Southern Ridges Walk

From Halal Explorer

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High-rise housing seen from the Elevated Walkway of the Forest Walk, Southern Ridges, Singapore - 20090121 - Forest Walk: where jungle and highrises meet

The Southern Ridges Walk is a kilometers 10.5 stroll across the hills of southern Singapore.

Southern Ridges Walk Halal Travel Guide

Singapore is one of the world's most densely populated countries, but after a slow start the nation has recently put much effort into preserving the bits of greenery that remain, and the Southern Ridges are perhaps the most impressive result.

The trail consists of four parks stretching across the western half of Singapore, with impressive bridges allowing pedestrians to cross busy highways. Several parts of the trail are suspended high above the jungle, offering great views of the often surreal contrast between Singapore's ultra-modern buildings and the primeval greenery around the trail.


Terrace Garden, Telok Blangah Hill Park, Singapore - 20100102 - Terrace Garden at night

This is about as far from hardcore hiking as you can get: the entire main trail is paved or otherwise surfaced. In addition and the section from HortPark to Mount Faber not only needs no equipment, but is perfectly accessible by baby stroller or wheelchair. Most of the trail is even lit at night until midnight or beyond.

About the only equipment you will need is comfy shoes and an umbrella. Toilets, drink vending machines and rest shelters are scattered throughout the trail, and there are several full-service restaurants and cafes along it as well.

The trail is best visited early in the morning before it gets hot, or late in the afternoon after 5 PM. The sunset from the bridges and other viewpoints can be stunning.

Travel to Southern Ridges Walk

The Southern Ridges Walk can be visited at numerous points. From west to east and the most common options are:

  • Bus 175 from Clementi MRT station to After West Coast Link bus stop, opposite of West Coast Park.
  • Kent Ridge MRT station GPS 1.29330,103.78441 (exit B). Turn left as you come out of the station and the first street you'll come to is Science Park Dr. You're already on the 'suggested Southern Ridges Trail' as described below: you need to follow the street eastwards to get to Kent Ridge Park by the lake.
  • Buses 61, 97, 100, 166 from HarbourFront MRT to "Opp Gillman Heights" bus stop, right next to HortPark.
  • Labrador Park MRT station is situaded in the middle of the walk, and closest to Labrador Nature Reserve.
  • HarbourFront MRT station GPS 1.26539,103.82240 (exit D) provides easy access to the base of Mount Faber and the stairway leading to the top.


The entire trail can be covered in 2.5 hours if you hurry, but that wouldn't be much fun. The most scenic portion of the trail is the section between HortPark, in Singapore/North and West|western Singapore and Mount Faber and the gateway to Singapore/Sentosa|Sentosa in the south.

Anything wheeled, including bicycles and roller skates, is not allowed on most of the trail. Running or jogging is OK and quite popular. The parks get busy on weekends, but are quiet on weekdays.

West Coast Park and Clementi Woods

West Coast Park is very much a local park full of picnicing families, featuring a McDonalds if you want to tank up with fast food before you hit the trail.

To start your quest, cross West Coast Road at Carpark 3 and walk along West Coast Link to enter Clementi Woods , a quiet neighborhood park that hasn't been touched in 20 years. Follow signage towards the amphitheatre and Clementi Road.

The grandly named Kent Ridge Heritage Trail starts here, but the "trail" is for most part just the sidewalk next to roads running through the grounds of the National University of Singapore (NUS), across busy South Buona Vista Road, and then through Science Park I. Signage is limited, so you may need to ask for directions, although there are a few maps and panels scattered about.

Kent Ridge Park and HortPark

BukitChandu_MalayRegiment - Monument to the (Malay) Regiment at Bukit Chandu

At the end of the legacy trail is Kent Ridge Park GPS 1.28343,103.79093 proper. After an uphill climb, near the center is Reflections at Bukit Chandu7, a small but well-done war museum in an old colonial bungalow, commemorating the (Malay) Regiment who fought here at the Battle of Pasir Panjang and the last major battle before Singapore's surrender in WW2. Several old pillboxes and pieces of military equipment dot the area.

From here starts the Southern Ridges Canopy Walk, a 280-meter long elevated walkway through the upper layers of the jungle, with signage pointing out plants of interest. After the Canopy Trail follows a lengthy section down the hill, mostly down concrete steps.

