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From Halal Explorer

Capitol Building oblique view - The U.S. Capitol Building

Capitol Hill is a venerable neighborhood just east of the Capitol building, best known as the main residence in the city for the legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. government, and for the staffers who run the place. Time permitting, you should make an effort to see not just the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court steps, and the Library of Congress, but head further east to see this beautiful neighborhood, and to have a nice meal on Barracks Row while listening to the politicos chatter away. The Hill extends several miles east of the Capitol to RFK Stadium and the Anacostia River.

Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill Halal Travel Guide

Capitol Hill, just east of the Washington, D.C./National Mall|National Mall, plays a central role in the nation's political life, as two of the three branches of the federal government—the legislative and the judicial—are located here. The government spills far over into the neighborhood, as this is the favorite residential section of town for congressional staffers, and any other type of politico you can imagine. Streets are abuzz with intense political debate, and you'll encounter this head on when visiting a neighborhood bar or restaurant.

Capitol Hill is worth exploring regardless of your interest in politics, though. It is a beautiful historic neighborhood of 18th- and 19th-century rowhouses in a wide range of architectural styles, and a wandering stroll from the Capitol to Barracks Row along residential side streets is a nice way to take in this quintcrucially Washingtonian neighborhood. The upscale dining scene is one of the best in D.C., particularly along Barracks Row (centered on 17th century U.S. Marines barracks at 8th and I St) and along Pennsylvania Ave. North of the Capitol Grounds is grandiose Union Station, which is both a major point of entry into the city, and also a historical landmark in its own right, with a beautiful, gilt main hall. The other big historical attraction is the huge Eastern Market, which is a fine place to browse, admire, or grab something good to eat.

Travel as a Muslim to Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

Capitol Hill map - ]]

By Metrorail

For more information on riding the Metrorail in Washington DC, see Washington DC#Get_around.

The Blue, Orange, and Silver lines have stations just south of the Capitol Grounds at Federal Center and Capitol South. Further from the downtown Eastern Market and then Stadium-Armory can be visited on the same line. Eastern Market is the most convenient stop for adventuring the Capitol Hill neighborhood, as well as the eponymous market and Barracks Row. Stadium-Armory is closest to the DC Armory and Congressional Cemetery.

The most prominent stop is certainly at Union Station, 40 Massachusetts Ave, ☎ +1 202 289-1908 on the Red Line, which is an easy walk from the Capitol, and is right by the Amtrak/Marc train station.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

Union Station is the central train station for the city, and trains come and go primarily along the Northeast Corridor, although you can likely find a train heading in any direction and the majority of which are operated by Amtrak.

Union Station is also the end point for the MARC Trains heading north through the Capital Region (Maryland)|Capital Region of Maryland to Baltimore. Since the MARC serves primarily commuters, train departures and arrivals are concentrated at the beginning and end of the work day.

Travel on a Bus in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

The following are the main bus routes operating in these neighborhoods, along with links to timetables and route maps. For more information on riding buses in Washington DC, see Washington DC#Get_around.

  • [https://,92_180624.pdf #90 and #92 are the most useful routes here—they run along 8th Street from Barracks Row, past Eastern Market, and then north along Florida Ave to Washington, D.C./Shaw|Shaw.
  • [https://,97_171217.pdf #96 and #96 run between Tenleytown, past Washington, D.C./Adams_Morgan|Adams Morgan and Washington, D.C./Shaw|Shaw, all the way to Washington, D.C./Anacostia|Anacostia.
  • DC Circulator Congress Heights – Union Station runs Monday to Friday 6AM Monday - 7PM (extended and weekend service on Nationals game days) from Union Station, past the Capitol Building, Eastern Market, and Barracks Row, before heading south to Washington, D.C./Anacostia|Anacostia.

