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Arabic MixedGrill - 50.75|25.335833|width=320|layer=OG]] Lutsk (Ukrainian: Луцьк) is a city in Western Ukraine. It is the capital and the largest city of Volyn Oblast, with a population of around 217,000 (2015 est.).

Lutsk Halal Explorer

Lutsk is one of the most ancient cities of Ukraine. The original settlement was built around 1000 CE at a bend of the river Styr, on an island formed by the Styr and its tributaries. Today that area is the State Historical and Cultural Preserve, “The Old Lutsk”. Lutsk quickly became an important city of the Kiev Rus kingdom and toward the end of the 10th century was in the center of the intense fight between the heirs of Yaroslav the Wise.

By the 12th century Lutsk had mighty wooden fortifications; it withstood a six-week siege in 1150 by the prince of Moscow and one by the Mongols in 1259, though it was forced to surrender in 1267. In the late 14th century, Lyubart, son of the grand Lithuanian duke, was married to the local princess and became a real protector of Volyn. Under his rule, Lutsk Castle was the seat of administrative, court and religious bodies that governed Volyn. He also rebuilt the fortifications, replacing wooden construction with brick.

MakevichusVytautLutsk - Congress of European Monarchs in Lutsk

After Lyubart’s death Lutsk remained the residence of Lithuanian and Russian princes, and in 1429 it hosted a meeting of European monarchs including the Lithuanian prince, Polish king and the emperor of Luxembourg. In the 15th century and the townsfolk were granted Magdeburg rights, elective bodies of self-government. By the 16th century Lutsk castle lost its significance for defense, but the city remained important. Because of a great number of religious buildings contemporaries called it the “Rome of Volyn” and Polish poet Sebastian Klionovic wrote: “Who could pass Lutsk by? The city is worth a song.”

After the Lublin Union in 1569 Volyn integrated into the Kingdom of Poland; the city gradually became more and more Polish despite legal guarantees given by Ruthenian nobles and clergy. From the late 17th through most of the 18th century Lutsk slowly decayed; there were devastating fires, floods, and epidemics and the cultural and religious Ukrainian life in the city was gradually stifled.

In 1795, after the third division of Poland and the region and its capital became part of the Russian Empire. The 19th century didn’t bring a revival of the economic and social life of the city. Only after the building of the South-Eastern railroad branch in the 1890s did Lutsk's economic rise begin. At that time (1895) the population of Lutsk was 15125 people.

During World War I Lutsk became a battlefield. After the February Revolution in 1917 the blue and yellow Ukrainian flag was hoisted above the city for the first time. However in 1919 Lutsk was occupied by the Polish army and it became part of Poland again until autumn 1939, when it was taken by the Soviet Union during their invasion of Poland. Then in 1941 the city was occupied by German troops. A terrible event happened before this – on June 23 about three thousand prisoners were executed in the yard of Lutsk prison by a special squad of the Soviet military forces. Later in the war, Soviet forces took the city back.

After the war Lutsk was gradually rebuilt and renewed. The greatest development took place in the 1960s and 70s; a number of large factories were built and that led to a population explosion. Many houses were built, especially in Zavokzalny and Gnidavsky neighborhoods.

Since Ukrainian independence Lutsk has continued to play a leading role in the political, economic, cultural and religious life of Volyn. The city is one of the largest in the Western Ukraine, its location near the Polish border makes it a center of international trade, and economic development is helping to change its appearance.

Travel to Lutsk

Travel on a Bus in Lutsk

  • Lutsk Bus Station №1. - автостанция №1. Луцк - Koniakyna Ulitsa (ул. Конякина, 39), 39 50.76042, 25.35477 2 kilometers NE of the centre, right next to a market; trolleybuses 5, 8 and 9, plus numerous marshrutky link it to central, Maydan Teatralny square. Once at the bus or train station it can be extremely confusing to find your way to a bus taking you to the center of town, as the area is dominated by a very large and fairly nasty outdoor bazaar. Make sure you find all this information before hand, and carry a map to avoid getting lost (which is extremely simple to do!) ☎ +380 332 241167 - International buses from Lublin, Warsaw (2 per day, 8-9 hours by daylight, 10 hours by night) Poland; Brest (Belarus) | Brest (daily, 5-8 hr), Hrodna (daily, 10.5 hr) Belarus. Most interesting short lines (i.e. Volyn region) for tourist Svitiaz (daily 4, 3 hours 45 min), Turbazha (Lake "Svitiaz", Shatsky National Natural Park) 4 hr; Kovel (daily 6, 2-3-4 hr! different ways). To far inland lines Vinnytsya 9 hr; Zhytomyr 6 hr; Kiev daily 3, 9 hr. To Lviv direction to Uzhgorod 12.5 hr; Lviv daily 7x, 4.5 hr; Brody 3.5 hr; To (Dubenskaya direction) Khmelnytskyi daily 3, 8 hr; Brody daily 2, 3 hr; Ivano-Frankivsk 9 hr; Kamyanets-Podilsky 11 hr; Ternopil daily 2, 4 hours 45 min; Kremenets 1.5 hr; Dubno 1.5 hr. Marshrutky to Rivne (10 грн, 1¼ hr) leave half-hourly; even though they’re not clearly marked on the station timetable, you’ll find them at platform 1. Both shuttle vanes and trains run from Lviv and Kiev to Lutsk. For more information see Ukraine#Get_around.
  • Lutsk-2 Bus station - Автостанція Луцьк-2 - Vul. Lvivska (вул. Львівська),148 50.72300, 25.29265 west 2 kilometers ☎ +380 332 262591 Daily 05:50-19:40

By Rail

  • Lutsk Train Station Pl. Pryvokzalna (Привокзальна пл.), 1 50.75789, 25.35074 a little south of the bus station, and also northeast of the centre; Trolleybuses 4 and 7 and many marshrutky shuttle between here and Maydan Teatralny square ☎ +380 332 797257 Suburban rail (elektrychka) from Lviv (daily, 10 грн, 6 hr) arriving in Lutsk around midnight. Trains to Kyiv (60 грн, 7 to 9½ hr, 2 per day).
  • No.4 post-office - No.4 поштове відділення - Pryvokzal'na sq., 1At the Railway terminal ☎ +380 3322 31191

Get Around

Public transportation

Luzk-Bohdan-E231-203-1 - Lutsk trolleybus No.1A

The bus system in Lutsk is comparable to that of most any other Ukrainian city: dirty, unpredictable, and difficult for foreigners to use. You will never see a schedule or map posted anywhere. Weirdly enough, though, Google's public transportation directions work in the city. Tickets are bought from a conductor on the bus and cost 3 грн.

