
From Halal Explorer

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Mandalay (Burmese: မန္တလေး) is the second largest city (after Yangon), and a former capital of Myanmar. The city is the economic and religious hub of upper Myanmar. The city is centred on the royal palace, and has wide avenues filled with bicycles and motorcycles.

Mandalay is known for its millionaires, its monks (half of the nation's monks live in Mandalay and surrounding areas) and its cultural diversity.

Mandalay Halal Explorer

Mandalay clock tower - A busy street scene in Mandalay, with the clock tower built to commemorate Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee.

History of Mandalay

The very name Mandalay evokes the splendours of old Myanmar. But most people will be surprised to learn that Mandalay is not an old city, not even a medieval one, but rather a new city created by King Mingdon Min in 1857 as the new capital of the kingdom of Ava. Only two Burmese kings ruled from there, King Mingdon and King Thibaw, before the British conquest of Upper Myanmar in 1885. It was a city of splendour between 1858 and 1885, but most of the magnificence has vanished, gone in the fires that consume wooden structures and by intensive Allied bombing during the Second World War. The city, neatly planned with its lettered roads and numbered streets, is a British creation. The once magnificent royal palace and the great Atumashi ("incomparable") pagoda, King Mingdon Min's finest creations, are modern reconstructions. Today, Mandalay lies at the end of the Lashio Road and it is, by Burmese standards, relatively prosperous as a centre for trade with China and India. Despite the capital having been moved to Naypyidaw, Mandalay remains by far the main commercial centre of Upper Myanmar.

The People of Mandalay

Mandalay is ethnically diverse, with the Bamar (Burmans) forming a slight majority. There has been a major influx of Chinese from mainland China, and the local Chinese (both recent migrants and descendants of colonial-era immigrants) form 30-40% of the population. Their influence is seen in the Chinese-style glass buildings throughout the city. Other ethnic groups include the Shan, who are ethnically and linguistically related to the Thais and Laotians, and the Karen (Kayin). There is also a sizable ethnic Indian population.

How is the Climate in Mandalay

Mandalay has a semi-tropical climate. Winter (which is dry and cold) lasts from November - Feb, and summer lasts from March - May. Because Mandalay is in the central dry zone, it receives far less rain than the more tropical south.

Travel to Mandalay

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Mandalay

Mandalay International Airport (MDL)], a gleaming modern facility, serves the area with Flights to places in Myanmar and some international flights. There are also 3 flights weekly to and from Kunming on flight MU2029 for about China#Money|CNY2,000 one way.

The airport is 35 kilometers south of the downtown in Tada-U. Expect to pay US$8 to central Mandalay, US$6 from central Mandalay, and US$30 to/from Pyin U Lwin.

Taxi from the airport is 15,000 Myanmar#Money|kyat or 4,000 kyat per person if you fill the vehicle with others. Shared bus is available for 4,000 kyat but may leave before you can exchange cash and purchase a SIM card. Fill out your entry card while on the plane to avoid being at the back of the queue.

Tourist SIM cards can be purchased from a counter at the airport. A mobile plan with 5 GB and 60 minutes costs less than 10,000 kyat.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Mandalay

From Yangon There are several trains daily from Yangon. While the tracks are old and, in some cases and the carriages may be old and the fifteen hour journey is quite pleasant. Trains operate during the day so that trains do not cross Pyinmana in the dark, although the privately-managed Dagon Mann Express runs overnight. Fares range from about US$15 (ordinary class/hard seat) to US$50 (air-conditioned sleeper on the Dagon Mann Express).

From Lashio, Hsipaw and Pyin U Lwin There are two trains daily from Pyin U Lwin (US$4/2) and one from Lashio via Hsipaw and Pwin U Lwin (US$9/3 from Hsipaw). These trains are slow, crowded, but fascinating. The Pyin U Lwin - Hsipaw section includes the famous Gokteik Viaduct, a feat of Raj ingenuity.

From Myitkyina This 24-hour journey is on old rolling stock and even older tracks so expect it to be bumpy.

