
From Halal Explorer

Florence banner.jpg This Muslim Friendly Travel Guide is part of eHalal.io Travel Group

Florence (Italian: Firenze) is the capital of the region of Tuscany in Italy, with a population of about 366,500. The city is a cultural, artistic and architectural gem, and is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list. The birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, Florence was the home to powerful families, creative geniuses and scientific masterminds who left their legacies in the city's many museums and art galleries. The city also has a very rich literary history, being the birthplace of the famous poet Dante, and standard Italian today is primarily based on the dialect of Tuscan spoken in Florence.

Florence Halal Travel Guide

Duomo from Palazzo Vecchio n01 - The Duomo, officially Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, is the fourth largest church in Europe, with the biggest brickwork dome in the world

Politically, economically, and culturally, Florence was the most important city in Europe for around 250 years, from some time before 1300 until the early 1500s.

Florentines reinvented money, in the form of the Gold florin. This currency was the engine that drove Europe out of the "Dark Ages", a term invented by Petrarch, a Florentine whose family had been exiled to Arezzo. They financed the development of industry all over Europe, from Britain to Bruges, Lyon and Hungary. They financed the English kings during the Hundred Years' War. They financed the papacy, including the construction of the papal palace in Avignon, and the reconstruction of St. Peter's and the Vatican when the papacy returned to Rome from the "Babylonian captivity".

Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio pioneered the use of the vernacular — the use of a locally spoken language, rather than Latin, and in their case, it was Tuscan, which, because of them, became the standard Italian language. Because Dante, et al., wrote in Tuscan, Geoffrey Chaucer, who spent a lot of time in Northern Italy and who used some of Boccaccio's little stories to inspire his Canterbury Tales, wrote in English. Others started writing in French and Spanish. This was the beginning of the end of Latin as a common language throughout Europe.

The Florentines, perhaps most notably Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1466) and Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472), invented both Renaissance and neoclassical architecture. These architectural styles revolutionised the way Rome, London, Paris and every other major city in Europe, from Barcelona to St. Petersburg, were built.

Florentines were the driving force behind the Age of Discovery. Florentine bankers financed Henry the Navigator and the Portuguese explorers, who pioneered the route around Africa to India and the Far East. It was a map drawn by the Florentine Paulo del Pozzo Toscanelli, a student of Brunelleschi, that Columbus used to sell his "enterprise" to the Spanish monarchs, and which he then used on his first voyage. Mercator's famous "Projection" is a refined version of Toscanelli's map, taking into account the Americas, of which the Florentine was obviously ignorant. The western hemisphere itself is named after a Florentine writer who claimed to be an explorer and mapmaker, Amerigo Vespucci.

Florence bridges - Bridges over the Arno

Galileo and other scientists pioneered the study of optics, ballistics, astronomy, anatomy, and so on. Pico della Mirandola, Leonardo Bruni, Machiavelli, and many others laid the groundwork for our understanding of political science.

Opera was invented in Florence.

And that is just a smidgen of what went on in this city, which never had a population above 60,000 from the first attack of the plague in 1348 until long, long after it became unimportant.

And there were the Medici, perhaps the most important family that ever lived. The Medicis changed the world more than any other family. Forget all the art for which they paid. They taught first the other Italians, and then the rest of the Europeans, how to conduct statecraft. For example, Catherine de' Medici (1519-1589) married Henry II of France (reigned 1547-1559). After he died, Catherine ruled France as regent for her young sons, and was instrumental in turning France into Europe’s first nation-state. She brought the Renaissance into France, introducing everything from the châteaux of the Loire to the fork. She also was, to 16th and 17th century European royalty, what Queen Victoria was to the 19th and 20th centuries – everybody’s grandmama. Her children included three kings of France, Francis II (ruled 1559-1560), Charles IX (ruled 1560-1574) and Henry III (ruled 1574-1589). Her children-in-law included a fourth king of France, Henry IV (ruled 1589-1610), plus Elizabeth of Hapsburg, Philip II of Spain (of Armada fame), and Mary Queen of Scots.

And that is without mentioning any "artists". From Arnolfo and Cimabue to Giotto, Nanni di Banco, and Uccello; through Lorenzo Ghiberti and Donatello and Masaccio and the various della Robbias; through Fra Angelico and Sandro Botticelli and Piero della Francesca, and on to Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci and the Florentines dominated the visual arts like nobody before or since. And this list does not include many who, in any other place, would be considered among the greatest of artists, but in Florence must be considered among the near-great: Benvenuto Cellini, Andrea del Sarto, Benozzo Gozzoli, Giorgio Vasari, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Fra Lippo Lippi, Buontalenti, Orcagna, Pollaiuolo, Filippino Lippi, Andrea del Verrocchio, Bronzino, Desiderio da Settignano, Michelozzo and the Rossellis and the Sangallos, Pontormo. And this list does not include the prolific Ignoto. Nor does it include the near-Florentines, such as Raphael, Andrea Pisano, Giambologna and the wonderfully nicknamed Sodoma and so many more, such as Peter-Paul Rubens, all of whom spent time in Florence and were educated by it.

How to visit and travel to Florence


There are a few places to buy things, from the high-end jewelry stores lining the Ponte Vecchio to some of the most famous shops in the world; Gucci, Pucci, Ferragamo, Valentino, Prada, Armani, Ermenegildo Zegna, Buccellati, Frette, as well as many more wonderful shops that aren't yet world famous. Souvenirs related to art and Florence's sights can be found everywhere. Books, leather goods, art handcrafted journals, frames, pencils etc. in that gorgeous Florentine paper with swirls of color and Gold are great gifts.

