
From Halal Explorer


Tioman (Tioman|PATH}} Malay]: Pulau Tioman) is a small island, 20 kilometers long and 12 kilometers wide, located off the east coast of peninsular Malaysia.

Tioman Halal Travel Guide

TiomanMap - Map of Tioman

Tioman is in Pahang off the East_Coast_(Malaysia)|East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia within the Mersing Marine Park, which also contains less commercial islands such as Sibu Island. The primary gateway Mersing is in Johor.

Tioman’s beaches were depicted in the 1958 movie South Pacific as "Bali Hai". In the 1970s, Time magazine selected Tioman as one of the world’s most beautiful islands. The densely forested island is still sparsely inhabited. Also it is surrounded by numerous white coral reefs, making it a haven for scuba divers from around the region.

Already the most commercially developed of Malaysia’s eastern islands, a controversial RM 40 million marina project for Kampung Tekek, complete with 175 m cargo jetty, now threatens to speed up the pace of development on Tioman considerably. However, visitors with an aversion to such progress can avoid this part of the island and stay elsewhere without any impact.

You will find enormous monitor lizards across the island, sifting through the rubbish piles looking for food. There is also an abundance of domestic cats.

Rubbish control on the island is still in a development stage, apart from in some of the resorts. So expect some less than pristine circumstances, but there is no doubt that by March 2022 places such as Air Batang were making progress on this front.

Travel as a Muslim to Tioman

No matter which way you choose to arrive, a marine park fee of RM30 (March 2018) should be levied on all visitors to the island. For the ferry travellers, pay it right at the ferry port in Mersing.

By ferry

Most visitors arrive by ferry from Mersing on the mainland. Bluewater Express operates the ferry services and its boats are fast and comfortable taking approx. 1 hours 20 min to the first jetty. This ferry is now the only option and the smaller and faster services being cancelled because of safety concerns after a tragedy. Unfortunately in countries that cannot afford to patrol their regulations well, some ferry companies overcrowd their vessels. If you ever feel uncomfortable boarding a vessel for any reason, refuse. A good way to avoid this is to avoid the last vessel as it is always the busiest. The boat is sometimes boarded by the Malaysian coast guard but it appears that the operators are aware of when this will take place and take pains to follow the rules only on those days.

CoastGuard_Check - Coast Guard boards Tioman ferry for safety check

There are one to three services per day in each direction, depending on tides. Bluewater Express charges RM35 (RM45 on public holiday) for an adult ticket, RM25 for a child ticket (babies in arm free, as of last info) and deposit travellers at Tekek, Air Batang and Salang. The ferry operator tends to leave Mersing when the tide is high enough, when there are sufficient passengers aboard, or perhaps they are waiting for a connecting bus. Hence, it may not always be feasible to strictly adhere to the timetable and you should leave sufficient buffers (1-2 hours) or prepare yourself to spend a night in Mersing.

In Mersing and the ferry port is about 1 kilometers down the river from the bus terminal. Face the river and go right. Follow through the commercial centre of Mersing, past the stadium to river mouth. The bus may also drop you off at the junction where a conveniently located travel agent will attempt to sell you accommodation on the island. It may suit some to make a booking in the town before going to the island, others may prefer to take their chances and check out the offerings there.

If the afternoon ferry (4:30PM) is not running, one may have to stay in Mersing, which can be a fairly low expectation affair, depending on demand. Suggestion is to head straight to the ferry terminal, buy a ticket and worry about other matters later. Alternatively, you simply buy your ferry tickets in advance at Tioman Ferry Tickets, so your ferry seats are guaranteed. If you are not heading for the island, boats are available for private boat charter, scuba dive, fishing & Islands Tour along Jalan Dato Onn, Mersing.

Some ferries also depart from Tanjung Gemuk to the north of Mersing.

Tanjung Gemuk having option for traveller with good and reputable ferry operator named Cataferry which provide secure and proper online booking via eHalal Hotels]

During the monsoon season (late Oct to mid Feb) the ferries run much less frequently and exceptionally bad conditions may shut them down completely for several days or weeks.

