
From Halal Explorer


Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukrainian phrasebook|Ukrainian: Івано-Франківськ, [iˈβ̞ɑno frɑnˈkifsʲk) (formerly in Polish: Stanisławów, German: Stanislau) is a city in the Ukrainian part of East Galicia.

Ivano-Frankivsk Halal Travel Guide

It was built in the mid-17th century as a private fortress of the Potocki family. With the partition of Poland in 1772, Ivano-Frankivsk was passed to the Habsburg Empire, after which it became the property of the State authorities of the Austrian Empire. It was during that time that the fortress was transformed into one of the most prominent cities at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. After World War I, for a short stint it served as temporary capital of the West Ukrainian People's Republic, after the fall of which Stanisławów became part of the Second Polish Republic. At the dawn of World War II and the city was annexed by the Soviet Union, only to be occupied by Nazi Germany two years later. With the liberation of Ukraine in 1944, a Soviet regime was established in the city for the next 45 years. A city visitor may find elements of various cultures intertwined within Ivano-Frankivsk and the Polish Rathaus and the Austrian city's business center and the Soviet panel multi-storied residential apartment buildings at the city's urban-rural fringe, and others.

The city is in the Carpathian region northeast of the mountain range, sitting roughly 120 m above mean sea level.

How is the Climate in Ivano-Frankivsk

The climate is moderate continental with warm summers (in July the record high 37.1°C), and fairly cold winters (in dec the record low−35.7°C). There are 60 snowy days per year.

Travel to Ivano-Frankivsk

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Ivano-Frankivsk

  • Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport IATA Flight Code: IFO, Міжнародний аеропорт Івано-Франківськ - Str. Yevgenia Konovaltsya (ул. Евгения Коновальца), 264А 48.8871, 24.7059 4.4 kilometers south from the town center - Bus 21, 24, 52, 55, 64, 83, 84 to stop 'Aеропорт ' ☎ +380 342 598037, +380 342 598046 - Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport - Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport It has connections with Flights to Kiev, Moscow (Domodedovo) and Lviv, it is however relatively small. The bigger airport nearby is in Lviv.

By Rail

=Ivano-FRANKIVSK (226) - Train station - Залізничний вокзал Pryvokzal'na sq. (Привокзальна пл). 3 - GPS: 48.9253 ,24.7239 NE ☎ +380 342 592223, +380 342 224774|fax= - From Ivano-Frankivsk you can get to the Kyiv, Moscow, Minsk, Bucharest, Varna and Sofia by direct trains. Trains from Lviv (where you can connect to Poland) or Chernivtsi (where you can connect to Romania).

Travel on a Bus in Ivano-Frankivsk

  • Bus station No.1 - Central Station, Автостанція 1, Автовокзал - Street Zaliznychna (Вулиця Залізнична), 30 48.9233, 24.7243At the Train station ☎ +380 342 750830 Opening Hours: Daily 07:30-12:00, 13:00-19:30 Timetable , buses to Chernivtsi (24 грн, 4 hr, at least 3 daily). Tickets]
  • Bus station No.2 - Автостанція 2 | Street Horbachevskoho (Вулиця Горбачевського), 2 GPS 48.9440 ,24.6902 north ☎ +380 342 583704 |fax=Opening Hours: Daily 04:40-23:40
  • Bus station No.3 - Автостанція 3| Street Mazepy Het'mana, 166 48.90827, 24.68441 SW☎ +380 342 753547
  • Bus station No.4 Автостанція 4 | Street Junosty, 1 48.91077, 24.76588 SE☎ +380 342 554399

How to get around in Ivano-Frankivsk

GPS 48.9167|24.7167 The downtown is manageable by foot but there is an extensive network of public transport including buses, trolleybuses, and taxis. There are nine trolleybus routes and about 52 for regular buses. Some of the routes run beyond the city into nearby villages. Those wishing to venture outside of the city by vehicle may want to use a more robust vehicle such as a 4 by 4 as roads in the local area are extremely degraded and incomparable to western roads.

All street names reflecting the city's Soviet or Russian past have been returned to their former names, or given new names of national historic importance, or other non-controversial names. For example, Gagarin Street (connecting the city with its suburbs) became Vovchynets Street, Suvorov Street is now Harbar Street, and Soviet Street is Nezalezhnist (Independence) Street. Around 100 other streets were renamed. The seven main city squares Viche Maidan, Market Plaza, Sheptytsky Plaza Pryvokzalna Plaza, Mickiewicz Plaza (Mickiewicz Park), Liberation Plaza, European Plaza.

