
From Halal Explorer

File:Esztergom banner Bazilika Lights - Esztergom Gothic Church at night Esztergom is a town near Budapest in Hungary, on the right bank of the river Danube, that is, on the border between Slovakia and Hungary. The biggest basilica (church) of Central Europe can be found in Esztergom.

How to visit and travel to Esztergom

Amadeus (ship, 1997) 002 - Amadeus at Port of Esztergom

By car

  • From Budapest drive out in direction Buda north on road No 10 (Pilisvörösvár-Dorog-Esztergom) - about 45 km
  • From Budapest drive out in direction Buda north on road No 11 then turn left at Szentendre towards Pomáz and climb the Pilis hills to arrive at Esztergom -about 50 km
  • From Budapest drive out in direction Buda north on road No 11 and follow the Danube along (Szentendre -Visegrád -Esztergom) - about 65 km. This route is longer than the previous ones but much more scenic.
  • From Slovakia: Bratislava -Komarno-Štúrovo E 575 and then local road no. 63, and cross the Danube river at Sturovo
  • From Vienna: E60, E75 highway, in Hungary M1 till way out at Komárom (9 kilometers) and then local roads no. 10 and no. 11 till Esztergom

Travel by train to Esztergom

  • Train station 47.7776, 18.7431 roughly a twenty minutes walk from the town center and basilica. - Esztergom.desiro Budapest: #1 local train from Nyugati PU. (Western Railstation) about 45 km.or #2 InterCity/EuroCity fast trains departing from Keleti PU. (Eastern Railstation) For example and the IC 170 runs from Budapest to Berlin with a stop in Štúrovo. Štúrovo train station is on the opposite side of the Danube from Esztergom, in the Slovakian town of Štúrovo. Getting the train to Štúrovo involves a longer walk (1-1½ hours) to Esztergom. However, it offers the novelty of travelling by train just over the Hungary-Slovakia border and then walking back to into Hungary on the new bridge over the river Danube. If you are only interested in the view, it is faster to just walk across the bridge for the view and then back to Esztergom.

Travel on a Bus in Esztergom

  • Bus station in the town center, a 2-minutes walk from the main square
  1. 1Budapest -Dorog-Esztergom (45km) or #2 Budapest-Visegrád -Esztergom (65 kilometers) local far-distance Volan bus line from Árpád Bridge Volan bus station in Pest. #3 take HÉV suburb train from Buda Batthyány Plaza till end-station in Szentendre, than Volan bus line Szentendre-Visegrád -Esztergom.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Esztergom

  • Port Esztergom - Kishajó kikötő - Amadeus (ship, 1997) 002 - Daily boat line MAHART Passnave from Budapest Vigadó Plaza at Pest.

How to get around in Esztergom

What to see in Esztergom

Interior of basilica of Esztergom Gothic Church - Pulpit of the Basilica


  • Esztergom Basilica - The Main Gothic Church of Ascension and primate St. Adalbert, Esztergomi Főszékesegyház, Mennyekbe Felvett Boldogságos Szűz Mária, Nagyboldogasszony és Szent Adalbert prímási főszékesegyház vagy esztergomi bazilika | Szent István tér 1. 47.7991, 18.7366 on castle hill. ☎ +36 33 402354 +36 33 402353 Bazilika.homlokzat - Opening Hours: Summer (27 Mar – 27 Oct): 08:00-18:00, Winter: 08:00-16:00 | lastedit=2022 Entrance to the basilica is free The town's claim to fame and the largest basilica in the nation. It was in a church built on the same spot that the Hungarian king Vajk was baptised and from then on known as Saint Stephen. Rebuilt according the plans of Pál Kühnel, János Páckh and József Hild from 1822 to 1869. The Basilica of Esztergom, being the cathedral of the Primate of Hungary, is the first in rank, and also the largest among the churches in the nation. The church in the place of the present Basilica was founded by King St. Stephen during the first decade of our statehood. The classicist church is enormous: the height of the dome is 71.5 meters; it has giant arches and an enormous altar-piece by Michelangelo Grigoletti. On one side, in the Saint Stephen chapel and the glittering relics of Hungarian and other nations’ saints and valuable jewellery can be seen. On the south side and the Bakócz Chapel and the only one that survived the Middle Ages, can be seen.

