Gunung Leuser National Park

From Halal Explorer

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Gunung Leuser National Park is a large Indonesian National Park covering 950,000 hectares in northern Sumatra, straddling the border of the provinces of North Sumatra and Aceh.

Gunung Leuser National Park Halal Travel Guide

Bukit Indonesia Entrance

The village of Bukit Lawang is in the park 90 kilometers northwest of Medan. It is most famous for being one of the last places in the world where one can see orangutans in the wild. Bukit Lawang is situated at the eastern side of Gunung Leuser National Park. As Bukit Lawang is near Medan, it can get crowded during the weekend, especially during the public holiday period (June-beginning of July). Try to avoid the weekends (full guesthouses, crowded feeding platform, large and numerous trekking groups).

Make your plans to go for either half a day trekking or a full day trekking as a miminimum to see the Orang Hutans and other wild animals in the forest

Ketambe village is another option — quiet, not crowded, wild. There is a research station at Ketembe. It is not open to the public.


The park is named after one of its highest points and the 3,381m Mount Leuser (Gunung Leuser). The highest point in the park is "Puncak Tak Punya Nama" ("The peak with no name").

Along with the two other National Parks (Kerinci Seblat National Park|Kerinci Seblat and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park|Bukit Barisan Selatan) on the island, it comprises the UNESCO site of 'The Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra' (status since 2004).

How is the Landscape of Gunung Leuser National Park

Part of the Barisan mountain range lies within the park. The highest peak, and the park's namesake, Gunung Leuser can be climbed. Much of the park is steep and inaccessible.

Flora and fauna

Seeing the orangutans is a magical experience. About 10,000 live in this area. In Bukit Lawang, you can usually see them near the rehabilitation centre and at the feeding platform during the morning and afternoon feeding sessions. In Ketambe, you can go to 1-7 days treks into the jungle.

The best experience is an encounter in the jungle where there are many semi-wild and wild animals. The wild orangutan can be difficult to spot unless you go deep into the jungle. There are also white and black gibbons that make an amazing noise calling out to each other, and Thomas Leaf monkeys. If you are lucky, you may be able to see hornbills, toucans, moon snakes, monitor lizards.

Since there are very few (hundreds) still alive, it is very improbable that either the Sumatran Tiger or the Sumatran Rhinoceros will be encountered, although footprints and droppings have been reported. If you really want to see a tiger, you have to go deep, and be patient (waiting for weeks).

For elephants, go to Tangkahan or near Ketambe, where you can trek further into the jungle to try and spot wild elephants.

How is the Climate in Gunung Leuser National Park

During the wet season, October to March, expect rain at least daily, towards the late afternoon and early evening. Intensity varies, but invariably the monsoonal rains always arrive. Climate is always very humid, so pack a lot of soft-drinking water if you are trekking.

Travel to Gunung Leuser National Park

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Gunung Leuser National Park

Medan holds the nearest big airport for accessing the region.

For Ketambe or hiking Gunung Leuser, you could fly to Kutacane from Medan (30 min) or Banda Aceh (on Wednesdays and Fridays).

First of all, consider the huge ecological footprint of taking a plane!

Going by bus may be a better choice if you want to save the forests.

Note the flights fill very quickly so make sure you book as soon as you can. Note also that the airline flying is on a contract basis and from time to time when the contract finishes there are times when there are no flights until a new contract is signed.

From Kutacane you'll need to continue by road (with labi-labi).

Travel on a Bus in Gunung Leuser National Park

  • From Bukit Lawang - Medan - a one-way bus fare on large, non air-conditioned buses from Medan (Pinang Baris Bus Terminal) to Bukit Lawang, 86 kilometers by road to the north-west, was Rp 60,000 per person (in August 2022), 3-4 hours. There should be buses every 30 minutes, but sometimes some are skipped. Back to Medan, you can take a shuttle van (Rp 12,000 per person (October 2008)) or a large bus (Rp 10,000, but they might ask for more). They alternate every 15 minutes from Bukit Lawang Bus Terminal.
  • From Kutacane - Medan - the companies BTN and Karsima run several public shuttle vanes a day (and one overnight) between the two (7 hours, Rp 70,000, January 2011). They leave from their ticket offices. They usually go via Berastagi where you can flag them down or hop off if you wish to make the detour.
  • From Ketambe - Banda Aceh - there is a company that runs public shuttle vanes directly, through the mountains (16 hours, Rp 620,000, 2014).
  • From Kutacane - Lake Toba - there is one company that runs public shuttle vanes to Sidikalang (6 hours, Rp 200,000, in 2014) and there you will change bus to Pangururan (2 hours, Rp 60,000, in 2014), finally to TukTuk (2 hours, Rp 25,000, in 2014).
  • To Ketambe from Kutacane - take a local mobil from the station by the market in Kutacane (about 1 hour, Rp 25,000, 2014).

