
From Halal Explorer

Gaspe banner.jpg With a population of over 15,000 and a history that stretches back to the dawn of European colonization in what is now Canada, Gaspé is the largest city and unofficial capital of the region with which it shares its name. As the Gaspé Peninsula's most important service centre and transportation hub, almost every visitor to the region will pass through at one point or another on their travels. But Gaspé presents something of a conundrum: no one comes to this part of Quebec in search of urban creature comforts, and — especially for tourists who've just been wowed by the majestic scenery while driving into town along the St. Lawrence, or spent a day taking in the tourist atmosphere of Percé down the road — at first glance Gaspé can seem like a workaday, all-business kind of town, a bit lacking in charm. But that doesn't necessarily mean you should hit the road as soon as you've touched down at Michel Pouliot Airport, stocked up on fuel or provisions, or whatever has brought you to town. Stick around awhile and dig a little deeper, and Gaspé's low-key but worthwhile range of attractions might surprise you.

Gaspé Halal Travel Guide

Baie de Gaspé et vue vers le centre-ville de Gaspé, Gaspésie, Québec - panoramio (tilted & cropped) - View of Gaspé's downtown from across the head of the bay. In 1971 — under the auspices of one of the Quebec provincial government's frequent spates of municipal reorganization — no fewer than eleven surrounding municipalities were annexed to Gaspé, among them Cap-aux-Os, Cap-des-Rosiers, Douglastown, Haldimand, L'Anse-au-Griffon, L'Anse-à-Valleau, Rivière-au-Renard, and York. While you'll still see these and other old place names on road signs along Route 132, and local residents still often refer to them in conversation, all the points of interest within these former towns are contained within this Travel Guide. Additionally, Gaspé's city limits encompass the entirety of Forillon National Park, which is not covered in this Travel Guide.


Gaspé's paramount importance in the colonial history of North America is unbeknownst even to many Québécois. Indeed, this city lays claim to the title of "Cradle of French America": in 1534, seven years before his failed attempt to establish a settlement at Cap-Rouge (and nearly three-quarters of a century before the foundation of Quebec City) and the famous explorer Jacques Cartier, while sheltering in Gaspé Bay during a storm, came ashore briefly somewhere in the city and planted a crude wooden cross in the ground in the name of the French crown, thus setting the 200-year history of "New France" in motion. The indigenous Mi'kmaq people referred to the area as gespeg (meaning "land's end"; a reference to Forillon National Park#Other points of interest|Cap-Gaspé at the east side of the peninsula), which was Gallicized by the colonists into its current name. Despite its historical significance and the area remained a backwater for pretty much the entire two-century period of French rule. It was not until 1763 when settlement of what is now Gaspé began in earnest — and those first settlers were Englishmen, to whom Gaspesian land was given away free of charge after control of Quebec was firmly in British hands. They were followed in short order by waves of French-speaking Acadians expelled from their former homes in Nova Scotia, "United Empire Loyalists" driven out of what's now the United States after the revolution there, and immigrant fishermen and shipbuilders (the latter largely hailing from Jersey) who came from Europe to take advantage of the rich cod fishery in the surrounding waters. Gaspé's first post office opened in 1804, and the village was officially incorporated in 1855. Gaspé hit its stride in the 19th century, with an economy centred around its importance as a port for the trans-Atlantic shipping trade — indeed, for a brief time around the turn of the century Gaspé figured among Canada's major seaports, with hundreds of foreign ships every year pulling into the deep, sheltered bay to take advantage of the city's status as a duty-free port, hundreds more setting off for distant lands with stocks of wood pulp, copper ore, dried cod, and other local goods, an impressive presence of branch consulates of countries such as Italy, Norway, and Brazil helping to further grease the gears of international trade, and a culture much more multilingual and cosmopolitan than the sleepy fishing and logging villages elsewhere in the region. However, despite the arrival of the railwsy in 1911, Gaspé's port was unable to compete with larger and more centrally-located alternatives like Montreal and Halifax, and today it derives its significance mostly as a regional centre of population, business, and industry; the kind of place small-town folks from around the region head to go shopping, have a nice dinner out, and enjoy a semblance of city life.

Visitor information

Gaspé Forillon is the official tourism website for the titular city and park: a comprehensive source of information including a visitor's guide, listings of hotels, restaurants and events, a lovely photo album, and even a mobile app for i☎ and Android users to download. Gaspé's main Gaspé Tourism Board Centre (Bureau d'information touristique de Gaspé) is located in the former VIA Rail station at 8, Rue de la Marina, just across the bridge from downtown Gaspé. It's open year-round on weekdays from 8:30AM to 4:30PM. A number of the outlying hamlets that make up the modern-day city have their own tourist information centres. The L'Anse-à-Valleau Gaspé Tourism Board Centre GPS 49.083520,-64.556467 at 884, boulevard de l'Anse-à-Valleau is open daily 9AM Monday - 5PM from June 12 through September 30. Additionally and the building at 17, Rue de la Langevin that houses the Forillon Yacht Club (Club nautique Forillon) and the FIC|Fishery Interpretive Centre (Centre d'interprétation des pêches) also does triple duty as the home of the Rivière-au-Renard Gaspé Tourism Board Kiosk, open between June and September.

Travel to Gaspé

By car

As with the vast majority of the peninsula's cities and towns, Provincial Route 132 — Quebec's main trunk road along the south shore of the St. Lawrence river and estuary — serves as Gaspé's main drag. Coming from the direction of Montreal and Quebec City, follow Autoroute 20 eastward until the highway dead-ends at Trois-Pistoles. From there, make a left, following the signs for Route 132 and then turn right and proceed eastward 314 kilometers (195 miles) to L'Anse-Pleureuse. From there onward, you have several options: 20120709 - Petitcap - Route 132, passing through Gaspé's outskirts.

  • The quickest and most direct route into Gaspé would have you turning right at the junction with Provincial Route 198 and the inland route via Murdochville that dumps you directly in the town centre. However, this option comes at the expense of missing out on the most majestic of the Gaspé Peninsula's shoreline scenery, and it's not really that much shorter.
  • You can also follow Route 132 itself all the way into town, though the route it takes is circuitous indeed: after entering the city limits and passing through L'Anse-à-Valleau, Rivière-au-Renard, and other outer hamlets on a southeastward trajectory along the shore of the St. Lawrence and the road turns sharply to the southwest at Cap-des-Rosiers, winding and meandering its way through Forillon National Park before doubling back toward the northwest along the shore of Gaspé Bay. From there, it crosses over the mouth of the Dartmouth River and turns yet again toward the southeast on its final approach to Gaspé's town centre.
  • The Goldilocks option, which is almost as fast as the inland route via Murdochville and also lets you enjoy most of that scenery, involves turning south on Provincial Route 197 at Rivière-au-Renard and rejoining Route 132 just before the aforementioned bridge over the Dartmouth River, thus cutting off the sinewy Forillon portion of the route.

Depending on which of those routes you take, from Quebec City to Gaspé you're looking at a drive of anywhere between seven-and-a-half and eight-and-a-half hours, excluding stops. If you're coming directly from Montreal, add another two and a half hours. If you're coming from the direction of the Atlantic Provinces|Maritimes or certain parts of New England and the route is much more straightforward: pass through New Brunswick via Provincial Route 17, cross into Quebec at Campbellton and then follow Route 132 east from there. Gaspé is about 330 kilometers (205 miles) past the provincial border, a drive of roughly three and a half hours excluding stops.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Gaspé

Michel-Pouliot Gaspé Airport GPS 48.778072,-64.476585 (Aéroport Michel-Pouliot de Gaspé) (IATA Flight Code: YGP) is about 10 kilometers (6 miles) outside the downtown at 60, Rue de l'Aéroport, and is served by daily Flights from Îles de la Madeleine, Quebec City, and Montreal. Enterprise and National have #By rental car|car rental facilities onsite. If you're arriving from outside of Quebec, your best option is to first fly into either of the latter two cities and then hop on a connecting Air Canada Express flight to YGP (or else settle in for the long drive up A-20).

Take a bus to Gaspé

The Orléans Express bus network serves the entire province of Quebec, including the Gaspé Peninsula. Two Gaspé-bound buses depart daily from Rimouski at 2:55PM, each taking a different turn at the fork in the road at Sainte-Flavie along the lasso-shaped trajectory of Route 132. The route through the Upper Gaspé via Matane and Sainte-Anne-des-Monts is quicker, cheaper, and more scenic, arriving in Gaspé at 9:35PM for a fare of $76.15 per passenger. If that one is sold out and the southerly route through the Matapédia Valley and Chaleur Bay regions via Amqui, Bonaventure, and Percé arrives in Gaspé at 11:10PM for a fare of $83.05 per passenger. In all cases, fares include taxes and two checked bags, with a $5 upcharge for each additional checked bag up to a maximum of four total. The bus drops you off at Motel Adams at 20, Rue Adams.

