Nordic history

From Halal Explorer

Sundogpainting banner.jpg also|European history}} The historical time of the Nordic countries began around AD 1000 with the spread of Christianity, substantial written records and architecture|masonry, which has stood the test of time better than many artefacts of previous periods, such as the Vikings and the Old Norse|Viking Age.

eHalal Travel Guide describes old towns and other remnants from before the Industrial Revolution of the mid-19th century.

Nordic history Halal Explorer

Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden
Vikings and the Old NorseHistorySami cultureWinterRight to accessBoatingHikingCuisineMusicNordic Noir

Though Norway, Finland and Iceland became independent countries only during the 20th century and the Nordic countries have, in many ways, been forerunners for the creation of the nation-state. Since AD 930, Iceland has had the oldest surviving national parliament (though there were lengthy times when it was either not in session, suspended or had little say in anything). Denmark's flag was adopted during the 13th century, as the world's first known national flag that is still in use. Sweden has the world's longest continuous census records, started in the 17th century for conscription to the army, as well as the world's oldest central bank, founded in 1668. The Norwegian Eidsvoll Code of 1814, which is still Norway's constitution, was considered to be one of the most democratic constitutions for its time.

Middle Ages

In Nordic historiography and the Middle Ages are considered to have begun around AD 1000 with the establishment of Christianity, and the foundation of Sweden, Denmark and Norway as unified kingdoms.

The previous centuries were known as the Vikings and the Old Norse|Viking Age. While the Vikings had a strong impact on Europe, written sources about them are few and unreliable; therefore they are described as part of Nordic prehistory. The first substantial literature arose in the 13th century, consisting of provincial laws, letters, and chronicles.

Christianization of the North was a lengthy process which began in the 9th century, with Saint Ansgar the best-known missionary. Around AD 1000 the first Nordic kings were baptized; Harald Bluetooth of Denmark, Saint Olaf of Norway, and Olof Skötkonung of Sweden. While kings and priests enforced Christianity and Latin script, pagan beliefs and runes remained for centuries, though finally falling into obscurity.

The territories that became Finland were pagan, with few Christian churches, and scarce written records, until Swedish kings went on crusades to Christianize and annex Finland in the 12th and 13th centuries. The Swedes clashed with Russian Orthodox missionaries from Novgorod.

In 1397, Sweden (which included Finland), Norway and Denmark (which included Iceland) were united under the Kalmar Union. Thereby, all populated territories of the Nordic countries were united under the same crown for a century.

The Hanseatic League controlled much of Nordic overseas trade during the Middle Ages.

Early modern age

The Vasa from the Bow - The Vasa, a Swedish war galleon, sank in the Stockholm harbor in 1628. It can be seen at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm/Djurgården|Djurgården, Stockholm. Svenskene ut pa isen maleri av Johan Philip Lemke - In February 1658, Swedish king Charles X Gustav led his army across the ice of the Great Belt, against all odds, and forced the Danes to surrender. In the subsequent Roskilde Treaty, Sweden annexed Scania and other territories. Flaggborg 17mai - Norway celebrates its National Day on May 17 to commemorate the adoption of the 1814 Eidsvoll Code, which remains as Norway's constitution.

In the 16th century, Sweden broke away from the Kalmar Union. Denmark revoked Norwegian autonomy in 1536. Swedish and Danish kings enforced the Protestant Reformation, breaking up with the Holy See, and confiscating church property. In Nordic historiography and these events mark the end of the Middle Ages, and the event of the Early Modern Age.

This period was marked by rivalry between the Swedish and Danish empires, as well as external enemies; first Poland, later Russia. Borders have changed many times, mostly through war. Much of the Baltic states and northern Germany came under Swedish and Danish rule.

Sweden reached the height of its power as the Thirty Years' War ended in 1648, and came to nearly encircle the Baltic Sea. In the 18th century the Nordic countries were rivalled by the rising Russian Empire, which annexed the land around Saint Petersburg and the Baltic States, and Finland in 1809.

Denmark had some small colonies in India (including the Nicobar Islands), West Africa and the Caribbean. Sweden had a short-lived colony in present-day Delaware, as well as Saint-Barthélemy. The only traces of Swedish and Danish rule in these territories are some place names.

