Staraya Russa

From Halal Explorer


Staraya Russa asv2018-07 Dostoevsky House img01 - Dostoevsky's House-Museum

Staraya Russa (Ста́рая Ру́сса, STAH-rah-yuh ROOH-suh) is a small, historic town in the centre of Novgorod Oblast, long famous domestically for its balneologic mineral waters resort, but much more famous among international Visitors as Dostoyevsky's summer retreat, and the basis for the fictional town of Skotoprigonievsk in The Brothers Karamazov.

Staraya Russa Halal Travel Guide

Staraya Russa is one of the oldest cities in Russia, founded in the tenth century as one of the principal cities of the then-powerful and wealthy trading nation of the Novgorod Republic. It gained greatly in prestige with the establishment of the Monastery of the Transfiguration in the twelfth century. Its salt works made it the regional leader in salt and brine production, driving its economy, and leading to the growth of the town to nearly 5,000 inhabitants by the fifteenth century, when it was incorporated along with Novgorod into the Princedom of Muscovy.

Owing to its northwestern location, Staraya Russa has seen many battles. Well after its wooden walls had been burnt down and later replaced by stone fortifications and the town fought bloody battles against Swedish invaders for centuries, but the most devastating years of its history would come after the reign of Ivan the Terrible, during the Russian Time of Troubles in the early seventeenth century. Until the establishment of the Romanov Dynasty and the surrounding area was under the control of armed gangs and brigands, and the once-important city dwindled to a mere 38 people. Over time Staraya Russa recovered, but its fate as a town on the invasion route would come back to haunt it one last time in the twentieth century, when Hitler's forces invaded during World War II and virtually levelled the historic town.

Despite the destruction throughout the years, though, many old wooden houses (including the Dostoevsky residence) and several important churches remain intact, and other institutions, like the balneologic resort, have been rebuilt. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the town's population is shrinking (along with the rest of rural Russia), and feels a sleepy backwater—actually, a great change of pace for Muslim travellers who have been spending most of their time in Saint Petersburg or Moscow. The residential areas near the rivers are quite peaceful and the local residents are friendly and laid-back, and there is a lot to see with all the Dostoevsky sights. Better still, despite the Dostoevsky connection and the place is pretty much devoid of any international Visitors outside of the high tourist season in summer, so you'll have the place to yourself.

Travel to Staraya Russa

Staraya Russa map - 451px

Transport connections to Staraya Russa are somewhat limited. The city is best visited as a side trip from Novgorod, or as a detour/stopover on the way from Moscow (or Valday) to Pskov or Novgorod.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Staraya Russa

Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various44 Train station.jpg

  • Staraya Russa Railway Station - Железнодорожный вокзал | Zheleznodorozhnaya ulitsa, ~12 58.00055, 31.34435 1 kilometers from the Downtown ☎ +7 816 5221882 Opening Hours: There is a daily open cashdesk with a couple breaktimes

}} From Moscow (9-10 hours) or Pskov (3½ hours) you can take the Moscow–Pskov route, although this service is generally limited to one train per day, with trains running overnight. A daily local train connects to nearest hubs: Bologoye (via Valday) on the Moscow–Saint Petersburg line and Dno on the Kiev–Saint Petersburg line.

Travel on a Bus in Staraya Russa

  • Staraya Russa Bus Station - Автостанция | Zheleznodorozhnaya ulitsa 58.00028, 31.34293 Right next to Railway Station ☎ +7 816 5222401 | Opening Hours: Daily 5-22

}} Buses run hourly from Novgorod, with the trip which takes around two hours. Even if coming from Moscow, this is a good way to avoid the hassle of limited train service and to see another incredible historical destination on the same trip. From Saint Petersburg, you can take one of six direct buses reaching Staraya Russa in six hours. Note that many of the buses terminate in neighbouring towns, e.g., Kholm, Parfino, Volot, and will have their names specified as the main destination.

By car

From Novgorod, follow the A116 to Shimsk and then P51 to Staraya Russa (96km).