What to See

Lutsk_castle_tower - Lubart's Castle

  • Lubart's Castle - Замок Любарта, Верхній Замок - 50.738889, 25.323333 - Built mostly during the 1340s by Lithuanian Prince Liubartas, Lubart's Castle is perhaps the most interesting castle in Ukraine, and is featured on the 200-hryvnia note. Exhibitions: Collegiate Church of St. John the Divine fragments (церкви Іоанна Богослова); Armory, siege guns (Броня із замку); Antiquities (Cтарожитностей); The Castle lodge (Замкoвa Стoрoжка, Оxopoхa Зaмку), Arsenal (Арсенал), Prison (В’язниця). "Women, fashion, Time"("Жінки, мода, Чac"), Lubart Big “Лучеськ Великий на Стиру”, Transition"(Перехід); Volyn fair (Волинські ярмарки); Bullet (Куля), Handwrote Book (Рукописнa книгa) Sculpture Garden (Сад скульптур) , Batik (Батик), Easter in the Old Town (Великдень у Старому місті). Admission for adults 20 грн. (2022).
  • Castle Roundabout - Окольний Замок - Dragomanova Vul. - Consisted partly of wooden fortifications, in part - with masonry. Had 8 towers: 4 wood and 4 stone. The length of the stone castle (wall) was 500 m and wooden - 260 meters north of the Roundabout was wooden, south - the stone. Only one survived the eight towers roundabout Castle - Prince Chortoryisk's ( orCzartoryiski) Tower. It was built during the 15th-16th centuries. In 1970 the tower was restored.
  • Market Plaza - Майдан Ринок - 50.739478, 25.317683 Trolley № 1, 2, 4 One of the oldest squares in Lutsk, dating back to the 14th century. Surrounded by three Orthodox churches and one Catholic (Saint Peter and Paul Gothic Church). Later, an Armenian church was settled near the Market. The Town Hall, gutted by fire in the 18th century, was situated on the south side of square. The market was surrounded by brick buildings with very deep cellars.
  • Lesya Ukrainka Street - Вулиця Лесі Українки - 50.743889, 25.321389 Running from Fellowship Bridge Plaza to the city's central Theatre Plaza. A central pedestrian street in Lutsk. Landmark buildings on Lesya Ukrainka Street include numbers 2, 5, 13, 32, 53 and 61. There are many shops and restaurants on the street. There are also 2 garden squares on the street and the landmark Trinitarian monastery.

File:Будинок, в якому в 1709р. зупинявся Петро І (2) - |House of Peter I

  • House of Peter I - Будинок Петра I. - Vul. Pushkina,(Пушкіна вул.), 2 50.74564, 25.32299 Centre Residential building where the Russian Tsar Peter I stopped during his visit to Lutsk in 1709. A rare example of a stone house, echoing the layout of the home folk - "the cottage into two halves."
  • Falchevskoho House - Будинок Фальчевського Gothic Church Street, 23 GPS 50.73833 ,25.31950 Stare Mesto Built in 1545-1546, a unique example of residential architecture.
  • The Gate from 1876 - Брама, 1876| Vul. Lesі Ukraїnki, 1 - GPS: 50.74585, 25.32511 - The gate has a central roadway arch, crowned with a cupola with a cross, and two-way side.
  • House of Sculptors - Дім скульптора - Vul. Liuteranska, 9 50.73734, 25.31423 Lutsk "house with chimeras" - the most picturesque residential building in the city. Made for the modern sculptor Nikolai Golovanov. This home-studio is decorated with numerous stone sculptures in different styles, giving the impression of complete eclecticism. Pieces of fabulous characters and mythical creatures next to statues of saints.

Religious buildings

File:СоборЛуцькГол-2 - Holy Trinity Orthodox Gothic Church

  • Holy Trinity Orthodox Gothic Church - Комплекс монастиря та костелу бернардинів - Hradnyy descent, ( Градний Узвіз вул.), 1 50.746205, 25.325972 Built in 1721. In the 1870s and the church was reconstructed. Baroque style.
  • Lutsk Orthodox Fellowship of the True Cross
Архітектурний комплекс Луцького братства - Danila Halitskovo Vul., 2, Yova Kondzhelevicha Vul., 5- GPS: 50.740512, 25.316839 on the border of the market and Bratskiy Mist squares  An architectural and historical complex consisting of a church and a monastery. }}