It is increasingly difficult to find bargains, but keen-eyed shoppers can still find good deals on smaller, side streets running off of those above and elsewhere in the center of town. Better stores in/near the downtown offer superb leathers at sometimes decent prices...perhaps after some bickering. Goldsmiths on the Ponte Vecchio display beautiful and quality work, but can be expensive. Shops that are not located in the very centre of the city are significantly cheaper. There are also superb shopping streets, such as the Via Tornabuoni and the Via del Parione, and the Via Maggio. The San Lorenzo market is now largely for tourists. There are also a couple of collections of "outlets" in the suburbs.

Some of the most uniquely Florentine shops and sights can be found in the Oltrarno, which is Florence's "Left Bank" and home to countless generations of artisans. This section of town can be found by crossing "Ponte Vecchio" (the old bridge) or Ponte Trinità from the center. This "undiscovered" Florence is a must-see.

  • Enoteca Mondovino | Via S. Agostino 27-29/R ☎ +39 055 215214 - Decent and Liquor store with interesting collection of potable bitters in the back (Italian and German).
  • Officina Profumo-Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella | Via della Scala 16 North - An old pharmacy, which sells high-qualitiy beauty products like soaps, shaving cream, eau de Cologne.
  • Pitti Vintage - Italian & European Vintage Clothing & Accessories | @PittiVintage.com Borgo degli Albizi 72r ☎ +39 055 230 2676 - Fendi, Ferragamo, Gucci, Lancetti, Valentino. Specializes in Italian and European designer and one-of-a-kind vintage pieces.
  • Cose Del 900 - Italian Glass Connection | @ItalianGlassConnection.com Borgo San Jacopo 45RJust two minutes from Ponte Vecchio. ☎ +39 055 283 491 Opening from Monday to Saturday 10:30-19:30 Since 1981 specializing in sized-to-order, affordable beaded jewelry featuring handmade Murano glass beads.
  • Ortigia SRL | Borgo San Jacopo 12R next to the Ponte Vecchio ☎ +39 055 282129 - Luxurious soaps, scents, creams, candles and lotions inspired by the aesthetics, colours, and scents of Sicily.
  • Albrici Via dei Serragli 20R ☎ +39 055211095 Opening Hours: Monday 15:00-19:00, Tuesday - Saturday 09:00-13:00, 15:00-19:00 Long-established antiques and home decor store located among the traditional artisans' workshops of Oltrarno. Within it, Recollection sells vintage clothing and accessories.

Beware: If the police catch you while buying a knock-off version of something with a brand from an (illegal) street vendor, you can be fined up to €10,000. You'll see plenty of people on the street selling imitation Gucci sunglasses, Rolex watches, and Prada purses dirt cheap. It's okay if the item doesn't have a real brand on it, but buying a knock-off is illegal.

Halal Restaurants

Santa Maria Novella - Santa Maria Novella, a wonderful church right near the train station

Remember that restaurants have separate prices for food to go or eaten standing up versus sit down service; don't try to sit at a table after paying for food or coffee from the restaurant's to go booth. Also ask always beforehand for the price if you want to sit at a table. Otherwise you might be uncomfortably surprised. Cappuccino al banco i.e. standing up might cost €1-3; but at a table €4.

Florence's food can be as much of a treat to the palate as the art is a treat to the eye. There is good food for any price range, from fine restaurants to take out food from window stands. The best price/quality ratio you will find outside the historical center where normal Italians go to eat. The worst ratio is probably in the neighbourhood of Mercato di San Lorenzo where there are a lot of tourist restaurants, while many of the best restaurants in the city are found in the Santa Croce neighborhood. In some, requests for Pizzas may be met with a rebuff. For local Pizzas look for small shops near the Duomo.

The best lunch places don't always turn out to be the best dinner places. Dinner in Florence really starts sometime between 19:00 and 21:00. If a place looks like they're preparing to close before 20:00, it might not be the best option for dinner. Reheated Pastas is not very tasty.

Typical Tuscan courses include Bistecca alla fiorentina which is huge t-bone Steaks weighing from 500g to 1,500g. It has always price given per 100g, e.g. €3.5 etto (an etto is a "hectogram" or 100 gram-ettogrammo). Crostini toscani are crostini with tuscan liver pâté.

There is also a uniquely Florentine fast food with a 1,000-year history - lampredotto, a kind of tripe (cow stomach, or calf for preference, but a different part than the more familiar white "honeycomb" kind, dark brown in color; the name comes from its wrinkled appearance, which apparently reminds local residents of a lamprey fish). The trippaio set their carts in the public squares in the center, dishing out the delicacy straight from the cauldron in which it is being boiled with herbs and tomatoes, chopping it and slapping the portions between halves of a Tuscan roll; the top is dipped in the broth. A mild green parsley- or basil-based Sauce or a hot red one goes with it.

There are many gelato (Italian ice cream) stands; some connoisseurs consider the better Florentine gelato the finest in the world. Often gelato is made in the restaurant where you buy it. Because of this there are many exotic flavors of ice cream like watermelon, spumante or garlic. It's hard to find a gelato place open very late, so after dinner might not be an option. Near the Duomo though and there are a few places open after 22:00.