By car

Street parking is not too hard to find on side streets once you get far enough east of the Capitol Building, and away from Eastern Market and Barracks Row. The traffic patterns are disastrously convoluted, though—even by D.C. standards. Main east-west routes run along Constitution and Independence, as well as Pennsylvania and Maryland Ave. Coming from Washington, D.C./Anacostia|Anacostia and the main bridges are at Pennsylvania Ave and E Capitol St. There are no primary streets heading north-south throughout the area, only the complex diagonals.

What to see in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill


AuthorityOfLaw - The Contemplation of Justice, U.S. Supreme Court

The main attractions on Capitol Hill are all concentrated in the U.S. Capitol Complex, grounds managed by the Architect of the Capitol, covering roughly the three blocks east of the Washington, D.C./National Mall|National Mall. These include the Capitol Building and its grounds, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court, Library of Congress, and congressional office buildings.

Capitol Complex

  • Capitol Building - GPS: 38.889722, -77.008889 ☎ +1 202 226-8000 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 8:30AM Monday - 4:30PM Free United States Capitol United States Capitol west front edit2 The center of the legislative branch of America is home to the House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as numerous impressive paintings, statues, historical exhibits, and one magnificent dome. The visitor center features an exhibition of the history of the Capitol and of Congress. Tours of the Capitol building are free and can be arranged online or by same-day walk-in and start from the visitor center. You may not bring food or drinks inside. Only the smallest and thinnest bags will be allowed. If lines for security are long, an alternative is to use the tunnel from the Library of Congress.
  • Library of Congress - 10 1st Street Southeast GPS: 38.888611, -77.004722 ☎ +1 202 707-8000 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 8:30AM Monday - 4:30PM Free Thomas Jefferson Building Founded by the third U.S. president, Thomas Jefferson, this grand building, also called the Jefferson Library, has the largest collection of books in the world. The most popular points of interest are the massive main reading room and Great Hall. On the Winter and Summer solstices and the Great Hall is filled with an odd silver glow that gives the impression you are surrounded by floating clouds, and this makes those days the most crowded. The main reading room is known as the Sacred Room, and is absolutely stunning. You must be 16 or older to use the reading rooms and have a reader identification card, which can be obtained by presenting a driver's license/passport and completing a self registration form. Guided Tours in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill by (email for prices) will not bring you into the reading room, but will take you up in the dome, where you can see the room in its full glory. There are also a number of rotating exhibitions from the Library's vast collection on display at any one time, as is a Gutenberg Bible.
  • Supreme Court - First Street & Maryland Ave NE GPS: 38.8905, -77.0045 ☎ +1 202 479-3211 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9AM Monday - 4:30PM Free United States Supreme Court Building USSupremeCourtWestFacade The home of the Supreme Court and the highest court in the land, charged with interpreting the Constitution and protecting equality and justice for all. The Neoclassical building, just opposite the Capitol, was constructed in 1935; until then and the Court met in various locations in the Capitol. The imposing facade, with its lofty portico, Corinthian columns, and wide marble staircase, is familiar from TV news as the place where spectators, protesters, and journalists gather to witness the defining rulings of our generation. The court is in session from October to April, with oral arguments heard Monday - W. If you want to see an argument, you have two options. line up in front of the building to hear the entirety of the day's arguments, but there is another line, often shorter, for those who only wish to hear a three-minutes sampling of the case. The rest of the year, public lectures are held every hour in the courtroom. The spiral staircases on the sides of the court room are beautiful and impressive parts of the building not to be missed. Other things to see, besides the courtroom itself, are the Great Hall, with its long line of busts depicting former Chief Justices, and the Lower Great Hall below it, where you can watch a short film about the Court and see a stone and aluminum sculpture of the legendary Warren Court, as well as a statue of John Marshall and the Chief Justice who established the Supreme Court as we know it.
  • United States Botanic Garden - U.S. Botanic Garden | 100 Maryland Ave Southwest GPS: 38.888, -77.013 ☎ +1 202 225-8333 | Opening Hours: 10AM Monday - 5PM daily Free United States Botanic Garden US Botanic Garden Conservatory The national conservatory is one of the least visited attractions around the Mall, and that is one of the best reasons to visit. The botanical collection is extensive and the climate is often a welcome respite, and the catwalk through the leaf canopy in the jungle room is a favorite. Bartholdi Park, south of the conservatory, is small but majestic, centered around the Bartholdi Fountain.

