Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

From Halal Explorer

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Altai Tavan Bogd National Park (Mongolian: Алтай Таван богд байгалийн цогцолбор газар) is located on the westernmost point of Mongolia in Bayan-Ulgii|Bayan-Ulgii Province. This vast mountainous park borders China and Russia with views of Kazakhstan from the highest peak in Mongolia. Tavan Bogd Mountains - Tavan Bogd Mountains and glaciers.


The snow-capped Kuiten Uul mountain, 4374 m (14,201 ft), is the highest of the five peaks of Tavan Bogd Mountains (literally '5 Saints') that gives the park its name. It covers an area of 630,000 ha and is home to three large freshwater lakes and 34 glaciers, plus several waterfalls. The largest, Pontuninii Glacier, covers 23 km2. Tavan Bogd Mountains are considered sacred to local Kazakhs, Tuvans and Mongolians. The park stretches from Russia along the Chinese border, following the Altai Mountain Range that divides China, Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, for over 200 km. Ancient tribes have left many artifacts, using the region for religious ceremonies. Today, tens of thousands of petroglyphs in the park are part of a World Heritage Site. In addition there are numerous Turkic Stone Men and stone burial mounds.

The busy season is from June to October when temperatures are warmer, snow has melted and tour camps and shuttles are operating. The busiest time is August and September when the weather is best for mountain climbing. Also around the eagle festivals when tourist add a trip to the nationside. Though the park is still accessible year round with activities like snow skiing and eagle hunting during the cold winter months.


The Altai Mountains have been inhabited for around 12,000 years. The oldest images in the park are from 11,000 to 6,000 BC with hunting large mammals and ancient cultures. Thousands of years of petroglyphs show the transition from hunter-gatherer to pastoralism and later to the current semi-nomadic that developed over the last 3,000 to 4,000 years. Around 4,000 years ago and the use of horses and domestication of animals led to the rise of the Blue Turks (whose language is the root of Kazakh and Turkish). These successful warriors left upright carved stone statues known as Turkic Stone Men spread over the Altai Mountains.

Later in 700 BC, a group of horse-riding warrior nomads known as the Scythians starting from the Altai Mountains to conquer a region stretching to the Black Sea. They faded after being defeated by Alexander the Great in modern day Turkmenistan in 329 BC, but not before leaving many stone burial mounds in the Altai. These mounds, or Khirigsuur, were designed to preserve bodies in frozen ground with horses, weapons, armor and food for the afterlife. On such mound was discovered to contain a Scythian warrior in full battle regalia in a 2005 research expedition. In 100 AD and the Huns migrated through the region from the steppes of Mongolia to wreak havoc on Europe around 400 AD. Around this same time, reindeer herding tribes from Siberia, called Tuvans, began expanding south into the mountains.

The mountains and much of the surrounding region including the early Silk Road to the south fell under control of Turkic-Uighur Khannate (kingdom) after 600 AD until Genghis Khan conquered it along with most of Asia from 1260. The Uighurs and Turks were incorporated into the army of the Khan. After Genghis death and the empire was divided between his sons, with the Altai forming the border between the Golden Horde (Russia), Chagatai Khan (Central Asia) and Yuan Dynasty (China). The region changed hands several times due to infighting and dividing territories the Mongol Empire declined. The region fell under control of the Yuan Dynasty until they declined in 1370. The region was then ruled by independent Oirat Mongol tribes until conquered by the Qing Dynasty in 18th century.

Between 1840s and 1940s, many Kazakhs moved into the Altai mountains to escape persecution and domination by Russians and later Soviets and Chinese Communists. Mongolia became a satellite state of the USSR after a long bloody civil war from 1911 to 1924. For the next 70 years, Tavan Bogd was an isolated border zone closed to all but a few ignored Kazakh herders and army patrols.

Landscape=== Pontuninii Glacier - Pontuninii GlacierHorgan Lake - Horgan Lake in Tavan Bogd National Park

Altai Tavan Bogd has some of the most stunning scenery in all of Mongolia with towering white mountains, glaciers, deep lush valleys and large lakes. The park is divided into 2 regions and the Tavan Bogd Mountains in the northwest and the Lakes Region to the southeast. The park stretches along the Chinese border from the Russian border to 200 km south following the Altai Mountains, which form the borders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Glacial melt and annual snow fall supplies 3 large lakes inside the park that form the head waters of the Hovd River.

Tavan Bogd Mountains are the highest mountains in Mongolia, with Khuiten Uul ('Cold Peak') at 4374 m (14,201 ft) being the highest. These permanently snow capped mountains form a bowl around the Pontuninii Glacier, which covers 23 square km. The other peaks are Nairamdal ('Friendship', 4180 m), Malchin ('herder', 4050 m), Bürged ('Eagle', 4068 m) and Olgii ('Cradle', 4050 m). From the peak of Kuiten Uul, it is feasible to see Kazakhstan 30 km away on a clear day. Khuiten Uul was renamed Ikh Mongol ('Great Mongol') by President Enkhbayar when he climbed it in 2006, though thit is widely ignored and possibly reversed by the new government. There is still a monument at the base commemorating the accomplishment.

