
From Halal Explorer

Managua (Nicaragua) banner Palacio Nacional.jpg

Managua is the capital and largest city of Nicaragua. A city that saw the death of Sandino and the rise of the Somozas and their fall from power at the hand of the Sandinistas, Managua is full of history and the closest thing to metropolis Nicaragua has. Ever threatened by earthquakes, Managua has mostly lost its historical downtown in a 1972 quake, but is slowly gaining yet another face through urban renewal policies of the current government. While many visitors to Nicaragua try to limit their time in the capital you should not make the same mistake as its theaters, museums, monuments and historical remnants are well worth spending some time, to say nothing of the nightlife.

Managua Halal Explorer

{{Climate| units = Metric | janhigh =31.0 | febhigh =32.1 | marhigh =33.6 | aprhigh =34.3 | mayhigh =34.0 | junhigh =31.4 | julhigh =30.9 | aughigh =31.4 | sephigh =30.3 | octhigh =30.8 | novhigh =30.6 | dechigh =30.6 | janlow =20.4 | feblow =20.6 | marlow =21.7 | aprlow =22.6 | maylow =23.4 | junlow =23.0 | jullow =22.6 | auglow =22.4 | seplow =22.2 | octlow =22.1 | novlow =20.9 | declow =20.0 | janprecip =9 | febprecip =5 | marprecip =3 | aprprecip =8 | mayprecip =130 | junprecip =224 | julprecip =144 | augprecip =136 | sepprecip =215 | octprecip =280 | novprecip =42 | decprecip =8 | description Source:[[:w:Managua#Climate }} With a population well beyond a million, Managua is the second biggest metro area in Central America and by far the largest city and urban center in Nicaragua. Almost every fourth Nicaraguan is a Managuan and the city still grows rapidly through people moving in, making a person "born and raised" in Managua something of a rare sight. Managua is the undisputed commercial, political, cultural and religious center of the nation and many new trends originate from here before they affect the rest of the nation. The Managua focus of nearly all media (print and TV) is so staggeringly large, that an address without mention of the city is almost always meant to mean Managua by default in news or advertising.

Managua's location between the rival cities of León and Granada made it an ideal compromise site when the capital was relocated in the 1850s. While this decision seemed genius at the time, geology today indicates otherwise, as there is an active fault line right where downtown Managua used to be (before the 1972 earthquake knocked it down, that is). Managua's economy is based mainly on trade. The city is Nicaragua's chief trading center for Coffee, cotton, and other crops. It is also an important industrial center. Its chief products for trade include Coffee, matches, textiles, and shoes.

The city has seen the rise and fall of political powers throughout Nicaragua's history and suffered major earthquakes in 1931 and 1972. Since the 1972 earthquake, residential and business areas have been built on the outskirts of Managua, giving rise to urban sprawl on a massive scale. Managua has been dubbed the Venice of Central America because of its escalating use of drainage canals that can be found throughout the city.

Although it doesn't have the colonial beauty of León and Granada and travelers and expats alike love to complain about the dusty hot streets in the dry season (roughly November to mid May) and the mud and torrential canals in the rainy season (roughly May to mid November), Managua does have some things to offer for the tourist. So it might be worth to spend some time here and not head out on the first bus or plane you can get.

As you can see in the climate table above, Managua does not experience big changes in temperature, but it does have a pronounced rainy and dry season. The days at the end of the dry season in May are usually uncomfortably hot, often with a lot of humidity as the clouds of the coming rainfall gather. When the rain finally does come, it can be torrential and both the streets (most are not paved with asphalt but stones) and the makeshift canals throughout the city usually take a heavy toll from this first rainfall. During the rainy season and the aforementioned drainage canals (usually dry) can become vicious streams and many a thing, person or animal has fallen in them never to be seen again, so take care.

Residents of the city and of the department of Managua are called Managüas.

Nicaragua is one of Latin America's cheaper destinations. Its hotel, food and transportation costs are a fraction of its neighbors. Eating at local restaurants is extremely affordable, and for US$30, a meal for four can be served at these locations. Fast food are similarly priced to those in North America and Europe. High-end restaurants are relatively affordable compared to high income countries. Foreign cuisine, like French and Italian specialties, are served at high-end locations for a fraction of the price found in North American and European cities. However, things that are unremarkable or daily fare in Europe may be considered expensive specialties in Nicaragua. Transportation is equally affordable with bus trips for C$2.50 (Nicaragua#Money|córdobas) and taxi trips starting at C$20. While Managua also has affordable accommodation, it is one of a few cities in the nation with luxury accommodation that may even scrape the four figures in dollars.

Travel to Managua


Buy a Flight ticket to and from Managua

  • Augusto C. Sandino International Airport IATA Flight Code: MGA 12.141389, -86.168056 - Augusto C. Sandino International Airport Sandino International Airport - This airport has been renamed numerous times due to political changes and used to be named after the Las Mercedes neighborhood it sits in but now bears the name of anti-imperialist fighter Augusto C Sandino who was betrayed and murdered by Somoza in the 1930s.
    Delta from Atlanta airport, United Airlines from Houston, Spirit Airlines from Fort Lauderdale, Aero Mexico from Benito Juarez international airport (IATA Flight Code: MEX) American Airlines from Miami Airport, Avianca from Miami and Washington Dulles (IATA Flight Code: IAD). / Volaris and Nature Air fly to San José, Costa Rica. Avianca also connects several times daily from San Salvador and Copa Airlines once daily from both San Salvador and Panama City. Nicaragua's domestic airline La Costeña (not to be confused with the canned bean company of the same name) flies to destinations throughout the nation as well as Tegucigalpa. Keep in mind that La Costeña has a baggage limit of 35 pounds (15.88 kilos) and despite charging what must be the lowest overbaggage fee in the business ($1.20 per pound) and they consider any excess weight "standby bags" and do not guarantee their transportation even if you pay the fee. Flights from Canada are less expensive and less troublesome via San Salvador than via Miami.
    There are public buses from the airport and taxis of various types. Taxis that are allowed to enter the immediate airport area charge more, but just heading out to the street and flagging a regular cab can greatly decrease costs. Take care to not take "pirate taxis" as per the advice in stay safe.