Tuscany is also the wellspring of cantuccini, also called biscotti di Prato. (In Italian and the singular of biscotti is un biscotto). It's traditional to enjoy them after a meal by dipping them in Vin Santo ("Holy Wine"), a concentrated made from late-harvested grapes, but you can also buy bags of them in stores throughout the city and eat them however you like.

There are numerous caffè and pasticcerie where you can find excellent sandwiches. Pizza sold by weight is an equally excellent solution for budget dining (vegetarian and vegan options are almost always available), as is any caffè displaying a "Primi" card in its window where you'll find Pastas and other dishes at low reasonable prices. The delis (rosticcerie) are very affordable (and the food is often quite good), and some also have dining tables if you don't want to take away.

You can buy the makings for a picnic or Snacks at the Mercato Centrale. This large market has everything you might need, often at more affordable prices than supermarkets. The stalls will also sometimes vacuum seal whatever you buy so you can take it home with you.

A general rule: the closer you are to the historic old town and the higher the price.

  • Il Vegetariano Via delle Ruote, 30 r ☎ +39 055 475030 Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 12:30-14:30, 19:30--22:30, Saturday Sunday 19:30-22:30, Monday 12:30-14:30 Budget restaurant with more formal front room and the eclectic middle room, or the peaceful outdoor garden in the back. Daily changing menu with vegan and gluten-free items clearly marked, desserts, salads, soups, hearty brown bread, and a good selection of Coffee, tea, none-alcoholic drinks, and Colas.
  • I fratellini Via dei Cimatori, 38R ☎ +39 055 239 6096 Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-20:00 Good street food: panini (€4) and (€2+) from a tiny hole in the wall. Patrons eat on the sidewalk while resting their glass of on small shelves nested along the street wall.
  • Oil Shoppe Via S. Egidio 22r Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-19:00 Sandwiches from €4 Deli selling xtra-virgin-olive-oils/ Olive oil, but with an extensive sandwiches bar, to sit in or to go. Student crowd, feels more Californian than Italian.
  • Trattoria Mario Via Rosina 2/R 43.7765, 11.2545 near Piazza Mercato Centrale ☎ +39 055 218550 Opening from Monday to Saturday 12:00-15:30 Lunch only, no booking, you'll be seated with other walk-ins. Good food, try to save room for a Meat main course.
  • Trattoria Le Mossacce Via Del Proconsolo, 55R Corner of Via del Corso ☎ +39 055 294361 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 12:00-14:30, 19:00-21:30 Primi: 3-6, Secondi €6-25 Reliable local eatery. Local produce and meats are prepared simply using traditional recipes and time-honoured tradition. Some Pastas are made fresh daily, so ask for the daily special. If you want to experience Bistecca alla Fiorentina (Florentine-style steak) and they do it amazingly without breaking your wallet. They sell and cut the Steaks from a larger beef slab in increments of 100g (with a minimum of 500g per serving).
  • Leonardo Via de' Pecori 11 Corner of Via de' Vecchietti ☎ +39 055 284446 Opening Hours: Daily 11:45-14:45, Sunday - Friday 18:45-21:45 f Primi €3.5-4. Secondi €4.5-5.5. About €10 per person for a full-course dinner Although there is a menu at the entrance, it is better to go straight in and pick what you like. You can also order Bistecca alla Fiorentina.
  • Tiona Via della Scala 24R near Piazza SMN - Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 12:00-23:00 mains €8 Not that you'd admit to wanting a break from Italian food, but this small friendly Sri Lankan restaurant makes a refreshing change. Ayubowan!
  • Za-Za Piazza del Mercato Centrale 26R 43.77645, 11.2545 Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-23:00 €10-12 for a dish A very nicely decorated restaurant with many Vegetarian choices. You can choose to sit inside or outside in the piazza. The menu is huge, lots of choices, and the prices are fair. Service is outstanding and they really cater to your needs. Make sure to try the chianti house soft drinks. Note that they have two seating areas on the piazza: between are two other restaurants, Cantastorie and Garibaldi.

Basilica Santa Croce Firenze 1 - upright 1.4|Facade of the Basilica of Santa Croce]