Lakes Region is a beautiful area surrounding 3 large fresh water lakes. Khurgan Nuur and Khoten Nuur are attached by a small channel with a many small creeks flowing into the lakes from surrounding mountains. Two of these creeks form waterfalls of 7 to 10 m in height. A small bridge crosses the channel. These lakes are full of fish and many species of bird. Dayan Nuur is a smaller lake 20 km south of the 2 larger lakes. Shiveed Khairkhan Mountain near the lakes has Argali Sheep living near its peak.

Flora and fauna

The national park, being one of the most isolated places in Mongolia, is home to many large mammals, majestic birds, several prized species of fish, plus countless wildflowers, grasslands and larch forests. During the spring and the snow melts, valleys turn green and millions of migratory crane, gulls, hawks and other birds crowd the many lakes.

The numerous varieties of wildflowers and flowering bushes, many endemic to the Altai Mountains, attract tourists from around the world. Due to the dry climate, most are small, colorful flowers on bushes. The blue aromatic flowers of the Caryopteris, or Blue Mist, is the most common. Other common flowers are the EdelWeiss, a white star-shaped flower and the Geranium, a mountain flower found in many different colors. There are 974 plant species, of which 60 are found no where else, in the Altai Mountain range. These include 26 species of orchids and 35 ferns. The region is noted for its mainly diverse range of colors of lichen and moss. Rare species of plants include Isoetus lacustris, Brunnera siberica, Erythronium sibiricum and 2 species of monkshood. Flowers are best in the mountains while forests grow on the northern faces of mountains (due to most moisture being from Siberia). River valleys are green during summer.

The fauna of the park is noted for its many large animals, including the largest wild sheep, fastest falcon and largest eagle in the wild. The number of large mammals has made it popular with hunters for millennia with gray wolves, brown bears, Beech marten, marmots, red deer and the Corsac fox still being common today. While the mammoth, ostriches and rhinoceros (visible on older petroglyphs) have long since gone extinct at least locally, many rare and endangered species still live inside the park. These include the Argali sheep the largest wild sheep in the world, with curled horns of a male weighing over 20 kg and the Ibex, with large backward curved horns, which both live on mountain peaks in pockets throughout the region. Before hunting was banned, people would pay over US$40,000 to kill one of the Altai subspecies of Argali. The snow leopard and lynx are believed to be inside the park, but are so rare and elusive and their tracks are seldom ever seen.

The large predatory birds of the Altai is among its most stunning features. The Golden Eagle, with its 8 ft wingspan, is impressive already before being pressed into hunting at command by local nomads. Several species of falcon are found in the Altai including the highly prized saker, peregrine, gyrfalcon and Altai falcons (possibly a hybrid of gyr and saker). The Cinereous vulture can be as tall as a man, has 10 ft wingspan and can eat full grown livestock. Another impressive bird and the Eurasian Eagle Owl and the snowcock are year-round residents. Many migratory birds pass through each spring and fall on transit between Siberia and Southeast Asia. The Eurasian spoonbill, relict gull, Black Kite hawk and 6 of the 15 species of crane in the world.

Culture & Tradition of Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

The people living inside the park are one of the main draws. Kazakhs and Tuvan nomadic herders live inside the park and visiting them is part of most tours. The Kazakhs are the most numerous and the ones that do eagle hunting. They are known for their colorful large ger with rich embroidered wall hangings and their warm hospitality. Tuvans occupy the Tsagaan Gol valley and have different clothes, food and language than Mongols. Tuvan men sing deep eerie long-songs using throat-singing, though very few Tuvans in thit isolated pocket have mastered the art. Kazakhs live around the lake, as well as Tsagaan Salaa and Takhiltyn Havtsal (and most of the rest of the park). Those living inside the park have retained their traditional culture to a greater degree than probably any Kazakh in Central Asia. They have preserved their arts and music and have trainingd the ancient sport of eagle hunting continuously throughout the Soviet perioid when it was suppressed elsewhere. Many inside the park have never lived anywhere else and can't even speak Mongolian and the national language.

Weather in Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

In the park region there would be snow until end of May.

Rainy season is from mid of July to mid-August. Average temperature in Summer: Day: 16-25°C, Night: 7-13°C

Get in

Altai Tavan Bogd is 180 kilometers from the provincial capital of Ölgii. You will have to start in the city unless you are going with a tour operator that gets the permits in advance. It will take 7 hours with stops (5 hours non-stop) due to the rough, non-existent roads, high mountain passes and lack of bridges, though a very scenic drive. Most visitors to the park go as part of a tour group or with a guide, though plenty go without one. A trip to the park should be at least 5 days, 7 to visit the mountains and glacier.

