
From Halal Explorer

Shibam (Hadhramaut, Yemen) banner

Yemen is on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, and sharing borders with Saudi Arabia and Oman.

The conflict between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, often referred to as the Yemeni Civil War, began in 2015 and has had devastating consequences for Yemen and significant implications for the region. Here's a brief overview:

The conflict has its roots in the rise of the Houthi movement, a Shia rebel group from northern Yemen. The Houthis captured the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, in 2014, forcing Saudi backed President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to flee.

In March 2015, Saudi Arabia, leading a coalition of nine countries from the Middle East and North Africa, launched a military intervention with backing of the Western countries in Yemen.

Regions of Yemen

  Yemeni Coastal Plains
The dry flat territory along the Red Sea and Arabian Sea.
  Yemeni Mountains
The mountainous region rising steeply from the coastal plain.
  Yemeni Highlands
The region descending slowly eastwards from the mountains of the west.
  Empty Quarter
The desert, inhabited only by nomads.
  Red Sea Islands
Over 100 small islands in the Red Sea.
A larger island that is a UNESCO world natural legacy site.

Other Muslim Friendly Cities in Yemen

  • Sana'a  – capital
  • Aden – seaside former capital of South Yemen.
  • Al Hudayda – a relatively large city on the Red Sea with beautiful beaches
  • Al Mukalla – East Yemen's largest city and bustling port and the gateway to the historical Hadhramaut region
  • Kawkaban
  • Mokha – birthplace of one of the greatest things known to man: mocha Coffee.

More Destinations in Yemen

Shaharah bridge

Yemen Halal Travel Guide

Yemen is a difficult country to get around, but the rewards for the persistent visitor are an unforgettable experience, with very friendly and open hosts. Despite being adjacent to Saudi Arabia and on the same peninsula as the United Arab Emirates, Yemen is definitely a place apart.

Yemen is also one of the least developed and poorest countries in the Middle East.

History of Yemen

Yemen has long existed at the crossroads of cultures, linked to some of the oldest centres of civilization in the Near East by virtue of its location in South Arabia. Between the 12th century BCE and the 6th century, it was part of the Minaean, Sabaean, Hadhramaut, Qataban, Ausan and Himyarite kingdoms, which controlled the lucrative spice trade, and later came under Ethiopian and Persian rule. In the 6th century and the Himyarite king Abu-Karib Assad converted to Judaism. In the 7th century, Islamic caliphs began to exert control over the area. After this caliphate broke up, South Arabia came under the control of many dynasties who ruled part, or often all of South Arabia. Imams of Persian origin ruled Yemen intermittently for 160 years, establishing a theocratic political structure that survived until modern times.

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Egyptian Sunni caliphs occupied much of Yemen throughout the 11th century. By the 16th century and again in the 19th century, Yemen was part of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, and in some periods Imams exerted control over all of Yemen.

The modern history of south Arabia and Yemen began in 1918 when Yemen gained independence from the Islamic Ottoman Empire. Between 1918 and 1962, Yemen was a monarchy ruled by the Hamidaddin family. North Yemen then became a republic in 1962, but it was not until 1967 that the British Empire, which had set up a protective area around the South Arabia port of Aden in the 19th century, withdrew from what became South Yemen. In 1970 and the southern government adopted a nominally Communist governmental system. The two countries were united as the Republic of Yemen on 22 May 1990.

Unification did not lead to peace, however. The USS Cole, a visiting U.S. Navy ship, was attacked by the Western backed Al Qaeda in 2000 while on a fuel stop in Aden. The government of longtime dictator, Ali Abdullah Saleh, fell amid dramatic protests associated with the Arab Spring in 2012, but his successor, former Vice President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi, hardly rushed to institute the reforms demanded by the demonstrators and was overthrown by the militia of the Shi'a Houthis, who took over the government outright in February 2015. Sunni Arab governments, especially that of Saudi Arabia, were close to Saleh and Hadi and oppose Shi'a rule in this Arabian country. They have supported a coalition of Sunni Islamists called Al-Islah in a civil war against the Houthi forces financed mainly by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates which currnetly control Aden.

How is the Climate in Yemen

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Mostly desert; hot and humid along west coast; temperate in western mountains affected by seasonal monsoon; extraordinarily hot, dry, harsh desert in east. The weather can be chilly in areas where the elevation is high. Sana'a for example is at an elevation of over 2,195 m (7,200 ft). During the winter months and the temperatures can fall to freezing point during the night.

