Vang Vieng

From Halal Explorer

Vang Vieng banner.jpg Nam Song river - Nam Song river

Vang Vieng (ວັງວຽງ) (also Vang Viang) is a riverside town in Central Laos.

Vang Vieng Halal Travel Guide

Once little more than a bus stop on the long haul between Vientiane at the Thailand border and the World Heritage Site of Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng has managed to become a destination in its own right and a popular stop. Still not much more than three streets and a bus station and the main attractions are the river flowing through the spectacularly wild carst formations, laid back countryside and many caves. Many outdoor lal-tours/ tours are available.

Anyone who has travelled in Southeast Asia will have heard about tubing, an activity that dominates this town and its visitors. Originally opened up by hedonistic backpackers and the atmosphere of the town itself is one of lethargy by day and debauchery by night.

Since the 2022 and the city has developed into a popular base for outdoor activities. Tour companies are everywhere in the city and offer tubing, cave visits, kayaking, ziplines, swimming in water falls, dirt buggies, and combinations thereof.

Travel as a Muslim to Vang Vieng

Travel on a Bus in Vang Vieng

Vang Vieng is on Hwy 13 between Vientiane and Luang Prabang. By bus (road and bus conditions permitting) about 6-8 hrs from Luang Prabang, around 3-4 hours from Vientiane.

Tickets for tourist buses and minivans can be purchased at almost every guesthouse and should include pick-up at the hotel.

VIP buses from Vientiane cost about 50,000 kip. Minivans leave Vientiane all day and cost between 35,000-50,000 kip. The express bus to Vientiane costs 60,000 kip. Slower local buses to Vientiane without air conditioning run in the early morning (05:30-10:00) and cost about 40,000 kip for a 5 hour journey. You can board them either at the northern bus station or the bus stop south of the airstrip.

From Luang Prabang, VIP buses cost 150,000 kip and minivans cost 162,000 kip. If you're susceptible to motion sickness you'll be much better off on the slower bus than the minivan (or bring appropriate medication).

Bus Schedule from Vang Vieng

To Departs hours Approximate price (kip) Duration (hours) Comments Last update
Vientiane (Songthaew) Every 20 min 40,000 Jun 2022
Vientiane (Local bus) 05:30,06:00,06:30,07:00,12:30,14:00 40,000 Jun 2022
Vientiane (Mini) 09:00 60,000 Jun 2022
Vientiane(Express bus) 10:30,13:30 60,000 Jun 2022
Luang Prabang (Mini) 09:00,14:00 100,000 Jun 2022
Luang Prabang (Express) 10:00 90,000 Jun 2022
Phonsavan (Mini) 09:30 100,000 Jun 2022

By car

Hwy 13 is a sealed two lane road that is slowly deteriorating. The road between Vang Vieng and Luang Prabang is mountainous and boasts amazing scenery. The road between Vang Vieng and Vientiane is flatter and less interesting.

How to get around in Vang Vieng

GPS: 18.933, 102.425

From the bus station

From Vientiane, buses will drop you off either at the old airstrip (from the Vietnam war, it's now just a giant gravel pad) and the tourist buses will drop you in front of a hotel on the main street in the town. The airstrip is directly behind the main street, so in either case there is no need to take a tuk-tuk or cyclo if you plan to stay in the main area of the town. The island and bungalows along the river are about a 10 min walk away. Buses to and from the north Laos leave from the new bus terminal 2 km north of the town. When leaving Vang Vieng, transport to the bus station is usually included in the price of your ticket.

Around town

Vang Vieng is so small that everything is easily reachable on foot. If you want to venture out of town, bicycles are widely available and can be rented from hotels or local businesses. You should not have to pay more than 15,000 kip for a day's rental. Motorbike rentals are also available. You can rent a small semi-automatic scooter starting from 40,000 kip (from morning till evening, 60,000 kip for 24h) or a dirt bike from 322,000 kip (125cc for a day) to 200,000 kip (150cc for 24h). Good selection of scooters for instance at M/c Rental (across the street and about 50 m east from Whopping Burger). Always check the condition of the bike and details of the contract before signing anything. At some places you will have to sign a contract which makes you completely responsible if something breaks or fails to function, even if it's normal wear and tear. Also you are not allowed to go out of Vang Vieng District, so don't count on renting a bike here to go on a longer tour of the neighborhood.

