
From Halal Explorer

Port of Fonyód Fonyód is a small city in Hungary on the southern shore of Lake Balaton.

Get in

Fonyód légifotó3 - Fonyód marina by Air

By boat

=Fonyód légifotó3.jpg

  • Port of Fonyód - Keresztes György vitorláskikötő | Fürdő utca 1 GPS 46.7503, 17.5555 Center ☎ +36 85 360012 Shipping timetable (high season). Ships to Badacsony (up to four per day).

Take a bus to Fonyód

  • Bus Station Fonyód - Autóbuszállomás Fonyód |Ady Endre utca - GPS: 46.7499 ,17.5583 Next to Fonyód Train Station

Travel by train to Fonyód

  • Fonyód Train Station - Fonyód vasútállomás - Állomás tér 46.7502, 17.5587 Next to Fonyód Bus Station ☎ +36 40 494949 - From Budapest (Déli, Keleti also Kelenfold, Ft 2420 plus seat reservations, and/or supplementary ticket, two and a half hours, all trains stop at Székesfehérvár, Siófok and Balatonszemes). Trains going also to southward to Kaposvár, to west to Nagykanizsa. It has a daily train connection to Zagreb (Ft 5610) - The train station building was erected in 1928. One of the most beautiful and preserved in its original form Balaton lakeside train station.

Rent a Car or Limousine in Fonyód

Fonyod is less than two hours drive from Budapest via Székesfehérvár and Siófok on the M7. To the North(esat) Coast you can take a ferry at Szántod.

Get around

The city is very compact all part is within walking distance - Tourinform - Fonyód Vigadó tér 1 GPS 46.750 ,17.556 Port☎ +36 85 560313 Fax: +36 85 560313|hours=June - Aug . Information about: lodging, restaurants, transport, programs, attractions, services.

What to See

Fonyod Hill gives a great view of the Balaton and the hills of the northern shore with their volcanic tops.


  • Chapel with bell tower - Kápolna harangtoronnyal - Szent István utca/tér 46.7268, 17.5265 Bélatelep neighborhood price= Its form reminiscent of the Hungarian crown. A small, 'summer' chapel

  • Protestant Church Protestáns templom Web: ózsef u. 21 46.7449, 17.5485 Near to Fonyód football field ☎ Mass: Sunday 09:30. Similar to the wooden churches in Transylvania. Built in 1936.
  • Roman Catholic Church - Római katolikus templom - Templom utca 46.7443, 17.5462 West 0.5 kilometers of Fonyód Train Station Opening Hours: Mass: Tuesday Friday Saturday at 18:30; Sunday 11:00 and 18:30 The church is on the high mountain near to Lakeshore. Delightful views over the lake and the north shore mountains. The church was built in 1902 to replace the old chapel. Thit is a neo-Romanesque church. It was built with carved stones. When the dome collapsed, it was rebuilt, but instead of carved stone used bricks. Instead tower a so called Hussar turret raised above the dome. The bell placed in a timber belfry in front of the church

  • Reformed Church Református templom József u. 21 46.7448, 17.5486 Near to Fonyód football field. Opening Hours: Mass: Sunday 11:00 Protestants and Reformed using same building.


  • Crypt-villa - Kripta-villa - József u. 16 46.7473, 17.5512 Next to Valkó Lookout Opening Hours: closed (2023) According to the legend of unfulfilled love made the man, who lost his sweetheart, later carved our own shape and form of the deceased love in stone carving wedding bed.
  • Fonyód's Museum - Fonyódi Múzeum, volt Velics-villa Bélatelep,Bartók Béla út 3 46.7360, 17.5379 ☎ +36 85 560392, +36 20 4654786 (Mobil) Opening Hours: June - September: Tuesday to Friday 10:00-18:00, Saturday Sunday 10:00-14:00. In case of bad weather and the extended opening hours Ft 300 2022 In a 100-year-old villa, former cinema building. Collections: local history and ethnographic, about Balaton animal and plant life, nature protection.

Villa Gallery - Villa Galéria, Nyári Galéria - Fürdő u. 7 46.7514, 17.5618 near the port

 In a listed building.
  • Mini Gallery - Mini Galéria, Művelődési Ház Balaton utca 3 46.7472, 17.5531in the community house. ☎ +36 85 560 058 Temporarly art exhibits.


  • Double nudes sculpture - Kettős Akt Szobor, Emberpár| Fürdő utca - GPS: 46.7516, 17.5549 On the waterfront A symbol of the town. Made by István Kiss sculptor.
  • Pilot Lányi Antal sculpture - Lányi Antal pilot a szobra On the waterfront 46.75006, 17.555781 He was the first who flew across the Balaton.