Another option is to take a taxi from the airport or hotel in Medan to Pinang Baris (no more than Rp 70,000). Do not get off at the big terminal: tell your driver to go on, just a bit past there is a bakery called Mawar. From there you can get a shuttle van (max Rp 60,000) or the big coach (max Rp 25,000). The big coach is government-run but minivans are private. They will stop many times along the way and in Binjai (about 40 minutes from Medan) they may stop for half an hour to fill up. The last stop, where you get off, is normally the bus terminal in Gotong Royong, a village 5 minutes from Bukit Lawang. From here you can get a becak (motorbike/sidecar/tuktuk type thing) for Rp 20,000. This should drop you at the national park office in Bukit Lawang and you can then find your guest house.

There are many drivers offering minivans from the Belawan ferry terminal direct to Bukit Lawang, bargain hard. Expect to be shifted minivan at least once (in Medan). Prices vary between Rp 80,000 and 70,000 all the way to Bukit Lawang. The extra cost should outweigh the hassle of getting into Medan, finding the bus station and then finding a hostel in Bukit Lawang (especially if you arrive during a torrential downpour). The driver will usually recommend a family or friend's hostel.

You can go by tourist bus (minivan 5-7 persons;) from Parapat (Lake Toba; Rp 230,000/person) or Berastagi to Bukit Lawang. Tickets can be purchased at local tour agencies; but sometimes they run the vehicle as speed driver; to reach the arrival place; just check it out and made a good decision for the transportation

By car

From Bukit Lawang - Medan - If you prefer the convenience of an air-conditioned transfer - a private vehicle can be arranged for airport or your Medan hotel pick-up. Many Bukit Lawang hotels will arrange this service for you in conjunction with an lodging booking. If you are a little more adventurous vehicle rentals are also readily available in Medan for roughly Rp 750,000 a day

How to get around in Gunung Leuser National Park

The villages consist of little more than the guesthouses, a few local residences and the odd shop or cafe. You can walk around but there's not much to see or do!

  • To Tangkahan from Bukit Lawang - it is about 2 hours by motorbike over dirt roads. Rates for arranging guides to drive you by motorbike to Tangkahan from Bukit Lawang were Rp 620,000 for 3 motorbikes and 3 guides to drive the bikes there and take them back. The rainy season can make sections of this route impassable. In Bukit Lawang as of July 2007 there are two guides namely Romi and Wanda who do jeep trips down to Tangkahan.
  • To get to Kedah from Ketembe you must go via Blangkejeren. It takes about 3 hours.

Fees and permits

Permits need to be arranged at a PHPA office before entering the park. The fee is Rp 60,000 per person.

In Bukit Lawang this can also be paid at the orangutan feeding ground. The permit should be included in all treks and jungle activities, but check with the guide to be sure.

In Ketembe your hotel may ask for your passport to register you with the authorities. If you have copies of your passport (including the visa page) you can give them those instead.

What to see in Gunung Leuser National Park

Urang Utang Feeding in Bukit Lawang Indonesia

Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre

In 1973 a Swiss organization set up an orangutan rehabilitation centre in Bukit Lawang (Bukit Lawang literally means "door to the hills"). The purpose of the centre was to rehabilitate orangutans released from captivity. The rangers at the centre teach the orangutan all the necessary skills to survive in the wild. After an intense period of quarantine, readjustment to the natural habitat and reintegration into the (semi-)wild population and the orangutan is released back into the jungle. All orangutans released are still monitored by the rangers and they still provide them with supplementary food at the feeding platform until they become fully self-reliant.

In the years after the arrival of the rehabilitation center more and more tourists found their way to Bukit Lawang and it became one of the most popular destinations in Sumatra. A flash flood hit Bukit Lawang on 2 November 2003. Described by witnesses as a tidal wave and the water was roughly 20 meters high, as it came crashing down the hills, wiping out everything in its path. The disaster, which was the result of illegal logging, destroyed the local tourist resorts and had a devastating impact to the local tourism industry. Around 400 houses, 3 masjids, 8 bridges, 280 kiosks and food stalls, 35 inns and guest houses were destroyed by the flood, and 239 people (5 of them tourists) were killed and around 1,400 local residents lost their homes. After eight months of rebuilding, Bukit Lawang was re-opened again in July 2004.

