
From Halal Explorer

Matsumoto banner.jpg MatsumotoCastle - Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto (松本) is in Nagano (prefecture) | Nagano at the eastern end of the Japan Alps.

Travel to Matsumoto

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Matsumoto

Matsumoto has a small local airport, with commercial flights only from Osaka, Sapporo, and Fukuoka. Travel duration to downtown is roughly 20 minutes.

From the closest major airport, Chubu Centrair International Airport near Nagoya, Matsumoto can be visited by rail in roughly three hours by the Meitetsu line and JR limited express train (change in Nagoya). Buses connect Centrair with Matsumoto in around 3 1/2 to 4 hours for ¥7500.

From Narita Airport, Matsumoto can be visited in 4 1/2 to 5 hours by limited express rail service (change in Shinjuku).

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Matsumoto

Matsumoto st07s3872 - Matsumoto station

Matsumoto is located on the JR Shinonoi Line. It is four stops away from Shiojiri and the "mid-point" of the Chuo Main Line between Tokyo and Nagoya. There is a tourist information center inside the train station.

Limited express trains run to Matsumoto from Tokyo's Shinjuku station. The Super Azusa (スーパーあずさ) makes the run in about 2 1/2 hours; the Azusa (あずさ) makes the journey in about three hours (¥6710 for both).

Taking several local JR trains will cost roughly ¥6000, getting you from Shinjuku to Matsumoto in around 5-6 hours... in which case, you're better off using a bus (see below).

There's also the option of taking the Nagano Shinkansen Asama (あさま) from Tokyo to Nagano station and then taking the Wide View Shinano (ワイドビューしなの) limited express to Matsumoto (2 1/2 hours, ¥8470).

The Wide View Shinano also runs from Nagoya station, where there are connections with the Shinkansen line (towards Kyoto and Osaka). The run from Nagoya to Matsumoto takes 2 hours on the limited express and costs ¥6070; local trains cost ¥7260 and take between 4 and 5 hours, depending on the available trains and connections.

All of the above mentioned rail trips are free when using the Japan Railway Pass.

Travel on a Bus in Matsumoto

Highway buses from JR Matsumoto station connect to Shinjuku in Tokyo (3 hours, ¥7400), Nagoya (3 1/4 hours, ¥7460), and various destinations in the Japan Alps, notably the Oku-Hida Onsen Villages (90 min, ¥2300-2800).

Local bus

There are bus and city bus Matsumoto Matsumoto Electric Railway. Matsumoto Electric railway. Discount admission of a tourist attraction to have a day pass co The "Town Sneaker" bus runs four routes around the inner city. One ride is 200 yen (take ticket from machine on entry and then drop the ticket and 200 yen in the clear box on exit) or a day ticket is 500 yen from the bus information office opposite the station. The bus runs infrequently so check the timetable. Town Sneaker Link

Date July 16, 2010, in line 30 minutes east of the Northern Line, South Line Western Line that leaves every 40 minutes.

  • 北線 — 松本駅東口⇒松本バスターミナル⇒国府町⇒本町⇒大名町⇒松本城太鼓門(Matsumoto Zyou Castle)⇒鷹匠町⇒旧開智学校⇒蟻ヶ崎高校⇒大手大通り⇒分銅町⇒伊勢町Mウィング⇒松本バスターミナル⇒松本駅東口。
  • 東線 — 松本駅東口⇒時計博物館⇒蔵のまち中町⇒蔵シック館⇒はかり資料館⇒龍興寺⇒伊織霊水⇒薬祖神社⇒勤労者福祉センター⇒日の出町・片倉前⇒四ッ谷町⇒蚕糸公園⇒県ヶ丘高校⇒あがたの森公園⇒旧松本高校⇒秀峰学校⇒松本市美術館⇒市民芸術館⇒市民芸術館⇒国府町⇒飯田町⇒松本バスターミナル⇒松本駅東口。
  • 南線 — 松本駅東口⇒松本バスターミナル⇒飯田町⇒稲葉神社⇒栄町⇒相澤病院(Hospital)⇒栄町公民館⇒埋橋西⇒筑摩小学校口⇒西筑摩⇒庄内交番⇒ゆめひろば庄内⇒ライフスクエアコモ庄内(Shopping Mall)⇒ハローワーク東⇒薄川橋南⇒相沢健康センター⇒相澤病院(Aizawa Hospital)⇒博労町東⇒本町南⇒国府町⇒松本バスターミナル⇒松本駅東口
  • 西線 — 松本駅東口⇒松本バスターミナル⇒伊勢町Mウィング(Wonderful shop at the entrance to downtown)⇒巾上⇒松本駅西口⇒渚町⇒なぎさライフサイト(Shopping Mall)⇒丸の内病院(Hospital)⇒蛇原橋⇒堀米新田⇒合同庁舎(Ukiyo-e Museum entrance)⇒堀米南・松本高速バス停入口(高速バスの駅の入り口)⇒信濃荒井飯田医院(Clinic)⇒田川公民館(渚寛神社の入り口)⇒渚町(Accommodation)⇒松本駅西口⇒巾上⇒伊勢町Mウィング(Wonderful shop at the entrance to downtown)⇒松本バスターミナル⇒松本駅東口

