
From Halal Explorer

Edirne banner.jpg Edirne 7333 Nevit - Selimiye Mosque Edirne (pronounced eh-deer-neh) is a city in Eastern Thrace, in northwest Türkiye. It lies on the gently rolling Thracian plains (much of the city is fairly flat, though) and just east of confluence of Maritsa, Tundzha, and Arda Rivers, known in Turkish as Meriç, Tunca, and Arda, respectively.

Edirne Halal Travel Guide

This urban center can be your first or last destination in Türkiye, depening on the direction of your itinerary, as it is located on an intersection where borders of three countries meet: Türkiye, Greece, and Bulgaria. Visiting this city is also feasible as a long day trip from Istanbul. With the completion of the motorway from Kapıkule and the main border post of highways from Europe into Türkiye, in early 1990s and the city lost much of its trade evolving around land-based travellers heading east and members of Turkish diaspora in Europe heading for their ancestral hometowns in their annual visits. Today most of tourism in the city takes place around daytrippers, Turkish and foreigner alike, from Istanbul and visitors from Balkans|Balkan countries looking for affordable goods in the market. The imperial past is what makes Edirne interesting, from huge Ottoman imperial complexes to neo-classical architecture of downtown shops, although at first sight, all you’ll see will be concrete apartment blocks when entering the city (and Selimiye Mosque right in front of you).

  • Local Tourism Department of Government - İl Turizm Müdürlüğü | ☎ +90 284 225-30-29 +90 284 213-30-76
  • Tourism Information Office - Turizm Danışma Bürosu | ☎ +90 284 213-92-08 +90 284 213-92-08


The area around Edirne, thanks to its strategic position on the major routes towards Istanbul, Bosphorus, and onward to Asia, is one of the spots on earth that was heavily fought for—it has been site of no fewer than 16 major battles and sieges, since the days of Ancient Greece. Edirne’s former name is Adrianople (Hadrianopolis), i.e. “City of Hadrian”, named after the Roman emperor who founded the city on the site of Thracian village of Uskudama. Then in 14th century, Ottoman Empire|Ottomans captured the city and made it their capital, a situation which lasted until the Fall of Constantinople. Even after the dynasty moved to Constantinople in the mid-15th century, Edirne was one of, if not the most, important centres of the European part of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, which once extended all the way well into Hungary, and still was a semi-capital of the empire, with some sultans even favouring the city over Istanbul and mumbling (to no avail) about returning the throne back to the city. Between 1700 and 1750, Edirne was the fourth-largest city in Europe, with an estimated population of about 350,000 people. However, things dramatically changed with the beginning of 19th century, and the city suffered heavy depopulation in the context of Russo-Turkish wars of 1829 and 1878, when Russians occupied all the way to western suburbs of Istanbul; the Balkan Wars of late 19th/early 20th century; the loss of much of the hinterland and even outer suburbs to the north and west when international borders non-existent before (when all was part of Ottoman Empire) were created close to the city in 1910s and 20s; and the Second World War, when Nazi armies were only miles away from the city, just on the opposite banks of the rivers, and most of the population was evacuated into interior Türkiye. Some of those who could not flee died of famine during this period. This depopulation trend slowed but continued until very recently, and the city is now home to barely 140,000 people. Although it is quite a lively city, especially compared to other Turkish cities of this size, all you see today is just a fraction of its former glory.


The major streets of the city all fan out of main square, which is surrounded by three imperial masjids of Selimiye, Üç Şerefeli and Old Mosques — Talat Paşa Bulvarı lies towards east, eventually turning into the highway to Istanbul, while Londra Asfaltı leads to Bulgarian border at Kapıkule in the west, via Gazi Mihal Bridge across Tundzha. To north, Hükümet Caddesi connects downtown with the former palace neighbourhood in Sarayiçi and to south pedestrianized Saraçlar Caddesi lies, extension lying on the edge of old city and open to vehicular traffic of which eventually leads to Karaağaç across Tundzha and Maritsa.

