
From Halal Explorer


Sopron (pronounced "shop-ron"; German: Ödenburg, Croatian: Šopron, Latin: Scarbantia) is a city in Hungary, close to the Austrian border, with a population of about 61,000. The town is officially bilingual, and its historical German language name is Ödenburg.


Sopron Halal Travel Guide


Sopron z19 - View from the Fire tower, main square with Goat Church

When this area was the Pannonia Superior province of the Roman Empire and the city's name was Scarbantia. Its main square was then the forum. During the period of mass migration the once prosperous Scarbantia declined to become a lifeless city of ruins; a new settlement was created here only after the Hungarians took over the territory. Hungarians strengthened the old Roman city walls and built a castle. The town was named in Hungarian after a historic castle steward named Suprun. In 1273 King Otakar II of Bohemia occupied the castle. Even though he took the children of Sopron's nobility with him as hostages and the city opened its gates when the armies of King Ladislaus IV of Hungary arrived. The king rewarded Sopron by elevating it to the rank of free royal town. In 1529 the Turks devastated the city, but it did not fall under Turkish domination. Many Hungarians fled from the occupied areas to Sopron, and the city's importance grew.

While the Islamic Ottomans occupied most of central Europe and the region north of lake Balaton remained in the Kingdom of Hungary (1538–1867). In 1676 Sopron was destroyed by a fire. The modern-day city was born in the next few decades, when Baroque buildings were built to replace the destroyed medieval ones. Sopron became the seat of the comitatus Sopron. Until 1918 and the town (bilingual names Oedenburg - Sopron) was part of the Austrian monarchy, province of Hungary; in Transleithania after the compromise of 1867 in the Kingdom of Hungary. Following the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after local unrest, Sopron's status as part of Hungary (along with that of the surrounding eight villages) was decided by a controversial, local plebiscite held on December 14, 1921, with 65% voting for Hungary. Since then Sopron has been called Civitas Fidelissima ("The Most Loyal Town"), and the anniversary of the plebiscite is a city holiday. Sopron suffered greatly during World War II and it was bombed several times. The Soviet Red Army captured the city on April 1, 1945. On August 19, 1989 the "Pan-European Picnic" took place near Sopron, when the "Iron Curtain" between Austria and Hungary was lifted for a few hours, allowing some hundred East German citizens to cross the border crossing.


Sopron-légidotó52 - Sopron birdview

  • After being suppressed during the Cold War, Sopron's German-speaking culture and legacy are now recognized again. As a consequence, many of the city's street-and traffic-signs are written in both Hungarian and German making it an officially bilingual city due to its proximity to the Austrian frontier.

Travel to Sopron

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Sopron

  • Nearest international airports are Vienna (65 km) and Bratislava (100 km).

By car

  • From Vienna, Austria on A2 until the Traiskirchen intersection and then on A3 until the Eisenstadt intersection, and on B16 to Sopron.

Travel on a Bus in Sopron

Bus Station - Autóbusz-állomás sopron1@ Lackner Kristóf utca 9 GPS 47.68837,16.58667 Northwest 200m from Downtown ☎ +36 99 311040 - Hours: Workdays: 07:00-12:15 & 12:45-15:30, 1st-6th days of each month: Monday to Friday 06:00-16:00, Saturday 07:00-13:00. The local service provider is the ÉNYKK Ltd. Bus to Kőszeg (daily five-six direct, 1-1½ hour), Szombathely (daily five-seven direct, 1½-2 hour), Győr (weekday daily 17, weekend 11 per day, around 2 hours, to Budapest no direct bus (first you must to go Székesfehérvár or Veszprém or with a longer detour to Hévíz or Szombathely 5-7 hours, train is much better).

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Sopron

GySEV V43 Sopronban - Train Station - Vasútállomás Állomás u. 2. GPS 47.67749,16.58688 South half kilometers ☎ +36 1 4444499|fax=|hours=Daily 03:00-23:00. Connected to Vienna by suburban trains every hour, departure from Wien Meidling at xx:38. Travel takes 70 minutes. Sopron is located within the Vienna regional tariff union, so if you have a ticket or travelcard covering the entire network, you can use it to travel to Sopron (but not other Hungarian towns served by suburban trains). Services: Domestic Győr–Sopron–Ebenfurth Railway (GYSEV) service area information: ☎ +36 99 517212 (07:15-12:15, 12:35-16:15, 16:35-19:00). Credit card payment is yes. Disabled toilet. International Cash desk. (Open Monday to Friday 05:30-19:00 Saturday 06:00-13:30, International information: Tel. +36 99 517156 Monday - W, Friday Saturday 08:00-19:20; Thursday 08:00-20:00). Left luggage office (open 03:00-23:00, phone: +36 99 517212) Bicycle parking. Trains to Győr (hourly until 20:00, 1½ hour), Szombathely (12 per day, 50 mins), Budapest (around thirty per day but just six direct!, 2½-6 hours, Ft 4200-5650, 2nd cl.) Toward Austria see: ÖBB

How to get around in Sopron

  • The city isn't large, so you can walk or buy a ticket to ride the public bus lines. Prices (2022). Tickets: Ft 320 in advance, from driver Ft 390. Passes: Ft 6900 per month, Ft 4,300 semimonthly, Ft 2250 per seven-day, Ft 780 per a daily ticket. Local season ticket and single tickets can buy at Volan Tourist Travel Agency (address: Lackner Kristóf utca) or without queuing, 24/7, from a ticket vending machine, (located in the city ten points.) - TOURINFORM - Sopron Liszt Ferenc utca 1 GPS 47.68371 ,16.58839 Downtown ☎ +36 99 517560 Fax: +36 99 517527 Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00, Saturday 09:00-13:00, Sunday 09:00-13:00 (May to Sep) . Tourinform Call Center ☎+36 1 4388080 +800 36 000000
  • Sopron parking based on three zones. Parking map here]. Paying with cash, chipcard or mobile. City center closed for cars (except with special permisson).
  • Sopron taxis list here]. Rent a vehicle from Ft 4500 per day (Martiny Frigyes utca. 2/B. Tel.: +36 70 3200888)
  • Getting around the downtown by bike.

What to see in Sopron

Downtown street by street

Main Plaza

Sopron Fő tér Borostánykő út rekonstrukció - Plaque on the Main square, remembering that Roman Scarbantia was an important post of the 'Amber Road' - Sopron Fire Tower.jpg* Firewatch Tower - Tűztorony, Ger.:Feuerturm Fö tér 1 GPS 47.68674,16.59117 Downtown ☎ +36 99 311-327 January - Mar: daily 09:00-17:00, Apr: daily 10:00-18:00; May-Aug: Monday to Friday 10:00-20:00, September - Oct daily 10:00-18:00; Nov: daily 09:00-17:00; Dec: daily09:00-17:00 - Ft 1150. Landmark of the city is the "fire tower", with a museum of history of the city. 61 meters high and there is a wonderful panoramic view from the top. Its cylindrical lower part was built on the remains of the Roman town wall, and served as the north tower of the city from the 13th century onwards. Also on top of the tower is a double-headed eagle, that was a gift from King Ferdinánd II and Queen Eleonóra for the parliamentary session and queen's coronation, both held in Sopron in 1622. - Sopron-légidotó52.jpg

  • City Hall Városháza Fő tér 1 GPS 47.68652 ,16.59083 Downtown ☎ +36 99 515100 by appointment - . The eclectic style building in the year of the millennium (1989) was completed by Hinträger Móric és Károly plans. On the barock main square. Also in December there is a christmas market on the square (must see!) Richly decorated (applied arts) interior design and furnishings. Protected Monument }} - Sopron, Fő tér 8. Storno ház - Storno House museum Storno-gyűjtemény Fő tér 8 GPS 47.68649,16.59049 Opposite City hall ☎ +36 99 311327 January - Mar: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-16:00, April - October: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00. Nov: Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-17:00, Dec Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-17:00 - Ft 1000 . A Baroque corner house with Renaissance elements. The building are the closed, round, two-storey corner balcony with its rich ornamentation and the basket-arched gate with the Festetics family’s coat of arms between the two Tuscan half pillars, and the door knockers with their pelican motifs. Here is the Local History Exhibition]. The authentic documents and relics collected since 1867 }} - Gate of Faith (Firewatch Tower in Sopron) - Gate of Faith - Hűség Kapu Fő tér/ Tűztorony utca GPS 47.68698 ,16.59181 - . This was made in memory of the referendum of 1921. In this referendum Sopron and eight neighbouring villages expressed their wish to remain part of Hungary. Kossow-House Kossow ház| Fő tér, 4 GPS 47.68622 ,16.59020 Downtown . Rebuilt in the Baroque era and then established a large residential lobby in the floor above the doorway. Now there is a bar }} - Fabricius-ház (4785. számú műemlék).jpg
  • Fabricius-House - Fabricius-ház Fő tér, 6 GPS 47.68645,16.59052 Downtown +36 99 311327 April - September Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 or by appointment| price=Adult/reduced tickets: History of Sopron and its Surroundings Ft 700/350, Archaeological Exhibition - Roman Lapidary Ft 700/350, Town Residences Ft 800/400 (2023) . from 14th century with interior from 17th and 18th century. The Gothic hall is a wonderful piece of architecture, but the two story loggia with open staircase in the courtyard and the Gothic and Baroque cellars of the rear building also deserve special attention. The owners of the building were always rich citizens and traders with high ranking social positions. The house is named after one of the owners, mayor and magistrate Endre Fabricius, who purchased the house in 1806. There is a medieval cellar hall with a Roman Lapidary. Here is the former Roman Capitol decorating Trias sculpture group. Three exhibits]: Roman Lapidary, "Three thousand years along the Amber Road" archaeological exhibition and 17th and 18th. century bourgeois interior furnishing. Protected Monument }} - Sopron, Fő tér 2. Patika ház Kolostor utcai oldala - Pharmacy Museum Patika-ház| Fő tér 2 GPS 47.68633,16.59113 Downtown☎ +36 99 311327|fax= +36 99 311347 April - September: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-14:00 - Adult/reduced Ft 500/250. Built in 15th–16th century. The former Angel Pharmacy operated in this house from the middle of the 17th century. Reconstructed in 1850, when the Gensel family extended the house by bricking up the arcades and the corridor. The house was pronounced the first national monument in Hungary by Louis II of Hungary in 1525. Protected Monument }} - 9400 Sopron, Fő tér 3. (Gambrinus ház) - Gambrinus - House - Gambrinus - Ház Fő tér 3 GPS 47.68654 ,16.59082 Downtown ☎ +36 99 311327 |fax=Opening Hours: Only outside . Protected monument. Gothic origin. It was expanded in the late Renaissance style and the facade made in Baroque style. The interior rebuilt in the 18th century. There are frescoes from the 18th century in the rooms upstairs. Protected Monument }} - Sopron Megyeháza.jpg
  • Former County Hall - Vármegyeháza Fő tér 5. GPS 47.68648 ,16.59031 Downtown . Built in 1896. Protected Monument }} - Sopron z11 - Holy Trinity Column - Szentháromság-szobor Fő tér GPS 47.68625 ,16.59075 Downtown ☎ +36 99 515100 24/7 - Free . One of the best-known attractions of the square. A masterpiece of the Hungarian Baroque (1701). Protected Monument }} - Sopron.Hauptplatz - General and Lackner House Tábornok-és Lackner-ház Fő tér 7 GPS 47.68652 ,16.59086 Downtown - . Here was the residence of the mayor dr. Lackner Kristóf (1571-1631). Protected Monument

Széchenyi Plaza

Sopron St. Judas Thaddäus Innen Decke - Ceiling of St. Jude Thaddeus Dominican Church - R. k. templom, Domonkos templom (4940. számú műemlék) 5 - St. Jude Thaddeus Dominican Church and the former Dominican Monastery - Szent Júdás Tádé Templom (Domonkos Templom), Domonkos kolostor Széchenyi tér 3-4 GPS 47.68245,16.58993 Southern rim of Downtown ☎ +36 99 508985, Fax: +36 99 508986 Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-18:00 - . Baroque church with two towers built between 1719 and 1725, it is still without a tower and they only later, in the 1740s raised. The Dominican Monastery is now a school, built in Baroque, 1745-1750. The dining room decorated with whitewashed frescoes and richly curved wooden paneling, Baroque, around 1750.

  • Former Széchényi Mansion - Széchényi Ferenc ház Széchenyi tér 1 GPS 47.68248,16.59088 Southern rim of Downtown Just outside. Dwelling house, former Széchenyi Palace and the 18th century origin, Classicist style, rebuilt in 1827-1851. Count Ferenc Széchenyi held in here his valuable medal, book and map collection. - Sopron Postapalota - Post Palace - Main Post office.Postapalota Széchenyi tér 7-10 GPS 47.68286 ,16.58881 Southern Downtown - . Outstanding masterpiece of the Hungarian Art Nouveau. Carved in stone, above the main entrance and the Hungarian decorative coat of arms. Remained in the Art Nouveau style furniture too. Protected Monument]. Architects: Ambrus Orth & Emil Somló, 1913}}
  • Decorative garden with Széchényi Monument Dísz tér a Széchényi emlékművel Széchenyi tér GPS 47.68286 ,16.58928 southern edge of Downtown 24/7 - Free . Full figure bronze statue. It was made by Matra Lajos, in 1896. - Liszt Ferenc kultúrház, Kaszinó (4828. számú műemlék) - Liszt Ferenc Cultural Centre - Liszt Ferenc Kulturális és Konferencia Központ Széchenyi tér 1 GPS 47.68245,16.59084 Downtown - . Former Casino]. A five-storey building with conference and theater, dance, concerts, session and exhibition halls. The piano virtuoso, composer, conductor and teacher Franz Liszt was born in Doborján (Raiding), in former Sopron County. The house where he was born is a memorial museum today. Today the new Conference and Cultural Centre, a choir, and the town's symphony orchestra bear the name of the Maestro. One of the most beautiful buildings in the downtown.
  • Flag of Loyalty - Hűségzászló Széchenyi tér GPS 47.68267 ,16.59009 Downtown 24/7 - Free
  • Dwelling houses on Széchenyi square - lakóházak a Széchenyi téren Széchenyi tér GPS 47.68252 ,16.58975 Downtown Only from outside . Protected Monuments #5 (Classicist, 1855-1861. Modified 1879), #14 (early romantic, 1849), #17-18. (Romantic, circa 1860), #19 (Romantic 1856 Designed by Handler Nándor), #20 (Romantic, 1855) }}

Berzsenyi Lutheran High School Berzsenyi Gimnázium Széchenyi tér 11. GPS 47.68283 ,16.58877 Downtown Just outside. Protected Monument. Classicist, 1825. Modified in eclectic style in 1894. - Sopron GYSEV Székház.JPG Győr–Sopron–Ebenfurt Railways Headquarters - GYSEV Székház Mátyás király utca 19 GPS 47.67954 ,16.58847 Near to Széchenyi tér ☎ +36 99 517101 |fax=Opening Hours: . A monument building

New (Új) Street

Scroll Mikveh Sopron Hungary Synagogue - Old Synagogue with a collection of Yahudi religion - Scroll Mikveh Sopron Hungary Synagogue - Old Synagogue - Ó-Zsinagóga Új utca 22 GPS 47.68501,16.59048 Downtown ☎ +36 99 311327 Fax: +36 99 311347 April - October: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 - Adult/student+pensioners Ft 800/400. Built in end of 13th century in Gothic style. This is a unique piece of Yahudi architecture in Eastern Europe. A corridor from the entrance leads to the main hall. Its main door is decorated with a tympanum, and two side consoles date from 1300 and the time of construction. The two focal points of the synagogue are the Aaron alcove and the pulpit. There is a collection of Yahudi religion and customs. Synagogue - Zsinagóga Új utca 11 GPS 47.68525 ,16.59096 Downtown |fax= price= . A dwelling house with medieval details. Built in Baroque style, 18th century. The courtyard wing of the house is a synagogue, now a museum, Built in Gothic, circa 1350. Modified in the second half of the 15th century.

  • Civic Apartment houses - Polgári lakóházak Új utca GPS 47.68476 ,16.59053 Downtown Opening Hours: Just outside - . #4 (Baroque, 1710th Modified in the middle of the 19th century. Now office), #5 (18th-century origin. Received its present form in 1841), #7 (details of medieval, mostly Baroque style, 18th century), #9 (Gothic style, 15th century. Modified in Renaissance and Baroque styles in the 17-18th centuries. Upstairs room decorated with stucco ornaments, Baroque, first half of the 18th century.), #13 (medieval, baroque, 18th century), #15 (medieval, Baroque, second half of 17th century), #17 (Baroque, about 1720), #18 (medieval baroque origin1748th Upstairs areas with frescoes, baroque, 1770-1780), #19 (Baroque, late 17th century), #20 (Baroque, 18th century), #21 (medieval, late Renaissance , around 1650. Two first-floor rooms with carved beam ceilings, made in the mid 17th century), #24 (medieval, baroque, 18th century), #26 (details of medieval age, baroque 18th century - Its Romantic facade made in circa 1860), #28. (medieval, baroque, 18th century, partly modified).

Church (Templom) Street

Eszterhazypalota - Mining Museum in Palais Esterhazy

  • Chapter Hall - Káptalan Terem Templom utca 1 GPS 47.6861,16.5903 Downtown ☎ +36 99 523768| fax=Opening Hours: April - October: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00, November - Mar: daily 10:00-16:00 - . Public Exhibition Room. Gothic origins at the end of the 13th century, renovated in the beginning of the 14-15th centuries. Ornamental and figurative painting remains, from the 14th century }} - Sopron Altstadt 3.JPG Mining Museum in Palais Esterhazy - Central Mining Museum, Központi Bányászati Múzeum Templom utca 2 GPS 47.68616,16.59004 Downtown ☎ +36 99 312667 Fax: +36 99 312667 November - Mar: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-16:00; April - October: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00 - Ft 700/400. Baroque building. This is the largest and most comprehensive mining collection of Hungary. The most interesting part of the exhibition is a life-size mineshaFt from the beginning of the 20th century. This museum offering an unforgettable experience to Hungarian and foreign tourists, with signs in (German), English and Slovakian. - Sopron 118 Templom-6.JPG

Bezerédj house - Bezerédj ház | Templom utca 6 GPS 47.68568,16.58971 Downtown Just outside . A baroque building based on medieval foundations, was built around 1710. One of the most beautiful rococo palaces in Sopron }}

  • Forestry Collection Erdészeti Gyűjtemény Templom utca 4 GPS 47.68593,16.58994 Downtown ☎ +36 99 338870 Fax: +36 99 523419 Opening Hours: Thursday - Tuesday 10:00-17:00 - Hidvégi Béla's Hunting collection or 'National treasures: the forest' exhibitions Ft 800/500 (each), Ft 1300/700 (combined) . Multi-million-year old fossilized fragments of silicified trees, map from 1656, documents from the late 1800s, insect collections made ​​in 1870, wooden household and user devices from the last century, machine models, maquettes.

