
From Halal Explorer

Miskolc banner "Girls of Miskolc" statue - "Girls of Miskolc" statue at Szinva Terrace square Megyeszékhely - Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megye - Miskolc - Miskolc - the Capital of Northern Hungary Barlangfurdo2014-nyar (KCS) (1) - |The Barlangfürdő - inside

Miskolc, with population of about 180,000, is the third largest city in Hungary, located in the north-east of the nation, east of Bükk mountains.

Miskolc Halal Explorer

Miskolc used to be one of the centres of heavy industry in 20th century. Today Miskolc is the regional centre of Northern Hungary. The city is surrounded by the beautiful Bükk Mountains. The most famous tourist attractions are outside the city, but one can find things worth visiting in downtown, too.

A quiet suburb of Miskolctapolca|Miskolctapolca, most famous for its cave bath, provides unique cave thermal spa. Bánkút GPS 48.1038995,20.396567 is a popular ski resort.

Tourist information centre

  • Miskolc Tourism Board Centre - Tourinform Miskolc Széchenyi Street (utca), 16 48.102466, 20.782345 ☎+36 46 350 425 |fax=Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30-17:00, Saturday 09:00-14:00, Sunday closed You can get some useful information here. The staff speak at least English, (German), Russian, Slovakian. Services: All necessary information about Miskolc: tourism, transport, museums, spa, cultural programs, accommodation and catering, trade and services, hiking in the Bükk, sports, addresses, historic monuments, galleries, exhibitions, etc. Accommodation, booking. Entrance tickets for concerts and theatres and other cultural events. Several kinds of Miskolc sightseeing tours]. Basic information brochures about Miskolc. You can buy Miskolc Pass Tourist Card here.

Travel to Miskolc

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Miskolc

Miskolc doesn't have an international airport; the nearest ones are in Košice (Slovakia), Budapest and Debrecen.

Travel on a Bus in Miskolc

Since Miskolc is well connected to the rest of the nation by railway lines and there are fewer bus lines connecting Miskolc to other cities. Price list, Lines, some of them to Debrecen 05:30-20:00, 20 per day, to Eger 05:00-18:00, hourly, to Hajdúböszörmény 05:35-20:00, 12 per day, Kazincbarcika 5:30-22:00 every half hour, Mezőkövesd 05:00-18:40, hourly; Szerencs every 2 hours, 06:00-18:40; Tiszaújváros every half hour; Hódmezővásárhely, Nyíregyháza, Salgótarján, Sátoraljaújhely, Szeged one morning, one afternoon; Kecskemét and Szolnok daily.

  • Bus Station - Borsod Volán Autóbusz-állomás Miskolc - Búza tér 48.1058, 20.7914 east of the downtown.☎ +36 46 340 288 Opening Hours: Waiting room: daily 04:00-24:00, ticket office: Monday to Friday 05:30-18:00, Saturday 5:30-13:00

Travel by train to Miskolc

Tiszai trainstation miskolc front - Tiszai Railway Station

The trains going through Northern Hungary all stop in Miskolc and the city can be visited by train from all the major cities (although if you come from the Transdanubian region, you might have to switch trains in Budapest which means you have to find your way through the city to the Keleti station.) See the website of Hungary State Railways for information on trains, travel duration and prices. The site is available in Hungarian, English and German (this link leads to the English version.

International connection to Košice, in Slovakia (daily, one morning and one evening train, 3.5 hr, discounted RW tickets for €6.5) International travel tickets, seat reservation, travel card can be paid in euros. The returning will be paid in forints. - Tiszai trainstation miskolc front.jpg

  • Tiszai Station Tiszai pályaudvar - Kandó Kálmán tér 1-3 - GPS: 48.0988, 20.8099 both tram lines and many bus lines have their end station there.☎ +36 40 494949 International Cashdesk: daily 03:00-23:00 Miskolc Tiszai train station is the largest of two train stations of the city of Miskolc. Built in 1901 in eclectic style, last time modernised in 2003. Services: Automated ticketing, E-Ticket validation, Payment with credit card, Left luggage: daily 06:00-19:40, inside the building station, look for Client Service Office (Hu:Ügyfélszolgálati Iroda), free of charge. Parking is near the station. Bicycle storage is at the station.)
  • Train Ticket Office - Miskolc Menetjegyiroda Belföldi pénztár Arany János u 2 48.101755, 20.785904 Close to Szinva Creek and Falánk Fanny Pastry Shop |fax= Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 07:10-18:40, Saturday 07:10-14:40 Automated ticketing, payment also with credit card.

By car

Miskolc can be visited from the West on Highway M3, which recently reached the city. The highway connecting Miskolc with Debrecen has also been finished. You have to pay a toll/fee if you want to drive on a highway, which consists of going into any gas or petrol station and purchasing a sticker for your vehicle windshield before you drive on the road.

If you come by vehicle you may expect some trouble with navigation. There is really only one way to get into the village, and it goes through Miskolc, which is not famous for having good road signs. If you are very careful and have at least 2 spare eyes to read the signs, you may well succeed. Or simply ask local residents for directions if you feel lost. The spa is about 5 kilometers (3 miles) south of Miskolc downtown, west of the primary street.

Get around


By bus

If you need info on bus lines, go to the mass transport company's site and click on "Menetrend". At "Viszonylat" choose the number of the bus to see the time tables. (1V and 2V are the tram lines.)

Bus lines important for tourists include:

  • Bus 1 connects the Tiszai train station with the downtown and Diósgyőr neighborhood
  • Bus 2 starts at Búza tér and goes to Tapolca (30 min)
  • Bus 5 starts from Felső-Majláth and goes to Lillafüred
  • Bus 15 also starts from Felső-Majláth and goes to Ómassa.


MiskolcV1V2 - Miskolc tram on the Main street]

You can buy bus tickets on the station (or on the bus for a somewhat bigger price and the driver won't have change, you have to pay the exact amount. Generally it's not recommended), also can buy bus tickets at news stands. Bus tickets are Ft 300 (or Ft 400 if you buy it on the bus), ten tickets ("gyűjtőjegy") are Ft 2800 (Feb 2017). General ticket, valid for all buses & trams for one day (napijegy): Ft 1600

  • Same for 3 days (tourist ticket): Ft 3000
  • same for 7 days (hetijegy): Ft 3900

You can buy Miskolc Pass Tourist Card online or at the hotels. If you have you can travel for free on local buses and trams, and one time on the forest train.

Tickets are the same for bus and tram. General & tourist tickets are not valid on Bus 7 after it leaves Miskolc (Bus 7 is the only city bus that leaves Miskolc; it goes to the nearby town Felsőzsolca.) Penalty if you don't have valid ticket: Ft 3000 if you pay immediately, Ft 6000 if you don't have money with you and have to pay later.