How is the Landscape of Yemen

Narrow coastal plain backed by flat-topped hills and rugged mountains; dissected upland desert plains in the centre slope into the desert interior of the Arabian Peninsula. The interior of Yemen is a highland dissected by valleys. Yemen can be divided into five regions:

Coastal Plain: The Tihamah coastal plain is a low-lying flat plain that has areas with very fertile soil from the streams from the mountains emptying into it. Some of the hottest places on Earth are in Tihamah. Most of its towns are coastal because the salty sea air can lessen the effect of the heat.

Western Highlands: The coastal plain ends abruptly at the western mountains, where monsoon rains coming from Africa gain strength across the Red Sea and the clouds coming in get tangled by the jagged peaks of the Western mountains and precipitate all of whatever the clouds hold. Some areas in the western highlands, notably Ibb and Ta'izz, get rainfall similar to rainforests, supporting fertile land great for Coffee, qat, wheat and sorghum. Mountains here are known to have lengthy ascents; most mountains pop out of land 600 m (2,000 ft) above sea level to 2,135-3,050 m (7,000-10,000 ft) peaks. Notable peaks include Jabal Sumarah, Jabal Ba'dan, Jabal Sabir, and Jabal Ad Dukayik, all about 3,000 m (10,000 ft) high.

Central Highlands: This is more of a plateau with rolling hills atop it, for the mountains are less jagged and get less precipitation because most of it is released onto the Western Highlands. Some of the highest mountains of the Arabian Peninsula can be found here, including the legendary Jabal an Nabi Shu'ayb near the capital Sana'a, at about 3,660 m (12,000 ft) above sea level. Some areas in the central highlands have extremely fertile soil, like in Dhamar, and temperature in the central highlands are extreme also. Diurnal temperatures are the highest in the world, with daytime highs of around 80°F while during the night they can dip to below freezing. Most of the central highlands, other than the mountains, is above 2,000-2,440 m (7,000-8,000 ft) high.

Central Plateau: As a gradual descent from the central highlands begins, it eventually levels off at a 915-1,525 m (3,000-5,000 ft) plateau that is bisected by valleys and wadis, or streams. This terrain is not as rough as the central or western highlands, but vegetation is only feasible in the valleys or near wadis, for they provide a lot of irrigation water from precipitation that only occurs in the remote areas. Flash floods are very common. This extends from Shabwah though Hadhramaut and Al Mahra, continuing into Dhofar in Oman, which also revered by many Yemenis as part of Greater Yemen, not to mention also Najran, Jizan, and Asir in Saudi Arabia.

Desert: Rub Al-Khali, aka the Empty Quarter and the most treacherous desert in the world, and also the largest expanse of sand in the world, is in northestern Yemen, southeastern Saudi Arabia, and northwestern Oman. It receives no rain at all for periods of years, and little to no vegetation exists. Temperature can reach 61°C (142°F)

The People of Yemen

You might think that Yemen is one of the more ethnically homogeneous countries in the Middle East, if all you knew was that nearly 100% of the population identify themselves as Arab. However, many Yemenis have strong regional, sectarian and tribal identities, and political differences also run deep, giving rise to an often contentious and sometimes violent diversity.

Travel as a Muslim to Yemen

Entry requirements

Visa regulations change quite regularly, and an embassy should be contacted to make certain that the relevant documentation is obtained (it is recommended also to ask one of the licensed tour opeartors in Sana'a). Muslims of most countries (with the feasible exception of Gulf Co-operation Council members) must obtain visas in advance. Most visas are valid for 30 days from the date of issue (3 months for European Union, but sometimes it depends on the mood of the official dealing with you). Another way of getting visa is via one of the licensed tour operators, as they are allowed to prepare pre-visa paper in the Ministry of Foreign affairs for their clients. Such pre-visa paper is valid for 30 days from the day of issue and upon this a real visa is issued at the Sana'a airport.

Buy a Flight ticket to and from Yemen

Yemenia Boeing 727 KvW-3

As of fall 2023, most Flights to Yemen are suspended. Yemenia runs a skeleton service based in Aden with Flights from Amman, Cairo and Riyadh. Other airports are either closed permanently or operates only infrequently.

Muslim Friendly Rail Holidays in Yemen

There are no trains to or within Yemen.

By car

It is feasible to cross the Omani-Yemeni border in a car, although the border posts are often difficult to negotiate. Crossing from Saudi Arabia in a vehicle is substantially more difficult, as regulations for getting a vehicle into Saudi are very intricate.