Travel by vehicle to Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

Altai tavan bogd national park region map.svg|Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

You can hire a Russian jeep or microbus and driver to reach the park from Ölgii, where the National Park Headquarters is located. Usually drivers gather at the Bazaar to find clients, just look for a jeep with "Tourist" posted on the window. Tour guides, hotels and the Visitor Center can help you with arranging a ride and get cheaper rates and better drivers (some drivers will drink vodka on the trip). If driving there yourself, ask a guide to draw you a route as paths will change and some rivers are passable only part of the year.

By shuttle

Two tour companies offer shuttle services to either the Tavan Bogd North Ranger Station, which is 20 kilometers from the Tavan Bogd Mountains Base Camp, or the Syrgil Rangers Station between the 2 lakes. These are offered during the busy season from June to October.

  • Blue Wolf Travel provides transfers to the Tavan Bogd on Wednesdays and Sundays and from the park on Mondays and Fridays. The shuttle to Tsambagarav is on Wednesday and Saturday and from the park on Wednesday and Sunday.
  • Kazakh Tour has shuttles to the both sides of the park each Sunday and the Tavan Bogd Mountains North Ranger Station (the northern of the 2 valleys leading to the mountain) and the bridge between Khoton and Khurgan Lakes (hiking or horse ride between these two places is a popular trek). The van is $214 divided by each passenger (up to 8). Shuttle begins on June 22.

On Foot

It is feasible to hike, ride a horse, or mountain bike to the park from Ölgii or a nearby village. There are few restrictions when traveling across Mongolia, except for river crossings. If going from Ölgii, make sure to pack plenty of food, as village shops will have limited selection. Also make sure to consult with tour guides about which routes are best and issue you may face, mainly about river crossings and mountain passes. You can rent horses in Ölgii and possibly in the villages with the help of a guide. Mountain bikes are available in the city as part of tour packages.

Fees and permits for Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

There are two permits required to enter the park, a park permit and a border permit. The Park Permit is available at the Visitor Information Center in Ölgii or at one of the Park Ranger Stations near Tavan Bogd Mountains and on the Hovd River south of Tsengel (on the way to the lakes). Each person should have one, which is 3000 ₮ for Foreign Muslims and 1500 ₮ for Mongolians. All visitors must go to a Ranger Station upon entering the park. There are 2 near Tavan Bogd in each of the 2 valleys approaching the mountain, plus an additional one in Syrgil between the lakes (after the Hovd River Ranger Station).

The border permits are required for going within 100 km of an international border of Mongolia. Permits for the Chinese border zone are available at the Border Patrol Office in Ölgii (near the river, 1 km west of the bridge). Permits for the Russian border are only available in Tsaagannuur village, near the Russian border crossing and 70 km north of Ölgii. The Russian border permit is required if going north of Pontuninii Glacier and to Khuiten Uul Mountain. It may also be required if rivers near Tsengel are too high to cross and require taking a northern route to the mountains. The Russian permit is not required if you enter the park near the lakes. It will be best to take a local along when going to the border patrol, as they don't always like talking to people they can't understand (i.e. don't speak Mongolian or Russian). Permits are 3000 ₮ per group. If you plan to enter with one group and then separate in the park, get multiple permits. Anyone without a border permit with be driven back to Ölgii by the army at their expense plus a large fine. Also when entering from the lakes side, you will need to check in at the patrol station in Syrgil or one of the other stations near the lakes. There are 6 bases near the lakes and further south.

Altai Petroglyph - Petroglyph at Tsagaan SalaaTurkic stone man - Turkic Stone man

Fishing permits are available from June 15 to April 15. They are available at the Nature Protection Office next to Khaan Bank (XAAH БAHK) on the square in Ölgii, or the village government in Tsengel. Permits are 3500T and good for the entire trip, however you may not need a permit if fly fishing and keeping only enough for a meal (though you should consult a guide for appropriate limits).

Halal Sightseeing Tips

Spectacular scenery, countless archeological sites and nomadic families sharing the same space means that there is much to see in all areas of the park. From the Tavan Bogd Mountains, that give the park its name, to the large glacial lakes to the south, each area of the park has a unique appeal including 3 areas comprising a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Throughout the park are foxes, wolves, eagles, falcons and more common animals. The more endangered animals are found only in small pockets of the park.Waterfall in Tavan Bogd - Waterfall in Tavan Bogd