Buses usually open the first door only because it is part of the driver's job to check if everyone has tickets. They open the other doors only if someone wants to leave the bus at that door, and if you get on the bus through those doors and the driver might ask you through the loudspeaker to show your ticket.

By tram

There are only two tram lines, 1 & 2. The end station to both of them is at Tiszai station. Tram line 1 goes to Felső-Majláth. Tram no.1 is the good one to reach the castle of Diosgyor, take off when you can see it on your left hand side. Tram line 2 goes to the metal factory. Be sure to leave Tram 2 at latest at Újgyőri főtér' and change trams if you want to go to Diósgyőr.

By narrow-gauge train

These trains run between* Miskolc-Dorottya utca narrow-gauge train station - GPS: 48.100149, 20.702209 and Lillafüred (in 10 kilometers away from Miskolc) with open carriages, 40 min. Inside Miskolc it makes a few more stops, including the one close by to castle of Diosgyor. After Lillafüred it then continues its way up to Lillafüred#Get in|Garadna village, takes another 20 min. Daily 10:00 - 19:00. Fixed price 800 Ft no matter how far you go.

Rent a Car or Limousine in Miskolc

Foreigners sometimes find it hard to find their way in the city. City maps are sold in every bookstore and at some newsstands. There are some road signs, but not too many. In the individual parts of the city parking areas are divided to designated parking zones. The maximum parking time in Green/Yellow/Blue zone: 2/3/4 hours the fees are Ft 340/220/150 per hour. There is two underground vehicle park is at Patak Street and at Európa Plaza ( charge Ft 200 per hour, 2014).

By taxi

Moving around by taxi in Miskolc is an easy way to explore the city or get to your destination. Cabs are not hard to find, especially in the downtown area or around the busy tourist attractions. Prices vary by company, but they average US$1.50-2.00 per kilometers and the basic fee of $1.50-2.00 per ride. Most dispatchers should speak English or German and possibly French, in addition to Hungarian.

Walk in Miskolc

Probably the best way to see the spa is on foot.

This is recommended for the downtown only. Many of the tourist attractions are quite far from the downtown.

Széchenyi Street is mostly a pedestrian precinct and the tram lines go along it, but cars use it only occasionally.

What to see in Miskolc


  • Main Street (Széchenyi st.) and City Hall Plaza (Városház tér) with 19th-century houses and lots of shops

Houses of worship

Alsóvárosi r.k. plébániatemplom (Mindszent) (2956. számú műemlék) 3 - All Saints Parish Church Alsóvárosi r.k. plébániatemplom (Mindszent) (2956. számú műemlék) 3.jpg

  • Mindszent Parish Church officially:Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Hungarian: Mindszenti Plébániatemplom | Mindszent tér 2 48.09885, 20.78481☎ +36 46 411777, +36 46 411 888 Fax +36 46 411114 Opening Hours: Guide by booking. Masses: Sunday and major holidays 07:00, 08:30, 10:00, 11:30, 18:30, Monday to Friday 07:00, 7:30, 18:30| price=Free Mindszent was a separate small settlement in the Middle Age, around 1880 united with Miskolc. The church was built on site of a smaller medieval chapel between 1728-1743. The two slender tower of its got in hundred years later. Inside of the church there are beautiful Baroque paintings and statues. Its altarpieces depicting Street Peter and Street Paul (at the high altar) and the Virgin Mary, Street Joseph, Street Ladislaw, Street Stephen paintings were done in 1855 and 1879. The Baroque statue of Mary with the jar (1739) stands before the church. A small Calvary shrine can be found not far from the church; it was consecrated by the Archbishop of Eger in 1864.

Avasi Belltower.jpg

  • Protestant Church of Avas - Hungarian: Avasi templom | Papszer utca 14 48.101349, 20.778525 Southwest half kilometers from Miskolc Tourism Board Centre I. over Szinva Creek ☎ +36 46 358677 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 14:00-17:00 A beautiful Gothic church on the Avas hill, one of the oldest buildings of the city, founded in 13th century. A Romanesque style church, and later it was expanded in Gothic style. The belfry was built in 1557. The bells play a melody in every 15 minutes, a variation of the Westminster Chimes. It is a well-known tune in the city. The church is surrounded by a cemetery, where many famous sons of the city were buried.

OrthodoxChurchMiskolc04 - |The Great Iconostasis in the Greek Orthodox Church, Miskolc - OrthodoxChurch Miskolc Winter.jpg

  • Greek Orthodox church Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Hungarian:Görögkeleti templom, Magyar ortodox templom, Szentháromság Görögkeleti Ortodox Templom

| Deák Ferenc tér 7 48.1066, 20.7833 Center, northwest of the Minorita Assumption Church Built between 1785 and 1806 in Copf style. Here is one of the largest iconostasion in Europe, 16 m high, with 87 pictures of the life of Jesus, and the eleven big orthodox holiday plus Easter what is the Ortodox 'Holiday of holidays'. The Baroque iconostasis was carved in the workshop of Eger and the pictures (with the exception of four of them) were painted by a master from Vienna. The copy of the Akhtyrka Icon of the Mother of God was a gift from Empress Catherine II of Russia. A school, a hospital and a parsonage were also built next to the church in the beginning of 18th Century. The churchyard also served as a burial place, several more than 300 years old marble tombstones are still can be see. The interior is divided into three parts: entrance hall, naos, and sanctuary. The Orthodox Liturgical Museum of Hungary is here, in the former school building (approaching from the churchyard). The Orthodox liturgical collection of its is the richest in all Hungary.

Deszkatemplom Miskolc - Protestant Wooden Church - Deszkatemplom Miskolc.jpg

  • Protestant Wooden Church Plank church, Hungarian:Tetemvári Református deszkatemplom, Deszkatemplom Pálóczy utca 48.1088, 20.7856 ☎ +36 46 506613, +36 30 4077496 Opening Hours: Every day 09:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00 Price Ft 400/250, (German), Hungarian guide. This is a beautiful church made of carved wood built in 1998 as the exact copy of the original church that was burnt down in 1997. The first church known by the name of 'Wooden Church' was built in 1724 and it stood until 1937 when demolished. One year later finished the new one. At this time the wood brought from an area of Transylvania with long traditions of wood-carving. The design of the church also had Transylvanian elements. Originally main wing of Wooden Church was 8.5m wide and the south part was only 7-7.4m wide. On the top of the pulpit is a Phoenix wood sculpture, symbolized the eternal rebirth. The windows of the eastern and western side decorated with stained glass. The larger bell called 'Odon' is 360kg and the smaller, 'Alexander', 193kg.

