
From Halal Explorer

1280px SZIE Campus, belső udvar, Gödöllő - University of Gödöllő

Gödöllő] is a city in Pest County, Hungary, about 30 km east of Budapest. It is often visited as a daytrip from Budapest, or as a stop off while travelling to Eastern Hungary. It is among the most popular destinations for Austrians visiting Hungary, largely due to the royal palace, former home of Emperor Franz Josef and Queen Elizabeth.

Travel to Gödöllő

Take a bus to Gödöllő

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  • Gödöllő Bus Station - Gödöllő autóbusz-állomás - Szabadság u. 8. - GPS: 47.5990, 19.3527 East from the Palace Opening Hours: Ticket vending machine. Cash desk opening hours: Monday to Friday 06:00-18:00; Saturday 06:00-14:00; Sunday and holidays: 06:30-14:30. Waiting room daily 05:00-23:00 There is a snack and a newspaper sales. Buses to/from: Vác (via Vácrátót), Eger (via Hatvan, Gyöngyös), Szolnok (via Jászberény), Tura (via Aszód).

By rail

Budapest has two suburban rail systems: the HÉV operated by BKV (the transport company in Budapest), and regular személy trains operated by MÁV (the national rail operator). Both serve Gödöllő, but not the same parts. However, if coming from central Budapest MÁV is almost always the better option, although HÉV is more practical if you are arriving directly from the Franz Liszt Airport (first take #200E from the airport to Kőbánya-Kispest, and from there on take #85 to Örs vezér tere, its final stop; both of these are bus lines with quite frequent departures, even on Sundays).


HÉV train at end station, Gödöllő - HÉV train stopped in Gödöllő

The Gödöllő HÉV originates at Örs Vezér tere in Budapest, the eastern terminus of the metro line 2. Be sure to take a train towards Gödöllő and not Csömör or Cinkota. Gödöllő has four HÉV stops. Service pattern is 4 trains/h during peak hours and 2 trains/h at other times, and the trip from Örs Vezér tere takes 51 min.

Tickets can be purchased at Örs Vezér tere or from the inspector on board, and the fare is Ft720, consisting of two tickets: a regular one for Ft350 that you should stamp inside the train, and an extension ticket for Ft370 that an inspector will come over to check (though if you have a Budapest period travelcard, this is reduced to Ft365 HUF).

  • Gödöllő, Erzsébet park HÉV suburban train stop - Erzsébet park HÉV megálló | Szabadság út 47.59507, 19.34093right in between the Felső Park and the scenic Erzsébet park First stop in Gödöllő arriving from Budapest

}} - HÉV-állomás, Gödöllő.JPG

  • Gödöllő, Szabadság tér HÉV suburban train stop - Szabadság tér HÉV megálló

| 47.59793, 19.34817 In the downtown and steps away from the royal palace and city museum

'H8' line toward west to Budapest Örs vezér tere terminal and to east via Gödöllő, Palotakert station to Gödöllő terminal (same place as Gödöllő train stop)
  • Gödöllő, Palotakert suburban train stop - Palotakert HÉV megálló | 47.59907, 19.35625 Near the Palotakert housing development
  • Gödöllő - Gödöllő végállomás | 47.59245, 19.35852 Connected to the MÁV station of the same name HÉV suburban train terminal.

MÁV suburban rail

GodolloTrainStation - The Gödöllő train station

Gödöllő is also served by MÁV suburban trains on the Budapest - Gödöllő - Hatvan line, which originates at Keleti pályaudvar (metro line 2) in Budapest. Service pattern is generally 2 trains/h Budapest - Gödöllő with 1 train/h running onwards to Hatvan. Gödöllő has three MÁV stops: Gödöllő-Állami telepek, Gödöllő, and Máriabesnyő. The Hatvan trains will stop in all three and the Gödöllő trains only at Állami telepek and Gödöllő station. The ride takes 38 minutes and costs Ft745 (though if you have a Budapest period travelcard, this is reduced to Ft365).

  • Gödöllő-Állami telepek train stop - Gödöllő Állami telepek vasúti megállóhely

| Isaszegi út ~168 47.56411, 19.37579near to the Arboreteum and Beekeeping museum A small covered brick shelter. No cashdesk.

  • Gödöllő train stop - Gödöllő állomás - GPS: 47.59229, 19.35861 Connected to the HÉV terminus, 7 min on foot to the palace and 9 min to downtown
  • Máriabesnyő train stop Máriabesnyő vasúti megállóhely | Gárdonyi Géza utca ~2 GPS 47.5957, 19.3897outside the pilgrimage temple There is only a shelter building. Buy ticket on the train from ticket inspector

By car

Gödöllő is accessible by the M3 motorway out of Budapest.

How to get around in Gödöllő

Bus station - Main bus station

Most of the main sights are within walking distance of Szabadság tér. The HÉV can be used within Gödöllő, at a cost of Ft155 a ticket. If travelling to Máriabesnyő suburban trains bound for Hatvan leave every hour from the main station. There is also a free bus that runs from the train station to downtown and then on to Tesco that runs roughly every hour. A complete local bus schedule can be found at Volánbusz's website].

