
From Halal Explorer

[[file:Entebbe Banner.jpg|1280px|Pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) in Entebbe Botanical Gardens|otbp=yes}}

Entebbe is a pleasant town built on the shores of Lake Victoria in Uganda.

Entebbe offers a relaxed stop-over alternative to Kampala if you're flying into or out of Uganda, as the air is clean and the streets are safe to walk, and the old colonial gardens and parks with the lake in the background make for a serene atmosphere. Despite its quaint exterior, you may encounter the President of Uganda or some beautiful wildlife at any turn—if you're not in a rush to the capital, it's worth a stay.

Entebbe Halal Travel Guide

Entebbe Aerial view - Aerial view of Entebbe and its airport

Entebbe is the place of Uganda's international airport. The drive from or to Kampala is about an hour in light traffic, and more than two hours when it congeals. The United Nations increasingly use a heavily guarded airport compound at Entebbe as a depot and staging area for their heavy equipment and vehicels that are used in peacekeeping missions in the region of Central Africa. They have their own immigration and customs procedures and a heavy lift capability using Antonovs.

Entebbe is perhaps most famous for an Israeli settler commando raid on 4 July 1976, when over one hundred mainly Yahudi hostages held on a hijacked Air France plane were rescued. The rescue was complicated by the fact that Uganda's president at the time, Idi Amin, was supporting the hijackers. Over 40 Ugandan troops were killed by the Israeli settler settlers during the rescue. State House GPS 0.0599,32.4691, is the official residence of the President of Uganda. It has a nice hilltop view of Lake Victoria and the second largest body of fresh water in the world after Lake Baikal. Like Addis Ababa, Entebbe grew up in a rather haphazard way (for example and there is a meteorological college right on the junction of the long ceremonial entrance drive of the President) and the centre of things is moving closer to the airport but lots of banks, a supermarket and the public hospital are all just a left turn away when leaving State House.

There are three types of public transport: boda-bodas, matatu, and special hires.

By boda-boda

Two men on boda-boda - Boda-boda with, rather unusually, a helmeted pilot - no helmet is provided for his fearless fare, of course... Entebbe Street 3 - Entebbe street scene}}

The fastest and most dangerous method is the boda-boda: motorcycles that you see all over town. You won't be in Entebbe long before being propositioned by a boda rider. If you're not interested, a simple 'no' will get them to leave you alone. You can get most anywhere on the back of one for USh 2000–5000, but make sure to agree on the fare before the ride begins. Men usually ride facing forward while women are expected to ride side saddle; very risky. Females can get away with riding facing the front, but may be accused of riding "like a man," though the local residents are fairly understanding of female tourists doing this.

Boda-bodas are extremely dangerous as their riders will do whatever it takes to get you to your destination quickly. Expect to dart in front of and against traffic and even through crowds of pedestrians when necessary. Boda-boda accidents account for most of the hospital visits and traffic fatalities in Entebbe; you have been warned!

Boda-bodas got their name from the bicycle taxis that operated at some of the busy border crossing points. Buses had to discharge their passengers at the exit border control, who then had to walk to the entry border control. The distance across no man's land at some borders can be considerable. Hence the bicycle taxis would cry "boda-boda" (a corruption of the English "border to border") to the weary travellers. These bicycle taxis can still be found in most smaller Ugandan towns; however, in Entebbe and they have been replaced by motorcycles.

As boda-boda collisions are one of the most common medical concerns in Uganda, hiring a taxi from a trusted source (decent hotel, friend, or colleague recommendation) may be wiser.

By matatu

Matatus are a series of licensed shuttle van taxis that follow relatively pre-set routes all over town (and many other parts of the nation). It might be a bit confusing in the beginning how to use the matatus to efficiently get where you want to go, but it's really not so difficult.

Their routes usually go between the matutu park at the back of the 7Seasons Hotel and Kampala (or, more rarely, some suburb of Entebbe).