Evangelische Kirche Ödenburg - Great Lutheran Church and the third biggest in Hungary - Sopron z84 - Great Lutheran Church - nagy evangélikus templom Templom utca 19 GPS 47.68422 ,16.58962 Downtown ☎ +36 99 523002 +36 99 523003|hours=Masses: Sundays at 8:00 and 10:00 (Hungarian), at 09:00 (German), at 09:00 (for children's in the Great Hall). Open during Church Service or by prior appointment. Parish official hours: weekdays 08:00-12:00 . 1783. Evangelic Collection. The third largest Lutheran church in Hungary. A hall church, which was divided into three vessels with eight huge Tuscan columns. The middle nave is wider and higher than the side aisles. A two level choir built over the side of the naves }} Kecske-templom 01 var - Goat Catholic Church, provided a venue for coronations and parliamentary sessions. - Kecske-templom 01 var - Goat Catholic Church Szent Benedek Rend Nagyboldogasszony Temploma (Bencés /Kecske/ Templom) Templom u. 1 GPS 47.68620,16.59037 Downtown, on the southern side of the Firewatch Tower ☎ +36 99 523766 - . The city's main Roman Catholic church also provided a venue for coronations and parliamentary sessions. Main sights are the frescoes and the lancet windows, and the unique Capistran pulpit}} - Kecske-templom 07.jpg

  • Former Benedictine convent and the Chapter House Bencés kolostor Templom u. 1 GPS 47.68619,16.59038 Next to the Goat church ☎ . A late Baroque door on the south side of leads to the Chapter House]. There are unveiled Gothic pillars, beautifully crafted corbels and parts of medieval frescos. The distorted animal figures below brackets symbolize the medieval seven deadly sins: crouching monkey (arrogance), shrimp (inconstancy) winged devil or griffin - Infidelity, sleeping man and bat (sloth), animal-bodied man and woman (lust), female legs and hoofed creature grinning monster bent (envy) and bear (gluttony). The keystone represents: angel with trumpet (Last Judgment), pelican with blood feeding its sons (Christ), Eagle with sentence ribbon (St. John the Evangelist), angel figurine with sentence ribbon (St. Matthew the Evangelist), winged lion (St. Mark the Evangelist), winged ox (St. Luke the Evangelist) }}
  • Former Priests House - Evangélikus paplakok Templom utca 17 GPS 47.68433 ,16.58972 Downtown, Just outside - . Baroque, 17th century origins, its present form was built in the 1710s }} Houses in Baroque style - barokkstílusú lakóházak Templom utca 5-28 GPS 47.6848 ,16.5898 Downtown - . #5 (medieval origin, Baroque and 18th century. One upstairs room 'kváder' pavement and painted interior room, 15th century), #6 (medieval base. Baroque rebuilding around 1710. Courtyard wings rebuilt in the late Classical style in 1850), #7 (built on medieval foundations. mostly Baroque elements; in the 16-19th centuries rebuilt several times.), #9 (Gothic, 14-15th centuries. Modified from the 16th and 18th centuries and in the second half of the 19th century), #11 ( late Renaissance elements. Medieval foundations, 1650s), # 12 (Medieval details. Baroque, 1767th), #13 (Medieval details, Baroque, 18th century), #14 (Gothic, 15th century. Modified in late Renaissance style in the 1680s), #15 (Baroque, 1782), #16 (medieval origin, Baroque, 18. Modified 1837), #17 (Baroque, 17th century, in the form of origin, today was built in the 1710s), #18 (Baroque, 1723), #19 (Baroque, early 18th century), #20 (Baroque 1720s. Modified neoclassical style in the 1830s), #21 (Baroque origin, rebuilt in eclectic style around 1870), #22 (Baroque, around 1720. Current facade received in 1876, eclectic style), #25 (Romantic style, 1860.), #27 (Romantic, around 1870.) }} - Kétem. lakóház (4981. számú műemlék) 2 - Lutheran Church Collection - Evangélikus Egyházközség Gyűjteménye | Templom utca 12 GPS 47.68507,16.58961 Downtown ☎ +36 99 510651 +36 99 523003 price= . Former Priests Residence. More in Hungarian]}} - Széchenyi István Gimnázium 9400 Sopron, Templom u. 26. - Széchenyi István High School - Széchenyi István Gimnázium Templom u. 26 GPS 47.6837 ,16.5892 Downtown ☎ Opening Hours: Just outside. Monument. Romantic style, 1858 }} - Sopron 122 Templom-3.JPG Green House - Ház Templom utca 3 GPS 47.68525 ,16.58997 Downtown Opening Hours: Just outside - . Cultural legacy monument. Eclectic, 1872 }} - Egyem. lakóház (4987. számú műemlék) 3.jpg

Baroque House - Templom u. 18 GPS 47.68443 ,16.58945 Downtown Opening Hours: Just outside . Protected monument. Baroque, 1723 }} Töpler House - Töpler-ház Templom utca 22 GPS 47.68442 ,16.58934 Downtown. Two-story baroque building. Substantially reconstucted in the second half of the 19th century.

Monastery (Kolostor) Street

Sopron reneszánsz kapu - Kolostor street's palaces - Kolostor utca palotái Kolostor utca GPS 47.6854 ,16.5901 Downtown Just outside - . East side of the street are decorated town houses and noble palaces. #1, 3, 5, 7, 9 }} - Kétemeletes lakóház – Zichy-Meskó palota hátsó homlokzata (4819. számú műemlék).jpg

  • Former Zichy-Meskó Palace - Zichy-Meskó palota Kolostor u. 11. GPS 47.68536,16.59036 Downtown - . Two-story enclosed balcony. Arched doorways leading into the courtyard. Staircase with beautiful wrought iron gates and with baroque stone sculptures. The female figures placed in niches could be made around 1770. There are allegorical sculptures of Luck, Force, Truth and Science (1725). Ceremonial Hall with baroque ceiling paintings from the 18th century. Receiving Room with the two Panno figures, around 1740, Van Roy works. Also here can be see some nice wood paneling made in the mid-18th century.) }} Monument Mansions - Polgárházak Vary. - Kolostor u. GPS 47.68595 ,16.59047 Downtown Opening Hours: Only from outside. #1 (Gothic, Baroque, built in 1776. Richly decorated stucco ceiling (on the second floor), first half of 18th century), #3 (medieval details, late Baroque, 18th century), #5 (With Gothic and Renaissance details mainly Baroque, 17-18th centuries. The facade: Late Gothic and late Renaissance painting remains of 16th century. Doors and windows: mostly made in 18th century, with baroque fittings), #7 (Gothic origin, 14-15 century. Rebuilt in neoclassical style in the first half of the 19th century. Interiors with 'kváder' room painting from the 15th century), #9 (Gothic, baroque, mid-18th century), #13 (medieval, renaissance late, 1628. Now there are offices.)

Ursuline (Orsolya) square

R. k. templom, Orsolyita templom (4845. számú műemlék) - Fomer Ursuline Church and convent - Sopron 41 St-Ursula-Kirche.JPG

  • Fomer Ursuline Church and convent - Immaculate Conception Church, Szeplőtelen Fogantatás Templom, Orsolyita-templom, volt Orsolyita zárda Orsolya tér 2-3 GPS 47.68377, 16.59086 Downtown ☎ +36 99 525030 +36 99 523511 Daily 10:00-18:00. Holy Mass: Sunday 09:00 and 10:30, Monday to Friday 07:15, Saturday 17:00. The fiesta on every December 8. Adoration: the week of March 19 on Tuesday and feast day the Heart of Jesus is. - . Roman Catholic. Romantic style with neo-gothic markings (1864). One of the most impressive architectural monuments of the past century. Replaced the former small convent church of the Holy Cross (1770s). Full romantically decorated, made around 1860. Sacristy cabinet, made around 1780. Baroque sculptures, made around 1740. The Ursuline convent was built using two baroque buildings, Romantic style in 1864. Designer: Ferdinand Handler. Now: grade school.

Sopron z28 - Mary's Well - Sopron z28 - Mary's Well Mária-kút Orsolya tér GPS 47.68391 ,16.59054 Right before Ursuline Church 24/7 Free . 18th century. Maria Immaculata sculpture staying on an indoor swimmingpool imitating base }} - A soproni lábasház.JPG Legged-House - Lábas-ház Orsolya tér 5 GPS 47.68392 ,16.59067 Downtown ☎ +36 99 311327 Daily 10:00-14:00 - Ft 500/250 (2023) . Built around 1570 and the ground floor has ever lined butcher. Temporary exhibitions }}

  • Caesar-House Caesar-ház, Soproni Horváth József Gyűjtemény Orsolya tér, Hátsókapu u. 2. GPS 47.68395 ,16.59086 Downtown, ☎ +36 99 312 326|hours=Thursday - Sunday 10:00-13:00, Saturday 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00, or by appointment - Adults: Ft 600, student, senior: Ft 300. A corner house. Baroque building with late Renaissance details, built in the 17-18th centuries. The second-floor hall made ​​around 1700, early baroque, ornamental stucco ceiling. József Horváth Painter Memorial Exhibition.

St. George (Szent György) street

Sopron Erdődy palota - Erdődy palace, Szent György Street - Sopron középkori üzlet bejárata Kolostor utca - Medieval shop window and door on a building - Középkori üzlet bejárata , German:Neugebaude Szent György utca 1. GPS 47.68605 ,16.59137 Downtown - Sopron 146 St-George-Kirche.JPG

  • Church of St. George - Szent György-templom | Szent György utca GPS 47.68522,16.59169 Downtown ☎ +36 99 525030 Fax: +36 99 525031 Daily 10:00-18:00. Masses: Sunday 08:00 (Latin), 10:00 (student-Mass), 17:00 (with organ), 19:30 (guitar), Monday to Saturday 18:00 (with organ) - Built between 1380-1430, originally Gothic church with single nave. The arched nave closures decorated with stucco. Both side are chapels. It has got a lively, Italianate facade of the 18th century. The eclectic tower was built in 1882. Next to the sanctuary in the baptisms chapel is some medieval fresco fragment. Furniture of 18th century. The stucco ornaments made ​​between 1705-1706 and its Pietro Antonio Conti's work, }}
  • Eggenberg House - Eggenberg-ház Szent György utca 12 GPS 47.68525 ,16.59137 Downtown - . 17th century, late Renaissance building. There is the Branderburg coat of arms, over the gate, and the Hohenzollern coat of arms, in courtyard with balcony, can be seen.
  • Forum of Scarbantia, Iron House Vasaló-ház, Fórum Kiállítás Szent György u. 2 / Új u. 1. GPS 47.68597 ,16.5913 Downtown ☎ +36 20 3642263 April - September: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00, October - Mar: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-14:00 - Adults/Students Ft 300/150 (2023) . Scarbantia (the Roman name of Sopron) was one of the border stations of the Province of Pannonia in the former Roman Empire. It was a part of the Amber Road, an important commercial route. The center of the Roman City was the Forum. Built of 'Lajta' limestone delivered here from the Fertőrákos (around 10 kilometers away) quarry. During the excavations between 1960 and 1970 the pedestals of three bronze equestrian statues were found on the southern part of the square. Altars to different gods were discovered on the sides of the Forum. The temples of the three main gods – Jupiter, Juno and Minerva - were situated at the highest point of the town. - Sopron Erdődy palota - Szent György street monument houses - Műemlék lakóházak Szent György utca GPS 47.68563 ,16.59175 Downtown - . Dwelling houses: #8 (Medieval origin, rebuilt in Baroque, 18th century. Partly converted into the romantic style in the second half of the 19th century), #10 (Baroque, 18th century. Highly modified), #15 (Medieval origin, baroque, 17th century), #19 (Baroque, 18th century), #22 (Gothic, late Renaissance, 1648. There is on the first and second floors one-one 17th-century carved wood-beamed room.), #24 (Romantic, 1860). Other buildings: #1 Neugebäude, #5 Provost House, #7: Chapter House, #9 was a Benedictine high school, now the School of Forestry, #11th Lenk gateway, #14 Lutheran house of Convention (Gothic 15th century. Modified in Baroque style in the 18th century), #16 Former Erdődy Palace (Baroque, around 1740). - Sopron 141 Lenckpassage-St-George 11.JPG Lenck Passage - Lenk gateway Lenck-átjáró Szent György utca 11. GPS 47.68478 ,16.59147 Downtown - Free . On the facade the "Amazing fishing" relief and the Lenck family signboard can be see]. The Szent György street connects with the Várkerület via Lenck Passage.
  • Former Chapter House - Káptalan-ház, Kanonok Ház Szent György utca 7 GPS 47.68561 ,16.59169 Downtown Opening Hours: Just outsde - . A magnificent two-story late-Renaissance palace erected around 1650. Health Training Institute}} Sopron 76 Grabenrunde nro209.JPG
  • Former Boarding school - Internátus | Szent György u.13. 47.6846, 16.5916 Downtown Opening Hours: Just from outside Medieval origin, rebuilt in Baroque in the 17th century. Modified in the 18th and 19th centuries. Now Forestry secondary school.)
  • Former Jesuit konviktus; dwelling house Jezsuita konviktus; lakóház | Szent György u. 5. - GPS: 47.68582, 16.59175 Downtown | ☎Opening Hours: Just from outside Late Renaissance, 1644. The second floor was built around 1680.


[[9400 Sopron, Várkerület 96. nagyrondella.JPG |Castle of Sopron ruins, Large Round Bastion or Barbican Loyalty Fountain Hűségkút Várkerület GPS , - . The fountain of three full-length bronze statues symbolize the city's history main events. - Sopron 16 Varkerulet.JPG Mary's column. - Mária-oszlop Várkerület ~16 GPS 47.68518 ,16.59277 Near to Loyalty Fountain 24/7 - Free. Baroque, 1745. The reliefs depict scenes from the life of Mary (Annunciation, Mary and Elizabeth meeting, Adoration of the Shepherds, Presentation of Jesus in the Temple). Pannónia Gallery Pannónia Galéria Várkerület 75. GPS 47.68374,16.59233 Downtown +36 99 312180 Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-17:00 - Free . Monthly a new exhibition can be senn in the gallery. Services: café, buffet, toilet/WC, cloak-room }} - Sopron - Castle.jpg

  • Castle of Sopron remains - Vármaradvány Várkerület ~96 GPS 47.68514,16.59258 - . Roman walls remains can be see here several meters above the ground (concrete shell protected against the weather). - City walls: The town core was surrounding with triple protection ring now only the outer ring wall sections remained. The most impressive part of the Barbican or The large Round Bastion. The large Round Bastion, in the castle neighborhood doubles side part of Sopron inner walls. Here and the closed row of houses is broken and a fairly long section of the city walls can be seen. Photos }} - Sopron, Várkerület 7. (Rejpál.ház) 2. - Rejpal House - Rejpal Ház Várkerület #7 GPS 47.68767,16.59071 North of Downtown. At the junction of Festő-köz (Painter Alley) - . Museum. Medieval details. Renaissance, around 1560. Expanding in the 1790s. The ceilings of the second floor painted, carved, wood-beamed also there is some decorative wall painting, 16th century. The two level dwelling house medieval predecessor was raised Roman building remains. Its present shape formed in the second half of the 16th century Renaissance style, although significant medieval details - such as the Gothic staircase - is preserved. Yard wings expanded the 16-17th centuries. At one time it was owned by tradesmen (blacksmiths, butchers, confectioners). In front of the house is the statue of the painter Jozef Horvath.

[[9400 Sopron, Várkerület 11. lakóház - A typical Baroque Dwelling House with eclectic facade, 18th century - 9400 Sopron, Várkerület 9. számú ház a Várkerület felől - Rococo building - Rokokó lakóház Várkerület 9 GPS 47.68773 ,16.59084 corner of Festő köz|hours= . Two-story rococo building received its present form in 1750-60. On the right side a cross-vaulted doorway give direct access to the courtyard. The upstairs living room decorated with stucco. In another room there is a Renaissance wooden ceiling. - 9400 Sopron, Várkerület 11. lakóház.JPG

  • Dwelling House with eclectic facade - Lakóház Várkerület 11 GPS 47.68775 ,16.59116 North of Downtown Just outside - . Baroque, 18th century. Interiors of carved wood-beamed ceilings.
  • Catholic Collection - Katolikus Gyűjtemény Várkerület 25 GPS 47.68745 ,16.59235 Right out of Downtown ☎ +36 99 312221 Opening Hours: May-October: Tuesday 14:00-16:00, Thursday 09:00-11:00 - Adult/students and pensioners: Ft 800/400 - Egyemeletes lakóház (4805. számú műemlék).jpg
  • Dwelling House - Lakóház, Patikaház Hátsókapu u. 3./ Várkerület 108 GPS 47.68368 ,16.59176 Just outside . Baroque, 1773 }} - Lakóház (5041. számú műemlék).jpg
  • Dwelling House - Lakóház Várkerület 19 GPS 47.68763 ,16.59194 North of Downtown Just outside . Medieval foundations. Rebuilt in Rococo style, in 1757. At the right wing of the building is a Renaissance door frame in the wall, 16th century. - Sopron 82 Grabenrunde.JPG
  • Dwelling house Lakóház Várkerület 59 GPS 47.68497 ,16.59316 Just outside - Sopron 77 Haus Grabenrunde.JPG
  • Dwelling house - Lakóház Várkerület 77 GPS 47.683441 ,16.5921 E of Downtown Just outside . Classicist, eclectic styles, 1868.

Arany Angyal Inn Arany Angyal vendégfogadó; lakóház Várkerület 51 GPS 47.68572 ,16.59341 Just from outside . It was the Golden Angel Inn. Baroque style around 1800. Modified in the second half of the 19th century.