What to see in Gödöllő

Town Center

Royal Palace of Gödöllő 004 - Royal Palace of Gödöllő Royal Palace of Gödöllő 004.JPG

  • Grassalkovich Palace - German: Schloss Gödöllő, Hungarian: Gödöllői Királyi Kastély, Grassalkovich Kastély,| kiralyikastely.hu - GPS 47.5958, 19.3474 located across the street from the Szabadság tér HÉV stop ☎ +36 28 410124 +36 28 423159 Opening Hours: April - Oct daily 10:00-18:00 (ticket office until 17:00), 27 October - Dec Monday to Friday 10:00-16:00, Saturday to Sunday 10:00-17:00, 27 December - 4 Jan 10:00-17:00 (ticket office always clse one hour earlier) (2023) Permanent exhibition (Royal apartments and the Era of the Grassalkovich, Queen Elisabeth memorial exhibition, “Centuries, Inhabitants, Stories” – the 20th century history of the palace) adult/student Ft2,200/1,100, family ticket Ft4,600 (two adults and children under 18); guided tour prices for groups – 70-80 mins 1-9 persons Ft5,300 per group, 10-25 persons Ft6,500, Ft800/audioguide. Seasonal exhibitions: adult/student Ft1,200/600 (varies). 3D cinema "The Castle of Gödöllő ever and now" Director-cameraman: Elemér Ragályi. The horse culture of royals and aristocratics (interactive exhibition in the Baroque stables and Stableman rooms) (Thu-Sun) ~45 mins, adult/student Ft1,200/600. Falconry and archery show (12 May-15 Sep): Sundays 15:00 ~ 60 mins adult/student Ft1,500/900. The royal palace is Gödöllő's main attraction. Built in the 1740s and the baroque mansion was home to Count Anton Grassalkovich. With the creation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the palace was given to the Habsburgs as a gift and was often frequented by Queen Elizabeth, better known as Sisi. During communism the palace fell into ruin and has only recently been partially restored. The first floor's 23 rooms (nearly 1000m²) accommodate the interior exhibition. One of the most striking features of the Empress Elisabeth Exhibition is its historical accuracy. Besides a tour of the royal apartments and there are also the Baroque theater and the royal chapel. Concerts are also frequently held here. The visitor service units are situated on the ground floor: cloak-room, ticket office, tourist information centre, toilets (also for the disabled), payphone. Audioguides are available (Hungarian, English, French, (German), Italian, (Spanish), Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Slovak, Romanian, Polish).
  • Baroque Theatre GPS 47.59509, 19.34759 In the southernmost wing of the Palace Opening Hours: Only with guiding – cca. 30 mins (Sat and Sun) Adult/student Ft1,400/800 Count Antal Grassalkovich II (1734–1794) had a theatre auditorium constructed during reconstruction work between 1782 and 1785. This is the earliest stone theatre with coulisses still standing in Hungary. The 25 m long, 8 m wide and nine and half high and the space resulted from making the three-storey wing into one. The walls of the theatre auditorium were decorated with Neo-classical, late Baroque paintings. The plastic parastades with Roman capitals are joined by cornices at the top and marble-like pedestals at the bottom. The surfaces between the parastades are adorned with ochre-framed pink fields with garlands. The 90 sqm stage slanting slightly towards the stalls was equipped with the best technology of the age. The spatial effect of the Baroque stage-set was achieved by means of sliding coulisses and scenery canvases hanging from above and also by backdrop canvases. There was no orchestra pit separating the stalls from the stage. The orchestra was only separated from the audience by a low draught-screen. The audience was seated in the stalls and in the two galleries on the rear wall.
  • Horthy Bunker On the south side of the castle in Queen Elizabeth's garden Opening Hours: Only with guiding, 25-30 mins. Adult/student Ft900/750 Miklós Horthy (1868-1957) governor was used as a summer residence the Palace of Godollo between the two World Wars. A bunker built for him at the end of World War II. Now two rooms are visitable of the bunker. This is a bomb-proof shelter made with 170 cm wide reinforced concrete walls. The bunker is about 10 meters deep under the earth. Suitable for up to 20 persons. Two residing rooms and a toilet built here. The equipment of one of the room is reconstructed basis of the original plan. The exhibition shows the history of the bunker construction and summon the war period by newsreels, Karády (famous Hungarian singer from 1930s-40s) songs and relics.

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  • King’s Hill pavilion - Királyi domb pavilonja | GPS 47.59425, 19.34393 Located around 200 metres from the Palace | Opening Hours: may be visited on guided tours. the hexagonal pavilion built in the 1760s, dates from the Baroque period. 54 oil paintings depicting Hungarian leaders and kings were incorporated into the panelled walls of the pavilion. Now can be see only replicas, because mostly have been destroyed or have disappeared. - Grassalkovich-kastély kápolnája (római katolikus templom) (14878. számú műemlék).jpg
  • Palace church - Palota templom GPS 47.59607, 19.34668 Northern Wing On the orders of Antal Grassalkovich I erected a richly decorated Catholic church adjoining the Palace. The church was consecrated on 1749. Its patron is Street John of Nepomuk as depicted in the high altar painting dating from the 18th century. The baldachin above the high altar rests on four black marble columns. The triumphal arch is decorated with the Grassalkovich family coat of arms. A unique feature of the church is that it has two Rococo style pulpits. Above the entrance to the oratory there is a Venetian mosaic portrait of Antal Grassalkovich I.

