UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

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Intangible Cultural Heritage is a UNESCO program initiated in 2001 to recognise and protect various cultures and trainings that, unlike items on the UNESCO World Heritage List, cannot be touched.

Intangible cultural legacy includes song, music, drama, skills, crafts, and the other parts of culture that can be recorded but cannot be touched and interacted with, without a vehicle for the culture. These cultural vehicles are called "Human Treasures" by the UN.

UNESCO divides the list into three different categories:

  • The representative list comprises cultural "trainings and expressions that help demonstrate the diversity of this legacy and raise awareness about its importance."
  • The safeguarding list is composed of cultural elements that are threatened and in need of urgent measures to keep them alive.
  • The best training list is comprised of the best examples by communities and governments of the protection and recognition of intangible cultural legacy.



Ahellil du Gourara - Ahellil of Gourara

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Ahellil of Gourara Representative 2008
Rites and craftsmanship associated with the wedding costume tradition of Tlemcen Tlemcen Representative 2012


Brooklyn Museum 22.1584 Gelede Mask - Gelede mask

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Oral legacy of Gelede Representative 2008 Shared with Nigeria and Togo


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Earthenware pottery-making skills in Botswana’s Kgatleng District Safeguarding 2012

Burkina Faso

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Cultural trainings and expressions linked to the balafon of the Senufo communities of Mali, Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire Representative 2012 Shared with Mali and Côte d'Ivoire

Central African Republic

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Polyphonic singing of the Aka Pygmies of Central Africa Representative 2008

Côte d'Ivoire

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Cultural trainings and expressions linked to the balafon of the Senufo communities of Mali, Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire Representative 2012 Shared with Mali and Burkina Faso
Gbofe of Afounkaha and the music of the transverse trumps of the Tagbana community Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Al-Sirah Al-Hilaliyyah epic Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Kankurang, Manding initiatory rite Representative 2008 Senegal


Balafon - The balafon originates from a 800 year old Sosso Bala sacred instrument in Niagassola, Guinea.

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Cultural space of Sosso-Bala Representative 2008


Kaya-skog - Sacred Mijikenda forests

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Traditions and trainings associated with the Kayas in the sacred forests of the Mijikenda Safeguarding 2009


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Woodcrafting knowledge of the Zafimaniry Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Gule Wamkulu Representative 2008 Mozambique and #Zambia|Zambia
Vimbuza healing dance Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Cultural trainings and expressions linked to the balafon of the Senufo communities of Mali, Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire Representative 2012 Burkina Faso and #Côte d'Ivoire|Côte d'Ivoire
Secret society of the Kôrêdugaw and the rite of wisdom in Mali Safeguarding 2011
Manden Charter, proclaimed in Kurukan Fuga Representative 2009
Sanké mon, collective fishing rite of the Sanké Safeguarding 2009
Septennial re-roofing ceremony of the Kamablon, sacred house of Kangaba Representative 2009
Cultural space of the Yaaral and Degal Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Moorish epic T’heydinn Safeguarding 2011


Djemaa el Fna 1 - Jemaa el-Fna Plaza in Marrakech File:Муссем (фольклорный фестиваль) в Тан-Тане (Марокко) - Moussem festival in Tan-Tan

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Cherry festival in Sefrou Representative 2012
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #South Korea|South Korea, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Morocco|Morocco, #Qatar|Qatar, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Spain|Spain and #Syria|Syria
Mediterranean diet Representative 2010 Spain, #Italy|Italy and #Greece|Greece
Cultural space of Jemaa el-Fna Plaza Representative 2008
Moussem of Tan-Tan Representative 2008


Gule Wamkulu mask - Gule Wamkulu mask

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Chopi Timbila Representative 2008
Gule Wamkulu Representative 2008 Malawi and #Zambia|Zambia


Jogo de Ikin Orossi - Ifa tray and palm nuts

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Ijele masquerade Representative 2009
Ifa divination system Representative 2008
Oral legacy of Gelede Representative 2008 Benin and #Togo|Togo


