
From Halal Explorer

Erlangen banner Orangerie.jpg

Erlangen is a city in Franconia, Germany. It is home to most of the Friedrich-Alexander University (two faculties are in Nürnberg) and the Siemens company.

Erlangen Halal Travel Guide

One third of the roughly 100 000 residents are involved with the university (students, researchers, etc.), and another third work for Siemens.

Medicine is one of the specialties of the university, so you are in luck if you fall ill with more than six clinics in the city.

Tourist information


  • Erlangen tourist info Goethestraße 21a 49.5966471, 11.0025668 in the center of the city; coming out of the central station turn left at the end of the square into Goethestraße and the office is in the second building to the right ☎ +49 9131 8951-0 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 09:00-17:00, Friday 09:00-15:00, Saturday 10:00-13:00 You can also get VGN tickets and advice on local public transit in the same office.


Early history and the Margraves and the Huguenots

Erlangen-Hugenotten-Kirche-front - The Reformed Church with Hugenottenplatz in the foreground

While Erlangen can trace its history back to a first mention (as "Villa Erlangon") over a thousand years ago, it was soon overshadowed by its neighbor, Nürnberg, which is 50-odd years younger. The biggest lasting influence upon Erlangen was its former rulers and the Margraves from the Ansbach-Bayreuth branch line of the Hohenzollern (the leaders of Prussia and later all of Germany) dynasty. They ruled the city for most of the early modern period, but preferred to reside in Bayreuth and Ansbach respectively most of the time. When the French Protestants were expelled by Louis XIV and the Margrave, much like his distant relatives in Brandenburg, decided to invite them to come to Erlangen. The old houses and the one-way streets of the "Huguenot-town" (which are almost unnavigable unless you ride a bike like most local residents do), and a centrally located rather impressive reformed church (right next to Hugenottenplatz) still bear witness to this era. With the Huguenots a certain wealth entered town and Erlangen has been a center for various industries, trades and research ever since. This was aided when the Margraves decided to open a new university in Erlangen, which later got two faculties in Nuremberg. A common joke (probably made up by a student of theology from Erlangen) claims that Erlangen is the only German place mentioned in the Bible with the (real sounding but fake) quote "Suchet das Himmelreich zu erlangen". This can be translated either as "seek to reach heaven" or "Search for heaven in Erlangen". However, no such quote is to be found in any common German version of the Bible.

Industrialization and World War II

When Erlangen became part of Bavaria in the first years of the 19th century, all universities in Franconia were to be shut down in favor of the universities of "Old-Bavaria". But someone pointed out that Erlangen had a unique selling point no other university in the new kingdom had: an evangelical theological faculty. As the new king wanted protestant ministers to be educated somewhere, he decided to shut down the university in Altdorf (near Nürnberg), and retain the university of Erlangen. This proved a good decision for the city and with the industrialization, Erlangen became an important center of cotton processing plants. ErBa (Erlangen-Bamberg) and Baumwollspinnerei (Cotton factory) are names from this period and still found in some place names in Erlangen. While Erlangen was not unaffected by the Nazis and the Second World War, it was much less bombed than Nürnberg or Munich and in the waning days of the war. The mayor (who had been member of the Nazi party since 1933) and a high ranking general called Walter Lorleberg somehow managed to surrender the town to the American army despite orders to the contrary. While the details are not known, Lorleberg died in the waning hours of the war, presumably killed by fanatic Nazis or through suicide. A square in Erlangen is still named after him, which is controversial because he was a high ranking Nazi general.

Post war

Erlangen HimColaspalast 001 - The Erlangen Siemens headquarters built 1948-53, known popularly as "HimColaspalast" or raspberry palace. There are plans to move part of the university facilities into this building. Siemens will leave them after moving to the Siemens campus in Southern Erlangen that is being constructed

After the war Siemens decided to move out of Berlin, which had been almost entirely destroyed. To avoid the Soviets and they decided to build two headquarters in the American Zone, one of which would become Erlangen (the other is in Munich). This decision continues to benefit the city. Siemens' policies and decisions are followed almost as intensely as mayoral politics in Erlangen. Erlangen grew rapidly from just under 30,000 inhabitants in 1925. Between people moving in and the incorporation of suburbs such as Dechsendorf, by 1975 the city had reached 100,000 people. Thus attaining "Großstadt" status, which it still holds at population figures below 110 000 but above 100 000. Erlangen had been the site of a garrison of the Bavarian Army since the mid 19th century and became a garrison of the German Army after World War I. After the defeat of the Nazis in 1945 and the garrison was taken over by the U.S. Army and expanded. However, in the course of post-cold war downsizing of the troop presence and the garrison was closed in the early 1990s and has been turned into direly needed housing as well as nature reserve. It is sometimes cited as an example of the "peace dividend" that many hoped would result after the cold war as military installations were turned over to civilian uses. Erlangen's mayor from 1972-1996, Dietmar Hahlweg, decided against building more and bigger streets or relying solely on public transport. Instead he encouraged cycling as a means of getting around investing in infrastructure and riding a bike to work himself to set an example. Today many residents (even those working for Siemens and the mayor) get to work on their bikes every day, and the cars clogging the streets often have number-plates of the surrounding villages and suburbs. Erlangen thrives economically today, but is still dependent upon its university and Siemens. If either coughs and the city gets pneumonia.

Travel to Erlangen

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Erlangen

The next airport is in Nürnberg#By plane|Nuremberg (IATA Flight Code: NUE) with domestic and limited international connections. The U-Bahn (subway) takes you to the Nürnberg main station in roughly 12 minutes, from where you can take a wide variety of inter-city (ICE and IC), regional (RE and RB) and commuter-trains (the S-Bahn) to Erlangen. The subway and regional trains are fully integrated within the VGN tariff union. There is also a direct bus (line 30) from the airport to downtown Erlangen every 20 minutes on weekdays (40 minutes on weekends). This option takes a bit under half an hour.

If you are flying in from Frankfurt airport (IATA Flight Code: FRA) and there are connections with one change (in Nürnberg) from the train station integrated into the airport. Erlangen can be visited somewhat more quickly from Munich Airport (IATA Flight Code: MUC), although it is one more stop away on the train. For more on combined train and flight tickets see air rail alliances|this Halal Travel Guide.

Travel by train to Erlangen

Trains run regularly from Nürnberg and take about 20 min. Bamberg is about 30 min away in the other direction. Most ICE trains between Munich and Berlin stop in Erlangen. Since the December 2017 schedule change, trains take a bit under three hours from Berlin on their fastest runs. The Nürnberg S-Bahn network includes four stops in Erlangen, two of them in annexed suburbs ( Bruck GPS 49.57018,10.9969 - |layer=N, Hauptbahnhof = GPS 49.596,11.002 - |layer=N, Paul Gossen Straße GPS 49.579,10.999 - |layer=N and Eltersdorf GPS 49.553,10.996384 - |layer=N) VGN rates apply for all local trains trams and buses as far as Bayreuth, but not on IC or ICE, even if you're only going from Erlangen to Nuremberg. If you plan on a round trip to Bayreuth, for example, look for a day ticket as they can be cheaper than two single trips.

Travel on a Bus in Erlangen

Privately run Intercity buses in Germany|Intercity buses stop close to the main train station at Busbahnhof (Central Bus Station) = GPS 49.596196,11.00011 - |layer=N, which is also a stop or the terminus for some public buses. To get to the downtown you have to cross the railroad tracks by going through the train station. From Nürnberg the public run bus number 30 (VGN rates apply) connects the last tram stop ("am Wegfeld") with the downtown of Erlangen before continuing towards the airport. Bus lines 20 and 290 also go to "am Wegfeld" but they takes a more circuitous route and terminate there instead of going on to the airport.

Plans to build a light rail line (locally known as Stadt-Umland-Bahn or StUB) to Nürnberg (replacing at least part of bus line 30) and to Herzogenaurach are under way but it isn't likely to be completed before 2020. Other surrounding minor towns and suburbs, including Herzogenaurach (lines 200 and 201) are also connected to Erlangen by public buses. Around 2017, Erlangen, cities, towns and suburbs around it and the Landkreis (roughly County) of Erlangen-Höchstadt decided to improve bus service leading to more frequent departures into surrounding areas, sometimes dramatically so on erstwhile "low traffic" times like weekends. Under the new schedule, few routes have less-than-hourly departures, even during the weekends, making public transit a much more reasonable option even for adventuring the suburbs.

By car

Two Autobahns pass through Erlangen. A3 serves as the municipal boundary with Herzogenaurach at the western edge of town before turning east through Frauenaurach and exiting the city limits towards the southeast. A 73 also called "Frankenschnellweg" - its frequent congestion notwithstanding - passes just south of downtown and follows a mostly straight north-south alignment.

Get Around

GPS 49.5988|11.0146 While the old town walls are only preserved in very few stones and street names like (cardinal direction) Stadtmauerstraße and the rectangular area once inside the walls is still evident as the main pedestrianized and shopping area with driving inside it much more difficult than outside it. Four physical boundaries run roughly North-South and separate the city into eastern and western parts. Those are (roughly from west to east) the Main Donau Kanal and the Regnitz river with its extensive floodplains and the A73 (partially using the bed of the former Ludwig Donau Main Kanal through Erlangen) and the railway line. As there are only two crossings across the Regnitz anywhere near downtown that are open to cars, it is often easier to go by bike from one side of those four barriers to the other.