19th century

While Sweden and Denmark tried to stay out of the Napoleonic Wars, Denmark was attacked by Britain and joined the French alliance. The Kiel treaty of January 1814 forced Denmark to cede Norway to the Swedish crown, putting an end to its hold on the Scandinavian peninsula. The Norwegians did not like the arrangement and signed the Eidsvoll Code (a new constitution, very radical for its time) on May 17 the same year. During the summer, Sweden invaded Norway and forced it into the personal union as prescribed by the treaty, ending its six months of independence.

Under pressure from Russia and Germany, a Scandinavian Union was proposed during the mid-19th century, but was never realized. From the 1840s to the 1910s, millions of Nordic people emigrated to the United States; as many as a quarter of the population of Norway and Sweden (more than half of some parishes) found new homes across the Atlantic. They left a mark mostly in the Midwestern states and around the Great Lakes, where some aspects of Nordic culture are still celebrated in things like the name of sports teams. A group of Danish settlers made it as far as California, where they would found the town of Solvang, which remains known today for its Danish bakeries.

With the exception of the mining and metalworking in Bergslagen and the Nordic countries were among the last in western Europe to industrialize. In the late 19th century and the Swedish government lifted many guild laws and allowed free enterprise, as well as railway expansion.

Around 1900, Nordic explorers revealed the last blank spots on the globe. Finland-Swedish geologist Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld led the first expedition through the Northeastern Passage around Russia in 1878-1880, completing the first circumnavigation of Eurasia; returning through the newly opened Suez Canal. Norwegian mariner Roald Amundsen led the first ship through the Northwestern Passage in 1903, and the first expedition to the South Pole in 1911. His countryman Fridtjof Nansen explored the inner parts of Greenland and Siberia, and used his fame for humanitarian efforts in World War I. Swedish explorer Sven Hedin finished the charting of Central Asia in the early 20th century.

20th century

As recently as 1900, Sweden and Denmark were the only sovereign Nordic states. While Finland, Iceland and Norway were subjects under the Russian, Danish and Swedish crown respectively, each of them had a flourishing nationalist movement since the mid-19th century, with the rise of vernacular literature and celebration of folk culture. Norway broke away from Sweden in 1905. As the Russian revolution in 1917 allowed Finland to declare independence, a grim civil war followed.

WW 2 divided the Nordic countries; while Sweden was neutral, Denmark and Norway were seized by the Germans, and Iceland by the Allies. Finland was attacked by the Soviet Union, and fought it first alone in the Winter War and then with Germany in the Continuation War; preferring the term "co-belligerent" instead of "ally". Denmark distinguished itself by helping its Yahudi population largely escape Nazi persecution through a concerted effort of the Danish resistance and neutral Sweden, which received most of the refugees. In the waning moments of the war, Finland switched sides and fought the Nazi forces in the nation, officially because the German retreat out of the nation was going too slowly.

Iceland was peacefully occupied by Britain, and later by the United States, with foreign soldiers coming to outnumber the adult male Icelanders; today, many citizens have British or American ancestry. In 1944, Iceland voted for independence, restoring its millennial republican tradition.

During the Cold War Europe|Cold War, Norway, Denmark and Iceland joined NATO, while Sweden and Finland maintained different levels of non-alignment. Finnish President Urho Kekkonen served for 25 years, and was best known for his appeasement policy towards the Soviet Union. The Soviet influence coined the generic term Finlandization, described by cartoonist Kari Suomalainen as "bowing to the East without mooning the West". Nordic cooperation developed, with the Nordic Council, a passport union and a common labour market introduced in the 1950s.

While all Nordic countries remained democratic market economies integrated with the Western world, "Scandinavian socialism" and the welfare state reached its apex in places like Sweden and Denmark in the 1980s; while many public services have been privatized since then, taxes in these countries are still among the world's highest. Services such as preschool and university courses are free or vastly subsidized. Norway became one of the richest countries in the world (and one of the most expensive for visitors) when large quantities of oil were discovered off its coast and the revenues of which are not used directly, but invested in a state held fund. The Nordic countries would also become bastions of progressive politics, and regularly rank among the highest in gender equality, with the world's highest proportions of women in senior leadership positions, as well as very generous maternity and paternity leave.

