
From Halal Explorer

Zhongshan Dalian Banner.jpg Zhongshan Plaza, Dalian - Zhongshan Plaza from above Zhongshan District (中山区; Zhōngshānqū), at the eastern edge of Dalian, encompasses the main business and commercial centre of Dalian and many of the most scenic parts of the southern coastline. As a result visitors to the city tend to spend most of their time here, a fact reflected in the wide range of hotels and restaurants found in the neighborhood. The downside of this popularity is that hotels, restaurants and retail outlets tend to be more expensive than in other parts of the city. That being said for those who can afford it, or take advantage of the few lower budget options available, Zhongshan District makes for an excellent base for adventuring Dalian. Zhongshan central map - Map of central Zhongshan District

How to travel to Dalian/Zhongshan

Central Zhongshan District is very well served when it comes to transportation connections, with both the central train station and passenger ferry terminal lying within its borders. For those arriving by plane and the airport express shuttle and public buses #701 and #702 all stop at the central train station. The main light-rail train station is located in the neighborhood, just north of the train station. Both trams #201 and #202 have several stops in the neighborhood. Zhongshan map - Map of Zhongshan District

Get Around

Most of the attractions in central Zhongshan District lie within comfortable walking distance of each other. Alternatively, tram 203 takes in much of the central area, and traveling past pretty parks and colonial houses in a 1930s tram vehicle is one of Dalian's more unique experiences. Further afield the Tiger Beach area can be visited via bus 2, departing next to Zhongshan Hotel in Qingniwaqiao, or bus 30, which departs from Zhongshan Plaza. To get to Donghai Beach take bus 59 from Sanba Plaza.

What to See

  • Zhongshan Plaza - 中山广场; Zhōngshān Guǎngchǎng | Zhongshan Plaza (Dalian) This square in the heart of the city's financial neighborhood is surrounded by some of the best examples of colonial-era architecture in Dalian. Though the square was laid out by the Russians, most of the buildings around the square were built between 1910 and 1920 by the (Japanese). The square serves as a social hub, with local residents gathering during the evening to play hacky-sack or watch football games on the big screen above the Dalian Hotel. The square is under major construction.
  • Labour Park - 劳动公园; Láodòng Gōngyuán | 38.911, 121.634 South of Qingniwa shopping area - Opening Hours: 06:30-18:30 ¥10-15 during holidays, free the rest of the time The largest park in Dalian containing a number of attractions, including a small aviary area, a few man made lakes and an amusement park (which, like the one in Xinghai Plaza, is overpriced and fairly uninteresting). Off season the park is free and can be a pleasant place to take a stroll, but it is probably not worth paying to get in during the holiday periods.
  • Tiger Beach Ocean Park - 老虎滩海洋公园; Lǎohǔtān Hǎiyáng Gōngyuán | 9 Binhai Middle Road (滨海中路9号) 38.8713791239, 121.6711273040 south of the downtown; take bus routes 2, 4, 47, 403 or 404 and get off at the Jiefang Road bus stop ☎ +86 411 82689356 Opening Hours: 08:00-17:00 April 10-Oct 31: ¥298, Nov 1-Apr 9: ¥280 (includes all major attractions but does not include transport within the park); tour boats are ¥200-120, express boats are ¥220 and the cable vehicle is ¥60 one-way or ¥80 two-ways, and the sightseeing vehicle is ¥25 This tourist area is somewhat misnamed, as there really is not a beach to speak of. There are a number of tourist attractions and the most prominent of which is the Polar Aquarium. Other attractions include the Sea Creature Aquarium and the Coral Aquarium and the Bird Forest and the Happy Theatre. Though popular with tourists and the area, though pretty, is unlikely to hold the attention of more jaded overseas tourists for long and is perhaps best seen as a starting point for journeys along Binhai Road.
  • Donghai Beach/Haizhiyun Park - 东海 Dōnghǎi, 海之韵公园 Hǎizhīyùn Gōngyuán | Binhai Road North (滨海北路) 38.8985388119, 121.6949157644 Take the Tourism Circle Bus (旅游环路) from Dalian Railway Station or take a metro train to Haizhiyun Station on Line 2 ☎ +86 411 82731586 Admission is free. The sightseeing vehicle costs ¥20 one-way or ¥70 return Like Tiger Beach, Donghai Beach is not as much a beach as it is a cluster of tourist sights. There is a stretch of what could be called a beach but it is shingle rather than sand. The sights here are somewhat more interesting than at Tiger Beach, with some nice modern art sculptures and mock fossils along Binhai Road a little way up from the beach. This stretch of road also includes a section of sloping road where cars appear to roll up the hill. Most taxi drivers will be happy to demonstrate the phenomenon to tourists, even if not asked. Again like Tiger Beach, Donghai Beach is a convenient place to start journeys along Binhai Road.
  • Voice of the Century World Music Culture Museum - 世纪留声世界音乐文化博物馆 | 75 Gangpu Road (港浦路75号) 38.9240601656, 121.6853635326 take bus no. 13 and get off at either Gangdong First Street (港东一街) or Gangdong Fifth Street (港东五街) ☎ +86 411 39972789, +86 411 39972788 Opening Hours: W-Su 09:00-22:00 Normally ¥200, but only ¥70-58 if booked online
  • Zhongshan Art Museum - 中山美术馆 | @.com 98 Yingbin Road (迎宾路98号) 38.9020099897, 121.6779378500 Bus routes 90, 404, 520, and 703. Bus 703 originates from outside the Youhao Plaza Station on Metro Line 2 and terminates just a few hundred metres from the museum ☎ +86 411 82492898, +86 411 82485222 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 09ː00-16ː30 Free - 大连中山美术馆.JPG

