
From Halal Explorer

Pipa Lake in Taitung pano.jpg

Taitung (台東 or 臺東 Táidōng) is a city in south east Taiwan, Province of China.

Taitung Halal Travel Guide

Taitung is situated on a small plain between the mountains and the ocean at the southern mouth of the East Rift Valley. This provides Taitung with not only spectacular scenery but also an ocean breeze that makes this tropical city surprisingly comfortable. Taitung was developed by the Japanese in the early part of the 20th century and they were responsible for the construction of the roads and railway to the area. This in turn brought an influx of Taiwanese settlers into the area that already had several Indigenous People groups, creating a diverse city of Indigenous People, Hakka, and Hoklo populations.

This uniquely Taiwanese blend is still easily discernible in part because a lot of the recent advances in Taiwan's economy have passed Taitung by. This has prevented Taitung from devouring itself the way more successful cities have. There are still large areas filled with Japanese houses in various states of use and disuse. There are still winding alleyways filled with single-story Chinese-style houses with their unapologetic rustic appearance. There are still neighbourhoods that are largely Indigenous People with their own celebrations and unique attributes. One thing that is relatively sparse, however, are 7-Elevens. All this is surrounded by miles of quiet Rice fields and orchards. The city has an artistic feel to it and is much more relaxing than other Taiwanese cities.

Travel to Taitung

By Rail

By train, Taitung is on the main East Coast express route.

  • From the North: The journey from Taipei takes 5½-7½ hours depending on the type of trains you take. From Hualien, expect about 3 hours.
  • From the South: From Kaohsiung to Taitung on the Southern route and the trip takes from just over 2 hours to a little over 3 hours depending on the type train. From Tainan, expect about 3 hours.

The train station is located quite a walk from the centre of town, but you can catch a mini-bus from the stop to your right when you leave the station. The driver will be common to the phrase Taitung Bus Station, which is in the centre. It seems the bus ride is for free with the EasyCard, maybe if you used it with the train right before. But the free regime is quite unclear, whether it is in or out of Taitung – the Visitor Center claims that there is no free shuttle. Maybe just get surprised.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Taitung

By plane, Taitung is served by a local airport with Flights to Taipei and Kaohsiung.

Get Around

GPS 22.75|121.12

By foot

The main part of Taitung is small and compact enough to make walking a pleasant way to explore the city.

Travel on a Bus in Taitung

There are vehicle and scooter rentals near the train station if you have an international drivers license. If not, you can take a bus or taxi to the city which is some distance from either the train station or the airport. Taitung's public transportation is somewhat limited compared with other Taiwanese cities. There are bus routes, while these are affordable and the timetables are in Chinese.

The bus 8101 does the Taitung-Sanxiangtal route and can be used for day trips out and back into the city.

How to travel around Taitung on a bicycle ?

Cycling|Bicycles are a good alternative form of transportation and can be rented at several locations beach side, or near the entrance to the Forest Park at the north end of Jhongshan Rd. For excursions to the attractions on the outskirts of town a taxi may be your best option. Taxis are quite plentiful around the Old Railway Station downtown (near the intersection of Guanming Rd. and Sinsheng Rd.)

