

From Halal Explorer

< Template:Drink


 | name    = | alt = | url = | email = 
 | address = | lat = | long = | directions = 
 | phone   = | tollfree = | fax = 
 | hours   = | price = 
 | lastedit=
 | content = 


  • name: the name of the bar, café, or whatever. Recommended.
  • alt: an alternative name, either in the local language or just an alternative. Optional.
  • address: a street address for finding the bar, for places where this is meaningful. Recommended.
  • directions: additional brief directions besides the street address, such as cross streets, nearby subway or bus stations. Optional
  • phone: a phone number for making reservations or getting more information. Recommended.
  • tollfree: a toll-free phone number, if available. Optional.
  • email: an email address for making reservations or getting more information. Optional.
  • fax: a fax number. Optional.
  • url: the URL for the official Web site for this bar (see external links for more guidelines). Recommended.
  • hours: opening hours of the bar, when applicable. Recommended.
  • price: price of a drink, or price of admission. Recommended.
  • lat: Decimal latitude (GPS coordinates) for map output. Optional.
  • long: Decimal longitude (GPS coordinates) for map output. Optional
    • Note: lat and long should have the same number of decimal places (using trailing zeroes if applicable). If one is present, so should the other be.
  • lastedit: Field indicating when the listing was last updated, or when the information in the listing was last verified. Format must be "2015-01-15" (yyyy-mm-dd). Optional


* {{drink
| name=Groucho's | alt= | url= | email=
| address=8355 S Pulaski Ave | lat= | long= | directions=
| phone=+1 773 767-4838 | tollfree= | fax=
| hours=M-F 2PM-4AM, Sa noon-5AM, Su noon-4AM; Kitchen open until 3AM | price=Admission: $5, entrees: $5-11
| lastedit=2015-01-15
| content=A decent South Side rock club featuring better-known local and regional acts. As an added bonus, the kitchen serves bar food all night.
  • Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted, 8355 S Pulaski Ave, . M-F 2PM-4AM, Sa noon-5AM, Su noon-4AM; Kitchen open until 3AM. A decent South Side rock club featuring better-known local and regional acts. As an added bonus, the kitchen serves bar food all night. Admission: $5, entrees: $5-11.Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permittedLua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted

See also


<templatedata> { "params": { "name": { "required": true, "label": "Name", "description": "The name of the bar, café, or whatever.", "suggested": true }, "alt": { "label": "Alternative name", "description": "An alternative name, either in the local language or just an alternative.", "suggested": true }, "address": { "label": "Address", "description": "A street address for finding the bar, for places where this is meaningful. ", "suggested": true }, "directions": { "label": "Directions", "description": "Additional brief directions besides the street address, such as cross streets, nearby subway or bus stations.", "suggested": true }, "phone": { "suggested": true, "label": "Phone", "description": "A phone number for making reservations or getting more information." }, "tollfree": { "label": "Tollfree", "description": "A toll-free phone number, if available. ", "suggested": true }, "email": { "label": "Email", "description": "An email address for making reservations or getting more information. ", "suggested": true }, "fax": { "label": "Fax", "description": "A fax number.", "suggested": true }, "url": { "label": "Web site", "description": "The URL for the official Web site for this bar (see external links for more guidelines).", "suggested": true }, "hours": { "suggested": true, "label": "Hours", "description": "Opening hours of the place, when applicable." }, "price": { "suggested": true, "label": "Price", "description": "Average price of a drink, or price of admission." }, "lat": { "label": "Latitude", "description": "Decimal latitude (GPS coordinates) for map output. Note: lat and long should have the same number of decimal places (using trailing zeroes if applicable). If one is present, so should the other be.", "suggested": true, "example": "32.1234" }, "long": { "label": "Longitude", "description": "Decimal longitude (GPS coordinates) for map output. Note: lat and long should have the same number of decimal places (using trailing zeroes if applicable). If one is present, so should the other be.", "suggested": true, "example": "-96.4321" }, "lastedit": { "description": "Field indicating when the listing was last updated, or when the information in the listing was last verified. Format must be \"2015-01-15\" (yyyy-mm-dd).", "example": "2016-05-17", "type": "date", "suggested": true, "autovalue": "{{subst:#time:Y-m-d}}", "label": "Last Edit" }, "content": { "label": "Content", "description": "Description of the place", "suggested": true } }, "paramOrder": [ "name", "alt", "url", "email", "address", "lat", "long", "directions", "phone", "tollfree", "fax", "hours", "price", "lastedit", "content" ], "description": "Describe where you can have a drink" } </templatedata>