What to see in Ivano-Frankivsk

Ivano-FRANKIVSK (34) - The Market Plaza IF court - Ivano-Frankivsk Court (Будинок правосуддя), 11 Hriunvaldska Street Townhall ivano-frankivsk.jpg

  • Townhall - Ratusa Hrushevskovo (вул. Грушевського), 21 48.92266, 24.71033 Center ☎ +380 342 556515 Built in Art Deco style.
  • City Brewery
  • Jesuit College building - Будівля колегії єзуїтів | Sheptytskoho sq., 21 48.9230, 24.7089 Center West
  • Stanislav fortress compound - Фортечна стіна | Fortechnyi lane 48.9225, 24.7066 Center West Made in the form of regular hexagon (with a width of 400 m side) with additional bastions , redoubts and fort.
  • White Building Bily Budynok - in the middle of the city and next to the Market place It is the main administration building of Ivano-Frankivsk and the Ivano-Frankivsk oblast. In front of the building there are two full-size sculptural monuments of Franko and Shevchenko.
  • Battle of Grunwald monument | – commemorating the defeat of the Teutonic Order in 1410 }} - IF Mickiewicz monument.jpg
  • Monument to Adam Mickiewicz - пам'ятник Адамові Міцкевичу | Plaza Mickiewicz 48.9212, 24.7115 Built in 1930, it was reconstructed in 1989. It is on Adam Mickewicz Plaza next to a regional concert hall. It is the oldest surviving monument in the city and was built on 20 November 1898.
  • Monument to Stepan Bandera - Пам'ятник С. Бандері | European Plaza (Європейська пл.) - GPS: 48.90552, 24.71354 south ~1 kilometers Mase in 2009


  • Palace complex of Pototskyis - Палацовий комплекс Потоцьких | Shpytalna str.(Шпитальна вул.),,5 48.9238, 24.7134 Center Built 1672 – 1682.

Holy Places

  • Church of the Holy Resurrection - Катедральний собор св. Воскресіння (Катедра) | Maidan Sheptitskovo, (майд. Шептицького), 6 or 22? - GPS: 48.92236, 24.70852 Centre ☎ +380 342 552931 Greek Catholic Gothic Church. Former Jesuit church. Primitively his foundation was stopped up in 1720 year, and building of church is complete in 1729 year. During 1753 - 1763 under the direction of engineer-fortification S. Pototskyi a new temple is erected in style of baroque. The temple restored: in 1885 and in 1955 years.


  • Armenian Church - Вірме́нська церква або Вірменський костел Непорочного Зачаття Найсвятішої Діви Марії | Vul. Vyrmenska (вул. Вірменська), 7- GPS: 48.92250, 24.71192 One block East from Town Hall ☎ +380 342 230447 Used by one of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Baroque. Built in 1743-63.


  • St. Demetrius church - Церква Св. Дмитрія Nechuia -Levytskoho str., (вул. Нечуя-Левицького) 6 GPS 48.9432, 24.6948 Northwest 2 kilometers - . A wooden church from 1902. Church carpathians type. It belongs to greco-catholic society.
  • Polish Church - Ukrainian: Костел Христа Царя, Polish: Kościół Rzymsko-Katolicki | Vulytsya Vovchynetska (Вовчинецька вул), 92 48.9304, 24.7266 NE cca. 700 m from Ivano-Frankivsk Railway Station Roman Catholic Church of Christ the Lord. Built in 1927-1938.
  • Protection of the Virgin church - Церква Покрови Матері Божої | Kniahynyn str., (вул Княгинин) 29, 48.93487, 24.70868 North 1km| - Consecrated in 1905. One of the best Ukrainian churches iconostases.
  • St. Joseph the Betrothed church - Церква Св. Йосифа Обручника | Vovchynetska Str.,(вул. Вовчинецька), 52-4 48.92875, 24.72335 NE 0.6km . 1912.
  • Christ the King Church - Костел Христа Царя, Polish: Cerkiew Chrystusa Króla | Vul. Nezalezhnosty (вул. Незалежності, 181) - GPS: 48.916689, 24.733122 NE 1 km| ☎|hours=
  • Womens Seminary - Жіноча вчительська семінарія сестер-василіянок | Vasyliianok str.,(вул. Василіянок) 17 GPS 48.926239,24.715584 Centre
}} - Ivano-Frankivsk Gryunvalds'ka 1-1.jpg
  • Jesuits church - Костел єзуїтів | Hriunvaldska str., 3 48.92518, 24.71704 Center Built in 1729. - Ukraine-Ivano-Frankivsk-Church of Joseph.jpg
  • St. Joseph church - Костел Йосифа | Mochulskoho Str., 1- GPS: 48.9169, 24.7335 E 1 kilometers | Neo-Gothic style.
  • Synagogue - Синагога, Темпль | Strachenykh str., 7- GPS: 48.92204, 24.71165 Opened in 1899