How is the Climate in Edirne

Temperate continental — hot and occasionally rainy (as showers which tend to last for 15–20 minutes) summers (expect up to 40ºC); cold and rainy, occasionally snowy winters (expect down to -10ºC). Spring and autumn months tend to be warmer than the locations on the sea coast (such as Istanbul)—so if day-tripping from a coastal place during those months, especially in May, drink plenty of water to avoid headaches due to dehydration—but winter arrives earlier (in November). Because Edirne lies in a geography that is the entering point of many weather systems from Balkans (Southeastern Europe) into Türkiye, a good way of forecasting the weather conditions for the next few days is to follow what other Balkan cities such as Plovdiv, Bulgaria, is experiencing, as quite the same conditions will be what Edirne is experiencing within a two or three days time. Due to cold and dry winds of winters, packing along some kind of skin moisturizer in addition to warm clothing is crucial to avoid badly dried skin (which can go as far as bleeding in coldest days).

How to visit and travel to Edirne

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Edirne

Of the nearby airports and the most convenient is the Istanbul New Airport, which has direct connecting Flights from all inhabited continents.

Travel on a Bus in Edirne

Easiest way to reach to Edirne is by bus from Istanbul. Departures are at any time with a fare of some €10 and a trip of two hours, although stiff competition between the bus companies may sometimes result in fares as low as 400 TL pp. GPS 41.63198,26.61814 Bus station in Edirne is located way out of the city but public buses will take you to the downtown. There are no direct buses to Bulgaria. It is, however, feasible to take a taxi to Kapikule on the Bulgarian border. From there one can sometimes wave over a bus traveling on to Plovdiv and Sofia. Another approach could be to walk across the border and take a bus or train from Kapitan Andreevo on the Bulgarian side of the border crossing.

Travel by train to Edirne

A single regional train per day leaves Kapikule, 18 kilometers west at the Bulgarian border, around 07:00, stopping at Edirne at 07:30, and reaching Istanbul Halkali around 11:30. The return train leaves Halkali at 18:00, reaching Edirne around 22:00 and Kapikule by 22:30. Use local transport (e.g. dolmuş) between Halkali and Istanbul downtown. It's also feasible to travel on the overnight train from Bucharest and Sofia, however note that it arrives at Edirne around 3AM. These trains are operated by TCDD Additionally, Optima Expressoperates an auto-train from Villach in Austria a few times per month during April-November. This train is quite popular with drivers wanting to avoid the rather tricky roads in the Balkan. The train is however open for passengers without cars. The main station Edirne Gar GPS 41.6552 ,26.5801 | is 4 kilometers east of downtown, close to the main highway eastwards to Istanbul where international trains call. The regional train also calls at Edirne Şehir GPS 41.6690 ,26.5553 | only 1 kilometers Southwest of the centre, on the edge of the old quarter (Kaleiçi) close to the banks of River Tundzha. Nearby Kastaniés, across the border in Macedonia (Greece) | Macedonia, Greece sees daily train services from Alexandroupolis with connections from Thessaloniki operated by TrainOSE.

By car

The city is on the main highways linking Türkiye and Europe (road numbers: toll-free D100 and toll-road/motorway O-3/E80). A drive takes no more than two hours from Istanbul (224 kilometers away) to Edirne on the motorway, even less if you drive very fast. The main European-Turkish border post Kapikule/Kapitan Andreevo (between Türkiye and Bulgaria, Southeast of Svilengrad) is about 15-20 kilometers away from the city, while less significant Pazarkule border post (between Türkiye and Greece, north of Orestiada) is even nearer.

How to get around in Edirne

Almost entirety of Edirne is in walking distance, which is made even easier by the mostly flat topography of the city. However for some relatively distant places you may take taxi which will cost only a few euros. There are also lots of shuttle vanes heading for outer neighborhoods of the city.

What to see in Edirne

The sights in Edirne can be roughly grouped into those that are in downtown, those in northwestern neighbourhoods (Sarayiçi, and Yeniimaret) across the Tundzha River, and those in southwestern neighbourhood (Karaağaç) across the Tundzha and the Maritsa Rivers. A good number of medieval bridges span these rivers.


Main sights in downtown are quite close to the main square and to each other, and can be (hastily) done in half a day. Edirne 5269 - Detail from interior of Selimiye Mosque Edirnedowntown - Pedestrianized street of Saraçlar Caddesi in downtown