Grassalkovich-kastély (7051. számú műemlék) 2 - Royal Palace of Gödöllő, Royal Suites

  • Royal Suites - Királyi lakosztályok - In 1867 bought and reconstructed by the Hungarian state. The palace was presented as a coronation gift to Emperor Francis Joseph I (1830–1916) and Queen Elizabeth (1837–1898) for use as a residence. The royal period is evoked in 14 galleries: the faithfully restored royal suites and the ceremonial hall.
  • Museum shop and Shop of Royal Suppliers - Múzeum bolt és Udvari beszállítók boltja - Both can be found on the ground floor of the castle Unique book selection related to Queen Elizabeth and Gödöllő. Wide selection of postcards. Gifts quotation the atmosphere of the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy . Goods of Royal Suppliers: Porcelains, laces, spices, soft drinks and these highly representative of the Hungarian tradition, quality and creativity of the Hungarian. Unique gifts, gift packages can be ordered or can be assembled and purchased on the spot.
  • Palace Cafe - Palota kávézó - Can be found on the ground floor coffee specialties (six types), Cookies and cakes specialties (ten types), Ticolino teas.
  • Palmhouse - Pálmaház | Martinovics u. 2/a. 47.59327, 19.34648 South part of the Upper Park ☎ +36 28 432 995 Opening Hours: Daily 8:00-17:00 Arts and crafts workshops, a petting zoo, pony rides and flower market

}} Town Museum of Gödöllő 01 - Town Museum of Gödöllő Town Museum of Gödöllő 01.JPG

  • Town Museum of Gödöllő - Gödöllői Városi Múzeum - Szabadság tér 5 - GPS: 47.59867, 19.34914close to the HÉV station toward market ☎ +36 28 421-997 +36 28 422 003 Opening Hours: W-Su 08.00–16.00 FtF600 (2023) The oldest dating building of Gödöllő and the Hamvay mansion house, has had a lot of functions all through history: it was used as a guesthouse, a chemists, a hotel and even a grammar school. Today it hosts the Town Museum. The exhibit focuses primarily on the Gödöllő artists' colony from the early 1900s, and has several excellent examples of Hungarian Art Nouveau. There is also an ethnographic exhibit on Oceania, collected by Ferenc Ignácz, who worked at the university in Gödöllő. Another small room houses the private collection of Zoltán Mihály Csupor, a Catholic priest. Gift shop.

Royal Waiting Room, Gödöllő.JPG

  • Royal Waiting Room Királyi Váró - Állomás tér 1-2 GPS 47.59174, 19.35868 700m south of the Palace entrance ☎ +36 28 421-997, +36 20 451-8402 (mobil)
Fax +36 28 422-003 Opening Hours: 10.00–16.00 Ft300 (2023) A branch of the Town Museum of Gödöllő. Between Hatvan and Pest (Budapest is not existed just separate Buda, Pest, Óbuda) the rail traffic started in 1867. (This rail line is passing Gödöllö.) Same year Queen Elizabeth got the Godollo Palace and Estate as a coronation present. The royal couple and escort regularly traveled by train to Godollo. The Godollo station building was released on April 2, 1867. In 1868, a wooden, Tyrolean-style temporary pavilion was built for the royal couple as a waiting room. In the 1870s the railway traffic increased. The royal family staying in Godollo made the town to a trendy, fashionable summer resort. In 1874 and the station was converted into a two-story building. In addition to the rail office designed first-, second- and third-class waiting room and a restaurant with dance hall. In 1882, a new Royal Waiting house built in neo-Renaissance style. The building designed by a major Hungarian architect, Miklós Ybl. - In the Franz Joseph's waiting room is an exhibition of the history of transport, a branch of the Hungarian Transport Museum. In Queen Elizabeth's waiting room and the Prince's waiting room can be see a local history museum focusing to the royal family cult.
  • The Peace Gong - Világbéke Gong | Szabadság (Liberty) tér 47.59944, 19.34885 Near to OTP Szabadság tér branch - Békegong - This is the fifth in the world and the first and only European peace gong which was given by Indonesia as a present to the town of Gödöllő.
  • GIMonday - House - Godollo Applied Arts Workshop, Gödöllői Iparművészeti Műhely | gimhaz.hu/ Körösfői Kriesch Aladár utca, 15-17 GPS 47.60030, 19.34269 West from Sissi Pension Opening Hours: The traditions and spirit of the Art Colony is conveyed by the Handicraft Workshop by providing a possibility for the contemporary artists to introduce their work in exhibitions and other occasions. A particular esthetic experience for the visitor is the GIMonday - House's park with its colorful atmosphere. In the garden is an open air exhibit place.
  • In the court of the Town Market there is the Pelikános Kút, Gödöllő's symbolic pelican crest.
  • Reformed Church - Református templom | 9 Szabadság square 47.59945, 19.34810 Close to Hotel Erzsébet Királyné (Queen Elisabeth Hotel) ☎ +36 28 410 298 Reformed Church, Gödöllő 001.JPG Opening Hours: Massaes on Sundays This baroque church built in 1745 with the support of Antal Grassalkovich I is an onion dome church. Godollo Reformed Lyceum High School and Dormitory is also here. From the schoolyard is open a door to a tourist lodging (four room, 16 beds, +36-20-823-3409, @)

