
From Halal Explorer

Caribbean default banner.jpg XelaParqueCentral2007Jsbarrie - Pasaje Enrique in Parque Central

Quetzaltenango, commonly called Xela (pronounced SHAY-la) or Xelaju, is the second largest city in Guatemala. There are a number of attractions in town, and it's also a good base for adventuring Guatemala's Western Highlands ("Los Altos"). Situated at the southwest of the nation and the surrounding department has a variety of landscapes extending from the cold highlands to the warm Pacific coast. There are numerous volcanos and thermal spas (Muslim Friendly), valleys, mountains, rivers. The region provides a harvest of numerous products such as Coffee, wheat, fruits and vegetables, and has sheep and cattle breeding.

Quetzaltenango Halal Travel Guide

The city of Quetzaltenango and the capital and largest city of the department of the same name, is situated on an extensive plain and surrounded by hills and volcanoes. The city of Quetzaltenango conserves the old K'iche' Maya traditions and the colonial past, while maintaining the dynamism of modern life.

The city's roots go back to the Pre-Columbian Maya era. The Mam authority, called Kulahá, reached its most important expansion. The K'iche' lords later conquered the area, and founded the city of Xelajú here, moving it from a previous location at the base of the volcano Santa Maria.

The city was already some 300 years old when Spanish Conquistadors came to conquer Guatemala in the early 1500s. Their native allies the Nahuas from Central Mexico called the city "Quetzaltenango", meaning "the place of the Quetzal bird" in the Nahua language. The Spanish took the name from the Nahuas. It's still the city's official name, but residents are more apt to casually call it "Xela" from the ancient name of Xelajú.

It was the administrative capital of the Western Highland region in the Spanish Colonial period. With Central American independence from Spain in the 1820s it was part of the Central American Federation. Conflicts between the interests of Quetzaltenango and Guatemala City led to the creation of "Los Altos" and the "Sixth State of the Central American Confederation", consisting of Western Guatemala (and a slice of what is now part of Chiapas Mexico) with Quetzaltenango as its capital. When the Central American Federation fell apart in 1839-1840, Los Altos was briefly a de-facto independent state, until the army of Guatemalan dictator Carrera brutally conquered the city and hung its leaders.

The city enjoyed prosperity with the boom in coffee production in the late 19th and start of the 20th century, when many of the city's "Belle Époque" style monuments still seen were built. Plans for a railway to Quetzaltenango dated back to the 1890s, and construction was started in the 1920s and finally completed in 1930. The "Ferrocarril de los Altos" was proclaimed the engineering marvel of the age -- until it was destroyed by landslides in 1933. The fabled railroad is still remembered in local song and story, and there's a museum dedicated to it in town.

Quetzaltenango's prosperity declined from the Great Depression through the Guatemalan Civil War in the later 20th century, and for a time much of the city looked on the scruffy side. With the new millennium, however, better times are back. The timeless monuments have been refurbished and new ones added, and the city is more beautiful and vibrant than ever.

Quetzaltecos are proud of their city, its distinct regional culture, and its timeless legacy.

Travel to Quetzaltenango

By car

Use the Panamerican Highway (CA-1) which crosses the Western Highlands (Guatemala) | Highlands or the International (CA-2), parallel to the Pacific Coast (Guatemala) | Pacific Coast.

Travel on a Bus in Quetzaltenango

As with most cities in the nation try to arrange to arrive well before dark since moving around in the city is more complicated and dangerous after dark.

  • From Guatemala City, Chicken bus|chicken buses run frequently from the Trebol hub to the Minerva terminal in Xela for (Guatemala#Money|quetzales). More comfortable direct connections are offered by companies such as Galgos and Linea Dorada (US$9, 4½ hours, office in 16 Calle 10-03, Zone 1, Tel +502 2415-8900).
  • For 1st class buses to Guatemala City, Galgos has its terminal on Calle Rodolfo Robles, at the southern end of the La Democracia market neighborhood in Zone 3, at the end of 18 Avenida. Alamo also has its office in Zone 3, on 14 Avenida, near the junction with 5a Calle, a few blocks northeast of La Democracia.
  • From Antigua (Guatemala) | Antigua, take a Chicken bus from the terminal in Antigua to Chimaltenango for QQ. Get off on the primary street (under a massive concrete bridge), walk one block west to catch one of the buses which go from Guatemala City to Xela,Q0.
  • From many villages around Lake Atitlán, buses go to Xela (from some infrequently, usually early in the morning.) A frequent service goes from Panajachel to Sololá and from there to Los Encuentros. There you can hop on one of the frequent buses from Guatemala City to Xela. Make sure to get to Los Encuentros well before dusk since no buses pass by after a certain hour and it is not a very pleasant place to spend the night.
  • From San Cristóbal in Mexico (as a tourist hotspot well connected to many places in the nation) affordable shuttles go to Xela several times a day. They usually go to Antigua but stop on the way there in Xela. Another option you can get on a micro to Comitán, take a micro from there to the border at La Mesilla, get on a Chicken bus to Huehuetenango, and from there to Xela.
  • From Tapachula in Mexico, micros run frequently to the border between Ciudad Hidalgo and Tecún Umán from where there are frequent buses until the early afternoon to Coatepeque and from there Chicken buses (Q18) to Xela. As the service on both connections in Guatemala terminates relatively early in the afternoon, you should try to leave early in Tapachula.