Esztergom.Treasury.011 - Treasury of Esztergom Gothic Church

  • Treasury - Kincstár | 47.79901, 18.73581 ☎ +36 20 8280626 Esztergom.Treasury.001 - Opening Hours: June - Aug: 09:00-18:00, February - May and September - October till 17:00, November - Jan: till 16:00 Ft&nbdp;900, Students and pensioners: Ft&nbdp;500 | lastedit=2022 It has many masterpieces of medieval goldsmith's works. The western European masters hands are praised by such items as the crown silver cross that has been used since the 13th century and the ornate chalices, Francesco Francia’s processional cross and the upper part of the well-known ‘Matthias-Calvary’ which is decorated in the rare ronde-bosse enamel technique, also there is a vast collection of traditional Hungarian and European textiles, including chasubles, liturgical vestments and robes.

Esztergom - bazilika altemplom lejatat - Entrance staircase of Basilica crypt of Esztergom Gothic Church

  • Crypt - Kripta | 47.79891, 18.73600 - EsztregomFotoThaler11.JPG Opening Hours: Mar–Oct 09:00-17:00, Nov–Feb 10:00-16:00, 24 Dec closed Ft&nbdp;200 The huge crypt, built in Old Egyptian style in 1831, is today the resting place of late archbishops, among others, József Mindszenty, famous for his opposition to Nazi and Communist rule.
  • Lookout, Cupola - Kupola kilátó | 47.79913, 18.73667 - Esztergom Kathedrale Mariä Himmelfahrt Kuppel 1.JPG Opening Hours: Apr–October 09:30-17:00, can be visited in good weather only. Ft&nbdp;700 Almost 400 steps lead up to the dome's balcony from the entrance of the basilica. The spherical over dome is 2.5 m in diameter and the cross is 7 m tall.
  • Organ - Orgona | 47.79923, 18.73689 - Esztergom basilica organ Hungary - The organ has five manuals and by 2006 had 85 stops working out of the planned 146. The organ contains the largest organ pipes in Hungary, 10 m long. The smallest pipe is 7 mm. It is one of the largest organ in Europe, surpassing all organs in Hungary in volume and in the variety of stops.

Esztergom panoráma Belvárosi templommal - Jesuits parish-church of Esztergom

  • Jesuits parish-church - Loyolai Szent Ignác Parish Church, Belvárosi templom, Loyolai Szent Ignác Plébánia Templom | Web: aniaview&p_id=35 Esztergom, Mindszenti Hercegprímás tere 1 47.7966, 18.7347 in the centre of the Víziváros (Watertown) ☎ +36 33 413878 +36 33 413878 Esztergom panoráma Belvárosi templommal.JPG - The Water District, twin-towered church built by the Jesuits between 1728 and 1738 in Baroque style, by the architect Ignác Oratsek. Most of the original equipment and Baroque Organ under World War II destroyed, but is still can see the Baroque Baumgartner's altars which were made in 1735-1737.
  • St. Peter and Paul Church of Inner City Parish - Esztergomi Szent Péter és Pál plébánia, Belvárosi plébánia | Esztergom, IV. Béla király utca 3./ Deák Ferenc utca 47.79036, 18.73815 south of City Hall ☎ +36 33 413791, +36 20 7752841 +36 33 413791 Opening Hours: Parish office: Monday to Friday 15:00-18:00 The St. Peter's parish was the predecessor of today's inner city parish, and was first mentioned in 1294. the St. Peter and Paul Church was built in 1699 on its walls. After extended in 1762, Archbishop Ferenc Barkóczy consecrated the huge, ancient, baroque church (990 m²). The main altarpiece depicting St. Peter and St. Paul, donate Kolos Vaszary Archbishop in 1896. The Baroque high altar was replaced in 1900 with a marble high altar. The fence of the wall of the church placed a St. John Nepomuk statue (18th century) monument. Similarly, a monument the parish house (1784). Throughout the year there is pilgrim lodging here, by appointment.

