
From Halal Explorer


Konark or Konarak (Odia: 6କଣାର୍କ)(Sanskr कोनार्क) is a small town in Puri neighborhood of the state of Odisha (formerly Orissa), India, on the Bay of Bengal, sixty-five kilometers from Bhubaneswar, famous for its 13th-century Sunday Temple and the Chandrabhaga River.

Konark Halal Travel Guide

Konark Sub Temple Front view - |Partial view of Konark Sunday Temple

Konark is commonly called Konaditya. The name 'Konark' is derived from the words Kona - Corner and Arka - Corners of Sun; it is situated on the north-east of Puri or the Chakrakshetra. The Sunday Temple of Konark, often called as the Black Pagoda, was constructed in the mid thirteenth century by Raja Narasinghs Deva-I of the Ganga Dynasty is an ample testament to the artistic glory of the time.

It is often considered the best among other temples of its kind and that is saying something when you are talking about the golden triangle of Odisha which boasts of Sri Jagannath Temple and Lingaraj Temple of Puri and Bhubaneswar.

Legend of Konark Temple

Legend has it that Samba and the king of Krishna and Jambavati entered the bathing chamber of Krishna's wives, and was cursed by Krishna with leprosy. It was decreed that he would be relieved of the curse by worshipping the Sunday God on the sea coast north-east of Puri.

It is said that the temple was not completed as conceived because the foundation was not strong enough to bear the weight of the heavy dome. As stated in the various stories regarding the temple as well as its construction and the temple possess a huge aura of power. It is believed that this enormous power comes from the two powerful magnets. It is stated that these magnets are used in the construction of the tower. The magnet made the throne of king to hover in the middle of the air.

Due to its magnetic effects, vessels passing through the Konark sea were drawn to it, resulting in heavy damage. Other legends state that magnetic effects of the lodestone disturbed ships' compasses so that they did not function correctly. To save their shipping and the Portuguese voyagers took away the lodestone, which was acting as the central stone and keeping all the stones, and the iron columns used to hold them walls together, of the temple wall in balance. Due to its displacement and the temple walls lost their balance and eventually fell down. But there is no record of this occurrence in any historical records, nor is there any record of the existence of such a powerful lodestone at Konark.

Architecture of Konark Temple

The Sunday Temple is the culmination of Odishan temple architecture and one of the most stunning monuments of religious architecture in the world. The massive structure, in ruins, sits in solitary splendour surrounded by drifting sand. Today it is located two kilometers from the sea, but originally the ocean came almost up to its base. Until fairly recent times, in fact and the temple was close enough to the shore to be used as a navigational point by European sailors, who referred to it as the 'Black Pagoda'.

The Konark Sunday Temple belongs to the Central Indian style of Temple architecture, though it does not have tall shikharas of the later temples of Odisha and Central India.

Travel to Konark

Konark is one of the most prominent cities of Odisha. It is very famous tourist destination, especially for those who are traveling from eastern or southern part of India. The convenient way to get to Konark is drive either from Puri (33 kilometers) or Bhubaneswar (65 kilometers). The best time to visit Konark is from October to March.

Fly to Konark

The adjacent airport is at Bhubaneswar, which is about 64 kilometers away. It is linked with Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, and Nagpur and operates several direct connecting flights.

By Rail

The train stations nearest to Konark are located in the twin cities of Puri and Bhubaneswar. These stations are linked with almost all the major tourist destinations in India by train.

By road

The National and State Highways link Konark with Puri and Bhubaneswar forming a virtual triangle popularly known as Golden Triangle of East. To reach Konark from Bhubaneswar, after traveling 20km take a left turn once you reach Pipli village. The road straight ahead leads to Puri.

Hiring a taxi is the best way of travel between Puri and Konark. There are good number of transport buses as well as private coaches plying from both the cities. State buses are also available to Konark from Bhubaneswar's Bus Stand, Vani Vihar and Kalpana Chhak. Travel by bus is however much, much cheaper compared to renting a car. Although cramped and rather uncomfortable and these buses offer a unique experience of daily life in Odisha for less than US$1.

How to get around in Konark

Auto rickshaws, taxis and cycle rickshaws are there for roaming around in the city. State bus services are rickety and uncomfortable while traveling unless you are on a budget. They are very good value in the ratio of adventure-to-rupees.

There are regular buses and jeeps to Konark from Puri, which is 33km down the coast. The journey takes about an hour and the last bus back to Puri leaves from 6:30AM Alternatively, you can take an auto-rickshaw for ₹250-₹300/- round trip, including waiting time.

