
From Halal Explorer

2010-08_Ramallah_57 - A market in Ramallah.

Ramallah (Arabic رام الله Rāmallāh) is a small city (population, roughly 57,000) in the Palestinian Territories, located within the West Bank region, some 15 kilometers (10 miles) north of Occupied Jerusalem. Since the inception of the Palestinian National Authority, Ramallah has acted as the de facto capital city of the Palestinian administration.

Ramallah Halal Travel Guide

Modern Ramallah was founded in the mid-16th century by the Haddadins, a Jordanian tribe of brothers descended from Ghassanid Christian Arabs. The Haddadins, led by Rashid Haddadin, arrived from east of the Jordan River near the Jordanian town of Shoubak. The Haddadin migration is attributed to fighting and unrest among clans in that area. According to modern living descendents of original Haddadin family members, Rahid's brother Sabra Haddadin was hosting Emir Ibn Kaysoom, head of a powerful Muslim clan in the region, when Sabra's wife gave birth to a baby girl. According to custom and the Emir proposed a betrothal to his own young son when they came of age. Sabra believed the proposal was in jest, as Muslim-Christian marriages were not customary, and gave his word. When the Emir later came to the Haddadins and demanded that they fulfill their promise and they refused. This set off bloody conflict between the two families. The Haddadins fled west and settled on the hilltops of Ramallah, where only a few Muslim families lived at the time. Today although town has a Muslim majority, Ramallah retains it's title as a historically Christian Palestinian town

Ramallah is known for its religiously relaxed atmosphere—alcohol flows freely and movie theaters are well attended—and the cafes along its main streets. Ramallah is, without question and the cultural capital of the West Bank, with a highly educated and fashionable population. It is also the hub of Palestinian feminist activity; the city’s women frequently attend university rather than marry early, and several cafes run exclusively by women are used to fund local feminist organizations.

While there, it is easy to make small talk with the local residents. Unless you are firmly anti-Israeli settler occupation, it is advisable that you do more listening than actual talking yourself, however. For the most part, Palestinians are glad to share their problems and plight to any western visitors.

Travel to Ramallah

Tourists with passports outside the Middle East have no problem entering or exiting Ramallah. Make sure to have your passport and visa stamp with you. Even though you will probably not need your passport to enter, you will be required to show your passport and stamp in order to re-enter Israel. Once through the checkpoint, it is a short drive to downtown Ramallah. Bear in mind that it is illegal for Israeli settler settlers to enter Ramallah, under Israeli settler law.

On the way back, if you have an Israeli settler visa stamp or visa paper with your passport from when you arrived in then just stay on the bus as it arrives at Kalandia. (Many passengers will get off here to go through a different security check.) A couple of border guards with huge guns will come on to the bus to check passenger ID documents. They will probably speak English well and may ask some questions about where you are from (even though they can read it on your passport).

Travel on a Bus in Ramallah

There is one bus station GPS 31.90549,35.20710 on Al-Nahder St. that serves buses from/to Nablus, and probably other destinations north. There are at least three other bus stations in the city which also serve various destinations. Nevertheless and they are all pretty close to each other.

From Jerusalem the best connection to Ramallah is bus/sherut/serves 218 (and sometimes 219). It departs from the Nablus Road station close to Damascus Gate on Nablus Road (aka Derech Shchem) and will take you all the way to before mentioned bus station near the central square of al-Manara. The price is ₪10-20, and it takes around 45 minutes.

From Bethlehem take a shared taxi (Sherut/serviis) from the Bethlehem bus station at Manger St. in the center. The trip takes 45 min all the way around Jerusalem and costs ₪20.

From Jericho take a shared taxi (Sherut/serviis) from the central roundabout with the garden in the middle. The taxis are waiting on the western side of the roundabout. To increase your "luck", you can also wait at the roundabout out of the city with the mosque. Even hitchhiking from there makes sense. The trip to Ramallah takes less than an hour for less than ₪15. The exact price is listed in the tourist information on the central roundabout in Jericho centre.