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Kankurang, Manding initiatory rite Representative 2008 Gambia


Brooklyn Museum 1999.129 Gelede Body Mask - Gelede body mask

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Oral legacy of Gelede Representative 2008 Benin and #Nigeria|Nigeria


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Bigwala, gourd trumpet music and dance of the Busoga Kingdom in Uganda Safeguarding 2012
Barkcloth making in Uganda Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Gule Wamkulu Representative 2008 Malawi and #Mozambique|Mozambique
Makishi masquerade Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Mbende Jerusarema dance Representative 2008



[[394 baul-singers-sml - Baul singers

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Baul songs Shrine of Lalon Akhra, Kushtia District Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Mask dance of the drums from Drametse Representative 2008


Royal Ballet Camboda Apsara Mera - Royal Ballet of Cambodia

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Royal ballet of Cambodia Representative 2008
Sbek Thom, Khmer shadow theatre Representative 2008


The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis - Han shadow puppet - Chinese shadow puppetry Woodblocks for printing, Sera monastery in Tibet - Wooden movable type printing Tao Chi 003 - Chinese calligraphy Xiao blowhole - Mouthpiece of a Xiao flute, common in Nanyin music Pekinguniversitykunqu5 - Kun Qu opera

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Strategy for training coming generations of Fujian puppetry practitioners Best training 2012
Chinese shadow puppetry Representative 2011
Hezhen Yimakan storytelling Safeguarding 2011
Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine Representative 2010
Meshrep Safeguarding 2010
Peking opera Representative 2010
Watertight-bulkhead technology of Chinese junks Safeguarding 2010
Wooden movable-type printing of China Safeguarding 2010
Art of Chinese seal engraving Representative 2009
China engraved block printing technique Representative 2009
Chinese calligraphy Representative 2009
Chinese paper-cut Representative 2009
Chinese traditional architectural craftsmanship for timber-framed structures Representative 2009
Craftsmanship of Nanjing Yunjin brocade Representative 2009
Dragon Boat festival Representative 2009
Farmers’ dance of China’s Korean ethnic group Representative 2009
Gesar epic tradition Representative 2009
Grand song of the Dong ethnic group Representative 2009
Hua’er Representative 2009
Manas Representative 2009
Mazu belief and customs Representative 2009
Mongolian art of singing, Khoomei Representative 2009
Nanyin Representative 2009
Qiang New Year festival Safeguarding 2009
Regong arts Representative 2009
Sericulture and silk craftsmanship of China Representative 2009
Tibetan opera Representative 2009
Traditional design and trainings for building Chinese wooden arch bridges Safeguarding 2009
Traditional firing technology of Longquan celadon Representative 2009
Traditional handicrafts of making Xuan paper Representative 2009
Traditional Li textile techniques: spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering Safeguarding 2009
Xi’an wind and percussion ensemble Representative 2009
Yueju opera Representative 2009
Guqin and its music Representative 2008
Kun Qu opera Representative 2008
Urtiin Duu, traditional folk long song Representative 2008 Shared with Mongolia
Uyghur Muqam of Xinjiang Representative 2008


Kooli Mudiyett കൂളി മുടിയേറ്റ് - Mudiyettu Ramlila Dasratha - Ramlila

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Buddhist chanting of Ladakh: recitation of sacred Buddhist texts in the trans-Himalayan Ladakh region, Jammu and Kashmir, India Ladakh Representative 2012
Chhau dance Representative 2010
Kalbelia folk songs and dances of Rajasthan Rajasthan Representative 2010
Mudiyettu, ritual theatre and dance drama of Kerala Kerala Representative 2010
Novruz, Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz, Nevruz Representative 2009 Azerbaijan, #Iran|Iran, #Kyrgyzstan|Kyrgyzstan, #Pakistan|Pakistan, #Turkey|Turkey and #Uzbekistan|Uzbekistan
Ramman, religious festival and ritual theatre of the Garhwal Himalayas, India Representative 2009
Kutiyattam, Sanskrit theatre Representative 2008
Ramlila and the traditional performance of the Ramayana Representative 2008
Tradition of Vedic chanting Representative 2008