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  • Former Town Hall - Járási Hivatal | 2 DózsaGyörgy street - GPS: 47.59904, 19.34742 North of 'Gödöllő, Szabadság tér' station Seccession architecture is represented by this monumental building. After reconstruction it hosts the Queen Elisabeth Hotel (Hotel Erzsébet Királyné )
  • Evangelic Church Petőfi square GPS 47.60095, 19.34825 North of Atrium Shopping Center Outside is a statue of Sándor Petőfi (1822-1849), an outstanding Hungarian poet.
  • Saint Mary Column - Maria Immaculata, Mária-oszlop | Maria garden GPS 47.59778, 19.34734 West to Szabadság tér suburban train station | A beautiful statue, ornamented with the statues of some saints in beautiful baroque bas-reliefs and erected by Martin Vögerl on Antal Grassalkovich's orders comes first in the eye, next is the Statue of Duke Saint Imre (Emeric) erected with public contributions by Ludvig Krausz.
  • World War I. monument - Első világháborús emlékmű | GPS 47.59841, 19.34862 Northeast to Szabadság tér suburban train stop Opening Hours: The park next to the suburban train stop hosts the monument for those fighting in World War I. erected by Lőrinc Siklódy in 1931. Afront the House of Arts and Culture can be found. There the visitor will come across a large number of cultural events with famouslocal artists in every season. The Statue for the Scouts, erected by István Paál in 1994 to commemorate the World Scout Jamboree in 1933 can be found right next to it.
  • Barracks of guards - Testőrlaktanya | Szabadság tér, 2- GPS: 47.59748, 19.34897 Opposite the castle in Lower park used to be a noblemen's dwelling in the 18th century. 100 years later it became the queen’s administrative office and then it worked as the guards' barracks. Alsó park is the venue of the Hungarian Independence Day held annually at “Világfa” (tree of life) erected by József Lajos Velekei in 2010.

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  • House of Arts - Művészetek Háza Gödöllő Kulturális és Konferencia Központ , former Petőfi Sándor Művelődési Központ - Szabadság út 6- GPS: 47.59809, 19.35024 Northeast of Barracks of guards ☎ +36 28 514130, +36 70 4527268 (Mobil) Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30-21:00, Saturday to Sunday Adjusting events Cultural and Conference Centre. Concerts, dance theater shows, Children and Youth Exhibition, festivals.
  • Holy Trinity Church - Szentháromság temlom | Szent Imre utca, 15 47.59846, 19.34212 The church was ordained in 2007, is a simple yet exciting architectural phenomenon housing Erzsébet Szekeres' unique work of art: a series carpets showing the members of the Árpád House who were canonized and beautified. 10 of these Hungarians lived their lives away from Hungary yet stayed in touch with their native country thourgh weaving an invisible web with it by their holy insistance with the Catholic church something that is so characteristic of Hungarians.

Capuchin church in Máriabesnyő-Gödöllő - Capuchin church in Máriabesnyő



  • Máriabesnyő Pilgrimage Temple - Nagyboldogasszony Bazilika - Kapucinusok tere 1 47.59765, 19.39847 Three kilometers away from the centre of Gödöllő, easily accessed by taking the train to the Máriabesnyő station. You'll be greeted by a large Székely-style Transylvanian gate from 1942 as you walk toward the temple. The temple was commissioned by Grassalkovich when workers found a statue of the Virgin Mary on the site in 1759. It is the only two-storied baroque temple in the nation, and you can also see the smallest Virgin Mary statue in the nation, a museum about the Virgin and the Grassalkovich crypt, one of the most beautiful mausoleums of Hungary built by János Mayerhoffer, and do fruit cocktail-tasting in the monastery. Pilgrims can also visit the pilgrimage site at the Basilica Minor of Máriabesnyő. The upper church is the Basilica Minor for the Blessed Virgin Mary (Nagyboldogasszony) with two altars, two outstanding Virgin Mary Statues, an oratorium and a refectorium and the adjacent monastery (1763). The exhibition room behind the basilica hosts the only Virgin Mary Museum of Hungary. In its realistic presentation and the Passion on Palm Sunday organised in the basilica recalls Isa ibn Maryam's suffering.