Since 2004 and there are no direct ferries to/from Singapore’s Tanah Merah ferry terminal available.

If you are coming from Johor Bahru with the bus of 2:30PM or later and there is a big chance to have no more ferry when you arrive and you will be force to take a night at Mersing. Enjoy it and take time for shopping as it will be more expensive on islands. Most shops will be close in early morning (before 10AM), but some Halal restaurants serve all night long.

By dive operator

Many dive operators in Singapore operate their own trips to Tioman, and this would usually include taking a bus from Singapore to Mersing and then boarding a dive boat for Tioman in Mersing. While it might be more expensive, this would probably be one of the most hassle-free ways to visit Tioman.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Tioman

Tioman Airport (IATA Code: TOD), commonly called Pulau Tioman Airport is located next to Tekek village (Kampung Tekek).

Scheduled commercial services to Tioman Airport have ceased, so flying in is only an option if you have your own private aircraft, or if you charter one.

By yacht

Tekek now boasts a recently built harbour with substantial wave break walls. The Tekek anchorage does not look like the nicest part of Tioman to hang about in, especially given the carefully chosen high intensity sky polluting orange lights installed in abundance. With any luck for all residents and visitors to the island the usual non-existent standards of maintenance will apply and these lights will fail over time.

NB: The map shown on this page has an incorrect scale shown; as an estimate and the distance between Kg Paya and Kg Bunut on the west coast is 1 kilometre.

Get around

Local transport is by bike, cars at Tekek, and by boat. A concrete road runs through Tekek, extending from the Berjaya resort in the south, past the airport, and to the northern end of Tekek village. There is a concrete path running the 800 m of Air Batang area and believe it or not: the Air Batang local residents bought about 20 scooters and drive up and down this 800 m that ruins the calm for the tourists. Elsewhere there are almost no roads on Tioman. Cars may charge around RM20 for the short distance from the end of Tekek jetty/parks info office to the airport and up to RM120 for the biggest distance with a minimum of 2 or 4 passengers.

The east-west concrete track was started by the Japanese in WWII and was re-opened several years ago. It follows the main electricity cable between Tekek and Juara. A 4-wheel drive vehicle is required. When you arrive you may be asked for up to RM175 to charter a whole vehicle to take you across. In May 2012 chartering a whole vehicle from Juara to Tekek cost RM60, though individual passengers in shared vehicles were quoted as RM35/head. It takes 45 min and is an interesting, steep and hairy ride.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Tioman

By far the best and affordableest way of hopping from one village to the other is to use the Mersing/Tioman ferry service. On its way to and from Mersing it goes between Salang in the north and Genting in the south. The ferry will take you to most villages between from RM20 per person (for the Bluewater ferry) and is much cheaper than the private speedboat services. As of July 2011 and the ferry operators do not appear to be charging for the island-hopping.

Speedboats charge from about RM20–60 for a single trip, depending on the destination. For example, a speedboat from Salang to Tekek will cost about RM30, but a trip from Salang to Juara will cost about RM60–100. Although you can try to negotiate and they know full well that they're the only game in town (unless you hike). A single trip by boat as far as from the west coast to the east coast is RM150 and can be shared if there are more passengers. Expect to pay double at night.

By jeep

Motorbike Pulau Tioman - A motorbike on one of the roads on Tioman

There are 4WD "taxis" from Tekek to Juara. They may ask for RM75 (single person), RM120 total (two persons) or RM35 each (min. 4 persons).

Don't be forced into using those who tout directly outside the airstrip. Slow down to local pace and take your time over everything.

Halal Friendly Walking Tours in Tioman

There are several jungle treks , following the power lines, which connect the villages. Depending on your condition and preferences, it could be better to have walking/trekking shoes and long pant.