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Dalian/Zhongshan

  • Dalian Sightseeing Tower - 大连观光塔, formerly known as the Dalian Radio & Televsion Tower | @.com (99 Lüshan Lane (绿山巷99号) 38.9045731152, 121.6267956048 On top of a hill south of Labour Park. Bus route 27 ☎ +86 411 83638345 Opening Hours: October - Apr: daily 09ː00-18ː00, May-September: daily 09ː00-21ː00 Tower admission ¥70, cable vehicle and slide ¥70 each, ¥25 for children. Combo tickets available at the ticket booth in the park's amusement area (lower end of ropeway) - Dalian Sightseeing Tower - A tourist attraction in its own right, with a restaurant at the top and impressive views of Dalian. Better than the tower, however, is the walk up via a little known side path, which offers both peaceful greenery in the centre of the city and spectacular views. To get to the side road either walk down the east side of Labour Park or take bus 2 or 5 from Qingniwa and get off at the Traditional Chinese Medicine hospital stop (中医院; Zhōngyīyuàn) and walk back towards the park. The road up to the tower is actually a tiny side road underneath a flyover just south of an old red bricked school next to Labour Park. Though somewhat difficult to find and the road is relatively simple to follow. The only junction is about one third of the way up, next to an artificial lake and the Dalian Circus Academy (the lake makes for a nice place to take a break). Keep going straight ahead at the junction then simply follow the road to the peak. The walk should take between half an hour to an hour. Getting back down involves either walking back the same way or taking the cable vehicle or slide down to Labour Park.
  • Bangchui Island - 棒棰岛, Bàngchuídǎo | Yingbin Road (迎宾路) 38.8843387734, 121.7137350924 Take the Tourism Circle Bus (旅游环路) from Dalian Railway Station ☎ +86 411 8289 3888 (Bangchui Island Hotel) - Bangchuidao Island.JPG It's just off the coast from Bangchui Island Beach, and is a small, uninhabited islet. It's a nice place to spend a relaxing few hours exploring or nature watching. It has been reported that you cannot get on the island and that the small speed boats and large sightseeing boats will only take you about 2 kilometers away from the island. Others say you can get to the island by using the tourist ferries that leave from Tiger Beach and that a simple round trip costs about ¥75. Of course the island is also clearly visible from Bangchui Island Beach (which is on the coastal strip opposite the island, not on the island itself). The beach is owned by the Bangchui Island Hotel (棒棰岛宾馆), which charges non-guests a ¥20 access fee.
  • People's Cultural Club - 人民文化俱乐部 | No. 8 Zhongshan Plaza (中山广场8号) 38.9216491598, 121.6392833907 on the north side of Zhongshan Plaza and near Exit B1 of the Zhongshan Plaza metro station on Line 2 ☎ +86 411 82633797, +86 411 82532202 Ticket prices are ¥70-70, though tickets for performances by major touring companies can cost as much as ¥600 Dalian People's Culture Club - Dalian People's Culture Club - Built in 1951 and today serves as the main concert hall of the city. A wide variety of orchestral, operatic and ballet performances are held. They are performed by local and touring companies.