Teleki Pál sírja.jpg

  • The cemetery of Máriabesnyő - Gödöllői (Máriabesnyő) temető| Szkíta körút 47.60098, 19.40100 A half kilometers northeast from Basilica Minor for the Blessed Virgin Mary This is home to Count Pál Teleki's grave. Teleki was a major personality in Gödöllő's history. He was prime minister of the Kingdom of Hungary 1920-1921 and 1939-1941, a famous expert in geography, a university professor, a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Chief Scout of the Hungarian Scout Association.

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  • Stable Castle - Babati Istállókastély - Gödöllő | Babatpuszta - GPS: 47.61958, 19.38353 Babatvölgy neighborhood, North of M3 motorway, fifty min by walk via Babati út or take a taxi (~4 kilometers, from Ft2000) Opening Hours: Only from outside There is a unique in the world. Built by Antal Grassalkovich I. for his daughter who suffered from an acute pneumonia. Built in baroque, around 1750. Modified in classicist style in 1820. A freestanding U-shaped, single-story building. The building is in neglected condition. Now part of Agricultural University. Near this castle there is the Open Garden Foundation for producing and delivery of organic produce. The lake system around is made up of 11 fishing lakes with a horse stable and a traditional village garden with legacy varieties of cattle, sheep and others.

Szent István Egyetem

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  • Szent István university - Szent István Egyetem - Páter Károly utca 1 47.5934, 19.3625 located directly east of the main train station. ☎ +36 28 522000 Szent István University, a former Premonstrant monastery and secondary school (1924), now the agricultural scientific centre of Hungary. Árpád-Házi Kálmán Herceg (Duke Coloman of the House of Árpád) (1208-1241) helped the Premonstrant church financially a lot. His bronze statue is erected at the upper side of the park near the entrance of the university. This is the largest agricultural university in Hungary. The area around the main building is well decorated, with a variety of flowers. Inside the assembly hall and the building just north of the main building, is the monumental mural Apotheosis of the core by sculptor Imre Tót. The assembly hall is open typically on school days till six. University map here . The university is also the home of the
  • Museum of Agricultural Tools and Machine Development Mezőgazdasági Eszköz- és GépfejlődéstörténetiSzakmúzeum, or shortly Gépmúzeum | gepmuzeum.szie.hu - GPS: 47.59606, 19.36160At Szentgyörgyi Albert utca 4 off ☎ +36 28 522-922 +36 28 522-922 Opening Hours: Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-16:00, Saturday 9:00-14:00 Adult/reduced ticket Ft800/400, Photo ticket Ft1,500, video ticket Ft2,500 (2023) There is a small exhibit displaying reconstructed agricultural tools and the history of agriculture in the region, and current products made in Hungary. There is a collection of 2,000 agricultural machines that are still working, an atmospheric exhibition of Hungaricum food types and the 2.5 million year-old history of food acquisition and production. The building itself is worth a look for the fantastic woodwork inside and out. - Hungarian guided tours. - Other branch:
  • KÉTEGYHÁZA Cereal production Tool and Machine Development historical Collection Gabonatermesztési Eszköz- és Gépfejlődéstörténeti Gyűjtemény | 5741 Kétegyháza, Gyulai út 6 GPS 46.54274, 21.19269 Near to Gyula city, take a train or a bus | Opening Hours: Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-16:00 Adult/reduced ticket Ft800/400 Located in Agricultural Institute (Mezőgazdasági Középfokú Szakoktatási, Továbbképző és Szaktanácsadó Intézmény)


  • City Sports Arena - SZIA Sportcsarnok - GPS: 47.5952, 19.3603 Located on the campus, opposite the assembly hall - Tickets typically cost Ft300 (2005?) The local volleyball and futsal teams play here. - Gödöllői egyetem kertje.jpg
  • Botanical Garden GPS 47.5931, 19.3671 East two blocks from Main building.
  • Domokos Kosáry Library and Archives - GPS: Opening Hours: Mo, Th: 8AM Monday - 6PM, Tue, We: 8AM Monday - 7PM, Friday : 8AM Monday - 2PM To use the library, you need to obtain a Library Card at a librarian at the front desk

Állami telepek

  • Beekeeping Museum - Méhészeti Múzeum gvkik.hu/wiki/index.php5/G%C3%B6d%C3%B6ll%C5%91i_M%C3%A9h%C3%A9szeti_Gy%C5%B1jtem%C3%A9ny Isaszegi u a few kilometers south of the downtown and is most easily reached from the Állami telepek train stop. Opening Hours: The museum can only be visited by prior arrangement. Exhibition on two levels. Old, and the currently used beekeeping equipment
  • Arboretum - Former meadows of Archduke Joseph | Isaszegi u. 47.5640, 19.3864 Near the Beekeeping Museum and Állami telepek train stop.At the beginning of Isaszegi street, Southern end of Gödöllő There are many old trees and buildings in the area, as this used to be part of the palace complex. The Arboretum, used to be the most important arboretum in Hungary. Today the arboretum lies on a territory of 350ha and the park part of which is covered by easily accessible walking paths. The visitor will find more than seven hundred varieties of tree species, 110 of which are Pinaceae and the rest are decidious tree species. The arboretum also hosts a number of scientific researches in forestry. Near the arboretum there is a unique museum for the Apiarian Collection. Visitors please check in before visiting.
  • Premonstrant Church Fácán sor, 3- GPS: 47.58979, 19.36213 South of the university The highlight of its is the stained glass window, a beautiful secession painting of Sándor Nagy was painted into the altar picture. The duplicate of János Fadrusz's famous 'Krisztus a Keresztfán' (the Crucifixion of Christ) can be found in the cemetery of the Premonstrants at Menyhért Takács's tomb. Menyhért Takács (1861-1933) was the founder of the Premonstrant's Secondary Scool.