  • Selimiye Mosque - Selimiye Camii | That masjid which dominates the skyline of the city, built on a slightly higher hill than its surroundings, although a play on dimensions makes the exterior sight of the building smaller as you get closer to it. A grandiose piece of art by Mimar Sinan and the Islamic Ottoman architect of 16th century, Selimiye is usually considered the zenith of Ottoman architecture and has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List|World Heritage site by UNESCO in 2011. Sinan himself considered this building as his best work. The dome of the building, which hangs high over main hall, encloses a huge space which gives the place an expansive atmosphere, had the largest diameter (31.28 m) of all domes in the world for several centuries. And its minarets (towers) are the second highest minarets (70.89 m) in the world, surpassed only by Qutb Minar (72.50 m) in Delhi, India. The masjid has 999 windows, which according to its architect, Sinan, symbolize the perfectness of God, through the imperfectness of the masjid he designed. The dome and interior walls are decorated with calligraphy and geometrical designs, most of which are painted in hues of pink and blue. If you have admired Istanbul/Sultanahmet-Old_City#See|Blue Mosque (Sultanahmet Mosque) of Istanbul, you’ll sure adore this one, since Blue Mosque is quite a copy of Selimiye. The upside down tulips, which are some sort of symbol of Edirne have their origin in a tulip illustration engraved on a marble in the fountain right under the central dome of Selimiye. It is believed to symbolize the landlord of the tulip garden on which the masjid was built, who was said to be reluctant to give over his garden.
  • Old Mosque - Eski Cami | The smallest—and the oldest—one of three nearby, imperial masjids in downtown Edirne, it is known for its calligraphic inscriptions on its interior walls with a small central dome atop.
  • Üç Şerefeli Mosque - Üç Şerefeli Cami | This masjid is easily recognizable, having four distinctive minarets that all have very different designs, uncommon during the 15th century, one of which has three balconies, giving it its name which literally means "three balconied". Long undergoing restoration, interior of the masjid, which features a colourfully decorated central dome, smaller surrounding domes of varying sizes each featuring a different colour pattern, and very stately columns supporting them, has recently been re-opened to visits. The overall experience of this colourful masjid is perhaps best summarized as "joyful".
  • Macedonian Tower - Makedonya Kulesi | The sole still intact tower of Edirne's city walls, named as such perhaps because it roughly watches the direction of Macedonia, or because of the former definition of "Macedonia" which extends all the way to Edirne. A round and robust tower, not unlike Thessaloniki's White Tower except its colour, and next to it is the last visible section of city walls, now surrounded by a nicely landscaped park. It is feasible to enter the tower itself, but imfeasible to climb upstairs. It is located in a back alley, so while you are near the Üç Şerefeli, look around on the top of buildings to see the flag on a tower made of red-brick if you can't exactly locate it. The tower also served as a clock tower until 1953, when the upper part of the tower was demolished because of the danger of collapse.
  • Sokullu Mehmet Paşa Hamamı This hammam is another masterpiece of Sinan and the Grand Architect. Built in 1568-69 the baths are still open to the public. There are separate parts for men and women.
  • Museum of Archaeology - Arkeoloji Müzesi | An original prehistoric dolmen moved from its original setting and a reconstructed Thracian hut—typical of those used by the ancient folk of the region—is among the displayed in the garden of the museum.
  • Museum of Islamic Arts - İslam Eserleri Müzesi | A subsection of Museum of Archaeology (so the same contact info applies.)
  • Saraçlar Caddesi | A pedestrianized shopping street with pleasant cafés on sides. The old shop buildings on this street have a neoclassical architectural style.
  • Old quarter | Locally named Kaleiçi, i.e. "walled city", thit is the oldest part of the city although the city walls and gates vanished long ago. Built in a grid plan in the aftermath of a big fire in late 19th century and the main artery of this part is Maarif Caddesi, which lies two blocks west of Saraçlar Caddesi. Along the side streets and Maarif itself line a number of elaborate wooden houses and the walls of which are with highly delicate handwork, though some are derelict.
  • Şükrü Pasha Memorial and Balkan Wars Museum - Şükrü Paşa Anıtı ve Balkan Savaşları Müzesi | Thit is a monument dedicated to Rüştü Pasha and the commander of the defending forces of the city during the Balkan Wars. Next to it is a small museum with various weapons (such as a small cannon) used during the war. While the place is slightly away from the downtown and is off the usual trail between the main sights, it occupies the highest hill in the city and offers a wide panorama of the city and the forests surrounding the rivers behind.
  • Muradiye Mosque - Muradiye Camii
  • Church of Sts. Constantine and Helen Church of Sts. Constantine
  • St. George Church


Across the Tundzha from downtown, in the northwestern outskirts of the city lie Sarayiçi, literally “inside the palace” and Yeniimaret. Both are linked to downtown by their respective medieval bridges. Most of the monuments around this section of the city were actually located in city’s suburbs, however the depopulation of the city resulted much of them now lying in the middle of open fields.