Official guided tours leave from the Panthaniwas (Odisha Tourism) in Bhubaneswar (Tues-Sun 6:30-6:30AM, ₹130/- per person) and also visit Dhauli.

What to see in Konark

The major tourist attraction of the place is the Konark Sunday Temple decalred as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the year 1984. The temple is situated in the Konark village to the north of Puri in the coastal region of the Bay of Bengal. It has extensive stone carvings on the walls, many of them highly erotic. Though and the temple is under ruin due to heavy erosion its magnificience is still reflected in its architects.

Konark Sunday Temple

The Sun Temple UNESCO World Heritage Site built in 13th century in the honor of the sun-god Surya is in ruins. The entire temple was designed in the shape of a colossal chariot with 24 wheels about three meters high and pulled by seven horses, carrying the sun god, Surya, across the heavens. Surya has been a popular deity in India since the Vedic period.

Konark Surya Temple - |View of the Jagamohan and the ruined shikhara of the Surya Temple

  • The Temple compound measures 857 ft (261 m) by 540 ft (160 m) The alignment of the Sunday Temple is on the east-west direction.
  • The entire temple was planned in such a way that it is fitted with twelve pairs of exquisitely decorated stone wheels. The horses were conceived in such a way that the Sunday God (Surya) himself drives this chariot, his place being inside the garbhagriha.
  • The major entrance in the temple is place on the east side and it faces the sea. This entrance is located in the façade of bhogamandapa which is commonly called the Hall of Offerings. The sculptures of dancers as well as musicians is engraved on the walls of this hall, hence the hall was later used for the traditional dance recital.
  • On the western side of the temple lies the sanctuary tower which are now nothing but just a clutter of various sandstone slabs which are kept one over another. This impressive construction is believed to have a pyramidical roof commonly known as jaganmohan.
  • The roof of jagamohana has a roof that has around 3 tiers and many statutes are placed over them. The statutes are either of dancers or the musicians. The platform at the base also has a sculpture of Lord Shiva as Nataraja and performing the dance. The interior of the terrace is now-a-days barren up.
  • The stairs that takes you up towards the Statute of Surya is located beyond the terrace. The statute of the Sunday god is carved out a huge green colored chlorite stone. It is supposed to be the most beautiful work of art present in Konark. However and the entrance door to the Jaganmohan is closed due to rapid fall of debris and stones from the ceiling.

The Konarak temple also marks the culmination of the temple building architecture in Odisha. Apart from the depiction of the stone wheels and the caparisoned horses drawing the colossal chariot of Sunday God and the Konarak Temple is a typical example of the Odishan temple architecture. The temple is not different from those of other regions.

  • The eastern gateway which is the main entrance to the temple compound, is decorated with Gajasimha (Lion upon an elephant) images, with outward faces, installed on two high stone-benches on either side of the passage.

Sun dial - Sunday Temple - |This picture is not of a sundial. It is an intricate representation of the Dharmachakra, or Wheel of Sun, Konark

  • The wheels of the chariot are also symbolic and have been interpreted as the 'Wheel of Life'. They portray the cycle of creation, preservation and achievement of realisation. The diameter of each of the wheels is about nine(2.73 metres) feet and each of them has a set eight equal parts. They are elaborately carved all over. The thicker ones are all carved with circular medallions at their centres on the widest part of the face. The axels of the wheels project by about one foot from the surface, having similar decorations at their ends. The rims are carved with designs of foliages with various birds and animals, whereas the medallions in the spokes are carved with the figures of women in various luxurious poses, mostly of erotic nature.
  • The nata mandir in front of the Jagamohana is exquisitely carved with the images of dancers, flora and foliage, men in armor, and creatively eroticism.
  • There are three images of the Sunday God (earlier four) at the top, facing each direction to catch the rays of the sun at dawn, noon and sunset.
  • The figures of elephants which had originally stood on the side walls of the flights of steps at the northern and southen sides of the Jagamohana, were found amidst the confused mass of debris.
  • The Melakkadambur Shiva temple, built in the form of a chariot during the age of Kulottunga Chola I (1075-1120), is the earliest of this kind, and is still in a well preserved state. [Note: Kulottunga Chola is also credited with having built the Suryanaar temple near Kumbhakonam.]
  • There is a small museum outside the temple compound run by Archaeological Survey of India, which stores the sculpture from the temple ruins. It remains open from 9AM to 5PM of Saturday to Thursday. Friday is closed. Entry is free of cost.
  • To the south west of the Sunday temple there is the temple of Goddess Ramachandi. There are, however, difference of opinion about the presiding deity of this temple. It has been surmised by some that this was the temple of Mayadevi, wife of Surya (Sun god) while others opine that it was the earlier Sunday temple in which Sunday was being worshiped.
  • It is strongly advisable to enter the temple complex at 6AM when gates open. This is when the temple is at its quietest and most beautiful, with the drama of sunrise as you explore the ruins. The hoards of domestic tourists tend to arrive around 8:30AM and stick around all day.