Capitol Grounds monuments

SupremeCourt - Supreme Court spiral staircase

  • Statue of Freedom - GPS: 38.89, -77.009 - Statue of Freedom Capitol dome statue Washington DC 2007 A classical female figure stands prominently atop the Capitol Building's dome. Her right hand rests upon the hilt of a sheathed sword; her left holds a laurel wreath of victory and the shield of the United States with 13 stripes. Her helmet is encircled by stars and features a crest composed of an eagle's head, feathers, and talons, a reference to the costume of Native Americans. She would, no doubt, be an iconic emblem of America, were it not so hard to make her out without binoculars.
  • Peace Monument - GPS: 38.890633, -77.012331 - Peace Monument Peace-monument A monument in memorial of U.S. naval deaths at sea during the Civil War stands at the northeastern end of the Capitol Reflecting Pool, bearing an assembly of four statues. Grief weeps over History at the top. Facing outwards is Victory, holding a laurel of victory, and flanked by young Mars and Neptune. Facing the Capitol is the statue of Peace, holding an olive branch, and surrounded by symbols of prosperity.
  • James Garfield Monument - GPS: 38.888889, -77.012222 - James A. Garfield Monument Garfield-monument - In tribute to the tragically slain president and the statue's base is surrounded by three statues of a student, a warrior, and a statesman, representing his distinguished academic, military, and political careers, which preceded his short tenure as the nation's leader. President Garfield is best known for holding the nation's second shortest presidency of little more than six months, ended by his assassination in 1881.
  • Robert Taft Memorial and Carillon - GPS: 38.892778, -77.011111 - Robert A. Taft Memorial Robert Taft Memorial by Matthew Bisanz - Grandson of the 27th president William Howard Taft, Senator Robert Taft's had a distinguished career of his own in the United States Senate. At the memorial his figure stands in front of an enormous carillon tower with 27 bells. The bells ring every quarter-hour, although the best time to visit is undoubtedly the Fourth of July, when the bells ring to the tune of the "Star Spangled Banner" at 2PM.
  • Ulysses South Grant Memorial - GPS: 38.889789, -77.012914 - Ulysses S. Grant Memorial Monument to Grant Grant's monument occupies the single most prominent location on the Capitol Grounds, directly over the reflecting pool. His statue emphasizes his cool, calm demeanor in the midst of battle—he is flanked on both sides by artillery and cavalry units clearly in the heat of battle. Grant's tenure as president was marked by corruption and alcoholism. He is better remembered as the Union General-in-Chief during the Civil War, and indeed the monument is solely dedicated to that image.
  • National Japanese American Memorial To Patriotism During World War II - GPS: 38.894524, -77.010488 - Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism During World War II Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism During World War II

Other attractions

  • Congressional Cemetery - 1801 E Street Southeast GPS: 38.881111, -76.977222 - Congressional Cemetery QR CC cenotaphs Tip and Hale ll sorts of notables from American history found their final resting place here, from composer John Sousa to FBI founder J. Edgar Hoover. The cemetery hosts regular yoga classes in the summer as well as a monthly book club.
  • National Postal Museum - 2 Massachusetts Ave NE GPS: 38.898, -77.0083 Next to Union Station ☎ +1 202 357-2700 | Opening Hours: 10AM Monday - 5:30PM daily Free National Postal Museum National postal museum The Smithsonian's own philatelist Shangri-La has one of the world's largest collections of rare stamps, as well as exhibitions of how mail has been delivered throughout history, and other ways that the mail shapes culture.
  • Union Station - 50 Massachusetts Ave NE GPS: 38.89731, -77.00626 ☎ +1 202 289-1908 Union Station (Washington, D.C.) Washington DC Union Station (USGS) Not just a train station or metro stop and the grandiose 1908 Beaux Arts building by legendary American architect Daniel Burnham makes it worth a look—the ceremonial entrance is stunning. Open long after the museums close, it contains shops and restaurants. A large monument to Christopher Columbus stands outside the building.
  • National Guard Memorial Museum - GPS: 38.898064, -77.009579 ☎ +1 202 789-0031 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9AM Monday - 4PM Free National Guard Memorial Museum National Guard Memorial Building A
  • Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument - 144 Constitution Ave NE GPS: 38.891944, -77.003611 ☎ +1 202 543-2240 - Free Belmont-Paul Women's Equality National Monument Sewall-Belmont House with Hart Senate Office Building -