Isaszeg-honved emlekmu - |Patriot Monument, Isaszeg - Isaszeg-honved emlekmu.jpg

  • Isaszeg - 47.5304, 19.4017 Four kilometers south of Gödöllő and the train station located west of center Sights: - The old parochial church, was built in gothic style. The recent church was built by the eastern extension (apsis) and by western extension (nave and choir) of the original rotunda. The church has western tower with rectangular lower part and octagonal upper part (Hu: Öregtemplom - Szent Márton templom. Loc:Isaszeg, Marcsányi utca. On the top of the cemetery hill. Can be visited by appointment: call Mr. Pál Ecseri cemetery caretaker, ☎+36 28 493010) St. Stephen Church, was built in 1937. The church contain different style architectural elements as Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque. The altarpiece shown an family of Isaszeg dressed in traditional costumes and a gunner of the famous 1849 battle and a red cap's soldier created by a master painter from Mezőkövesd in 1982. (Hu:Szent István király templom. Loc: Isaszeg, Templom u. 72. ☎+36 28 494884. Vis By appointment only). Local History Collection, presents Isaszeg history from prehistoric times to 1945 (Hu: Városi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény. Loc: Isaszeg, Madách utca 15. ☎+36 28 582281, fax: +36 28 582280 @, Opening hours: Monday - Tu: close. Wednesday - Friday : 9-17 Saturday - Sunday: 13-17. Admission: adult/reduced Ft300/150). Army graves in cemetery, a monument (Hu: Honvédsírok. Loc: Isaszeg, Katonapallag. ☎ +36 28 583100). Yahudi cemetery. A well-maintained cemetery. Date of first burials in the middle of the 1700s and the last burial was held in 1943. Notable tombstones: Medic Henrik Link, participated in the freedom struggle 1848, who was buried in 104 years of age, and a 19-year-old soldier Haas Bela, who died in World War I, ornate tomb. (Hu:Zsidó temető. Caretaker: Otto Toth, ☎+36 28 494-902). Patriot Monument, a memorial to a battle in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 between the Austrian Empire and Hungarian Revolutionary Army. The Sculpture (Szobor)-hill (Liberty Hill), was the place of the major battle scene. The statue (iron fence surrounded) depicts a marching Patriotic who holding a flag , made in 1901. At the base of its is decorated with reliefs of the four leading Hungarian generals 'Görgey, Damjanich, Klapka and the Aulich'. Under the statue's base is established a tomb, here were collected remains of the fallen from the village's downtown. (Hu:Honvéd-szobor. Loc:Isaszeg, Szobor-hill. From the train station a 'red cross sign' trail leads to the Soldier Monument. From the Catholic Church, standing in the middle of the village, take Ady Street to the second crossing further an alley leading to the statue. ☎+36 28 583100). Isaszeg - I -II. World War II Memorial to soldiers who have beennkilled in World Wars. Each year in January commemoration venue. (Hu: Isaszeg - I. -II. világháborús emlékmű. Loc: Isaszeg, Fő tér). Events: Memorial Day: Battle of the April 6. The Day of the fiesta (farewell day of the church): Aug 20. Pentecost tasting fight (local cooking competition, Location: Rose Sports field u. 2): May. Day of the Town: July 1. Do: take walking tour ( - Map).

Further afield

Fót térkép 2009 - Fot city map Fót, Károlyi-kastély - Károlyi Palace of Fót Római katolikus templom (7024. számú műemlék) 2.jpg