Other attractions

Though the Konark temple is the key tourist attraction in the area. However, if you wish to stay in Konark for a full-day it is advisable to spend other destination spots otherwise abandoned or see few visitation. If travelling by the OTDC or private tour operators - these destinations are either narrated by the bus operators or halted for roughly an hour during the trip. Ramchandi Folk Tales|There are a number of popular stories involving Ramachandi as the chief goddess of the Konark kshetra and most probably Ramachandi was the presiding deity of this temple. There is also a popular story about why Ramachandi left Konark after the Muslim Suleman Kalapahad destroyed the Sunday temple.

It is stated that after destroying the Sunday temple, Kalapahad came to Ramachandi's temple in the back side of the Sunday temple in south eastern corner. The goddess Ramachandi dressed as a Maluni (maid servant) told Kalapahad to wait at the door till she returned with water for the goddess. Kalapahad waited anxiously to get some cold water for a long time. But when it was too late he entered into the temple and found the throne empty. Then he followed the Maluni with great anger thinking that the Maluni carried away the goddess. He reached the bank of the river Kushabhadra and found the goddess Ramachandi floating in the middle of the river. The river was as in full spate, he came back without being able to cross the river. Being advised by goddess in a dream, a Panda (priest) built a temple on the bank of the river Kushabhadra, near the sea shore which is a sandy deserted place.

  • Chandrabhaga Sea Beach - 3 kilometers east of the famous Sunday temple of Konark and 30 kilometers from Puri, Chandrabhaga is rich in its marine resources. A light house, close by Chandrabhaga is an added histronic to the splendour of the place. A climb to its top truly takes you to a world of utopia. A natural deer park is recent additions to the riches of Chandrabhaga. There is an ancient Matha believed to be the Ashram of Chandrabhaga's father and two small temples. The sight has aesthetic and importance.
  • Kakatpur - 30 kilometers from Konark is a small village on the Puri-Astaranga road on the bank of river Prachi. This temple is famous for Goddess Mangala. The Kakatpur Mangala temple has a close relation with Lord Jagannath temple of puri during the Navakalebara (Renovation of the Deities) festival. The most popular festival of Goddess Mangala is 'Jhamu Yatra'. It occurs on the first Tuesday of the Secred month Vaisakh (April 14 to May 15) every year.
  • Kuruma - 8 kilometers the south-east of the sun temple of Konark is a popular Buddhist site. The site was built between 9th - 10th centuries AD. The monastery, now abandoned, containing an excavated statue of Buddha seated cross legged with right hand in Bhumisparsa mudra while the left hand placed over his left knee. The image also wears a beautiful crown and a beautifully carved necklace.
  • Pipili - 23 kilometers from Konark and the small village of Pipli has a very wide and distinctive selection of handicrafts. It is a small village. On the primary street at Pipili there are many shops selling Applique work products, tourist visiting Puri buy these products from Pipili.

Goddess Mangala and Nabakalebar|During the renovation of deities of Puri new idols are created for Lord Jagannath, Balaram, and Subhadra. The new idols are created from a sacred wood known as 'Daru Brahma' in local language. Nobody knows from where to find the sacred wood to create the new idols, so as per the tradition the priests of Lord Jagannath temple come to Kakatpur Mangala to pray the Goddess to help them to find the sacred wood. The priests seelp in front of the Goddess with their face down and then Goddess Mangala come in their dream and tell the exact location of the three sacred trees for the three deities. This custom has been performed from years together without any deviation. Kuruma 1 - 250 px|Excavated Buddhist site of Kuruma, near Konark Sunday Temple

  • Ramchandi Temple - 7 kilometers en route to Konark on the marine road from Puri. Ramachandi is popularly believed the presiding deity of Konark. From the architectural point of view and the temple of Ramachandi is not important but from the religious point of view, it is one of the famous Sakta pithas of Puri. The beach is often crowded by local students as a romantic escapade or families picknicking on the weekend. The main temple along with its Mukhasala had been built on one platform 3'.2" (965 cm) high. On the three sides of the temple walls i.e. south, west and north there were three figures of Sunday god as side Gods. Now one can see these side gods in north and southern side, where as the figure of the western side has been displaced and is said to have been preserved in the National Museum at Delhi. This image is said to have some sculptural specialisation and is regarded to be one of the beautiful images of the Sunday god. Though smaller in size and the side-gods of this temple are of similar type in all respect with the side-Gods in the Sunday temple. Only we find today the side images of the northern side is somewhat in good condition while the image in the southern side has no head and the hands broken.