For many villagers the trauma of losing family, friends and their homes has taken a long time to come to terms with. The people were facing unemployment and homelessness. It has been a long road to recovery and an especially hard task to rebuild a town with only limited financial assistance from the government. However the people in Bukit Lawang are survivors and the new village is taking shape and more and more businesses are opening again.

Especially the young generation is hoping to rebuild the village in more sustainable way than before and they are very aware of the importance of preservation of the fragile ecosystem they live in. They can use all the support they can get and the income of tourism will help them in realizing their ideas for a brighter future for Bukit Lawang.

  • Orangutan Feeding Station | Feedings are daily at 8AM and 3PM. Attending the feeding costs Rp 60,000 (Camera Rp 70,000). The proceeds are used to keep the project running. The rangers are highly qualified and can tell you a lot about orangutans and the project. There are also other national park staff around. Please always follow their instructions to guarantee your and the orangutans safety. The feedings are a great opportunity for amazing pictures as the orangutans usually stick around a bit whilst munching on their bananas.

Other sights

  • Wild monkeys: gibbons, orangutans in the rainforest near Ketambe
  • Bat Cave near Bukit Lawang
  • Elephant Camp at Tangkahan
  • Various waterfalls in the jungle

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Gunung Leuser National Park

The number one reason to go to Gunung Leuser National Park is for a trek, whether that's mountain trekking or trekking to spot wildlife.


A jungle trek is a must. Seeing the orangutan in the wild may be one of the best experiences you will have in your life.

It is not permitted to go unaccompanied into the jungle. There are plenty of good and reliable guides around so take your time to get to know some of them, have a chat, make your choice and prepare for a great adventure. Ask questions and ask them if they follow the rules and do not feed orangutans or any other wildlife. Ask if they will actually be your guide or if they will pass you on to another group. It has happened that travellers pay their money and get sold off and end up in a group of 10 people. Ask how many people will be in the group.

It is a good idea to ask for information at the guest houses... if anything goes wrong or you are not happy you can complain to them. And they have a reputation to keep up.

A fixed price for jungle treks is €25 per day. A 2-day trek including rafting is €60 and a 3-day trek including rafting is €85. During the trek the guides always provide you nice Indonesian authentic meals and exotic fruits! Usually you stop at a really nice waterfall where you have the chance to relax and swim!

It happened quite often that some guides have fed orangutan some human food during a trek just to coax the wild animals to pose for tourists. Several orangutan have gotten sick or died for this reason. You should not get close to or call or feed any of the animals, even if your guide irresponsibly tells you it is OK.

Even though sightings of the orangutan and other wildlife can never be guaranteed, when following the instructions of your guide the chances are favorable.

Another hero is the Thomas Leaf Monkey. Such a wonderful creature that leaps into air with wild abandon as they move from tree to tree. Their mohawk hair styles and faces filled with millions of years of character really make these little guys stand out.

If you want to go on a multiple day trek make sure you are fit and in good condition. The humidity coupled with the intensity of grade of the hills makes for some hard work. The reward at the end of your jungle adventure is a late afternoon paddle in the river back to the village.

Everyone who is planning to go on a jungle trek or even to the feeding platform is asked to refrain from any physical contact with the orangutans. Getting too close to an orangutan increases the risk of passing on disease and viral infection, which jeopardizes the orangutan's chances of survival and in turn the health and survival of the wild orangutan population in the entire area. All guests should keep at least 10 meters away and move away if an orangutan approaches. The motto of any jungle adventure should be take only pictures, leave only footprints.

Another popular past time activity is tubing. When tubing one uses an inner tube to float down the river. Tubes can be rented at various stalls along the village and expect pay around Rp 20.000 per tube. Be careful on the water because currents are strong.

You can also visit the bat cave for Rp 7,000 [make sure to take a flashlight, make a stroll around the Rice fields and rubber plantations, visit some of the social projects (like the Children's Home on the way to the bat cave), visit the Friday market or just hang out with some of the local residents and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.

Wildlife trekking

A wide range of treks into the jungle looking for wildlife are available in Bukit Lawang, Ketembe and Tangkahan. There are many tours from 1 to 3 days (sleeping in the jungle) but more or less can probably be arranged too.