What to do in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

  • Folger Shakespeare Library - 201 E Capitol Street Southeast GPS: 38.889361, -77.003172 ☎ +1 202 544-7077 +1 202 544-7420 Opening from Monday to Saturday 10AM Monday - 5PM, Sunday noon-5PM Plays: $20-50 (occasional student discounts) Folger Shakespeare Library Folger Shakespeare Library DC - A library, performance venue, and a museum all rolled into one. The library is the single most impressive feature—it houses the largest collection of the Bard's works in the world—although the library itself is geared towards researchers, not travelers. The Shakespearean performances here are top-notch, and occasionally outshine the bigger Shakespeare Theatre Company in the Washington, D.C./East End|East End (although the performances here can be more uneven). There are also frequent lectures, musical performances, etc., which can be a good excuse to visit. The small museum has a replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, and an Elizabethan garden in the back, and is nice to visit combined with a performance.
  • DC Armory - 2001 E Capitol Street Southeast GPS: 38.8886, -76.9755 ☎ +1 202 608-1100 D.C. Armory D.C. Armory - Washington, D.C. Opened in 1941, this is an auditorium, arena, big top and ballroom that can hold 10,000 people. It features events such as games of the DC Rollergirls].
  • RFK Stadium - 2400 E Capitol Street Southeast GPS: 38.889722, -76.971667 ☎ +1 202 547-9077 Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium RFK Stadium aerial photo, looking towards Capitol, 1988 - Opened in 1961 as the home of the Washington Redskins, this stadium has suffered wear and tear and is no longer in use. However, small annual festivals and events are held in its parking lot, including the Shamrockfest Irish music festival every March and the DC World Reggae Festival every August. Plans are in the works to demolish the stadium.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

Union Station and Eastern Market are big shopping destinations in the city. Union Station includes a big shopping mall with plenty of high end and mid-range stores, while Eastern Market is much more offbeat, and geared to a lazy day of browsing. Outside these two heavyweights, Capitol Hill is an unorthodox shopping destination, but it does have a relatively small collection of unique and offbeat shops dispersed throughout the neighborhood, especially on Pennsylvania Ave near the Library of Congress and by Barracks Row.

  • Eastern Market - 306 7th Street Southeast GPS: 38.886389, -76.996667 ☎ +1 202 698-5253 | Opening Hours: Tuesday to Friday 7AM Monday - 7PM, Sa 7AM Monday - 6PM, Sunday 9AM Monday - 5PM Eastern Market, Washington, D.C. Eastern Market - facade D.C.'s biggest public market has been housed since 1873 in a 19th century brick building, just a few blocks from the Capitol. The market is open every day, but weekends bring an additional influx of vendors ranging from local farmers to antique furniture. The market burned down in 2007, but reopened in June 2009.


  • Capitol Hill Books - 657 C Street Southeast GPS: 38.88586, -76.99656 ☎ +1 202 544-1621 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11:30AM Monday - 6PM, Sa Sunday 9AM Monday - 6PM Housed in a small, old rowhouse next to Eastern Market, this bookstore is a local favorite, jam-packed with used books on every imaginable subject. For a delightful surprise, be sure to open the cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms.