Minorita templom (2944. számú műemlék) 2 - Minorita Assumption Church Minorita templom (2944. számú műemlék) 3.jpg

  • Minorita Assumption Church - Hungarian: Minorita Nagyboldogasszony templom

| Hősök tere 5a GPS 48.10557, 20.78494 Downtown ☎ +36 46 505636, +36 46 508048 +36 46 505637 Opening Hours: Booking by phone Price free The construction of this baroque church was finished around 1743 though its decoration, equipment and the building of the towers took several more decades. Ref. új templom (2954. számú műemlék) 2.jpg

  • Downtown Protestant Church, Rooster church Hungarian: Miskolc-Belvárosi Református temploma, Kakas templom

| Kossuth Lajos utca 17 48.10500, 20.78217 West two hundred meter from Minorita Assumption Church ☎ +36 46 412653, +36 46 508724 +36 46 508884Admission: free Description: The classicistic calvinist church was erected in 1786-1808. It has the highest 68m tall tower in the city, housing the 2.6-tonne weight Esther Bell named after Eszter Bató daughter of a wealthy merchant family. Outside decorated mostly with Classicist elements }} Downtown Evangelical Church Miskolc from Avas - Lutheran parish church in Miskolc from Avas Hill Downtown Evangelical Church Miskolc from Avas.jpg

  • Lutheran parish church in Miskolc - Miskolci Evangélikus Egyházközség templom - Hunyadi János utca 8 48.10440, 20.77690 Opening Hours: Office hours: Pastoral Office: Tuesday to Friday 09:00-12:00. Worship: Sunday 11:00 This church and the second one on this site after the lightning affected and demolished the former church, was erected between 1817-1820 and the tower of its was finished in 1865. Dimensions of its 31m long and 25m wide. Above the main entrance of church is a very beautiful and remarkable balcony. The classy decorated Empire style stone pulpit made in 1820. The altarpiece painted by Bertalan Székely,-who was a one of the greatest representative of Hungarian historical painting and the Christ on the Mount of Olives finished in 1897.

Szt. Anna templom (2941. számú műemlék).jpg

  • St. Anne's Church - Hungarian: Szent Anna-templom,Vöröstemplom, Verestemplom

| Szent Anna tér 48.104722, 20.763611 Located on the nort side of the St. Anna Plaza. This is a Roman Catholic parish church. Locally it is often referred to as "Red Church", because of its red roof. The church was built between 1816 and 1823, in late Baroque style with some Neoclassical elements; the altar and the pulpit are late Neoclassical. The first public clock of the city was in the church's tower. The rectangular sanctuary of this two naves church, covered with 'Czech-cap' vault. CatholicChurch Martinkertváros01.jpg

  • Catholic parish church Jesus Heart churh, Hungarian:Martin-Kertváros Plébánia templom, Jézus Szíve plébániatemplom | Miskolc, Martin Károly utca 5 GPS 48.09268, 20.80777 Martin-Kertváros neighborhood about half kilometers south of Tiszai Railway Station ☎ +36 46 380065 Opening Hours: Church services at Monday Wednesday to Friday Saturday 18:00, Sunday 11:30 Free Replacement of a former temporarly chapel (1922) to the local railway workers colony. Built in 1934. A simple late Baroque church in garden neighborhood. Interior pulpit and main altar made in Baroque style. It has a nice painted paneled ceiling.

R. k. templom (2985. számú műemlék) - The name of the Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Diósgyőr R. k. templom (2985. számú műemlék) 2.jpg

  • The name of the Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Diósgyőr Hungarian: Szűz Mária neve - Római Katolikus templom - Miskolc, Puskás Tivadar utca 1 GPS 48.10138, 20.68600 - Diósgyőr neighborhood, close to Sinva creek, south of II. János Pál pápa square ☎ +36 46 379595 Opening Hours: Mass Order: Summer time: Monday to Friday 07:00, 18:30; Sunday 07:00, 08:30, 10:00, 11:30, 18:30. Winter time: Monday to Friday 07:00, 17:30. Sunday 07:00, 08:30, 10:00, 11:30, 17:30. Advent: 06:00; 17:30 Price Free The original Gothic reformed church was rebuilt in Baroque style in middle of the 18th century. Of the two cemeteries one is still working today, separated into Lutheran, Roman Catholic and Protestant sections. The first owners were members of St. Paul order (Paulines), but Minorites and Franciscan baptized. The entrance of the church look to the west, almost back to the city. This is due the church was formed to west of the settlement. The church was consecrated in the name of the Virgin Mary, in 1753. The main altarpiece depicting the Virgin Mary with a crown on his head, on the right of its is the baby Jesus who a sphere gives to his mother. The coat of arms of Diosgyor also depicts the image of church's patron saint, The church has three side altar, pulpit and an organ in the balcony. There most valuated piece is a very old carved wooden statue of the Virgin Mary, which can be seen in a glass case, made in the 13th century by the Paulines. On the right side in an alcove, look like a cave, is an other statue of the Virgin Mary ordered by a cantor teacher to gratitude in memory of his children recovery from a serious illness

}} Miskolc synagogue 1 - Synagogue of Miskolc

  • Synagogue - Zsinagóga - Miskolc, Kazinczy utca 7. 48.10417, 20.78570 Downtown, close to Hösök square and south of the Main Post Office ☎ +36 46 505044, +36 70 5857616, +36 20 921-7373 +36 46 509954 Miskolc synagogue 1 - Opening Hours: It can't be visited while it is under restoration Description: The synagogue, built between 1861 and 1863, is an outstanding example of Hungarian Romantic architecture and one of the largest such buildings in Europe. The temple includes both Neo-Romanesque and Romantic elements. This is the only surviving synagogue in the city and the only still-functioning synagogue of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County. Its Kazinczy Street facade has a rose window and narrow Gothic windows. The synagogue has three aisles. The women's balcony is supported by slim iron pillars decorated with Gothic Revival and Neo-Byzantine elements. The wall paintings feature ornamental an Eastern design. The Exhibition Hall consists of two rooms museum that commemorate the history of the Miskolc Yahudi community. One room commemorates the events of the Holocaust in Miskolc, and the other shows scenes from everyday Yahudi life in Miskolc prior to the murders.