  • Former Fehérló Inn - Fehérló vendégfogadó; lakóház Várkerület 55 GPS 47.68539 ,16.59335 Just from outside . It was the White Horse Inn Medieval origin. Then baroque reconstruction, 18. Classicist transformation.
  • Füredi house - Füredi-ház Várkerület 67 GPS 47.68435 ,16.59293 E of Downtown - . Copf style, 1778 }}
  • Dwelling houses - Lakóházak Várkerület GPS , - . #2 (Baroque, 1770), #5 (Baroque, 18th century), #8 (Baroque, 18th century), #9 (Baroque 1750s. Upstairs great room with rich stucco ceilings, 18th century), #10 (eclectic, romantic, 1851. There is wooden ceiling of the 18th century), #11 (Baroque, 18th century and the Facade is eclectic - Carved beamed wood ceilings, 18th century), #13 (Rococo, circa 1750), #15 (Eclectic, 1870s. The courtyard wing made in Baroque style, 18th century), #17 (Rococo , circa 1750), #19 (Medieval foundations. Rebuilt in rococo, 1757. Renaissance door frame, 16 century.), #20 (current form got with an additional floors in 1846), #21 (17th century origin. Rebuilt in Baroque in the 1780s. Facade is eclectic, 1881. Modified in 1885.), #22 (late Baroque, around 1800. Partly modified), #23 (late Romantic, circa 1870), #24 (early Classicist, circa 1800), #25 (baroque, 1733-1735. There is a Maria Immaculata fresco in upstairs loggia, circa 1750. Repainted Storno Kalman, 1925), #27 (baroque, 18th-century origin. transformed into the romantic style. The facade made in around 1870), #29 (Baroque, circa 1720.), #30 (romantic, circa 1860), #31 (Baroque, 17th century. Current facade added around 1730), #33 (late Classical and early eclectic, mid 19th century.), #35 (late Classical, middle 19th century), #37 (now Post Office, built in Baroque, 18th century. Rebuilt in eclectic style in 1896), #39 (Baroque, 18th century), #43 (Baroque, 18th century origin. Modified), #47 (Baroque, 18th century origin. Modified), #49 (Romantic style, around 1850), #53 (Baroque, 18th century origin. Substantially rebuilt), #54 (eclectic, 1885), #56 (romantic, 1861), # 57 (Rococo, circa 1750), #62 (Romantic, 1862. Rebuilt in 1883.), #63 (Baroque, 18th century. Modified in the 19 century), #65 (Eclectic, 1883), #70 (Classicist, 1815. - Designed by Jakab Handler), #72 (Romantic, 1862 - Second floor finished in 1883), #74 (Romantic, 1859), #77 (Classicist and eclectic details, 1868), #79 (late Classical, circa 1840), #85 (Romantic style, circa 1860), #88 (Classicist, 1814-1816), #92 (late Baroque, circa 1800. Partly modified, rear wing facade decorated with a Street John of Nepomuk Statue from 1790s), #94 (early Eclectic, around 1870), #104 (Baroque, around 1770. Modified and expanded with second floor in the second half of the 19th century), #106 (romantic, 1860), #108 (Romantic, circa 1860), #110 (Classicist, 1814 Built by Handler Jakab).
  • Formerly Hungarian King restaurants - Magyar Király vendéglő; iskola és diákotthon Várkerület 73 GPS 47.68396,16.59266 E of Downtown|hours= - . Classicist origin. Transforming in the second half of the 19th century. Now school and dormitory}} Old casino Régi kaszinó Petőfi tér 3. GPS 47.68379,16.5882 Downtown . Built in 1789.

Front gate (Előkapu) Street

  • Dwelling houses - Műemlék Lakóházak Előkapu utca GPS 47.68698 ,16.59178 Downtown |fax= price= . #3 (baroque, 1768. Modified 1837), #5 (Baroque, early 1770. The eclectic facade, made in the second half of the 19th century), #7 (Copf style, 1784-1794), #9 (late Baroque, 1770), #11 (Baroque, built in 1770, is replaced by a 16th-century castle part).

Armoury (Fegyvertár) Street

  • Dwelling houses - Műemlék Lakóházak Fegyvertár utca GPS 47.6839 ,16.5899 Downtown Only from outside. # 1 (now General School, a former residential building, Baroque, around 1760.) #2-2A here was the former Town Armory in the 16-19th Centuries. (Medieval renaissance details. Rebuilt romantic style of the second half of the 19th century. In the cellar of the #2 /A house some Roman (Amber Road) pavement remains. In the courtyard is a relief made in Classicist style, circa 1815), #3 (early Baroque facade, circa 1710. Rebuilt in 1959. )

Back gate (Hátsókapu) Street

Sopron 10 Hatsokapu-3 - Hátsókapu Street's Listed house - Sopron 11 Hatsokapu-3.JPG

  • Dwelling houses - Műemlék Lakóházak Hátsókapu utca GPS 47.6836 ,16.5917 Downtown |fax= price= . #1 (late Classical, 1823-1825. Designed by Hasenauer Martin), #2 (Apartment building, galleries and restaurants. There are late-medieval and Renaissance Baroque details. There are two rooms with ornamental stucco ceiling on the second floor, made in early Baroque, around 1700), #3 (former pharmacy house, Baroque, 1773), #6 (built in late Classicist, circa 1840), #8 (late Classicist, circa 1840)

Deák Plaza

Sopron Deák tér lakóházak - Bauhaus building on the junction of Deák square and Pázmány street

  • Former Röttig-Romwalter printing house - Röttig-Romwalter nyomda| Deák tér 56 GPS 47.67958,16.58932 South 200 m from Downtown
  • Former Evangelical Theology Building Evangélikus Teológia épülete Deák tér 78 GPS 47.67894 ,16.59153 South 300 m from Downtown |fax= price= . Built in 1931, designed by Sandy Gyula}}

Lenk Villa - Franz Liszt Museum - Lenk-villa – Liszt Ferenc Múzeum Deák tér 1 GPS 47.6823 ,16.58275 South 200 m from Downtown |fax= price= . The Lenk merchant family erected in 1890, eclectic style by architect Otto Hofer. In front of the main entrance are two stone statues: symbolic representations of the truth. The main entrance decorated with columns and a tympanum. A park situated around the museum. In the park can be seen rare plants, Baroque sculptures and old tombs from the Lutheran cemetery, also here is the 'Baker cross' dating from 1484. - Sopron Reformierte Kirche Innen.JPG Reformed Church - Református templom Deák tér 2 GPS 47.68184,16.58247 +36 99 523308|hours= - Tenement Building - Bérházépület Deák tér 9 GPS 47.68191 ,16.58409 South of Downtown content=A monument }} Town house with highground floor - Igényes magasföldszintes polgárház Deák tér 25 GPS 47.68116,16.58644 South of Downtown Opening Hours: Only from outside. A monument }} One-storey urban civil house Neoreneszánsz egyemeletes városi polgárház Deák tér 17 GPS 47.68145 ,16.58555 South of Downtown Opening Hours: Only from outside . Neo-Renaissance }} - Egyemeletes lakóház (4852. számú műemlék) - Two storey Dwelling House - Egyemeletes Műemlék Lakóház Ógabona tér 18 GPS 47.68653 ,16.58847 West Downtown Only from outside - . Copf, circa 1790

Out of Downtown

Balfi Road

| image Resting Cross - Pihenő kereszt Balfi út ~138 GPS 47.68312 ,16.60658 E one kilometers of the Downtown ☎ +36 99 311327Opening Hours: 24/7 - Free . Open Air Monument. The tabernacle 17th century. Zettl-Langer collection Zettl-Langer Gyűjtemény Balfi utca 11 GPS 47.68716 ,16.59471 NE 100 m ☎ +36 99 311136 Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-12:00 for groups by appointment - Ft 800. A local history collection. More in Hungarian }} Lutheran cemetery - Evangélikus temető Margitbányai utca 24 / Balfi utca ~135-141 GPS 47.68338 ,16.60690 E one kilometers . Opened in 1886. There is Greek-style mortuary (around 1900). A domed mortuary built in Art Nouveau style in 1905. On the western part can be see the Lenk family mausoleum (1887). Ikva Bridge - Ikvahíd Ikvahíd utca GPS 47.68706 ,16.59355 Bécsi külváros (Vienna suburb) neighborhood, near to Balfi utca|hours=24/7 - Free . Contrary to the name this is not a bridge, but a street. The Ikva is a stream. There are two bridges. The western made in 1828 and its name is Ispotály (Hospital) bridge. The eastern bridge built in Middle Ages. Later the houses and the road were built onto the two bridge.

Rákóczi Ferenc Street

Kétemeletes lakóház (4878. számú műemlék) - |Dwelling House, Rákóczi Ferenc Street - Egykori Honvéd Tiszti Leánynevelő Intézet (17693. számú műemlék) 2.jpg

  • Former Army Officer's Girls boarding school - Egykori Honvéd Tiszti Leánynevelő Intézet II. Rákóczi Ferenc utca 8. GPS 47.68353 ,16.58619 Southwest 150 m of Downtown |fax= price= - Kétemeletes lakóház (4878. számú műemlék) - Three floor Dwelling House - lakóház Rákóczi u. 37-39. GPS 47.68359 ,16.58431 Southwest of Downtown price= - 9400 Sopron, Rákóczi utca 53. kétemeletes lakóház.JPG
  • Dwelling houses - Műemlék Lakóházak II. Rákóczi Ferenc utca GPS 47.68434 ,16.58392 West 200 m of DowntownOpening Hours: Only from outside . #5 (early historical), #6 (one storey), #10 (late classicist, 1850.), #12 (romantic, circa 1860), # 29 (early classicist, 1815. Designed by Jakab Handler), #47 (neoclassical, 1815. Designed by Jakab Handler), #49 (romantic, circa 1860), #51 (romantic, circa 1860).

Rose (Rózsa) Street

Sopron, Rózsa utca 3..jpg

  • Dwelling house - Műemlék Lakóház Rózsa utca 3 GPS 47.68855 ,16.59117 North 200 m of Downtown Opening Hours: Only from outside . Baroque, century }} - 9400 Sopron, Rózsa utca 1.ház a Rózsa utca felől.jpg
  • Dwelling house - Műemlék Lakóház Rózsa utca GPS 47.68851 ,16.59185 Downtown Opening Hours: Only from outside . #1 (A 16th-century house. Built over Roman ruins. Today Baroque facade emerged around 1750. The walls are large buttresses strengthen against the flooding stream Ikva.), #3 (baroque, 18th century), #4 (Baroque, 1760), #5 (Former Nap /Sun/ Inn. Built in baroque, 1726. Later partially modified.), #6 (Gothic, Baroque, early 18th century), #10 (Baroque, 18th century), #12 (Baroque, No. 18. Adapted floor and extended in the 20th century), #13 (Baroque, late 17th century), #16 (Baroque, 17. partly transformed in the 20th century.)

Bécsi Street

Archeological park Sopron - Scarbantia Archaeological Park - Archeological park Sopron.JPG Amphitheater - Amfiteátrum, Scarbantia Archaeological Park Scarbantia Régészeti Park Bécsi utca ~93/Virágvölgyi út GPS 47.69234,16.58937 North of Downtown, near to Virágvölgyi út, Between the Ikva and Rák streams ☎ +36 99 311327 price=. A Roman ruin garden with 3.5 meter wide Roman city walls. Later here was the rampart of the 'ispán' castle (11th century) - an Árpád-era fortress, (Latin: Castrum Suprun). Historical Garden . More }}

Baker House Museum - Pék-Ház Bécsi utca 5 GPS 47.68879,16.59273 North 200 m of Downtown ☎ +36 99 311327 price= . Between the years 1686-1970 and the owners of the house were bakers. After that and the City Council decided to open an exhibition in the building, keeping the entire interior untouched. More in Hungarian }} - Sopron Szent János kápolna - St. John the Baptist Church - Keresztelő Szent János Templom Bécsi utca ~7 GPS 47.69545 ,16.58381 North of Downtown ☎ +36 99 508080 price= . rigin of 13th century, Gothic, late 15th century. Vault 1519-1521, radically restored in 1890, based jr. Franz Storno plans. There are murals and inscriptions from 1519, located at gallery of organ }} Sopron Szentlélek kápolna - Holy Spirit Parish Church - Sopron Szentlélek kápolna - Holy Spirit Parish Church Szentlélek-plébániatemplom Szentlélek utca 2 GPS 47.68761 ,16.59391 North 100m of Downtown ☎ +36 99 508080 Fax: +36 99 508079 Opening Hours: Monday 12:00-18:00, Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00. Masses Monday 08:00, Tuesday - Saturday 17:00, Sunday 11:30, 17:00 - . Roman Catholic. Built in the 14th century, late Gothic church. (Construction of the end of the 1300s probable) Interior space was rebuilt in Baroque style in the 18th century. - Sopron zeneiskola - József Horváth Art School - Horváth József Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény, Szélmalom utca 17 GPS 47.69009,16.59064 North half km. Near Bécsi út ☎ +36 99 505392 |fax= price= . Built in 2003 with the reconstruction and extension of a 17th-century Jesuit monastery.

Hátulsó Street

Sopron, Hátulsó utca 11..jpg

  • Dwelling house - Lakóház Hátulsó utca 11 GPS 47.68365 ,16.58615 Southwest 100 m of DowntownOpening Hours: . Baroque, centuries. Modified. - Lakóház (4808. számú műemlék) 3.jpg
  • Dwelling house - Lakóház Hátulsó utca 9 GPS 47.68388,16.58623 Southwest 100 m of Downtown ☎ Opening Hours: Only from outside

St. Michael (Szent Mihály) road

Sopron Szent Mihály templom - Church of Street Michael - Sopron kilátás a Kurucdombról a Szent Mihály templomra - St. Michael Church with tower - Szent Mihály templom Szent Mihály út GPS 47.68895 ,16.59772 NE half kilometers of Downtown ☎ +36 99 508080 - . Gothic, Built in the second half of 13th century and beginning of the 14th century. Modified in the 15-16th centuries and between 1859-1866. Paintings and fragments (15th century) are renewed. One of the main sight is the wooden Madonna statue, circa 1460-1470. - Sopron Szent Jakab kápolna - St. James Chapel and the old cemetery Szent Jakab-kápolna és a régi temető Szent Mihály út GPS 47.68861, 16.596384 Next to St. Michael Church ☎ . Monument].

Sopron Két Mór ház - "Two Moors" House, 18th century, baroque - Sopron Szent Mihály utca.jpg

"Two Moors" House Két mór-ház Szent Mihály u. 9 GPS 47.688571,16.595699 NE of Downtown Only from outside. 18th century, baroque. The most beautiful farmer house of which is ornate Baroque gate kept twisted columns decorated with "Moorish" servants.

====Southwest==== Saint Margaret of the Árpád dynasty (Juliáneum) Church Árpád Házi Szent Margit (Juliáneum) Szent Margit u. 4. GPS 47.67669 ,16.57718 Southwest one kilometers ☎ +36 99 523648 Fax: +36 99 523649Opening Hours: Holy Masses: Monday 07:00, West Thursday Friday 17:45, Saturday 16:00 - ('squirming' for kids) only during the school year, 17:45; Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 17:00 (Apr to Oct at the Villa Street's John of Nepomuk Chapel ) - . Founded by Cardinal Vilmos Apor. A chapel and a parish constructed in 1945 used a house (from 1910). More in Hungarian }} Ligneum Visitor Center - Ligneum Látogatóközpont Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 4 GPS 47.67975 ,16.576082 Sw one kilometers Downtown. Inside University of West Hungary Area ☎ +36 99 518777 |fax=Opening from Monday to Saturday 09:00-16:30, Sunday closed - 0-3 years free, children, students, retired, disabled: Ft 500, adult: Ft 900 (2022). Ecotourism Visitor and Education Center, art museum, exhibition hall, art collection.


Bánfalva Carmelite3 - Carmelite monastery - Bánfalva Carmelite3.JPG

  • Carmelite monastery - Sopronbánfalvi Pálos-Karmelita kolostor Kolostorhegy utca 2 GPS 47.67706,16.55167 West two and half kilometers of Downtown, Lőverek ☎ +36 99 505895|fax= price= - Karoly kilato 01 - Károly Lookout Tower - Károly Kilátó Lőverek, Károly Magaslat GPS 47.66631 ,16.56909 Southwest three kilometers from Downtown ☎ +36 99 313080 Fax: +36 99 506834 Opening Hours: Open January - Feb 09:00-16:00, Mar 09:00-17:00 April 09:00-18:00, May-Aug 09:00-20:00, September 09:00-19:00, Oct 09:00-18:00, November - Dec 09:00-16:00, (24-25-26 Dec: closed) - Adult/Student,pensioners/For groups: Ft 400/300/200 . There is an exhibition hall. The 23 meter high lookout tower, made of quarry-stone and there is a highly interesting exhibition introducing the activity of three natural scientists of European fame - Pál Kitaibel, Endre Gombocz and Zoltán Kárpáti - as well as the main characteristics of the Sopron Nature Conservation Area. +phone=+36 99 506814 - Services: café, buffet, toilet/WC}} - Taródi vár.JPG Taródi Castle Bagolyvár, Bolondvár, Taródi-vár Csalogány köz 36. GPS 47.67707,16.56067 Lővérek, two kilometers of Downtown - . István Taródi built the castle by himself. He started the building operations in 1945, when he was 20. Castle floor area 4000 square meters. Built after the sample of the medieval knights castles. Castle parts: a drawbridge over a 3-meter deep moat, a 16 meters high and 10 meters in diameter half a meter thick gate tower with panoramic view, bath house, garden, fountain (3 meters in diameter and 15 meters deep), secret tunnel (10 meters long, 70 cm wide and 150 cm tall). - Sorhazdombi kilato - Sörházdomb (Beerhouse Hill) Lookout Sörházdombi kilátó, Gloriette opp. Sörházdombi út ~12 GPS 47.67423 ,16.57106 Southwest one and half kilometers, Lower (Alsó) -Lőverek price=Free . The Beer House Hill a 300 m high mountain ridge. Here is the youngest, wooden observation tower of Lövérek. - Magas berc 04 - Várhely (Castle space) Lookout Várhely-kilátó GPS 47.66643 ,16.532271 Lőverek, Reachable via Panoráma Street, SW-W three kilometers price= . Near to the remains of the earthwork of Várhely. There is a panoramic view toward: - NE: Sopront, Sopron-Bánfalvát, Vienna Hill, Fertő Lake and the Moson Flatland; - East: the Hanság; - South: the peaks of Sopron-mountain and Rozália mountain; - West: Ágfalva and Lépesfalva villages, Castle Fraknó and Schneeberg Mt. (Austria); - North Ruszti Hills, a Lajta Mtn. and the Small Carpathian range. }}
  • Elizabeth Gardens - Erzsébet-kert Ady Endre út, GPS 47.68308 ,16.57213 Lőverek Opening Hours: 24/7 - Free . The area purchased by the city in 1763. A French public park built. Initially named Neuhof (New Yard). Expanded in 1900 with the he Vághy's garden. One of the oldest Hungarian garden which everyone could freely visit. St. John of Nepomuk Chapel - Nepomuki Szent János Kápolna Villa sor 32. GPS 47.67027,16.58241 Southwest two kilometers of Downtown, Lőverek ☎ +36 99 523648|fax= price= . Rococo, 1764 }} Villas - Villa sor XIX. századi nyaralók Villa sor GPS 47.67256,16.57861 Southwest of Downtown, Lőverek Only from outside . In the so called Lower-Lővérek quarter. Twin Villas with elevated first floor made in 1890s. Also secession styled houses with richly decorated porch and garden. The gardens are well cared and there are huge trees. The buildings are in good condition, well maintained, but very badly can be photographed - Listed Villas: #2 Wallner Ignác House (Dr. Wallner Ignác (1847-1929) was the Director of the Main Real School of Sopron, between 1897-1914.), #6 (cozy), #14 (Like the other houses this was built behind decorative fence, large front garden.), #18 (), #20 (), #22 Winkler Oszkár House (Winkler Oszkár was the dean of the Faculty Of Mining, Metallurgy, Forestry,- a local branch of the Budapest University of Technology ), #24 (wooden porch wiith enclosed balcony), #26, #28 (almost invisible from the street), #30 (Cosy and perfect). - The #6, 24, 30 are the nicest of them. - Soproni tv torony 03 - TV tower of Sopron - Soproni tv-torony GPS 47.66286 ,16.56719 At the end of Erdei Road, South from Károly Lookout Tower |fax= price= . built in 1968–1970, architect Sándor Kovács (Postai Tervező Iroda – POTI). - Soproni egyetem matematika epulet - University of West Hungary - Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 4 GPS 47.680559 ,16.57716 Lővérek, University of West Hungary ☎ +36 99 518100 Fax: +36 99 312340 price= . Built in 1943, architect Oszkár Winkler. - Muck kilato 02 - Muck Lookout Tower - Muck-kilátó Near to Panoráma utca and Récényi út corner GPS 47.65117,16.52221 Southwest 4 kilometers from Downtown |fax= price= . Built in 1906, architect Schiller Ferenc.