Concerns over safety

Although Archeological Survey of India (ASI) are working on the restoration of this maginificent legacy structure implemented with masterly touch illustrating diverse themes arrest the attention of the spectator yet concerns were raised by different quarters in Odisha over the deteriorating condition of the Sunday temple.

Legends describe a lodestone (magnet) on the top of the Sunday temple. Due to its magnetic effects, vessels passing through the Konark sea were drawn to it, resulting in heavy damage. Other legends state that magnetic effects of the lodestone disturbed ships' compasses so that they did not function correctly. To save their shipping and the Portuguese voyagers took away the lodestone, which was acting as the central stone and keeping all the stones, and the iron columns used to hold them walls together, of the temple wall in balance. Due to its displacement and the temple walls lost their balance and eventually fell down. But there is no record of this occurrence in any historical records, nor is there any record of the existence of such a powerful lodestone at Konark Temple.

But the Konark Surakhya Samiti (save Konark committee) said that falling down of stones from the 13th century monument had turned “into a regular feature”. Chunks of masonry have fallen off at regular intervals. On September 19, 1998 a two-tonne cornice stone on the northeastern side of the jagmohan fell off onto a ledge. The interior of the jagmohan has been sealed off ever since 1951, when conservation work on the monument was seriously taken up for the first time. The walls were shored up from the inside and the interior was filled with sand to prevent imminent collapse—such was its tenuous state.

One reason why no major steps are being taken by the ASI officials is for fear it might lead to the total collapse of the crumbling temple.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Konark

Konark is not only an ideal choice for monument, beach and scenic beauties but also for its colourful festivals. The "Konark Festival" held every year is a great attraction for cultural cognoscenti. The most popular and colourful festival of Konark, an occasion for a grand congregation of Indian pilgrims and enthusiasts from abroad, falls on the seventh day of the new moon of Magha.

Most tourists would find it comfortable to make a day trip to Konark from Puri or Bhubaneswar and return, rather than stay overnight at hotels in Konark. Usually travellers starts from Puri and covers Bhubaneswar and Konark in a day-trip. But to take a break away from the humdrum of the main city, Konark is the best place to enjoy serenity.

  • Light & Sound Show Konarak Sunday Temple Complex Opening Hours: 8PM Monday - 8:40PM (Entry at 7:30PM) ₹50 A Light & Sound show is held at the Konarak Sunday Temple complex the temple acts as a projector. The entire history of the temple, including parts of the Kalinga history, is brought to life through light and sound effect. Photography is not allowed during the show.

Chandrabhaga Mela

Chandrabhaga Mela is the most popular festival which fall in the month of February. This is a day specially set aside for the worship of the Sunday God at Konark. Thousands of pilgrims flock to Konark every year to take a holy dip on the Chandrabhaga River and then circumbulates the shrine or jagamohan to worship the Navagraha stone which originally was above the eastern portal and is now set up in a small shed outside the compound.

This is the most popular and colourful festival of the place when hundreds of thousands of pilgrims visit Konark to observe the festival. In fact this is the second biggest festival in Odisha, next to Car Festival of Puri.

Konark Dance Festival

Another colourful festival is the Konark Dance Festival considered as the cultural mecca where eminent classical dancers and singers across the nation participates to perform before the live audience in an open-air auditorium set on the backdrop of Konark Temple. The festival has assumed a kind of distinctive significance and importance for the timely efforts it has made to wards the revival, preservation and continuation of unique temple dance tradition of Odisha.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Konark

Konark though famous for its temples, is a fascinating shopping destination too. The best way to enjoy shopping in Konark would be a leisurely stroll through the markets of the city of Konark.

Check out the Patta paintings and the appliqué work of Pipli or the brilliantly embroidered umbrellas that makes a fascinating buy. If you are planning to buy souvenirs then the best option would be the government emporiums which stock fabrics and handicrafts items from across the state of Odisha.