BuzaPlazaChurch Miskolc01 - Interior of the Greek Catholic Church on Búza square Miskolc, autobusové nádraží, kostel.jpg

  • Greek Catholic Church Miskolc-Belvárosi Görög Katolikus Egyházközség és Nagyboldogasszonyról nevezett Püspöki Székesegyház | Web: úza-tér.hu/ Miskolc, Búza tér - GPS: 48.10663, 20.79045 Right north of the Bus Station ☎ +36 46 507 111, +36 30 3592166 (Mobil) +36 46 507113 Opening Hours: Rituals: Monday to Friday 07:00, 18:00, 18:45. Sunday 06:30, 07:30, 08:30, 10:00, 18:00, 19:00 (2023) | price=Admission: free Professional guidance by booking only in Hungarian. The Downtown Greek-Catholic Church was built in eclectic style, in 1912. Nice altarpiece and iconostasis.


  • Diósgyőri Papermill Museum of the Paper Industry Diósgyőri Papírgyár Papírgyári Múzeuma Papíripari Szakgyűjtemény | Miskolc, Hegyalja utca 203/1- GPS: 48.11397, 20.66289 West of Diosgyor castle, by train stop Papirgyár ☎ +36 46 530824 +36 46 530890 Opening Hours: May-September Monday to Friday 10:00-14:00 and Saturday of every month 10:00-14:00. In this case the museum is closed on the following Monday Admission: Adult/reduced: Ft 350/250 Guidance in Hungarian only. There are exhibited the historical artefacts of the local company (Diósgyőri Papermill) on two levels. The workshop on the first floor, for preparing hand-made paper, helps you to remember the days of the undertaking working in the course of the manufacture.

OttoHermanMuseum CentralBuiling - Central Building of the Ottó Herman Museum Herman Ottó Museum Exhibition building - Papszer utcai kiállítási épület | Miskolc, Papszer utca 1. GPS 48.10132, 20.78011 South of Sinva Creek, east of the Protestant Church of Avas ☎ +36 46 560170 Fax +36 46 555397 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-17:00 Adult Ft 1400, child Ft 700, If you have Miskolc Pass Tourist Card: free The richest Conquest cemetery of the Carpathian Basin. A noble of Miskolc in national politics. Endre Szasz collection. 'Ages, photos, cameras' permanent exhibition in the history of photography. Gift shop. }} Ottó Herman Museum, Picture Collection - Herman Ottó Múzeum, Képtár | Görgey Artúr utca 28. 48.095824, 20.785251 Take bus #2, 14, 14H, 22, 35, 38, 44 to stop Népkert ☎ +36 46 560 170 |tollfree= Fax +36 46 555-397 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 09.00-17.00 Adult Ft 1400, student Ft 700. If you have Miskolc Pass Tourist Card: free is the largest museum of Miskolc. It has more than 600,000 artifacts. Its main focus is on archaeology, mineralogy, arts, history and ethnography. The collection of fine arts located here: shows works of Hungarian artists in the 18th-20th century. Over the museum here is a library and the storerooms are there. The museum named after the famous polyhistor Ottó Herman in 1953.| image=

  • Pannon-sea Museum - Pannon-tenger Múzeum, Repository of Geological and Natural History and Exhibition Building, Herman Ottó Museum - Görgey Artúr utca 28. 48.095824, 20.785251 Take bus #2, 14, 14H, 22, 35, 38, 44 to stop Népkert ☎ +36 46 560170 +36 46 555-397 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-17:00 Adult Ft 1400, student Ft 700. If you have Miskolc Pass Tourist Card: free Two permanent exhibitions were opened in the “Pannon Sea Museum” in Miskolc on 20 November 2013. The exhibition “On the paths of a primeval forest — The swamp cypress forest of Bükkábrány and its era” tells the visitors about the environment of the 7 million years old swamp cypresses in Bükkábrány in a playful environment. Besides fossils of several prehistoric animals and plants, Rudapithecus fossils representing the beginning of human evolution, mysteries of paleo-magnetism, almost the whole spectrum of raw materials from the Miocene epoch and secrets of volcanic activities in the Pannon Basin await curious visitors.
    The beautiful pieces of the collection “Minerals of the Carpathians” was selected from the second largest Hungarian mineralogical collection.
    Our regular and periodical programms are held in a conference room for 80 persons, in a projector room for 40 persons and a seminar-room for 15 persons and are assisted by a separate museum educational facility.
  • Telecommunications Museum - Távközlés történeti látványtár - Teletár - Miskolc - Avas, Szentgyörgy u. 23 48.08104, 20.77865 ☎ +36 46 555391, +36 30 3593539 +36 1 2448190 Opening Hours: Open: West Saturday 10:00-16:00 Adult/reduced Ft 750/375, photo/video ticket Ft 400/1250 (2023) Located in Miskolc #23 post office. Shows the development of communication in the last over 130 years. old telephones, and telephone exchanges, telegraph, transmission equipment, mobiles (many of them are still working). - Outside public phones and Erste Bank 24-hr ATM.
  • Szőnyi István Gallery - Szőnyi István Galéria - Miskolc, Széchenyi utca 21 48.10277, 20.78298 Right next to National Theatre of Miskolc ☎ +36 46 340704 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00, Saturday 09:00-13:00 The gallery was named after István Szőnyi (1894-1960), Hungarian painter. The building was built in 1927, and later the famous doctor, Petro Sándor (1907-1976) was acquired. A nationally known, modernly equipped private clinic operated here. He was a private collector and his legacy. Contemporary Fine and Applied Arts exhibits can be seen here.
  • Gallery of Miskolc - Petró House Miskolci Galéria - Petró-ház - Miskolc, Hunyadi utca 12. 48.10390, 20.77609 Opposite to the Palace of Music (officially: Béla Bartók Institute of University of Miskolc) ☎ +36 46 500680 Fax +36 46 500682 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 09:00-16:00, Friday 09:00-13:00 Price free Visit the permanent exhibition of graphic artist, Lajos Szalay. Art Library. The building was built in 1927, and later the famous doctor, Petro Sándor (1907-1976) was acquired. Here operated a nationally-known, well-equipped modern private clinic. He was also a private collector his collection include local history items, 19th-century art works, and modern Hungarian works of art, miniature, silver, and rug collection. After his death the all legacy received the Herman Otto Museum.

}} Gallery of Miskolc - Feledy House Miskolc Galéria - Feledy-Ház - Miskolc, Deák Ferenc tér 3. 48.10573, 20.78327 - Close to Downtown Protestant Church ☎ +36 46 500680 Fax +36 46 500682Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 19:00-16:00, but only with appointment Price Free An exhibition hall about Life of Gyula Feledy, a graphic artist. The works of Gyula Feledy and his contemporaries can be see here.