How to get around in Matsumoto

MatsumotoDentetsu 10211 TownSneaker - Town Sneaker

  • You can walk to Matsumoto Castle, about a mile northeast of the station, in about 20 minutes.
  • Alternatively and the Town Sneaker bus departs from in front of Matsumoto Station every 30 minutes and makes a circular trip to all city sights; it costs ¥200 each time you get off. ¥700 for a day ticket. Half-price for children.
  • To visit the Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, however, you'll have to go by train or taxi or get the Town Sneaker to the City Government Office then walk for 25 minutes.
  • Free bicycles are available daily 8:30am to 5pm at various locations throughout town, including the Matsumoto City Museum next to Matsumoto Castle and the Kaichi Gakko Primary School. They're convenient for visiting sights not accessible by Sneaker Bus; ask the Matsumoto Matsumoto Tourism Board staff for details. Otherwise, you can rent a bike from JR Eki Rent-A-Car beside the station for ¥2,500 per day.

What to see in Matsumoto


  • Matsumoto Castle - 松本城 Matsumoto-jō - 36.23868, 137.96950 15 min north of Matsumoto station on foot Opening Hours: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM daily ¥610 - en:Matsumoto_Castle Completed in 1614, this stately landmark is considered one of Japan's Top 3|Japan's Top 3 Castles. Visitors can climb up precarious stairways all the way to the top, and the castle also houses a comprehensive exhibit on the history of firearms in Japan. Tickets include admission to the Matsumoto City Museum on the castle grounds, with artifacts documenting the history of the city.
  • Matsumoto Folkcraft Museum - 松本民芸館, matsumoto mingeikan - 36.24246, 137.99484 Take the bus on the Utsukushigahara line for 15 minutes and get off that the Folkcraft Museum bus stop Opening Hours: 9AM to 5PM Tuesday through Sunday, closed from December 29 through January 3. ¥700 for adults. School children can get in for free and the museum offers group rates for groups over 20 This is a very small museum filled with a variety of arts and crafts that the museum's own pamphlet describes as not being of much value either artistically or monetarily. The museum is basically the collection of a private individual, Taro Maruyama, who ran a folkcraft shop in Matsumoto in the 1950 and 1960s. He presented the museum to the city of Matsumoto in 1983. While some of the crafts and artwork are interesting and the museum is probably not worth visiting unless you are spending a considerable amount of time in the vicinity or are particularly interested in Japanese Folkcrafts. On an interesting side note, a home near the museum, owned by a school principal, has a beautiful garden and is quite pretty, employing some traditional Japanese architecture. Our tour guide said many people found the home of more interest than the museum.
  • Japan Ukiyo-e Museum 36.23183, 137.93462 - MatsumotoJapanUkiyoeMuseum - Featuring over 10,000 pieces of ukiyo-e (traditional woodblock prints), it is the largest private museum of its kind in the world. Though the building housing the museum is imposing, a rather small selection of the pieces is shown at any time (2 rooms, about 40 prints). Also reprints of famous Ukiyo-e are on display. The collection was begun over 200 years ago by Yoshiaki Sakai and was subsequently added to by succeeding generations of the Sakai family, including the current owner and CEO of the museum, Nobuo Sakai. The collection includes many pieces from the most famous ukiyo-e artists in history as well as works that are believed to be the last remaining examples of their kind. English signage at the museum is limited, but an English-language pamphlet is available. In addition to Matsumoto Castle mentioned above; it is a must-see for those looking for something truly 'Japanese.'
  • Uchibuse River French Waterfall - 牛伏川フランス式階段工 - 36.161431, 138.023428About 20 minutes' drive SSW from Matsumoto Station. Signs are lacking; GPS navigation is helpful. free - ja:牛伏川フランス式階段工 These tiered waterfalls are located in a large scenic park. The falls themselves can be seen in ten minutes, though there are several kilometers of trails for more adventurous souls. There are dozens of picnic spots along the road to the falls. The parking lot closest to the falls has a restroom, though there is no tap water.
  • Japanese Court and Open-air Architectural Museum - Rekishi no Sato next to Ukiyo-e Museum ¥600 Some old Japanese buildings, including the home of a samurai who became a social reformer, plus exhibits on female silk workers and other things - all in (Japanese). One exhibit discusses Matsumoto's historical buildings - you can take photos of the maps to guide you on a walking tour downtown.
  • Daio Wasabi Farm 3.2km from Hotaka station 36.338868, 137.909076JR Oito line from Matsumoto to Hotaka and then taxi (¥2200 - note it can be difficult to get a taxi back), walk, or rent a bicycle Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 5PM varying by season Free This famous wasabi farm is a bit difficult to get to but is a fascinating farm in a beautiful location. A tranquil stream runs through irrigated wasabi fields and the alps provide a backdrop. You can buy wasabi products and food, including wasabi ice cream.
  • Matsumoto City Timepiece Museum - 松本市時計博物館 1 Chome-21-15 Chuo 36.233889, 137.968730 On the street on the south side of the river Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 4:30PM ¥700 Small collection of interesting timepieces from Japan and abroad.
  • Matsumoto City Museum of Art - 松本市美術館 - 4-2-22 Chuo 36.2316116, 137.9765144 ☎ +81 263-39-7400 A ja:松本市美術館 This art museum has a large exhibit on Yayoi Kusama, who came from Matsumoto before moving to the United States for many years. It also has a photograph collection of mountains in Nagano.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Matsumoto