What to See

  • Taitung Tourism Board Center - Old Railway Station on Tiehua Road 22.75234, 121.1469 On the South side of downtown. ☎ +886 89 357-131 This might be a good first stop in finding information on any local Indigenous People or temple events that are going on, maps and general information.
  • National Museum of Prehistory - 國立臺灣史前文化博物館 | 1, Buowuguan Road, Fengtian Village 22.760490, 121.091485 ☎ +886 89 381-166 +886 89-381199 Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9AM Monday - 5PM NT$80 (main museum), $30 (Peinan cultural park); discounts for students and groups National Museum of Prehistory (Taiwan) National Museum of Prehistory front - In the 1980s and 1990s, a team of archaeologists from National Taiwan University excavated over 1500 stone coffins and more than 20,000 stone and pottery artifacts belonging to the Peinan culture. This museum is dedicated to this discovery and is located a few kilometers from the actual archaeological site. It also houses an extremely in depth exhibit on the current Indigenous People groups in Taiwan, Province of China. Outside the Museum building there are beautifully sculpted grounds and garden area.
  • Beinan Cultural Park - 卑南文化公園 | Wenhuagongyuan Rd., Nanwang Village, Taitung City 22.791546, 121.119812 ☎ +886 89 233-466 | Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9AM Monday - 5PM Free admission (except visitor center: NT$30) A Beinan Cultural Park Dulan Stone Wall - 4.JPG Associated with the Museum of Prehistory the Beinan Cultural Park contains the largest and most important prehistoric archaeological site in Taiwan, Province of China. Beyond the archaeological site the park also consists of beautiful grounds with a commanding view of the surrounding area. Tours in Chinese begin twice daily at 10AM and 3PM. English tours must be planned in advance.
  • Taitung Railway Art Village | Tiehua Road (鐵花路) 22.753504, 121.146014 At the old train station - Taitung City converted several buildings of the old train station into a exhibition space for local artists and artist in residence.
  • Taitung Culture and Tourism Center | 25 Nanjing Road (南京路) ☎ +886 89 320-339 Two buildings really, one houses the tourism center and library. The other has exhibition spaces, one of which houses the Indigenous People Artifacts Exhibition.
  • Tianhou Temple | Jhonghua Rd. 22.757083, 121.155108 One block south of Sihwei Road 1st Section - While there are seemingly temples on every block this one dedicated to Mazu (Matsu) is ornately decorated and quite popular, especially on Mazu's birthday (23rd day of the 3rd lunar month — generally April or May).

What to Do

  • Liyushan Park - 鯉魚山公園 | Next to the old train station, on the Southwest side of downtown 22.75496, 121.14294 - With its trails and lookouts Liyu Shan offers a panoramic view of Taitung. Also, Long Feng Tower near the monastery gives a great panoramic view of the city.
  • Taitung Seashore Park - Taitung Forest Park | On the North and East sides of town 22.76396, 121.15943 - NT$30/20 full/consession Taitung Seashore Park and the attached Taitung Forest Park are extremely popular with both local residents and tourist alike. With miles of cycling and walking trails as well a beautiful and surprisingly undeveloped seashore these parks offers a perfect chance to experience Taitung's laid back lifestyle and clean ocean air. There are bicycles for rent at several places along the beach and at the entrance of the Forest Park. If you walk along the beach and enter from the seaside, you can skip the entry fee. Or from the highway GPS 22.76450,121.16391 that goes right through the park. Also and there is a potential overnighting option in the small observation tower GPS 22.75832,121.17308 next to the running lake towards the beach, if you have sleeping bag and mattress.
  • Taitung City Bikeway | Taitung Seashore Park - Rent a bike at the beach (or bring your own) and bike the Taitung City Bikeway. The bikeway does a 32-km loop around the city. It follows the old train track out to near the new train station before heading back along the river eventually going through the Forest and Seashore Parks.
  • Bombing of Master Han Dan | All over Taitung, but at night on Nanjing Road - On the 15th of the first lunar month (right after Chinese New Year) is the Festival which in Taitung is played out with a unique and spectacular display known as the Bombing of Master Han Dan. In the course of this display a man wearing nothing more than a pair of shorts and a face mask stands upon a sedan chair while onlookers lob strings of lit firecrackers at him. It is unique to Taitung and a must see.
  • Makapahay | Throughout Taitung City, Taitung County, and the East Coast. - Every mid-July several Indigenous People groups, though of primary importance to the Amis, celebrate the millet harvest. This culminates in the long and colorful celebrations of dancing and merry making by Rukai, Paiwan, and Amis depending on which village or which part of the city you are in.
  • Cycling - Serious cyclist or even moderately serious cyclist will find Taitung a perfect place for cycling. The Taiwanese cyclist already know this and you will find no shortage of them. For anything longer than a casual ride around the city you will need to bring your own bike which is fairly easy thanks to the train. The coastal highway heading north to Hualien is quite popular and has many places for camping and many homestays along the way. The East Rift valley is also a popular ride heading north. For a more strenuous ride Hwy 197 heading north to Luye and Guangshan is a rewarding ride. South from Taitung the strip of land between mountains and the ocean evaporates and the ride winding along the base of the hill is spectacularly picturesque.
  • A rare saltwater hot spring - 臺東縣綠島鄉公館村溫泉路167號 By balt or plane ☎ +886 8 9 67 1133 | Opening Hours: 08:00~24:00 NT$100 ~200 Web: %2Fe%2F1getwnb%2F1getwnb001.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pse100i.idv.tw%2Fe%2F1getwnb%2F1getwnb001.html&docid=9GhZVETrRL2saM&tbnid=qhwL5rVSYT50lM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjh9YnciNfYAhWGx7wKHZI9D-kQMwgoKAMwAw..i&w=1200&h=792&bih=683&biw=1024&q=%E6%9C%9D%E6%97%A5%E6%BA%AB%E6%B3%89&ved=0ahUKEwjh9YnciNfYAhWGx7wKHZI9D-kQMwgoKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact= - The business hours of Jhaorih Hot Spring are from 8:00~24:00, which allows visitors to enjoy soaking in the morning, afternoon and night. They are natural saltwater thermal spas (Muslim Friendly) with rocks surrounding them. There three open-air pools and a spot swimmingpool with different water temperatures. Vendors there sell eggs and shrimps. People can boil eggs and roast shrimps. When soaking in it, visitors can listen to the sound of waves hitting the beach, watch the sunrise, sunset, and appreciate a sky full of stars.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Taitung