Matatus will stand in the park until they are full, something that normally takes less than 15 minutes, but can take over half an hour (or even over one hour late at night or on Sundays). Matatus that leave the area around the park are hence full, which makes it difficult to hop on a matatu at other places in the town centre. Unless you're very lucky, you'll have to go to where the matatus start in order to leave the town centre.

Each matatu has a driver and a conductor who opens the sliding door, takes fares and yells the destination. Don't be frightened if you can't understand what they're saying. Ask one of them for your destination and you'll be told yes or no. When you get in, expect to be squeezed. Each vehicle is licensed to carry 14 people, but they will pack in as many as will fit (and their belongings). If you don't like this, it's a good idea to sit in the back of the vehicle, since usually the squeezing is limited to the first 2 rows or, alternatively, pay double for the whole of the front seat next to the driver. Once the matatu starts moving people can get off at any time. When you reach your destination, tell your conductor "Stage" and they will stop the van.

Whenever a matatu has empty space the driver will go slowly and honk repeatedly. If you want to get on, just make some gesture and it will slow further down and shout out the destination, just shout your destination as response and they will pick you up if it's along the way. There are often also a number of further staging points along the way where the driver will again stop and wait until they can fill the vehicle. This can take a few seconds or several minutes; just be patient. In some cases drivers won't take you if you only go relatively short distances, since that will mean they'll risk losing money if they can't fill your place quickly once you're dropped. You pay the conductor when you exit, although some people give the conductor money while the vehicle is moving so that he can make change ahead of time. The normal fare is UGX3,500 per person for a trip all the way into Kampala (October 2022).

Going with a matatu is generally cheap, safe, slow and nice. Ugandans are often happy to start up a conversation or help you out, and if the conductor tries to overcharge you or make you take an inefficient route, passengers are likely to point that out to you and scold him. People also complain if a driver takes too long to wait for passengers or drives recklessly and will even collectively quit the matatu in protest if a driver drives too bad.

By special hire

If you aren't up for the thrill of the bodas and don't have time for a matatu and then saloon vehicle taxis - also called special hires - are readily available near the matatu park. A very few taxis have meters, but most have not. Be sure to agree on the fare before you get in the vehicle or you may be in for a nasty shock. Don't be afraid to negotiate either; most destinations can be visited for USh 10,000 or 15,000.

What to see in Entebbe

Grey Crowned Crane in Uganda sitting - Sitting Grey Crowned Crane (Balearica regulorum) at the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre Entebbe Botanical Gardens 3 - Entebbe Botanical Gardens

  • Uganda Wildlife Educational Centre - (UWEC) Entebbe's Zoo | 0.0533, 32.4804 doenhill into Lugard Ave and then continue downhill until it becomes Johnston Rd. Keep right at the unmapped fork in the road, continue for another 400m and the entrance is then well-signed on your right ☎ +256 414 320 520 +256 414 320 073 Opening Hours: Daily 8:30AM Monday - 6:30PM African Lion Resting at the Entebbe Zoo in Uganda . If you don't have a safari planned, this might be your opportunity to catch a glimpse of Africa's wildlife. It's no Singapore Zoo but, unlike many third world offerings, thit is not a depressing place. There are good play facilities for kids and the aviaries are especially interesting with weaver birds, shoebills and fish eagles. There's a medium-size collection of wildlife saved from captivity, including lions, rhinos, zebras, crocodiles, giraffes, hyenas, chimpanzee and others. All animals (apart from the snakes and crocodiles) are held in large, natural-like areas that gives a nice semi-authentic feeling. The trees and lianas are magnificent and you can understand why various 'Tarzan-type" movies were filmed here. Admission for foreign adults/children is US$15/10; Uganda resident foreigners USh 20,000/10,000; Ugandans USh 10,000/5,000 and you end up with 1.5-2 hours of good-old fun. Tip: opens daily at 08:30 and you may want to come early before the animals go hiding in the shade from the midday's sun.
    There is also lodging inside the centre so you could stay the night in a Banda (en suite circular hut with a thatched roof & fly-screened windows) next door to the (very quiet) giraffes, elands and impala for US$40/60 single/double or stay in some serviced flats next to noisier animals for US$50/70 single/double. There is also dormitory lodging available for USh 30,000 and camping is even cheaper.
  • Entebbe Botanical Gardens - National Botanical Gardens | Berkeley Road 0.0631, 32.4788 ☎ +256 701 567881 - National Botanical Gardens (Uganda) - Cannonball Tree Flower (24993015986) The gardens are not spectacular but birdwatchers and botanist will find it interesting. The gardens host stands of large trees in a park like setting, a supposed filming site of a "Tarzan" movie, a troop of vervet and colobus monkeys, along with many kinds of birds.
  • The old airport terminal 0.0454, 32.4538 - Entebbe-international-airport-2009-002 . Nowadays air passengers use a newer terminal, but the old terminal where the Israeli settler military rescued flight passengers that hijackers held hostage in 1976 is still there. You can reportedly see bullet holes in the wall and there is a commemorative plaque.
  • Lake Victoria - GPS 0.025, 32.470 - Surrounding the town on three sides, Africa's largest lake is hard to miss. Looking south, you can see the Southern Hemisphere as the Equator is just a few kilometers south of Entebbe.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Entebbe