From Moscow, follow the M9 to Rzhev and take the turn for Selizharovo. Continue on the P87 to Ostashkov and then local roads to Demyansk, and then to Staraya Russa. Alternatively, follow the M10, pass Valday, and continue left along the P48 to Demyansk and Staraya Russa. Both routes are about 600 kilometers and involve unpredictable road conditions in Novgorod Oblast, although the second track is believed to be more safe and reliable.

How to get around in Staraya Russa

While it is not a tiny town, it's still feasible to get around everywhere via walking. Hailing a "cab" is a good way to speed things up if, say, you want to get back quickly to the bus back to Novgorod. A taxi from Dostoevsky's House-Museum would run only about RUB50. From the train/bus station, you can take buses 1, 4, 6, or 11 to the centre, but given how slow the buses run, it's probably quicker to walk.

See and do

Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various02 StGeorge Church - Dostoevsky's own place of worship at Saint George's Church]

If you are spending just a half day in town, focus on the main Dostoevsky sights—above all the house museum, with a stop by St. George church and a stroll along the river—and pay the Monastery of the Transfiguration a visit. If you have a bit more time, perhaps take a tour through the Cultural Centre, and consider wandering over towards the Balneologic Resort to acquaint yourself with the very Russian/Soviet tradition of mineral water sanitoria. If the weather is OK, Staraya Russa is also just a really nice place to walk around. If you aim to simply walk by the various churches, you could spend several hours on a nice amble about the town.

  • Dostoevsky Cultural Centre - Научно-культурный центр Ф.М.Достоевского - nab. Dostoevskovo, 8 57.98586, 31.35505 ☎ +7 816 52 37-285 | Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday Sunday 10:00-18:00 RUB70 ; tours: c. RUB300 This neat little neoclassical building has small temporary exhibits on the life and works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, but the main reason to come is if you are interested in having a local guide take you around the town's literary sites (in Russian).
  • Dostoevsky's House Museum - Дом-музей Ф.М.Достоевского - nab. Dostoevskovo, 42/2 57.98138, 31.35715 ☎ +7 816 52 51-477 | Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 daily RUB70 Dostoevsky house The Dostoevsky family spent their summers in the healthy country climate of Staraya Russa from 1872 through 1914—well past the writer's death in 1881. His time here saw some of his most prolific work, most importantly his masterpiece The Brothers Karamazov. The large, green, wooden dacha on the riverbank is today a carefully curated shrine to the great nineteenth century writer, having survived the revolutions and wars of the twentieth century unscathed. The first floor hosts exhibits, while the second floor is arranged and recreated in the same way as the Dostoevsky family kept it.
  • Grushenka's House - Дом Грушеньки - nab. Glebova, 25 57.984167, 31.353333
Дом Меньшиковых Старая Русса (вид с противоположного берега реки) Grushenka's house, as depicted in The Brothers Karamazov, was based on this pretty 1850s-era house. Privately owned.
  • Living Bridge - Живой мост - 57.993044, 31.352094 across the Polist River - Jivoi most 2 If you hear local residents talking about "the living bridge", don't expect anything too necromantic — the name is a holdover from the bridge's earlier incarnation as a pontoon bridge with a lively "sway."
  • Museum of the Northwest Front - Музей северо-западного фронта - ul. Volodarskovo, 25 57.992758, 31.363217 ☎ +7 816 52 35-285 | Opening Hours: Monday W-F 10:00-18:00, Sunday 09:00-17:00 RUB70 Tank iz Korovitchino A modest military history museum with exhibits on the history of the Russian Northwest Front during World War II.