File:Лютеранська кірха. 1906р. - Lutheran Church

Лютеранська кірха. 1906р..jpg
  • Lutheran Church - Лютеранська кірха - Liutheranska Vul., 1 50.737983, 25.315781 ☎ Built in 1907. Rebuilt 1991-94. Neo-gothic style.
  • St. Bridget Monastery - Монастир бригідок - Vul. Katedralna, (Кафедральна вул.), 1 50.73762, 25.32120 Founded in 1624. Rebuilt in classical style. Since 1879 the converted cells housed the neighborhood of Lutsk prison.
  • Saints Peter and Paul Gothic Church - Кафедральний костел святих Петра і Павла - Vul. Gothic Church, ( Кафедральна вул.), 6 50.73815, 25.3201 Centre Opening Hours: Schedule of worship: 09:00, 18:00 on weekdays; 08:30, 10:00, 12:00, 18:00 on weekend Start of construction 1616, destroyed in 1724, rebuilt in 1730. Renaissance and Classicism style. The height from the floor to the top of the cross on the central dome is 42 meters. The basement is in 6 m deep.
  • Great Synagogue - Велика синагога - Danila Galitskovo Vul., 33 50.735959, 25.318699 The first brick synagogue was built in the second half of the 16th century. It was partially destroyed in 1942 and restored in the 1970s. Renaissance style. It is now used as a sports club. }}
  • Sviato-Feodosiivskyi Hram Свято-Феодосіївський храм Vul. Volodymyrska, 70 GPS 50.74341,25.29958 1.5 kilometers west ☎ +380 332 268029|hours= Church of St. Theodosius. Consecrated in 1906. Inside are four very nice murals and some icons.
  • Former Vasylians' Monastery - Монастир василіан - Vul. Kondzelevicha Іovi, 5 50.74030, 25.31694 Founded in 1624 and the building of cells built in the middle of 17th century. Part of the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross Temple. Today is partly used as a shelter, and partly - as a building fraternity.
  • Former Trynitarians' Monastery - Монастир тринітаріїв - Vul. Lesі Ukraїnki, 22 50.74170, 25.32156 First constructing in its place the church of Archangel Michael and Paul, consecrated in 1729. The church together with the monastery formed the great Baroque complex. 1812 in the monastery made a military hospital. Finally, it collapsed in 1842. Dismantled and carried in the monastery building repairs, reduced roof, central front processed. Later posted here the District Court. This state of affairs remained till now.


  • Art Museum - Художній музей у Луцьку - Katedral Vul.,(Кафедральна вул.) 1a 50.73904, 25.32389 Castle☎ +380 332 723075 Opening Hours: W-Su 10:00-18:00 Opened in 1973. The collection included foreign art from the 17th to the first third of the 20th century represented the national school eight European countries: Spain, Italy, Flanders, France, Austria, Germany, England and Poland.
  • Book Museum - Музей книги - 50.73867, 25.32341 Castle In the castle's court which used to be the county treasury. There the oldest printed book is 366 years old.
  • "Lesya Living" Memorial Museum or Museum of the Kosachev Family - Кімната-музей «Лесина вітальня» - Музей родини Косачів - Gothic Church Vul. 23 50.73829, 25.31915 ☎ Opened in 2005, paying tribute to the poet, in the house where the family lived Kosachev in 1890-91 respectively, opened a memorial "Lesyni living room" where you from exposed materials imagine everyday life of a large family that has left an outstanding mark in the life of Ukraine.

[[2K11 Lutsk - Military Museum - 2K11 Lutsk.jpg

  • Military Museum
Волинський регіональний музей українського війська та військової техніки | Na Taboryschi Vul., 4 50.75, 25.335556 Founded in 1999. 1000 objects.

  • Museum of Bells - Музей дзвонів - 50.73906, 25.32344 In the Castle The oldest piece is ringing in 1647. Many bells during the Cossack war of 1648-1654 was transfused into the gun.
  • Museum of Volyn Icon - Музей Волинської ікони - Vul. Yaroshchuk, (Ярощука вул.) 5 50.74779, 25.33119 1.5 kilometers northeast ☎ +380 332 24-34-12, +380 332 799883 US$2, tour US$4 Established in 1993. 1500 objects from local icon painting school from the 16th-18th century.
  • Pharmacy Museum - Аптека-музей - Dragomanova Vul., 11 GPS 50.73976 ,25.31916 Near the Market Plaza Monday to Friday 08:00-21:00, Saturday Sunday 09:00-21:00 - Since 1845.
  • Photo and Film Museum - Музей історії кінематографії та фотомистецтва
  • Volyn Museum - Волинський краєзнавчий музей - Shopena Vul., 20 50.750453, 25.338111 ☎ +380 332 242591 April 2-September 30: daily 10:00-18:00; Sunday 10:00-16:00; Oct 1-Apr 1: daily 09:00-17:00 An art museum in the castle. established in 1929. Over 137,000 objects.

Further afield

Kisielin - Kysylyn - Beresteczko sobor.jpg

  • Berestechko - Берестечко| 50.360, 25.111 South 60 kilometers - No train to here Trinity church + bell tower (Троїцький костел + дзвіниця), 1711, one of the oldest in the Oblastn }} - Napoleon Orda Holoby.jpg
  • Goloby - Голоби GPS 51.0863, 25.0126 Northwest 46 kilometers, take from any train or bus toward Kovel St.George church (Георгіївська церква), 1783: this monument is to transition from baroque to classicism with traditional wooden bell tower in the forms of folk architecture in Volyn. Also here: St. Michael's Church (1720s), a small estate (1810s), a manor house (1900s). - Kovel Volynska-Voskresenska church-south-east view - Kovel - Ковель - GPS 51.21043,24.71761 77 kilometers Northwest St. John the Baptist Monastery, Holy Resurrection five domed Gothic Church, Gothic Church of the Annunciation (founded 1505), Historical Museum and St. Anne's wooden Church (over 300 years old!). - Kisielin - Kysylyn - Кисилин GPS 50.862222 ,24.815556 West 55 kilometers St. Michael's Church, (Свято-Михайлівська церква) 1777; Carmelite monastery, (Монастир кармелітів) 1720 }} - Map Lyuboml.jpg
  • Lyuboml Лю́бомль GPS: 51.222636 ,24.034903 Northwest 120 kilometers, take a bus (05:10-20:20, ten+ times) or train (four per day) . Trinity church (Троїцький костел), 1412, 17th century, Street Samokhina; 16. Also here are the Church of St. George (Vul. Nezhalezhnosty) and the remains of the palace Branickis (just from outside, Vulitsa Traiavnya); the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary wooden Church 1884; Building in the central area, formerly Market Plaza,- 1780s-1900s; Settlement "zamchischa" archeological site. For a map see image or - here }} - Ukraine-Volun oblast-Starovigivskij rajon-Milzi village-Monastery.JPG
  • Myltsy Мильці, Mielce GPS 51.453889 ,24.749444 107 kilometers north . A hamlet with a Monastery, (Миколаївський чоловічий монастир), 16th century.
ПІДДУБЦІ (5).jpg
  • Piddubtsi Піддубці GPS 50.766865, 25.509884 E 15 kilometers take trolleybus 3, 7 to 'Haradzha (kladovyshche)' Protection of the Virgin church + gate (Покровська церква + брама), 1745-1762. - Olyka collage.jpg
  • Olyka Оли́ка, Ołyka, אוליקה GPS 50.720556,25.816667 near to Kivertsi Radziwills castle (замок Радзивила), 1564; Complex of collegium (комплекс колегіати), 17th century; SS. Peter and Paul church (Петропавлівський костел), 1450-1612. Sketchy map here }} Shtun Штунь GPS 51.14361,24.03278 Northwest 135 km.- Near to Lyuboml 8km. St.John the Divine church (церква Йоана Богослова), 1777.
  • Volodymyr-Volynskyi - Володимир-Волинський - 50.848056 , 24.322222 70km West Gothic Church of the Assumption (Успенський собор),(1160); Vasylivska church, (Василівська церква) 13th-14th century; St. Joachim and Anne Church, (Костел Св. Йоакима і Анни)(1752); St. Nicholas Church, (Миколаївська церква) 1780; Gothic Church of the Nativity, (Кафедральний собор Різдва Христового) 1718-1755, Earthworks of the castle (Земляні вали замку), 13th-14th century; Walls Capuchin Monastery, (Мури капуцинського монастиря) 1751. There is a small hotel }}
  • Zhydychyn - Жидичин - GPS: 50.804722, 25.32 7 kilometers north Україні Жидичинський монастир офіційно відновлено. Зараз це чоловічий монастир Святителя Миколая Чудотворця УПЦ КП (Ківерецький деканат).