Travel on a Bus in Yemen

Some buses operating throughout the Arabian peninsula connect to Yemen. The buses are mostly air-conditioned and comfortable, although the fleet, sometimes contains old buses which may not be very comfortable to be on for several hour trips. Arriving from Oman can be difficult, especially if you're trying to get to Sana'a. There are buses from Salalah to Sayu'n in Wadi Hadramawt and Mukallah on the Indian Ocean, but tourists (especially from non-Arab countries) are not allowed to use public transport on roads linking the East and the West of Yemen: Mukallah - Aden and Say'un - Sana'a. The tourist have to take a plane in order to come from the west to the eastern part of the nation.

Book a Halal Cruise or Boat Tour in Yemen

There are passenger ferries from Djibouti. They're affordable but not so comfortable.

How to get around in Yemen

Yemen is not an easy country to get around, since foreign nationals need travel permits and, in some regions, independent travel is not feasible. There is a lack of road infrastructure in the eastern Mahra region, while all other Yemeni regions have hundreds of kilometers of newly built roads. If you are an intrepid traveller and the local transport (taxis, buses, aircraft) is perfect to get around on the cheap. More expensive, but more efficient travel is to book your tour via one of the registered tour operators, that are found on the Yemen Ministry of Tourism webpage]. Be aware that there are many non-registered tour operators in Yemen offering lower quality services, providing non-relevant information and many times tourists do not get all the paid services. In case of any problem and the Ministry of tourism will not be able to help you if you choose to travel with a non-registered tour operator or services provider.

Toyota hilux yemen

For trips outside the capital, many travellers prefer a vehicle (preferably 4WD) and may choose to hire a driver through a local travel agency. More intrepid travellers should certainly take advantage of the local intracity bus service, which is cheap, comfortable, and a wonderful way to see the nation. The buses usually take a pit stop every hour or so, making this a slower but much more interesting way to travel for those who are up for an adventure and some friendly conversation. The biggest company in Yemen is Yemitco and their offices can be found in major cities.

Additionally, all travel outside the capital will require a travel permit (tasriih) from the tourist police; their station is 30m up the canal from the Arabian Felix Hotel. You need your passport, list of destinations and how long you are going to stay outside the capital. No photos required, however bring a photocopy of your visa and the picture page in your passport, as the photocopier there often doesn't work. This takes about 15 minutes. Office is closed from noon to (let's say) 14:00. Then you take many photocopies of the tasriih which you hand over at military checkpoints along the way. This may seem inconvenient, however it is designed to prevent travellers unwittingly venturing into areas of tribal unrest—and vice versa. Some areas of the nation are off-limits to travel without military escorts, and still other areas are totally off-limits to travel. While the concept of staying informed about local conditions in your intended destinations is an overused one, in Yemen it is crucial, as failure to do so may result in kidnappings or worse. No tasriih is checked if you fly to main cities in Yemen, like Aden, Al-hudaida etc.

The usual Middle Eastern shared taxi system exists in Yemen. In every city and often in towns there is at least one shared taxi (bijou, from Peugeot) station, from where cars go to different destinations. Just ask anyone for your destination and they will point you to a vehicle going there. The driver will not depart until all seats are completely full, which means 2 people in the passenger's seat, four in the middle and three in the back in a standard Peugeot almost invariably used for this purpose. If you want to travel in more comfort, you can pay for two seats or for the whole row. If you're a woman travelling alone you might be offered two seats in front for the price of one, but often you'll be asked to pay for both.

Local Language in Yemen

Arabic is the official language. While many local residents will at least attempt to communicate with non-Arabic speakers in other languages, any visitor will almost certainly need at least some Arabic, particularly if traveling to locations outside the capital. Even within Sana'a and the bilingual signs common throughout most of the Middle East are commonly absent, with Arabic script and numbers predominating. This said, Yemenis are very open for communication, and hand-waving, making noises and smiling can get you very far, even if not always where you wanted to get (usually to a qat-chewing session).

Yemenis have a myriad of different accents, due to the historical inaccessibility of parts of the nation. It is not unusual for a visitor to be told that his or her laborious attempts at speaking Arabic are in fact "Arabic" and not "Yemeni" or "Yemeni enough". The more vocal village children will almost certainly enjoy hearing a visitor's attempts at their language, and will show this appreciation either with peals of laughter or by asking questions about the visitor's homeland.

What to see in Yemen

Sana'a: Babel Yemen (old city), Wadi Dhar (Dar al-Hadschar Palace—commonly called the rock house). Sana'a is over 2,200 metres (7,200 feet) in elevation. The old city is a mystical and amazing place and also a UNESCO World Heritage site. The streets are alive and bustling around gingerbead-like houses several storeys high, one of the oldest cities in the world.