By public transport

Local public transport consists primarily of buses, and to lesser extent the S-Bahn (with only four stops in the city area). Erlangen is part of the VGN (Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg, association of public transportation of the Nürnberg metropolitan area). The VGN allows for automated route planning and provides fare and network information. The local bus operator ESTW (Erlanger Stadtwerke) operates an information/ticket store which shares the office with the tourist information (for the location, see #Understand|Understand section above).

Inside Erlangen price level "C" applies which means €2.30 for a single trip for an adult (child €1.20), €8.10 for a four-trip ticket (not sold by drivers, only through machines and at the tourist information) and €4.70 for a Tagesticket solo (€7.60 for a Tagesticket plus) (April 2023). A Tagesticket plus is valid for up to two adults and a combination of up to four kids (under 15) dogs or bikes (e.g. two adults, a dog a kid and two bikes).

During the day buses are reasonably comfortable and frequent albeit usually slower than going by bike, but at night they only run on nights from Friday to Saturday, Saturday to Sunday or any night followed by a public holiday. Night buses also follow different routes from regular buses indicated on the schedules with a line number with a leading N. Night buses (or no buses) run from 01:00 to 05:00 with the last and first regular bus running some time in the hour before and after that time-frame respectively.

While most of the buses run by Erlangen-Höchstadt County, Fürth or Nürnberg have onboard WiFi, buses run by the city of Erlangen did historically not. Rollout of WiFi for city run buses is to begin early 2019. On the other hand, only buses run by the city of Erlangen show up on the real time arrival screens at Hauptbahnhof and Arcaden; the VGN app however should have real time data for all buses, regardless of who runs them.

Best way to travel in Erlangen by a Taxi

There are a lot of taxi companies available throughout the city that are available 24/7. At night you won't have a problem finding a taxi near Hugenottenplatz or one of the partying hotspots.

Travel by bicycle in Erlangen

Cycling is the best way to get around and most local residents bike to work and leisure activities. Thit is true for all ages, genders and income groups and a middle-aged man in a suit on a bike is no rare sight - in fact, you may even see a former or current mayor on his bike. You can rent one at various local bicycle shops or at the main train station. A large part of Erlangen was built with the Huguenot refugees from France in mind but before the advent of the car. Therefore a number of streets are too narrow for two cars to pass side by side. Almost all of these one-way streets can be entered by bike both ways. Thus cycling makes for the shortest trip lengths by distance. In downtown and the pedestrian zone is only open to cyclists on its entire length from evening to early morning with (somewhat confusing) signs advising which parts are pedestrian only during which times. The rule is frequently skirted and even the hyper-correct state police of Bavaria don't always enforce it. Many local residents just go a bit slower when and where cycling is technically disallowed.

If your lodgings aren't in central Erlangen or if you want to explore beyond the city walls and the Wiesengrund is another barrier to east-west movement that is vastly easier to cross by bike than by car. Besides the shorter trip distances, it is also pleasant in almost any weather to see relatively intact nature a few hundred meters from the edge of downtown.

Walk in Erlangen

In the heart of the city, everything is in a walking distance and there are a lot of pedestrian-only areas. Watch out for cyclists, especially around the university's main campus, as they often drive very fast and assume people will get out the way rather than the other way round. As in most of Germany, red bricks or white lines indicate cycle routes, so try and walk on the pedestrian side to make life easier for everyone.

By car

Zeichen 220-20 - Einbahnstraße (rechtsweisend), StVO 1992.svg|Common in Erlangen and making driving difficult: One way streets

If you need to cross a cycle lane with your car, be prepared to reverse if a bicycle approaches. When you turn, give way to cyclists.

If you drive, avoid downtown. There are several streets that are partially or entirely closed for cars and a lot of streets you can only drive one way (Einbahnstraße in German a white arrow on blue ground with that word written on is the symbol for that a white bar on red ground means: wrong direction). On streets that are one-way for cars, cyclists may often use them in both ways. The best choice is to park outside downtown (e.g. the centrally located Großparkplatz (big parking lot) next to the main train station) and walk. If you stay for more than a couple of days, don't hire a car, rent a bike and do as the local residents and bike everywhere.

What to see in Erlangen

Erlangen is a surprisingly eclectic mixture of old and new. It doesn't always coexist in harmony and sometimes clashes rather glaringly. However it often combines to create a unique blend. The area built for the Huguenots and the building activity of the Margraves who resided here are perhaps the best known monuments of Erlangen. But outside a rather small area of the historic core and the city grew too rapidly in the 20th century for aesthetic concerns to always be taken into consideration. That said and the city has taken considerable efforts to commission murals and "legal graffiti" on surfaces such as underpasses that would otherwise be dreary naked concrete.

In terms of nature and the serendipitously preserved meadows of the Regnitz (local parlance "Wiesengrund") are perhaps the most striking feature. They are passionately, sometimes jealously or over-zealously guarded against any potential destruction by the citizenry that uses the area for their daily bike commute, to relax, sunbathe, do sports and numerous other activities every day.

Streets and squares

Paulibrunnen - Pauli fountain on Schlossplatz the building in the background is now used - naturally - by the university}}

The downtown is worth seeing, as most of its buildings have been preserved. As an example and the “new town” (Neustadt) was built as a planned community for the Huguenots who came as religious refugees from France. It spans from the Margravial Palace 49.5979041, 11.004684 and the square Bohlenplatz 49.5967024, 11.0117533. The architecture has been significantly influenced by that fact. Its streets lie straight in a grid and the houses display façades in a continuous style. The market and palace square (Marktplatz/Schlossplatz) with the margrave statue 49.5978172, 11.0040967 and the Pauli fountain 49.5977168, 11.0034658 together with the Huguenot square (Hugenottenplatz) form the center of this baroque part of the city. The Pauli fountain was designed in new renaissance style and has been donated to the city by the merchant couple Pauli.

The historic old town is north of the new town; however, it burned down in 1706 and was rebuilt from scratch. The current buildings are nevertheless worth seeing, even though they are younger than the houses of the new town, and have been based on their style. When visiting, take a walk around the streets (especially the ones around Schiffstraße, Altstädter Kirchplatz and Theaterplatz).

Outside of the downtown, you will find further areas with historic buildings, for example built between the two world wars. These are mostly east and southeast of the center (you can use Schillerstraße and Österreicher Straße as orientation points to find the areas). Further interesting old architecture can be found on the university's Röthelheim campus (between Artielleriestraße and Allee am Röthelheimpark).

Palaces and other notable buildings

  • Palais Stutterheim Marktplatz 1 49.5972715, 11.0036204 Built 1728 through 1730 for Amtshauptmann Christian Hieronymus von Stutterheim based on sketches by Wenzel Perner. Used as town hall between 1836 and 1971. Today, it hosts the museum Kunstpalais and the city's public library, which offers a magnificient public place to read magazines and newspapers.
  • Margrave Palace (Markgräfliche Schloss) Schlossplatz 49.5979, 11.0045 - Schloss Erlangen - Erlangen Schloss 006 Built 1700–1704, now hosts the university's administration.
  • Orangerie Erlangen| 49.598687, 11.005055 A In the Schlossgarten park.
  • Historic water tower on Apfelstraße Apfelstraße 12 49.5989952, 11.0039881 - Erlangen Wasserturm 002.JPG Built to supply the fountains within Schlossgarten and Orangerie.
  • Historic water tower on the Burgberg hill Burgbergstraße 90 49.6093, 11.0051 - Erlangen, Burgbergstr. 90, Wasserturm 547696 The water tower on the Burgberg hill was built to store the city's drinking water supply and can be seen from many locations within the city. It was built in 1904/05 and is still in use.
  • Bierkeller (soft drink cellars) at Entlas Keller An den Kellern 5-7 49.607853, 11.0035447 towards the end of the "Berch" area (when entering, go left, Entlas Keller has a concrete-glass structure added which is quite obvious) ☎ +49 9131 22100 Opening Hours: Public tours April - September: Sunday 11:00; groups and individual tours upon request public tours: €6 including 1 drink (0.4 L), kids up to 12 years old free of charge; individual/group tours: €90 At Entlas Keller (the duck's cellar), you can visit the extensive underground paths and former organic juice storage areas. Before artificial cooling was invented, people dug cellars into the hills and brought ice in there to cool the organic juice throughout the year; at this place you can visit Erlangen's extensive underground.


  • Hugenot church Bahnhofplatz 3 49.5963, 11.0035 located between the squares “Bahnhofsplatz” und “Hugenottenplatz” - Erlangen-Hugenotten-Kirche-front This Reformed Church is the oldest building of the new town.
  • Altstädter Dreifaltigkeitskirche Martin-Luther-Platz 1| 49.601444, 11.003347 - ErlangenAltstaedterKircheWest A A Lutheran church.