Women Making Batik, Ketelan - Batik making Kris display - Kris, traditional daggers from Indonesia

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Pinisi, art of boatbuilding in South Sulawesi Southern Sulawesi Representative 2017
Noken multifunctional knotted or woven bag, handcraft of the people of Papua Papua Safeguarding 2012
Saman dance Aceh Safeguarding 2011
Indonesian Angklung Western Java Representative 2010
Education and training in Indonesian Batik intangible cultural legacy for elementary, junior, senior, vocational school and polytechnic students, in collaboration with the Batik Museum in Pekalongan Best training 2009
Indonesian Batik Pekalongan, Yogyakarta, Solo Representative 2009
Indonesian Kris Representative 2008
Wayang puppet theatre Java Representative 2008


Zurkhanehye Ayatollah Taleghani-Chizar roundabout-Tehran 1 - Pahlevani and zoorkhaneh rituals Nowruz 2013 in Tekeli - Nowruz (Persian New Year) celebrations

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Qālišuyān rituals of Mašhad-e Ardehāl in Kāšān Representative 2012
Naqqāli, Iranian dramatic story-telling Safeguarding 2011
Traditional skills of building and sailing Iranian Lenj boats in the Persian Gulf Safeguarding 2011
Music of the Bakhshis of Khorasan Representative 2010
Pahlevani and Zoorkhanei rituals Representative 2010
Ritual dramatic art of Ta‘zīye Representative 2010
Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Fars Fars Representative 2010
Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Kashan Kashan Representative 2010
Novruz, Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz, Nevruz Representative 2009 Azerbaijan, #India|India, #Kyrgyzstan|Kyrgyzstan, #Pakistan|Pakistan, #Turkey|Turkey and #Uzbekistan|Uzbekistan
Radif of Iranian music Representative 2009


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Iraqi Maqam Representative 2008


Sada jinja - The Sada shrine Japanisches Kulturinstitut Bühnenkünste - Kumiodori Bugaku(Naiku) 01 - Gagaku Woman playing traditional Ainu instrument - Traditional Ainu music

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Nachi no Dengaku, a religious performing art held at the Nachi fire festival Representative 2012
Mibu no Hana Taue, ritual of transplanting Rice in Mibu, Hiroshima Representative 2011
Sada Shin Noh, sacred dancing at Sada shrine, Shimane Representative 2010
Kumiodori, traditional Okinawan musical theatre Representative 2010
Yuki-tsumugi, silk fabric production technique Representative 2009
Akiu no Taue Odori Representative 2009
Chakkirako Representative 2009
Daimokutate Representative 2009
Dainichido Bugaku Representative 2009
Gagaku Representative 2009
Hayachine Kagura Representative 2009
Hitachi Furyumono Representative 2009
Koshikijima no Toshidon Representative 2009
Ojiya-chijimi, Echigo-jofu: techniques of making ramie fabric in Uonuma region, Niigata Prefecture Representative 2009
Oku-noto no Aenokoto Representative 2009
Sekishu-Banshi, papermaking in the Iwami region of Shimane Prefecture Representative 2009
Traditional Ainu dance Representative 2009
Yamahoko and the float ceremony of the Kyoto Gion festival Representative 2009
Kabuki theatre Representative 2008
Ningyo Johruri Bunraku puppet theatre Representative 2008
Nôgaku theatre Representative 2008


Bedouinnasserwadirum - Beduin in Wadi Rum

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Cultural space of the Bedu in Petra and Wadi Rum Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Ala-kiyiz and Shyrdak, art of Kyrgyz traditional felt carpets Safeguarding 2012
Novruz, Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz, Nevruz Representative 2009 Azerbaijan, #Iran|Iran, #India|India, #Pakistan|Pakistan, #Turkey|Turkey and #Uzbekistan|Uzbekistan
Art of Akyns, Kyrgyz epic tellers Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Mak Yong theatre Representative 2008