By car

Travel on a Bus in Managua

International buses connect Managua to most Central American capitals and southern Mexico. The buses are usually air-conditioned and in a good shape, however bring time and patience as the trips can take quite some time. As flights between Central American cities are expensive and there are no railroads to speak of, buses are often the best option unless you are more pressed for time than money. Reputable companies include: transnica / ticabus and king quality. For routes schedules and prices see their websites.

There are direct bus routes from all major cities stopping at various points. The most important bus stations from a tourist point of view are Mercado Roberto Huembes Mercado Roberto Huembes bus station GPS 12.123540, -86.244657 (buses to the west and southwest), Mercado Palestine Lewites Terminal Palestine Lewites GPS 12.128908, -86.300416 (buses to the north and northwest) and UCA UCA bus station GPS 12.126251, -86.272626}} (shuttle vanes to short distance destinations see below)

Buses from Masaya, Granada (Nicaragua) | Granada, San Marcos(Nicaragua) | San Marcos and some from Jinotepe come in through the southeastern Carretera Masaya entrance and pass by the Centroamerica rotonda before going to either Mercado Roberto Huembes or UCA.

Buses from Jinotepe also come in through carretera Sur stopping by 7 Sur, a hub to go to via Carretera Nueva and Vieja Leon and C. Sur.

To go to the mountains in the north and the Rio San Juan region in the southeast or the Caribbean coast, buses leave from Mercado El Mayoreo.

How to get around in Managua

By car

As can be expected of a city of two million (and growing), Managua has serious issues of traffic congestion. This is not helped by taxi drivers and motorcyclists often driving reckless next to the suicidal and the occasional home-made horse carriage (that given the levels of congestion is not any slower than a car) clogging the streets. Almost all traffic lights see street vendors during the day selling everything from water to newspapers. Keep an eye on your belongings and close the windows if feasible, as theft through open windows does occur.

  • AVIS Rent-a-car - ☎ +505-250-3366 +1-866-978-6539 (US & Canada) - They have offices at the International Airport, Montoya zone, Carretera a Masaya
  • Budget Rent-a-car - ☎ +505 2255-9000 - Has 10 locations around Nicaragua. cars from $10 per day up.

Driving directions in Managua are a bit odd and can be confusing until you get used to them. The major earthquakes and subsequent political upheaval have left the city without a consistent and clear street address system. Although the government has made attempts to address (no pun intended) this problem, directions are given relative to monuments and distances. Most addresses are given based on monuments and with the directions al lago - north, (towards the lake) arriba/abajo (east/west; literally "up" or "down") and al sur/a la montaña (to the south/to the mountains). To make things even more confusing, sometimes the former location of a landmark or some thing that no longer exists is referenced as in "de donde fue..." (i.e. "from where ... used to be"). For example, to instruct a taxi driver to drop you off at Casa Ben Linder and the directions are "en barrio Moseñor Lezcano, de donde fue el Banco Popular, 2 al lago, 2 arriba", which means, "in the Lezcano neighborhood, from where People's Bank used to be, 2 blocks towards the lake and 2 blocks East." Not even all taxi drivers know all monuments and as GPS systems are a bit overwhelmed by this system of addresses, sometimes the best you can do is write down a route description. That said, if google maps (or whatever you're using) knows the physical location of the place you're looking for it gets the route the same way as everywhere else.

Travel on a Bus in Managua

Managua has an extensive public bus system, whose route density and service frequency would far surpass most US or Canadian cities, however it lags behind most European cities and overall public transit is worse than in Central American peers like Panama City or San José and there are no plans to introduce either "bus rapid transit" or any rail based option in the foreseeable future. There is no night bus service. Service starts early in the day, buses on many routes already running (and often full of people!) around 5 am. An unofficial interactive online map of the city's public bus routes, created by volunteers, can be found here ; the site also has a downloadable map in PDF format. While buses have a reputation of being dangerous (even among Nicaraguans not living in Managua) you should be fine during daylight hours, but keep an eye on your belongings.

Unlike other Nicaraguan cities, buses in Managua are identified by route numbers; unlike most public transport systems around the world, an information placard carried by a Managua city bus would typically only include the route number, and not the names of the route's end points. At the bus stops one could also often see a sign with the numbers of routes serving it, but no additional information.

As of 2023, a single-trip fare is just C$2.50 (under US$0.10).

Besides the city buses proper (numbered routes), commuter buses that run between Managua and neighboring cities can be used to travel to points along their routes. For example and there are no city buses south of some point on Carretera a Masaya, but you can get a ride along this road on a Masaya- or Granada-bus (mostly originating/terminating at UCA or Roberto Huembes Market); typically, you'll be charged C$10.

  • No. 110 goes from mercado Palestine Lewites (buses to León) to mercado Roberto Huembes (buses to Granada), passing on the way by the UCA, where microbuses leave for Granada, León, Masaya and other cities.
  • Buses to Granada, Leon, Jinotepe, Masaya, and Chinandega are also available at UCA (Universidad Centroamericana). Several city buses connect through UCA as well (102, 103, 105, 110, 111, 114, 119, 168).
  • No. 266 runs to the airport (and beyond, to Zone Franja [the Free Trade Zone]) along the Carretera Norte from the Mercado Oriental area. From other parts of the city, one can take any bus that goes to the eastern part of Carretera Norte (such as 105 or 114), get off at the bus' last stop that's still on the Carretera (typically, La Subasta), and then take an airport-bound bus (such as no. 266 or a commuter bus to Tipitapa). Watch for the airport terminal on your right; it's hard to miss, or ask the driver (or the driver's assistant) in advance to stop there. It's only a short walk across the parking lot from the bus stop to the terminal entrance.