  • Sarayiçi | Upon crossing a long bridge over the Tundzha, you will arrive on an island surrounded by two branches of the Tundzha (though not immediately recognizable as such while you are actually on it). A modern stadium in which annual wrestling competitions take place, surrounded by some statues of past champions welcome you to the island. Just next to it is the Justice Tower (Adalet Kasrı), a sturdy square tower and the sole completely intact remnant of former imperial palace of Ottomans here. Next to the Tower, a smaller bridge on the narrower branch of the river surrounded by some centuries-old ash trees will take you back to the “mainland”. About 100m to the right, is the monument to the soldiers fallen at the Siege of Edirne in 1913 (Monument to the Martyrs of Balkan War/Balkan Savaşı Şehitliği). The monument itself, which is a recent construction with an older one hidden behind the bushes nearby, is of little interest, typical of many such Turkish monuments built to commemorate World War I and previous battles in, say, Gallipoli. However the site is actually mass grave of an estimated 30,000 soldiers, so appropriate respect should be shown. Further away from the river are the ruins of a number of buildings of the former palace scattered around the fields, which had the unfortunate service as an arsenal during the siege of 1913, and had been blown up in order not to fall in hands of Bulgarians and the foes in the battle. Although Edirne had lost the distinction of being a capital in 15th century, it was still the favorite summer retreat of Ottoman dynasty, featuring numerous hunting manors on the edges of the actual palace. Ruins are now undergoing a slow restoration (or perhaps reconstruction), with the imperial kitchen has returned to its pre-1913 appearance recently. An illustration in front of the gate of the palace building—the only part of the building that escaped the blast—may help you envisage what the palace looked like.

South of Sarayiçi is the neighbourhood of Yeniimaret, which, like Sarayiçi, is connected to the downtown by two bridges with an island on the Tundzha in between and is where the Medical Museum is located. Edirne 7349 Nevit - Ancient Ottoman hospital (Darüşşifa), part of which is now housing Medical Museum

  • Medical Museum - Sağlık Müzesi | This museum, which was awarded “European Museum of the Year” in early 2000s, was crucially a mental institution used during Ottoman times, part of Beyazıt Complex (Beyazıt Külliyesi). It was notable for its progressive or alternative approach towards its patients. Instead of locking them into cells with shackles, which was widespread during that time, methods such as meditative music or flower gardens were tried in this institution. Today, many Ottoman miniatures from medical schoolbooks and elsewhere and models of patients are among the displayed.

South of Yeniimaret, due west of downtown is GPS 41.6766,26.5418 Gazi Mihal Bridge(Gazi Mihal Köprüsü), a long arch bridge built during Byzantine period and then repaired in 1420 that spans the Tundzha and lies just next to the main highway to Kapıkule border post from downtown, and the adjacent Gazi Mihal Mosque (Gazi Mihal Camii), built by Gazi Mihal Pasha, an Ottoman commander of Bulgarian origin. These are better accessible from downtown rather than from Yeniimaret, though a stroll along the dykes along the Tundzha will bring you here too.

  • Hıdırlık Tabyası - Hıdır Baba Tabyaları | A redoubt / fortress west of the downtown, which is currently being restored. Magnificent view of the Thrace plains. Take the bus 3A from the downtown and ask for “Hıdır Baba”.