Travel on a Bus in Mandalay

From Yangon There is a night bus with air-con (there are 5 options, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 21:00, and 21:30 departures, standard 10,500 kyat, VIP 15,000 kyat, 8.5-9 hr) running into Mandalay. Almost certainly the cheapest option for getting between the two main cities in Myanmar. From Inle Lake, 10,000 kyat.

From Inle Lake, Kalaw or Mid-Eastern Towns There are buses available along this route, either a day shuttle van (05:00 departure, 9,000 kyat, 9 hr) or a night bus with air-con (18:00 departure). The shuttle van in the day takes a slightly shorter route than the larger (and some say more comfortable) full-sized night bus. Expect windy and bumpy roads, stops for picking up and putting down passengers, and, if you are lucky, a search of the bus by just-bribed police officers in plainclothes.

From Monywa There are buses apparently every hour. 2,000 kyat. 3.5 hours.

From the Highway Bus Station you can either take a taxi or pick-up into town. Taxis are overly expensive (quoting prices as high as 2,000 kyat per person; don't pay more than 5,000 kyat for the car), and often bargain in a mob fashion (except they all offer the same price and try and gang-up on you). A far cheaper option is to simply walk out of the bus station yards to the west, and find one of the pick-ups that just ran a load of people to the station from town (500 kyat per person). They are normally more than happy to help and there are no commission issues to worry about.

Some bus companies, e.g. OK Bus (btw. Mandalay and Bagan, 9,000 kyat), offer free pick-up from your hostel and will drop you at your next hostel at your destination.

How to get around in Mandalay

  • The best and most flexible way to see the city is by bicycle, as traffic isn't as heavy as in other Asian cities.
  • The cheapest local transportation network consists of Mini-trucks, loaded with passages on two benches on the back. They run along routes all over Manadaly starting at the centre at the market at 84th/29th. A number (Burmese symbol) defines where the truck is going and usually two people are standing at the back, shouting their destination and helping people get in. If you catch one at the main hub, it is easier to ask people for the right number and price. Usually 500 kyat pp, sitting in cabin might be more expensive. Routes include:
  • 8 (၈): Centre - Aramapura (along Mandalay - Sagaing Rd.)
  • 23 (၂၃): Centre - 78th south along runway - bus station at Aung Myint Monday Hotel (buses to/from Bagan, Myawaddy)
  • Motorbike taxis try to charge you overly expensive prices, but they would eventually turn out to be cheaper than vehicle taxis if there are only one or two people. Don't pay more than 1,000 kyat for a ride to the centre, including to Mandalay Hill. You can get full-day (09:00-sunset) tours for 10,000 kyat. The driver will take you to the ancient cities, Sagaing and to Amarapura for sunset.
  • Renting a motorcycle can be a dangerous in Mandalay as driving can be chaotic, but it is a great way to see the city if you are experienced. Some hotels on 25th Street rent bikes and there is an American expat in the centre who rents dirt bikes and motorbikes that can be delivered to your hotel. Email: Mobile:+95 9 2014265.
  • Taxis are relatively affordable and are excellent for travelling around Mandalay. Many sights are centred around Mandalay Hill, which makes walking feasible in that area. However, beware it is not always easy to get hold of a taxi depending on which part of the city you are, so making arrangements beforehand can help.
  • Trishaws (cycle rickshaws) are a convenient way of getting around in Mandalay if you're able to find one. If you find a driver who speaks good English you can obtain a tour guide and transport together for a reasonable price with a little bargaining. They only hold one or two persons.

What to see in Mandalay

Mandalay has a "Mandalay Zone Fee" of 10,000 kyat that covers most of the central attractions and lasts for about a week. Buy it from the first attraction you visit. The tickets are not always checked at all attractions and you might be able to get individual cheaper tickets for some attractions. Access to the Mandalay hill requires an additional entry fee of 1,000 kyat, and Mingung and Sagaing are 5,000 kyat extra both (not always enforced).


  • Jade Market 87th Street 21.96306, 96.07126 - 2500 kyat An interesting look at the jade trade in Mandalay. See raw jade being cut, polished and finally sold (sometimes even over smartphones). All foreigners technically need to pay an entrance fee but sporadically enforced. Souvenirs for less than USD $1.
  • Flower Market 26 and Pulaing Street 21.98435, 96.06162 - A small market with dozens of vendors selling a wide variety of flowers and greenery. Visitors may also venture into the larger market to the north where vegetables, fish, hala Meat and fruit is sold and repacked for distribution.