Traditional Chinese opera venues

For those interested in traditional musical performances, Dalian offers a couple of optionsː

  • Dalian Peking Opera House - 大连京剧院 | 59 Minsheng Street 民生街59号 38.9248721598, 121.6389573907 about 500 m north of Zhongshan Plaza Station on Metro Line 2 ☎ +86 411 82304155 Tickets are ¥70-80 Offers regular performances of Peking Opera.
  • Dalian Worker's Theatre - 大连工人剧场 | 41 Puzhao Street (普照街41号) 38.9205996733, 121.6316481973 just behind the Ramada Hotel. Take a metro train to Youhao Plaza Station on Metro Line 2 and exit the station via Exit C1 ☎ +86 411 82805526 Tickets are ¥70-80 A theatre which specializes in local opera forms. Great for those interested in seeing the kind of opera more associated with north-eastern China.


  • Friendship Centre - 友谊商店; Yǒuyì Shāngdiàn | 8 Renmin Lu Opening Hours: 09:30-21:00 Lots of imported goods. Some may can be found elsewhere for less, but if you are looking for really exclusive products, both imported and domestically produced, thit is the place to go. There is also a number of other high-end shops (Cartier, Gucci, Armani, etc.) and shopping areas east of here along Renmin Lu.
  • Qingniwaqiao Shopping Area - 青泥洼桥; Qīngní​wā​qiáo​ | between Victory Sq and Labour Pk on Youhao Jie - Host to a number of moderately expensive department stores, supermarkets and Shopping Centres. Designer clothing can be found in abundance here.
  • Tianjin Street - 天津街; Tiānjīn Jiē | from Victory Sq to near Zhongshan Sq - Pedestrian street with a number of department stores, supermarkets and Shopping Centres. It also offers a large number of stalls, selling goods ranging from underwear to swords, that operate along the length of the road.
  • Times Plaza - 时代广场; Shí​dài​ Guǎngchǎng | E of Furama Hotel along Renmin Lu - Dalian's most up-scale (international) stores are found here.
  • Victory Plaza Shopping Centre - 胜利广场; Shènglì Guǎngchǎng | Hidden underneath the Plaza, this huge mall contains a large food court, tearooms, a video arcade and a bowling alley in addition to a massive number of small stalls selling a wide variety of goods. This can be a good place to come to get nice bargains however, it is confusingly laid out and maps are nowhere to be seen while the few signs there are, are in Chinese. Allow plenty of time when visiting here as simply finding a way out can take far longer than expected.

Halal Restaurants

Food courts and sidewalk vendors offer the cheapest fare (and the resulting quality shows, often times re-using ingredients or using artificial ingredients). When walking around shopping malls, most of the food courts are underground levels. Foreign fast food chains can be found but the city lacks the variety found in larger cities. Over the bridge noodles (过桥米线; guòqiáo mǐxiàn) is a dish native to Yunnan province in where raw ingredients (typically a variety of meats, vegetables and quail eggs) are dropped along with Rice Noodles into a large bowl of boiling hot Chicken stock at the table. A thin layer of oil on the top of the soup allows the ingredients to cook inside the soup (the name derives from a legend that a scholar's wife found that any food she took to her husband on the other side of a large bridge went cold before she reached him, so she invented a way of keeping it hot). A dish from the southwest may seem a strange thing to seek out in the Northeast, but guòqiáo mǐxiàn are incredibly popular, with restaurants all over town serving it. Probably the best is located on a side road off the eastern edge of Labour Park, near the Peking Opera House (head east along the road parallel to and south of the street the opera house is on until you find a small restaurant with a couple of seats out the front with a board running along the wall which acts as the restaurant's loyalty scheme, 6th bowl is free). The combination of ingredients are listed on the wall. Busy from 1PM Monday - 2PM on weekdays during the school year. ¥6-10.