Esztergom - Ferences templom - Saint Anne of Downtown Franciscan church

  • Saint Anne (Downtown) Franciscan church - Belvárosi ferences templom (Szent Anna-templom) | esztergom-@ Bottyán János St., 10 47.79051, 18.73980 Close to Főapát Way ☎ +36 33 510290 +36 33 510291 Esztergom - Ferences templom - Single-towered building, also masterpiece of Baroque architecture. Built between 1700–1755.
  • Baroque Calvary, with the Classicist chapel - Szent Tamás Calvary and Saint Stephen Chapel, Szent Tamás hegyi kálvária és kápolna | Saint Thomas Hill (Szent Tamás hegy) 47.7541, 18.7516 On the southern slopes of the Saint Thomas Hill, 1 kilometers east of Esztergom Airport, cross over Szentléleki Creek, toward south on Látóhegyi road further about 600 m and turn to east 500 m to the church ☎ +36 33 413878 +36 33 413878 - These were built to commemorate the heroes who died for Esztergom. The hill was named after a church built by Bishop Lukács Bánffy in memoriam the martyr Saint Thomas Becket, who had been his fellow student at the University of Paris. The church which the Turks built there were destroyed a long time ago. In 1823, Bishop János Benyovszky canon was built in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows a classicist and the historic chapel. A six stationed way leading up to the hill. Before the chapel seen a monumental sculpture group - crucifix and the Virgin Mary, Saint János, Mary Magdalene, two thieves - dates back to 1781. The chapel locates the relic of Saint Thomas Becket. The Baroque Calvary was built in 1781. The classicist Calvary Chapel made in 1823 honored to Our Lady of Sorrows. The building has wall pillar, triangular vaults, small front tower, which is behind the pediments.

Esztergom.StAnna.Church - Round Church of Saint Anne

  • Church of Saint Anne - Kerektemplom | Esztergom, Rudnay Sándor tér 9 47.78455, 18.74037 halfway between downtown and train station ☎ +36 33 312 291 Esztergom Kerektemplom homlokzat.JPG Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-16:00 This neoclassical style Roman Catholic church situated on the southern city of Esztergom. Church was built on the initiative of Sándor Rudnay archbishop, who the building to 'miniature' copy of the Basilica the intended.
  • Ozitseli Hadji mosque - Özicseli Hadzsi Ibrahim-dzsámi | Watertown (Viziváros), Berenyi Zsigmond utca 18 47.799715, 18.734079 north of the Christian Museum ☎ +36 33 500175 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-20:00 Esztergom.dzsami+Bastya Built on the ruins of the medieval tower Veprech. In 1239 it was the northest stronghold of the city. The tower was rebuilt several times over the years. The foot gate was walled. The upper part of the tower converted into a mosque with a minaret, in 17th century. Now and the Ozitseli mosque part of a residential house and the Minaret is missing.
  • Orthodox church - Rác Templom | Kossuth Lajos utca, 60 47.78761, 18.74095 Close to Magyar Street, west of Bus Station - Built around 1770 by Serbian settlers in Esztergom.
  • Convent Church - Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church, Zárdatemplom - Szent Kereszt felmagasztalása (volt Ferences Templom) | Web: aniaview&p_id=35 Pázmány Péter utca 18 47.79713, 18.73608 Close to Bálint Balassa Museum ☎ +36 33 413878 +36 33 413878 - Founded by Marianus Franciscans in 1685. Built a stone church in honor of the Holy Cross and a convent between 1726 and 1750. Later the archives of primate and the archbishop's library placed in the convent and church. Then the former Franciscan convent and church receive by the Pauline Sisters order named St. Vince and the seminary is moved to here.