Get Around

Local buses

For travel around the nationside and the local buses are very reasonable. They can be entertaining and, at times, quite crowded. Do not plan on carrying much luggage with you on these: some buses have backpack storage above the seats, but most of the time you must store bags that do not fit on your lap on the top of the bus. While they are generally safe up there and they are at risk for weather.

These second-class buses will leave at regular times, but if you load your things on the bus, do not get off as the driver may leave without warning.

These buses at the main terminal do make other stops prior to leaving town (7th Street and 16th Avenue, for example).

  • Panajachel - 11AM. This is the bus to the lake.Q0-35 for this trip. Otherwise take any bus to Guatemala City, and change at La Cuchilla (and possibly again in Sololá).
  • San Pedro La Laguna - 11:30, 12PM,1PM, 2PM,4PM & 5:30PM
  • San Marcos - 4AM Monday - 8PM Frequent
  • Cantel & Zunil - 6AM Monday - 7PM Frequent buses
  • Huehuetenango - 4AM Monday - 6PM Frequent.
  • La Mesilla border with Mexico at 7AM, 8AM, 10AM, 2:15PM
  • Retalhuleu & Champerico - 4:30AM Monday - 7:30PM
  • Santa Cruz del Quiché - Leaves hourly, 8AM Monday - 4:30PM


The city has grown vastly in the 2000s. Minibus routes thread through all parts of the city and, although cramped, cost onlyQ.25. The bus costs the same but is slower and less frequent.

When using the shuttle van to get to Pradera (the large mall with a movie theatre and a supermarket) walk a couple of blocks away from urban oasis and at the side of Pasaje Enriquez to catch the van. The guy will call "Hiper Hiper Hiper" and it isQ.25 in the day andQ at night. This same van also drops you at La Democracia Market Utz Ulew Mall and Montblanc Mall (a slightly smaller mall which also has a supermarket).

This is also the van that you catch to get to the Chicken Bus terminal that takes you to Antigua or Panajachel. Most people tell you to get off at the Roman Columns-Minerva Terminal. You can ask someone where the bus station is or just walk north for 4-5 blocks or you can get down at Pradera and walk along side to the east again 4 or 5 blocks until you reach the bus terminal (exert caution).


Taxis are relatively common around the city, especially around nightlife locations. At night, it is not safe to walk around, so taxis are highly recommended, especially if you are by yourself. Catch a taxi on a public square rather than on one of the side streets and note its number. Negotiate the cost of the ride before you leave. If the driver seems sketchy to you, make a reasonable excuse and do not take it, also that is the most safe way to get around especially to catch a bus to Antigua or any other place if you carr a big backpack.

What to see in Quetzaltenango

  • Market - La Democracia - The main market in the city is in Zone 3, covering various city blocks around the covered market, with an enormous variety of produce at cheaper prices than in formal shops (often for identical products). The covered market itself occupies the block between 15 Avenida and 16 Avenida, and 2 and 3 Calle, Zone 3. Fresh Meat is sold inside the covered market, fruit and vegetables outside. Clothes, shoes, and toys are mostly sold outside. Many buses and microbuses pass the market, usually breviated to "La Demo". On the north side of the market is the attractive Parque Benito Juárez, with the San Nicolás Church on its east side.

Historical center

The town conserves traces of the colonial period in its streets and avenues. The classical, neoclassical and Italian renaissance styles are evident in the buildings and the houses which have been built during the past century and the beginning of the 20th, with volcanic stones by artistic "Quetzalteco" masons. Some examples of architectural styles:

  • Espiritu Santo Gothic Church consists of two structures. The "Espiritu Santo" parish's ancient facade (1535/1896) and to the back the "Diócesis de los Altos" (1899).
  • The Municipal Theatre is a very important Neoclassical work.
  • The Central America park (known as "Parque Central): Situated in the old centre of the town is also centre of cultural activities and amusements.
  • The Enrique Passage: commercial building from 1900 facing the urban oasis.
  • Gobernacion: one block from the urban oasis.
  • Municipal Palace: overlooking the park on the east side.
  • Central market: one block below the cathedral, with a number of handicraft shops selling souvenirs, and with food available below.
  • Natural History Museum A small local museum on the south side of the park, with a collection of curiosities including a few Maya archaeological finds (mostly ceramics).
  • The Cerro del Baúl, where one can obtain a beautiful view of Quetzaltenango's valley, day or night (accessible by foot, vehicle or taxi).

Cultural activities

  • Occidental Cultural Centre (La Casa de la Cultura de Occidente)
  • Alliance Française de Quetzaltenango, numerous activities are scheduled all year.
  • Artisans' market: The first Sunday of each month and the "Quetzaltecos" install the artisans' market in the urban oasis where handcrafts from Quetzaltenago and surrounding villages are displayed.
  • Annual fair and festival: September 12-18

Best things to do in Quetzaltenango

  • Study Spanish - Quetzaltenango is well known for its Spanish schools, with a great many available, concentrated in the historic centre of the city. Classes are given on a 1:1 basis, usually with study in the morning and tourist activities in the afternoon, and accommodation provided with a local family.
  • La Pradera - Hiper - Shopping mall with multi-screen cinema that screens the latest Hollywood releases, usually dubbed in (Spanish), but occasionally subtitled.