Staraya Russa asv2018-07 aerial view1 resort - Aerial view of Staraya Russa Resort

  • Staraya Russa Balneologic Resort - Курорт Старая Русса | ul. Mineral'naya (ул. Минеральная), 62 57.98566, 31.36896 ☎ +7 816 5231603 Opening Hours: Muravyovsky Fountain 'gives' water strictly on schedule 07:00-09:00, 11:30-14:30, 18:00-19:30 - While today foreigners come to Staraya Russa because of Dostoevsky, and Dostoevsky alone and the town was for hundreds of years known for its balneologic resort, where ailing Russians would come and avail themselves of the mineral water and mud treatments. The buildings and sculptures throughout the park are for the most part pretty unremarkable, whereas the so-called Muravyovsky Fountain merits a visit. This big fountain at the centre of the complex is built atop a natural mineral water spring, and for most of its history was covered by a rather marvellous metal pavilion, with covered galleries, adorned with wooden carvings, running from the fountain to the hotel and to the wooden theatre. The complex was almost completely destroyed in World War II. In the early 1980s and the government made a half-hearted attempt to erect a new metal dome over the fountain, but the salt in the air corroded the metal and quickly brought it down. Today and the fountain is a shell of its once majestic stature—even the flow has been reduced to reduce salt water damage to nearby trees. But you can still sample its waters from the Drinking Pavilion behind it—chilled or hot like it came out of the ground.

Ecclesiastical buildings

File:Воскресенский собор в Старой Руссе - 290px|Gothic Church of the Resurrection

  • Gothic Church of the Resurrection - Воскресенский собор - ul. Resurrection (ул. Возрождения), 1 57.988547, 31.351983 at the meeting of the Polist and Porusya Rivers - Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various41 Resurrection Gothic Church This monumental cathedral was built close to the end of the seventeenth century. It looks quite impressive from a distance on its grand location, but there is no pressing need to get up close with a camera.
  • Mina Muchenik Church - Церковь Великомученика Мины - ul. Georgievskaya (ул. Георгиевская), 44 57.98195, 31.358 - Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various04 StMenas Church A Despite the later reconstructions and its current dilapidated state, this is a wonderfully preserved little 14th-century church. According to legend, Swedish invaders, having destroyed much of the town, came to the church seeking a night's refuge from the elements, but upon entering the church went blind. The blinded soldiers were sent back to Sweden as evidence of miracles and general strangeness going on in the Russian territories they were occupying.

- Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various26 SP Monastery.jpg

  • Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior - Спасо-Преображенский монастырь | Frunze Plaza, ul. Volodarskovo(ул. Володарского) - GPS: 57.99403, 31.36050 ☎+7 816 52 35-666 | Opening Hours: Monday W-F 10:00-18:00, Saturday Sunday 09:00-17:00 RUB70 for the museum and art gallery each The monastery includes the beautiful Gothic Church of the Transfiguration (1442) and the Church of the Nativity (early seventeenth century) and Sretensky Church (early seventeenth century), all having charming wooden domes. Closed following the Bolshevik Revolution, it is today managed by the Museum of Local History, which houses in the buildings both a small regional museum and an art gallery with exhibits by local artists. Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various02 StGeorge Church.jpg
  • Saint George and Annunciation Church - Георгиевская церковь - ul. Georgievskaya (ул. Георгиевская), 26 57.98392, 31.35819 - Dating back to 1410, this stone church was the family church for the Dostoevskys during their summers here. In their first summer at Staraya Russa and the Dostoevsky family actually stayed at the house of the senior priest, Father Rumyantsev, and it was in his house that the writer finished his work Demons. While not a shining example of old Russian architecture, it has a good deal of country charm.

}} Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various01 StNicholas Church.jpg

  • Street Nicholas Church - Церковь Николая Чудотворца - ul. Krasnykh Komandirov (ул. Красных Командиров), 8 57.98447, 31.36139 Built in 1371. The classical bell towers were built in the early eighteenth century while the church was being rebuilt. Unfortunately and the renovations and modern décor have for all intents and purposes ruined the elegance of this ancient church. - Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various24 Trinity Church.jpg
  • Trinity Church - Троицкая церковь | ul. Frunze (ул. Фрунзе), 12a - GPS: 57.98981, 31.36046 A excellently maintained 1676 church, characteristic of churches for the merchant class of the seventeenth century, right at the central City Park.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Staraya Russa

  • Book Store - Магазин «Книга» - ul. Lenina (ул. Ленина), 6 57.99121, 31.35424 ☎ +7 816 5237705 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00, Saturday Sunday 09:00-17:00, lunch break 14:00-15:00 Just a small, handy book store with area road maps.

Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various27 SP Monastery - 290px|The Monastery of the Transfiguration

  • Book Store Pishi, Chitay - Магазин «Пиши, читай» - ul. Engel'sa (ул. Энгельса), 3 57.99054, 31.35647 ☎ +7 816 5251755 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:30-18:30, Saturday Sunday 09:30-16:00, lunch break 14:00-15:00Another book store with the same scope.
  • Shop «Korobeynyk» - магазине «Коробейник» - ul. Mineral'naya (ул. Минеральная), 61 57.992184, 31.352533 near Staraya Russa Balneologic Resort - Can buy some souvenir here.


  • Grocery Magnyt - продуктов «Магнит» - ul. Lenina (ул. Ленина), 9 57.9905, 31.3536 - Leto Shopping Mall.

Halal Restaurants in Staraya Russa

There are several affordable cafés/cafeterias in the town, none of which are terribly tasty, but all of which will fill you up in a pinch. The best restaurant in town is inside Hotel Polist, and is actually quite an excellent option, with large portions of good Russian food at provincial prices (mains will run RUB250-400). Outside the hotel, Café Il'men' is the local favourite, and is not a bad choice of watering hole.

  • Café Grill - Кафе «Гриль» - ul. Krasnykh Partizan (ул. Красных Партизан), 8 57.99594, 31.34156 ☎+7 816 52 52-232 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00, Saturday 10:00-15:00 This small café 5 min away from the train station serves lunches to local residents. Join them for grilled Meat or fish, both are worth trying.
  • Café Princessa - Кафе «Принцесса» - ul. Karla Marksa (ул. Карла Маркса), 18 57.99020, 31.37030 ☎ +7 816 523-5316 11:00-23:00 Positively reviewed.
  • Cafe Rushanka - Кафе «Рушанка» - ul. Engel'sa, 4/18 57.992184, 31.352533 ☎ +7 816 523-3163 | Opening Hours: Daily 08:00-20:00 RUB50-120 This is a pretty typical, affordable provincial cafeteria towards the centre of town, where you can fill up quickly, if not have a terribly memorable gastronomic experience.
  • Cafe Sadko - Кафе «Садко» - ul. Lenina, 7 57.99070, 31.35354 ☎ +7 816 523-1538 | Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-21:00 RUB50-120Another affordable café with a very convenient location, where you can get tolerable, basic Russian food like beef kotlety or stuffed cabbage. Semi self-serve—order at the counter.
  • Сafe Tortuga - Кафе «Тортуга» - ul. Karla Marksa, 27 57.98964, 31.36989 ☎ +7 816 523-2290 | Opening Hours: 10:00-21:00 Launched as a café for children, this eatery eventually transformed into a affordable bar colloquially known as ryumochnaya. It is not the best place to eat unless you are deeply interested in local drinking traditions, or simply want to taste savoury pirozhki that are on sale here.

Staraya Russa asv2018-07 various04 StMenas Church - Charming, in spite of its poor state of repair: Mina Muchenik Church]