Scene in Fishing Village along Shore of Lake Victoria - Entebbe - Uganda - Shore of Lake Victoria

  • Boat trips on Lake Victoria. These include fishing trips and a visit to see the chimpanzees on Ngamba island. Companies offering such trips include Wild Frontiers.
  • Aero Beach 0.0379, 32.4601 - Aero Beach Boeing 707 MTI-1 . Entebbe's beach (Aero Beach) also features some plane wrecks that depending on your preferences may be plain ugly or interesting to explore.
  • Entebbe Golf Club 0.0535, 32.4709 USh 70,000 for a round Play golf at the local 18-hole golf course.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Entebbe

Street Life (18082091608) - Street life in Entebbe

  • Barclays Bank branch 0.05470, 32.46123 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30AM Monday - 6PM Fairly reliable ATM for AmEx, Diners Club, Cirrus, JCB, Maestro, MasterCard, UnionPay, Visa has its own little room open 24/7 for the nervous, but thit is usually the very busiest part of Entebbe at all hours and the street lighting stays on all night. Also has an ATM at Entebbe airport. Barclays Bank as a ATM fee for overseas cards.
  • Cobblers 0.05665, 32.46134 Opening Hours: Dawn to dusk This tiny godown or sari-sari type kiosk not only repairs suitcases, zips, footwear and other leather goods but also will attempt to rescue the rollers on your case. Honest guy but his English may take some struggling - never mind and there are lots of bystanders glad to help. Next door but one is a photographic studio to stock up on those required passport size photos for visas, etc.
  • Pearl Supermarket 0.05448, 32.46113 Opening Hours: Daily 7AM Monday - 10PM AmEx, Visa & MasterCards accepted with 5% extra charge. Supermarket on the ground floor with a well stocked hardware and sundries emporium on the first floor.
  • Stanbic Bank 0.0607, 32.4715 Opening Hours: 24 hour atm Has a no fee Visa/MasterCard ATM. Also has an ATM at Entebbe airport.
  • Street Market 0.0572, 32.4604 Opening Hours: Daily, dawn to dusk
  • Victoria Shopping Mall Berkeley Road 0.0672, 32.4762 ☎ +256 791 252 875 Opening Hours: Daily 7AM Monday - 10PM Air conditioning is not really necessary for most folks in this part of Uganda and there are now some tenants in this mall which opened in January 2014 that include fashion shops, an opticians, 3 banks, Western Union agents, a Le P'tit Quebec offering 12 types of panini for USh 15,000 and YummyYoghurt selling 100 g of frozen Yoghurt for USh 5,500. There is a KFC, clean toilets, and a large Shoprite South African owned Hypermarket.
  • Metropolitan Forex Bureau In the Victoria Mall ☎ +256 716 226 144
  • Ecobank 16 Portal Road Opening Hours: 24 hour no fee Has a Mastercard/Visa card ATM.
  • Imperial Mall lugara Aveune Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 8PM

Halal Restaurants

Roadside food stand in Entebbe - Roadside food stand Can we get some service on table 3? - Can we get some service on table 3, please.