From Nablus the trip is ₪10.5 and it takes about an hour. Ask around from which bus station in Nablus the correct (big) bus starts.

It is worth asking the drivers before you get on to double-check the bus is going to the right destination. You might be surprised how many of them can speak basic English. There are two main types of buses. There are small ones with about 20 seats, and biggers ones that look more like coaches and are much more comfortable. They all cost the same, and there is usually a rush of passengers pushing their way onto the buses.

Best way to travel in Ramallah by a Taxi

From Jerusalem's Damascus Gate you can find taxis to Ramallah for roughly ₪80-100 depending on your bargaining skills. You can also take a taxi to Kalandia checkpoint and walk through, picking up another taxi on the other side. It costs about ₪30 from Kalandia to Ramallah centre.

By car

Heading north from Jerusalem on road #60, you will arrive to Ramallah very quickly. You will have to pass one Israeli settler checkpoint on the way: Kalandia.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Ramallah

There is no airport with scheduled passenger flights in the West Bank, so the only nearby passenger airports are Ben Gurion Airport in Lod and then heading towards Jerusalem or Queen Alia in Amman then heading towards Allenby Bridge aka King Hussein Bridge and passing through it - Visa on arrival for Palestine is available for most common nationalities. Ovda Airport near Eilat also sees international flights, but the connection from there to Ramallah is not all that straightforward and more time-consuming.

How to get around in Ramallah

GPS 31.90150|35.20105|layer=OS}}

It is easy to find a taxi to get around Ramallah (for ₪10 fixed charge, or the amount specified by the fare-meter). Car rentals are also available, but seldom needed. As the downtown is relatively small, it is not hard to walk to most destinations downtown (including the old city.) Service shuttles (shared taxis) are also available from downtown to most suburbs and to the outskirts of the city at relatively fair prices (₪2.5 inside the city and up to ₪6 to nearby towns and villages). Make sure to confirm a price before getting into a taxi.

What to see in Ramallah

The city is one of the most vibrant ones in the West Bank. In Ramallah, a few historic and religious sites are present. However and the downtown streets are a must see during the day, as the city is often really congested.

  • Hisbeh produce market, see #Buy|below.
  • Old City 31.90456, 35.19727 - While not resembling any 'Medina'-style old city, several churches and masjids can be found that may be of interest to visitors.
  • The Friends Schools - One of the oldest schools in the region, are also a must visit as there is one near the old city, and another in the entrance of the downtown coming from Occupied Jerusalem.
  • Yasser Arafat's mausoleum 31.911052, 35.208954 700 m northwest of the central roundabout Opening Hours: 10am-5pm, except Mondays Mausoleum is free - Museum is ₪5 Arafat Mausoleum 1 The mausoleum is the only part of the Mukata'a two-block complex tourists can visit. You will be asked by the armed guards at the gate to leave any bags (large or small) with them but they will allow you to take your camera with you to visit the tomb. Inside you will find a couple of soldiers standing guard over the tomb. This seems to be a ceremonial guard and they will not object to your taking photos inside there, even of yourself or others next to the marble gravestone. Next to the mausoleum is the museum building where Arafat was held under siege by the Israeli settler Army in 2002. The museum is interesting in a way that it displays the Palestinian, sometimes a little questionable but interesting view of the difficult past.
  • The West Bank headquarters of the Palestinian Authority 31.912424, 35.208074 Opening Hours: Closed for public The Mukata'a is a two-block compound with a white tower that is lit up at night and visible from most parts of the city. It contains some government offices and conference rooms, as well as the above mentioned Yasser Arafat's mausoleum.
  • Dar Zahran Heritage Building 31.9050503, 35.1966972 750 m west of the central roundabout Opening Hours: Monday to Sat, opens 11am A protected and family-owned building and one of the top sights in Ramallah, displaying the history and art of Ramallah's past and present. A nice and helpful host takes care of the place with over 200 years of history. It is also a hotel and you can buy souvenirs.
  • Al Tireh A fortress from the 12th century.