By bike

The main trunk line of the Route Verte — the largest network of bicycle routes on the American continent, with tentacles stretching over the entire province of Quebec — passes through the Gaspé Peninsula. Route Verte 1 largely follows the course of Provincial Route 132, though construction of bike lanes and other infrastructure is not yet complete throughout the entirety of the route. Indeed, Gaspé is accessible by bike from Percé and points south by way of a bike lane along the side of Route 132, but approaching from the other direction along the St. Lawrence, cyclists along 132 must ride directly in traffic lanes for 82 kilometers (51 miles) between Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine and Rivière-au-Renard, where the roadside bike lanes finally re-emerge. For details of Route Verte 1's trajectory through the city of Gaspé itself, see the #By bike 2|corresponding section below.

On foot

The International Appalachian Trail (IAT; in French Sentier international des Appalaches or SIA) traverses Gaspé at the tail end of the North American mainland portion of its route. For Wilderness backpacking|long-distance hikers approaching from the west and the scenario is at first a continuation of the relatively easy and flat terrain they've been enjoying for the past several kilometers (miles): after crossing into the Gaspé city limits and the trail first hews closely to the coast and/or Route 132 and then, after a brief but steep climb about 2.5 kilometers (a mile and a half) past Grand-Étang, passes along the crest of a high ridge slightly inland. There, you can link up if you like with the Windmills Trail (Sentier éolien), a 6.3 kilometers (nearly 4-mile) loop through the Cartier Énergie Éolienne wind farm. After that, it's a slow and gradual descent back toward the St. Lawrence, passing by the #PALR|lighthouse at Pointe-à-la-Renommée on another easy stretch of trail. After L'Anse-à-Valleau, though and the script flips: you take a sharp turn inland, loping over hill and dale through dense pine and birch forest and then you turn east through a verdant river valley and Forillon National Park#IATforYGP|continue into Forillon National Park. Sépaq and the provincial park and wildlife service, operates a number of backcountry campsites and lean-to shelters along the Québécois portion of the IAT. See #Backcountry camping|below for information on the ones within Gaspé.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Gaspé

Located at 10, Rue de la Marina and the marina at the Jacques Cartier Nautical Club GPS 48.827984,-64.477928 accommodates visitors arriving by boat with over 90 slips just outside of the downtown. In 2017, non-members were charged $1.55 per foot per day for docking, with longer-term visitors enjoying a 50% discount for every third day. If you're rigging your sailboat to a boom instead, it's $18/day. Launch fees apply as well; see the marina's website for details on those.

Travel by train to Gaspé

Gaspé's Intermodal Transport Station GPS 48.827057,-64.477861 (Gare intermodale) is located at 8, Rue de la Marina, just across from the downtown. Train service into Gaspé used to be provided by VIA Rail's Montreal-Gaspé line, formerly known as the "Chaleur", with departures from Montreal Central Station every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evening at 6:55PM, arriving in Gaspé at 1:17PM the following afternoon. However, after September 2013 — when signal malfunctions and other unsafe conditions were found on some of the Gaspé Peninsula portions of the track — service was truncated to Matapédia and then suspended indefinitely. Though VIA Rail intends to resume service once repairs are made and there's no timetable for when that might happen, and the Montreal-Gaspé line may just be eliminated.

Get Around

Gaspé - Rue de la Reine - Yes, Gaspé is the only place on the Peninsula that can justifiably be called a "city", and yes and the downtown area is perfectly walkable. But the appeal of this part of Quebec is in the wide-open spaces away from civilization, so — unless you're a long-distance hiker doing the International Appalachian Trail ([[#On foot|q.v.) — it's fairly pointless to show up here without a vehicle at your disposal. Walking would be a fine way to get around for those who don't intend to venture beyond the downtown, but let's face it — in a place like the Gaspé Peninsula, that's true of almost nobody. That being the case, a vehicle is pretty much a necessity for getting around these parts.

By rental car

  • Discount Car Rental | 164, boulevard de Gaspé 48.842225, -64.491321 ☎ +1 418-368-1970 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8AM Monday - 5:30PM
  • Enterprise Rent a Car - 60, Rue de l'Aéroport at Michel Pouliot Airport ☎ +1 418-368-1541 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30AM Monday - 9PM, Sunday 5PM Monday - 9PM
  • National Car Rental - 60, Rue de l'Aéroport at Michel Pouliot Airport ☎ +1 418-368-1541 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30AM Monday - 9PM, Sunday 5PM Monday - 9PM

By bike

In the city of Gaspé, By bike|Route Verte 1 exists in three discontinuous segments:

  • From Rivière-au-Renard, roadside bike lanes along Route 132 extend eastward for 10 kilometers (6½ miles) into L'Anse-au-Griffon and then divert inland along a Forillon National Park#Port|gravel-paved off-road trail through Forillon National Park. At the other end of the park, it's another 19.5 kilometers (12 miles) of bike lanes along 132 between La Penouille and the junction of Rue Louise, just outside of Gaspé town centre.
  • Beginning at the rear parking lot of the Carrefour de Gaspé Shopping Centre near the harbour, Route Verte 1 picks back up, following the course of an asphalt-paved off-road "rail trail" for 10 kilometers (a little more than 6 miles) through Sandy Beach and into Haldimand, terminating at the intersection of Route 132 with Rue de la Plage. Thit is arguably the most pleasant of the three segments, with nice views across the bay toward Forillon and precious few hills to contend with.
  • A short distance west of Haldimand, on-road bike lanes re-emerge along Route 132 and continue southward past the airport, through Douglastown, and across the city line into Percé.

In the breaks between these segments and the trajectory of Route Verte 1 nominally proceeds along Route 132. However, for the time being, cyclists must ride directly in traffic lanes through these discontinuities as bike lanes and other infrastructure have yet to be constructed. x Bike rental is available from: x{{anchor|IMOH

  • In Memory of Her - En mémoire d'Elle | 48.837238, -64.475310 - Located on the grounds of the Gaspé Regional Museum, this concrete statue — the work of Percé native Renée-Mao Clavet — was dedicated in 2013 in honour of the contribution of women to Quebecois history and society. 5 metres (16 feet) in height and the sculpture depicts a pregnant woman in a flowing skirt, with a face designed in an ambiguous way so as to be representative of Francophone, Anglophone, and First Nations women alike. The book and the satchel of traditional medicinal herbs that the figure carries symbolize women's contributions to the fields of education and medicine.
  • Jacques Cartier Monument National Historic Site - Lieu historique national du monument à Jacques Cartier | 48.837088, -64.474693 - Also situated on the grounds of the museum, with an apropos setting overlooking the bay roughly halfway between In Memory of Her and the museum building itself, is this cluster of six upright granite tablets, carved on one side with bas-relief sculptures depicting Cartier's historic landing at Gaspé on July 24, 1534 — the founding date of the colony of New France — and inscribed on the other with passages from the journals of both Cartier and Father Chrestien Leclerq, who accompanied him on the expedition.

Then, if you want to dig deeper, you might also check out the following attractions. xx{{anchor|lgcc

  • Le Griffon Cultural Centre - Centre culturel Le Griffon | 557, boulevard du Griffon 48.934584, -64.306062 ☎ +1 418-892-5679 Opening Hours: Monday & W-F 11AM Monday - 9PM, Saturday Sunday 8AM Monday - 9PM, late June through late Oct; by appointment other times Once a cold storage warehouse where local fishermen stored their catches, this handsome old clapboard building overlooking L'Anse-au-Griffon's harbour is nowadays a multipurpose space — there's a breezy #cdela|seaside café where local seafood is on the menu, a boutique where Gaspesian artisans sell handmade souvenirs, and above all and the Claude Côté Gallery and Workshop (Atelier-Galerie Claude Côté), where the eponymous artist in residence displays his watercolours during the tourist season. Côté has said of his work "I am inspired by my immediate environment, where 'intellectualism' is forgotten and gives way to the poetry of everyday life and the beautiful freedom of simple things", and that's as apt a way as any to describe the stark beauty of his landscapes and nature scenes. Website in French only.
  • Marie-Josée Gagnon Art Gallery - Galerie d'Art Marie-Josée Gagnon - 806, boulevard de Pointe-Jaune 49.070952, -64.515724 ☎ +1 418-269-3198 - Working only with a spatula, Marie-Josée Gagnon creates dazzlingly colourful scenes from around her native Gaspé: landscapes, seascapes, and lovely flower paintings where the interplay of colours, light, and shadow are of foremost importance (or, to use her words: "it is the essence of a landscape that I wish to render, rather than a mere imitation of what I see"). In the small gallery in Pointe-Jaune that bears Gagnon's name is displayed not only her work, but also the evocative portraiture of Stella Joncas-Veillet and the abstract-expressionist paintings and sculpted figurines of Estelle Francoeur.