  • 4 Points | Kampala Road 0.05375, 32.45967 close to the Pearl supermarket - Mains USh 18,000-26,000; good roti USh 2,000 Great Indian food, good atmosphere, affordable soft drinks. Has a bar with a swimming swimmingpool table, and expats are welcome. Also does "Chinese" dishes - but not as the nationals of most countries would know them. There's a dance floor and the attached bakery has scrumptious strawberry sorbet imported from Kenya. Attentive and rapid service and candles on the tables after dark. Open to the mosquitoes throughout.
  • Anna's Corner 1 Station Road 0.05794, 32.47319Across the street from the war monument ☎ +256 773 420 569 Opening Hours: Daily 9AM Monday - 10PM Most towns have somewhere to get a Pizzas. In Entebbe and the owner of the authentic pizzeria is from Bologna. Most of the comfy and romantic seating is outdoors - so watch the weather. There's also an inside coffee shop and they show interesting movies every Friday night and there are Salsa lessons Tuesdays. Full English Breakfast including Oyster mushrooms USh 17,000, Spanish Omelette USh 10,000, two pancakes (either lemon and sugar or maple syrup or Nutella) USh 8,000. Pizzas and authentic Italian Pastas dishes from USh 12,000. Daily specials include a free drink of your choice (water, carbonated, or Cola).
    There is also a Ugandan arts and crafts shop with an extensive range adjacent.
  • Arthur's Café - used to be known as Nicky's Pizzas until sold | Kampala Road (Portal Rd) 0.06434, 32.47364 Beside the masjid - Wood fired, clay oven Pizzas. Indoor and outdoor seating. Slot machines and a swimming swimmingpool table.
  • Goretti's Pizzas | Lake Victoria 0.0697, 32.4820 - Medium sizes from USh 17,000, large USh 22,000 (May 2014) Lovely little coconut grove right on a golden sand, lakeside beach. Service is very slow, so plan on having a few drinks. Beautiful scenery, sand in your toes kind of place. Don't go around dusk unless you don't mind being eaten while you eat.
  • Phaze 3 | 0.0415, 32.4614 - Only cash & Visa cards accepted Great deck overlooking the lake. Large enclosed restaurant with an extensive assortment of western and Indian foods. Arguably Entebbe's best food. Try the daily pot pie. Great coffee!
  • Thammaphon (Thai) Restaurant 2a Manyago Road 0.0675, 32.4762 ☎ +256 784 455 999 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10AM Monday - 10PM Looks like a bit of a dump but the food is authentically good.
  • Casual diners can also book at the Boma; see #Luxury|below
  • 4 Turkeys Pub | Kampala Road 0.06128, 32.47193 almost opposite the Water & Sewage Corporation - Opening Hours: 8AM Monday - 2AM or when last client staggers home Heineken & Guinness served and has a half sized billiard table. Also serves typical British pub grub.
  • Red Rooster Sports Cafe 0.0556, 32.4662 - Formerly known as the Oasis. Popular with UN staff and has both three swimmingpool tables and a watchtower in one corner with armed guard.
  • See also listing for 4 Points #Eat|above.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Entebbe