  • al Tranvai Piazza T.Tasso, 14 r 400 m south of Ponte Vespucchio ☎ +39 055 225197 Opening Hours: Monday 19:10-22:45 Tuesday - Saturday 12:15-15:00, 19:10-22:45 Tourists seldom venture this far south. Traditional Tuscan food at decent prices. 1st courses at €7 and mains at €10 to €16. Vino at €4 / 0.5L. The rabbit, asparagus souffle and fiori fritti are excellent and the service very welcoming and warm.
  • "Il Latini" Restaurant Via dei Palchetti, 6r ☎ +39 055 210916 Opening Hours: Saturday Sun12:30-14:30, 19:30-22:30, Tuesday to Friday 19:30-22:30 Menu from €40 pp Fun place, communal seating and lively staff. The Steak are good.
  • Osteria Dell'Olio, Piazza dell'Olio 10r, just west of Duomo. Good food with friendly service.
  • Palle d'Oro Via S. Antonino, 43/45R 200 m east of SMN train station ☎ +39 055 88383 Opening from Monday to Saturday 12:00-14:30, 18:45-21.30 Long-standing family-run Tuscan restaurant. Thit is where the local residents come, not least for the fair prices. Fixed price 2-course lunch or €13, dinner €14.
  • Trattoria Cammillo Borgo San Jacopo 57/R 50 m south of Ponte Santa Trinita ☎ +39 055 212427 Opening Hours: Thursday - Tuesday 12:00-14:30, 19:30-22:30 Fairly good Tuscan cuisine, with a number of options for Vegetarian and vegans. Make reservations or be there as they open.
  • B-Roof Piazza Unità Italiana, 6 within Grand Hotel Baglioni ☎ +39 055 235 80 +39 055 235 888 95 Opening Hours: Daily 12:30-14:00, 19:30-22:00 Fine dining with wonderful night panorama of the city.
  • Enoteca Pinchiorri Via Ghibellina, 87 100 m north of Santa Croce ☎ +39 055 242777 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 19:30-22:00 starters from €80, mains €100 pp They've had the occasional bad night, but mostly draw rave reviews for exquisite meals at splurge prices: ravioli at €85 clearly needs to be something special. A bottle of will be well north of €100, but try the tasting menu.
  • Il Cibreo Via Dei Macci, 118/R corner of V Andrea del Verrocchio ☎ +39 055 234 11 00 +39 055 244 966 Opening Hours: €50-100 each Daily 12:50-14:30, 18:50-23:15 Great choice of Tuscan food, with highly selected ingredients.
  • Trattoria da Tito Via S.Gallo 112/r. 100 m south of Piazza della Liberta ☎ +39 055 472 475 Opening from Monday to Saturday 12:30-15:30, 19:00-23:00 €50-100 each Although a bit of a walk from the main attractions, this restaurant speaks for itself with mandatory reservations. Great Italian food and atmosphere. Dinner often includes impromptu free drinks and lively table staff.


  • Gelateria dei Neri | Via dei Neri 20r - Ice cream in many flavors, some experimental, all excellent.
  • Festival Del Gelato | Via Del Corso 75 - 50 flavors and has an upbeat atmosphere
  • Perché No Via dei Tavolini 19. Freshly made daily from quality ingredients. The pear will be made with real pears and will taste of pears. Typically fruit flavors will be made with seasonally available fruits. Chocolates flavor will taste of cocoa rather than Chocolates milk-powder. If you are a Chocolates fan, thit is the place to go. Specialties are "sorbetto" (ice cream made with water rather than milk, both with fruit and standard flavors, and "mousse" ice creams. Ask for the "special" taste of the day.
  • Vivoli - ☎ +39 055 292 334 - Via Isole delle Stinche, 7/R. Close to Piazza Santa Croce. Vivoli has a good gelato fruit selection, so definitely try the fragola, or strawberry. Make sure that you ask for the cream on top as well, because it adds another element to an already great dessert.

Spinello Aretino - Stories from the Legend of Street Benedict - WGA21676 - Stories from the Legend of Street Benedict, frescoes by Spinello Aretino in San Miniato al Monte}}

Tap water is safe but those who prefer bottled water will find it plentiful.

Make sure to sample the excellent soft drinks of the region.

Chianti is the local that can be ordered cheaply. Many eateries will offer carafes of various sizes of "house chianti", usually for under €4.


  • La Cite A very nice and cozy cafe/bookstore. Good prices, nice atmosphere, good books. Borgo San Frediano 20r.
  • Enoteca Le volpi e l'Uva - ☎ +39 055 2398132 - The must of the tasting soft drinks and savory titbits. Piazza dei Rossi, 1.
  • Uffizi Museum The bar at this museum offers an amazing view overlooking la Piazza della Signoria, but it's only accessible through the museum, so you'll have to buy a ticket.
  • Irish Pub (The Fiddlers Elbow) Piazza Santa Maria Novella. This pub has plenty of seating, in addition to live music and great staff.
  • Bebop-great coverbands everynight and a €4 pint. Can be found north of the Duomo on the right on Via Dei Servi, before you reach Piazza d Annunziata.
  • Ambrosia - Found in Piazza de Ambrosia. Thit is primarily a bar, and you can sample some great soft drinks at a low cost provided you come with friends and share the price of whole bottles.
  • Rivoire Piazza della Signoria. Founded in 1872 this terrace facing the Palazzo Vecchio is a Florentine institution.
  • Paszkowski or Gilli. On the Piazza Republica, next to the hotel Savoy. The terraces on the other side of the piazza are equally pricey.
  • Été Via Faenza 63 €3 draft organic juice A lovely little café with warm service and good local organic juice and soft drinks.