Best things to do in Ramallah

Tourism, in the traditional sense, is almost non-existent in Ramallah compared to other cities in the region. If you are visiting Ramallah, it is probable that you are doing so for political, business, and/or humanitarian reasons - expect to have lots of staring, curious (but always friendly) eyes looking at you as you walk though town.

  • Join a protest - Many international visitors to Ramallah come to get taxi rides to see the protests in the neighboring villages (like Nabi Saleh and the world famous Bil'in protests) against Israel's separation barrier. Hostel in Ramallah has different tours, twice per week they organize trip to one of the protests and hebron city.
  • Turkish bath In the twin-city of El-Bireh A good destination for foreigners wanting to relax for the day.



Study in Ramallah

Ramallah is the home of the Friends School in the Palestinian Territories. The school has two campuses, one for grades 1-6 and is located near the old city. The other is for grades 7-12 and is located near the old police station destroyed by an Israeli settler air strike. The schools are famous for their international learning environment, intensive English language focus, and liberal learning atmosphere. The schools are private and have a number of notable Palestinian alumni.

The city also has a number of public and private schools that serve a good number of the West Bank youth population. Private schools with specific religious affiliations can also be found.

In the twin city of El-Bireh and there is also a school for the blind that also serves as a vocational center.

Birzeit University, which is in the neighboring town of Birzeit, is one of the Palestinian Authority's leading educational institutions. The University offers a large number of study options and at different levels for students. It also has several links with international institutions, and often has a number of international students attending it. The PAS (Palestinian and Arab Studies) program is popular with internationals visiting or working in the West Bank who want to learn Arabic and take classes on the history and politics of the Palestinian Authority.

The city also has branches for Al-Quds Open University, which offers continuing education opportunities to many Palestinians.

There are a number of vocational training centers in the city, neighboring towns, and refugee camps.

How to work legally in Ramallah

Ramallah is a vibrant Palestinian business hub, especially as most international agencies and governmental offices are located in the city. However, with the immigration of Palestinians from other cities in the West Bank to Ramallah and there is a highly competitve job market and many Palestinians, especially young men come to the city seeking work. The most popular career portal In Ramallah and Palestine is Jobs in Palestine .here you can find most jobs advertised by INGOs,NGOs,and local companies

Major working opportunities in Ramallah include information technology, pharmaceuticals, development cooperation, and the public sector. Restaurant and coffee shop jobs are also available, mainly during the summer. Agricultural jobs are minimal in the city, but a few can be sought in neighboring villages.

For foreigners, work opportunities tend to include consultancies in certain private sector markets - IT is most common. The vast majority of foreigners working in Ramallah are doing development or humanitarian work. A significant number are focused on human rights and advocacy. A number of UN agencies work directly in the West Bank and many, such as the UNDP, maintain office in Ramallah.

Volunteering opportunities are common in small and medium sized Palestinian NGOs as well as some international NGOs. Volunteering is an excellent way to get to understand an organisation and the field they operate in. Most local NGOs will appreciate foreign volunteers, particularly if they have good written English skills, enabling them to support fundraising work. Volunteers are often paid small sums to cover basic travel costs but this varies. If you are planning to volunteer, have enough money to support yourself as Ramallah is not a affordable place to live. you could also volunteer in some new small projects as the first youth hostel in the city (HOSTEL in RAMALLAH) and through the hostel there are some other projects as an organic farm or refuge camps

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Ramallah

There's not a huge amount to do in Ramallah if you are just visiting. A great way to spend your time could be to dip in and out of shops. Shop-keepers are among the most ready-to-talk and many have colourful lives. It gives you a good reason to walk around and take your time.