There are hundreds of volunteer opportunities with organizations and groups in and around Xela, ranging from one day projects to long term placements.

Many of the schools listed above offer opportunities for their students. For other volunteer opportunities, see the list below.

  • Asociación de Mujeres del Altiplano - Web:
  • Asociación Nuevos Horizontes, women's and children´s rights non-profit organization
  • El Nahual Community Center - non-profit - Offers volunteer teaching opportunities in schools around Xela. All are welcome at the weekly organizational meeting held Monday at 5:30PM at the Blue Angel Café.
  • Entremundos - non-profit - Hosts a database of local opportunities, accessible for free. Additional services, including housing, are available with a donation.
  • La Pedrera Community Project - non-profit - Offers volunteer work and internships with an indigenous community.
  • Celas Maya Spanish School - 6a calle 14-55, zona 1 ☎ +502 77658205 -


Fuentes Georginas thermal spas (Muslim Friendly) 02 - Fuentes Georginas thermal spas (Muslim Friendly) near Zunil

Xela is well known for its abundance of volcanoes, mountains, and thermal spas (Muslim Friendly).

  • A number of diferent Tour operators among them Adrenalina Tours organizes daily shuttles to the Fuentes Georginas thermal spas (Muslim Friendly) in the town of Zunil, to areas for hiking and trekking, cultural tours in indigenous villages, walking city tours, or to the tours of the cemetery and soft-drinks factory. There are also shuttles to and from most places in Guatemala, and Tapachula and San Cristobal de las Casas in Mexico, or Copán Ruinas in Honduras. This service is equipped (in the case of Adrenalina Tours and some others) with its own vehicles, bilingual drivers, and certified guides. Offices for all of them are located around Central Park and Adrenalina Tours on the west side of the urban oasis, on Pasaje Enriquez. Information:
  • Caminando Guatemala Specialized tour operator for treks and hikes, on the third floor above Adrenalina. They organize daily hikes to the local volcanoes of Santa Maria, Chicabal, and Santiaguito. They can also arrange multi-day expeditions.
  • Quetzaltrekkers offers trips to local natural wonders at reasonable prices, and extended treks to Lago de Atitlan and the Cuchumatanes. All guides are either foreign volunteers or local Guatemalans. All profits go towards La Escuela de la Calle, a school in the poorest neighborhood of Xela.


The salsa, Bachata scene is very active in Xela. Lessons are affordable and there are lots of clubs.

Study in Quetzaltenango

Xela is an excellent place to take language lessons (both Spanish and some of the Mayan languages specific to the area). There are various schools and NGOs in the city most offer rates based on one week of instruction (approx. 5 hours per day). Some schools offer volunteer opportunities for an additional cost while others offer it for free. Most also offer home stay options, which is an excellent way to make sure you keep practicing at all times. One of the best reasons to learn in Xela is the price. You can expect to pay about US$140-160 per week including home stay. This often includes internet access at the school. Arrangements can be made ahead of time or upon arrival (most schools have multilingual administrators who can help make arrangements via email or phone - some even offer airport pick up from Guatemala City).

  • Casa Xelaju tel 612 235 4307
  • Celas Maya tel (502) 7761-4342
  • Centro Bilingue Amerindia - 12 Avenida 10-27, Zone 1 ☎ +502-7761-8535 Founded in 1989, CBA is one of the oldest language schools in Xela. Its university-trained instructors teach classes in Spanish as well as Mayan languages in a family environment. School profits go to various development projects.
  • Centro Maya Xela]
  • Educacion para Todos]
  • El Nahual Language School 100% Non-Profit Volunteer Led Organization
  • El Mundo en Español
  • El Portal Spanish School A well-recommended, professional, good value and friendly, non-profit institution which uses fees to support the kids of single mothers through a scholarship program.
  • Escuela de Español Utatlan - Highly recommended school by the city's urban oasis, with a friendly atmosphere and very reasonable class rates. Discounts for longer stay and opportunities to teach English in the school to local students.
  • Guatemalensis Spanish School A fairly affordable option with excellent coordinators. Great planned activities and sense of community.
  • ICA]
  • Kamalbe Spanish school and cultural learning centre tel (502)54888 317
  • Kie Balam
  • La Comunidad Spanish School Very good school with English speaking teachers. Also the cheapest rates in the entire city, even US$65 per week cheaper than some! Excellent volunteering activities also.
  • La Democracia]
  • La Paz
  • Madre Tierra]
  • The MesoAmerica Academy
  • Miguel Angel Asturias Spanish School. Offers one-on-one classes, homestay with meals, many volunteer opportunities, and specialized instruction. Optional medical Spanish program with clinic and hospital volunteering. University credit available.
  • Miguel Cervantes School of Spanish
  • Minerva]
  • Pop Wuj - Spanish School Guatemala Non-Profit Organization run by teachers to support sustainable community development. Provides One-to-One Spanish Instruction, Medical (Spanish), Volunteering Spanish for Social workers; There is a clinic supported by the Timmy Foundation located under the school. Medical students come to work at the clinic and learn or improve their Spanish. Living arrangements usually with community based families.
  • Proyecto Linguistico Quetzalteco]
  • Sakribal
  • Ulew Tinimit Spanish School tel (502) 77630516.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Quetzaltenango

There are many opportunities to buy goods in Xela. Mayans will approach you, especially in parks, about selling purses, bags and blankets in the local styles. Markets occur regularly in and around Xela. Remember to negotiate prices-- walking away is often a good way to get the price down a bit.