  • Fót - 47.61812, 19.19032 17km north of the limit of Budapest in Pest county, take a train from Nyugati Station toward Veresegyház-Vác. - From Gödöllő take a direct bus #317 or a HÉV suburban train to Mogyorod stop further a bus 320. 325, 326 Németh Kálmán Memorial House, here is a collection of the works of sculptor Kálmán Németh (1903-1979), in his living house (Hu: Németh Kálmán Emlékház Loc:Fót, Béke út 31.,☎ +36 27 358130, fax: +36 27 537359, @, March - Oct Tuesday - Saturday 10-18, Winter Tuesday - Saturday 10-14. Admission: adults/reduced: Ft300/150). Fáy fruit cocktail-press house, a historical place was a meeting place for politicans in the 19th century now a restaurant with beautifull view from its terrace András Fáy, a Hungarian author, lawyer, politician and businessman, was the first owner to this fruit cocktail-press house. A famous Vörösmarty's poem was written here in this place. Nowadays the House is a famous inn place, too. (Hu: Fáy Présház. Loc: is lying Foti Somlyó vineyard, Fót, Rövid dűlő 2, one kilometers northeast of Fót center, ☎ +36 27 395215, Tuesday - Sunday 12:00-23:00, free of charge). Károlyi Palace, built in 1850. This is Hungary's most beautiful Classical palace and its exterior was commissioned by Count Károlyi István and made by Ybl Miklós. The Count Károlyi László created a furnished gallery, for the collection of family cultural treasures and the preservation of future generations, which can be visited. (Hu: Loc:Vörösmarty tér 2.,☎ +36 27 361339, fax: +36 27 361339, Previous registration is necessary). Roman Catholic church in Fót and the main attraction of the town is the Roman-Catholic church; built in romantic style, a work of the famous architects, Ybl Miklós. (Hu: Szeplőtelen Fogantatás Fóti Római Katolikus Plébánia Templom Loc: Vörösmarty utca 2., ☎ +36 27 358083, Fax: +36 (27) 360033, @, Opening hours Monday - Sunday: 8:00-12.00, 14:00-18.00. Guided Tours in Gödöllő by ehalal.io (email for prices): every day 8:00-12:00, 14.00-18.00 Languages: English, German; request: in the church;). Somlyó Nature Reserve by Fót, Somlyó is part of the Gödöllő mountain, which is characterized by a variageted surface – steep sides, narrow valleys, undulating parts, plains and hills. Because of the diversity of geology and formations and the flora of the mountain is also varied. A couple of different bird can be see here and to all kind of Hungarian lizard habitat is here. (Hu: Loc:Somlyó Hill, one kilometers northeast of Fáy fruit cocktail-press house. ☎ +36 1 3914610. Admission: free). The Reformed church of the Holy Roman Empire (Hu: Szeplőtelen fogantatás katolikus templom). More nature sights: Big Lake (Nagy-tó, Fóti-tó), Devil's Dykes. Stay: Pálma Pension & Squash ( Kemény G.u.14., T.:+36 27 363623)

Monor légifotó.jpg

  • Monor - 47.3513, 19.4456 First go to Budapest and from there by bus or train. If you have a vehicle M3 motorway to M0 motorway further to M4 Green Market, Strázsa mountain cellars (Strázsa-hegyi pincesor) almost hundred architectural value 19th century building, local history exhibit former pharmacy built in 1850s (address: Kossuth L. u. 86/a.), walnut sculpture of St. Urban, Assumption church (Nagyboldogasszony templom, late Baroque style, built in 1800-1806), Vigadó (Kossuth Lajos és Ady Endre utca corner, 1909), Angel fountain (Luther tér, before Lutheran church). Stay: Nikolette Pension (rooms: one, two or three beds, Ady Endre út 38., T:+3629414524), Nyerges Hotel (Hegyessy-tanya 57.) and riding school. Do: Junior Lovarda riding school, (price: from Ft1,800, Kossuth Lajos utca. ☎ +36 20 4907584)

What to do in Gödöllő


E Park - Erzsébet Park, Gödöllő's prettiest park

City Parks Gödöllő is considered a city of parks. The three main parks are all located around the palace: Alsó park (lower palace park), Felső park (upper palace park), and Erzsébet park, named after Queen Elizabeth. =Kastély parkja.jpg

  • Lower Park - Alsó Park | 47.5956, 19.3539located directly in front of the palace Opening Hours: Garden and Park opening hours: November - Mar: 6:00–18:00,April - October 6:00–20:09 It has a giant tree sculpture called the World Tree.
  • Upper Park - Felső Park | GPS 47.5938, 19.3447located directly behind the palace and is mostly easily accessed from the Szabadság tér or Erzsébet Park HÉV stops. Of note is the wild chestnut path, a row of trees where Queen Sisi would often ride her horse.
  • Elizabeth Park - Erzsébet Park | GPS 47.5966, 19.3352 Northwest of Upper Park, cross the primary street It was built in memory of Queen Elizabeth, nicknamed Sisi, after she was assassinated. The park entrance is a long trail of lindens leading to her statue. Turning right at the entrance you'll find the Kálvária monument, which depicts the crucifixion and was commissioned by Grassalkovich and built in 1771.
  • Park for National Integration - Nemzeti Együvé Tartozás Park | Mihály Táncsics road, GPS 47.5960, 19.3385 Northwest of 'Gödöllő, Erzsébet park' HÉV suburban train stop Here 64 counties of the former Hungary have contributed their handful of soil to express their national feelings. Gödöllő's culture is one that, at present just as through history, is home to exciting venues year by year. A part of the Erzsébet-park Nature Conservation Area


  • Gödöllő Airport - Gödöllői Repülőtér - Repülőtéri u 47.5730, 19.3325 Located southwest of the city They offer sightseeing, hang gliding, and parachuting opportunities.