Nawate01s1740 - Walk along the river around Nawate-dōri

Matsumoto is surrounded by numerous campsites and onsen. A hiking map in English can be picked up from the information center, a 5-minutes walk south of the castle.

  • Hotaka, 30 minutes east on the local train, is the center of Japanese wasabi production. Bike rentals are right next to the station, and it is a short ride to a number of wasabi fields including the Daio wasabi farm which offers a tour of its fields, wasabi for sale for as little as ¥700 a root, wasabi icecream, and several tourist-oriented restaurants.
  • Hike to Misuzuko (美鈴湖). To go down, take the bus from Matsumoto bus station (beside the Epsa supermarket) to Utsukushigahara-kogen (美ヶ原), 51 minutes, ¥930 (May 2009) to Lake Misuzu; walk around the east side of the lake to the Toy Box (もりの国) campsite (start along the primary street, take a footpath to the right; when you come to another road, turn left along it until a path goes up to the left; follow this up to and through the campsite). Exit the campsite by its main gate, turn left, at the first guardrail leave the road to the right and follow the path down along a ridge. (Pause in the first section to admire the eagles.) There are no signposts, but the path is clear, with some trail markers; after about an hour you will find yourself among houses uphill from Asama-onsen (浅間); Matsumoto station is another hour and a half, of which part can be along the Metoba River (女鳥羽川). Not having completed the trail I cannot say how to find it from below.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Matsumoto

Stores in Matsumoto offer pickled wasabi leaves, laquerware, and traditional crafts.

[[130608 Nawate shop street Matsumoto Nagano pref Japan02n - Shopping in Nawate-dōri

  • Nawate-dōri - なわて通り - 36.234623, 137.971978 - An old-fashioned shopping street running along the north bank of the river, full of small shops selling antiques, foods, used books, etc. The old movie theater shut its doors after its run of "The Last Samurai", but the posters are still up as well as the nostalgic building itself. The street's ubiquitous mascot is a frog, originating from frogs in the river as well as a pun on the Japanese word for "return" 'kaeru' (the mountains could be treacherous, frogs were given as a charm so that loved ones would return safely. It was also hoped that money and goods would also return.
  • Nakamachi-dōri - 中町通り - 36.233784, 137.970954 - A nice old street one block south of the river, with a number of clothing and curio shops, as well as cafes and restaurants.

Halal Restaurants in Matsumoto

Matsumoto is mildly famous for its soba noodles, hopefully served with a dab of product from the world's largest wasabi farm nearby.

Matsumoto is also famous for its raw horse hala Meat (basashi).