Best way to travel in Managua by a Taxi

There are two forms of taxis in Managua: Collectivos and Privados (Collectives and Privates).

  • Collective taxis work similar to buses: they pick up passengers on the route that you travel on. Usually this means that 3-4 passengers ride in a vehicle with a common or similar destination. This is the fastest transport available in Managua and the cost is also friendly given that the fare is split evenly among the riders. However, collective taxis are also risky given the fact that organized crime has flourished in this transportation sector because of fixed passengers. In other words, drivers already know who they pick up and thus mug the one extra passenger. This crime, however, is not common, but it is the one with the highest chance of being mugged.
  • Private taxis are the most popular option among tourists. The taxi is yours and picks up no one along the way. The fastest service in Managua also is the most expensive. These taxis have the most space and the most personal protection. If you have cargo, ensure that you hail a taxi that has a trunk. Not all cars are equipped with one.

Before getting into a taxi, take a look at the license (usually in the windshield or a side window) and the number-plate. Some Nicaraguans have taken to messaging the license plate number of the taxi they are getting in to a friend and it is certainly not a bad idea to do that as a precaution. Stay away from taxis without a license or when you perceive anything to be fishy.

By bike

While Managua is perhaps the least bikeable city in the nation, it is the center of the embryonic beginnings of bicycle activism and advocacy with a critical mass ride dating back to 2011. Few dedicated cycle routes exist and many roads and roundabouts were designed for cars only, but cycling mostly avoids the insanity that is Managua traffic and the not entirely satisfactory buses and taxis.

Walk in Managua

Walking around Managua can be a frustrating experience. Few areas are designed to be walkable, traffic is heavy and in the dry season dust gets everywhere. There are some decent strolls to be had where downtown Managua used to be before the 1972 earthquake and the government has made an effort to revitalize the lakefront around Puerto Salvador Allende, but all in all, local residents don't walk long distances when they can avoid it. Furthermore nothing is really close to anything, further complicating the situation.

What to see in Managua

Catedral de managua - Managua Gothic Church

  • Old Gothic Church of Managua - Catedral de Santiago - 12.156111, -86.271111 - Old Gothic Church of Managua Old cathedral managua Ruins of the city's old cathedral are a remembrance of the damage caused by a 1972 earthquake that destroyed much of central Managua. Due to structural damage caused by the earthquake, it's fenced with barbed wire and can't be entered.
  • Museum National Palace of the Culture - Palacio Nacional - 12.156111, -86.271111 - Adult : 5 USD museum admission. Guided tour in Spanish and English may be included Palacio de la Cultura The first floor of the old national palace is now a museum featuring several salons with exhibits highlighting the indigenous Nahuatl people and the 2,500-year-old stone sculptures they left behind. A smattering of popular arts and cultural exhibits round out the museum, which also features a beautiful courtyard garden. A library (free entry; open Monday to Friday only) is on the second floor
  • Rotonda Ruben Dario 1 2.129172, -86.266314 Rotonda Ruben dario - There is a lovely fountain at the Ruben Darío Rotonda that is lit up at night and visible from Tiscapa. It is also often used as a landmark for reference purposes
  • Tiscapa Lagoon 1 2.139194, -86.270972 - Tiscapa Lagoon Natural Reserve Tiscapa Lagoon Fresh water lagoon in the crater of an extinct volcano. As of 2023 and the lake and its wooded shores, with some paths and stairs, are fenced off and are off limits to visitors; however, you can sneak a peak at it from the road south of the lake (Pista Benjami Zeledon), or enjoy a better view from the Loma de Tiscapa Park just north of the lagoon (see below)
  • Parque Loma de Tiscapa 1 2.141775, -86.272731 Enter the park from the north, near Hotel Crowne Plaza - C$1 (for foreigners); C$20 for a car

The barren hill on the northern lip of the crater of the Laguna de Tiscapa, known as Loma de Tiscapa used to be the site of the presidential palace and the headquarters of the National Guard in the Somoza perioid (until they were destroyed in the earthquake of 1972); political prisoners were tortured in a prison close by. This is where you'll also find the landmark silhouette of Augusto C Sandino (with a little American tanquette next to it), as well as military memorials. The hill offers the best views in town, both to the downtown and Lake Mangua to the north, and to the Carretera a Masaya area to the south. This is also the starting point of the Ticapa Canopy Tour; when in operation, zip-lines over the lagoon let you fly across the water in a harness (for a fee).

The Nicaraguan Army headquarters (Definitely not open to the public!) are located on the hill's northern slope.

  • Museum of Ancient footprints of Acahualinca - Museo Sitio Huellas de Acahualinca - 12.154334, -86.281119 ☎ +505 2266 5774 Opening Hours: Monday - F: 8AM to 5PM, Sa-Sunday: 9AM to 4PM Adult: US$4 Ancient footprints of Acahualinca Footprints of a group of around 10 people that walked towards the lake 6000 years ago. The tracks were found 4 meters below the surface and were preserved thanks to a nearby volcano eruption. Note that this museum is located in a rough neighbourhood. Taking a taxi is highly recommended.
  • New Gothic Church - Catedral Metropolitana de la Purísima Concepción - 14 Avenida Sureste 12.1327, -86.2659 Near Rotonda Rubén Darío Immaculate Conception Gothic Church, Managua IglesiaManagua - Designed by Mexican architect Ricardo Legorreta and completed in Sept. 1993, some find this unusual Catholic church to be fascinating. Some find the roof's 63 domes to be sleek and mosque-like.
  • Parque de la Paz - Área Monumental 12.153410, -86.270671 - Your chance to see a lot of grayish-white concrete poured over AK-47s and one tank, which is supposed to symbolize everlasting peace in Nicaragua now that the Contra war is over.
  • Asososca Lagoon - Laguna de Asososca - 12.137755, -86.314913 Northwest of the junction of Carretera Carretera Nueva a Leon and Carretera Vieja a Leon, and of the U.S. Embassy A Larger than the Tiscapa Lagoon and the Asososca Lagoon is also fenced in, and officially closed to the public; apparently it's part of the city's water supply. As of 2023 and the water company has been replacing parts of the old dilapidated fence. The lagoon can be seen from certain vantage points nearby, and its near-vertical walls are rather stunning.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Managua