  • Ata Indigenous People Culture Craft - 東台灣卡塔文化 | Jhongsing Rd. 2nd Section 200th alley #7 (中興路2段200巷7號) Across the Street from the grocery store. Thru the sculpted metal gate. ☎ +886 89 228-107 | Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 10AM Monday - 5PM Located in one of the buildings of a now defunct sugar factory this glass bead studio and handicraft center sells a variety of Indigenous People handicrafts. Including textiles, leather work, and handmade glass beads. Since the Ata glass bead studio is located on site you can also watch glass beads being made.
  • Carrefour | 300 Jhengci Road (正氣路300號) Downtown off of the fruit market street. ☎ +886 89 333-258 This Taitung-sized hypermarket should cover you for most of your daily needs and provides the best selection of imported food and fruit drinks in town.
  • Eslite Bookstore | 478 Boai Road (博愛路) ☎ +886 89 330-388 The largest bookstore in Taitung. If you want a book it is the best place to go.
  • 陳記 'Mochi' | 186 Boai Rd. (博愛路) ☎ +886 89 353-286 | Opening Hours: 7AM Monday - 6PM This unassuming little shop sells glutenous Rice deserts that are as good or better than any of the more famous shops up the coast (and have been since the 1940s). It is quite popular with Taiwanese tourists.

Halal Restaurants in Taitung

Sugar-apples 5, Taitung County, Dec 06 - Sugar-apples

Taitung has an eclectic food culture that reflects the various cultural influences that the city has had. There are good examples of all manner of Taiwanese, Indigenous People, and other East and Southeast Asian food. While many people equate Taiwanese food with street food to do so is a disservice to the food cultures that make up Taiwan and miss out on some great food. Like all Taiwanese cities street food can be found throughout downtown. You might want to try the sugar-apples (釋迦 shìjiā), a local sweet fruit. Thanks to the large number of Indigenous People groups in the area there are several different Indigenous People restaurants in and around the city. Taitung is also home to a fair number of goat Meat restaurants along Jhongjheng Rd.

Best to just walk down the fruit night market (towards the beach) and then continue on Zhonghua Road Section 1 until Jhongjheng Road, and finally northwest from there. This should leave you with enough options to choose from.