  • Miskolci Theatre Musem Miskolci Galéria, Színháztörténeti és Színészmúzeum | Miskolc, Dérnyé utca 3 48.10324, 20.78380 Center, Part of the National Theatre of Miskolc ☎ +36 30 6609299 Opening Hours: September - May: Tuesday - Saturday 09:00-17:00; June - Aug: Tuesday - Saturday 10:00-18:00 Price Adult/reduced: Ft 600/300. If you have Miskolc Pass Tourist Card: free The Museum of Theatrical History and Acting located in the National Theatre of Miskolc Classicist style building. This two-story building preserves the remnants of a theatre from 1823. The building served as quarters for generals and a trade school. Guidance: only Hungarian; duration: 45 mins. Services: cloak-room, café, buffet, toilet/WC.
  • Collection of Mining - Bányászati Gyűjtemény | Miskolc, Mexikó-völgy - GPS: 48.0795, 20.6981 ☎+36 46 359905, +36 30 9350789 Fax +36 46 359905 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-13:00. Registration needed. Free The Collection of Mining in Miskolc shows the general history of mining technology, and also miner's clothes, blasting tools of it. On-demand functional demostration is available.
  • Library and Collection of Selmec of the University of Miskolc - Selmeci Műemlékkönyvtár - Miskolci Egyetem - @miskolc.hu Miskolc - Egyetemváros, Egyetem u. 48.07968, 20.76544 Located in TU Library, Archives, University Town ☎ +36 46 565111 +36 46 563489 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 09:00-15:00, Friday 09:00-12:00 Free The most important museum collections: collection of articles of the university's historical, numismatic collection, photo archive, certificate archive and the mining-themed stamp collection, a collection of miniature books, industrial and technical history items and the works of fine art.
  • Post Gallery - Postakürt Galéria | Miskolc, Kazinczy utca 16. - GPS: 48.10555, 20.78578 East 100 m from Minorita Church ☎ +36 46 345469, +36 20 9795487 +36 1 2681958 Opening Hours: Opening hours: only by booking Price Adult/reduced Ft 500/250A small exhibition about the post history on the fifth floor of the Directory of Miskolc of Hungarian Post.


  • Gallery of Miskolc - Rákóczi-House Miskolci Galéria - Rákóczi-ház - Miskolc, Rákóczi utca 2. GPS 48.10227, 20.78148 West about 100 meters from National Theatre of Miskolc ☎ +36 46 500 680 +36 46 500 682 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 09:00-17:00 Price Adult/reduced Ft 1000/500 Contemporary art exhibitions and thematic exhibitions focusing on actual social problems. Museum education and talent management programms, fine art courses and model drawing studio awaits students and school pupils. The one and only educational museum for contemporary art and the “Big Kunszt” (“Big Deal”) where you may learn about contemporary art and the contextual, visual and technical features of the masterpieces in an unconventional and visitor-friendly way. Services: cloak-room, café, buffet, toilet/WC.



AvasTVTower - Avas Lookout Tower on Avas Hill

  • County Hall Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyei Önkormányzat Városház tér 1 - GPS: 48.10431, 20.77882 ☎ +36 46 517700 }} Avas Lookout Tower - Miskolc-Avas TV Tower, Avas-kilátó - GPS: 48.0994, 20.7754 | ☎ With panorama on the city. This is a 72 metre tall TV tower on the Avas hill in Miskolc. It was built in 1966 in place of a wooden lookout tower. AvasTVTower.jpg

| West 0.5 kilometers of Center. Several urban bus routes terminated here (Bus stand: Avasi kilátó):#29, 32, 35, 35E, Auchan bus #2, and Tesco bus. - Miskolc national theatre new - National Theatre of Miskolc - Nemzeti Színház Déryné utca GPS 48.1027 ,20.7833 +36 46 516700|hours=Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-13:00 Tickets Ft 1100-2000 Diósgyőr - Castle - Aerial view of the ruins of the castle Castle of Diósgyőr - Diósgyőri vár - Miskolc-Diósgyőr, Vár u. 24 - GPS: 48.098, 20.6889 By public transport: take tram #1 or bus #1 to stop "Diósgyőr VK" then, go to the direction of Felső-Majláth, at the first street turn left and follow the signs, it's a two-minutes walk. Parking around the castle: On Nagy Lajos Király Street there is pay parking to cars and buses. Free parking area is on Tapolcarét street to cars and buses.| ☎ |tollfree=|fax=Opening Hours: April - October daily 09:00-18:00; November - March: daily 09:00-17:00, Closed:Dec 24-26. Dec 31-Jan 1. Price With guided tours: adult Ft 1500, student/senior Ft 1200. Without guided tours: adult with 2 children or between 18-26 Ft 750, student/senior Ft 600. Under 6 and over 70 free. If you have Miskolc Pass Tourist Card, admisson is free. This is a partly restored medieval castle, surrounded by the modern blocks of flats. In 2014, some part of the castle was rebuilt, other were renovated. The reconstructed rooms are furnished with mediaeval-style furniture. Main parts: "Knight’s Hall", include two naves with three columns in the middle, and with its 380 sq meters area, one of the largest rooms of medieval castles in Central Europe. "The Chapel" is a two-storied chapel with octagonal apse. It's the central room of the east wing, and a hallowed place. "The towers" In order to enhance the romantic impression and the southwestern tower can be seen in its shape from the 1800s, when it was ruined by a bolt. The upstairs rooms of the other three towers host exhibitions, and lookouts on the roofs."Palace Wings": Three of the four one-storied palace wings remained (rebuild): the northern with the Knight’s Hall and the eastern with the chapel and the kings’residence, and the southern with the queens’ rooms. These rooms serve visitors and interactive spaces that present the medieval castle life and different crafts and trades. "'Wine cellar", consists of two rooms and an interior space of a floor height, can be visited from the West Wing. "Exhibitions" of the castle: castle history exhibition: gives you a taste of archaeological findings in the area of a historic castle and the old Pauline monastery, medieval weapons and here located the biggest Wax Museum of Central Europe (greatest number of figures) shows the everyday life in Diósgyőr in the Middle Ages. "Lower Castle" contains a functional copy of a 16th-century cannon, which is used at big events. Garden of Queens a place where herbs and spices were grown, some type of them can be find still today. "Courtyard": The main entrance of the upper castle is the northern gate, that is reached through the royal stairs. The northeastern and southwestern decorated stairway leads to the upstairs loggia decorated with stone carvings. "Tournament Field" provides a venue for events as to equestrian shows and to host different events and concerts. Nearby is the "Market Place" of the Castle in front of the Tournament Field. The Market Place offering the general services, it is functioning as a real market place for artisans and merchants and holding regularly fairs. Diosgyor castle and king louis.jpg

  • Town Hall - Miskolc Megyei Jogú Város Polgármesteri Hivatal - Városház tér 8 48.10396, 20.77791 Center ☎ +36 46 512700


