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Rivne (Ukrainian phrasebook|Ukrainian:Рівне) or Rovno (Russian:Ровно; Polish phrasebook|Polish:Równe) is in Western Ukraine.

Rivne Halal Travel Guide

Travel to Rivne

Railway_Station-Rivne - |Railway Station - Rivne Rivne_-_Bus_Station - Rivne Bus Station

By Plane

  • Rivne International Airport IATA Code: RWN Міжнародний аеропорт Рівне | Veresneve vill. (Вересневе) 50.60568, 26.14849 Southwest 8 kilometers - Rivne International Airport -

By Rail

  • Rivne Railway Station - Залізничний вокзал Рівне | Maidan Pryvokzalnyi, (ukr.:майдан Привокзальний, ru.: Привокзальна пл.), 1 50.62789, 26.23991 ☎ +380 362 423457 To Kovel (4-5 times per day, 3½ hr), to Lviv (2-3 per day, 3½ hr) to Lutsk (3 per day last one at midday, 1½ hr). Toward Lviv suburban rail.
  • Railway tickets selling - Каси попереднього продажу залізничних квитків | Vul. Kikvidze, 10A 50.62505, 26.24083 ☎

Travel on a Bus in Rivne

  • Rivne Bus Terminal - Автовокзал Рівне | Vul. Kyivska, 40 50.61724, 26.26419 3km East ☎ +380 362 288720
  • Chayka Bus Station - Автостанція Чайка | Vul. Haharina, 16B 50.63051, 26.27312 3 kilometers NE
  • Zaliznychna Bus Station - Автобусна станція Залізнична | Vul. Kikvidze, (вул. Кіквідзе), 34 50.62797, 26.24185 Near to the train station. ☎ +380 362 225802, +380 362 223396, +380 362 224342 Only for Rivne Oblast destinations.

Get Around

Public transportation in Rivne

  • Transport Rivne Misto - c=stations&o=c791f98e-f836-4268-a697-987dd41fe858&mt=road transport-@ ☎ +380 362 438590 - Buses and shuttle vanes (24 lines), trolley (9 lines).


  • Optimalne - Оптимальне таксі | Vul. Dubenska, (вул. Дубенська, 3-й поверх, оф. 302) 37, 3rd level, room 302- ☎ +380 362 431561, +380 97 999 1561, +380 93 999 1561, +380 66 920 1561, +380 66 905 5560
  • Blues Radiotaxi - Блюз, радіотаксі

| Vul. Danila Haitskoho, (вул. Данила Галицького), 5 ☎ +380 362 1556, +380 97 711 6019, +380 99 280 2556

What to See


File:Ровно._Свято-Николаевский_монастырь. - |Saint Nicholas Monastery

  • Gothic Church of the Resurrection - Свято-Воскресенський собор | Vul. Poshtova 50.61684, 26.26494 ☎ +380 362 266639 Built in the 1890s. - Donated by the Emperor Alexander III. The main highlight is the three-tiered gilded iconostasis made by a Kievian artist, Alexander Ivanovich.
  • Church of Sts. Peter and Paul - Koстел Апостолів Петра і Павла | Vul. Poshtova (Поштова вул.) 50.61700, 26.26518 Roman Catholic, built in 1932.
  • Chapel of St.Stephan - Каплиця Святого Стефана | 50.61836, 26.26548 Hrabnyk cemetery - Built in 1848.
  • Gothic Church of the Virgin Protectress - Свято-Покровський собор | Soborna str., (Соборна вул.), 6 50.61775, 26.26616 Southwest 1km from Train Station☎ +380 362 26-24-24 - At the cemetery gate. Built in 1900s. One of the largest and tallest churches in Ukraine. Its length 51 m , width 42 m, height - 55 meters large dome that symbolizes Isa ibn Maryam, and 12 smaller, symbolizing the apostles , and 8 small domes create a wonderful composition that adorns the Rivne and viewed from all sides of the city.
  • Church of the Holy Dormition - Успенська церква

| Shevchenka str., 113 50.62660, 26.24845 Centre ☎ +380 362 223009 Built in 1756.