  • Seaweed Deli Dessert - 海草 / Hai Cao Jian Kang Qing Shi Guan / Green Friendly Restaurant | 205 Jhongshan Rd. (中山路205號) 22.75763, 121.15299Just Northeast of downtown. ☎ +886 89 330-999 | Opening Hours: 11AM Monday - 2PM and 4:30PM Monday - 8PM NT$40-100A very popular and excellent quality Noodles house; despite the name it does not have any desserts. Offering a variety of fresh, healthy Noodles dishes and dumplings in a friendly and clean environment. Daily specials. Closed the 10th, 20th, and 30th of each month.
  • Mutton Barbecue - 阿賓羊肉爐 | No. 302, Zhongzheng Road 22.75652, 121.1525 ☎ +886 8 9321711 | Opening Hours: 5PM Monday - 1:30AM NT$70-300 - Proper goat, grilled, fried, as you want it. Highly recommended.
  • Cafe and Curries | 231 SihWei Road 3rd section (四維路3段231號) Near the intersection of SihWei and Gengsheng Roads ☎ +886 89 334-942 | Opening Hours: 10AM Monday - 10PM NT$90-110A cafe and restaurant that serves hand ground local Taitung coffee and a variety of innovative homemade curries. Also has wireless access. It is a 10-15 minutes walk from downtown in the northeast part of town. Also has a very affordable homestay.
  • Kasa, 102 Heping (和平) Street (near the junction with Zhonghua Road). A cafe and eatery (with a full bar) specializing in Western dishes such as, bagels, burritos, quesadillas, tostadas and curried Chicken - an average meal costs around NT$180.
  • Taitung East Coast Restaurant - East Coast Italian Cuisine | #109, Zhi Hang Road Section 1, Taitung (Taidong) ☎ +886 89 232-902 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 11AM Monday - 2PM and 5PM Monday - 9PM NT$200-600Authentic Italian-style dishes and very good Coffee. English menu, but only basic English spoken. Menu can be seen on website. About 20 minutes walk from railway station and 30-40 minutes walk from center of Taidong. There are three guest houses next door.
  • 綠房子 - literally Green House as it looks sort of like a green house, as in where you grow plants not the colour | On the junction of Waihuandao (hwy 11) Rd. and Chenggong Rd.(外還道與成功路路口) ☎ +886 89 333-636 | Opening Hours: 7AM Monday - 9PM NT$40-100 This funky little place is one block off the beach has a has more than just a laid back atmosphere. It also serves up healthy drinks and some great affordable and uniquely Taiwanese set meals. Free coffee and tea, English menu available on request.
  • EGG | 235 Jhongshan Road (中山路) ☎ +886 89 360-880 | Opening Hours: 6AM Monday - 10AM A better than average Taiwanese breakfast.
  • Iwawna | 187 2nd Section Xingan Rd. (興安路二段187號) A few blocks north of the New Train Station. ☎ +886 89 228-999 | Opening Hours: 5PM Monday - midnight This Puyuma restaurant offers a unique setting with dance performances and excellent Indigenous People food. Best for groups so one should find some friends or family to accompany one and to share the taxi.
  • Mibanai - 米巴奈 | 470 Chuanguang Rd. (傳廣路470號) ☎ +886 89 220-336 | Opening Hours: 11:30AM Monday - 2PM, 5PM Monday - 10PM This Amis restaurant located in the Malan section of town provides a taste of Indigenous People food not too far from the center of the city. It is set up groups so once again bring friends or family.
  • 玉子屋 - Jade House | #17, 450th alley, 2nd section Jhongsing Rd.(中興路二段450巷17號) One block behind the Naruwan Hotel. ☎ +886 911 865 693 | Opening Hours: Lunch and dinner NT$100-130 Good, simple, home style Korean food.
  • Pasadena Tex-Mex & Italian Restaurant | 74 Sihwei Rd. 3rd Section ☎ +886 89 235-928 | Opening Hours: 11AM Monday - 2PM & 5:30PM Monday - 8:30PM NT$150-300As souvenirsy as any Mexican restaurant in the United States but the salsa is better. Overall the food is fresh and good and it is a decent place for a change of pace.
  • Four Seasons Vegetarian Restaurant | 76, 3rd Section Siwei Rd. (四維路三段76號) ☎ +886 89 227-661 | Opening Hours: Open lunch and dinner A good, clean and affordable Vegetarian buffet.
  • Madina Indian Restaurant | 152 ChunChi Rd. (正氣路152號) ☎ +886 983 667 485 | Opening Hours: lunch through dinner NT$140-280 Madina is a small and unassuming restaurant that serves up some of the basics of Indian cuisine. The food is quite good and the location in the heart of downtown is convenient.
  • Quan An Viet Nam | 168 Jhongjheng Road Opening Hours: lunch and dinner very affordable Good quality Vietnamese food. Conveniently located just a few blocks from the beach and down town.