Several tuk-tuks are also scattered around town. 52,000 kip per person will be plenty to get to anywhere within Vang Vieng. It's also the price you'll pay to get to the tubing bars irrespective of how many other people are on board. It's better to sort out exact change with fellow passengers as tuk-tuk drivers are notorious for giving incorrect change.

To rent a tuk-tuk for the whole day costs about 130,000-150,000 kip.

What to see in Vang Vieng

Vang vieng - Vang vieng.jpeg

  • Padeng Cave and Ring Cave - Across the river a 1.5 km path marked by white flags cuts through the fields towards the limestone mountains. The smallest hill has very rickety ladders, and somewhat dangerous, to aid in climbing to the top. Halfway up the mountain is a cave. Another 1 km along the path past the mountain goes through a small forest and arrives at a cave. A few sleepy Laotians guard the cave's entrance and will initially only charge 10,000. However, on exit and they'll ask for 50,000 for the guide and 50,000 per lamp. A couple of men carving reeds with machetes are nearby so negotiation may be difficult.
  • Tham Poukham (Blue Lagoon) - A spring-fed lagoon at the bottom of "Golden Cave". Nice place to relax, swim and play on the rope swing. The waters are inhabited by a few hundred carp that will eat locally sold fish food out of your hand. The cave above requires a modest 100 m hike up a makeshift bamboo ladder. Once inside and there is a short walk to the Sleeping Golden Buddha and glimmering stalactites about 300 m further inside. 52,000 kip entry and 52,000 kip to rent a head-torch, recommended if you go deeper into the cave than the Buddha. Guides for the cave are advertised at 50,000 kip.
  • Sunset Hill / Pha Ngeun - An extremely steep half-hour hike that offers a fantastic 360° view over the surrounding valley and karst mountains. The trail is in excellent condition, with steps, banisters, fences and cables on the more dangerous parts. Bring adequate footwear. Try to be at the entrance at around 16:00-16:30, so you reach the summit on time for the breathtaking sunset.
  • Xang Cave | Decent cave but not worth the 15,000 kip entrance fee plus 2,000 kip per person/3,000 kip per motorbike bridge crossing fee. The cave is well lit and has stairs running throughout that makes it an easy self-guided tour. One part has a really nice view of the farms surrounding the city. If you've been to other caves it's really not worth the money as it's similar but more expensive.
  • Nang Oua Kham Cave - Very nice cave and superior to the one at Blue Lagoon. You might feel the entrance a bit tight at first time but when you get past that most parts are easy to walk. There is mud and water so be prepared if you wish to explore all the cave. Price includes head lamp. Coordinates 18°53'55.7"N 102°21'09.3"E.