  • Tekek - Juara It is relatively easy to cross the island on foot from Tekek to Juara. The path up from Tekek is a well established but unpaved, 7 kilometers long, 300 m high track along the powerline with occasional stone steps to assist and a few fallen tree trunks to keep things interesting. It's feasible with a small backpack, but fairly strenuous, so allow plenty of time (at least two hours each way for the trail itself, or three and a half hours if crossing from settlement to settlement). In Tekek and the trail starts north of the airport (see the Do section). There is no affordable way to go back. Alternatives to walking are speed boat or 4WD, RM50–100.
  • Tekek - Air Batang It is also feasible to walk from Tekek to Air Batang (ABC), and the 3.5 kilometers path is relatively level. Just go north along the concrete path.
  • Air Batang - Monkey Bay Again following the power cable and the hike is feasible, though this is less level. First comes Panuba resort. Next there is Monkey Beach which is beautiful (it takes about 70 min to get from ABC to Monkey Beach). Make sure to follow the established trail by the power cable. Shortly thereafter is Monkey Bay. The two lie next to each other (in fact, one can swim out of the bay of Monkey Beach and reach Monkey Bay on the right without problems). There is hut at Monkey Bay. Don't try it with a heavy backpack.

Boat on clear water at salang - Boat at Salang

  • Monkey Bay If you continue along Monkey Beach to it's northern end, you will find a foot path that leads to the side of Monkey Bay, a very pretty hourglass indented beach. The foot pad is subject to treefall so expect it to be hard to follow in places, but panic not if you lose the path, use your head and nut it out. The more use the better the path will get. Both beaches offer very good snorkelling. The other way to reach them is by water taxis. There are ruins of attempts to set up business here, but otherwise no development, but the writer definitely saw a family of monkeys, who ignored the humans and didn't seem to expect any food. Of course don't feed them.
  • Monkey Bay - Salang Keep following the power cable to get to Salang. Remember to follow the power lines, since the path may be hard to see sometimes. This path is more steep than the previous paths. It may take up to 90 min for this part of the hike. Don't try it with a heavy backpack.

What to see in Tioman

Air Batang (ABC village)

Originally the village was named Ayer Batang / Air Batang, word by word translation means water stick; traditionally people used bamboo sticks to carry water here.  A long time after this and the first to build chalets in the village named them Ayer Batang Chalets, (ABC) and the name stuck.

Today ABC is a small village with one small path crossing from north to south, following the coast line, no cars, just some motorbikes (sometimes driven by children). :-).

The people living here are mostly quiet, enjoying their relaxed way of living and the untouched mood of their village. Their spirit and value are strong and as long as you respect them, people will respect you.

Don’t expect a party place and there are a few cafes and occasional parties, but the main purpose here is about relaxing, meeting other people, diving and trekking. This is also a major reason people visit ABC, for this balance between traditions and respect for other people, but also for the possibility to enjoy a fresh drink on the beach.

Being a small village close to the jungle also brings different kinds of visitors: monkeys and giant monitor lizards and these guys are regularly crossing your path, reminding you that they know the place more that you ever will. Lastly the most unavoidable animals are the cats and they are everywhere, sleeping or craving your food and affection.

Walk along the path (it will take you about 40 min to go from one side of the village to the other) enjoy the sea and the giant trees, have your lunch on a terrace and observe life moving around you. In the evening have a cocktail while talking with some local residents or travellers and fall a sleep with the sound of the waves or the music of the jungle…


The local village is spread back from the little track which follows the line of the sea. People live all over the place normally in simple huts. The tourist huts and accommodation is within 20 m of high water mark.

Juara is a very quiet beach at the east coast especially in the off season, when almost nobody is there. There are three rivers coming from the mountains, delivering cold freshwater to the beach, a chilling alternative to swimming in the sea.

A path leads to waterfalls in the jungle, which is nice for a swim and climb over the large rocks.

The place itself is divided into two beaches that are separated by a small hill, which is said to be the "origin" of Tioman. Some local residents say: "you have not been on Tioman, if you did not stand on these rocks".

  • The beach more towards the north where the jetty has very nice sand but with some dead coral in the shallow water. Swimming is OK, but walking in the water can be painful. At both ends of this beach is the mouth of one of the rivers.
  • The beach more towards the south is even quieter. The sand again is very nice and there are no obstacles in the water. At the south end of this beach the last of the three rivers meets the sea.
  • At the southern end of Mrntawak beach there is a turtle hatchery.