  • Cavalli Club | Piazza del Carmine, 8 - Drinks run about €10 each Roberto Cavalli, Italian fashion designer, has one his beautiful clubs in Florence. The inside has a stage with a projector of Roberto Cavalli's fashion shows running non-stop. The upstairs can be a private lounge for parties or VIP section on certain nights. This club was the most popular on Wednesday nights, but it’s open on the weekends as well. It’s black and leopard interior fits the natural and animalistic designs Roberto Cavalli creates. Roberto and his two sons are frequently at the club so look out! All ages are appropriate and the dress attire here is rather upscale. Thit is not just a seasonal club so all year visitors are encouraged to go.
  • Bamboo Lounge Club | Via Giuseppe Verdi, 57/R 43.77094779999999, 11.262094899999965 ☎ +393394298764 Opening Hours: 23:00-04:00 Women free entrance until 01:00; men €10 Bamboo Lounge Club is a great place for young adults and students to party. The music is great from European to American techno and many other worldwide DJs. Bamboo Lounge Club offers VIP tables and has two midsized bars. It is very clean and safe to be in. It is located on Via Giuseppe Verdi not far from the Duomo. Dress is a little more than casual, but not too upscale. The loud music, dancing, and exciting atmosphere gives people a chance to let loose and have fun. The club features mostly house, techno and hip hop music.
  • Tenax Via Pratese, 46 - If you love house and electronic music thit is the best club to go to. It’s a two-story club, located on the outskirts of Florence, features DJ’s from all around Europe, America, and Australia. This club also holds many concerts during the winter and summer. Many people come from all over to enjoy this clubs atmosphere. The dance floor is extremely large and is always very crowded. Be smart where you keep your bag and wallet because it’s extremely simple to get pick pocketed in large clubs like this. This club usually has a cover of €20 and the drinks are rather expensive, but it is a great place to experience at least once. It is very different than most of the clubs in Florence because of the multi-story building. To venture here would be best by taxi or bus. Since it is located in the outskirts of Florence walking could be difficult and not advised. There are many people who can help in directions in the Santa Maria Novella Station.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Florence

Florence - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Florence, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Florence. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Florence and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Florence. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Florence. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Florence: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Florence.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Florence: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Florence, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Florence.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Florence, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Florence, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Florence and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Florence, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Florence, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Florence without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Florence is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Florence.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Florence is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Florence, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Florence Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Florence

eHalal Group Florence is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Florence. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Florence.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Florence ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Florence. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Florence, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Florence are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

As elsewhere the price of hotels in Florence has been climbing quickly in the last few years. The golden rule here is if you want something affordable you'll have to stay outside of the historic center. The area around the train station is cheaper, but not as safe, especially for Muslim women at night. If you are looking at big chain hotels you should be aware that they are usually quite a distance from the centre and the Novotel for instance is almost at the airport.

Certain hotels, particularly those oriented toward business travellers offer special reduced rates during the weekend (e.g. Starhotel Michelangelo) or during slow weeks like Baglioni. Sometimes you can also get a substantial discount by reserving online. In the train station there is a tourist information office which also offers hotel reservations; you can often get good deals through them at the very last minute, but it's not guaranteed.

There are quite a number of one or two star alberghi within a short distance of the station. Young women can find lodging with certain convents at very fair prices, and usually in historic locations. On the other hand, you'll have to forget about any late-night Tuscan craziness.

Camping Places

There are campsites round the edge of town: to Southwest is Ostello Tasso Ente, north is Elite Firenze Gestioie SRL, NE is Camping Albergue, east is Me & Mom in Tuscany, and 3 others further east in Rovezzano. Camping Michelangelo south of town has closed.


  • Hostel Florence Experience Via Maggio, 9 43.76731, 11.24931 Close to Ponte Vecchio and Palazzo Pitti ☎ +39 55 293215 +39 55 293215from €18 (dorm) and €22 (private double room/per person) A hostel in a historic Florentine noble palace built in the 14th century and modified in the 17th century. Rooms are occasionally clean.
  • Hostel Archi Rossi Via Faenza, 94r Close to SMN train station ☎ +39 55 290804 +39 55 2302601from €18 (dorm) and €26 (superior Muslim friendly room/per person) Never mind the renaissance-kitsch walls. Rooms are clean and rates include breakfast, dinner (except Saturdays) and internet access.
  • Hostel 7 Santi @santi.com Viale Dei Mille, 11 Campo di Marte, 10 min from the center by bus ☎ +39 55 5048452 +39 55 5057085 Dorms from €20 A converted 19th-century convent. Rooms are clean and quiet. Has dorm bunks and superior Muslim friendly rooms.

Bed and breakfast

  • Bed & Breakfast Duomo View Piazza San Giovanni, 6 ☎ +39 055 288290 +39 055 288290 Doubles from €80 Large choice of double bedrooms. Services are in common and some of the guestrooms boast a fantastic view of the Duomo. Internet connection and breakfast also available.
  • Bed & Breakfast Giglio Bianco Via Romana 28 close to Pitti Palace ☎ +39 055 225873 +39 055 7349599from €100 This Bed & Breakfast has just the one room and the Camera Verde. They feature gourmet meals and cooking classes directed by Chef Vary.
  • Bed & Breakfast Tourist House Battistero Via dei Cerretani, 1 ☎ +39 333 8379256 Doubles from €90 A lovely Bed & Breakfast in the centre, with the Duomo just 30 m away.
  • Giulia Residence Via Porte Nuove 19 Northwest of rwy station ☎ +39 55 3216646 Doubles from €60 Decent 3-star, access through clanky iron gate in apartment block.
  • Bed & Breakfast di Piazza del Duomo Via dell'Oriuolo 49 ☎ +39 055 285018 +39 055 285018 Doubles from €60 A small Bed & Breakfast, rooms with private bathroom and shower, A/C, LCD TV, free Wi-Fi.
  • Florence Stadium Bed & Breakfast Via Campo d'Arrigo, 15/A across footbridge from Campo di Marte Station ☎ +39 055 212617 Bed & Breakfast double from €75 3-star with clean, spacious rooms near the Stadium and Mandela Forum.