Religious sites

  • Maha Myat Muni Paya - Pronounced, ma-ha myah mu-ni pei-ya - 21.951868, 96.078480 - Unlike the other main attractions which are mostly located around Mandalay hill, Myanmar's second holiest pilgrimage site is located to the South-west end of the city. It contains a 4 m high Buddha statue, made of Gold and decorated with precious jewels. A few inches worth of Gold has been pressed onto the statue in the form of gold-leaves, leaving only the face open. Women are not allowed to approach the statue, but men can and also touch the Muni. The statue was brought from Rakhine State, southeast of Mandalay. Nearby the central hall and there is a hall displaying statues stolen from Rakhine state, which were in turn stolen through a string of robberies from Ang Kor Wat via Thailand. The figures may have belonged to Hindu mythological figures Shiva and Airavat and the elephant of Indra. You will see people rubbing the statues as they believes this cures of them of ailments, especially by touching the corresponding body part on the statue. Visit the site around 04:30-05:00 for the amazing ceremony of washing the Buddha's face, which occurs every day and is attended by hundreds of people. 1,000 kyat extra charge for photography.
  • Kuthodaw Paya - Pronounced, ku-tho-dau pei-ya - 22.0046, 96.1128At the foot of Mandalay Hill - This is famously known as the site of the world's largest book. Built by King Mingdon in the 1800s, 729 white stupas within the complex contain the complete text of the Tripitaka, Theravada Buddhism's most sacred text, which are considered to constitute the largest book. The nearby Sandamuni paya contains a similar set of structures
  • Sandamuni Paya - Pronounced, san-da-mu-ni pei-ya - 22.003377, 96.109777At the foot of Mandalay Hill - Similar to Kuthodaw Paya, and located just adjacent to it, it also contains a large number of white stupas containing the Tripitika. Sandamuni also contains the world's largest iron Buddha image. Quiet and peaceful, similar to Kuthodaw.
  • Shwe Kyi Myin Paya - Pronounced, shui ji myin pei-ya - 22.020003, 96.107817 - Built in the 1st century, by Prince Min Shin Saw.
  • Shwenandaw Monastery 22.000580, 96.113895 - A monastery made entirely of teak, with beautiful intricate carvings. It was built as part of the royal palace by King Mingdon and moved to its current site by his son, King Thibaw in the late 19th century. It is the only major building from the original wooden royal palace to have survived the bombing of World War II, and thus is the only authentic part of the royal palace which can still be seen today. It was the bedroom in which King Mingdon spent the last of his days. After that and the structure was given to the monks, and became a monastery. The intricate craftwork on the teak pillars, ceilings, roofs and walls, is breathtaking. One can get lost in observing the various animals and mythical creatures, or the thousands of athletic, gracefully twisted and seductive poses and expressions of the dancers seen on the pillars.

- Atumashi Kyaung 22.000580, 96.113895 Located in front of Shwenandaw, it contains a very large hall, with a cool silent ambience suitable for a meditation. It was built in 1857 by King Mingdon using teak, but after being destroyed in fire, it was reconstructed to form the structure that you see today. The structure consists of five rectangular terraces in a graduated form.