  • Ukrainian orthodox church of sainted martyrs of Vira, Nadiia, Liubov and their mothers of Sofia - Українська православна церква святих мучениць Віри, Надії, Любові і їх матері Софії | Vul. Yuvileina, (Ювілейна вул.), 3 50.63321, 26.20533 ☎ +380 362 261-10-30
  • Ukrainian orthodox church of All Saints of Volhynia - Українська православна церква Всіх волинських святих | Cherniaka str., (Черняка вул.), 18 50.63525, 26.26925 Northwest 2.5 kilometers from R.S.☎ +380 362 645973 A wooden Greek-Catholic Church and the oldest building in town. It was built in 1756.
  • House of Gospel (Dim Yevanheliia) Baptist church - Дім Євангелія. Церква євангельських християн-баптистів | Vul. Cherniaka, (Черняка вул.), 14 50.63456, 26.26842
  • Roman Catholic church of St. Antony. Hall of chamber and organ music - Костел св. Антонія. Зал камерної та органної музики | Soborna str., (Соборна вул.), 137 50.61976, 26.24048 Built in 1899. From the late 1960s, and until 1980 it was a theater.

Museums and galleries in Rivne

  • Rivne Regional Exhibition of Agriculture
Рівненська обласна сільськогосподарська виставка| Web: %B0%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8F Vul. Kavkazka, (вул. Кавказька), 8-32B 50.62757, 26.25165 1 kilometers Northwest from R.S.☎ +380 362 266880 
  • Literary Museum of Ulas Samchuk, Museum of amber - Літературний музей Уласа Самчука, Музей бурштину | Vul. Petliury Symona, (Петлюри Симона вул.), 17 50.62303, 26.24905 ☎ +380 362 261454, +380 362 268561 Placed it in the halls of the House of Scientists.
  • Museum of the Ukrainian art - Музей українського мистецтва | Petliury Symona str., 17 50.62303, 26.24905 Placed it in House of Scientists.
  • Zuza art gallery - Мистецька галерея Зуза | Nezalezhnosti blvd., (Незалежності бульв.), 3 50.62010, 26.25051 Centre☎ +380 362 634515, +380 50 4359228 Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00 Regularly hosts workshops, for example, and how to make good decorative vases and plates ​​from ordinary glass bottles and plates.
  • Showroom of a regional society of artists - Виставкова зала обласної спілки художників | Vul. 16th Lypnia, (вул. 16-го Липня), 4 50.61868, 26.24995 ☎
  • Rivne Regional museum - Рівненський обласний краєзнавчий музей | Drahomanova str., (Драгоманова вул.), 19 50.61540, 26.24793 ☎ +380 362 267580, +380 362 222215 Opening Hours: Friday 10:00-17:00, Sa-Thursday 10:00-18:00, Mo. closed In the city it is the most important museum. 140 000 museum pieces, 2006) a collection of materials and objects of material and spiritual culture of Rivne region. The house was built in the 19th century, in the style of a provincial classicism. This is one of the best monuments of architecture in Rivne.
  • W.W.II. Museum - Музей бойової слави 13-го Армійського корпусу | Soborna str., 360 50.62390, 26.22866 ☎ +380 362 253047 Museum of fighting glory of 13th Army case.

Further afield

  • Assumption church with bell tower in Dorogobuzh Успенська церква з дзвіницею | - Built in 15th-17th centuries, rebuilt in 1786
  • St.Michael church + bell tower in Goscha Михайлівська церква | - Built in 1632, rebuilt in 1888
  • Gubkiv Castle Ruined. Built in 15th-16th centuries
  • Dubno Castle and Carmelite Monastery Дубно замок князів Острозьких-Любомирських i монастир бернардинців| 50.41771, 25.74633 45km SW. Sights here: The castle of dukes Ostrozkyi-Lubomirski (16th-18th centuries); Bernardines monastery (1614-1630); Synagogue (синагога), 16th century; Carmelites convent (монастир кармеліток), 1630-1686.
  • Annunciation (Lady Day) church in Klevan костел Благовіщення | near Rivne - Built in 1610-1630. Also here is a historic castle ruin (замок), 1475, 1817