  • Christian Museum - Keresztény Múzeum, Érseki Palota | Mindszenty ter 2 47.79788, 18.73467 Downtown area ☎ +36 33 413880 EsztergomCatholicMuseum - Opening Hours: March - Nov: Tuesday - Wednesday to Friday-Su 10:00-17:00, closed Monday Thursday Ft 900 | lastedit=2022 The world's third-largest diocesan museum after the Vatican and Munich (Freising). The biggest ecclestial collection in Hungary. The museum is in the Primate's Palace in the Watertown part of town. The permanent exhibitions include: Hungarian, Austrian and German late Gothic painting and sculpture (15th-16th centuries), Italian Renaissance and Baroque painting (13th-18th centuries), Hungarian, Austrian and German Baroque painting (17th-18th centuries), Flemish painting (15th-16th centuries), Tapestries (15th-20th centuries), collection of Orthodox icons and metalwork (16th-20th centuries), Applied Arts collection: goldsmith works, ivory carvings, clocks, boxes, ceramics, glass, paintings, oriental rugs knotted (12-20th century.)
  • Castle Museum - Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Esztergomi Vármúzeuma | Szent Istvan ter 1 47.79806, 18.7363 Next to the basilica. ☎ +36 33 415986 Esztergom Castle Museum - Botticelli.JPG Opening Hours: November - Mar 10:00-16:00, April - Oct 10:00-18:00, closed Monday. Hungarian guided tours hourly, English, German tours every two hours (tours: approx. 60 minutes) Adult Ft 1300 (include guided visit to 12-16th century residential spaces of Royal and Archbishop's Palace, and to the throne room, small-Romanian Palace and the residential tower lookout terrace.), Walk Ticket: Ft 500 (only to courtyard, Stonework-Lapidarium and ornamental weapons exhibition). The castle was built on ancient Roman foundations. Exhibits in seven rooms and Castle chapel. Four permanent exhibitions are here: Centuries of Esztergom, Decorative Weapons collection of the Hungarian National Museum, History of the Hungarian coinage, and the Stone Storage (Lapidarium)
  • Bálint Balassa Museum - Balassa Bálint Múzeum | Mindszenty József tér 5 47.79692, 18.73620 Downtown area ☎ +36 33 412-185 Esztergom BBM - Local and regional history museum. This building was built in Baroque style on medieval bases in Víziváros (Watertown), served as the first town hall of Esztergom county after the Turks had been driven out of the region. Branch units: #1 Pázmány Péter street "old county hall" (Pázmány Péter utcai „régi megyeháza”) temporary exhibition hall, archaeological warehouse, photography and restoration workshop; #2 Babits Memorial House (Babits Mihály Emlékház): Babits Memorial Exhibition, off Siszler st. (47.7905, 18.7508); #3 Pilisszentlélek village:Slovak folk house (szlovák tájház) Hunyadi János Street. 42; #4 Dömös village: Provostal ruins and Árpád-era crypt (Prépostsági romok és Árpád-kori altemplom)
  • Mihály Babits Museum - Babits-villa | Babits Mihály u 11 by car: Take Siszler u. opening from the primary street 87960 House of famous 20th-century poet Mihály Babits.
  • Wine Museum - Bormúzeum, Esztergomi prímási pincerendszer | beneath Castle Hill and the Basilica - Esztergom Prímás pince.JPG - Wine Museum in the Esztergom primate's cellar system. The neo-classical cellar system is a total 3,700 m². The Dark Gate tunnel divided in two parts. The height of is 11 meters.