Taitung's night life has been described as subdued, that may be true however there are of course some cafes. What Taitung does have however, is a rather large number of cafes. Since Taitung County actually grows coffee beans it is also feasible to find truly local coffee at several establishments.

  • Denim Elephant | 181 Guangdong Rd. (廣東181號) A couple blocks north of the main post office, it has the sign with the blue elephant on it. ☎ +886 89 340-696 This artsy cafe has Taitung coffee as well as other coffee and teas and a small but interesting menu.
  • IF Cafe and Juice - 如果 | 403 Boai Rd. (博愛403號) Across from the Eslite bookstore ☎ +886 89 333-568 | Opening Hours: 2PM Monday - midnight This cafe serves Coffee, tea, mixed drinks and soft-drinks in a relaxing atmosphere. Has a large outdoor seating area in which you can enjoy your drinks in the cool Taitung evenings.
  • Cheela 小屋 Cafe & Bakery | 395-1 Sinsheng Rd. (新生碌395-1號) ☎ +886 89 325-096 | Opening Hours: 2PM Monday - midnight NT$60-180A very hip cafe with a modern artsy vibe that is conveniently located right on the bikeway and only a block away from the Taitung Theater. It serves a large range of coffees, teas, mixed drinks, and a fine assortment of Belgian soft drinks. It serves daily freshly home-made bread by various products. Hot chili roll on Friday, hot brownie with ice cream on Saturday and cinnamon rolls on Sunday are the most bakery in Cheela Cafe & Bakery. English menu & bilingual service available.

Stay Safe

Taitung is one of the safest places in Taiwan, Province of China. Like everywhere in Taiwan, Province of China, be careful in traffic, and avoid confrontations in bars.

Very few people in Taitung speak even a little English, and most of them will expect you to speak Chinese. It is not uncommon to meet people only able to speak Taiwanese.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Taitung

Taitung - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Taitung, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Taitung. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Taitung and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Taitung. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Taitung. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inTaitung: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Taitung.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Taitung: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Taitung, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Taitung.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Taitung, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Taitung, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Taitung and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Taitung, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Taitung, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Taitung without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Taitung is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Taitung.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Taitung is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Taitung, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Taitung Media: info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Many places apply a 10-30% surcharge during weekends (Friday and Saturday) and holidays. Expect to pay a lot more during Chinese New Year, up to double price. Ranges below show the lowest (weekday) and highest (Chinese New Year) prices.

If you are looking for a camping option and there is an observation tower between the Forest Park and the beach, #Do|see above.

  • Mr. Red Tea Hostel - Mr. Red Tea B&B | 766, Zhonghua Road Section 1 22.74783, 121.14507 ☎ +886 935390490 - NT$599/twin, but the nice owner might give it to you for NT$550 if you bargain A nice, clean and affordable guest house. Close to Liyushan Park.
  • RGB Hostel - 3原色民宿 | No. 3, Alley 5, Lane 33, Dongtang St. 22.76646, 121.13028 ☎ +886 89 237-947 - Dorm: NT$450-600, Double: NT$1,400-2,400 Opened in 2013 in a new neighborhood of Taitung, this hostel has friendly staff and funny decoration such as a world map with hosts' hometowns and a short indoors climbing wall.
  • PoSun360 Backpacker Hostel - No. 360, Baosang Road ☎ +886 911 086 629 - Dorm: NT$500 A hostel run by a young local guy who can show you where to play or eat in town.
  • La Pace Hostel - 119-3 Chung Shan Road 10 walk from Taitung Bus Terminal ☎ +886 952 136 857 Checkin - 2PM / Check-out: 11AM Dorm: NT$350-800 (air conditioning in extra: NT$100-300), Double: NT$1000-2200A small and homey place for budget stay.
  • Mafuté Hostel - 馬浮蝶 | mafute089@ No. 15, Lane 28, Feng Jung Road downtown Taitung ☎ +886 970 532 723 - Dorm: NT$500, double: NT$1,200 This two-room hostel is hidden in a local tribal community next to the Tai-ping river, where you may jog alone the river bank park or do some sports in the nearby Sport park. The hostel is internally renovated in a colorful and fresh look. Free PC available in the living room and free Wi-Fi in house. No breakfast included but various breakfast shops are available nearby.
  • Who Knows Hostel - 台東胡弄青年民宿 | whoknows500@ No.38, Ln. 586, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Road 5-min walk from old central train station (the name of the hostel does not appear on the building!) ☎ +886 930 929 676 Checkin - Noon / Check-out: Noon From NT$500 Friendly hostel, clean dorms with A/C. Free Wi-Fi in the lobby. The hostel is not always open (e.g., it may be closed at 4PM when you want to check in) so it is advised to call them first.
  • Take Your Time Guest House - 慢慢來民宿 | NanChang Jie 112 Xiang 33 Hao (台東市南昌街112巷33號) 22.7491, 121.1505 central Taitung ☎ +886 910304004 - Dorm: NT$600, Double: NT$2,000-3,000 Take Your Time Guest House is run by Kite (a Taitung girl), Mark (a Kiwi boy) and their 2 little boys. Double rooms are very comfortable with new bathrooms and good air conditioning. The guest house also offers surfing and yoga classes and is - and woke -friendly. Pickup from train station costs NT$150.