Top Muslim Travel Tips for Lutsk


File:ЛуцькПЛзФ - Lutsk Festival

  • "Jazz Bez" ― the Trans-Border Jazz Marathon "Jazz Bez" is the most large-scale and long-lasting Ukrainian jazz festival that uses jazz energy to unite many Ukrainian and Polish cities presenting the best Western musicians to them. Every year the city of Lutsk joins the marathon. The main tasks of the festival are the following: creative and organizational exchange of the organizers’ experience; uniting people of different walks of life, countries and ages; and development of the jazz music; introducing new jazz trends and new playing techniques to young musicians and audiences; development of the cooperation between artists and cultural institutions; enforcing the cultural dialogue; trans-border circulation of artists and artistic objects; professional development of young musicians; encouraging arts organization to create international jazz projects. The Lutsk part of the festival usually takes place in the Puppet Theatre ― the place with the best acoustics in the city.
  • International jazz folk festival "Musical dialogues" "Musical Dialogues" is the only jazz folk festival in the Volyn region of Ukraine. It is aimed at development of ethnic music of different countries (Ukraine being the priority) together with improvisational music ― the jazz. Wednesday try to revive authentic musical art and to maintain artists who interpret this art form in a new way. The festival is a trans-border project directed towards the involvement of musicians from all the Europe. The annual open-air music festival usually lasts for 2 days in the end of May and takes place in the adorable 14th century Lutsk castle.
  • Art Show "Night at Lutsk Castle" - There is one night in Lutsk when life is swirling in the medieval castle until dawn. The entire community looks forward to the art show "Night at Lutsk Castle" the whole year round. Under cover of the shortest summer night each participant has the opportunity to represent the personage of knight, crowned person and the court servant or artisan. The old romantic atmosphere, created by dances and music of the Middle Ages, knights' tournaments, and lots of candles, fire show, mulled fruit cocktail, walks in the phaeton and mysterious cave, can return people to the past. "Night at Lutsk Castle" is a synthesis of ancient and modern, history and art. Night extravaganza lets get acquainted with many genres of art and popular performers. Master Class is conducted by famous masters of folk art, artists, film directors and video-art, members of clubs of historical reconstruction.
  • The Youth Alternative Music and Modern Art Festival "Bandershtat" - Seemingly peaceful Volyn is an insurrectional land and the land of Ukrainian heroes who were the symbol of the spirit of the Ukrainian people. In its virgin forests the Ukrainian independence and national freedom movements were hardened. Generations of indomitable fighters, remembered by all Ukrainian patriots, lived and battled here. On these glorious lands in 2007 the idea of the Ukrainian alternative music and modern art festival "Bandershtat" was born. It is a cultural and art event, marked by patriotic content and spirit. Today the festival presents literary performances, meetings with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army veterans, sporting and art events, discussions with famouspoliticians and public figures, patriotic flash mobs, an eternal flame, historical reconstructions, and evening film presesntations. The Ukrainian spirit festival“Bandershtat” is proclaimed to be a non-alcohol event. The festival headliners in the past have been bands such as "Anna", "Tartak", "Tin Sontsia", "Horta", "Dymna Symish", amongst many others.
  • The salo lovers’ festival "To Salo with Love" Lessia Ukrainka Central Park - Everybody who loves Ukrainian salo will come to Lutsk to take part in the 7th festival "To Salo with Love"! The festival was recognized four times in the Book of Records of Ukraine – the biggest salo sandwiches in the world (76 m) and the first Salo and Pig monument in the world and the world’s record insalo eating speed (1 kilogram per 10 minutes and 55 seconds) and the biggest football in the world made of salo (diameter – more than 6 m, weight – more than 400 kilograms). The festival program is fun and interesting with salo lovers’ competitions, displays and a market of items made of salo and salo itself.