Sánc- és erődrendszer (15113. számú műemlék).jpg

  • Ruins of the Fácános fort Fácános vár maradványai, Erődvár romjai, Alsóvár- és erődtemplom romjai | Fácános park, Szent István u. 121. - GPS: 46.7371, 17.5594 South 1000 m from Fonyód Train Station | ☎. Here are a part of the former castle Fácános and the so-called 'Pile-dwelling ' rampart and moat

Présház (7867. számú műemlék).jpg

  • Press house restaurant - Műemlék Présház étterem, Halászcsárda és borozó | Lenke utca 21- GPS: 46.7367, 17.5564 Agricultural monument One of the local vernacular architecture remained intact memories (around 200-year-old historic building).
  • Wooden headboards - Kopjafák és a kilátópad József A. u. 46.7449, 17.5486 At the Protestant ChurchA World War II memorial. Made by Tóth József.

Villas - Villasor Bélatelep, Bartók Béla 22-80 GPS 46.7416,17.5405 Northeastern side of the Castle Hill

 - . Significance monuments area in the center of the Historic settlement. 29 villas, with outbuildings in filled with plants gardens . These are protected monuments, built in the 1890s. Here was the holiday destination to the members of genteel middle class.
  • Várhegyi Lookout (formerly Berzsenyi Lookout) Várhegyi kilátó, korábban Berzsenyi-kilátó - GPS: 46.7354, 17.5425 On the 233-meter high Castle hill (Várhegy). Beautiful view.
  • Boros Palace - Boros-kastély Csisztai út 46.7232, 17.5564 South 2km from Bus Station ☎ +36 85 360 458 Now a guesthouse.
  • Sipos Mountain Lookout Sipos-hegyi kilátó , . Stunning picture emerges from Keszthely to Balatonkenese. From this site alone (on the shore of Lake Balaton), you can see the whole Balaton.
  • Valkó Lookout - Valkó-kilátó | József utca - GPS: 46.7457, 17.5490
  • Eötvös Károly Public Library - Eötvös Károly Városi Könyvtár | Szent István u. 29. - GPS: 46.7457, 17.5573 300 meters south form the train station, next to the poliklinik. ☎ +36 85 560033 Opening Hours: Winter: Monday Wednesday to Friday 09:00-17:30, Friday 09:00-16:00, Saturday 08:30-11:30; summer: Monday Wednesday to Friday 09:00-17.30, Tuesday 08:30-11:30, Thursday 09:00-16:00 One of the largest public library (of Lake Balaton Area) with more than 50 thousand volumes of books. Wi-Fi access is available. - Fonyód.jpg
  • Boat Station Building - Hajóállomás Műemléképülete | Fürdő u. - GPS: 46.7505, 17.5553 Center - An ornate monument building was built in 1913. based on Kaal Nagy Dezso (engineer, port inspector) plans.
  • Pier - móló | 46.7527 ,17.5538 Center Lake Balaton's longest pier, 464 meters. Built in 1898 by designer Scholcz Gyula. Gulács Hill directed perpendicular to the center line. In 1906 it was rebuilt extended with a breakwater.
  • Music pagoda Zene pagoda Fűrdő u. 46.7508, 17.5574 Opposite the row of port's shops Chimes will entertain you there.

Zsolnay Fountain - Zsolnay kút Dísz tér 46.7496, 17.5584 = Town Hall - Városháza Fő utca 19 GPS 46.7413 ,17.5472 ☎+36 85 562-980 +36 85-562-999 Opening Hours: West 08:00-12:00; 13:00-16:00; Friday 8:00-12:00. erected in 1939 Ripka Ferenc Fountain - Ripka Ferenc kút, 'kútház' Márffy tér, ( Várhegy, Bartók Béla u.) GPS 46.7427 ,17.5442 - . Ripka Ferenc was a Lord Mayor and spend his vacation here in Bélatelep, forty years long.

= Gatyás folk restaurant - Gatyás csárda Fő u. 105. GPS 46.7356,17.5515 ☎ . Still working. A beautiful thatched building.

Somogyvár Abbey - GPS 46.5947,17.6379. Somogyvar Szent Egyed apatsag - Somogyvár Abbey

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Fonyód


= Sister City Park - Testvérvárosi park GPS , . Here are Fonyód sister cities (Leipheim, Wine Court, Novi Vinodolski Érsekújvár) coats of arms and flags as well as the spacing and direction of their index table.

= Panorama walkway Panoráma sétány GPS , = Kossuth Forest Kossuth-erdő GPS 46.7433,17.5441 . Here stand the monuments to World War I and World War II. Fallen Fonyód's soldiers (made by György Benedek sculptor). }}
= Woodland gymnastics path Erdei tornapálya GPS , Sipos hill . Based on tables can move arms and legs. 