  • Tavan Bogd Mountain | 49.16233,87.83569 At the point where China, Russia and Mongolia meet, about 20 kilometers west of the ranger station. - The mountains present a stunning view, with a 2,000 m massif and snow covered peaks. Below the peak is the 23 km² Potuniin Glacier and many more smaller glaciers and peaks. The Tavan Bogd Base Camp at the base of Potuniin Glacier is occupied most of the summer with tourists and guides. Not many Muslim live in close vicinity of the mountains, though they do live in the valleys leading to the mountains such as Tsagaan Gol. Near the ranger stations in nearby Tsagaan Gol and Tsagaan Salaa will be local families with horses to rent.
  • Lakes Region | 48.60107,88.44406 South of the Tavan Bogd Mts, near the Chinese border, head south from Tsengel village along the Hovd River The twin lakes of Khoton Nuur and Khurgan Nuur and nearby Dayan Nuur has most of the people and archeology of the park, as well as the greenest scenery. Kazakh nomads live on the shores of the lakes during the summer. Many of these families hunt with eagles during the winter and enjoy showing off their eagles to friends and tourists during the summer. Plenty of evidence of past civilizations can also be seen near the lakes with Turkic Stone Men, petroglyphs and large stone burial mounds called khirigsuur. To the south of the lakes is forests with bears and red deer. Southwest of the lakes, two of the streams have waterfalls of 7 to 10 m in height. Khoton Nuur and Khurgan Nuur are connected by a narrow channel crossed by a bridge. At this crossing is a ranger station, border patrol base, a small shop and a few homes. Some of the families here rent horses for trekking and provide room and board to tourists.
  • Takhiltyn Havtsal | 48.75431,88.14537 Northwest of the lakes, southeast of the Tavan Bogd Mts - River flows from the main mountain passes south of Tavan Bogd Mountains into Khoton Nuur and then Kurgan Nuur and the Hovd River. This forested valley has an abundance of wildlife and various monuments. The part nearest the lakes is referred to as Aral Tolgoi or Island Hill in the UNESCO World Heritage Site documents and has petroglyphs, standing stones and stone burial mounds. On Dongoroh Mountain and other mountains surrounding the valley are endangered Argali sheep and Ibex. A wide green valley to the south going has the Ak Suu thermal spas (Muslim Friendly) (or more correctly 'warm' springs). The mountain range to the south and west of this valley is the border with China.
  • Tsagaan Gol - White River | 49.10348,88.15773 Head west from Tsengel, leads straight to Tavan Bogd. The White River is the main valley flowing from the Tavan Bogd Mountains to Tsengel village and the center section of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Depending on water levels, this may be the valley you take to get to Tavan Bogd. There is a ranger station in the valley after you pass the Shveet Khairkhan Mountain, which is a popular and relatively place to climb at 3320 meters. It overlooks the valley below with its large mass of petroglyphs, Turkic stone men and khirigsuur. The inhabitants of the valley are Tuvan, a Mongol tribe famous for their throat singing and unique arts.
  • Tsagaan Salaa - White Valley | 49.1785,88.20785 North of Tavan Bogd Mts along the Russian border - White Valley is also called Baga Oigor, lies at the northern edge of the park close to the Russian border and is the largest concentration of petroglyphs, stone men and burial mounds in all of Central Asia. There are over 10,000 petroglyphs in a 15-km stretch of the valley. Kazakh families live in this valley.
  • Shiveet Khairkhan Mountain About 10,000 petroglyphs and number of ancient human statues/stone man/ are close to Shiveet Khairkhan Mountain which show us the thousands years of ancient tribal history and culture dated back from Neolith to Bronze age and the meaning and expressiveness of this rock art might be transition from ancient hunters, warriors and societies to livestock breeding and the beginning of the classic nomadism in Mongolia.

Top Must Do Travel Tips to Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

There are plenty of reasons why Tavan Bogd is the most visited National Park in Western Mongolia. The park has many different activities that allow for an exciting and varied travel experience within the park. Most people trek between the lakes and the mountains, climb the shortest of the 5 Saints and visit local nomadic Kazakh and Tuvan families. More adventurous tourists will climb the highest of the mountains, raft down the river and skiing down the mountains. Kazakh woman serving tea - Kazakh woman in a ger

Cultural experiences

Visiting nomadic families inside the part is an obligatory part of any visit to the park and is feasible both summer and winter. Even if you have visited families elsewhere in Mongolia, it is worth seeing Kazakh and Tuvan families. You can stop by for milky tea or a meal while on a trek, or stay the night. Some of the Kazakhs are eagle hunters and you can ask to hold the eagles or watch their training during the summer months. Or you can watch the daily routine of a real nomad of herding animals, milking goats and horses, gathering dung, cooking and cleaning. Depending on time of year, you get to see them move camp (which takes a day to break, move and set up camp). The generous hospitality of local residents has long been a draw to the park, though you should be prepared to give gifts of money or household goods. They are hosting tourists throughout the summer so they can't be too generous. Both Kazakhs and Tuvans speak different languages, that most Mongol tour guides don't understand.