Mtapolca cave bath entrance - Entrance to the Cave Bath

Getting there: take bus #2 on weekdays (30 min by bus from 'Buza ter'), and bus #20 on weekends and go to the final destination, 200 m walk from there, you will reach the Cave Bath. Miskolctapolca Cave Bath - Miskolctapolca Barlangfürdő| Pazár István sétány 1. 48.0606, 20.7457 ☎ +36 46 560 030|tollfree=|fax=Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-19:00 Price All day ticket adult Ft 3800, student/senio Ft 2850, 4-hour-ticket adult Ft 2700, student/senior Ft 2150. Under 4 free. Last minutes ticket after 17:00: Ft 1850. If you have Miskolc Pass Tourist Card,] admission is free A unique experience to swim (well, you can't really swim there), splash, play and walk around in a large cave system, which has water temperatures from 20-36 °C (thermal water), and has warm, wet air inside even in the winter. Its curative effect is due to the karst water and the unique climate. This is a must do if you are in Miskolc. The caves are around 150 m long but naturally nothing is straight, and it's all quite dark (it's a cave, after all). The bath also has pools outside the cave: 3 children's pools, pond pool, spa experience, mussel pool, swimming pool; Indoor pools: two thermal pools (33-35°C), roman Hall (32°C), stars room (32°C), old cave swimmingpool (29-30°C), hall bath (29-30°C). Sauna and solarium park: finnish saunas (4), infra saunas (4), steam room (1), solariums (2). Mtapolca cave bath entrance.jpg

  • The Cave Bath is surrounded by a large park which has an artificial lake where you can row boats.
  • Rock chapel (a chapel in a small natural cave)
  • Akropolis is an adventure park for kids and grown up.

Further afield

Aggtelek - |Aggtelek. Part of the UNESCO World Heritage List Aggtelek.JPG

  • Aggtelek - Meaning "Old plot" in Hungarian| 48.46666, 20.50165 There is a direct bus from Miskolc which takes about two hours. It leaves at 09:45 everyday day and a ticket costs Ft 1,100. You need to change at Kazincbarcika (Ft 460), from where a bus every 30 minutes. Hitchhiking is also an excellent option since it is probably going to take you half the time as by bus. The best option is road 26 towards Kazinc first and then either take the bus or continue to Miskolc. This village together with Jósvafő are famous for their huge and beautiful karst cave system. Part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. This is a complex of huge karst plains and plateaus. There are a few caves you can visit with different route for each of them. Opening hours and prices depend on the season and the long of tour. There is a tourist information center next to the main cave entrance (email: @, ☎ +36 48 503 000). Sleep: there is a nice camp site with wooden houses or places for your tent. Ask availability at the visitor centre opposite the cave entrance.

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Miskolc

Miskolc national theatre new - Miskolc National Theatre Jégcsarnok.jpg

  • Miskolc Ice Hall - Hungarian: Miksolci Jégcsarnok | Miskolc, Görgey A. utca 19. - GPS: 48.09611, 20.78806 Located in the Népkert ("People's Garden") public park ☎ +36 46 506 442 Opening Hours: Daily (depend of events) Public skating Ft 1000/600 (2023) A multi-purpose indoor arena in Miskolc. It is primarily used for ice sports and is the home arena of Hungarian top division ice hockey club Miskolci JJSE. Part of the Miskolc Leisure Centre (Miskolc Városi Szabadidőközpont)- Events, concerts, ballets, hockey matches, figure skating competitions. Services: Skate sharpening and rental


| AvasPince.jpg
  • Wine Tasting at Avas Cellars Aranykorona Hotel, Restaurant and Cellar - Avas Pince - Kisavas, Első sor 19-20. GPS 48.0989, 20.7829 ☎ +36 46 506 882Opening Hours: every Friday Ft 2500 (2023) Wine tasting and cellar visiting program at Avas hill. location:Hotel, Étterem és "Sétáló Pince". Every Friday you can discover the secret at the "stomach" of Avas Hill. Here is a wonderful, long historical cellar, and you can take part in a guided tour and a complex tatsing program. Duration: about 2 hours

}} Miskolc national theatre new.jpg

  • National Theatre of Miskolc - Déryné street 1 48.102778, 20.783278 Center ☎ +36 46 516700 The main theatre of Miskolc, and the oldest theatre company of Hungary. Its current Classicist and Neo-baroquebuilding built between 1847–1857. The building was reconstructed in 1880, and extending with a fire-watch tower. This is not only theatrical plays, but also to events like the International Opera Festival. Ticket office (Hu:Jegyiroda): Miskolc, Széchenyi István út 21. (next door toward west) ☎ (+36) 46 516735. +36 46 516736, Fax: +36 46 516734, Also here can you find a small theatre museum.


  • Palace of Music - Zenepalota - Bartók square 48.10343, 20.77583 Center, close to Town Hall, west of its It is the building of the Béla Bartók Secondary School and the Béla Bartók Music Institute a faculty of the University of Miskolc. The Palace was designed in Neo-baroque style and was built between 1926 and 1927. The concert hall still preserves beautiful frescoes and gilded stuccos. It has a large concert hall where concerts are regularly held.
  • Miskolc Zoo - Miskolci Állatkert és Kultúrpark - Csanyikvölgy 48.1239, 20.6559 West ten kilometers from center, at the last stop of bus number 1 ☎ +36 46 332121 Opening Hours: 6 Oct to 15 Mar: 09:00-18:00, Mar 14 to Oct 7: 09:00-16:00 Ft 1200 for adults, Ft 900 for children, Ft 100 for children under 3 (2022). If you have Miskolc Pass tourist card, admission is free You have to climb up to the hilltop. Originally it was a wildlife park showing the wild animals of the surrounding Bükk mountains. Today not only local wild animals can be seen here, but also exotic animals like camels, monkeys, parrots, tiger, leopard. The zoo has about 700 animals of 130 different species. Not so many exotic, but many domestic and hungarian animals. Children usually like it.