Other sights

Esztergom Panorama 7 - |Castle, Esztergom

  • Monument buildings of Széchenyi square Széchenyi square - Ostřihom, pěší zóna.JPG - One of the town's latest sights. It was completely rebuilt in 2006. It's the main square of Esztergom with mostly baroque buildings, fountains and restaurants. No. 1 Vak Bottyán Palace (City Hall) (Vak Bottyán-palota,Városháza), No. 4 Brunner House (Brunner-ház ), No. 6 Niedermann House (Niedermann-ház ), No. 7 Groh or Lucky House (Gróh-, vagy Szerencsés-ház), No. 16 Medieval House (Középkori ház alapfalai), No. 13 House (Lakóház), No. 14 House (Lakóház), No. 19 House (Lakóház), No. 15 Pozzi House (Pozzi-ház), No. 24-26 Kollár House (Kollár-ház), No. 12 Frey House (Frey-ház), No. 21 Savings mansions (Takarékpénztári bérpalota), No. 23 Rudolf House (Rudolf-ház), No. 25 Rochlitz pharmacy (Rochlitz-patika)
  • Gothic Church Library - Főszékesegyházi Könyvtár | At corner of Pázmány Péter Street and Liszt Ferenc Street in the southern part of the town, Watertown (Víziváros) neighborhood - Built in 1853 according to plans by József Hildis one of the richest religious libraries of Hungary, accommodating roughly 250,000 books, among which several codices and incunabula can be found, such as the Latin explanation of the ‘Song of Songs’ from the 12th century and the ‘Lövöföldi Corvina’ originating from donations of King Matthias, or the Jordánszky-codex, which includes the Hungarian translation of the Bible from 1516-1519.
  • Bath Hotel - Fürdő Szálló | A historical, Classicist building
  • Town Hall. - Városháza, régi Vak Bottyán Palota | Széchényi square, 1 - Esztergom-Varoshaza iused to be thr single-floor curia of Vak Bottyán (János Bottyán, Bottyán the Blind) and the Kuruc general (1689). The first floor was constructed on its top in 1729. The house burnt down in the 1750s. It was rebuilt in accordance with the plans of a local architect, Antal Hartmann. Upon its façade there is a red marble carving which presents the coat of arms of Esztergom (a palace within the castle walls, protected by towers, with the Árpáds’ shields below.)
  • The equestrian statue of Vak Bottyán on the junction of the Town Hall - Created by István Martsa, it commemorates the original owner of the Town Hall.
  • Trinity-statue Széchényi square - - This was created by György Kiss in 1900.
  • Decorated Baroque houses Bottyán János Street near the Town Hall
  • Sándor Earl palace Opposite the Franciscan church - Baroque
  • Esztergom Castle - Vár | Szent István tér 2 47.79783, 18.7367 - Esztergom Panorama 7 - On the right bank of the river is rising, on high ground bounded by more than fifty meters high precipitous walls. In the 18th century gradually dismantled protective works. In 1869 was completed the monumental Basilica on the site of the older church. 'Esztergom Castle Theatre' (Esztergomi Várszínház) is Esztergom's only open-air theater. It is the south side of the castle, at the Budai tower.
  • Old Seminary - Ószeminárium, Nagyszeminárium,Szent Adalbert Központ | Szent István tér 10. 47.8006, 18.7372 - Esztergom.Seminary.JPG - The ószeminárium more than 80 m long. Elevation difference between the northern and southern facade of 10 m for this reason there is a two-story substructure. On the south - overlooking the Basilica - façade neoclassic. The north façade was made romantic style. Either side of the entrance are statues of George Szelepcsényi and Nicholas Olah archbishops
  • Bottyan Bridge - Bottyan Híd - Esztergom.BottyanHid3.JPG
  • Former Synagogue - Esztergom.Synagogue
  • Courthouse - Bíróság | Széchenyi István tér 22. - Esztergom.court.JPG
  • Csurgó Spring - Csurgó-forrás - Csurgó-kút
  • Dark gate - Sötétkapu | 47.7994, 18.7377 - Sotetkapu.JPG - This is a passage in the huge artificial slope of Castle Hill.Built in front of the basilica. The length is roughly 90 meters. In one end is the Old Seminary (Ószeminárium), in the other is the Faculty John Vitez of Peter Pázmány Catholic University ( Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Vitéz János Kar).
  • Saint István statue - Szent István szobor | Szent István tér near the Basilica - Ostřihom, sousoší, svatý Štěpán.JPG - A the northern rondella of the Castle. A huge, 12 m high, limestone statue, which depicts the coronation of King Stephen made by Nicholas Melocco in 2001. The two-figure statue of two arched stone ribs with a cross on top of the statue
  • Plague Madonna statue (Immaculata sculpture) - Pestis-Madonna szobor, Immaculata-szobor | Mindszenty József tér Mindszenty tér and Pázmány utca crossing, at the junction of school blocks - Made ​​in 1740, commemorating the plague in 1739.
  • Old Archbishop's Palace, Baróth House - Régi érseki palota, Baróth-ház | Mindszenty József tér 4
  • Roman Catholic parish house Mindszenty József tér 3
  • Roman Catholic Parish Church of Watertown - Vízivárosi római katolikus plébániatemplom | Mindszenty József tér 1
  • Statue of Blessed Eusebius - Boldog Özséb-szobor | Szent István tér at the bottom of the ramp leading to Castle Hill, in the northeast corner - Esztergom - Eusebius.JPG - Blessed Eusebius was a canon of Esztergom. In his left hand hold a book. This statue was made in 1780.