=Ukraine-Ivano-Frankivsk-Church of Virgin Mary-3.jpg

  • Regional Art Museum - Івано-Франківський обласний художній музей - museum_ Sheptyts'koho sq. (майдан Шептицького), 8 GPS 48.923611,24.708889 ☎ |fax=Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-17:00 . Former Blessed Virgin church or Collegiate Church of Virgin Mary.
  • Museum of Life and Ethnography of the Western Region Mузей побуту та етнографії Західного регіону| Troleibusna str., 7 GPS 48.9453 ,24.6998 North 2km☎ +380 342 583861 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-16:00. Lunch 12:00-13:00 There are ethnography, culture and education exhibitions. - The Museum of Liberation Movement in Prykarpattia Музей визвольних змагань Прикарпатського краю| Henerala Tarnavskoho str., 22 - GPS: 48.92836 ,24.71842 Center☎ +380 342 48014|hours=Monday to Friday 09:00-16:00 Lunch: 12:00-13:00
  • Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Museum Івано-Франківський краєзнавчий музей - Haytska (вул. Галицька), 4а GPS 48.922778,24.710278 Center ☎ +380 342 750026 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10.00-17.30. Found in 1940. Former Town hall (Ratusha) - Art Deco building from 1930s standing in the middle of Market Plaza (Ploshcha Rynok).
  • Museum of the Insurgent Army - European Plaza. 48.90555,24.71376 south 1 kilometers |fax=Opening Hours:
  • Ivano-Frankivsk Historical and Memorial Museum Oleksy Dovbusha Івано-Франківський історико-меморіальний музей Олекси Довбуша| Hetman Mazepa, 1 (вул. Гетьмана Мазепи) - GPS: 48.92078, 24.70628 Center
  • Literary Museum - Літературний музей Прикарпаття| Lepkoho Bohdana str., 27 (вул. Б. Лепкого) GPS 48.92068 ,24.71936 Center ☎ +380 432 25047|fax= Tuesday - Saturday 10:00-17:30, Lunch: 13 to 14 hours It was opened on May, 16, 1986. The display of museum tells about development of literary process of our land from the oldest times to the present. Prykarpattia Literary Museum has by 40,000 exhibits.
  • Museum of Prykarpattyaoblenergo Музей ВАТ «Прикарпаттяобленерго»| Industrial, 34 (вул. Індустріальна) - GPS: 48.9112, 24.7250 Southeast 1.5km Electricity museum.
  • Geological Museum - Геологічний музей ІФНТУНГ| Carpathska, 15 (Карпатська) GPS 48.9294 ,24.6956 inside the National Technical University building ☎ -
  • Ivano-Frankivsk historical and memorial museum of Oleksa Dovbush - Івано-Франківський історико-меморіальний музей Олекси Довбуша | Mazepy Het'mana str., 5 48.9206, 24.7055 ☎ +380 342 25729

Further afield

=Домініканський Монастир у Богородчанах.jpg

  • Bogorodchany town - Богородчани Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast 48.808056, 24.538056 Dominicans monastery (Домініканський монастир), 1742-62. Good for a day (or a half day) tour.
  • Chernelytsya Castle and Dominicans church Чернелицький замок и Домініканський костел | Chernelytsya, Ivano-Frankivsk Region - GPS: 48.81111, 25.43 east 71 kmA pretty village with the Castle remains, 1670s; Dominicans church ruins, 1661. Pics]

Чесники. Миколаївська церква.jpg

  • St.Michael (Ascension) church in Chesnyky village - c.Чесники | Rogatyn raion, Ivano-Frankivsk Region 49.3869, 24.7282 70 kilometers north from Ivano-Frankivsk An architectural monument of national importance. More than 600 years old, rebuilt in 1800s.