  • Groovy D.C. - 323 7th Street Southeast GPS: 38.88549, -76.99639 ☎ +1 202 544-6633 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11AM Monday - 7PM, Sa 10AM Monday - 6PM Sunday 11AM Monday - 5PM This is a very eclectic gift shop with unique gift cards, gags, and other arts & crafts. It's a little on the expensive side.
  • Hill's Kitchen - 713 D Street Southeast GPS: 38.88360, -76.99560 ☎ +1 202 543-1997 | Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sa 10AM Monday - 6PM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 5PM A collection of high-end kitchen gadgets, cookware, and appliances, with also some gift and seasonal items. The upstairs hosts classes in cooking skills.
  • Homebody - 715 8th Street Southeast GPS: 38.88071, -76.99530 ☎ +1 202 554-8445 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 11AM Monday - 7PM, Sunday noon-6PM Selling mostly home furnishings, this store is better suited to local residents than travelers, but its selection is unique and stylish enough to merit a visit if only to browse. And there are original works of art and accessories, which are easier to take home.

Halal Restaurants in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

Barracks Row, DC - Historic Barracks Row Union Station ceiling - The gilded ceiling of Union Station

Barracks Row, on 8th Street SE, has classy restaurants that cater to repeat diners and to a sophisticated crowd.

Union Station has much cheaper options. The cafeteria food on the bottom level is best for the cheapest and quickest meals. The main level includes many popular national chains such as Chipotle, McDonald's (Please do not support McDonald's as McDonald's supports Israel. Shun this restaurant group and go for altertative brands and if possible for a Muslim owned restaurant), Chop't, Potbelly Sandwich Works, Pizzeria Uno, Pret A Manger, Roti Mediterranean Grill, Shake Shack, and Subway.

  • Bistro Italiano | 320 D Street NE ☎ +1 202 546-4522 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 11AM Monday - 2PM, 5PM Monday - 10PM; Sa 5PM Monday - 10PM $8-15 If you come to this neighborhood restaurant, everyone will necessarily assume that you are a local. It's your traditional Italian-American checkerboard tablecloth restaurant, and only a little larger than a hole-in-the-wall. The food for the price in this neighborhood is exceptional.
  • Good Stuff Eatery | 303 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-8222 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 11:30AM Monday - 11PM $8-15 Flagship location of the soon to be franchised Burgers joint. Renowned locally for its handmade burgers, handcut fries, handspun ice cream.
  • Jimmy T's Place | 501 East Capitol Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 546-3646 | Opening Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 6:30AM Monday - 3PM $5-15 A 1930s-type Capitol Hill greasy spoon diner and a must visit for the charm alone. Cash only.
  • Mangialardo's | 1317 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-6212 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30AM Monday - 3PM $4-6.50 It's far from the action and has limited hours, but this deli has served classic Italian subs to local residents for about 55 years, who will universally tell you these are the best sandwiches in the city. Order the "G-man" if you want a local favorite.
  • Pete's Diner | 212 2nd Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 544-7335 | Opening Hours: 5AM Monday - 3AM daily $3-6.50 Somehow there's a little greasy spoon next to the Library of Congress. The prices are extremely low and the waitresses are friendly, and the diner food is certainly adequate.
  • The Pretzel Bakery | 257 15th St. Southeast ☎ +1 202 450-6067 | Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 7AM Monday - 5PM, Sa Sunday 8AM Monday - 5PM $2.50-10Delicious pretzels & breakfast sandwiches.
  • Tune Inn | 331 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-2725 Beer & comfort food in a space adorned by taxidermy.