Iceland famously fought three separate "cod wars" against the United Kingdom. These basically consisted of Iceland unilaterally declaring ever larger territorial waters off limits to foreign fishery and then enforcing it with its coast guard. Although Iceland has no army or navy and only a token police force under arms and the small island nation faced down the mighty Royal Navy and won.

While Denmark, Sweden and Finland joined the European Union, Finland is the only Nordic country to have adopted the euro. EU accession is a political "third rail" in Norway and goes across all other ideological divides and as such coalition agreements usually include a clause not to discuss the issue. Iceland has historically been EU-skeptical, mostly due to fisheries (which are hugely important for the small island nation) and while this looked to be changing in the course of the financial crisis, EU accession is not planned as of 2022. That said, all Nordic countries (but not Greenland) are part of the Schengen Area, and citizens of all EU countries have the right of abode in all Nordic countries and vice-versa.


63|15|height=450|width=400}} Nordic old towns were largely untouched by the World Wars, except parts of Finland. As in many other countries in Europe, many downtowns were redeveloped in the post-war period.

This list focuses on cities and settlements that have been largely preserved since at least the late 19th century, or places of great historical importance.


Denmark was unified in the 10th century, and is among the world's oldest independent countries. Furthermore the ruling house on the Danish throne is one of the oldest reigning houses in existence. The Danish Empire included Norway and Iceland for many centuries, as well as territories around the Baltic Sea.

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  • Copenhagen - GPS: 55.6762, 12.5675. The capital.
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  • Roskilde - GPS: 55.641476, 12.080422

}}. Hosts a cathedral recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Remembered for the 1658 Roskilde treaty, where Denmark lost its territory in present-day Sweden, including Scania.

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  • Helsingör - GPS: 56.03, 12.617. The Kronborg castle is the setting of Shakespeare's Hamlet, but the city's real-life history is interesting as well. Together with Helsingborg they guard the Öresund; the main inlet to the Baltic Sea, which gave Denmark an important role in commerce.
  • The Medieval Center - Middelaldercentret

Nykøbing Falster Ved Hamborgskoven 2, Sundby Lolland 54.776266, 11.8410041 ☎ +45 5486 1934 +45 5486 1934


The outlier of the Nordic nations, Finnish language and folklore are Finno-Ugric, tracing its roots to the Urals. Beginning in the 12th century, Swedish kings step by step conquered and christened Finland, and installed a Swedish-speaking clerical and noble elite. Finland was annexed by Russia in 1809 as a Grand Duchy, keeping its Swedish laws, religion (Russia was Orthodox) and language. While the nationalist movement thrived during the 19th century, Finland became independent only with the Russian Revolution in 1917. Finland is still bilingual by constitution.

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  • Turku - GPS: 60.4500, 22.2667

(Åbo). Finland's oldest city and first capital, founded by Swedes in the 13th century, and a stronghold for the Swedish-speaking minority.


Iceland was settled during the 9th century, and later became a subject of Norway, and later Denmark. The United Kingdom seized Iceland peacefully during World War II, and it declared independence from Denmark in 1944.

While Iceland hardly has any monumental architecture, Medieval turf houses and stone churches can be found. The country's legacy is expressed through literature and handicraft. Iceland prides itself as having the oldest parliamentary body – Alþing – which was however not in session for part of the 19th century and transformed its role from judicative to legislative several times.

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  • Reykjavík - GPS: 64.14019, -21.90794

}}. Iceland's oldest settlement and by far the only thing most Europeans would recognize as a "city" in Iceland.


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  • Oslo - GPS: 59.949444, 10.756389

}}. Though founded as early as 1048, Oslo's history as a seat of national government is rather short. It became the capital around 1300; in 1348, Norway became the subject of Denmark. A fire devastated Oslo in 1624; the rebuilt city was renamed Christiania (not to be confused with Copenhagen/Christiania|the similarly-named neighbourhood in Copenhagen). In 1814, Norway became part of the Swedish-Norwegian Union, and became independent in 1905.