Next is HortPark, an unfortunate acronym of "horticultural park" and a buzzword-laden "one-stop gardening hub", with a resort-like main building with an open-air deck with great views, and a smattering of tiny garden plots with overblown names along the lines of "The Next Dimension in Greenery".

Optional detour: Labrador Nature Reserve

Once you are on either side of the Alexandra Arch bridge, walk down to the road below, and follow Alexandra Road south for roughly 1 km. Upon reaching the West Coast Highway, continue south on a much smaller road for 10 minutes and you will reach Labrador Nature Reserve GPS 1.26615,103.80275. The park offers close access to the seaside, mangrove, and good views on the harbour with its cargo ships.

Telok Blangah Hill Park

SouthernRidges ForestWalk - Forest Walk

Next is Telok Blangah Hill Park. From HortPark and the Alexandra Arch bridge crosses the busy Alexandra Road and immediately segues into the kilometers 1.3 long Forest Walk, one of the most impressive sections of the trail. Don't let the name fool you: the elevated metal walkway soars as high as 18 meters above the ground, on level with the treetops, and those with fear of heights may want to opt for the ground-hugging (and much more punishing) trail below it instead.

About halfway through and the walk returns to earth for a moment, paralleling Preston Road and its impressive collection of "black and white" bungalows originally built for the officers of the British army and now much favored by wealthy expats in Singapore. (They're private property, so no peeking inside.) The walk continues after Preston Road, eventually zigzagging its way up a steep hill.

The Hilltop Walk kilometers 1 that follows is much more anticlimactic, although there is a bizarre, oddly Romanesque Terrace Garden Terrace Garden, Telok Blangah Hill Park, Singapore - 20100102 - up a small hill that offers an almost-360-degree view of Singapore. A little later some exercise stations, an information kiosk, a vending machine and a public toilet can be found.

Sembcorp Forest of Giants is a special collection of giant trees native to the region. The collection comprises over 600 trees that dominated the regional landscape before the advent of urbanisation. Also known as emergents - large trees that grow above the forest canopy - some of the 55 species selected for the collection can attain heights of over 80m in the wild. As these giant tree species can take more than 50 years to mature and reach such great heights.

Mount Faber

SouthernRidges HendersonWaves - Henderson Waves

Next is another of the highlights of the trail and the 36-meter-high Henderson Waves pedestrian bridge, connecting Telok Blangah to Mount Faber Park. Shaped like an undulating caterpillar sculpted from wood and steel and the name is appropriate and the view of the sea beyond the jungle is stunning. The bridge is lit up with a light show from 7 PM to 2 AM daily.

Once over to Mt. Faber, one of Singapore's older parks and the unappetizing choices for the first stretch are to either follow along the paved roads next to cars, or to stomp off on the short, poorly signed little trails that all seem to lead back to the roads. The one point of minor interest along the way is the Danish Seamen's Church, a colonial confection of white and red that can be visited by following the paved road south.

But the main attraction for most is Faber Point, home to the third and smallest of Singapore's many Merlions, decent views in all directions and an inexplicable abundance of tour groups ferried here on buses. A series of murals around the base of the pavilion offer a cheery and sanitized summary of Singapore's history.

Just down the road is the Jewel Box, containing the terminus of the cable vehicle from Sentosa plus an assemblage of five expensive restaurants, all of them rather too fancy after spending a few hours stomping around in the tropical heat. You could do worse than sunset drinks at Moonstone on the top floor.SouthernRidges FallingBranches - The main danger in these parts

For more substantial fare, though, it's best to keep going further down. The Marang Trail branches off to your right, an unlit staircase that offers the shortest route down to HarbourFront. You can now choose from the dozens of restaurants in the Vivocity shopping mall, or chow down hawker style at the Seah Im Food Centre, on the other side of the street right next to the bus terminus.

Stay safe as a Muslim at Southern Ridges Walk

The walk is as sanitized as you'd expect in Singapore, and the trails are dotted with signs warning visitors that, out in the untamed forest, it's feasible for a branch to fall. Don't feed any monkeys you may encounter, as not only will you encourage them to pester humans, but this is illegal as well.