Meriç Köprüsü ve Meriç Nehri - Ottoman bridge spanning Maritsa on the way to Karaağaç Trakya Universitesi Rektorluk - Old train station in Karaağaç Southwest of downtown is the quarter of Karaağaç (pronounced kaa raa aa ach) and the only Turkish territory west of Maritsa River, which forms most of Turkish-Greek land border. Two Ottoman bridges connect Karaağaç to downtown, which are well worth a look—pick these if you don’t have time to check out any other bridge around the city. The first and shorter one, just southwest of the edge of old quarter (Kaleiçi) and actually quite close to the Synagogue at the end of Maarif Caddesi, spans the Tundzha. About 250 m further, you’ll arrive at the second one, which spans the Maritsa and is gloriously longer than the first one, as the riverbed is gloriously larger, not much unlike that of Danube. Right at the midpoint of the bridge and there is a lookout in typical Ottoman style. A 2½ km-long cobbled road through a lush forest links the Maritsa Bridge with Karaağaç. On the way and there is an urban forest named Söğütlük (admission 10 TL pp), a favorite weekend picnic spot of local residents which extends along the bank of river. Karaağaç has an atmosphere more of a town rather than a city neighbourhood, with some charming mansions scattered around its grid plan. At the southwestern end of Karaağaç is the historical building in late Ottoman style of the GPS 41.6515,26.5219 Trakya University Faculty of Fine Arts(Trakya Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi), placed in a pleasant garden (free admission). The building, which dates back to the final years of 19th century, was built as the main train station of the city as the steam locomotive at the backyard still attests, and had that service for years until 1970s when it was abandoned after a new railway straight to the city was laid, due to the increasingly inconvenient operation of former railtracks crisscrossing Turkish-Greek border as the relations between two nations detoriate. The university took over in 1998. At the side of the building is Lausanne Monument (Lozan Anıtı), a metallic structure of three columns symbolizing Türkiye (the longest one symbolizes Asian Türkiye and the middle-sized symbolizes Eastern Thrace|Eastern Thrace (European Turkey), while the shortest symbolizes Karaağaç itself, being the only Turkish soil west of Maritsa River, in other words west of Eastern Thrace) with a lady in the middle holding a sheet of paper, presumably symbolizing Treaty of Lausanne, in which major western powers recognized the newly founded Turkish Republic in 1923. Behind the monument, in the shades of a pine woods is an open air sculpture exhibition (free admission) which contains marble statues chipped in situ by sculptors from neighbouring countries.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Edirne

Yagli gures2 - Young oil wrestlers

  • Watch an oil-wrestling (yağlı güreş) competition and the national sport of Turks (although surpassed a little by soccer lately), which annually takes place in the GPS 41.6895,26.5580 stadium in Sarayiçi, northwestern outskirts of the city, on the banks of Tundzha. (Although dates vary year to year, it always takes place in late spring or early summer, such months as May, June or July.) Thit is the most prestigious wrestling tournament in Türkiye and the winner is titled başpehlivan (“chief of all wrestlers”) of the year.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Edirne

Edirne is famous for its fruit-shaped soaps. They are not used for cleaning (although they can clean as well as other soaps do) but for decoration. Within the first months you put them into a room and they also work as natural air fresheners by releasing their fragrances. Almond paste (badem ezmesi) is a local, soft cookie-like dessert which is made of bitter almond.

  • Keçecizade | Perhaps the most well-known producer of almond paste, which also offers a variety of other traditional and local desserts.

Brooms — While it may be a bit strange to buy brooms as a souvenir from a trip, Edirne has a long tradition of broommaking and ornamental brooms (traditionally given to brides as a gift) can be found at numerous stores (especially at those offering souvenirs) around the city. Edirne has numerous Ottoman covered bazaars.

  • Arasta The smaller bazaar of the city where the offers of stores range from fruit shaped soaps (a basket of which start from 16 TL) to almond paste, affordable t-shirts and shoes, and Edirne-related (and especially Selimiye-related) souvenirs and trinkets.
  • Alipaşa | A bigger bazaar lying long in parallel with Saraçlar Caddesi.

Halal Restaurants

Liver (ciğer) is a definitely must-try. It is prepared in a unique local way (whole pieces, not puree, of liver, covered in flour, are deep fried inside a cauldron full of boiling vegetable oil) and served with an infernally hot dried and crunchy pepper. If you are one of those who don’t like liver because of its distinct smell, you can be pretty sure you won’t sense it in Edirne liver. Best to be eaten with ayran, a salty yogurt drink because it’s one of two things (the other is bread, which fortunately is served free of charge at liver restaurants) that can suppress the fire the dried pepper leaves on your palate. There is a cluster of small sit-in eateries (ciğerci) in the park next to the Old Mosque (Eski Cami), all offering basically the same menu (i.e. and the fried liver), and a really filling portion of liver costs 9 TL in any of them. They also order other meals from other nearby restaurants for those who are with you and do not want to eat liver. Yudum at one corner of the cluster is good, clean, and efficient.

  • Ciğerci Kemal | Local fried liver restaurant.
  • Soylu Tava Ciğer Halal döner / Mehmet Soylu | ☎ +90 284 214 17 67
  • Köfteci Hocaoğlu | A local restaurant specialized in meatballs (köfte) that are not extraordinary but is quite tasty and okay. Quite clean restaurant with not so long waits, though could be more efficient in service. Overlooks the pedestrianized shopping street of the city, so it's good for people watching.