Brennberg 14 - Brennbergbánya, it was one of the largest Hungarian coal mining colony - Brennberg 14.JPG Mining Memorial House - Bányászati Emlékház - Brennbergbánya Brennbergbánya, Óbrennbergi utca 14 GPS 47.65137,16.49756 Southwest eight kilometers ☎ +36 99 311327 Open only summer May-September W-Su 14:00-18:00 - Ft 500/250 . A technical/industrial museum. Brennbergbánya was one of the largest Hungarian coal mining colony more than 200 years long. The museum is in the first steam engine supplier shaft engine room (1840). The exhibition shows the mine creation, development and the supplies of miner life and a part of a miner's flat. BrennbergbányaFotoThalerTamas1 - St. Barbara Church - Bányásztemplom, Szent Borbála templom, Soproni út 22 GPS 47.65474 ,16.48981 - . 1928-30.

  • Evangelical belfry - Evangélikus harangláb GPS , Brennbergbánya - . 1938. Brennberg 02 Friedhof.JPG Miners Cemetery - Bányásztemető Óbrennbergi utca GPS 47.65560,16.50002 Brennbergbánya Northeast -

====More sights==== St. Emeric Church - Szent Imre Templom Révai Miklós utca 1 GPS 47.69288 ,16.57651 Northwest two kilometers, take bus: #1, 2, 5M, 6, 7, 7A, 7B, 11M, 12, 13, 13 B - to stop "Juharfa út 16" ☎ +36 99 523708|fax= +36 99 523709 Order of the Mass Sunday 09:00 (with the organ), Sunday 10:30 (during school hours - Family Mass), Sunday 18:00 (1st and 3rd Sunday with guitarist and the 2nd and 4th Sunday with the organ), Tuesday Thursday Friday 18:00 - . Roman Catholic. Modern style. Built in 1993-97. Planned by Balázs Mihály & Fejérdy Péter }} - Sopron Szent István templom - St. Stephen Church - Szent István templom Szent István park 1 GPS 47.6796,16.59713 Southeast half kilometers of Downtown ☎ +36 99 312697|fax=Opening Hours: Open during of mass: Summer: Monday to Saturday 18:00, 19:00; Sunday 08:30, 10:00, 18:00, 19:00 - . Roman Catholic. Its construction began in 1940. First and the tower is built. The reinforced concrete church Early Christian Basilica and the Colosseum and the use of architectural elements The walls are decorated with frescoes by the painterKátroly Sterbenz- The image of Black Madonna of Czestochowa and the Polish prisoners of war gift }} Sopron szélmalom - Former windmill on the Kuruc Hill Maria - Magdolna church Mária - Magdolna Templom Ady Endre út 115 GPS 47.68231 ,16.55594 West two kilometers of Downtown ☎ +36 99 316151 Opening Hours: Mass: Monday to Friday 07:30, Saturday 16:00, Sunday 10:00. Built in the 12th century, stone, in the Romanesque and early Gothic style. A monument with beautiful wall paintings. To the left in one of the windows was the sanctuary lamp, at right was the place to the Blessed Sacrament. The Archbishop fresco, around 1200, one of the most valuable Romanesque frescoes in Hungary. The mural in the vessel of the nave made in the early 15th century, Italian school. One section depicts the arrival of the three kings, and the congregation of the apostles. Outside of the shrine is a fresco fragment about Christ's head. - Farewell: jul.22 }} - Sopron Szent Mihály temető kápolnája.jpg

  • Chapel of the Street Michael's cemetery - Szent Mihály temető kápolnája, Szent Jakab-kápolna és a régi temető Híd utca 55 GPS 47.68769 ,16.59977 NE half kilometers of Downtown |fax= price= . Neogothic. - Sopron E29 Kreuzung Lackner-K-u.JPG The College, former Courthouse Building Kollégium, az egykori törvényszék épülete Lackner Kristóf utca 7. GPS 47.68776 ,16.5879 Northwest half kilometers |fax= price= . A monument local level protection. - Sopron középkori lakóház - Medieval building - Középkori lakóépület Pozsonyi út 3 GPS 47.69249 ,16.60096 NE one kilometers of DowntownOpening Hours: . reconstructed in 1970-73 }} - Sopron szélmalom.jpg
  • Former windmill on the Kuruc Hill - Régi szélmalom a soproni Kuruc-dombon Fraknói utca 14 GPS 47.67894 ,16.59765 Only from outside . Former Szélmalom Restaurant.

Further afield

Fertőrákos Kroisbach Bischöflicher Steinbruch 01 - Previous Episcopal quarry of Fertőrákos near Lake Neusiedl - Border break-through memorial - Pan-European Picnic Memorial Place Páneurópai Piknik Emlékhely Fertőrákos, Sankt Margarethener Landestraße GPS 47.75664 ,16.62158 At the Austrian-Hungarian border ☎ +36 99 515243Opening Hours: 24/7 - Free . This is a memorial site, an open-air museum. The Pan-European Picnic at the Austrian-Hungarian border, Sopron near the 1989th held on August 19 peace demonstration was an important antecedent of the Iron Curtain dividing Europe into two by cutting, Germany and the unification of the European Union's eastern enlargement.

Civertanlegifertod12 - The wonderful Esterházy-Palace Complex with decorative lighting - Esterháza159.JPG

  • Fertőd Eszterháza, Croatian: Herceško GPS 47.61831,16.8742 Southeast 25 km. Esterházy-Palace Complex, English Landscape Park, Local History Museum, Haydn Memorial room, Music house (exhibit place), St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church }} - Fertőszéplak1.jpg
  • Fertőszéplak German: Schlippach am See, Croatian: Siplak, Siplaka GPS 47.61682 ,16.84002 Southeast fifteen kilometers . The ancient seat of the Count Széchényi family. Sights: Széchenyi mansion, an open-air ethnographic museum, peasant-Baroque architecture, Railway lamp private museum (only one in Hungary) }} - Fertőrákos - Palace.jpg
  • Fertőrákos - German: Kroisbach, Croatian: Rakuš GPS 47.72105,16.64896 NE ten kilometers . Highlights: open-air museum of the beautiful stone quarry, Mithras Sanctuary

Best things to do in Sopron

Blaufränkisch - One of the famous local and the "Kékfrankos" made from Blaufränkisch Grape

  • Buy some bottles of the famous Hungarian "Kékfrankos"
  • Take a walk in the forest around the city.
  • Drink a Coffee in the café at Széchényi Tér with a view on the beautiful Liszt Ferenc Központ (Theatre and Casino).

Liszt Ferenc kultúrház, Kaszinó (4828. számú műemlék) - Franz Liszt cultural house, Former casino - Tastig the products of Harrer Chocolates Workshop - Harrer Csokoládéműhely Faller Jenő u. 4 GPS 47.68869, 16.60871 NE-E one and half kilometers ☎ +36 99 505904 Fax: +36 99 505904|hours=Monday to Saturday 07:30-19:30, Sunday and public holidays 09:00-19:30. Chocolates Workshop. Cakes, pies, ice cream, Snacks, Coffee and selection of teas, hot Chocolates, board and broke Chocolates, bonbons, a Chocolates pastilles and organic Chocolates, handmade Chocolates. Tasting times: daily 10:00 and 14:00.

Indoor sports

SnookerClubSopron Biliárd KLub Sopron| Gyár utca 3 GPS 47.69012 ,16.58255 Northwest one kilometers ☎ +36 99 784073 price= . Others: pool, snooker, rex, darts, table football, chess, card games.

====Bowling==== MKB Aréna Sport MKB Aréna Sopron Lackner Kristóf utca 48 GPS 47.69054 ,16.58326 Bus #1, 2, 12 ☎ +36 99 311250 Fax: +36 99 508969 price= . Bowling, squash, handball field, basketball court, fitness room. Also here: All Star Bowling. (☎ +36 30 2881012, , sports: bowling, squash, table tennis, table football.


Sopron tornacsarnok - Paprét, exercising hall from the 19th century

  • Everybody Fitness - Pap rét 27. 47.6836, 16.5973 E 500 m ☎ +36 20 3331116 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 07:30-22:00, Saturday 09:00-18:00, Sunday 09:00-13:00 gym 8 sessions/Day Ticket Ft 3500/700, solarium 5/10/15 min Ft 300/500/650, horizontal infrared sauna 30 min: Ft 1000 (2023) Sopron tornacsarnok - Aerobic-type training (Lessons: Monday - Thursday 18:30-19:30). Fitness room, gym, solarium, lie-infrared sauna, private massage

}} Mega Sport - Mega Fitness Sopron Pozsonyi út 2 GPS 47.68975 ,16.59921 NE 500 m ☎ +36 99 326779 - . Fitness rooms. Sports: squash, aerobic-type training, table tennis.

  • Croco Gym Winkler utca 3 GPS 47.67445 ,16.57885 Southwest 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 319216|fax= +36 99 316980 Opening from Monday to Saturday 08:00-22:00 - . Fitness room with sauna and solarium }} Krasznai Ferenc Sports-court Krasznai Ferenc Sportcsarnok Ady Endre utca 5 GPS 47.6824,16.5769 W-SW 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 518339|hours= - . Basketball court and aerobic-type training

Indoor swimming

Lővér swimming swimmingpool Lővér uszoda,Lővér Fürdő - Csik Ferenc Uszoda Lővér körút 82. GPS 47.67571 ,16.56783 Lővérek, 2 kilometers Southwest of Center ☎ +36 99 513423 Monday to Friday 09:00-20:30, Saturday Sunday and holidays: 09:00-20:30 - Adult day ticket ticket/after 14:00/after 16:00: Ft 1460/1240/1020, Sauna ticket Ft 880, key deposit Ft 100. This was formerly the Forest Bath (Erdei Forrásfürdő) opened in 1908. Its travertine swimmingpool fed by Deákkúti source. Since 1975 and there is an indoor swimming pool. The polygonal dome building can receive 720 people. Since 2004, Ferenc Csik (1936 Olympic champion swimmer) the name of the Indoor Swimming Pool. Sports Complex of Hotel Sopron Fövényverem utca 7 GPS 47.68876, 16.59351 North 300 m ☎ +36 99 512261 Fax: +36 99 311090 price=Massage 30/60 min: €13/21, Solarium ~ €2 per 10 min, Clay tennis court Ft 2000 per hour . sports: tennis, table football, table tennis, darts, fitness room, bicycling, swimming



  • Discover Sopron town by bicycle - ☎ +36 20 4828151 (If you have any cycling problems) - Rent a bike: around Ft 2200 per day (2023) #1 Cycle tour in Sopron (10 kilometers). #2 from Sopron to the cyclamen valleys of the Alpine foothills (30 kilometers), #3 from Sopron to Ferenc Liszt’s home village Raiding (Doborján), Austria. One way trip length is: 20 kilometers, #4 from Sopron to Rust, Austria, #5 to the Forchtenstein's Castle (50 kilometers roundtrip) and more with details on the Web, also some rentals and repairs options here.]


  • Fertő Lake Watercomplex Fertő-tavi vízitelep Fertőrákos GPS 47.71769 ,16.69102 Take a bus to Fertőrákos last stop (hourly, ten kilometers) further by walk two km ☎ +36 20 219-9555, +36 99 513-423 May-September 08:00-20:00 - . Services: playground, outdoor free showers, drinking fountains, rental shop (Kayak, canoe), snack bar, beach volleyball court, lake cruises, motorboat port. - Tómalom Beach Tómalom fürdő Erdőalja utca GPS 47.71836,16.625827 Bus #6, 13 ☎ +36 20 221-0525 Only June - September daily 08:30-20:30 - Adult day ticket ticket/after 14:00/after 16:00: Ft 650/550/450, Boat/Catamaran, water bikes/Junior water choppers/Kayak (half hour) Ft 600/800/350/450 . Services: children's swimmingpool with slide, giant chess, playground, sun deck, jetties for sunbathing, outdoor free showers, drinking fountains, rental shop (boat, pedal boat, canoe).


Natura Vinotéka and Ecotours GPS 47.68728,16.59161 Várkerület 24. ☎ +36 30 9866488| fax=|hours= - From Ft 2500 p.p.. Canoe Tours daily twice times (from mid May till mid Sep, min. ten pers., three hours). Also testing, birdwatching, cyclist tours


Lacke Neusiedlersee 2 - Lake Fertő / Neusiedlersee

  • Outdoor climbing wall Szabadtéri Mászófal Hunyadi János utca 8-10 47.67911, 16.58065 Southwest 1 kilometers ☎ +36 20 9839488Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 16:00–20:00, Saturday Sunday: closed. Price Day Pass: €3, 10 pack: €25, 30 Day Pass: €40 There is an artificial climbing wall in the heart of the city (Yard of the Hunyadi János School), which is 13 m high, with the area of more than 160 m². Other outdoor extreme sports: via ferrata, mountain & road biking, trekking & hiking, mountain & rock or ice climbing. Summit Sport Association, - Mikoviny u. 26.


Fertőrákos Csónakkikötő - Fertőrákos Boat harbor

  • Lake Szalamandra - Szalamandra tó | Sopronbánfalva-Kertváros, Tacsi-árok 0583 hrsz - GPS: 47.6675 ,16.5437 Southwest 3 kilometers ☎ +36 30 5277001price= . Fishing, swimming, boating }} Reservoir of Gida creek - Gida patak Víztározó Brandmajor price= . Fishing, swimming, boating }}
  • Lake mill - Malom tó 47.7178, 16.6253 NE 5 km

| phone+36 30 5277001 Fishing }}

  • Lake Violet - Ibolya-tó Lackner Károly utca GPS 47.6941,16.5802 Northwest ½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 342748 price=

====Extreme sports==== Summer Toboggan Run Sopron, Bécsi domb. 47.69497, 16.58562 N-NW 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 334266 Fax: +36 99 334266 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10:00-19:00, Saturday Sunday and holidays 10:00-19:00 (the opening hours may change due to inclement weather and technical reasons). Price Adult 1-5/6-12/15: Ft 450/370/320 per ticket, child Ft 350/300/250 per ticket bobsled }}

  • Crazy Garage (exit game) Győri út 42. GPS 47.67331 ,16.60437 Southeast 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 20 3564310 price= . Other sports: Exit games }}
  • Outdoor Zone - Elő sor 11. - GPS: 47.67258, 16.57982 Southwest 2 kilometers ☎ +36 20 9391036 Opening Hours: - Extreme sports, shooting, archery


  • Stadion of Local Government Sopron - Káposztás út 4 ☎ +36 30 9373474 Football field

Horse Riding

  • Brennberg-völgyi Horse Club - Görbehalom Vöröshíd GPS ☎+36 99 354318 Qualification: 2 horseshoes }}
  • Horse Farm Brandmajor - Brandmajor Lóistállók | Gida patak utca 3- GPS: 47.65264, 16.59437 South 3 kilometers ☎ +36 20 9213074 price=


Paintball Fertőhomok GPS 47.6182 ,16.7715 Southeast 17 km ☎ +36 20 9391036 Opening Hours: By appointment only (four-five days earlier) - Rents (paint balls not included) Half-day (morning or afternoon) Ft 2000-2600 per person, full day (between 08:00-18:00) Ft 3900-4900 per person, (depend of number of people). Paint Balls (per person) Ft 10-15 per pcs depend of amount . 7000 m² woodland range for the strategy game.

  • Laser tag | Fertőhomok GPS 47.6182 ,16.7715 Southeast 17 kilometers ☎ +36 20 9391036 Opening Hours: By appointment only (four days earlier) Price Two/five/eight hours Ft 2900/5500/7900 (2023) Strategy game. Recommended age: minimum 14 years

====Sailing==== Széchenyi Sailing Club - Fertő Tavi Vitorlás Szövetség | Besenyő utca 18/d 47.68622, 16.56406 ☎+36 30 2351201, +36 99 518 299, +36 99 314722, +36 70 6091410 (mobile) - Sailing dock: Fertő Lake (Neusiedler Lake) Water Site.