Entebbe - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Entebbe, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Entebbe. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Entebbe and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Entebbe. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Entebbe. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Entebbe: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Entebbe.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Entebbe: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Entebbe, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Entebbe.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Entebbe, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Entebbe, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Entebbe and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Entebbe, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Entebbe, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Entebbe without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Entebbe is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Entebbe.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Entebbe is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Entebbe, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Entebbe Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Entebbe

eHalal Group Entebbe is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Entebbe. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Entebbe.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Entebbe ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Entebbe. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Entebbe, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Entebbe are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

pricerange|under USD80|USD80-100|over USD 170}} Partly because of the increasing number of UN and NGO visitors passing through and there has been a big increase in Entebbe's lodging in recent years - particularly in the mid-range section. Much of thit is now distinctly and some have got shabby and dilapidated rather quickly when (often absent) owners either lost interest or failed to generate the profits they expected. Mattresses and bedding are usually clean, but rooms are rarely fastidiously cleaned even when some outrageous prices are charged.

  • Dormitory lodging & camping is also available at "the Zoo" See the listing for the #See|Uganda Wildlife Educational Centre above
  • Entebbe Backpackers 33/35 Church Road 0.0501, 32.4649 700 m from the Entebbe/Kampala road ☎ +256 414 320 432 Private rooms USh 25,000-80,000; dorm beds USh 18,000, camping USh 10,000 (own tent) USh 15,000 (their tent) without breakfast Free Wi-Fi. Large clean garden, and has its own standby generator for use during the frequent power outages. Less than 6 kilometers from the Entebbe airport.
  • Entebbe Gateway Inn Entebbe Airport Road 0.05474, 32.46071 ☎ +256 414 691 701 Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: 10AM Double US$35, single US$25 This must be one of the very few lodgings where the rooms are much nicer than the rather dilapidated entrance and reception. They're tiled, clean and all en suite but only have mosquito nets over the beds as opposed to across the windows. Satellite TV in the room and Wi-Fi in the reception area is included in the tariff. Rather noisy and insecure since it's behind the Pearl Supermarket with selected Halal food.
  • Green Valley Guest House & Backpackers 15 Mugula Road 0.04958, 32.46082 ☎ +256 414 321 212 Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: 10AM Large and well-kept walled gardens in a quiet residential part of town make this a peaceful and secure budget option. En suite: single US$40, double/twin US$50, family US$70; shared ablutions: single US$20, double US$25; dorm: 4 bedded US$12 pp, 6 bedded US$8 pp; camping: US$5-8 pp. Free Wi-Fi & satellite TV.
  • Shade Guest House 2 Kiwafu Close 0.0556, 32.4595 Opposite the exit of the bus and taxi park ☎ +256 414 321 715 - Grungy, dilapidated, single storey courtyard reminiscent of a tiny stableyard just opposite the Matatu (shuttle van) station so noisy and dusty. Rooms are small, depressing and fly-blown with shared ablutions that are bad as the general ambience might lead you to expect. No security whatever, but Entebbe is a relatively honest place so this might not worry you as much as if it were in Kampala. Perhaps the most unusual feature is their pricing structure: a room for two people with 2 twin (beds costs USh 25,000 while one double bed costs USh 27,000. The more hygienically sensitive may prefer to camp in one of the more leafy suburban establishments for a few thousand shillings less.
  • Skyway Hotel 7 Mugula Road 0.0473, 32.4605 ☎ +256 700 951 315 Checkout: 10AM is strictly enforced Single USh 67,000, double USh 85,000, dorm USh 37,000, camping USh 10,000-13,000 You'll probably think you're at the wrong place when you arrive and see the red tiled roof, immaculately shaved lawn and smartly clipped box hedge. Once you go inside, it's clear that this place doesn't see too many big-spenders. The reinforced concrete construction with internal courtyard keeps the public areas cool but make sure there is a fan in your rather dilapidated but not too unsanitary room. Like most tourist offerings in Entebbe and there's a 24/7 armed guard and a high wall. There is a 4.6kW standby generator. Two channels of centrally-selected satellite TV are available in most of the rooms and almost all have an en suite shower, wash hand basin and WC. Make sure you ask for a mosquito net since most of the room windows are not screened. Intermittent Wi-Fi via Orange cellular ISP and a meagre breakfast is included in their tariff. The 8 bunk dormitory on the first floor is a light and airy room with windows (without net screening) opening on to a mature shade tree. The large bathroom for this dorm actually has a hip bath and hot water and each bunk has individual mosquito nets. Popular with those few UN staff that have to pay for their own lodging. Main business is budget safaris. Room tip: Room 7 on the second floor is larger and quieter than most, is fairly effectively mosquito screened (May 2014) and has views from 2 windows in two walls set at right angles. Camping US$4/5 Dorm $17.
  • Thames Hotel 17 Mile Entebbe Road 0.102284, 32.507152 Off Mpala Trading Centre ☎ +256 702 358 534 US$50, double room at $75, twin room at $85 Free Wi-Fi, free airport transfer, free breakfast.
  • Zebra Backpackers Hostel. Bishop Dunstan Nsubuga Road 0.0720, 32.4660 Check-in: noon / Check-out: 10:30AM US$6/8/14 Six-bed dorm. Single/double rooms with shared bathroom. Has a garden.
  • City Park Motel - Oceanic House | Portal Road plot 14 next to Bus Park close to Victoria Mall ☎ +256703200374 Check-in: any time / Check-out: flexible US$36 12-bed room guest wing, clean rooms with a satelite TV, all rooms have private shower and toilet.
In June 2014, traveller reports stated the 7Seasons Hotel, a prominent, 4-storey building near Entebbe Airport, was using locked glass-panelled fire exit doors on each floor where the mortice locks have no interior handle or "crash bar" for occupants to open the locked doors and flee in the event of fire or other emergency. For safety's sake, before checking into any hotel, verify the availability of working emergency exits.