Gothic Churche du Christ-Roi de Gaspe 02 (tilted & cropped) - Christ the King Gothic Church.

Religious sites

  • Christ the King Gothic Church - Cathédrale du Christ-Roi | 20, Rue de la Cathédrale 48.829959, -64.486556 ☎ +1 418-368-5541 - The only wood-framed Roman Catholic cathedral in North America, Christ the King Gothic Church is the seat of the Diocese of Gaspé, whose territory covers most of the peninsula. Erected in 1969, thit is the third church to be situated on this site; its striking design — wherein the fundamentals of traditional Christian religious architecture are totally subverted and reinvented along modernist lines — is the handiwork of Montreal-based architect Gérard Notebaert, working here in the "Shed Style" that had been pioneered only a few years earlier by Charles Moore with his Sea Ranch condominium community on the North Coast (California) | North Coast of California. Faced monochromatically in glue-laminated slats of red cedar and the sleek lines and angular geometric forms of this vaguely boat-shaped building certainly set it apart from the prototypical Gaspesian church. The interior is no less impressive, austere yet handsome and lit by a quintet of glass skylights built into the slopes of the roof. Bishop Gaétan Proulx delivers the Sunday Mass weekly at 11AM.
  • Our Lady of Pointe-Navarre Shrine - Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-de-Pointe-Navarre - 765, boulevard de Pointe-Navarre 48.871419, -64.550313 ☎ +1 418-368-2133 Opening Hours: Church open daily 8AM Monday - 7PM; gift shop Monday to Saturday 9AM Monday - 4:30P & Sunday 1PM Monday - 4PM In a peaceful setting several kilometers (miles) outside the town centre, Our Lady of Pointe-Navarre has been a place of retreat and pilgrimage for the local Catholic community since its founding in 1940 by Father Jean-Marie Watier. The complex consists of a spacious church building that's replete with breathtaking works of religious art and hosts novena recitals, personal visitations, and a Tuesday evening Mass every week at 7PM; the smaller Chapel of Remembrance, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for private prayer and meditation at the site of Father Watier's tomb; and a verdant hillside hermitage out back whose pleasant paths and grottoes offer a peaceful setting for spiritual reflection (not to mention spectacular views over Gaspé Bay). Website in French only.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Gaspé

On the water

Surrounded on three sides by water, Gaspé boasts aquatic fun in myriad forms.


Plage de Douglastown (Gaspé), Gaspésie, Québec - panoramio - Douglastown Beach is the most secluded of Gaspé's public beaches. The shore of Gaspé Bay is dotted with beaches that are popular summertime destinations for local residents and visitors alike, including three within the city of Gaspé itself: {{anchor|Haldimand

  • Haldimand Municipal Beach GPS 48.788735,-64.380633 (Plage municipale d'Haldimand) is the most beautiful and the most centrally located, and the most crowded beach in Gaspé. Here you'll find pristine water, luscious white sand, a playground for the kids, and even a #Cantina|beachfront restaurant serving Mexican specialties, all a quick ten-minutes drive from downtown. Lifeguards patrol the waters in high season (late June through late August), an annual sand castle competition draws crowds of onlookers in late July, and there are even paddleboards and bikes available to rent through Ecorec|ÉcoRécréo.
  • For those in search of a more private beach getaway, Douglastown Beach GPS 48.770422,-64.377658 (Plage de Douglastown) lies further south, on the other side of the lagoon. Douglastown boasts a setting almost as beautiful as Haldimand's — and an even greater length, a sand spit fully a kilometre and a half (a mile) long — yet its more off-the-beaten-path location and lack of any amenities means it's more often than not just you and the rustling dune grass, and the crashing waves.


  • Finally, in the shadow of Forillon National Park is found Cap-aux-Os Beach GPS 48.827012,-64.310418 (Plage de Cap-aux-Os) and the smallest of the three. The water here tends to be a bit chillier, but that doesn't stop folks from coming down to enjoy swimming, sunbathing, a quick meal at the Snacks bar, or kayak rental courtesy of CapAv|Cap Aventure. Public washrooms are offered, and leashed pets are welcome.


As you've probably gathered from reading thus far, fishing is a really big deal around these parts. Indeed and the fishery was the region's economic lifeblood for centuries, and although tourism has since usurped that status for the most part, it retains a good deal of importance even today. But fishing isn't just an industry here — it's a way of life, for local residents and visitors alike. Fishing in Gaspé can be as simple as finding a wharf or a dock and casting your line into the water, which can be done any time of year without a licence. Mackerel and smelt are popular with Gaspesian wharf fishers: the former are most plentiful in late July and early August, while smelt fishing is strictly a #In the winter|wintertime pursuit — ice fishing shacks are a common sight on Gaspé Bay starting in January, when freeze-up typically occurs. Away from the shore, brook trout teem in the waterways of inland Gaspé. Locals generally don't bother with trout fishing, which has led to an abundant population — some say an overpopulation — in the fast-flowing streams and crystal-clear lakes of the Chic-Chocs. You can easily reel in some whoppers up here in the mountains; 2-kg (4½-pound) specimens are not at all uncommon. However, unlike wharf fishing from shore, trout fishing does require a licence from the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (Ministère des forêts, de la faune et des parcs du Québec). This costs $20.19/$39.56 per day or $46.30/$148.57 annually, for Quebec residents and nonresidents respectively. Please also see the Ministry's website for information on other regulations that may apply to the specific body of water you're planning to fish. But if there's one single species that comes to the mind of fishing connoisseurs when they hear of the Gaspé Peninsula, it's the Atlantic salmon — a species that, thanks to the efforts of the Quebec Salmon River Management Federation (Fédération des gestionnaires de rivières à saumon du Québec or FGRSQ), is on the rebound after decades of decline. With 22 world-renowned rivers managed by that organization, you're hard-pressed to find better salmon fishing anywhere — and you'll find two of those rivers within the city of Gaspé itself. x x xxxxx x {{anchor|MCBDG

  • Motel-Chalets Baie de Gaspé - 2097, boulevard de Grande-Grève 48.828102, -64.303208 ☎ +1 418-892-5240 +1-877-892-5152 Check-in: 4PM Monday - 9PM / Check-out: 11AM Motel rooms $104.50/night, one-bedroom cottage $132/night, two-bedroom cottage $154/night Each of the eight motel rooms in this Cap-aux-Os lodging destination include private bathrooms, coffeemakers, mini-fridges, flat-screen TVs, and free WiFi Internet access — but true to its name and the major selling point here are the stunning panoramic views of Gaspé Bay from out the front window, as well as easy access to the beach just a five-minutes walk away. And if you've instead booked one of the cottages toward the back end of the property, don't be too disappointed by the lack of an ocean view — the sweeping vistas of the inland mountains of Forillon are almost as impressive, plus you get a slate of extra amenities such as en suite kitchenettes and breezy outdoor terraces. On the minus side, client service is hit-and-miss, and the tap water is not potable (though bottled water is offered free of charge). There's also a #Campgrounds|campground next door that's run by the same people. Website in French only.
  • Motel du Haut Phare - 1334, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers 48.855796, -64.204590 ☎ +1 418-892-5533 +1-866-492-5533 Check-in: 3PM / Check-out: 11AM $119-148/night The more upscale of Cap-des-Rosiers' two motels: du Haut Phare only has 13 rooms, but they're all outfitted with either a queen or two double beds, a flat-screen TV with cable, free WiFi, and a private balcony boasting a view over the expansive St. Lawrence estuary (watch out for whales and seals!), and most also have kitchenettes with microwave, refrigerator, toaster, coffeemaker, and gas range (barbecue grills are also available for those who'd rather do their cooking outdoors). Staff is unfailingly friendly and helpful, and the magnificent breakfasts prepared daily by the owner's mother are well worth the $5 extra on your room rate.
  • Motel le Noroît - 589, boulevard du Griffon 48.932032, -64.298725 ☎ +1 418-892-5531 +1-855-892-5531 Check-in: 2PM Monday - 10PM / Check-out: 11AM $85-95/night L'Anse-au-Griffon's sole motel lodging is a ten-unit property on the coastal side of Route 132. Le Noroît is a simple and no-frills but delightful place that's oriented perpendicularly to the shoreline, such that the view from each room is a combination of mountains, cliffs, and water: the Gaspé in a nutshell. After a long day of adventuring, you can rest up in a room that comes equipped with one or two double beds, cable TV, free WiFi, fridge, microwave, coffeemaker, and en suite bath, or else relax on the breezy terrace and try your hand at spotting whales, seals, and sea birds, or even descend the short stairway to the shore itself and dip your toes into the mighty St. Lawrence. The beds are comfy; staff is gracious, accommodating, and bilingual, and you're right on the doorstep of Forillon — what more could you ask for?