Summer activities

  • Trekking , Anywhere in the park. It is both an enjoyable way to experience the beauty of the Altai mountains and a necessary way to get from one side of the park to the other. Most people hike or ride horses, though camels and mountain bikes are sometimes used. The river valley between the 2 sides of the park is part of a World Heritage Site and has thousands of petroglyphs. While the south side of the lake has several Turkic Stone men and waterfalls to see.Rates per day are 15,000 ₮ for a horse and 20,000 ₮ for a camel, plus 15,000 ₮ for a caretaker for each group. Mountain bikes are only available locally as part of a tour (offered by Altai Expeditions).

Fishing in Mongolia - Fishing on Hoten Lake

  • Fishing , - Opening Hours: June 15 to April 15 Permit is 3500T Fishing inside the park is great with 5 species of fish, some only found in the Gulf countriesern Mongolian Basin, a captive water system that flows into the saltwater Uvs Lake. The lakes and rivers contain Taimen, Lenok Trout, Osman, Grayling and Pike. Fly fishing during the summer is a attracts sportsmen from all over the world during the summer, while ice fishing is popular among local residents during the winter. Fishing inside the park is permitted from June 15 to April 15. The Taimen or "River Wolf" is the most prized of the fish, being a large, aggressive salmonoid weighing up to 30 kg (66 lb), over a meter long. There is a legend in Mongolia of a large Taimen crawling onto land and eating livestock and people. Lenok Trout is a smaller fish living in cold running water that weighs up to 15 kg (33 lb) and is the favorite catch of local residents. Though they are hard to catch in late summer when they migrate to lake bottoms. Osman is a carp only found in the Uvs Lake drainage area, weighs up to 10 kg. The Arctic Graylings are common to Siberia, while Pike are found all over east Asia. You can rent high quality fly fishing gear from any of the tour companies that all offer fishing tours. Or if you are feeling adventurous, try ice fishing. It is feasible to catch over 100 Lenok Trout in a day during the winter.
  • Rafting , On the Hovd or Tsagaan Rivers - Opening Hours: Ice free from June to September. Rafting is provided by several of the local tour guides, many with professional river guides on staff. The Hovd River inside the park is rated expert with many large rapids. Once outside of the park and the river is calmer and you can raft all the way back to Ölgii. The Hovd River is dependent on snow and glacier melt. Water levels are highest in May and June once the ice clears. Typically rafting is offered as part of a larger tour with trekking and mountain climbing. While on the river, a van will follow near the river to prepare camp each night.

Altai Nomad's Festival - Altai Nomad's Festival

  • Mountain Climbing , - Opening Hours: Best time is July and August Climbing is among the biggest draws to the park. The highest peaks of Tavan Bogd attract expert climbers, though lower peaks can be hiked by novices without special equipment. Khuiten Uul ('Cold Peak') at 4374 m (14,201 ft), Nairamdal Uul ('Friendship Peak') at 4,180 m ( 13,714 ft) and Bürged Uul ('Eagle Peak') at 4068 m (13,207 ft) all require ice axes, crampons and ropes. While Malchin Uul 4050 m (13,150 ft) can be hiked. The base of the mountains is 2342 m (7,600 ft). The best time to climb is from July to early September when temperature is highest and most snow has melted at lower elevations (all peaks have permanent snow covered peaks). The peaks can be climbed any time of year, though it becomes more difficult the further from August you go. Only experienced climbers should go during winter with the help of a local expert to get to the mountains. There are several smaller peaks of over 3,500 m inside the park as you go south from Tavan Bogd that can be climbed also.
  • Altai Nomad's Festival , - Opening Hours: July 21st and 22nd The event costs US$30 to attend in addition to transportation and park permits. The festival inside the park near the 2 lakes is a small celebration of Kazakh culture and horse games. The event is put on by local nomadic herders living inside the park. There are gers to stay in and food and crafts sold by local craftsmen
  • Photography. Mongolia is the destination offering endless travel experience.  Immerse yourself in the heartland of uniquely captivating images. Untouched virgin landscape, snow-capped mountain ranges, glaciers, big lakes, rivers, wild life, multi ethnic diversity and famous Golden Eagle Festival! This festival is one of the traditional cultural legacy and all visitors can experience while travelling in Mongolia.  The Eagle Festival is held during the first weekend in October, run by the Mongolian Eagle Hunter's Association.​ During the two days festival you have the chance to get thousands of amazing images of trained Eagles. Mongol Altai mountains – country’s largest and highest mountain range with glacier topped peaks over 3000 meters, crystal clean mountain rivers and glistening streams where inhabit world’s largest wild sheep -argali, ibex, snow leopard, wolves, eagles and many other bird species.