United Nations Vehicle - Outside Imperial Beach Hotel - Entebbe - Uganda - United Nations vehicle outside the distinctive front of the "Blue Whale" - the Imperial Beach Hotel. - 7Seasons Hotel 0.0541, 32.4600 ☎ +256 312 516 907 Single US$80, double US$100, twin US$120 en suite including breakfast & airport transfer. Visa & MasterCard accepted Checkout: 11AM 4-storey ferro-concrete hotel has 37 Queen-bedded rooms, 5 twin-bedded rooms & 1 family room being renovated. All rooms have individual air-conditioning and well screened sliding windows. Soft top, orthopaedic mattresses are particularly good quality and comfortable. Queen-bedded rooms have hip baths, wash hand basins and WC; the twin-bedded rooms are slightly larger and the bath is swapped out for a modern shower cubicle. Free Wi-Fi & satellite TV with 4 channels available including CCTV4 and Al Jazeera.

  • Bethany House | 30A Lugard Ave 0.0558, 32.4789 ☎ +256 772 438 182 Single US$40, double US$60 Founded as a retreat centre and hygienic, tranquil base for visiting Roman Catholic clergy and missionaries in 2007, Theresa keeps everything spotless and homely. Rooms are in villas separate from the main house at the bottom of the well-kept garden and have a double bed and a single bed, both with mosquito nets, although all the windows are also properly screened. Shower room has a flush WC and is en suite. The ceilings are high and have a fan. There is also a tiny food preparation area with running water and a sink but no fridge or cooking facilities in one corner of the room. If you e-mail, a reliable meet and greet service can be arranged from the airport for US$10. The library in the main house has an interesting selection of tomes, not all of them ecclesiastical, but there is no internet; Theresa does usually answer emails promptly, though.
  • Newhaven Guest House Plot 16, Gowers Road (now re-named to Julia Sebutinde Road) 0.0509, 32.4642 ☎ +256 772 586 710 Check-in: noon / Check-out: 11AM Double US$50, single US$40 en suite including breakfast Ten Queen-bedded rooms in the family compound of retired local civil servants means that you are assured of all the local insider tips. Peace of mind comes from knowing that you are looked after by the family's personal household. Bedrooms and shower rooms are tiled and comfortably furnished; mosquito netting is unusually comprehensive. There is a relaxing garden with mango, orange, paw-paw, guava, avocado and tangerine trees and the pineapple served at your breakfast will probably have only had to travel 20 meters. The view from both the main house and the front garden over the lush suburban gardens of Bugonga as the sun sets over Lake Victoria makes a fine coda to your day. Free Wi-Fi. Credit cards not accepted. Airport meet and greet service is US$10.
  • Rosemary Courts rosemarycourts14@ 101 Circular Road 0.0423, 32.4626 ☎ +256 414 321 400 Check-in: noon / Check-out: 10:30AM Opened in Jan 2014 with 6 tastefully and comprehensively furnished double rooms and 2 family rooms each with modern fitted kitchen and air-con. 25m swimming swimmingpool with an attractive, rainbow opalescent tiled bottom will open in July 2014. Authentic and hygienic fruit juices and smoothies in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Kampala trained chef specializes in Italian cuisine and there is an intimate, 30 cover restaurant. Free Wi-Fi (provided by a cellular link, so rather intermittent like most of Uganda). Lush garden has mature shade trees and relatively quick beverage and cake service for Uganda. Fully tiled and luxuriously equipped en suite doubles with bathtub from US$89 (single occupancy US$79) including à la carte cooked breakfast, with kitchenette US$119.