File:ЛуцькВоліВечір - Lutsk by night

  • International Music Festival "Stravinsky and Ukraine" %B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C/ Lutsk, Ustyluh (Volodymyr Volynskii region) - The International Music Festival "Stravinsky and Ukraine" is the only festival in Volyn promoting classical music in all its genres and styles. The festival’s main aim is to popularize the creative works of Igor Stravinsky and to teach more about his connections with Ukraine. The festival also aims to promote the best examples of classical music of the world and Ukraine. The main feature of the festival is a gala concert held in the open air on June 17 (Stravinsky’s birthday) every year near the composer’s house-museum in Ustyluh. The event, on a large mobile stage, attracts larger and larger audiences from Volyn, Ukraine and other countries. The festival’s priority is performing Stravinsky premiere works which have not been performed in Ukraine before, or which are not recorded. The first festival was held in 1994, and has been an annual event since 2005.

File:ЛуцькЛесіФест - Lutsk Festival

  • International festival "Polessian Summer with Folklore" - Festival "Polessian Summer with Folklore" is an international fest of songs and dances. During these festive days Lutsk citizens and cityguests get acquainted with the folklore and traditions of various foreign groups. During the festival a special atmosphere of neighborhood and friendship among people is established. The festival guests are numerous groups from abroad and different parts of Ukraine. During the 12 years of this festival 6766 participants have particpated, among them 80 foreign groups from 41 countries and 86 groups from Ukraine. Because of this festival, Ukraine became the 69th official member of CIOFF in 1994 at the meeting of the CIOFF General Assembly. Festival events take part at the Regional Music and Drama Theatre, Lesya Ukrainka Central Park, Lutsk Palace of Culture and the grounds of Lutsk castle and the stadium “Avangard” and the Holy Trinity Orthodox Gothic Church and St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church and on outdoor stages in different Lutsk neighborhoods.
  • Art Festival "The Straw Bird" ole@ - A lot of participants are joining the creative family. Blacksmiths from Lviv, Rivne, Ternopil, Zhytomyr, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk and other cities. There is a special fair during this festival for the participants. The most active artists and viewers receive gifts from the organizers. Previous Festivals left behind a wrought works that are exhibited in Lutsk castle - a decorative wrought iron candle holders on the grid "crown Vytautas" that annually set on fire on the action "Night in Lutsk castle." Organizers: Association of Volyn "Charm Art," art studio "Ole-art" (founders Oleg and Olga Grytsiuk), Department of Culture at the city council.


Avangard Stadium, Lutsk2 - Lutsk, Avangard Stadium

  • Botanical Reserve Vorotnev - Ботанический заказник «Воротнив»

| Vorotnev Village - GPS: 50.719721, 25.548435 19 kilometers east The area: ​​600 hectares. In 1978, based on the tract "Vorotnev" was created by one of the oldest protected area facilities, to preserve the unique oak-hornbeam forests with an admixture of pine, birch, spruce, aspen, alder. Here grow the rare oak-ash plantations of the grass cover which grows over 900 species of higher plants and some listed as endangered and rare species on the plains - astrantsiya big.

  • Lesya Ukrainka Park - Ботаничний сад 'Парк ім. Лесі Українки' - Hlushets' (Глушець вул.) 50.74171, 25.33396 - Municipal Park and Botanical garden.
  • Zoo - Зоопарк Hlushets St., 7 GPS 50.74080, 25.33881 ☎ +380 332 248153 -


  • Vipuri-ket Fitness Centre and Swimming swimmingpool - Фітнес-центр Віпурі-кет - Ukrainky Lesi Vul.,(Українки Лесі вул.), 26 50.74320, 25.32100 Centre☎ +380 332 722742
  • University Sportcomplex - Спорткомплекс ВНУ - Poso. Hrushevskoho Prezidenta, (Грушевського Президента просп.), 2-b 50.75440, 25.33645 ☎ +380 332 242297, +380 332 242481 For swimming.


Academic choir maiboroda - Lutsk, Academic choir

  • Volyn Oblast Philharmonic Concert hall - Волинська обласна філармонія - Voli Ave., (Волі просп.) 46 50.74458, 25.34114 E 2 km☎ +380 332 757510 price= For some classical music. }}
  • Drama Theater - Волинський обласний академічний музично-драматичний театр імені Т. Г. Шевченка Prosp. Voly (Волі просп., Театральний майдан), 2 GPS 50.74730 ,25.32413 - Puppet Theatre - Обласний театр ляльок Vul. Kryvyi Val, (Кривий Вал вул.), 18 GPS 50.74560 ,25.31926 ☎ +380 332 723260, +380 332 723163

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Lutsk


  • Tsentralnyi Market - Ринок Центральний - Vul. Hlushets, (Глушець вул.), 3 GPS 50.74037 ,25.32203 ☎ +380 332 725380
  • Varshavskyi (Zavokzalnyi) Market - Ринок Варшавський (Завокзальний) Karpenka-Karoho St., 1 GPS 50.75882 ,25.35358 East☎ +380 332 234165

Shopping centers

  • Hostynets Shopping centre - Торговий центр Гостинець - Sobornosti Ave., (Соборності просп.) 11L 50.76338, 25.36752 east 1 kilometers from Train Station☎ +380 332 2716953
  • Imidzh Shopping centre - Торговий центр Імідж - Vul. Rivnenska (Рівненьська вул.), 89 GPS 50.74447,25.37850 east 3 kilometers near Luchesk market☎ +380 332 255128
  • Karavan Shopping Centre - Торговий центр Караван - Vul. Karpenka-Karoho, (Карпенка-Карого вул.) 1.1A 50.75876, 25.35330 at Zavokzalnyi market }}
  • Lutsk Shopping Centre - Універмаг Луцьк - Voli Ave.(Волі просп.), 1 50.74722, 25.32633 ☎ +380 332 78-5562
  • Oxygen Entertaining complex - Розважальний комплекс Оксіджен - Rivnen's'ka (Рівненьська вул.).,157 50.74502, 25.39888 E 4 km☎ +380 332 788975
  • Tam Tam Shopping Centre - Гіпермаркет Там Там - Ave. Sobornosti, (Соборності просп.) 43 50.75557, 25.35790 East ☎ +380 332 783467
  • Varshavkyi Shopping Centre - Торговий центр Варшавський - Vul. Koniakina, (Конякіна вул.), 30 50.76117, 25.35281 northeast, near Railway Station
  • Yuvant Shopping Centre - Торговий центр Ювант - Karpenka-Karoho, (Карпенка-Карого вул.), 1D 50.75713, 25.35359 Nertheast, near to Railway Station☎ +380 332 740340