Kazakh Eagle Hunters - Mongolian falconry Naadam - Riding during the Naadam festival Morin Khuur, South Mongolian Style - Morin Khuur, a Mongolian cello-like instrument

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #South Korea|South Korea, #France|France, #Morocco|Morocco, #Qatar|Qatar, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Spain|Spain and #Syria|Syria
Folk long song performance technique of Limbe performances - circular breathing Safeguarding 2011
Mongolian traditional art of Khöömei Representative 2010
Naadam, Mongolian traditional festival Representative 2010
Mongol Biyelgee, Mongolian traditional folk dance Safeguarding 2009
Mongol Tuuli, Mongolian epic Safeguarding 2009
Traditional music of the Tsuur Safeguarding 2009
Traditional music of the Morin Khuur Representative 2008
Urtiin Duu, traditional folk long song Representative 2008 China


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Al ‘azi, elegy, processional march and poetry Representative 2012
Al-Taghrooda, traditional Bedouin chanted poetry in the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman Representative 2010 United Arab Emirates
Al-Bar’ah, music and dance of Oman Dhofari valleys Representative 2010


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Novruz, Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz, Nevruz Representative 2009 Azerbaijan, #Iran|Iran, #India|India, #Kyrgyzstan|Kyrgyzstan, #Turkey|Turkey and #Uzbekistan|Uzbekistan


Gossip bethlehem women home - Palestinian hikaye

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Palestinian Hikaye Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Darangen epic of the Maranao people of Lake Lanao Representative 2008
Hudhud chants of the Ifugao Representative 2008


Falco cherrug Qatar - Falconry, Qatar

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #South Korea|South Korea, #France|France, #Morocco|Morocco, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Spain|Spain and #Syria|Syria

Saudi Arabia

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #South Korea|South Korea, #France|France, #Morocco|Morocco, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Qatar|Qatar, #Spain|Spain and #Syria|Syria

South Korea

Taekkyeon-taekkyon-01 - Taekkyon Cheoyongmu-1 - Cheoyongmu Korean.Dance-03 - Gangsullae Korea-Namsadang nori-01 - Namsadang Nori

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Arirang, lyrical folk song in the Republic of Korea Representative 2012
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #Qatar|Qatar, #France|France, #Morocco|Morocco, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Spain|Spain and #Syria|Syria
Jultagi, tightrope walking Representative 2011
Taekkyeon, a traditional Korean martial art Representative 2011
Weaving of Mosi (fine ramie) in the Hansan region Representative 2011
Daemokjang, traditional wooden architecture Representative 2010
Gagok, lyric song cycles accompanied by an orchestra Representative 2010
Cheoyongmu Representative 2009
Ganggangsullae Representative 2009
Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut Representative 2009
Namsadang Nori Representative 2009
Yeongsanjae Representative 2009
Gangneung Danoje festival Representative 2008
Pansori epic chant Representative 2008
Royal ancestral ritual in the Jongmyo shrine and its music Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #South Korea|South Korea, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Morocco|Morocco, #Qatar|Qatar, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Morocco|Morocco and #Spain|Spain


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Shashmaqom music Representative 2008 Uzbekistan

United Arab Emirates

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Al-Taghrooda, traditional Bedouin chanted poetry in the United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman Representative 2012 Oman
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 Syria, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #South Korea|South Korea, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Morocco|Morocco, #Qatar|Qatar, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Morocco|Morocco and #Spain|Spain
Al Sadu, traditional weaving skills in the United Arab Emirates Safeguarding 2011


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Katta Ashula Representative 2009
Novruz, Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz, Nevruz Representative 2009 Azerbaijan, #Iran|Iran, #India|India, #Kyrgyzstan|Kyrgyzstan, #Turkey|Turkey and #Pakistan|Pakistan
Cultural space of Boysun District Representative 2008
Shashmaqom music Representative 2008 Tajikistan