Winter activities

Kazakh Eagle Hunter - Kazakh Eagle Hunter

  • Eagle Hunting , - Opening Hours: Actual hunting is only during winter, visits feasible year round. Cash or gifts are often expected. Eagle hunting in the Altai mountains of Bayan-Ölgii is a truly unique spectacle. Horse-mounted Kazakh nomads in the dead of winter armed with only an eagle, a 30-lb bird with 8-ft wingspan and deadly, powerful talons, head out into mountains to find foxes, hares and sometimes even wolves. After successfully spotting the desired target and the hunter removes a hood, waits for the eagle to see the prey and releases it. A minutes later and the hunter will pull the eagle off the victim and retrieve the pelt, to later be turned into a hat or coat to protect against the bitter cold. Though not always successful and the best hunters can kill over 50 Corsac foxes and numerous hares in a winter. Though other places in Central Asia, Kazakhs or Kyrgyz have trained eagles for hunting, most are not capable of actually catching live prey. The Kazakh eagle hunters in Mongolia are an except thanks to luck of history. Being part of Mongolia instead China or Soviet Union meant the region was less developed and traditional culture was not suppressed. Today film crews and journalists travel to this remote region each winter to witness a live hunt. A few adventurous, warm-blooded tourists experience a successful hunt each year also, that only takes place during the winter months when it is easy to spot fox tracks and its fur is thick and soft. There are 250 eagle hunters in Bayan-Ölgii (the vast majority of the world's eagle hunters), with most living in or near Altai Tavan Bogd National Park.
  • Skiing , - Opening Hours: Usually in April and May when fresh deep snow falls on Tavan Bogd Mountains Included in tour packagesThit is organized by local tour operators. Skiing is on the mountain and Potaniin Glacier. One plus for skiing the mountains is that all 5 peaks form a bowl around the glacier, which leads to the base camp. One can ski all the way from Huiten Peak and the highest peak, all the way to the base camp. Thit is back-country skiing. You should be both an experienced mountain climber and advanced skier. From the Ranger station, skiers will have to ride horses and camels to the base camp of the mountains and then climb up and ski down. At night, you sleep in a tent at the base camp.

Tour guides

There is not a lot of infrastructure in Mongolia in general and Bayan-Ölgii mainly. There are no paved roads or many places to stay or eat or even buy food outside of the provincial capital. The park is completely pristine, without even border fences between Russia and China. Therefore, most visitors use one of the several eHalal Tour Groups located in Ölgii for transportation, camping equipment, food and guides. The largest companies offer unguided tour options to the main National Parks with only transportation and supplies, but no guide, cook, or other services, while other activities like mountain climbing, whitewater rafting, or going with an eagle hunter on a hunt will require a guide for most people. Ayan Travel - Ayan Travel Mongolia - toursmongolia Suite14, Building 69, 4th khoroo, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 47.91515,106.90510 In the south west of State Department store, near the Zay Hostel #2. ☎ +976 70109696 Opening Hours: 09:00-18:00 $ Hiking, trekking and photography tours in Western Mongolia. Offers all inclusive packages to custom-made tours Mongolia.

  • Altai Tour | , Office at Social Insurance building, opposite to Police station ☎ +976 9942 5987, +976 9941 0692 +976 7042 2815 Opening Hours: All year Altai Tour was the first tour operator established in Western Mongolia. They provide tours all around Western Mongolia including trekking, hiking, horse riding, jeep tours, rafting, mountain climbing and eagle hunting. Golden Eagle Festival is organized annually with the support of Altai Tour.
  • Altai Expeditions - , Office at their guesthouse 500 m south of square ☎ +976 9942 7003 Opening Hours: All year They provides fishing, bird watching, mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding, jeep, hiking, whitewater rafting and mountain climbing. The owner, Bekbolat, is an expert mountain climber and whitewater rafting guide. They operate a ger camp, guesthouse and restaurant in Ölgii.
  • Bear Valley Adventures - ako_s2001@ ☎ +976 9942 6311, +976 9966 2324 Opening Hours: All year

Has tour packages that offer cultural experiences, trekking, hiking, horseback-riding, fishing, cycling, kayaking and mountain climbing. The owner, Akhmaral, has been a guide for many years. They have a ger camp and restaurant in Ölgii.