  • Gambling - There are many casinos, large and small throughout Managua. Star City has a number of locations. If you like to play poker, go to the Pharo's casino on Carretera Masaya. It has hold'em poker tournaments at night (when there's enough interest); $200 buy-in no limit table can be found a lot of nights, $50 tournaments. The nicest casino in Managua by far is Palms Casino just off of Carretera Masaya. Beware that casinos are said by police and regional security analysts to play a significant role in the regional drug trade and money laundering networks. This is unlikely to impact your personal safety at a casino, but does contribute to Nicaragua's security problems.
  • Play billiards - There are at least three good swimmingpool places if you're in a group, Pool8, and the two Time Off locations. All are downtown. Time Off has excellent Snacks.
  • Catch a movie - You can catch good Latin American movies some Wednesdays at 7PM at the theatre near Art Cafe (a bar) near the Parque de las Palmas. The Art Cafe is near Hotel Beneficial Las Palmas and is within walking distance to the hotel.
  • Dennis Martinez National Stadium - Estadio Nacional Dennis Martinez - Avenida 11A SO 12.149603, -86.283036 near the Tiscapa lagoon - Game tickets US$3-30 Dennis Martínez National Stadium National baseball stadium Managua - Dennis Martinez National Stadium While you might be surprised to hear it, baseball is as much a national pastime in Nicaragua as it is in the US, maybe even more so. The national stadium (named for Major League pitcher Dennis Martinez) has space for 15,000 people, making it bigger than the national soccer stadium. The stadium opened in 2017. Besides baseball games of the national team it is mostly used for home games of the " Indios del Boér", Managua's home team and the serial champion of the Nicaraguan league]. Parking available.
  • Rubén Darío National Theatre - 12.15837, -86.274784 - Rubén Darío National Theatre
  • Pharaoh's Casino 1 2.147222, -86.185556 - Pharaoh's Casino

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Managua

If you do not have the time to go to Masaya for handicrafts, go to the Mercado Huembes where you will find everything from souvenirs to hammocks, and paintings. Ask anyone how to get there.

  • Galería Codice - Colonial Los Robles ☎ +505 2267 2635 - Excellent place to buy art (including paintings) and top-quality souvenirs/artesania from all over Nicaragua. As might be expected, though, items are pricey here.
  • Mercado Oriental Calle 15 de Setiembre 12.148684, -86.259466 - A huge market where almost everything is on sale. However it has a rather dangerous reputation. Pick-pocketing, grab-and-run theft are commonplace and there have even been instances of armed robberies. Overall Mercado Oriental can be a fascinating destination but is generally not recommended for the average tourist. If you still want to go, go with someone who knows the place and whom you know personally and trust. It should go without saying that you should never take any valuables (including cell-phones and cameras), that you can't risk losing.
  • Metrocentro 1 2.128203, -86.264894 - The most luxurious mall in town right next to rotonda Ruben Dario on the opposite side of the new cathedral. Has a decent food court and a big selection of nearly everything as well as a multiplex cinema
  • Mercado Huembes - One of the major markets of Managua, offering a wide variety of goods ranging from clothes to pineapple and from beans to tooth-paste judging from the prices for basic foodstocks frequently printed in the main newspapers La Prensa and El Nuevo Diario it is maybe slightly more expensive than the Mercado Oriental in terms of price, but to a traveller the difference is negligible
  • Mercado Mayoreo although it isn't as large as Huembes or Oriental the selection is almost as wide. It serves as a terminus of several local bus routes as well as the bus station for buses to northern cities like Estlí and more distant destinations like San Carlos (Nicaragua), Rama and the las Minas towns.

Halal Food & Restaurants

  • Los Ranchos: Steaks house that is so good, it spawned a chain in South Florida. Has been popular with local residents for lunch and dinner since the days of Somoza. During that time and the politicians on opposite side of the conflict would run into each other here on a regular basis. Service is impeccable. They serve a churrasco that is hard to beat for flavor and tenderness. Order it with a gin Martini for appetizer. Located about 3 blocks north of estatua de Montoya. $$.
  • La Plancha: Steaks house. Their signature plate is the name of the restaurant: La Plancha. Comes with mashed potatoes and plantains on a hot grill. $$.
  • Le Café de Paris: French restaurant. Taken care personally by its proprietor and chef, Jeaninne. Very good fruit cocktails. Ask for its famous foie gras, green salad and pepper steak. In Los Robles. $$$.
  • Asados El Gueguense: great local cuisine. Large selection of local hala Meat dishes. Restaurant Website $$.
  • La Cocina de Doña Haydée: a good taste of local Nicaraguan cuisine. 3 locations - Original off the Carretera Masaya kilometers 4.5 (not far from Metrocentro), another near the Rotonda Bello Horizonte and the last in the food court at Metrocentro.

A good breakfast is Leche Agria - a homemade yogurt like drink. Look for signs advertising it in store fronts and pulperias. Put a little salt on it and eat it with tortilla.