  • Yacht club of Lake Fertő Fertő Tavi Vitorlázó Egyesület Pilerin utca 30. GPS 47.64249,16.67153 ☎+36 99 655020 +36 99 655020
  • Sopron Builders Sports Association Soproni Építők Southeast | Bánfalvi út 9. - GPS: 47.68481, 16.57244 West 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 20 91 85 650 +36 99 523701


  • Sopron's Railway Sports Association - Soproni Vasutas Sportegylet (SVSE) Sporttelep | Lővér krt. 1. 47.6734, 16.5843 Southwest 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 517297 Opening Hours: Reservation: Monday - Thursday 08:00-16:00; Friday 08:00-12:00 Artificial Grass court rental (for football) + Locker Room: €180/match, Lighting: €20/match. Tennis Court renting ☎+36 30 2160353, for football (Field address: Lővér krt. 1. Contact: T 06-30 830-7716, E-mail: }}

Lővér Tennis Club Lővér Teniszklub - Lővér krt. 84./B 47.67675, 16.56814 Lővérek ☎ +36 99 313714 Opening Hours: Off-peak: 07:00-15:00, Peak: after 15:00 - Peak time/off peak (per hour) Ft 1900/900, ten hours (season ticket) Ft 17,000, lighting Ft 300 per hour, (with season ticket, free of charge), Small soccer field (outdoor) hire Ft 3000 per hour Seven hardcourt, two artificial grass courts. Other: cafeteria


Sopron Festő köz - An old street in Sopron

  • Loverek tourist routes - Lővérek turistaútvonalai - GPS , - Sopron Festő köz - Walk on the Castle Wall Promenade Várfalsétány | Bünker János Rajnárd köz 47.6855, 16.5891 Downtown Start from 'Bünker-köz'. Behind the Theatre Street (Színház utca)- walk to the courtyard of County Hall. From there to the reinforced concrete gate that drive to Main square (Fő tér), A walkway leads further to the Theatre Street (Színház utca) 3. (See: Fabricius House, General House). We'll get to the Front Gate of the Castle (Előkapu). (See: Fire Tower, New Town Hall, Ruin garden of City house street (Városház utca), Large Round Bastion, eastern Outbreaks gate or Small Round Bastion). A stairs leading across the upper gorge castle wall to behind St. George street's houses. Across Bacchus inn yard you'll get to St. George Street (Szent György utca) and final to the Rear Gate Street (Hátsókapu utca)}}

Füstös cankó - |thumb |Spotted redshank one of the Animals of Fertőd-Hanság National Park

  • Soproni Land Protective Circle - Soproni Tájvédelmi Körzet | | email - GPS: 47.6584, 16.5562 Sopron hill (West of Sopron) ☎ +36 99 537628 +36 99 537621 Opening Hours: 24/7 Admission: free A nature protection area. Professional guidance: on request: NA-TÚRA 2000 BT address: 9400 Sopron, Várkerület 59, ☎ +36309866488 E-mail: -The area of ​​Sopron Nature Protection Area 4,095 hectares, of which 705 hectares of strictly protected. Offers: zoological value, botanical value, water habitat, look-out tower, educational path.
  • Study Forest Management Co. - Tanulmányi Erdőgazdaság Zrt. | Honvéd utca 1- GPS: 47.67861, 16.57723 next to the University of West Hungary, Sw 1 kilometers of the Downtown ☎ +36 99 506810 Opening Hours: A taste of game prices: Deer: €950, Roe deer: €200 Boar: €1000 (2023) State forest management. Woodland and villager hunting lodges]. Sopron Park Forest seventeen thousand hectares of forest land. Hunting tickets. - Green Sopron - Zöld Sopron GPS , Opening Hours: - . Marked hiking routes, friendly picnic areas, more than 40 springs, 20 brooks, seven lakes, 5 lookout towers in the natural environment of Sopron Hills. 369 kilometers network of signposted tourist paths].
  • Botanical garden - Botanikus Kert | Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4. GPS 47.6792,16.5738 In the University of West Hungary area, Western part, - 'Lővérek' neighborhood ☎ +36 99 518100, +36 99 518184 |fax= Opening Hours: May-September 08:00-20:00, October - April 08:00-16:30 Price Free, professional guidance (up to 20 people): Ft 5000 per group, Pre-booking crucial Area ​​17.2 hectares. Protected birds. Protected indigenous and exotic plants.

Cinemas and theatres

Sopron Egyetemi Könyvtár - University Library, Sopron - Petőfi Theatre Soproni Petőfi Színház Petőfi tér 1. GPS 47.68419,16.58789 Downtown ☎ +36 99 517570 Fax: +36 99 517530 . Grand Theatre, Chamber Theatre, youth-, child- dance performances. Tickets: Liszt Ferenc utca 1 (☎ +36 99 517517, +36 99 517518, Fax: +36 99 517542, E-mail: @, Open: Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00, Saturday 9:00-12:00).

  • Cinemacity Lackner Kristóf u. 35. GPS 47.69781,16.57931 Northwest 1 kilometers of downtown, Sopron Plaza ☎ +36 40 600600
  • Civitas cellar-theatre - Civitas Pinceszinház Templom u. 16 GPS 47.68481 ,16.58948 Downtown ☎ +36 99 332098 or +36 30 9722977 - Adult/student Ft1500/1200 (2023) Sopron Egyetemi Könyvtár - University Library, Sopron. - Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem Központi Könyvtára Sopron Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 4 GPS 47.6817,16.5779 Lővérek ☎ +36 99 518223 +36 99 518267|hours=M Tuesday Th: 09:00-17:00, West 09:00-18:45, Friday 09:00-14:30 - membership fee Ft 1500 per year (2023)
  • Elit cinema - Elit mozi Torna utca 14. GPS 47.68296,16.593174 Southeast 100 m ☎ +36 99 312211|hours= - Full price auditorium/balcony Ft 1200/1400, discounted Ft 1000/1200
  • Lővér adventure park - Lővér kalandpark Sopron, Lővérek GPS 47.66386 ,16.56085 Lővérek, at Károly lookout tower ☎ +36 70 3967080 Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-19:00 (winter closed) - Adult/student/under 7 years Ft 2400/1900/1300, walking ticket Ft 300, climbing wall Ft 400. Eight Ropes fields (separate for babies, for kids, and for adult, different difficulty levels), climbing walls, wooden box building, tree climbing, archery field, special bowling, trampoline, table tennis. Sopron Crazy Garage - Crazy Garage Élő Logikai Kalandjáték Győri út 42 GPS 47.67348 ,16.60433 Southeast 1 kilometers ☎ +36 20 3564310 Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-22:00 - for 2/3-6 persons: Ft 7000/12,000, reduction for students . A real-life adventure game.


  • Festival Weeks - Concerts in the Cave Theatre in Fertőrákos.
  • Early Music Festival
  • Choral Festivals
  • Spring Days
  • Sopron Wine Festival
  • Pan-European Picnic
  • VOLT Festival | Web:

2023 Event | June |26 |month= 30 | Sopron - Music festival with mostly Hungarian artists, and usually one or two famous foreign artists per day

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Sopron

Shopping is cheaper than in neighbouring Austria.

In the city you can buy trendy clothes in the shop "Jeans Club" or you can buy clothes and other stuff in the Plaza outside of the city. There's a new shopping centre near to the border of the town, where you can find shops of various famous brands, like Benetton or New Yorker.

Egyemeletes lakóház (4805. számú műemlék) - |Volksbank in a Monument Building


  • CIB Bank - Várkerület 73. GPS 47.68403 ,16.59261 Center East ☎ +36 99 505 720, +36 1 4231000 (Central Call Center) Fax: +36 1 4896500 M Tuesday Thursday 08:30-16:00, West 08:30-17:00, Friday 08:30-15:00 . 24-hr ATM
  • Commercial and Credit Bank - K&H fiók és ATM - Várkerület Várkerület 41 GPS 47.68652,16.5935 Center NE +36 99 511700 +36 99 511 714 M 08:00 - 17:00, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00.
  • Erste Bank - Erste Bank Sopron, Előkapu Fiók Előkapu 2-4. GPS 47.68694 ,16.592117 Center North ☎ +36 40 222 222 |hour=M 08:00-17:00 Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00 - OTP Bank Várkerület 96/a GPS 47.68521 ,16.59266 Center East +36 1 366 6388 +36 99 512-681 M 07:45-18:00; Tuesday - Thursday 07:45-17:00; Friday 07:45-16:00 . Traded Currencies: USD EUR, wheelchair and child-friendly branch, free WiFi, Other un Teleki utca. 22./A (M 07:45-17:00; Tuesday to Friday 07:45-16:00) }} - MKB Bank Magyar Külkereskedelmi Bank Várkerület 16 GPS 47.68727 ,16.5907 Center North ☎ +36 99 512920 M 08:00-17:30, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:30, Friday 08:00-15:00 . }} - Raiffeisen Bank and ATM Széchenyi tér 14-15. GPS 47.68315 ,16.58803 Center South ☎ +36 99 506380 . Telebank client service - Raiffeisen Direkt +☎+36 40 484848, +36 1 4848484 }} - Unicredit Bank Web: acb0e06dbd08804c4b511926 bbd0fb6 Várkerület 1-3. GPS 47.68762 ,16.58996 Next to 'dm' shop ☎ +36 99 315 663 M 08:00-17:00, Tuesday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, Friday 08:00-15:00 . +Call center: ☎+36 40 504050, +36 1 3253200

Visit a Muslim Friendly Mall in Sopron

  • Sopron Plaza Shopping and Entertainment Centre - Sopron Plaza Bevásárló és Szórakoztató Központ | Lackner Kristóf utca 35 47.69802, 16.57918 Northwest one and half kilometers ☎ +36 99 512310 +36 99 342612 Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-20:00, CBA Cent supermarket Monday to Friday 05:30-20:00, Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-19:00 Foodcourt include:El Gusto Cafe&Bistro, Pizzas Forte, Hütters Restaurant Flower (Virág) Café (daily 08:30-21:00), Total Cafe (Sunday - Friday 09:00-21:00, Saturday 09:00-22:00), Illy Cafe (daily 08:00-19:00). Service stores: A to Z Clothing Repair, Exclusive Change (money changing, Western Unit), Auto-Aesthetik–Hand Wash (Car Wash), National Tobacco Shop, Smile Country Playhouse (for kids), Mr. Minit -Amethyst (cipőjavítás, kulcsmásolás, élezés, gravírozás, bélyegző készítés, tonertöltés) - Entertainment: Play Cafe & Billiards Party (Monday - Thursday 09:00-22:00, Friday Saturday 09:00-24:00, Sunday 09:00-22:00), Cinema City (Monday to Friday 12:30-20:45, Friday 12:30-22:45, Saturday 10:30-22:45, Sunday 10:30-20:45).

}} Alphapark Shopping Mall Alphapark Sopron Bevásárló Központ Határdomb út 2. GPS 47.67262,16.61235 Southeast ~ two kilometers, take bus 5, 5T , 5A, 5Y +36 99 326 296|hours=General opening hours Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 09:00-22:00. Alpha Pharmacy (Monday to Friday 08:00-18:30; Saturday 08:00-17:00), Chen's Cooking (restaurant, daily 11:30-22:00), Coffeeshop Company (Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00; Sunday 09:00-18:00), Dm drogerie (Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00; Sunday 10:00-17:00), Euronics Technical Store (Monday to Saturday 09:00-20; Sunday 10:00-16:00), Euro Family household products shop (Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 09:00-19:00), Boutiques: Benetton, Brendon Baby Store, NewYorker, 'no age store' - Humanic (shoes, Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00), Játéksziget Sopron (Toys, Monday - Thursday 10:00-19:00, Friday Saturday 10:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-19:00); Kappa Sportswear (Monday to Saturday 09:00-20, Sunday 10:00-17:00), Lyric Book Store (Monday to Saturday 9:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-18:00), Optura Optics (Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-17:00), Penny Market (discount supermarket store, Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sun: 07:00-18:00) Reno (shoes, Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 09:00-18:00). Schneider (Watch and Jewellery, Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-17:00) Toy-Star (Game, gift, decoration, Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 10:00-17:00). Services: Speedfit Fitness Studio (daily 06:00-24:00), Therapiezentrum Sopron, (English- and German-speaking physiotherapists, Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-19:00)

  • Family Center - Family Center Sopron Bevásárló Központ Ipar körút 31. GPS 47.66949 ,16.61035 Southeast 2 kilometers ☎ +36 1 4392330 -


Market - Vásárcsarnok, Piac Csarnok utca 1. GPS 47.68818 ,16.58725 At long distance bus station ☎ +36 99 334604, +36 80 514-600 October - Mar: Monday 07:00-13:00, Tuesday - Thursday 07:00-15:00, Friday 06:00-15:00, Saturday 06:00-14:00, Sunday 07:00-12:00; April - September: Monday 07:00-13:00, Tuesday - Thursday 06:00-15:00, Friday 05:00-15:00, Saturday 06:00-14:00, Sunday 07:00-12:00 . Fresh vegetables, organic products, manufactural, homemade cheeses and dairy products. Mushrooms checking.


Interspar Sopron hypermarket - Interspar hipermarket Selmeci utca 15-17 GPS 47.68931,16.58386 East half kilometers ☎ +36 20 823 8246 Monday to Saturday 06:00-22:00, Sunday 08:00-19:00 and Tesco hypermarket - and Tesco hipermarket Ipar körút 30. GPS 47.67013,16.61141 Southeast 1½ kilometers, Free and Tesco bus from stop IV. László király utca via stop 'Várkerület Festő köz' 24/7 Services: Wi-Fi, credit card and PayPass payment, ATMs, Meat countertop, fresh bakery products, Friday & Friday clothing department, gift package making and packaging, free parking, home delivery. Left luggage office. Restaurant. Photo developing. Fish counter. Air-conditioned. Mobile phone dealers. Currency exchange. Pizzas counter. Fitting room. Dry cleaning. ☎ cards charging. Flower shop.

How to find a Supermarket with Halal food in Sopron

  • Aldi discount store - Aldi diszkontáruház Győri út 45. 47.6758, 16.59909 Southeast one kilometers Opening Hours: Daily 7:00-20:00 }}
  • CBA supermarket - CBA Egyetem élelmiszer-vegyesbolt| Bajcsy Zsilinszky utca 4. GPS 47.68151 ,16.577402 South of Downtown ☎ +36 99 510763 - . + un CBA Cent Diszkont ( Lackner K. u. 35., open: Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-19:00)
  • Coop supermarket #55 - Coop szupermarket 55. sz. ABC Ibolya út. 13. GPS 47.68136 ,16.56365 Center ☎ +36 99 506-693|hours= . + units: Unit#18 (Gyár U. 2., Tel.: 99 334-451), Unit#42 (Hajnal tér 1.Tel.:+36 99 506262, fax: +36 99 313-192 }} Lidl discount store - Lidl diszkontáruház Bánfalvi út 12. GPS 47.68535 ,16.56913 West 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 80 020534 +36 1 3466010|hours=Daily 07:00-21:00 . Discount store chain. More un Lófuttató út 4. (daily 07:00-20:00) }}
= Penny Market - Penny Market diszkontáruház Győri Út 11059/1 GPS 47.67815 ,16.59578 Southeast 500 m Monday to Saturday 07:00-20:00, Sunday 07:00-18:00. Discount store chain. - Spar supermarket Spar szupermarket| Arany János utca 16 GPS 47.67857 ,16.58973 South 500 m of Center ☎ +36 20 823 7404 Monday to Friday 06:30-21:00, Saturday 06:30-17:00, Sunday 08:00-13:00 . Supermarket chain. More units: Csarnok utca 10 (Tel.: +36 20 823 8707, hours=same as above), Kodály Zoltán tér 18 (☎ . +36 20 823 7877, Monday to Friday 06:30-21:00, Saturday 06:30-17:00, Sunday 08:00-18:00).

Other stores

Pan-Optika Várkerület 75 GPS 47.68377,16.59224 Center ☎ +36 99 340422, +36 99 340394 . Glasses, Sunglasses. - Idea electronics store - Idea Műszaki Áruház Mátyás király utca 20 GPS 47.680324, 16.58872 between train station and Downtown ☎ +36 99 320864, +36 99 320273 Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00, Saturday 09:00-12:00 - Obi DIY Obi barkácsáruház Határdomb u. 3. GPS 47.67299 ,16.61247 Southeast 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 1 455 5100, +36 40 21 22 23 Monday to Saturday 08:00-20:00, Sunday 08:00-18:00 - . Services: paint mixing, home delivery, cutting to size. dm drogeriemarkt Várkerület 100-102 GPS 47.68468 ,16.59253 Center East ☎ +36 99 505032 Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00, Saturday 08:00-13:00 . Austrian beauty/household store chain. Beauty, wellness health products. Baby care and household goods. Photo corner. More units: Kodály tér 18, (Spar-Jereván neighborhood, ☎ +36 99 510070); Lackner Kristóf utca 35, (Sopron Pláza, ☎ 36 99 524-324); Határdomb út 2. (Alpha Park, ☎+36 99 505933, Monday to Saturday 09:00-20:00, Sunday 09:00-18:00)

Halal Restaurants in Sopron


Buddha Beach & Cafe Club Béke út 10 GPS 47.67977,16.58208 Southwest half kilometers ☎ +36 99 506650 - Massage 2500-4500, tasting waterpipes Ft 1190, 16 types of coffee/17 types of teas Ft 300-800/320; juices (2 dl)/carbonated soft drinks Ft 240-400/300-600; soft drinks/wines (1 dl)/five types Champagne Ft 400-600/140-280/700-4400, aperitifs (4 cl)/distilled drinks (4cl)/Cocoa Ft 500-550/440-980/370, Fruit cocktails (20 types)/Alcohol-free cocktails Ft 700-2400/700 . Meditation training on Mondays 19:00 to 22:00. Drink sales. Coffees, teas, fruit cocktails, pool, sunbathing, Friday Saturday DJ 'R'N'B' and 'House' Music. Sunday Live music. Wi-Fi zone. Mobile: +36 70 2110400


  • Dömötöri Confectionery - Dömötöri Cukrászda Széchenyi tér 13. GPS 47.68286,16.58836 Center south ☎ +36 99 506623 Fax: +36 99 506621|hours=October - Apr: Monday - Thursday 07:00-21:00, Friday Saturday 07:00-22:00, Sunday 08:00-21:00. Summer (May-Sep) Monday - Thursday 07:00-22:00, Friday Saturday 07:00-23:00, Sunday 08:00-22:00 - Baked goods/wedding cake Ft 70-400/special prices, permanent available whole cake (slice)/figural cake Ft 360-450/6800-8400, children's cake/photo cake Ft 2100-3700/900-1600, decorated cake/erotic cake Ft 360-600/ask about in the store; boxed desserts/sweet and salty cookies (per kg) Ft 770-850/2500-3000; pies and piece goods Ft 160/470 . Daily deals. Other units: Piazza San Marco Cafe - Confectionery (Lackner K. utca. 35, Tel. +36 99 523-189, email=@), Zwinger Café (Várkerület 92., Tel.:340287, @). }} - Harrer Chocolates Workshop and Confectionery - Harrer Csokoládéműhely és Cukrászda Várkerület 73 GPS 47.68398,16.59261 Center east ☎ +36 99 342 847|fax= Monday to Saturday 07:30-19:30, Sunday and holidays: 09:00-19:30. Pies, cakes, ice creams, sandwichs, Snacks, Coffee and specials.