During the monthly market at the Parque Central on the first Sunday of the month, a row of vendor booths is set up in front of the Municipal building & Catholic Gothic Church (east side of the park) with vendors mainly selling local products. Showing interest & walking away typically elicits price offers at around half of the original quote. For example: my wife decided against a Mayan tablecloth that was originally quoted atQQ0 (a reasonable price) and the vendor's wife proceeded to follow us around the park for a while coming down toQ00 eventually before accepting that my wife simply had decided not to purchase at any price.

Halal Restaurants in Quetzaltenango

  • Churrasquería Cajola This place is bare bones, dirt cheap, and delicious. You can get carne asada, with tortillas, beans, and cabbage for 10 quetzales (USD $1.25). A soft drink will cost another 4 or 5 quetzales. Located just east of Cervecería Nacional, next to the small roundabout.
  • Sabor de La India A great Indian meal fromQ0 to 70, plus drink. Address is 15 Avenida 3-64, Zone 1, next to Vrisa Bookstore
  • Comida Taiwanesa Their specialty is the Taiwanese empanada which is entirely Vegetarian. They'reQ.00 a piece and two will make a decent size Snacks. They also sell soy milk and snow cones with all kinds of toppings. Located south of the Parque Central on 8a calle between 8a avenida and 9a avenida.
  • La Genovese A small Italian Restaurant just two blocks south of the Municipal Theater on 14 avenida A serves great Pastas dishes perfect for Vegetarian, as well as a great selection of Meat based Sauce dishes such as the famous Lasagna Bolognes, Spaghetti ala Amatriciana. You will also be surprised to find gourmet dishes such as Fettucinni with black trouffles and smoked salmon, Penne alla Gorbachov which is penne Pastas with a vodka based Sauces. Part of the charm of this restaurant is its chef Alfredo Trovatti who can entertain you with stories of his travels all around the world.
  • Luna Cafe has the best hot Chocolates (spicy!), and decent food (some original takes on local ingredients & dishes) too. They are closed on Sunday. They are located off the east side of urban oasis on 8a Av between 4a and 5a Calle. Around the junction on 4a Calle, is Bajo la Luna that has an excellent fruit cocktails (seriously) and Cheese plates.
  • Cafe RED is located in Zone 1 on 3a Calle just west of 15a Av. and has delicious Coffee, excellent salads (spinach - no iceberg lettuce thankfully), sandwiches, Pasta, soups, tipico meals, and soft drinks for only 15Q a glass. They are closed on Sunday.
  • El Cuartito Cafe is located at the intersection of 7 Calle 7 & 13 Avenida, Zone 1, a block from the Southwest corner of Parque Central, across from the supermarket La Despensa Familiar. Open daily 8AM Monday - 11PM. This cozy & trendy modern-art-decorated cafe serves amazing coffee drinks (Q10-23 using 100% organic & fair-trade Xela cooperative produced coffee), teas (Q15-20), hot Chocolates (Q12-17), alcoholic (mojitos -Q0; soft drinks -QQ; commercial organic juice -QQ; artisan organic juice -Q0; Irish coffee -Q00), excellent pastries, breakfast plates (QQ0-35), and great Snacks (chips & salsa -QQ, nachos -QQ, quesadilla -Q0). Free Wi-Fi. Live music often.
  • Panorama Restaurante y Mirador - 13 Avenida A, D16-44, Zone 1 ☎ +502 5319-3536, +502 7765-8580 | Opening Hours: Tue-Fri 5-11PM, Saturday to Sun 1-11PMQQ-110Amazing view overlooking central Xela (beside Iglesia Monte Sinai). Sit outside on the lawn as you gaze across the Quetzaltenango valley at the mountains all around. Excellent for celebrating an occasion or impressing that special someone. Specializing in Swiss cuisine and serving delicious fondues, raclette, sandwiches, Pizzas, hamburgers & more.
  • Baviera Cafe - 5a Calle 13-14, Zone 1 1 block west of urban oasis ☎ +502 78799958 | Opening Hours: 7a-8:30p This charming cafe/restaurant offers tables, a lounge/sofa area, flat-screen TV showing sporting events. Serves wonderful teas (from QQ), locally sourced & roasted coffee drinks (from QQ), hot Chocolates (fromQQ), milk shakes (fromQ0), juices/horchata/sodas/soft drinks (fromQ0) as well as soups (fromQ0), sandwiches (fromQQ), salads (fromQQ), pastries (fromQ0), Snacks (from QQ), and breakfasts (fromQ0). Free Wi-Fi internet to paying clients (passcode=11111aaaaa). There are also 3 other locations in Xela.
  • Cafe Nim Sut - 4ª. Calle 9-42, zone 1 Half block NE from Central Park ☎ +502 7761-3083 | Opening Hours: 9AM Monday - 7:30PM Excellent location & service, with a terrace & panoramic view. Offers delicious breakfasts, Snacks, lunches, & dinners. Lunch specials every day justQQ. Also offers a variety of Coffee, cappuccino, espresso, latte and more. Can plan/host events & gatherings. Also a hostel with nice rooms decorated in a warm style. Offers wi-fi internet access to clients.