Halal Food & Restaurants


File:ЛуцькЛесіГ - Lutsk, Pedestrian street

  • Café-restaurant “Basylik” - Кафе-ресторан "Базилік" - bazilik1@ Kravchuka St., 11a ☎ +38 066 341-42-41, +38 098 430-54-24 Opening Hours: 11:00-00:00 Family cafe-restaurant "Basylik" offers a wide selection of Pizzas by popular author recipes. Amateurs of Italian cuisine can taste here fokachcho pancakes, classic Pastas and delicious salads with special sauces. Those who are not indifferent to Japanese cuisine, certainly will be interested in a variety of sushi that is prepared in a cafe-restaurant "Basylik" in front of the visitors! "Basylik" offers a wide selection of hot and cold drinks, and non-alcoholic cocktails. In cafe-restaurant there is a children’s corner where kids can draw, play and have fun in the company of other children. There is also a friendly staff and prompt service. All this is offered by reasonable prices.
  • Restaurant "Monastyrska doroga" - Музейно-театральний ресторан "Монастирська дорога" - Lesi Ukrainky St. 67 Downtown ☎ +38 0332 72-52-04, +38 050 76-63-689 Opening Hours: 12:00-23:00 Monasteries which were in Lutsk are waiting there for you. Styled restaurant walls will guide you through the Lutsk abbey road, which will leave unforgettable impressions. Delicious cuisine will make you come back here.

Ukrainian hot-dog in Tortillas - |Ukrainian hot-dog in tortilla

  • Restaurant "Zolotyi Drakon" - Ресторан "Золотий дракон" - Veteraniv St. 1a ☎ +38 0332 78-84-88 Opening Hours: 11:00-00:00 Restaurant "Zolotyi Drakon" offers a wide range of the Chinese and European dishes.
  • Restaurant “Corona Vytautas” - Ресторан "Корона Вітовта" Castle Plaza, Plitnitsy St. 1 ☎ +38 0332 72-71-14, +38 097 39-08-688, +38 095 78-92-505 Opening Hours: 12:00-00:00 During the archeological digging in the wall of the old foundation half-burned manuscript was found. It was a diary of the king’s chef Svarog, where he did calculations, wrote recipes, created by him dishes, described some events from city life. This manuscript became the stimulus of restaurant “Corona Vytautas” creation in 1996. The restaurant is situated near the walls of the medieval Lutsk Castle. Besides cooking dishes, using the old recipes and they also try to revive old traditions.

Candy 6577 - Ukrainian Cherry Candies

  • Restaurant-confectionary "Kruazh" - Ресторан-кондитерська "Круаж" - kruazh 2011@ Koniakina St. 33a ☎ +38 0332 73-00-24, +38 050 71-40-199, +38 099 43-66-866 Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00 The restaurant interior presents a combination of the modern and the classic, with a starry ceiling and crystal chandelier overhead, forged railings and a modern café.
  • Restaurant "Pechera" - Ресторан "Печера" - Klyma Savury St. 66a ☎ +38 0332 28-23-63, +38 099 07-58-052 Opening Hours: 11:00-01:00 Ukrainian and European dishes.
  • Restaurant "Sribni Leleky" - Ресторан "Срібні лелеки" - V.Chornovola St.17 ☎ +38 0332 75-71-00 Opening Hours: 10:00-00:00 The menu includes from Italy, different regions of France, Chile, Spain, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, and the choice of the other alcohol drinks will satisfy any gourmand. There is live music every evening. Besides the main hall, you can also enjoy cosy café, which is outside and observe a cellar.
  • Kurin Restaurant - Ресторація Курінь - Hrushevs'koho Prezydenta ave. 26 50.75707, 25.34748 Near to Lutsk Train Station ☎ +38 332 23-14-83 Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00 Traditional Ukrainian cuisine. Folk recipes of the Ukrainian cuisine and tasty flavors make the hospitality of the Ukrainian people complete.
  • Restaurant "Old Pier" - Ресторан "Стара пристань" - Kovelska St. 1 ☎ +38 050 920-90-14 - In the restaurant "Old Pier" you can taste dishes of European, Ukrainian, Caucasian and Mediterranean cuisine.
  • Restaurant "Talisman" - Ресторан "Талісман" - Sobornosti Av. 14a ☎ +38 0332 71-52-73 Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00 Restaurant "Talisman" is a good combination of European and Eastern cuisine.
  • Restaurant "Ukraina" - Ресторан "Україна" - Slovatskogo St. 2 Downtown ☎ +38 0332 78-81-10, +38 0332 24-33-20 Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00 Breakfasts, dinners and suppers of Ukrainian and European cuisines.
  • Restaurant "Faina Okraina" Ресторан "Файна Ок'райна" - Shevchenka St. 40 ☎ +38 0332 72-62-62, +38 050 651-86-64 Opening Hours: 12:00-23:00 Not far away from the downtown and the restaurant offes unique Ukrainian interior, traditional Ukrainian cuisine and hospitable staff.
  • The Gate to the world of flavors (Brama) - Брама у світ смаків - Sobornosti Av. 43 ☎ +38 0332 78-51-31, +38 0332 75-73-90 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 Ukrainian and European cuisines are served here. A large selection of starters, main courses, desserts and soft drinks at reasonable prices.
  • SushiYa - СушиЯ - Voli Av. 1 Downtown ☎ +38 067 547-89-05 Opening Hours: 09:00-23:00 The first specialized sushi restaurant in Lutsk offers a wide selection of sushi, soups and Snacks.