Southern outskirts

  • Auberge Fort-Prével | 2035, boulevard de Douglas ☎ +1 418-368-6957 Hotel rooms $135/night, cottages $160/night or $800/week, tent camping $30/night, trailer/RV camping $42/night Fort-Prével is a multifaceted kind of place: not only is this former WWII-era coastal fortification now home to Gaspé's premier destination for #Golf|golfers, but they also offer lodging in multiple different forms. It's not an especially good value for your money if you're not a golfer, with expensive à la carte breakfasts in the onsite restaurant and non-air-conditioned rooms with nothing special in the way of amenities, but if you're looking for a pleasantly verdant, convenient yet quiet location midway between the urban creature comforts of Gaspé and the tourist diversions of Percé, you might give this place a look. Choose from hotel rooms with two queen beds, en suite bath, a comfy work desk, coffeemaker and small TV; spacious private cottages available for both nightly and weekly rental with 2 queen beds and kitchenettes with dining tables (make sure to clean up after yourself if you'll be taking advantage of this feature; the property assesses steep cleaning fees for those who don't wash their dishes and take out their trash!), fully serviced campsites for trailers and RVs, and more primitive sites for tent campers. Many of the hotel rooms and all of the cottages have ocean views, and guests have access not only to the golf course but also an outdoor swimmingpool and secluded private beach. Website in French only.
  • Motel Gaspé - 960, route Haldimand 48.791178, -64.395909 ☎ +1 418-368-3282 Check-in: 1PM Monday - 9PM / Check-out: 11AM $80-95/night We'll start with the cons before moving on to the pros: the Motel Gaspé is an old building in desperate need of renovation and the rooms are filthy to the point where you wonder if they employ any housekeeping staff at all and the tap water is not potable (complimentary bottled water is offered) and the no-smoking policy is routinely violated if the lingering scent is any indication, and the reception desk doesn't open until after noon so there's not even anyone to complain to in the morning (and good luck trying to get anyone on the phone). On the other hand, for those few of you who are willing to overlook those pretty egregious flaws, thit is the closest motel you'll find to the #Beaches|beaches in Douglastown and Haldimand, and you're hard-pressed to find a cheaper room anywhere in town. All rooms contain cable TV, free WiFi, and either microwave and fridge or full kitchenette, and there's a pleasant terrace out back.


The Gaspé Peninsula is a romantic kind of place, a perfect fit for those looking for a peaceful getaway somewhere that brims with historic character, with friendly and accommodating hosts that start each day off for you with a hearty breakfast and knowledgeable words of advice on what to do around the local area. That's where the gîte du passant — or just gîte for short — comes in. Proportionally speaking, in the Gaspé Peninsula (if not necessarily in Gaspé itself), gîtes are an even more popular lodging choice than Bed and Breakfasts|bed & breakfasts (basically the same concept) are in the English-speaking world. You'll find a decent selection of them in the hamlets ringing Forillon National Park, especially Cap-des-Rosiers.

City centre and around

  • Auberge du Saumonier - 282, montée Corte-Real 48.903885, -64.591308 ☎ +1 418-368-2172 Check-in: 4PM Monday - 9PM / Check-out: 10:30AM $127/night Auberge du Saumonier is not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a gîte — rather than a quaint historic house full of antique furniture and old-timey charm, it's a rustic backcountry lodge (ironically only 10 minutes from downtown), and rather than couples on romantic getaways and the typical guests here are salmon fishermen looking to sink their lines into the #Salmon rivers|renowned waters of the Dartmouth, York, and Saint-Jean Rivers. But don't take this place for a "mancave": the innkeeper, Lisa, has added a pleasant feminine touch to the decor, in addition to cooking delicious country-style breakfasts each morning and even helping entertain those guests who may prefer to stay behind while her husband Eli serves as fishing guide on the expeditions they offer. The five individually-decorated guest rooms are upstairs and contain beds of various sizes and numbers (from two doubles up to one king), free WiFi, and balconies with views of the mountains, while the shared bathrooms, common room (stocked with cable TV and rainy-day activities such as board games), and dining room are on the ground floor.
  • La Normande - 19, Rue Davis 48.828484, -64.491324 ☎ +1 418-368-5468 +1-866-468-5468 Check-in: 4PM Monday - 8PM / Check-out: 11AM $110-130/night If you're looking for stately Gilded Age elegance, at a reasonable price, La Normande has it to spare: it's a handsome old brick manor in a quiet corner of Gaspé's downtown, in a prime hilltop location surrounded by a terraced garden and with a view over the bay. Stepping into the front door is like taking a trip back in time to the Victorian era: fancy woodwork, antique furniture and fixtures, and even period wallpaper abound. But La Normande has modern touches too: each room has cable TV and alarm clock radio and the shared baths include hair dryers, and free WiFi extends across the property. Best of all, even in a line of work where stellar client service can literally make or break a business, innkeeper Chantal Leclerc distinguishes herself for her propensity to go above and beyond: not only does she work hard to personalize every experience to the guest's individual needs, but she runs a tight ship too, with spic-and-span rooms, beds as comfy as can be, and a breakfast that's a locavore foodie's dream come true, highlighted by homemade crepes, toast, and muffins with an ever-changing selection of seasonal fruit preserves. Website in French only.

Northern outskirts

20120709 - Route 132 - Cap-des-Rosiers - Cap-des-Rosiers is home to many of Gaspé's gîtes.