Cultural Center in Gödöllő, Hungary - Petőfi Sándor Művelődési Központ

  • Sándor Petőfi Cultural Center - Petőfi Sándor Művelődési Központ | muvelodesikozpont.hu , Near Szabadság tér. located in a large space-ship looking building. Local performances including theater, dance, puppets, and concerts are often held here.
  • Trafó Club - 47.59940, 19.35706 Located directly next to the Palotakert HÉV stop. Opening Hours: is the city's only true club or disco. Local DJs and tribute bands often perform here on the weekends.
  • City Movie Theater - Városi Filmszínház - 47.59901, 19.34938 Located next to the Town Museum It is a small movie theater that shows 2-5 different movies a day on one screen. There is never a line and the theater is never crowded. Prices are typically cheaper than in Budapest with discounts on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Gödöllő

=Otp bank Logo.svg

  • OTP Bank Szabadság tér 12-13. - GPS: 47.59660, 19.34455 Close to HÉV Szabadság tér stop Opening Hours: Monday 7:45-18:00, Tuesday - Th: 7:45-17:00, Friday 7:45-16:00ATM 24h
  • City Market - Gödöllői Piac | 47.59889, 19.34973 Next to Town Museum of Gödöllő
  • Spar supermarket Spar szupermarket| spar.hu/hu_HU Kossuth Utca 46-48. 47.59869, 19.34344 Center ☎ +36 20 823 7974 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7:00-21:00, Saturday to Sunday 7:00-18:00 Supermarket chain. More un Köztársaság út 85. (far south of the city, Open: Monday to Friday 07:00-21:00, Saturday 7:00-18:00, Sunday 8:00-18:00).

Muslim Friendly Food & Restaurants in Gödöllő


  • Szélkakas Étterem - Weathervane Restaurant - Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 27 47.60382, 19.34660 - Good atmosphere with typical Hungarian fare. It can get fairly busy on weekends, so reservations may be needed.
  • Yellow Pub és Étterem Dózsa György út 64. 47.60421, 19.34145 ☎ Traditional Hungarian dishes and soft-drinks. Located a short walk out of the downtown. After 21:00, dinner is half-priced.


  • Pizzas Max Caffe - Dózsa György út 36 | lat=47.60149, 19.34387 Quality pizziera gives you the choice between thin and thick crusts and also offers soups and sandwiches. On top of that they'll give you a bowl of peanuts to munch on while you wait.
  • Pizzas Fortuna Körösfői Kriesch Aladár utca 14- GPS: 47.5992, 19.3411 Near to Szent Imre utca corner ☎ +36 28 545-565 Good, affordable Pizzas in a residential neighborhood. The only drawback is they don't have anywhere to sit and eat. They deliver everywhere in the city.
  • Pizzas Palazzo | Szabadság tér 2 47.59890, 19.34754 is a bar/pizzeria. They put little tomato Sauce on the Pizzas itself and expect you to make up the difference with ketchup. Not the best in town.


In an around Szabadság tér are a few places to get gyros or hamburgers.

  • Special Gyros at Állomás tér, on the Gödöllő HÉV stop and near the train station serves up the best gyros in town. They're definitely worth grabbing while waiting for the train or HÉV.


  • Sulyán Cukrászda on Szabadság tér 8. offers Hungarian cakes, Somlói galuska, and gellato. During the spring and summer they set up tables outside so you can people watch on the square.

Ice cream

From Spring to Autumn, home-made ice cream, cakes, and soft drinks can be purchased at the main entrance to Erzsébet Park.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Gödöllő

Gödöllő - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Gödöllő, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Gödöllő. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Gödöllő and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Gödöllő. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Gödöllő. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Gödöllő: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Gödöllő.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Gödöllő: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Gödöllő, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Gödöllő.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Gödöllő, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Gödöllő, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Gödöllő and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Gödöllő, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Gödöllő, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Gödöllő without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Gödöllő is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Gödöllő.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Gödöllő is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Gödöllő, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Gödöllő Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Gödöllő

eHalal Group Gödöllő is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Gödöllő. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Gödöllő.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Gödöllő ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Gödöllő. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Gödöllő, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Gödöllő are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Gödöllő is close enough to Budapest that you probably won't need to look for lodging here. If you plan on staying, however, here are some options.

  • Sissi Pension - Panzió Sissi - Dózsa György út 36 47.60165, 19.34391 Free wifi internet access. A little bit north of downtown. The Pizzas Max Cafe is on the first floor.
  • Galéria Restaurant and Pension Szabadság tér 8 47.59984, 19.34838 Reasonable prices and a central location. Also has a traditional Hungarian restaurant.

Telecommunications in Gödöllő

  • Gödöllő Post Office - Gödöllő 1.sz Posta - Dózsa György út 13-15 GPS 47.60003, 19.34530 ☎+36 28 430-825 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-19:00, Saturday 8:00-12:09

News & References Gödöllő

Travel Next

  • Debrecen and the "national capital of the Great Hungarian Plain"
  • Eger, historical Castle
  • Hatvan, visit an other Grassalkovich Palace
  • Salgótarján and the city boasts two excellent castle ruins and several hiking opportunities through the forested Cserhát hills.

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