Scuba facilities are readily available, and the diving is reasonably good, especially in view of the proximity to Singapore. Most villages have a variety of dive shops. Padi Open water courses average at about RM990 (4 day course), and for licensed divers each dive is roughly RM100). You plan to dive and are travelling with small budget? Go to Air Batang (ABC) since accommodation is about RM30 and not RM40 like in Salang.

  • B&J Dive Center - Has two full-service dive shops, at Air Batang and Salang. A very accommodating bunch of people with good dives. B&J can cater to technical divers offering nitrox and trimix as well as deeper wreck expeditions. Can also help to arrange accommodation.
  • Blue Heaven Divers - Small, friendly dive centre. Blue Heaven Divers can also help you to arrange your accommodation.
  • DiveAsia - PADI 5 Star IDC - Established in 1976. Friendly and knowledgeable staff. Excellent dive sites (Salang is best for diving). Helpful with arranging accommodation. The first and only Instructor Development Centre on Tioman Island. Services include boat dives, day and night shore dives, equipment servicing, air/nitrox/trimix refill, hydro testing, PADI recreational dive courses (Open Water, Advanced Open Water, Emergency First Response, Rescue Diver, Master Scuba Diver, Divemaster and Instructor).
  • Eco Divers - A small diving centre with limited equipment and good diving courses.
  • Fisherman Divers - Very professional PADI certified dive shop with experienced instructors & divemasters and really friendly staff. They can provide Nitrox (EANx) fills as well. Located at Salang beach, opposite to Four "S" cafe.
  • Ray’s Dive Adventure - Dive with local guided Shamrock to explore underwater world. With friendly and helpful staff and have experienced divers. Provides accommodation too for divers.
  • Tioman Dive Centre - Enjoy diving in clear blue waters over beautiful coral reefs teeming with marine life. Tioman is perfect for both learning to dive (TDC offer a comprehensive range of PADI dive training courses) and diving for fun at over 20 dive sites. Safety is, of course their primary concern, but your fun and enjoyment are also important. They maintain a friendly, informal atmosphere in the dive centre.
  • Tioman MyDive Centre Sdn Bhd - PADI Dive Resort; tuition and fun diving available in English, French, Mandarin, Cantonese and (Malay). Very professional and welcoming staff. Great new gear with good prices.


Perhaps the most popular activity for visitors is snorkelling. Most resorts can arrange for speedboats or seabuses to take you to the beaches and small uninhabited islands nearby (such as Pulau Tulai, aka "Coral Island") and Renggis island where the snorkelling is at its best. The water is almost pristine save for the occasional litter. Just be careful of the small jellyfish, as they can pack a sting, and try not to lose your rental gear or you'll be subject to the renter's arbitrary fines. However, snorkelling is fantastic in front of most beaches and can rival that of any snorkelling trip at a fraction of the cost. However, do note that the beaches are home to several "Portuguese Man of War". These prickly creatures tend to rest on rocks and if snorkelling in shallow waters, one should be especially careful of not coming in contact with these. They pack quite a sting and might require medical attention. Snorkellers who are squeamish about brushing against thick clouds of jellyfish in the water (as can happen in the May-September period) can try wearing a long-sleeved shirt or a rash guard when snorkelling. Alternately, you can rent a wetsuit from one of the dive shops if you're not comfortable with the jellies. You can rent snorkelling equipment for about 15RM/day (mask, scuba, fins).

Some of the best locations are as follows.