Fast food, pizzerias

  • Fortuna Pizzeria - Fortuna Pizzéria Mátyás Király utca 34. GPS 47.67851,16.58743 Near to train statin ☎ +36 99 320063|fax= Monday to Friday 09:00-23:00, Saturday to Sunday 10:00-23:00 - Pizzas (30/26/50 cm) Ft 900-1350/770-1310/2400-3000, pastas/salads Ft 1100-1300/500-1000, other hot meals/soft drinks (0.5L) Ft 1000-1300/230-300, organic juice (0.5L)/fruit cocktail (0.75L) Ft 450/1050 . Delivery and takeaway. Ordering: 70 2655777}} - McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant) Restaurant and McDrive Lackner K. u. 60. GPS 47.69354 ,16.58194 Northwest 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 510480|hours= Restaurant Daily 07:00-24:00, McDrive daily 06:00-05:00 . Services: Mc Breakfast, parking, Wi-Fi, birthday events, playground, wheelchair accessible. Mobil: +36 30 6897032, }} - Nagymama Restaurant - Nagymama Konyhája önkiszolgáló étterem és óriás palacsintázó, literally Grandma's Kitchen self-service restaurant and giant pancake bistro Várkerület 104. GPS 47.68388,16.59209 Center ☎ +36 20 3158730 Monday to Saturday 10:00-21:00, Sunday 12:00-21:00 - Sweet giant pancakes Ft 270-750, savoury giant pancakes Ft 600-950, grilled giant pancakes Ft 750-1000, soups/sauces Ft 400-600/400-700, noodles/frieds Ft 830-980/1050-1150, vegetables meals Ft 800-1000, salads/desserts Ft 500-700/600-700 . Small chain. Soups, Sauces, casserole dishes, course meals, Steaks and Vegetarian dishes. Other units: # Ferenczy J. u. 32. (Tel.:+36 70 4204141, Monday to Saturday 10:00-20:00, Sunday 14:00-20:00), # Verő J. u. 1. (Tel.: +36 20 9346045; Monday to Friday 09:00-20:30, Saturday 11:00-20:30, Sunday 12:00-20:30 ).
  • Prima Vita Pizzeria - | Ferenczy János. u. 58 47.68955, 16.58659 Near to Bus station ☎ +36 99 311343 | Opening Hours: 07:30-21:00, 32 types of pizza (27 cm/32 cm) Ft 700-1150/900-1400, soups/starters Ft 400-800/900-1400, chicken/turkey dishes Ft 1000-1500/1000-1600, fish/Beef/ beef dishes Ft 1000-1900/1000-1600/1300-1700, Pastas Ft 1000-1300, salads/desserts Ft 330-480/330-600 Italian Pasta. Pizzas.Home delivery.


Hortobagy_palacsinta - A Hungarian filled pancake, Hortobagy-style

Lots of restaurants, predominantly Hungarian but also Viennese cuisine, frequented by Austrian daytime tourists. - Golden Pheasant Restaurant - Aranyfácán Vendéglő Becht Rezső u. 23. GPS 47.67364,16.57392 Lővérek ☎ +36 99 349292|fax= Daily 11:00-21:00 - Soups/starter Ft 550-850/1400-1950; winged meals/fishes/Beef/beef/wild meals Ft 1650-1950/1900-3000/1650-2400/1450-1950/1600-2500 salads/desserts Ft 450-800/650-750 - Aperitifs 2 cl/4 cl Ft 270-350/550-700, bottled soft drinks/draft organic juice (0.5 L) Ft 380-480/600, sects (0.75 L)/soft drinks (0.2 L) Ft 2000/350, coffees, teas Ft 350-400 Wollner Hotel and aWollner Restaurant - aWollner étterem Templom utca 20 GPS 47.68439,16.58939 Center ☎ +36 30 9575610 Fax: +36 99 524 401 Tu–Sa 12:00–22:00 - Soups/main course/salads/desserts Ft 700/1900-2900/550/900 . +☎+36 99 524 401. Baroque room (up to 40 persons), Wine cellar (up to 55 persons), Flandorffer-Room (up to 25 persons), Mediterranean Terrace, Hanging garden (for a wedding or a party). The list include: sparkling fruit cocktails, dry and sweet white fruit cocktails, rosé soft drinks and dry red soft drinks }}

Bercsényi Tavern Grill Restaurant - Bercsényi Borozó Grill Vendéglő Bercsényi Miklós utca 21 GPS 47.67997,16.60276 E one kilometers ☎ +36 99 788007|fax= - starter Ft 320-920, Chicken breast (two dozens types) Ft 950-1400, Beef meals (more than a dozen) Ft 950-1450, salads Ft 300-400

  • Chen's Wok & Grill Restaurant - Chen's Cooking Wok & Grill Étterem xicheng96@ Határdomb u. 1-2. GPS 47.67255,16.61337 Southeast 2 kilometers, Alpha Center Foodcourt ☎ +36 99 505337|fax= Daily 11:30-22:00 - Soups/starter Ft 400-800/600-900, mains Ft 1800/3200, salads/desserts Ft 500-900/500-900, sushis Ft 1300-4000. Try ramen & udon soups, Kan Bian Chicken (spicy Chicken with vegetable ) or Sa-Za Beef ( beef with broccoli).
  • Corso Restaurant - Corso Étterem Várkerület 73. GPS 47.68382,16.59278 Center East ☎ +36 99 340990|fax= Monday to Saturday 10:30-21:00, Sunday 11:00-16:00 - Soups/starter Ft 600-800/900-1900, pastas/veggies Ft 1100/800-1100, gluten- and lactose-free meals Ft 1400-3000, fishes/winged meals Ft 2200-3000/1900-2100, Beef meals/grills Ft 2000-2500/3000-4500, salads/desserts Ft 400-600/800-1000
  • Deák Restaurant - Deák Étterem Erzsébet u. 20 GPS 47.68105 ,16.58656 Between Train Station and Downtown ☎ +36 99 505033|fax= Monday to Friday 11:00-24:00, Friday Saturday 11:00-02:00, Sunday 11:00-22:00 - Soups/specials Ft 600-1600/2000-2700, salads/snacks, starters Ft 1700-3000/700-2800, Pasta. risottos/fish dishes Ft 1900-3800/2800-3600, winged dishes Ft 2000-2600 Sopron 60 Pocsi-u 21.JPG White Rose (Fehér Rózsa) Tavern and Restaurant - Fehér Rózsa Kisvendéglő és Fogadó Pócsi u. 21 GPS 47.68198 ,16.59619 E 300 m ☎ +36 99 335-270|fax= 11-23 - Appetizers Ft 900-2000, meatless/poultry/ Beef dishes Ft 1000-1300/1500-1900/1800-2100, beef/game/fish dishes Ft 1540-3600/2400/1400-2300, Pasta. salads and desserts Ft 400-900/460-600. Delivery.

Langos2 - Langos, a Hungarian hot snack

  • Fogas Restaurant - Fogas étterem dezsoke72@ Előkapu 2-4 GPS 47.68683 ,16.59211 Center ☎ +36 99 505 959|hours=Daily 11:00-22:00. Offering the widest selection of freshwater fish }} - Generális-Corvinus Restaurant - Generális-Corvinus Étterem Fő tér 7-8 GPS 47.68633,16.590152 Center, Storno House ☎ +36 99 505035, +36 30 2723701 (mobile)|hours=Monday to Saturday 10:00-22:00, Sunday 10:00-21:00 - Pizzas (more than 20) Ft 1100-1600, soups/starters Ft 500-750/600-1800, meat/veggie/fish dishes Ft 1900-2550/1200-1650/1400-3100, Pastas Ft 1150-1250, salads Ft 400-1800, soft drinks (0.25 L) Ft 320-490. Aperitifs Colas, whiskey, , fruit cocktails, pálinkas 2 cl/4 cl Ft 250-700/500-1400, bottled soft drinks/draft organic juice (0.5 L) Ft 500-800/520-600, coffees, teas Ft 350-900 - Graben Restaurant - Gráben Étterem Várkerület 8. GPS 47.68716,16.59057 centre north ☎ +36 99 340-256|fax= - Soups/starters Ft 520-850/900-2000, game/Beef/poultry dishes Ft 2000-2500/1900-2200 /1800-2000, fish/ beef dishes Ft 2200-3000/2300-3400, salads/desserts Ft 400-600/750-850. Aperitifs Colas, whiskey, , pálinkas 2 cl/4 cl Ft 270-1400/550-2800 bottled soft drinks/draft organic juice (0.5 L) Ft 500-760/550, fruit cocktails Ft 900-1100, coffees Ft 330-900. Wide variety of Hungarian and Austrian specialites. The restaurant has a good atmosphere. - Juventus Restaurant Juventus Tanétterem Füredi Oszkár Sétány 8 GPS 47.68387,16.59374 E 200 m ☎ +36 99 311190 Fax: +36 99 523661 - Menus Ft 750/950/1250, Starters Ft 450-1350; soups 300-700, fish meals Ft 1150-1450; Meat meals Ft 850-2500, desserts Ft 300-550. Air-conditioned, wheelchair accessible, Hungarian and German menucard. Seats: 80. - Kiskakukk (Little Cuckoo) Restaurant - Kiskakukk Vendéglő Lővér körút 52 GPS 47.67031,16.58054 South 1½ kilometers +36 99 329011|fax= Monday - Thursday 11:00-21:30, Friday Saturday 11:00-24:00, Sunday 11:00-21:00 - Soups/starters Ft 400-850/550-1700, fish/game/ beef dishes Ft 2200/2100-2400/1500-2100; Beef/poultry dishes Ft 1400-1600/1400-1600, salads/desserts Ft 400-950/400-700. Aperitifs Colas, whiskey, , pálinkas (4 cl) Ft 400-700 bottled soft drinks/draft organic juice (0.5 L) Ft 450-600/450 soft drinks (per dl) Ft 120, bottled soft drinks (0.75 L) Ft 1900, soft drinks (2-3.3 dl) Ft 350, coffees Ft 300-700. Friday and Saturday nights (19:00-24:00): live 'nostalgia' music. Mobile: +36 20 3821527. - Mediterrano Restaurant and Confectionery Mediterrano étterem és a Gino Cukrászda Lackner Kristóf u. 33/A GPS 47.69503,16.58114 Northwest 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 508300 Daily 08:00-21:00. Confectionery: fresh bread, Mediterranean sandwiches, egg dishes and Coffee Lamborghini. Restaurant: mainly Mediterranean cuisine and also Hungarian and international flavors

}} - Moa Restaurant & Bar Moa Bár Várisi út 1 GPS 47.66711,16.57848 South 2 kilometers ☎ +36 99 329-070|fax= Monday to Friday 11:00-23:00, Friday Saturday 11:00-24:00, Sunday 11:00-23:00 - Soups/cold starters/hot starters Ft 600-1200/1500-2800/1600-2800; fish/moufflon/ beef dishes Ft 2900-3600/2900/3200-4100; Beef/poultry dishes Ft 2400-3000/2400-2600, salads/desserts Ft 400-500/800-900, soft drinks (2 dl) Ft 300, six types cocktails Ft 800 Papa Joe Saloon and Steakhouse Várkerület 108. GPS 47.68338,16.59172 South Center ☎ +36 99 340-933 Fax: +36 99 340089 Sunday - Friday 11:00-24:00, Saturday 11:00-02:00 - Soups/starters Ft 700-900/1400-2200; fish/main dishes Ft 2000-3600/2100-4000; meals broiled on wood ember (200-400 g) Ft 1350-7600, tenderloin 1 kg with 'Joe' garnish Ft 20000, side dishes Ft 600-1000, Papa Joe Burgers with extras Ft 2500 plus Ft 200 per extra, ragouts Ft 450-850, salads/desserts Ft 700/820-900. Drinks: bourbon and Tennessee whisky/Japanese Ft 700-2200, singele pure malt (4 cl)/blended scotch (4 cl) Ft 1500-4900/900-5900, Irish whisky/Cognac (4 cl) Ft 900-2200/1300-4200, brandy/gin, vodka (4 cl) Ft 600-800/650-2200, rum/tequila Ft 700-140/800-1900, bottled soft drinks (0.75 L) Ft 3300-20 000, tokaji special (0.5 l) Ft 40,000, sekt (0.75 L) Ft 2700-5900, bottled soft drinks (0.33 L)/draft organic juice (0.4 L) Ft 500-800/480-800, soft drinks (2 dl) Ft 100-350, coffees Ft 350-800 . Restaurant up to 180 people. Terrace for 120 people, event room for 40 people. Wild West theme, grilled meats, 100 kinds of whisky. Wi-Fi. Try the extreme sixed grilled tenderloin one kg with 'Joe' garnish. Ft 20,000}} - Rókalyuk Restaurant, Pizzeria and Pub Rókalyuk (Foxhole) Étterem, söröző, pizzéria| Várkerület 112. GPS 47.68299,16.59123 Center South ☎ +36 99 342900|fax= - Soups/starters Ft 500-1100/900-1900; fish/veggie/ beef dishes Ft 1900-2800/1300-1600/2000-4200; Beef/poultry dishes Ft 1900-2300/1600-3600, pastas/salads/desserts Ft 1100-1800/350-500/500-650; Pizzas (28-32cm) based tomato (three dozens types) Ft 800-1500, Pizzas (28-32cm) based sour cream Ft 1300-2000; stuffed Pizzas Ft 1300/1500; pizza sandwiches Ft 1200/1400. Daily menus Ft 690, on weekends Ft 790 | lastedit=2022. Big selection of draft organic juice and excellent cuisine on the Corso. Delivery order: +36 99 359285 }} - Perkovátz House - Perkovátz Ház Széchenyi tér 12 GPS 47.68274,16.58851 Center South ☎ +36 99 316839|fax= Daily 11:00-24:00 - Daily menus Ft 1000-1240, soups/starters Ft 500-1100/850-2000, veggie dishes Ft 900-1700, fish/ beef dishes Ft 2500-3000/2000-3800 Beef/poultry dishes Ft 2000/1600-3400,salads/cheeses, desserts Ft 300-700/600-1900. Anglo-Saxon, Victorian interiors, original Anglo-American draft soft drinks. Fine selection of food and fruit drinks, besides modern dishes and the typical flavours, ingredients and traditional recipes for home-made dishes. Delivery. - Schmauser Tavern Schmauser Vendéglő és Pálinkaház Kossuth Lajos utca 49. GPS 47.68458,16.575916 West 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 311432, +36 99 789427 Tuesday - Saturday 11:00-02:00, Sunday 11:00-15:30 - 2-course meal Ft 1600-3000 . Hungarian. international cuisine. - Pince Restaurant - Pince (Cellar) Csárda Széchenyi tér 5. GPS 47.68235,16.58977 Center South ☎ +36 99 319-023|hours=Monday - Thursday 11:00-22:00, Friday Saturday 11:00- 23:00, Sunday 11:00-22:00 - Soups/starters Ft 400-700/600-1100; fish /game/ beef dishes Ft 1400-1800/1400-1700/2200-2300; Beef/poultry dishes Ft 1200-1500/1200-1400; salads/desserts Ft 300-450/350-520 . Ample portions with Hungarian flavours.

  • Royal Bisztró - Széchenyi Restaurant | 9400 Sopron, Varkerulet 75 47.6837, 16.5925 ☎ +36 99513681 | Opening Hours: 07:00-22:00 £ - Local bistro-style Hungarian cuisine.

If you're in Sopron, you have to drink a glass of the famous of the area around sopron, it's called "Kékfrankos".

Cellars and pubs

  • Caesar cellar - Cézár Borozó Hátsókapu u. 2 GPS 47.68398,16.59102 Center ☎ +36 99 311337 fruit brandies 20 types: 2 cl 350-540, 4 cl 700-1100; flowing/bottled soft drinks (1 dl/0.75 L) Ft 110-140/1800-4100, soft drinks 0.5 L Ft 400-700, Champagne (0.75 L)/spirits (4 cl) Ft 2100/400-640, carbonated soft/non-carbonated soft drinks 0.2 L Ft 200-400/200-220, Coffee Ft 270-330 . Cold dishes and fine soft drinks of Sopron
  • Green Café | Ady E. u. 5. - GPS: 47.68167, 16.57723 Southwest 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 510762 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 20:00-02:00, Saturday 17:00-02:00, Sunday 19:00-12:00 - A university café-pub.
  • Gázfröccs Pub - Gázfröccs | Deák tér 28. 47.68101, 16.58560 South 300 m ☎ +36 99 787783 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11:30-01:00, Friday Saturday 11:30-02:00| price=Pizzas Ft 650-1290, plus toppings: Ft 250-350; gourmet pizza Ft 1650-1790, slice of pizza Ft 390, Burgers Ft 1290-1490, pub food Ft 900-1400, desserts Ft 800-900 'Romkocsma' (lit. ruin pub) style. Events, modern exhibits, small concerts. Sopron Weinkeller 08.JPG Grapes and Restaurant Gyógygödör - Gyógygödör Borozó Fö tér, 4. GPS 47.68621 ,16.59055 Center ☎ +36 99 311-280| fax=|hours=Daily 09:00-22:00 - Soups/desserts Ft 500-1400/390, mains Ft 1250-1900, soft drinks (1 L) Ft 900-1200, soft drinks (0.5 L) Ft 380-490, coffees, teas Ft 270-800 - János cellar János Pince Szőlős u.1 GPS 47.68739,16.60191 NE 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 326025|fax= - Starters Ft 1100-2000, mains Ft 1700-3300, salads/desserts Ft 300-450/500-700, flowing soft drinks (1 dl) Ft 100, draft/bottled soft drinks 0.5 L Ft 500/400-800, Champagne (0.75 L)/spirits (4 cl) Ft 2150/600-800, soft drinks 0.2 L Ft 200-3000, Coffee Ft 200-400. Mobile: +36 20 4930558
  • Kisdeák Pub and Restaurant - Kisdeák Söröző és Étterem | Web: %89tterem-S%C3%B6r%C3%B6z%C5%91-%C3%A9s-Boroz%C3%B3/299232796777694?sk=timeline Deák tér 46 47.68012, 16.58789 South ~400 m☎ +36 30 2757273 Opening Hours: W-M 17:00-24:00| price=Starters Ft 700-1400 Charming, retro. }} - Old Boy's Restaurant and Pub Old boy's étterem Gyár u. 1. GPS 47.68925,16.58198 Northwest one kilometers ☎ +36 99 333355|fax= Monday - Thursday 08:00-20:00, Saturday 08:00-22:00, Sunday 10:00-20:00 - Carafe (per dl) Ft F300-390, bottled red fruit cocktails, bottled white soft drinks (0.75 L, a dozen types) Ft 2000-6900, Tokaj soft drinks Ft 3300-5800. An Irish pub. - Prinyo cellar - Prinyő borozó Koronázódomb 22. GPS 47.69267,16.59168 North one kilometers ☎ +36 99 334042 M 15:00-21:00, Tuesday - Saturday 15:00-23:00. 120 seats. 2 non-smoking and one smoking room Foods:Home-cooked smoked knuckle with pickled horseradish, boiled eggs, bread; Pork cold dish; Roast homemade sausage-with meat; Cheese plate; Hot sandwich; bread and dripping. Wines: Green veltelíni, Tramini, Sauvignon Blanc, Zweigelt, Blaufränkisch Rosé, Blaufränkisch, Cabernet Sauvignon, various Cuvée fruit cocktails, Cabernet Sauvignon Barrique. +Mobil: +36 20 4673873, +36 20 9726753 - Prinyo Wine shop (Sopron Plaza, Lackener Kristóf utca. 35. open: daily 09:00-20:00). - Taste Vino Borbar and Wine shop Taste Vino Borbár & Vinotéka Várkerület 5 GPS 47.68770,16.59038 Center North ☎ +36 30 5198285 Tuesday - Saturday 12:00-24:00 - Soups Ft 400-900 fish/veggie dishes/ beef dishes Ft 1200-1800/1000-1300/1600-1850; Beef/poultry dishes Ft 1100-1700/1400-1500, salads/desserts Ft 250-450/350-600, coffees Ft 300-350, flowing/bottled soft drinks (liter/0.7 L) Ft 1000-1200/2000-3500, bottled soft drinks 0.5 L Ft 450-700, Champagne (0.75 L), spirits (4 cl) Ft 2100/440-700, soft drinks (2 dl) Ft 60-240 . Services: Sommelier service, mobile sommelier tastings, dinners; gift packages; studies courses; other events}} - Vincellér House Restaurant and bar - Vincellér-Ház Étterem, borozó Balfi u. 121 GPS 47.68301,16.60385 E one kilometers ☎ +36 99 325588 - The restaurant capacity 48 people. In summer, also there is a cozy organic juice garden with 70 seats. Served own made fruit cocktails. +mobile: 06 30 9768353.