What to do in Vang Vieng

  • Kayaking | This covers the same part of the river as tubing (and a more untouched part further upriver). Kayaking includes lunch and different caves. Some of the caves takes more than an hour to walk through, with bats and other creatures.
  • Teach English to local children with EEFA - Equal Education For All, or EEFA, runs afterschool English classes for local children in Northern and Western villages of Vang Vieng. They are always looking for volunteers who can ideally stay for a month at least, but if you've only got a couple of days then it's better than nothing. Anyone is welcome to observe the classes, participate and contribute in any way you can. Look for Alex at Vang Vieng Organic Farm or message Equal Education For All on Facebook.
  • Organic Farm - There's an organic farm that offers volunteering opportunities. It is noise-free until about 11:00 and again when the last revelers go back to town at about 18:00 as its location beside the river is also used as the starting point for tubing and the first tubing bars are nearby. If going tubing this is an option for a healthy lunch prior to commencing your tubing adventure. The organic farm has dormitory (72,000 kip), budget and more luxurious rooms for rent. They teach the village children, build mud brick buildings, learn/teach farming, eat organic food and go to sleep at 22:00. The farm has also a kitchen and sells organic food.
  • River Swings - Playing on the very high swings over the river and sliding on a slide. Be careful. Perforated eardrums, broken ribs and permanent hearing damage are common injuries resulting from going the wrong way. Also foot injuries from hitting rocks, and sometimes death when going head first or falling off platforms when drunk. The local hospital is not equipped to diagnose or treat these serious injuries. Vientiane has the closest (if Spartan) EMT facility but no English speaking specialists, so you may have to travel to Udon Thani (Thailand) for treatment. All the rope swings and slides have now been removed for safely reasons.
  • Tubing - Look at the magnificent view of the mountains rising directly beside the river. Many organic juice bars along the way, almost all in the first third of the trip. Some hire dry bags (hire for 15,000 kip or buy own nearby for 50,000 kip) may not be of the best quality, cameras can get ruined by faulty rented to tourists, so beware and if in doubt, don't bring your camera. Tubes have to be back by 18:00 or loose 20,000kip from your deposit. In winter it gets a bit cold from 16:00, so start early to make the most of soft-drinking your way down the river. Ride at least one rapid before starting the party to avoid disturbing guests visiting the Organic Farm (nice place for lunch before commencing tubing). Some Westerners have the job of promoting bars. The party scene has taken over and the owners use humongous loudspeakers, effectively blocking out any singing of birds. Beware of tubes getting stolen while stopping at bars, you may lose your deposit and the ride down. Tubes get stacked up at each bar so keep an eye on how many are left, especially at the first few cafes where lots of people arrive without their own tube. If you're not used to drinking drink, stick with organic juice and for reasons of safety and common sense consider avoiding alcohol completely if entering the water. The amount of drinks in buckets can be seriously high and can kick in suddenly; you won't be the first one to be too drunk to make your way back on the river. As of 2023, only 2 bars remain open, and both are fairly close to the beginning of the tubing. Consequently, many people stop at the last and drink until night-time and then take a tuk-tuk back into town. During rainy season there is more water in the river and eye infections are common.
  • Volunteering - FruitFriends | Offers immersion and volunteer opportunities. FruitFriends is a social enterprise working with only local staff. Profits are used to organize community-based projects. FruitFriends has a small homestay and your help is much appreciated.
  • Sae Lao Organic Garden & Restaurant - You can visit this organic garden and restaurant just before or after your visit to the Blue Lagoon. They also undertake eco projects to try and protect the natural environment in the Vang Vieng region, and you can volunteer.
  • Tham Nam Cave (The Water Cave) | The major tourist attraction is to go tubing into the cave. It is really huge, taking 15-30 minutes to get to the end, and then the same time to get back. There are two ropes inside the cave, be sure to follow both. Water is rather cold, but bearable. There is also a zipline at the cave entrance.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Vang Vieng

The small shops scattered throughout Vang Vieng sell the standard assortment of Snacks, trinkets, sunglasses and bathing suits. The majority of tourists seem to leave with at least one T-shirt, vest, or dress with "In the Tubing - Vang Vieng" emblazoned on it.

Prices for tourist packages are quoted in both kip and US dollars. Restaurants, hotels, and pretty much everything else is priced in kip. Most places will accept kip, (Thai) Baht and US dollars for larger purchases.

There are several ATMs that now take all major credit cards, but are known for running out of cash. Some tourists have reported only being able to use cards on the Maestro (MasterCard) network.

The Lao Development Bank changes money at good rates and processes cash advances. BCEL will also do cash advances on credit cards.

  • BCEL bank - Biggest bank building in town. Therefore safe bet for ATM withdrawals, especially during bank opening hours. Also offer good rates for money exchange on 2nd floor.

Halal Restaurants in Vang Vieng

The numerous TV restaurants are interchangeable and all have a similar theme. When it comes to Wi-Fi some offer it free, others sell access. Others offer access only at certain times only. They all have similar menus.

For quick eats and late night Snacks, numerous pancake and sandwiches stalls dot the streets. But be careful, food hygiene may have been compromised by being in the heat all day and your gastrointestinal system may react accordingly. The street running next to the river just to the west of the tube rental office has a few vendors selling large Chicken and Beef - Halal Kebab skewers for 22,000 kip each.

  • Nisha Indian Food | Serves great Indian food.
  • Organic Farm Cafe| Original and interesting menu. Deep-fried mulberry leaves in honey for 15,000 kip. Goat Cheese sandwiches for 72,000 kip.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Vang Vieng

Vang Vieng - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Vang Vieng, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Vang Vieng. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Vang Vieng and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Vang Vieng. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Vang Vieng. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inVang Vieng: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Vang Vieng.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Vang Vieng: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Vang Vieng, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Vang Vieng.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Vang Vieng, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Vang Vieng, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Vang Vieng and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Vang Vieng, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Vang Vieng, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Vang Vieng without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Vang Vieng is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Vang Vieng.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Vang Vieng is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Vang Vieng, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Vang Vieng Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Vang Vieng

eHalal Group Vang Vieng is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Vang Vieng. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Vang Vieng.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Vang Vieng ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Vang Vieng. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Vang Vieng, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Vang Vieng are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

There are now a couple of halfway-decent mid-range hotels and attempts at boutique-style residences].