  • Paya: A group of rocks adjacent from the beach offers a variety of colourful coral and fish.
  • Tekek: The marine park, 3 kilometers north of Tekek, has a man-made artificial reef just off its jetty. The visibility can be questionable and theres not much coral but is teeming with fish.
  • Air Batang: The best village for snorkelling. At ABC (the far end of the beach) one can snorkel around the rocks towards Panuba with a full reef full of colourful coral and fish. Its not too deep, making it perfect for snorkelling. Even more colourful is the reef on either side of the jetty where one can see turtles and a vast garden of yellow coral.
  • Salang: South of the Jetty the coral begins almost as soon as the water is deep enough to swim in, offering some great views of a variety of fish and even turtles to the less confident swimmer. Following the rocks further out and around the headland gives an even greater variety of marine life. It is also worth swimming out to the small Island just off the headland for the possibility of seeing black tip reef sharks.


For the surf junkies, Tioman receives swells up to 2 m from the South China Sea. They only come during the wet season (Nov – Mar) and only hit the eastern side of the island.

  • Beach Shack Surf - Located in front of the Juara beach, this is one of the oldest surf centres on the island. You can rent boards from RM20/h and take lessons.


Asah Waterfall - Asah Waterfall

  • Tekek – Juara jungle trek - In front of the power station closed doors, you will see a discreet "to Juara" sign on your right. Go around the power station fence on an uncleared path and spot the red and white plastic stripes knotted to the trees that mark the track. Climb uphill (320 m elevation) between rocks and concrete steps for 2 kilometers, following either the powerline or the waterpipes collecting drinking water in the waterfalls. Reach the concrete road on top of the mountain and slowly descent for 4.5 kilometers to the Juara jetty. Count 1,5 hour (athletic pace, no backpack) to 2,5 hours (normal pace, full backpack), significantly more if you want to stop along the way. Take plenty of water (and optionally bug repellent). You can refill water bottles in the stream that feeds the Tekek town as drinking water catchment area about half way. Bear in mind that the path is unlit and that it gets dark early in the jungle (especially on the Tekek side).
  • Waterfall trail - To reach the waterfalls, just follow a marked path for about 30 min. The path starts at the south beach, next to the turtle breeding farm. Opposite of the great rocks, which lie on the beach. The path is marked by the bottoms of cans, nailed to the trees and painted yellow and red. At the beginning of the path there are three such signs at a tree. If you walk along the only concrete road towards south to the turtle breeding farm, you can not miss it.

Halal Restaurants in Tioman

Depending on where you eat, food can be quite expensive on Tioman, compared to other places in Malaysia. International food can be up to RM15 per plate, whilst local food is cheaper (between RM8-12). Especially if you eat at the restaurants attached to the resorts and chalets, you should plan around RM 30+ per day (good breakfast, lunch and dinner). "Street food" in the form of fried Rice or Burgers booths can be found everywhere, but the opening times are unclear.

Air Batang

  • Aqiss Bistro - Real nice place to be, beach restaurant with fusion food and burgers.
  • Arini's Family Restaurant - Arini's Restaurant | A small family restaurant on the ABC beach. The food is well prepared by the owner himself and the menu is an eclectic mix of many cultures with the Malayan traditional food as the main focus. The mixes of spices and herbs are done to taste and "in action" by "Man" himself. Chicken and egg burger
  • Ketapang Roof - Peaceful place with live music to have a drink, chill, play games or read a book. Good sandwiches (baguette).
  • Roti Canai - Place to eat roti and Noodles soup.


Food options in Juara are not particularly exciting. As everywhere on the island and the prices are a bit high.

If you are staying at Juara Mutiara, avoid the buffet-style breakfast they try to sell you, one look at it will tell you why - and yes it is feasible to just book a room, at a discount, without any food included.


The food in Salang is similarly priced and there is a variety of western and local fare. For those who enjoy seafood there are numerous barbeque restaurants offering freshly caught fish, shrimp, squid and crabs and these begin opening around 7pm.


Village restaurant at Coral Reef Holidays the most (Malay) and international food also good view (by the beach).