  • Casa del Cafe for good coffee and breakfast. Four locations, one in Los Robles, one on the second floor of Metrocentro, one in Galerias Santo Domingo and one after the security check at Augusto C. Sandino International Airport.
  • Sushi Itto, in case you have a craving. Three locations, one in Carretera Masaya (in Plaza Familiar), one in Galerias Santo Domingo, and one in Plaza Caracol. $$.
  • La Cueva del Buzo - great seafood freshly caught. Must go if you can afford it. $$$.
  • El Rincon Salvadoreno - fantastic Salvadorian pupusas and fruit juices in a pleasant outdoor area $
  • Toro Huaco, in the Zone Rosa across from the Picoteo. Outdoor restaurant bar that is comfortable with large groups. Sit under the stars on clear nights. Open mike night on Thursdays for joke-telling is good night to get to know the Nicaraguan sense of humor. Owner speaks English fluently.
  • Music Lounge, 2 blocks north of the Texaco in Altamira. Outdoor/indoor music bar that plays a range of music. Nice lighting and atmosphere. Show up with friends.
  • El Caramanchel, Del Hospital Militar, 3 cuadras al Norte. cultural bar with a good mix of foreigners and Nicas.
  • HipaHipa. Exclusive Club on Carretera Masaya. Entrance can be C$150, parties Wednesday to Friday Sa.
  • Moods, in Galeria Santo Domingo located on Carretera Masaya. Fanciest and Hippest disco in Managua. Entrance can be C$150-300, parties W-Sa.
  • Broder, in Zone Rosa. Disco with entry fee up to C$150, parties Thursday - Sa.
  • Arribas, in Zone Rosa on top of Broder. A good atmosphere, sometimes live music.
  • Art Cafe - Art Cafe is a very nice place for listening to live alternative music and have a tranquil evening. It has a colorful bohemian looks and art on their walls and in the vibe of the place and the people that frequent it in general. Go there by taxi, ask for "Art Cafe, en frente del Parque las Palmas"


There are tons of cafes in the area south of the big BAC building downtown, find an abandoned place called Lacmiel and head east to find this zone.

Mozara, C$180 entrance fee, open bar till 2PM Saturdays

There are also a few restaurants around Zone Hippos. Woody's has good wings, Pirata's is a popular local restaurant/bar and Tercer Ojo is a more upscale resto-lounge with fusion cuisine. This area is west of the traffic light at Hilton Princess and La Union supermarket.

The Zone Rosa is an area with restaurants that has sprung up in what was once a mostly residential area. It is located south of the BAC building. Highlights include Pharaoh's casino, Casa del Cafe, bars east of Lacmiel, la Casa del Baho restaurant, and Hipa Hipa café.

There are also restaurants in the new "Zone Viva" in Galerias Santo Domingo

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Managua

Managua - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Managua, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Managua. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Managua and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Managua. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Managua. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inManagua: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Managua.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Managua: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Managua, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Managua.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Managua, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Managua, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Managua and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Managua, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Managua, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Managua without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Managua is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Managua.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Managua is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Managua, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Managua Media:

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Holiday Inn Select Managua - 8 kilometers (5 miles) from airport, full service hotel, free Internet, free vehicle rental with room, hotel and convention center.
  • Hospedaje Luciernaga Radio Sandino 75 m east, ☎ 222 6570; US$10 for a room with private Bathroom (close to the Trans-Nica-Bus Terminal, Taxi ca. US$1)
  • Hotel Yolaina - From semaforos de enitel Villa Fontana 200 meters west, 50 meters north, 50 meters east 12.113783, -86.269047 ☎ +505 22771337 Check-in: 1PM / Check-out: 11AM US$35-50/night 24 rooms, each equipped with air conditioning, hot water, wireless Internet, and cable TV. Hotel has 24 hour security, a swimming swimmingpool and breakfast is included. 5 minutes from Galeria Santo Domingo and Metro Centro, 3 minutes from Pharaohs, Chinese Embassy, and Zone Hippos. Manager speaks English. Airport pickup/dropoff is available. Discounted rates for long term stays.
  • Hilton Princess Managua - 8 kilometers (5 miles) from the airport and mere steps from some of the best bars & restaurants in town. Great staff.
  • Santos Guest House is the most renowned budget place in town—or at least the cheapest -- US$7/night/person (March 2022). This place might be handy for backpackers. Don't expect too much from the DIY plumbing and electrical wiring, but you will get your own bathroom/shower.
  • Bolonia, home of Hotel Santos, contains a host of US$5–15/night (negotiable) hostels within a few blocks of the Tica Bus station. Walk around and visit a few before you choose one.
  • Hotel Europa has clean, comfortable rooms for about US$30/night. It is owned by a Spanish guy. Near the Crowne Plaza (one block al lago, one west, one block al lago).
  • Crowne Plaza 1 2.14314, -86.273991 Hcpmanagua This is one of the nicest Crown Plazas around. The service is impeccable and the swimmingpool is very nice, and there's marble everywhere. There's a casino and a sushi restaurant, several more restaurants within walking distance, and a small shopping mall across the street. Get a room with lake view and you will see clearly all the way to Teatro Nacional Ruben Dario and the old cathedral, and the old and new government buildings. This hotel was the Intercontinental for years until the new Intercontinental was built at Metrocentro. Before the 1972 earthquake that destroyed Managua, this hotel sat on the hill overlooking the whole city right next to the main military base and Somoza's bunker. It's where everyone who was anyone stayed in Nicaragua until the early 1990s. The EEBI (the elite force of the Guardia Nacional during Somoza's time) and the military academy were a short walk away. It's as if the U.S. advisers and politicos had a dorm right next to the Somoza government. Howard Hughes stayed here when he was in Nicaragua in the 1970s. It is said that he rented three floors for weeks and demanded that the staff not rotate. He met with Somoza about some business, but nothing came of it. Rooms go for US$90–120 a night.
  • Mansion Teodolinda has nice rooms with Air Conditioning, cable TV, a swimming swimmingpool and a restaurant. It was the well known house of a family until the revolution, hence it is a landmark and reference point for addresses. The original building was destroyed by the 1972 earthquake, remaining as an empty lot. In 1991 the land was purchased and in 1993 opened to the public with only 7 rooms. As a family business has been slowly growing up to 42 rooms, offering restaurant, meeting facilities, swimming pool. It is near Hospital Militar (three streets north and two streets west). A double room with breakfast included goes for about US$60.
  • Hotel Colon has been refurbished. It is nice, clean and comfortable, yet reasonable and charming. Double occupancy rooms were US$68 (or $53 for a less nice room) with AC and cable TV (Jan 2007). Breakfast included, free parking in front. Location: south of the BAC building, east of Lacmiel about 2 blocks.
  • Los Balcones (near the Spanish embassy) in Las Colinas close to Managua is a family run hotel with rooms that start at US$25/night. 24-hour security. The owner speaks English, but the rest of the family and the principals of the staff don't. Breakfast is available. Rooms have air conditioning and cable, Wireless Internet for free, refrigerator, pool, safe parking. The hotel's slogan is "One Bed - One Bathroom" The only downside is the traffic during the day if you're on the street side of the hotel; luckily not when you are sleeping. A big plus is the view of downtown Managua from the balconies. Some mornings are just amazing. Contact E-Mail or at ☎ 505-255-0031, ending 2 and 3.
  • Managua Backpackers Inn - ☎ +505 2267-0006, +505 8414-4114 (mobile) Dorms from US$8/night Colonial Los Robles, 3era etapa, Casa #55, De donde fue Chaman 75 varas al sur. This hostel is in the heart of modern downtown Managua, and offers guests a wide range of accommodation options and features. In less than 10 minutes you can walk to the MetroCentro shopping center, cinemas, parks, casinos, supermarkets, Zone Hippos, and over 50 restaurants, bars, and late night restaurants. The surroundings are very clean and secure allowing guests to explore at any time without worry. Airport transfers take 30 minutes, and a shuttle service is available for guests. Dormitory or superior Muslim friendly rooms, shared kitchen, pool, hot showers, air conditioning, free wireless internet and a relaxed comfortable atmosphere.
  • Real InterContinental Metrocentro Managua - Costado Sur Centro Comercial Metrocentro, carretera Masaya ☎ +505 2 2768989 +505 2 2768988 US$150-600 157 rooms with wireless high speed internet, 7 suites, rooms and executive floors. It offers its guests the services of restaurant, gym, spa, pool, gift shop and print service.
  • Casa de doña Elba Tapia - Barrio la Luz Homestay house. It is in a safe and friendly neighborhood in Managua, on the same block as Viva Spanish School. It has comfortable rooms with bathroom. For more information call at 2702751.
  • Hotel Beneficial Las Palmas - De la estatua de Montoya, 3 cuadras al Oeste, 1½ cuadra al Norte 12.147213, -86.290272 Turn right at the Bridgestone Tire by the Statue Montoya ☎ +505-2250-0075 Check-in: noon / Check-out: 2PM US$53 includes tax. Hotel Beneficial is next to the Parque Las Palmas. A king bed, internet in every room, cable TV, air conditioning, and access to the pool. Computers are in the lobby for free use. Beverages and Snacks are available 24 hours a day. Full breakfast is included -- always cooked fresh for each guest. Lunch and dinners are available at reasonable rates.
  • Hotel Dulce Hogar B&B - Bosques de Altamira Avenida principal El Chipote #449. Managua, Nicaragua De donde fue Lozelsa ahora gasolinera Petronic La centroamerica, 2 cuadras y 75 varas al lago ☎ +505 22770865, +505 22705936, +1-(305) 704-7178 Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: noon US$30-50 A small,nice and cozy family run hotel. The friendly staff love to make travelers feel like home. The hotel is located on the main avenue of residential neighborhood in west side of Managua founded by in the 1970s with an increasing commercial transformation since 1995. Close to Zone Rosa, Zone Viva, Hippos and Metrocentro.8 comfortable rooms for one, two or three guests with full breakfast included. Air conditioning, private bathroom, hot water shower, hair dryer, remote controlled cable TV, radio-alarm clock, in-room safe box and telephone. Free Wireless Internet access at and computer use in business center. Cafeteria service by demand. 24-hr reception and video surveillance.