  • Arizona Hotel Via Luigi Carlo Farini 2 43.772651, 11.265353 ☎ +39 055 245321 +39 055 2346130 Check-in: 12:00 / Check-out: 11:00 Doubles from €100 This 3-star hotel is in a renovated villa from the 18th century.
  • Convitto della Calza Piazza Della Calza 6 at Porta Romana 1 kilometers south of centre ☎ +39 055 222 287 Doubles from €80 3 star in converted 16th C cloister, with frescoed rooms and a modern conference centre.
  • Hotel Desirèe Via Fiume, 20 ☎ +39 055 2382382 +39 055 291439 Doubles from €90 Friendly 3-star with 18 rooms, next to train station.
  • Hotel Byron Via della Scala, 49 ☎ +39 055 280852 +39 055 213273 Doubles from €60 Three-star hotel with parking.
  • Hotel Casci Via Cavour 13 500 m from SMN train station ☎ +39 055 211 686 Doubles from €100 This small 2-star is in a 15th C palace and has some original fresco ceilings. Composer Gioacchino Rossini lived here in the 19th C.
  • Hotel Dali Via dell'Oriuolo 17 43.772061, 11.260683 ☎ +39 055 2340706 Doubles from €50 One star, consistently clean & cosy, good location, owners Marco and Samanta helpful and fluent in English.
  • Hotel Fiorita - Via Fiume, 20 ☎ +39 055 283189 800 280722 +39 055 2728153 Doubles from €80 +39 055 283693 Next to train station, on 3rd floor of building that has two other hotels. Rooms have a/c, TV and a safety deposit box. Some rooms also have modem sockets.
  • Hotel Masaccio Via Masaccio, 228 300 m east of Piazza della Liberta ☎ +39 055 578153 +39 055 578153 Doubles from €40 Cozy one-star in 20th C villa, with restaurant.
  • Hotel Giglio Via Cavour, 85 ☎ +39 055 2381752 +39 055 461163 Doubles from €80 Simple 3-star on edge of centro storico.
  • Hotel Kursaal & Ausonia Via Nazionale, 24 ☎ +39 055 496 547 +39 055 462 6615 Doubles from €60 A small 2-star, basic but clean.
  • Hotel Lorena Via Faenza 1 ☎ +39 055 282785 +39 055 288300 Doubles from €50 Two-star hotel in the historic centre, simple but comfy.
  • Hotel Montreal Via della Scala, 43 ☎ +39 055 2382331 +39 055 287491 Double room €100 Two star, central but basic and dated.
  • Hotel Palazzuolo Via Palazzuolo, 71 very close to the main train station. ☎ +39 055 214611 +39 055 212101 Doubles €60 Basic 2-star, many stairs & no lift, but central.
  • Hotel Romagna Via Panzani, 4 ☎ +39 055 211005 +39 055 2396105 Bed & Breakfast double from €90 Two-star hotel near SMN train station. 22 bedrooms en suite, internet connection and satellite TV. Cosy (ie small rooms, basic), no lift to upper floors.
  • Hotel Delle Tele Via Panzani, 10 ☎ +39 055 238 2419 +39 055 290 797 Doubles from €80 Central 3-star near SMN Duomo.
  • Albergo Firenze Piazza Donati, 4Just off Via del Corso ☎ +39 055 268301 +39 055 212370 Double room from €50 2-star hotel, central but basic.
  • Il Bargello Bed & Breakfast @ndbreakfast.it Via dei Pandolfini 33 In the historical centre ☎ +39 055 215330 Double rooms with private bath €120 Clean friendly 3-star.
  • FH Calzaiuoli Hotel via Calzaiuoli 6 ☎ +39 055 212 456 +39 055 268310 Bed & Breakfast double from €150 Central 4-star going on 3.
  • Hotel Caravaggio Piazza Indipendenza 800 m east of main train station ☎ +39 055 496 310 +39 055 480852 Doubles from €120 Good 3-star, consistently clean, well-run & helpful.
  • Galileo Hotel Via Nazionale, 22/a ☎ +39 055 496645 +39 055 496447 Single rooms from €80, doubles €120 3 star in elegant 19th C building, but a/c and wifi erratic.
  • Hotel Basilea Florence Via Guelfa 41 ☎ +39 055 214587 +39 055 268350 Bed & Breakfast double from €85 This 3-star hotel offers 38 bedrooms, single, double, twin, triple and 2 large suites, all with private bath, television and internet connection.
  • Hotel Boston Via Guelfa, 68 ☎ +39 055 496747 +39 055 470934 Bed & Breakfast doubles from €80 - 3-star hotel with 16 bedrooms, not all en-suite. Clean but small and basic.
  • Hotel Crocini Corso Italia 28 In the centre ☎ +39 055 212905 +39 055 210171 Doubles from €80 Central 2-star, not all rooms en suite.
  • Hotel La Gioconda Via Panzani 2 Near Santa Maria Novella ☎ +39 055 211023 +39 055 213136 Doubles from €85 3-star hotel.
  • Hotel Il Guelfo Bianco Via Cavour 29 In the heart of the city ☎ +39 055 288330 +39 055 295203 Doubles from €100 3-star in 15th C building.
  • Hotel Malaspina Piazza Indipendenza, 24 ☎ +39 055 489869 +39 055 474809 Doubles from €90 3-star in charming late 19th-century residence, enriched with modern comforts.
  • Hotel Marignolle Via di San Quirichino a Marignolle 16 8 kilometers southwest from centre ☎ +39 055 2286910 +39 055 2047396 Doubles from €150 4-star in hills outside town, in bosky Tuscan scenery. Outdoor swimmingpool May to October.
  • Hotel Mario's Via Faenza 89 Near Santa Maria Novella ☎ +39 055 216801 +39 055 212039 Bed & Breakfast double €90 Central 3-star.
  • Hotel Mia Cara Via Faenza, 90 (red) ☎ +39 055 216053 +39 055 2302727 Bed & Breakfast double from €60 Small 3-star a short walk from Santa Maria Novella. Friendly English-speaking staff.
  • Hotel Morandi alla Crocetta Via Laura, 50 43.77620, 11.26297 500 m northeast of Duomo ☎ +39 055-2344748 Doubles from €100 Comfy 3-star in Dominican 16th C convent. On-site garage parking is available.
  • Privilege Hotel Lungarno della Zecca Vecchia, 26 ☎ +39 055-2478220 Bed & Breakfast doubles from €80 3-star hotel on the bank of the Arno, with single, double, triple and "Family" rooms. Breakfast buffet, hotel and garage available.
  • Relais Villa Antea Via Puccinotti 46 200 m northwest of Piazza della Liberta ☎ +39 055 484106 +39 055 484539 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 12:00 Doubles from €120 Historical residence in an old palazzo with friendly staff. Rooms are spacious.
  • Hotel Rivoli Via della Scala 33 43.774570, 11.246980 near Basilica SMN ☎ +39 055 27861 +39 055 294041 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 12:00 Doubles from €100 4-star in former 14th C Franciscan convent.