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Tioman

Tioman - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Tioman, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Tioman. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Tioman and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Tioman. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Tioman. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inTioman: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Tioman.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Tioman: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Tioman, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Tioman.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Tioman, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Tioman, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Tioman and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Tioman, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Tioman, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Tioman without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Tioman is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Tioman.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Tioman is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Tioman, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Tioman Media: info@ehalal.io

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Tioman

eHalal Group Tioman is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Tioman. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Tioman.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Tioman ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Tioman. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Tioman, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Tioman are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at realestate@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly hotels in Tioman

While the most commercialized of Malaysia's East Coast islands, Tioman has yet to be invaded by mass tourism on the scale of Penang or Langkawi and there are plenty of affordable beds to be found. However, if you are heading for anywhere other than the backpackers' villages, reservations are advisable as getting to some of the more remote kampungs can be a hassle. Some places stay open year round, but many close for the monsoon season (typically end of October to mid/late February).

Practically every kampung on the west coast of the island has a self-styled resort or two. A typical air-conditioned chalet will set you back in the vicinity of RM 100, although significant discounts can be negotiated in the off-season, in package deals or just by showing up and smiling. In off-season it is advisable to just show up and pick the best and affordableest spots. Genting resorts are largely owned and operated by friendly local fisherman families. For the support of the local community, you are likely to have a chance to pick the best fish at the beach in the evening and have it prepared by the women.

Air Batang (ABC village)

  • Bamboo Hill Chalets - Northern end of Air Batang. A very small resort with just six rooms. RM70-RM120. The boulder-top chalets are simple (no A/C or hot water or TV) but to a very high standard, and all directly overlook the sea. The majority of guests are repeat visitors, and booking well in advance is pretty much crucial. Closed during the monsoon season.
  • Nazri's Place - You can camp too there with the price of RM3 person per day. Ask to build camp next to pizza "hut" near beach. This camp place will suit for 2 tent (4 man tent). There are fields behind for more tents, but it is far from the beach.
  • Panuba Resort - Located at a very small kampong about 200 m north of Air Batang and the second last ferry stop. This kg has now been subsumed by an adhoc collection of accommodation structures that climb the rocky headland. The growing technical prowess of the builders results in a mixed grill of style from Malaysian hut to alpine chalet, and a switch from environmentally sympathetic timber to more intrusive concrete and the remnants of previous structures being carelessly preserved. From RM45 to RM140 en-suite, A/C, kettle (but no tea or coffee) breakfast, and a view from a balcony. In front is a 100 m beach which is great for swimming at the top half of the tide, and a reef for snorkeling. Restaurant kampong grown fruit and drinks. Tiger organic juice at RM5 and red fruit cocktail, sold from the snorkeling gear hire shop.


  • Paya Beach Resort - Kampung Paya (south of Tekek). A typical Tioman resort featuring an almost-private beach, a particularly good restaurant, a swimming pool, a dive shop, spa experience and chalets of varying standards. The crumbling Standard chalets are poor value, and occasionally sandflies will leave defacing bites on younger tourists; the newer Superiors are much better. Get a package here as the rack rates are extortionate. It includes 2 way ferry tickets, accommodation and meal/activity arrangement.
  • Tioman Paya Resort - Located behind the Paya Beach Resort, this resort is in need of upgrading. The chalets have hot water, A/C and TV. However and the A/C in the chalets are of the 1980s model that can vibrate strongly. The toilet is not what you expect to see in a mid-range resort, and the towels and blanket are very worn out.


  • Ella Place. Located at the northern end of Salang Bay and one of the quieter options in Salang. A few small, simple chalets all face the sea. Each chalet has a fan and an attached bathroom with cold shower, while some also come with air-conditioning.


  • Coral Reef Holidays, ☎ +60 9 4191868 or Mobile: ☎ +60 13 7176677, Located on a relatively private beach and is the longest beach in Tekek Village,With main facilities like restaurant,cafe,diveshop,laundry.Various rooms are available with a choice of either a seaview and/or garden view room.Rates start from RM45 to RM150 per room.
  • Swiss Cottage, ☎ +60 9 4191642. Swiss Cottage, where Tioman Dive Centre is based, was one of the first chalet operators on Tioman. The resort has a variety of rooms built around a central area which is shaded by trees. It has a relaxed feeling and is a great place to hang out. The resort has 5 types of room, all of which are fan cooled, except for the Terrace A/C rooms and Garden View Chalet A/C. Fan is usually sufficient given the beach front location. All rooms are with bathroom and hot water shower, breakfast is included in the price.