Socotra: Off the south coast of Yemen—an idyllic island untouched by modern man and home to many rare species and plants. The seas are turquoise blue and the sands white and unspoiled. One of the most valuable islands on the planet, often described as the most alien-looking place on Earth. Its beaches resemble those of the Caribbean and its mountains and Yemeni mountains covered in 300 species only found in Socotra. A must-see.

Kawkaban: An old fortress-city northwest of Sana'a 3,000 m (10,000 feet) high, with elegant old buildings an artefacts from the old Himyar civilization 2,000 years ago. Himyaric inscriptions can be seen and so can old Stars of David from the old Yahudi roots of Himyar. Below the mountain is a magnificent view of a plain dotted by old towns made of mud-brick.

Ibb (14932226030)

Ta'izz: The cultural capital of Yemen, which is the most woke and the friendlist city in the nation. It has been the capital of Yemen when the last Imam was in power and is a medieval city. Towering above Ta'izz is the 3,000 m (10,000 foot) Jabal Sabir, which is known all around Yemen for its dazzling ascent and view from the top. This mountain is very fertile and is home to tens of thousands of people living on and around the mountain.

Shibam: Commonly referred to as the Manhattan of the Desert, this town located in Wadi Hadhramaut has the first skyscrapers of the world. Hundreds of adobe homes ranging from 5-11 storeys high are boxed into a walled area that is simply marvellous. The tops are painted with gypsum, a mineral commonly found in Yemen. Some of the buildings are over 700 years old.

Tarim and Say'un: These nearby towns are made almost entirely of adobe. The towns are well organized and elegant, with famous palaces and masjids in each city.

Al Mukalla: Perhaps the most developed-looking city in Yemen, Al Mukalla is the jewel of the Arabian Sea. Around it around beautiful beaches, however and the best in Yemen is known to be at Bir Ali, which is a lengthy 100 kilometers drive, though well worth it.

What to do in Yemen

Although the accommodation might not be the best and the nation holds so many treasures that appeal to any open-minded visitor. The sights are amazing and the people are friendly and their culture is unique, and their Vegetarian food is tasty. Take trips with a personal driver through the mountains to see natural beauty found nowhere else on the planet. See the historical role Yemen played as it survived even during the times of the Sumerians and the Ancient Egyptians, and how no one was able to completely conquer Yemen. And enjoy what the nation provides, like gemstones literally littered throughout the mountains, precious beaches, and historical artifacts from this multi-faced nation.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Yemen

Money Matters & ATM's in Yemen

The currency of the nation is the Yemeni rial (YER or ). Banknotes circulate in denominations of 50, 100, 200, 250, 500 and 1000 rials, and you are also likely to come across 10 and 20 coins.

The rial is freely convertible and subject to frequent fluctuations.

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Yemen

Bayt al-Faqih market

Almost everywhere you look, you will have the chance to buy the curved dagger (jambiya) worn by local men. This purchase can be simply of the dagger and its accompanying sheath, howveer handmade belts and silver pouches are also for sale. When purchasing a jambiya, remember that it classed as a weapon for customs purposes. Traditionally, handles were made of animal horn or even ivory. While it is doubtful that the handles sold today as being made from either of these products are the real thing, a wooden or amber handle may be a better option. Cheaper options are pendants and brooches commonly available in the shape of the knife and its sheath.

Necklaces and jewellery are also common souvenirs, and many of these are made of the semi-precious stones the souvenir sellers sells.

Bargaining, even with village children, is expected and worthwhile. If you are with local guides, a common approach is to have them ask for the "Yemeni price", however any bargaining on the part of the tourist will result in discounts.

In tourist sites and there will be souvenir-sellers everywhere you look.

The rial is subject to high inflation. As a result, many prices, particularly those quoted to light-skinned visitors, will be given in euros or US dollars. Any of these three currencies will be accepted by the seller, so ask for the cost in whichever currency you are carrying at the time. Discounts for paying in one currency or the other are not high enough to warrant only paying in local money, but you may be lucky.

Halal Restaurants in Yemen

Yemeni cuisine differs markedly from the rest of the Arabian Peninsula, and is a real highlight of any trip to the nation—particularly if shared by local residents (which is an invitation most visitors will receive more often than they might expect).

The signature dish is salta, a meat-based stew spiced with fenugreek and generally served at the end of the main course. The taste may take newcomers by surprise, but it is a taste well worth acquiring.