  • Century City Food Court | on Qingniwa Jie ¥7-15 Offers Chinese fare, some Japanese and some Korean. Mālàtàng (麻辣烫), a kind of soup served in a wide dish with various ingredients cooked inside the soup (the name literally means "hot, spicy and mouth numbing" but do not be put off by the name). Chili Sauce (served in a side bowl along with sesame sauce) available. As with most mālàtàng places, to order you simply select the ingredients you wish to have (the ingredients are placed on skewers in easy reach) and hand them over to be cooked.
  • Abashi Curries | Yan'an Lu South of Zhongshan Sq ¥70-80 Curries house with roasted Meat, nan, and other offerings.
  • Cafe Copenhagen | 125 Tianjin Street 1 block E of Holiday Inn Express ☎ +86 411 82693339 Starters and salads ¥70-60, mains ¥70-120, Pizzas serving 1-2 people ¥78-75, drinks ¥25-60 - Sa 20:00-22:00 live music The food, location and nice decor matched with a clean environment make this a popular place to grab a bite to eat or enjoy a drink, including a few types of organic juice on tap, made-to-order energy drinks, coffee creations and libations. With their excellent breads and breakfast foods served Danish style, it is perhaps the city's best place for a brunch without splurging at a 5-star hotel. The cafe has outdoor seating popular for street-level people-watching and inside the owners don't skimp on the air-conditioned air.
  • Dongdouting - 东都亭; Dōngdōutíng | 65 Jiefang Jie (and other) ¥60 Dalian's proximity to South Korea and significant Korean population means there is a large number of both northern and southern Korean restaurants. Meat, seafood, and vegetables for barbecuing (most wokely marinated in spices) can be cooked on the table or by staff.
  • Red Lotus Cantonese, Seafood and Dim Sum Restaurant - 日航飯店; Rìháng Fàndiàn | 123 Changjiang Lu near Zhongshan Sq on 3F Nikko Hotel ☎ +86 411 8252-9999 ¥7 for dim sum Authentic dim sum and the chef is excellent. Cantonese specialties and Dalianese seafood recipe also. 20 superior Muslim friendly rooms but better book in advance.
  • Qing Dynasty Dumplings - 大清花饺子; Dàqīnghuā Jiǎozi | 5 Wuwu Lu Between Harbour Sq and Sanba Sq ¥25-50 Dumplings are a common staple in North China, and this Shenyang-based chain does them better than most. Wide variety of dumplings but the menu lacks English (but not photos). Try the sample plate, offering four different foods from various parts of China.
  • Zhongshan Hotel Dim Sum, Indian and Russian Hot Pot Restaurants - 中山酒店; Zhōng​shān​ Jiǔ​diàn​ | Jiefang Lu next to Century City, 5F of hotel - Opening Hours: Daily 24 hours for dim sum only ¥6-20 The usual dim sum dishes are offered and in the same dining area as the Indian restaurant. The hotel also has a Russian hot pot and Vegetarian restaurant.

The most expensive restaurants in the city tend to offer seafood or Japanese cuisine. Meals vary in price, but expect to pay ¥200 or more for meals at the high quality establishments.

  • Ademain - 阿都曼日本现代创作料理; ādōumàn Rìběn Xiàndài Chuàngzuò Liàolǐ | 8 Wuwu Lu ¥60-150 Offers a wide range of dishes, one of the cheaper Japanese places.
  • Intermezzo Italian Restaurant | Inside Nikko Hotel - Lunch buffet ¥238, dinner ¥258 Authentic recipes. 5-star quality, good selection of affordable and grappa.
  • Tian Tian Fishing Port - 大连天天渔港; Tiāntiān Yúgǎng | 10 Renmin Lu, 41 Yan'an Lu ☎ +86 411 8280-1118 Opening Hours: 09:00-21:00 ¥200-500 +86 0411 8282-2278 National chain seafood restaurant with good reputation.