}} Ostroh_Castle_(Klymenko) - Ostroh Castle

  • Korets castle - Корець замок| 50.61832, 27.15820 72 kilometers east Except the Castle (1550-1780); 'must to see ' the Trinity convent (Троїцький монастир) 1690s and also here is a history museum.
  • Malinskis' chapel in Novomalyn - каплиця Малинських - near Ostrog - Built in 17th-19th century
  • Forts of Mezhyrich Earthen fortifications of town + gate (земляні укріплення міста + брама), Trinity convent-fortress (Троїцький монастир-фортеця), 16th century. Also here is an over 300 years old Stove (піч).

- Ostroh_Castle_(Klymenko).jpg

  • Ostroh castle м. Острог | 50.32925, 26.52202 Southeast 51 kilometers Castle of dukes Ostrozkyi (замок князів Острозьких), 14th-19th century.
  • Memorial complex "Cossacks Tombs" in Plyasheva меморіальний комплекс "Козацькі могили" | Made in 1910-14.
  • Tarakaniv fort - Тараканівський форт - near Dubno - Built in 1870-90

Things to Do

File:Ровно._Музыкально-драматический_театр. - |Rivne Regional Academic Musical-drama Theatre

  • Khimik Exhibition center, Concert hall - Палац культури і спорту Хімік | Vul. Ostroz'koho Kniazia, (Острозького Князя вул.), 1 50.63685, 26.20465 ☎ +380 362 252053, +380 362 256340
  • Rivne regional musical-drama theatre - Рівненський обласний академічний музично-драматичний театр | Pl. Teatralna, (Театральна пл.), 1 50.62082, 26.24606 ☎ +380 362 263635, +380 362 633447
  • Park of the name of Taras Shevchenko - Парк ім. Тараса Шевченка | Parkova str. (Паркова вул.) 50.61764, 26.25634 Centre east A landscape park-monument. Here are 160 species of trees and shrubs. 150-200 year-old trees. It is the largest city park. There are sports and concert halls, cafes.
  • Hydropark - Гідропарк | 50.61418, 26.23917 2km W. Lakeshore beach.
  • Rivne's ZOO - Vul. Kievska, (вул.Київська), 110 E 3.5 kilometers ☎ +380 362 288483, +380 362 288647 Opening Hours: Daily 09:00-20:00 Adults 25 грн, children 15 грн 11.17 hectares area.
  • Puppet theatre - rivne@ Vul. Petlyury, (вул. С.Петлюри), 15

Muslim Friendly Shopping in Rivne

Shopping centres

From north to south:

  • Etalon Shopping centre - Торговий центр Еталон | Vul. Soborna, (Соборна вул.), 446 50.64225, 26.20377 3.5 kilometers Northwest
  • Skelia Shopping centre - Торговий комплекс Скеля | Korolova, (вул. Корольова), 23 50.63909, 26.19836 3.8 kilometers NW☎ +380 362 451770 |fax=
  • Ekvator Shopping and entertaining center - Vul. Makarov, (вул. Макарова), 23 50.62581, 26.20128
  • Turbina Entertaining complex - Розважальний центр "Турбіна | Makarova, 23 50.62581, 26.20128 3km NW-W ☎ +380 362 460177
  • METRO Shopping centre, Supermarket - Центр оптової торгівлі "METRO" | Makarova str., 21 50.62319, 26.20239 ☎+380 362 689131, +380 362 689130
  • Epicentr Supermarket with selected Halal food, Shopping centre - Гіпермаркет будівельний Епіцентр | Makarova st., 17 50.62238, 26.20295 ☎ +380 362 460270, +380 362 460271
  • Inna Shopping centre - Торговий центр Інна | Vul. Hrushevs'koho Akademika, (вул. Грушевського Академіка), 42B 50.62004, 26.27216 2 kilometers east☎ +380 362 690141 }} - Yuliana Shopping centre - Торговий центр Юляна Vul. Petliury Symona, (Петлюри Симона вул.), 22 50.62313, 26.24964 Centre☎ +380 67 3634646, +380 67 9606847|fax=
  • Yunist' Shopping centre - Торговий пасаж Юність | Vul. Bazarna, (Базарна вул.), 9 50.62039, 26.24186 Centre☎ +380 362 225972 Opening Hours:
  • Mriia Shopping centre - Торговий центр Мрія | Vul. Zamkova, ( Замкова вул.), 4 50.61919, 26.24139 ☎ +380 362 261680
  • Teatralnyi arcade Shopping centre - Торговий центр Театральний пасаж | Vul. Soborna, (Соборна вул.), 156 50.62038, 26.24518 ☎ +380 362 266966
  • Premier Shopping centre - Торговий комплекс Премєр | Vul. Soborna, 94 50.62017, 26.24958 ☎ +380 362 43-50-72
  • Tsentral'nyi Shopping centre - Торговий центр Центральний | Vul. Soborna, (вул. Соборна), 61 50.61970, 26.24581 Centre
  • ZLATA PLAZA Entertaining complex - Торговий центр Злата Плаза | Vul. Korolenka, (Короленка вул.), 1 50.61867, 26.24871 Centre ☎ +380 362 631188, +380 362 636076 Wi-Fi.
  • Galereia Lux Shopping centre - Торговий центр Галерея Люкс | Vul. 16th Lypnia, 6 ☎ +380 362 636264
  • Viktoria Shopping centre - Торговий центр Вікторія | Vul. Chornovola Vyacheslava,(Чорновола В'ячеслава вул.), 10 50.61810, 26.25167 Centre ☎ +380 362 222128
  • Central Department store - Центральний універмаг | Vul. Soborna, (Соборна вул.), 17 50.61845, 26.25264 ☎ +380 362 22-12-82, +380 362 265511, +380 362 265988


From north to south:

  • Yarmarok Market - Критий ринок "Ярмарок | Vul. Makarova, 26 50.63048, 26.20190 }} - Globus (Dubens'kyi) Market Ринок Глобус (Дубенський) Vul. Dubens'ka, 44 GPS 50.61292, 26.21152 ☎ +380 362 2628971
  • Pivnichnyi Market - Ринок Північний | Romana Kniazia pass., 3 50.63451, 26.27610 3 kilometers NE ☎ +380 362 45522
  • Morion Market - Ринок "Моріон | Shevchenka str., 7 50.62206, 26.24211 ☎ +380 362 223412
  • Market - Ринок | Vul. Sahaidachnoho Het'mana, 3 50.62164, 26.24331 ☎ +380 362 221007, +380 362 221237
  • Peresopnytskyi Market - Ринок Пересопницький | Vul. Peresopnytska, 91 50.62115, 26.24128 ☎ +380 362 260735

Others shops

  • Knyhy Bookshop, str - Магазин №9 "Книги" | Vul. Soborna, (вул. Соборна), 316 50.62109, 26.23271 1 kilometers west☎ +380 362 224285
  • Chytai Bookshop - Магазин "Читай" | Vul. Haharina, (Гагаріна вул.), 16 50.63011, 26.27247 1.5 kilometers northeast
  • Nova knyha (New Book) Bookshop - Магазин Нова книга | Vul. Haharina, (вул. Гагаріна) 39 50.62980, 26.26932 ☎ +380 97 9738151
  • Znannia Books - Книжковий магазин №13 "Знання | Bulv. Nezalezhnosti, (бульв. Незалежності) 5 50.62064, 26.25075 Centre☎ +380 362 222472

Halal Restaurants in Rivne

Fast food

  • Bistro - Бістро | Kyivs'ka, 40A ☎ +380 362 623350
  • Puzata khata Restaurant - Ресторан Пузата хата | Makarova, 21. Shopping Center "Metro"
  • Dva Husia Restaurant Ресторан Два гуся | Vul. Kavkazka, 2 ☎ +380 362 69-01-88 }}