Ca trù - Ca trù]] Bộ cồng chiêng - Space of gong culture, gongs at a museum

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Worship of Hùng kings in Phú Thọ Representative 2012
Xoan singing of Phú Thọ Province, Viet Nam Safeguarding 2011
Gióng festival of Phù Ðông and Sóc temples Representative 2010
Ca trù singing Safeguarding 2009
Quan Họ Bắc Ninh folk songs Representative 2009
Nha Nhac, Vietnamese court music Representative 2008
Space of gong culture Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Song of Sana’a Representative 2008



A traditional male folk group from Skrapar - Albanian folk iso-polyphony

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Albanian folk iso-polyphony Representative 2008


Khatchkar at Goshavank Monastery in Armenia - Khatchkar at Goshavank monastery

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Armenian cross-stones art. Symbolism and craftsmanship of Khachkars Representative 2010
Duduk and its music Representative 2008
Performance of the Armenian epic of 'Daredevils of Sassoun' or 'David of Sassoun' Representative 2012


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 Shared with United Arab Emirates, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, South Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Syria
Schemenlaufen and the carnival of Imst, Austria Representative 2012


Azerbaijani ashiq at Eurovision 2012 - Azerbaijani ashiq

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Art of Azerbaijani Ashiq Representative 2009
Azerbaijani Mugham Representative 2008
Craftsmanship and performance art of the Tar, a long-necked string musical instrument Representative 2012
Novruz, Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz, Nevruz Representative 2009 Shared with India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan
Traditional art of Azerbaijani carpet weaving in the Republic of Azerbaijan Representative 2010


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Rite of the Kalyady Tsars (Christmas Tsars) Safeguarding 2009


Aalst Carnaval 2009 - Carnival in Aalst Procession of the Precious Blood of Isa ibn Maryam-The Blood 50 - Procession of the holy blood, Bruges

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Aalst carnival Representative 2010
Carnival of Binche Representative 2008
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 Shared with United Arab Emirates, Austria, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, South Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Syria
Houtem Jaarmarkt, annual winter fair and livestock market at Sint-Lievens-Houtem Representative 2010
Krakelingen and Tonnekensbrand, end-of-winter bread and fire feast at Geraardsbergen Representative 2010
Leuven age set ritual repertoire Representative 2010
Marches of Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse Representative 2010
Processional giants and dragons in Belgium and France Representative 2008 Shared with France
Procession of the Holy Blood in Bruges Representative 2009
Programme of cultivating ludodiversity: safeguarding traditional games in Flanders Best training 2011


Nestinar.bulgari - Nestinarstvo

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Bistritsa Babi, archaic polyphony, dances and rituals from the Shoplouk region Representative 2008
Nestinarstvo, messages from the past: the Panagyr of Saints Constantine and Helena in the village of Bulgari Representative 2009


Klapa Sagena koncert Križ nek ti sačuva ime Vatroslav Lisinski 7 rujna 2008 - Klapa Licitars2 - Gingerbread craft from northern Croatia Akar 1 - Sinjska Alka

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Klapa multipart singing of Dalmatia, southern Croatia Representative 2012
Bećarac singing and playing from Eastern Croatia Representative 2011
Nijemo Kolo, silent circle dance of the Dalmatian hinterland Representative 2011
Gingerbread craft from Northern Croatia Representative 2010
Ojkanje singing Safeguarding 2010
Sinjska Alka, a knights’ tournament in Sinj Representative 2010
Annual carnival bell ringers’ pageant from the Kastav area Representative 2009
Festivity of Saint Blaise and the patron of Dubrovnik Representative 2009
Lacemaking in Croatia Representative 2009
Procession Za Krizen (‘following the cross’) on the island of Hvar Representative 2009
Spring procession of Ljelje/Kraljice (queens) from Gorjani Representative 2009
Traditional manufacturing of children’s wooden toys in Hrvatsko Zagorje Representative 2009
Two-part singing and playing in the Istrian scale Representative 2009