  • Blinnaya Apel'sin - Блинная «Апельсин» - ul. Karla Marksa, 10 57.98989, 31.36582 ☎ +7 816 52 31-063 | Opening Hours: Daily 10:00-22:00 Pancakes range from 40 to 80 rubles While coffeehouses are still non-existent in Staraya Russa, this place would be your best option for drinking Coffee or enjoying sweets. Start with stuffed pancakes and go on for Coffee, cocktail, or dessert. Free Wi-Fi.
  • Cafe-bar Okami - Кафе-бар Okami - ul. Karla Libknehta, 10 57.989883, 31.351504 ☎ +7 921 606-19-99, +7 911 615-49-99 | Opening Hours: 12:00-23:00 daily Pizza: RUB150-300 This eatery with a cryptic name offers what now became the most popular food in Russia: pizza and sushi. Fortunately and they are not mixing it. Free Wi-Fi.
  • Cafe Druzya - Кафе «Друзья» - ul. Karla Marksa, 2 57.98929, 31.35673 ☎ +7 816 52 57-034 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 12:00-02:00, Friday 12:00-04:00, Saturday 16:00-04:00, Sunday 14:00-02:00 Mains: c RUB200A small and unremarkable, but positively reviewed café.
  • Cafe Il'men' - Кафе «Ильмень» - ul. Mineral'naya, 45a 57.98835, 31.36494 ☎ +7 816 523-1968 | Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 12:00-02:00, Friday Saturday 13:00-04:00 RUB200-400 Il'men' is the best local restaurant (although in fairness, that's not a profound accomplishment) outside the hotel, and if you ask for a local restaurant at the hotel and they will likely direct you here. Fare is standard Russian, and the service is... standard Russian. The menu is nice and long, so you should be able to find something to your taste. Hours run very long into the night, and they usually have live music, if you are looking for a bar to hang out at.
  • Restaurant Graf Muravyov - Ресторан «Граф Муравьёв» | ul. Mineral'naya, 62 57.98901, 31.37052 2nd floor and there is an outside staircase from the street ☎ +7 816 52 31-676 | Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00 daily RUB150-300 This would be the oddball choice for lunch/dinner—the balneologic resort restaurant. While run by the resort, it is just north of the main grounds, so you can walk there without going through the sanitarium.

Staraya Russa asv2018-07 Resort img04 - Muravyovsky Fountain in its current incarnation

In general and the best bar in town is either a public park or a stroll along the river. But if you are cold or otherwise want to drink in greater luxury, head over to the lobby bar at the hotel or to Cafe Il'men'.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Staraya Russa

Staraya Russa - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Staraya Russa, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Staraya Russa. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Staraya Russa and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Staraya Russa. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Staraya Russa. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inStaraya Russa: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Staraya Russa.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Staraya Russa: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Staraya Russa, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Staraya Russa.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Staraya Russa, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Staraya Russa, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Staraya Russa and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Staraya Russa, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Staraya Russa, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Staraya Russa without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Staraya Russa is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Staraya Russa.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Staraya Russa is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Staraya Russa, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Staraya Russa Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Staraya Russa

eHalal Group Staraya Russa is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Staraya Russa. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Staraya Russa.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Staraya Russa ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Staraya Russa. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Staraya Russa, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Staraya Russa are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Hotel Polist - Гостиница «Полисть» | ul. Engelsa, 20 57.9914, 31.3615 ☎ +7 816 52 37-547 +7 816 52 37-894 RUB1,800-3,400, single RUB1,400 Having undergone a full renovation, Hotel Polist is no longer a place to be avoided, and visitors now can overnight here without worrying about their comfort. The hotel has become a fine three-star provincial hotel, with what is the town's best restaurant. Breakfast included.
  • Staraya Russa - Курорт «Старая Русса» | ul. Mineral'naya, 62 57.9867, 31.3662 Near to the entrance of the Resort ☎ +7 816 5231676, +7 816 5231625 Checkin - 12:00 / Check-out: 12:00 RUB2,800 (breakfast included), single RUB1,400 Quite good option to stay. It's feasible to get a room with full board.
  • Hotel "Vis-à-vis" - Отель «Визави» | ul. Mineral'naya (ул. Минеральная), 59а 57.98624, 31.36514 near the entrance of the resort ☎ +7 816 5232777, +7 911 6284454 - Double RUB2000-2400


Besides of these 2 options there are lots of offers from Staraya Russa's citizens who are willing to let their flats (RUB500-1000). Look for such advertisements in Internet or ask for this once arrived.

News & References Staraya Russa

Explore more Halal friendly Destinations from Staraya Russa

Staraya Russa is the one real off-the-beaten-path gem anywhere nearby, so the next stop should likely be to a bigger destination like Pskov to the west, Novgorod to the north (Novgorod is a can't miss and should definitely be paired with any trip to Staraya Russa, if you haven't already been), or even Valday to the east. By way of contrast, going south brings you to an even more secluded, very hard-to-reach, but still tempting sight of Kholm|Rdeisky Nature Reserve, a huge bog with a nice lake and a dilapidated monastery in the middle.

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