  • Canonical row of houses - Kanonoki házsor | Szent István tér 4–5-6–7-8–9
  • Kuklender Maria statue - Kukländer Mária-szobor | Szent István tér south of the Basilica - Erected in 1710 by Thrückl Benigna, wife of the Castle Commander. The one of the oldest hungarian public monument. The Maria statue hold a crown, on right hand a Jesus with an 'apple of the state', on left hand is a scepter. There could be see the arms of the family Kukländer.
  • St. Mark's Statue - Szent Kőrösi Márk-szobor | Szent István tér at south-east side of the Plaza - Around in 1780. His right hand hold a palm leaf.
  • St. László's Statue - Szent László-szobor | Szent István tér Of the ramp leading to Castle Hill, north-west side - There is a sword in his left hand and his right hand holds an ax and the Holy Crown is on his head.This statue is a Joseph Hebenstreit creation.
  • Statue of Our Lady of Hungary - Magyarok Nagyasszonya szobor | Szent István tér Top of Castle Hill, in front of the Basilica bronze, which is erected by a canon of Esztergom (Pór Antal) and the occasion of the millennium of conquest. György Kis was the sculptor. This been set up in 1905. The 2m high statue is on a 3.7-meter pedestal.
  • Malom Bastion - Mill Bastion, Malom-bástya | Víziváros , Berényi Zsigmond utca 20. 47.8, 18.7338 - Eszterom - Mosque.JPG - Technical monument. Built in 1543. Here was a springs inside the Mill tower. Seerved the water supply to the Castle.
  • Kossuth Bridge - Kossuth híd | Watertown (Víziváros), Kis-Duna Promenad 47.7962, 18.7345 - Esztergom Kossuth híd a szigetről northern tip of the Primate island is connected to the.
  • The Primatial Archives - Prímási Levéltár | Watertown (Víziváros) 47.7975, 18.73472 - EsztergomCatholicMuseum - This is thelargest religious archives of Hungary. Founding in the early 11th century, The earliest inventory is at the beginning of the 15th century
  • Library Simor, Archiepiscopal Simor Library - Simor Könyvtár, Érseki Simor Könyvtár, Latin: Bibliotheca Joannis Card. Simor | Watertown (Víziváros), Berényi Zsigmond utca 2 - Esztergom ppalota.JPG Opening Hours: By appointment. A part of the Primate's Palace. The colletion include about 70,000 volumes. Mostly about theology, history, science literature, philology, art history and education
  • Former Priory church - Zárdatemplom | Watertown (Víziváros)
  • Mattyasovszky Bastion and Turkish bath - Hévízi tower, Mattyasovszky-bástya és török fürdő | Kis-Duna Promenade and the József Attila tér corner 47.7963, 18.7375 - Esztergom Mattyasovszky-bástya feltárások the most southern section of the medieval defense system of Esztergom-Watertown. An archaeological area. As part of the fortification system of Watertown enjoy protected monument
  • Archbishop János Simor residential house - Simor János érsek háza | Berényi Zsigmond utca 1
  • House of Alexander Rudnay archbishop - Rudnay Sándor esztergomi érsek háza | Berényi Zsigmond utca 3 one-story baroque building.
  • Walls of the former waterside protection work - egykori vízi védőmű falai | Watertown (Víziváros), Berényi Zsigmond utca 5-11 - Here the walls form the sides of houses.
  • House - Reviczky-ház | Víziváros, Pázmány Péter u. next to Gothic Church Library - The galloping horsemen can be see above the gate, this is the Reviczky family's coat of arms. Storey, L-shaped, baroque, historic building.
  • Former Polusin house - Polusin-ház | Pázmány Péter u. 9 - In 1602 this one-story house was the residence of Esztergom Turkish Bey. The building was constructed of two houses.
  • Old school complex - régi iskolakomplexum | By Katona István utca – Kis-Duna sétány – Pázmány Péter u. – Mindszenty tér closed area - Built in the early 20th century. Many educational institutions are housed, currently operates the St. Elizabeth School between its walls.
  • Former Franciscan friary and the Franciscan Church of the Holy Cross - volt ferences rendház és a Vízivárosi Szent Kereszt ferences templom | Pázmány Péter utca 18 - This is a story that was made in the 1750s, and today the Friary of Satmar Sisters of Mercy (Szatmári Irgalmas Nővérek rendháza). The church is single towered.
  • Old County Hall - régi Vármegye Háza | Watertown (Víziváros), Pázmány Péter u. 13 - One-story, baroque building. Used as a Esztergom county hall between 1714 and 1805. Today here can be found the Balassa Bálint Museum.
  • Turkish House - Török ház | Víziváros, Pázmány Péter u. 11 - A single-story house next to Old County Hall. This is Baroque in its present form, but a significant part built in the Islamic Ottoman period.
  • Copf house - Copf ház | Mindszenty Hercegprímás tere 5 opposite Church of the Watertown - Copf (Louis XVI) style was built around 1780.
  • Bust of Queen Elizabeth - Erzsébet királyné mellszobra | Víziváros, Erzsébet Park 47.7987, 18.7339 - This is a 80 cm high, terracotta statue, a copy of the György Zala creations (1926).
  • Sobieski memorial - Sobieski-elmékmű | Víziváros, Erzsébet Park 47.7988, 18.7338
  • Maria Valeria Bridge - Mária Valéria Híd | 47.79493, 18.73178