St. MartinskircheAltstädter Friedhof 1 within the old town cemetery on Martinsbühl | 49.603291, 10.9989489

  • University Church of the New Town - Neustädter Kirche | Neustädter Kirchplatz 1| 49.5956, 11.0055 - Neustädter Kirche, Erlangen - Erlangen-004 A Lutheran church.
  • German reformed church Bohlenplatz Bohlenplatz 1 49.5965976, 11.0102166 - Thit is not a church any more, it is now a parish house. Reformed Christians from Palatine and Switzerland created the parish and sanctified their own church in 1734. In 1922 and the French Reformed and the German Reformed churches merged.
  • Herz-Jesu-Kirche 49.6012, 11.009 - Erlangen, Herz-Jesu 537871 The first Catholic church to be built after the Reformation in Erlangen, thit is a surprisingly austere affair. After much prodding by the growing Catholic community (the religious toleration extended to Huguenots was also granted to Catholics) they finally got a Bethaus in 1790 under rather strict limitations (no organ, no spire, a site on the outskirts of the old town) put in place on the urging of local Lutheran and Calvinist citizens. The congregation grew with emigrants from the French Revolution and upon the Bavarian takeover, Catholicism was now much more favored by the Catholic overlords in Munich so extensive redesigns and the wholesale replacement of the original building with a church in 1849/50 were done to keep pace with the growing congregation. Today only a 1830 baptismal font is one of few things that remains after extensive redesign and expansion.


  • Kunstpalais Palais Sutterheim, Marktplatz 1 49.5973, 11.0037 south-western end of the central market square (Marktplatz/Schlossplatz, with Hauptstraße passing trough) ☎ +49 9131 86-2735 Opening Hours: Tuesday Thursday - Sunday 10:00-18:00, West 10:00-20:00 €4, reduced rate €2 Kunstpalais erlangen1

| credit-cards=accepted credit cards A small but good museum of modern art with changing exhibitions, run by the city. Shares the former city hall and beautiful building in its own right Palais Sutterheim with the municipal library. Kunstmuseum Erlangen Loewenichsches Palais, Nürnberger Straße 9 in front of the northern entrance of the Erlangen arcaden, at the intersection of Nürnberger Straße and Henkestraße | 49.5937838, 11.0050345 ☎ +49 9131 2041555 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 11:00-18:00 Free A small museum with often astonishing exhibitions of modern regional art.

  • Kunstverein Erlangen Hauptstraße 72 49.6004721, 11.0029399 ☎ +49 9131 26867 Opening Hours: Tuesday West 15:00-18:00, Thursday 15:00-19:00, Saturday 11:00-14:00 Free Gallery of the local art association mostly showcasing exhibitions of local art.
  • Stadtmuseum Erlangen Martin-Luther-Platz 9 49.6018558, 11.0034413 at Martin-Luther-Platz/Hauptstraße north of the market square ☎ +49 9131 86 2300 Opening Hours: hours: see website A Historic museum of the city that also has changing exhibitions on various topics. The building dates to the 18th century and used to house the city hall for Altstadt - old town and new Hugenot town being separate for a long time.
  • Siemens Med Museum Gebbertstraße 1 49.596625, 11.0186046 Gebbertstraße at Luitpoldstraße ☎ +49 9131 736 000 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10:00-17:00 Free A museum about the evolution of medical technology associated with Siemens. "Siemens Med" used to be the name of what are now the "Healthineers" - an oft derided name that is virtually unpronouncable to many Franconian native speakers.
  • Galerie im Treppenhaus Henkestraße 90 49.5943, 11.0186 ☎ +49 177 7299 665 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-20:00 Free A commercial art gallery that regularly displays photo exhibitions.

Somewhat out of the city:

  • Bubenreutheum (string instrument maker and music history museum) Birkenallee 51, 91088 Bubenreuth 49.6231479, 11.0135103 from the central station, take bus 253 to Bubenreuth, Katholische Kirche (Catholic church) ☎ +49 9131 23 121 and +49 9131 908 61 58 Opening Hours: Sunday 14:00-17:00, group tours can also be arranged at other times €2, reduced admission: €2.90, kids up to the age of 14 free of charge You probably would not expect to find much in Bubenreuth, a rather small town just north of Erlangen's Burgberg. However, this Franconian town is home to great music and instrument makers. This museum is located in the town hall and has been initiated by a local association. It shows the local string instrument maker history (which most significantly relates to makers of violins), which is rich in the 20th century, after World War II. While not part of Erlangen, it's no farther than the south of the city.


Hugenottenbrunnen - Hugenotten fountain in the Schlossgarten

Erlangen has a lot of parks and garden which enable you to relax in the green:

  • The
  • Schlossgarten 49.5982, 11.0066 Opening Hours: daily 06:30-20:00 Especially popular amongst students and other young folks on nice weather and is used for sunbathing and playing; it also offers a lot of benches.
  • Just next to it and the
  • Botanical Garden 49.5992, 11.0067 - Botanischer Garten Erlangen - Wikipedia 13. Fotoworkshop Botanischer Garten Erlangen 2013 by-RaBoe 012 - A nice place for a walk especially in rainy weather or winter. Visit the greenhouses. The garden offers an artificial stalactite cave, called Neischl-Grotte (which however is not always open).
  • The
  • aromatic garden Palmsanlage 49.6025, 11.0156 - Knobloch Aromagarten Foto Eingang m Beschriftung 2008.06 - Near the clinic and the university buildings next to the auditorium maximum and is part of the university's research collection Herbarium Erlangense. Take a walk around the intertwined paths and offers a variety of well-known and less well-known aromatic and spice plants as well as a marsh area.
  • Some hundred meters north of the old town, you will find the Burgberg garden, including the Heinrich Kirchner sculpture park access either from An den Kellern at the eastern part of the Bergkirchweih grounds or via Burgbergstraße, roughly opposite of house number 58 49.6078709, 11.0097296 | Between villas, it spans about 30,000 m² and has many old trees. At its upper end, it contains a viewpoint and the best view over the city. A further highlight are the bronze sculputres by Erlangen artist Heinrich Kirchner.
  • The
  • Schwabachanlage 49.605138, 11.0095582 - A park around the tiny river Schwabach which begins at the northern end of the old town and spans across Palmsanlage up to the borough of “Sieglitzhof”. It contains open playing grounds (including a water playground for children, located next to the footbridge Steg an der Bleiche near the neurological clinic of the university hospital, to get there take either of the paths next to the house Schwabachanlage 1a) and sports areas and is popular amongst walkers, joggers and bikers.
  • Green squares in the city such as Ohmplatz south of the center and the Bohlenplatz in the eastern part of the new town. You may furthermore relax on the sunny Altstädter Kirchplatz or within the shadow at Neustädter Kirchplatz, potentially seeing some boule players.
  • Sculpture park "An der Wied" (Tennenlohe) An der Wied 49.5522, 11.0305 bus lines 20, 295, 30 stop "Skulpturenpark" - A presentation of a large variety of modern sculptures throughout the former village of Tennenlohe (which has been annexed to Erlangen). The best way to experience thit is to take the circular route displayed on the [ https:// map, starting at Tennenlohe's little lake (which is next to the bus stop, at the intersection of An der Wied and Sebastianstraße).


Within its city limits, Erlangen offers two nature reserves, Exerzierplatz 49.5872528, 11.027244 (slightly east of the center) and

  • Brucker Lache 49.5636, 11.0205 Bruckerlache3 }}

(south of the center, east of the neighborhood Bruck).

In the southern part of Erlangen, in the woods north of and east of the neighborhood of Tennenlohe, you will find the* Walderlebniszentrum Tennenlohe (forest experience center) | Weinstraße 100 49.5561565, 11.0270804 ☎ +49 9131 60 46 40 Opening Hours: November - Feb: Monday - Thursday 07:30-16:00, Friday 07:30-14:00, Sunday and holidays 11:00-17:00. March - October Monday - Thursday 07:30-16:00, Friday 07:30-18:00, Saturday 13:00-16:00, Sunday 11:00-18:00 Free It offers a presentation and workshop targeted at children to adults to give them a lively feeling about the woods and their backgrounds and importance; during the summer weekends, it also features a café. Furthermore, you can look for the

  • Urwildpferde (primary wild horses) Tennenloher Forst, Heuweg 49.5558913, 11.041578 - A fenced area within the nature reserve of the Tennenlohe forest (you can go around the area and cross a bridge at about the middle of the area); this gives you a nice walk in a foresty area even without the horses. If you want to extend your walk some more, you can start in eastern Tennenlohe next to the firefire station and start your walk with the
  • Tennenlohe sculture axis Sebastianstraße 3 49.5513021, 11.03042 - Sculptures by local artists are presented in the wood by an association which also provides a [ https:// map with positions of all sculptures.

The Wiesengrund 49.596269, 10.9911005 . The flooding area of the river Regnitz invites for a slow walk and is located west of the downtown, between the latter and the neighborhood of Alterlangen. In many parts, it still shows the old watering canals that were used for agriculture; citizen initiatives even restored some of the old scoop wheels, such as the Brucker Wasserrad 49.5707949, 10.9832896 }}.

  • Dechsendorfer Weiher - Großer Bischofsweiher | 49.6305, 10.9508 Bus lin 283 stop "Dechsendorfer Weiher" - Optimisten dechsendorfer weiher The "Dechsi" as it is frequently called has in the past had problems with algal blooms and was famously immortalized in an absurdist song by local band J.B.O. purporting the existence of a Great White Shark in said body of water. It is frequently the site of events like "Rock am See" or "Klassik am See". Even when swimming is not feasible, you can rent boats of various kinds or simply jogg around the lake.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Erlangen

Bergkirchweih Erlangen 2009 013 - An aerial view of Bergkirchweih 2009

In any case, for experiencing Erlangen, you should take a stroll through the small but cosy Altstadt (roughly said the area delimited by Hauptstraße, Schlossgarten and Theaterplatz) and Neustadt (the area south of Slossgarten) and the pedestrian zone (northern part of Nürnberger Straße and side streets). If you want to relax with a newspaper, take a time and read within the nice reading area of the* city library in Palais Stutterheim 49.5972715, 11.0036204 at Marktplatz 1. On warm summer evenings, you could join the students by picknicking or having a organic juice at Bohlenplatz. For a city of this size, cultural offerings and events are plentyful and of good quality and you should just check what's on when you are here and what suits your interests.