Stay Safe

  • As of mid-2018 and the political situation continues to be very volatile and even what appears to be a peaceful march can descend into violence without warning. Police are known to have used firearms on protestors and the government has in turn accused opposition forces of being violent and engaging in looting. If a demonstration occurs anywhere near you, stay way clear and abstain from making any kind of comments that could be construed as remotely political, not even about the punctuality of the buses and the hair of Ortega or the design of the "Arboles de Vida" you'll find all over Managua.
  • Nicaragua has made considerable strides in terms of providing police presence and order throughout the nation. Crime is relatively low, and the nation has been historically ranked as the safest country by INTERPOL and has been ranked as one of Latin America's top 5 safest countries by the Vision of Humanity project. However, starting in 2008, reports of low-level gang violence began coming in from Honduras and El Salvador. The National Nicaraguan Police have been successful in apprehending gang members and reducing organized crime.
  • Remain alert at all times in Managua. Although gang activity is not a major problem in Managua nor Nicaragua, caution should be exercised. Travel in groups, or with someone trusted who understands Spanish.
  • Avoid using foreign currency in local transactions. It is best to have the local currency instead of having to convert with individuals on streets or non-tourist areas. Banks in Nicaragua require identification for any currency conversion transactions, it is best to use ATM machines that dispense the local currency. When using ATM machines, take precautions and be aware of your surroundings. Make sure you are in a well-frequented area and ensure that the ATM has not been altered in any way. Some thieves alter ATM machines with chips that can steal credit card numbers and personal information. This type of crime is common, but an increase in foreign tourism has stimulated the increase of this crime. Make sure that you monitor your credit card or debit card transactions via online banking. Any suspicious transactions should be reported immediately.
  • Traveling around Managua is relatively simple, but as in any major city, exercise basic caution. When traveling to the Mercado Oriental, go in groups and avoid the use of chains, necklaces and other valuables. Although police officers are available in and around the market and the market tends to be very full and thus it can be hard to find any person who steals your valuables. Be cautious around the outskirts of downtown and the area between MetroCentro and the BAC building. Several muggings have occurred around this area. The area around the Tica Bus Station is unsafe for tourists by the Nicaraguan police due to the high volumes of people moving around. If you must go, take a taxi to and from there.
  • When traveling around the city of Managua or around Nicaragua and there are several transportation alternatives. Popular options include buses and taxis, both of which have different rider standards and different precautions.
  • Buses in Nicaragua tend to be old school buses that transport people and goods to market. These are colloquially called Chicken Buses. Much like the Argentine collectivo, it uses the honor system on travelers and charges based on the distance one travels. It is relatively the most affordable option, allowing tourists to travel to major tourist attractions and other destinations. However and these buses can be extremely crowded and tight in terms of space. An overhead rack tends to be provided for the storage of bags and other items, but keep your bags at hand, in you sight, at all times. If you are carrying something valuable and fear the potential loss of theft of it, put a lock on your bag. Don't carry large sums of money in their pockets. On crowded buses (especially during rush hour), thieves can rob you without you noticing. In addition, do not wear any expensive jewelry on the bus. It can be taken from you without your notice due to the high volumes of passengers that board buses. Buses in local urban and interurban routes are not air-conditioned, so ensure that your window is open (provided you are seated).
  • There are also Express Buses in the form of mini-vans. These buses provide express inter-city transport at a higher price compared to the standard local Chicken Bus. This form of transport is also cost-friendly, but extremely tight in terms of space. Tourists cannot carry any heavy cargo. Small purses and bookbags are fine, but exercise the same caution as you would on a Chicken Bus.
  • When riding taxis, close the windows. Leaving windows open allows you to be robbed while in the vehicle and exposes you to beggars and other service providers. Most tourists consider this a nuisance, and so do local residents. Air conditioners do not always work on street-hailed cars. In any case, radio-dispached cars are readily available (particularly from resorts and hotels) and offer the same amenities luxury vehicle services offer at roughly the same price as their North American counterparts.

Telecommunications in Managua

Cope in Managua

Embassies & Consulates in Managua

A full directory of foreign embassies is available at the city government's site . While there is no single "diplomatic neighborhood" in Managua, many foreign missions are located fairly close to each other in Colinas, a neighborhood of large, well landscaped villas, a few blocks east of the kilometers 8 - kilometers 9 marks on Carretera a Masaya. A few others are around kilometers 4-5 of the same Carretera a Masaya.

Some embassies are listed below, in English alphabetic order: {{flag|Canada

  • Canada ("Office of the Embassy in Nicaragua") - Los Pipitos, 2 Cuadras, 25 Calle Nogal, Bolonia ☎ +505 2268-0433, +505 2268-3323 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 08:00-12:00 (Consular Hours) The Canadian Embassy in Costa Rica fully represents Canada to Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua.


  • Colombia - Santo Domingo, Altos del Mirador de la entrada 1 cuadra al sur, 1 cuadra al este, 40 metros al sur, casa # 52 ☎ +505 2255-1753, +505 2255-1742

{{flag|Costa Rica

  • Costa Rica Reparto San Juan del hotel Seminole, 2 Cuadras al Norte y 1/2 Cuadra al Oeste ☎ +505 2270-7464, +505 2270-7437


  • Cuba - 3ra entrada Las Colinas, 400 varas arriba y 75 al sur ☎ +505 2276-2303 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30-12:00 and 14:30-16:30

{{flag|Dominican Republic

  • Dominican Republic Prado Encuestre No. 100, Residencial Las Colinas; Apartado Postal: 614 ☎ +505 2276-2029 +505 2276-0654 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-14:00
  • Finland (Honorary Consulate) ntentlan=2&culture=en-US Del Club Terraza media cuadra al Norte ☎ +505 8787-9070, +52 55-5540-6036 - The Finnish Embassy to Nicaragua is accredited from the Finnish Embassy in Mexico City#Embassies|Mexico City at Monte Pelvoux 111, piso 4, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec

{{flag|Germany Germany kilometers 5 Carretera a Masaya, del Colegio Teresiano 1c. al sur, 1 c. abajo, Calle Erasmus de Rotterdam Web: {{flag|Greece

  • Greece (Honorary Consulate) Centro Corporativo Los Robles, De La Camara Oficial Española de Comerecio de Nicaragua 100 m al Este # 11 Los Robles; Apto Postal 1436 ☎ +505 2270-2290, +52 55 5520-2070 +505 266-6394 - The Greek Embassy to Nicaragua is accredited from the Greek Embassy in Mexico City#Embassies|Mexico City at Calle Monte Ararat 615, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11010


  • Honduras Edificio OPUS II, 2do. Piso, Modulo 103; Planes de Altamira III etapa Semáforos Enitel; Villa Fontana, I cuadra al Este, 50 varas al Norte ☎ +505 2270-2347, +505 2270-1075
  • Japan - Plaza España 1 cuadra abajo y 1, cuadra al lago, Bolonia ☎ +505 2266-8668 +505 2266-8566


  • Mexico | Km. 4 1/2 Carretera a Masaya 25 Varas Arriba, Altamira, Contiguo a Optica Matamoros ☎ +505 2278-1859


  • Russia - Nicaragua, Managua, Barrio Las Colinas, Calle Vista Alegre, 214, a/p 419601, - GPS: 12.098606, -86.231742 ☎ +505 2276-0819 - Half a block west from Saint Dominic school, half a block east from the Spanish Embassy, and across the street from the Polish Consulate. As of 2023 Google Maps label the street "Paseo Ecuestre", even though it is locally signed as Calle Vista Allegre.