  • Alice Cafe | Wenlin Jie 2 min walk North of Minzhu Sq ¥20-50 Near-naked ladies dancing on poles and house band singing mainly pop tunes. One swimmingpool table, lots of TVs.
  • Blossom Jazz | Kunming Jie 1 block E of Labour Pk ¥75-60 Live jazz sets throughout the evening offered by the house band. All the organic juice is imported, nearly all from Germany.
  • Bobo's | Zhongshan Sq to Yan'an Lu and left on Huachang Jie ¥20-50 A small pub with 2 rooms. The first, which contains the bar, has TVs and a dart board. Continuing to the back is a basement-like room with booths. The pub serves a variety of soft-drinks, including Harbin organic juice starting at ¥20.
  • Dave's Cafe - 玛克威酒吧; Mǎkèwēi Jiǔba | 1 block North of Zhongshan Sq ☎ +86 411 8282-2345 ¥20 Still a popular bar (sort of the first popular Western-themed bars) but has something of a seedy air nowadays. Small dance floor with DJs playing electronica and hip-hop most nights. Cheap local soft drinks.
  • Jazz Cafe | On Sanba bar street ¥70 for a pint Features a live band (sometimes playing jazz, other times pop songs). There is a large central area spanned by balconies and decorated in fake greenery. (German) draught organic juice is most popular.
  • Jazz Club | Zhigong JieJust Southeast of Shangri-La Hotel ¥60 Trio provides tunes for patrons. A variety of soft-drinks.
  • The Lounge | Nikko Hotel ¥60; happy hour two-fers Classy hotel lounge with a very good resident jazz band who play during happy hour and after dinner hours. Champagne cocktails, draft organic juice and imported soft drinks by the glass. Afternoon high tea features the best of the classicals recipes and some yummy creations.
  • Paulaner Brauhaus - 凯宾斯基饭店; Kǎibīnsījī Fàndiàn | 92 Jiefang Lu Basement of Kempinksi Hotel ☎ +86 411 8259-8888 ¥70 organic juice One of the places to get a microbrew made on the spot. Live house band typically playing pop. Food available as well. Just outside the bar's entrance is a cigar hut.
  • Stroller's | 1 block Northwest of Nikko Hotel at Jiqing Jie and Changqing Jie ¥20-50 Diverse offerings of bottled soft drinks, with a few on tap. TVs, music, and food give it a restaurant feel but due to the large number of offerings, especially bottled it's a good spot to hunker down and have a few. Happy Hour specials. Has a non-smoking section although it is not a real big establishment. Have a tradition of asking each client, particularly non-Chinese and their first name and writing it in a pad, so don't feel awkward when they ask.

Coffee shops and teahouses

  • All's Well Coffee | Also sell cakes and has a buffet with Pizzas, soups, Chinese cuisine, fruit, dessert, and Tsingtao.
  • Amici - 欧米奇; Ōumǐ​qí | 1F New World Department Store Tianjin Jie, another at Renmin Lu and Yimin Jie ¥25 Menu has Pizzas, sandwiches and other food. Also serves fruit cocktailsic beverages and has free wi-fi for paying clients.
  • Cafe and Deli | Nikko Hotel - Branded Jerome Chocolates, pastries, Haagen Dasz ice cream parlor and on Friday evenings, and Pizzas parties. Bakery items half-price after 18:00. Kids corner for mommies club.
  • SPR Coffee | At least one in the neighborhood, including 211-1 Youhao Lu 2 blocks E of Kempinksi Hotel ☎ +86 411 8231-2317 ¥20 Make their coffee by the cup, also serve juice drinks and soft-drinks. Has food, but drinks are what is known. This location has 2 floors, has high ceilings and a piano.
  • Starbucks (Please do not support Starbucks as Starbucks supports Israel. Shun this coffee and go for alternative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned brand.) - 星巴克; Xīng​bā​kè​ | 2 locations in Zhongshan District, including New World Plaza on Tianjin Jie and Parkland Mall on Jiefeng Lu ☎ +86 411 8255-9607, +86 0411 8231-2658 ¥20 Free wi-fi for paying clients.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Dalian/Zhongshan