  • Hotel De Rose Palace Via Solferino, 5 near SMN train station ☎ +39 055 068 1097 Doubles from €100 4-star hotel in a traditional Florentine mansion.
  • Hotel Savonarola Viale Giacomo Matteotti, 27 north edge of Centro Storico, on Piazza della Liberta ☎ +39 055 587824 +39 055 587824 Doubles from €50 3-star with one single and 15 twin, double, triple and quadruple rooms. All with private bath, Wi-Fi connection, telephone and breakfast included.
  • Novotel Firenze North Aeroporto H1798-@ Via Tevere 23, Osmannoro 2 kilometers northwest of airport ☎ +39 055 53821 Doubles from €80 4 star handy for airport. Well out of city but they have free shuttle to the downtown.
  • Villa il Mosaico Via di Monticelli, 9-15 south bank, 1 kilometers west of centre; tram to Sansovino ☎ +39 055 7135481 +39 055 71 30 898 Doubles from €80 Elegant villa, ten self-catering apartments with kitchen, living room, bathroom, internet connection and TV. Private parking and 100 square metre terrace with solarium.
  • Residence Select Executive Via G. Galliano 13/a 500 m northwest of SMN train station ☎ +39 055 330342 +39 055 351506 Doubles from €80 4-star hotel; 12 rooms, some with kitchenette.
  • Hotel Unicorno via dei Fossi, 27 Near Santa Maria Novella ☎ +39 055 287313 +39 055 268332 Double rooms from €80 Small 3-star hotel in 17th C building.
  • Grand Hotel Adriatico Via Maso Finiguerra 9 43.774020, 11.245220 200 m west of SMN train station ☎ +39 055 27931 +39 055 289661 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 12:00 Modern 4-star hotel in the historical centre, very close to the train station. Rooms and suites are suitable for both couples, families, single travellers and group of friends. The hotel features a Tuscan restaurant, a private vehicle park, complimentary breakfast served on a terrace on the ground floor and free Minibar with alcohol removed for direct bookings.
  • Grand Hotel Cavour Via del Proconsolo, 3 ☎ +39 055 266271 +39 055 218955€150-300 Friendly, efficient hotel in 13th C palazzo. Former residence of the Strozzi-Ridolfi dynasty.
  • J and J Hotel Via di Mezzo, 20 ☎ +39 055 26312 +39 055 240282 Bed & Breakfast single €195, double €225 4-star hotel in former convent. Has double, twin, junior suite, suite, and double rooms for single use, all en-suite services.
  • Kraft Hotel Via Solferino, 2 ☎ +39 055 284273 +39 055 2398267 Bed & Breakfast doubles from €200 4-star hotel near the centre with swimming-pool, restaurant and 5th-floor terrace with café.
  • Hotel Laurus al Duomo Via dei Cerretani 54/r. ☎ +39 055 2381752 +39 055 268308 Suite rooms with view from €150 A historic 4-star hotel, close to the Gothic Church and Firenze SMN train station.
  • Milu Hotel - formerly La Residenza - Via Tornabuoni, 8 ☎ +39 055 217103 Double from €200 Central 4 star with roof garden with a charming view.
  • Hotel Mirage Via Francesco Baracca, 231 (interno 18) 500 m from Florence airport, 5 kilometers northwest of centre ☎ +39 055 352011 +39 055 374096 Single from €110, doubles from €140, triples from €160, apartments from €300 per week. Comfortable straightforward 4-star hotel with restaurant. Regard this as an airport hotel and you won't be disappointed.
  • Hotel Monna Lisa Florence Borgo Pinti, 27 ☎ +39 055 2479751 €200-550 Four-star hotel, and yes it's Monna, that's not a typo. In a restored 14th-century Florentine noble palace. Gym facilities, sun terrace and meeting rooms.
  • NH Porta Rossa Via Porta Rossa,19 ☎ +39 055 2710911 From €150 Gorgeous hotel built in the 12th century.
  • L'Orologia - L'O - Piazza di Santa Maria Novella ☎ +39 055 27 73 80 Doubles from €150 Swanky boutique 4-star hotel with rooms themed on watches. Nice view of Piazza & Basilica from breakfast room.
  • Orto de' Medici Via San Gallo 30 43.778786, 11.257540 Centro storico ☎ +39 055-483427 +39 055-461276 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 11:00 Doubles from €150 4-star hotel in 19th C building with gardens.
  • Palazzo Magnani Feroni - Borgo San Frediano, 5 just south of Ponte Carraia ☎ +39 055 23 99 544 +39 055 26 08 908 Doubles from €300 It's in a 16th-century building that belonged to Marquis Feroni. It has twelve comfortable suites with classic furniture and original frescoes.
  • Residence La Repubblica Florence Piazza della Repubblica, 4 ☎ +39 055 214496 +39 055 214496 One-person apartment: €160; three/two bedroom apartment: €170 21 self-catering apartments for a maximum of six people, all with kitchenette, private bath, internet connection, satellite TV and cooking facilities. Short stays (eg single night) welcome.
  • Hotel Pitti Palace al Ponte Vecchio Via Borgo San Jacopo, 3 south end of Ponte Vecchio ☎ +39 055 2398711 +39 055 2398867 Doubles from €150 4 star overlooking the bridge; you're paying for the location.
  • Villa Poggio ai Merli Via di Giogoli 5, Scandicci 6 kilometers southwest of centre ☎ +39 055 250257 +39 055 250718 Doubles from €200 A historic residence on edge of city, in large park.
  • Villa la Vedetta Viale Michelangiolo 78 on hill just south of Ponte Niccolo ☎ +39 055 681631 +39 055 6582544 Doubles from €200 5-star luxury hotel with panorama of Florence's skyline.
  • Hotel degli Orafi Lungarno Archibusieri, 4 - Doubles from €150 Boutique 4-star in Florence downtown, overlooking river near Ponte Vecchio.
  • Palazzo Vecchietti Via degli Strozzi, 4 50123 Firenze 43.771617, 11.252964 ☎ +39 055 2302802 - Palazzo Vecchietti Palazzo vecchietti 01 - Historic residence a few steps from Piazza della Repubblica, in the center of Florence. Few suites, elegant and modern. The hotel also offers two apartments in the central area. Gluten-free products and breakfast included in the room rate.