  • Chez Mammy 1284, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers 48.860857, -64.205323 ☎ +1 418-892-5309 From $83/night Chez Mammy is the most affordable of a cluster of gîtes in Cap-des-Rosiers, at the foot of Canada's tallest lighthouse and on the doorstep of Forillon National Park. Here the experience is less that of a traditional bed & breakfast and more one of sharing a house with a roommate. To wit, thit is a pint-sized little cottage that's scarcely been reconfigured from the private residence it used to be: the two small bedrooms sparsely furnished with a bed and a TV are the only bit of privacy to be had, while both units share a bathroom, a common room (outfitted with a larger TV connected to a DVD player), and dining facilities (with a refrigerator, toaster, and stove). Free WiFi is available all over the property, your host Irène serves breakfast daily, and bike storage is offered. Open May 1 through October 31.
  • Gîte Haut-Phare 1321, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers 48.857061, -64.202579 ☎ +1 418-892-5826 Check-in: 11:30AM / Check-out: 11AM $95/night Not to be confused with the Motel du Haut Phare around the bend, Gîte Haut-Phare is owned by Vern and Anna Green, a friendly elderly couple from Sudbury (Ontario) | Sudbury, Ontario — so no need to worry about a language barrier. The five smallish guest rooms have ceiling fans, clock radios, and predictably lighthouse-themed, just-this-side-of-kitschy decor that's the brainchild of Anna herself. There's a pleasant rear sitting area with a front-row view of the lighthouse, free WiFi, and the hungry can enjoy not only the hearty country-style breakfasts your hosts cook in the morning but also a walk-up ice cream stand next door. On the minus side and the mattresses on the beds are uncomfortably soft, and prepare to wait in line to use the bathroom on busy days: the place sleeps up to 14 people, which is a bit much to share one full and one half bath. Open June through September.
  • Lumière sur le Golfe - 1325, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers 48.856561, -64.202813 ☎ +1 418-892-1325 Check-in: 4PM / Check-out: 10AM $85-105/night Lighthouse fans, listen up: this aptly-named gîte is the closest you can legally come to sleeping directly in the Cap-des-Rosiers Lighthouse: it's right in the backyard! Lumière sur le Golfe makes much of its quiet, countrified location away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Gaspé, and it's true: there's no better place to unwind than on the rear terrace in front of a panoramic view of lighthouse and seashore, and the three guest rooms are refreshingly bereft of distracting amenities, containing only comfy beds, airy ambiances, that same view over the sea, and tantalizing names such as "À couper le souffle" ("Breathtaking") and "Dans les bras de Morphée" ("In the Arms of Morpheus"). On the other hand, that's not to say there's nothing to do in the area other than relax — remember, you're right on the doorstep of Forillon National Park — and if you absolutely have to connect to the outside world and there's free WiFi throughout the property and a TV in the common room for those rainy days. The shared bathroom contains a hair dryer, and breakfast is almost an al fresco experience: the huge dining room is surrounded by windows on three sides! Open mid-June through mid-October. Website in French only.
  • Le Meilleur des 2 Mondes - 689, boulevard de Forillon 48.865810, -64.465258 ☎ +1 418-892-5133 Check-in: 4:30PM Monday - 7PM / Check-out: 11AM $85-115/night One of these things is not like the others: you'll find Le Meilleur des 2 Mondes on the opposite side of Forillon from the other gîtes in this section, convenient to the beaches and walking trails of La Penouille as well as only ten minutes from downtown by vehicle (perhaps that's the significance of its name, which translates to "The Best of Both Worlds"). Perhaps more than any other local innkeepers, your hosts Danièle and Laurent really live and breathe La Gaspésie: their love for the region they call home is palpable, and they revel in serving as their guests' go-to source for information on things to do in the local area or in simply telling tales of life here at the "end of the world". On the other hand and they also know how to walk the tightrope of being friendly and accommodating without being overbearing. The property has three rooms: the colour-themed "La Rouge sur Baie" ("Bayside Red") and "La Verte Pommeraie" ("Apple Orchard Green") each have a queen bed and share a bathroom, with the latter also boasting a corner sink and pull-out sofa; meanwhile, "Le Bas-côté" ("The Lower Side") is a luxury suite that sleeps a whole family, with a queen bed, two twin beds, and a futon, plus an en suite bathroom and kitchen facilities available upon request for extra cost (ask at booking for details). Free WiFi covers the whole property, and breakfasts, served daily between 7:30AM and 9AM, are an ever-changing spread of hearty homemade specialties. A minimum two-night stay is de rigueur in high season (July 1 through September 15). Website in French only.
  • Pétales de Rose 1184, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers 48.870333, -64.213370 ☎ +1 418-892-5031 Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: 10AM $90/night Pétales de Rose makes up for its location a bit further from the lighthouse by offering a variety of amenities that's a lot wider than you'll find in Cap-des-Rosiers' other gîtes: the three guest rooms contain TVs and all boast ocean views and the common room has a larger TV as well as a working fireplace for those nippy Gaspesian nights, children are not only allowed but graciously accommodated with a small playground outside and the two shared bathrooms both contain hair dryers, and complimentary bike storage and WiFi Internet are provided. The deliciousness of the homemade baked goods and the heartiness of the eggs-and- Meat combinations served up at breakfast are all the more fortunate given the absolute lack of nearby restaurants. The owner's limited proficiency in English is the only minor quibble. Open May through October.

Southern outskirts

  • Le Phénix | 55, boulevard de York Est 48.820992, -64.479906 ☎ +1 418-368-4355 Check-in: 3PM Monday - 7PM / Check-out: 11AM $125-135/night Though Sylvie Hamel loves to tout the relaxing quietude of her gîte's location on the south shore of the bay out past the harbour, Le Phénix is truly a best-of-both-worlds scenario: the panoramic view of the city lights across the water that you can enjoy from this hilltop property serves as a reminder that the big-city action (relatively speaking) of downtown Gaspé is only a quick three-minutes drive away. Built in the mid-19th century and the three guest rooms of this regal country-style manor still boast the names of the branch of the prominent Le Boutillier family that lived here long ago: the "Gertrude Le Boutillier" faces the backyard terrace and is furnished with queen-size bed, two dressers, and a pair of chairs; the "John Le Boutillier" has all of the above plus an armoire, a luggage rack, and a pair of upholstered wing-back chairs in place of the hard ones, and the "Antoine Panchaud" upgrades the queen bed to a king. In addition, all the rooms have work desks, a pair of nightstands, WiFi Internet, flat-screen TV, and private bathrooms (some en suite, some down the hall) with hair dryers. Best of all, Hamel is the consummate hostess, passionate about both the history of the building and the art of client service, and the enormous breakfasts she prepares will "fuel you for days", as one reviewer put it.

Cottages and vacation homes

Whereas hotels and motels are the most popular lodging option in the downtown, and gîtes tend to cluster in the northern outskirts toward Forillon, vacation cottages predominate south of downtown. If a convenient homebase between Gaspé and Percé is what you're after, read on.

Northern outskirts

  • Les Cabines sur Mer | 1257, boulevard de Cap-des-Rosiers 48.864058, -64.208757 ☎ +1 418-892-5777 Check-in: 4PM Monday - 7PM / Check-out: 11AM $70-85/night If you come from one of those European countries where everything is tiny, you'll probably feel right at home staying at Les Cabines sur Mer: one or two double beds are about all that can be crammed in to the bedrooms of the standard-sized ones, along with postage stamp-sized kitchenettes and bathrooms. If not, you can opt for one of the somewhat more spacious two-room "bungalows" with full kitchens (still close quarters, but large enough to actually prepare food in), or else console yourself with the fact that the units are immaculately clean and the view of the water is splendiferous, and your hosts Marc and Chantal are as friendly, helpful, and ever-present as at any gîte. "Cramped" is also a good way to describe the way these six cottages are sandwiched into the snug strip of land between Route 132 and the shore of the St. Lawrence on the way to Cap-des-Rosiers: they're almost directly on the side of the road (parallel parking is de rigueur for want of a lot, which makes for a precarious situation getting into and out of your car). Luckily, things usually quiet down enough after dark that traffic noise isn't an issue — guests report being lulled into dreamland by the crashing of the waves far more often than being kept awake by cars. Aside from the aforementioned, amenities include flat-screen TVs with cable, free WiFi, and a pleasant outdoor sitting area with picnic benches and a barbecue grill. Open mid-May through late September.
  • Chalets du Parc - 1231, boulevard de Forillon ☎ +1 418-892-5873 +1-866-892-5873 Check-in: 4PM / Check-out: 11AM $150-270/night The aptly named Chalets du Parc comprise 32 detached cottages arranged in two equally aptly named clusters about 2 kilometers (1½ miles) apart from each other on opposite sides of Route 132, on the north shore of Gaspé Bay near the entrance to Forillon. The cottages of the Chalets du Parc — Bord de la Baie GPS 48.858118,-64.440953 cluster are smaller, cheaper, and a bit further from the action, but boast a panoramic view of downtown Gaspé from their waterfront location, not to mention bedrooms with a bed and a pull-out sofa, en suite bathroom, TV, free WiFi Internet, firepit, and access to a small private beach. Meanwhile, if a day on the beach at La Penouille is in the offing, you'll want to check out the larger and more luxurious lodgings at Chalets du Parc — Plage de Penouille GPS 48.857823,-64.414268, located directly across the street from the main parking area of the national park: spacious two-, three-, and four-bedroom cottages with all the aforementioned amenities plus fully stocked kitchens (including pots, pans and silverware!) and full bathrooms. About the only bad thing you could say about this place is the TVs don't have cable (but who wants to veg out in front of a video screen in a place like this?) and the bugs tend to get inside. Open May 10 through October 15; 6-night minimum stay from July 16 through August 20, 3 nights minimum from June 23 through July 15, and 2 nights minimum at all other times.
  • Les Chalets Forillon | 85, chemin du Portage 48.929906, -64.321317 ☎ +1 418-892-0175 Check-in: 4PM / Check-out: noon $150/night or $845/week At least for the time being and the plural "chalets" is a misnomer: the smaller of the two units onsite at this L'Anse-au-Griffon property ("La Libellule") has been unavailable for rental since 2016. That leaves "La Chanterelle", a two-storey cottage that sleeps six with a bedroom and a bathroom on each floor, which friendly owners Françoise Tétreault and Stéphane Morissette have outfitted with a double bed in each as well as a pullout sofa and bunk beds on the upper and lower floors respectively. There's also a spacious living room with a TV and DVD player (make sure to bring some discs of your own, as there's no cable or satellite service), WiFi Internet, a fully stocked second-floor kitchen and dining room, and a barbecue grill outdoors. Payment is accepted in cash only, and a 3-night minimum stay applies.
  • Maison Madame Alain | 732, boulevard du Griffon 48.922017, -64.272599 ☎ +1 418-892-0122 $1,050/week Operated as an ordinary gîte up through the 2017 season, after the semi-retirement of its owners this former country general store just outside L'Anse-au-Griffon (still named in honour of its longtime shopkeeper) has made the transition to a weekly vacation rental, without any hosts onsite serving breakfast but still boasting the same off-the-beaten-path privacy, verdant tranquility, and resplendent view over the St. Lawrence as before. With four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a fully-stocked kitchen, washer and dryer, TV and DVD player, WiFi Internet, and a working fireplace, Maison Madame Alain is a true, full-fledged home away from home. Open year-round, with a one-week minimum stay from June 23 through September 1 and 3 nights minimum at all other times (discounted rates offseason, too). Website in French only.
  • Ode à la Mer | 688, boulevard de Forillon 48.864813, -64.466212 ☎ +1 418-368-9727 $750/week Ode à la Mer is a cozy little cabin, just 53 m² (576 square feet) in area and with only a double bed and a pull-out sofa: the perfect place to escape from the madding crowds in a quiet bayside location near La Penouille, yet only a 10-minutes drive from downtown. The wood-panelled walls, rustic furniture, and wood-burning stove in the living room lend this place an appropriately woodsy ambience that's further enhanced when you discover the pleasant outdoor sitting area in back, with a charming firepit and a view through the trees over the water. Aside from that, you've got one full and one half bathroom, a full kitchen with stove, fridge, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker, crockery, and utensils, and WiFi Internet (no TV, though). Open May 15 through November 15, with a one-week minimum stay through September 16 and 3 nights minimum thereafter.