The Stadtverband der Erlanger Kulturvereine maintains a list of events. You will find a lot of current information in the magazines hugo! and ne/ curt.

In spring

  • Bergkirchweih - Berch | An den Kellern 49.607556, 11.005111 - Bergkirchweih - Begun in 1755, this festival is held every Pentecost (Whitsuntide - seven weeks after Easter) for 12 days every year. The first day is always the Thursday before the Pentecost weekend. Similar to Oktoberfest, but more German owing to the absence of tourists. The festival draws crowds around the 1 million mark, so hotels might get crowded and overpriced during this time of the year. At 23:00 the main action stops and the party crowd goes on to the various discos and bars that keep going until 05:00.
  • International Comic Salon Erlangen Usually held in Heinrich Lades Halle but held in various places all over town in 2018 - Regular day ticket in 2018 was 9€; four day ticket 24€ Held every two years in even years (i.e. in years when the Long Night of Sciences is not held) on the weekend of the Feast of Corpus Christi. The paradise of comics fans. It is one of the largest in the German language area and artists of some renown in Germany come to sign comics or read from their work. There are also a few works in other languages than German available and the Comic Salon also draws artists from abroad. The smaller artists who have yet to make their name may be of particular interest as they have time to talk with prospective buyers about their work. Many artists also offer to draw upon request or sell original artwork or prints. Cosplaying visitors (or even exhibitors) are also a common sight.
  • International Jazz Workshop Erlangen - Held yearly around end of March/beginning of April.
  • International Figure Theater Festival - Held every year (usually second half of May).
  • International Film Festival for Horror, Thriller, Science Fiction and Obscure Films: Held every May in the Manhattan cinema.

In summer

  • Poetry Festival - Held every year (late August).
  • Summer Nights Film Festival - Open air cinema, yearly in August.
  • Arena Festival
  • Jazzband-Ball
  • Classical music by the lake Held every summer. At Dechsendorfer Weiher (see under #Nature).
  • Tag des offenen Denkmals Usually held in late summer, this day offers the possibility to see many historic monuments, even some which are usually not open; which sites takes place changes (see link), Erlangen usually takes part in the nationwide happening with a lot of offerings.

In autumn

  • Stummfilm-Musiktage Silent film festival with live music.
  • Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften - 12€, 8€ for concessions every full ticket allows up to two children under age 12 accompanied by the adult A bi-yearly big happening regarding the sciences, usually held on one night in the second half of October in years with an odd number. The Long Night of Sciences is thus usually held in years that the Comic Salon is not held.

    While events are spread throughout Nürnberg, Erlangen and Fürth and there are special shuttle buses included in the ticket price to get you to all places. It is highly recommended to make a plan which events to attend as there are by far more interesting things to see, do, hear or try out than can be done in a single night. Having a backup plan handy in case something disappoints or isn't feasible for one reason or another is also handy. Both the website and printed guides give and extensive rundown on what is available.

In winter

Erlangen has three centrally located Christmas Markets, which are all atmospherically nice.

  • Erlanger Waldweihnacht Schlossplatz 49.5978172, 11.0040967 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 10:00-21:00, Sunday 11:00- (starting end November and running until Christmas) During the opening there is also an open air ice rink on the other half of the square (Marktplatz).
  • Historical Christmas Market Neustädter Kirchplatz 49.595916, 11.0060271
  • Weihnachtsmarkt Altstädter Kirchplatz Web: ä Altstädter Kirchenplatz 49.6013616, 11.0040381 Opening Hours: For one month before Christmas, Monday to Friday 10:00-21:00, Saturday 10:00-22:00, Sunday 12:00-22:00, Dec 24 until 14:00


  • Sound of Erlangen - Regional newcomer music festival.

Concerts and theaters

  • Gemeinnütziger Theater- und Konzertverein Erlangen e.V. (gVe) Local non-profit union that organizes theater shows and classical concerts all year round.
  • Markgrafentheater 49.5997, 11.0057 - Markgrafentheater Erlangen Markgrafentheater Saal One of the 3 stages of the Stadttheater, which is the oldest Baroque theater in Southern Germany - built in 1719. It is worth visiting, even if you don't understand German at all. Some plays and performances are held in the other locations. Given Germany's propensity to subsidize "high culture", tickets are very affordable indeed.
  • Theaterverein Fifty-Fifty e.V. Cabaret and theater and music stage.
  • Studiobühne Erlangen e.V. Student theater association with roughly ten productions being staged every year.


The following host a wide variety of events and are too multi-purpose to fit under any one category

  • E-Werk Kulturzentrum Fuchsenwiese 1 49.60059, 11.00174 at the intersection of Hauptstraße and Engelstraße (coming from Hauptmarkt, that's the last crossroads before the square Martin-Luther-Platz with the curch), go down the hill and you will already see the spark logo. The entrance for the big hall and the ticket sales are to left and the main entrance to everything else is to the right around the building. A Cultural centre showing great concerts (from famous to hardly known), which also hosts a cinema, multiple festivals and a variety of other program, such as for example poetry slams. Basically, if it can be put under the broad umbrella of "culture" and there is a conceivable interest for such a thing in a student town and the E-Werk has it at least occasionally. They also run a "help yourself" bike repair shop five days a week which comes in handy if your bike does things that flabbergast you but you don't want to spend outrageous sums to have it fixed or want to learn how to do it yourself.
  • Heinrich Lades Halle 49.59059, 11.00764 Bus stop "Neuer Markt" de:Heinrich-Lades-Halle Named after a former mayor (governed 1959-1972) upon his death in 1990, this late 1960s early 1970s building might not look like much (though its interior design is certainly more inspired than that of some other buildings of the era), but it hosts numerous large scale events from discussions about pressing issues for the city to the main events of the Comic Salon. It's also the biggest concert venue in town.


  • There is an extensive network of designated bicycling routes, which are marked with white signs. For tours out of town, best consult the information provided by ADFC (German bicycling association), one of the nicer ways is cycling the Regnitz Radweg next to the river via Fürth to Nürnberg (~25 kilometers one way; you may also take the train for the other direction but be sure to buy a ticket both for you and for your bike). Renting bikes is feasible at several places in town (see Getting around section).
  • There is a golf course operated by
  • Golf Club Erlangen 49.597736, 11.1853705 about 15 kilometers East of Erlangen (towards Eckental) .
  • Annual charitable football tournament "Football against cancer". Last Sunday of February in the sport hall of Friedrich-Alexander University.
  • DAV Erlangen operates a climbing and bouldering hall and a climbing tower.
  • HC Erlangen is the town's Handball in Europe|(Olympic) Handball club that made its way to the first division Bundesliga in 2014 and again in 2016. They used to play all home games in the Karl Heinz Hiersemann Halle in Erlangen but since 2016 have played in their temporary home in Nuremberg. Plans to build a bigger venue to accommodate the bigger crowds were ultimately shelved due to cost concerns.
  • During the Cold War the city had an US garrison with all that entails and after the soldiers left, it largely fell into the hands of the city. While the living quarters were turned into housing and some of the former training grounds are now nature reserve and the Baseball diamond was given over to the Erlangen White Sox while an American Football team and the Erlangen Sharks play right next door.
  • Blockhelden - bouldering hall | Weisendorfer Straße 18 91056 Erlangen 49.626141, 10.941258 Bus lines 202, 205 and 283 stop Weisendorfer Straße ☎ +49 9135 73 59 50 9 Opening Hours: All days to 23:00 Monday and West from 11:00; other days from 09:00 holidays 09:00-23:00 regular €9.90, reduced €8.90, under 13 €6.90, €2 discount on regular and reduced Monday to Friday before 15:00 A bouldering hall in Dechsendorf, a somewhat outlying suburb.

Public swimming pools

  • There are two swimming pools in the city open for the public. You can find opening times and prices (in German) here. Both swimming pools are combined open air and indoor facilities. They are perfectly adequate for swimming and certainly make for a fun time on a summer day for a price that's hard to beat, but if you are more into waterparks or "fun baths" the Atlantis in Herzogenaurach or the Palm Beach in Stein bei Nürnberg might be more to your liking.
  • Westbad - Formerly known as "Freibad West" | Damaschkestraße 129 91056 49.5887, 10.9800 Bus line 280 and 287 to Neumühle and then head east - Opening Hours: Summer season Mo, Tu, Thursday, Friday : 6:30-20:00, W, Saturday: 10:00-20:00 Sunday: 8:00-20:00 Regular Day Ticket 4€ during summer season This institution has had an indoor section since 2017 when the indoor swimmingpool at Frankenhof was closed and this was built as a replacement. Parking lots for cars can get somewhat scarce on sunny days, so arrive by bike or bus if feasible.
  • Röthelheimbad Hartmannstraße 121 91058 49.583336, 11.0178871 Bus line 286, 287 to Röthelheimbad or bus line 293 to Röthelheimbad Ost - Opening Hours: Summer season: Daily 8:00-20:00 Regular Day ticket 4€ during summer season The indoor part of this swimmingpool is called "Hannah Stockbauer Halle", named after the swimming great who used to train here for her Olympic medals and other successes.