Lefkara - embroideries, 2006 - Making of Lefkara laces

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Tsiattista poetic duelling Representative 2011
Lefkara laces or Lefkaritika Representative 2009

Czech Republic

Kunovice, jízda králů 2008 - Ride of the Kings

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 Shared with United Arab Emirates, Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary, South Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Syria
Ride of the Kings in the south-east of the Czech Republic Representative 2011
Shrovetide door-to-door processions and masks in the villages of the Hlinecko area Representative 2010
Slovácko Verbuňk, recruit dances Representative 2008


Seashore of Kihnu - Kihnu cultural space

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Seto Leelo, Seto polyphonic singing tradition Representative 2009
Baltic song and dance celebrations Representative 2008 Shared with Latvia and Lithuania
Kihnu cultural space Representative 2008


Nantes musée compagnonnique - The museum of compagnonnage, Nantes Aubusson - Fables de La Fontaine 1 - Aubusson tapestry Simangavol2 - Maloya, a music genre from Réunion

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #South Korea|South Korea, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Morocco|Morocco, #Qatar|Qatar, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Spain|Spain and #Syria|Syria
Fest-Noz, festive gathering based on the collective training of traditional dances of Brittany Representative 2012
Equitation in the French tradition Representative 2011
Compagnonnage, network for on-the-job transmission of knowledge and identities Representative 2010
Craftsmanship of Alençon needle lace-making Representative 2010
Gastronomic meal of the French Representative 2010
Aubusson tapestry Representative 2009
Cantu in paghjella, a secular and liturgical oral tradition of Corsica Safeguarding 2009
Maloya Representative 2009
Scribing tradition in French timber framing Representative 2009
Processional giants and dragons in Belgium and France Representative 2008 Belgium


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Georgian polyphonic singing Representative 2008


Greek Salad Choriatiki - Greek salad

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Mediterranean diet Representative 2010 Spain, #Italy|Italy and #Morocco|Morocco


Matyó szűrhímzés - Matyó emboidery Buso masks - Buso masks

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #France|France, #South Korea|South Korea, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Morocco|Morocco, #Qatar|Qatar, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Spain|Spain and #Syria|Syria
Folk art of the Matyó, embroidery of a traditional community Representative 2012
Táncház method: a Hungarian model for the transmission of intangible cultural legacy Best training 2011
Busó festivities at Mohács: masked end-of-winter carnival custom Representative 2009


Pupo siciliano-3 - Opera dei Pupi

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Traditional violin craftsmanship in Cremona Representative 2012
Mediterranean diet Representative 2010 Spain, #Greece|Greece and #Morocco|Morocco
Canto a tenore, Sardinian pastoral songs Representative 2008
Opera dei Pupi, Sicilian puppet theatre Representative 2008


Alsunga village - Suiti cultural space

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Suiti cultural space Safeguarding 2009
Baltic song and dance celebrations Representative 2008 Estonia and #Lithuania|Lithuania

Latvian Song festival 2008 - Latvian Song Festival, 2008


Gatakiemis - Cross-crafting and its symbolism

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Sutartinės, Lithuanian multipart songs Representative 2010
Baltic song and dance celebrations Representative 2008 Estonia and #Latvia|Latvia
Cross-crafting and its symbolism Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Hopping procession of Echternach Representative 2010


Mariza(3) - Fado

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Fado, urban popular song of Portugal Lisbon, Coimbra Representative 2011


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Craftsmanship of Horezu ceramics Representative 2012
Doina Representative 2009
Căluş ritual Representative 2008


Old Believers chapel - Cultural space and oral culture of the Semeiskie

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Cultural space and oral culture of the Semeiskie Representative 2008
Olonkho, Yakut heroic epos Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Fujara and its music Representative 2008


Villena falconry 4 - Falconry, Spain Flamenco moves and dancers' traditional costumes, Spain-2-2 - Flamenco