= Municipal beach - Fonyód Városi Szabad Strand Vitorlás utca GPS 46.7452,17.5438 Free of charge . Free beach, 3,500 m² green surface, playground, buffets and rental suppliers.


Bélatelep beach Bélatelepi szabad strand Vitorlás utca GPS 46.7357,17.5325 Bélatelep neighborhood Free . Fonyód most exclusive resort. 9,170 m² of green space, boat dock, dressing cabins, bars, rental, lockers, foot tennis and basketball courts, and playground.

Árpád beach - Árpád parti szabad strand Árpád part utca GPS , Fonyódliget neighborhood - Free . 8,960 m² of green space, playgrounds, Snacks bars, rentals, lockers, giant water slide and a badminton court.
  • Fürdő utca beach Fürdő utcai szabad strand| Fürdő utca GPS 46.7543 ,17.5663 Fonyódliget neighborhood - Free . 2,650 m² green area, children's playground, football and basketball courts. Familiar character. - Huszka Jenő utca beach - Huszka Jenő utcai szabad strand Huszka Jenő utca GPS 46.7273,17.5182 Fonyód Alsóbélatelep ☎ Free . 1,400 m² green space, a playground and a Snacks café. Familiar character }}

Báthori utca beach - Báthori utcai szabad strand Báthori utca GPS 46.7303,17.5222 Fonyód Alsóbélatelep ☎ - Free of charge. 6,400 m2 green surface, a playground and a Snacks café. Familiar character }}

= Sándortelep beach sándortelepi strand - Vigadó tér GPS 46.7508,17.5565 Center Free . 8,900 m² of green space, free beach, Snacks bar, deposit box, rental suppliers, giant slide, children's playground, beach volleyball, badminton, basketball and beach soccer courts. The water depth is suitable for small children to bathe. Unobstructed beach. - Tópart utca beach Tópart utcai fürdőhely email= 

Tópart utca GPS , - . 2 670 m² green area, maximum capacity 220 people, one beach bar operating


  • Fonyódi Tavaszi Fesztivál Fonyódi Nyári Fesztivál Aug 20 - Szent István-napi rendezvények (St. Stephen's Day events)
  • Kolbászfesztivál (Sausage Festival)
  • Fonyódi Helikon költőtalálkozó (Fonyódi Helicon poet meeting)
  • Triatlon Balaton nagydíj (Lake Balaton Triathlon Grand Prix)
  • Országos strandfoci bajnokság (National beach soccer championship)
  • Országos frizbi bajnokság (Frisbee national championship)

Shopping in Fonyód


K & H Bank K&H fiók és ATM Ady Endre utca 7 GPS 46.7493,17.5574 Center☎ +36 85 562960 Fax: +36 85 562961 M 08:00-17:00, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00. A branch and an ATM (max. Ft 100,000 per transaction }} - OTP Bank Ady Endre utca 25 GPS 46.7502,17.5613 Center☎ +36 1 366 6388|fax= -

Shopping in Fonyód

Covered market - Fonyódi piac Gáz u. GPS 46.7471 ,17.5627 Parking is always difficult on market days so come early or be prepared to park in side streets at least 500 m away W Saturday 07:00-12:00. Good buys are artisan made hams and salami, kolbasz Sausages and preserves and pickles. There's also a much wider range of fruit and vegetables than in local stores. In the open air area stalls clothes antiques and hardware abound. Much of the clothing on offer is very poor quality and not as affordable as it should be. Haggling is ok, though many of the stalls are manned by students and not the stall owner, so they won't do deals. - Line of store - Üzletsor GPS 46.7504, 17.5569 Between the port and the beach. The South shore most impressive line of shops }} - SPAR - SPAR - Fonyód #706 Ady Endre utca 9 GPS 46.7498 ,17.5591 ☎ +36 20 8237706 Monday to Saturday 06:30-23:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00 - . Parking: 54 cars

  • Balatonáruház Fonyód, Ady Endre utca 5 46.7519, 17.5671 E 500 m of Fonyód Railway Station ☎ +36 36 562 075 - Technical articles, industrial goods

Muslim Friendly Food & Restaurants in Fonyód

Lots of affordable and simple food in the new area between the beach and the station.

  • Scone and pancake - Lángos és palacsintázó Vigadó tér - GPS: 46.7504, 17.5560 Port - Cheap Fast food


Aranyhíd Restaurant - Aranyhíd Vendéglő | Szent István u. 42 46.74358, 17.55827 ☎+36 85 361943 | fax=Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-23:00 Familiar environment, home-style cuisine, reasonable prices

  • Présház Restaurant - Présház Étterem | Lenke utca 21. - GPS: 46.73831, 17.55608 Sándor street corner ☎ +36 30 3853169 Opening Hours: W-Saturday: 11:00-24:00, Monday Tuesday 17:00-24:00 only in the summer Average Local specialties.
  • Makkos Tavern - Makkos Vendéglő | Hunyadi János u. 7. 46.7487 , 17.5584 Next to Spar ☎ +36 20 3264965| fax=Opening Hours: mid April till mid Oct, daily 11:00-22:00 Cheap Lunch: 12 kinds of tourist menu up to Ft 690-1200. Dinner: oven baked specialties, Steaks, fish dishes, show kitchen. Cozy, shady garden.