Dalian/Zhongshan - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Dalian/Zhongshan, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Dalian/Zhongshan. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Dalian/Zhongshan and its surrounding regions. With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Dalian/Zhongshan. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values. The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Dalian/Zhongshan. Key components include: Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Dalian/Zhongshan: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Dalian/Zhongshan. Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Dalian/Zhongshan: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Dalian/Zhongshan, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Dalian/Zhongshan. Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Dalian/Zhongshan, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations. Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Dalian/Zhongshan, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values. Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Dalian/Zhongshan and beyond. Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Dalian/Zhongshan, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Dalian/Zhongshan, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Dalian/Zhongshan without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients." The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Dalian/Zhongshan is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Dalian/Zhongshan. About eHalal Travel Group: eHalal Travel Group Dalian/Zhongshan is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values. For Halal business inquiries in Dalian/Zhongshan, please contact: eHalal Travel Group Dalian/Zhongshan Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Dalian/Zhongshan

eHalal Group Dalian/Zhongshan is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Dalian/Zhongshan. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Dalian/Zhongshan. At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Dalian/Zhongshan ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property. For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Dalian/Zhongshan. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living. If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Dalian/Zhongshan, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values. For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Dalian/Zhongshan are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Haiyun International Youth Hostel - 海韵国际青年旅舍; Hǎiyùn Guójì Qīngnián Lǚshě; commonly called Dalian Sea Rhyme Youth Hostel | 104 Warship 667 ¥20-100 This hostel boasts the fairly unique distinction of being housed inside an old Chinese warship moored at Tiger Beach. The whole hostel, from staff uniforms to rooms, is decked out in a nautical theme. Rooms vary from doubles to multi-person dorms. They claim to be part of Hostelling International, but they are not listed by them (perhaps because the hostel does not accept foreigners).
  • Hotel Ibis Dalian - 49A Wuwu Lu 1/2 block South of Sanba Plaza ☎ +86 411 3986-5555 +86 0411 3986-5558 From ¥268 | phoneextra=+86 411-39865556 reservations Completed in 2009, this hotel offers clean rooms and sits in the eastern side of the neighborhood. Free internet access in all rooms and 2 PCs for guest use in the lobby.
  • Bohai Pearl Hotel - 渤海明珠大酒店; Bóhǎi Míng​zhū Dà​jiǔ​diàn​​ ​ | Southeast of the train station - Closest hotel to the train station. Rooms are a bit outdated.
  • Dalian Hotel - 大连宾馆; Dàlián Bīnguǎn | @otel.com 4 Zhongshan Plaza 辽宁省大连市中山区中原街21号 ☎ +86 411 8263-3111 +86 0411 8263-4363 ¥600-640 The place to stay for anyone interested in exploring the history of Dalian. Built in 1914 by the Japanese, designed by a Frenchman and the hotel is pretty much the only place to stay in Dalian that is older than 15 years and frequently plays host to visiting dignitaries when they are not staying at Bangchuidao. Its age means its facilities (a small business center and gym) can not compete with its more modern rivals but its character is unmatched. The Japanese restaurant in the hotel is one of the best in the city.