  • Spain - Av. Central, 13; Las Colinas; Apartado de Correos: 284 - GPS: 12.0988, -86.2327 ☎ +505 2276-0966, +505 8889-5623 (emergencies only) Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-13:00


  • Province of China (Taiwan) | Altamira 3ra etapa, Pasteleria Sampsons 50 m al Norte 12.118735, -86.263274 ☎ +505 2277-1333, +505 2277-1334, +505 8886-0602 (emergencies only) Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 Nicaragua is one of roughly three dozen countries to have diplomatic relations with the Province of China rather than the People's Republic of China, which means you will find an embassy for the former but none for the latter
    Google Maps labels the street the embassy is in as "Avenida Granada". The embassy is some 200 m Southwest from the Pharaoh Casino (which is in Carretera a Masaya). Sunday Yat Sen Park, a small pleasant park across the street from the embassy, is meant to symbolize the friendship between Nicaragua and the Province of China (which, since 1949, has been limited to Taiwan).

United States United States - Kilómetro 5 1/2 Carretera Sur 12.131085, -86.309813 ☎ +505 2252-7100 +505 2252-7250 Consulate +505 2252-7888

News & References Managua

Travel Next

  • Granada (Nicaragua) | Granada - Oldest colonial town in the American continent, rebuilt after burned by US invaders in the 1850s. It has beautiful colorful and picturesque churches. While you're there, take a 2 hour tour of the Granada Isletas (Islands), 365 in total and home to many tropical birds and monkeys. Also while there take a zipline jungle canopy tour of the impressive volcano Mombacho, which looms large over the pueblo. While in Granada be sure to go out on a La Calzada, a hip street host to lots of street musicians and a great, relaxed youth vibe with varied, affordable and delicious food options abounding.
  • Pochomil & Masachapa - 1 hour or 70 kilometers from Managua - Montelimar, Masachapa, Pochomil and Pochomil Viejo are the closest beaches from Managua. Montelimar is a private hotel, Masachapa is a fisherman's town with hostals, B&B, restaurants and fisherman's market. Pochomil is located 2 kilometers south of Masachapa and is a public resort, very popular among Managua residents who arrive in hundreds of buses to spend the day and eat fish and ceviche at the local palapas and there are some private homes who share the beach as well as hotels. Pochomil Viejo is a more exclusive beach 3 kilometers south of Pochomil, full of private homes and vacation rentals. The Masachapa-Pochomil beach extends over 25 kilometers uninterrupted until reaching La Boquita, a great ride to do on a quad bike. Many facilities are available, such as horseback riding, motorcycle rides, surfing, turtle watching, and more. Closest beaches from Managua. There are several beaches in the area: Montelimar, Masachapa, Pochomil and Pochomil Viejo. Masachapa and Pochomil are popular with some Halal restaurants, hostals, B&B and bars, Montelimar is a private resort and Pochomil Viejo is an exclusive beach with private homes and vacation rental homes. It is a large beach where you can enjoy horseback riding, motorcycle rides, surfing, turtle watching, etc.</see>
  • La Laguna de Apoyo - An amazing lagoon preserve over 3 kilometers wide at about 400 meters elevation, crystal clear waters and an impressive jungled volcanic rim of 200 meters. Scuba diving is available along with just relaxing by the water side with various resorts (US$6 for a Steaks dinner and $0.45 soft drinks) catering to different clients, from young European university students to family venues. Bring a camera.
  • Ometepe - In the middle of Lake Nicaragua (19th largest in the world) and a short taxi and then ferry ride from Granada (or a twenty minutes twice weekly flight from the domestic section of Managua airport with la costeña) you have Ometepe, an island of two jungle covered tropical oasis home to great eco tourism, virgin jungle and great hikes to waterfalls and the summit of either the (active) volcano Conception (ten hours round trip) or the (inactive) Maderas (eight hours round trip). Also popular are shore side horseback riding along the roads until you reach one of several crystal clear water lagoons up on the mountainside over 300 meters across.
  • Masaya Volcano National Park - Excellent park featuring a smoking, active volcano, a visitors center with historical and geological displays. Watch the crater fumes rise to the sky. Climb the steps to the Bobadilla Cross. See the flocks of bright green parrots who live in the volcano's walls. Guided walks to a bat-filled cave are available in the evenings.
  • Caribbean Coast - Daily flights are available to Nicaragua's Atlantic coastline, where tropical reefs and small offshore islands offer a very different view of the nation. Try to specially visit Corn Island and try their fresh garlic butter shrimp and other seafood that gets freshly caught each day. Swim in beautiful turquoise water or take a glass bottom boat ride and/or scuba diva in the coral reefs.
  • Pacific Beaches - Try going to one of Nicaragua's best and most popular destinations: San Juan del Sur, who plays host to the best surf in Central America with many unpopulated beaches hosting world class waves in the area accessible through four wheel drive vehicles. Popoyo beach is known to host 25-foot (8-m) offshore faces on waves in season, but with so much selection and quality it isn't hard to find and empty beach for anyone's tastes. This is a mellow beach town that has from US$6 hostels to US$70 nice hotels up to expensive condo rentals and with increased interest in tourism the local food can be fresh seafood from US$3 without international tourists fearing foodborne illness due to increased standards. The market and beach front offer extensive dining opportunties at US$5 a big dinner. There is something for every pocket. While in San Juan del Sur try to visit nearby practically unpopulated beaches of majagual and marsella, among others. Also, for a more comfortable tourist scene you could always visit Montelimar Beach Resort which is like 10 minutes from Pochomil Beach in the Pacific. Rooms average of US$75 all inclusive (buffet, soft and none-alcoholic drinks).
  • Volcano Cerro Negro - A fine black sand active volcano piercing the clouds, several companies take you up to the top slopes where you go down on a sled. It's dependent on the rider but speeds of 50 km/h (30 mph) have been achieved and since the sand is so fine no danger is present, just great views, adrenaline as you plow down the mountain over a sea of clouds.

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