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Falconry, a living human legacy Representative 2012 United Arab Emirates, #Austria|Austria, #Czech Republic|Czech Republic, #Belgium|Belgium, #Hungary|Hungary, #South Korea|South Korea, #Mongolia|Mongolia, #Morocco|Morocco, #Qatar|Qatar, #Saudi Arabia|Saudi Arabia, #Morocco|Morocco and #Syria|Syria
Fiesta of the patios in Cordova Representative 2012
Festivity of ‘la Mare de Déu de la Salut’ of Algemesí Representative 2011
Revitalization of the traditional craftsmanship of lime-making in Morón de la Frontera, Seville, Andalusia Best training 2011
Chant of the Sybil on Majorca Representative 2010
Flamenco Representative 2010
Human towers Catalonia Representative 2010
Mediterranean diet Representative 2010 Greece, #Italy|Italy and #Morocco|Morocco
Centre for traditional culture – school museum of Pusol pedagogic project Best training 2009
Irrigators’ tribunals of the Spanish Mediterranean coast: the Council of Wise Men of the plain of Murcia and the Water Tribunal of the plain of Valencia Representative 2009
Whistled language of the island of La Gomera (Canary Islands) and the Silbo Gomero La Gomera Representative 2009
Mystery play of Elche Elche Representative 2008
Patum of Berga Representative 2008


Mesir paste of Manisa - Mesir Macunu Whirling Dervishes 2 - Mevlevi Sema ceremony

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Mesir Macunu festival Manisa Representative 2012
Ceremonial Keşkek tradition Representative 2011
Kırkpınar oil wrestling festival Edirne Representative 2010
Semah, Alevi-Bektaşi ritual The Alevi ceremonies in rural locations are often not open to public. In the large cities, it is best to check out the cem evis, which double as houses of worship and cultural centres for the Alevis, if you can partake. In August, an annual and open-to-all semah is held in the Central Anatolian town of Hacıbektaş and the site of the shrine of Hacı Bektaş Veli, a major Alevi/Bektaşi saint. Representative 2010
Traditional Sohbet meetings Representative 2010
Âşıklık (minstrelsy) tradition Representative 2009
Karagöz Representative 2009
Novruz, Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz, Nevruz Representative 2009 Azerbaijan, #Iran|Iran, #Kyrgyzstan|Kyrgyzstan, #Pakistan|Pakistan, #India|India and #Uzbekistan|Uzbekistan
Arts of the Meddah, public storytellers Representative 2008
Mevlevi Sema ceremony The dervish lodges, mevlevihanes, across the nation regularly hold Semas. The largest ceremony is annually held in Konya, where Rumi lived and taught, on the night of Şeb-i Arus ("the wedding night", Dec 17), to commemorate the death of Rumi, or according to the Sufi view, his reunion with the God. The weekly ceremonies held in the Istanbul/Galata|Galata Dervish Lodge in Istanbul may provide an easier rendezvous. Representative 2008

North America


Garifuna Umalali - Language, dance and music of the Garifuna

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Language, dance and music of the Garifuna Representative 2008 Shared with Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua

Costa Rica

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Oxherding and oxcart traditions in Costa Rica Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
La Tumba Francesa Representative 2008

Dominican Republic

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Cocolo dance drama tradition Representative 2008
Cultural space of the Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit of the Congos of Villa Mella Representative 2008


Rabinal Alii Ajaw - Xylophone band performing at a Rabinal Achí event

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Language, dance and music of the Garifuna Representative 2008 Belize, #Honduras|Honduras and #Nicaragua|Nicaragua
Rabinal Achí dance drama tradition Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Language, dance and music of the Garifuna Representative 2008 Belize, #Guatemala|Guatemala and #Nicaragua|Nicaragua


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Maroon legacy of Moore Town Representative 2008