  • Trasa-60 Cafe - Кафе Траса-60 | Vul. Volodymyra Kniazia, 109 Fast food
  • Melin Confectionery - Кафе-кондитерська Мелін | Vul. Peresopnyts'ka, 8 ☎ +380 362 634461
  • Ivita Confectionery - Кафе-кондитерська Івіта | Vul. Soborna, 14A ☎ +380 362 431586
  • Lanch (Lunch?) Fast Food - Кафе-бістро Ланч | Vul. Krushelnytskoi Solomii, 77
  • Salvador Dali gallery-cafe - Арт-Кав’ярня Сальвадор Далі | Vul. Polubotka Hetmana,4 ☎ +380 362 224127

eHalal Group Launches Halal Guide to Rivne

Rivne - eHalal Travel Group, a leading provider of innovative Halal travel solutions for Muslim travelers to Rivne, is thrilled to announce the official launch of its comprehensive Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Rivne. This groundbreaking initiative aims to cater to the diverse needs of Muslim travelers, offering them a seamless and enriching travel experience in Rivne and its surrounding regions.

With the steady growth of Muslim tourism worldwide, eHalal Travel Group recognizes the importance of providing Muslim travelers with accessible, accurate, and up-to-date information to support their travel aspirations to Rivne. The Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide is designed to be a one-stop resource, offering an array of invaluable information on various travel aspects, all carefully curated to align with Islamic principles and values.

The Travel Guide encompasses a wide range of features that will undoubtedly enhance the travel experience for Muslim visitors to Rivne. Key components include:

Halal-Friendly Accommodations inRivne: A carefully selected list of hotels, lodges, and vacation rentals that cater to halal requirements, ensuring a comfortable and welcoming stay for Muslim travelers in Rivne.

Halal Food, Restaurants and Dining in Rivne: A comprehensive directory of restaurants, eateries, and food outlets offering halal-certified or halal-friendly options in Rivne, allowing Muslim travelers to savor local cuisines without compromising their dietary preferences in Rivne.

Prayer Facilities: Information on masjids, prayer rooms, and suitable locations for daily prayers in Rivne, ensuring ease and convenience for Muslim visitors in fulfilling their religious obligations.

Local Attractions: An engaging compilation of Muslim-friendly attractions, cultural sites such as Museums, and points of interest in Rivne, enabling travelers to explore the city's rich heritage while adhering to their values.

Transport and Logistics: Practical guidance on transportation options that accommodate Muslim travel needs, ensuring seamless movement within Rivne and beyond.

Speaking about the launch, Irwan Shah, Chief Technology Officer of eHalal Travel Group in Rivne, stated, "We are thrilled to introduce our Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide in Rivne, a Muslim friendly destination known for its cultural richness and historical significance. Our goal is to empower Muslim travelers with accurate information and resources, enabling them to experience the wonders of Rivne without any concerns about their faith-based requirements. This initiative reaffirms our commitment to creating inclusive and memorable travel experiences for all our clients."

The eHalal Travel Group's Halal and Muslim-Friendly Travel Guide for Rivne is now accessible on this page. The guide will be regularly updated to ensure that Muslim travelers have access to the latest information, thus reinforcing its status as a reliable companion for Muslim travelers exploring Rivne.

About eHalal Travel Group:

eHalal Travel Group Rivne is a prominent name in the global Muslim travel industry, dedicated to providing innovative and all-inclusive travel solutions tailored to the needs of Muslim travelers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, eHalal Travel Group aims to foster a seamless travel experience for its clients while respecting their religious and cultural values.