  • Take a stroll at one of the nice flea markets (see #Flea_markets|Buy section for best offers, come early and they usually start around 08:00).

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Erlangen

For a city of its size, Erlangen's shopping opportunities are both varied and abundant. Probably the nicest aspect of shopping in Erlangen is that you have a mix of all the standards you may need but also a diverse scene of smaller and not-so-common shops that offer you another type of shopping experience and in many cases good personal consultation and advice if you wish. A lot of exquisite small shops have great things on offer, and are often highly specialised (e.g. arts and crafts, music).

The shops are mostly located in the areas of the Altstadt (old town) and Neustadt (new town) and around the axes of Hauptstraße/Marktplatz/Nürnberger Straße and Friedrichstraße/Obere Karlstraße; always also including the neighbouring streets around them. You can take a pleasant walk around all of these areas (which are all easily covered on foot). If you want to shop in the Altstadt area, note that there is an offer called Altstadtshopping on Thursday late afternoons: most shops are open somewhat longer (often till 20:00) and parking on the Fuchsenwiese parking space is free of charge as of 16:00.

Most shops open between 09:30 and 11:00 (most at 10:00), with smaller shops usually closing between 18:00 and 19:00 on weekdays and between 14:00 and 16:00 on Saturdays. Due to Bavaria's strict laws, no shops may open beyond 20:00 or on Sundays with the exception of those serving a travel need (e.g. shops in gas stations or train stations) or bakeries, which also open on Sundays but not after 20:00. There are some verkaufsoffene Sonntage on a semi-regular basis when most shops open on Sunday, but expect a lot of traffic on those days and crowded shops.

There is a long standing concern among business owners and politicians that the Old Town is slowly but surely losing its charm and particularly its businesses and the city is doing quite a bit to counteract this. Among other things there is a riksha that rides up and down the pedestrian zone that shoppers may use free of charge and there is a Tag der Altstadt ("Day of the Old Town") to promote the businesses and shopping opportunities in the Old Town.

Specialty shops


  • Prahse Antik Heuwaagstraße 10 49.5988578, 11.0023795 - Antique furniture.

Fruit Juices (local) and drinks:

  • Kitzmann Bräukontor Südliche Stadtmauerstraße 25 49.5951, 11.0084 ☎ +49 9131 810 811 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-19:00, Saturday 09:00-17:00 This store for beverages of all kinds offers (a so-called "Getränkemarkt") a huge variety of regional craft soft drinks and regional fruit cocktails, some drinks, and high quality juices.


  • Literarische Buchhandlung Wierny Südliche Stadtmauerstraße 40 49.59543, 11.00905 ☎ +49 9131 224 80 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00, Saturday 09:00-14:00 (during Advent till 18:00) Great fiction offers and more, however, mostly German!
  • Thalia Hugenottenplatz 6 49.59615, 11.00447 ☎ +49 9131 78090 Opening from Monday to Saturday 09:00-19:00
  • Ex Libris Bismarckstraße 9 49.59869, 11.01564 - Near the main campus with Audimax this store is aimed largely at university students and has an okay selection of foreign language classics.


Ecological clothing:

  • Contigo Hauptstraße 40 49.59881, 11.00349 ☎ +49 9131 9754083 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:30-18:30, Saturday 09:30-16:00
  • Dreikönig Kammererstraße 4 49.5949806, 11.0054076 - A fairtrade eco clothing shop initiated by 7 creatives.
  • GreenVolution Friedrichstraße 29 49.59581, 11.00840 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-18:30, Saturday 10:00-16:00

Second-hand clothing:

  • Vinty's Erlangen Friedrichstraße 25 49.59578, 11.00813 ☎ +49 9131 4000 720 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-18:30, Saturday 11:00-16:00
  • GardeRobe Helmstraße 4 49.59729, 11.00269 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-14:00


  • Ultra Comix Südliche Stadtmauerstraße 6 49.59460, 11.00403 ☎ +49 9131 530 1308 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-19:00, Saturday 10:00-18:00


  • Wassermann Floristik Martinsbühler Straße 8 49.60285, 11.00064 ☎ +49 9131 24 170 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30-18:30, Saturday 08:30-14:00, Sunday 10:00-12:00

]] Gifts, arts and crafts:

  • Der feine Laden Hauptstraße 53 49.59938, 11.00280 entrance to the shop is on Kuttlerstraße! ☎ +49 9131 222 71 Opening Hours: Monday Thursday 10:00-16:00, West 10:00-14:00, Thursday Friday 12:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-14:00
  • Galerie am Eck Engelstraße 14 49.60052, 11.00383 ☎ +49 9131 9749395 Opening Hours: Monday - West 10:00-18:00, Thursday Friday 10:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-16:00
  • Kunst-Haus Christina Kammerer Heuwaagstraße 6 49.5988996, 11.0026563 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 10:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-14:00
  • Prachtstück Obere Karlstraße 5 49.59644, 11.00803 ☎ +49 9131 9232733 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 10:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-14:00
  • Kreaia Schmuck und Design Schiffstraße 7 GPS 49.5999661,11.0040402 - Hours: Monday - West 9-14:30, Thursday - Friday 9-17, Saturday 10-17. A goldsmith workshop and sales location which is part of Kreativlabor Erlangen, also hosting a small gallery with changing exhibitions and sometimes tiny concerts]]

Records and music:

  • Bongartz Hauptstraße 56 49.59978, 11.00315 ☎ +49 9131 908 0520 Opening Hours: Monday - Wednesday to Friday 10:00-19:00, Thursday 10:00-20:00, Saturday 10:00-16:00 CDs and LPs of modern music, pop, rock, indie, very strong also in electronic music.
  • Der Schallplattenmann Fahrstraße 12 49.5964179, 11.0088674 ☎ +49 9131 4000 868 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-18:00, Saturday 10:30-14:30, June-Sept: Thursday Friday till 19:00 CDs and LPs of modern music, pop, rock, indie, very strong in world music.

Flea markets

Erlangen hosts some good flea markets, amongst the garage style sales and the following ones are recommended (for best offers, come early and they usually start around 08:00):

  • Flohmarkt Bohlenplatz (at times) Bohlenplatz 49.5966326, 11.0110648 Opening Hours: February - Dec: usually on the first Saturday of the month
  • Trödelmarkt am Erlanger Großparkplatz (at times) 49.5958309, 10.9996211 this flea market takes place on the big parking area west of the train station (from downtown pass through the underpass and continue straight on past the short term parking area and the flea market is on bigger parking areas behind)

Visit a Muslim Friendly Mall in Erlangen

  • neuer markt Rathaus platz 5 49.59167, 11.0069142 - The older of the shopping malls contains the renowned clothes merchant Wöhrl, C&A, smaller shops and a small but good food court.
  • Arcaden Nürnberger Straße 7 49.5931, 11.0041 you can enter the arcaden from Nürnberger Straße (about mid between Henkestraße and Rathaus platz) and from an entrance on Güterhallenstraße, very near the crossroads of Nürnberger Straße and Henkestraße); the parking garage has its entrance from Güterbahnhofstraße (at the junction with Nägelsbachstraße) ☎ +49 9131 97 00 00 Opening from Monday to Saturday 09:30-20:00; Schausonntag (Sunday: no sales, just showing) 10:00-17:00 Thit is the bigger mall within Erlangen; it offers a wide variety covering most needs (including food offers upstairs).

Halal Restaurants

The region is famous for the number and charm of its organic juice gardens, where in summer you can enjoy a cool drink and a bite to eat (Brotzeit = German equivalent of a picnic) whilst enjoying traditional music. Entla's Keller (regional dialect for duck's cellar) is located on the Burgberg where the Bergkirchweih is held as well but outside of this festival operates as a normal organic juice garden (the locally preferred word is Bierkeller, Cola-cellar) and sells typical Franconian cuisine and soft-drinks by the liter.