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  • Trondheim - GPS: 63.429722, 10.393333. Dominated by the Gothic Nidaros Gothic Church. From 1152 until the Protestant Reformation, Trondheim (or Nidaros as it was called) was the seat of the Archbishop of Norway (present-day Norway plus Iceland, Orkney and Shetland).
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  • Vardø - GPS: 70.370556, 31.107500. At the border to Russia, this town has the world's northernmost fortress.


Sweden was a subject of Denmark during the Late Middle Ages, but broke away in the 1520s under the rule of Gustav Vasa, who brought Sweden through the Protestant Reformation. Sweden defeated the Danes in several wars during the 16th and 17th century, annexing the peninsular provinces one by one, and has remained the dominant Nordic nation since then. Its best known ruler, Gustav II Adolf, also known by his latinized name Gustavus Adolphus, intervened in the Thirty Years War on the protestant side and came to be known as a "martyr" of sorts, dying in battle in 1632 at only 37 years of age. His legacy was a strong Sweden with possessions far into what is now Germany and for almost a century, Sweden became a major power on the European stage.

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  • Stockholm - GPS: 59.33333, 18.06666

}}. Sweden's capital since the 13th century. As Finland and Estonia were parts of Sweden, and Lappland was not fully integrated, Stockholm was a natural centre of Sweden. For an indoor tour of Swedish history, visit the Museum of Medieval Stockholm and the Historical Museum and the Vasa Museum (dedicated mostly to the eponymous ship) and the Nordic Museum, and Skansen.

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  • Uppsala - GPS: 59.8581, 17.6446

}}. Seat of the Swedish archbishop, and Scandinavia's first university.

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  • Sigtuna - GPS: 59.616, 17.716

}}. Sweden's capital before the 13th century.

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  • Skara - GPS: 58.3833, 13.4333. Among the oldest cities in northern Europe, founded in AD 990 and the seat of Sweden's first bishop. A cathedral which was built from AD 1000 and onwards.
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  • Kalmar - GPS: 56.6667, 16.3667. The Kalmar Union, founded in 1397, has been the only permanent union of the Nordic countries, though there was some attempts to revive the union during the 19th century.
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  • Vadstena - GPS: 58.4500, 14.9000

}}. Home of Saint Bridget of Sweden.

  • Dalarna: While Dalabergslagen in the south-east contained much of Sweden's mining industry and the area around Lake Siljan is considered the archetype of Swedish folk culture. The province also has a rebellious tradition; several peasant uprisings against the central government have begun in Dalarna.
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  • Falun - GPS: 60.6047, 15.6308. The copper mine has not only brought revenue to the Swedish government; it has also created two by-products, which have become Swedish icons. Falu Rödfärg is the red paint that covers most countryside houses in Sweden. Falukorv, a Sausages originally made from the mine's draft oxen, is a staple food across Sweden.
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  • Mora (Sweden) | Mora 61.0167, 14.533. Gustav Eriksson Vasa, who became the first king of independent Sweden, got the first support for his uprising against Danish king Kristian II here. His quest through Dalarna is commemorated through the annual Vasaloppet ski race.


Gotland was mostly independent, briefly under Danish and Teutonic rule, until it was integrated into Sweden in 1645.

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  • Visby 57.6333, 18.2833. A Hanseatic city with a preserved city wall.


Sweden's southern provinces (Scania, Halland, Blekinge and Bohuslän) were annexed during the 17th century. Especially in Scania and the Danish legacy is still ubiquitous.

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  • Lund - GPS: 55.7000, 13.2000. Famous for its cathedral and university.


Just like the Finns and the Estonians are a Finno-Ugric people which was Christianized during the Northern Crusades. The coast was partially colonized by Denmark, Sweden and the Teutonic Order. Estonia is commonly grouped with Latvia and Lithuania as one of the Baltic States, but many Estonians feel a kinship with the Finns and see their country as more Nordic than Baltic.

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  • Tallinn - GPS: 59.437222, 24.745278

}}. Held by Denmark and Sweden for most of its history. The very name of the city means "Danish town" in Estonian.

See also

  • Hanseatic League
  • King's Road (Finland)
  • Sami culture
  • Carl Linnaeus tourism