
From Halal Explorer

Tisza river - Szolnok, Hungary (14) banner.jpg Megyeszékhely - Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok megye - Szolnok - upright 1.3|Aerial view of the city

Szolnok is in the middle of the Great Hungarian Plain, is the self-proclaimed capital of the river Tisza and the gate of Nagykunság, and the county seat of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County.

Szolnok Halal Travel Guide

Szolnok is a small city 100 km east-southeast of Budapest on the Great Hungarian Plain. As it lies at the confluence of the rivers Tisza and Zagyva and the first bridge over the Tisza was built here and the second railway route in Hungary led to this city, invading armies of all sorts attacked and destroyed this infrastructural center over its history (it was bombed twelve times during the Second World War alone). It also means that Szolnok lacks any historical buildings older than the 18th century, and socialist realism had its impact on its architecture. The city, which had often been described as ugly, started to go under an ongoing major reconstruction in the mid-2000s which resulted in some pleasant public squares around the city. Szolnok also acts as the cultural center of the neighboring regions.

How is the Climate in Szolnok

The coldest month in Szolnok is January while the hottest is July with an average difference of 22.6°C. The yearly precipitation is 495 mm on average. The most rainy months are May and June with almost double precipitation than in January, February, and March. The number of sunny hours is around 2025 a year but can show great fluctuation each year. The months with most sunshine are the ones during the summer (with 260-280 hours a month) while the ones with the least are November, December, and January (50-75 hours a month).

Tourist information

  • Tourinform - Szolnok - Kossuth tér 9. 47.175313, 20.195713 ☎ +36 56 420-704 | Opening Hours: At the address Monday - Thursday 08:00-16:00, P 08:00-13:00; in the kiosk on Kossuth tér P 13:00-17:00

}} A free, mainly Hungarian program magazine for the region called Szolnoki Est is published fortnightly.

Travel to Szolnok

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Szolnok

Although, Szolnok itself has two airports, neither is open currently to civilian traffic. It is, however, located between two of Hungary's international airports, Budapest Liszt Ferenc International Airpot (BUD, 82 kilometers) and Debrecen International Airport (DEB, ca. 130 kilometers). From both airports you may take Route 4 by vehicle or railway 100a/100 to reach Szolnok, albeit in opposite directions.

By car

Szolnok is not on any major highways but you can take Route 4 all the way from Budapest or choose M5 highway and leave it at Exit 44 on Route 405 which connects it to Route 4. The former choice is shorter while the latter one (the European route E60) is faster.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Szolnok

A Szolnoki Galéria épülete, korábban zsinagóga. - Templom utca, Szolnok3 - The Szolnok Gallery (formerly a synagogue)

There are two functioning train stations in Szolnok:

  • Szolnok train station - Szolnok-Szolnok vasútállomás | Jubileum tér 1-3. 47.178944, 20.175778 available by buses 2Y, 6, 6Y, 7, 7Y, 8, 8Y, 13, 13Y, 15, K15, 16, 17, 24, 24A, 27, 28, 38 - This is the main train station of the city. =QQ816327
  • Abonyi út train station - Abonyi út megálló - 47.206564, 20.125062 - In outer Szolnok, this station is only used to connect the farms there to Szolnok and the neighbouring villages. =Q1923407

}} Szolnok is a major rail junction and there are frequent trains going to and from Budapest as well as points north, south and east. Two railways lead to Szolnok from Budapest: line 100a—the second oldest railway line in Hungary established in 1847—from Budapest-Nyugati station through Cegléd and Abony which continues as line 100 to Debrecen, Nyíregyháza, and Ukraine and line 120a from Budapest-Keleti through Nagykáta and Újszász which goes on as 120 to Békéscsaba and Romania. On both lines and the distance from the capital is 100 km long but the time your journey will take may differ from 1 hour 18 minutes to 1 hour 55 minutes depending on the type of the train and the time of the day. Also, don't expect the trains to be on time. The terminus of the trains from Budapest are either Szolnok, Záhony (border to Ukraine), Lőkösháza (border to Romania), Szentes, or abroad. Other lines starting or ending at Szolnok are 86 and 145 which mean further direct connections to Hatvan, Kiskunfélegyháza, Vámosgyörk, and Kecskemét. The lines are all operated by MÁV.

How to get around in Szolnok

GPS 47.17467|20.19649

By car

Around the city and there are usually enough parking places at any time of the day. After 2007 and there was a change in the traffic (the main square was closed from cars) so be sure that your map is up-to-date.

Travel on a Bus in Szolnok

Buses are the only available public transport method. They are, however, in comparison with other buses in Hungary, mostly in a very good shape, and some of the vehicles even have air-conditioning. The northern part of the city is better covered than the southern and buses during the night are very rare. At the bus stops, you can find small maps next to the timetables that help you decide which bus to get on.