Southern outskirts

  • Aux Galets Doux 13, Rue de l'Anse-à-Brillant 48.722603, -64.292499 ☎ +1 418-360-7006 $275/night or $675/week for cottage only (minimum stay 1 week between August 4 and 24, 3 days all other times); $1,750/week for house and cottage (minimum stay 1 week at all times) One of a pair of cottages you'll find nestled in a quiet, off-the-beaten-path waterfront location in L'Anse-à-Brillant, Aux Galets Doux consists of a spacious cottage and an even more spacious house that together sleep 13 — you can rent one or the other or both simultaneously. Both of these adjacent units contain two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen fully stocked with appliances, cookware, plates, glasses, and silverware, a living room with satellite TV and DVD player, WiFi Internet, access to laundry facilities, a rear balcony equipped with a barbecue grill, a delightful airy ambience, and a stunning view over Gaspé Bay and out to Forillon. On top of that and the house also has a finished basement with another TV. Best of all and the trail out back leads to a lovely private beach!
  • Cap Soleil - 11, Rue de l'Anse-à-Brillant 48.723057, -64.292660 ☎ +1 581-888-3912 Check-in: 4PM / Check-out: 11AM $1,400/week You'll find Cap Soleil right next door to Aux Galets Doux, with the same tranquil isolation, breathtaking views, simple but tasteful decor, and easy access to L'Anse-à-Brillant's beach and fishing harbour. As for the place itself, it's big as its neighbour: upstairs at this typical Gaspesian country house are only two bedrooms, with one queen and two double beds respectively, plus a full bathroom with a tub, while downstairs you'll find a living room (with cable TV, DVD player and wood-burning stove), a kitchen (fully equipped with stove, refrigerator, toaster, microwave, and cookware), and another bathroom. WiFi Internet, access to laundry facilities, and an outdoor firepit round out the list of amenities. However, if you're travelling with young kids, Cap Soleil is the superior option in L'Anse-à-Brillant: contact Sarah and the friendly owner, and she'll set you up with a high chair, crib, baby gate, stroller, and other accessories to help your little ones stay safe and make the most of their vacation too. Website in French only.
  • Chalets du Bout du Monde - 1141, route Haldimand 48.784023, -64.414201 ☎ +1 418-368-0042 Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: 11AM $1,295/week If you're a summertime visitor looking for a place to stay that's near the beaches south of town yet you Rue the thought of setting foot in the nightmarish Motel Gaspé, relief is at hand in the form of this octet of charming waterfront cottages just a little further away. The "Cottages at the End of the World" really pack in the amenities: each one has two bedrooms with four smallish but comfy beds between them (plus a pull-out couch in the living room), a fully stocked kitchen (complete with espresso machine and electric fondue plate!), cable TV with DVD player, WiFi Internet, barbecue grill, and outdoor firepit — and the luxurious Cottage #5 ("Mikmak") also has a Jacuzzi tub. The friendly management provides each visitor not only with a raft of blankets and towels for their days on the beach, but also complimentary kayak and mountain bike rental (first come, first served) and, in wintertime, snowshoe rental. The only complaint guests commonly lodge about this well-regarded place is that the buildings' thin walls do little to keep out the loud squawking of the seabirds that frequent the adjacent Douglastown Bay — though if you're into birdwatching, you're in luck! A one-week minimum stay length applies between June 29 and September 2.
  • Chalets du 1925 1925, boulevard de Douglas 48.710448, -64.274125 ☎ +1 418-750-9530 $85-90/night Named for their address on boulevard de Douglas on the road toward Percé and these three cottages are attached in a row, townhouse-style, and are way more spacious than they look from outside. Each one contains two double beds, a private en suite bathroom, a large kitchen and dining room with stove, fridge and microwave, cable TV and WiFi Internet, and huge windows that let in ample natural light and provide an expansive view of the mouth of Gaspé Bay where it meets the larger Gulf of St. Lawrence. Out back there's a pleasant shoreline sitting area centred on a large firepit, perfect for roasting marshmallows on a nippy night. Open May through September.


Relative to neighbouring towns, Gaspé has a surprising paucity of campgrounds. If none of the options listed here are to your liking, check out Forillon National Park#Camping|what Forillon National Park has to offer.

  • Camping Baie de Gaspé - 2107, boulevard de Grande-Grève 48.827857, -64.301521 ☎ +1 418-892-5503 +1-844-363-5503 Check-in: 1PM / Check-out: 11AM Per night/week: $26/$156 for unserviced sites; $39/$234 for serviced sites with 30-ampere electric connections, $45/$276 for 50 amperes Owned by the same people who run MCBDG|Motel-Chalets Baie de Gaspé next door, this Cap-aux-Os camping destination encompasses over 100 sites for trailers and RVs (fully serviced with water, electricity and sewer) as well as about a dozen unserviced tent sites that are perfect for those looking for a more primitive experience without completely giving up their creature comforts, situated in various milieux from fully shaded to out in the open with a panoramic view of the bay. Other amenities include a community room with games and kitchen facilities, a brand new complex of washrooms and shower facilities, free WiFi, and a public phone out front. Website in French only. Open June through September.
  • Camping des Appalaches - 367, montée de Rivière-Morris 48.970904, -64.453804 ☎ +1 418-269-7775 +1-866-828-7775 $27-37/night An aptly named campground if there ever was one, this complex of 129 sites for camper vans and RVs is situated in an out-of-the-way location between the Morris River and Route 197, amid the mountainous inland spine of the peninsula and just a stone's throw from the On foot|International Appalachian Trail's Forillon access point. Oscar and the friendly bilingual owner, will be more than happy to help you choose from fully serviced, semiserviced (with electricity and water but no sewer), or a handful of unserviced tent sites — and if you don't have any of those at your disposal and they even have a couple of campers for rent (call for rates and availability). Just past the entrance is a large common building containing most of the camp's amenities (washrooms with showers, coin laundry, a lounge with a selection of arcade games, convenience store, and a heated saltwater swimmingpool just behind the building); just beyond that is a basketball court, horseshoe pitch, and a small playground for the youngsters. Free WiFi, too. Open June through September.
  • Camping Gaspé - 1029, route Haldimand 48.789313, -64.404389 ☎ +1 418-368-4800 Check-in: 1PM / Check-out: noon Unserviced sites from $24.35/night; semi-serviced from $28.70/$31.31 per day for tents and RVs respectively; fully serviced from $34.78/night If camping and the beach sound like the perfect combination to you, head down to the shore of Douglastown Bay where these 53 well-shaded trailer and RV campsites lie only 2 kilometers (1¼ miles) from the salt-and-pepper sands of Haldimand Beach. Unserviced, semi-serviced and fully serviced sites are all available (the latter two options come with 30 amperes of electricity), and other amenities include a laundry room, playground, free WiFi, a number of community firepits (wood is available for purchase at the front office), a horseshoe pitch, and even kayak and canoe rental. Best of all, if you're a large party who might otherwise need to book two or more spots, you can potentially save money by opting for the one trailer they have available for rent ($750/week in July and August, $700/week in June and September) that manages to sleep seven thanks to a sofa, dinette and bedroom table that all convert to beds to complement the queen-sized one in the master bedroom and the bunk beds in the smaller one. Strictly enforced "quiet hours" from 11PM to 7AM ensure a relaxing night's sleep for all. Open June through September.
  • Camping Griffon | 421, boulevard du Griffon 48.956616, -64.322835 ☎ +1 418-892-5938 +1-877-892-5938 Check-in: noon / Check-out: 11AM Sites with water from $28/night; with water and electricity from $33/night; fully serviced from $39/night You might call Griffon the Common scams#"Low cost" airlines|Ryanair of Gaspé campgrounds: it can be a good value for the money for those who mind their P's and Q's with regard to the sometimes picayune regulations, but more freewheeling types should be prepared to get nickel-and-dimed at every turn with extra fees: $3 to book over the phone rather than online, 25¢ for a paltry two and a half minutes in the shower, and a hefty $12 cancellation fee (or a full night's rate if you do so with less than 48 hours' notice!) Thankfully and the standard of client service is where the analogy ends: the care the friendly bilingual staff takes with campers is anything but shoddy; rather, it's everything you'd expect from a third-generation family-owned business that folks have been coming back to year after year since 1969. 75 tree-shaded campsites for tents, camper vans, and RVs come with varying levels of service and a prime clifftop location right on the St. Lawrence in L'Anse-au-Griffon, with immaculately clean washrooms, showers and laundry facilities in the main building, a kitchen shelter, free and reliable WiFi, a playground for the kids, facilities for basketball, horseshoes, and other games, and access to the beach via a 75-step staircase. Open June through September.