}} - Halych (12).jpg

  • Halych Castle, 1590s Ukrainian: Галич Замок, Halych; Russian: Галич, Galich, German: Halytsch, Polish: Halicz| Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast - GPS: 49.117703, 24.728653 26 kilometers North from Ivano-Frankivsk Also here the Nativity of Christ church (церква Різдва Христова), 1400s, 1906 }} - ChurchOfImmaculateConceptionOfVirginMaryIinHorodenka - Horodenka town - Gorodenka 48.67, 25.5 Southeast 71 kilometers See here the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary church + cells (костел Непорочного Зачаття Діви Марії), 1743-60; and the Armenian church (вірменський костел), 1706.
  • Kalush Ukrainian: Калуш, Polish: Kałusz | 49.044167, 24.359722 Located on the river Sivka 36 kilometers north-west of Ivano-Frankivsk Presentation of the Christ at the Temple Church (1899), Museum of Ivan Franko family, St. Nicolas church (1888), St. Apostle Andrew church (1792), St. Valentine church, Museum of Kalush neighborhood, St. Archistratigus Michael church (1913), Town hall.

Kolomyia City Hall.jpg

  • Kolomyia Коломия 48.530556, 25.040278 toward ChernivtsiA historical city in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

Kosiv (8207641747).jpg

  • Kosiv - Ukrainian: Косiв, German: Kossow, Polish: Kosów, Romanian: Cosău. 48.315, 25.095278 93 kilometers South from Ivano-Frankivsk a small Hutsul settlement with a remnants of a small castle


  • Krylos Old Halych | 49.086009, 24.691746 5 kilometers Southwest from Halych It was the Old Halych and there is an etno park with an beautiful wood Church


  • Manyava Skete Манявський монастир email= 16, Vul. Skytova, (вул. Скитова), Maniava village GPS 48.656194, 24.392778 A monastery. It was established in 1611 by Iov Knyagynytsky. Today it’s a living man’s Orthodox Monastery of the Kiev Patriarchate. In 1621 Maniava Cell was surrounded by a stone wall with three defensive towers, where the inhabitants of surrounding villages could take a refuge during the attacks of the Turks and Crimean Tatars. It was one of the biggest Christian centers in Galicia. It had a large library and was famous for the main iconostasis. - Maniava Cell is also known because of the Blessed Stone. According to believers, it’s a place of prayer and purification. This is a first shelter, a cell for the Carpathian apostles. The Blessed Stone is almost kilometer distance from the bridge at the Mount Manyavka near the monastery lake. The Stone is located in a huge cave or niche. This is a typical ancient monk’s dwelling. - For day tour

Пнівський замок.jpg

  • Pniv town - Пнівський замок - GPS: 48.6227, 24.555 Southwest 44 kilometers . Famous about Kuropatvys castle (Замок Куропатвів), 1580.

Rohatyn panoramic.jpg

  • Rohatyn town Rogatyn, Ukrainian: Рогатин, Polish: Rohatyn GPS 49.416667 ,24.616667 62 kilometers North And its sights: the St.Nicolas church (Миколаївський костел), 1538-1555, 1650s; the Holy Spirit church (Святодухівська церква), 1598.
=Церква Святого Пантелеймона 17.jpg
  • Shevchenkove village Шевченкове | Shevchenkove Шевченкове, Галицький район GPS 49.132222, 24.693056 28 kilometers North Visit the more than 800 years old, St.Pantaleon church (церква св.Пантелеймона), 1194, 1598-1611. If you take public transport (i.e. bus or marshrutka) look for the right place, because two other Shevchenkove are in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. - Yaremche.JPG
  • Yaremche village and Waterfall "Probiy" Ukrainian: Яремчe і водоспад "Пробій", Polish: Jaremcze or Jaremcza Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk Region GPS 48.460278, 24.558611 65 kilometers south Many outdoor option. Good base for a hike to Peak Hoverla the highest place in Ukraine. Also there is the Vorokhta ski resort.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Ivano-Frankivsk


Academic Regional Music-Drama Theater of IIvana Franka - Iвано-Франківський академічний обласний музично-драматичний театр імені Івана Франка Vul. Nezhalezhnosty (вул. Незалежності, 27-а) GPS 48.9177 ,24.7188 Center

  • Regional Concert Philharmony Обласна Філармонія| Kurbasa Lesia str., 3 - GPS: 48.92149,24.71225 Center☎ +380 342 223146, +380 342 750300 .