Guadalajara mariachis - Mariachi MegaOfrendaUnam "Llorona" - Day of the Dead

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Xtaxkgakget Makgkaxtlawana: the Centre for Indigenous Arts and its contribution to safeguarding the intangible cultural legacy of the Totonac people of Veracruz, Mexico Best training 2012
Mariachi, string music, song and trumpet Representative 2011
Parachicos in the traditional January feast of Chiapa de Corzo Representative 2010
Pirekua, traditional song of the P’urhépecha Representative 2010
Traditional Mexican cuisine - ancestral, ongoing community culture and the Michoacán paradigm Representative 2010
Places of memory and living traditions of the Otomí-Chichimecas people of Tolimán: the Peña de Bernal, guardian of a sacred territory Representative 2009
Ritual ceremony of the Voladores Representative 2009
Indigenous festivity dedicated to the dead Representative 2008


El Güegüense - El Güegüense

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
El Güegüense Representative 2008
Language, dance and music of the Garifuna Representative 2008 Belize, #Guatemala|Guatemala and #Honduras|Honduras



Lakalaka - Lakalaka

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Lakalaka, dances and sung speeches of Tonga Representative 2008


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Vanuatu sand drawings Representative 2008

South America


Tango-Show-Buenos-Aires-01 - Tango

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Tango Representative 2009 Shared with Uruguay


Diablada oruro fraternidad - Carvnival of Oruro

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Andean cosmovision of the Kallawaya Representative 2008
Carnival of Oruro Representative 2008
Ichapekene Piesta and the biggest festival of San Ignacio de Moxos Representative 2012
Safeguarding intangible cultural legacy of Aymara communities in Bolivia, Chile and Peru Best training 2009 Shared with Chile and Peru


Enawene-nawe 1257a - Yaowka

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Call for projects of the National Programme of Intangible Heritage Best training 2011
Fandango's Living Museum Best training 2011
Frevo, performing arts of the Carnival of Recife Representative 2012
Oral and graphic expressions of the Wajapi Representative 2008
Samba de Roda of the Recôncavo of Bahia Representative 2008
Yaokwa and the Enawene Nawe people's ritual for the maintenance of social and cosmic order Safeguarding 2011


Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Safeguarding intangible cultural legacy of Aymara communities in Bolivia, Chile and Peru Best training 2009 Shared with Bolivia and Peru


Marimba tlaquepaque - Marimba music Pasto 20060106 001 - Carneval de Negros y Blancos

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Festival of Saint Francis of Assisi, Quibdó Representative 2012
Traditional knowledge of the jaguar shamans of Yuruparí Representative 2011
Marimba music and traditional chants from Colombia’s South Pacific region Representative 2010
Wayuu normative system, applied by the Pütchipü’üi (palabrero) Representative 2010
Carnaval de Negros y Blancos Representative 2009
Holy Week processions in Popayán Representative 2009
Carnival of Barranquilla Representative 2008
Cultural space of Palenque de San Basilio Representative 2008


Panama hat - Toquilla straw hat, aka Panama hat

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Traditional weaving of the Ecuadorian toquilla straw hat Representative 2012
Oral legacy and cultural manifestations of the Zápara people Representative 2008 Shared with Peru


Qoyllur R'Iti Shrine by night - Shrine of the Lord, Qoyllurit'i

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Eshuva, Harákmbut sung prayers of Peru’s Huachipaire people Safeguarding 2011
Pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Lord of Qoyllurit’i Representative 2011
Huaconada, ritual dance of Mito Representative 2010
Scissors dance Representative 2010
Safeguarding intangible cultural legacy of Aymara communities in Bolivia, Chile and Peru Best training 2009 Bolivia and #Chile|Chile
Oral legacy and cultural manifestations of the Zápara people Representative 2008 Ecuador
Taquile and its textile art Representative 2008


Candombe Montevideo Uruguay - Candombe music performance

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Candombe and its socio-cultural space: a community training Representative 2009
Tango Representative 2009 Argentina


Dancing Devils of Yare Mask from Venezuela - Dancing devils of Yare mask

Official name Location(s) List Year inscribed Notes
Venezuela's Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi Representative 2012