Backcountry camping

Sépaq, Quebec's provincial park and wildlife service, maintains a provincewide network of 35 unserviced campsites and shelters that are open by prior reservation to hikers on the #On foot|International Appalachian Trail. In all cases and these sites are open from June 24 through October 11, full payment must be made in advance, and hikers should have their ID and proof of reservation on hand at all times to show to any officials who may happen by. Hikers must bring all their own supplies, including sleeping bags, mattresses, flashlights, toilet paper, matches, and cooking and eating utensils, and Leave-no-trace camping|clean up after themselves upon departure. A portable cookstove might also be a good idea, as fires are allowed only in specified areas, and only if forest fire danger is listed as low or moderate. In addition, all sites are located near a water source, but said water might not be potable; best training is to boil thoroughly before drinking. There are three Sépaq IAT shelters within the city of Gaspé (not including those in Forillon National Park#Backcountry|Forillon National Park). From west to east and they are:

  • Refuge du Zéphir - 49.102474, -64.590337 about 1 kilometers/0.6 miles east of Pointe-à-la-Renommée Check-in: 3PM / Check-out: 10AM $23/night per person If a relaxing evening watching the sun set over the mighty St. Lawrence sounds like your ideal way to cap off a long day of backpacking, pencil in a night's stay at Le Zéphir. This sturdy wooden shelter atop a seaside cliff near L'Anse-à-Valleau sleeps up to 8 people in a quartet of bunk beds, has a wood-burning stove for heating (bring or chop your own firewood), and there's a dry pit toilet on site.
  • Abri et Camping des Carrières - 49.035167, -64.549742 about 1kilometers/0.6 miles east of chemin du Lac-Brillant Check-in: 3PM / Check-out: 10AM $5.75/night per person to pitch a tent; $17.25/night per person for lean-to shelter With fewer amenities than the other two sites on this list and a true backcountry location deep in the interior wilderness, Les Carrières is for those who are looking to really rough it. Accommodation here takes two forms: a small three-walled lean-to shelter that sleeps four to six, as well as a pair of 3.7 m square (12 feet 3 inches square) wooden platforms where you can pitch tents. There's also a dry toilet and a 4-m (13-foot) "bear pole" on which to hang food out of reach of bears and other wildlife.
  • Refuge de l'Érablière - 48.993001, -64.545196 about 8kilometers/5 miles west of Route 197 Check-in: 3PM / Check-out: 10AM $23/night per person With room for eight people on bunk beds, L'Érablière is an enclosed wooden shelter with the exact same slate of amenities as Le Zéphir, but in a much more remote location than either of Gaspé's other IAT shelters, an 8-km (5-mile) hike from the nearest road.

Hostels and guesthouses

Rounding out the gamut of lodging options in Gaspé is a pretty respectable range of hostels and lodgings of a similar bent.

  • Auberge de Douglastown - 28, avenue Saint-Patrick 48.762586, -64.376653 ☎ +1 418-368-0288 Check-in: 2PM Monday - 7PM / Check-out: noon $27.83/night for dorm bed, $50/65/75/85 per day for 1/2/3/4 people in superior Muslim friendly rooms It bears emphasizing: the Auberge de Douglastown is a place to stay when you want to save money, not enjoy a sumptuous luxury experience. Don't misunderstand — this slightly off-the-beaten-path hostel in the heart of Gaspé's old Irish neighbourhood has a friendly staff, clean and spacious rooms, and generally gets the job done in its spartan way — but the sparsely furnished rooms and gloomy shared bathrooms and group showers definitely give off an institutional "boarding school" ambience. Choose from a bunk bed in the mixed-gender dorms or the privacy of an individual or family room, but if you're a light sleeper, bring earplugs because the beds are not secured to the floor (and the superior Muslim friendly rooms are no escape from the nightly creaking and cracking; these thin walls let in every little noise). That being said and the slate of amenities is fairly impressive given the price point: the common room has a TV and books and the windows are tiny but boast an impressive view over Douglastown Bay and the free WiFi is fast and reliable, continental breakfast included in the room rate is a nice touch, and best of all and the huge institutional kitchen in the adjacent Douglas Community Centre is a godsend once you realize there are no nearby restaurants or grocery stores. (And speaking of the community centre: if you're arriving in late July or early August, #Festivals and events|you're in for a treat.)