  • Royal Palace - Pronounced, man-da-lei nan-dau - 21.992817, 96.097236 - 10,000 kyat for foreigners A walled city within Mandalay built in 1861 by King Mingdon to fulfill a prophecy. The palace was destroyed in World War II and subsequently rebuilt. It has been renovated; some claim that it was renovated with forced labour. In addition, while the design of the reconstruction was fairly faithful to the original and the materials used were not with metal uses instead of the original teak. The palace contains several pavilions and chambers, most of which are empty. Tourists are only permitted to enter from the East Gate. An almost kilometre walk connects the entry gate to the palace proper. Replicas of throne rooms and chairs and Madame Tussaud-style images of Kings Mingdon and Thibaw with their chief consorts are on display. At the west end is the Palace Museum where palace memorabilia is on display including religious paraphernalia, court ritual implements, court dresses and uniforms, furniture, palanquins and litters, as well as weaponry. There are also photo exhibits. The surrounding area of the island is a military base, which creates a strange atmosphere. Your passport needs to be left with the security hut for the duration of the visit. The palace can also be seen from the summit of the Mandalay Hill.
  • U Bein Bridge 21.891772, 96.061644 A historic wooden bridge in the south of Mandalay. Due to the level of cleanliness, it may not look particularly attractive, especially if you are there in the dry season when the water is scarce. But this place allows a great slice view of local life, with local residents walking back and forth, stopping for food and shopping, or standing in the water fishing. The stilted thatched huts are the homes of many of the poor in the area, some of whom sell Snacks along the bridge.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Mandalay

  • Mandalay Hill 22.013636, 96.108217 - Shared pick-up trucks to the base of Mandalay Hill run along 83rd St, one block from the Clock Tower, and leave every 20 minutes (500-1,000 kyat). Private pick-ups are also available (5,000 kyat). Motorbike taxis from the downtown to and from the base of Mandalay Hill cost 1,000-2,000 kyat. Try not to come down by an obscure entrance to a less crowded area, from where it will be difficult to catch a taxi. Mandalay Hill Mandalay Hill 3 One of the favourite sunset spots, and a good quarter-day activity. The climb is enjoyable, providing scenic views of several other attractions and Mandalay. From the base of Mandalay Hill you can either climb the stairs or take a pick-up to Sutaungpyei Pagoda at the top, but the walk is probably worth it in order to catch the scenic views along the way. The climb takes about 30-45 min and requires moderate fitness, but is not overly demanding and is in the shade. Has views of Kuthodaw and Sandamuni paya, and the royal palace in the distance. Plenty of stray dogs, shops and other interesting stops (Buddhas, pagodas, viewpoints) line the path, such as the Gothama Buddha shrine. The two main south entrances are guarded by either Nats (spirit figures) or Chinthes (great mythical lions), but there are several other entrances.
    Along the climb from the southern stairs near the place where these pathways merge, you come across a large statue of Buddha and his kneeling disciple Ananda, who climbed this very hill two centuries before Mingdon conquered it. Buddha is seen ominously pointing towards Mandalay, indicating that after two centuries and the capital of this region would shift to Mandalay. It is this prophecy that Mingdon fulfilled.
    Further up, you come across a shrine showing the various stages of a man's life: birth, youth, monk, old age and death. Interestingly and there are similarities between the birth and death stage indicating the cyclical nature of life believed by Buddhism. You can see same set of figures as an image in Shwezigon Pagoda in Bagan.
    At the top, accessed by escalator, is the shrine to the ogress Sandamukhi on the penultimate storey. Sandamukhi is depicted as offering her cut breasts to Buddha in a scary gesture. It is said the ogress took rebirth as King Mingdon.
    Additional 1,000 kyat for foreigners to enter the topmost level and see the pagoda, which can be avoided by watching the sunset from the Ogress storey. However and the open four-directional view from the top storey may be worth it, apart from the access to the toilets in this area. Footwear including socks are prohibited at the pagoda, which offers nice views of Mandalay and the surrounding plains. At sunset, Sutaungpyei Pagoda crowds with tourists, and many monks and other local residents climb the stairs with the hope of talking to Foreign Muslims and practicing their English.
  • Jade Market Tour and Lunch at a Monastery | 40,000 kyat Feb 2016 One of the most fascinating attractions in Mandalay that is less visited by tourists is the Maha Aung Myay Jade Market. Each day, thousands gather to buy, sell, grind and polish jade in the chaotic market and the largest in Southeast Asia. A local guide named Soe Paing, who has in the past worked as an apprentice at the market, offers private tours of the jade market and an insider's look at its merchants.
  • Gold leaf pressing tour| - Free May 2016 You can obtain a free tour to see how Gold is pressed into fine Gold leaves, that is bought by several thousand devotees all over Myanmar and pressed into several Buddha statues like Maha Myat Muni Paya. There are at least two places where this can be done for free in the city: King Galon and Golden Rose. The staff at both places speak English and guide you through the process, with no pressure to buy.
  • Mandalay Marionettes Theatre - 66th Street 21.980520, 96.106894 Between 26th & 27th Street ☎ +95 2 34446 Opening Hours: daily at 20:30 15,000 kyat This is a hard-to-find show, even in Yangon. The show lasts 1h and has a traditional orchestra. Everything will be explained in English. Book in advance during high season.
  • Mintha Theater - 27th Street Between 65th & 66th Street ☎ +95 9 6803607 Opening Hours: Daily, 20:30 8,000 kyat Classical court and folkloric dances that include a full 8-piece traditional orchestra.
  • Moustache Brothers Opening Hours: 20:30 10,000 kyat Formerly a comedy trio who have served 12 years in prison for their political (anti-government) performances and jokes. Now only one of the three performs. About half is comedy and the other half is traditional dancing performed by his family. They are only allowed to perform from their home and for tourists. They perform every night. The admission fee goes towards helping political prisoners. The show lasts for about 1.5 hours and mostly features Burmese dance and some political jokes. Rickshaw drivers will try for a return fee.
  • Waterfall Hill - Yaedagon Taung - On the east side of Mandalay - Outdoor sports, especially caving and rock climbing are popular endeavours here. It is not spoiled, not crowded and not far from the city.
  • A Glimpse of Mandalay Cooking class and day tour - between 35th & 36th St, between 57th & 58th St, Yoe Yoe Lay Guesthouse free pick up and drop off is included. ☎ +95 944 404 1944 Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00 US$30 A combination of cooking class and day tour and the first of its kind in Myanmar. The cooking class is located in a local village about 20-min drive from Mandalay. Hands on teaching while enjoying the green paddy fields. After the cooking class and they will take you a bike tour to see the daily life of the village and end the tour by seeing sunset in a historic place.
  • Amaravati (Thai) Massage Corner of 62th and 37th In the east of Mandalay - 8,000 kyat for 1-hr body massage |lastedit= September 2015 Get body massage, foot massage and aroma private massage. They are very professional and the ambience is nice and relaxing.
  • City Park Myo Patt Road - 500 kyat September 2015 A leisure park with swimming pool. Women are requested to wear a t-shirt and shorts.