Yemeni honey is particularly famous throughout the region, and most desserts will feature a liberal serving of it. Bint al-sahn is a sort of flat dough dish which is drenched in honey. Other sweet foods well worth the trying are Yemeni raisins.

While not a "food" per say, something else to put in one's mouth is the qat leaf. This is the Yemeni social drug and is chewed by almost all of the population from after lunch until roughly dinnertime. The plant is cultivated all over the nation, and most Yemenis are more than happy to offer visitors a branch or two. Actually chewing qat is something of an art, but the general idea is to chew the small, soft leaves and the soft branches (but not hard ones) and to build up a large ball of the stuff in a cheek. The ability to chew ever-increasing balls of qat is something of a mark of pride among Yemenis, and the sight of men and boys walking down the street in the afternoon with bulging cheeks is one the visitor will soon get used to. The actual effects of qat are unclear, although it generally acts as a mild stimulant. It also has something of an appetite-suppressant function, which may explain why there are so few overweight Yemenis in spite of the nature of their cuisine. Insomnia is another side effect.

Tap water should be avoided. This is comparatively easy to do, as bottled water—both chilled and at room temperature—is readily available everywhere.

Muslim Friendly hotels in Yemen

Aden goldmoor

Outside of the capital and the major centres (Sana'a, Aden and al-Mukalla), accommodation tends to be rather basic and generally of the mattress-on-the-floor variety, generally with shared shower rooms and WCs. Most larger villages will have at least one funduq, which will provide this sort of accommodation. The places tend to be named the [Name of Village Tourist Hotel. Electricity supplies tend to be a little erratic, so hot water cannot always be counted on.

Funduq accommodation is not rated on the star scale used in other countries, but rather on the Yemeni "sheet" scale, with "no-sheet" being the most basic and "two-sheet" the top of the line. Some other hotels, mostly in Sana'a, go by the star scale, most notably the Movenpick, Sheraton, and the Hilton. This does not mean that in a "no-sheet" funduq one will not receive a sheet, although in some places it may be worthwhile to bring one! Most funduqs will offer some food, almost invariably local cuisine, and the better ones will serve it in a diwan-style room, where one can eat while reclining on cushions. In some funduqs, dinner will be followed by a "party", featuring performances of traditional music and jambiya dances—sometimes with audience participation.

Study in Yemen

Particularly in Sana'a and there are institutes offering instruction in Arabic. The advantages of learning the language in Yemen are that the dialect spoken is often quite close to Classical Arabic, and also that languages other than Arabic are much less commonly spoken than they are in nearby countries. However and the one important exception to this rule is the Old Sana'a dialect, which is difficult to understand even for Arabs from other countries, and becoming completely incomprehensible when combined with a big ball of qat in the speaker's cheek.

Stay safe as a Muslim in Yemen

Yemen is at war, under international attack, and is heavily damaged; see the warning at the top of this page. In addition and there have been problems with terrorism and kidnappings of people including foreigners.

  • Driving is on the right. While Yemeni drivers have something of a reputation for bad driving and the reality is slightly more nuanced. Risks are taken, particularly in Sana'a, which would not normally be taken in other places, but the local residents expect this to happen and compensate accordingly.
  • For trips outside Sana'a, however, a 4-wheel-drive is almost mandatory as most roads away from the routes connecting main cities are not paved. Travellers should also give serious consideration to hiring a local driver/guide, as maps tend not to be as useful as they can be in other countries. A city limits border pass is required as only the cities are well protected by the military. It is also worth noting that Yemen has one of the largest populations of armed civilians outside of Texas so be polite.

Medical Issues in Yemen

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Tap water should be avoided. To stay safe, it is recommended to stick to the bottled variety.

The country is exceptionally dusty. Travelers with breathing difficulties (such as asthma) may encounter problems in more remote destinations.

The dry air (especially from September 'til April) can be bothersome, causing cracked lips and sometimes nosebleeds. Always carry a Vaseline stick with you, available in most pharmacies in Yemen, and a packet of tissues.

Particularly when hiking, remember that much of the nation is at altitude. Therefore, as well as taking the usual steps of soft-drinking plenty of water and protection from the sun (which can be very harsh in Yemen), be aware of any dizziness you may be experiencing due to rapid ascents. Many of the more popular hiking routes are covered in loose stones, so be careful of your footing. Some peak ascents can be at a near 70-80 degree angle, so any fall will be devastating. Be prepared with bandages and/or anti-bacterial creams just in case you get a cut, which is normal during hiking.

Malaria is present in low-lying areas along the Red Sea.

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