  • Bee Bee Guest House - Full of character. Rooms are clean and spacious and the family that runs this guesthouse speaks English and are always ready to help. Free Wi-Fi, all rooms have hot showers en suite, drinking water and supplies tourist information. Great roof views from the balconies, safe rooms and at a good price.
  • Babylon Guesthouse - An established inimitable accommodation that's either loved or not. Free Wi-Fi and Internet for guests and a downstairs and organic restaurant. Politically incorrect jokes are a must and the English speaking staff are helpful. All rooms have hot showers en suite. Great roof terrace views.
  • Central Backpackers - In the centre of Vang Vieng and a 2 min walk away from the tubing starting point. It has clean, affordable and safe rooms (doubles, twins, triples & dorms) with safety lockers. Good food available, friendly English speaking staff and big chill out area with table football, dartboard, drinking-related activities, water pipes (shisha, hookahs, nargila) and regular screening of TV shows & live sports. Free Wi-Fi.
  • Champa Lao Bungalow - Cheap huts on the island downstairs with river view. Friendly local family and traditional-style rooms. Mountain view from the wooden porch with hammock upstairs priced at between 40,000-70,000 kip. Breakfast included, tasty food and free Wi-Fi.
  • Champa Lao Villa - Nice garden, tasty food, nice rooms. Breakfast included and free Wi-Fi.
  • Chillao - Centrally located, social hostel offering dorms and some of the cheapest single rooms in Vang Vieng. Adequately clean despite the rather unorthodox plumbing, dorm rooms have broken lockers, free Wi-Fi.
  • Domon Guesthouse - Nice enough, double room worth the extra money. Views from the balcony onto the river and towards the mountains are stunning, especially at sunset.
  • The Elephant Crossing Hotel - Small hotel. All the rooms have a view of the river, with a restaurant right on the river.
  • Greenview Bungalows - Khamsone and his wife, Some, offer comfortable, clean bungalows with hot showers, great Lao food, and occasional campfires and singalongs. A great place to escape the noise of the centre. Bicycle and motorbike rentals available.
  • Jammee Guesthouse - On the quiet end of Vang Vieng village, but still within walking distance of the town centre with all the party activities. The surrounding views are stunning and the place is quiet and offers comfortable, large rooms, all with private bathroom, hot shower, and either king or queen size beds or twin singles all with innerspring mattresses. All the rooms have a veranda or a secured balcony with mountain views. Also a dormitory is available with free mosquito nets provided. Free Wi-Fi is available in all rooms and throughout the guesthouse. Water, Coffee, Tea and bananas, pickup service are all inclusive.
  • Le Jardin Organique - Away from the party in a nice location with lovely rooms. Hot water doesn't get hot and some find the owners are difficult to deal with.
  • Laos Haven - Looks gorgeous from the outside, but don't let that scare you away as it costs only 50,000 kip/person (in a dorm). The family running the hotel are very helpful. Booking kayaking and other adventures through the manager may be cheaper than some other hotels/agents.
  • Nam Song Garden - Lao-born Malay's and Norwegian Arne's place. Great view over the mountains from the shaded garden. Free 24-hour Wi-Fi, towel, water refill, in-room safes. Book exchange.
  • Nana Guesthouse - 3 storey, simple guest house. Friendly family-run staff, hot showers, a fourth-storey balcony and laundry. Good for sleeping away from the raucousness further north.
  • Pans Place Guesthouse - Clean rooms in a quiet location, 300 km from the centre of town and 200 m from the river. Restaurant open from 07:00 till late, Snacks and meals, internet cafe, with discount rates for guests. TV room with cable TV and DVDs, Communal balcony with views of the mountains and sunsets, Laundry service, free drinking water. All rooms have fans, comfortable beds and are mosquito-proofed.
  • Phoudingdeang Organic Farm - Peaceful and serene, an employer of orphans, mountain views. Simple short-term rooms, long-term residences in adobe houses.
  • Sengdeuan Guest House - All rooms come with towels, soap, bottled water & toilet paper. The private swimmingpool in the garden has water in it from February - November. A great place to learn about the history of the area and the Hmong people.
  • Tony Guesthouse - Friendly family-run guesthouse. Large, clean and recently renovated rooms, probably one of the best values in town. Laundry service available and free Wi-Fi.
  • Villa Vang Vieng Riverside - On the river, with a great view. Buildings and rooms in Lao-style. Fast free Wi-Fi.
  • Malany Villa - This is where the mini buses stop. Therefore this is likely to be the first place to stay you will see.