Don't drink the tap water. Some hostels will have a water filter, which many drink from, and it seems to be safe. Otherwise, drink purified water (agua pura).

Cabro, which some consider one of the best soft drinks in the world, is made locally in Quetzaltenango. Another local Gallo, is more like the Bud Lite of Guatemala -- bland, available everywhere, and sponsoring everything.

If you like dark try the Moza, another local it's some people's favorite. Shop at the stores and return Moza bottles for credit but not all bottles will receive a 1 Q credit.

  • El Cuartito Cafe is located at the intersection of 7 Calle 7 & 13 Avenida, Zone 1, a block from the Southwest corner of Parque Central, across from the supermarket La Despensa Familiar. This cozy & trendy modern-art-decorated cafe serves amazing coffee drinks (Q10-23 using 100% organic & fair-trade Xela cooperative produced coffee), teas (Q15-20), hot Chocolates (Q12-17), and many alcoholic beverages (mojitos -Q0; soft drinks -QQ; commercial organic juice -QQ; several styles of artisan organic juice -Q0; Irish coffee -Q00). Free Wi-Fi. Open daily 8AM Monday - 11PM. Live music often.
  • Baviera Cafe - 5a Calle 13-14, Zone 1 1 block west of urban oasis ☎ +502 78799958 | Opening Hours: 7a-8:30p This charming cafe/restaurant offers tables, a lounge/sofa area, flat-screen TV showing sporting events. Serves wonderful teas (from QQ), locally sourced & roasted coffee drinks (from QQ), hot Chocolates (fromQQ), milk shakes (fromQ0), juices/horchata/sodas/soft drinks (fromQ0) and food (see "Eat" section). Free Wi-Fi internet to paying clients (passcode=11111aaaaa). There are also 3 other locations in Xela.
  • Dos Lobos Panaderia y Cafe | Web: afe/496095010406008 2a calle, 14a-32, Zone 1 a few blocks northwest of urban oasis ☎ +502 77617023 - US$9 Cafe negro, $11 Bagel with cream Cheese A cute cafe owned by a lovely pair of American expats. The bagels are fresh and home made and very delicious. Definitely worth a visit.
  • Chill Out - 3 blocks west of urban oasis Opening Hours: 12am-4amQ0 entrance fee Bars in Xela close by law shortly after midnight. Chill Out defies this rule and provides the after party on most nights. The place can get packed with local students on weekends. The music is danceable but relatively low volume and most people just come here to chat with their friends. If you show up early (before they officially open) you might be able to get a voucher to get in for free later.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Quetzaltenango

Quetzaltenango - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Quetzaltenango, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Quetzaltenango. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Quetzaltenango and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Quetzaltenango. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Quetzaltenango. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inQuetzaltenango: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Quetzaltenango.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Quetzaltenango: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Quetzaltenango, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Quetzaltenango.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Quetzaltenango, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Quetzaltenango, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Quetzaltenango and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Quetzaltenango, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Quetzaltenango, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Quetzaltenango without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Quetzaltenango is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Quetzaltenango.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Quetzaltenango is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Quetzaltenango, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Quetzaltenango Media: info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Quetzaltenango has a variety of accommodations for a variety of budgets, though global Muslim Travelers will find the prices and facilities in the "high end" accommodations more like that of mid-range places in larger world cities. It is best to always ask to see your room before moving in to it; whether budget or more pricey, some rooms in the same place can often be much better or worse than others. At cheaper places don't expect hot water or heat unless you ask for it; in some the "heat" may be wood to put in a fireplace that you have to order and pay for by the bundle.