  • Torony Restaurant - Torony Étterem - Fonyód, Vitorlás u. 25. , On the shore. Close to Fonyód museum ☎ +36 85 363315, +36 20 2210818 (Mobil) Opening Hours: Daily 11:00-23:00 100 different food specialty, a wide variety of Hungarian dishes, specialties of Lake Balaton and finest beverages. Streaming fruit cocktails, bottled none-alcoholic drinks, draft bottled soft drinks, coffee and ice cream.


Cafe Balaton Balaton Kávézó Hunyadi János u.32? GPS 46.7498,17.5622

  • Barbakán Cafe - Barbakán Kávézó - @Ady E.u. 7. - GPS: 46.74961, 17.5586 Center, Dísz tér (square) | ☎+36 20 3894014 Opening Hours: All year. Daily 08:00-20:00 Sweet and salty Snacks, good Coffee, wide assortment of sandwiches, hot and cold drinks. A/c room. WiFi.
  • Fácános Brewery - Fácános Söröző | Kupavezér u. 3. - GPS: 46.73012, 17.55586About one kilometers from the shore ☎ +36 30 2925525 Opening Hours: Daily 06:00-22:00 Garden room. Hungarian plates. Draft soft drinks.

- Nosztalgia Ice cream - Nosztalgia Fagyizó Fonyód-Bélatelep, József A u. 37 GPS 46.7335 ,17.5368 From Pentecost day. Milky and real fruit ice creams, charming garden

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Fonyód

Fonyód - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Fonyód, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Fonyód. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Fonyód and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Fonyód. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Fonyód. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Fonyód: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Fonyód.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Fonyód: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Fonyód, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Fonyód.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Fonyód, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Fonyód, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Fonyód and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Fonyód, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Fonyód, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Fonyód without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Fonyód is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Fonyód.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Fonyód is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Fonyód, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Fonyód Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Fonyód

eHalal Group Fonyód is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Fonyód. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Fonyód.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Fonyód ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Fonyód. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Fonyód, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Fonyód are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Balatontourist Napsugár Camping - Balatontourist Napsugár Kemping Wekerle utca 5 GPS 46.7327,17.5325 On the Lakeshore☎ +36 85 361211Opening Hours: May-Aug - = Juhász Inn and restaurant Juhász Fogadó Panzió és étterem Turul u. 44. GPS ☎ +36 30 6915116 - High season (Jun 21 - Aug 25) Ft 9400/13200 all tax incl., for one night Ft 1000. Dinner menu: Ft 1500 p.p. 2022 . 10 rooms.Pool, Jacuzzi, private secluded sauna, solarium. Bike rental. - Hotel Balaton Szent István utca 1 46.7482, 17.5565 ☎ +36 20 9674511

Fax +36 85 560335 High season (Jun 28-Aug 28) single/double Ft 13 400/20 700-25 700, Apts. Ft 30 800-35 800; mid season 10-15% discount | checkin=14:00 / Check-out: 10:00 2022. 3-star. Sixteen rooms 
  • Torony Holiday Park - VS Liget, Torony Üdülő Park - Fonyódliget neighborhood, Thököly u. 75. - GPS: 46.7578, 17.5909 200 m of Fonyódliget Railway Station ☎ +36 20 2628515 Ft 2000-2700 p.p., breakfast/dinner: Ft 750/1200 p.p. (less than three nights plus Ft 1000/room, plus Ft 800 bed linen cleaning) | checkin= / Check-out: | lastedit=2022 Thirty rooms. 2-3-4 beds (different standards of comfort) rooms / TV, refrigerator, umbrella, table, chairs / available. Sports fields and volleyball courts, concrete table tennis tables, playground
  • Zöldfa Guest House Zöldfa Vendégház | Bartók B. u. - GPS: 46.7423 ,17.5451 Center☎ +36 70 2877009 Low season from Ft 2360 p.p. Four rooms.

Internet & Phones

  • Fonyód Post Office #1 Magyar Posta, Fonyód 1 posta Fő utca 7. 46.7424, 17.5459 Center☎ +36 85 361406

News & References

Travel Next

  • Budapest
  • Kaposvár
  • Keszthely
  • Nagykanizsa
  • Siófok
  • Székesfehérvár
  • Zagreb, Croatia

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