Minus One Club Club-1 Kávézó, Tekepálya, Söröző; Club Mínuszegy Baross út 4-6. GPS 47.68511,16.57519 West one kilometers ☎ +36 99 518693|fax= Grocery - Buffet Monday to Friday 07:00-17:00, Saturday 07:00-11:00 - Buffet: daily two-course menu Ft 690 (2022). Cafe, bowling, brewery and grocery - buffet at same place.

  • Deep Music Pub Jókai utca 6. GPS 47.68446,16.58249 West half kilometers ☎ +36 70 3297268 Monday - Thursday 18:00-03:00, Friday Saturday 18:00-04:00, Sunday 18:00-03:00. Coffees, drinks

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Sopron

Sopron - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Sopron, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Sopron. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Sopron and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Sopron. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Sopron. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inSopron: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Sopron.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Sopron: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Sopron, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Sopron.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Sopron, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Sopron, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Sopron and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Sopron, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Sopron, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Sopron without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Sopron is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Sopron.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Sopron is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Sopron, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Sopron Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Sopron

eHalal Group Sopron is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Sopron. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Sopron.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Sopron ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Sopron. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Sopron, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Sopron are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Botanikuskert Hostel - Botanikuskerti Diákszálló, Fekete Zoltán Diákhotel és Kollégium Ady E. u. 5. GPS 47.6824 ,16.5769 West one kilometers ☎ +36 99 518238 |fax= - Dorm Ft 4400, single Ft 5900, breakfast included, supper one or two courses plus Ft 1000 or Ft 1400 . Capacity: 203 people. Only during summer. Rooms (53): 17 double, one 1+2 bed, twelve 2+2 bed, two triple, fourteen 2 + 3 bed room, seven 3+3 bed. All with bath, Wi-Fi, microwave oven, fridge.+36 99 518 240. Breakfast is served 07:00-09:30. 24-hour front desk. Elevator. Free closed parking inside. Kitchen. Internet and cable television access in rooms. Wheelchair access rooms. Locked bicycle storage. Meeting room, laundry, a smoking room per each level, taxi ordering, bus parking. Wellness services: Gym daily/weekly: Ft 400/1200 per person; Finnish sauna: Ft 600/hour for one person, over 2 persons: Ft 500/person, cabin rental (8 people): Ft 3500/hour, Turbo solarium: Ft 100/min. Other services: Secure underground parking garage: Cars for Ft 500/night or one week: Ft 2500; Motorcycle for Ft 300/night or one week: Ft 1500. The closed open air parking are free. Dual bowling lanes: Ft 1500/lane/hour.

  • Sopron University Student Hotel - Soproni Egyetemi Diákhotel, Machatsek Gyula Diákhotel és Kollégium | Web: ame=&lang=eng Baross út 4-6 47.68509, 16.57518 West one kilometers ☎ +36 99 518-649, +36 30 829 3074 - Dorm Ft 4400, single Ft 5900, breakfast included, supper one or two courses plus Ft 1000 or Ft 1400 Capacity: 398 people (study period 40), rooms (117): 35 double (apartment-like rooms with bath); 82 2+2-bed (apartment-like rooms a bath for two rooms), Wi-Fi, microwave oven, refrigerator. Wellness and other services see at Botanikuskert Hostel. Family-friendly accommodation. There is a grocery store, a bowling pub. Lounge to 60 people. Garden benches, grill and fire ring site. Sunday terrace, sun beds and chairs. Locked bicycle storage. 24-hour front desk. Elevator. Free closed parking inside. Cookware kitchen Internet and cable television access in rooms. Wheelchair access rooms. Meeting room. Telephone in your room, laundry, a smoking room per each level, taxi ordering, bus parking.
  • Shosi Hostel - Soszi Hostel | Ferenczy János utca 60. - GPS: 47.68975, 16.58680 bus station is 2 minutes away ☎ +36 99 523126 +36 99 311-077 Dorm Ft 4100 - Rooms 72 four bed rooms. - Lippai János Hostel - Lippai János Kertészeti Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium lippai-@ Bánfalvi út 48-50. GPS 47.68522 ,16.55874 West 2 kilometers ☎ +36 99 508-661|fax= - Four bed Dorm Ft  2450 p.p., shared sanitary facilities. phone +36 20 356 5528 (between 08:00-15:00)
  • Bezerédj Amália Hostel Bezerédj Amália kollégium | Web: ame=&lang=eng Ferenczy János utca 5 - GPS: 47.68777,16.58421 Near bus station Dorm Ft 4100, single Ft 5500 both with breakfast, supper one or two courses plus Ft 1000 or Ft 1400 - Capacity: 131 people (study period 8). Rooms (34): two double, one triple, thirty one 2+2 bed. Breakfast is served 07:00-9:30. Wellness and other services see at Botanikuskert Hostel. 24-Hour Front Desk. Elevator. Free closed parking inside. Kitchen. Internet and cable television access in rooms. Wheelchair access rooms. Locked bicycle storage. Meeting room, laundry, a smoking room per each level, taxi ordering, bus parking.

Brennberg Children and Youth Camp - Brennbergi Gyermek és Ifjúsági Tábor Brennbergi út GPS 47.678333 ,16.542663 Bus #3 depart every hour from before bus station ☎ +36 99 313116 Fax: +36 99 313116 - Six-bed dorm Ft 3050 p.p., four-bed dorm Ft 3450, double Ft 3450 p.p., yurt tents 'bed' prior consultation need (all tax included, 2014) without bedding discount Ft 200 . Restaurant here.

  • Cyclamen Chalets - Ciklámen Faházak Brennberg völgy GPS 47.67414 ,16.51548 5 kilometers away from Sopron in the Brennberg valley ☎ +36 99 312180 Fax: +36 99 340766 - Chalet/night (up to 6/7-8/9-10 persons) Ft 16 000/20 000/24 000 plus tourist tax Ft 450 p.p. breakfast Ft 1500 p.p. Open April - September. Ideal for 5-10 persons per house. Three bedrooms for 4-2-2 people; a living room with two beds; kitchenette with fridge, kitchen tools can be rented; bathroom, shower; toilette; the building is heated by electrical means provided in the heating season on demand.
  • Park Hostel | Ady Endre út 31 47.68221, 16.572347 West 1½ kilometers, at Sop-Vin - Lővér Pince ☎ +36 20 5584410 Dorm 3250 p.p. - Shared bathroom, large screen TV in the lounge, kitchen. Free parking and Wi-Fi. +36 20 558 4410



Alpesi Trimmel Guesthouse Alpesi Trimmel (Aladdin) Vendégház Felsőlővér u.25 GPS 47.67831,16.56801 Sw 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 20 4253114 |fax= - Room single/double/triple/quad Ft 4500/8000/10 000/12 000. Apartment: with 2 bedroom: 4 persons: Ft 17 000, extra bed: Ft 3500 p.p. or with 1 bedroom: 3/4 persons: Ft 13 000/14 500 all tax included , 2014, low season discounts Checkin: 14:00-18:00 later arriving please signed! / Check-out: 10:00 . Self catering. Special guest kitchen with a fridge, an excellent restaurant is ~800 m away. Open from 07:00-22:00. Pizza, hot meals delivered to the house to order by phone. Smaller shops are nearby. 05:00-22:00 to open. Bicycle rental: +36 99-334-001, +36 20 93 57625, Alpine Taxi: +36 99 666666, +36 99 555666, Toll-free taxis: +36 80 626626. +mobile phones=+36 20 4253114, +36 70-3128475 }} - Gibraltár Guesthouses - Gibraltár Vendégházak Bercsényi Miklós utca 35. GPS , +36 99 788252 Fax: +36 99 789408 - Standard double room without catering for one/two pers. €29/33, Studio-apartment for two people₫ €55, Apartment for three/for four €65/76; all price including all taxes (2022). For one night stay, longer staying or/and off season prices discounted Checkin: 14:00–18:00. You must check in until 20:00 by the latest! / Check-out: . Capacity: 24 people. All rooms with private bathroom, hairdryer, cable TV and internet connection, partly air-conditioned. Ask for a discount card to have dinner in the popular restaurant, (only 8 minutes' walk). Other un Vak Bottyán u.1. +mobil ☎+36 70 6083704

  • Selmeci Guesthouse Selmeci Vendégház| Selmeci utca 23. - GPS: 47.69008, 16.58474 Northwest 500 m ☎ +36 99 334656 +36 99 789408, +36 99 334656| price=Single/double/triple/quad Ft 6450/8900/11 850/11 600, breakfast is available on request: Ft 1000 p.p.


Anna Pansion Anna Panzió Ady Endre út 51 GPS 47.68242,16.56801 West 1½ kilometers, 400 m from the West Hungary University, from train station bus #10; take off at 4th stop ☎ +36 70 3888138 |fax= - Single/double Ft 7350/10 800 all tax included, + breakfast: Ft 900 p.p. Services: 5 double rooms with bathroom (shower, toilet), with cable TV, internet connection. Diner, lounge with cable TV. Closed parking place in the yard, camera guarded parking place. Card operated entrance, upon request washing facility and assistance with the programs in the town. No pets.

  • Atrium Pansion & Wellness - Átrium Panzió & Wellness | Kőszegi u. 3 47.67744, 16.59512 Southeast ½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 313799 (High season-low season-air-conditioned room) deluxe single/double/triple Ft 10 350-9350-12 440 13 800-12 800-15 900/19 200-18 200-21 050, apartments four-/five-bed Ft 27 700-26 700-29 800/30 100-29 100-32 100 - Room prices include all taxes, a rich continental breakfast, unlimited high speed Internet access, and free of charge parking use. High season: April - Aug, Christmas, New Year. Open: 24/7, reception: 06:00-22:00, wellness: 08:00-22:00. Wellness services: luxurious bubble bath up to six-person, two-person infrared sauna, five-person Finnish sauna. Massage: Traditional and numerous special kind.
  • Bástya Pansion - Bástya Panzió és Étterem| Patak u. 40 47.69061, 16.59116 North ½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 325325 +36 99 325325| price=Double/four-bed room/five-bed room Ft 12 900/19 300/22 250 - 11 double rooms, 4 four-bed rooms, 1 five-bed room. All rooms with bathroom, TV, refrigerator, free Internet WiFi. Other services: non-stop reception, parking (car, bus, truck), central safe copying, fax, mail service for guests, breakfast (07:00-10:00). Airport transfer (Vienna), gratis over 5 nights. Constitution of the dentistry. +Mobile phone +36 30 4912267


B&B Villa Mimi Pansion B&B Villa Mimi Kertes Panzió Honvéd űt 5. GPS 47.67764 ,16.57510 Southwest 1 kilometers ☎ +36 30 2370275 |fax= - Twin/double/suite (for one-for two) Ft 10 400-12 800/14 400-15 800/19 400-21 800. Extra bed Ft 5000 under 18 year, Ft 5450 18+ year. 10% discount for those arriving by train or bicycle, in special period (VOLT festival, New Year) plus 10% surcharge. A friendly and cosy pension with six guest rooms and a large garden. Rooms: Green Lily (tween) Yellow Daffodils (double) Silver Tulip (tween) Red Rose (Deluxe) Violet Blue (tween) White Rose (Suite). Minimum stay two nights in special period three nights. Only cash.

  • Bianco Pansion - Bianco Panzió | Arany János u.17 47.6775, 16.5891 5 minutes walk from the centre ☎ +36 99 319227 +36 99 319227 Double/triple/quad €50/60/70, apartment/extra bed €75/10, tourist tax: Ft 450/person/night when checking in (>18 age), off season and min. two nights staying €10Agoston family's pansion. Services: large, safe parking place, a sauna, a fitness room, a breakfast room with a fireplace and a garden, a water-rotating pool, airport transfer, free keeping of parcels, dogs are welcome, free internet, Wi-Fi, free bike rental for 2 hours per day.
  • Dali Pansion - Dali Panzió Sport u. 48 GPS 47.67122 ,16.59161 South 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 510477 Fax: +36 99 315182 - Single/double/triple quad Ft 5950/8400/10 350/13 600, first floor apartment for four persons Ft 12 800 including all tax. Breakfast Ft 700 . Double rooms with panoramic garden views, television, radio and refrigerator in all rooms also shower cabin bathroom. Friendly atmosphere and hotel standard rooms.
  • Diana Pansion and Restaurant Diana Panzió, Vendéglő| Lővér körút 64. - GPS: 47.67107, 16.57932 Lővérek, Southwest 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 329013| price=double normal - double classic rooms for one/for two/for three Ft 6850-6850/9900-10600/12200-12900, superior - family rooms for one/for two/for three/for four persons Ft 7250-7650 /11 200-12 300/13 700-15 100/15 600-17 200. Family rooms for five persons Ft 19 000. Dog Ft 1200 per day including all tax. - Breakfast included.
  • Erhardt Restaurant and Pansion - Erhardt Étterem, Panzió Borpince ésVinotéka| Balfi u. 10. 47.68677, 16.59496 NE 200 m ☎ +36 99 506-711| price=€35-59, children 4 – 12 ages in parents-room: Ft 4200. Restaurant price: Soups/starters Ft 900/1000-3400; fish/rabbit/ beef dishes Ft 2700-3700/3500/3500-5000; Beef/poultry dishes Ft 3800/2500-4500, salads/desserts Ft 400-1000 /900-1000, soft drinks (2 dl) Ft 240-440, Mineral water 0.33 L Ft 190-360, Draught Cola/Bottled organic juice (0.5 L) Ft 800/500-900 - cozy cellar, and a pleasant garden. 9 rooms. Guests can park in its parking-place in Halász street 7. Service: concerts- or theatrical evenings tickets, chocolate- and fruit cocktail-tasting or excursions. Rooms are with: ergonomic mattress, LCD-TV, air conditioning, a bathroom with a bathtub or shower for each room, towel, safe box. Upon request, Provide: babybed extra bed, wireless internet Ft 500.
  • Black Sheep (Fekete Bárány) Restaurant, guesthouse Fekete Bárány Étterem, Panzió | Fövényverem u. 6. 47.688742, 16.59394 North 500 m ☎ +36 99 338330 double/triple Ft 8000/12000 | checkin=12:00 / Check-out: 10:00 Five rooms, bike rental, Wifi. Restaurant: Hungarian, folk food
  • Fehér Rózsa Pansion and Restaurant Fehér Rózsa Fogadó, Borozó (white Rose Inn)| Pócsi utca 21 47.68198, 16.59632 E ½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 335270 Single/double/triple Ft 7500/10900/15350 including all tax. Daily menus Ft 800 and 1000, also à la carte starters and light meals/soups Ft 900-1500/550-800. Chef offers/pan fried and stews meal Ft 1300-2600/1100-1700. Poultry/ Beef dishes Ft 1500-1900/1800-2100. Beef/deer/fish dishes Ft 1600-3600/2400/1400-3600. Salads/pastas and desserts Ft 400-860/500-700. Soft drinks 2 dl 250/220. Colas draft (0.5 L)/bottled Ft 420-650/390-460. Wines (1 L) 1000-1100. Spirits (4 cl) Ft 390-990, Coffee Ft 280-490 (2023) - Restaurant open daily 11:00-23:00. Bicycle rentals, skiing, ski school organizing
  • Füzi Pansion Füzi Panzió, Étterem Deákkúti út.10 GPS 47.67983 ,16.57089 Southwest 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 340434 Fax: +36 99 340-434 - July - Aug single Ft 7200. double (one kid)/double/triple (one kid)/triple Ft 8000/9900/12200/13850. quad (two kid)/quad Ft 14400/16300. Breakfast (optional): Ft 700, Pets: Ft 1000 (by appointment), extra bed: Ft 2000 (only four beds and one three-bed rooms with extra beds). Off season 10% discount, VOLT festival, holidays & New Year's Eve: ten-fifteen percent surcharge. Capacity: 32 people. Rooms: one four-bed, four triples and eight doubles all with bath and TV. Reception: daily 07:00-22:00. Breakfast 07:30-9:30. Free Wi-Fi. Free closed parking is available.
  • Jagermeister Pansion - Jagermeister Panzió | Bécsi út 81 47.69466, 16.58498 Northwest 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 349-045, +36 99 349999 +36 99 349900| price=Single/double Ft 6950/10400. Breakfast Ft 800/per person. From June 15 to Aug 31: single/double Ft 7450/11400. Family/Romantic room Ft 17900/12400 including all tax. (2023)| checkin=14:00-19:00 / Check-out: 11:00 Rooms are equipped with a television, shower, toilet, air-conditioning and a mini café. guarded parking, storage for motorcycles and bicycles, rent-a-car and rent-a bike, managing of mail, receiving faxes, money exchange, cab ordering, wake-up service, information on cultural and leisure programs, transfer from Vienna/Schwechat airport, organizing dental-medical services, wireless Internet.
  • Jégverem Guesthouse and Restaurant Jégverem Fogadó és Étterem| Jégverem u. 1. - GPS: 47.68828, 16.594032 Southwest one kilometers ☎ +36 99 510113 Single/double: Ft 7850/10700. Family room (with 4 beds): Ft 15100-16000. Extra bed: Ft 2 000. Dog: Ft 2 500. No accommodation charge for children under 6. Restaurant price list: Soups/starters Ft 700-1000 /1200-2200; Pasta Ft 900-1400, fish Ft 1700-3200, Children's/ beef dishes Ft 500-1200/1600-4000; Beef/poultry dishes Ft 1300-2000/1800-2000, salads/desserts Ft 500/500-1000, spirits (2 cl) Ft 210-380 - 2- and 4-bed rooms with TV and in-suite bathroom
  • Mandarin Pension - Mandarin Panzió | Baross út 1 - GPS: 47.68474, 16.575353 West 1 kilometers ☎ +36 99 523524 Children’s rates 0-4 years €8; 4-8 years €12; 8-12 years €19. Single/double/triple/quadruple €24/48/72/96| checkin=14:00 / Check-out: 10:00 Not recommended, next to 2 railway lines, a busy road and a night club. Rooms with SAT TV, hairdryer, little refrigerator and in-suite bathroom, internet access. Services: 24hr front desk, cribs and highchairs, safe, credit cards accepted, wake-up calls, private massage, bike renting, playground, table football, free parking.