You should get on the bus at the front door and show your pass to the driver. If you have a ticket, chances are that you should give the ticket to the driver who validates it but in some cases the validating machine is outside the driver's cabin—in that case it is your job to do it. Some buses have electronic machines (put your ticket into the slot horizontally and it prints on it) while in some cases and there is a mechanic one (put your ticket into it vertically and pull the black part). You should get off the bus at one of the rear doors.

A line-ticket costs 270 Ft when bought at a newspaper stand and 350 Ft if bought on the bus from the driver. A one-day pass is 1,000 Ft, while a one-week pass is 1,900 Ft. They are available at the ticket offices at the bus station and next to the train station.

What to see in Szolnok

Református templom tornya (Sztehlo Otto, 1894), Szolnok2 - The Szolnok Calvinist church Although, Szolnok is not abundant in general tourist attractions, you may found several sites interesting depending on your interests.


  • Art colony - Művésztelep | Gutenberg tér 12. 47.173247, 20.203117 ☎ +36 56 230-605 +36 56 230-605 - Founded in 1902, this art colony has one of the longest traditions in Hungary. Among others, Sándor Bihari, Adolf Fényes, Vilmos Aba-Novák, József Koszta, and Zoltán Borbereki Kovács worked here. It holds exhibitions and biennales regularly. On the grounds of the colony, an artificial ruin can be found, built of the stones of the castle that once stood there. =QQ99800
  • Aviation museum (Indóház) - RepTár, Szolnoki Repülőmúzeum | Indóház út 4-6. 47.16839, 20.176086 ☎ +36 56 781-530+36 56 781-539 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00, closed on Monday Tuesday - F: adults Ft 2000, student/retired: Ft 1000, 0–6/70+: free; Saturday Sunday: adults Ft 2500, student/retired Ft 1250, 0–6/70+ free A museum dedicated to military aviation history in and around the former Szolnok train station Indóház. One of the oldest train station buildings in Hungary, which opened on 1 September 1847. Some of the features are available only for extra fee. =QQ709240
  • Beer Museum - Sörárium, Sörmúzeum | e-mail= Kossuth tér 9. 47.1747432, 20.1965291 in the building of the City Hall, accessible from the square ☎ +36 20 282-8822 +36 56 372-865 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10:00-18:00, closed on Monday Tuesday - F: adults Ft 1000, student/retired 500 Ft, Children under 6 free; Saturday Sunday: adults Ft 1200, student/retired Ft 700, children under 6 free A museum dedicated to Cola-making. The attendance to the bar which is part of the museum is free. Guided Tours in Szolnok by (email for prices) are available for groups of max. 10 people for Tuesday to Friday Ft 2000, SaSu Ft 2500.
  • Gallery
Synagogue, Szolnoki Galéria | Templom utca 2. - GPS: 47.1720009, 20.1921752 ☎ +36 56 513-640 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-17:00 Price Adults Ft 300, students/soldiers/retired Ft 150, children under 6 free (further reductions available) The synagogue was built in 1898–99 by Lipót Baumhorn in late Eclectic style and functioned as the Yahudi house of prayer until the 1940s. The building was bought and reconstructed by the city in the 1960s, since 1972 it is the city gallery. It offers seasonal exhibitions. =Q1138
  • János Damjanich Museum Damjanich János Múzeum | Kossuth tér 4. - GPS: 47.1749392, 20.1970458 ☎ +36 56 421-602, +36 56 510-150
Fax +36 56 510-151 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 09:00-17:00 Price Adults Ft 300, students/soldiers/retired Ft 150, children under 6 free (further reductions available) The local museum has ethnographic, archeological, and seasonal exhibitions, as well as a gallery of pictures from the art colony. The building itself (built in 1860 by Lajos Obermayer) was once the Hungarian Royal Hotel (Magyar Királyi Szálló). = 
  • Open-Air Water Museum - Szabadtéri Vízügyi Múzeum | Milléri szivattyútelep 47.184801, 20.223283 ☎ +36 56 375-111 | Opening Hours: Pre-registration is necessary
  • Tabán Country House Museum - Tabáni Tájház | Tabán 24. 47.1761929, 20.2030596 ☎ +36 70 943-5960 | Opening Hours: May-September: Thursday - Sunday 13:00-17:00 Adults Ft 300, students/soldiers/retired Ft 150, children under 6 free (further reductions available) Built in 1930 in the city's oldest (17th century) neighborhood and the building was originally a fisherman's home. It has been preserved in that state.