Do-It-Yourself Bicycle Tour of Mandalay

A whole day tour to Maha Muni, Innwa and U Beign Bridge. Sagaing Hill can be included as well. You can visit U Bein Bridge twice: Once during the day and once at sunset. Start early at the Clock Tower in Mandalay (26th Street, 84th Street) and cycle south 84th Street till two streets after the 42th street. The road will then split into 2, go left. After the next bend you will see the entrance to Maha Muni Image. Lock your bicycle and take your time to explore the temple and the gardens behind.

Go back to where the 84th Street splits into two and this time go right. Continue further south. Parallel to your street runs another, getting really close to yours after about 3 kilometers, only to then turn right when yours goes gradually left (there is a petrol station, 100 m to your left is a white pagoda). From there continue on the primary street. After 400 m the road bends right and then continues straight for about 1km and then bends left. You can stop there to visit the Burkayar Monastery. Afterwards, continue straight and leave the primary street. After 500 m the railway tracks cross the street. Continue straight through the neighbourhoods for 500 m more until you reach the Taungthaman Lake. Follow the road anti-clockwise along the lake and after 2 kilometers you will reach the parking area of U Bein Bridge. You might have to pay a small parking fee (100-200 kyat). Cross the Bridge and settle in a teahouse on the other side.

Get back on the bicycle and go west until you hit the primary street (Sagaing-Mandalay Expy) and the tracks. From there you can explore the neighbourhoods and stop by any building where you hear the dominant rattling noise of the looms. There are factory-like businesses and private homes with only one or two machines. There are plenty, and you will be warmly welcomed to any of them to have a look.