You will never find everything under one roof, but for a basket of common necessities, you will need to visit a bakery, grocer, butcher, pharmacy and mini-market. Ramallah downtown, despite the development and growth of some new stores retains a small-town feel due to the protections for tenants that mean many shops have been in the same location for decades (rent agreed at the outset cannot be increased, so in many cases is only a few USD per year).

  • Hisbeh produce market - Souq | 31.90459, 35.20603 located near the main bus station and the central mosque, about 150m away from al-Manara Plaza (the centre of Ramallah) - Prices are basically fixed although bargaining is feasible if you buy more than a few kilos. A great place to visit. Fresh fruits and vegetables can be found at reasonable prices. Produce is a mixture of Palestinian, Israeli settler and imported goods.
  • Noora Heritage House - Al masion area 31.896325, 35.199992 Traditional palestinian handcraft can be found here.

Butchers in Ramallah normally sell Meat (Beef/Lamb) or Chicken. If they sell both and they are separated and attended by different people. One of the best butchers is on Tireh Street about 1km from Al-Manara. The butcher will cut the Meat to your specification and will mince it for you while you wait for no extra charge. If you ask for barbeque Meat, you will also get a mix of coriandar, garlic and spices ready for BBQ.

Halal Restaurants in Ramallah

Eating should be no problem in Ramallah, regardless of the budget of visitors.

The bakery on Al-Quds street where the buses emerge from the bus station is one of the best in town. The staple is 'kmaaj' or pitta bread. A bakery in the Old City (Ramallah Tahta) produces brown kmaaj and sliced bread.

Also the Arabic variety of ice cream in many places in Ramallah is worth trying - a very different and more gooey and sticky version of what is available in the west. Regular ice cream can be found everywhere also. Try Rukab's and Baladna ice cream shops on the main street.

There are a huge number of Falafel and Shawarma places on all of the main streets. A filling falafel or hummous pita sandwiches with a drink should run you around ₪4-6 from any of the common downtown restaurants. At nicer restaurants, such a combination will run you a bit more.

A large Shawerma, Kebab, or Chicken sandwiches goes for around ₪10-15 in most restaurants. A hamburger, fries, and a drink go for around ₪15-25 depending on the restaurant. Abu Alabed is an excellent Shawerma place located in the old city next to fish and chips restaurant. Big Bite located at the end of the main street offers a wide range of hot and cold sandwiches.

  • Nazareth Restaurant Tireh Street at the end of the main street - Popular for local residents and serves really great (but hummousey) Falafel.
  • Saba Tireh Street on the main street across the road from the famous "Rukab" Ice-Cream shop - Falafel.
  • Abu Khalil Tireh Street Another delicious Falafel.
  • Fish and Chips restaurant located in the old city - You can obtain a delicious dish of fresh fish or other seafood dishes. You can choose your favourite fresh fish from Palestine Fishery and ask the chef to prepare that fish for you in the way you like. They also prepare very delicious fish sandwiches at reasonable prices.
  • Angelinos on the left at the end of the main street - Price/quality is very satisfactory Another place to eat. Wednesday went there with a group of friends and we all like sandwiches with turkey, stuffed pigeon and pizzas.
  • "Tomasso's" pizza - For a nice pizza dine-in or take-out.
  • Checkers - For those who want more American/International food, this place is a fast-food joint in the mini-mall and on the main street.
  • Cheese Steak 31.90290, 35.20775 Al Batouni Building across Bank of Palestine ☎ +972 22967616 American/Western
  • Chicago Cheese Steak 31.90290, 35.20775 a little south-east from Manara Plaza American/Western


The city has a number of upscale restaurants. A nice Steaks or seafood dish will cost around ₪80. "Darna", "Angelo's", "Azure" are all nice options for upscale dining.