Local marketers or shops sells seashells and conches which are good and affordable souveniors to carry back home however, you need to bargain with the shopkeepers. Normally and the prices are doubled for the products as shopkeepers are aware of the bargaining habits.

Halal Food & Restaurants

The main market area, near the beach and temple complex has numbers of local dhabas (food-joints) serving Vegetarian and non-vegetarians food. Apart from relishing the local delicacies, fish fry prepared in Bengali-style is highly suggested. Apart of Indian cuisines, continental and Chinese dishes are also available at an affordable rate.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Konark

Konark - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Konark, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Konark. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Konark and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Konark. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Konark. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inKonark: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Konark.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Konark: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Konark, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Konark.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Konark, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Konark, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Konark and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Konark, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Konark, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Konark without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Konark is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Konark.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Konark is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Konark, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Konark Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Konark

eHalal Group Konark is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Konark. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Konark.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Konark ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Konark. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Konark, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Konark are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

There are few decent lodging options in Konark and the situation is getting better with every passing day. Hotels or lodges in places like Puri and Bhubaneswar offer more choices because they are considered to be more famous travel destinations. But there are a number of decent lodgings in Konark that rightly cater to every need of a discerning traveler.

  • Banita Lodge - Konark☎ +91 6758-236491 ₹100 - 300 (only lodging) Check-in: noon / Check-out: 11AM
  • Konark Lodge - Konark☎ +91 6758-236502 ₹100 (only lodging) Check-in: noon / Check-out: 11AM
  • Labanya Lodge - Konark 19.8840, 86.0985 Continue up the primary street out of "town" in the direction of the beach. A five-minutes walk ☎ +91 6758-236824 Check-in: noon / Check-out: noon ₹200 - 750 (early 2023) This place is good for families and backpackers alike. There are tidy rooms with bathrooms and rooms without (the cheapest). Set in an area of comparatively uninspiring hotels and the lodge is an exceedingly short stroll from Konark Sunday Temple (turn left) and a very long march from Chandrabhaga Beach (turn right — the only time you'll actually need an auto in Konark). Weak signal Wi-Fi available only in the area near reception and the adjacent veranda. All bathrooms are mosquito-ridden, so opt for a room without. Service no better or worse than what you'd expect in the north of India. This is the best you can expect in such a small town.
  • Royal Lodge - Konark☎ +91 6758-236818 ₹75 - ₹150 (Only lodging) Check-in: 12PM / Check-out: 11AM
  • Sunday Villa Konark - Konark☎ +91 6758-236821 ₹200 - ₹250 Check-in: 12PM / Check-out: 11AM
  • Tarini Lodge - Konark☎ +91 6758 -236857 ₹150 - ₹300 (Only lodging) Check-in: 12PM / Check-out: 11AM
  • Yatrinivas P.O.-Konark☎ +91 6758 236820 Check-in: 12PM / Check-out: 11AM ₹1750 - ₹3600 Only Air Conditioned Rooms

Useful information

The entire territory lies in the Topical zone and hence is subject to high temperature. People are hospitable in nature and Hindi and Bengali are understood and some times spoken by the people, besides Oriya. English is generally understood however not spoken frequently.

When entering the temples visitors are required to cover their heads and leave their shoes to one of the shoe-stalls. Photography is free however visitors need to pay extra for videography. Terminal guides are available. However tourists may take the assistance of the Tourist Officer, Konark for better information.

Guides advise that as there is no longer a god housed at the Sunday Temple, visitors are not required to take off shoes and cover their heads.

News & References Konark

Travel Next

  • Bhubaneswar - 65 kilometers away and the ancient city has a long history of 3000 years and popular travel hub especially for its temples, buddhist caves of monolithic age, and asia's biggest zoo.
  • Chilika - 35 kilometers away the brackish water lagoon is the world's second largest. It is the largest wintering ground for migratory birds on the Indian sub-continent. The lake is home to a number of threatened species of plants and animals.
  • Cuttack - 68 kilometers away is a commercial center and host to many ancient temples and excavations sites.
  • Gopalpur|Gopalpur-on-Sea - 180 kilometers away is a very quiet and one of the most pristine beaches and a favorite among the sea-goers.
  • Paradip - 85 kilometers away is a town, a seaport which accepts sea traffic via man made lagoons.
  • Puri - 30 kilometers away, is one of the oldest cities in the eastern part of the nation and a religious hub who visit the Jaggannath temple. The place is also famous among the newlyweds and retirees for its roaring beaches.
  • Rourkela - 285 kilometers away is surrounded by a range of hills and encircled by rivers. Quite an industrial area.

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