  • Sunset Entebbe @Sunsetentebbe.com 25 Church Road, Bugonga 0.0513, 32.4653 ☎ +256 414 323 502 Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: 10AM Single from US$40, double/twin US$50, triple US$80 Relatively clean single-storey buildings in a tranquil setting with 5 rooms in the main building and another 4 in outbuildings, some with their own patio. All rooms have en suite showers, wash hand basins & WCs but maintenance is haphazard and most shower room windows are unscreened allowing mosquitoes to enter via the ill fitting adjoining door to the bedroom. A meagre breakfast and intermittent Wi-Fi is included in their tariffs. Centrally controlled satellite TV with two channels available at any one time from a larger selection. Airport transfer on arrival or leaving free of charge one way. Otherwise, it's arranged for US$10 per room. If you stay more than one night, airport transfer's free both ways. Negotiate rates for longer stays.

Urocolius macrourus-20090110B - Partly because of the surrounding suburban gardens, partly because of the relative proximity of Lake Victoria and partly due to the Boma's bird baths and feeding stations, you might want to bring a long lens camera and binoculars...

  • Boma Guesthouse Julia Ssebutinde Road 0.0522, 32.4644 In May 2014, road was still signed as "Gower Rd" ☎ +256 772 467 929 Check-in: 2PM or earlier depending on occupancy / Check-out: 11:00 En suite single USD120, double/twin US$140, triple US$180 (one budget room with pvt shower room & WC opposite US$90/110 single/double) incl VAT and cooked full English breakfast swimmingpool use & airport transfers. €, GBP, UGX, USD (bills later than 2005) cash only Colonial homestead set in extensive and lush gardens with abundant bird life, this boutique hotel has attentive, friendly and helpful staff looking after its 16 rooms. There is a large and comfortable guest lounge and an adjoining games room with guest computers and scanner. Printing a boarding pass is free - other printing & photocopying for USh 500 per page. All bedrooms & ablutions are effectively fly-screened and have digital safe, TV with 7 individually controlled satellite channels incl Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera World News, CNA (Channel News Asia), Fox & Monday - NET movie channels, desk & chair and an outside patio well equipped with electrical outlets. Rooms 1 & 2 have hip baths. There is both a standby generator & lavish provision of lead acid, battery-backed inverters. Each lodging building has solar powered water heating with a good head of water. Extraction fans are wind powered and mineral water is available from water coolers and jugs in each bedroom. Bird tables and baths are well maintained. The children's sandpit has shade umbrella, swings, slides, toys, toy-car & a pirate castle for climbing. All interior areas, bedrooms, restaurants and the swimmingpool area are strictly smoke-free. Reliable and fast Wi-Fi provisioned by Infocom UG.
    There is an intimate restaurant adjacent to the sparkling, small swimmingpool where breakfast is served 6AM Monday - 10AM, lunch from noon & dinner 6PM Monday - 10PM but there is room service 24/7. Pan-fried tilapia was USh 28,000 (May 2014) and served with some of the nicest boiled potatoes in Uganda (as might be expected from an Irish-owned establishment), three different vegetables and fragrant, rosemary bread. Lemon meringue pie with home-made ice cream was USh X15,000. There is a separate patio restaurant adjacent to the reception area for non-house guests to be entertained and served.