  • Cafe Lutsk-Skhidnyi - Кафе Луцьк-східний - Pryvokzal'na sq., 1 50.7575, 25.3505 At Lutsk Train Station ☎ +380 332 234070
  • Cafe Tranzyt - Кафе Tранзит - Koniakina str., 39 GPS 50.7602, 25.3545 At Lutsk Bus Station №1 ☎ +380 332 246041 |fax=Opening Hours:
  • Café “Einstein” - Кафе "Ейнштейн" - nastek2003@ Shopena St. 24 ☎ +38 0332 29-50-51, +38 067 193-44-11 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00
  • Chocolates cafe "Zolotyi Dukat" - Чоколядова кав'ярня "Золотий дукат" - Krylova St. 11А Downtown ☎ +38 0332 72-15-75 Opening Hours: 08:00-23:00 Fresh coffee (just roasted coffee beans), Carpathian tea, Chocolates, fruit cocktails, halal-food/desserts/ desserts, ice cream, original confectionery.
  • Cafe "Rose-Cafe" - Кав’ярня - Voly Av. 19 Downtown ☎ +38 0332 72-26-82 Opening Hours: 09:00-22:00 Aromatic Coffee, small tables for two, easy and romantic atmosphere.


  • Presto Pizzas - Піцерія Presto Pizzas - Kravchuka St. 48a 50.7583, 25.3559 One block to Lutsk Bus Station №1 ☎ +380 95 9318585 Opening Hours: 09:00-23:00 A wide range of Pizzas to choose. The menu features more than 20 types of pizza and it is also feasible to make a personal, unique pizza using the proposed ingredients. Besides Pizzas,Japanese sushi, Pasta salads, soups and desserts.
  • Pizzeria "Felicità" - Піцерія "Фелічіта" - Voli Av. 11, Sobornosti Av. 11, Striletska St. 11, Vynnychenka St. 2 ☎ +38 0332 25-79-28, +38 0332 24-44-44, +38 0332 72-72-38 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 Here you will enjoy Pizzas, baked in an oven with tomatoes and mozzarella! Tasty Pasta. salads, halal-food/desserts/ desserts, exquisite fruit cocktail, friendly staff, plenty of smiles and good mood - that’s what you need for a wonderful rest with friends or family.
  • Ottimo cibo Kryvyi Val St., 39 ☎ +38 098 933-55-33, +38 066 543-34-44 Opening Hours: 11:00-22:30 Pizzas from Ottimo Cibo is made on special dough for pizza with Italian flour that is suitable for those who like to eat and not gain excess weight. You can also taste a Sauce with Italian tomatoes and fresh basil. Sushi from Ottimo Cibo is a work of sushi school from the Japanese city of Kyoto. The curator is sensei Stasi Tan and master Yuriy Hazipov, who makes them. Sushi Ottimo Cibo are made ​​with only the best and freshest ingredients. Masters use Rice of premium class, cooked on spring water and soy Sauce Kikoman of natural fermentation. Also in Ottimo Cibo you will find a wide selection of healthy, low calorie, light and nutritious salads with a unique low-calorie dressing. Each portion serves fresh mini baguettes with Italian dough.
  • Pizzas restaurant "San-Remo" - Піцерія "Сан-Ремо" - Kravchuka St. 15, Voli Av. 4, Voli Av. 48 ☎ +38 0332 78-38-58, +38 0332 24-22-72, +38 0332 24-73-09 Opening Hours: 11:00-23:00 The net of pizza restaurants "San-Remo" offers pizza to the different taste.
  • Pizzeria "Uncle Pizza" - Піцерія "Дядя Pizza" - Voli pr. 4b ☎ +38 098 674-00-05, +38 099 167-70-05, +38 099 167-70-04 - At Pizzeria "Uncle Pizza" is offered Italian cuisine, pizza and sushi. And your children can obtain fun in the children's entertainment room. Every Sundays are held master classes for children.

Fast food

  • Chicken Hut Restaurant - Ресторан Chicken HUT - Koniakina St. 30 50.7613, 25.3531 Inside shopping center Varshavskyi ☎ +380 332 283212 - Fast food. French fries, burgers, Happy Meals and different drinks.
  • VarenykyTUT - ВареникиТУТ | Voli Av. 1 Downtown ☎ +38 067 332-44-22 Opening Hours: 09:00-23:00 Delicious dumplings (varenyky) with potatoes, mushrooms, hala Meat or cherries, add a cream or pour some roasted salo on and feel at home for 7 грн. You can also have here some good Ukrainian borsch, freshly salted bacon, lard with garlic, ham, Sausages and home made pickles.
  • Royal Burgers Lesi Ukrainky St. 13 Opening Hours: 09:00-00:00 Nice staff, qualitative service, cozy interior and tasty dishes will make you come back.


  • Chester Pub - Пивний ресторан "Честер Паб" - ira@ Voli ave., 11 50.74671, 25.32986 Downtown ☎ +380 332 721505 Opening Hours: 12:00-222:00 English pub.
  • Bravyi Shveik Cafe - Пивний ресторан "Бравий Швейк" - Lesi Ukrainky St. 56 50.7456, 25.3243 Downtown ☎ +38 0332 72-20-94 Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 To drink cold eat tasty food, watch football - all these things you can do at the restaurant "Bravyi Shveik".
  • Pub "Maidan" - Boika St. 2 Downtown ☎ +38 0332 72-48-41, +38 050 10-02-751 Opening Hours: 09:00-03:00 Two halls and an outside summer terrace. A wide choice of the Ukrainian dishes at reasonable prices.
  • Pub “Obolon” - Kopernika St. 8a ☎ +38 0332 72-33-53, +38 050 215-41-56 Opening Hours: 09:00-15:00 Fashionable music, organic juice and a good mood.
  • Cafe "Zeman" - Vynnychenka St. 69 ☎ +38 0332 78-49-60 Opening Hours: 11:00-00:00 The plant’s history dates back to 1888, when the Czech colonist Vatslav Zeman, whose family lived in Volyn region at that time, started production. Since 1913 the plant started working in its full power, producing five kinds of Cola: “Stolove”, “Sakura”, “Granat”, “Pilzenske”, “Bok-Bir”, which were many times awarded with golden medals in tasting competitions and received the first place in Paris. Brewery “Zeman” production was well-known in many European countries. The brewery “Zeman” master is mentioned in Jaroslav Hašek’s “The Good Soldier Švejk”.
  • Pub "Horyshche" Sobornosti Av. 14a ☎ +38 095 57-07-772 Opening Hours: 12:00-20:00 Thematic parties, parties with the Irish stew, music and the special, mysterious atmosphere of the Green Island are waiting for you. The rules and prices are as democratic as Ireland itself!