  • Bukit Lawang - it's highly recommended to do a trek with one of the official rangers from the Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre as there can be problems with guides feeding the orangutans to ensure tourists get a sighting.
  • Ketembe - you will see real wild living orangutans (not like in Bukit Lawang, were you can even feed them), monkeys and many kind of birds. On a 2- to 3-day trip you can go to a hot spring beside the Alas river and camp over there. The treks are not very strenuous as the emphasis is on finding wildlife not hiking. On a longer trip (7-10 days) you can go deeper into the jungle and look for some shy tigers. (Prices: Rp 1,350,000 per person per day, 2023)
  • Kedah - there is jungle trekking around Pucuk Angkasan. Guides: Mr Jally and Pak Umar.
  • Tangkahan has about 7 elephants and very few tourists. Guides there charge Rp 280,000 for guided jungle treks, though just seeing the elephants is very affordable and rides on the elephants are negotiable.
  • Elephant trekking through the jungle in Tangkahan

Mountain trekking

These are all multi-day treks.

  • Gunung Leuser - the best starting points are the villages near Blangkejeren. The trek from Kedah to the Gunung Leuser peak and back takes 10 days in total. Guides charge Rp 750,000/day/person. Since the trek is about 70% in alpine regions, you will not see too much wildlife, but exciting flora. For wildlife you better choose a trek to Gunung Angkosan (2 days) or to upper Alas valley (4 days).
  • Gunung Kemiri - the best starting point is Ketembe.

River activities

  • Tubing in Bukit Lawang
  • Rafting along the Alas River, Ketembe
  • Bathe in thermal spas (Muslim Friendly) in the jungle near Ketembe


  • Wednesday Care Program | This school provides free English lessons, lessons on the environment and key skills to disadvantaged children in Bukit Lawang. They appreciate any time you can give: You can join them for one lesson or volunteer long-term. They provide free lodging for long-term volunteers. Visitors to the school are also welcome. You can also pay to trek with the teachers; proceeds will go to the school.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Gunung Leuser National Park

In Bukit Lawang during the low season not many of the shops are open on weekdays, however in the weekend there are several small shops that sell the locally made coconut necklaces. Also there is a small shop selling bamboo souvenirs, like key chains, picture frames, etc. There are also a few shops that sell wood carvings and at the beginning is Genta's batik shop, selling traditional batik paintings.

There are only very small shops in Ketembe selling not much more than packets of biscuits and bottles of water. Buy everything you need in Kutacane or elsewhere.

Halal Restaurants

  • Yusri Cafe | Situated across from the National Park Ticket Office. A very homely feeling cafe with Yusuf and Rita (with Rita & her mum doing all the cooking) taking care of you. Serving tasty local food at local prices with decent portion sizes. Good western selection of food for breakfast. Nasi Goreng Rp 8,000, Nasi Ayam Rp 20,000, Black Tea/Coffee Rp 6,000 with milk Rp 7,000, Banana toast Rp 8,000, Banana Pancake Rp 8,000.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Gunung Leuser National Park

Gunung Leuser National Park - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Gunung Leuser National Park, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Gunung Leuser National Park. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Gunung Leuser National Park and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Gunung Leuser National Park. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Gunung Leuser National Park. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations in Gunung Leuser National Park: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Gunung Leuser National Park.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Gunung Leuser National Park: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Gunung Leuser National Park, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Gunung Leuser National Park.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Gunung Leuser National Park, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Gunung Leuser National Park, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Gunung Leuser National Park and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Gunung Leuser National Park, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Gunung Leuser National Park, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Gunung Leuser National Park without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Gunung Leuser National Park is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Gunung Leuser National Park.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Gunung Leuser National Park is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Gunung Leuser National Park, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Gunung Leuser National Park Media:

Muslim Friendly Hotels


Arranged by your guide when wildlife trekking.

Camping Places

Arranged by your guide when wildlife trekking.


Your guide should cover all your requirements for lodging in the jungle, even right down to leech socks if required. Just make sure you take enough dry clothes as it's so humid nothing will dry once wet.

In the Kutacane region the electricity supply can be a bit variable so don't leave charging your camera until the morning you head out to the jungle!


Bukit Lawang

In order of position up the pathway by the river in Bukit Lawang.