  • Delight Hotel Dalian - 大连心悦大; 酒店Dà​lián Xīn​yuè Dà​jiǔ​diàn | 81 Renmin Lu Renmin Lu and Dandong Jie ☎ +86 411 8280-9000 +86 411-82809222
  • Grand Hotel - 博览大酒店; Bólǎn Dàjiǔdiàn | 1 Jiefang Jie ☎ +86 411 8280-6161 ¥700-645 Probably the pick of the mid-range hotels in the eastern half of the downtown, offers good sized rooms, nice facilities (sauna, gym, optional broadband internet access in rooms) and a nice variety of restaurants in a very central location just off Zhongshan Plaza. Has drawn praise for its attentive and friendly staff.
  • Ramada - 华美达饭店; Huáměidá Fàndiàn | 18 Victory Sq Southeast of the train station on Changjiang Lu ☎ +86 411 8280-8888 ¥600-680 Fantastic location for train travelers. Includes a gym, swimming pool, free internet access in rooms and English speaking staff. Lots of trinket shopping close.
  • Regent - 丽景大酒店; Líjǐng Dàjiǔdiàn | 12 Hutan Jie ☎ +86 411 8289-2811 ¥270-880 Next to Tiger Beach, offers great views and a convenient location for adventuring the southern seafront of Dalian. Amenities are nice (Chinese and Japanese restaurants, French café, gym, private secluded sauna) if nothing spectacular.
  • Somerset Harbour Court - 大连盛捷港湾服务公寓 | @scott.com 55 Renmin Road ☎ +86 411 3991-1888 +86 0411 3991-1999 From ¥780 Each serviced lodging unit offers broadband Internet access, a home entertainment system and a fully-equipped kitchen.
  • Super 8 Hotel | on Triumph Plaza, just north of the train station
  • Furama Hotel Dalian - 富丽华大酒店; Fùlíhuá Dàjiǔdiàn | 60 Renmin Lu ☎ +86 411 8263-0888 ¥2,125-2,500 A Japanese chain, considered to the city's finest hotel.
  • Harbour View Hotel - 海景酒店; Hǎijǐng Jiǔdiàn | 2 Gangwan Jie ☎ +86 411 8272-8888 ¥885-1,390 Best Western-run hotel is a little older than its competitors, as is evidenced by its blue-glassed 1980s chic tower, but it still offers the usual facilities and the most convenient location for those arriving or departing from the harbor or interested in exploring the Sanba bar area.
  • Hotel Nikko Dalian - 大连日航饭店, Dà​lián Rìháng Fàndiàn | 123 Changjiang Road, Zhongshan District (中山区长江路123号) 38.9258751598, 121.6374553907 ☎ +86 411 8252 9999 From ¥680 to ¥650 or more A hotel that has been through almost as many name changes as Dalian itself, now run by Japan Airlines it is an impressive building to look at with a good western restaurant. Easy to get to by Tram Line 201 and several bus lines. The service level is higher than most hotels, it's also quiet and convenient. On the higher floors of the hotel, clients can enjoy the city skyline as well as the seaview. But being 20 years old and the hotel may seem to be out-dated.
  • InterContinental Dalian - 大连中远海运洲际酒店, Dà​lián Zhōngyuǎn Hǎiyùn Zhōu​jì Jiǔ​diàn | 6 Friendship Plaza (Youhao Plaza), Zhongshan District (中山区友好广场6号) 38.9187131598, 121.6357763907 Southeast of the square +86 411 8236 6666¥700 to ¥2,100 A hotel operated by InterContinental. This one may be a good choice if you have a big budget. Close to bus stops and a metro station and the place is amazingly quiet. Services are good but the price is quite expensive. Features a restaurant on the top floor.
  • New World Dalian Hotel - 大連新世界酒店 | 41 Renmin Lu Renmin Lu and Mingze Jie ☎ +86 411 8807-8888 +86 800-3060-2008 +86 0411 8807-8899¥660
  • Shangri-La Hotel Dalian - 香格里拉大饭店; Xiānggélǐlā Dàfàndiàn | 66 Renmin Lu ☎ +86 411 8252-5000 ¥680-1,900 Part of the Hong-Kong based chain and the decor and facilities may not always be as up to date as its competitors, and the quality of service has received mixed reviews in the past. But, generally and the hotel offers everything you would expect from a 5-star hotel.
  • Swishotel - 瑞士酒店; Ruìshì Jiǔdiàn | 21 Wuhui Lu ¥880-1,355 This hotel is no longer affiliation with the Swiss-based Swissôtel as it once was. The English name and all signage was changed, but the name remains the same in Chinese Mandarin. Housed in a sleek, modern tower at the southern tip of the Qingniwa shopping area and offers splendid views over Labour Park. The food at various restaurants is not as reputable as it once was.

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