To go to Innwa follow the primary street (Saging-Mandalay Expy) further south for 4.5 kilometers, always straight until you reach a roundabout. Go straight for Innwa, or turn right and cross the bridge to Sagaing. After another kilometre you will reach a crossing. The primary street bends right a little and crosses the river to Sagaing, a smaller road bends sharply left to somewhere else. And straight continues a small street of rather poor condition. Take this small street and follow it for another kilometre until you reach the river. You can only cross it by ferry (1min). 1,000 kyat per person and 200 extra for the bicycle return ticket.

Once you leave the ferry you will want to continue as soon as feasible as the horse cart tour agents pester you. Follow the horse tracks.

Mahar Aung Mye Bonzan Monastery: From the jetty follow the road, go left and then right at the T-crossing. When the road turns left follow the small trail straight instead (no horse cart can pass), cross the tiny bridge. And after 50 m you reach the monastery (zone ticket). Right hand side from the main entrance there is a stupa, walled with two doors each having stairs. The stupa is connected to the monastery.

Take 2-3 hours to explore Innwa fully. Then go back the same way to see the sunset at U Bein Bridge. There are street lamps all the way to Mandalay. There are no hills, just flat land.

  • Mandalay Clock Tower - Maha Mudi 4 kilometers, 20 min
  • Maha Muni Image - U Bein Bridge: 8 kilometers, 40min
  • U Bein Bridge - Innwa: 8 kilometers, 40 min

In case you got lost just ask people for the way. As few cycle in the area, not even local residents and they are very curious and will gladly help you. Have your destinations written in Myanma as it's easier for people to understand. Try to get a bicycle with lights.

Costs: 1,500 kyat for bicycle, 1,200 kyat for the ferry. Another option you can rent a motorcycle for 10,000 kyat. But only one can fit at a time on the ferry.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Mandalay

  • Zegyo Market - Pronounced zei-gyo - 21.982904, 96.077130 - A street bazaar near the downtown.

Halal Restaurants in Mandalay

Mandalay, both due to its history as a former capital of Myanmar, and its position as a major trading centre between Myanmar and its neighbours of China, India andBangladesh has a notable array of specialities both from various regions within Myanmar as well as from other countries.

  • Indian Street Restaurant - 82nd & 27th - Cheap and delicious Indian food, including chapati (2 Curries and 2 rotis, for 300 kyat), birmani, and mutton curries.
  • Super 81 39th Street, between 81st and 82nd, Mandalay 21.9634, 96.0810 Opening Hours: Daily 09:00–23:00 5,000–7,500 kyat Double-storey restaurant with great barbecued seafood. Air-conditioned second floor. The extensive menu includes (Thai), Chinese, Indian and western dishes. Popular with local residents.
  • Night market along corner of 76th and 34th Street Opening Hours: best time 18:00-19:00 September 2015 Choose a shop where there are many people in order to point at the dish you want as there are no English menus. Stalls sell hot pots, dumplings (soup, steamed, salad), (Thai) noodles, seafood with flat Rice noodles, pig feet with noodles, sticky Rice and other sweets. A Yoghurt dessert with honey or sugar is popular with local residents.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Mandalay

Mandalay - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Mandalay, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Mandalay. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Mandalay and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Mandalay. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Mandalay. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inMandalay: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Mandalay.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Mandalay: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Mandalay, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Mandalay.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Mandalay, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Mandalay, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Mandalay and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Mandalay, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Mandalay, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Mandalay without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Mandalay is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Mandalay.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Mandalay is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Mandalay, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Mandalay Media:

Muslim Friendly hotels in Mandalay

Most hotels are around 25th St, between 81st and 84th Streets. There are many more than those listed here.