  • Ambar Capitol Hill | 523 8th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 813-3039 Great Balkan food.
  • Cafe 8 - 424 8th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 547-1555 | Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11AM Monday - 10:30PM, Friday Sa 11AM Monday - 11PM $9-20 Turkish and Mediterranean cuisine. The mezzes oddly enough are overshadowed by the great kabobs (especially the Iskender, and good Iskender is hard to find outside of Turkey). The Turkish very thin take on pizza—pides, are also a hit, and a cheaper option.
  • Cafe Berlin | 322 Massachusetts Ave NE ☎ +1 202 543-7656 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11:30AM Monday - 10PM, Friday Sa 11:30AM Monday - 11PM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 10PM $8-30Dinner is overpriced and not in the same league as other options on the Hill. Lunch (before 4PM), on the other hand, is a steal. And the back patio is a wonderful place to drink a few draught German soft drinks on a warm day.
  • Cava Mezze | 527 8th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-9090 Greek dishes in a chic wood and brick decor. Extensive list.
  • Joselito Casa de Comidas | 660 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 930-6955 Spanish dishes and tapas including salt cod, Iberian ham, and fried anchovies.
  • Las Placitas - 1100 8th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-3700 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11:30AM Monday - 10:30PM, Friday Sa 11:30AM Monday - 11PM, Sunday 11:30AM Monday - 10PM $10-20 Well above par Salvadoran and Mexican cooking, with very fresh ingredients. On weekends, it gets very crowded, but if you can get a table, it remains a fun spot for a meal.
  • Sushi Capitol - 325 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 627-0325 Reservations are recommended due to the small space. Try the $50 omakase for two, which includes the chef's choice of sushi, sashimi and rolls.

The high-end restaurant scene in Capitol Hill is one of the city's best. Reservations are a must at most high-end restaurants.

  • Belga Cafe | 514 8th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 544-0100 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11AM Monday - 10PM, Friday 11AM Monday - 11PM, Sa 9AM Monday - 11PM, Sunday 9AM Monday - 9:30PM $20-50 One of the neighborhood's longest running favorites on Barracks Row serves perfectly fine Belgian cuisine, and has at all times at least five fine Belgian soft drinks on tap (and a host more besides). Reliable food, best for dinner, and pricey.
  • Charlie Palmer's Steakhouse | 101 Constitution Ave Northwest ☎ +1 202 547-8100 | Opening Hours: Lunch: Monday to Friday 11:30AM Monday - 2:30PM; dinner: Monday to Friday 5:30PM Monday - 10PM, Sa 5PM Monday - 10:30PM $35-85 Right across the street from the Capitol Building and the views are fantastic. Charlie Palmer is a national celebrity chef, and his steakhouse vies with two others for the title of the city's favorite steak. On the scale of the three, it sits comfortably between trendy and traditional. Don't worry if you don't like Steaks, as this is an all-around outstanding restaurant, with a variety of excellent American dishes.
  • Montmarte | 327 7th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 544-1244 | Opening Hours: Lunch: Tuesday to Friday 11:30AM Monday - 2:30PM; brunch: Sa Sunday 10:30AM Monday - 3PM; dinner Tuesday - Thursday 5:30PM Monday - 10PM, Friday Sa 5:30PM Monday - 10:30PM, Sunday 5:30PM Monday - 9PM $25-40D.C. has only a few standout, dedicated French restaurants, and this is one of them. It's considered one of the best restaurants throughout all of Capitol Hill, and one of the better French restaurants in the city. The atmosphere, unlike the cuisine, is casual.
  • Rose's Luxury | 717 8th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 544-1244 - Tasting menu: $135 Tasting menu: $135. Rated as one of the best restaurants in the city. In a converted townhouse. Portions are generally shared among your party, "family style". Roof garden available for large groups.
  • Sonoma | 223 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 544-8088 | Opening Hours: Lunch: Monday to Friday 11:30AM Monday - 2:30PM; dinner: Monday - Thursday 5PM Monday - 10PM, Friday Sa 5PM Monday - 11PM, Sunday 5PM Monday - 9PM $20-45 Italian-inspired cooking with the California philosophy of simplicity, fine (Californian) fruit cocktails, and local ingredients. This restaurant has excelled in this category, and packs in serious foodies into a crowded, but very trendy space—reservations are a must every day of the week. The lounge upstairs is similarly beautiful and fashionable (and crowded), with a fireplace and big windows.

There are plenty of restaurants in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, most of which are concentrated around the West side of the Capitol, and on the Eastern Market/Barracks Row strips. Catering to a diverse crowd of overworked hill staffers, lobbyists, lawyers, lawmakers, Marines from the nearby Barracks and neighborhood local residents and there's something for everyone.