  • Academic Regional Puppet Theater of Pidhiryanka - Академічний обласний театр ляльок ім.М.Підгіранки Nezalezhnosti str., 10А 48.9195, 24.7110 Center☎ +380 342 231553
  • Central folk house - Центральний народний дім Shevchenka str., 1 48.91998, 24.70656 ☎ +380 342 224709 Concerts held here.


Lumiere cinema in Ivano-Frankivsk - Lumiere cinema Lumiere cinema in Ivano-Frankivsk.jpg

  • Lumier Cinema Former Franko Cinema| Ulitsa Mikhaila Grushevskogo (ул. Михаила Грушевского), 3 48.92057, 24.71038 ☎ +380 342 505500
  • Cosmos Cinema


  • City lake 48.9144, 24.6902 Next to Nauka Stadium content=It was the former zoo area of Pototskyi. Now, urban lake - one of the main recreational areas of the City. Here is the romantic Island of Love.
  • Pioneer park - Піонерський парк, Park of Warriors-Internationalists, Park Voinov-Osvoboditeley| Street Vasiliyanok (вулиця Василіянок) - GPS: 48.928921, 24.712531 North
  • Shevchenko Park - Парк им. Тapacy Шевченка - Vul. Shevchenko, 48.9101, 24.6947 A big park that consists of an amusement park, a big lake with swans, couple of full-size football fields, and many others interesting places worth of seeing. Founded in 1895.
  • Pryvokzalny park - Привокзальний сквер Pryvokzal'na sq. (Привокзальна пл), GPS 48.9243,24.7228 E| ☎Opening Hours:
  • Memorial Park Меморіальний сквер| Street Andriya Melnyka (вул. Андрія Мельника) - GPS: 48.9166 ,24.7168 near the regional Ivan Franko Academic Music-Drama Theater ☎ Opening Hours: -
  • Rukh Stadium Центральний міський стадіон "Рух" | Chornovola str., 128 - GPS: 48.9080, 24.6961 next to Yunist Stadium (Youth) ☎ +380 3422 750447 This is a sport complex consisting of the major arena and two auxiliary fields.
  • Yunist Stadium - Youth Stadium, Стадіон Юність | Street Shukhevychiyv (Шухевичів вул.) 48.9164, 24.7218
  • Hirka Stadium - Стадіон Гірка | Street Duchymynskoe Olgy ( Дучимінської Ольги вул.) - GPS: 48.9288, 24.7284 ☎ +380 3422 506794 property of the Ivano-Frankivsk Locomotive Maintenance Plant.
  • Nauka Stadium Science Stadium, Стадіон "Наука" | Mazepy Het'mana str., 144 48.9126, 24.6895 Southeast shore of CCity Lake☎ +380 3422 535669 price= Belongs to Prykarpattia National University of Stefanyk.
  • Stadium of Oil and Gaz University - Стадіон технічного університету нафти і газу | Karpats'ka str., 15 48.9315, 24.6949 ☎ +380 342 248094
  • Sport-Recreational Center Tsunami Спортивно-розважальний комплекс Цунамі Dovzhenka O. str., 29 48.9001, 24.6839 Southwest ☎ +380 342 714060, +380 342 714070 , contains an ice arena for the city hockey events, an aquapark, hotel (phone +380 342 714069) and restaurant (phone +380 342 714069).

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Ivano-Frankivsk

Frankivsk1 - A part of Independence Street called stometrivka

  • 100m stretch (stometrivka) - Пішохідна частина вулиці Незалежності ("Стометрівка") | Nezalezhnosti str. 48.91981, 24.71037 Center – unofficial local name for part of Independence (Nezalezhnosti) Street that consists of series of shops and restaurants and is restricted to pedestrian traffic only.