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Esztergom

Esztergom Satorkopusztai gipszoszlopok - Sátorkőpuszta Cave

  • El Greco Gallery | (See listing under Sleep.) Holds periodic exhibitions of contemporary arts.
  • Thai massage In the Vadregény Pension and Holidaypark.
  • Aquasziget Spa | Táncsics Mihály u. 5 47.79474, 18.73723 - Wellness spa.
  • Loggia Cave - Kis Loggia-barlang | Kis Loggia-barlang
  • Sátorkőpuszta Cave - Sátorkőpusztai-barlang | near Esztergom-Kertváros - Esztergom Satorkopusztai gipszoszlopok.jpg

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Esztergom

  • Tesco Mátyás király utca 30 47.77934, 18.74869 Opening Hours: 05:00-22:00 (except national holidays)
  • ldi/ Aldi | Dobogókői út Opening Hours: 07:00-20:00 German supermarket chain.
  • Park Center | Dobogókői út - Strip mall.
  • Spar - former Plus | Esztergom-Kertváros, Damjanich utca - Supermarket with selected Halal food.
  • Lidl | Bánomi út - Supermarket with selected Halal food.
  • Lidl | Dobogókői út 39 - Supermarket with selected Halal food.
  • Praktiker | Dobogókői útAcross Park Center - Home improvement and do-it-yourself goods.