Night clubs

  • Night club "Versal" - Grushevskogo Av. 2 ☎ +38 0332 72-00-01 Opening Hours: 20:00-06:00 DJs of the night club “Versal” offer the most modern music as well as hits from the 1970s, 80s and 90s. You can also request your favourite music. I
  • Night club Hollywood Boika St. 1 ☎ +38 050 80-60-505 Opening Hours: 10PM Monday - 5AM Music by local performers. Hot go-go and strip shows.
  • Night club "Zoloto" ("Gold") Rivnenska St. 157 ☎ +38 050 33-97-109, +38 0332 78-89-75 Opening Hours: F-Su 22:00-05:00 Night club “Zoloto” ("Gold") with its pleasing, modern design is created to give you genuine relaxation and a truly fun experience. Relax as you wish: Do you want to order the third story and be the king of a party? Or maybe you wish to sit comfortably on sofas on the second story – and be the centre of attention at your party. The basement and the first floor will surprise you with the longest bars where professional barmen can mix exactly the drinks you want. The night club “Zoloto” presents a popular show, with the best in energy and excitement. Finally, if you desire, you can spend a lovely evening or pre-party in the new lounge restaurant which will enchant you with its originality and elegance!

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Lutsk

Lutsk - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Lutsk, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Lutsk. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Lutsk and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Lutsk. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Lutsk. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inLutsk: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Lutsk.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Lutsk: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Lutsk, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Lutsk.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Lutsk, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Lutsk, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Lutsk and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Lutsk, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Lutsk, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Lutsk without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Lutsk is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Lutsk.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Lutsk is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Lutsk, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Lutsk Media:

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Formula Plus Hotel - Готель Формула Плюс - Zmiinets, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 1 50.76141, 25.28392 5kmNW☎ +380 332 774419, +380 332 722838 - From US$15/25 (2023)
  • Lahuna Hotel - Готель Лагуна - Vul. Okruzhna 50.74709 , 25.40114 E 4.5 kilometers, near Strumivka circle☎ +380 332 714045
  • Luchesk Hotel - Готель Лучеськ Vidrodzhennia Ave.,(Відродження просп., 1) 1 GPS 50.74489, 25.37934 E 3 km☎ +380 332 788800, +380 332 788896
  • Motor Hotel - Готель Мотор - Vul. Chkalova, (Чкалова вул), 24. 50.76526, 25.34147 ☎ +380 3322 32451, +380 3322 47311 |fax=
  • Nyva Hotel - Готель Нива - Karpenka-Karoho St., 1 50.75848, 25.35440 3.5 kilometers NE, at Railway Station☎ +380 332 234407, +380 332 230441 - From US$20 (2023)
  • Okolnitsa Hotel Готель Околиця| Vul. Rivnenska, (Рівненьська вул.) 154 50.74444 , 25.39178 ☎ +380 332 255298, +380 332 750286
  • Ukraina Hotel - Готель Україна - Slovatskoho, (Словацького вул.), 2 50.74805, 25.32505 ☎ +380 332 788100, +380 332 788106, +380 332 788118 US$35-50/58-130 (2023) 70rooms / 103beds
  • Zolote Yabluko (Golden Apple) Hotel - Готель Золоте яблуко - Vul. Volodymyrska, ( Володимирська вул.), 72 50.74300, 25.28653 west 1.5 kilometers From US$25/45

Telecommunications in Lutsk

File:ЛуцькВалПош - Lutsk, Post Office File:ЛуцькВалТел - Lutsk, UkrTel Building

  • No.1 post-office - 1 поштове відділення - Vul. Schernoho Khresta, (Червоного Хреста вул.),., 16 50.74334 , 25.30081 1 kilometers west☎ +380 332 723290
  • No.17 post-office - 17 поштове відділення - Vul. Rustaveli Shota, (Руставелі Шота вул.), 9 50.72287, 25.31889 south 2 km☎ +380 3322 62409
  • No.18 post-office 18 поштове відділення - Vul. Lvivska, (Львівська вул.), 63 50.72856, 25.29627 Southwest 2 km☎ +380 3322 63419
  • No.25 post-office - 25 поштове відділення - Vul. Kryvyi Val, (Кривий Вал вул.), 19 GPS 50.74551 ,25.32121 Centre☎ +380 332 727166 -

Cope in Lutsk

  • Lutsk Downtown for Lutsk Tourism Board - Центр туристичної інформації та послуг - Senatorky Levchanivs’koi St. 2 (Lesi Ukrainky St. 21) 50.7428, 25.3196 ☎ +380 332 72-34-19 Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-18:00 Free Free information about the city, its tourist attractions in Ukrainian and foreign languages. Free city maps. Free self-guided excursions (in text or audio versions). Excursions to order around the city and suburbs. Consultation about restaurants, accommodations, transport, etc. Unique souvenir products made by Volyn craftsmen and “Volyn” football team souvenirs. In the Center for Lutsk Tourism Board and Services you can use Wi-Fi provided by Intertelecom.

Lwów - Cmentarz Orląt Lwowskich 03 - |Lviv, Lychakivsky Cemetery. Part of UNESCO World Heritage List

News & References Lutsk

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  • Rivne. Eastward 75 km. Administrative center of the Rivne Oblast. A historic city with many sights.Copyright 2015 - 2024. All Rights reserved by eHalal Group Co., Ltd.

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