- MKB Aréna - MKB Aréna Panzió Lackner Kristóf utca 48 GPS 47.69242 ,16.58216 Northwest 1 km. From train station take bus #1, 2, 10, 12 ☎ +36 99 311250 Fax: +36 99 508969 - Basic rooms Ft 3750 p.p. Air-con. double Ft 10800 . 28 places. 2,3,4 bed rooms with TV, shower

  • Palatinus Pansion Palatinus Szálló| Új utca 23. 47.68418, 16.59050 Center ☎ +36 99 523816 +36 99 523817| price=Single/double (off-low-high season) Ft 10 300-11 300-11 800/16 400-17 400-18 400, Off period: January - March, Nov; Low season: Apr–Jun; Sept–Oct; High season: Jul–Aug (2023) - Capacity: 60 people. Single rooms, double rooms and apartments with a shower and toilet. Services: non-smoking rooms, wake up calls, drink-bar, closed parking, internetconnection in a lobby (free), SAT TV, creditcard acception, cab/taxi ordering, money exchange
  • Palma Pansion - Pálma Panzió | Kölcsey Ferenc u.2 47.68663, 16.58016 West ½ kilometers ☎ +36 30 8410250 +36 99 410-250 Single/double/triple Ft 6900/12 000/18 000. Breakfast is available on request Ft 1500 p.p. all tax included. Services prices Finnish or Infrared Sauna/saltcabin/combined (2 hours): Ft 2500/1500/3000 p.p. Four double, three triple, a quadriple and a family room. +Mobile: 36 30 8410250.

- Pihenokereszt Pansion Rastkreuz Pension, Pihenőkereszt Panzió Töpler Kálmán u. 8. GPS 47.67794 ,16.621751 E 2 kilometers +36 99 317117 |fax= - Single/double/extra bed Ft 7000 /10900/3500 (September - May). Single/double Ft 8000 /12900 (June - Aug) . Three single, seven double rooms with Minibar with alcohol removed, television, some of the rooms are air-conditioned and all rooms have free Internet access. A rich breakfast is included in the base price. Other services: secured parking, bike rental +mobil: +36 30 5931432

  • Polus Pansion - Pólus Panzió | Rákosi út 1 47.68772, 16.60146 NE 800 m ☎ +36 99 311591 +36 99 321-118 Check-in: 14:00 - 20:00 / Check-out: Main/Pre/Off - season Standard single Ft 7 000/6 600/5 600. Standard room double Ft 10500/9600/8000. Superior Room for one Ft 7 500/7 500/7 000. Superior Room for two Ft 12000/11000/10000. Family room for three Ft 14 000/13 000/12 000. Family room for four Ft 15 000/14000/13000. Studio apartment Type I. for three Ft 15 000/13 000/12 000. for four Ft 17 000/15000/13000. Studio apartment Type II. for three Ft 15 000/13 000/12 000. Studio apartment (Type III.) for two people Ft 14 000/12 000/9600. Apartment with 2 rooms Ft 19 000/17 000/15 000. Spare bed 2 000 (Main/Pre/Off - season 16, June - 31 Aug /31 March - 15 Jun/1-30 Mar and 01 September - 22 Dec). Breakfast: Ft 1000. Tourism tax (between 18-70 years): Ft 450 p.p. Reception daily 06:00-21:00. From 21:00-06:00 there is a surveillance monitoring system and security guard. A shower, toilet, sink, television, safe and fridge in the rooms. The upstairs rooms are air-conditioned. Rooms: eleven double, one suite (with two rooms and with a mini kitchen), 3 four-bed-rooms (suite-like with a mini kitchen).

- Randevu Pansion Randevú Apartmanház Vitnyédi utca 21-23 GPS 47.68912 ,16.58171 West ½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 311908 |fax= - Room without bathroom for one/two Ft 4000/6900. Room with bathroom for one/two guests Ft 5000/8900. Apartment to 5 guests: Ft 14000-17000 . Capacity: 18 people. Three double, four triple rooms, all of them with digital SAT TV, air conditioning, free internet access. Bakery, café, cosmetics and dentistry. Skype: randevu1 +mobil: +36 20 9313891. Café Randevú: - 9400 Sopron, Várkerület 30. (☎ +36 99 313-573, Open: Monday to Saturday 11:00-18:00)

  • Taverna Restaurant and Pansion Taverna Étterem és Panzió| Táncsics u. 15 47.686582, 16.580277 West ½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 311620 Fax: +36 99 311620| price=Single/double Ft 7400/7800 all tax incl. (for groups: discounts) - Also cozy cellar restaurant. Home-made, affordable food, music and dance events
  • Tercia Hubertus Pansion - Tercia Hubertus Panzió | Hubertusz út 1. 47.69767, 16.58478 Northwest 1 kilometers Double/triple Ft 9000-9500/10000-10900 all tax inc., without breakfast. Restaurant price list: breakfast menu, starters/breakfast drinks Ft 400-1400/240-750; Soups/starters Ft 700-1800/1400-2800; Salmon and butterfish/venison, pheasant/ beef dishes Ft 2000-3400/3000-7000/2000-4600; for children/Beef/poultry dishes Ft 500-1400/2000-2700/1800-3100, salads/desserts Ft 400-800/650-800, (half dish: 65% of total price), soft drinks (2 dl) Ft 260, flowing fruit cocktails, three types (1 dl) Ft 150, drinks, cognacs (dozens types, 4 cl) Ft 450-7,000, coffees 350-550; drafted/bottled soft drinks 0.5 Ft 500-550/550-750 (2023) The number of rooms: 12 all with TV, bathroom with shower, free Wi-fi.
  • Vadászkürt Restaurant and Pansion Vadászkürt vendéglő és panzió | Udvarnoki u.6. 47.67751, 16.58307 South ½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 314385 Main season (June - Aug) Single/double/triple room (room/night) Ft 8950/14400/19400. Quadruple/five bed room Ft 23000-24300/28000-29200. incl all tax and breakfast Sept-May discounts. Half board (One soup, one main course, one dessert) supplement Ft 2500 p.p. Extra bed with breakfast Ft 4500 - Four rooms with 12 beds. Parking is free (in front of the inn), Wifi is free throughout the house. All rooms with in-room safe, bathroom, hair dryer, mini bar, large screen satellite TV, free Wi-Fi


  • Pannonia Hotel - Varkerulet 75 47.68354, 16.59212 Downtown ☎ +36 99 312180 +36 99 340766 (Low season (January - May and Oct to mid Dec) - High season (June - Aug) - Special periods). Classic single Ft 12 490-13 990-25 890; Double Classic Ft 15 490-16 990-28 890; Double Comfort Ft 17 990-19 490-31 390; Antique Suite Ft 25 490-41 690-27 490. Family apartment for Ft 28 490-30 490-45 290. Extra bed in room Ft 5990, plus Ft 450 tourism tax p.p. per day (18-70 years). Dog Ft 3000, Half Board Ft 2750 , Garage Ft 2500, - The oldest hotel in the city with free Wi-Fi. 'Classic' double room (single, double and twin beds) with mini bar, LED TV, free Wi-Fi . 'Comfort' double room same as Classic, plus air-conditioning,and some rooms with a small balcony or terrace. 'Antique apartment' same as Classic just bigger with one or two rooms inside. 'Family apartment' with two separate rooms
  • Boutique Hotel Civitas | II. Rákóczi Ferenc utca 33- GPS: 47.68358, 16.58475 Southwest 300 m☎ +36 99 788228 Fax +36 99 788229| price=Single/double with breakfast Ft 9450/10,900 - 28 rooms with free high speed internet access, LCD TV, safe. Services: drink in the room on request, deep garage (price is not included), 24 hours reception, taxi order, wake-up service, transfer, program organization. Payments: traveler's check, credit card, foreign currency acceptance. Eight types halfboard menus for €11.
  • Danubius Bio Sport Hotel Lövér Várisi ut 4 47.66706, 16.57736 SW-S 2 km☎ +36 99 888400 Fax: +36 99 888499| price=About €70-155 - 117 rooms (most with balcony), three suites. All rooms with hair dryer, Minibar with alcohol removed, radio, TV, bathrobes on request. There are some connecting and smoking rooms. The hotel service include: laundry service, room service, hotel safe deposit box, souvenir shop, parking facilities for cars and coaches, playroom for children, playground, resting park, free WiFi in common areas.- There is the 'Borostyán Restaurant and terrace' (serving Hungarian and International cuisine also diet and spa menus), health bar, drink café.
  • Hotel Sopron - Fövényverem u.7 47.68934, 16.59415 5 minutes walking to the center ☎ +36 99 512242, +36 99 512261 +36 99 311-090 Check-in: 14:00 / Check-out: 10:00 Comfort Plus single/double/triple Ft 15 000/20 000/25 000; Premium Style single/double/triple Ft 16 500/23 000/28 000 (2023) 43 double room Comfort Plus, fourteen Premium style rooms, twenty three View Premium double room, eight View Premium triple rooms, two Premium Style triple rooms, one single room, seven family rooms, one apartment, one of La Toya Suite. The wellness services: Fullbody, face, (Thai), Thalasso spa shaping massages, aromatherapy, green algae spa exfoliation, delicate Chocolates peeling, Thalasso shaping treatment with algatherapy, "The sweet pleasure" Chocolates wrap. Finnish sauna, Solarium, Fitness room. Other services in the hotel swimming-pool in the garden (it is available for free. Open: June - Sept), playing ground for children, family and child-friendly services, clay tennis court (tennis rackets and balls rental) table tennis, bicycle storage, bike rent, high speed internet connection is available free of charge in the hotel, central safe at the reception desk available free of charge, a parking lot closed by barriers and checked with cameras is to be used by our guests for free both for cars and buses. There is the 'Restaurant and Blue Salon' Price list: Chef's offer/Specialties of Sopron Ft 900-4000/800-2400, Soups/starters Ft 700-1200/1200-2200; fish/veggie/ beef dishes Ft 2500-2900/1200-1800/2400-5400; Beef/poultry dishes Ft 2200-2900/2300-2600, salads/desserts Ft 600-700/700-1000, Cheese dish Ft 1800. Aperitifs 8 cl 900-1100, mineral water (0.33 dl) Ft 400-800, soft drinks, juices (2-3.5 dl) Ft 400-1100, flowing soft drinks (1 dl) Ft 450-1200, bottled soft drinks (0.5 L) Ft 700-900, Champagne (0.75 L) Ft 3200 - 4700, spirits (4 cl) Ft 900 - 1100. Whiskey (4 cl) 900 -2100. Brandy, Colas (4 cl) Ft 800-2200, Coffee, tea Ft 400-1200

}} - Hotel Panorama Panoráma u. 38. GPS 47.67441 ,16.57784 Southwest 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 312745 - Single/double tourist Ft 3400/5900, single/double/triple standard Ft 4400/7400/9500, double/triple superior Ft 9400/10 850, three bed/four bed apartment Ft 10 800/12 200 all tax included, breakfast Ft 550, half board (breakfast, lunch or dinner) Ft 1550, full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) Ft 3050 . Private bathroom with shower, TV (40 TV channels), radio, refrigerator, summer fan in the room. Free Wifi throughout the building, microwave use, bicycle storage, ski storage, mobile BBQ. By appointment: bike rental, excursion by bus, boat trip, guide. +Mobile: 30/597-6378

  • Rosengarten Hotel, Restaurant, Dental and Beauty Salon - Rosengarten Étterem | Lackner Kristóf utca 64 47.69684, 16.58124 NW, near Sopron Plaza ☎ +36 99 513630 +36 99 513622 Standard single/double Ft 11 000/16 000, superior single/double Ft 18 000/21 000, deluxe single/double/triple Ft 20 000/25 000/29 500 Offering a full range of services in dental tourism to its guests. free phones from abroad= Austria: 0 800 293545, Germany: 0 800 1813637, Switzerland: 0 800 563577. 24 standard, superior, deluxe, a/c rooms. 350-seat restaurant with a winter garden, banquet room and terrace. Also here is a beauty salon with a wide variety of services (hairdressing, cosmetic treatments, manicure, pedicure, artificial nail, private massage and body treatments) and the wellness/Turkish bath part include infrasauna, scented steam bath, adventure shower and solarium.
  • Saphir Aqua Aparthotel - Deákkúti út 16. 47.67393, 16.56784 Southwest 2 kilometers ☎ +36 1-2279614 +36 1-2279614 Apartments for two €43, for three €58, for four €94, for five person €116, include the buffet breakfast the use of the wellness department (Finnish sauna, jacuzzi, steam cabin, swimming pool, relaxation room) and the use of the Kid's Corner. Parking in the closed hotel court and VAT are also included in the price. Local tax: Ft 450 /person/night (between 18-70 years). Pets €12/night Opened in summer 2022 in a pine forest area. The 4-star aparthotel offers 30 apartments in different sizes, with air con, balcony, bath, satellite TV set, hair drier, Internet access, kitchen, refrigerator, safe box, telephone. Services: fitness room, indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, rent-a-bike, private secluded sauna, table-tennis, tennis

}} - Hotel Siesta Hotel Szieszta or City Partner Hotel Szieszta Sopron Lővér körút 37. GPS 47.67105,16.575273 Southwest 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 20 5938342 Fax: +36 99 314461 - Singles (Classic - Standard) Ft 16 000-18 000, double Ft 26 000-30 000, family room (two adults with two kids) Ft 68 000 In the middle of a park in the Lővérek, a green hilly area with a view onto the town. Service: tennis courts }} - Solar Club Hotel , Restaurant and Mini ABC Honvéd út 12 GPS 47.67685 ,16.57345 Southwest 1½ kilometers ☎ +36 99 311675 Fax: +36 99 311688 - July - Aug 28 December - 2 Jan/October - Dec: 1-bedroom apartment for one/for two Ft 9850-11 950/10 300-12 400; 1½-bedroom apartment up to four people Ft 13 000-17 300, extra bed Ft 2800-3950 all tax included. RCI 1-bedroom for one/for two Ft 13 000-14 400/13 400-14 850; RCI 1½ bedroom Ft 17 400-21 800. Premium room for one/for two Ft 12 950-13 350/13 400-13 800, Premium 1½ bedroom for one/for two Ft 17 350-21 350/17 800-21 800. Breakfast/lunch, dinner, Ft 600/900 (2023) . Free private parking, central-room safe, phone, TV room, kitchen, garden, mini golf, sports equipment rental, 24-hour reception. Restaurant: familiar restaurant and garden is suitable for 40-40 people. Meals are made exclusively Hungarian ingredients and homemade taste represented. Monday to Friday, offers a varied menu. Menu A: Ft 890, Menu B: Ft 990. Open: June - Aug 08:00-22:00, September - Mar 12:00-20:00. Mini ABC: basic foods (milk, bread, rolls, packaged cold cuts, Cheese, butter, mineral water, etc.) available. Open: Monday to Friday 08:00-10:00 and 16:00-18:00, Saturday 08:00-10:00.

Medical Issues in Sopron

Sopron Elizabeth Hospital Soproni Erzsébet Kórház Győri út 15. +36 99 514200|fax= 24/7, pediatrician available daily until 20:00 . Appointed for Emergency medical service. Emergency Dentist also here (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 09:00-15:00) }} - Korona (Crown) Pharmacy - Korona-Patika Várkerület 73 GPS 47.68399 ,16.59261 Center ☎ +36 99 505 865 Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00, Saturday 08:00-16:00 - . Pharmacy Express delivery

  • Erzsébet Pharmacy - Erzsébet Gyógyszertár Győri út 15 GPS 47.67599,16.598364 Southwest 800 m ☎ +36 99 311254 Fax +36 99 311254Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-18:00, Saturday 08:00-12:00 - . Drugs, medicinal products, food supplements, cosmetics, baby care, blood sugar and pressure measurement and therapeutic equipments. +☎+36 99 311254, +36 99 508006.

Telecommunications in Sopron

  • The country code of Hungary is 36. If you are calling abroad from a land line, dial 00 before your country code and phone number. Area code of Sopron is 99. Phone numbers are normally six digits.
  • Cellular phone coverage is very good throughout the city. Three different networks are available, Telenor, T-Mobile and Vodafone.

Internet Cafe's in Sopron

  • Most hotels do also have wireless free Internet access. Even a smaller accommodation have any (slower) free Wi-Fi.
  • István Széchenyi Public Library - Széchenyi István Városi Könyvtár | Pócsi utca 25. ☎ +36 99 511250 +36 99 311418 Opening Hours: Opening hours during the semester (September - Jun) Sunday - Monday closed; Tuesday Friday 10:00-18:00; West Thursday 10:00-16:00; Saturday 10:00-1:003. Summer opening hours (July - Aug): Tuesday West 9-16; Thursday 9-18; F-M closed First half hour free with registration fee, Ten computers and free Wi-Fi.

Post offices

Sopron 37 Post.JPG Main post office - Magyar Posta Sopron #1 Széchenyi tér 7-10 GPS , +36 99 413259 Fax: +36 99 413263|hours=Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00, Saturday 08:00-12:00 - monument Identifier: 4943 }} - Sopron 37 Post.JPG Post office #2 - Magyar Posta Sopron #2 Teleki Pál utca 12 GPS , +36 99-532609 Fax: +36 99 314585|hours=Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00.jpg|1280px]] - Sopron 37 Post.JPG Post office 3 Magyar Posta Várkerület 37 GPS , +36 99 312176 Fax: +36 99 523065|hours=Only weekdays! Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00 - More postal offices in Sopron list here

News & References Sopron

Explore more Halal friendly Destinations from Sopron

  • Fertő Lake (Neusiedl Lake) is divided between Austria and Hungary. It is the second largest lake of Hungary after Balaton. Fertő Lake has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List as a cultural landscape for its unique representation of human landscape shaping over a long period of time. The traditional agricultural trainings around the lake, many of which persist today, had a profound impact on the region's ecology. The area is rural and attracts visitors enjoying the natural landscape as well as the historic towns surrounding it. - There is no any town or bigger settlement on Hungarian side. - Tours organizing from Sopron. For more info ask in Sopron Turist Office.
  • Transdanubia, particularly Győr, Keszthely, Kőszeg, Szombathely - all good connected by public transport and good for a base to explore the surrounding area
  • Burgenland, Austria.

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