Stay safe

Around one tourist dies every month while jumping or tubing. Several more get severe injuries every month, as there are many sharp rocks not visible under the water in many places along the river. It's difficult to always predict where you will land in the water while jumping and there are almost always rocks nearby!}}

Thousands of tourists pass through Vang Vieng without incident every year, but the combination of outdoor activities.

Even the town's main street can injure the unwary traveller: you'll need to watch out for the large holes in the pavement through to the drainage ditch below as they are not fenced off.

The medical care available in the town's hospital is rudimentary at best - for serious injuries you'll want to go to Vientiane, or better still, Udon Thani.


Floating downstream at a sedate pace in an inflated rubber tube shouldn't be a dangerous activity, provided you leave enough time to get back before darkness falls.

Whilst you may find that risk reduced somewhat by the dismantling of some of Vang Vieng's infamous ziplines, swings and slides following recent deaths, you're still going to have use your common sense. If you want to jump into the river, be very careful about where you do so - the Nam Song isn't very deep except where the staff have cleared rocks from the river bed. Don't even think of pushing others in: at least one person has died that way.

The river current is strong in many places - even the stone-cold sober should avoid sapping their strength by swimming against it. It should be easy enough to swim across to shallower water instead.

Medical Issues

A minor annoyance around Vang Vieng (referred to by local residents and long-time residents as the "Vang Vieng plague") is conjunctivitis, or pink eye. This is a viral, and sometimes bacterial, infection which can be caught from the river or other tubers. The onset of conjunctivitis is often felt as an unnatural tiredness, and inability to properly fully open your eyes. If you sense this, or have been sharing with people with conjunctivitis or wearing sunglasses at night and the best thing to do is shell out for eye drops as soon as feasible to prevent the onset. If this should happen late at night, be aware that eye drops alone should cost a maximum of 62,000 kip. Some of the late night pharmacies attempt to extort tourists, charging up to 5x the normal price for eye drops.

As well as eye drops, general antibiotics are available from any pharmacy. In some cases eye drops will cause an intense stinging sensation, this can be soothed with an eye bath formula also available at pharmacies. Of course the sensible solution would be to rest your eyes.


When tubing home late and its getting cold and dark and there are taxi boats who offer to take you home for a price of around 52,000 kip each. These boats will just take you to some place and stop there, refusing to continue. They tie up the boat, take away the engine and go away, waiting for you to get out and grab a waiting tuk tuk for a high price back home, because they know that you are freezing and want to take back your tube. If you don't want to pay the tuk-tuk and the only way to get home is to walk.

Telecommunications in Vang Vieng

Internet speed and reliability is variable but not bad by Laos standards. There are a few Internet cafes around town. Most hotels now offer free Wi-Fi for their clients.

News & References Vang Vieng

Explore more Halal friendly Destinations from Vang Vieng

  • Luang Prabang and Vientiane are normally the next stop, depending on the direction you're heading.
  • Rent out a motorbike and venture into Xaisomboun Province
  • The adventurous can make their way Vientiane down the river by kayak. The trip should leave in the early morning, placing you in the capital by 18:00. For your belongings, dry bags are available or you can opt to place them in the accompanying van which will take them along and carry you at least part of the way. Expect to pay 170,000-262,000 kip
  • You can book trips all the way to Bangkok (via Vientiane) but since you'll change mode of transport (there are excellent sleeper trains running from the (Thai) border town of Nong Khai) at least once anyway it's just as easy to arrange this trip at your own pace.
  • Travel agents will be willing to book you to anywhere in Thailand, but expect some very long bus journeys and probably several bus changes.
  • Buses to Vietnam are notorious for taking even longer than expected and being a really unpleasant experience.

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