  • AD1 Hotel - Eindawya Sintada St, Chan Aye Thar San Township E of Eindawya Pagoda ☎ +95 2 34505, +95 9 6502430 US$15-30 Central location in the heart of Zeygo Market. The rooftop is something special. Rooms are tacky and baths dated, but the price is OK.
  • ET Hotel - 83rd and 23rd/24th Street - US$20 Nice and clean. Free Wi-Fi, tours and transport booking, friendly staff.
  • Nylon Hotel - Corner of 83rd & 25th Street ☎ +95 2 33460, +95 2 66550, +95 2 60757 US$10-20 Check-in: early, if room available / Check-out: 12:00 Room, bathroom quality is standard for Myanmar at this price. Basic breakfast and working Wi-Fi in room included. Extremely friendly staff, except for the owner (unfriendly, doesn't care about his guests at all). They may try to scam you on laundry, so clarify the price per unit and count for yourself.
  • Mahar Hotel - 24 St, between 83 & 84th Street ☎ +95 2 22854 US$18-25 Checkout: 12:00 One block from Nylon Hotel, rooms are very clean and relatively good value for the price (for Mandalay), though single rooms are small. Hot shower, free Wi-Fi in rooms, standard breakfast included, friendly staff.
  • Peacock Lodge - 60th Street 21.9825, 96.1167 ☎ +95 9 2042059 Standard double US$35, Deluxe double US$55 | lastedit=2022-00 Terrific home stay B&B, with very friendly family staff. A bit out of the centre. Has bike rentals. Free Wi-Fi in the rooms, includes breakfast outside in the garden. Hot shower. Can organise airport transfers, bus tickets, etc.
  • Rich Queen - 87th Street Between 26th & 27th Street ☎ +95 2 260172, +95 9 91028348 US$25 New and has a flash backpacker feel to it. Has modern facilities including the baths. All rooms have air-con.
  • Royal Guesthouse - No 41 25th Street Between 82nd & 83rd St, South side. ☎ +95 2 65697 US$7+ Checkout: 12:00 Cheaper rooms have fan and shared bath, more expensive have air-con. The air-con is on the government grid and so will go down during the common blackouts. Friendly staff, and close to the royal palace. Bike rental (1,500 kyat per day, negotiable) available across the road. Popular so advance booking advisable.
  • Sabai Phyu Hotel - 81st and 25/26th Street - US$10-20 Despite the semi-squalid, cell-like rooms, due to the overpricing in Mandalay, this is probably the best option in the area. Free drinking water. Breakfast for US$1. Some of the best water pressure in Myanmar.
  • Yoe Yoe Lay Guesthouse | Between 35th and 36th Street & 57th and 58th St, Shwe Gal PwarAbout 10 min E of downtown. You can also take local pickup Bus 11 from 35th street, RMB300 ☎ +95 944 404 1944 Check-in: 12:30 / Check-out: 12:00 US$7-30 Great breakfast included with fruits, western and local food, free Wi-Fi & drinking water. Clean bathrooms with warm water. The owner "Mama" and the staff are kind and helpful. Has a homestay feeling. Bicycles for rent (2,000 kyat per day). Motorbikes for rent (10,000 kyat semi automatic and 12,000 kyat automatic. 24 hours). They organize bus tickets and sightseeing tours]. Booking through their Facebook page or email. Air-con en suite double: US$30, shared bathroom: US$25, 4 and 6-bed dorm rooms: US$7 per person (not including breakfast. You can obtain it for addional 2,000 kyat. It is worth orange juice, coffee/tea, toasts, jam and butter, eggs, bottle of water, Rice or noodles, watermelon).
  • Dreamland Guesthouse | corner of 69th and 37th street ☎ +95 2-32850 (land-line), +95 9-402544997, +95 9-43068299 dorm US$10 Best thing about this hostel is the included breakfast. They cooperate with the small restaurant nextdoor and have a huge number of choices: e.g. pancake (sugar, beans, banana), bread, Mohinga, Shan Noodles, eggs. There is coffee and 3 types of tea on the menu and they have 8 different types of tea, so ask in the hostel. The hostel doubles as an art studio. So during the day children will have violin or piano lessons and there is a small exhibition of paintings. The staff are friendly and helpful. The dorm has air con and the bunk beds have curtains, lamps and sockets. You reach the upper bunk by stairs not by an ordinary ladder. Plenty of bathrooms in the house with hot water. Everywhere wifi, clean, bicycle and motorcycle renting, free drinking water, free towel.
  • Bagan King - Blk-732, No (44), Corner of 73rd And 28th Roads ChanAyeTharZan Tsp, Mandalay, Myanmar. ☎ +95 2 67124 From US$70 Nice new hotel. Friendly staff, restaurant, bar, free Wi-Fi.
  • Hotel Sahara - No. 414/A, 80th Road, between 26th & 27th streets 21.982802, 96.084252 50m from the Southwest corner of the moat ☎ +95267313 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: noon Low season, US$16 for standard double, US$19 for superior twin, US$25 for deluxe double. High season, US$20 standard double, US$25 for superior twin, US$30 for deluxe double 2-star hotel situated in the very heart of Mandalay. 29 rooms (3 different kinds), all of which offer AC, TV, fridge, hot/cold showers, comfortable beds; deluxe rooms are bigger and offer a bathtub in addition. Free wifi accessible from all areas. Free buffet breakfast 06:30-09:00. Excellent restaurant recommendations. Friendly & smiling staff who speaks excellent English.
  • Mandalay City Hotel - 26th Street 21.982636, 96.080584 Between 82nd and 83rd Streets US$80 Decent hotel, hidden from the noise and traffic inside a courtyard. Has standard rooms, good staff and a tranquil pool.
  • Smart Hotel - No 167 28th Street Between 76th & 77th St, Chan Aye Tharzan Township ☎ +95 2 32682 US$60-90 A nice, new (2023) central hotel. Several types of rooms, ranging from fairly basic up to quite nice (even by Bangkok or Singapore standards). Staff very friendly and capable of assisting with tourist plans, onward travel tickets, etc. Onsite restaurant. Free Wi-Fi.
  • Mandalay Hill Resort - No 9, Kwin (416B), 10th Street 22.006908, 96.102281 From US$170 An 8-storey hotel at the foot of Mandalay Hill.
  • Sedona Mandalay - No 1, Junction of 26th & 66th Street - From US$121 A Singaporean-owned hotel built blending traditional Burmese and modern architecture that faces the Royal Palace and Mandalay Hill.
  • Zegyo Hotel - 84th Street Between 27th and 28th St, next to Zegyo Market Great location, clean rooms.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Mandalay