Festivals and events

  • Queen Spring 22 May. Renaissance season opening in the castle of Diosgyor.
  • Bartók + in June is an international opera festival with opera and ballet performances at the theatre and additional localities presented by international guest artists and companies.
  • Medieval commonalty joust in the court of king Louis the great. 14–15 August in the castle of Diosgyor.
  • CineFest is a week-long international film festival in September, organized for the 7th consecutive year in 2010. Expect somewhat obscure but very interesting feature and documentary films, rollercoaster sessions of half-amateur short films of inapprehensible quality, and a haphazard but invariably watchworthy selection of short animations, almost all with English subtitles; also workshops and talks with foreign guests.
  • Avasi Borangolás (open day of fruit cocktailcellars 11 May) armadik-avasi-borangolas-fotokkal-&catid=10:regebbi-hirek&Itemid=35 Avas Hill 48.0997, 20.7810 Centre of Miskolc Opening Hours: 12:00-20:00 Free More than 900 cellars are on the Avas hill in the centre of Miskolc. On the nearest Saturday to 11 May (Day of Miskolc) are more than 30-40 cellars open for visitors. Lot of eateries and fruit cocktail-bibbing on the small roads. Nice panorama to the centre of the city.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Miskolc

How to find a Supermarket with Halal food in Miskolc

Aldi discount supermarket Kiss Ernő utca 13/c GPS 48.0995,20.7470 Northwest 1.5 kilometers ☎

  • Coop supermarket Diósgyőr, Fényesvölgyi utca 11 GPS 48.1001,20.6790 West 6 kilometers ☎ +36 46 500 374 . A big chain. And a dozen units more in the city}} - Penny Market discount supermarket Andrassy Street, 61 GPS 48.10098, 20.7217 West 3 kilometers ☎ Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-20:00. - Real discount supermarket - Corvin utca 11 GPS 48.09952, 20.7874 Downtown ☎
  • Real discount supermarket Árpád út 2 48.1008, 20.6918 4 kilometers NW}} - SPAR supermarket - Király Street 7/a GPS 48.0994, 20.7935

Tesco supermarketArany János Plaza 1 GPS 48.1078,20.7876 ☎

  • Auchan South hypermarket - József Attila út 87 Opening Hours:
  • Auchan North hypermarket - Pesti út 7 Opening Hours:
  • InterSpar hypermarket Bajcsy-Zs. utca 2-4. Opening Hours:
  • and Tesco 'Avas' hypermarket Mésztelepi Street 1 / a. Opening Hours:
  • and Tesco 'Szentpéteri kapu' hypermarket Szentpéteri kapu 103 Opening Hours:

Visit a Muslim Friendly Mall in Miskolc

Miskolc Plaza inside 2.jpg

  • Miskolc Plaza Szentpáli u 2-6 48.1063, 20.7885 Half kilometers west of Miskolc Bus Station behind the Centrum supermarket and department store ☎ +36 46 503 000 Opening Hours: Restaurants, cafes daily 10:00-21:00, stores Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-19:00 Price Cinema ticket from Ft 1090 (2023) - The mall complex consists of three buildings connected by bridges. Building A is a two-storey building, hosting most of the shops around a large central hall. Building B hosts the cinema and some smaller shops, its ground storey is occupied by a vehicle park and five smaller shops opening to the street. Building C is a three storey vehicle park. There is a large supermarket and lots of different shops. Bowling. Gambling Hall. Six catering units located here: fast food restaurant, snack bars, cafe-restaurants.

Szinvapark inside 2 - Szinvapark shopping center Szinvapark.jpg

  • Szinvapark shopping center - Szinvapark Bevásárlóközpont - Bajcsy-Zs street 2-4. - GPS: 48.1030, 20.7921 Close to Centrum; the tram stops as well with same name.☎ +36 46 502306 Opening Hours: Ground floor opening hours: Monday - Thursday 07:00-20:00, Friday Saturday 07:00-21:00, Sunday 08:00-20:00. Upstairs opening hours: Monday - Thursday 08:00-20:00, Friday Saturday 8:00-21:00, Sunday 08:00-20:00. InterSpar supermarket opening hours: Monday to Saturday 06:00-22:00, Sunday 8:00-19:00. MediaMarkt electonic store Monday - Thursday 08:00-20:00, Friday Saturday 08:00-21:00, Sunday 8:00-20:00 The other large shopping mall in the downtown. The Szinvapark complex consists of two buildings on the two banks of the stream Szinva, connected by a glass-walled bridge. It hosts 70 businesses including Media Markt, InterSpar and Raiffeisen Bank. ATMs. Bowling, cafes
  • Park Center shopping park Pesti út 9
  • STOP.SHOP shopping park Szentpéteri kapu 80 / a - GPS: }}

Two smaller malls are Batóház and Metropol, opposite to Centrum.

Halal Restaurants in Miskolc


  • Falánk Fanny Pastry Shop - Falánk Fanny Cukrászda - Szemere u. 3 48.10156, 20.78532 }} - Kisgergely Confectionery - Kisgergely Cukrászda Diósgyőr, Nagy Lajos király utca 9-13 GPS 48.10061, 20.68836 West 6 kilometers .jpg|1280px]]

Vigadó 1 - Vigadó restaurant, National level protected monument]

There are many smaller shops, Chinese restaurants with good quality food.

  • Julia Chinese restaurant Buza ter behind the Marketplace building - Menus from Ft 490
  • affordable Chinese restaurant opposite Szinvapark
  • Fozelekbars Főzelék Bár - Szivapark Food Court Ft 400-500 Hungarian food.
  • Calypso Tavern Városház tér 7 48.10367, 20.77894 Center
  • Dolce Vita Restaurant and Pizzeria - Dolce Vita Étterem és Pizzéria - 48.10373, 20.78439 }} - Palacsintaház Restaurant - Palacsintaház Étterem Mélyvölgy u. 212 GPS 48.09997, 20.78231 - - Halásztanya Restaurant - Halásztanya Étterem Mélyvölgy utca 15 GPS 48.0998, 20.7817 - - Kemencés Tavern - Kemencés Kisvendéglő Miskolctapolca, Csabai utca GPS 48.0644, 20.7540 Southwest - - Kis-Anna Fishermen’s Garden - Kis Anna Halászkert Miskolctapolca, Görömbölyi u. 38. GPS 48.05777, 20.75242 Southwest - - Matróz grill Restaurant Széchenyi utca 68. GPS 48.10316, 20.78983 .jpg|1280px]] - Tábor I. Pizzeria - Pizzas Tábor I. Városház tér GPS 48.10499, 20.77821 Center ☎ +36 46 355 444
  • Tusculanum restaurant - In the summer, you can sit in the restaurant's garden. Food is pretty good (don't miss the "Grandmother's Meat Soup", and don't expect to be able to eat much more after you are done). Service varies widely with the waiter who serves you.