Ukraine-Ivano-Frankivsk-1 - Market

  • Bazaar – a huge area close to the Main Plaza that covers the old market and the new market with couple of supermarket stores locally known as the universal stores where you can buy everything.
  • Bastion - Fortechna 1 , Several art galleries and retail outlets in a renovated part of old fortress walls.
  • Central Market Центральний ринок | Dnistrovs'ka str., 5 - GPS: 48.92593, 24.71194 ☎ +380 342 227907

Malls, shopping centres

Ivano-FRANKIVSK (31) - Icon seller in Ivano-Frankivsk

  • Arsen Shopping Centre ТЦ «Арсен» - street Mykolaichuk (вул. Миколайчука), 2 48.9325, 24.7458 east ☎ +380 342 722465 - There is an electronics supermarket (Eldorado).
  • Bison Shopping Center ТЦ «Бізон» | Street Maksimovic (вул. Максимовича), 15 GPS 48.9424 ,24.7295 NE☎ +380 342 720753, +380 342 500576, +380 342 712165 content= Supermarket «FoxMart»]
  • Veles Shopping Centre '555' ТЦ «Велес» - Vul Vovchynetska (вул. Вовчинецька) 225 48.9399, 24.7379 NE ☎ +380 342 779255 There is a supermarket.
  • Velmart Shopping Centre - 'Velike Kishenya' shopping center, ТЦ «ВелМарт», ТЦ "Велика Кишеня" - Street Yevhena Konovaltsya (вул. Коновальця), 221 48.9025, 24.7139 South 1.5 kilometers - Include: supermarket "City.com" (супермаркет електроніки "City.com")
  • Panorama Plaza shopping center ТPЦ "Panorama Plaza" Boulevard Pivnichnyy (Північний бульвар), 2-а GPS ☎ +380 342 711204 . Here is the food supermarket "Vopak" (супермаркет "Вопак"), tel.:+380 342 710389
  • Silpo Supermarket Сільпо - Vul. Hetmana Mazepy (вул. Г. Мазепи), 168 48.90976, 24.68825 Southwest - next to Bus station No.3 Electronic goods here at Supermarket "ABC Technika" (супермаркет електроніки "АБВ Техніка"). More units:: Blvd. Northern University. Pushkin 2a str. Dniester, 3 (бул. Північний ім. Пушкіна, 2а, вул. Дністровська, 3)
  • Comfy Shopping Center - ТЦ «Comfy» Vul. Getman Mazepi (вул. Гетьмана Мазепи), 168-V - GPS: 48.90714, 24.68211 next the Bus station No.3 -


  • Epicenter Shopping Center ТЦ «Епіцентр» Street Ivasyuka (вул. Івасюка), 17 GPS , . - Electronic supermarket "Tekhnoyarmarok"
  • METRO Cash & Cary Shopping Center ТЦ «METRO Cash & Cary»| Vul. Vovchinecka (вул. Вовчинецька), 225 48.9450, 24.7413 NE 3km☎ +380 800 5014010

Halal Food & Restaurants

Food in Ivano-Frankivsk, like the rest of the Ukraine is fairly good and will sit well in the stomach of most western travelers.

If visiting a supermarket, price on items will vary greatly. Western labeled products will be labeled with prices comparable to western prices. Similar goods with non-western labels will sell much cheaper.

Two glasses of organic juice and a bag of potato chips will cost about US$5 at local bars.


  • Pizzas Chelentano Піцерія Челентано Halytska (вулиця Галицька), 3, GPS 48.92140 ,24.70743 ☎ +380 342 750544|fax= - Tsymes Pizzeria - Кафе-Піцерія Цимес Pryvokzalna sq., 9 GPS 48.9261,24.7222 ☎ +380 97 2175424, +380 34 2714542
  • Maki&Tavi - Піцерія Макі&Таві Str. Mazepy Hetmana, 168 GPS 48.9075, 24.6829 Near to Bus station No.3 ☎ +380 342 710016


  • Cafe Edelveis Кафе Едельвейс Horbachevskoho str., 6 GPS 48.9439,24.6917 near Bus station No.2☎ +380 342 584425Opening Hours:
  • Cafe Rondo Кафе Рондо Plaza Pryvokzalna, 3 - GPS: 48.92545,24.72330 at the train station☎ +380 342 556590 Opening Hours: -
  • Cafe Mirazh Кафе Міраж Str. Yunosti, 3 GPS 48.9103, 24.7657 east - near Bus station No.4☎ +380 342 554461 price=
  • Cafe Stara brama - Cafe Old Tower, Кафе Стара брама| Halyts'ka str., 33 GPS 48.92363, 24.70980 next to Hotel Atrium☎ +380 342 225328
  • Yablunevyi sad - Кафе Яблуневий сад| Str. Halytska, 2 48.92143, 24.70926 center - at the Medical University☎ +380 342 584550
  • Lviv Handmade Chocolates Cafe-shop - Кав'ярня-магазин Львівська Майстерня Шоколаду| Str. Mazepy Hetmana, 6 - GPS: 48.9213,24.7063 center☎ +380 98 608-5709 Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00?? }} - Cafe Tost Кафе Тост| Str. Mazepy Hetmana, 169 48.9075, 24.6864 opp. the Bus station No.3☎ +380 342 538267 price=