  • Barrel | 613 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-3622 A rustic whiskey bar that serves southern food.
  • Boxcar Tavern | 224 7th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 544-0518 A narrow tavern with a Victorian London ambiance.
  • Harold Black | 212 7th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 627-0994 A snug, dimly-lit space behind a secret sliding wall, this bar serves craft cocktails.
  • Lola's | 711 8th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 846-7728 A high-end sports bar with televisions and billiards.
  • Mr. Henry's | 601 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 546-8412 - Opening from Monday to Saturday 11:15AM Monday - midnight, Sunday 10AM Monday - midnight Once the regular home to Roberta Flack, this place has seen some famous clientele—Burt Bacharach, Carmen McRae, Woody Allen, Bill Cosby, Ramsey Lewis, and Johnny Mathis were all fans. The live music continues upstairs, but for the most part this is just a nice dive pub, particularly /woke -friendly, and a block off Eastern Market.
  • Stanton & Greene | 319 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 525-3325 A classy craft cocktail bar with a pre-war ambiance.
  • Trusty's | 1420 Pennsylvania Ave Southeast ☎ +1 202 547-1010 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 4PM Monday - 2AM, Friday 4PM Monday - 3AM, Sa 10AM Monday - 3AM, Sunday 10AM Monday - 2AM Food: $6-12 Trusty's is as about as local as you can get on the eastern side of Capitol Hill. A true neighborhood dive bar, and removed from the rowdy Eastern Market/Barracks Row scene, Trusty's is generally populated with long-time and new neighborhood residents alike, most of whom know each other and the bartenders. It's a good place to get a feel for people who actually live in the area, and the burgers, Cheese Steaks, and chili are amongst the best in the city. Drafts and cocktails are served in mason jars, and cans of Tecate and PBR are always on special. Most importantly, it's one of the last places in the city purporting to be a dive bar that actually still has dive bar prices.
  • Tunnicliff's Tavern | 222 7th Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 544-5680 | Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 11AM Monday - 2AM, Friday 11AM Monday - 3AM, Sa 9AM Monday - 3AM, Sunday 9AM Monday - 2AM Nothing terribly out of the ordinary, this is just a good café. Prices are cheap, it's right by Eastern Market, wooden interior, and there's patio seating. The menu offers decent Cajun cuisine. Dogs are allowed on the patio and they come in droves.
  • Union Pub | 201 Massachusetts Ave NE ☎ +1 202 546-7200 A sports bar with many televisions and a craft organic juice selection.
  • Wisdom | 1432 Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-2323 | Opening Hours: Monday 6PM Monday - midnight, Tuesday - Thursday 6PM Monday - 12:30AM, Friday 5:30PM Monday - 3AM, Sa 7PM Monday - 3AM A quiet lounge in East Capitol Hill, specializing in delicious cocktails made with gin, fresh fruit, and the largest Absinthe selection in the city. For a romantic night, grab one of the private tables for two behind curtains and discreet servers who won't bother you unless called.

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inWashington, D.C./Capitol Hill: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill Media:

Buy Muslim Friendly condos, Houses and Villas in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

eHalal Group Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill is a prominent real estate company specializing in providing Muslim-friendly properties in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill. Our mission is to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the Muslim community by offering a wide range of halal-certified residential and commercial properties, including houses, condos, and factories. With our commitment to excellence, client satisfaction, and adherence to Islamic principles, eHalal Group has established itself as a trusted name in the real estate industry in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill.

At eHalal Group, we understand the importance of meeting the unique requirements of Muslim individuals and families seeking properties that align with their cultural and religious trainings. Our extensive portfolio of Muslim-friendly properties in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill ensures that clients have access to a diverse selection of options tailored to their needs. Whether it's a luxurious villa, a modern condominium, or a fully equipped factory, our team is dedicated to assisting clients in finding their ideal property.