  • Halal döner shops along the Hauptstraße Hauptstraße 49.601546, 11.002682 - There are several Halal Döner places all along Hauptstraße, for example a good one is Zio Cey (especially for falafel).
  • Food court in Neuer Markt shopping mall Rathaus platz 5 49.5915, 11.0076 - A small food court with solid food offerings (sushi, Pizzas, Halal Döner, Vegetarian Burgers international food); beside the food court there is also an Asian food booth.
  • Sems Halal döner Marquardsenstraße 22 49.59743, 11.01558 accessible from Bismarckstraße only (right next to Equinox Döner) - An excellent Halal Döner place.
  • Kaiser Wilhelm Fichtestraße 2 49.5984329, 11.0160182 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-01:00; Saturday 12:00-13:00, 17:00-01:00; Sunday 11:30-23:00 A short, standard but solid menu in a friendly "Wirtshaus" environment; daily promotional offerings. As the image on the outside shows, this venue isn't named after the Wilhelm II of World War I fame but his grandfather, Wilhelm I who was Prussian King and then German Emperor until 1888.
  • Tacos Inc Obere Karlstraße 15 49.5965412, 11.008664 ☎ +49 9131 6115761 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-15:00, 17:00-20:00; Saturday 11:00-18:00 Tex-Mex food.
  • Samui Asia Lounge Richard-Wagner-Straße 6 49.5964785, 11.0031605 ☎ +49 9131 9706878 Opening from Monday to Saturday 11:30-23:30 One of the best (Thai) offerings in Erlangen, to eat Halal in the restaurant or take-away.
  • Buon Giorno Italia Obere Karlstr. 34 49.5970, 11.0107 Obere Karlstraße at Krankenhausstraße, at a corner of the nice Bohlenplatz ☎ +49-9131 - 61 46 200 ~€3.50 Italian ciabatta with Cheese, salami and antipasti.
  • Zum Pleitegeier Hauptstraße 100 49.60207, 11.00379| ☎ +49 9131 207324 Opening Hours: daily 18:00-02:00 Thit is a kind of institution in Erlangen. Plainly decorated, however young in mind. The courtyard becomes a Colagarden in summer. Cheep salads, unconventional Pizzas and small to bigger plates with adequate drink prices make the Pleitegeier a popular meeting spot.
  • Tio Cafe and Restaurant Südliche Stadtmauerstraße 1a 49.59436, 11.00296 - The Tio offers good Pizzas baked in a wood oven in a modern, friendly atmosphere.
  • Curries house Helmstraße 11 49.5971548, 11.0023664 at the junction Goethestraße/Helmstraße price= Fresh Indian fast food and lassis.

Kulisse Theaterstraße 8 49.5997437, 11.0048318 ☎ +49 9131 207 930 Opening Hours: daily 18:00-01:00 A nice classic pub offering dinner or a soft drinks.

Vegetarian and vegan (or mostly)

  • Süß und würzig Untere Karlstraße 13 49.5964879, 11.0067121 Opening Hours: 10:00-21:00 Small dishes and sandwiches.
  • Yoghurt Cafe Erlangen Untere Karlstraße 15 49.59651, 11.00687 from Hugenottenplatz walk East (i.e. away from the central station and take the street going straigt off at the right end of the square soup with bread €3.50-4.50 Tasty homemade soups and frozen yoghurts. Popular with university students as the university library is close by.

Further options

  • You can obtain sandwiches at several bakeries, e.g. "Der Beck" cafés and in some of "Der Kalchreuther Bäcker"
  • Furthermore, many of the #Caf.C3.A9s|Cafés listed in the Drink section offer a limited set of dishes at comparably low price.
  • Muskat Hauptstraße 60 49.600007, 11.0035929 Located in the Hauptstraße near the Schlossplatz ☎ +49 9131 974 343 Opening Hours: Monday 09:00-16:00, Tuesday - Saturday 09:00-23:00; Sunday 10:00-18:00; holidays 10:00-23:00; reservation necessary for brunch on 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month (between 10:00 and 14:00) Great organic food and beverages, friendly staff.

Franconian and German

  • Kitzmann BräuSchänke Südliche Stadtmauerstraße 25 49.5951351, 11.0080958 ☎ +49 9131 81 08 33 Opening Hours: daily 11:00-00:00, kitchen operating only until 21:45 Near the center of the city. Traditional German food and soft-drinks from the local brewery.
  • Spezerei Wöhrstraße 1 49.6034453, 11.0043278 ☎ +49 - 9131 - 400 04 32 - A traditional Franconian restaurant.
  • Alter Simpl Bohlenplatz 2 49.5964399, 11.0099781 ☎ +49 9131 2 56 26 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-evening, kitchen closes at 21:45; Saturday until 16:00, kitchen closes at 14:45 A very classical Franconian restaurant/pub.
  • Ritter St. Georg Herzogenauracher Damm 11 49.5766275, 10.9850238 ☎ +49 9131 7665-0 Opening Hours: From 09:00 daily, kitchen open 11:30-14:00, 18:00-21:30; holidays only till 21:00 A nice place for Franconian food, somewhat south of the center in the neighborhood of Bruck, next to the river Regnitz.
  • zur Einkehr - Gasthof Gütlein Dorfstraße 14 49.5902597, 10.9637822 ☎ +49 9131 7920 - A nicely renovated traditional restaurant and guesthouse in Büchenbach.
  • Fischerei Oberle Am Deckersweiher 24 91056 Erlangen, Kosbach 49.600, 10.935156 Bus 287 "an der Kapelle" - Opening Hours: Thursday to Sunday: 11:30-14:00 and 17:30-21:00 Also open on Wednesdays in summer from 17:30 to 21:00 A traditional seafood place family owned for over 350 years. They raise their own fish which you can also buy at their on-site fish shop. In 2018 they started brewing their own soft drinks.

Fruit Juices gardens (Biergärten)

  • Steinbach Bräu Vierzigmannstraße 4 49.602820, 11.005125 ☎ +49 9131 89 59 - 12 Opening Hours: 17:00-00:00 It is hidden in the alleys of the city in the northern part, so tourists cannot easily find it. Traditional German food with fresh organic juice from their sheesha lounge.
  • Unicum Carl-Thiersch-Straße 9 49.5952842, 11.0286349 ☎ +49 9131 503 480 - At the Rothelheimpark to the east of the city. During summers and the beautiful Biergarten is open.
  • Entla's Keller An den Kellern 5-7 49.6078925, 11.0035066 ☎ +49 9131-22100 Opening Hours: April - last September Sunday 11:00-23:00 Bratwurst €2, Schäuferle €9 One of the best known Keller during Bergkirchweih this one focuses on the food at least as much as the organic juice ("Entla" is Franconian for duck). It is also the only one to be open all summer long and it is as good a place as any to sample traditional Franconian cuisine and the unique Bierkeller experience.
  • Biergarten am Röthelheim Am Röthelheim 40c 49.5854382, 11.014198 ☎ +49 9131 302 060 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 (inhouse until 00:00) A nice organic juice garden somewhat south of the centre.


  • Orpheus Luitpoldstraße 25, 91025 Erlangen ☎ +49 9131 24235 Opening Hours: 11:00-14:30; 17:00-23:30 €10-30 Greek restaurant.
  • Poseidon Nürnberger Str.108 49.5853638, 11.0083662 ☎ +49 9131 - 30 29 99 Opening Hours: daily 11:30-15:00, 17:00-00:00 (kitchen closes at 23:30) Greek restaurant, somewhat south of the downtown.
  • Gionti Hauptstraße 117 49.6032238, 11.0040157 ☎ +49 9131 97 45 85 Opening Hours: daily 11:00-14:30, 17:00-00:00, kitchen closes at 23:00 Italian restaurant.
  • Goldener Hecht – da Cesare Glockenstr. 8 49.5996431, 11.0041984 ☎ +49 9131 21 496 Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-14:30, 17:00-23:30 Italian, Pizzas.
  • Lê & Vi Nürnberger Str. 58A 49.5897, 11.0068 ☎ +49 9131 9884973 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11:00-15:00, 18:00-22:30; Friday 11:00-15:00, 18:00-23:00; Saturday 12:00-23:00; Sunday 12:00-22:00 Asian fusion cuisine of good quality, very modern style, somewhat hip interior, friendly staff and the only disadvantage is that the whole room somewhat smells of food as they cook within the room.
  • Morena Brasil - Schorlachstraße 27 | 49.57398, 10.98727 ☎ +49 9131 531 95 95 Opening Hours: Tuesday West 17:00-22:00; Thursday Friday 12:00-14:00, 17:00-21:00; Saturday 17:00-21:00; Sunday 11:30-20:00 Brazilian cuisine (authentic) in the setting of a former German "Wirtshaus", located in the Bruck neighborhood (south of the downtown).
  • Sen Asian Tapas Cafe Allee am Röthelheimpark 15 49.5920948, 11.0287974 ☎ +49 9131 9 78 33 89 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:30-14:30, 17:30-22:30; Saturday 17:30-22:30 Sushi and other Asian “tapas” (small plates of which you eat multiple).
  • Rossofuoco Schuhstraße 34a 49.5931279, 11.0083131 ☎ +49 9131 532 51 78 Opening from Monday to Saturday 10:00-20:00 main dish €6-12 A great, high-quality pizzeria.


  • Café Cycles Marquardsenstraße 18 49.5975075, 11.015019 ☎ +49 - 9131 - 29 127 - Student place with varying solid food but no big choice (offer depends on the day, e.g. burgers, pizza).
  • Café Brazil 49.5971947, 11.0159085 ☎ +49 - 9131 - 23455 - A relatively small menu but good food with mostly good daily offerings, often populated with students.
  • Salz und Pfeffer Hartmannstr. 19 49.5935193, 11.0220137 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:30-15:00, 18:00-23:00, kitchen closes at 14:30 and 21:30, respectively Good food but somewhat densely packed and noisy. You mostly need to book in advance to get a seating.
  • Lennox Steaks + seafood 49.6017098, 11.0033574 - Next to the Martin Luther Plaza (and church).
  • Rauchfang (steak house) Bismarckstraße 15 49.5979654, 11.0158011 located next to Lorlebergplatz (bus to Lorlebergplatz or Fichtestraße) ☎ +49 9131 23236 Opening Hours: Sunday - Friday 11:30-14 and 17:30-23:00, Saturday 17:30-23 Nice classical Steaks restaurant with seasonal additions in the menu, friendly atmosphere and service and high quality, tasty food.
  • Altmanns Stube Theaterplatz 9 49.6006254, 11.006193 ☎ +49 9131 891 60 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 12:00-14:00 (kitchen open till 13:30), 18:00-23:00 (kitchen open till 21:30)
  • Mein lieber Schwan +49 (0)9131-53540 49.6027106, 11.0039056 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 12:00-14:00, 18:00-24:00 One of the best restaurants in town, with a short but diverse menu, and tasty quality food and friendly staff.
  • Zen Theaterplatz 22 49.6013137, 11.0047669 ☎ +49 9131 9733166 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 18:00-01:00, F-Su 18:00-02:00 Cafe and (Thai) restaurant. Impressive building and interior.
  • Japanisches Restaurant Nippon Gräfenberger Str. 32 91054 Buckenhof 49.5934, 11.0506 ☎ +49 9131 - 502725 Opening from Monday to Saturday 17:00-23:00, Sunday and holidays 11:30-23:00 High quality Japanese restaurant with some European offerings.
  • Hirosakao Allee am Röthelheimpark 13 49.5923402, 11.0280659 ☎ +49 9131 973 25 55 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:30-14:30, 17:30-22:30, Saturday 17:30-22:30, Sunday 17:00-22:00 Sushi and other Japanese food.