  • Teppan Restaurant Bonchan 36.235300, 137.972166 ¥1000 set menu Okonomiyaki and grilled vegetables/seafood. The set menu (from 2 persons) is a great way to get a bit of everything.
  • Restaurant Kura - Set meals ¥1500 The basashi set meal is great.
  • Katsugen - 麓庵かつ玄 - 36.25757, 137.94944 - Katsu, fried shrimps, fried oyster in a nice traditional style building. Free pickles.
  • Karaage Centre Matsumoto 36.230627, 137.965047 next to east exit of station (turn right) Opening Hours: 10AM Monday - 8:30PM ¥680 Japanese fried Chicken with a soft batter. Standing room only. Staff speak some English but the menu is in (Japanese).
  • Sakura 1 Chome-1-20-26 Chuo 36.233139, 137.967901 opposite PARCO mall Opening Hours: 11AM Monday - 3PM, 5:30PM Monday - 10PM ¥680+ 8-seat restaurant serving excellent miso ramen. Vending machine has pictures. Busy for lunch but not for dinner.

The backstreets of Nawate-dōri have small lively places where local people have food with drinks.

  • Japanese Sake Cafe Nakamachi-dori 36.233849, 137.971286 Opening Hours: 5:30PM Monday - 11PM ¥700 for drinks, ¥500 cover charge There are a few sake bars around here but the owner of this one knows some English and put up English signs outside (typical clients are Japanese though). There is a range of local sake and to try and you may meet some colorful local residents. A range of light meals including horse sashimi are available.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Matsumoto

Matsumoto - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Matsumoto, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Matsumoto. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Matsumoto and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Matsumoto. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Matsumoto. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inMatsumoto: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Matsumoto.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Matsumoto: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Matsumoto, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Matsumoto.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Matsumoto, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Matsumoto, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Matsumoto and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Matsumoto, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Matsumoto, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Matsumoto without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Matsumoto is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Matsumoto.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Matsumoto is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Matsumoto, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Matsumoto Media:

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Marumo Ryokan - まるも - Chuo 3-3-10 36.234248, 137.972394 ☎ +81 263 320 115 ¥6300 with breakfast, cash only A beautiful Japanese style hotel, situated in an old house that was re-built after the big Matsumoto 1889 fire. The hotel is situated along the south bank of the river, opposite the east side of the Nawate-dōri shopping street. The Hotel also has a very nice tea house attached to it. Very good English spoken.
  • Ryokan Matsukaze - 旅館松風 - 36.224813, 137.965584 10 min walk south from the station, on the southern bank of the river ☎ +81 263 257 318 ¥7500 per person without breakfast A spacious and new ryokan, which is still somewhat under renovation. Despite the construction and the place is comfortable and the owners are cheerful. Ask the station's tourist info to reserve a room for you and the owner can pick you up from the station.
  • Ryokan Seifu-so - 634-5, Minami-asama 36.251076, 137.982128 Take #2 bus from train station, get off at minami asama (its around the junction) ☎ +81 263-46-0639 ¥6800 Very nice, traditional Ryokan with very helpful staff and plenty of amenities. Free bicycle rental (10 min to train station). Free pickup from train station during certain hours (just call when you get there). Both Japanese and western style rooms.
  • Ohgato Hotel - 王ヶ頭ホテル | 36.22541, 138.10848 ¥30,000 On the top of a mountain, with a very nice view.
  • Hotel New Station - 36.232322, 137.964276 turn left from east exit of station and go about 100m north
¥7000+ Convenient hotel with small rooms, good staff, onsen baths, and good breakfast (Y900)

News & References Matsumoto

Travel Next

  • Hakuba - a popular ski resort
  • Oku-Hida Onsen Villages - some of Japan's best thermal spas (Muslim Friendly), 90 minutes away by bus
  • Kamikochi - one of the best hiking points in the Japanese Alps, en route to Takayama.
  • Chikuma - take the Shinonoi railway northeast to Obasute or Inariyama stations and visit the onsens, mountains and temples of this small city on the Chikuma River
  • Norikura Kogen (乗鞍高原) - an alpine plateau alongside some of Japan's highest mountains and makes for a great day trip or longer stay in the mountains. There are hiking trails, cycling routes, skiing and spectacular mountain roads. There is the renowned milky-water valley onsen at Shirahone and a milky-water onsen at Norikura (near Kanko tourist centre) with mountain views, including Yukemurikan opposite the tourist centre and bus stop. For a day trip from Matsumoto, buy a combined train/bus return ticket from the first machines next to the ticket office - Y3,300 to Norikura or 3,500 to Shirahone - and take the electric railway from track 7 to Shin-Shimashima and then transfer to the Alpico Highland Shuttle right outside the station gate. For Norikura and the best stop is probably "Kanko center mae", outside the tourist office and Yukemurikan. Check timetables first.
  • Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

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