Other village

  • Coral Resort Kampung Mukut - RM100 A/C room, wifi RM5 for 5 days. Refurbished older resort under new management.
  • Idaman Beach Holiday, From RM80 per day. The only resort on the southern side of the jetty, Idaman Beach Holiday is located on a beautiful stretch of beach. The rooms are simple and can accommodate two to four persons. All rooms face the beach and it is only a few steps from your doorstep to the shore.
  • Melina Beach Resort - About halfway between the Genting and Paya jetties, Melina Beach Resort is a small, non-Malaysian owned and run resort. While the resort is comparably cramped with the 2009 addition of a new building and the semi-private beach is long and shaded rests are great. It offers both A/C and fan rooms built in typical chalet-style, and other more original rooms such as a tree hut. The restaurant also caters for western tastes with some German specialties, and is clearly above average price. Free pick-up and drop from the Genting jetty can be arranged. Alternatively, it is a pleasant 20 min walk.
  • Minang Cove Resort - The three villas and nine chalets are all A/C with ensuite facilities situated on the south tip of Tioman Island.
  • Nipah Paradise Resort. A nice small bay in the south of Tioman, with only two small resorts and the beach and a creek. Nipah is the right beach for people, who want to get away from it all because there is not even a public telephone! The atmosphere is laid back and relaxed, most of the travelers are backpackers who put up at Nipah Beach Chalets. The second resort - Nipah Paradise - is a haven for the backpackers. It offers small affordable chalets. The nice owners offer a two days trekking tour through the jungle to the peak of Gunung Kajang, Tioman's highest peak (1038 m).
  • Impiana inn - All rooms come with air-cond, water heater, in-house coffee-making and basic amenities. Impiana Inn is also the first and only Tioman resort with hemodialysis facility.
  • Berjaya Tioman Resort - 18 hole golf course, Taaras Spa, and a wide variety of restaurants.
  • Berjaya Tioman Suite - 7 blocks of fully furnished units comprising 268 rooms and suites of Standard chalets, Superior chalets, Deluxe chalets and Junior suites in Malaysian-style. On a hill, with most of the rooms facing the sea and a swimming pool. Shuttle transfers every 10 min to Berjaya Tioman Beach, Golf & Spa Resort.
  • Japamala Resort - A very private and intimate resort with just 12 villas and chalets, a beautiful beach and 2 amazing restaurants, Tamarind Terrace & Mandi Mandi. Note that there is no mobile network coverage at Japamala which makes it an real getaway from the rest of the world. Impeccable service from its attentive staff.
  • Bagus Place - At the Southern tip near Minang. Recently built chalet resort run by young Europeans as an eco-resort. Private beach, with a small number of simple and tasteful luxurious chalets. Starting at a whooping RM900 a night this resort still manages to get fully booked for many months.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Tioman

There have been repeat outbreaks of Sarcocystosis, a rare and poorly understood parasitic tropical disease, amongst travelers to Tioman, particularly in 2012 (100+ cases) and as recently as May 2014 (40+ cases). Sarcocystosis is not well known amongst physicians and is often mis-diagnosed. If you have flu-like symptoms and severe muscle aches after traveling to Tioman consult a tropical disease specialist immediately. Experimental treatment options with Cotrimoxazole and steroids are available.

Theft is not generally an issue in superior Muslim friendly rooms. One thing to watch out for is coral cuts, which are bacteria-laden and turn septic very quickly if not treated in good time. Bring sterile wound wash and antiseptic cream for coral cuts; wash and treat them immediately to avoid a nasty infection.

Watch out for the triggerfish as well; these little pointy-nosed fish are very cute but they do get territorial and attack swimmers during their mating season. The monkeys can be quite feral, and have been known to attempt to force open windows and doors to look for food, thanks to irresponsible tourists who insist on feeding the monkeys.

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