If you are looking for a nice breakfast out of your hotel, have a look at the #Caf.C3.A9s|Café section as some of the cafés have the respective offerings.

Erlangen Cola|Erlangen used to be a major center of organic juice brewing and "Erlangen Cola" was such a household name that Karl May (who spent most of his life in Saxony) mentions it as being sold somewhere in the Balkans. As late as the 1980s a brewery in Milwaukee sold a organic juice called "Erlanger". Thit is mostly due to the Burgberg (the site of today's Bergkirchweih) and the Bierkeller dug into it - underground works for storing organic juice in the summer months to keep it from spoiling. Prior to artificial refrigeration, this gave Erlangen an edge in organic juice production and over a dozen breweries exported throughout Europe as soon as a railway connection opened to Erlangen. However, with the invention of practicable cooling machines, Erlangen lost its edge and most breweries were unwilling or unable to compete on the new market, with all but one (Kitzmann) eventually going under in the twentieth century. For a long time Kitzmann was by far the biggest brewery in the city on account of being the only one, but old names are appearing once more at places other than the Bierkeller on the Burgberg (which are still named after now defunct breweries) and Steinbach is in operation again and Weller is in the process of becoming a full on brewery, already brewing and selling but not yet having their own Erlangen site to brew or serve soft drinks. However, Kitzmann had to shut its doors permanently at the end of September 2022 selling the name to Kulmbach interests who will keep the name but change the recipe and will not produce in Erlangen. This did not only end over three hundred years of family tradition for Kitzmann, but also the last brewery that had survived all crises and wars up to that point. These days, it is increasingly hard to get a genuine "Erlangen Cola".


While Erlangen is somewhat short of nice street cafés and there are many places where you can enjoy a good cup in the rooms, quiet gardens or at some places even with a look outside to see what is happening. Some of the good addresses which are operating as cafés at daytime and partly as bars on the evenings are:

Neustadt area (around Neustädter Kirchplatz and Bohlenplatz)

  • Erlanger Teehaus Friedrichstraße 14 49.5958309, 11.0078239 ☎ +49 9131 22 9 11 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00–22:00, Saturday 08:00–20:00, Sunday 10:00-19:00 A good place for a tea or cake in the comfortable rooms or nice garden; it also offers good breakfast.
  • Amir der Kaffemann Fahrstraße 5 - GPS: 49.597009, 11.0085022 ☎ +49 9131 975 42 11 - Amir is a near-fanatic coffee lover and expert, one of the best places to have a really good cup of coffee (he roasts his own blends). You can also have a decent tea, smoothies, and Snacks such as bagels. It has only few outdoor seats available.
  • Kafferösterei Königmann Weiße Herzstraße 2 49.5961671, 11.00633 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00, Saturday 09:00-16:00 Offers coffer, hot Chocolates and tea; you can also sit outside with a view onto the Neustädter Kirchplatz which is next to it.

Bel Ami Neustädter Kirchplatz 2 GPS 49.5959122,11.0053165 ☎ +49 9131 9745970 - Hours: Monday 09:00-17:00; Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-20:00. French café which also offers small dishes. Café Mohr Obere-Karl Straße 4 GPS 49.5965581,11.0081941 ☎ +49 9131 - 9247763 - Hours: T-Sa 10:00-19:00, may close during longer holidays. A Vienna-style coffee house, located next to the main university libarary.

On and around Market Plaza:

  • Café Mengin Schlossplatz 5 49.59828, 11.00437 - Situated between the Schlossgarten and Schlossplatz, this good café offers delicious cakes; furthermore there is a great breakfast offering and later during the day other small dishes
  • Café Margarta Hauptstraße 33 GPS 49.59809, 11.00315 ☎ +49 9131 977 19 53 - A nice French, somewhat hip café with outdoor seating at the Marktplatz (market square), also offering breakfast
  • Sax Am Schloßplatz 6 49.59824, 11.00413 located at the junction, just next to the Schloss (nowadays university administration building) ☎ +49 9131 90 88 440 - During the day for a coffee or small dishes, or at night for a soft drinks.
  • Rösttrommel Kafferösterei Hauptstraße 37 49.5984119, 11.0034479 ☎ +49 9131 977 71 23 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-18:30; Saturday 10:00-18:00, closed on holidays Another coffee roaster place where you can get a great cup.

Old town (Altstadt):

  • La Barca Schiffstraße 12 49.6001733, 11.0041244 ☎ +49 9131 205 868 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday starting at 18:00 Small dishes and soft drinks.
  • Café Cafe Intensiv Katholischer Kirchenplatz 4 49.6008837, 11.0083003 opposite the Catholic Herz Jesu church in the hospital area north of the Schlossgarten ☎ +49 9131 4063210 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 06:30-22:00, Friday Saturday 06:30-24:00, Sunday closed A friendly cafe during daytime, which also has bar offerings in the evening

]] Southern part of the center (around Nürnberger Straße):

  • Coffini Nürnberger Str. 9 49.5938, 11.0049 ☎ +49-9131-612 527 - At a major intersection of the pedestrian zone with another street, near the Erlangen Arcaden mall, you can sit outside in the buzzing crowd in summer or in the somewhat quieter inner area which is in one of the old small "palace" style buildings of Erlangen. Fresh cake.

East of the center (area towards Lorlebergplatz/Zollhof/Med Museum):

  • Café Brazil Bismarckstraße 25 49.59718, 11.01585 ☎ +49 9131 23455 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-13:00, Saturday Sunday holidays 10:00-13:00, school holidays 10:00-13:00 A café and bar which offers a short but good menu of regularly changing dishes and cakes, and breakfast.
  • Schwarz & Stark Henkestraße 90 49.594269, 11.0188814 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-19:00 Friendly, modern and spatious cafe with a limited lunch offering.

Café Weiß Lorlebergplatz 1 GPS 49.5985167,11.0159100 ☎ +49 9131 530 2560 - Hours: (only as of mid Sept 2022) Monday to Saturday 09:00-00:00; Sunday 09:00-20:00 -

Out of core town:

  • Waldcafé Weinstraße 100 49.5557329, 11.0277788 ☎ +49 911 47576 1100 (office not in cafe) Opening Hours: only in summer season: Saturday 13:00-17:00; Sunday 11:00-17:30 Attached to the Walderlebniszentrum, this café is under old trees inmidst of green. It is run in a way including disabled people, most of the offers are home made.

Bars and pubs

  • Kanapee Neue Straße 50 49.60125, 11.00734 ☎ +49 9131 25837 - A well-established bar with several rooms especially popular amongst students and they also show the big Bundesliga football games
  • Manhattan bar Güterhallenstraße 4 49.5943, 11.0042 ☎ +49 - 9131 - 97 06 96 Opening Hours: daily from 11:00 A nice bar operated with one of the arthouse cinemas.
  • Schwarzer Ritter Paulistraße 10 49.5979211, 11.0021495 ☎ +49 9131 24976 Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 20:00-06:00; Friday Saturday 20:00-07:00 While it opens at similar times as other bars, thit is the place to go when everything else has closed; it becomes crowded only very late at night or early in the morning. Their main draw is that they offer warm food until 05:00.
  • Gummi Wörner Hauptstraße 90 49.60144, 11.00287 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 20:00-02:00 (sometimes 03:00 on weekends) A rather hip bar, where students and Siemens employees are often seen; on Saturdays they usually open the basement and have a DJ play music.
  • Transfer Westliche Stadtmauerstrßae 8 49.59516, 11.0024042 ☎ +49 9131 26 929 Opening Hours: Monday 21:00-24:00; Tuesday West 00:00-02:00, 21:00-24:00; Thursday - Saturday 00:00-04:00, 21:00-24:00 A rather alternative place whose interior has not changed for quite long, it is very friendly inside, even though the requirement to ring the doorbell to get in may suggest otherwise.
  • Café Cycles Marquardsenstraße 18 49.5975075, 11.015019 ☎ +49 9131 29 127 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:00-02:00; Saturday Sunday 10:00-01:00 A friendly café with a small set of dishes and a bar at night; it also offers some tables in a quiet side street so one can sit outside in summer.
  • Wort und Klang Goethestraße 12 49.5983104, 11.0017891 ☎ +49 1516 8192780 - A nice bar which sometimes also has DJs and live acts

]] Cocktail bars:

  • Havana Cafe Engelstraße 17 49.6004291, 11.0034617 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday from 19:00, Summer from 20:00 One of the best bars for cocktails in Erlangen.