  • Bukit Lawang - Homestay - They welcome backpackers or families. There are lots of local children in the neighborhood and there is a sport field next to the house for playing badminton. Gotong Royong is a quiet place and there hardly any other tourists. So if you want to get a taste of Indonesian culture, learn how to cook Indonesian food and speak Bahasa Indonesia and then a homestay in Gotong Royong is a good choice.
  • Jungle Inn | Directly opposite the orangutan sanctuary. Offers reasonably priced rooms, but slightly inflated prices for food by Sumatran standards. Jungle Inn has a couple of very special rooms namely 'Honeymoon Suite' for Rp 750,000 and the new 'Penthouse' for over Rp 650,000. Contact name and no. to book. Bahrum manager of Jungle Inn +6285270637829
  • Back to Nature - Only place to stay that's in the jungle, not the town. 4 rooms, all with balcony. Family style meals. Free coffee and tea. Private waterfall bathing. 120 hectares of private jungle. Eco-resort. US$15-25/night. Dutch spoken.
  • Sam's | 3 lovely rooms with prices from Rp 200,000-200,000, Contact name and no. Samsul +6281370093597
  • Jungle Tribe | A free standing house at Rp 650,000/night with 'a restaurant' next door. Contact name and no. Agun +6281361746375
  • Garden Inn | Not far from Jungle Inn is another pleasant place to stay in Bukit Lawang (Nice double bed rooms, cold shower and mandi for Rp 70k to Rp 80k). Contact name and no. Pardil +6281396000571
  • Indra Valley Inn & Trekking - Directly at the river at your left hand side when you walk to the orangutan centre. Indra Valley Inn offers jungle view lodging with balcony and riverview between Rp 600,000 and 300,000. Great restaurant & bar with healthy food for reasonable prices. Owner and operator Obiwan is a very experienced (third generation) trekking guide.
  • Green Hill Guesthouse - Now have 5 rooms built high up behind their beautiful open air building with incredible views.a simple one for Rp 80,000 has shared bathroom and the treetop bungalows are Rp 250,000 and the newest one, a treetop chalet is Rp 650,000. Contact name and no. to book Andrea or Mbra +6281263643775 or +6281 370 349 124.
  • Bukit Lawang Cottages | Also known as 'Eco Lodge' (just across the river from main village at the base of the hill and where the walking tracks start) is an excellent option with prices starting from Rp 80,000/night particularly good, if you arrive late in the day. It's also one of the main places to eat/drink at night and meet in the morning for treks.
  • Wisma Bukit Lawang Indah | Across the river next door to Yusman which is next door to Wisma Sibayak. Cheap rooms with a double and single bed go for Rp 75,000. Bukit Lawang Indah has excellent good quality food

Mama Anas Homestay is in Lambo village, 10 minutes from Bukit Lawang by local bus. A great location in the Rice paddy fields with amazing views of the mountains. She has 2 really nice rooms and you will get to meet her children: a great way to experience a bit of real life. She and her husband both speak good English. to book email mamaana99@

  • Jungle Border Nice resort run by a nice and friendly young family with two beautiful river facing huts one with shower and toilet and the other without. Quiet location with good food and cold the perfect place to chill out. The price ranges from Rp 80,000 to 150,000 depending on which hut you take and the time of the year
  • Plan's Stone | Lovely bungalows next to the river, across the bridge from town. En-suite toilet and shower (cold water). Local family owned and run. Great service, friendly, welcoming, and authentic. Rp 170,000 with delicious Nasi Goreng breakfast and tea throughout the day. (April 2024)


  • Bamboo River | Owned by an English woman Jane and her Indonesian husband Wayan
  • Jungle Lodge | Owned by a German woman Sylvia and her Indonesian husband Alex
  • Mega Inn | A third smaller, cheaper, backpacker place owned by one of the English speaking guides Mega. Mega's 3 rooms are next door to Bamboo River.


All the guesthouses are very similar, have restaurants and can arrange tours. They are all along the primary street and offer lodging in wooden bungalows with bathroom from about Rp 70,000.

  • Ketambe Gurah Guesthouse, This ex-governmental Eco Resort is the only one that sits right in the Gunung Leuser Park and is now run by a very lovely family; it is located approx. 1 kilometers after the village on the left side. Wildlife of all sorts are visible within the close area and/or from the balcony. The chalet sits close to the Alas river and offers spacious rooms (cold shower, no A/C). Treks and raftings can be easily organized, as well as shuttle services that run to/from Medan and Kutacane.


  • Rainforest Lodge | If you arrive too late for onward travel and there are a handful of options in the town.
  • Hotel Maroon Has four different quality rooms from basic rooms with a shared bathroom to much nicer rooms

Stay Safe

When travelling down the river rapids on the rubber tyres, do not go past the bridge. There are narrow drains and sharper rocks the closer you get to the village.

Keep your villa doors and windows closed when you are not around and the long tailed macaques like to get inside and raid your belongings for food.

News & References Gunung Leuser National Park

Travel Next

  • From Bukit Lawang, Tangkahan could be an interesting delve further into the National Park. Otherwise head back to Medan for connections elsewhere.
  • From Ketambe, you could go on to Kedah to switch from wildlife trekking to mountain climbing.
  • There are regular buses from Kutacane to Medan which pass through mountain town Berastagi (home to Sibayak and Sinabung volcanoes). Or change direction and head up to Banda Aceh.

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