For Halal business inquiries in Rivne, please contact:

eHalal Travel Group Rivne Media: info@ehalal.io

Muslim Friendly Hotels

  • Sofyia Hotel - Готель Софія | Velyka Omeliana suburb, Korostyshiv-Rivne road, (Вересневе (Праворуч, Коростишів-Рівне) 50.59087, 26.15029 Near to Airport, 8 kilometers west from centre☎ +380 362 613073 - From US$36
  • Khutir Hotel - Готель Хутір | Velyka Omeliana suburb, 50.58476, 26.14639 Near to Airport, 8.5 kilometers west from centre - From US$32 19 rooms, 38 beds
  • Auto camping and Restaurant - Автокемпінг | Velyka Omeliana suburb, On the Korostyshiv-Rivne road 50.58302, 26.14390 9 kilometers west from centre☎ +380 362 634272, +380 362 269635, +380 362 634293
  • Ayvenho (Ivanhoe) Hotel - Гостинично-ресторанный комплекс Айвенго | Zelenа st., 53 50.57975, 26.30968 Kolodenka suburb, 6 kilometers south from centre - From US$33
  • Okolytsia motel - Мотельно-ресторанний комплекс Околиця | Vul. Mlynivska, (Млинівська вул.), 3 50.64386, 26.23071 3 kilometers north☎ +380 362 254022
  • V12 motel - Кафе-мотель "V12" | Vul. Soborna., (Соборна вул.), 370 50.62589, 26.22614 1 kilometers W☎ +380 362 683168 - Cafe.
  • Hotel Zolote Runo - Готель Золоте Руно | Telihy Oleny vulitsa, (вул. Теліги Олени), 10 (12) 50.61900, 26.22136 ☎ +380 362 630202 - From US$33
  • Marlen Hotel - Готель-ресторан Марлен | Hrushevskoho Akademika, ( вул. Грушевського Академіка), 13 50.62631, 26.27174 1 kilometers NE☎ +380 362 69-05-88 - From US$50 Wi-Fi. 10 rooms, 21 bed.
  • Feniks Hotel - Готель Фенікс | Vul. Vydumka, (Видумка вул.), 7 50.62050, 26.26796 1 kilometers east ☎ +380 362 268797
  • Ukraine - Готель Україна | Vul. Soborna, (Соборна вул.) 112 50.62016, 26.24672 Centre☎ +380 362 225026 - From US$55 70 rooms, 125 beds.
  • Myr Hotel - Готель Мир | Vul. Mitskevycha, (вул. Міцкевича, ) 32 50.62239, 26.25363 Centre☎ +380 362 22-1106, +380 362 609022 - From US$40 18 rooms, 28 beds.
  • Turyst Hotel - Готель Турист | Vul. Kyivska, (Київська вул.) 36 50.61512, 26.28143 2 kilometers east, near to Andreievskyi market☎ +380 362 26-76-88

Telecommunications in Rivne

  • Honourable consulate of Armenian - Почесне консульство Вірменії | Vul. Bandery Stepana, (Бандери Степана вул.), 26V 50.61229, 26.26023 ☎+380 362 635356

Post offices

From north to south:

  • №24 post-office - №24 поштове відділення | Vul. Ostrozkoho Kniazia, ( вул. Острозького Князя), 4 50.63847, 26.20432 4 kilometers northwest
  • № 9 post-office - № 9 поштове відділення | Bila str., (Біла вул.), 103A 50.64149, 26.23640 3 kilometers north☎ +380 362 633401
  • № 1 post-office - № 1 поштове відділення | Soborna str., 326 50.62414, 26.22843 1 kilometers west ☎ +380 362 256231
  • № 5 post-office - № 5 поштове відділення | Vul.Boiarka, ( Боярка вул.), 12 50.62113, 26.21765 1.5 kilometers west☎ +380 362 256003
  • № 3 post-office - № 3 поштове відділення | Vul. Hrushevskoho Akademika (Грушевського Академіка вул.), 7 50.62772, 26.27133 ☎ +380 362 242169
  • №13 post-office - №13 поштове відділення | ave. Myru, (просп. Миру) 6 GPS 50.62363 ,26.25151 Centre☎ +380 362 225809
  • №14 post-office - №14 поштове відділення | Vul. Bandery Stepana, 47 50.61262, 26.26567 ☎ +380 362 230070

News & References

Travel Next

  • Lutsk (W 68 kilometers west), administrative centre of the neighbour region, Volynska oblast, whose highlight is the Lubart Castle complex.
  • Lviv
  • Zhytomyr (E 180 kilometers), administrative center of the Zhytomyr Oblast (province). Museums, churches and monuments.

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