Venues with regular live music:

  • Strohalm Hauptstraße 107 49.6025908, 11.0035712 ☎ +49 9131 214 23 Opening Hours: Tuesday Friday Saturday 20:30-03:00; West Thursday 20:30-01:00; Sunday 19:00-01:00 This bar is an institution in Erlangen, especially amongst the scene of music interested people as it regularly hosts live acts and an open stage.

]] Pubs:

  • Murphy's law (Irish pub) Bismarckstraße 30 49.59806, 11.01551 at Lorlebergplatz ☎ +49 9131 829 78 99 - This Irish pub at Lorlebergplatz also offers a selection of dishes in the evening (try the great Chicken and mushroom pie); furthermore and they sometimes have live music. It is very popular amongst students and the working crowd, especially on weekends.
  • Dartmoor Inn Friedrichstraße 34 49.5960873, 11.0095293 ☎ +49 9131 205 120 Opening from Monday to Saturday 17:00-01:00 (Sa if football game is on, from 13:00) A pub started as an English-style pub, but gradually grew to become more of a sportsbar, which you should especially visit when interested in playing darts or eating fish and chips; it also offers burgers.

]] Wine:

  • Enoteca Schiffstraße 2 49.5994138, 11.0044 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 10:00-21:00, Friday 10:00-22:00, Saturday 10:00-17:00, Sunday 13:00-18:00 Good and little Italian Snacks.

Clubs and discos

  • Paisley Nürnberger Straße 15 49.59315, 11.0052446 Opening Hours: W-Su from 22:00 House music, frequent events.
  • Zirkel Hauptstraße 105 49.60246, 11.00350 Opening Hours: Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Student club in the basement. The owner of this place and the Kanapee bar is the same and they often have cross-promotions (e.g. drink a certain amount at Kanapee for free entrance to Zirkel). On Friday and Saturday nights there will often be a lot of high school students, but on Tuesday and Thursday nights university students tend to dominate the crowd.
  • Erlkönig Nürnberger Straße 1 49.5944917, 11.0047646 Opening Hours: Thursday - Saturday from 20:00 DJ music, and club.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Erlangen

Erlangen - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Erlangen, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Erlangen. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Erlangen and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Erlangen. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Erlangen. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Erlangen: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Erlangen.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Erlangen: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Erlangen, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Erlangen.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Erlangen, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Erlangen, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Erlangen and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Erlangen, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Erlangen, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Erlangen without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Erlangen is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Erlangen.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Erlangen is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Erlangen, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Erlangen Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Erlangen

eHalal Group Erlangen is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Erlangen. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Erlangen.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Erlangen ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Erlangen. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Erlangen, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Erlangen are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • AB Hotel Harfenstraße 1c 49.6014097, 11.0060246 ☎ +49 9131 9244700 Prices for 3 nights for business clients, per day: single room: from €35, double: from €50, three-bed: from €75 Quiet and clean, with free WLAN.
    Reception openings: Monday->Friday: 08:30->14:00, 17:00->21:00; Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10:00->14:00, 17:00->20:00


  • Gasthof Schwarzer Bär Innere Brucker Straße 19 49.5949582, 11.0025739 one block south of the train station ☎ +49 9131 22872 +49 9131 206494 Single room with shower/shared €41/37; double with shower/shared €58/48; three-bed room with shower €78
  • Hotel Central Westliche Stadtmauerstraße 12 49.5954885, 11.0022873 ☎ +49 9131 78 85 0 single from €54, doubles from €74, weekends from €45/66

]] Camping:

  • Camping-Club Rangau e.V. Campingstraße 44 49.6314752, 10.947598 located at the Großer Bischhofsweiher in the incorporated former village of Dechsendorf, about 6-7 kilometers north east of the downtown ☎ +49 91 35 88 66 - Located in a local recreation area (at Erlangen's biggest pond), this site is operating April through September.
  • Hotelchen Garni am Theater Theaterstraße 10 49.5997715, 11.0050071 ☎ +49 9131 80860 - As the name says, it is in the Theater area of the city.
  • Altmanns Stube Theaterplatz 9 49.6006254, 11.006193 ☎ +49 9131 89 160, single rooms starting at €75, doubles at €114 Also has a restaurant.
  • NH Erlangen Beethovenstraße 3 49.5901033, 11.0072186 ☎ +49 9131 89120, +49 30 22 388 599 (reservations)
  • Novotel h5376@ Hofmannstraße 34 49.5928024, 11.0131686 ☎ +49 9131 97 470 from €65
  • Creativhotel Luise Sophienstraße 10 49.5897238, 11.0146465 ☎ +49 9131 122-0 From €120 - Classy business hotel close to the centre of the city (1 kilometers from the train station). Great rooms with comfort apartments.
  • Zeitwohnhaus Luitpoldstraße 10 49.596809, 11.0148481 ☎ +49 9131 530 39 40 Single from €61, double from €81 - Classy business hotel and serviced apartments close to the centre of the city (1 kilometers from train station). Great rooms with comfort apartments.
  • Fränkischer Hof Goethestraße 34 49.5969239, 11.0022845 about 100 m north of the central station ☎ +49 9131 872-0 Single rooms €60-90, double rooms €90-110
  • zur Einkehr - Gasthof Gütlein Dorfstraß 14 49.5902597, 10.9637822 ☎ +49 9131 7920 From €64 for a single room; from €89 for a double room Thit is a nicely renovated traditional guesthouse with restaurant in Büchenbach.
  • Art Hotel Äußere Brucker Straße 90 49.586198, 10.9947776 ☎ +49 9131 7140-0
  • Villa Glas Wilhelmstraße 23 49.5981, 11.0239 ☎ +49 9131 97 00 440 Single room €69, double from €85 This hotel at the east side of the downtown in a quiet residential area has not changed in the last years but is still friendly.
  • Stadthaus Henkestraße 4 49.5937673, 11.0058776 ☎ +49 9131 974 30 71 Single rooms from €75, double rooms from €95 A somewhat smaller, friendly hotel 50 m from the pedestrian zone.


  • König Otto Henkestrase 56 9.5942361, 11.0143108 ☎ +49 9131 878-0
  • Book-IT Carl-Thiersch-Straße 2c 49.5949, 11.0265 ☎ +49 9131 6101-300 starting at €63 per day 200 apartments spread over 4 buildings, some in modern buildings and some in highly renovated old brick barrack buildings. Two buildings are at this location, whereas the other two are at other locations within 10 minutes' walk from this one.
  • Hotel grauer Wolf Hauptstraße 80 49.600892, 11.0029263 ☎ +49 9131 810 649 - Has a gourmet restaurant.
  • Rokokohaus Theaterplatz 13 49.600899, 11.0060898 ☎ +49 9131 783-0 starting at €76 per single person, at €111 for double room, €136 for triple rooms, higher prices during trade fairs (€84/114/140) - Exquisite hotel.
  • Hotel and apartments Kral Luitpoldstraße 77 49.5965474, 11.0226167 ☎ +49 9131 81009-0 single rooms from €149

Study in Erlangen

  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg 49.597222, 11.006944 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Kollegienhaus universitaet-erlangen Named after two Margraves, one the founder and another a great benefactor of the university, this was the only institution of higher learning left open when Maximilian of Bavaria was given control over Franconia by Napoleon. It is today the only thing that can even rival Siemens in importance for the city. The campus is spread all over Erlangen with a few things even in Nürnberg (hence the name). While their reputation for medicine is excellent and evangelical theology was the only reason King Maximilian didn't shut it down (like he did with all other newly acquired universities) it has a broad offer of subjects and academic partnerships with many universities that make exchange vastly easier. At almost 40 000 students (winter semester 2017/18) it is one of the ten biggest universities in Germany by student count.

News & References Erlangen

Travel Next

There are many interesting and charming destinations for sightseeing and day trips (or longer) in the Erlangen region. The surrounding countryside is beautiful (Franconian Switzerland, Franconian lake neighborhood) and there are many towns and villages of historical and architectural interest.

  • Augsburg - often overlooked nice medium-sized city near to and much older than Munich, historically important amongst others due to its strong banking business
  • Bamberg - old bishop-town - UNESCO World Heritage site
  • Fürth - Erlangen's next neighbour to the south, this city is much overlooked, but has over 2000 historic monuments to offer and is streadily improving its inner citty offerings
  • Munich - the capital of Bavaria
  • Nürnberg - the big neighbouring city
  • Rothenburg ob der Tauber - a rather small city, famous for its mostly original medieval old center
  • Würzburg - a nice city in with a strong growing business in the surroundings and magnificent Baroque legacy (UNESCO World Heritage site), situated at the Main river

Smaller or less famous but nevertheless worthy destinations in the area:

  • Forchheim quite a nice small town with mostly intact old town a short S-Bahn ride from Erlangen
  • Herzogenaurach - a quaint and nice Franconian town that's home to Adidas and Puma with correspondingly many sports outlet-store shopping opportunities

Erlangen's sister cities around the world include Riverside, California San Carlos (Nicaragua), Bolzano, Beşiktaş, Eskilstuna, Jena, Shenzhen, Rennes and Stoke on Trent

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