landscapes.
  • La Paz (Bolivia): there are overnight buses direct from Cuzco to La Paz that pass through Desaguadero. The duration seems to be about 15-17 hours long. Or go from Cuzco to Copacabana, Bolivia, (about 10 hr) and from there onto La Paz (about 2 hr).
  • Machiguenga Center for Tropical Research: 100% indigenous owned rainforest lodge in the Amazon. Macaw clay licks. Immediately downstream from the Pongo de Mainique canyon on Rio Urubamba. It seems like you have to go through a tour operator packages include flights in and out.

There are several smaller bus terminals in Cuzco that travel to other destinations around the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

  • Av. Grau 525, Cuzco—Chinchero - Urubamba.
  • Calle Puputi 208, Cuzco—Pisac - Yucay - Urubamba.
  • Av. Tullumayo 207, Cuzco—Pisac - Calca.
  • Av. De La Cultura 1320, Cuzco—Urcos (Tipon - Piquillacta - Andahuaylilas).

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