  • Blue Wolf Travel - , Office at their ger camp 500 m south of square ☎ +976 9493 4994 Opening Hours: All year They are a large tour operator in Bayan-Ölgii, with ger camps in Sagsai and Ölgii, scheduled shuttle services to Tavan Bogd and Tsambagarav National Parks, tours in Russia, China and Kazakhstan Altai regions, a wide selection of tours including unguided tours and the only snow skiing trips in Western Mongolia.
  • Explore Altai - explorealtai , Office at their guesthouse 300 m south of theater ☎ +976 9906 3539, +976 9815 3539 Opening Hours: All year Explore Altai was founded in 2010 by two brothers, Jagaa and Bulgaa, native sons to Western Mongolia’s Altai Mountains. Raised as nomadic herders the boys roamed throughout the Altai Nuruu, following their herds and forming a close bond with the land. After the transition from communism starting in 1990, both Jagaa and Bulgaa became tourist guides and pursued higher education in Mongolia’s nascent tourism industry. Bulgaa is a Geography Lecturer at the National University in Ulaanbaatar and Jagaa is Director of Ethnic History in Mongolia’s mountainous Western province of Bayan-Olgii.
  • Kazakh Tours , Office is located in the Central Plaza directly across from BU Palace. ☎ +976 9942 2006 Opening Hours: All year They offers a broad selection of tour packages and services, including scheduled shuttle services to Tavan Bogd and unguided tours. Their tours have many exciting activities such as fishing, bird watching, eagle hunting, mountain climbing and whitewater rafting.
  • Western Mongolia Tour LLC , At the 3rd floor of Dinar Super market. Operator's name is Baldyrgan ☎ +976-8555-0666 Opening Hours: All year They are a full service travel management company that can provide clients with all camping equipment and serve them by guiding, driving and cooking while you will do tours in the Altai Mountains area.
  • Western Altai Tours , 5 toot,1/25 building, 11-r Bag, Burged, Bayan-Ulgii Operator's name is Taskhyn ☎ +976 95773443 Opening Hours: All year - Provides full service trekking, jeep tours, drivers, camping, cooking, et al., with either prepared packages or custom-designed experiences. The owner, Taskhyn Khalamkhan, has worked as a guide for 7 years and speaks English, Kazakh and Mongolian


Buy a good map of the area before you go. You can get topo maps and travel maps at the State Department Store in Ulaanbaatar. The bookstore on the 6th floor has maps of various regions and parks in Mongolia. You will not be able to buy one in Ölgii, but you could make a copy or print one off the internet. Several of the tour guides have good maps that they use.

There is only one small seasonal shop in Syrgal, a small clump of houses near the Rangers Station and bridge between Khoton and Khurgan Nuur (Lake). Don't expect to get supplies here. You may have to bang on the door to get them to open as clients are irregular. It is best to stock up on food and other necessities in Ölgii. There are several supermarkets and a bazaar in the city that carry a wide variety of food, fruits, vegetables, beverages and Chinese goods. If driving to the park yourself and there is 80-grade gasoline available in the soum centers (villages). Prices will be slightly higher than gas prices in Ölgii.

Most prices are in Mongolian Togrogs (₮), though tour guides and tourist activities will be priced in dollars.

Halal Restaurants

Please be informed that on some destination such as Altai Tavan Bogd National Park we had no local Muslim/a that has researched some of the area. If you are a Muslim/a and have been to Altai Tavan Bogd National Park or would like to maintain the eHalal Guide to Altai Tavan Bogd National Park, please contact us at or email us your updates.

There are no restaurants in the park. Take any food you need with you. Local Kazakh foods are generally Meat and...more Meat, mainly in the nationside. Goat, sheep, horse, camel and cow. Most food will be Meat, flour, maybe potatoes and a large amount of cooking oil.

You will most likely "go native" and eat with the local residents. It's customary and generally a nice thing, to bring some onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, a bag of noodles, or Rice, as food items you can give to the woman of the house, who mainly prepares all meals. Thit is easy if you've hired a vehicle and driver for your trip. You can get these items in any quantity at the open air Bazaar in Ölgii. A really interesting place to go. Your driver or guide can help here. You'll also want to take along bottles of water for the ride. Also bring any herbs, tomato Sauces, or soy Sauce to help make the food tastier to your personal preference.

If you are really staying with local residents in the park, it's also nice to give a needed household item as a token of your appreciation. Candles, packets of matches, a small block of green tea and of course Candies or Chocolates for the table and kids. It's not mandatory of course, but a nice gesture.

Again, no restaurants in the park. Bring bottled or boiled water with you and the means to purify or boil water when camping and travelling. Lots of water around, just take the usual precautions. When with the local residents and there's always the usual favorites, milk tea and koumis (a fizzy, sour fermented horse milk).

Where to sleep in Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

Camping in Tavan Bogd - Camping with a mountain view

There is no permanent year-round lodging inside the park. Some gers (felt tents) are set up inside the park during the summer for tourists to stay. Even the residents of the park leave during the winter to go to their winter pastures.


Most of the tour companies who travel in the park will bring you to their own pre-arranged lodging, either their own lodge or camp set up. There are a few very scattered ger (yurt) camps around, but you'll have to check with the park office for their current locations.

Inside the park and there are no commercial lodges, hotels, backpackers hostel s, etc. There are small hotels in the nearby villages of Tsengel and Altai. Though and these are a considerable distance from much of the park. Independent travelers can find lodging with local Kazakh herders if they want to get a very enjoyable and interesting local experience. If you do this, pay them for your stay. Income opportunities for these people are very limited. Four to eight dollars a night is currently acceptable and good value for the experience. When traveling further into the mountains and there is no lodging.