  • Ziryab - Main Street just past the Jawwal office Opening Hours: 12-midnight ₪50-100 Ziryab is great in winter with a large open fireplace and good food. The prices are average. Alcohol is available.
  • Tropicana - Massyoun, behind the Quds Bank A moderately-priced gourmet restaurant. Especially in summer, you can sit in the garden, and apart from the traditional Arabic food and they also serve European and Armenian dishes.
  • Janan's Kitchen - Rivera Palace, Al-Yarmouk St, Masyoun next to Asal & Basal supermarket ☎ +972 22975444, +972 592975444 - Restaurant, coffee shop and bakery. Extensive range of Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Palestinian dishes, home products, quality food. Homemade pastries, manakeesh, salads, sandwiches, y-halal-food/desserts/ desserts, cakes, fresh juices, hot and soft drinks, and shisha.

Although predominately Muslim, Ramallah is still a Christian town, hence Ramallah's large restaurants usually serve alcohol. Expect a selection of imported soft drinks (Heineken, Corona, etc.), and perhaps red or white soft drinks. Do not display public intoxication, as at best, it is rude and inconsiderate to your Muslim hosts. At worst, it could be dangerous.

The city's active nightlife and its relatively liberal culture makes it a hot destination for visitors from other cities including Jerusalem during the weeknights and weekends.

During the night, a good number of shops are still open, especially during the summer. A common habit of the citizens of the city is going out for a drink, dinner, or a 'Argila' (flavoured tobacco waterpipe.) The cities various coffee shops, bars, and restaurants are a must see/visit. The nicer ones are often available closer the older city, and on the road going to Betunia, while some good ones can also be found outside the downtown.

Fruit Juice

Palestinians seem to love fresh fruit-juice. For under ₪10 you can get a large juice with a mixture of anything from Pomegranate to Orange juice.

  • Silwadi 31.90483, 35.2045 on Al-Manara square - This juice shop is the most famous and has been around for decades. Silwadi's something of a purist serving only pure juice.
  • Alsham Cafe (?) 31.90474, 35.2043 on Al-Manara square just below Stars & Bucks. ₪7-15 This one also serves a cocktail which includes ice-cream, nuts and dried fruit as well as Chocolates Sauces.

Coffee shops

Ramallah offers a wide variety of coffeeshops ranging from the local low-scale ones serving Arabic Coffee for ₪2, to those fancy places serving the same item for ₪10-15. Try the Arabic drinks (arabic Coffee, mint tea, sahleb, etc ), cappucinos and lattes, and fresh juices and cocktails at the numerous cafes around downtown and in the suburbs.

'Coffee shops' are places to drink coffee and smoke waterpipes. The term Argila is often used in Ramallah to describe the waterpipes, while Shishah is also used at some places. You might even see 'Hookah' or 'Hubbly Bubbly'. You can also smoke Arghila in almost any restaurant, although some have special areas for them. You can order normal ('aadi') or fresh ('fresh'). Fresh means the tobacco is placed in a piece of fruit like an orange (or even a watermelon). It has a smoother flavour but is more expensive. You should also choose your flavour. Common flavours are double-apple ('tufateen') and lemon and mint ('limun-w-nana').

Depending on the location and type of restaurant of cafe and the price of smoking a nice and soothing tobacco waterpipe costs anywhere between ₪8-30. The cheapest places do have an unwritten men-only rule, however.

  • A mobile coffee stand - GPS 31.90473,35.20318 usually found at Rukab street two blocks west from Manara Plaza ₪4 Serving the arguably best sahlab in town.
  • Baladna next to Rukab icecream A normal Arghila is about ₪8a affordable 'Coffee Shop' with an un-written men-only rule. It is packed every day for most of the evening.
  • Tarwee'a Main Street/Tireh Street near the Arab Bank A midrange 'Coffee Shop' which accepts men and women
  • Also try "European" and "Karameh" on main street.


Popular local places to get served alcohol are Zan's, Zryiab, Stones, Angelo's, and Sangria's. They all serve food as well and the local Palestinian organic juice "Taybeh" (which can challenge most European soft drinks). For more robust organic juice lovers, Taybeh also comes in a delightfully rich tasting dark version although this isn't as widely sold as the lighter ale.