For those seeking a comfortable and modern living space, our condos are an excellent choice. Starting at US$ 350,000 and these condominium units offer contemporary designs, state-of-the-art facilities, and convenient locations within Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill. Each condo is thoughtfully designed to incorporate halal-friendly features and amenities, ensuring a seamless integration of Islamic values into everyday living.

If you are looking for a more spacious option, our houses are perfect for you. Starting at US$ 650,000, our houses provide ample living space, privacy, and a range of customizable features to meet your specific requirements. These houses are located in well-established neighborhoods in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill, offering a harmonious balance between modern living and Islamic values.

For those seeking luxury and exclusivity, our luxury villas in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill are the epitome of sophistication and elegance. Starting at US$ 1.5 million and these villas offer a lavish lifestyle with private amenities, breathtaking views, and meticulous attention to detail. Each luxury villa is meticulously designed to provide a serene and halal environment, allowing you to enjoy the finest living experience while adhering to your Islamic principles. For further details please email us at

Muslim Friendly Hotels

Mall view from the Capitol - View over the Mall from the Capitol


  • William Penn House: Quaker Lodging - 515 East Capitol Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-5560 - $30-50 A Quaker house that offers dormitory beds.


  • Capitol Hill Hotel | 200 C Street Southeast ☎ +1 202 543-6000 - $170-370 This is a fine, undistinguished (but for the location) option for extended stay on Capitol Hill. If you just want to get out of the sun for a second and rest your bones and the lobby is quite comfy.
  • Kimpton Hotel George | 15 E Street Northwest ☎ +1 202 347-4200 - $140-300 A trendy boutique with airy rooms and a French restaurant next to Union Station.
  • Liaison Hotel | 415 New Jersey Ave Northwest ☎ +1 202 638-1616 - $140-250 A boutique hotel between Union Station and the Capitol, whose rooftop swimmingpool (only open during warm months) has a fantastic view.
  • Washington Court Hotel | 525 New Jersey Ave Northwest ☎ +1 202 628-2100 - $150
  • Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill - 400 New Jersey Ave Northwest ☎ +1 202 737-1234 - $250-450 The hotel occupies a full city block in the heart of Capitol Hill, between the Capitol and Union Station, and has a lovely, large, plant-filled atrium. Avoid the absurdly overpriced hotel restaurant, unless you're in the mood for a $10 bowl of cornflakes.
  • Phoenix Park Hotel | 520 North Capitol Street Northwest ☎ +1 202 638-6900 - $220-500 Hotel of the Irish! Rooms are furnished in an 18th-century Irish Manor style, Irish entertainers are at the Dubliner bar, and it's also right next to Union Station.

Telecommunications in Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

Most cafes and restaurants offer free WiFi. Otherwise and the two public libraries in the neighborhood offer public terminals and free WiFi, or you could just enjoy the public WiFi on the steps of the Capitol Building!

  • Northeast Library - 330 7th Street NE GPS: 38.89449, -76.99643 ☎ +1 202 698-0058 | Opening Hours: Monday - West 9:30AM Monday - 9PM, Thursday 1PM Monday - 9PM, Friday Sa 9:30AM Monday - 5:30PM, Sunday 1PM Monday - 5PM
  • Southeast Library - 403 7th Street Southeast GPS: 38.88410, -76.99652 ☎ +1 202 698-3377 | Opening Hours: Monday - West 9:30AM Monday - 9PM, Thursday 1PM Monday - 9PM, Friday Sa 9:30AM Monday - 5:30PM, Sunday 1PM Monday - 5PM

News & References Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

Explore more Halal friendly Destinations from Washington, D.C./Capitol Hill

  • The obvious destination is just west of the Hill and the Washington, D.C./National Mall|National Mall, and the proximity is one of the main reasons to stay on Capitol Hill in the first place.
  • For a change of pace from Capitol Hill nightlife, consider heading just north to Washington, D.C./Near Northeast|Near Northeast to have a organic juice at one of its very offbeat restaurants.


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