  • Tsukernia Cafe-Confectionery Кав'ярня-кондитерська Цукерня Nezalezhnosti str., 12 GPS 48.9195, 24.7115 Center ☎

Fast food

  • Chicken HUT - Ресторан Chicken HUT| Belvederska str., 21 (21а) - GPS: 48.9223, 24.7048 ☎ +380 3422 49384, +380 67 6728447


  • Osokory - Ресторан Осокори Str. Dovzhenka O., 26 48.90509 ,24.68277 Bus station No.3 0.3km☎ +380 342 753393, +380 99 0635870, +380 50 6748009 -
  • Sadko - Ресторан Садко| Str. Mazepy Het'mana, 138 48.9121, 24.6914 Near to Nauka Stadium ☎ +380 342 710193, +380 68 4698409 }}

As with other Ukrainian cities of its size a organic juice should cost under US$1 and a large bag of crisps (potato chips) in a normal bar/pub should cost a maximum of $1. If you are paying more than that you know you are being ripped off. - Panorama Plaza Entertaintment Center - ТРЦ «Panorama Plaza» Beregova, 2-a (former? Boulevard O.S. Pushkina,вул. Північний бульвар ім. О.С. Пушкіна ) GPS 48.92948 ,24.70742 ☎ +380 342 778531, +380 67 3434169, +380 95 5369845 Fax +380 342 778531 There is a night club, a pub (phone +380 342 773010 / 067 3425550), bowling, karaoke bar (phone +380 68 1442855, +380 342 711204)

  • Pasage Gartenberg - Культурно-розважальний комплекс| Vichova sq., 3 GPS 48.92058, 24.70838 ☎ +380 342 725101, +380 95 1759000|hours=
  • Leprekon Pub Ірландський паб Лепрекон Vovchynets'ka str., 26 GPS 48.9267, 24.7196 Near to Train station ☎ +380 342 542324 |fax=Opening Hours:
  • Kilimanjaro
  • eL Dorado
'Ten' Beer Club Пивний клуб «ДЕСЯТКА» Shashkevitcha (ул. Шашкевича), 4 GPS 48.92008,24.71089 center☎ +380 342 712121| fax=Opening Hours:
  • Faraon Cafe - Бар Фараон| Mazepy Het'mana str., 173-1 - GPS: 48.9071, 24.6853 opp. the Bus station No.3☎ +380 342 778666


  • Panorama Plaza - 48.92948 ,24.70742 | ☎|fax=Opening Hours: - Hotel Nadia - Nadia hotel

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Ivano-Frankivsk

Ivano-Frankivsk - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Ivano-Frankivsk, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Ivano-Frankivsk. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Ivano-Frankivsk and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Ivano-Frankivsk. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Ivano-Frankivsk. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inIvano-Frankivsk: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Ivano-Frankivsk: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Ivano-Frankivsk, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Ivano-Frankivsk.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Ivano-Frankivsk, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Ivano-Frankivsk, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Ivano-Frankivsk and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Ivano-Frankivsk, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Ivano-Frankivsk, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Ivano-Frankivsk without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Ivano-Frankivsk is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Ivano-Frankivsk.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Ivano-Frankivsk is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Ivano-Frankivsk, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Ivano-Frankivsk Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Ivano-Frankivsk

eHalal Group Ivano-Frankivsk is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Ivano-Frankivsk. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Ivano-Frankivsk.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Ivano-Frankivsk ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Ivano-Frankivsk. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Ivano-Frankivsk, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Ivano-Frankivsk are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Fenomen - 38 Str. Pivdenny Bulvar - GPS: 48.9200, 24.6972 west 1 kilometers ☎ +380 68 1445566 US$10 per bed Clean and cozy hostel.
  • Hotel Dnister - «Дністер» Str. Sichovykh Striltsiv(вул. Січових Стрільців), 12 - GPS: 48.91979, 24.70687 center |fax= - Sovietish. Quite big and dark rooms but nice staff with no English, a lift. Several rooms with bathroom en-suite, others with shared. Water supply unreliable. 31 rooms - Hotel Auskoprut 1.jpg