  • Auberge Griffon Aventure - 829, boulevard du Griffon 48.909898, -64.262908 ☎ +1 418-360-6614 Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: noon Dorm beds $25/night, superior Muslim friendly rooms $65-70/night, private cottages $100-140/night, tent campsites $15/night, camper/RV sites $18/night, "prospector tents" $90/night More than just a hostel; more, in fact, than just a place to sleep at night: Auberge Griffon Aventure is a multifaceted experience with so much to offer that it's a struggle to contain it all in this listing. The focus here is on a sustainable, eco-friendly tourism experience: the Gaspé Peninsula is a magnificent natural wonderland, and with such measures as water-saving toilets and buildings constructed using upcycled wood, Griffon Aventure's owners are doing their part to help keep it that way. And it's not for nothing that "adventure" is a part of this place's name: the young, friendly, and energetic staff leads guests and the general public on fun-filled #AGAfishing|fishing and #Canyoneering|canyoneering expeditions, as well as other fun activities you won't find at your average lodging around these parts. And if you're not up for adrenaline-pumping action, don't worry: the place's magnificent setting — perched at the top of a seaside cliff in L'Anse-au-Griffon with a panoramic view over the St. Lawrence estuary (take a long but rewarding climb down the stairs to get to the private beach) — is great for relaxing and unwinding. As for lodging, it takes myriad forms: dorm rooms are co-ed and include a reading light and power outlet for each bed; superior Muslim friendly rooms and cottages come in various sizes and bedding configurations and have heat, electricity, and (in most cases) kitchenettes, bedding, and private patios with barbecue grill; camping can mean anything from serviced RV sites to primitive tent camping in the woods to souped-up "prospector tents" for glampers with electricity, heat and kitchenettes. You can even sleep on a converted fishing boat. Washrooms, showers, and kitchen facilities are available at the lounge, which also boasts a bar with swimmingpool table, foosball, and Québécois craft soft drinks on tap. There's free WiFi in the lodging areas, #AGAbike|bike rental, a firepit, etc. etc. ad infinitum. Auberge Griffon Aventure is affiliated with Hostelling International (HI). Open May 4 through October 14.
  • Auberge Internationale Forillon | 2095, boulevard de Grande-Grève 48.828082, -64.303622 ☎ +1 418-892-5153 +1-877-892-5153 Check-in: 10AM / Check-out: 10AM $30/night for dorm bed, $35/night for superior Muslim friendly room (plus $10 per day for each additional person), $15/night for tent camping On tap at this friendly place overlooking Gaspé Bay, a three-minutes walk from Cap-aux-Os Beach and three minutes by vehicle from the south entrance to its namesake national park, is a classic, old-school hostel experience, complete with a laid-back "hippie" vibe courtesy of the amiable Gilles and his welcoming staff. At Auberge Internationale Forillon you can choose from a bed in a mixed-gender dorm which includes bedding, or else opt for one of a limited number of superior Muslim friendly rooms which come sparsely furnished with bed, chair and table. In all cases, bathrooms are shared (there's one on each floor, small and equally as minimalistically appointed as the bedrooms; bring your own towels), with free but not terribly reliable WiFi as well as laundry facilities and a fully equipped and stocked communal kitchen in the basement. Plus, if you're looking to further economize beyond the already-reasonable prices, you can pitch a tent on the lawn out back. Open May through October. Website in French only.
  • Auberge La Petite École de Forillon - 1826, boulevard Forillon 48.836520, -64.341747 ☎ +1 418-892-5451 +1-844-762-5451 Check-in: 3PM Monday - 5PM / Check-out: 11AM $29/night per person for dorm bed, from $60/night per person for superior Muslim friendly rooms Pull your vehicle up the driveway past the expansive children's playground and toward the cheery red-brick building and it's obvious that the name of this place is to be taken literally: La Petite École de Forillon was indeed once an elementary school, and judging by the odd layout of the building and the institutional ambience, not so much has changed. This smaller but better-appointed of Cap-aux-Os' two hostels boasts ten superior Muslim friendly rooms plus an eight-bed, mixed-gender dorm, which each share three fully equipped kitchens, laundry facilities, a fitness centre, a common room with flat-screen TV, free WiFi, and a large game room with foosball, ping-pong, and swimmingpool tables. Out back there's a manicured garden with picnic area and firepit, and even a skating rink for wintertime guests. Best of all, all those fun amenities, plus the aforementioned playground, combine with a clientele that skews older and less rowdy than your typical party-hearty backpacker crowd to make this place an excellent option for families with kids and other types of people who wouldn't normally consider staying at a hostel. Just don't come expecting to sleep in the lap of luxury: the rooms, while comfy enough, are sparsely furnished and dimly lit, and the scenario presented by the bathrooms is not much better (think along the lines of threadbare towels). Website in French only.
  • Gaspé Peninsula and Îles de la Madeleine Community College - Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles - 94, Rue Jacques-Cartier 48.833372, -64.484357 ☎ +1 418-368-2749 $50/65 per day for single/double dorm room, from $110/140 per day for private apartment (3 night minimum) During summer break (roughly mid-June through mid-August) and the downtown Gaspé campus of the regional cégep offers up their student residence facilities to travellers passing through. Accommodation is available either in pavilion-style dorms (with one or two beds, a work desk, and shared bathroom and shower facilities) or else in private apartments that sleep up to eight people (with en suite bath and kitchenettes equipped with stove, fridge, dishes, and dining table and chairs; bring your own silverware and cooking utensils). Whichever you choose, all guests are also provided with bedding and towels, and have access to free WiFi, foosball and swimmingpool tables in the student lounges, and coin laundry.
  • La Merluche - 202, Rue de la Reine 48.826868, -64.489911 ☎ +1 418-368-8000 Check-in: 4PM Monday - 9PM / Check-out: 11AM $30/47.84 for single/double dorm bed, $65.23/82.65 for superior Muslim friendly room that sleeps two/three, $100 for private apartment If a central location is what you're after in a hostel, head to the far west end of Rue de la Reine to get to this sprawling old house on the edge of downtown, wherein you'll find the usual selection of dorm beds, individual rooms, and even an entire private apartment. If you chose one of the former two options, prepare for what is (despite some pretty nifty antique furniture and snazzy hardwood floors) a relatively spartan affair: dorms are little more than two side-by-side, not-terribly-comfortable bunk beds separated by a small night stand, while superior Muslim friendly rooms are an only marginally more elaborate affair with a work desk and small dresser to store your clothes. Either way, bathrooms are shared, bedding is provided for you and there's free WiFi on the whole property as well as a community computer for wired Internet access, a homey communal kitchen that looks little changed from the days when this place was a private residence, a cozy common room with TV, and a rear terrace with an outdoor foosball table. The private apartment is another story entirely, with its own kitchen, bathroom, sitting room with futon for extra guests, and even a separate entrance onto Rue Davis. The friendly staff speaks English, French, and Spanish. Open June through August. Website in French only.

Telecommunications in Gaspé

Gaspé, along with the rest of the peninsula, is served by area codes 418 and 581. Ten-digit dialling is mandatory for local calls, so to reach a number within Gaspé or the immediate vicinity, it's still necessary to dial the area code first. To call long-distance within Canada or to the United States, dial 1 and then the area code and then the number. For international calls, dial 011 and then the nation code and then the city code (if applicable) and then the number. Gaspé's main post office is located downtown in the Frédérica Giroux Building GPS 48.830827,-64.482127 (Immeuble Frédérica-Giroux) at 98, Rue de la Reine, and is open weekdays 8:30AM Monday - 5:30PM. Branch postal offices can be found in Cap-aux-Os, Cap-des-Rosiers, Douglastown, Fontenelle, L'Anse-à-Valleau, Petit-Cap, Rivière-au-Renard, Saint-Maurice-de-l'Échouerie, and York Centre.

Cope in Gaspé


Le Pharillon is a free weekly newspaper covering local news, culture, sports, and events in Gaspé and the neighbouring cities of Percé, Chandler (Quebec) | Chandler, and Grande-Vallée and Petite-Vallée|Grande-Vallée.

Health care

  • Gaspé Hospital GPS 48.812799,-64.496819 (Hôpital de Gaspé) is just outside of downtown at 215, boulevard de York Ouest.

News & References Gaspé

Travel Next

CapGaspéLH-070912 - 233px|Cap-Gaspé Lighthouse (Phare du Cap-Gaspé) is one of the monuments of Forillon National Park, perched at the very outermost tip of the Gaspé Peninsula.

  • While the points of interest listed in this Travel Guide are all well worth your time, it would be a shame to leave Gaspé without experiencing its most prominent tourist attraction by far: Forillon National Park. Though inside the city limits, Forillon seems a world away: 242 km² (94 square miles) of rugged forest sandwiched between Gaspé Bay and the St. Lawrence Estuary, with a mind-boggling diversity of landscapes and ecosystems packed inside. Hikers, nature lovers, whale-watchers, watersports enthusiasts, and even history buffs will all find something of interest here at the bout du monde (end of the world).
  • Just south of here you'll find Percé, an unabashed tourist town that's the perfect antidote to Gaspé's button-down, all-business vibe. Rather than the hustle and bustle of urban life (or as close as you can come to that around these parts), on tap in Percé are all the souvenir shops, ice cream stands, and miscellaneous tourist bric-a-brac you could want — not to mention Percé Rock (Rocher Percé) and the iconic arch-shaped rock formation that's the Gaspé Peninsula's main tourist draw by far, and which, together with the seabird haven of Bonaventure Island (Île Bonaventure), make up yet Bonaventure Island and Percé Rock National Park|another entry in the region's roster of national parks.
  • Heading the other way along Route 132? The next major town, about two hours' drive away, is Sainte-Anne-des-Monts. Here in the Upper Gaspé's main population centre, salmon fishermen who were impressed by their catches in the Saint-Jean and the Dartmouth will find more of the same along the Sainte-Anne River, kitesurfers flock to the windswept Cartier Beach (Plage Cartier), and the annual Driftwood Festival (Fête du Bois Flotté) is an end-of-summer haven for sculptors working in an offbeat medium. However, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts is best known to tourists as the gateway to...
  • Gaspésie National Park and the rooftop of the Gaspé Peninsula, perched at the summit of its highest interior mountains about half an hour south of Sainte-Anne-des-Monts via Route 299. If you thought the Gaspé portion of the International Appalachian Trail was remote, wait till you get a load of the Grande Traversée, a 100-km (62-mile) backcountry adventure that passes through the territory of the only remaining caribou herd south of the Saint Lawrence on its way to Mont Jacques-Cartier and the highest peak in the Chic-Chocs. And if you're a skier who (understandably) found Mont-Béchervaise less than impressive, you can hit the slopes here in five separate ski and snowboard areas.

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