Places of worship

  • Franciscan church and monastic quarter - Belvárosi plébániatemplom és kolostor, Nagytemplom, Szentháromság római katolikus templom, Trinity Roman Catholic Church | Templom út 8. 47.171549, 20.190111 - This former Franciscan church is the city's most important monument. It was built between 1724 and 1757 in Baroque style based on the design by G. B. Carlone. The quarter is from the same period. =
  • Our Lady of Hungary Church Magyarok Nagyasszonya templom, Castle Church, Vártemplom Szent István tér 47.173333, 20.205833 The Castle Church was built by Ferenc Homályossy in 1822–24 in Classicist style of the stones of the castle and the ruin of the Turkish buildings that once stood there. Behind the church there is a statue of John of Nepomuk Nepomuki Szent János szobra. The statue is from 1804. =QQQ2247
  • Reformed church - Református templom | Tiszaparti sétány 1. 47.171864, 20.194406 entrance from Templom út ☎ +36 56 376-810 The building—finished in 1894—was designed by Ottó Sztehlo in neo-Gothic style. The pulpit was made of larch wood. =
  • Saint Francis Xavier Chapel - Xavéri Szent Ferenc-kápolna | Web: ó.hu/ 47.177905, 20.189779 corner of Ady Endre út and Kápolna utca - It was built in 1733 after a plague epidemic ended. =QQQ5846


  • City Hall - Városháza | Kossuth tér 9. 47.174702, 20.196562 ☎ +36 56 503-503 +36 80 200-460 +36 56 503-504 - It was built in 1884 in Eclectic style on the place where Lajos Kossuth performed one of his famous military recruiting speeches on 27 September 1848. =QQ42673
  • County Hall Megyeháza | Kossuth út 2. 47.173925, 20.199633 Designed by Károly Benkő, it was built in 1878 in Eclectic style. In its backyard there is a rose garden Rózsakert, Rozárium between Verseghy Park and the central Tisza bridge. The garden presents 300 rose species that are indigenous to Hungary.}} =Q175499
  • Szigligeti Theatre - Szigligeti Színház | Táncsics Mihály utca 20. 47.172437, 20.196412 ☎ +36 56 342-633 Although it was built before 1912, it received its current stately facade in 1991. The building is heated by thermal water. =QQ98173

}} Tisza blooming tiszavirágzás. In mid and late June the Tisza produces swarms of mayflies which are likened to flowers. They're famous for living only for 1–2 days.

  • Tiszavirág bridge - Tiszavirág híd - 47.169903, 20.192683 - The longest footbridge in Central Europe (built in 2009–10) connects the downtown (Tiszai hajósok tere) with the Tiszaliget where the lido and other sport facilities are found. The bridge resembles a mayfly (hence the name). It was built with the intention to create a new symbol for the city. =

}} Turkish bridge török kori híd at the confluence of the Tisza and Zagyva, on the left side of the latter. The remains of the first permanent bridge over the river Tisza (made of wood in the 16th century) can only be seen when the river reaches extreme low levels.

What to do in Szolnok

  • Battle of Szolnok - szolnoki csata - Free admission Although Szolnok has been destroyed by armies countless times and the battle of the war of independence against the Habsburgs on 5 Mar 1849 is remembered as a victory of the Hungarians. The battle is performed in costumes every March by about 200 people.
  • Fishing. Fishing in Szolnok is very popular as it has two rivers and three lakes that are suitable for that. (Tisza and Zagyva, Alcsi-Holt-Tisza—an oxbow lake of Tisza, Csónakázó-tó in Tiszaliget, and a fishing lake in Millér.) For permissions and further information contact the
  • Közép-Tiszavidéki Horgászegyesületek Szövetsége - Tabán 9. ☎ +36 56 512-610 +36 56 512-614 Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 08:00-14:00, Friday 08:00-12:00
  • Goulash Festival - Gulyásfesztivál, Nemzetközi Gulyásfőző és Hagyományőrző Fesztivál | in Tiszaliget ☎ +36 56 514-364, +36 56 898-067 +36 56 514-364 Price Held since 1999 and the festival attracts a thousand teams every year made up of Hungarians and foreigners, professionals and amateurs, co-workers, friends and families which compete for the title "Goulash King of Hungary". It is an excellent occasion to try Hungarian cuisine.
  • Medical thermal spa at Hotel Tisza - Tisza Szálló és Gyógyfürdő | Verseghy park 2. ☎ +36 56 510-850 +36 56 421-520 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 07:00-16:00 Adults Ft 1500, students/retired Ft 1000 =QQ21496
  • Thermal Spa and Experience Bath - Liget, Tiszaligeti Termálstrand és Élményfürdő, Lido | Tiszaligeti sétány 47.16685, 20.193708 ☎ +36 56 379-701 +36 56 513-785 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 05:45-20:00, Saturday Sunday 8:00-20:00 One-day ticket prices: adults Ft 1650, students/retired Ft 1045 The lido has sport pools, private massage, fitness, and sauna facilities and thermal and medical water.
  • Tiszavirág Festival - Tiszavirág Fesztivál | by the Tisza bank in the downtown - Free admission Annual cultural and music festival with exhibitions of brewery and folk art etc. organized since 2006 in June.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Szolnok

A large shopping area can be found at the junction of Routes 4 and 442 (address: Felső Szandai rét 1-9.) indcluding an Auchan, an Aldi, a Praktiker, an OBI, a MediaMarkt, and a line of fashion stores (Family Center).