Auscoprut hotel «Аускопрут» HTTPS://WWW.Wuscoprut.if.ua/eng/ | email= Str. Grunvaldska (вулиця Грюнвальдська) 7/9 48.92532, 24.7183 NE 0.5 km| ☎|fax= Check-in: |checkout= . Three-star hotel. 24 rooms

  • Nadia hotel - «Надія» - Str. Independence/Nezhalozhnosty (вулиця Незалежності),, 40 48.9177, 24.7167 - Sgl/dbl from 360/560 грн, studio 800 грн (2023) Banquet Hall Nadia Hotel - Three-star hotel. 380 beds, 244 rooms.
  • Pid Templem hotel Під «Темпелем» Str Strachenykh Nationalistiv (вулиця Страчених Націоналістів), 7а GPS 48.9221 ,24.7113 Center ☎ - Checkin: |checkout=. Eleven rooms
  • Park Hotel - «Парк Готель» - Str. Mazepy (вул. Г.Мазепи),146 48.9099, 24.6889 SW| Only four-star hotel in the city. 36 rooms.
  • Atrium - «Атріум»| HTTPS://WWW.Wtrium.if.ua/ St. Galicka (вулиця Галицька), 31 - GPS: 48.9236, 24.7096 Center ☎ |fax= - Checkin: |checkout=
  • Druzhba Friendship, «Дружба» Vul. Gorbachevskogo (вул. Горбачевського)),3 GPS 48.9435,24.6922 near Bus station No.2 |fax= Checkin: |checkout=. 164 beds, 72 rooms
  • Zyrkha - The Star, «Зірка» St. Sichovykh Striltsiv, (вул. Січових Стрільців), 4 GPS , |fax= - 123 beds, 39 rooms.
  • Naftovyk - Oilman, «Нафтовик»| Street Mlynarska (вул. Млинарська), 38а 65 beds, 27 rooms.
  • Legenda - «Легенда» - Street V.Ivasyuka (вул. В.Івасюка), 25 ☎ +380 50 4359018 +380 342 713333 Sgl 320 грн, dbl 380 грн, suite 600 грн 42 beds, 21 rooms.
  • Nyva «Нива» Vul. Urozhainaya (вул. Урожайна),5 GPS 48.9345 ,24.7227 North from Train station 88 beds, 36 rooms.
  • Stanislavsky Yard «Станіславський Двір»| street Depovska (вул. Деповська),97 GPS , |fax= Check-in: |checkout= 17 rooms.
  • Stanislavyv - «Станіславів» - Str. Chornovola (вул. Чорновола), 7 - GPS: ☎ |fax= 17 rooms.
  • Tourist complex "Carpathian" - Туристичний комплекс «Прикарпаття» | Street Mazepy (вул. Мазепи), 140а 86 beds.
  • Complex "Black Castle" - Рекреаційно-ресторанний комплекс «Чорний замок» | Kaluchke shosse (Калуське шосе), 7 | 34 rooms.
  • Galitskha sadyba Galician manor, «Галицька садиба» | (вул. Галицька), 1б 8 rooms.
  • Hotel Bukhara Готельний комплекс «Бухара»| Street Ukrainskyh Decabristyv (вул. Українських декабристів), 45 b
  • Motel Formula 1 «Формула 1»| Str. Konovaltsya (вул. Коновальця), 433а 28 rooms.
  • Motel Cheremosh - «Черемош»| Str. Konovaltsya (вул. Коновальця), 260-а 12 rooms.
  • Guesthouse Qeens (Kvyns) - Гостинний двір «Квінс»| St. Zarichna (вул. Зарічна), 38 |
  • Motel Training Houses - Гуртожиток готельного типу курсів підвищення кваліфікації| Str. L. Ukrainky (вул. Л. Українки), 4 |
  • Mriya - «Мрія» | Str. Avtolyvmashivska (вул. Автоливмашівська), 6а 9 rooms.
  • Motel Venice/Venytsyya «Венеція» | Street Promenade/Naberezhna (вул. Набережна), 25 9 rooms.
  • Rest rooms at train station of "Ivano-Frankivsk" - Кімнати відпочинку вокзалу станції «Івано-Франківськ»| Str. Pryvokzalna (вул. Привокзальна), 1 - Hotel Ukraina Ivano-Frankivsk.jpg
  • Hotel Ukraina |fax=

News & References Ivano-Frankivsk

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