Halal Restaurants

  • Anonymous restaurant, next to the Primate Palace
  • Caffe Grante Restaurant & Cafe Dorogi út 5-7 47.753633, 18.732567 ☎ +36 33 512-465 Opening Hours: Restaurant Monday to Saturday 12:00-20:00, Sunday closed. Cafe: Open Monday to Saturday 08:00-22:00, Sunday 08:00-16:00 The mediterranean colors of the walls and the friendly staff provide a warm and snug environment. The terrace is open from March until October. Free parking in the large parking area is available in the whole year.- The restaurant is open for corporate parties and meetings up to 80 people.
  • Múzeum Confectionery - Múzeum Cukrászda - Esztergom - 2014.03.19 (149).JPG
  • Csülök csárda H-2500 Esztergom, Batthyány u. 9 47.797472, 18.739944 ☎ +36 33 412-420 Opening Hours: 12.00 - 22.00
  • Cafe El Greco - 2500 Esztergom, Pázmány Péter utca 15, is in the cosy, historical Viziváros. Here you can also visit periodic exhibitions of contemporary arts in the El Greco Gallery.
  • Wilkinson Pub Bajcsy-Zs.utca - Esztergom - 2014.03.19 (150)

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Esztergom

Esztergom - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Esztergom, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Esztergom. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Esztergom and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Esztergom. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Esztergom. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Esztergom: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Esztergom.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Esztergom: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Esztergom, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Esztergom.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Esztergom, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Esztergom, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Esztergom and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Esztergom, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Esztergom, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Esztergom without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Esztergom is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Esztergom.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Esztergom is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Esztergom, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Esztergom Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Esztergom

eHalal Group Esztergom is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Esztergom. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Esztergom.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Esztergom ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Esztergom. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Esztergom, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Esztergom are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly hotels in Esztergom

Esztergom Panorama 1 - View from tower of Esztergom Basilica, Esztergom Panorama

  • Guest House El Greco Pázmány Péter utca 15 ☎ +36 33 631064, +36 30 9140595 - In the beautiful historical quarter of Esztergom and the Viziváros (Watertown), neighboring the world famous Christian Museum, and also just a close walk away from the newly built Aquasziget Thermal and Wellness Spa.
  • Pension Decsi a five minutes walking distance from the center
  • Hotel Esztergom | At the foot of the Kossuth-bridge on Primate-island.
  • Hotel Grante | ☎ +36 33 435-272 - In the suburban part of Esztergom, about 5 kilometers from the old town. ( North 47 deg 45.218 min, E 18 deg 43.954 min).
  • Vadregény Pension and Holiday Park - The scenic landscape of the Danube Band and the Búbánat valley near the city of Esztergom is the location of Vadregény Pension and Holiday Park. Those wishing to hike and recreate may spend their free time pleasantly on crystal air in the picturesque surroundings of the Duna-Ipoly National Park.
  • Hotel Bellevue ☎ +36 33 510-810 +36 33 510-811Őrtorony u 49, at Búbánat Valley, just outside town. Booking: 33/510-818, restaurant: 33/510-815

Telecommunications in Esztergom

Free Wi-Fi is available on the main square (Széchenyi square).

  • Central Post Office - Posta | Széchenyi István tér 3. - Esztergom Széchenyi tér, Posta.JPG - FormerBischitzky-Müller House Monument.

News & References Esztergom

Explore more Halal friendly Destinations from Esztergom

  • Visegrád
  • Monastery ruins of Kesztölc Kesztölc village 47.7022, 18.8330 via Dorog, or from Pilisszentlélek west 1 kilometers on the road Esztergom-Pilisszentkereszt-Pomáz Kesztölc east on Klastrom street to Klastrompuszta neighborhood - These ruins date to the second half of the 13th century, made in the Gothic style.
  • Štúrovo 47.799167, 18.718056 in Slovakia on the other bank of Danube river

Štúrovo - Esztergom Panorama 3 }}

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