Mandalay is a haven for drug kingpins and is a main trading centre of illicit drugs. In 2005, an explosion occurred at Zegyo Market. However, Mandalay is generally a very safe city.

Travel Next from Mandalay


  • Train station - located at 78th and 30th Street
  • Airport: taxis cost around 15,000 kyat (September 2017) and take roughly half an hour from the downtown. There is a security check before check-in, and you need to have your ticket, email verification or something related to your flight to get through. Further security check after check-in.


  • Amarapura (Pyi) - famous for its ancient sights, and for U Bein bridge and the world's longest teak bridge.
  • Hsipaw - Bus leaves at 06:00 and 14:30 (5,000 kyat), 5 hr.
  • Mawlamyine - Overnight bus Shwe Mandalar at 18:00 (15,000 kyat), leaves from the Highway Bus Station. Quite luxurious (Swedish) bus, includes a towel, pillow, blanket toothbrushes and water. Arrives at Mawlamyine at 05:00.
  • Maymyo (Pyin U Lwin) - former British hill station in a lush alpine forest. The small town contains a variety of colonial relics, and is most famous for its botanical gardens (modelled on England's Kew Gardens). Also known for the Defence Services Academy and the top-ranked military academy in Myanmar. Shared taxis come pick you up (6,500 kyat, back seat, 7,000 kyat front, 1.5 hr). Pickups leave from the junction of 27th and 82nd (1,500 kyat, 2 hr). Train is highly scenic, and is a must-do train journey if you like trains, but unfortunately leaves Mandalay at 04:00 (US$3 for upper class)
  • Pyin U Lwin - Hill station established by the British. Pick-up trucks run east along 35th street and take about 2 hours and cost 1,500 kyat.
  • Yangon - Overnight buses at 07:00 and 09:00 (10,500 kyat). Luxury bus for 16,000 kyat. Leaves from the Highway Bus Station.
  • Bagan by bus (OK-Bus with pick up and drop off at your hotels) 8,000 kyat. By slow boat (13 hr) on Sundays and Wednesdays at 05:30 for US$15 or express boat (8 hr) daily at 07:00 but only November - Feb, US$45. Ticket office for both in 35th Street & Sein Pann Road (kyat not accepted)

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