Marabou Stork 001 - Increasingly, marabou storks have become dependent on human garbage. Marabous conditioned to eating from human sources have been known to lash out when refused food.

  • Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel 0.0578, 32.4788 middle of Lugard Avenue ☎ +256 414 311 400 Checkout: 10AM Around US$110. Prices quoted on the website range from US$120 to $170 (without 18% VAT) but the room quality certainly does not justify such prices Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel Entrance - A large hotel with 229 rooms on land originally grabbed from the Botanical Gardens by someone with political clout; perhaps appropriately, spectacularly ugly and menacing looking marabou storks up to 5 feet tall and with wingspans of more than 10 feet across now regularly prowl this hotel's vehicle park. Mainly used for conferences and functions and there are many large meeting rooms dotted around the grounds. Can get rather depressing when no meetings are in progress as it is very quiet and the service somewhat lacking. The "beach" is very small and swimming is forbidden but, in compensation and there is an enormous swimming pool. Bill Clinton stayed here and you can stay in his suite for a nightly rate of US$600 according to the web site. Ordinary rooms are of a good three-star standard but you may have to call maintenance once or twice.
  • Imperial Resort Beach Hotel 0.0473, 32.4707 - KA uploads-036 - You'll either loathe or love this massive and architecturally distinctive building very different in scale and style to the other buildings in Entebbe. The wavey frontage and electric blue cladding leave few people neutral. Inside and there is a large atrium with glass fronted lifts at each end. Like most of Uganda, service is slow, and rather hit and miss. Its 181 rooms spread over four floors are large and furnished in an Arab potentate style with good views over Lake Victoria and the extensive grounds but have poorly functioning, central air-conditioning. If you open the windows that have no screens to cool off and the lakeside location means your room will then quickly become an entomologist's delight after dark.
    Business people will appreciate the Ziba conference centre with its 1000 seat capacity equipped with six hi-tech screens descending from every corner of the ceiling, with a follow-on camera and a cordless digital sound system remotely controlled. There's a state-of-the-art simultaneous translation system. In addition to the Ziba are nine other conference halls. There's also an amphitheatre.
    However, first impressions count and the loose guard rail in the lift and dribbling shower in the changing rooms rather set the tone. Try your Bargaining|haggling skills and you may end up with a bargain in this often empty hotel.

Stay Safe

Compared to other places in Uganda, Entebbe is safe and clean. One major risk are the #By_boda-boda|boda-bodas, both for riders and other traffic including pedestrians.

Cope in Entebbe

  • Library - Entebbe Municipal Public Library | 0.05995, 32.47308
  • Post Office - Posta Uganda | 0.05984, 32.47378

News & References Entebbe

Travel Next

  • Uganda's capital Kampala is 35 kilometers to the north, and can be visited by bus, taxi or shared taxi. Entebbe is located on a peninsula with the largest road going up to Kampala, and as mentioned above overland travel to anywhere will usually involve going to Kampala first.
  • The island of Ssese Islands|Buggala in Lake Victoria is a popular weekend beach destination for local residents. There's a daily ferry from GPS 0.0805, 32.4492 Nakiwogo, about 4 kilometers northwest of central Entebbe.

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