There are now several herder communities who have gotten together and can provide some primitive services such as lodging and guiding. Check with the park information office to find where these are if you want to visit a real community based tourist venture. It can be a great experience, but be prepared for basic, very basic. The local tour companies can book lodging with local herders for you. They have agreements on the rates and take a 10% fee for booking (as required by Mongolian law).

Go camping in Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

If traveling with a tour company they will (or should) have everything you need for a comfortable camping experience. Take pains to make sure they are reputable and do have what you need. Ask the park information office about good camping areas in the park.

There are very few designated camping sites around the park, so it's basically up to you where you want to put your bones for the night. If around a herder family, it's a common courtesy to ask if you can camp close to their ger (yurt). Most will enjoy having you there and you will be secure for the night.

The same rules for camping apply here as anywhere else in the world. If you pack it in, pack it out! Thit is mainly important in and around the base camp area for the Tavan Bogd (five kings) range, where serious high alpine climbing can be had. It is a very fragile area and easily impacted by human use.

AS for camping toilet needs. There are no toilets. If you don't know how to "shit in the woods", you'll want to training a bit before undertaking a Mongolian adventure. Also and there most likely won't be any woods. Don't worry; Mongolians aren't prudes.

Stay Safe

Tavan Bogd Mountain - Riding past a glacier

When traveling in the park, mainly if you're an individual or an independent group, it's best to register with the park office and let them know your intentions. There is no "rescue" service of any kind in Mongolia, but at least they'll know where to begin looking for you if you do go missing or get hurt. Locals are very kind and helpful, but if you do get seriously injured, it will basically be up to your own initiative and strength to get you out of there. Good seasonal clothing, first aid kit, backcountry equipment for the activity you're planning, a good map and a little knowledge of the area are crucial.


There are wolves, bears, foxes and other potentially dangerous animals inside the park. Locals will warn you to watch out wolves mainly when traveling alone, however attacks on people are very rare and wolves are afraid of humans. You stand a much better chance of being bitten by a dog near one of the encampments. Another concern is diseases carried by animals. Locals eat marmots, though this can be dangerous, as they carry bubonic plague. To ask if you are being served marmot in Kazakh say "soor café ma?".


There is no fence or markers for the border with Russia. The Chinese have placed concrete pillars on the border with Chinese flags on it. If you see one on a mountain peak, turn around. It is feasible to get lost and wander into Russia if you are not with an experienced local guide. There have been 2 such cases in recent years of a tourist and a separate guide getting picked up by the Russian Army. They were turned over to the Mongolian Army and driven back to Ölgii at their own expense. A good map or GPS is crucial if traveling without a guide.


When travelling alone anywhere, it's always a good thing to play it safe. There is potential to run into a few rogues along your route. It is a wild place and far from anywhere. That's what's appealing. Hopefully as a traveller you already have the experience to read situations as they arise when coming across certain individuals. When camping for the night, it's a good idea to ask a local herder to camp near their ger (yurt) for extra safety. If that's not feasible, be discreet in choosing where to set up the tent. Though crime is very rare inside the park, most issues that do occur involve drunk men. Be careful when vodka is present.

Food and health issues

Be careful when drinking water or eating uncooked food from local residents. Livestock are kept near rivers during the summer and water pollution from animals is an issue. Kazakhs adhere to Muslim customs of washing hands, though this can be more ceremonial than effective at times. Health issues can arise from falls, altitude, or cold weather. The entrance of the park is 6 to 8 hours away from the nearest hospital and another 4 hour flight to the nearest trauma center in Ulaanbaatar. There is no cell phone coverage in the park, so be careful and don't do anything too stupid. If you do need help, go to one of the 3 ranger stations or 3 border patrol bases (located at the north end of Hoton Nuur Lake, across the river from Syrgil and on the south shore of the southernmost of the 3 lakes, Dayan Lake).

Where to go from Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

Altai Tavan Bogd is about as far away from the rest of the world as you can get. When you wish to return to civilization, turn around and go back to Ölgii. A few hundred miles past that, you will reach paved roads again.

  • Ölgii and the capital of Bayan-Ölgii Aimag (province) and center of Kazakh culture in Mongolia.
  • Tsambagarav National Park, on the other side of Bayan-Ölgii, has the 2nd-highest mountain in Mongolia and lots of wildlife and Uriankhai and Kazakh nomads living inside the park.
  • The Altai Republic in Russia is right across the border with dense forests and the snow-capped Golden Mountains of Altai.
  • Hanas National Nature Reserve covers the Chinese side of the mountains, though travelling there will require a tour guide and visa beforehand.

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