  • Market Hall - Vásárcsarnok | Ady Endre út 11. 47.177305, 20.194993

}} Shopping centers:

  • Pelikán Bevásárlóközpont - Ady Endre út 15. 47.177754, 20.193236 above the bus station ☎ +36 56 372-882
  • Szolnok Plaza | Ady Endre út 28/A 47.1773454, 20.1912188 ☎ +36 56 506-501 - The city's only multiplex cinema is here. All titles are either dubbed (denoted by mb) or subtitled (f) in Hungarian.

Halal Restaurants in Szolnok

  • Árkád Étterem - Magyar út 1. 47.17477, 20.19555 ☎ +36 70 515-6600 - Menu: Ft 790
  • Bajnok Étterem - Baross utca 3. 47.17617, 20.18999 ☎ +36 56 421-089 | Opening Hours: 11:30-22:00
  • Dreher Étterem Söröző - Baross utca 7. 47.176046, 20.1893224 ☎ +36 56 424-706 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 11:00-22:00 Menu: Ft 930
  • Evezős Csárda - Vízpart körút 1. 47.16447, 20.22199 ☎ +36 56 344-857 | Opening Hours: 06:00-22:00
  • Galéria Étterem - Szapáry út 1. 47.17147, 20.19291 at the Gallery and Tiszavirág bridge ☎ +36 56 513-053, +36 30 249-3194 +36 56 513-054 Menu: Ft 990
  • Halászcsárda - Damjanich út 1. 47.17349, 20.20057 entrance from Szabadság tér at the Tisza bridge ☎ +36 56 429-519, +36 20 974-7342 | Opening Hours: H-Sa 11:00-23:00, Sunday 11:00-17:00 Menu: Ft 850 Halászcsárda is known for its fish dishes.
  • Nádas Étterem - Petőfi Sándor utca 6. 47.175499, 20.188606 ☎ +36 56 421-242
  • New York Cafe & Bistro - Kossuth tér 3. 47.175055, 20.197012 ☎ +36 20 500-5347 | Opening Hours: Monday - Tu, Sunday 10:00-22:00, F-Sa 10:00-23:00 Menu: Ft 850

}} The city is all quiet after dark, only a few night clubs and pubs wait for visitors during the night.

  • Boomerang Club - Szapáry utca 24. 47.17421, 20.19360 ☎ +36 20 358 2204 | Opening Hours: F-Su 21:00-05:00

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Szolnok

Szolnok - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Szolnok, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Szolnok. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Szolnok and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Szolnok. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Szolnok. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inSzolnok: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Szolnok.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Szolnok: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Szolnok, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Szolnok.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Szolnok, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Szolnok, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Szolnok and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Szolnok, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Szolnok, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Szolnok without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Szolnok is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Szolnok.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Szolnok is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Szolnok, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Szolnok Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Szolnok

eHalal Group Szolnok is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Szolnok. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Szolnok.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Szolnok ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Szolnok. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Szolnok, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Szolnok are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Garden Hotel - Tiszaliget 47.168579, 20.196326 ☎ +36 56 520-530+36 56 520-540 From Ft 19 900/room/night Also wellness and conference venue.
  • Hotel Tisza - Tisza Szálló és Gyógyfürdő | Verseghy park 2. 47.171952, 20.197506 ☎ +36 56 510-850 +36 56 421-520 Price From 17,900 Ft/room/night | wikidata =QQ21496
  • Liget Hotel - Tiszaligeti sétány 1. 47.169584, 20.200036 ☎ +36 56 515-043+36 56 376-003 From Ft 8300/room/night
  • Pelikán Bed & Breakfast - Pelikán Vendégház | Jászkürt út 1. 47.17658, 20.192828 ☎ +36 70 779-8295 +From 8,000 Ft/room/night | checkin=from 14:00 / Check-out: by 10:00

Telecommunications in Szolnok

The city provides free Wi-Fi on the main square (Kossuth tér) for two hours a day per device.

The telephone country code of Hungary is +36, while the area code of Szolnok is 56.

News & References Szolnok

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