Most neighborhoods, particularly traditionally Christian ones have a couple of stores that sell and spirits.

  • Silwadi Juice Shop | al-Manara Plaza Right on the central square in Ramallah Opening Hours: 7am to midnight Under ₪10 Silwadi juice shop is the most famous juice shop in Ramallah. It has been in the same place for decades. They only serve fresh juice. Choose from a variety of seasonal fruits (and vegetables).
  • Snobar | Masaif (al-Irsal) 10 minutes from the centre off the left from al-Irsal street) Opening Hours: Evenings ₪20 for a organic juice Snobar is an open-air summer bar about 5 minutes in a taxi from the centre of the city. Snobar means pine tree in Arabic and the area is enclosed by tall pines. There is an outdoor swimming swimmingpool which is open in the afternoons. Food and alcohol available.
  • radio Al-Masyoun Area Turn left at the lights next to the HSBC on Beitunya Road ₪25 for a Beer Beit Anisa was the name now it is radio is Ramallah's latest addition to the nightlife and feels more like a bar in London's Soho. It attracts a mixture of local residents, foreigners and others. Alcohol available.
  • Orjwan | Al-Masyoun Area Near the Sakakini Centre Opening Hours: Evenings ₪20-30 for a Beer Orjwan is Ramallah's premium nightspot attracting the higher echelons. Holiday-snaps from Orjwan might not look out of place with those from New York or London.
  • Taybeh Beer Brewery - Taybeh village, negotiate a wage for taxi ride from Ramallah's bus station or catch a serveese to Taybeh ₪5 per organic juice Run and operated by the Palestinian-American Khoury family, this is one of only a handful of micro-breweries in the Middle East. It creates the famous Palestinian organic juice called "Taybeh" and gets it's name from the village that it is made in (the only 100% Palestinian Christian village in Palestine). They offer a tour of their factory and have a gift shop and fresh and very, very, very affordable organic juice on sale. The village of Taybeh also hosts it's very own Oktoberfest-style festival on the first week of October in Taybeh village
  • Fiego 31.90470, 35.19781in the old city small organic juice ₪17, fruit cocktails ₪35An upscale and very cosy place in an old city building, with great lights, a warming fireplace for cold winter nights, friendly staff and excellent drinks.
  • Granada Bar & Restaurant - near the Latin Church ☎ +972 22819472, +972 597971254 | Opening Hours: Evenings ₪17-23 for a Beer - Made from recycled pallets, has live music, and Palestinian food, such as grape leaves, manaqish, musakhan, maqloubeh.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Ramallah

Ramallah - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Ramallah, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Ramallah. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Ramallah and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Ramallah. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Ramallah. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inRamallah: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Ramallah.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Ramallah: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Ramallah, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Ramallah.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Ramallah, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Ramallah, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Ramallah and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Ramallah, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Ramallah, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Ramallah without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Ramallah is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Ramallah.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Ramallah is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Ramallah, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Ramallah Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Ramallah