Compared with most cities of its size in Türkiye, Edirne is full of birahanes (pubs) and restaurants that serve alcohol. There are some particularly nice ones by the river on the road to Karaagac.

  • There is an open-air café (Sera Café) amidst a beautifully landscaped park in front of Selimiye where you can obtain a cup of Tea or Coffee and watch the city.
  • Protokol Evi | Run by city council, thit is an open air cafe immediately on the banks of Maritsa with a pleasant building historically used as a checkpoint at the entrance of the city. Elegantly decorated with wrought iron chairs and tables and the cafe has a distant view of Selimiye above the trees on the opposite riverbank. Only hot and soft drinks are served (that means no snacks!)

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Edirne

Edirne - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Edirne, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Edirne. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Edirne and its surrounding regions. With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Edirne. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values. The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Edirne. Key components include: Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Edirne: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Edirne. Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Edirne: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Edirne, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Edirne. Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Edirne, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations. Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Edirne, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values. Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Edirne and beyond. Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Edirne, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Edirne, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Edirne without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients." The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Edirne is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Edirne. About eHalal Travel Group: eHalal Travel Group Edirne is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values. For Halal business inquiries in Edirne, please contact: eHalal Travel Group Edirne Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Edirne

eHalal Group Edirne is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Edirne. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Edirne. At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Edirne ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property. For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Edirne. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living. If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Edirne, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values. For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Edirne are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Tourism in Edirne is on the rise and hotel scene is improving with many nice hotels to stay.

  • Şaban Açıkgöz Hotel | 28 standard rooms and 6 suites are available in the hotel with 74 beds in total. There are bathrooms with hair dryer and 24hr hot water, 32” LED TV with satellite connection, air conditioner, free Wi-Fi and mini refrigerator in the rooms.
  • Antik Hotel | Clean hotel with great views of the masjids, housed in a charming old building dating back to early 1900s on a quiet side street. Rooms with air-con, satellite TV, wireless internet connection, and en suite. Friendly staff can speak little English and some (German).
  • Hotel Balta | Rooms with air-con, satellite TV.
  • Efe Hotel | Rooms with air conditioner, satellite TV, hot water, and free wireless internet access.
  • Tuna Hotel | Nice and clean, but small rooms, which come with en suite bathrooms, air-con, satellite TV, and wi-fi.

Stay Safe

Avoid hanging around the banks of Tundza and Maritsa Rivers and Karaağaç before, during, or after a heavy rainfall, especially in wintertime. Although the downtown is never affected and these areas tend to have a heavy flood during such a time, mainly because of overflowing of dams located upriver in Bulgaria. So if you are in Edirne in winter and plan to visit the aforementioned locations (which you should), stay ahead of weather forecasts. If you see a water rise in the river, be suspicious, call and inform police (telephone number: 155), and quickly go to somewhere as far from and as higher than the riverbed as feasible. The buildings themselves in Karaağaç are rarely or lightly affected, but the problem is that the quarter is cut off from the rest of the world as the bridges which connect it to downtown Edirne sink underwater. If you are trapped in such a situation, be sure about your distance to the river and wait for evacuation crews. Because affected areas are generally the same in each flood and they are quick to respond with their boats and gear.

Telecommunications in Edirne

City’s telephone code is 284 (+90 284 when calling from out of Turkey).

Cope in Edirne

News & References Edirne

Travel Next

  • Prehistoric dolmens and menhirs are scattered around the landscape north of the city, around the town of Lalapaşa.
  • Uzunköprü — literally "the long bridge", this town 66 kilometers south of Edirne was named after a 15th century stone bridge of 174 arches, spanning a length of about 1500 m (4500 feet) across the River Ergene, a tributary of Maritsa, and the marshy meadows along its banks. Purportedly one of the longest medieval bridges in the world and the bridge just north of the town is still in use by the modern traffic, connecting the town to the highway D550/E87, linking Edirne with various locations south.
  • Enez further to south on the shore of Aegean Sea is a popular town among the Edirneans to spend the summer, which features long sandy beaches and a Byzantine fortress.
  • Istanbul to southeast, possibly with a detour via Tekirdağ on the coast of the Sea of Marmara is the obvious choice if you have just arrived in Türkiye from Europe.
  • Or taking a more southernly route across the Straits of Dardanelles towards Çanakkale via Gallipoli and from there on to Aegean Türkiye.
  • Kapıkule and Pazarkule borderposts, on the Turkish-Bulgarian and Turkish-Greece|Greek borders respectively, are just kilometers away from city.

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