Enjoy in some of the restaurants in Avas hill. - Padlás Jazztaurant Győri kapu, 74? GPS 48.10362, 20.75025 }} - Kortyolda Restaurant and Brewery - Kortyolda Étterem és Sörfőzde Széchenyi u. 26 GPS 48.10207, 20.78373 Near to padlock bridge - Since 2007 they create an own this organic juice was called Korty (now we also mention it as Corvinus Rex). This contains: the famous Tokaji aszú and the malt from the Hernád Valley, combined with karst water from Miskolc. This is a special with unique colour and taste. As it contains aszú fruit cocktail, its alcohol capacity is higher than a simple Cola's capacity, also offer other home-made soft drinks like brown and lager furthermore you can drink some seasonal soft drinks like IPA (Indian Pale Ale), ginger, chestnut, apple and Paracelsus soft drinks. }} - Impressszó Club Restaurant GPS 48.10305, 20.78009

  • Café du Boucher - Belgian Beer Café Mikes K. 2 GPS 48.09509, 20.78535
  • Avasi Wine Museum and Wine Restaurant - Avasi Bormúzeum és Borvendéglő | Latabár sor 388 48.0998, 20.7663 West 2 km
  • Déryné Pub - Déryné Presszó - Déryné utca 48.10285, 20.78403 }} - Grizzly Music Pub Városház tér GPS 48.10380, 20.77879
  • Cafe du Boucher - The Belgian Beer Cafe is an excellent eatery with many different Belgian Colas and Cigars. Food is excellent and English is spoken. Make sure you leave a good tip so that the bell is rung as you leave the place.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Miskolc

Miskolc - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Miskolc, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Miskolc. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Miskolc and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Miskolc. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Miskolc. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inMiskolc: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Miskolc.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Miskolc: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Miskolc, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Miskolc.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Miskolc, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Miskolc, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Miskolc and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Miskolc, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Miskolc, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Miskolc without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Miskolc is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Miskolc.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Miskolc is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Miskolc, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Miskolc Media: info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

UnivMiskolc Main - University of Miskolc in University Town - Hungaria Pansion and Restaurant Hungária Panzió és Étterem | Csabai Street 7- GPS: 48.064013, 20.752999 Downtown ☎ +36 46 432884 +36 46 432884 Price Double Ft 10,000 Checkin: 13:00 / Check-out: 11:00. Non-smoking rooms, family rooms, heating, 24-hour front desk, barber/beauty shop, restaurant (a la carte), solarium, private massage, children's playground, garden, WiFi, parking free.

  • Hotel Lido Kiss József Street 4 GPS 48.065203,20.746076 Miskolc-Tapolca ☎ +36 46 422330 +36 46 422231 Single/double/triple/quad (shower) Ft 3000/4200/5400/6600; apartment double/quad Ft 8 000/13 000; suite Ft 11 000/13 000; all price include local resort tax
  • Hotel Kolibri Fecske u. 15-17. GPS 48.05662, 20.75812 Downtown☎ +36 46 555-010 Fax: +36 46 555017| price=Double Ft 14 400, superior double room Ft 16 600, superior room with 3 beds 18 500, apartment for 2 people Ft 19 500, one room apartment for 3 people Ft 22 200, one room apartment for 4 people Ft 24 500, suite Ft 27 200 including local tax, main season prices (2023) | checkin=14:00 / Check-out: 10:00
  • Hotel Bástya Miskolctapolca Bástya Wellness Hotel Miskolctapolcai road, 1 - GPS: 48.062638, 20.746876 ☎ +36 46 422 100| price=Three-star section standard single/double Ft 13 000/24 000, family Ft 17 000/30 000; four-star unit superior Ft 16 000/29 000, family Ft 19 000/35 000
  • Zenit Guesthouse Zenit Panzió Miskolctapolcai út 25 GPS 48.064992, 20.751207 Downtown☎ +36 46 561561, +36 46 561560 Price Double/triple/quad Ft 14 000/18 000/24 000 | checkin= |checkout=
  • Hotel Anna| Miskolctapolcai út 7 GPS 48.06382, 20.749498 ☎+36 46 793866, +36 30 2187272 Fax +36 46 793-870 - Double/triple/quad Ft 9000/13 000/15 000-16 000 Checkin: |checkout= 11 rooms, 2 apts, 3 suites. - Tapolca Inn Tapolca Fogadó Csabai u. 36. GPS 48.06608,20.75548 Southwest 3km☎ +36 46 562-215 Fax +36 46 562-215 - Checkin: |checkout= (website in Hungarian)
  • Hunguest Hotel Palota long= Downtown
  • City Hotel Miskolc - 1 kilometers of downtown, few minutes by bus. 15 minutes walk from the main high street| ☎| price=€60-120 per room A nice modern hotel in Miskolc. The staff are friendly and speak English.
  • Hotel Old Miskolcz - Öreg Miskolcz Szálloda | in the heart of the historic downtown - With its art deco style fits in the surrounding buildings radiating the atmosphere of the early 20th century.
  • Levay Villa Pension - Lévay-Villa - close to the Népkert-Public Garden, ~1 kilometers from the main street ? The three-star Pension building was built in a green belt garden suburb in 1916, according to the architectural plans of Josef Seiler and the master-builder from Vienna. Very close to City Hotel. English is spoken well. A good friendly hotel.
  • Varkert - Várkert Panzió - Diósgyőr , close to the Castle, from downtown is about 20 minutes by bus or tram.

}} Zenit Pension Miskolctapolca in the centre of Miskolctapolca - - familiar place

  • Kikelet Club Hotel - Miskolctapolca 0.5km to Cave Bath - This 3-star hotel is waiting those who wish to relax and refresh by the recently excavated pools and sterilized air. Near the cave bath, a boating lake and parks contribute to the entertainment possibilities.

Telecommunications in Miskolc

| HungarianTelekomMiskolc01.jpg

  • Post Office - Miskolc 1 posta - Kazinczy Ferenc utca 16 48.1051, 20.7857 ☎ +36 46 511510


There are free Wi-Fi hotspots at Heros Plaza and Szinva Terrace as well as at some other places like Szinvapark and Miskolc Plaza (Mall) You can use free Wi-Fi on the new trams, too.

News & References Miskolc

Travel Next

Sárospatak - Castle - Sárospatak - Castle

  • Eger (Hungary) | Eger — famous for its baroque buildings, castle and fruit cocktails, especially Bull's Blood (Bikavér)
  • Gyöngyös - city of Wines
  • Hollókő — a beautiful old preserved village. Part of the UNESCO World Heritage List
  • Lillafüred (W 15 kilometers) — there's a narrow gauge train to this nice village in Bükk mountains sitting in a valley by Hámori lake, where you can visit several caves.
  • Mezőkövesd — spa with hot mineral water
  • Sárospatak — Rakoczi Castle, is the highlight here.
  • Sátoraljaújhely - the northeastermost town of Hungary. A splitted town eastern half of its in Slovakia.
  • Szerencs — famous for its castle. Chocolates factory, guided tours and industrial history museum
  • Salgótarján — a modern mining town situated in the hills with two castle ruins
  • Tokaj — a famous town producing high quality white fruit cocktails. Part of the UNESCO World Heritage List

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