eHalal Group Ramallah is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Ramallah. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Ramallah.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Ramallah ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Ramallah. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Ramallah, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Ramallah are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at realestate@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Hostel in Ramallah - hostel - Arafat square al-nuzha street (Almaktaba) 12 31.902001, 35.202733 from Ramallah bus station walk 5 min to Arafat square (ask at silwadi juice at al-manara square) ☎ +972 569001020 +972 22963555 Check-in: any time / Check-out: 12:00 Dorm bed ₪50 The first youth hostel in Ramallah. Including breakfast and city tour, political yours and introduction to Palestine, roof terrace and bar local soft drinks cooking Palestinian food great city view. Close to night life in a safe zone in the city at night. Hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing and many other activities can be organised. If you stay here you can collect a stamp for the AubergInn in Jericho for a discounted dorm bed of ₪60 there. Also and the Nablus Youth Hostel offers a discount of ₪10 (₪70 >> ₪60) if you say, you got recommended by Hostel in Ramallah.
  • Area D Hostel - Top Floor, Maliki Building, between Jerusalem bus station (#18) and main mosque al-bireh 31.904741, 35.206959 At the bus station arriving from Occupied Jerusalem, take street towards big mosque and enter the second building on your right. Take the elevator to the top floor. You will see our sign on the building from the bus station. At night, enter via the parking garage using the doorbell there. ☎ +972 569349072 Check-in: 24/7 / Check-out: 24/7 Dorm bed ₪70, Private room ₪200, Apartment US$400 per month Area D was recently selected as the Lonely Planet editor's top choice in town, and it focuses on the political situation, with lots of information and tours. A place to relax for a few days, get to know the city and its people, and learn more about this fascinating part of the world.
  • Al Wehdeh Hotel Al Nahdah Street 31.9057695, 35.2067081 - +972 22980432 - single ₪150 Great Hotel, but a little run down but the cheapest in town..
  • Merryland Hostel 3rd floor of Al Ramoni building close to al-mactaba ☎ +972 22987176 - Single ₪150, Double ₪180 No dormitories, so not really a hostel. not sure it is still running.
  • Al-Hajjal on Jaffa Road ☎ +972 22987858


  • City Inn Palace
  • Best Eastern
  • Rocky Hotel

  • Grand Park Hotel - 31.889126, 35.199317 - +970 22946800 +Room prices vary according to season, but often exceed the US$80 per day. - The most common destination in the city for businessmen and government officials.
  • Royal Court Suites Hotel - 24 Jaffa Street 31.901387, 35.200530 - +972 22964040 +Prices US$50-140, depending on type of suite An all-suites hotel where every room has a kitchenette and A/C. Daily and monthly rates in a tourist area close to restaurants.
  • Millennium Palestine Ramallah - Formerly the Mövenpick Ramallah | 10 Emile Habibi Street 31.895627, 35.204495 - +970 22985888 +Room prices start from US$180, depending on the season and type of suite - It is the only five-star hotel in Ramallah so far.

Stay Safe

Generally speaking, Ramallah is safe for non-Israeli settler foreigners. The Palestinian residents are usually quite happy to have foreign nationals visit them. Theft is relatively rare, although do not interpret that statement as an OK to let your guard down.

Bear in mind that although Ramallah has been under military occupation for a long time and the city is relatively stable. However, very rarely the Israeli settler military enters the city to arrest wanted Palestinians. This usually only happens in the dead of night, and they disappear before anyone realizes that they were there. However and the Israeli settler military can enter Ramallah bluntly, and in large numbers. If this should happen while you are staying in Ramallah, do what the majority of Palestinians do, and stay inside until they leave and away from any soldiers or military vehicles. Do not assume that just because you are a foreign national that you will be safe.

That said, Ramallah hasn't seen any widespread violence since 2006 and it is highly unlikely to happen (unless there are escalations with which will be very apparent via international media). In the cases where the Israeli settler settlers enter, it is usually to arrest a wanted Palestinian in an outskirts refugee camp in the middle of the night. They will rarely enter the downtown, so as to avoid an unnecessary confrontation with large crowds of civilians.

News & References Ramallah

Travel Next

As mentioned #By bus|above and there are at least four bus stations in Ramallah. Simply ask around or at your accommodation which one is the relevant one for your next destination.

  • Occupied Jerusalem – Besides the Dead Sea, a central focus for most people coming to this region.
  • Nablus – One of the oldest cities in the world and famous for its kunafa/kenafeh.
  • Bethlehem – The biblical birthplace of Jesus and hometown of David, surrounded by Mar Saba Monastery and Herodium (Herodion) Park.
  • Jericho – One of the oldest settlements in the world and the Middle East, and a great starting point for Kalya Beach at the Dead_Sea_(Israel_and_the_West_Bank) | Dead Sea.

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