  • Casa Argentina | Diagonal 12 8-37 Friendly and central, very close to a small fruit and grocery market. Home of Quetzaltrekkers, a non-profit trekking company. It has a wi-fi (or use their computer), kitchen (a bit dirty and run down), hot water (use the top one - hottest, and it's solar. for a Dorm room, for a single room. If you are going to be in Xela by the week tell Leanora when you pay-May 2010-there is a weekly rate at least for the superior Muslim friendly room with bath. Some find this a great kicked back place, but do check your mattress for signs of bed bugs.
  • The Black Cat Hostel is in the old House Kahel (13 av 3-33 zona 1), located one block from urban oasis, with a patio where you can obtain breakfast or sit in the sun. Both travelers & local residents gather in the restaurant, so you can training your Spanish. If you are a big breakfast eater and the extra $ for the room is well worth it - breakfast of your choice from a menu until 11AM. Wi-fi internet included. Rooms with wheelchair access. Visa card accepted. Pets accepted. No smoking but smoking area provided. ☎ 77658951 or 77612091. Prices: dorm bed (with shared bathroom) - , Private room (with shared bathroom) -QQ0, Private room (with private bathroom) -Q00.
  • All prices include breakfast.
  • Hotel Pension Bonifáz - 4a. Calle 10-50 Zone 1Just off the Central Plaza ☎ +502 761 4241 - One of Xela's superior Muslim friendly accommodations since 1935. Convenient location; offers parking for those who came with a car. On the pricey side for Quetzaltenango. Even if you decide to stay somewhere cheaper, you may wish to stop by the fashionable restaurant for a meal or a cocktail.
  • Casa Doña Mercedes - guest_house@ ☎ +502 5687-3305 - is off to the southeast corner of central parque at the junction of 6a Calle and 14 Av. The rooms run US$11/night for the shared room, $70/week for a superior Muslim friendly room (both with shared bath), and $110/week for a superior Muslim friendly room/bath. The private baths hot water coming from a water heater. There is a sun room, kitchen, TV in the rooms, and the staff cleans your room every day. Also and they will do your laundry for 30Q/load.
  • Hostal La Estacion 16 Avenida 1-23 Zone 1 ☎ +502 7761-8065, +502 7761-0219, +502 5407-9583 (cell) - The hostel is located not far south of Mercado de Democracia and is a short walk to Parque Central.Q0 for a room with two double beds (similar to dorm style) and for a room with one bed. There is also a affordable single room on the terrace that costs aboutQ0 per day. If you stay for a week or a month you can get a cheaper rate. You can also buy great home cooked food for a meal. The hostel is run by a very nice woman (Doña Maria) who has years of experience hosting backpackers. It has a fully equipped kitchen, 24 hr. hot water, free bicycles that guests can borrow and a family atmosphere.
  • Itzamna Xela Homestay - is a service placing travelers with a family for a homestay. They can accommodate stays of a few days to months.
  • Casas Luna De Xelaju - Nice two storey house with 3 beds, 2.5 baths with garage and apartments 2 beds, 1 bath.
  • Hotel Modelo - 14 Ave A 2-31 zone 1 14.838046, -91.521453 - +502 77612529 Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: 12PM US$30 up Owned and operated by the same family for over 100 year the Hotel Modelo offers old world charm in the heart of Quetzaltenango.
  • Hotel Real Virginia | 11 Avenida 8-11, Zone 1 More quiet than many of the hotels right in the heart of downtown
  • Posada San Andres 4a calle, D12-41, Zone 1 ☎ +502 54815000, +502 77669826 - a month Located next to Bab's Home, 5 blocks from the park, 7 huge rooms surround a colonial courtyard. Guests share a kitchen and two bathrooms with hot water. Wi-fi internet also available. Perfect for more long term guests.
  • Casa San Bartolomé, B&B - 2da ave. 7-17 zona 1, Barrio San Bartolomé one block from Parque Bolívar, take 6ta, Calle from Parque Central ☎ +502 7761-9511Q05-350 A quiet, clean and comfortable bed & breakfast with very nice gardens. The hotel has six bedrooms and two equipped and furnished apartments, all with private bathrooms and enough hot water. Rates include full breakfasts to select from a six options menu. Special rates for longer stays. Free Wi-Fi.
  • Hotel Villa Real Plaza - 12 Ave & 4ta Calle Zone 1 - US$30 up Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: 11AM The Villa Real Plaza sits on the same block as Quetzaltenango's wonderful Central Park. It is a lively area with lots of restaurants and dining. Nice rooms, hot showers with Cable TV in every room.
  • Casa Xelajú - Callejón 15, Diagonal 13-02, Zone 1 - GPS: - US$35/day for the house which include three bedrooms Offers two-story house for rent and 10 apartments with big windows where you can see the city, mountains and volcanoes. They are completely furnished including central heated water, washing machine, a dining room, living room, full kitchen and three bedrooms/one bedroom, two bedrooms and balconies. Located five minutes walking distance from the Central Park, in the Historic Center of the City. Free unlimited high speed Wifi, 24/7
  • Hotel Casa Mañen - 9a Av. 4-11, Zone 1. ☎ +502 7765-0786 - Casa Mañen is a wonderful bed and breakfast located two blocks from Parque Central. The service is first class and the staff dedicated to helping visitors. Whether short or longer stay, this hotel is a few blocks from many schools, attractions and the night life of Xela. The rooms are comfortable, each with its own character.
  • Hotel Casa del Viajero - 8 av. 9-17 zona 1 ☎ +502 77614594, +502 77615297 - US$10+ Well-known colonial style traveler's home located in the historic center, a few blocks from Central Park. Offers: rooms with private bath, hot water, cable TV, Wi-Fi, breakfast and dinner, parking, Event room. Prices start at per person in single, double or triple rooms.
  • Flora Inn Hotel - 12 av. 3-61 Zone 1 ☎ +502 7761-2326 - Single roomQ90, double roomQ70, triple roomQQQ, extra personQQ, additional bed , breakfast Located at the urban oasis, based on the European hotel tradition. Nice, spacious rooms. Great for business travel.
  • Loc Chocoyos Casa Siguan - 7 calle 15-20 zona 1 ☎ +502 77616497 - Dorm , superior Muslim friendly room per preson 2-3 beds per room, private bathroom, hot water, wi-fi internet included, breakfast included, restaurant & bar adjacent, laundry, bed linens included, towels included, luggage storage, guest kitchen use, reception 24 hours, common room, no smoking, taxes included, pets accepted. Its cultural center (meeting room) often hosts music events and theater, poetry, art exhibits, photography, etc. Sister bar "Ojala" offers a smaller venue.
  • Hostal Don Diego - 6 calle 15-12 zona 1 ☎ +502 77631000 - Dorm per person, double room , triple roomQQQ. Single room w/ small bed per person. Single room w/ bigger bed per person. Friendly environment, comfortable & very clean. Meet people from all over the world. Wi-fi internet access, parking, laundry, bed linens included, accepts credit/debit cards, towels included, luggage storage, guest kitchen use, reception 24 hours, travel information, common room, bicycle parking, no smoking, taxes included in prices, smoking area.
  • Hotel El Centro 10 calle 11-69 zona 1 ☎ +502 77631357, +502 77650620 - FromQQ0 per person, breakfast included. Children under 5 are free. 3 blocks from Central Park with 24-hr reception. Rooms have hot water, cable, wi-fi internet & free parking. Towels & bed linens included. Visa cards accepted.
  • Casa Latina - Diagonal 12, 6-58, Zone 1 ☎ +502 5613-7222 - Per night: US$7 for 1 person or $10 for 2 people, per week: $35 for 1 person or $48 for 2 people, or per 4 weeks: $122 for 1 person or $173 for 2 people. $30 deposit per room (returned at checkout if room in good condition) beautiful, new guesthouse, just a few minutes walk to Parque Central and bars/restaurants. Las Flores market is across the street! Casa Latina has a friendly, home-like atmosphere. 2 floors, each with 4 rooms. Both floors have bathroom, kitchen, living room & balcony. Spanish School Sol Latino is just a stone’s throw away, www.spanishschoolsollatino.com Includes wi-fi internet access, parking, bed linens, smoking area, & travel info. Available services include laundry & airport transport.
  • Guesthouse El Puente - 6a Calle 14-55 Zone 1 ☎ +502 7761-4342 - 4 ample sized rooms, 1 with private bathroom (QQ5/day orQQ50/month) & the other 3 with a shared full service bathroom (QQ0/day orQQQ0/month). Located in the rear part of the main Celas Maya Spanish school building/facility, a small hostel used primarily for student residency. Each room accommodates 1-3 guests. Kitchen is shared and fully equipped. Beautiful private sunny garden.
  • 7 Orejas Hostal - 2a. Calle 16-92 zona 1 ☎ +502 7768-3218, +502 5207-3006 - Dorm bed (8 available) - /US$9 pp. Single room -QQ0/$20 (weekly - /$112, biweekly -QQ00/$187, monthly -QQ50/$340). Double room -QQ0/$31 (weekly -QQ95/$173, biweekly -Q170/$290, monthly -Q900/$520. Triple room -Q85/$38 (weekly -QQ90/$225, biweekly -Q800/$374, monthly - /$680) Check-in: 2PM / Check-out: noon A quiet & friendly environment in a cozy atmosphere with rooms decorated in Guatemalan style. Located in the historic neighborhood with easy access to cafes, discotheques, bars, travel agencies, Spanish schools, et al. Wireless Internet, Cable TV, private bathrooms, security storage (bring your own lock), linens & towels, reading light, luggage storage, free continental breakfast, free Coffee, tea & drinking water all day, 24 hours reception, Parking with reservation. Restrictions: No pets, no smoking, no drugs, no visitors in rooms.
  • Hostel Nim Sut - 4ª. calle 9-42, zone 1 Half block NE from Central Park ☎ +502 7761-3083 - Private rooms with private bathQ00 for 1 person. Dorm beds are Excellent location & service, with a terrace & panoramic view. Nice rooms decorated in a warm style. Offers delicious breakfasts, Snacks, lunches (lunch specials every day justQQ), dinners, and a variety of Coffee, cappuccino, espresso, latte, etc. All accommodations include breakfast & wi-fi internet access.
  • Kiktem-Ja | 13 Av 7-18 {{! Zone 1, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala across from Cuartido about 2 blocks from Parque CentralQQ0 Check-in: Noon / Check-out: Noon Clean and comfortable. You may be able to get a discount if you stay a while. The location is unbeatable -- two blocks from Parque Central. Hot showers with good pressure and televisions in the room with both Espanol and English channels.