Telecommunications in Florence

Since there are a large number of tourists around and the center of Florence is brimming with webcafés and telephone call centers. Most evenings there are long lines for access to the phone-booths.

You can also buy a pre-paid card which will give you a steep discount on international calls by dialing a special number.

Wireless LAN access is becoming popular. Even when offered for free, you will need to provide your name and contact details to the provider of the service to obtain an access code. Thit is because of Italian anti-terror laws. Anonymous access is not feasible.

Stay Safe

Florence is generally safe and healthy, but beware the inevitable purse-snatchers and pickpockets. They thrive in crowds, particularly around SMN train station and on the buses, sometimes working with a decoy such as an insistent beggar. If you have a bag with a classy, noiseless zipper, it will be opened.

News & References Florence

Travel Next

  • Florence is a great starting point and base for a tour of Tuscany. Attractive day trips include Pisa, Lucca, San Gimignano, Arezzo, Fiesole, Lucignano, Siena, and of course the zone of Chianti. Greve in Chianti is the market town of the Chianti zone and it is in the hills surrounding Greve that you can rent a Bed & Breakfast room or a small apartment on a working vineyard for less than a hotel in Florence. The SITA Pullman buses take you to Greve and Panzano in about an hour. From then on you see few cars and many cypress and olive trees.
The SITA bus station is just west of the train station in Florence. Thit is where to go to catch a bus to Siena, San Gimignano, and so on. If you're at the roundabout, facing the train station, go 90 degrees left and stay on the left until just past the fork. You will see the entrance to the SITA garage on your right.
  • Fiesole is in the hills above Florence, only a short bus ride away from the centre. It offers a beautiful view of the sunset, and a small museum located on ancient Roman and Etruscan ruins of a temple and an amphitheater.
  • World War II Florence American Cemetery and Memorial 43.69203, 11.20918 12 km (7.5 miles) south of Florence on the west side of Via Cassia. The Rome-Milan highway passes near the cemetery. 20 min bus ride from the Sita Station, just ask agent (get a return ticket) - Opening Hours: Open daily except for 25 December and 1 January; 09:00-17:00 Free to enter The cemetery is the final resting place for 4,402 American military dead lost during after the capture of Rome and the battle for the Apennines. A monument is inscribed with the names of 1,409 Americans whose remains were never found or identified. The atrium of the chapel contains marble maps of World War II Italy campaign.
  • Biking options outside of the city include the Chianti area, where you can fully enjoy the hills and the elegance of the landscape surrounding you, which has been taken care of endlessly through centuries. Strong scents can be enjoyed in Spring. The warm temperatures and usually stable weather in the good seasons can make the ride even more enjoyable. If you feel more energetic, ascents to Vallombrosa from Pontassieve through Tosi can be very enjoyable. You start from the Arno river plain and you end up in a thick, shady, fresh forest. In all cases, avoid the hottest hours in Summer and be aware of the traffic, which can be heavy and not cyclist-savvy, until you get in secondary or less populated roads.
  • UNESCO World Heritage List|UNESCO World Heritage Listed rural building complexes (Medici Villas and Gardens) are scattered around Florence.

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