  • Taitung Hotel for Teachers and Public Workers - 台東縣公教會館 | @otel.com.tw 19 Nanjing Road 22.75586, 121.14526 ☎ +886 89 310142 - Double: NT$1400-1600 Not a hostel but a hotel, it is a affordable, clean and conveniently located downtown. Offers free bicycles to borrow.
  • Vacation Hotel - V-Hotel 假期商旅 | No. 88, Section 3, Siwei Road 22.766188, 121.142505 Vacation Hotel . Hotel.
  • MATA (Taiwan Indigenous Cultural Resort) - 臺東 | No. 10, Jhongshan Rd. (中山路10號) 22.76225, 121.15692 ☎ +886 89 340605 - Double: NT$2,700-3,600 This beautiful, modestly priced hotel is generously decorated with Indigenous People carvings making for a unique experience. Located across the road from Taitung Forest Park and a short walk from the beach. The hotel also has a nice gift shop stocked with well made authentic Indigenous People handicrafts. Bicycle rentals next door.
  • Formosan Naruwan Hotel - 娜路彎大酒店 | @otel.com.tw 66 Lianhang Road 22.76996, 121.12227 ☎ +886 89 239-666 - From NT$9,020 This is five-star hotel for those with a large budget and an appreciation for amenities. It offers all the things a hotel of its stature should including spa and free gym.

Telecommunications in Taitung

The iTaiwan WiFi is available virtually everywhere in Taitung.

News & References Taitung

Explore more Halal friendly Destinations from Taitung

  • Chipen (Zhiben) thermal spas (Muslim Friendly).
  • Green Island (Taiwan)|Green Island - an island off the east coast near Taitung. It's quite beautiful, and features one of the world's few saltwater thermal spas (Muslim Friendly), lots of scenic tropical vegetation and coral seashores, as well as a number of current and former prison complexes. The trip there is either a harrowing flight or equally-harrowing boat ride (the plane ride is shorter but more expensive). Services on the island are quite limited, particularly during the off-season, so it would be a good idea to bring some Snacks and water, and arrange overnight accommodations in advance. A rented scooter is useful for getting around the island.
  • Luye to the north of Taitung in the Inner Rift Valley. It is a great place to drink tea and an especially popular spot for paragliding. Also is a good spot for cycling for the less adventurous.
  • Dulan to the north of Taitung on the coast. This little village has an abandoned sugar factory that hosts a vibrant artist community as well as a cafe and gift shop. Surfing is to be had at the rather secluded beaches from here on north if you have your own board.
  • Siaoyeliou, just a couple of kilometers north of Taitung city this beach offers the most beautiful rock formations on the southern coast. The area just north of here is also popular for snorkeling.

By train

  • Several trains a day to Kaohsiung and then Tainan. For Tainan, about 3 hours and NT$500.
  • Several trains a day to Hualien and then Taipei. To Hualien count about 3 hours, around NT$400.
  • A scenic commuter train leaves to Fangliao for the sunny Kenting National Park in Pingtung County, checkout the information under Taitung County#Get in.

It is advised to book trains to Tainan and Taipei in advance, as there are not so many per day, and they can fill up quickly, especially during weekends.

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