Telecommunications in Quetzaltenango

Internet cafes

There are dozens of Internet cafes in Xela and free wifi locations.

  • Xela Pages - Computer time rental, printing, scanning, cd/DVD burning, fax service, skype booth with mic and camera. Price from US$0.40 cent/hour up to $1.25/hour - in front of Parque El Calvario 4ta Calle 19-48, Zone 1
  • Alternativas Computer time rental, printing & scanning, Price from $0.50 cent/hour up to $1.50/hour. In front of Parque Benito Juarez - Zone 3

News & References Quetzaltenango

Travel Next

It may be feasible to arrange a tour of the Gallo brewery by calling ahead.

You can spend hours in and around the Mercado de la Democracia in the commercial center of Xela. It is where the local residents shop for most of their needs.

Any concert is worth attending in the Municipal Theater. It is beautiful inside.

Evening marimba concerts are often given on the steps of the Municipalidad on the west side of Parque Centro America.

Walk around town. In the side streets, you'll often come upon a master giving guitar lessons or a group of men practicing Marimba.

Go to a football game: Xelaju M. C. vs anyone. The crowd is animated and the fireworks alone can be worth the price of admission. Don't pay extra for the high priced seats and they remove you from much of the fun. Try to sit in the junction near the band. A "Xelaju M. C." flag to wave costsQ0. Grilled Sausages are less. No alcohol permitted in the stadium.

Fireworks! If it's your birthday, or you just feel like it, spend a couple of Quetzals for a big string of firecrackers. You'll normally hear them any evening or early morning. Yeah bring your ear plugs they usually sound off about 4AM. I understand they are called God Bombs and are used to wake God so He will hear your prayer. It definitely wakes the dogs who bark till the roosters wake and cook a doodle doo until they figure out it is not dawn. Ear plugs.

Weekend nights are also an option, you will find night clubs in all the center, from the Central Park, to the Theatre, forQ0 you can get in anywhere and drink something. Also in some seasons the "14A" is closed to the traffic because of some music festival, concerts, street art exhibitions etc.


  • Zunil is 9 kilometers from Quetzaltenango. Monday is market day. Located on the Samala river and on the main highway leading down the coast, Zunil's people wear attractive clothes made by hand using traditional techniques featuring intricate designs and bright colors. This picturesque town is the center for the worship of "Maximon" or "San Simon" a life-sized mannequin endowed with occult power: Just 8 kilometers from town on the slopes of the inactive Zunil volcano would have found the beautiful "Fuentes Georginas" thermal springs, equipped with restaurant and bungalows.
  • Fuentes Georginas were damaged by tropical storm Agatha in May 2010, but they reopened on March. 1, 2011. Unfortunately and they have implemented a dual admission policy charging foreigners twice what they charge local residents. The restaurant closes at 6:30PM and doesn't serve anything but huevos (eggs) and meager salads after 6PM. The accommodations are rather spartan by any standards but is downright ridiculous for theQQ0/night. However and the room rate includes admission to the pools for two days. It is recommended to take the bus into Zunil early and spend the day at the springs, heading back home at sundown. Admission to the pools for tourists is /day.


The "Quetzaltecos" villages of Quiche and Mam origins, have small places with impressive colonial style churches where the tourist will see the regional handcrafts displayed on market days.

  • Salcajá: 9 kilometers from Quetzaltenango. Market day: Tuesday. local festival on 25 August. Here was constructed the church of San Jacinto and the first of the religious constructions of the region and a beautiful example of colonial architecture. Also famous for its hand-woven "jaspe" materials and unique alcoholic beverages known as "caldo de fruta" " and "rompopo" .
  • San Juan Ostuncalco 12 kilometers from Quetzaltenango. Situated in a valley of the mountainous region, it is the commercial centre for the Mam-speaking villages which border the departament. Here you may acquire musicals instruments, wicker furniture as well as lovely hand woven materials.
  • Almolonga 5 kilometers from Quetzaltenango. Market on Wednesday and Saturday. Annual festival the 26th-29th of June. Known for its variety of vegetables which are cultivated on the smell farms which surround the village. You will also enjoy thermal springs such as "Las aguas amargas" and "El rosario" .
  • Cantel 10 kilometers from Quetzaltenango. Visit the interesting cooperative for handmade blown glass. Chojolom, a small K'iche' archaeological site is located on a hill just outside the village. For a guide, ask at the Municipal offices, in a temporary location in a sidestreet to the right of the Catholic church. K'iaqbal is another small archaeological site with a couple of sculpted stones, on a hilltop past the new General Cemetery.
  • Olintepeque : 7 km from Quetzaltenango. The place where according to legend and the famous Maya-Quiche prince Tecún Uman died in battle against Pedro de Alvarado in 1524.
  • San Andres Xecul : 7 kilometers from Quetzaltenango, in the direction of the "Cuatro Caminos" highway junction, with a colonial-style whose facade is both colorful and picturesque.
  • Volcán Santa Maria, 12,256 feet & Santiaguito. The summit of the Santa Maria Volcano lies at the end of the steep 3-4 hours climb from the village of Llanos del Pinal (located 6 kilometers away from Quetzaltenango). You'll best enjoy the truly awesome view during the clearer weather of the early morning hours. The whole coastal plain lies at your feet, along with the cities of Quetzaltenago and Tapachula, Mexico. You can look down into the very active Santiaguito crater which erupts at least once every hour. You can still enjoy the view minus the ragged hike by driving to the top of the adjacent Siete Orejas Volcano. (10,384 feet above sea level).
  • La laguna de Chicabal, 3 hours by foot from the village of San Martin Sacatepequez (commonly called Chile Verde) (14 kilometers from Quetzaltenango). At this very picturesque crater lake and the sorcerers of the whole region meet on the 3rd of may.

The High Country

  • Totonicapan Near Quetzaltenango, you have to visit the principal town Totonicapan (in the department of the same name). Known for its hand woven textiles and its potteries, and production of wooden masks for traditional dances.
  • San Francisco El Alto Friday this is the site of the Central America's largest market. If you can buy it in Guatemala, you can buy it here, although there is very little aimed specifically at tourists. If you can, drop by the cathedral and see if someone will take you up on the roof for a bird's-eye view of what's going on.

If you go here be on the look out for pick pockets. Also if you have a camera keep it in your hand since a swish of the knife will cut a strap and you will not even know it till you start to take a photo.

  • Momostenango: Wednesday & Sunday: Market. This curious "Riscos de Oro", rock formation produced by erosion.
  • San Cristobal Totonicapan Church and Convent of the XVII.

Toward the Coast

  • El Palmar

Town destroyed by Santiaguito Volcano. Lagoons and tropical vegetation.

  • Retalhuleu 62 km,Cuyotenango y Coatepeque 120 kilometers from Quetzaltenango. Swimming swimmingpool and tropical climate.

Pacific Beach

  • Champerico, Tilapa, Las Delicias, Tulate.

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